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Newspaper Records

Notre Dame Bay Region

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser


Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.
Title varies: Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953.
Editor and proprietor:
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953.
MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938,1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889,1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.
Description: The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953.

The records were transcribed by RON ST. CROIX & KAREN GALWAY. While we have endeavored to be as correct as possible, there may be errors.
July 5, 1888 Ship News The little steamer "Dart", belonging to Messrs. JOB Brothers, St.John's, bound to Labrador, put into port Monday and left the following morning. 
July 5, 1888 The Fishery The banking schooner "Rose May", belonging to Messrs. Allan GOODRIDGE & Sons, arrived at Bay Bulls on the 14th ult., with 700 quintals of fish. A fair share of success seems to be attending fishery operations on the Banks, so far this season. 
July 5, 1888 Ship News The steamer "Fleeta" left here on the 26th ult., for White Bay with Rev. Mr. ANDREWS, and five female teachers for various parts of the Bay. Mr. ANDREWS will have charge of that mission for the present, and no doubt his thorough acquaintance with the coast and people will make him a valuable Church worker. He seems to be alive to educational requirements of the people from the staff of teachers which accompanied him. The Fleeta's coal ran short and she had to put into La Saie and await the arrival of a supply which was sent by a schooner that left on Tuesday and the steamer returned last evening.
July 5, 1888 Drownings On the 9th ult., a melancholy accident occurred in the vicinity of Greenspond. Five men, Josiah BULLON, Elias BULLON, James ROGERS, James ROGERS jr, and Richard ROGERS, had been to Fair Island in a small boat, discharged a load of lobsters and were returning to Deer Island. When within a mile of that place a very heavy sea broke, filling the boat. Four of the men were drowned, the fifth, Richard ROGERS drove ashore with the boat. Two of them, BULLON and RICHARDS were married and leave large families. 
July 5, 1888 Church reopening A short but interesting account of the re-opening of Christ Chruch, Quidi Vidi, St.John's will be found on our first page to-day. This Church for some time had been in a dilapidated condition, but about six months ago the present Lay-Reader, Mr W.R. STIRLING, was placed in charge and we are told that "with ....... zeal he determined to make an effort to have the building repaired and otherwise put in order," which resulted in the event to which we have alluded. On entering the Church, we are told that the most noticeable improvement is the addition of a new chancel window very beautifully designed, which was presented by Mrs. J.R. McCOWEN in memory of her father, the Rev. William NETTEN, who had occasionally officiated in that Church upwards of forty years ago. At the base of the window there is an appropriate inscription to that honored servant of God who "fell asleep in Christ March 9, 1886."
July 5, 1888 Success It is always pleasing to note the success of our young Newfoundlanders, whether at home or abroad. From an item on our first page, which we copy from the Harbor Grace Standard, it will be seen that the Rev. G.J.A. THOMPSON (son of W.H. THOMPSON, Esq., J.P.) after a course of studies has won professional distinctions of a rare character. In April last the degree of Master of Arts was conferred upon him by the McGill University, having three months previously passed his final examinations for Bachelor of Divinity, which he received from the Senate of the Presbyterian College, Montreal. The Standard says: "In May he wrote on his final papers for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, and this latest honor he has recently received from the Faculty of Illinois University, after searching examinations in the departments of Meta-physics and Christian Apologetics. The subject of his graduation thesis was: 'Modern Culture in its relation to Christianity.' " 
July 5, 1888 Steamer Notes The "Plover" left St.John's yesterday for the North, bringing freight and passengers. She will likely call at all the principal ports. It is said that this steamer intends making frequent trips, and if so she will prove of great convenience to the public. The "Conscript", Capt. MANUEL, makes her first visit North this week leaving on Saturday. We shall welcome the captain in his new ship, and hope her career will prove as successful as her predecessor's. The "Mary Parker" arrived yesterday from St.John's, having been only a week left.
July 5, 1888 Steamer Notes The "Curlew" is engaged to perform the mail service on the Labrador coast this summer, and will be commanded by captain Abraham KANE, one of the representatives for Bonavista district. He possesses a good knowledge of the coast and with a faster ship, and one that affords accommodation for a larger number of passengers than either one previously employed, there is reason to hope for a marked improvement in the performance of this service. The Curlew is to leave St.John's on the 11th inst.
July 5, 1888 Marriage Married. At Ashton Villa, on the 3rd of July by the Rev. W. HARRIS, Mr. Thomas HELLIER, Ragged Point, to Miss Jane JENKINS, of Jenkin's Cove.
July 5, 1888 Deaths At Tizzard's Harbor, on the 29th June, of diphtheria, Madora, daughter of Mr. Abraham OSMOND, aged 7 years. 
July 5, 1888 Death On the 19th ult., Robert, third son of James HIPPISLEY, Esq., Stipendary Magistrate, ….. [rest missing].
July 5, 1888 Sale of Work As the North Side congregation intend having a Sale of Work next Fall for the purpose of removing debt from the church, any money or articles will be thankfully received by the following ladies who form the committee: -- Mrs.BULLEN, Mrs.Andrew PEARCE, Mrs.Hannah MORES, Mrs. B. SHAVE, Mrs.THOMPSON, Mrs. J.W. ROBERTS, Mrs. Albert SPENCER, Mrs. Samuel YOUNG, Mrs. W. HARBIN, Mrs. SAMWAYS, Mrs. Geo. ROBERTS; Miss M.A. ROBERTS, Miss SCOTT, Miss Lavenia ROBERTS, Miss H. PRESTON, Miss Amelia ROBERTS, Miss Mary E. HODDER, Miss LACEY.
July 5, 1888 Lost Overboard The schooner "J.S. Foote" Captain W.R. REID, of this port, which arrived this morning from the northward with a cargo of lumber, reports the loss of one of her crew by falling overboard off Black Island, Green Bay. The man is named John BRIEN, aged 35 years, married, and lived on Carter's Hill, though formerly belonged to Pouch Cove. At the time of the accident the captain, Robert ASH and deceased were the watch on deck, the time being 1:30 o'clock at night or rather morning. Of wind and sea there was none, or very little, the night was lighted with stars, and the vessel was proceeding at the rate of only one mile and hour, when the captain heard an outcry from the poor fellow when he found himself in the sea. Captain REID ordered the helm hard up, which was immediately done by ASH, roused up the men below and then himself and ASH launched a boat and rowed in the direction of the drowning man, but could see nothing of him. Had he swam for any time the captain thinks they should have found him. How he fell overboard in so tranquil a sea they have no idea, Evening Telegram, June 19.
July 5, 1888 The Fishery In some parts around these shores a little has been done by our fishermen within the past five or six days. In Fridays Bay a few boats from here got over two quintals. At Crow Head a little was done yesterday morning with hook and line. Very little fish has been trapped up to date. On Monday morning one crew at Crow Head with two traps got three quintals out of one, but the other had none. At Fogo and Barr'd Island the prospect, we learn, is better than for the past two years. One trap a few days ago had fifty quintals. By a craft that has lately come from the Cape Shore, we hear that a little was being done a Shoe Cove, where the prospect was encouraging, as well as on other parts of the share. The out-look is not altogether discouraging for so early a date. The salmon fishery in New Bay has been pretty good, but refuse from the mill has again proved a great impediment to its success and destroyed valuable property.
July 21, 1888 Ship Arrival We are pleased to welcome in port our old friend Capt. JONES, of the "Robert Morris", who arrived from Cadiz on Saturday last with a cargo of salt to the long established firm of Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co.
July 21, 1888 Ship Arrival A special despatch from Greenspond last evening informs us that the steamer "Conscript" arrived there at 7 o'clock, and would leave for Fogo at 8:30. Fish in the vicinity of Greenspond is reported scarce. 
July 21, 1888 Mining The Tilt Cove mine being in active work, makes a great difference to the people on Cape Shore, and there is every prospect of better times in that locality.
July 21, 1888 Mining Last week our esteemed citizen, Dr. STIRLING, went to Tilt Cove mine in the "Snowbird" at the solicitation of the company, to practice there a short time until a medical man arrived from England.
July 21, 1888 Visit The editor of the Trinity Record Mr. D.C. WEBBER, visited this place by the first trip of the "Conscript" when we were sorry to have been absent. No doubt, many of his old friends were pleased to see him, and we hope he enjoyed his short visit.
July 21, 1888 Ship Arrival The new coastal steamer "Conscript" made her first visit here on the 9th inst, having on board a good many passengers and a considerable quantity of freight for the various ports of call. The Rev. W. TEMPLE and lady were passengers for Twillingate whom we are pleased to welcome to our town. We had not an opportunity of seeing the Conscript, but from what we can learn she appears to be all that can be desired for the comfort and convenience of passengers.
July 21, 1888 Ship Arrival The schooner "Patience" arrived from St.John's yesterday afternoon to J. B. TOBIN, Esq. She made a splendid run, having only left St.John's the previous morning. We are thankful to the master, Mr. Stephen NEWMAN, for late local papers up to the 18th inst.
July 21, 1888 The Fisheries Within the past fortnight several craft have returned form the French Shore, having done very well for a short time being absent. The following are the arrivals: -- Five Brothers, R. YOUNG - 119 brls.; Sweepstake, S. YOUNG - 50 brls.; Six Brothers, J. YOUNG - 190 brls.; H.W.B., R. BLACKMORE - 40 brls.; J.M. LACEY, James PHILLIPS - 144 brls.; Erebus, G. VATCHER - 150 brls.. Two or three schooners also returned having done fairly. In and around this locality the cod fishery up to date has been wretched. With a few exceptions, our shore fishermen have not more than four or five quintals per man. At Herring Neck it is considerably better, average per man being something like twelve or fourteen quintals, with a little doing whenever bait can be secured. We are glad to report that the fishery news, although poor in Green Bay, is much better Northward, and from Shoe Cove to Quirpoon it is very satisfactory, more especially from Harbor Deep to Quirpoon where the average catch is eighteen quintals per man. In the White Bay it is fair with about ten quintals per man, and a large quantity of fish on the ground, with every hope of a good fall's catch. The fishery at Fogo is very promising, and with about fifteen quintals per man at present. There is every hope of the season being pretty fair. From Joe Batt's Arm. We are indebted to a friend for the following result of the fishery by trapmen at Joe Batt's Arm, up to the early part of the present month which can be taken as being reliable, the average for so early a date cannot be considered altogether bad, and if the fishery should turn out any way favorable later in the season, which is generally the case in that locality, a fair average catch may be anticipated. The average for hook and line men up to same date was something like eight quintals per man: -- John FEDKE & Sons - 100; Joseph COFFIN - 100; Joseph BROWN (three hands) - 100; W. BRETT - 100; Nathaniel BRETT - 80; W. MERCIER - 70; George BROWN - 70; Joseph MERCIER - 60; George COFFIN - 60; James FREKE Bros - 60; Samuel FREKE - 60; Thomas ETHRIDGE 50; Philip PEARCE - 50; Henry HEAD - 50; A. FREKE - 50; Jacob BROWN - 50; John PEARCE - 45; John HEAD - 40; W. JACOBS - 30; Henry JACOBS - 30; John FREKE - 30; Thomas COFFIN - 30; John COFFIN - 30; Richard & G. BROWN - 30; Martin HACKETT - 25; BURKE Bros - 25. At Tilton Harbor there is a slight improvement on the above, but at Barr'd Island we learn that the fishery has not been quite so good. The Salmon fishery on the whole is satisfactory, and quite up to the average. The Lobster Factories at New Bay and Leading Tickles have done very well and have been a great assistance to the people. 
July 21, 1888 Departure The Rev. Geo. BULLEN and family left for Fogo on Thursday last. He leaves us to take charge of that circuit, to which he was appoointed by the annual Conference lately held in St.John's. During the three years of his ministry on this curcuit, Mr. Bullen won the affection and good will of his congregation, and by his removal the Methodist pulpit here will loose an expounder of the truth, which for deep thought and forceness of delivery cannot easily be excelled. Before leaving he was the recipient of an address from the Quarterly Offical Board of the circuit, on behalf of the Methodist congregations to whom he labored with much acceptance the past three years, also a cheque for $40, which was made up by a few members of the congregation. The address and reply will be printed in another paper. We wish the Rev. gentleman every success in his new field of ministerial work.
July 21, 1888 Ship Arrival The "Curlew", Capt. A. KANE, en route for Labrador, touched into port on Friday the 13th inst., to land Miss Lizzie and Miss Minnie TOBIN, and we were glad to welcome them back after a few months absence.
July 21, 1888 Ship News The "Romeo" owned by M. OSMOND, Esq., J.P., which left Morton's Harbor for St.John's ten days before, returned last Saturday. She made a fine run back coming as far as Seldom-Come-By in seventeen hours, with no great breeze of wind. The Romeo is an excellent vessel of 84 tons, and is sister to the "Juliet", both of which were built in Morton's Harbor the past winter. The Juliet makes an addition to the large fleet of E. Duder, Esq., in this Bay, having been purchased for Mr. John ROBERTS of the Arm. The two craft are most substantially built, and equipped with first class gear, &c, and would make as good banking schooners as are sailing out of this or any other country. The Romeo will be engaged by the owner, in the trading business in White Bay this season, and left on her second trip for there a few days ago.
July 21, 1888 The Fishery The fishery in the vicinity of Little Bay Islands is exceedingly bad.
July 21, 1888 From Little Bay Owing to want of rain Messrs. CURTIS are unable to get a large part of their logs out of the brook. The new find of copper at Little Bay is being steadily worked. It promises to be successful. The Little Bay Band parade the streets, fine meetings, giving to the public the treat of hearing good and joyful music. "Glory Tom" visited Little Bay this boat. The Army here have made no recent converts. They are so unpopular that they cannot rent or loan any school house or hall in the place. However on Sundays and fine evenings their out door meetings continue to disturb the quiet town. 
July 21, 1888 The Fishery The "Muriel" of Carbonear arrived at Sydney, C.B. on the 10th inst., with date from Francis Harbor, Labrador, till the 2nd inst., and reports: Salmon fishery fair, caplin plentiful, codfish rather scarce, a quantity of ice hanging on the coast.- Evening Mercury, July 14.
July 21, 1888 Married On the 4th inst., at the church of St.John the Evangelist, Topsail, by the Rev. Edward COLLEY, S.P.G., Incumbent of Topsail, John E. FURNEAUX, Esq., proprietor of the Evening Mercury, to Amelia DAYMOND.
July 21, 1888 Married At Little Bay, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. H. ABRAHAM, Mr. William GRANT to Miss Mary ROLFE.
July 21, 1888 Ship News Port of Twillingate. Entered: July 4, Pearl, LOWER, Cadiz, salt, - W. WATERMAN & Co.; July 10, Savard, MONARD, Montreal, provisions, - OWEN & EARLE; July 10, Robert Morris, JONES, Cadiz, salt - W. WATERMAN & Co.; July 18, Edwin, GRIFFITH, Cadiz, slat, - E. DUDER; Cleared: June 29, Faith, GEORGE, Sydney via Tilt Cove, ballast, - W. WATERMAN & Co; July 4, Fortune, DANIEL, St.John's, oil and skins - W. WATERMAN & Co.; July 4, Isabella Wilson, ELLIS, Tilt Cove, ballast - Captain; July 4, Lilla, SPAIGHT, St.John's, oil - J.B. TOBIN; July 13, J.Savard, MENARD, Sydney, ballast - Captain.
July 21, 1888 Surveyors Published by Authority. His Excellenty the Governor in Council has been pleased to appoint the following persons to be Surveyors under Agricultural Act, 1888:-- All officers in the Surveyor General's Department, St.John's. C.S. ROWLAND, Tilt Cove; Jas. STRONG, J.P., Little Bay Island; Charles W. WARR, Robert's Arm; J.M. SILK, Leading Tickles; Peter MOORES, Fortune Harbor; Wm. M. WINSOR, Exploits; J.B. OSMOND, Morton's Harbor; J.D. LOCKYER, Herring Neck; W. CUNNINGHAM, Nipper's Harbor; Secretary's Office, St.John's, June 26, 1888. J.B. HOWSON, N.W. Arm, Green Bay; H.M. HERBERT, Nipper's Harbor; James WHITE, Little Bay; Thomas PEYTON, Twillingate; John T. OAKLEY, Greenspond; Henry MILES, Open Hall; Charles E. THOMPSON, Bonavista; Gilbert H. COLE, Trintiy; John T. CURRIE, Britannia Cove; William CHRISTAN, Old Perlican; Aubrey J. CROCKER, Carbonear; G.W.R. HIER...HY, Bay Roberts; John HEARN, Brigus; John HADDON, St.John's; Allen F. LONG. St.John's; William SWANSBOROUGH, Topsail; Thomas DRISCOLL, Mobile; James HARNEY, St.Mary's; Thomas O'REILLY, Placentia; H.J. HADDON, Fortune; Henry CAMP, Pushthrough; Philip HUBERT, Harbor Briton; Robert T. SQUAREY, Channel; James L. KNIGHT, Codroy; Lawrence BARRON, Bay-of-Islands; Donald BROWNE, Bonne Bay; R.C. LAWERENCE, Brigus; Philip MOORE, Bay-de-Verde; Richard LAWTON, King's Cove, Bonavista Bay; Alfred O'MEARS, Harbor Grace Junction; Jonathan NOSEWORTHY, Alexander Bay; William KENT, Hermitage Cove; F.F. GERNEAUX, Kelligrews; Nehemiah FROST, Northern Bight; Ruben PIPPY, Hant's Harbor; William BADCOCK, Catalina; Uriah COLE, Collier's Bay, Trinity Bay; Joseph LILLY, Bay Bulls Arm, Trinity Bay; Benjamin MILLER, Trinity. Secretary's Office, St.John's, June 19, 1888. 
    [Continued from above.] Albert GOSSE, Torbay Moses CLARKES, Pouch Cove Nathaniel CROSS, Northern Bight Charles RENDELL, Heart's Content, J.W. WEBB, Fogo: Secretary's Office, St.John's, May 29th, 1888. W.H. WEBBER, Portugal Cove; William BENNETTt, Belle Isle; William JACKMAN, Belle Isle; James A. HISCOCK, Lance Cove, Belle Isle; SI. HANNIFORD, Petty Harbor; Fred. CHAFE, Petty Harbor; C.R. BELBIN, Broad Cove; Samuel RUBY, Goulds; Dennis DOYLE, Harbor Main; John M. KEATS, Clark's Beach; R. SIMPSON, Bay Roberts; ……. GOSSE, Spaniard's Bay and Tilton; Israel SMITH, Upper Island Cove, Bishop's and Bryant's Cove; John SCULLY, Harbor Grace; J.E. JARVIS, Harbor Grace; J.L. NOEL, Western Bay; J.C. MOORS, Blackhead; A.G. HUDSON, Lower Island Cove; William GABRIEL, Salmon Cove, Trinity Bay; Benjamin MILLER, Trinity; William BALSAM, Little Heart's Ease; Thomas PARSONS, Swains Island; James CULLEN, Gooseberry Island; Menneth BURDEN, Salvage; Thomas HOWE, Brooklyn; M.D. STARES, Brooklyn; J.B. WHEELER, Musgrave Harbor and Ladle Cove; William WHYATT, Alexander Bay; William LeDREW, Alexander Bay; Moses DAVIS, Fox Cove to Cape Freels; Harry BURT, Dominion Point, Exploits River; Edward HOWLETT, Toad's Cove; R.H. WHITE, Ferryland; E.P. CURRIE, Salmonier; Hector McDONALD, Sandy Point; H.H. HALIBURTON, Grave's … Port au Port; Secretary's Office, St.John's, May 23, 1888.
July 21, 1888 Religion [Transcriber's Note: The "Conference" referred to in the following article is the Conference of the Methodist Church.] The Newfoundland Conference. Final Draft of Stations: G.J. BOND B.A., President; Wm. SWANN, Secretary.l. St. John's District: 1. St. John's East: George BOYD, Joseph PARKINS. Children's Home; G.P. STOREY, Guardian and Chaplain. 2. St. John's West: G.J. BOND, B.A., President of Conference; J.E. MANNING, James DOVE, Supernumerary; Geo. S. MILLIGAN, LLD, Superintendent of Education. 3. Pouch Cove: John REAY. 4. Topsail: W.H. ADAMS, Thos. FOX, Supernumerary. 5. Brigus: Henry LEWIS. 6. Cupids: George PAINE. 7. Bay Roberts & Spaniard's Bay: Samuel SNOWDEN; Albert GALE to be employed under the direction of the Chairman. 8. Sound Island: John HUMFRIES. 9. Flowers Cove: An agent. 10. St.Anthony: James SMITH. 11. Red Bay: Mark FENWICK. 12. Hamilton Inlet: Albert A. HOLMES. President of Conference, G.J. BOND, BA. Financial Secretary, George BOYD. ll. Carbonear Dist: 13. Carbonear: John GOODISON, J.W. VICKERS, J.S. PEACH, Supernumerary. 14. Harbor Grace: Thomas H. JAMES. 15. Freshwater: Jabez HALL. 16. Black Head: John PRATT. 17. Western Bay: James PINNOCK. 18. Lower Island Cove: William KENDALL. 19. Old Perlican: Anthony HILL. 20. Hants Harbor: Edgar TAYLOR. 21. Heart's Content: Soloman MATTHEWS. 22. Green's Harbor: Henry SCOTT. 23. Randon North: James WILSON. 24. Randon South: One to be sent. 25. Britannia Cove: Jabez MOORES. Chairman, John GOODISON. Financial Secretary, James PINNOCK. III. Bonavista District: 26. Bonavista: G.C. FRAZER, John PETERS. 27. Catalina: James B. HEAL. 28. Trinity: James LUMSDEN. 29. Musgrave Town: W.R. TRATT. 30. Glover Town: A. McAUSHLAND. 31. Greenspond: Fred. R. DUTTILL. 32. Wesleyville: Walter T.D. DUNN. 33. Musgrave Harbor: Herbert HOOPER. 34. Indian Harbor [Likely Indian Islands] & Seldom-Come-By: A. E. SKINNER. 35. Fogo: George BULLEN. 36. Herring Neck: Wm. REX. 37. Twillingate: R.W. FREEMAN, Wm. HARRIS. 38. Moreton's Harbor: Jesse HEYFIELD. 39. Exploits: James NURSE. 40. Little Bay Island: Henry C. HATCHER. 41. Little Bay: Henry ABRAHAM. 42. Tilt Cove and Nipper's Harbor: Samuel JENNINGS. 43. White Bay: Akroyd STONEY. Chariman, James HOUSE. Financial Sec. R.W. FREEMAN. IV. Burin District. 44. Burin: Thoms W. ATKINSON, J.J. WHEATLEY. 45. Flat Island: John PYE. 46. St.Pierre: One wanted. 47. Fortune: F.G. WILLEY 48. Grand Bank: William SWANN, Secretary of Conference. 49. Fortune Bay: John LEWIS. 50. Burgeo: An Agent. 51. Petites: Wm. H. BROWNING. 52. Channel: Charles LENCH. 53. St.George's Bay & Bay of Islands: Hy. INDOE. 54. Bonne Bay: T.B. DARBY. 55. French Shore: An Agent. Chairman, Wm. SWANN. Financial Sec. G.G. WILLEY. Thomas WILSON is left without an appointment at his own request. Students allowed to attend Sackville: J.T. NEWMAN, Levi CURTIS, W.J. BARTLETT, J.C. S..DEY
July 28, 1888 The Fishery Scarcely anything has been done in this neighbourhood with fish the past week. There has been a sign of squids, but they have not been plentiful yet.
July 28, 1888 The Fishery The schooner "Hunter", Levi YOUNG master, came back from the French Shore, on Wednesday night, with 120 qtls. for six men. Thomas WHELLOR, Tizzards Harbor, arrived about the same time, having used all his salt. Also the schooner "Village Belle", Joseph BLACKMORE, master, arrived from Herring Neck on Tuesday with 80 brls. for four men.
July 28, 1888 Visiting ships There are three Welsh vessels at present in port, the "Robert Morris", "Edwin" and "Edith Eleanor". For the benefit of the Captains and most of their crews, who belong to Wales, a religious service in the Welsh language was conducted in the North Side Methodist School house last evening by the Rev. Wm. HARRIS, who took for his text, 2nd Cor. c.5, verse 5.
July 28, 1888 New Minister The newly appointed Methodist Minister, Rev. R.W. FREEMAN, as superintendent for Twillingate circuit, arrived per "Conscript" on Saturday last, accompanied by Mrs. FREEMAN. For the last three years he has been the Superintendent Minister of Bonavista, and has labored on that circuit with much acceptance of his congregations, and leaves there with as good a record as any of his predecessors. He preached, alternately, in the North and South Side Churches last Sunday to large congregations, delivering earnest, practical and forcible discourses, calculated to leave very favorable impressions on the minds of his hearers, of his ability as a minister of the gospel. We welcome him to this community and trust that his term may be attended with the most beneficial results.
July 28, 1888 Ship News The coastal steamer "Conscript" arrived last Saturday, in command of Capt. S. WALSH, whom we are pleased to welcome for the first time on this route. Capt. MANUEL was compelled through illness to resign the position, which many of his old friends in these parts will regret. We hope his health will soon be restored so that he may shortly be able to resume active work. He is succeeded by Capt. WALSH, who appears to be fully qualified for the important position and we wish the new Captain and new steamer every success. The Conscript's route extends to Battle Harbor for the next six or seven trips to connect with the Labrador mail service. She has not yet returned, and the probability is that she had to wait for the "Curlew" who could not get back to Battle Harbor by the time our steamer arrived there. The new steamer is beautifully fitted up, and passengers speak in the highest terms of the pleasure and comfort in making a trip by her, but whether she will prove as convenient as her predecessor for the general service remains to be tested.
July 28, 1888 New Steamer The new steamer "Matilda", belonging to R. SCOTT, Esq., made her first visit here lately, coming from Fogo on Saturday evening last and returning on Monday, having the enterprising owner on board. She is about as large again as the "Tibbie" was, being some 27 tons gross. Her length is 52 feet, beam 12 feet, depth 8 feet. When properly fitted out, there will be considerable accommodation for a number of persons fore and aft, while the freight capacity of the Matilda doubles that of his first steamer, which will make her far more convenient, and profitable, we should say, as the Matilda only consumes the same quantity of coal. We wish the energetic owner every success in his speculation.
July 28, 1888 Ship News Port of Twillingate. Entered: July 19 - Edith Eleanor, JONES, St.John's via Fogo, provisions, OWEN & EARLE / July 23 - Lizzie, TALLACK, Cadiz, salt, W. WATERMAN & Co. / July 24 - Kate, RIDER, Sydney, coal, R. SCOTT / July 24 - Ellen Eliza, RUDOLPH, Halifax, lobster cases and tins, BAKER & Co. / July 25 - Galatea, WILKINS, St.John's, provisions, E. DUDER / July 26 - Lady Agnes, PIPER, Fogo, part cargo coal, OWEN & EARLE. Port of Twillingate. Cleared: July 23 - Lizzie, TALLACK, Nipper's Harbor, salt, W. WATERMAN & Co. / July 26 - Kate, RIDER, Fogo, coal, R. SCOTT.
July 28, 1888 Birth At Herring Neck, on the 18th inst., the wife of Mr. J.S. COLBOURNE, C.E. Teacher, of a son.
July 28, 1888 Vessels Vessels Cleared from the Custom-House, Twillingate, for the Codfishery, 1888 Click here!
Aug 4, 1888 Birth At the Methodist parsonage, Little Bay Islands, on the 24th day of July, the wife of Rev. H.C. HATCHER of a son. 
Aug 4, 1888 Death At the corner Bloor Street and Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Eliza Emma DOWSON, beloved wife of J.W. PHILLIPS, aged 46 years, 7 months and 7 days. 
Aug 4, 1888 Death At Little Bay Islands, July 17 Esther, beloved wife of Mr. John JONES, aged 41 years.
Aug 4, 1888 Donations Mr. George YOUNG, who had the misfortune to lose his hand while gunning seals last spring, desires to thank all who so kindly assisted him by their contributions the following list of which we have been asked to publish: Click here!
Aug 4, 1888 Shipping News The Minnie Tobin and Mary Parker arrived from St.John's on Thursday morning.
Aug 4, 1888 Shipping News  The Patience returned from St.John's on Monday last to J.B. TOBIN, Esq., making the trip in little over six days. The Bonny also came back same day. We are indebted to Mr. LINFIELD for late local papers. 
Aug 4, 1888 Shipping News We learn that the Conscript, with mails and passengers for the North, leaves St.John's to-day, being two days after what has been made known as her regular day for leaving. Such an irregularity is very dissatisfactory, as it makes the steamer's movements most unreliable, especially when the public are kept in the dark regarding them.
Aug 4, 1888 House Fire A dwelling house belonging to Mr. GARLAND, Goose Bay, in the district of Bonavista, was destroyed by fire a little more than a fortnight since. Mr. Garland was away to the fishery, and his wife was absent from the house at the time, leaving a servant in charge. The origin of the fire is unknown, but the flames burst through the upper floor, and it is supposed that embers must have been smoldering around for some time previously. The building was quickly burnt to the ground and before anything could be saved. so that the owners lost everything, even to their clothing. He had only a few months commenced housekeeping, having been married last Fall, to Mr. BLANDFORD's daughter, of Herring Neck, and in consequence of this misfortune she had to return to her former home, having been compelled to procure clothing from friends to enable her to do so. The loss is certainly a very serious one for them, and if any readers should be prompted by feelings of benevolence and sympathy to contribute in any way towards recompensating for the heavy loss sustained, no doubt the sufferers will be exceedingly grateful to the doners. 
Aug 4, 1888 Weather Pool's Island, Bonavista Bay, was lately visited by a severe lightning storm as will be seen from the following special despatch to the Evening Mercury of Saturday past:-- Pools Island, July 28. "A heavy lightning storm passed over this island on the night of the 25th inst., and did considerable damage to the dwellings of the late Captain KEAN. The lightning entered the kitchen, upsetting and breaking the cooking stove, tearing up hearth stones, smashing clock, lamps, chimneys and crockeryware. Up and down stairs the partitions were broken down, floors splintered and trunks, pictures and other things smashed. Eight persons were in bed at the time but fortunately all escaped unhurt. At Safe Harbor George BURTON had his store shattered by lightning. The thunder and lightning were the heaviest experienced in this vicinity for many years." 
Aug 4, 1888 Accident The following special dispatch to the Daily Colonist, July 26th, informs us of an accident on the Placentia railway:-- Placentia, July 25. "An accident occurred yesterday on the railway, three miles from Rock Cut, North-east Arm. Thirty men were shovelling under an onerhanging clay bank when it fell in burying four of the unfortunate men and severely injuring them. The names of injured men are CONRAN and HENNESEY of Kelligrews, WOODFORD of Harbor Main, and a young man belonging to Harbor Grace, whose name has not been ascertained. WOODFORD died from his injuries last night, but the others are expected to survive. Medical attendance was promptly secured by the railway officials. 
Aug 4, 1888 Little Bay News A general holiday will be given when the Governor visits here. Great preparations are being made for his reception; he is expected about the 5th of August. Fishery round this part of the Bay is still very bad. The Salvation Army has commenced to build a small house at the loading wharf for the officers to live in. Rev. Mr. PITTMAN is staying here for a few weeks. July 28. A vessel is now here unloading from England and another is expected this week. Also one from Montreal, and a large steamer with coke from New York. The Ranger is coming here to take a cargo of copper to France.
Aug 4, 1888 Thanks Mrs. TOBIN has our best thanks for local papers up to last Monday's date, received per schooner from St.John's which arrived to the former during the week.
Aug 4, 1888 Loss of Schooner Loss of the Schooner "Star of the West". The coastal steamer "Conscript" which returned from Northern ports of call on Sunday morning, en route for St. John's, brought home a wrecked crew. The unfortunate ones belonged to the Star of the West, Thomas WELLS, master, of Back Harbor, from the firm of Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co., whose schooner was lost at St.Peter's Island on the night of the 12th of July last. She left a few weeks before to prosecute the fisheries to the Northward. On the evening of the date named, a considerable breeze of wind was blowing, with thick weather, and the intention was to make for Pleasure Harbor for the night, which was some four or five miles distant. But before nearing land, night overtook them, the wind moderated, and with the unusually strong tide that was running, the schooner was soon discovered to be in a very dangerous position. It was densely foggy and for some time no land could be seen, when all at once it was found that the vessel was nearly upon the rocks. In this predicament the only course to pursue in order to save them selves was to leave her, which the crew had to do with barely the clothing they stood in. but in a few minutes, a flaw of wind brought the sails back, and the craft was thrown by the waves out of her dangerous position, for a short time, when the crew boarded her. They found that part of her rudder had been carried away but they clung to the craft for some time till at length she was once more brought into close proximity with the rocks in the vicinity of St. Peter's Island, where the crew had to abandon her and remain in an open boat all night, with the rain pouring upon them. The Star of the West drove ashore there and the next day the crew succeeded in saving part of the gear, provisions, &c., and after spending a day and night on the island, started for Pleasure Harbor, remaining on board of Mr. ALLEN's schooner, (of Bay of Islands) a few days, and thence to Chimney Tickle to wait for the steamer. While at the latter place for nearly a week, Mr. WELLS and his men received great kindness from Mr. Benjamin PARSONS of Harbor Grace, who is stationed there with a large crew, prosecuting the fisheries; and the master of the lost schooner, wishes through our columns, to sincerely thank him for the hospitable manner in which they were treated by Mr. PARSONS, whom we know has always been characterized for his warm-heartedness to his fellow-country-men, especially under such circumstances as our friends were recently thrown amongst him. Although the night was dark and foggy, with sea running, when the schooner was lost, the crew fortunately escaped. One of them, Andrew ELLIOTT, had his face a good deal injured in consequence of being struck with a small spar, while they were trying to get the gear out of her. The schooner was 26 tons, had a crew of seven, and was insured in Terra Nova Mutual Insurance Club. When lost she had between 20 and 30 brls. of fish. 
Aug 4, 1888 Loss of Schooner Loss of a French Banker. The captain and crew of the French banking vessel Jeune Charles, Captain LANGUILLE, of St.Pierre, were brought here yesterday by the banking schooner Sisters, of Bay Bulls. The Jeune Charles sprung a leak at her anchorage and it gained so rapidly on the pumps that there was no option but to abandon her, and this had to be done hastily, so much that the men saved very few personal effects. They had rowed only a hundred yards away from the derelict when she went down. In close neighbourhood to the abandoned craft was the schooner "Sisters" at anchor, fishing, and the crew of the lost banker went on board of her, and in due time sail was made for this port. The castway mariners are receiving every attention at the hands of Sergeant SCARLETT, Superintendent of the Fisherman's and Seaman's Home. The "Jeune Charles" was out from St.Pierre 16 days, and had 120 quintals fish at the time of the accident. - Telegram of Monday last. 
Aug 4, 1888 Fisheries Special to the Evening Telegram. Greenspond, July 26, PM. Capt. Joseph BARBER has just returned from the Strait of Belle Isle with three hundred quintals of fish. He reports Captain BLANDFORD with three thousand quintal, and FOWLOW, CONNELLY, EMBERLY, and others of Trinity with about two hundred quintals each. James HEFFERTON has also returned. He hails for two hundred quintals. The Strait fishery on the whole is regarded as poor.
Aug 4, 1888 Death An announcement in our obituary columns the other day explained the cause of the prolonged absence from the city and the scenes of his lumbering operations at the North, this spring, of Mr. J.W. PHILLIPS - he was awaiting at the bedside of his dying wife the final summons, the melancholy end at last occurring on the 18th ultimo. Besides his extensive interest in the milling industry of this country, which he has latterly extended in a new section of timber country, he also maintained a large factory for turning out building material in Toronto, but latterly he has given his attention more particularly to real estate operations. His eldest son is quite competent to manage his business in Toronto while he himself is engaged here. Mr. PHILLIPS was born in Twillingate, though his mode of conversation and smart business ideas would lead one to suppose that he was a native of Western Canada or of the United States.- Evening Telegram, July 4.
Aug 4, 1888 Letter A Letter from Mr. PHILLIPS Agent. Point Leamington Mill., July 23rd, 1888. (Editor Twillingate Sun.) Dear Sir, -- I read an editorial in your paper in regard to the refuse from Mr. PHILLIPS' mill destroying the salmon fishery in New Bay, and think that you may be wrongly informed, as one of the salmon fishers there told me that there had been no difficulty in regard to refuse during this season. The strips that they complained of last year are all piled at the mill and there has not been anything put in the water this season except small pieces of board and slabs that people use for fencing; and, moreover, Mr. Wm. MOORS of New Bay, told me on our own wharf, that the stuff thrown in the water had not injured his nets in any respect, and I am sure if the matter were put to a vote today, that nine-tenths of the people in the bay would be in favor of Mr. PHILLIPS putting in what is now going in the water, for the sake of getting their fence stuff for their gardens; and moreover, sir, I believe I am in a position to prove that your information comes from a party who has the greater portion of his place fenced with our slabs that have driven down the bay. Since writing this Mr. Wm. BUTLER, of Leading Tickles, who owns as large a fleet of salmon nets as there is in the bay, says that it is the best thing that could be done for people to put our stuff in the water, as nearly every one uses it more or less for their fencing. Hoping that in justice to Mr. PHILLIPS, you will publish this. I remain, yours truly, A.R. HUTCHCROFT, Agent, P.L.S.M.
Aug 4, 1888 Letter A letter appears in another column from Mr. PHILLIPS' agent which puts a very different phase on the grievance represented by us not ling since, in connection with the salmon fishery in New Bay. Our assertions however, were based on the letter published at the time, which was from a salmon catcher, Mr. John COX, an old and respected resident of that settlement, and who claims to have suffered, to the extent of over one hundred and sixty dollars in consequence of the grievance to which we complained.
Aug 4, 1888 Shipping The Labrador mail steamer "Curlew" arrived here from Battle Harbor on Saturday last. On returning there from the more Northern parts of the coast, captain KEAN found that the "Conscript" which had been waiting two days for the arrival of the mail, had left. Captain WALSH thinking that the "Curlew" would overtake him at Tilt Cove. But Captain KEAN having experienced great unpleasantness from some of his crew, decided to come here, in order to make the changes he desired.
Aug 4, 1888 Fishery The "Curlew" visited ports of call as far as Hopedale, but could not proceed further North, owing to the ice, which up to that date, July 21st, blocked the coast in that direction. A large number of craft were in Hopedale waiting to get down the shore. The fishery prospects along the coast were promising for so early a date, and the indications in many places inspired the hope that good fishing would be done. The "Curlew" reports craft at Iron Bound Island on the 21st of July well fished, four or five having over three hundred quintals, and other doing fairly. We are not aware that any of our craft are reported, with the exception of the "Blooming Queen", John PRIDE, of Back Harbor, who was at Hopedale with about fifty quintals. They nearly always shape their course for the extreme North, though sometimes it might prove to their advantage and profit to cast their anchor nearer home. However, we hope that in due time, they will return with good fares. In the Straits of Belle Isle the fishing has been poor, the stationary fishermen especially having been rather unsuccessful, but some of the floating fleet have fared better. On the whole, the fishery news from all parts of the coast heard from, is somewhat encouraging for so early a date, and let us hope that next mail's reports will confirm the anticipations now entertained of good catches being taken. 
August 11, 1888 Birth At Bonavista, on the 3rd inst., the wife of Mr. A. VINCENT of a daughter.
August 11, 1888 Married At Bonavista, on the 25th ult., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Jas B. HEAL of Catalina, Tryphena Strathie, only daughter of Mr. Thomas HARRIS, at Bonavista to Rev. George C, FRAZER, Superintendent Methodist Minister of the same place.
August 11, 1888 Death This morning, after a prolonged illness, fully resigned to God's will, Alice Taylor relict of the late A. PEARCE, Esq., (sub-collector) aged 78 years.
August 11, 1888 Ship News Port of Twillingate: Entered. August 6 - Julia, FIDDICK, Fogo, part cargo salt - Owen & Earle. - Pearle, LOWER, Sydney, coals - W. WATERMAN and Co. Cleared. August 2 - Robert Morris, JONES, Sydney ballast - W. WATERMAN & Co, - Edwin, GRIFFITH, Tilt Cove, ballast - Captain
August 11, 1888 From a Southern Correspondent A young banker named Solomon RITCHIE, only 28 years of age, of Ritchie's Cove, Lunenburg, N.S., who was landed here suffering from pneumonia, recently died. He had the best medical skill but every effort to save him was unavailing. He had been a [healer? cannot read] in connection with the Methodist church. His funeral took place on Sunday last, and had he been a resident of the place, greater respect could not have been shown him. All the vessels in harbor had their flags at half mast. A most impressive sermon was preached by Rev. J. GOODISON, from the words "Prepare to meet thy God". A large congregation assembled. The deceased was followed to the grave by Captain GOODWIN and crew of the Ardella,(his vessel); the Captain and crew of another Nova Scotian banker in harbor; the Stipendiary Magistrate, Dr. NELSON, his medical attendant; several of our leading merchants and a vast concourse of people. 
August 11, 1888 Fishery Several bankers have obtained their bait at Carbonear, squids having been fairly plentiful. The Labrador mail brings news of a sheering character from many of the harbors where our Carbonear craft are stationed. In some places fish is reported plentiful, but will not take bait, nor can it be trapped. The success of the shore fishery in Conception Bay is not encouraging generally. 
August 11, 1888 Personal We have been favoured with visits from Rev. Dr. WILLIAMS, of Toronto; the Rev. Fredk. WOODS, D.D. of Boston; and the Hon John MACDONALD and daughter, of Canada, who are making a tour of the Island.
August 11, 1888 New Minister A. Mr. BIRLANE is expected per Allan streamer, from England, to labour at Random South, under the Methodist Conference. Carbonear, July 31st.
August 11, 1888 Jottings from Bonavista The fishery prospect here has been brightened since the latter part of last week. Previous to this, our hardy toilers had laboured early and late, but taken little, and in several instances nothing. Some say that the catch was unprecendently small, and the outlook never more gloomy. Today week a change for the better set in, when some of the larger boats returned from the offer grounds with "good puts". On the Bird Island Cove fishing grounds and at the Flowers Rocks, fish is said to be very plentiful. On Tuesday and every day since, our large boats have averaged between five and ten quintals each. One of the "oldest inhabitants" of Bird Island, stated here a day or two ago that there hasn't been a better day's fishing for the last ten years than at that place on Wednesday last. He said, "there must have been more than a thousand quintals landed there on that day." They have been doing well every day since. Tuesday was reckoned to be the best day's fishing here for the past three years. Unfortunately, the fish lies Southern a long way, and out of the reach of our punt fishermen. West of Bonavista Cape, in what is termed the bight, where our "Mosey" men resort, fish is still scarce. On Tuesday and Wednesday, however, they were fairly successful, having secured from one to two quintals each per day. On Thursday and yesterday, they did hardly as well. At Newmans', Birchy and Amherst Coves, little or nothing has been done. We are daily hoping to hear of an improvement in these needy settlements. Nearly all the large boats are away North. Four or five have returned over the last few days, well fished. They report others doing fairly well, and in a good way for securing full fares. They say fish is to be seen in large quantities on the grounds, in many places from French Shore to Cape Freels, and that people are doing fairly well all along the line. Settlers on the Gray Islands say that the prospect of good "squid school" is quite certain there. Squids are plentiful here. Caplin bait are to be had as well. Our two banking schooners, Cypress and Advance left on Tuesday morning with a full supply of squid bait. They have been fairly successful up to date. They are expecting this to be their best trip for the season. May their expectations be doubly realised. Vegetation is thriving rapidly during the past week or two. Thanks for a kind providence who sendeth the rain and the sunshine at the right time. New potatoes are now in our market and are of an excellent quantity, but not in large quantities. More anon. Bonavista, August 4. 
August 11, 1888 Local and General  Last evening a lad named John MEMORY, aged, 12 years, was drowned while bathing in a pool at the head of Long Pond. It seems that there is an overfall in this pool the unfortunate boy fell over it, and being unable to swim, sank to the bottom, before his brother who was bathing with him at the time, could catch him. The body was recovered half an hour after the occurrence but life was extinct. Evening Mercury July 23. 
August 11, 1888 Personal Dr. MALCOLM of Fogo paid our town a short visit the early part of the week.
August 11, 1888 Shipping The Guiding Star, Joseph Elliott of Change Islands, touched into port last week, going North. He had brought back 300 qtls of fish from the Straits, and is now gone on a second trip, which we trust will be even more successful than the first. 
August 11, 1888 Governor H.M. Ship Pylades, with his Excellency the Governor on board left for Fogo on Thursday morning, between nine and ten o'clock, where he received an enthusiastic reception from the loyal citizens of that ancient community. 
August 11, 1888 Drownings Two melancholy cases of drowning occurred at Fogo the early part of last week. One was that of a young lad aged twelve years, son of Mr. Joseph PAYNE who had been out in a boat in Eastern Tickle spearing lobsters. He was not observed falling into the water, but the boat having drifted to the shore, wherein a cap was found, it was surmised that the occupant had fallen overboard, and going a few fathoms in the direction whence the boat came, the poor fellow was discovered in a sitting posture on the bottom, the opinion being that he must have been but a short time in the water. The second was the drowning of a little boy 2 years of age, son of Mr. Kenneth SIMMS, which was caused by falling in a well. He had followed the girl there for water which was but a short distance from the house, and returning she thought that the child was coming behind her. On reaching the house the mother inquired for him and on going immediately back the little fellow was found in the well in a lifeless condition. He had not been there longer than two or three minutes, and though every available means was used with the hope of resuscitating life, all attempts to this end proved ineffectual. There was only one foot and a half of water in the well at the time. 
August 11, 1888 Personal John C. DADER, Esq., arrived here per Conscripton Monday last, making his annual visit to his branch businesses in this bay. He went to Herring Neck in the steamer Fleta on Wednesday, and to Fogo on the previous day. 
August 11, 1888 Passengers The coastal steamer Conscript, which left St. John's on Saturday morning arrived here Monday afternoon. She had a full cargo of freight on leaving the Metropolis, and as many passengers as could comfortably be accommodated. Subjoined is the list:- For Harbor Grace - Misses LANG, CROSSMAN, SNOW, APSEY, Messers. APSEY and CHAFFE,. Bay-de-Verd - Mrs. BENSON and child, Mrs. BOYD, Mr. BOYD, Miss MAYO. Trinity - Rev. Mr. LOCKYER. Rev. Mr. DUNFIELD, Miss BOYD. Catalina - Mrs. WOOD, Misses WOOD and SAGE. Mr. MCGOWEN. Bonavista - Miss GREEN. Greenspond - Mrs. DUNN and Mr. CANE. Fogo - Misses M. WALKER and SAVAGE, Messers T. HODGE, A. STEPENSON and R. REDDEN. Twillingate - Rev. J.F. GEDDES, Mr. MANUEL, Mrs. THOMPSON, Messers. J.B. TOBIN, W. TOBIN and Master TOBIN, Messers. J.C. DUDER, J. SCOTT, S. DUDER. Fortune Bay - Rev. F. WALSH. Little Bay - J.W. TILLEY, Mrs. BENSON, Mr. M. COADY. Tilt Cove - Messrs. Geo. MCDONALD, A. CROSSMAN, W. GREEN, Battle Harbor - Mr. S. CLIFT, Miss FRAZER, Dr. FRAZER, J.O. FRAZER, Straits of Belle Isle - Mr. George HUTCHINGS and Master HUTCHINGS. 
August 18, 1888 Died On Tuesday, 30th. ult., at Red Point, Bonavista, George, youngest son of the late Thomas ABBOTT, aged 27 years. The deceased was a young man of excellent moral character, and the only support of his widowed mother. Like many others who in their eagerness to secure sufficiency of the treasures of the deep, to supply their wants, George in his early youth and manhood, often violated the laws of health by injudicious exposure to the wind, sea and storm in its pursuit. His part he should have, at any risk, of what was going and seldom did he fail. Little by little his once robust constitution showed signs of decay until the early part of last spring when it became evident that consumption had marked him as an early subject of the grave. As the end drew near, he was not alarmed, having several years previous, "found the ground wherein, sure his soul's anchor did remain". Often we heard him in his last hours repeat the following stanza "Fixed on this ground do I remain" etc. To him death had no terrors. The sting was taken away. He longed to see "the king in his beauty." Religion to him, was something deeper than sentiment. "He makes my poor heart his home, he abides and he will never leave me." It was this abiding comfort that had beautified his life, and made dying easy. "Oh how glad I am," he would sometimes say, "that I gave my heart to God in health". Immediately after his conversion, several years ago, he joined the Methodist Church which he loved, and for which he praised God with his dying breath. Whoever else would be absent from the class meeting, George's seat would be seldom vacant. The laxity of others didn't move him, only to feel a sympathy for them. He wasn't one who believed in getting everything from the Lord and giving nothing in return. To him it was a pleasure to give to the support of the Ministry and the cause of God. For many years he contributed four dollars and upward, annually from his scanty earnings. Would to God that many of our young men would catch this Christ-like spirit of liberality, - which possessed our late brother George, and like him, feel it "more blessed to give than to receive." A religion that wouldn't constrain a man to say here's my silver and my gold, etc., etc., wouldn't do our bro. Abbott in the Jordan. On Thursday his body was interred, being followed to the grave by the Orange brotherhood of which he was a member. Rev. Mr. FRAZER preached a very appropriate sermon for the occasion, from Rev. xiv. and 3rd. "We doubt not", said the preacher when closing, "but that our young brother is now joining in that new song." Rev. Mr. SIDAY presided at the organ on the occasion. Com from Bonavista. 
August 18, 1888 Ship News Port of Twillingate: Entered. August 14th - Rosie, BATE, Cadiz, salt - W. Waterman and Co. 
August 18, 1888 Published by Authority His Excellency The Governor, in Council, has been pleased to appoint the following persons to be Surveyors under the Agricultural Act, 1888: John MCPHERSON, (Highlands); Thos. W. T. EVANS (Robinson's Head); John TOMKINS (Little River, Codroy); J.J. DOYLE (Grand River, Codroy); John GILLIS Sub - Collector, (Codroy Harbor); Alexander COFFIN, for Bonne Bay; G. Arthur RENDELL, for Logy Bay, etc.; T. NEVILLE Flat Bay, St. George's Bay. Secretary's Office, 31st. July 1888.
August 18, 1888 [Advertisement] W. H. HORWOOD, Barrister-at-Law, Solicitor, etc. Address: Home Industries Society Hall, Duckworth Street, St. John's.
August 18, 1888 The Fisheries The reports received by the mail steamer Conscrip, which returned here from Battle Harbor on Monday last, are somewhat encouraging regards different parts of the coast. The stationary fishermen have not been very successful but a good many of the floating craft have secured very fair catches with a prospect of getting more. From Cape Harrington down, the fishing is reported to have been pretty good. At Tinker's Island excellent work was done by a number of the craft, as well as at others of the fishing stations along that part of the coast. It is rather unfortunate that the gale experienced there was so severe, and caused such losses after the fishermen had been so successful in their operations. However, such events cannot be overruled by any human agency, and there is reason for thankfulness that so far as we can ascertain, no life was lost during the severe wind and sea storm, which caused the greater destruction to property in consequence of there being very good shoal ground where the craft were fishing. The ice was still hanging about the more Northern parts, which interfered with the prosecution of the fishery, though many are of the opinion that the presence of ice there is indicative of a good voyage, which we sincerely hope will turn out so at its wind up. Nearly all the craft from our bay had gone further North than from which intelligence has been received, which accounts for so few being reported by the regular mail steamer. Altogether the accounts are hopeful. As yet it is rather early to form an opinion as to the probable results of the Labrador catch, which we may have a better idea of after the arrival of the next mail. The shore fishery in this neighbourhood up to date is below the average. It was hoped that when the squids came along an improvement would have taken place, but with few exceptions very little has been done. At Tizzard's and Morton's Harbor's the average catch per man will not exceed six quintals, while in other places it may go a little more. But our chief dependence is in the floating craft, and if they are fortunate in securing good fares, the people may be able to tide over the winter pretty well, together with the products from the soil, which are very promising so far. 
August 18, 1888 Personal The Chaplain of H.M. ship Emerald preached an excellent discourse in St. Peter's church on Sunday evening last, before a large congregation. The Rural Dean and his brother, the Rev. W. TEMPLE, also took part in the service. The latter Rev. gentleman Incumbent of St. Pierre) and lady who have been spending a few weeks with their friends left per Conscript on Monday last for St. John's, en route for their home, to which we wish them a safe return. 
August 18, 1888 Passengers Among the passengers on the Conscript last time we were pleased to see the Post Master General, J.O. FRAZER, Esq. who was making the round trip North. 
August 18, 1888 A Reply to Mr. Hutchcroft  Leading Tickles, 11th August, 1888: Dear Mr. Editor,- I must ask the favour of your inserting a few lines in reply to Mr. HUTCHCROFT'S letter about the drift timber from the mill not injuring the salmon nets, and remind you and others, that from this place last fall we signed a petition to the government, praying then to prevent this great evil. So that we don't see how anyone living here can say that there is no cause of complaint, as very full evidence is available to the contrary, and we hope that steps will soon be taken to remove the annoyance to such a valuable fishery. I don't think it very strange or unreasonable that Mr. COX should use the timber for fencing, after it had cost him so much; he surely paid dearly enough for it. As another election is drawing near, we expect that our members will be giving attention to this matter, and we wait very patiently and hopefully, Yours truly, Fisherman. 
August 18, 1888 From Little Bay The fishery on the Cape Shore is much better than it was this time last year. At Little Bay Island and this side of the Bay it is not so good although since the squids have come it is better. 
August 18, 1888 Shipping News The Faith is discharging a cargo of coal here. Little Bay, August 10.
August 18, 1888 Local and General  The steamer Matilda returned to Fogo early on Monday morning, having come here the previous Saturday evening.
August 18, 1888 Fishery Two small craft, belonging to Bonavista Bay, bound homeward, put into port on Tuesday last, having good fares of fish. We learn that the large fishing boats from Bonavista and surrounding localities have had some pretty good fishing the past two or three weeks.
August 18, 1888 Sunday School Picnic The Methodist Sunday School's annual treat takes place on Wednesday next should the day prove favourable, on Mr. Philip YOUNG'S ground, South Side. On the following Sunday, special sermons will be preached in the churches and a united service for all the schools will be held in the afternoon on the South Side. 
August 18, 1888 Supreme Court According to a Proclamation appearing in the Royal Gazette, the Supreme Court on circuit is to be held here from Friday the 21st until Monday the 24th of September, both days inclusive.
August 18, 1888 Schooners Wrecked A very destructive gale of wind was experienced at Tinkers Island (Labrador,) and vicinity on the 3rd of August. Eleven of the fishing vessels belonging to various parts of Conception Bay, became total wreaks, and their crews were being conveyed to their homes by the Conscript, which went South the early part of the week. Most of the unfortunate schooners were well fished, one of them having as much as 750 quintals, which is a most serious loss for these poor men, in addition to their being deprived of the facilities for earning a livelihood in the future, which some of them will probably find difficult to replace.
August 18, 1888 Governor's Visit to Fogo We were wrongly informed last week respecting Governor BLAKE visiting Fogo. He intended going there, and a hearty reception was awaiting him, but owing to the foggy weather which set in after leaving here, and the danger of entering Fogo in so large a ship under such circumstances, it was deemed inexpedient to venture into port, which we believe his Excellency regretted, as much as the inhabitants felt disappointed at his not doing so. However in a telegraphic explanation for passing them, which he sent from the first port visited, his Excellency intimated his intention to visit Fogo at some future time, and whenever he does he is likely to meet with a people that will give him a real hearty welcome. 
August 18, 1888 Mrs PEARCE's Funeral The funeral of the late Mrs. PEARCE took place on Tuesday last and though it was raining freely all the afternoon, it was pretty well attended. She lived to the ripe old age of 78 years, and was much respected in the community. Her husband, the late Mr. A. PEARCE, who for many years held the office of collector of customs for this port, died some six or seven years ago, at an advanced age. At the above funeral service an appropriate and impressive sermon was preached by the Rev. R. W. FREEMAN, from 1st. Thes. 4c.13 and 14 verses. In closing his discourse the preacher referred to the deceased's veneration for the late Rev. Mr. MARSHALL, whose memory was always fragrant to her, and alongside whose remains and those of her loved husband she was then about to be laid. 
August 18, 1888 Passengers The steamer Conscript which came here noon on Monday from Battle Harbor and intermediate ports of call, experienced a good deal of foggy weather which detained her many hours longer than she otherwise would have been from the time the steamer left our port. This of course throws her out of her regular time for starting on the round trip. The following passengers were for St. John's: Forteau - General DASHWOOD, Messers. SHORT. St. Anthony - Mr. CHITMAN. Coachman's Cove - Mr. TAVERNOR and son. Tilt Cove - Mrs. GILL, Miss KEHOE. Nipper's Harbor - Mr. D. VICKERS. Little Bay - Miss QUINBY, Miss FOOTE, Mrs. BOYLE, Mrs. MALONEY, Messers. WHYTHCOMBE and HAMBERG. Leading Tickles - Mr. PHILLIPS. Exploits - Miss SEVIOUR, Twillingate - Rev. William TEMPLE, Mrs. William TEMPLE and children, Mr. and Mrs. SCOTT, Mrs. GILL. For the round trip - Mr. J. O. FRAZER, Dr. FRAZER and Miss FRAZER and Mr. CLIFT. For Twillingate - Mrs. Joseph STRONG and four children from Little Bay Island. Mrs. J. DUDOR and Miss Laura OSBOURNE from Little Bay. Mr. FINDLATER, from Nipper's Harbor. Mr. HOWL from Leading Tickles. 
August 25, 1888 Married At St. James Church, Carbonear, on the 9th inst., By the Rev. T.W. CLIFT, Jas. CUNNINGHAM, of the Anglo - American Telegraph Staff, Heart's Content, to Margaret A.., fourth daughter of Mr. John FOOTE. 
August 25, 1888 Married On the 15th inst., at Bay Roberts, by Rev. Mr. SHEARS, George F., eldest son of F.W. BOWDEN, to Lizzie, third daughter of Eli MERCER, Esq., of Bay Roberts.
August 25, 1888 Death At Waterville Cottage, North Sydney, C.B. on the 5th inst., of consumption, John P. , eldest son of J. W. R. THOMPSON Esq., Western Union Telegraph C., aged 25 years, leaving a son to mourn his sad loss. Our brother the Haven hath gained. Out flying the tempest and wind; His rest he hath sooner obtained And left his companions behind. Still tossed on a sea of distress. Hard toiling to make the blest shore, Where all is assurance and peace, And sorrow and sin are no more. 
August 25, 1888 Ship News Port of Twillingate: Entered, Aug 22 - Migonette, BOULANGER, New York, provisions - E. Duder. Aug. 21- Gitlatea,[?hard to decipher] WILKINS, Lisbon 3,000 qtls shore fish, E. DUDER. Lady Agnes, PIPER, [Togo-hard to decipher maybe Fogo?], 1,300 qtls shore fish - Owen & Earle.
August 25, 1888 Native Son Dr. WOODS referred to in the subjoined extract as having delivered an eloquent lecture on the liquor traffic recently, in St. John's, is a son of John WOODS, Esq, of that city, who has been on a visit to his friends. He is one of the leading divines of the populous state in which he resides, and has attained distinctions of which his native land should feel justly proud. 
August 25, 1888 Local and General  It is rumoured that a daily paper is to be published in St. John's to advocate the anti - confederate cause. 
August 25, 1888 Shipping News The American vessel Migonette arrived from New York on Wednesday morning with a cargo of provisions to the firm of Edward DUDER. The Coastal steamer Conscript from St. John's arrived on Wednesday morning. She is not likely to be here on return before Monday evening or Tuesday next. 
August 25, 1888 Customs Returns 1887 Our thanks are due to Mr. T. W. GADEN for H. M. Customs Returns of Newfoundland for the year 1887. It has been printed by Messrs BOWDEN & Sons, and is thoroughly well executed. 
August 25, 1888 Fish Exports The first cargo of new fish from Notre Dame for 1888 was cleared at the Customs of this port by Edwin DUDER Esq., on August 21st. The Gadatea sailed for Lisbon having 3000 quintals of Shore fish. This is ten days earlier in the season than any cargo was despatched for a foreign market from this port last year. 
August 25, 1888 Church Services Sermons will be preached in the Methodist Churches tomorrow in behalf of the young. The superintendent of the circuit, Rev. R. W. FREEMAN and Rev. W. REX of Herring Neck will preach alternately, morning and evening, on both sides. An afternoon service will be held on the North Side when all the schools will unite. 
August 25, 1888 Fishery A schooner called the Dianta, Eli DAY master, of Old Perlican, put into port on Wednesday evening, homeward bound, having 300 qtls. of fish, which she secured in King's Bay, Labrador. She reports a lot of craft, chiefly belonging to Carbonear, with from 300 to 600 quintals.
August 25, 1888 Double Drownings (Special to the "Evening Telegram." ) Burgeo, August 15 The banking schooner Albatross, Capt. BOWDRIDGE, ARRIVED HERE TODAY FROM St. Peter's Bank. While two of her men, named BOWDRIDGE - the Captain's brother, - and William STICKLAND, were returning to the vessel in their dory, yesterday, a sea swamped the dory, immersing the men. Another dory started to the rescue, reached the men and took them aboard, when sea capsized the dory, plunging all four overboard. the captain cut the cable and succeeded in saving the two last mentioned men with dory, but the two first sank before help reached them. The two men drowned were young and single. 
August 25, 1888 Passengers Passengers per steamer Conscript on leaving St. John's: For Harbor Grace - Mrs. WOODS, Misses M. WOODS, POWER, LEARY, WHITE, O'NEIL. Old Perlican - Miss TURNER. Trinity - Rev. A. CURRIE, Mrs. CURRIE, Miss SALTER. Catalina - Mrs. J. BROWN, Misses B. BROWN, PARSONS, A. GOLDWIN, MCGRATH, RAYBY, Mr. J. MURPHY. Bonavista - Mr. John LAWRENCE, Mrs. LAWRENCE, Master LAWRENCE. Salvage - Mr. S. PEACH. King's Cove - Mr. A. HART. Greenspond - Misses E. MORRIS, OAKLEY, and PAYNE. Exploits - Mr. G. PHILLIPS. Leading Tickles - Mr. and Mrs. R. B. HOLDEN, Miss HOLDEN, Mr. PHILIPS. Little Bay - Rev. Mr. SIMPSON, Mrs. WALSH, Messrs. M. F. SMYTH and HEADLEY. Nippers Harbor - Mr. S. KNIGHT. Tilt Cove - Dr. TRUBAIRN, Messrs. J. HOLDEN, DELGADO, and M. COUSENS, Straits of Belle Isle: - Messrs. J. JANES, W. R. ELWORTHY and H. CLARE. For Twillingate - Rev. Mr. REX and Mrs. REX from Herring Neck. Rev. Mr. CHAMBERLAIN from Herring Neck to Leading Tickles. Mrs. [?ONNOND-hard to decipher] from Twillingate to Morton's Harbor, Mrs. DUDER for Little Bay. 
August 25, 1888 Violating the License Act. Another very heavy fine for breach of License Act (selling without a license) was inflicted in the Magistrate's court by Judge PROWSE this morning, to the amount of one hundred dollars. In this instance a police officer named WELLS entered the house of defendant, James MOORE, disguised in citizen's dress, and was accompanied by another party named SNOW, a barber by trade. The refreshments which they asked to be furnished with in a friendly way, requesting that they might be spirits, were given to them by defendant without a thought that they were playing a part, or that the hospitable act was to form evidence against him in proceedings, which defendant premeditated taking against him upon a criminal complaint. Defendant did not deny the circumstance when confronted by the two confederates in court, but urged that it was non intoxicating liquors he sold though, when pressed for "something stronger" by his accusers, he disliked saying no; for they were perfectly sober, and he had no intention of making them drink. But the date they received the spirits was the 29th of July, not the 5th of August, as sworn to by them. The magistrate stated that he could make no distinction as between this case and a similar one he disposed of last week; he fined defendant one hundred dollars, or, in default, thirty days. Counsel gave notice of appeal to their Lordships of the Supreme Court, and furnished the necessary bonds pending their decision .- Evening Telegram August 13. 
September 1, 1888 Labrador Reports The coastal steamer Conscript returned from Battle Harbor and intermediate ports on Tuesday evening, en route for St. John's, this being her third trip there this season. The latest reports by her do not differ very materially from those previously received, and give promise that the voyage will be at least an average one, so far as the intelligence goes, though hundreds of the fleet are not heard from, having gone beyond the furthest port that the mail steamer visits. We are indebted to Mr. FORD, who has just returned from a trip to Labrador, for the information which we now give of the fishery operations on the coast. Going down the shore he arrived at Hopedale on the 5th of August and was informed by the missionaries that the ice had only left there on the 1st of that month. A great many craft had been there, and the vicinity around, for upwards of a fortnight, waiting to proceed North to their accustomed fishing grounds, most of them belonging to Green Bay, In nearly every harbor between Hopedale and Cape Harrington there were very many craft, some had nothing, others from 50, 100 and 150 quintals. On the 6th, 7th and 8th of August most all these craft passed Paul's Island bound North, being a fortnight behind their usual fishing time. Several hundred of vessels went North during these three days. From Aug. 4th to 7th these vessels also went North: Rose of Sharon, George CLARKE, 200 qtls; Blooming Queen, John PRIDE, 120 qtls; the J.S.O. Philip FREEMAN, 100 qtls; the Jewel, James HODDER, 200 qtls; and the Genestra, Wm. EVANS, 150 qtls. On the 7th and 8th of August, the following were at Queen's Lakes waiting for the fish to strike in: [Minito? hard to decipher] Pailip[exactly as spelled] YOUNG, 300 qtls; Loyalty, Geo. GAY, [??? Brothers] James YOUNG; Lily Dale, William SNOW; [Abib] John [MINTY]; [Ga??ill?] John ANSTEY, aal Proprietor [remainder indecipherable]. The Isabel, Thomas BURT, had 500 qtls of fish, and intended leaving for home about the 21st of August. On the 22nd, the Brilliant Star, John PADDICK, with 320 qtls was in Grady, on his way home, having got his fish at Holton; the Expariment[typed as it appears] Geo. DREW, with 300 qtls was also on his way home, having got his fish in the same place. The following report from Nain up is later than the above:- August 17, Nain and vicinity no fish. Spracklins Island, 5 or 6 vessels with from 60 to 100 qtls each. Cape Harrigan doing fairly. Hopedale - no craft here - fish scarce. August 18th, Winsor Harbor - boats 60 to 80; traps 250 to 500 qtls. Turnavik E. - boats 60 to 80; traps 100 to 250 qtls. Jack-boats 80 to 100; traps 200 to 300 qtls. Mannocks Island - boats 50 to 80; traps 100 to 170 qtls. Long Tickle - boats 80 to 130; traps 100 to 400 qtls. Iron B. Island - 20 vessels here with from 50 to 150 quintals, doing very little. Rogers Harbor - traps 300 to 400 qtls. Adnavick - boats 80 to 120; traps 150 to 250 qtls. Ragged Islands - boats 100 to 130; traps 250 to 350 qtls. Jigger Tickle - boats 90 to 120; traps 250 to 400 qtls. Cape Harrison - boats 80 to 90; traps 300 to 500 qtls. Sloop Cove - boats 100 to 120; traps 300 to 400 qtls. Holton - boats 80 to 150; traps 300 to 500 qtls. Emily Harbor and vicinity - boats 80 to 140; traps 500 to 800 qtls. White Bear Island - boats 70 to 80; traps 150 to 200 qtls. Smoky - boats 70 to 100; traps 100 to 300 qtls. Indian Harbor - boats 30 to 70; traps 100 to 300 qtls. Edward Harbor - traps 100 to 250 qtls. August 20 Rigolet - Salmon poor. Independent - boats 30 to 50; traps 80 to 100 qtls. August 22. Cartwright - Salmon poor. Long Island - boats 30 to 40; traps 50 to 100 qtls. Grady - boats 10 to 40; traps 10 to 50 qtls. Indian Tickle - boats 30 to 40; traps 50 to 100 qtls. Domino - boats 40 to 60; traps 100 to 250 qtls. Black Tickle - boats 30 to 60; traps 100 to 200 qtls. Punch Bowl - boats 25 to 35; traps 20 to 50 qtls. Comfort Bight - boats 15 - 20; traps 20 to 30 qtls. From Comfort Bight to Battle Harbor there is no material increase. Very stormy weather is said to have been experienced on the coast this season, attended with heavy breezes and fog. 
September 1, 1888 Misc. The s.s. Glendale, trading between Little Bay and Cape Breton this season, is a splendid boat. Registered tons 640; built in Sunderland in the year 1888, of solid steel and is fitted with all modern improvements. She has three engines. Triple expansion, diameter of cylinders 17 1/2, 29, 47. Length of stroke ; 33. Horse power 100 and steered by steam; she goes thirteen knots. the Glendale made her last voyage from Little Bay to Cape Britian and back in six days and seventeen hours, bringing no less than 1,250 tons of coal. - Communicated
September 1, 1888 Local and General  The coastal steamer Conscript reached here on Tuesday evening going South, having over fifty saloon passengers. The weather was exceedingly foggy when the steamer was entering port, which continued so during the night and she did not leave until towards morning.
September 1, 1888 Dog in The Well It is said that a dog in the public well on Church Hill have been worried there on Thursday by boys throwing stones. If this is so, steps should be immediately taken to remove the nuisance and have the well renovated; and such mischievousness on the part of youth should not be passed silently by.
September 1, 1888 Schooner Lost The schooner Rosalie, HOLLOWAY master, of Salvage, Bonavista Bay, and supplied by Messrs. GOODFELLOW, & Co., of St. John's, was lost at Spracklin's Island on the 7th of August. The night was very foggy and there was a heavy sea running, to which the disaster is attributed. the Rosalie had 160 qtls of fish when lost. Her crew were being conveyed to their homes by the last steamer.
September 1, 1888 Sunday School Picnic The annual treat for the children of Morton's Harbor Methodist Sunday School was held yesterday. The weather was delightful and the festival was a success in every sense. It was honored with the presence of Rev. Dr. MILLIGAN, who arrived there per Conscript on his visitation tour to the Methodist day schools, and will be here to visit the schools on Monday and Tuesday next.
September 1, 1888 Laundry Stolen On Wednesday night last, linen and other clothes, to the value of twelve dollars or more, belonging to Mrs. Thomas PEYTON, Back Harbor, were stolen from her premises. This is not the first or second time that similar thefts have been committed and very little effort appeared to be put forth with a view of bringing the guilty ones to punishment. It is to be regretted that in a community like this, there should exist such evil disposed persons, and no pains should be spared on the part of the authorities with a view of finding them out, and dealing with them as the utmost rigor of the law provides.
September 1, 1888 Passengers Passengers per steamer Conscript when calling here on Tuesday evening last: For St. John's - Battle Harbor - Revds WEARY and HOWE, Mr. W.B. WEST, Mrs. WEST, two children and servant, Miss WEST. Salmon River - Mr. Geo. HUTCHINGS, Mr. STEPHENSON, Masters WHITLEY. Lance-au-Loop - Mrs. WATSON and child, Dr. HOWLEY and Mr. ALLAN. St. Anthony - Mr. and Mrs. H. MOORSE. Nippers Harbor - Mr. RANDELL, Mr. S. KNIGHT. Little Bay - Rev. S. FLYNN, Mrs. LAMB, Messrs. Tilley MALONEY, BOGANE, SMYTHE, Miss BENSON, Cadet HOWES, Mr. SMART. Little Bay Island - Mr. and Mrs. CURTIS. Leading Tickles - Mr. and Mrs. HOLDEN, Miss HOLDEN and Miss ALCOCK. Exploits - Mrs. HOOPER and son, Mrs. PAYNE, Mrs. BEATON and Mr. J. MANUEL. Twillingate - Miss MCKAY and Mr. HOWELLS. Round Trip - Mr. TAYLOR from St. John's, Mr. GODDEN for Harbor Grace. Thirty five steerage passengers from various places. For Twillingate - Mr. FORD from Battle Harbor. Master EDGAR, PEYTON from Tilt Cove. Rev. A. PITTMAN from Little Bay. Rev. CHAMBERLAIN from Leading Tickles to Herring Neck. 
September 8, 1888 Births At the parsonage, Trinity, on the 20th ult., the wife of Rev. Jas. LUMSDEN of a daughter.
September 8, 1888 Births At Little Bay, on the 22nd ult., the wife of Rev. H. ABRAHAM of a daughter.
September 8, 1888 Married At Gower Street Church, on the 30th ult,. By Rev. G. BOYD, Rev. Henry SCOTT, Highcomscliffe, England, to Nellie S. BONNELL, daughter of S. BONNELL, Esq., of North Sydney, C.B.
September 8, 1888 Deaths At Back Harbor, on the 4th inst., Mr. William SPENCER, aged 72 years.
September 8, 1888 Deaths On Sunday night, Susan, daughter of Naomi and Thomas PURCHASE, aged 10 months.
September 8, 1888 Deaths At Bonavista, On the 22nd ult., David CANDOW, late Stipendiary Magistrate, a native of Dunkeld, Scotland, aged 76 years.
September 8, 1888 Deaths At St. John's on the 1st inst., Mr. William Sheppard WHEALAN, a native of Blackhead, Conception Bay, aged 56 years. The deceased was for many years a resident of this city, where he was well known, being for the last 20 years an employee in one of our leading dry goods establishments. 
September 8, 1888 Ship News Port of Twillingate - Entered. Sept 6 - Willing, CLARK, St. John's, provisions - E. DUDER.
September 8, 1888 Local and General  The steam launch Fleta left for Dildo Thursday morning with a number of excursionists on board and returned the following night.
September 8, 1888 Shipping News The schooner Flamingo, Jas. SEVIOUR, master, left for St. John's yesterday with a full cargo of produce from the firm of Wm. WATERMAN & Co. Miss PRIDE went passenger by her. 
September 8, 1888 Personal The respected Chairman of the Board of Works, Smith MCKAY, Esq., was passenger by the steamer on Wednesday last, being on a visit to his constituents in the bay. He expects to be here in two or three weeks to spend some time.
September 8, 1888 Shipping News We learn that the S.S. Plover, Capt. MANUEL, will be on the Northern route during the remainder of the season, which will be a welcome boon to the trade and travellers, as what we want is more frequent communication with the capital.
September 8, 1888 Men Picked up The. S. S. Eagle, Captain JACKMAN, arrived here from Sydney this morning. She brought in two castaways which she picked up off Cape Pine. They belong to a Placentia Banker and had been adrift in their dory for 24 hours. - Evening Mercury, Aug. 22.
September 8, 1888 Shipping News The steamer Conscript called here on her way north Wednesday morning, having a considerable quantity of freight and a large number of passengers for different parts. The Editor of the Sun left by the steamer for a visit to the mining settlement, he will return by the same conveyance.
September 8, 1888 Schools Examination of schools under Methodist Board in Twillingate Educational District took place during Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, of the present week. From the Rev. G. S. MILLIGAN, L.L.D., Superintendent of Methodist schools we learn that marked improvement was manifest, both in attendance and in general progress, in all the schools. this is a matter of thankfulness and cause of congratulation to all concerned.
September 8, 1888 Fishery By the arrival of John CLARK'S boat to Black Harbor, with 100 qtls taken at La Scie, we learn that good work has been done at Englee, Canada Bay, Mings, Coachman's Cove, and at Groas Islands, from the latter place several small Southern boats were returning well fished. One of Clark's crew, Samuel JEANS of Black Harbor has been disabled through a bad hand for over a month past.
September 8, 1888 Death We are sorry to note the death of an old and respected inhabitant of Back Harbor, Mr. William SPENCER, who passed away on Tuesday night after an illness of less than three days, although at the advanced age of 72. The deceased was comparatively vigorous and on Saturday last, was apparently in his usual good heath, but on Sunday he was seized with lock-jaw, which terminated in death on the second night following. He leaves many relatives and friends in whom we tender sympathy. 
September 8, 1888 Passengers Passengers per steamer Conscript on leaving St. John's:, For Harbor Grace - Mrs. PARSONS, Misses TUCKER and BARNES. Bay de Verde - Mrs. NURSE and child, Miss HAYNES. Trinity - Messrs. D. RYAN, A.J. RYAN, S.C. WEBSTER and BREMMER. Catalina - Mr. T.W. CORMACK, and Mrs. TRAPNELL. Salvage - Mrs. BOWDEN. Greenspond - Miss HUTCHINS. Fogo - Rev. Mr. HOOPER and Mrs. HOOPER, Misses MABER and SCOTT. Twillingate - Rev. T.R. NURSE and Mrs. NURSE, Mrs. J. WHITEM and Miss ELSORY. Exploits - Mr. J. MANUEL . Little Bay Island - Mr. and Mrs. CURTIS. Little Bay - Messrs. J. HENDERSON and RIZZAGE. Nipper's Harbor - Mr. J. PERRY. Englee - Miss BUTT. St. Anthony - Mrs. TAYLOR. Messrs. ALDERHEAD and MOORE. J.P. THOMPSON, Miss K. HUGHES and Mrs. Geo. HODDER from Twillingate to Little Bay. 
September 8, 1888 Fishery By the arrival from Queen's Lake, Labrador, on Thursday night, of the Schr. Manitoba, Philip YOUNG master, who has for 500 qtls. We are in receipt of the following news, which on the whole is very cheering, as some of the figures represent the catch up to about the 5th of Aug. Since then some of the craft have proceeded farther North to make up their voyage: - Liberty, Joseph YOUNG; Fawn, A. SPENCER, Mable, S. RIDEOUT, Sunbeam, W. MURCELL; X X X, U. OSMOND; Sovereign, T. ATKINS; all of which are reported loaded. Also the Rose of Sharon, G. CLARK, with 300 qtls.; Lilly Dale, W. SNOW, 200 qtls.; Musclliff, M. ELLIOTT, 200 qtls.; Endurance, John HACKETT, 250 qtls., Water Lilly, Joseph HACKETT, 250 qtls. We also note the following arrivals all loaded: BURT's craft in Main Tickle, TAYLORS of Morton's harbor and TAYLORS of Change Islands. Rueben BLACKMORE and Jacob MOORES are reported to be well fished. Ten or more of the foregoing craft are supplied by Messrs. WATERMAN & Co. 
September 8, 1888 Banking Schooner The banking schooner Aerolite, Thomas MORRISSY master, of Placentia, has arrived here to receive some repairs. This vessel reckons her catch at the present time to be 1,800 quintals, and she is likely to increase that figure by seven hundred quintals more, or to two thousand five hundred (2,500) quintals before the end of September, Captain MORRISSEY is one of the knowing ones who knows where to find codfish and how to take them when he finds them. It is not all luck by any means, which makes the successful Grand Bank skipper, but skill and science. - Evening Telegram.
September 8, 1888 Lost Fishermen Yesterdays Telegram says that two fishermen named William RUSSEL of Harbor Grace and John SKANET of Colliers, C. B. were in Mr. PARSONS (the barrister's) office this morning obtaining the aid of that gentleman to have their supplying merchant furnish them with the means of joining their fishing vessel, the Mary Joseph, Captain Michael HARTIGAN, of Placentia. The two men had gone astray in a thick fog yesterday morning, but fortunately were picked up at 5 in afternoon by S. S. Eagle, Captain Arthur JACKMAN, bound hither from Cape Breton, and landed at eight o'clock this morning. They state that their vessel is a Western craft and fished all summer on the Grand Bank, with three dories, two men in each, the crew being seven all told. Latterly, one dory's crew finished up and left, but the other four men continued the voyage fishing with trawl lines on a local bank, twenty five miles off Cape St. Mary's. When the two missed their vessel yesterday, they heard the sound of a horn, and thinking it was their schooner's they rowed for it, and in a short time the hull of a steamer loomed up above them through the gloom and the mist. They were soon aboard, RUSSEL remarking to his companion as he did so, "wherever this vessel was going, whether to England, Ireland or Scotland, we'll stick to her, for she's the means of saving our lives." The sky had an ugly look, threatening to blow heavily, and this it did during the night. The men were without bread or water, and their boat leaked. She is now in port here, cobbled up with leather and other patches to keep her afloat. After being landed they saw Messrs. FOX, their supplier, and received from him a small amount to satisfy their wants. No accommodation will be afforded them at the Fisherman's Home, and the means of taking the train to Placentia to regain their vessel there - Harbour Grace Standard, Aug. 22.
September 15, 1888 Birth At Bick Harbor, on the 1st inst., the wife of Mr. John PURCHASE, of a daughter.
September 15, 1888 Ship News  Port of Twillingate - Entered Sept. 15 - Lilla, SPAIGHT, St. John's, provisions - J.B. TOBIN. Cleared: - . Sept 10 - Pearl [LOWER?-cannot read] St. John's, 2,410 qtls. Shore fish - W. WATERMAN & Co.
September 15, 1888 From Little Bay Capt. WHYTE, the manager, has gone to England for a few weeks, accompanied by Mrs. WHYTE, and son.
September 15, 1888 Personal A party of young gentlemen from Little Bay went on an excursion to Montreal- Messers. QUINBY, BLANFORD, DIEN and WHITE, - and returned per steamer Glendaleon the 8th inst. 
September 15, 1888 Minister Rev. Mr. SIMPSON, Presbyterian, was visiting this place for a few weeks.
September 15, 1888 Copper Export The Ranger took about 400 tons of copper to Rowen, France, and it is reported that it will fetch about £100 per ton.
September 15, 1888 Fishery A lobster factory at Jackson's Cove and one at Harry's Harbor have been shut down now for some weeks, lobsters being scarce. The codfishery in the same neighbourhood Is still very poor.
September 15, 1888 A New Steam Launch. For a long time past a good launch has been greatly needed in the Bay, on account of so many gentlemen visiting it and desiring safe and quick travelling. Mr. TAVENER obtained a good engine - English make - and has with great skill, fitted up a stout launch. Pleasure parties and business gentlemen are often hiring it, and it gives capital satisfaction. His charges are very moderate and he has conferred quite a boon on the place. 
September 15, 1888 Little Bay The new find of copper at Little Bay is still looking well.
September 15, 1888 New Cashier Mr. BERTEAU is appointed cashier at the Savings Bank here. 
September 15, 1888 Local and General  A cargo of cattle, &c. from Cape Breton, arrived at Little Bay last week and met with a ready sale.
September 15, 1888 Entertainment We learn that Wm. WATERMAN Esq., of Poole, assisted by some local talent, will give an entertainment bearing on Temperance, in the Town Hall on Thursday evening next. Admission free; a collection at the close for a good cause.
September 15, 1888 Fishery The schooner Somerset which was away trading, arrived to Messers. WATERMAN and Co. on Tuesday morning last from England with a full load. She reports good work being done at Grois Isle; boats secured from two to three quintals per day, and there is every prospect of a good fall's catch should the weather prove favourable. Bait is scarce.
September 15, 1888 Married The following clipping is from a late Toronto paper received per last mail which will be of interest to his friends here:- "Mr. Alfred WELLS, of Cumberland St., has just returned home from Aurora where he led one of Auror's young ladies (Miss Jennie KNOWLES) to the alter. They spent their honeymoon at Niagara Falls, South."
September 15, 1888 Supreme Court The Supreme Court on Northern Circuit is to open here on Friday next, the 21st inst., according to Proclamation, though possibly it may be a day sooner if there should not be a great deal of Court business to be transacted in the places previously to be visited. We understand that his Lordship Mr. Justice LITTLE, is to preside on the Northern Circuit this term. 
September 15, 1888 Mining Accident A serious accident occurred at Pelly's Island on the 7th inst.. A young lad named LOCKE, belonging to Little Bay Island, who was employed at the mining works there, missed his footing and fell back into a shaft, it is said over twenty feet, breaking his two arms, and dislocating the left elbow joint. He was taken to Little Bay where the professional services of Dr. JOSEPH, M.B.C.M. were procured, under whose skilful treatment the patient was doing well up to latest advice. 
September 15, 1888 Bonavista News From Bonavista we receive the following intelligence: - The firm of James RYAN, Esq., is erecting a large store which is 80 ft. long, 50 ft. wide and 30 ft. high which will be quite an elegant addition to the premises, already large. The schooner Challenge is now being loaded by the same firm, with codfish for Europe. Also the Bella Donna, with codfish, sailed from King's Cove on the 1st inst., for Lisbon, there to receive orders. During the last two weeks the brigantines Eugenia and Alaska have entered port both laden with flour, etc. Schooners Advance (RYAN's) and Cypress (DUDER's) arrived from the Banks last week, former with 150, the latter with 300 qtls., they report fish scarce. These crafts make two more trips. The Cypress has 800 qtls to date, Advance not quite so much. 
September 15, 1888 Personal Rev. Mr. SIMPSON, Presbyterian, was visiting this place for a few weeks.
September 15, 1888 Passengers The Coastal steamer Conscript arrived here, bound South, on Wednesday afternoon, having the following passengers on board: From Bonne Esperance, Mrs. WHITLEY. Battle Harbor - Revs. Father BROWN and HAYDEN, Mrs. KEAN, Mrs. COSTIGAN, MESERS and MOORE, Masters AMITH and CAMPBELL, Griquet - Mr. BUTLER. Tilt Cove - Miss KELEGREW, Mrs. COUSINS. Nippers Harbor - Misses CUNNINGHAM and BOYLE, Mr and Mrs. PERRY and two children. Little Bay - Rev. J. SIMPSON, Mrs. WELSH, Mrs. ROGERS, Mr. HENDERSON, Miss TRILEY. Little Bay Island - Miss MURCELL. Leading Tickles - Mr. W. MARTIN. Exploits - Master PARKINS. Twillingate - Revs. Messers. HORNER and SMART and Miss WEARY. For Twillingate - Mrs. Geo. HOLDER, Mrs. ROBERTS, from Little Bay. Miss R. [STIRLING? -cannot decipher] from Leading Tickles. Miss ROSE, Exploits.
September 15, 1888 Arrivals from Labrador Within the last week or ten days, the Labrador craft have been returning home, and with few exceptions, all from this locality have got back. The catches we regret to say have not been large, though scarcely one, so far has been altogether a blank. The craft from this Bay have not been so fortunate as usual. They were up the coast for some days waiting for the fish and finding that it did not make an appearance, the most of them left for the Northmost part of Labrador, and they missed the fish, whereas, if they had remained a few days longer up the shore, they might have secured good voyages, as the fish struck in and the craft that were there did very well. But this could not be foretold, and our men pursued the course they considered wisest under the circumstances. The Labrador voyage on the whole will be an average one, as many of the Southern craft are reported as having done pretty well, and the price will compensate in some measure for the limited catch. The following are the arrivals since last week:- Maggie, J. STUCKLES, Quintals 120, Crew 5. H.W.B., R. BLACKMORE, 250, 5. Five Brothers, R. YOUNG, 100, 8. J.M. Lacey, J. PHILIPS, 120, 5. Minnie Gray, W. MITCHARD, 160, 11. Mallard, W. ROBERTS, 337, 10. Six Brothers, J. YOUNG, 240, 13. Loyalty, George GUY, 167, 8. Liberty, Joseph YOUNG, 400, 7. Erebus, George VACHER, 230, 7. Muscliff, Matthew ELLIOTT, 350, 9. Sweepstake, S. YOUNG, 150, 7. Garnet, Charles YOUNG, 130, 6. Jewel, James HODER, 375, 10. Blooming Queen, J. PRIDE, 350, 9. Sunrise, Joseph CHINN, 200, 8. Brisk, J. LUTHER, 140, 6. Lucy, J. ANSTY, 150, 8. Betsy Purchase, J. PURCHASE, 250, 9. Fortuna, D. BLACKLER, 150, 8. Rovers Bride, J. RIDEOUT, 250, 9. British Queen, S. FOX, 200, 9. Lily Dale, W. SNOW (Arm), 200, 8. Bianca, A. EARLE, 300, 10. Volunteer, Elias DALLEY, 300, 9. The Royal Huntress arrived at Exploits with 760 qtls for ten men; and the Hero with 200 for five men, both craft belonging to J. MANUEL, Esq. Also the Harvest Home, John LANNON, with something over 200 for ten men. 
September 15, 1888 Amateur vs. Pioneer (Cricket) An interesting game of cricket was played at Little Bay on Sept 6th, between the two clubs above named………. Annexed are the scores: Pioneer 1st Inning. J. CORBETT b. MCGRATH; T. DUNN, run out; P. DUMPHEY b MCGRATH; James FOLEY b DAVIS; J. C. THOMPSON not out; T. JOHNSTON b DAVIS, T. DENNEHEY b MCGRATH, c DRISCOLL; T HAYES run out; Wm. LIND b MCGRATH, c DRISCOLL; Wm. WALSH b MCGRATH. Amateur 1st Innings P. DRISCOLL b DUNN; H. RIDEOUT b DUMPHEY, c DUNN; J. ROGERS b DUNN; F. RIDEOUT run out; M. MCGRATH b DUNN, c DUNN; M. DAVIS b DUNN, c STEWARD; J. FOOTE b SUMPHEY, c DUNN; M. FOOTE not out; D. AUSTIN b DUMPHEY c THOMPSON; M. HAMILTON b DUMPHEY c DUNN. Pioneer 2nd Innings Thos. DUNN run out; J.C. THOMPSON b MCGRATH; P. DUMPHEY b MCGRATH c AUSTINS; J. CORBETT b DAVIS; T. DENNEHEY b DAVIS c RODGERS; J. FOLEY 1 bw; T. JOHNSTON b MCGRATH c AUSTINS; T HAYSE b DAVIS; Wm. WALSH not out; T. STEWARD b MCGRATH; Wm. LIND b MCGRATH. Amateur 2nd Innings M. LUSH b DUMPHEY c DUNN; J. FOOTE b DUMPHEY c DUNN; P. DRISCOLL 1 bw; J. RODGERS b DUMPHEY; M. MCGRATH b DUMPHEY c STEWARD; M. DAVIS run out; H. RIDEOUT b DUMPHEY c FOLEY; F. RIDEOUT b DUNN; M. FOOTE stumped out; D. AUSTIN b DUNN c THOMPSON; Mr. HAMILTON not out.
September 22, 1888 Local and General  The Rev. T. HEYGATE, curate of the Cathedral, St. John's, is in town and will preach in St. Peter's Church tomorrow evening at the usual time.
September 22, 1888 Meeting We are requested to announce that a meeting of the Patriotic Club will be held next Saturday evening, September 29th, when all members are desired to be present.
September 22, 1888 Steamer The coastal steamer Conscript arrived from St. John's on Monday night, having visited the intermediate ports. She makes her usual trip to Battle Harbor, and is expected back this evening or tomorrow, en route for St. John's
September 22, 1888 M.H.A. Visits We are pleased to note the arrival of S. MCKAY Esq. Chairman of the Board of Works, who came here per Leopard from Little Bay having been visiting his constituents in that part of the district, and no doubt, many of his old friends have been pleased to see him.
September 22, 1888 Supreme Court The steamer Leopard with the Supreme Court on Northern Circuit, arrived from Little Bay yesterday. The following are the attendance this term:- Hon. Mr Justice LITTLE, Sheriff BEMISTER, Mr. ADAMS, Clerk. Messers. A.C. HAYWARD, Geo. EMERSON, Wm. HORWOOD, J.D. BROWNING and J. BURKE, crier. 
September 22, 1888 Sale of Work We are requested to announce that the Sale of Work by the ladies of the Methodist congregation towards liquidating the debt on the North Side Church, will take place early in November. The ladies of the committee, who are as follows, would be thankful to receive contributions at an early date: - Mrs. FREEMAN, President; Miss Mary ROBERTS, Treasurer; Mrs. THOMPSON, Secretary; Mrs. A.J. PEARCE, Mrs. SAMWAYS; Mrs. Hannah MORES; Mrs. H. SHAVE; Mrs. J.W. ROBERTS; Mrs Albert SPENCER; Mrs. Samuel YOUNG; Mrs. Wm. HARBIN; Mrs. Geo. ROBERTS; Miss SCOTT; Miss Lavinia ROBERTS; Miss H. PRESTON; Miss Amelia ROBERTS; Miss Mary E. HODDER; Miss LACEY. 
September 22, 1888 Steamer The steamer Plover in charge of her old commander, Captain MANUEL, paid us a visit on Monday morning, last, J.W. OWEN, Esq, who had been on a visit to the old country, coming passenger by her. The Plover left St. John's on Saturday evening, arriving at Fogo the next evening, remaining there until after midnight, when the freight for that port, was landed and she started for other ports going as far as Harbor [Round? - cannot decipher], returning on her way South Wednesday morning. The Plover is a very convenient - size boat, for entering our harbor, and as we understand it is the intention of the owner to run her regularly on the Northern route. It is hoped that sufficient trade will offer, to enable the ship to make frequent trips during fall, which would prove of great convenience to the public. 
September 22, 1888 Five Drowned A most melancholy case of drowning occurred at Griquet on the 14th inst. A small craft, the masters name of which, was TAYLOR, belonging to Kelligrews, the crew (five) LEGREWS of Bauline, were at that place fishing. The five of crew, (brothers and cousins) left the craft, in a trap skiff, to go out and haul their herring net which was set near Battle Cove Rock. There was not much wind at the time, but a considerable sea, and in the locality where the net was, the breaking of the sea over the sunken rock was very uncertain. Sometimes it would not break for nearly half an hour, and at others in the course of a few minutes. While the unfortunate men were in the act of attending to the net, their boat was capsized by a sea, and the occupants recipitated into the water, when sad to relate, the whole five were drowned. The bodies of two were afterwards found tangled in the net, but the others could not be seen. Four of them were married, and leave wives and children behind them. It is seldom our lot to chronicle so sad a drowning disaster as this, while all were so closely related. 
September 22, 1888 Passengers Passengers per last Conscript on leaving St. John's: - For Harbor Grace - Mrs. PINCOCK, Misses MCKAY and MULLALLEY. Old Perlican - Miss HICKMAN. Trinity - Mrs. C. JOY, Mr. C. GREENE. Salvage - Mr. and Mrs. J. MURPHY. Greenspond - Mr. S. OAKLEY, Mrs. H. REES. Exploits - Messrs. P. RICE and P. COLTON. Little Bay Island - Mr. and Mrs. James STRONG. Little Bay - Rev. Father FLYNN, messers. A.O. HAYWARD, G. EMERSON, W. HORWOOD, SMART and FLYNN and Miss QUINBY.
September 22, 1888 Deaths On Tuesday morning last, after a tedious illness, Joseph Stanley, only son of James and Priscilla NEWMAN, aged 18 years. He is not dead, but sleepeth. 
September 22, 1888 Deaths On Monday night last, Mr. Thomas KNELL aged 31 years. His end was peace. The deceased was taken ill at Labrador, in the early part of August and died within a couple weeks of being brought home. He had not been two years married, and besides a wife and child, leaves a widowed mother to mourn. 
September 22, 1888 Relict of a Red Indian A very interesting discovery was made by Mr. J. TEMPLETON on the 14th inst., in the vicinity of Comfort Head. Curiosity had actuated him to make explorations in that direction, believing that remains of the Red Indian tribe, which formerly inhabited these parts, were to be found hereabouts, and on the date named expectations were realised by the finding of a cave by the side of a hill, which contained the skeleton of what unmistakably proves to be one of the Beothic race to which we have referred. He was buried in the real Indian style, the body having been shrouded in birch rind, and the head wrapped in deer skin, before being laid to rest. It was the custom to deposit with the dead body, trinkets of various kinds, and with the skeleton Mr. TEMPLETON found a number of ornaments, three strings of beads, two feathers, two nails, two pieces of iron ore, the bottom of what appears to be a quiver, and several pieces of broken arrows, all of which is an interesting sight to us in these days of civilisation and enlightenment, and which would add much to the curiosities of a museum. The skeleton appears to be perfect in every respect with the exception of the feet, no traces of which were at all visible in the cave, leaving the doubt as to whether he had been possessed of them previous to death, though the lapse of a century of more since the body was first entombed, may have the effect of causing them to crumble to dust, so that it would be impossible to discern whether the feet had been there or not. Judging from the skeleton, the Indian seems to have been of a stalwart frame, and about eight feet in length. It is difficult to say how long the cave could boast of its occupant, but it is every way probable that it is more than one hundred years since the body was interred.
September 22, 1888 Local Steam Launch Reference was made by a Little Bay writer in last week's paper, to a steam launch belonging to Mr. J. TAVERNER. We lately had the pleasure of making an excursion to the bottom of Little Bay - a distance of four or five miles - in this launch, in company with a party of gentlemen who were taking an afternoon's recreation, which was very much enjoyed by all, and we can speak from personal experience of the advantage of having such a means of travel placed at the disposal of those who may at any time feel disposed to avail of the boon that has been placed within their reach. When once it is generally known that Mr. TAVERNER can so conveniently accommodate the travelling public, we imagine that he will be liberally patronised, which he deserves, in consideration of the expense which he has entailed in providing such a certain and speedy means of communication between the various settlements in that vicinity.
September 22, 1888 Deaths Our obituary column today contains the name of one whose demise at the early age of 18 years we very much lament. We refer to the death of Joseph Stanley NEWMAN, only son of Mr. James NEWMAN, who died on Tuesday morning last, after a protracted illness. When first the SUN was established, he became one of its staff, and continued in the office until failing health necessitated the abandonment of work, with the hope that a change might prove beneficial to its restoration. But alas, the germs of that fatal malady consumption, appeared to be smouldering in the system from a very early age, and as years advanced, it gave evidence of having undermined the constitution to such an extent as to baffle all the remedies propounded for the complaint, and finally the disease conquered. Although he had been a long time incapacitated, yet he had not been confined to his bed the whole of any day, and for a few days before expiring, he seemed to be much better than usual, and retired on Monday night in evident good spirits. but early in the morning, a change for the worse set in, and in a few minutes the spirit had taken its flight to that blest region of light, where suffering and death shall never more be known. Stanley was a most steady, attentive, active, industrious and trustworthy lad, and possessed qualities which made his disposition pleasant. He bore his illness with the utmost patience, and relying on Christ's Atonement for some time previously, he had no fear in death. We heartily sympathise with the family in the sore dispensation of God's Providence, through which they have been called to pass.
September 22, 1888 From Little Bay On Sep. 18th, the Supreme Court commenced its session here with Judge LITTLE presiding. The Court Room is inconveniently small and quite unsuitable for the work. Before next year another building will be erected giving plenty of room and convenience. It is a good thing to have a court session in a place. It impresses the people with the reality of authority, it brings wrong doings and their consequences face to face, it increases the suffering of the disobedient and wicked - even the rehearsal of their deeds before their neighbours, and has also an educational influence upon the community in things civil, moral and political. The address from the Judge to the grand jury was, and ever shall be, a most beneficial and powerful appeal to the gentlemen, spectators and residence. Those who listened to the words of Judge LITTLE on the 18th must have enjoyed and felt what a good impulse was given to all that is good, by his kind and homely sentences. His Lordship highly complimented JAB. BLANDFORD, Esq., J.P., on the most excellent report which he had given him, he stated it was well worthy of publicity; and this report was the framework of the judge's speech. He congratulated the jury upon the freedom from bad conduct and crime. It being most marked here, as Little Bay was a mining locality in which many strangers and foreigners lived, and many young men without home influence and restraints. In fact there was but little to be done, and one case alone had a strong appearance of criminality and that in the department of dishonestly. The various new laws which had respect to the neighbourhood were read, explained, and commended to the people by his Lordship, and he congratulated the place upon its success and general prosperous appearance. Likewise, that Tilt Cove had been purchased by a new company for £80,000, and was likely to be worked most extensively. The remarks which Judge LITTLE made about the disastrous fire were scarcely covered, as he attributed it to a visitation of Divine Providence. It is generally thought that the fire was commenced by some thoughtless persons, and that therefore we can scarcely trace back to Providence what was the result of a thoughtless individual. However, the address will be long remembered and prized, Mr. HOWSON was elected foreman of the jury. The one criminal case was postponed owing to lack of witnesses, but for Mr. BENSON the cases would have been very few. 
September 22, 1888 Wharf Upgrades The wharf at Little Bay is about to be lengthened and widened which is very necessary as the traffic is so rapidly increasing.
September 22, 1888 M.H.A. Visit  Smith MCKAY, Esq., has been visiting his constituents and making and promising various improvement in the town and this neighbourhood. He left by the "Leopard", 
September 22, 1888 Meat Business in Little Bay Messrs. BURGES & MILLAR have commenced a meat business on an extensive scale. They import live stock from Province as well as buy up local rearing. The butchers shop is in the Bight near the hotel.
September 22, 1888 Sickness Mr. David NORRIS of Three Arms is most dangerously ill.
September 22, 1888 From a Southern Correspondent The Banking Schooners from this port, which up to the present have done moderately well, are beginning to show a little improvement in their fares. The Barbaroni, Captain DEAN, belonging to B.T.H. GOULD, Esq., brought in last week a fare equal to 750 qtls. dry. This is the finest trip for the season, with the exception of a Placentia schooner. The Argonaut, captain TUCKER, belonging to Messers. DUFF & BALMER, arrived about the same time with 400 qtls. 
September 22, 1888 Fishery Herring are very plentiful here and at Harbor Grace. The fish which are remarkably large, and of good quality are little inferior to Labrador herring. Quantities of the peculiar bill fish have also been hauled. Such a sight has not been witnessed for many years. The fishery throughout Conception Bay as a whole is poor; though in some place the people have done fairly well. 
September 22, 1888 Methodist Meeting Several of the Methodist ministers of the Carbonear District, assembled at [Blackhead?-cannot decipher] on the 4th of September, for their Financial District Meeting. Rev. J. GOODISON, chairman, presided. A successful Sunday school convention was held at night. The June District Meeting will be held at Heart's Content. 
September 22, 1888 Cricket Match A general holiday was observed here and Harbor Grace on Thursday, August 30th the occasion being a cricket match between the "Terra Nova," eleven of St. John's and a Conception Bay team. The match which was played on the beautiful ground at Carbonear was largely attended. It is needless to say the visitors won. 
September 22, 1888 Personal J.A. ROBINSON, Esq., the much esteemed principal of our Grammar School, and Mrs. ROBINSON, have lately returned from visiting friends in the old country. They made a quick run across in the Kestral captain Joseph TAYLOR, owned by J. Munn & Co., returning in the Allan boat. 
September 22, 1888 Deaths Mrs. PEACH, wife of Rev. J.S. PEACH, who had been ill for some time, and latterly was quite blind, passed away very peacefully on Sunday morning last, the 18th, in the 66th year of her age. The aged couple had been united forty-four years. Mr. PEACH, notwithstanding his blindness, is comparatively active. 
September 22, 1888 Roman Catholic Chapel The Roman Catholic chapel here, which is beginning to show signs of decay, will be replaced by a more commodious and modern structure of brick and stone. Bishop POWER, it is expected, will lay the foundation stone in November. The building when completed will be the handsomest of its kind in the Island. 
September 22, 1888 Labrador Fishery Several Labrador craft arrived home during the week poorly fished. 
September 22, 1888 Address to the Lord Bishop  [Long letter of congratulations not typed] signed Ed. BOTWOOD, Ep. Com; Edward COLLEY, Charlie CROWDY; A.W. HARVEY, Arthur C.F. WOOD; W.B. GRIEVE; W.V. WHITEWAY; Ambrose HEYGATE; J.S. WINTER; Robert Holland TAYLOR; G.T. RENDELL. St. John's, Nfld. Aug 30th, 1888 
September 29, 1888 Supreme Court at Little bay The Supreme Court on Circuit was opened at Little Bay on the 18th and here on last Saturday, the Hon. Mr. Justice LITTLE presiding. In neither place was there any case tried requiring the summoning of a jury, which shows a record which it would be almost impossible to find in any other part of the world. Especially does it speak volumes for such a populous mining center at Little Bay, where so many grades of people are to be found, and where so many various dispositions among the working classes would be more likely to give rise to causes for litigation, than is the case in other places where such an extensive business is not carried on, and where the ready cash is not in circulation. With the exception of a few trivial cases, there was nothing worthwhile to come before his Lordship, Judge LITTLE, and it is truly a cause for congratulation that there has been such an entire absence of crime during the year. May this peaceable state of society long continue. In addressing the Court here, his Lordship congratulated the community on the peaceable and orderly conduct of its inhabitants; referring to the fact that during the year only one case of drunkenness had come before the Police Court, which showed the good effects of the Local Option Law being in force, and he expressed a hope that the people would also adopt local option with respect to dogs, so that a greater impetus might be given to sheep raising, which it is thought would be far more profitable to the people in the end. He referred to the new Acts that had been passed during the last session of the Legislature, and briefly explained the principles of those chiefly bearing upon the public. The court remained opened until the afternoon, and as there was no business to be brought forward, it rose to sit again at Fogo.
September 29, 1888 Melancholy Death (Part 1) The arrival of H.M.S. Emerald, Capt. HAMOND, at Back Harbor on Tuesday morning, revealed the circumstances of a most melancholy death, which had taken place on board of that ship while in Hall’s Bay on the 24th inst. On the morning of that date, the Chief Lieutenant, Sydney Barnes THOMPSON, who had been in a desponding state of mind for some time previously, shot himself with a rifle, and his remains were brought here for interment. The sad occurrence is said to have taken place while the unfortunate man was temporarily insane, as is apparent from the sworn evidence of Dr. MADDES of the Emerald. The remains of this comparatively young man, being only 34 years of age, were laid to rest with military honors, in the Church of England Cemetery, on the afternoon of Tuesday, the funeral being one of the largest ever witnessed here. The burial ceremony was conducted by the Chaplain of the war ship. The following evidence of Dr. MADDES from the minutes of proceedings of a Magisterial Inquiry, held on board H.M.S. Emerald while here, and sworn to before F. BERTEAU, Esq., Stipendiary Magistrate, clearly shows that the unfortunate Officer could not have been in his right senses of late: -
September 29, 1888 Melancholy Death (Part 2) “For some time previously, I had perceived symptoms indicating mental depression. On Friday last, 22nd September, the depression of spirits became more marked. About the 15th of August last, past, he was placed under treatment for an ulcer of the tongue,which was considered to be of syphilitic origin. He was placed on the sick list on the 11th September for special treatment. Before this latter date, he accidentally swallowed an overdose of mercurial lotion, which rendered it necessary to place him on the list. On the 18th inst. he was discharged to duty. On the 22nd inst. he was much depressed in spirits, and after dinner he came to my cabin and said he would have to go home. I asked him if he had any other fear than that of the ulcer of the tongue, which I explained to him had almost healed. He said, "I think it is cancer". I assured him it was not and added that if he was in trouble concerning it, at St. John’s I would do all I could to further his going home. He had then complained of sleeplessness. Next morning, Sunday 23rd September, he told me he had some sleep. I then examined his mouth and said, “It is all right, the ulcer is healed.” and again declared my opinion that it was not of a cancerous nature. He became suspicious and depressed, and …….. said …… A little before eight …… said to me on the poop, "I feel very bad".
September 29, 1888 Melancholy Death (Part 3) I then told him that physically he had no cause for distress, but if he felt unable to carry on his duties he had best make up his mind and be invalided to England, on our arrival at St. John’s. On two previous occasions he said to invalid would ruin his prospects in the service. At 9 a.m. I reported the sick to him, when he seemed unusually depressed. When retiring from making the report he muttered something about being awfully bad. Prayers were read and during stand easy, he entered the water closet, remained there about a minute, and proceeded directly below by steerage ladder. About two minutes after he left the upper deck, I heard a report, and almost immediately after, Lieutenant THEED asked me to go into Lieutenant THOMPSON’s cabin. I found the deceased sitting on a chair with body bent forward, and head bowed towards the space between his table and the bed. I saw that he was dead and reported so to Mr. THEED. Mr. H.C. GOLDSMITH, Staff Engineer, and I then entered the cabin, and found the body slightly changed in position, the head resting on the table. The brain lay on the deck behind and a little to the left of the head. The upper part of the face and front to the head were blown away, and a pool of blood lay beneath the head. Fragments of bone, flesh and brain were scattered all over the cabin. A small rifle belonging to the deceased, lay with its butt resting against the bulkhead and the barrel inkling downwards between his legs. We then laid the body down on the deck of his cabin and bound the head up, it being completely shattered and disfigured. I believe that the deceased committed suicide during a period of temporary insanity, mainly induced by his belief that he was the subject of a cancerous disease.”
September 29, 1888 Death The death at Carbonear, on the 8th inst., of Mrs. PEACH, wife of the Rev. J.S. PEACH, is announced in our obituary column today. Mr. PEACH may be remembered by the old residents, having been the Methodist Minister appointed to this circuit to succeed Rev. Mr. MARSHALL.
September 29, 1888 Published By Authority His Excellency the Governor in Council, has been pleased to appoint James GOODFELLOW, Esq., and James P. FOX, Esq., to be Members of the Municipal Board of St. John’s, and James GOODFELLOW to be Chairman of the said Council. His Excellency in Council, has also been pleased to appoint Mr. William PERRY (Western Bay) to be a member of the Road Board for the 3rd Division of the District of Bay – de – Verde. Mr. Philip O’REILLY, (Bay Roberts) to be a surveyor of Lumber, and Mr. Thomas DUNPHY, (St. John’s) to be an Inspector of Pickled Fish. His Excellency in Council, has also been pleased to appoint Wm. R. STIRLING, Esq., to be Secretary of the Board of Works. Messrs. James GULLIFORD, (Hant’s Harbor) and Azariah SPARKS, (Sibley’s Cove) to be members, additional, of the Hant’s Harbor Methodist Board of Education. Secretary’s Office, Sept. 11th, 1888.
September 29, 1888 The Schooner “Jubilee.” The Schooner Jubilee, Captain William MULCHAEY, arrived at Renews on Saturday last with 600 qtls of fish, making a total to date of 2200 qtls. This means a high line of the banking fleet. The Jubilee leaves tomorrow (Friday) for the banks and we wish Captain MULCHAEY abundant success on this, his last trip – Colonist, Sep. 20.
September 29, 1888 Little Bay Grand Jury (Part 1) The following is the presentation that was made to Judge LITTLE by the Grand Jury of Little Bay, of which J.B. HOWSON was chosen foreman: - Grand Jury Room, Little Bay Mines, 19th Sept. 1888. To the Honorable J. LITTLE, DCL, Judge of the Hon. the Supreme Court on Circuit. May it please your Lordship, - The Grand Jury of Little Bay Mine, district of Twillingate, desire to express their pleasure at again meeting your lordship in the discharge of your duties as presiding Judge of the present term of the Supreme Court in this place, believing that your visit will be of much benefit to all concerned. We have had much pleasure in listening to your address; we feel assured that it was very edifying to many others present as well as ourselves. As your Lordship justly remarked, it is a matter of congratulation to this colony – that the good conduct if its law abiding inhabitants has given you so little to attend unto of a criminal nature, whilst on circuit. It is indeed a matter of regret that the staple industry of this Island, has so far proved for this season, very unsuccessful. We are pleased to learn that a much needed want is about to be supplied (i.e.) a new Court House. It is hoped that seating room for the Grand Jurors and others will be one item of consideration.
September 29, 1888 Little Bay Grand Jury (Part 2) We would most respectfully call your Lordship’s attention to the cramped up condition of the post office at Little Bay. A more commodious building would be a boon to both our worthy Postmaster, the mining company and general public. We would again respectfully call your Lordship’s attention to the great need for a public wharf in this place. The public are put to much inconvenience by the steamer “Conscript” not being able at all times to get to the company’s wharf, the only place of landing, and that generally when there, is much difficulty in getting on board, especially with ladies and children; and as matters now stand, men of business and the general public have to depend upon the Mining Co., for wharfage and storage, a matter that should not be in a place with our large population. WE feel glad that one of our former presentments to your Lordship has met with success (i.e.) a Government Savings Bank. We feel assured that it met with the support of your Lordship and your hon. colleague, Judge PINSENT.
September 29, 1888 Little Bay Grand Jury (Part 3) It is to be hoped that it will be of much good to the people of this place, by inculcating habits of thrift, and destroying some habits of vice. We noticed your Lordship’s remarks with respect to the late act passed for the protection of that important industry, the “Lobster Factory.” The late act shows the close season to commence on first of September of each year. We are of opinion that such an act does not quite meet with the requirements for the preserving of so important an industry. It is a well known fact, that lobsters caught in the month of August are scarcely fit to eat, it then being the spawning season, whereas lobsters caught in the months of September and October are of excellent quality. We therefore hope the Hon. Executive Council will see fit to make an amendment to the late act, and deem August the best month for the close season, and thus protect and preserve this important industry. We have the honor to be your Lordship’s obedient servants, for self and fellow jurors, J.B. HOWSON, Foreman.
September 29, 1888 The “Plover’s” Welcome Little Bay Mine, Friday, Sept. 21st, 1888. On Tuesday evening about 8 p.m., the good ship Plover steamed up the Bay to the Mining Company’s wharf, and nice and trim she looked as she did not show many marks of rough usage, although lately engaged in work that is hard on paint, &c. It was very gratifying to some of Capt. MANUEL’s old friends to see the hearty welcome that met him the moment his vessel touched the wharf. It was one continued course of hand - shaking and words of welcome every step the Captain took, and when he passed up the streets, a continued repetition of the same. If the Captain is the man we take him to be, the hearty reception he met with must have thrilled his heart with pleasure. Had the Plover arrived earlier in the day there would undoubtedly have been a goodly display of bunting. We were much pleased to learn from Capt. MANUEL that he is to pay this port a continuous round of calls during the fall months. We are sure that the owners of the SS. Plover will find there are many who are not afraid to trust either their person or property to the care of Captain MANUEL and the good ship Plover. A Resident.
September 29, 1888 Shipping News The coastal steamer “Conscript” arrived at St. John’s Thursday morning and leaves again today for the North. The English schooner “Willing,” Capt. CLARK, sailed for Lisbon yesterday with a cargo of shore fish from the firm of E. DUDER.
September 29, 1888 Personals M.T. KNIGHT Esq., Financial Secretary was passenger by the “Plover” on Thursday being on a visit to his constituents. The corpse of a Mr. HAYDEN, who died some four weeks ago on Labrador, was being conveyed to Harbor Grace per last steamer “Conscript.” The respected Stipendiary Magistrate for Little Bay, J.B. BLANDFORD, Esq., was spending a few days in town, and left for home accompanied by his wife and daughter per “Plover” on Thursday last. The “Leopard,” with Judge and other representatives of the Supreme Court on Circuit, left for Fogo on Wednesday morning having been detained in port a day or two in consequence of the heavy wind and sea which prevailed the early part of the week. The following are the office holders of the Chamber of Commerce for the ensuing year: President – Hon A.F. GOODRIDGE; Vice-Presidents – Walter Baine GRIEVE and Robert H. PROWSE; Secretary – James GOODFELLOW. A card in another column intimates to the public that our old friend Samuel BAIRD, Esq., has been appointed Notary Public for Newfoundland and that he is prepared to execute various kinds of documents on moderate terms. His well known ability for performing the duties of the office is sufficient recommendation.
September 29, 1888 The New Salvation Army Barracks The Salvation Army Barracks, which has been in course of erection for some time on Whitehorn’s Hill, South Side, is so far completed as to permit of service being held in it, and the building was opened for that purpose on Sunday last for the first time.
September 29, 1888 Marriage Mr. James Strong of Little Bay Islands was returning from St. John’s per last “Conscript” with his bride, having been lately wedded to Miss L. ROONEY, daughter of the late J. ROONEY, Superintendent of the gas works, of that city. We wish the happy couple many years of happiness and prosperity.
September 29, 1888 Passengers The coastal steamer Conscript arrived from Battle Harbor and intermediate ports on Monday. The weather had been rough on the coast and very little was done with the codfish since the previous trip. The herring catch is reported as being very short, some places next to a failure, and the season is too far advanced now to expect that any considerable improvement will take place. The following passengers were for St. John’s: - From Blanc Sablon – Mr. JANES. St. Anthony – Mrs. TAYLOR. Tilt Cove – Messrs. McDONALD and CROSSMAN, Mrs. KENT. Little Bay – Mrs. ABRAHAM, Miss JORDAN, and Mr. LANGWIN. Leading Tickles – Mr. SMITH. Twillingate – Rev. H. HEYGATE and Miss ANDERSON. Messrs. G. POWELL and WAY for Bonavista. For Trinity – Rev. H.C.H. JOHNSON from Battle Harbor. For Harbor Grace – Rev. Father McCARTY, Mrs. PENNY and son from Blanc Sablon. Mrs. HAYDEN and Mr. PARSONS from Battle Harbor. Miss BRUNLEASE from Little Bay Island.
September 29, 1888 Birth On the 22nd. inst., at Jubilee Cottage, Nipper’s Harbor, the wife of Mr. S. J. BLACKLER of a daughter.
September 29, 1888 Marriage At St. Peter’s Church on the 21st. inst., by the Rev. A. PITTMAN, Mr. George LOVEMAN to Miss Selina HANNEN both of Leading Tickles.
September 29, 1888 Death At St. John’s on the morning of the 25th inst., after a lingering illness, borne with Christian resignation to God’s will, Amelia, wife of Mr. Charles GILL, and sister to Mrs. Richard NEWMAN of this place, aged 28 years.
September 29, 1888 Death At New York on Saturday, 8th. inst., John Frederick GOODRIDGE aged 44 years, eldest son of John GOODRIDGE, Esq., of St. John’s.
September 29, 1888 Death At St. John’s on the 4th inst., after a long and painful illness, Thomas, son of John and Charlotte VERGE, aged 27 years.
September 29, 1888 Death At Rural Retreat, Carbonear on Saturday, 8th inst., after a lingering illness, borne with patient submission to the divine will, Anne Maria, beloved wife of Rev. John S. PEACH, Methodist Minister, in the 66th year of her age.
September 29, 1888 Two Men Drowned The banking schooner “Lady Bird,” belonging to Messrs. James RYAN & Co., King’s Cove, arrived at that place on Saturday last, with a full load of fish; but, sad to relate, minus two of her stalwart crew – named respectively, James SULLIVAN and John GASH – who had found a watery grave. It appears that on the 9th of August, all the dories left the vessel to go to the trawls. They had left only a short time when the Captain on board saw that one of the dories had upset. He immediately signaled to the other dories, which were soon alongside and dispatched in the direction of the disaster; but, alas, the two poor fellows above mentioned, had sunk beneath the waves and were beyond human aid. Both were young men. SULLIVAN was married about a year ago; GASH was unmarried. – Trinity Record.
October 6, 1888 A Trinity Letter (Part 1) Dear Mr. Editor, - The light of the Twillingate Sun reaches us here with its genial and inspiriting influence. To our mind your paper deserves general patronage. May its advance be as the rising sun, its noonday long and its setting far off. Do your readers north take sufficient interest in us to the South, to scan a few jottings from this part – the metropolis of Trinity Bay? I make the venture at any rate. We are proud of the “Conscript” with her excellent accommodations; yet it was with unfeigned pleasure that we heard the “Plover” was to run on the Northern route during the fall months, for there is scope for two steamers and it is time there was a weekly host. The Plover was in our harbor all last Tuesday, the sea being too heavy for her to proceed. Her passengers had thus the opportunity – I have not heard whether they availed themselves of it – of viewing the beautiful scenery of this neighborhood. We were told of a remark made by one of them, which showed that he was impressed most of all with the quietness of our streets. He added “all the people must be dead and buried.” We are a most orderly community certainly; but we can rise to an occasion – such for instance, as the Governor’s visit. Had our stranger happened here then he might have formed a different opinion.
October 6, 1888 A Trinity Letter (Part 2) Speaking of transit, we expect a steamer on the Bay very soon, but shall reserve all comments until after the suspicious day of her introduction to us. The result of the season’s fishing as it concerns this locality, is beginning to be known. Bankers and Labrador craft have been quite successful – that is, speaking generally; but the shore fishery is by no means good. The land is more faithful than the sea; and the large quantity of soil under cultivation here, bringing forth so abundantly, is a source of much comfort and satisfaction. Here, and throughout the island, the people must give more and more attention to agriculture. We have had a fair number of visitors to Trinity this summer, among others, the President of the Methodist Conference, Rev. G.J. BOND, B.A., with his family. Doubtless the fame of our pretty town as a summer resort will spread and grow. We have been pleased to notice several highly complimentary articles regarding “this Newfoundland of ours” in the Globe, from the pen of the Hon. John McDONALD of Toronto, whom we were pleased to meet here as he passed by on a trip North this summer. Good traveling facilities will attract strangers and Terra Nova better known, shall be better thought of. L. Trinity, Sep. 29, 1888.
October 6, 1888 Passengers The steamer Conscript arrived on Tuesday night, having experienced a good deal of fog after leaving St. John’s. She makes another trip to Battle Harbor after the present. The Conscript is not likely to be back before Tuesday or Wednesday next. Passengers North: - For Harbor Grace – Mr. H.PARSONS; Bay – de - Verde – Mr. and Mrs. MORRIS. Trinity – Mrs. D…. Catalina – Miss GOSSE. Bonavista – Rev. Wm. WHITE and Miss M. POWELL. Greenspond – Mr. HUTCHINS, Misses EVANS and WHELAN. Fogo – Miss RAMSAY, Herring Neck – Mrs. CHAMBERLAIN. Twillingate – Mr. John DAVIS. Leading Tickles – Mr. J. ROUSELL. Little Bay – Mr. and Mrs. A. WHYTE and Mr. O. WHYTE. Straits of Belle Isle – Rev. J.H. FIELD. Griquet – Mr. G.B. BUTLER. Battle Harbor – Mr. McNEIL. The steamer Plover, Capt. MANUEL arrived from St. John’s on Thursday night. Mr. SLATTERY was passenger for here. Messrs PHILLIPS, HARVEY and CUNNINGHAM, and Sergeant WELLS for other ports. The Plover goes as far as Tilt Cove, and after landing passengers and freight en route, returns to New Bay to take a cargo of lumber from Mr. PHILLIPS’ mill works to Tilt Cove, before returning to St. John’s and will be here the end of next week.
October 6, 1888 Our Native Timber Several Remarkably Fine Spars. We have been shown specimens of timber of girth and length so immense, the p….. of this colony, as to fully bear out the ….ervations of our correspondents touching the large size of some of the timber found in the interior. Those we have seen are in the shape of spars or bulk, a score or more in number, floating in the Cove of Messrs. TESSIER’s upper premises. The largest is seventy five feet long and two-and-a-half feet diameter at the butt. They were cut in Gander Bay region, and as they lie in merchantable condition; ready without wastage for the axe to be adapted to the purpose for which they are intended in the outfitting of shipping. One of them has furnished a mainmast to the brigantine (Seretha ?) and they range in size from the dimensions named to 60 feet in length and perhaps two feet in diameter, for the smallest of them. They carry their thickness very fully throughout their entire length; that is there is no short taper toward the small end, but an imperceptible shading in proportion. Though they occupy little area in the cove, yet they filled the hold of a large square rigged vessels in being conveyed here. The general impression in some minds, that no large timber grows in this country, is entirely fallacious and will soon be dispelled when the eye falls upon this imposing raft, whose value must be very considerable. We have looked in Hatton & Harvey’s history for the purpose of finding there mention of the specific size to which our forest trees grow, but none such appears there. The dimensions we have given of the spars referred to are trustworthy and may be verified by any one on visiting the location in question. They are of two varieties – spruce and pine. – Evening Telegram.
October 6, 1888 Advertisement Encourage Home Industries. According to request the subscriber will send vessels about the 1st of November with Turnips, Carrots, Potatos, Beets, Parsnips and Fresh Pork, to Fogo, Change Islands, Herring Neck, Twillingate, Exploits, Little Bay Mines, Tilt Cove, Round Harbor and the principal harbors in Green Bay. Also to Greenspond and harbors on the North side of Bonavista Bay, and will sell the above mentioned products at prices lower than it can be imported for. S. MUTCH, Park Farm, Ragged Harbor.
October 6, 1888 Sale of Work As the North Side congregation intend having a Sale of Work early in November for the purpose of removing debt from the Church and money or articles will be thankfully received by the following ladies who form the committee: - Mrs. FREEMAN, Mrs. Andrew PEARCE, Mrs. Hannah MOORES, Mrs. H. SHAVE, Mrs. THOMPSON, Mrs. J.W. ROBERTS, Mrs. Albert SPENCER, Mrs. Samuel YOUNG, Mrs. Wm. HARBIN, Mrs. SAMWAYS, Mrs. Geo. ROBERTS. Miss M.A. ROBERTS, Miss SCOTT, Miss Lavanie ROBERTS, Miss H. PRESTON, Miss Amelia ROBERTS, Miss Cicily HODDER, Miss LACEY. R.W. FREEMAN, Twillingate, Sep. 28.
October 6, 1888 Advertisement Premises For Sale at Little Bay. The subscriber offers for sale his property at Little Bay opposite the Loading Wharf, consisting of: Shop, Store, Wharf, Dwelling and Out Houses and a large quantity of land, about four acres of which are under cultivation. This premises is admirably adapted for the business of the colony, being conveniently situated for the mines as well as for the fisheries. Will sell or lease with privilege of purchasing. For further particulars apply to G. O’BREDDIN, Little Bay, or at the Twillingate Sun Office.
October 6, 1888 Marriage At the residence of the bride’s mother, Indian Islands, on the 28th Aug., by Rev. Alf. C. SKINNER, Mr. Philip PERRY to Miss Mary CARNELL.
October 6, 1888 Marriage At Western Arm. Sep. 8th., by the same, Mr. George GOODYEAR to Miss Mary BRINSON.
October 6, 1888 Death At Charles Street Church Parsonage, Agricola St., Halifax, NS., Sep. 15th, Sarah Beaumont wife of Rev. James GATEZ, and daughter of the late James SAINT, Esq., of Bonavista, Newfoundland.
October 6, 1888 Local News The “Edith & Eleanor,” Capt. JONES, arrived from Bristol on Monday last with dry goods &c. to Messrs. Owen & Earle. A. WHYTE, Esq., the energetic manage of Little Bay Mine, with his wife and son, who have been on a visit to England, returned to Little Bay per last “Conscript.” We are pleased to learn that arrangements for carrying on mining operations on a vigorous scale at Tilt Cove, are being rapidly pushed forward, and it is thought that they will be ready for smelting about the first of December. Smith McKAY, Esq., went to Leading Tickles per “Conscript,” to visit his constituents in that part of the district. The “Fleta” left on Thursday to convey him to Exploits and other places, and to return so as to spend a few days more here before joining the Conscript for St. John’s. Such visitation to the various settlements, by an old and respected representative, cannot but result in good to the people. The weather has been rather finer the past few days than of late, and it has been availed of by many for digging their potatoes. We do not hear so much complaint this year as last about ……rot, though in some quarters it prevails largely. A Tizzard’s Harbor resident told us a few days since that out of 40 or 50 barrels which he expected to raise, he will not have one to put in the cellar, and others besides himself will be similarly circumstanced.
October 6, 1888 Two Men Drowned A special dispatch to the Evening Telegram from Cape Race, Sept. 28th, says “a very sad accident happened here today. Whilst a portion of the crew of the steamer “Newfield” were coming ashore with coals, their boat was upset by a heavy sea and the second Mate – Mr. McKENZIE – and one of the sailors named William TURNER were drowned. The latter leaves a wife and five children to mourn their sad loss. Both men belonged to Halifax, N.S.
October 6, 1888 Park Farms Mr. MUTCH of Park Farms, Ragged Harbor, intimates his intention of sending a vessel early in November to this and to all the principal harbors, with produce which he promises to sell at lower prices that it can be imported for. The imported produce cannot surpass in quality what is raised on Park Farm, and while it can be obtained at so low a figure, we trust that Mr. M. will be encouraged, by meeting with ready sales for his produce in the respected localities mentioned in his advertisement.
October 13, 1888 Advertisement For Sale: The Waterside Premises belonging to Mrs. ROLFE, consisting of Dwelling House and Field. Also a Garden opposite same, adjoining Mrs. GUY’s property. For particulars apply to Mark BRETT.
October 13, 1888 Notes From Little Bay Mr. George OXFORD, on Thursday, of Little Bay Island, just as he lowered his sails upon going into Tilt Cove, fell dead. Mr. M.T. KNIGHT is now in Little Bay; he has been visiting his constituents. In some harbors he has visited nearly every house. He seems favorably inclined towards confederation, and has promised to advise his supporters as soon as the conditions are known. Capt. WHYTE has returned from England. The Little Bay Band presented Mr. James WHYTE, its popular and gifted conductor, with a beautiful field glass; $50. Mr. David NORRIS of Three Arms was buried Sunday the 7th inst. A large fire proof store for the safe preservation of flour, &c., is being erected in Little Bay. There are no fish in the bay.
October 13, 1888 Shipping News The revenue steamer Rose, Capt. STEPHENSON, on her way to St. John’s arrived last evening from the Labrador coast.
October 13, 1888 Passengers The “Plover” called here on Wednesday night en route for St. John’s. She did good work for the few days she was gone, having taken a cargo of lumber from Mr. PHILLIPS’ mill, New Bay, and landed it at Tilt Cove, besides making her round to the usual ports of call. The “Conscript” came shortly after. She has been longer than usual this trip and will not likely leave St. John’s for North before Monday or Tuesday. Several passengers embarked here for St. John’s among them being Mrs. TOBIN, Miss TOBIN, and Master TOBIN, the Chairman of the Board of Works, Mr. McKAY, and Messrs. WHITE and WINSOR (2). Miss POWELL and Miss HOUSE for Bonavista.
October 13, 1888 “Curlew” Disabled The steamer Curlew, Capt, KANE, arrived in port from Labrador on Saturday night in a disabled condition. On the night of the previous Wednesday when returning to Battle Harbor, she struck on a rock near Indian Tickle, carrying away part of her propeller and sustaining other injuries, the extent of which could not be definitely ascertained until the steamer was docked. The night was dark and foggy when the accident occurred, and there was also a heavy sea running. The ship was surveyed at Domino and she was pronounced fit to encounter the trip to St. John’s, whither the Curlew was bound to go on dock. There was only another trip to be made to complete the Labrador mail service and we are sorry for Capt. KANE that he should have been so unfortunate near about the finale. There are many difficulties besetting the commanding of a steamer along the dangerous Labrador route, and very often we fear, needless obstructions is thrown in the way of the Captain while in the discharge of his arduous duties.
October 13, 1888 A Neck and Neck Race The two steamers, Conscript and Plover, left Tilt Cove together on Wednesday morning last. So close was the running that the Plover was leaving Nipper’s Harbor as the Conscript was entering. At Little Bay also, the same thing occurred and the two vessels crossed each other a short distance down the Bay. The Plover steamed direct for Exploits and there delayed about three hours to take in freight which gave the Conscript time to call at her intermediate ports. Nevertheless, the swift little bird arrived at Twillingate and left again before the Government boat fired her gun in the harbor. We thus see that the Plover in none the worse for her lying up the past winter, but like many an invalid, has risen from the soft bed on the mud with renewed life and powers. What a convenience it would be to the public if a small subsidy were granted this boat for carrying occasional mails alternate with the other.
October 13, 1888 Advertisement Business Card. The undersigned having been appointed and duly sworn in as Notary Public for the Island of Newfoundland, respectfully informs the public generally, that he is prepared to draw up Protests and other Ship’s Papers, Wills, Deeds, &c, with accuracy and promptness on the most reasonable terms. Samuel BAIRD. N.B. – Commissioner of affidavits, Writs of Attachments, &c. of Supreme Court.
October 20, 1888 Death On Sunday last, 14th instant, Herbert William son of Reuben and Isabella BLACKMORE, aged 12 years.
October 20, 1888 Advertisement A bargain will be give in two schooner’s spars for sale by Mr. BYRNE, if immediately applied for.
October 20, 1888 Fishing News A little fish was caught at Crow Head on Thursday morning, this being the first time for a good while that it was prudent to venture off, there having been heavy wind and sea running of late. Reports from the craft that left for White Bay and elsewhere in search of herring, say they have been successful in securing pretty good fares, having from fifteen to eighteen barrels per man. Some have already returned.
October 20, 1888 Shipping News The steamer “Plover” arrived from St. John’s on Wednesday afternoon. She is gone to Labrador to make a trip along the coast in the place of the Curlew, and will be engaged in the service for a fortnight or three weeks. The “Mary Parker” sailed for St. John’s early this morning with a cargo of fish and herring. Several passengers went by her. Three or four other craft also left during the week for the same destination.
October 20, 1888 Death The painful intelligence was received from Toronto, Canada by Mr. T. PEYTON on Thursday last, of the death of his son Ernest, a young man of nineteen years, who has been residing in that city of late. He had left here nearly a year ago in company with other young men, and was doing very well in his adopted home. We sincerely sympathize with the family in this unexpected and sore bereavement through which they are called to pass.
October 20, 1888 Death By the arrival of the schooner “Muscliffe,” from White Bay, we learn that a serious accident occurred at Hauling Point one day last week, resulting in the death of three French fishermen, A square rigged vessel with a large crew, has been there since early in the spring prosecuting the lobster fishery, &c. They were just about winding up for the season, and a day or two before they intended leaving, the three unfortunate men were out in a bateau, getting their gear out of the water, and there being a considerable sea at the time, the bateau was swamped and the poor fellows were never seen afterwards.
October 20, 1888 Passengers The coastal steamer Conscript with mails and passengers for the North, arrived on Thursday morning, making a good run, notwithstanding that there was a considerable sea running nearly all the distance. The steamer goes as far as Battle Harbor again this time which, it is said, will be the last trip there for this season. The Conscript may be expected here returning to St. John’s on Tuesday or Wednesday next. Subjoined is the passenger list: - From Harbor Grace – Mrs. CURTIS, Miss GOFF. Old Perlican – Miss SALTER, Messrs. MEWS, HOGAN and DUDDESTER. Trinity – Miss BREMNER, Miss WHITE. Greenspond – Miss WHITE. Fogo – Mrs. BURKE…… Miss BRIEN. Twillingate – Mrs. HUNTER. Exploits – Major FAWCETT and son. Little Bay Island – Miss MURCELL. Little Bay – Miss E. RICHARDS. Tilt Cove – Colonel YOUNG, Messrs. L.M. GILL, BENDELL, DIENERY, and Miss LEWIS. From Twillingate – Mrs. YOUNG, Miss FLYNN for Little Bay. Mr. MAYNE and son for Morton’s Harbor.
October 27, 1888 Marriage At St. Peters Church on the 22nd inst., by the Rev. R. TEMPLE, Mr. Alfred PARSONS of Leading Tickles, to Miss Selina ROUSELL of the same place.
October 27, 1888 Marriage At the same place, on the 22nd inst., by the same, Mr. Alfred JENKINS of Durrell’s Arm, to Miss Eliza GILLARD.
October 27, 1888 Marriage At Little Bay, on the 22nd inst., by the Rev. A. PITTMAN, Mr. Geo. COBBS to Miss Martha WHITE both of Shoal Harbor.
October 27, 1888 Notes From Little Bay. Mr. James WHYTE has been offered the managership of Tilt Cove but he has declined accepting the office. The population of Tilt Cove is 1,025. The inhabitants of Little Bay think it very unkind of the Capt. of the “Conscript” to anchor off in the stream when there is no sea, and a beautiful light night, as it gives the passengers so much trouble in getting on board, besides the difficulty with the freight.
October 27, 1888 Arrivals From Labrador Four or five vessels from Labrador homeward bound, put into port last Saturday night, to await a time along. Among the number was the “Lizzie,” FROST; “Belle,” CROCKER; and “Welcome,” FITZGERALD, all of Harbor Grace. They had a large number of freighters, there being as many as ninety-seven souls men, women and children – on board the Lizzie. Tuesday morning the wind was favorable and all the craft took their departure.
October 27, 1888 Passengers The coastal steamer Conscript arrived this morning returning to St. John’s. She experienced very heavy weather between this and the more Northern ports of call, in consequence of which she was more than two days of the time in port, which accounts for here long delay. The following were passengers: - From Lance au Loup – Messrs. WATSON, PARSONS and HITCHCOCK. Chimney Tickle – Mr. B. PARSONS. Cape Charles – Messrs. MOORS and TAYLOR. Battle Harbor – Miss KEHOE. St. Anthony – Mr. TAYLOR. Coachman’s Cove – Mr. …lshaw. Conche – Mr. CARROL. Tilt Cove – Major FAWCETT and son. Little Bay – Mrs. PAYNE and two children, Messrs. DUDER, LAMB, FOOTE. Little Bay Island – Messrs. James PARSONS, J. CURTIS and YOUNG. Leading Tickles – Mr. J.W. PHILLIPS, Miss ROUSELL. Exploits – Rev. J. NURSE, Mr. MURPHY. Twillingate – Miss R. STIRLING, Miss G. STIRLING, Miss SALTER, Messrs. KNIGHT and Andrew ROBERTS, Mrs. COLBOURNE for Herring Neck; Mr. T.C. BOUCHER for Fogo.
October 27, 1888 Miss G. Stirling Among the passengers per “Conscript” who embarked here this morning was Miss G. STIRLING, youngest daughter of Wm. STIRLING, Esq., M.D., who goes to St. John’s en route to Italy. This young lady is endowed by nature with no ordinary degree of musical talent, and being desirous of excelling in the art of music, she had decided to take a thorough course of studies from first class Italian professionals, who are renowned all the world over for their proficiency in the musical art. Miss STIRLING has many amiable qualities, and by her genial disposition is a general favorite, and will be greatly missed in the community, especially by many of the poor, to whom it was her delight to administer deeds of kindness. We wish our young friend a safe and speedy journey across the Atlantic and every success in the future. Miss Rose STIRLING accompanied her sister as far as St. John’s.
October 27, 1888 Shipwrecked Crews Two shipwrecked crews were being conveyed to their homes per “Conscript,” one of them belonging to the “Commodore” which was lost near Conche a short time since.
October 27, 1888 Shipping News The English vessel, “Robert Morris,” Capt. JONES, arrived from St. John’s on Thursday to Messrs. W. Waterman & Co., with a full load of provisions. For the past few weeks the Robert has been engaged in the coal trade between St. John’s and Sydney. The “Sweepstake,” Samuel YOUNG, Master, also arrived same day with a cargo of provisions to J.B. Tobin, Esq.
October 27, 1888 Forest Fire Relief (Part 1) Report Of the Committee for Collecting and distributing of Local Subscriptions in Aid of the Sufferers from the Little Bay Forest Fire. Gentlemen: - At a public meeting held on the 12th day of June last, Messrs. STEWART, KEATING, SPINNEY, McKINNON, DELOUGHERY and BERTEAU were appointed a committee to collect monies in aid of those distressed by the forest fires on the 6th of that month, and to act in conjunction with the Rev. S. O’FLYNN and R.D. WALSH, and Chairman and Secretary of that meeting in the distribution of same. Your Committee gentleman, willingly undertook the labor of collecting, and by your noble effort the handsome sum of three hundred and eighty one dollars, fifty nine cents ($341.59) was placed at our disposal. This amount with fifty four dollars ($54) received from friends, non-residents of the place, gave us the working sum of four hundred and forty-five dollars, fifty nine cents ($445.59).
October 27, 1888 Forest Fire Relief (Part 2) After repeated meetings we decided to provide those who intended making Little Bay their home, with house-accommodation; consequently it was agreed to give every intending builder one thousand feet of lumber, and the requisite amount of nails for the same; and to those who were about to leave the place, provisions to the amount of eight dollars were awarded. Of the thirty houses destroyed, we have assisted to rebuild, twenty-three, and provisions to the amount of seventy-one dollars and fifty cents have been give to the families who left for their former homes. The balance now on hand, viz: eight dollars and eighty-four cents, has been voted to the widow LEWIS, who having failed to call on us at the time of the distribution, did not receive her proportionate allowance. The Secretary however, has been instructed to forward to her that amount. In conclusion, gentlemen, we sincerely thank you for your generous assistance, and devoutly express the hope that He who rules all things, will spare us in the future such another visitation. Yours respectfully, (Signed) L. O’FLYNN, P.P., Chairman; R.D. WALSH, Secretary. Little Bay, Oct 22.
October 27, 1888 Placentia - Fortune Bay Road Opening of a New Road from Placentia to Fortune Bay. Mr. William GODDEN, one of the Government surveying staff, has returned from Placentia Bay, where he has been engaged all the summer in laying out a road between Bain Harbor, Placentia Bay, and Bay L’Argent, Fortune Bay. The distance between the two points is about fifteen miles, The road was particularly surveyed about fifteen years ago, by Mr. HADDEN but in the interval, nothing had been done with it. The road, when finished, will be a great boon to the inhabitants on the East side of Fortune Bay, for instead of two mails a month as heretofore, they will get two weekly, and though the road has not yet been put beyond the laying out stage, a bi-weekly mail will be taken this fall, at least till stormy weather sets in, when it will have to be abandoned or delivered irregularly, owing to the fact that the courier can only go on foot in the present unfinished state of the road. When this line is thoroughly finished, the following harbors will be benefited by a bi-weekly mail from the capital: Harbor Mille, Grand LaPierre, English Harbor, Long Harbor and Recontre, beside many smaller places which formerly got a mail every two weeks, via St. Jacques and Belloram, alternately by Western mail boat. The new route of the mail for that section will be overland to Placentia, by rail and from thence by steamer “Hercules” to Bain Harbor. Our mail service has increased wonderfully in its efficiency during the last few years, and this is in a large measure due to the energetic postmaster, J.O. FRASER, Esq. – Daily Colonist, Oct. 15.
November 3, 1888 Birth On Thursday afternoon, the wife of Mr. W.J. SCOTT, of a son.
November 3, 1888 Death Suddenly on Saturday night last, John NURSE, Esq., aged 67 years.
November 3, 1888 Death At St. John’s on Oct 27, William John SCOTT a native of Dorset, England aged 66 years, 43 of which were spent in this country, in the Bridgport business of Messrs HOUNSELL. The deceased was the father of W.J. SCOTTof this place.
November 3, 1888 Death On Oct 27 at London, Josephine Allen, beloved wife of Mr. Ernest MUTCH, and daughter of Sir Frederick CARTER, aged 24 years.
November 3, 1888 Death At Bonavista on the 4th ult., after a long and painful illness, Katie, the beloved wife of Clement HUDSON and second daughter of Wm. HUNT.
November 3, 1888 Shipping News The “Mary Parker” left for St. John’s yesterday morning taking a cargo of oil. She did fine work last time making the trip in a little over a week, which is real good for this time of year. The coastal steamer “Conscript” with mails and passengers for Northern ports, arrived yesterday afternoon. Her trip extends as far as Griquet this time, and is not likely to be here returning South, before Thursday next. The English schooner “Lill..”, Capt. SPEIGHT, left for St. John’s on Thursday with a cargo of fish for J.B. Tobin, Esq. There are four English vessels now in port waiting for cargo, namely, the Robert Morris, Edith, Eleanor, Little Willie and the Mary. Unless the weather is finer than it has been the past few weeks, it will be very late before they will leave our shores. The steamer “Plover”, returning from Labrador, called here on Thursday evening. The weather of late has been very stormy on the Coast, and for two or three days she had to lay in harbor. She grounded once, but did not sustain any serious injury. Nearly all the vessels had left the Labrador for their various destinations and winter weather was setting in, in real earnest. There were several passengers among them being Mr. HOWLEY of the Geological department.
November 3, 1888 Line Repaired The telegraph line, which was disconnected for a week between Beaver Cove and Gambo, was repaired on Thursday and is now in working condition.
November 3, 1888 Venison A quantity of venison has been selling in the market during the week for five and seven cents per pound. Deer are somewhat plentiful this season well up the Exploit’s river, where this came from, one party killing as many as thirteen.
November 3, 1888 The Weather The weather has been so dull and wet nearly all the Fall, against curing fish, that very few of our people from other parts of the Bay have been able to come here to transact their business, which will make them very late this season. It is to be hoped that hard dry weather will soon set in.
November 3, 1888 New Bay Notes A New Bay correspondent informs us the craft at Labrador returned with the following catches; - Mr. PEARCE, 200 qtls.; Mr. A. YATES 400; Mr. Jacob MANUEL 360; Our correspondent informs us that there appears to be a disease raging among the pigs in that quarter, as many of them are perishing. Some persons have lost as many as three or four, which is certainly a severe loss to the poor people. Good work was done by the lobster factory there this season, having put up over 1200 cases, and by this industry, in the absence of codfish, a great benefit was conferred on the people. Herring were plentiful in the Bay this fall.
November 3, 1888 Passengers Passengers per steamer “Conscript” on leaving St. John’s: - Trinity – Miss BREMMER; Catalina – Sir W.V. WHITEWAY, Messrs. BOND and HISCOCK; Greenspond – Dr. SKELTON; Fogo – Messrs O’DWYER, EMBROSE and A.R. RENDALL, Mrs. H.F. BAKER and Miss BURKE. Twillingate – Mr. A. ROBERTS and Miss HUGHES. Morton’s Harbor – Miss OSMOND. Leading Tickles – Mr. S. CAMPBELL. Tilt Cove – Mr. George McKAY.
November 3, 1888 Death Our obituary column today contains the death of an old and respected resident of Twillingate, John NURSE, Esq., who died very suddenly on Saturday night last, in the 67th year of his age, over 40 of which were spent in this community. Mr. NURSE retired in his usual good health, but shortly after, the family were aroused by his having been seized with an attack of illness, which terminated in dissolution in less than half an hour. For 40 years he had been carrying on business at Back Harbor, and being so well known, the suddenness of his demise cast a gloom over the community. His remains were laid to rest in the Church of England cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, and besides the mourners and friends, the funeral was attended by brethren of the Masonic fraternity residing here, he having been for many years a worthy member of that ancient and honorable body. The deceased was father of the Rev. Theo. NURSE who we regret to say, from exposure while in the discharge of his Ministerial duties, caught a severe cold early in the Spring, and has been ever since laid aside by affliction. We are glad to learn that he has been recovering slightly of late, and was able to attend (in carriage), his father’s funeral. We sympathize with the family in the sore and unexpected bereavement through which they have been called to pass.
November 10, 1888 Lost Sheep A sheep belonging to Elias WOLFREY, Burnt Bay, strayed from a garden here on Monday last. Whoever may be harboring the same, will oblige by returning to the owner.
November 10, 1888 Shipping News The schooner “Minnie Tobin” arrived from the French Shore yesterday morning, having been trading, and called in here for some time past. The Minnie Tobin left Englee Thursday morning and had a splendid run home. The schooner “Alphine”, Capt. SOPER, of Carbonear, put into port on Tuesday night, homeward bound, having a cargo of herrings, &c., and on deck a load of logs, the property of Mr. J. UDLE of that town, who was also on board. The Alphine left Red Bay on Monday last and made the run here in twenty-four hours. The Captain reports the weather very cold and disagreeable there, especially on last Sunday, when there was a severe snow storm with wind E.S.E. the “Anti-Confederate” belonging to Mr. MANUEL, Exploits, left Red Bay about the same time returning home.
November 10, 1888 Mr. WARR's New Schooner At Robert’s Arm, Mr. Frank WARR is building a very fine schooner for the Bank fishery, which will be launched about the end of next month. Every care is being taken to have this vessel strong and fit for the work, and it is expected that she will maintain the builder’s reputation for building good and sea-worthy vessels.
November 10, 1888 Appointments Published By Authority. His Excellency the Governor, in Council, has been pleased to appoint Dr. Louis JOSEPH to be Health Officer for Little Bay; the Rev. M.A. CLANCEY, P.P., Thos. O’REILLY J.P., and Messrs. Edward SINNOTT and Nicholas COSGRAVE, (Placentia), Patrick DUNPHY (North East Arm) and Patrick KEEFE (South East Arm) to be a Roman Catholic Board of Education for Great Placentia. Messrs. W.J. HOLWELL (Herring Neck), Peter HOUSE (Pool’s Island, Bonavista Bay), William PALMER (Shoal Harbor, Smith’s Sound, Trinity Bay) to be surveyors under the Agricultural Act. 1888; and William BADCOCK (Catalina) to be a Deputy-Surveyor of Crown Lands. His Excellency the Governor, in Council, has been pleased to appoint the Hon. A.F. GOODRIDGE to be a member of the Board of Revenue in the place of John SYME, resigned; Thomas W. STABB, J.P. to be Returning Officer at the ensuing election for the district of Bonavista Bay; Mr. Samuel HARRIS (Grand Bank), to be a member of the Methodist Board of Education, Grand Bank in place of Mr. Morgan FOOTE, deceased; and Rev. Wm. SWANN (Grand Bank), to be a member of the Methodist Board of Education, Burgeo, in place of Rev. William ADAMS, left the district. Secretary’s Office, October 23rd, 1888.
November 10, 1888 Marriage At Ashton Villa, Nov. 8th., by the Rev. W. HARRIS, Mr. Mark SPENCER of Back Harbor, to Miss Mary Jane HARVEY, South Side.
November 10, 1888 Death Fell asleep on Thursday morning, Ernest Peyton, infant son of W. John and Annie SCOTT. “Safe in the Arms of Jesus.”
November 10, 1888 Labrador Mr. R.F. HOLME recently read to the Royal Geographical Society an interesting account of a journey to the interior of Labrador. Although the coast is utterly bare and treeless, a luxurious forest growth commences at a distance inland of about twelve miles, and clothes the whole of the country except the barrens or moors, which are the home of the caribou. Mr. HOLMES has ascended all the rivers that flow into Hamilton Inlet, as far as navigable in a boat. One of the most important of these is the Kanamou, used as one of the routes from the South. By far the largest river of this district is the Grand, which is the name given to the channel connecting Lake Petchikapou with Goose Bay at the head of Hamilton Inlet. Grand River is really only a portion of a continuous waterway of rivers and lakes connecting Goose Bay with Ungava Bay. Lake Wimanikapou is situated about 150 miles from the mouth of Grand River, and thirty miles above that long and narrow lake are the Grand Falls, the height of which is not known, but which may prove to be among the most stupendous in the world. The elevation of the Labrador table land is given by Professor HIND as 2,240 feet and at least 2,000 feet of this are in the thirty miles between the head of these falls and the lake below. Lake Petchikapou, one of the largest of the interior lakes of Eastern Labrador, is connected with the ocean not only by Grand River, but by Nascopee River and Grand Lake. The Indians of the interior of Labrador are all of the Cree nation, and are perhaps the most unadulterated Indians to be found on the continent. A.G. GUILLEMARD, in a note to the May number of the Proc. Roy. Geog. Soc., suggests that possibly the Grand Falls of Grand River (Labrador) might be reached more readily, by following up the Moisie River from the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and skirting Lake Aswanipi. He also says: “The fall from a height at all approaching 2,000 feet, of a river 500 yards in width, a short distance higher up, would form one of the wonders of the world, and would surely have been described by Mr. McLEAN after returning from his visit in 1839. Mr. GUILLEMARD mentions among waterfalls combining great volume of water and great height, the Garsoppa Falls in Western Hindostan, 300 yards wide and 830 feet high, and the Kaioteur Falls of the Potaro River in British Guiana, 123 yards wide and 741 feet in vertical height. – Scientific American.
November 10, 1888 Produce Exhibition There was a very fine show of products of the soil at the exhibition held in the Parade Rink today. The leading vegetables, potatoes, cabbage and turnips were in abundant quantities and superior qualities. The grain exhibits were very respectable and various. There was a fine display of carrots and parsnips, sugar beet and mau gold wurtzel were limited in quality. Butter and cream showed up well, as also did fleeces of native wool. Knitted garments spun in the country from native wool were excellent. The needle-work, patched quilts, knitted quilts, hooked hearthrugs and door mats, were very fine, of superior fabric and ingenious designs. Taken all together, the exhibition was very good and gave a fair idea of the capabilities of agricultural on the peninsula of Avalon. – Evening Mercury, October 24.
November 17, 1888 Schooner Wrecked A schooner belonging to Mr. Frank SHEA drove ashore at Seal Cove, Fogo, on Sunday, Nov 11. She was 21 tons and loaded with wood at the time. There was little wind but a heavy sea. She was a total wreck and sold for $20.
November 17, 1888 Passengers The steamer Peruvian arrived at 11:30 a.m., and sailed at 4 p.m. She had very little freight for this port, and took none of consequence. Here are her passenger lists: - From Halifax – Miss BREHM, Captain FANNING, Messrs. Geo. SCOTT, HOMER, ELY, G. STAYNE, R.L. NEWMAN. G.G. SAVILLE, G.L. LINCOLN, fifty-seven in steerage. For Liverpool – Sir H.A. BLAKE and Lady BLAKE, Masters A. and M. BLAKE, Lord George FITZGERALD, General DASHWOOD, Captain DASHWOOD, W. Wingfield BONNYN, Mr. Michael LOUNGHNAN? and wife. Mr. P. BRAGG?, John TUDOR, Miss STERLING, Col. YOUNG, Mr. H. PRANVILLE?, two intermediate, six in steerage. – Ibid.
November 17, 1888 Shipping News The Robert Morris, Capt. Thomas JONES, sailed for Leghorn on Monday last, taking thither a cargo of codfish, salmon, and herring for the firm of Messrs. W. Waterman & Co. We trust that favorable winds and pleasant weather will combine to give the Captain a speedy passage to the Mediterranean shores. The English vessels “Vixen” and “Little Willie” also sailed for foreign markets the past week with cargoes of fish for E. Duder, Esq. The Anti-Confederate, owned by J. Manuel, Esq., Exploits, which had been North on a trading venture, arrived home with a full cargo on the 9th inst. She experienced very heavy weather returning. When between Horse Islands and Cape John, a sea broke over her, which cracked off the main boom at the slings, the mainsail being down at the time. The deck was pretty nigh swept of everything, the water casks, ten barrels of herring, one barrel linseed oil, and two warps, having been washed away, and no doubt had it not been that this vessel was so well and substantially built, more serious results would have followed. This happened on Thursday night, and the crew were, until the next day when they arrived, without any water. Fortunately the wind was fair, giving them a quick run to Exploits, otherwise serious consequences might have attended them. The mail steamer “Conscript” left St. John’s today for the Northern ports. She goes as far as Griquet. The “Mary Parker” arrived from St. John’s on Thursday. She was several days returning having been in ports nearly all the time owing to a prevalence of heavy West and North West winds. The steamer “Plover”, Capt. Manuel arrived on Thursday night. A quantity of freight was landed, after which she left for other ports of call, going as far at Tilt Cove. Mr. Andrew LINFIELD was passenger for here, having returned from St. John’s with a selection of choice goods.
November 17, 1888 Dissatisfaction with the Mail Arrangements (To the Editor of the Twillingate Sun.) Dear Sir: - Are we really living in an enlightened age and in a civilized country? If so, how is it this district is treated in such an uncivilized manner, especially as it regards the mail service? No wonder some people sigh when they think of the days when the good ship “Leopard” came with such regularity into this harbor and sir, that is nearly twenty years ago. Surely Messrs. GOODRIDGE, McKAY, and KNIGHT, influential members of the present Government, have power enough and sense enough to see that their constituents are treated as fairly as the people of other districts. Why is it? Trinity Bay and Bonavista Bay (South Side) receive five mails from St. John’s to our one. Where is the English mail which arrived in St. John’s about ten days ago? Is the Postmaster General keeping it to send by winter couriers? Let Little Bay, Tilt Cove, Little Bay Island, Exploits, Morton’s Harbor, Twillingate and Herring Neck hold indignation meetings to protest against such treatment, and demand at the very least a weekly mail and passenger service to and from St. John’s. Yours etc., A Sufferer. Nov. 16, 1888.
November 17, 1888 Marriage On Oct. 30 at St. James’ Change Islands, by the Rev. G.S. CHAMBERLAIN, Incumbent, Mr. John GILLINGHAM to Miss Dinah HOFFE.
November 17, 1888 Marriage On Oct. 30 at the same place and by the same, Mr. Richard POWELL to Miss Sarah Anne BURSEY.
November 17, 1888 Marriage On Nov. 1st at the same place and by the same, Mr. John HAWKINS to Miss Keziah OAK.
November 17, 1888 Marriage On Nov. 17 at the same place and by the same, Mr. Eli PECKFORD to Miss Elizabeth GILLETT.
November 17, 1888 Marriage On Nov. 12 at St. Mary’s, Herring Neck, by the same Mr. James KING to Miss Mary Anne SNOW.
November 17, 1888 Marriage On Nov. 12 at the same place and by the same, Mr. Joseph CUTLER to Miss Elizabeth BROWN.
November 17, 1888 Marriage On Nov. 6 at the same place and by the same Mr. Alfred John KING to Miss Amelia ..?..
November 17, 1888 Marriage On Nov. 15 at the same place and by the same Mr. Andrew ELLIOTT to Miss Lucy PARSONS.
November 24, 1888 Marriage On the 17th inst., at Western Head, Morton’s Harbor, by the Rev. Jessie HEYFIELD, Mr. Azariah JONES to Miss Matilda Jane SMITH.
November 24, 1888 Marriage On the 21st inst., at the parsonage, Morton’s Harbor, by the same, Mr. Alexander LOCKE to Miss Ellen SMALL, of Tizzard’s Harbor.
November 24, 1888 Three Boats Driven From Horse Islands Two Supposed Lost. (Special to the Sun) Tilt Cove, Last Evening. Three boats were driven away from the Horse Islands on Tuesday evening last, during a heavy snow storm that came on suddenly about 4 o’clock. One of the boats succeeded in reaching La Scie about ten at night. The men were exhausted; they backed their Rodney the distance of fifteen miles during the storm. The other two boats are supposed to be lost. No news up to date. William TIZZARD, of Twillingate, and Mr. TARRANT, clerk of Messrs. Waterman & Co., are the men in one of the boats; the others are men belonging to Horse Island, George SACREY and Job PENNY. The “Conscript” just arrived from the North and reports winter weather.
November 24, 1888 Passengers The Plover, Capt. MANUEL, returned from the Bay on Sunday and remained until the following day, when she took on board a quantity of oil, and left in the afternoon for St. John’s. Mr. and Mrs. J. MANUEL from Exploits, Mr. J.J. BENSON from Little Bay, and Mr. ADAMS from Tilt Cove, were passengers. The Plover will leave for the North again on Monday next.
November 24, 1888 The “May Queen.” The cargo of the May Queen, which went ashore near Kettle Cove a short time since, was sold on Thursday last for the benefit of whom it may concern. It was in a damaged condition and consisted of – 190 qtls cod fish, 30 brls herring, 5 casks cod oil, 1 tierce of salmon, 1400 boxes smoked herring, 2 herring seines and 1 herring net. The craft and property belonged to Messrs. Goodfellow & Co., St. John’s. The craft being stranded on returning home from White Bay, where business in the commodities mentioned had been carried on for that firm the past summer. The craft and goods we learn were insured.
November 24, 1888 Tilt Cove Mine Mr. George McKAY, son of Smith McKAY, Esq., went on the steamer “Conscript” to survey and make plans of the Tilt Cove Mine for the new company. The surveying will be an excellent piece of work, and Mr. McKAY will probably be engaged till the end of the year. The company have selected the right man for the work, and the survey will no doubt give the utmost satisfaction. -Daily Colonist.
November 24, 1888 Shipping News The “Minnie Tobin” left for St. John’s on Thursday taking thither a cargo of fish. The “Edith Eleanor,” Capt. JONES, sailed for Lisbon on Wednesday with a cargo of fish for Messrs. Owen & Earl. The mail steamer “Conscript” arrived early on Monday morning, being the quickest time that she has come from St. John’s since being on the route. Constable BURT, Mr. W. PEYTON were passengers for here.
December 1, 1888 Marriage At St. John’s on November 22 at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. W. GRAHAM, Isabella Caroline, eldest daughter of Mr. J.R. HUGHES, to Thomas Joseph OATES, Telegraph Operator, Heart’s Content.
December 1, 1888 Death On the 10th Nov. Stanley James, son of James and Phoebe YOUNG, aged 6 years.
December 1, 1888 Shipping News Port of Twillingate. Entered – Nov 20 “Rosa Meek”, RAY, St. John’s, ballast, W. Waterman & Co. Nov 20 – “Edith Eleanor,” JONES, Lisbon, 2800 qtls Labrador fish, Owen & Earle. Nov 24 – “Mary,” JACKSON, Gibralter, 3000 qtls Labrador fish, E. Duder. Nov 26 – “Rosa Meek,” TUNE, Lisbon, 2000 qtls Labrador fish, 800 qtls shore fish, W. Waterman & Co. The mail steamer “Conscript” left Trinity at six o’clock this morning, coming North. The “Matilda” came from Fogo Monday and returned the following day. The “Mary Parker” and “Jewel” arrived from St. John’s on Wednesday. The Parker will be leaving again after a fine day. The coastal Steamer “Conscript” left St. John’s yesterday morning. It being very stormy last night she is not likely to be here before late tomorrow or Monday. Two cargoes of fish were cleared from the Customs here during the week for foreign ports; the “Mary,” Capt. JACKSON, from the firm of E. Duder, Esq., sailed for Gibralter on Monday,and the “Rosa Meek,” Capt. TUNE, from the firm of Messrs. W. Waterman & Co is now waiting for a fair wind. The mail steamer Conscript called here early on Sunday morning going South. She had several passengers and a full freight having taken a large quantity of copper at Little Bay, which will be trans-shipped from St. John’s to foreign markets.
December 1, 1888 Personals W. WATERMAN, Esq., left per last “Conscript” for St. John’s where he has since joined the Allan steamer for Liverpool, en route for his home, Poole, England. We wish him a safe and pleasant voyage to the end of his journey.
December 1, 1888 Seals Several seals were caught in nets the early part of the week, being chiefly blue hoods. With the exception of two or three days this week, the weather has been stormy and unfavorable for keeping out nets; otherwise a good many more might have been captured. The prospect for a day or so was good.
December 1, 1888 Schooners Frozen in Some of our craft that went to the Bay for wood, were there during the recent cold snap, and were unfortunate in being frozen in there. The probability is, that unless the weather becomes very soft indeed, they will have to remain there until the spring. This is rather unfortunate as it may cause many some inconvenience in procuring wood for the winter.
December 1, 1888 Serious Accident We deeply regret to learn that a serious accident happened this forenoon to our highly esteemed Chief Justice. When getting into his carriage to drive to Court, the horse backed and Sir Frederick was thrown out. Medical aid was at once obtained and on examination it was found that his right arm was broken and other injuries inflicted, but happily not of a serious nature. We are glad to learn that Sir Frederick is as well as could be looked for after such a shock; and we trust that in a few weeks he will be quite restored. – Evening Mercury, Nov. 24.
December 8, 1888 Found Dead (Special to the Sun.) St. Johh’s, Last Evening. Great excitement prevailed on Saturday morning in consequence of a terrible tragedy, which occurred on previous night. Shop being opened, the Porter entered basement apartments and found Archibald SILLARS dead. Alarm was made and Doctors and Police were summoned as evidences. Frightful crime appeared to have taken place; two bullets from a revolver had pierced the deceased’s breast in two separate places and there was a wound upon his head. Court must decide whether deceased died from his own hand or that of another. Excitement was intensified later in the day by information that William PARNELL, deceased’s business associate was dangerously ill from effects of poisoning. He recovered somewhat by Wednesday and gave himself up to authorities. Special session Supreme Court in contemplations to try charge against him. “Plover” arrived at noon.
December 8, 1888 Heifer Lost to Dogs A short time since Mr. Jacob HAMLIN of Crow Head lost a valuable heifer. It was on the beach late at night, and was driven in the water by dogs. It drove across the Bight and was picked up the next day at Pearce Harbor near Western Head, having perished in the water.
December 8, 1888 Serious Accident at Tilt Cove An accident occurred at Tilt Cove on the evening of the 19th ult., when a workman was seriously injured in the mine. The miners were in the act of loading the holes, when a man named MOYST put a cartridge in the hole which he was charging, and left it to put another on top. It seems that the second cartridge was too long and being frozen, he attempted to break it by striking it against a rock when the cartridge exploded, which shattered his left hand so badly as to necessitate it’s amputation. The unfortunate man’s face and eyes were also injured. MOYST has a wife and three children.
December 8, 1888 Guillemot A guillemot was shot by a man named BAILEY in the North West Arm one day this week. This bird is not common about these parts and therefore it was an object of curiosity and interest. The feathers are closely set, the beak long and sharp and it has three completely webbed toes. But the chief characteristic appeared to be the position of its legs, which are set far back and in this, as in other respects, it resembles the penguins, to which it is closely allied. Mr. Geo. CHRISTIAN who purchased the bird, has sent it to Mr. HOWLEY, Superintendent of the Museum, and we have no doubt it will find a place in that very useful and very interesting repository. – Trinity Record.
December 8, 1888 Appointment It is reported that Thomas NOBLE, Esq., has been appointed manager of the Newfoundland Railway Company, in place of Mr. SAVILLE, the late manager. In the event of this appointment being made, it is thought that Mr. William ...ldy will get the position at present held by Mr. NOBLE. Mr. …dly is in the railway service since the company started, and by his efficient services and gentlemanly bearing, has won both the respect of the public and confidence of the company and deserves the promotion. Mr. NOBLE is also well worthy of being elevated to the vacant position and we congratulate both gentleman in advance. – Daily Colonist.
December 8, 1888 Shipping News The Mary Parker left for St. John’s on Wednesday taking a cargo of fish. She intends making one more trip this season. The mail steamer Conscript arrived on Tuesday morning. Very heavy weather was experienced all along, which prevented her from arriving sooner. She had a large number of passengers and a good deal of freight for Northern ports. Mrs. TOBIN was passenger for here. The Conscript goes as far a Griquet and may not be looker for before Monday or Tuesday. Beaver Cove, Last Evening. (Special to the Sun.) Captain BLANDFORD’S steam launch “Alert” arrived here this afternoon. She broke down at entrance of Dildo, damage slight; expects to be ready to proceed to St. John’s tomorrow. The Alert was on her way home from the Straits where she had been with divers, to recover the engines and boiler of the steam launch that was wrecked down there some time ago; in which she was successful. A large steamer of 1,400 tons called Berbice was loading a Tilt Cove with copper ore, when the “Plover” was there, and expected to have been leaving there with a full load yesterday. A steamer is due from Pennsylvania with a load of coke for the smelting works; and the “Falcon” is expected to arrive shortly with a cargo of coals. The new smelting works will soon be completed and operations will be pushed forward vigorously. The steamer Plover, Capt. MANUEL, came here from the North on Wednesday evening and remained until the next day, returning to St. John’s. She was as far as La Scie and experienced very rough weather, especially on Sunday when she had to make for Snook’s Arm (Cape Shore) and remain until Tuesday. The Plover had pretty well a full freight returning, having taken a quantity of herring here for Messrs. W. Waterman & Co., and also some more at Fogo. Several passengers went by her. The Captain expected to be back again the end of next week.
December 15, 1888 St. John's Shipping News St. John’s, Last Evening. The large steamer “Boston City,” from Georgia, bound to Liverpool, put into port Tuesday morning being unable to proceed, owing to her machinery being broken. A fire at Cottill’s Island destroyed a house belonging to Samuel TURNER with all its contents. The “Kangaroo” arrived on Saturday last, “Mallard” on Sunday, not unloaded. Terribly wet this week. “Conscript” leaves on Monday.
December 15, 1888 Accidental Death By Telegraph. Change Islands, Dec 10. Today, while hauling a schooner from the wharf of Waterman & Co., Change Islands, to let another schooner in alongside, a man named George HELLINGS, a native of Fogo, but living at Change Islands for several years, was crushed to death. Whilst passing a line under the quarter of one schooner, the two schooners came together and caught his head. He died 15 minutes after the accident.
December 15, 1888 Death Archibald SILLARS, a native of Greenock, Scotland, aged 58 years.
December 15, 1888 Shooting Tragedy at St. John's (Part 1) A shocking tragedy – one which has thrilled the community with horror – occurred here last night and today is the subject of conversation everywhere, the victim being Mr. Archibald SILLARS, who was largely interested in the dry goods and fish supplying business associated with his name. Nothing definite is known to the authorities, for no formal examination of witnesses has taken place nor any investigation made beyond the hearing of the statements of the medical men. Inquiries at trustworthy sources elicited the following: This morning when the Porter, after opening the shop on Water Street, entered the apartment below the salesroom, where the office is situated, he stumbled over something in the darkness, and on opening a window saw that it was the dead body of Mr. SILLARS. He at once raised an alarm; other employees on the premises and neighbors rushed in. Doctor MacKENZIE was sent for immediately, and a Policeman called and stationed on the spot. A glance was sufficient to convince the Physicians and indeed those present, that life was extinct, but how the deceased met his death they of course had no means of determining. The evidence of a frightful crime, the like of which has never happened in this community, lay before their eyes, but the manner of its occurrence was wrapped in impenetrable mystery. It is for the courts to determine whether Archibald SILLARS died by the hand of another or by his own hand.
December 15, 1888 Shooting Tragedy at St. John's (Part 2) The officers of the law as well as the medical men, are extremely guarded in their statements, and are indisposed to speak on the subject at all. Two bullets from a revolver had pierced the breast of the deceased in two separate places, and upon the head was a third wound, which might have been produced by a knife or by the exit of a bullet fired through the mouth. Any one of these wounds would, it is believed, cause death. The fatal weapon was found broken into two pieces, it is stated, in the same apartment where the body lay – an ante-room off the office. The excitement was intensified by the information subsequently given to the public that Mr. William PARNELL, the deceased’s business associate, was lying dangerously ill from the effects of poisoning. Two Doctors were in attendance, and it was impossible to say at a late hour this morning whether he would recover. The victim of this dreadful disaster was a man of good standing and integrity. Mr. SILLARS had accumulated an independent fortune in the business, and about four years ago had withdrawn from active interest in it. He was a great favorite with all classes, was of a pleasant disposition, and invariably “had the good word for everyone.” That his happy existence should have been so suddenly and so tragically quenched in death, brings deep sorrow and gloom into the large household of his friends. – Evening Telegram, December 1.
December 15, 1888 Shooting Tragedy at St. John's (Part 3) The awful tragedy of Friday night was the theme of general conversation yesterday and of marked expressions of deep sympathy and of abhorrence of the atrocious manner of the victim’s “taking off.” The lonesome, almost subterranean location of the place where the deed was committed, whence no cry for help could be heard from the victim; the late time of night when the two faced each other for the last time; the number and deadly nature of the injuries, and the desperate determination to silence the victim, as shown by beating him into insensibility, produce deep impression upon the public mind and denunciations of the barbarous act. The autopsy by Doctors MacKENZIE and SHEA was commenced at 3 o’clock on Saturday evening and was not concluded till yesterday evening. It resulted in the finding of another wound beside those already mentioned, namely; a bullet wound through one of the hands. Two bullet wounds were found in the breast and the wound on the head was such as would have been produced by blows from a blunt instrument as the butt of a revolver or a ruler. The course of the two bullets from the breast went through some of the principal organs of life, and would, either of them, have caused death. The details of the autopsy are a matter of record, but it is deemed best not to publish them at present. No examination of witnesses has yet taken place before the Magistrate, the only report before whom is the official statement of the medical men, showing that the deceased came to his death my murderous violence.
December 15, 1888 Shooting Tragedy at St. John's (Part 4) How long it will be before the prosecuting officers of the Crown enter on the work of clearing up the mystery and bring the case to trial, is not known. The Police are still in charge of the premises on which the crime was committed, and so stringent are their orders, that no one is allowed ingress or egress, except officers of the law and counsel for the different parties interested. It is stated that even the nearest friends of the family residing there are shut off from all intercourse with the wife and little children. Some regard this as a great hardship, but we suppose the authorities know best how to act under the circumstances. During the autopsy on Saturday afternoon, two bullets were extracted from the body of the deceased. One of them was found near the surface of the back, having passed completely through the lungs. This goes to show that the weapon used must have been a powerful one. The funeral of the deceased gentleman was attended this afternoon with every demonstration of sympathy and respect on the part of the public. The sidewalk opposite the residence where the body lay, was crowded with people, many of whom accompanied the cortege. The cortege itself formed a very long line, and with the carriages, which terminated the procession, must have been a half mile in length. The business establishments on both sides of the street were closed while the funeral moved by. – Evening Telegram, December 3.
December 15, 1888 Accident on the Conscript We learn that one of the passengers of the Conscript while coming into this port, fell into the hold and broke four of his ribs. The man’s name was MADDOCK and a resident of Fogo.
December 15, 1888 Drowning On Tuesday, December 11th, the schooner Lady Seymour, while coming down from the Bay, lost her Captain, George LUSH, who was knocked overboard by the main sheet and drowned.
December 15, 1888 Body Found On Sunday, December 2nd, while in the Bay after a load of wood, Peter LIGHT, aged 17 years went off to look for dog berries and never returned. His body was found this week by the rest of the crew who went to look for him.
December 15, 1888 Drowning We are sorry to learn of a sad accident by drowning which occurred to one of the crew of the “Minnie F.”, Capt. CHITTMAN, while crossing the Bay. As Mr. Wm. DOVE was jibing the mainsail off Black Island, he was thrown overboard by the main sheet, and in consequence of the heavy sea, the body could not be recovered. Deceased was 23 years of age and the son of the late John DOVE.
December 15, 1888 Mail Steamer The mail steamer Conscript arrived on Tuesday morning about four o’clock and remained until the evening of the same day. She took in a quantity of oil, salmon, etc. for W. Waterman & Co. the wind was blowing so heavily and the sea was so high, that it was with difficulty that she succeeded in reaching the Harbor. She had a large number of passengers for the different ports North, also several from here.
December 22, 1888 Marriage On Nov 4th at St. Peter’s Church by Rev. R. TEMPLE, Mr. John EARLE of Durell’s Arm to Janet, youngest daughter of Mr. John ROBERTS of Wild Cove, Twillingate, North Island.
December 22, 1888 Marriage On Nov. 16 at the same place by the same, Mr. Samuel ROBERTS of Wild Cove to Sarah Betsy, daughter of the late William PRICE of Davis Cove, Back Harbor.
December 22, 1888 Marriage On October 23rd at the Methodist Parsonage by the Rev. R.W. FREEMAN, Mr. Richard KEEFE to Miss Sarah LOADER.
December 22, 1888 Marriage On November 1st. by the same, Mr. Alexander STUCKLESS of this place to Miss Martha BOYDE of Tizzard’s Harbor.
December 22, 1888 Women's Bodies Found. The bodies of two women belonging to Victoria Village, Carbonear, it is reported, have just been discovered in a very decomposed state near Western Bay. The women belonged to a company of five who went out berry picking two years ago; three reached home, two were never heard of.
December 22, 1888 Shipping News The Minnie Tobin’s crew arrived here per Conscript, the schooner being left in St. John’s for the winter. The Kangeroo was at Catalina on Thursday, waiting for a time North. Two or three other craft were also there coming this way. The English vessel Forward has been loaded with fish by Messrs. W. Waterman & Co., and will leave for a foreign port when a time offers. The Mary, belonging to E. Duder, Esq., arrived from St. John’s Friday, having been a long time coming. She was at Pinchard’s Island for a considerable time, waiting for a favorable wind.
December 22, 1888 Passengers The coastal steamer Conscript left St. John’s for Northern ports on Monday night, and arrived here Thursday evening having been detained through bad weather. On leaving she was entirely filled under the hatches with freight, and also had a heavy deck load, of good deal of it being timber for Tilt Cove Mine. The Conscript’s trip extends to Griquet again this time, provided she is not impeded by ice, and as she has considerable delay in intermediate ports discharging freight, the steamer is not likely to be back under a week or ten days. Annexed is the passenger list: - For Old Perlican – Mr. MILLER, Miss MOREY, Miss COFTNER. Trinity – Miss LAURENCE. Catalina – Misses. SNELGROVE, M. MURPHY, ?, MADDOCK; Messrs. B. SNELGROVE, N. SNELGROVE, ?. Bonavista – Dr. FORGES and Mr. J. ?. Greenspond – Capt. FRY, Miss MOORES. (Remainder unreadable.)
December 22, 1888 Remarkable Experience of a Banking Crew The banking schooner “Meteor,” Capt. Thomas FITZPATRICK, is discharging part of her summer’s voyage at Messrs. Harvey’s premises; only a part, for her output will be twenty-one hundred (2,100) quintals. She is only sixty tons, this being the schooner built some four years ago by Mr. Josiah MANUEL at Exploits, and has been a fortunate craft to her owners since she was launched. She is the same vessel whose crew, twelve hands in six dories, left her while anchored on the Grand Bank to find their trawls, from which the schooner had drifted. A thick fog suddenly setting on the water, every man lost sight of their vessel; but all reached land in safety, but all different roads. One boat’s crew got on board a banker at anchor near the Virgin Rocks; another rowed ashore and landed near Cape Race in safety; another was picked up by a French banking vessel and brought into St. Peter’s, and the other two crews were equally fortunate, in being rescued. The Captain and Cook only were on board the Meteor, and were given the assistance of a couple of hands from another (unreadable)schooner into port. – Telegram, Dec 19.
December 29, 1888   [There is nothing on my microfilm after December 22 to the end of the year 1888. GW.]

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