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Newspaper Records

Notre Dame Bay Region

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser


Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.
Title varies: Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953.
Editor and proprietor:
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953.
MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938,1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889,1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.
Description: The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953.

The records  were transcribed by BEVERLY WARFORD. While we have endeavored to be as correct as possible, there may be typographical errors.
January 6, 1923 News by Telegraph Telegraph News – Dec 27th - Capt. DOOLEY and crew of schr. A.G. Ensor, unheard of since leaving Red Isld, P.B., on Dec. 4th with cargo fish for St. John’s, picked up in mid-ocean on 17th by Franker Forsey and brought into St. Lawrence, arriving there Christmas Day, all well. Crew schr. Gordon FUDGE arrived at New York after terrible experience when salt laden vessel became water logged in mid-Atlantic. After days working at pumps, with sails and rudder gone, vessel was sinking when rescue steamer hove in sight. Further particulars of great Atlantic storms brought by steamers arriving, storm swept and disabled. Fourteen ships all showing results of terrible encounter with sea and gales, have arrived at New York, while many others are over due. Dec 28th – Steamers arriving here are badly battered by storms crossing Atlantic. Digby had deck fittings washed away, hatch broken and cargo damaged by water getting into holds. Mate of steamer Nordsfjeld, from Bell Island to Breaverhaven with cargo ore, was washed overboard and drowned, and many of his shipmates injured. French Minister of Colonies to pay visit to St. Pierre, object unknown. It is thought that owing to decline of St. Pierre fisheries, France may be considering dropping this far flung bit of Empire.
January 6, 1923 Wedding Bells A quiet but very pretty wedding took place on Monday night at 6:30 at Methodist Church, when Miss Elsie PIKE, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John PIKE, was united in holy bonds of matrimony to Capt. Sidney T. JONES, son of Mr. And Mrs. George JONES, M.H.A. by the Rev. Wm. HARRIS. The bride was charmingly attired in blue silk with hat to match. She was attended by her sister, Miss Belle PIKE. The groom was supported by the brides brother, while Mr. James TITFORD acted as father giver. After the ceremony they motored to the home of the bride’s parents, where a supper was served in the presence of a few friends, and a very happy evening was spent by all. The bride was the recipient of many valuable and useful presents, amongst them being a purse of gold from the Girl Guides of which she was a member. Mr. and Mrs. JONES left by Wednesday morning’s train for St. John’s, there to connect with the Prospero enroute to their future home, Little Bay Islands. The Standard wishes the happy couple many years of wedded bliss. – H.G. Standard.
January 6, 1923 Lost Between Mr. Philip YOUNG's and Robert LINFIELD'S a Gold Broach with name Mary. Will finder please return to M. LINFIELD.
January 6, 1923 Dentist Dr. Walter F. GEAR, Dentist, is now doing dental work in Grand Falls. He will be there permanently. All plate-work sent to Grand Falls will be quickly repaired and returned. Anyone wishing to come to Grand Falls to have dental work done, will be well advised to notify him first, so that he will not keep them waiting.
January 6, 1923 Shipping News The S.S. Clyde left here on Tuesday for St. John’s after taking a quantity of cask fish for Mr. ASHBOURNE. She landed quite a lot of freight for firms here on Monday night. The good service rendered by the Captain, Officers and Crew cannot be excelled when considering the stress of weather this season, and they carry with them high recommendation and praise from all in the District. We wish them prosperity and a more pleasant future, plenty of sunshine during 1923. The S.S. Seal, Capt. CARTER, arrived here on Thursday landing freight to the amount of 300 packages which were long overdue and which were ordered for the Xmas trade. She left again in the afternoon for South, and it was intended that she take one of Mr. ASHBOURNES schooners in tow to St. John’s or a Southern port on the road. Capt. CARTER managed to get down the Treaty Shore and was successful in landing all freight which was much needed at this….. [transcribers note – article incomplete]. Capt. FIELD is now in command of the Portia. It is said the Portia is now loading again for Northern ports.
January 6, 1923 Death (Part 1) On Saturday morning last at about 2 p.m. there passed from the stage of action a much esteemed and respected citizen of Twillingate, Mr. William ASHBOURNE, in his 56th year. Mr. ASHBOURNE has been suffering for a long time from internal complications, and endured severe pain in his last days, although at the end, the burden became lightened when blood poisoning set in, after which he fell asleep in peace, and as the old year was nearing its close. Mr. ASHBOURNE has been conducting a large supply business at South Side and the Arm for about twenty years, and up till a few years ago, did business on North Side and at Herring Neck. Two branches are running at present at Twillingate, one at the Arm and one at the upper part of the Harbor, which with the headquarters on South Side, gives employment to a large staff of employees. He has seen many hard times, brought his business through safely although experiencing critical periods, especially during the latter part of the war and afterwards.
January 6, 1923 Death (Part 2) His sterling qualities as a financier and builder of a Mercantile business has never been excelled in the Colony, even though he has at times had to be a scrutinizer, and when using stern measures, perhaps for the good of those who might have complained justly according to their view point; but to handle the reins of a complicated enterprise, we think the late manager knew what was best for the relief of the business. Being the bulwark of the undertaking, he was a shrewd, keen economizer and used his convictions as a firm, stable and wise citizen. He was a member of the Masonic and Orange Lodges and was accounted for his noble philanthropic work in this section, and many can testify to the aid lent them through his able assistance. He is a friend to the widows, was highly esteemed, and on all occasions when help was needed, was ready to help. He was not without his faults, as all are afflicted more or less with this malady, and we as a former employee, tried to forget the abruptness and give him credit for his pluck and endurance, knowing that it took a man of strong will and energy to engineer the large trade.
January 6, 1923 Death (Part 3) Those who have had long periods of dealing with the deceased, give vent to their feelings and outwardly commend him for his past efforts to assist the community as best he could, and talk sympathetically of the loss of a true friend. Mr. ASHBORUNE leaves a widow, 6 sons – Thomas, Elmo, Ernest, Harold, Ralph and John; four daughters – Violet, Gladys, Lucy, Marguerite; also a mother, Mrs. Mary ASHBOURNE, living at the Arm, with the brother, A.G. ASHBOURNE, who has assisted as right-hand man in the business, and who feels the loss very keenly. Four sisters – Mrs. John HODDER, Mrs. (Dr.) LeDrew, Mrs. Peter GRIMES living here, and Mrs. William SCEVIOUR living at Toronto. His remains were laid in the Arm, Methodist Cemetery, after service was held in the South Side Church, where the Rev. J.A. WILKINSON preached from the text, “Let not your heart be troubled.” A large gathering attended the services and had the day been fine, we believe all who could would have been present. The SUN extends its sincerest sympathy to the bereaved widow and all the family and relatives in their heavy loss.
January 6, 1923 Court News A case is occupying the Court today in relation to a family quarrel when an industrious and hard workng woman, was handled very roughly by a male member.
January 6, 1923 Personals (Part 1) Mrs. F. DAVIS and child arrived by Portia on Dec. 26th. Mrs. DAVIS was also cared for at Greenspond, at the Methodist Parsonage. Mr. George MOORS came by Clyde last Sunday week. He has been a Missionary to Africa. Miss Agnes PEARCE came home by Clyde on Saturday last from Toronto to visit her parents, Mr. & Mrs. A.J. PEARCE. Mrs. I.J. MIFFLEN also came same time from St. John’s, where she has been seeing to the wants of her son William, at the Hospital. We hear he is doing fairly well and able to sit up. Mr. Louis ROBERTS also came from Toronto, where he has been engaged at building work. Mr. Harvey FREEMAN, Mr. RIDOUT and others of Schr. Grace came also on Saturday from St. John’s. Capt. F. ROBERTS left by Portia for Seal Cove to survey the Schr. Colonial, damaged in the breeze of Dec. 12th. Mr.A.H. HODGE left here for St. John’s on business by S.S. Portia. Mr. Lewis ANSTEY arrived here from Toronto on December 17th and came here by Clyde. Miss HODGE left on the 27th for St. John’s leaving here by Clyde.
January 6, 1923 Personals (Part 2) Mr. Harry ROBERTS of Change Islands, who has been visiting friends here, left by Clyde on Tuesday for home. Detective J. SIMMONDS left by same boat on Dec 14 for South. He stayed with Con. TULK while here. Mrs. Thomas ASHBOURNE arrived here on Wednesday night last, with Mr. Andrew GREENHAM, who met him on the way from Lewisporte. Mr. ASHBOURNE was unable to leave St. John’s on Sunday as the Express was cancelled owing to stormy weather. The funeral of the late Mr. Wm. ASHBOURNE was detained until Thursday awaiting the arrival of his son, Thomas. Mrs. Walter YOUNG who left here by Prospero on the 9th of Dec., left by S.S. Sylvia for New York on the 16th, she will spend the winter with friends there.
January 6, 1923 Note of Thanks I wish to thank Mr. & Mrs. John SNELGROVE of Exploits for their kindness to me while waiting for the Clyde. Truly they were the good samaritans. Lydia J. DALLY
January 6, 1923 At Greenspond Whilst the marooned passengers of S.S. Prospero were spending the time in Greenspond, a sale of work and tea was held by the Methodist folk, under the supervision of Rev. G.L. and Mrs. MERCER. A old resident there in the person of Mr. Wm. LANG, who at one time spent a couple of years here, attended the sale and spoke to many around the building, and appeared very active in his 80th year, and was enjoying life cheerfully. A three mast ship about 1 foot in length, which was built by him, was on exhibition in the ante room, encircled with mirrors, and a fee of five cents was charged to the onlookers. Mr. LANG remembered about some of his friends here, and among them Mr. A.J. PEARCE. He referred also to many deceased Twillingaters. Many of the passengers had an enjoyable time with the Greenspond folk and all fared well with the inhabitants.
January 6, 1923 Lost A gold watch between Post Office and Hodge Bros. Finder please leave same at office and receive a reward.
January 6, 1923 Chinaman Hanged Wo Fen GAME has paid the penalty of his crime and on Dec 16th at 8:09 o’clock, the trap was sprung by the Hangmen as ordered by the Sheriff of the Supreme Court, after which the body was interned within the wall of the penitentiary. The prisoner walked with firm step to the place of execution, but when he saw the masked hangmen appear he seemed to be somewhat moved in spirit, feeling no doubt, that that ordeal was soon to be brought to bear upon him. After death came, an examination was made by the Doctors to be sure that the sentence was rightly carried out, and thus ended the final chapter of life for Wo Fen GAME.
January 6, 1923 The Accident to the Prospero The S.S. Prospero stuck on Horse Island Rock while in charge of 2nd Officer George SAUNDERS, and according to the City dailies, it is claimed he carried out his instructions given him by the Captain, but according to some of the passengers, the Mate altered her course a point or two. However the ship was kept too close to the land, and we feel sorry for the Office in the error of judgment, as he is reckoned to be a sober man and a worthy member of the Prospero’s crew, having taken a share of responsibility in the Captain’s watch on the bridge. He has been lowered a step and is now Bos’n. The Prospero arrived back to St. John’s on 26th of Dec. and will be docked for repairs.
January 6, 1923 Mail The first Overland Mail for the season left here on Thursday in charge of Messrs. GREENHAM.
January 6, 1923 Shipping News (Part 1) The S.S. Daisy, Capt. COUCH, with Pilot Thomas DOYLE, arrived from points in Fogo District on Sunday December 24th and landed some of us, who were wrecked on the Prospero. Capt. A.J. GILLETT and crew and Mr. Joseph STUCKLESS from Change Island. Schr. LaBerge, Capt. E. ROBERTS left on Christmas morning with a full load of fish from Hodge Bros. She arrived safely at St. John’s on Wednesday evening, after harboring at Catalina on Tuesday night. S.S. Portia, Capt. FIELD, put in here on way North on Monday night December 25, with full freight and many passengers taken from Prospero. Messrs. E.P. PARSONS, Joshua PARSONS, D.J. RONSELL, Father TIBAULT, Wm MURSELL, Ray OSMOND, B. NORRIS, J.J. NORRIS, K. LUSK, B. BOYLES, Mr. MACDONALD, P. BROOKS, S. SPURRELL, J. BRAGG. S.S. Seal, Capt. Alex CARTER, is now on the Treaty Shore discharging freight, working South. S.S. Clyde, Capt. Job KNEE, put in Back Hr. on Saturday last and landed passengers and mail. She left again and passed Western Head fearing a jam in the Bight as slob was packing in. She has a large freight.
January 6, 1923 Shipping News (Part 2) The Schrs. Utowana and Emblem of Hope have now been cleaned out and put in position for the winter. They may be repaired if the Insurance Club deem necessary and considerable work is needed on them. They went ashore on December 23rd in the E.N.E. gale. Capt. Andrew ROBERTS has been engaged with crew removing the Emblem of Hope from her critical position on Pearce’s Rock, and had her put in Earle’s Cove. The salvage of fish from Utowana was begun by Capt. Isaac GREENHAM and 15 men, who managed to land about 700 qtls. They afterward gave up, owing to some differences with the Insurance Club and the Wreck Commissioner, and the rest of the cargo was removed by Capt. A. ROBERTS and a crew of 22 men, part of whom were engaged on the Emblem of Hope, and through the up and downs of bad weather and ice conditions, managed to pull through. The men did nobly and all are to be commended for their work, and seeing also that they forfeited their Xmas holidays to safeguard floating property.
January 6, 1923 Marriage Last week at Grand Falls, Rev. W.T.D. DUNN, D.D., of Durham, Eng., ex-president of the Methodist Church, and for several years Pastor at Grand Falls, was united in marriage to miss Emma Eales SCOTT, youngest sister of Magistrate SCOTT. Rev. Sidney BENNETT, past officiating. A new parsonage awaited them at Bell Island.
January 6, 1923 Telegraph News December 30th – Trepassey train which left here yesterday, was hit by landslide West of Cape Broyle 7 p.m. on edge of steep embankment. Engine was put off track, tender turned over, and box car swept over embankment. Engineer and fireman escaped. Passenger cars did not leave rails. Schr. Port Union reported this morning burnt to water's edge. Jan 3rd – Wrecked crew of Gordon FUDGE arrived by Silvia this morning. Price Labrador fish slumped in Spain as a result it is claimed, of HAWES having broken agreement between him and other buyers to keep price up to standard price. Merchants have met at St. John’s to discuss question, but nothing arrived at. HAWES, who attended meeting, claims others also broke agreement. Frank BEASLEY, Newfoundlander, killed in No. 2 colliery, Cape Breton, on Dec 26th, by being hit on head by falling piece of coal. Deceased had been in New Aberdeen two years and was unmarried.
January 6, 1923 Advertisement For Sale, at Lewisporte ________ dwelling house well built and furnished with water in the house, a concrete cellar, wharf, barn, store, and four acres of land surrounding it. An attractive purchase at only $1000 for all. Apply to Edward B. HAYWARD, Lewisporte
    [We are not sure of the exact date on the following items as it does not appear on the microfilm, but we know it's between January 6, and January 20, 1923 - likely January 13, 1923.. GW.]
January ?, 1923 Note from Relieving Officer Mr. WHITE, Relieving Officer, writes that he is willing to hear complaints regarding destitute cases. We hope all who know anything, and who are serious for better conditions, will carry their information direct to the R.O. It’s useless to complain and yet keep it from the proper authorities. The suggestion given last week for a committee, was on account of complaints of people who are able to carry supply of relief over for future consumption, showing that they are not in dire need and showing also a need for certification of cases through a Clergymen or a committee appointed by someone, to ascertain who shall get relief or not, knowing that the Relieving Officer is not responsible for any fraud on the part of dishonest seekers of food, but help might be given when someone investigated the conditions of the applicants.
January ?, 1923 Advertisement For Sale, a small boat going for $5.00. Apply to Harry COLBOURNE.
January ?, 1923 Accident Mr. Fred STUCKLESS, son of Mr. Martin STUCKLESS, had a nasty fall yesterday whilst driving home in a horse cart. It appears he was thrown from the cart when the horse made a quick jump ahead on the ice. He was picked up by Mr. Wm. HOUSE, and being unconscious, he was hauled home. Dr. WOOD was called for, and Fred appeared somewhat better though a bit drowsy.
January ?, 1923 Advertisement Two clothes bags marked J.W.I. and J.V. are at Mr. James PURCHASE’s, Back Harbor, which was landed from S.S.Clyde. Owners can have same when called for.
January ?, 1923 Telegraph News Jan 4th – Dwelling house and contents owned by Joseph DAVIS, of Valleyfield, totally destroyed by fire New Year’s morning. Oporto message reports stocks of Nfld. fish for week fifty thousand qtls. Consumption one thousand qtls. Captain and Mate Danish vessel Centarus, held for murder of member of crew, have been released and have proceeded to join vessel, now ready to sail. Justice Department decided it was a case of mutiny and self defense. Schr. Scotch Cure has been picked up 3 miles off Change Islds. by S.S. Seal, and towed to Seldom. She was driving out with no crew. She was bound to St. John's with fish.
January ?, 1923 Personals Mr. Thomas JACOBS writes that he is hard at it and has plenty of work ahead for quite a while. He says he is getting good value for his labour and likes Toronto fairly well.
January ?, 1923 Work Some of our labourers at the woods claim they are doing well and getting $30.00 per month. Surely this is better than staying at home and eating Government flour and molasses, with an occasional pinch of tea. Some of course prefer the new yoke of bondage.
January ?, 1923 Schooner Burnt Schr. Port Union, partly loaded with herring, was burned at the waters edge at the wharf at Port Union a few days ago and sunk.
January ?, 1923 Personal Mr. Walter GARD writes and feels proud that he learned the printing business at the Sun Office. He is doing good at the Herald Office at Montreal and works from 7:30 to 4:30 daily, except Saturday, when work is closed at 10:30.
January ?, 1923 A Dog's Memory Dr. GRENFELL tells the following story of the memory of a Labrador sledge dog. These dogs are, he says, very little better than wolves. They can stand any amount of cold. He has seen a dog working when it was so cold that he had to rub the frozen breath off his face to see the track. They have a wonderful instinct for finding the way. Once he had to go a journey of seventy miles across country. There was no track; he only knew the general direction. The leading dog had been once before, a year ago. What with snow and fog the journey then had taken three days, bad going over the frozen lakes and through woods, Dr. GRENFELL had never been before, so he left it to the dog. He took them across in twelve hours, counting rests, without a singe fault. – Ex.
January ?, 1923 Narrow Escape for a Watch Mr. W.J. ANDREWS of Crow Head picked up the watch asked for last week and he says it had a narrow escape. While going up the street, he saw the chain partly covered in snow by Earle Son’s store, and a horse was standing over it and was very nearly smashing the lace of the watch. Mr. ANDREWS says, perhaps the horse was preserving the watch to see how much longer his master was going to keep him in the cold. Any how, advertising pays especially when its power resurrects $30.00 watches.
January ?, 1923 In the Court The case which occupied the court last Saturday was in consequence of a complaint of assault on Mrs. J.A.S. PEYTON, by her brother-in-law, Mr. Wm. PEYTON, who was fined $5.00 and costs, and giving easy bonds to keep the peace for 1 year. It appears Mrs. PEYTON attacked the defendant also, and owing to her consideration, Mr. PEYTON was lightly fined. We say that the defendant, after giving evidence, secured sympathy from the public, and applicants for bonds men, who volunteered to assist, after circumstances were considered, were expected. M.A. MANUEL and Mr. Fred WHITE signed as bondsmen, as did also the defendant.
January ?, 1923 Marriage Mr. Alfred YOUNG was married on the 4th to Miss M. WHITE of R. Point.
January ?, 1923 Marriage Mr. Harry COOPER also took unto himself a wife the last day of the old year and joined hands with Miss Kate GUY of Wild Cove.
January ?, 1923 Death Mr. Frederick JENKINS at the Arm passed peacefully away after a short illness on December 26th, 1922, at the age of 85 years. He leaves to mourn a widow, four sons Obadiah, Mark, Fredk, and Robert, one daughter, Mrs. Joseph Philips, two sisters, Mrs. Wm BURT at Tizzard’s Harbor, and Mrs. Matthew ELLIOTT, Robin’s Cove, also twelve grandchildren. The SUN extends its sincerest sympathy to the bereaved widow and all the family. Dearest father you have left us, you are taken from our home, But you’re gone to be with Jesus, Safe where death can never come. Though our hearts are filled with mourning, Mercy still is on the throne, With they smiles of love returning, we can sing Thy will be done.
January ?, 1923 Church Services Mr. George MOORS held services at the S.A. Barracks on Friday night last, and will conduct the morning service at North Side Methodist Church on Sunday, tomorrow.
January ?, 1923 Fire at Little Bay Islands Mr. J. MURCELL’s dwelling house at Little Bay Islands, was destroyed by fire on Christmas morning. Mr. MURCELL was on the Portia going home and was shocked to find, on entering the harbor on the following day, that his house had gone. Mrs. MURCELL and family barely escaped with their lives, as all were in bed when fire broke out at about 4 a.m. It is thought a new grate, put in one of the rooms, was faulty and fire got to the woodwork somehow. All got out of the burning building without a scratch, but it was a difficult problem, as the fire gained great headway before the children were aroused. Nothing was saved but the nightclothes with which they were clad. It is said that there is only $2,000 insurance on the dwelling and it must have cost, with furniture and all, somewhere around $6,000.
January ?, 1923 Successful Candidate The successful candidates in the recent examination for the B.A. degree of the University of London, included in the Honours Division, Miss Marion Stuart TEMPLE, daughter of the late Rev. T.W. TEMPLE, niece of the late Rev. Canon TEMPLE, also granddaughter of the late Dr. STIRLING of Twillingate.
January ?, 1923 Meeting at Wesleyville Memorials unanimously endorsed – Messrs. HILL and ROBERTS delegates of the United Fishermen’s Movement, left for their homes by S.S. Portia this morning. Yesterday they received the following message from Capt. Jess WINSOR: - Wesleyville, Jan 5. The United Fishermen held a meeting last night which unanimously endorsed the memorials, demanding the cutting down of expenditure, reduction of taxation twenty-five per cent, and the immediate summoning of the Legis_____ _______ transaction of business _____ people are determined _________demands acceded to and would urge all supporters throughout the country, all members of Labor Union, and citizens generally, to join in pressing them upon the Government. It will be impossible for the delegates of the United Fishermen, to get to every place, and therefore we urge every man who wants to save his country, and be able to live in it, to give their support to the movement. On behalf of the Committee, Jesse WINSOR, Chairman.
January ?, 1923 Fuel supply Considering that fuel is badly needed in Twillingate, why not ask the Department of Public Works or Public Charities, to supply funds to help the unemployed to cut wood and haul down. Flour and a little flavour is useless for people to work continually on, but feed the industrious well if they can save the fuel situation. Many have nothing to burn and this is a sincere situation considering the long winter ahead.
January ?, 1923 N.D. Memorial Hospital Association Interest 6 months to Dec 31, 1922 - $189.87 A. MANUEL, Fin. Secty.
January ?, 1923 Notice Annual Meeting of the shareholders of the Twillingate Fire Insurance Company Ltd. will be held on Feby. 6th at the office of the Company, North Side. P. MOORS, Secty.
January ?, 1923 Advertisement For Sale, piano, piano stool, dining room stove, bedsteads, etc. For price etc. apply to Harry COLBOURNE
January ?, 1923 Notice The annual meeting of the Notre Dame Mutual Insurance Club Ltd., will be held on February 1st at 2 p.m., usual place. H.C. ROBERTS, Sec.
January ?, 1923 Death Capt. ENGLISH, St. John's Harbour Master for 25 years, died after short illness, aged 76. He has been retired for past couple of years.
January ?, 1923 Notice The annual ________of R.B. Preceptory are to meet in their Hall on Thursday evening Jany. 18th, at the usual hour. All members are urgently requested to attend. Harlan RIDOUT, Act. Reg.
January ?, 1923 The Mutiny Captian Kristian RASMUSSEN and mate Erik KNUDSEN, who were arrested for the murder of Kristian Jacob LORENTZEN, a sailor on board the Ceniaurus, were released and have left St. John’s for Harbor Buffett to join their ship. It was found that there was not sufficient evidence to justify the local authorities in proceeding with the case, and that it was a case of mutiny, and self-defense on the part of the Captain and Mate. Captain REMUSSEN stated to the Danish Consul, that while on the way to Harbor Buffett, the sailor, a big strong man, came into the cabin, while him and the Mate were consulting the charts to verify the ships position, and complained that they did not know the course. He struck the Captain and twice barred them down, while he took charge at the wheel. The Captain, after being beaten by the man, took the gun and fired, the shot going into the sea. He again loaded, and when again attacked, the gun went off in the scuffle when trying to get on deck. The sailor was wounded in the arm and went forward to have a bandage put on, but after much loss of blood the man died within two hours. The vessel was then driving off a little and she was afterward brought into Hr. Buffett, but took five hours as the wind was against them.
January ?, 1923 Masonic Installation and Investure The installation of the Worshipful Master and the Investure of the other officers of Twillingate Lodge No 2364 E.R.A.F. & A.M., took place in the Masonic Temple, December 27th, the ceremony being performed by W. Bro. C. WHITE, D.G.J.D. assisted by P.M.’s A.G. ASHBOURNE, A. YOUNG and Arch ROBERTS. The installation was attended by a fair gathering of the craft. The officers installed and invested were: W.M. – Bro. Paul MOORS; S.W. – Bro. Chesley ROBERTS, J.W. – Bro. James PRIMMER, Chaplain – P.M. Bro. A.G. ASHBOURNE, Treasurer – Bro. S. TULK, Secretary – Bro. F. DAVIS, S.D. – Bro. George YOUNG, J.D. – Bro. Gordon FRECH, J.G. – Bro. Therdore JENKINS, Stewards – Bros – John POND, D. Wheeler. Tyler – Bro. P. M. Arch ROBERTS. After the Installation the usually congratulatory addresses were made, after which the brethren returned to the banquet hall where the brethren partook of a sumptuous tea which had been provided by craft. And later in the evening an entertainment which was provided by the brethren and their guests, interspersed by singing recitations, gramophone selection and game, which was most enjoyed to all present.
January ?, 1923 Shipping News The _______________________Wednesday ________ and took a few packages for North. Mr. A. H. HODGE, Capt. E. ROBERTS, Capt. Wm. OAKE and crew came by the Portia. She brought a mail and proceeded on to La Scie, Coachman's Cove, Jackson's Arm. One of Mr. ASHBOURNES schooners the Tidal Wave, was towed by S.S. Seal from Seldom to Catalina, the others are still frozen up. The Lilly A. W’s freight was transferred to the Portia for La Scie. The Schr. Scotch Cure was taken by the Seal in the Run and towed to Seldom. She was adrift and crew landed, leaving her in the ice, boarding her as the Seal came along. Mr. KNIGHT’s motorboat, Quickstep, from Morton's Harbor is now moored up for the winter. She came down last week to take freight but owing to the ice moving in, was unable to get back. Mr. Fred FRENCH was also here, and with the Messrs. KNIGHTS he left again for home overland. Chief Officer John BUTCHER and others of S.S. Clyde arrived last week and reported that the Home had a stormy passage to St. John’s carrying away jib boom, figurehead and grating from the quarter. The Home had a quantity of herring from LaScie and did good work North this season. Crew of Schr. LaBerge also arrived by Portia this week. Mr. Jas. ANSTEY and others of Schr. Grace arrived last week. Mr. ANSTEY took charge of the mail that was landed in Back Harbor and had some trouble carting it to safety.
January 20, 1923 Body Found Mr. David BURGE’s body was located on Monday Jay. 8th by Mr. Noah WHEELER of Saltons, who jigged the remains from the water off Black Island Main Tickle, after a long search. Many men were on the trail, and upon evidence gathered as to the whereabouts, when a cap was found on the ice, made it easier for the search party to do their bit. Mr. BURGE was about 65 years of age and was noted for his untiring efforts and hard toil to maintain a family. His conservative manner, however, may have caused him loss of opportunity to make living easier than it was for him. He was noted too for the great risks he took when traveling, especially on very weak ice, when action seems to have hastened his end. He leaves a widow, four sons, Thomas and Lewis, both married, Adolphus and Garland, unmarried, one daughter we understand is out of the country. To the bereft we offer our condolence in the loss of a good natural husband and father.
January 20, 1923 Help us Out Anyone bringing firewood from the Bay for sale, no doubt would make quick sales. Why not some of the folk, who live in nearby settlements, try to supply some of the needy who are short of fuel. No doubt many would like to purchase wood should prices be reasonable. Anyone in the Bay who wishes to subscribe for the SUN who find cash rather hard to get, are at liberty to bring a quantity firewood for 1,2 or 3 years subscription.
January 20, 1923 Schooner repairs The work on the Utowana has been hampered somewhat owing to neap tides coming on, but as the high tides made, the schooner has been refloated and after a hard struggle, safely beached in the cove for repairs. The ice had to be broken up to make a channel, and those who cross the harbor must beware of the section between Pearce’s Rock and the Ariceen and on into the Cove off A. Roberts’ wharf.
January 20, 1923 Coastal Boat The S.S. Portia passed here on Tuesday morning on way to St. John’s calling at Fogo, Seldom and other points. Much freight was carried back belonging to firms here and some did hardly approve of her passing this place, as clear water extended up to the wharf. It was stormy at the time and with the Easterly wind the Captain may have feared being caught again for a third winter hang-up. Being in touch with Fogo by wireless, he no doubt ascertained conditions off Cape Fogo, and took the chance out, then offering, fearing North Westerly the following day, which we had. However if he had given us a few hours here until weather cleared, he might have been just as fortunate in getting along, as the wind veered around to the South on Tuesday night.
January 20, 1923 New from Port Union Several men of Port Union were presented with a recognition of their bravery from Mr. COAKER for their great courage and persistence in their efforts to quell the fire on the ship “Port Union” which was recently destroyed at that place. One Nathan DYKE, at the risk of being drowned, crawled over boards laid on the slob and snow, and reached the burning ship with a rope, which enabled the fire fighters to haul a dory through the slob. After three hours hard work their efforts proved in vain and the ship had to be abandoned to the flames
January 20, 1923 Seal fishery Only eight ships will prosecute the seal fishery this year.
January 20, 1923 Body Exhumed A case is being investigated at Avondale and the body of a women taken from the tomb and is being sent to St. John’s for post-mortem examination. It is claimed that the women died as a result of neglect and foul play during confinement. Detectives are busy and it appears the mystery will be cleared up.
January 20, 1923 Near Fatality What was very near another fatality on Thursday also, was when a horse took fright belong to Mr. Daniel HAMLYN of Crow Head, when several men were thrown down, and some wounds were inflicted. The horse made up North side in quick time and was rounded up by Mr. Brett HODDER, after crossing the bridge. Of course, accidents will happen even amongst teamsters.
January 20, 1923 Letter from Nailbag (Editor Twillingate Sun) Dear Sir, - Will you please allow me a little space in your paper for a few remarks about this place and the way relief is being given out. Tis ask and have down here, whether they want it or not. It is said that down Pike’s Arm the people go for it for fun. Even the Mailman gets it, the one that carries the mail from Pike’s Arm to Herring Neck. Not a stroke of work being done for it. What is the Government going to do, make all hands lazy? There is lots of work to be done. The canal at Pike’s Arm wants plenty of timber, bridges are falling down, and yet not a thing is being done for this relief. Shame on the Government for giving people this relief for nothing. It is something like COAKER when he started the F.PU. when the fishermen’s wives were going to wear silk, and all the Parsons and Doctors wear white nailbag gurneys and moleskin paints. The country needs a change and I hope that we will soon have it and the people work for their relief. I expect when they have to work for it you won’t see so many going for it. A NAILBAG, Herring Neck, Jan 15th, 1923
January 20, 1923 Death That last enemy which is sealed for destruction – death – has again taken another from our midst, Mr. Martin GILLETT in his 77th year. He has been suffering for many years with kidney disease and being of strong constitution he was able to get around fairly well, 'till about two years ago, and for over a year kept to his bed. Mr. GILLETT’s occupation was found in the carpentry line and as a finisher and painter he was widely known. Many houses give testimony to his handwork in graining, plastering and chimney building. He was a brother to the late Wm. GILLETT who was killed at Tilt Cove a few years ago. He leaves one daughter, Mrs. Arthur Young, with whom he spent his last years.
January 20, 1923 Death Death visited the home of Mr. & Mrs. Willis CLARKE, on January 6th and took from them their youngest child Jonas, at the age of six months. “Two little hands crossed over the breast, Two little feet lay down to rest, Two little eyes in slumber closed, Oh how we miss him none but God knows.”
January 20, 1923 Death Another aged Twillingater in the person of Mr. John TROKE, passed away on Monday at the age of 73 years. His occupation was with the many who engaged in the fisheries here, and was a skillful worker. He leaves behind to mourn a large issue – four sons: George, John, Lewis and James. A daughter Mrs. Theo. BROWN at Summerford. His remains were laid in the Arm Cemetery on Wednesday after service was held in the South Side Methodist Church, Rev. J.A. WILKINSON officiating. To the relatives and families of all who have been called upon to mourn, the SUN extends sympathy.
January 20, 1923 Birth At 407 South Side Road, St. John's, on the 12th, a daughter to Const. Fredk and Jean CHURCHILL.
January 20, 1923 Advertisement A boy to run messages and to be generally useful for shop work. Apply to E. ROBERTS & Co.
January 20, 1923 Capital Punishment Literary war is waging against capital punishment, owing to a very crude hanging which took place in St. John, NB when executioners bungled. Newspapers in this country are taking the matter up also. The disregard for a law of “an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth” is becoming very keen.
January 20, 1923 Marine Disasters Fund After the disaster of the Southern Cross and Newfoundland came in 1914, the Marine Disasters fund reached the high mark of $300,000, and was raised at a cost of only thirty six dollars for making and handling the appeal. Last year 47 widows, 4 mothers and 198 children of seamen who have found watery graves, were helped by that fund.
January 20, 1923 The Gauntlet Thrown Down United Fishermen’s Movement Challenges F.P.U. – Missionary Campaign about to begin – Special to Evening Telegram – Greenspond, to-day. Another big United Fishermen’s meeting held last night. Glover Hall crowded. Resolutions passed unanimously without a question raised. People more determined than ever to support the movement for topping off moldering branches of the Civil Service and reduction of taxation. BRAGG, WHITE and myself, with three from Wesleyville, will start canvassing the country preaching the doctrine of Liberalism from the thralldom of excessive taxation, and the ushering of an era in which we may live as of yore. Walter CARTER
January 20, 1923 In the Court On Wednesday a case was heard by the Magistrate in reference to malicious injury of property, known as Minty’s Farm. Messrs. John FLYNN, Louis LEGGE and Eli EARLE were summoned by Mr. J.W. MINTY. Mr. EARLE was absent through sickness, the other two defendants admitted charge of wood cutting, and were fined $5 and costs or 14 days in gaol. They, however, were released as the fines were paid. The Magistrate reprimanded the defendants, informing them that if they or any other person appears before the Court in future on the same charge, the fine will be heavier.
January 20, 1923 House Damaged What was near being a bad affair on Thursday morning, was averted when folk rushed to the scene of fire at the home of Mr. Robert LAMBERTS. The fire broke out between the chimney and the end of the house and it was hard to locate the cause, but it is supposed there was a leak in the chimney somewhere. Though the dwelling was saved yet quite a lot of the household effects were damaged by water which was thrown in to save total loss. Considering there is a Fire Insurance Co. in Twillingate, we think all who can should be somewhat protected, and a five or ten dollar bill would help considerably, should one suffer by loss through fire. To lose a house with its contents would be a serious blow to folk these days.
January 20, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 1) Jan 15th - George KELLOWAY aged 27 of N.F.L.D. was killed instantly at Victoria here, near Glace Bay, by falling coal.
January 20, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 2) British Consul at St. Pierre reports schr. General JACOBS of Grand Bank ashore at Langdale. Crew safe.
January 20, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 3) Thomas FORD, Customs Clerk at Port au Basques, was overcome in snowstorm and died while on way to work yesterday.
January 20, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 4) The husband of the woman NOLAN, whose body and that of her infant, were exhumed at Avondale will be arrested for neglect. She had been living in a barn since November, according to reports.
January 20, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 5) Jan 16th – Bell Island has suspended work by orders from headquarters. The reason is that ore shipments to Germany have been stopped, owing to the action of France in entering and taking possession of the Rhur Valley coal fields in Germany. It is not known how long the suspension will be. The governments are actively engaged to see what can be done. Hon. Sir R.A. SQUIRES last night referred to the closing down of Bell Island, and said that the country must see to it that the shut down shall be only for a short period. Paris message says that German industrialist Hugo STINUES has cancelled his contracts for iron ore with Canadian companies, and that is why Bell Island has to close down.
January 20, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 6) Jan 18th – COTTON’s aeroplane flew from Botwood to Hawke’s Bay in two hours this morning and brought mail which will be carried to Bonne Bay and also north.
January 20, 1923 New Bay Needs the Change This Fall Will you please give me space in your much esteemed paper The Twillingate Sun, on what Government is doing in New Bay. First of all it’s making people lazy and destitute. Mr. so and so saw a great need for to have something for a tonic for next fall’s elections. Send down 40 barrels of flour to walking committee at New Bay for to cut sticks for a wharf. Notre Dame Bay don’t need the Government flour. The A.N.D. Co. can give us all the good living we need if we are not too lazy to work, and not to watch from the side of S.S. Seal, to see if their eighty barrels flour comes out at Government wharf at New Bay. Such men as this should perish. Now come on boys, let us have a change. Don’t let ? Eaton Guy’s fool us. Come winter and your other members, you will be welcomed gentlemen, this Fall in Notre Dame Bay. Hundreds are waiting for to mark their X for you all. Thanking you for space. Yours truly, EVE, New Bay, Jan. 24th
January 20, 1923 In the Court About ten men were up for taking pit props and were fined $5 and costs. The fines were paid rather than have to spend 14 days in the cells. Some others are to be called upon to answer for the theft of pit props and it promises to be a tie of checking the popular theory, that of “taking our own.”
January 20, 1923 Weather Last Sunday and Monday the thermometer registered the lowest point for some years, being 20 degrees below zero on Monday morning. Old timers say that it was very often the case, that at times during the winter months, a storm would last for a whole week and the temperature around 20 degrees below zero and is now termed an old fashioned winter.
January 20, 1923 Marriage Dorchester was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Saturday January 20th, when Miss Norah BOURDEN, daughter of Mrs. Malina BOURDEN formerly of Twillingate, was married to Mr. Harry H. SKINNER, son of Mr. Solomon SKINNER of Twillingate. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. R.M. PIERCE of Greenwood Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church, of which the bride was a member. The bride who was given away by her uncle, Mr. John BOURDEN, looked charming in a gown of lace over white satin, with veil and orange blossoms, and carried a shower bouquet of white roses and sweet peas. She was attended by her cousin Miss Hilda ELLIOTT, as maid of honor, who wore a dress of rose georgette and corsage bouquet of sweet peas and fern, and Miss Martha BOURDEN as bridesmaid, who wore a dress of turquoise blue georgette and corsage bouquet of sweet peas and fern. The groom was supported by his brother Mr. Vincent SKINNER. The wedding march was played by Miss Allegra BOURDEN cousin of the bride. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful presents. After the honeymoon the happy couple will reside in Watertown, Mass.
January 20, 1923 To the Editor Dear Sir, - As I read your paper every week I don’t see many letters from Twillingate. May I ask you or your readers a question? Is the world getting better? Mr. Editor some Clergymen and Merchants claim the world is getting better. I wonder if Twillingate is getting better. My opinion is it is getting worse. I suppose those men claim Twillingate is getting better. If it is, Mr. Editor, why have hundreds got to get the relief this winter? Some parties says there is no relief at Wesleyville and none at Little Bay Islands, and why is it, Mr. Editor. I claim there are just as good men in Twillingate as those two places. I suppose they are taxed just as much as we are or else the Merchants is having more than profits. Mr. Editor, I should like to hear from more of your readers, hoping I have not took up too much space in your valuable paper. A. COMIC.
January 20, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 1) Feb 7th – Destructive fire on Rawlin’s Cross, St. John’s yesterday, three story shop occupied by A.H. PIERPAINT, and two dwellings total loss. 25 thousand dollars with insurance of 14 thousand.
January 20, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 2) Feb 8th S.S. Kyle is due at Port aux Basques this afternoon after terrible battle with waves and ice since Sunday. Second mate, Robert CARTER was washed overboard and drowned and seaman Frederick BLACKMORE had leg injured while cutting ice off rail. The schr. Workman was run down by S.S. Maryland off Portugal on her way with load of fish. Crew are to be landed at Madras. Vessel owned by Hickman & Co.
January 20, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 3) Two aeroplanes came to St. John’s from Botwood in one and a half hours. The Westland machine piloted by BASEDON developed trouble and in making forced landing on the hills at foot of Quidi Vidi Lake considerable damage was done to propeller and engine. No one was injured much.
January 20, 1923 Auction I hereby give notice that I will sell by Public Auction, on Thursday the 8th day March next, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, on the premises, the under mentioned property belonging to the Estate of George HODDER, late of Twillingate, deceased. 1. All that piece of land situate and being on the South Island, held under Crown Grant No. 2649, containing 2 acres 2 rods and 8 perches more or less. Also the Dwelling House on said land. 2. All that piece of land as shown by Crown Grant No. 2849 containing 2 acres 2 rods and 17 perches, more or less. 3. All that piece of land situate on Bluff Head Cove road containing 3 rods and 38 perches, more or less. 4. 5000 shares in the Morton’s Harbor Mining Co. By request of the Administrator J. MIFLEN, Notary Public.
January 20, 1923 Notes from Summerford Messrs. CARTER and WINSOR, Travelling Delegates of the United Fishermen’s Movement, held a public meeting here a few nights ago. A chairman was chosen from audience who in a few brief words introduced the speakers, who in turn explained their aims and objects, and after reading the Resolutions called upon men present for their support. Majority of them present unanimously supported and signed resolutions. Mr. Chas. WHITE R.O. was here on a business trip one day this week. Messrs. J.H. WHEELER and Peter BOYDE has been appointed Relieving Committee for this place. (Some Class). Mr. Jabez SMALL of Morton’s Hr. spent weekend here visiting friends. Very cold weather Monday and Tuesday, thermometer registering 20 below zero. CORRESPONDENT.
January 20, 1923 Morton's Harbor (Part 1) Editor Twillingate Sun – On Wednesday night Jan. 31st the delegates representing the United Fishermen’s Movement, Messrs. CARTER and WINSOR, held a very successful and enthusiastic public meeting in the Orange Hall here. Both speakers very forcibly and fearlessly outlined their mission, fearlessly to a large interested and appreciative audience, and after the reading resolutions, which demanded a Reduction of Taxation and a half and reckless and extravagant expenditure of our revenue, by the present so called Government client, _______ in history. The speaker in no uncertain, _______ terms, denounced the way that ? Modern Moses and of the F.P.U. who ________ them and fled with contempt when their calamity came, and the respected request from the delegates of the U.F.M. for his help.
January 20, 1923 Morton's Harbor (Part 2) He ignored them and told them he could do nothing for them and hid in his bungalow at Port Union. These ______ coming from the Delegate who was at one time a strong support of the F.P.U. caused some of the supporters of COAKERISM in the audience to blush, and like Felix, to tremble, but when they told what that beloved paper known as the Advocate, cost the Country the insignificant sum of $50,000 per year, to shout COAKER’s praises and denounce the grab alls, capped the climax, and one honorable citizen called out “Give me a musket and I will go too.” To which all the audience said Amen. The resolutions were highly endorsed by all present, with exception to a few from the Cove. A Committee was then formed to canvas all the other small places, where the delegates find it impossible to visit owing to limited time, though they very much liked to do so, and with a hearty “go to it, we are all you” the meeting closed by singing the National Anthem. Yours truly, SUCCESS
January 20, 1923 Notes from Summerford The Delegates of the United Fishermen’s Movement, held in the schoolroom on Jan. 31st., a very enthusiastic meeting. Quite a crowed assembled and a very interesting time was spent, and on the following day, Messrs. GATES and WHEELER volunteered to take the speakers to Lewisporte. Are we not growing rapidly with two Government Officials drawing heavy salaries with very short office (only two hours per week)? Is this not long enough when one has to consider Government Officials, doing business for the public in their drawing room or den? Is it not provoking to have so many men standing around one’s private lawn and treading up the tender plant? Can we not have a public office built expressly for such transactions, where those in charge, can devote more time to their work, and giving better satisfaction to the public, and in some place much suitable for those who have business to transact? It has been rumored that Strong’s Island is about to be connected to the main land by a swinging bridge of wood construction, where pedestrians may travel to and fro, without the slightest danger, and where boats of various types may still continue their Shoal Tickle route without difficulty. In fact, timber has been already cut and other preparations made. Will we not want another man of authority to supervise the construction?
January 20, 1923 Death James Augustus CLIFT, K.C., C.B.E., has passed away at the age of 66 at St. John’s. We find that he was a member for this constituency for fifteen years. Nine years in the BOND administration and six, with the MORRIS and Coalition Governments. He was a prominent Mason being District Grand Master.
January 20, 1923 Personals Rev. Henry & Mrs. GILBERT was at Morton’s Harbor on Sunday last, arriving here on Wednesday. Mr. Robert FRENCH was in town from Morton’s Harbor on Saturday. Mr. J.W. SMALL and son and Mr. Hedley BRETT were here on a visit from Morton’s Harbor last week. Mr. Lloyd LUNNEN, who has been working in the country, arrived on Sunday last from Summerford. Several others came down the line from Victoria Lake, and walked all the way to Lewisporte down the track.
January 20, 1923 Death On Feby. 1st at Bluff Head Cove, Frank son of Mr. Richard BAGGS.
January 20, 1923 Advertisement TO CLEAR – Labrador Make Skin Boots $4.50 pair; Dried Seal Skin Taps 25¢ Pair; Oil Tanned Seal Skin Taps 35¢ Pair. Oil Tanned Seal Skin Bottoms 65¢ Pair. Horse Rugs $3.50 Each. HODGE BROS.
    [There is nothing on my 1923 microfilm between January 20, and March 3, 1921. GW.]
March 3, 1923 Grand Bank Congratulates Leader Burin District Will Select Candidates – The following message was received by J.R. BENNETT, Leader of the Opposition, yesterday, from Grand Bank. It is evident the good old district of Burin is getting its war paint on. Grand Bank, February 23rd. John R. BENNETT, St. John’s. Please accept our congratulations on your selection as leader of the Opposition. We are conferring with other parts of the district and will make our selection of candidates to support your party. Will submit them next week. A.F. BUFFETT, G.E. TIBBO, S. PIERCEY, Aaron FORSEY, H.G. HARRIS, W.P. EVANS, P. KEATING, W. FORSEY.
March 3, 1923 House Moved Mr. Lewis CLARKE had his house moved to a position further along in their field this winter, and is now having some alternations made in addition. Whilst this work is being done all the family are residing in the house formerly owned by Mr. C.D. MAYNE.
March 3, 1923 Personals Mr. A. COLBOURNE was at Fogo last week on business. Messrs. Frederick and Harry ROBERTS came here from Change Islands on Monday on a visit to friends.
March 3, 1923 Death On the 24th inst., Hilda, oldest daughter of Eliza and the late Edward BROWN at the age of 17 years.
March 3, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 1) Feb. 24th – The Advocate announces today that Hon. W.F. COAKER resigned from Marine & Fisheries on Jan. 31st and is withdrawing from the Executive in accordance with his plans announced before. He does not intend to take an Executive seat again as he prefers to exert his influence outside. His whole support is given to Sir Richard SQUIRES and the Government in the coming election, in the great program for extensive industrial development.
March 3, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 2) Feb 26th – S.S. Neptune, Thetis and Seal will sign on March 5th and 6th, and sail on March 7th. Men are requested not to come on unless they have promise of berths. Crew of Marguerite Ryan, rescued from lifeboats, after they had abandoned vessel while on the way to Trinity from Trapani with salt, are in Boston.
March 3, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 3) Judge OKE, of Harbor Grace, died there on Saturday.
March 3, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 4) Ice blockade of Newfoundland coast is such as has not been experienced in 50 years according to some. Even St. Pierre roadstead is blocked and whole Southwest coast.
March 3, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 5) Feb 27th – Prime Minister SQUIRES announced today that Mr. Richard HIBBS, representative for Fogo since 1919, will be Government Candidate for Trinity district at coming election. This completes Trinity team, which will be Hon. W.W. HALFYARD, R. HIBBS and Capt. J.R. RANDALL. He also announced that George GRIMES will be Government candidate for Fogo. Mr. GRIMES represented Port-de-Grave from 1913 to 1919.
March 3, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 6) Lord NORTHCLIFFE’s estate is worth three million two hundred and fifty thousand pounds, on which death duties payable amount to one and a quarter million pounds.
March 3, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 7) Wm. T. PIPPY, of H.M.C. is dead, aged 86.
March 3, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 8) Premier SQUIRES announces today that Mr. J.F. DOWNEY will contest the District of St. George’s in the interest of the Government. Mr. DOWNEY has already represented this district in the House of Assembly.
March 3, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 9) Nellie WALTERS, bound here from Oporto, has been reported in distress, and assistance and food have been given by steamer. The Evelyn on way to Bahia, has had to rig jury rudder, but is carrying on.
March 3, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 10) March 1st – Prime Minister announces today that he will again contest St. John’s West and that his colleagues will be Hon. Dr. CAMPBELL, Ministry of Agriculture and Mines, and Mr. Joseph FITZGIBBONS of the firm Fitzgibbons & Fitzgibbons. He also announces that Mr. Kenneth BROWN will be a candidate in Twillingate for the Government. Mr. BROWN is President of the Paper Workers Union at Grand Falls.
March 3, 1923 Death Death again has visited this little place and taken from our circle a flower just in bloom in the person of Minnie LOVEMAN at the age of 18 years and four months, the oldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Mark LOVEMAN, after a short illness of 14 days, when she was called away to the great beyond, where all her sorrow and pain are over. No doubt but there lies a vacant chair in that home which never can be filled. She was liked by all who knew her. The funeral service was conducted by Lay Reader, Leander ROWSELL in the Church of England Cemetery on the 11th, being on Sunday. Owing to weather being so cold, people was not able to attend her funeral. She leaves to mourn her sad loss, mother, father, two sisters, two brothers and a large circle of friends. To these we tender our heartfelt sympathy and sincerely pray that they have continually the comforting presence of the Almighty. “We shall meet but we shall miss her, There will be one vacant chair, We shall linger to caress her, when we breath our evening prayer. A SYMPATHIZER, Leading Tickles West.
March 3, 1923 In Memoriam (Part 1) James Augustus CLIFT, K.C., M.B.E. District Grand Master A.F. & A.M., R.E. Obit February 1923 – (From Western Star) Thirty-three years ago the subject of these notes was a rising young lawyer, whose office was situated in Scotland Row, St. John’s, which went down in great fire that devastated more than half the Capital city. He was then Worshipful Master of St. John’s Lodge, and in that office raised the writer on the “F.P. of F.” to be a Master Mason. Space will not permit even a glance at the fellowships in the four points in the old Mother Lodge, and at functions in other parts of Terra Nova, but the record is indelibly indented on the enduring tablet of memory. In our reminisces of the “mystic tie” we easily recall the names of Edward (Grand Master of peace renown of the Empire), and locally such names as TASKER, MUNROE, McKAY, WHITEWAY (P.C.), GORDON, PINSET, DULEY, JEANS, BOWDEN, McINTYRE, WRIGHT, PATTEN, GRAY, TEMPLE (Rev.), FREEMAN (Rev.), FRAZER (Rev.), PENNY, MANUEL, ROBERTS, ASHBOURNE, and scores of others, notably, Charles R. DUNDER, D.G.M., of Scottish jurisdiction, whose career closed so tragically a few months ago, and finally, we linger in spirit with the brethren as they pass around the open grave of our faithful and well beloved (and now exalted to the Grand Lodge “not made with hands”). Brother CLIFT, cropping our emblem on the casket which holds his mortal remains to await the great re-union “in the morning”. Here brothers we may meet no more, But there is yet a happier shore, And there released from toil and pain, Dear brothers we shall meet again. Amen! “So mote it be.” S. (P.M.) We offer our sincere sympathy to the family of the late J.A. CLIFT, K.C. on behalf of his old constituents in this District, and the public generally who regret the passing of such an esteemed and respected citizen of the colony.
March 3, 1923 Note of Appreciation To the members of the South Side Methodist Choir – It is with very great thankfulness that I receive the beautiful gift so kindly given to me by you. I am not worthy of such kindness and words fail to express my thanks to you. It has always been a very great pleasure to me to sit among you and mingle my voice with yours. This little gift is something that I shall always look upon with a feeling of joy, but also with regret, to know that we are separated. Before closing please accept my sincere thanks, and if we do not mingle voices here on earth again, may we meet as one choir around the great white throne. Yours Faithfully, E.J. POND, Twillingate Feby. 28.
March 3, 1923 Horse dies Mr. Joseph A. YOUNG had his horse die yesterday. It was an animal highly esteemed by him and regrets the loss.
March 3, 1923 Death As we go to press, we are informed that Mr. Samuel ANSTEY Sr. has passed away.
March 3, 1923 Elections Mr. Walter S. MUNROE cabled from New York congratulating Hon. J.R. BENNETT on his appointment to the leadership and pledges his support and offering to contest a Northern district.
March 3, 1923 Weather It seems we may have milder weather during March, with occasional showers, but stormy periods will come down near end, but on the end fine weather. This is from Chase's Calendar Almanac.
March 3, 1923 Mr. SMALL Explains (Part 1) (Editor Twillingate Sun) – Dear Sir: Feeling assured you will accord me the courtesy of a concise account of the proceedings of the Court held at Morton’s Hbr. last week. After some deliberations and upon receipt of written requests from prominent businessmen of your town, Sir soliciting me to give the facts of the case to the Press. I have decided to do so, although, not soliciting any sympathy remember, from your many readers, although I contemplated to give it to the Press from my cell and behind prison bars. Part 1st. Last March, John CANNING, with a family of six to support, made application to Alex SAMSON of Seal Cove, Government Contractor, to get a chance to cut pulpwood. After obtaining work and getting his camp built, he again visited A. SAMSON to get some food, but to his disappointment, SAMSON hadn’t a pocket-handkerchief full of food to feed his employees, and thus you will see by attached letter, addressed to supply J. CANNING with $20 worth of provisions.
March 3, 1923 Mr. SMALL Explains (Part 2) On receipt of this, I wired Minister JENNINGS as per telegram attached, and note his reply as attached. Also JENNINGS must have thought I was out of a job, to engage a team and pilot, and hunt up SAMSON to get this much trade in the first place. I never saw or know where he lives. As J. CANNING and family was practically in a starving condition, I took the chance, and supplied him with the $20, account as per itemized bill attached will show, although I had made advances on him previous to this to greater amounts. March 25th I wrote A. SAMSON, enclosing B.P. for provisions thus supplied, and heard nothing from him, only rumor that he was gone insolvent, and had left the country. I didn’t hear if he took any pulpwood along with him or not to pay his passage. On my annual trip to St. John’s on business in June, I took along this bill with me to get an audience with Minister JENNINGS. Presented it, and after may excuses, he recommended me to the Agriculture And Mines, and after another delay for an audience, was ushered in the Deputy Min. Dept., Mr. TURNER as the Hon. Dr. CAMPBELL was out of town, and after presenting my bill was told there was no funds to pay me, and after some heated discussion.
March 3, 1923 Mr. SMALL Explains (Part 3) Why such men as A. SAMSON, should be given a contract to cut 500 cord of pulpwood, with not $1 worth of provisions to feed the laborer, whereupon Mr. TURNER told me this was the man that our Hon. Representative had recommended to the Government. Upon my leaving I intimated to Mr. TURNER there was no other alternative but for me to take the wood, quoting COAKER’s motto Su___ Cuique “to every man his own.” So on Nov 21st. I went to visit my wood at Luke’s Arm and found to my surprise that it was nearly all disappeared. So to secure a part of what I owned I took 100 pieces and brought home, and stored it as a souvenir of my first investment in the pulp wood business. Part 2nd. On last Thursday night at 8:30 p.m., Constable TULK served me with a summons charging me the feloniously stealing of Government pulpwood from Luke’s Arm, and on Friday I appeared in the Orange Hall where Court was held and a large gathering was present to hear the case.
March 3, 1923 Mr. SMALL Explains (Part 4) After hearing the others that was on trial, charged with stealing one to two schooner loads of pulpwood, who admitted their guilt and was fined $4 and cost $1 each – total $5. I came last and admitted that I had some pulpwood, but not the Government's, as I had bought and paid for it before it was cut even, and produced my evidence as per enclosed. Court adjourned and Const. TULK came over and I showed him the wood I was holding as security for my money; 100 pcs and small wood at that. Court again resumed at 3 p.m. and after I again reiterated my defense, judgment was given against me and fine of $20 or two months in the Penitentiary at St. John’s, as the Const. told me all the cells at Twillingate was filled up.
March 3, 1923 Mr. SMALL Explains (Part 5) After a short while in custody at Mr. KNIGHT’s where the court boarded, I was allowed home, and made arrangement with my Clerk, Miss M. LOCKE, to look after the business and my wife and little 12 year old girl, to manage the cow and pony, and my mother on her 87th birthday. Of course, J. and Elizabeth would see to her, and after wishing them adieu and expecting to get a trip to St. John’s at the expense of the Government, I was disappointed to find that the Const. hadn’t ordered the Mounted Police to take me to Lewisporte, and so I didn’t get the trip as I anticipated. I have since been informed that the Gov’t hasn’t paid A. SAMSON for the wood; then how can they claim what I have, when neither of them has paid me. (To be concluded) Yours truly, Paul P. SMALL
March 3, 1923 Mr. SMALL Explains (Part 6) Seal Cove, Friday’s Bay – Mr. SMALL, Bridgeporte, Dear Sir: - Mr. John CANNINGS is cutting Pulp Wood for me at Luke’s Arm. I am contracted with the Government for 500 cords wood but I cannot say when they will pay me for it. Anyway whenever the final scale is made, the Dept. of Ag. and Mines will forward the cheque for wood scaled. This man wishes me to give him an order on you for a little supplies. So if you would supply him with twenty dollars worth at my account against this contract, you would greatly convenience him and oblige me. Yours truly, Alex SANSOME. Order – Supplies to the amt. of $20.00 only A.S.
March 3, 1923 Mr. SMALL Explains (Part 7) Mr. John CANNING, On Gov. acct per order Alex Sansome, Bought of P.P. SMALL, General Dealer, March 21, 1922. 1 brl flour - $12.50; 2 gals. Molasses - $2.30; 2 lbs. Tea - $1.10; 10 lbs pork - $2.00; 5 lbs. Butter - $1.80
March 3, 1923 Mr. SMALL Explains (Part 8) (Telegrams) – To Min. of Public Works, St. John’s – Will you guarantee payment of $20 on supplies to John CANNINGS for cutting pulp wood on order received per Alex SAMSON. P.P. SMALL. St. John’s, Paul P. SMALL. This department not handling pulpwood. Advise you confer with SANSOME get his assign you that amount from Agric. and Mines Department. W.B. JENNINGS.
    [There is nothing on my 1923 microfilm between March 3, 1921, and July 21, 1923. GW.]
July 21, 1923 Personals Mrs. and Mrs. A.B. STERRETT and son, arrived by S.S. Clyde last week from U.S.A. Mr. STERRETT will be here a couple of years in connection with operations at Sleepy Cove. Mr. Arthur MANUEL came back by Clyde from St. John’s last Friday. He was up to attend the installation ceremony of the Masonic Society, when Mr. J.R. BENNETT was made District Grand Master. Mr. MANUEL is a member of Tasker Lodge. Mr. H.W. RIDEOUT, Contractor, came also same time from the City. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moors and Miss Minnie Moors left for Humber Valley last Saturday. Miss M.B. STUCKLESS, who has been at Herring Neck on business, came back by Clyde on Saturday. Mr. G. CLINE and daughter left by Mr. O. HODDER’s motorboat on Tuesday last for Lewisporte, en route to U.S.A. Mr. Charles WHITE, R.D., arrived by motorboat on Wednesday. Mrs. Paul MOORES also came from the City. Mr. Arthur STUCKLESS came from Bermuda last week.
July 21, 1923 Death On Monday news was received by Mr. Arthur COLBOURNE, acquainting him of the death of his brother Mr. Edwin COLBOURNE, at Millerton. Mr. COLBOURNE died on Sunday last and was 68 years of age. He was Sub Collector there for a number of years, and has been ailing for a long time, especially since losing a son at the war and another died at home last year. He was the eldest son of the late Josiah COLBOURNE and brother of Mr. Arthur COLBOURNE here, and Mr. Solomon COLBOURNE now at Toronto.
July 21, 1923 Newspaper Convention During the week beginning June 18th, the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association met at Halifax, N.S., for their annual convention. There were over three hundred delegates present, among them Mr. A.L. BARRETT of the Western Star, who was the only representative from Newfoundland. All Newfoundland weekly newspaper men received an invitation to attend the Convention, but Mr. BARRETT was the only one to find it possible to go. Free transportation privileges were granted by the Canadian National Railway and other lines. The SUN with the others, begs to thank the Association for its invitation and kindly interests. The Bay Roberts Guardian received a photograph of the meeting between our Newfoundland delegate and Mr. Hugh SAVAGE, Managing Editor of the Courchan Leader. Duncan, Vancouver Island, “The hand clasp shows the bond existing from the Atlantic to the Pacific”, say the Guardian.
July 21, 1923 Shipping News Schrs. Utowana and Grace left on Tuesday for lumber freights to take to St. John’s. S.S. Earl of Devon, with Seal in tow, was here on way to St. John’s on Sunday last. Schr. Tidal Wave, not Beulah, left last week in charge of Capt. Wm. BULGIN, from Mr. ASHBOURNE for the Labrador. Schr. Ophir, Capt. HULL, Schr. Pratincole, Capt. Saul WHITE, both left on Monday for the Labrador fishery. Schr. Utowana, Capt. W. ROBERTS, arrived from St. John’s on Monday with some freight for E. Roberts and Co. Schr. Prospector, Capt. STARKS, put in here on way to Nippers Hr. on Monday and landed freight at Hodge Bros. The Schr. Ethel E., Capt. Samuel YATES, is loading with dry cod fish for St. John’s, and will leave here in a few days from the firm of Mr. ASHBOURNE. Schr. Despatch, Capt. Robert NICHOLS, sailed on Wednesday with supplies for the fishery from E. Roberts and Co., going to Quirpon. The whaling steamers at Beaverton have landed about 15 whales to date. Schr. Jacinth, Capt. RIDOUT, is taking freight from Mr. R. GILLETT at the arm for St. John’s.
July 21, 1923 Salvaged gear The men at Fogo who salved the gear, etc., from the disabled schr. Walter Perry off Fogo, returned same to Capt. WHITE consisting of booms, gaffs, spars, two head sails, two cod nets, two herring nets and some clothes found in the cabin. Some men at Change Islands also got some clothes and Capt. WHITE hopes to recover same. The men asked for a little oil to replace what they used while in the work of salvage. Other than this they asked nothing in return for their trouble as they considered the heavy loss of the owner who carried no insurance on the vessel.
July 21, 1923 Fish News It is said that fish has struck in at Fogo and vicinity and with the water clearing it is thought Twillingate will have better results with traps.
July 21, 1923 Personal Several men left here for Badger Halls Bay line last week, and others went up country on passes supplied by Mr. A.H. HODGE on Government account.
July 21, 1923 Born At Crosby, North Dakota, on June 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Overton WOOLFREY, a son.
July 21, 1923 Lost While driving, July 12th, a child's fawn silk coat. Will finder please return same to Mrs. A.G. ASHBOURNE.
July 21, 1923 N.D.M. Hospital Association (Editor Twillingate Sun) Dear Sir: Please acknowledge receipt in your paper of the undermentioned amounts towards N.D.M. Hospital. Interest to June 30, 1923 $188.19 Recd. From Fogo Committee - $1214.14, Recd. From Change Islands Committee - $1266.73. Total - $2, 669.06 (Names of donors, both from Fogo and Change Island have already been published) A. MANUEL, Secty.
July 21, 1923 Fish Prices It has been mentioned that the price of fish will be better than last year and $6.00 for shore and $5.00 for Labrador is the quotation. It is said that even higher prices are likely to be given as the season advances.
July 21, 1923 Prospero on Dock The Government Coastal Steamship Prospero, with her stem badly broken after running on the rock at Greenspond, now lies in the Dry Dock where repairs are being made by men who handle huge steel plates as the carpenter handles a soft pine board. The damage to the ship is somewhat extensive and means a month or so on dock. About forty-five feet of the keel has to be renewed and thirty feet of the stem. Twenty-eight plates have to be renewed, most of them replacements, a few can be rectified and returned to position. The rudder has to be lifted and new ? pentals fitted. The propeller has to receive two new blades and the propeller shaft has to be withdrawn. The Engine Room Auxiliary has to be opened up and overhauled, besides this there are numerous minor jobs, enough to keep a large force of men busy for some time.
July 21, 1923 Frozen Salmon from Labrador The Atlantic Fisheries Limited branched out in a new direction this year by sending a cold storage ship to Labrador to load salmon for the Old Country. This ship sailed a few days ago with a large consignment. The salmon run in local waters is now pretty well all over the season and very little is being taken at the cold storage these days.
July 21, 1923 Notice COAL - Schooner Laberge at Sydney. Broker advised load in a few days. We are still booking orders. E. ROBERTS & Co.
July 21, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 1) Further message from Trepassey says no corpse was found in casket landed there by Captain POWER of Marystown. Coffin was of hardwood and lead covered and must have washed off deck of some schr. or steamer in recent gales.
July 21, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 2) Deputy Minister Customs has received advice from Sub-Collector at Ferryland that Alfred SKINNER was lost from schr. Dorothy Z off Belloram, when 80 miles off coast. Crew was lowering mainsail when deceased was caught in the coil of the down haul, and was thrown overboard. All attempts to rescue failed.
July 21, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 3) Furness liner Digby arrived at St. John’s yesterday with largest cargo general goods since 1916.
July 21, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 4) Magistrate ROWSELL, Bonavista would like to have name and address of Captain of vessel who picked up cod trap off Elliston sometime ago. It is believed trap belongs to Bonavista fisherman. Two traps are reported lost from Bonavista bearing initials C.V.S. and V.H.A. Finders please apply to Magistrate ROWSELL.
July 21, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 5) Jabez ABBOTT, Musgrave Hr. picked up boat, eleven feet in keel, near Muddy Shag, and enquires re owner.
July 21, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 6) Sydney reports two attempts to derail trains by removing railway irons, were frustrated by Police. Scarcity of food and refusal of International Mine Workers to give strikers the ordinary strike allowances has caused embarrassing situation in Sydney. International M.W. Association of America, has revoked charter of district 26 Glace Bay and dismissed local officials. He is placing district under direct control of International Union. Instructions will be issued for all strikers to return to work at once, and those not obeying instructions will be summarily dealt with in conformity to the laws of the United Mine Workers. Montreal says an appeal for financial assistance for the miners of Nova Scotia has been sent through the Dominion.
July 21, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 7) John S. HARROW, 21 years old, of Ship Hr. P.B., was drowned through cramp while swimming in St. John, N.B.
July 21, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 8) S.S. Watchful, Capt. George BRAGG, has reported to the shipping Department by wireless as reaching Stag Bay onJune 22nd. There is no ice north of Stag Bay according to ship’s report.
    [There is nothing on my 1923 microfilm between July 21, 1923 and August 4, 1923. GW.]
August 4, 1923 Death At St. Anthony Hospital last week, Donald BLAKE, son of Mr. and Mrs. George BLAKE, at the age of 20 years. He was a sufferer of tubercular hip. The remains arrived by Sagona on Monday and the funeral took place on Wednesday.
August 4, 1923 Twillingater Writes (Editor Twillingate Sun) Dear Sir, Please allow me space to make a few remarks about the Government Relief. There is some parties who say that I had relief last winter and that Mr. ASHBOURNE got it for me, but I did not, and Mr. ASHBOURNE and Mr. WHITE is able to clear me of this. But if that party had worked last fall and the winter, as I did, perhaps they would not have to have it. I know the parties that said I had it last fall, when at the same time I was going up to St. John’s in December, shivering with the cold, while they were home sleeping and having the Government food, so I think it is better for these parties to mind their own business. But I think it is hard for them to do. Thanking you for space in your valuable paper. I am yours truly, Obadiah JENKINS, Boston, Jul 14th –23
August 4, 1923 Correction In the item referring to the Herring Oil plant in which Mr. Robert BOYDE is interested, we should have said that 3 ½ gallons of oil is extracted from a barrel of herring. In the notice of E. Roberts & Co., read $15,000 instead of $12,000, and also read instituted instead of installed as appeared in the advertisement last week.
August 4, 1923 Flight of the Pigeon Mr. Errol MUNN’s letter to Mr. A. YOUNG stated that the pigeon left St. John’s on Saturday evening July 21st. Not a bad run for a small bird which arrived here on the following Monday. The bird was sent back by Clyde Saturday last.
August 4, 1923 Advertisement For Sale, Two Milch Cows and houshold furniture. Apply Mrs. John WHITE, North Side, Twillingate
August 4, 1923 Advertisement For sale, one No. 7 Victoria Stove, 1 slow combustion, 2 oil heaters, 1 gramophone and records, 2 lamps, 2 easy chairs, 2 bedsteads, 1 cot feather bed, 1 side board, 1 churne, Apply to Allan PRESTON, North Side
August 4, 1923 Marriage The wedding of Miss Florence DWYER, eldest daughter of Sgt. And Mrs. A. DWYER of this town, to Mr. B.B. STAFFORD of St. John’s, was solemnized in Boston recently. Miss DWYER has been nursing in Boston for about seven years and visited her parents last summer. The wedding was a quiet one and the happy couple left by the Majestic, and are at present visiting France. They expect to return Boston by the same steamer, and will from there return to St. John’s where they will reside next month. Both of the contracting parties are well known and popular here, and their many friends will wish them a long term of happiness. H.G. Standard July 20
August 4, 1923 Accident at Bell Island A Child’s Tragic Death – On Saturday last Douglas MILLER, aged two and a half years, son of Albert and Mrs. MILLER, West Wabana, met with a tragic death as the result of being scalded. The little fellow, whilst playing in the kitchen, fell into a boiler of hot water which had just been removed from the stove. Mrs. MILLER quickly rescued the little fellow and called for help. Dr. GIOVANITTI attended but his medical aid was unavailing, and the sufferer passed away on Monday. Telegram 24th
August 4, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 1) 28th – The Great Gull Lake Copper Co. have optioned their claims to the amount of $1,500,000. A St. John’s concern having secured the option of five locations for half million dollars, and an American concern sixteen locations for one million dollars. Assays of ore secured from recent core drilling operation have shown an extraordinary percentage. The American concern has undertaken to begin extensive coring operations immediately, and is sending an Engineering staff here before August 21st, according to President WELLS of the Copper Co.
August 4, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 2) Rev. Dr. WHALEN P.P. of North River, died at North West River, Labrador, while on his annual Missionary visit there.
August 4, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 3) 31st – The British Empire Steel Corporation steel plant is completely closed down as a result of a series of explosions which blew up pipe lines which supply the plant with water. The damage it is feared is heavy, not so much by the explosions as damage caused inside, by the sudden shutting off of water needed in various operations, particularly in the coke ovens. Only clue to the origin of explosion is several men seen making escape in motorcar.
August 4, 1923 Personals (Part 1) Mr. W. B. TEMPLE left here on Saturday last by Clyde enroute to Montreal. Mr. Alfred COLBOURNE left same time for Toronto to spend a few months with his sons. Capt. A. ROBERTS who went to Seal Cove by Portia came back on same boat. Mrs. BLACKMORE arrived by Portia on Friday last from St. John’s to spend a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Mabel MANUEL. Mrs. Fred ROBERTS from Edmonton, Canada came by Clyde from Grand Bank where she has been visiting her parents, to spend a few days with Mrs. Andrew ROBERTS. Miss Alberta ROBERTS arrived by Clyde also last week from Canada to visit her parents Mr. & Mrs. Archibald ROBERTS. Mrs. Edward ROBERTS went by Clyde on Saturday last enroute to Curling. Mr. Harold BAIRD from Northern Arm, Mr. Elias ANSTEY and grandson from Grand Falls, came by Clyde Friday last, and leaves again today by Clyde for above mentioned places.
August 4, 1923 Personals (Part 2) Miss Amy HAYWARD left here by Clyde Saturday enroute to Toronto. Mrs. Agnes YOUNG and Miss Eva YOUNG also left same date for Toronto. Mr. & Mrs. W.G. FRENCH of Birchy Bay were in town last week and left again by Clyde Saturday. Mr. Paul MOORS, operator here, left for Deer Lake and Humbermouth on Saturday last, leaving here by Clyde. Mrs. Wilson HODDER and children came by Clyde on Friday last week to visit relations here, from St. John’s. Mr. Thomas CHURCHILL came from New York last week where he has been engaged in carpentry. Mr. HEALY is here from the city, relieving Mr. MOORS at the Telegraph office. Mr. Harry ASHBOURNE who was at the city on business, came by Portia on Friday last week. Mr. Elias YOUNG and son, Steve, left by Portia for St. Anthony, where his son enters the Hospital. Mrs. TULK and children left here by Clyde last week to spend a time at Exploits.
August 4, 1923 Personals (Part 3) Mr. G. HODDER left here this week by motorboat for Lewisporte, enroute to New York and other places in U.S.A. Magistrate MIFFLEN and Constable TULK came from Exploits and other points by Clyde on Friday last. Rev. H. GILBERT was at Morton’s Hr. on Sunday last. He came back by motorboat on Monday. Mrs. Arthur COLBOURNE went by motorboat on Thursday for Lewisporte enroute to Boston, to visit her brothers and son Winnifred. Mr. William HARNETT left by Portia on Thursday for Seldom, also his son Frank. Miss HARNETT, sister of Mr. Wm. HARNETT who came by Clyde on Saturday last, also went by Portia. Mrs. I.J. MIFFLEN left by Portia on Thursday for St. John’s. Mrs. Obadiah MANUEL and children and Mrs. Wellesley ROBERTS and children are here from Loon Bay to visit parents and friends.
August 4, 1923 Death On Sunday last death visited the home of Mr. & Mrs. Robert ANSTEY, Back Harbor and took away their daughter Dora who had been suffering with appendicitis. She was 16 years of age. An operation was performed on Saturday last by Doctors WOOD and PARSONS, and although all possible was done, she became weaker and passed away. Funeral was on Tuesday at the Church of England, Rev. H. GILBERT performed the burial rites and burial took place at the Cemetery at Sneilen's Cove. To the bereaved parents and family the SUN extends sympathy.
August 4, 1923 Shipping News The Whaling steamer Catcholot took coal from R. ASHBOURNE on Wednesday. The Cabot also called for coal, was unable to procure any, and proceeded to Morton’s Harbor. Schr. St. Helena, Capt. Isaac EARLE, left for the fishery on Monday from E. Roberts and Co. Schr. Carrie Annie, Capt. Andrew YOUNG, left for the fishery on Monday. S.S. Sagona, Capt. BURGESS, put in here on way South from Labrador on Monday morning last from Labrador. She reports fishery good all along the shore and some schooners are loaded. S.S. E.J. WALKER with Mr. M.E. MARTIN on board, was here on Monday night.
August 4, 1923 Lost On Monday, gold ring with initials, E.W.A.Y. Finder please leave same at SUN Office.
August 4, 1923 Note of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Robert ANSTEY wish to thank the many kind friends who helped them with sympathy in their great bereavement, and who gave flowers for the funeral of their beloved daughter Dora.
August 4, 1923 The New Cabinet Hon. W.R. WARREN has succeeded in forming a ministry which runs as follows: Hon W.R. WARREN, Premier and Minister of Justice; Hon. W.W. HALFYARD, Col. Secretary; Hon. W.H. CAVE, Minister of Finance and Customs; Hon Dr. A. BARNES, Minister of Education; Hon F. J. DOWNEY, Minister of Agri. and Mines; Hon. M.E. HAWCO, Minister of Posts and Telegraphs; Hon A.W. Piccott, Minister of Public Works; Hon G.F. GRIMES, Minister of Marine and Fisheries, Hon. Sir W.F. COAKER, without portfolio; Hon. S.J. FOOTE, without portfolio, Hon Geo. SHEA, without portfolio, Hon. M.G. WINTER, without portfolio. By-elections will be held at St. George’s, Harbor Main and Fogo in six months. Mr. HAWCO fills Dr. CAMPBELL’s office and Mr. DOWNEY the office of Posts and Telegraphs in place of Capt. BONIA. With the present administration depends the finishing of the business of the House, as there has been no coalition or amalgamation with the Opposition. The Supply Bill has yet to be passed beside many matters yet on the order paper. It appears Sir. R.A. SQUIRES has not vacated his seat in the Assembly and may again appear before the session closes.
August 4, 1923 Fishing News The Arm fishermen loaded their boats several times during the week with hook and line.
August 4, 1923 Notice Previous to the dissolution of partnership between Chesley and Edward ROBERTS, the firm of C & E ROBERTS were owed by parties at Twillingate and vicinity $15,000. A great number of the people have called and entered into arrangement to meet their obligations. Others we are sorry to say, are very reluctant in coming forward. To these we give notice that after August 25th., legal proceedings will be instituted for the payment of accounts not otherwise arranged for before that date. We would have preferred meeting the people and arranging terms through the ordinary course of business; this of course is up to the people not to us. Apply E. ROBERTS & Co. for Creditors.
August 4, 1923 Humber Development (Part 1) Much work already nearing completion – The following report has been received from the Engineer in charge of the works for Sir. W.G. Armstrong Witworth & Co., Ltd., in connection with the Humber River developments. – At Corner Brook, where the paper mill is to be erected, temporary buildings to accommodate the Engineering and Clerical Staffs and five hundred workmen, are practically completed and temporary machine shops and stores are well under way. The filling in for the mill site is proceeding satisfactorily. Railway tracks have been laid and the steam shovel is at work, and over 3,000 cubic yards of dirt is being removed daily. The new wharf, which when completed, will accommodate large ocean going steamers, is now 70%. completed. All the plant and equipment for driving and preparing concrete and wooden piles in connection with the mill foundations and paper storehouses, are erected, and work will begin on the first of August.
August 4, 1923 Humber Development (Part 2) The road to the new quarry, which is to be opened at Corner Brook, is built, and everything is ready for the machinery and stone crushing plant, which arrived at Humbermouth today. Main Dam, Junction Brook – All plant required for the construction of this dam has arrived and is being assembled on the site. The excavation work has already begun the first week in August. Main Canal – The heavy excavating machinery is on the site and is now being erected. Work has already commenced on the canal with regard to the formation of embankments, and satisfactory progress on this section of the work is reported. Power House and Penstocks, Deer Lake – All plant arrived by Humbermouth today and work will begin in ten days time. Preliminary work on the foundations of the powerhouse is already on hand. The area required for the penstocks and forebay has already been cleared, and preparations are in hand for commencing work.
August 4, 1923 Humber Development (Part 3) Railway Diversion and Construction of Siding – The main railway diversion is practically completed. All necessary sidings are nearing completion. Over 17 miles of track have been laid. Town Site, Corner Brook – The main roads have been staked out and clearing begins next week. Draining or filling in of swampy areas is already commenced. General – The general progress made in every department of the operations, is regarded as satisfactory by the contractors, and by the middle of August work will be in full swing. – Telegram.
August 11, 1923 Death (Editor Twillingate Sun) Dear Sir, I regret having to report the death of Donally, son of Mr. and Mrs. George BLAKE of Durrell’s Arm. Donally had been suffering for some time and about five weeks ago decided to go to St. Anthony to undergo treatment there, hoping no doubt to get relief, but in spite of the Doctors efforts, and the hopes of many friends, he passed away on July 26th at the age of 22 years. The body was brought home on the S.S. Sagona and was laid to rest in S.A. Cemetery on Wednesday. Quite a number attended the funeral thus showing their sympathy with the bereaved. We shall sleep but not forever. There will be a glorious dawn. We shall meet to part no never. On the resurrection morn. L.W.C.
August 11, 1923 Shipping News Schr. Grace arrived last week from St. John’s with cement for the Hospital. Schr. Utowana arrived last week with freight for firms here, and proceeded to Botwood. Schr. Myrtle, Capt. Wm. FROUD, brought a load birch wood to Earle and Sons this week. Schr. LaBerge left Sydney on Friday last and will be here in a few days.
August 11, 1923 Fishing News Traps have done a little the past week. SHARPS at Crow Head hauled 25 barrels on Saturday while others did fairly well. BLACKLERS at Back Harbor had a few good hauls. At Fogo they trapped from 2 to 7 barrels per trap and at Bar’d Islands from 5 to 60 barrels according to a message received by Mr. A.H. HODGE on Tuesday.
August 11, 1923 Personals Mr. John H. SMITH of Little Hr. who was operated on Thursday by Drs. LeDREW & PARSONS at Wild Cove Hospital, is doing well today. Mrs. Stephen LOVERIDGE and family left for Battle Harbor by Sagona to spend the winter months. Mr. Robert GUY and daughter Agnes came by Clyde on Saturday last to spend a week. Rev. ATKINSON came by Clyde last week and occupied the pulpits on Sunday last. Messrs. John FIFIELD and Lewis CLARKE was awarded the contract to shingle the Northern side of the Orange Hall. Mr. Andrew ROBERTS is painting the exterior of the Masonic Temple. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DAWE left here on Saturday last by Clyde enroute to Bay Roberts, to spend a few days before proceeding to Bonne Bay. Mrs. Willis CLARKE and child are here from Boston spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Levi CLARKE.
August 11, 1923 N.D. Memorial Hospital Association Mrs. Jane OSMOND, Morton's Hr. - $50.00; Mrs. E. H. RIDOUT (Badger) $1.00; Total $51.00. Arthur MANUEL, Fin. Secty.
August 11, 1923 Good Showing Work at the Hospital is progressing rapidly and partitions are about completed in the basement. The cement blocks are being put in position on the first flat, and should favorable weather be with us the coming month, the walls will be nearing completion for the second story. The dams at the lake has been tried out. When the water rose and flowed through the spillway gave evidence that ample water would be forthcoming for all purposes. The ponds on the higher level are now connected with the lake and when needed, a good flow is assured. Work is carried on in the evenings until nine o’clock when it is fine, and much work is accomplished as a result.
August 11, 1923 Coal Cargo North Sydney screened due any moment. I notice by the weekly paper Messrs. ASHBOURNE and HODGE are having cargoes of coal shortly. Had I known that Twillingate was going to be so well protected with fuel the coming winter I certainly would not have attempted to handle, on my own responsibility, a full cargo, as I am I think, in the least position to finance it. I appeal to Twillingate people to stand behind me in disposing of the “Laberge’s” entire cargo from ship’s side, as I cannot stand the burden of storing. My obligations are cash in 30 days from shipment at Sydney. Seventy tons yet to sell. Apply E. ROBERTS & Co.
August 11, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 1) Fish reported plentiful at Petty Harbor. Good hauls have been made with traps and hooks and lines are doing well. Captain J. ROBERTS had loaded his schooner at Petty Hr. and will proceed to Wesleyville to discharge.
August 11, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 2) The Armstrong Whitworth Co. request that men be informed, there is no chance of work at Humber at present. Every train brings large number for whom it is impossible to find work now.
August 11, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 3) Leonard HART of Horwood was instantly killed Saturday while working in saw mill at that place.
August 11, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 4) In interview with papers, Mr. H.J. CROWE states he has completed arrangements for the establishment in White Bay of two large saw mills, nursing plants which will handle over 12,000,000 feet of lumber the coming winter, before which time he hopes to have it in full swing. Initial operations are starting within a month. There is another pulpwood proposition he says contemplation, at Bay-de-Espoir, which will be fed by White Bay supply of timber as well as great timber resources in the vicinity.
August 11, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 5) Labrador reports are not favorable regarding fishing outlook. Capt. NORMAN of S.S. Home, at Humbermouth having returned from regular trip on Straits service, reports Labrador fishery not very good to date and very little doing on the Newfoundland side, although there was a sign when Home was coming down.
August 18, 1923 Personals (Part 1) Mrs. W. PARSONS, daughter of Mrs. Ann MUDFORD, came by Portia last week from St. John’s to spend a few days with friends at Crow Head. Miss LANG also came and leaves by Portia today. Mrs. Chesley HART and sister Bessie, came from Horwood by Clyde Saturday. Misses Melva & Myrel PINN and Mary WINSOR from Exploits, are here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Const. TULK. Mr. SAINSBURY, father of Mrs. TULK, went North to St. Anthony from Greenspond by Portia for eye treatment. Mr. Geo. ROBERTS arrived from Toronto on Friday last. Mr. And Mrs. Allan PRESTON left for St. Thomas last Saturday. Mr. PRESTON left here by Clyde, while Mrs. PRESTON and children left by Portia to spend an hour with Rev. and Mrs. R.C. WHITE before joining Clyde inwards to Lewisporte. Mrs. HARNETT and child came from Seldom by Clyde Saturday, and is spending a week with Mrs. L. ROBERTS before proceeding to Deer Lake.
August 18, 1923 Personals (Part 2) Miss Bessie GILLETT and Miss MAGGIE CLARKE came from Boston last week. Rev. and Mrs. D.K. BAILEY and child came by Portia on Saturday last from Fall River U.S.A. to spend a short stay with Mr. and Mrs. George BLANDFORD. They traveled from their home by automobile to within 100 miles of Sydney. Mr. and Mrs. George PHILLIPS and daughters Lizzie and Pearl, came on Saturday night last from Toronto. They came by motorboat to Dark Hole, and crossed to Virgin Arm, where Mr. FACEY’s boat took them from there to Twillingate. Mr. Samuel PAYNE, Jr. left by Clyde, Saturday last, enroute to Summerville, U.S.A. Master Clayton ROBERTS and sister Bernice, went to Change Is. last week to visit friends and relatives. Mr. Fred FACEY and Mr. Harold MUDFORD, who have been on a visit to the city, came by Portia last week.
August 18, 1923 Personals (Part 3) Miss Nellie WHITE came by Portia last week from ST. John’s, to spend a holiday. Mrs. BROWN also came and is visiting Mrs. WHITE, North Side. Mrs. Willis CLARKE and children left here for Millertown by Clyde on Saturday last, before leaving for Boston. Miss May WELLS left here for Millertown also by Clyde. She spent a week here visiting friends. Mr. Thomas CHURCHILL left for Boston, going from here by Clyde last week. Rev. A. LINFIELD, nephew of Mrs. Susan HODDER, came last week from U.S.A., and will occupy the Methodist pulpits on Sunday. Mr. T.G. W. ASHBOURNE arrived from the city last week by Portia. Mr. Pearce BOYDE left for Badger on Saturday last, to work with the men engaged on the Badger - Hall's Bay Road. Mr. H.H. HAWKINS who has been here visiting relatives, left on Wednesday for Exploits to connect with the Clyde for Lewisporte, enroute to Boston, Mass. Miss Kate HORWOOD daughter of Mr. and James HORWOOD, is here from Boston visiting her home at the Arm.
August 18, 1923 A Fatality at Horwood A message to the Justice Department, received yesterday from Magistrate Cook of Fogo, states that Leonard HART was killed at Horwood on Saturday last. The unfortunate man was working at a saw mill at the time but no particulars as to how he met his death were contained in the message. DN
August 18, 1923 Advertisement We are all going to the Morton’s Harbor Garden Party on Thursday August 23rd. Won’t you join us? Admission 5 cts. Tea 25 cts. Home made candy and ice cream to be sold. Lots of Fun.
August 18, 1923 Road Repairs Road repairing was begun last week and some crooked places have been made straight and the rough places plain.
August 18, 1923 Death On Sunday last at the Arm, of scarlet fever, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest CHURCHILL at the age of 3 years. Interment was on Tuesday last, Rev. H. GILBERT officiating.
August 18, 1923 Shipping News Schr. Utowana put in here on Tuesday on way to St. John’s with a full load of herring from F.N. OSMOND at Morton’s Harbor. Schr. Grace left here on Monday last for St. John’s. Schr. Ethel E., Capt. S. YATES, arrived from St. John’s with general cargo to Mr. ASHBOURNE. Schr. LaBerge, Capt. WHIFFEN, arrived on Wednesday with 191 tons coal to E. Roberts & Co. Schr. Premier, Capt. Charles PIPPY, put in here on way to St. Anthony with freight from St. John’s, to J. and F. MOORE.
August 18, 1923 Death Of Richard Frederick, darling child of Ernest and Janet CHURCHILL, who died Sunday August 12th after four days illness of scarlet fever. “Dearest Richard, you have left us, Never will your memory fade, Sweetest thoughts will always linger, Round the grave where you are laid. You have known no sin, or sorrow, For your little life was short, Lent to us a little while, But all too soon we’ve had to part. Now good bye dear little flower, We’ve done all that we could do. Now we leave you with the Saviour, In the home above the blue.” Inserted by his aunt Harriett CHURCHILL.
August 18, 1923 Improvements Needed Much has been said in reference to the trolleyway from Dark Hole, Dildo, over the short neck of land at Virgin Arm, and at present it needs immediate repairs so that it would be easier to get boats and luggage over, at times when it is impossible to come outside by water. The ties have been cut for relaying the track and the rails need fishplates to make freighting easy, and the track might easily be extended from water to water on both sides, with a capstain and tackle to help on the up grade. If there is any hope of getting any money – if there is none at hand – it would be well spent, if used on making Dark Hole Neck a short route thoroughfare, so that people could use it when needed especially at times of emergency. Only a few dollars is needed to put this short line route in splendid condition.
August 18, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 1) Aug 11th - A message has been received by Finance Minister CAVE from Sub-collector SMITH of Stag Bay, saying fourteen miners are awaiting Sagona for return. It is generally considered the Stag Bay rush has been a disappointment. Gold it is said, exists in small quantities, and only a big mining corporation could work with any hope of advantage.
August 18, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 2) Aug 13th - The Justice department received word from Magistrate HOLLETT at Burin, that Messrs. William and Maxwell INKPEN, missing from there since Monday in dory, have been given up as lost. The S.S. Argyle has abandoned search.
August 18, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 3) Sir Wm. COAKER has been advised that the Humber Deal, Capt. Chas. PECKFORD, and Orient, Capt. James ? TROKE, are returning with full loads from Straits. All schooners outfitted from Port Union have bumper trips according to Capt. PECKFORD.
August 18, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 4) Aug 14th – S.S. Sable Island struck submerged wreck last night enroute to St. John’s, and Capt. Beached her near Lamaline. Captain MURLEY reports forward hold filled with water, but stokehold, engine room, and after hold, dry. Exact location of ship is about four miles from Lamaline. Latest reports the ship is about four miles from Lamaline. Latest reports state ship is in no immediate danger and passengers are safe and no cause for anxiety.
August 18, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 5) Aug 15th - In the House of Assembly last night the Harry J. CROWE and the M.J. MOOREY agreement passed through all stages. The former provides for sawmill operations in White Bay, and the latter for erection of a 100 ton pulp mill at Orange Bay, Harbor Deep, and an expenditure of [??]300,000 dollars within twelve months. Both propositions will give extensive employment within next few months.
August 18, 1923 Click  here to view List of Vessels Cleared from Customs Twillingate, for Cod Fishery for Year 1923
August 25, 1923 Fishing News Capt. Saul WHITE reported having 450 quintals of fish at Belle Isle a few days ago and also stated that Capt. Ambrose PAYNE was nearly loaded. Capt. WHITE deserves great credit for his pluck and endurance in the second attempt to prosecute the fishery, and all the harm we wish him is that he gets a full bumper. A letter from Mr. Stephen LOVERIDGE at Battle Hr. says that very bad weather prevailed and fishery was poor. This was before Sagona came up.
August 25, 1923 Schooner Capsized Schr. Tritoma, Capt. Peter BOYDE, is reported to have capsized near Gander Bay in Wednesday’s breeze. She was here on Tuesday with 260 barrels of herring from Summerford to Earle Son’s and Co., and proceeded to Gander Bay to load lumber.
August 25, 1923 Sunday School Picnic The North Side Methodist Sunday school picnic was held on Friday (yesterday).
August 25, 1923 Fish Prices The price of new shore fish at St. John’s is now quoted at $7.00 per quintal for No.1. Quite a difference from what has been given for the past few years. Should local Merchants be in a position to handle fish, it is hoped that the highest price will be paid, seeing that the catches likely to be a same one, especially for trap men. A good cure should result, because people has not been overstocked this year, and with a good cure the market will be more surer.
August 25, 1923 Herring The shipment of herring that went to St. John’s per Schr. Utowana, was taken from Mr. Joseph KNIGHT and not F.N. OSMOND, as was mentioned in one of our previous issues.
August 25, 1923 Personals (Part 1) Rev. C.H. JOHNSON, Pastor of Cockrane St. Methodist Church, St. John’s, arrived by Clyde on Friday last week, and occupied the pulpits here on Sunday at North and South Meth. Churches here. Rev. Dr. FENWICK, Chairman of the Mission Board, also came same time and also preached at the above Churches on Sunday last. Both gentlemen left again on Tuesday by Mr. ASHBOURNE’s motorboat for Change Islands. Mr. & Mrs. Elmo ASHBOURNE, Mr. Thomas GRIMES and Miss Mabel GRIMES, left for Toronto on Saturday last. Mr. ASHBOURNE will take up study of Law and will write examination papers after which he will proceed on here. Miss Edith MANUEL, who has been attending summer school at St. John’s, arrived by Clyde on Friday last to spend a few days before going to Botwood, where she will take charge of the C. of E. school there the coming school year.
August 25, 1923 Personals (Part 2) Miss Stella MANUEL went to Morton’s Hr. by Clyde last Saturday to visit friends. Mrs. Minnie STUCKLESS and child came on a visit from Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. THOMPSON and children, and Miss G. BAIRD, came by Clyde on Friday last from St. John’s. Mrs. William WILLAR and Miss Thursa ANDREWS went to Bishop’s Falls last week. Mrs. Annie WHITE and daughter Beatrice, left in company with Mr. Edward WHITE and son left for Keewajin, Ontario, going from here on Clyde on Saturday last. Mr. Paul MOORS came back home on Friday and takes up duty at the Telegraph office to-day. Mr. & Mrs. A.B. SHERRITT and son left Clyde on Saturday enroute to Braddock , P.A. Miss M.A. BLACKLER arrived by Clyde on Friday last from St. John’s.
August 25, 1923 Personals (Part 3) Mrs. Mary ROUSELL arrived by Portia on Saturday last from Leading Tickles. Miss Mary TIZZARD arrived from Toronto last week. Miss Hannah TIZZARD, who has been in a Toronto Hospital for five months with a broken hip, is now out again and doing well. Mr. H.H. HAWKINS did not go as was reported last week. Mr. Marvin STUCKLESS left here by Portia last Saturday for St. John’s enroute to Britannia Cove to engage in Coopering for A.E. Hickman and Co. Rev. Dr. CURTIS was a passenger on the Clyde last week in and out from Lewisporte on Educational work. Miss Nellie WHITE and Mrs. BROWN went back to the city by Portia. Master John GILLETT, son of Mr. and Mrs. John GILLETT now at Boston, came a while ago on a trip, and since been quarantined having contracted scarlet fever. Mr. John SMITH went home from the Hospital at Wild Cove on Monday, in care of Dr. LeDREW who drove over to Little Hr. by motorcar.
August 25, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 1) Aug 21st - Large quantities new shore fish from places around St. John’s, now coming in. Price which started at $5.50 few day’s ago, went to $6.50 this morning, with probably rise to $7.00 this afternoon. Much competition between local buyers to load first cargoes.
August 25, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 2) Nova Scotia schooner J. Scott Henkinson, Capt. Arthur MOORE of Weymouth, with three thousand cases whiskey aboard, attacked by two men who boarded vessel as she lay off Rockport. Captain was shot, probably fatally, and Mate Harry HARM, wounded when fired on in cabin by attackers who escaped in their boat to the shore.
August 25, 1923 Telegraph News (Part 3) Labrador message today reports as follows: Cape Harrison fair fishing. Makovick no traps out, good fishing with jiggers. Holton, Smokey and Grady poor fishing. Domino, Venison and Battle Hr. poor fishing.
August 25, 1923 Advertisement For Sale, Cod Traps and Gear, 8 Trap Skiffs, Motor Boats, Motor Engines. Lighter (capacity about 50 casks), Boats – Four Brothers, 15 tons, Willie, 20 tons. Schrs. – Opal Gem, 29 tons, 5 years old; Merley, 40 tons, rebuilt 1911; Mayflower, 44 tons, built 1906; Martello, 65 tons, rebuilt 1922. For particulars Apply to Geo. E. MOTTY – For liquidators Hodge Bros.
August 25, 1923 Guest Speaker Rev. A. LINFIELD, M.A.B.D. who spoke at the Alexandra Hall on Tuesday evening, is the son of the late Josiah LINFIELD, well remembered here by some of the older folk. Rev. LINFIELD desired to study and left here when he was twelve years of age, and is now of the Department of Evangelism in the Boston University School of Theology
August 25, 1923 Shipping News Schr. Electric Flash, Capt. ANSTEY, arrived on Sunday evening from Sydney with 160 tons of coal to Mr. A.H. HODGE. Mr. ASHBOURNE's coal vessel was ready to leave Sydney on Saturday last and is bringing 230 tons.
August 25, 1923 Death On Tuesday last, at the Arm, Mr. George LEGGE at the age of 73 years.
August 25, 1923 Shortage of Work Quite a number of men have been laid off at Badger Hall's Bay Road and some arrived home here last week.
August 25, 1923 Hospital Construction The pipes for the Hospital water way were landed from Schr. Ethel E. last week, which were taken from the Silvia at St. John's, being brought in from New York. These pipes are being laid and will be in readiness before winter sets in.
August 25, 1923 Flower Service The St. Andrews folk were favoured with a fine Sunday and the flower service was well attended and some of the North Side folk helped to swell the number. Rev. BAILEY delivered a fitting sermon, after which the flowers brought along were placed on the graves of God’s Acre.
August 25, 1923 Gold Rush at Stag Bay The Labrador Gold Rushers, although not many hundreds went to Stag Bay, have been somewhat disappointed in not finding gold plentiful. They are not returning after their unprofitable venture.
August 25, 1923 Equal Rights A man seeking a separation from his wife in New York, declared that when she ate she made a noise like a horse eating oats. Perhaps it was her false teeth. Even so, are men to be the only ones to make a noise at meals? Is a woman to be entitled to secure a separation because her husband makes a noise like water gurgling out of the bath when he guzzles his soup? Equal right for both sexes!
August 25, 1923 Advertisement We have the following property stored and in use on the premises of John and Arthur GILLARD of Gillard’s Cove, namely: 1 Motor boat with Lathrop Engine; 8 Cod Nets; 3 Salmon Nets; 3 Herring Nets 500 lbs., good mooring rope. Any party wishing to purchase any or all of this outfit, please apply to E. ROBERTS & Co.
August 25, 1923 Advertisement Wanted, for Dry Good Department qualified Salesman and Saleslady. Apply by letter stating experience, age and reference. Ayre & Son, Ltd. St. John's.
August 25, 1923 Advertisement Previous to the world war and during that period, certain lines of produce represented cash to the supplier and producer. To-day this is not so; no longer, it seems, or at any rate since my entering business, have we sold any produce at a profit. In order to meet heavy trade expenses we must have a margin above our cash competitor for barter, in order to protect ourselves against fluctuating prices in the markets, which in nine cases out of ten are against us; this is evident. The above defines our position with regard to our additional 2 per cent on goods for produce, particularly fresh salmon. For the future we have decided to meet competition for cash. To be able to do this you observe we have cut our trade expenses in half this month. E. ROBERTS & Co.
    [There is nothing on my 1923 microfilm between August 25, 1923, and September 8, 1923. GW.]
September 8, 1923 Death (Editor Twillingate Sun) – Dear Sir, Will you kindly allow me space in your much read paper to record the death of the oldest man of this place, Mr. Sylvester TUFFIN, who passed peacefully away on Jul 26th. at the age of 90 years and 5 months. He bore his age well and up to two weeks before his death, he was quite hearty. When sickness came, he endured it patiently until the end, and then he passed as if falling asleep. Mr. TUFFIN was a man respected by all who knew him, he has lived a Christian life for quite a number of years, and he has been leader in class meetings and other religious services. Such men as him is scarce to be found. Who will be the next to perform such noble work as he did. The writer of this faileth to see, but hopes some other will perform such good work as the late Mr. TUFFIN did. His remains was laid to rest in the Methodist Cemetery. The funeral was conducted by the Rev. Mr. MORGAN. He leaves an aged widow, two sons, one daughter a number of grand and great grand children to mourn their loss. “He liveth long who liveth well; All else has been flung away. He liveth longest, who can Tell? Of true things truly done each day.” At the close of service in the Cemetery, his favorite hymn was sung: Ho! Who are the reapers, etc. A Sincere Friend, Herring Neck, Sept. 6th.
September 8, 1923 Death On Wednesday last death visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry COOPER, and took away their only child, Chesley Guy COOPER age 2 months. “The little flower has faded, the flower we loved so well. God took him to his Home above, For ever there to dwell! A.N. GUY.
September 8, 1923 Coastal Boat The S.S Prospero arrived, after a long tie up, yesterday from St. John’s, and quite a bunch of passengers and round trippers were on board going North. The ship is again in first class condition having undergone extensive repairs the past two months. The Portia will go on dock for permanent repairs and painting before taking up the service. It is said she may go to the Labrador for fishing crews. Chief Officer John BUTCHER was in charge of S.S. Clyde for the past two weeks while Capt. KNEE took a vacation. The Clyde was ordered to Upper Black Island on Saturday to assist in getting off a pit prop steamer, which went ashore on way out to England, having been loaded by Mr. MARTIN. A steamer passed out on Sunday last and probably this was the one, as it was expected she would get off at high tide with assistance.
September 8, 1923 Advertisement For Sale, the following property, the estate of Thos. EARLE, late of Farmer’s Arm, Twillingate, deceased. Land and dwelling and water side; Household furniture; about 50 lbs of rope; 1 Herring net; 1 Trawl; 1 small fishing boat. For particulars apply to the undersigned executor of the estate. Robert RICE, N.P.
September 8, 1923 "Kick the Bucket" Did you ever hear the expression “Kick the bucket.”? It arose in the days of the great gold rush to California and Australia in 1849. Many unfortunate seekers after gold, losing their all in an unavailing effort to find the precious “dust” committed suicide. The suicide tied a rope to a beam in his hut. Then, standing on an upturned bucket, he would adjust the other end of the rope round his neck. When all was ready, he simply kicked the bucket from under his feet.
September 8, 1923 Personals (Part 1) Mr. Donald CURTIS, who taught at the Arm Academy, has now taken up the work at Pilleys Island, having gone by prospero this week. Mrs. Robert PRIMMER left by Prospero yesterday for Exploits. Mrs. Louie ROBERTS went to Loon Bay on Saturday last, leaving here by Clyde. Mr. Fred ROBERTS of Change Islands was here on a visit last week. Mrs. Kate OSMOND of Morton’s Hr, spent a few days here with her mother Mrs. HUGHES. Nurse STEVENSON of St. John’s came by Clyde and stayed a week with Mrs. TULK, and left again on Saturday last for the City. Mrs. Fred ROBERTS and son, Lloyd, left for Edmonton, Canada, on Saturday last, going from here by same boat. Mrs. Livinia HARBIN was to Morton’s Harbor last week on a visit to friends. Mrs. Carrie YOUNG and Miss Dolly YOUNG left by Clyde on Saturday last enroute to Boston.
September 8, 1923 Personals (Part 2) Misses Edith and Mildred MANUEL left also same date for Botwood. Mr. PERRY and Miss HOUSE, teachers for Arm Academy arrived last week. Mr. LeGROW and Miss FORWARD, teachers for Superior School, and Miss HARRIS of Bonavista, teacher for Bluff Head Cove, came last week to take up their duties here. Mrs. Fred CLARKE and son Willie left by Sagona last week for St. Anthony. Miss Emily FRENCH of Morton's Hr. is again teaching at Crow Head. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth MANUEL and children came for a visit from Loon Bay last Sunday.
September 8, 1923 Death The Masonic Brethren received news on Monday, that Mr. Robert SMALL died of consumption at Cobourg, Ontario. Mr. SMALL had been engaged in boat building since leaving here three years ago. He has been troubled with asthma for a long while, and although health was not of the best, he managed to keep working up till a few weeks ago. He was a son of Mr. John SMALL of Tizzard’s Hr. and was a builder for many years. He is survived by his wife and leaves no issue. To the wife and relatives the SUN extends condolence.
September 8, 1923 Shipping News Schr. Phyllis L. Westhaver, Capt KEEPING, arrived on Saturday morning last from Sydney with 231 tons of Coal to Messrs. ASHBOURNE. Schr. Grace, lumber laden from Campbellton, left here on Monday for St. John’s. S.S. Kong Inge, Capt. THORSEN, arrived on Thursday from St. John’s and took about 200 casks of fish from Mr. ASHBOURNE and proceeded to Vension Island, Labrador to finish loading for market.
September 8, 1923 Theophilus YOUNG Killed at Toronto Theophilus, eldest son of Mr. George YOUNG formerly of Twillingate, was accidentally killed at Toronto at midnight on August 23rd, when going home in motorcar, in company with his wife and three children. The accident happened on Kennedy Road while on the way from Ringwood where they had been visiting friends. They left Toronto at 6:30 p.m. and upon returning, Mr. YOUNG mistook the road and when trying to swerve back, the car overturned and he was instantly killed, his skull having been crushed. His wife and children escaped with some injuries and are now doing well. Mr. YOUNG was 37 years of age and lived on 150 Emerson Ave., and was a well known carpenter and a member of the Brotherhood of Carpenters. A devout Christian, he attended the Dovercourt Citadel of the Salvation Army. He married Mrs. John WISEMAN of Nova Scotia, who had a son Whitfield, which was the means of comforting his mother in her grief. Mr. YOUNG’s daughter, Annie, aged 12 was left in care of friends at Toronto while the other members of the family were to Ringwood. His other children were Archie and George. The SUN tenders sympathy to the bereaved family.
September 8, 1923 English Clergyman On page 3 of this issue our readers will find an extract taken from The Christian Herald, an English weekly journal, in which an incident is recorded in reference to the late Henry Francis LYTE. Most know of some of his work as a hymn writer and what seems to have brought him into prominence more than anything else, is when he gave a familiar hymn, “Abide with me” and others composed by him made him popular in England and other countries. He was a brother of Mr. Thomas M. LYTE and Mr. John LYTE, who did Commercial business here, and at Tizzard’s Hr. with Mr. John CANTWELL, about 90 years ago. Mr. Thos. LYTE did most of the business at Twillingate, on the stand now occupied by Mr. G. BLANDFORD for Mr. CARTER. The LYTES came first to Fogo after leaving Brixham, and did a little business before coming here. They used to delight in fishing, sealing and whatever sport they could find time to indulge in. During 1835 the three business partners left on a Sunday quest of seals off Front Hr., Gull Island, and after spending the day, became partially blind, and never regained their eyesight as before, and Thos. became totally blind before he died on March 5, 1851. He was an uncle of Mr. A.J. PEARCE, having married Miss Ann PEARCE, a sister of the later Joseph James PEARCE.
September 8, 1923 Coal Supply From present outlook it seems that Twillingate may be fairly well supplied with coal the coming winter, and by the stocking of wood compared with other years, the people should fare better than last year. Those who find it more convenient to buy later on, may also be able to purchase their requirements, as quite a lot has been stored. There has been brought in this season about 800 tons of coal, and while this is a lot more than landed last year, yet it is not much more than half of what used to be landed by firms here, some years ago. Bearing in mind the stringency of the times, it is no doubt hard for some folk who need coal, to find the ready money, but some coal importers have been able to accommodate their customers somewhat, and in their being fortunate enough to have coal come in, much anxiety as to a sufficiency has been appeased. The strike at Sydney did not affect the price owing to no increase in wages being made.
September 8, 1923 New Leader of Salvation Army Colonel and Mrs. CLOUD arrived by motorboat on Saturday evening last, and received a public welcome in the S.A. Citadel at 8 p.m. They were introduced by Magistrate MIFFLEN, who paid a tribute to the visiting party as well. On Sunday, services were conducted by the new Leaders and large attendance was evident. During the past week services were also held. Colonel and Mrs. CLOUD have been appointed by the General to succeed Colonel and Mrs. MARTIN as Sub-Territorial Leaders of Newfoundland, and they are direct from the Old Country. Colonel and Mrs. MARTIN spent three and a half years in Newfoundland and now taking up work in Canada.
September 8, 1923 Investigation Head Constable John BYRNE, chief of the detective department, left St. John’s by Sagona to hold further investigation into the Miss LINDSAY tragedy at Cartwright, Labrador.
September 8, 1923 Letter from W. GARD (Part 1) (Editor Twillingate Sun) Dear Sir, Since my last writing to you I have had the pleasure of visiting Boston, that flourishing city of Uncle Sam, having left here on August 3rd and returning on the 12th. During my short stay there I saw many old friends and relatives, such as my Uncle, whom I have not seen for eighteen years, also Mr. Walter HODDER, Win COLBOURNE, the YOUNG’s boys and lot of others. While there I took a great fancy to the subways, through which I used to take many rides, the most interesting is going under the Harbour to East Boston. There are also elevated and surface cars. The Boston Street Car Service has Montreal beat as far as speed and comfort is concerned. As you know, the States are mourning thirty days for the late President HARDING, so during my stay there, sports were not going ahead as they would have been otherwise.
September 8, 1923 Letter from W. GARD (Part 2) On Tuesday, I visited the State House and spent three hours there, seen the statutes of all the late Presidents, such as COX, FRANKLIN and others; also those of America’s greatest Statesmen, who have lived their day – “Lives of great men all reminds us, They may make our lives sub line.” Then there was the “Alley of Flags” comprising all the flags that were used during all of the American wars from the early days of the nation up to the great conflict of 1914-18. The building is made of white marble. There are thousands of people parading through the State House daily. On Wednesday 8th, Mr. John LINFIELD came to our home at 10 a.m. to spend the day with me in Boston City. Enroute through the City I could not but gaze on the old home of the late Paul REVERE, that one whose footprints are still in the sands of time. We visited the Public Library, and read some Telegrams from St. John’s, Nfld. Having spent an hour there we left for the Museum, arriving at 1 p.m. and left again at 4.
September 8, 1923 Letter from W. GARD (Part 3) While there, we seen and read tablets, statutes and monuments from all over the world, and then went to Bunker Hill Monument hoping to be in time to got to the top of it, but were disappointed finding out that the guard had left five minutes before our arrival. While there we obtained several views of the city. On Thursday, I went to Revere Beach and saw thousands swimming, also witnessed several seaplanes roaring into the air. President HARDING being buried on Friday, memorial services were held all over the States. One which we attended was held in Boston Garden which comprised 20,000 people. The service was conducted by a Major of the Salvation Army. I could write more of my vacation experience, but time will not permit to do so. The weather bureau prophesies a very severe winter here, being very cold this morning at 8 am; most of the out-goers tonight wore their overcoats. I read in the papers a little while ago about Sir R.A. SQUIRES being in Montreal. Yours for Prosperity, W.W. GARD, Montreal, Aug 22, 1923.
September 8, 1923 Court News Supreme Court on circuit, presided over by Chief Justice Sir William HORWOOD, has left St. John’s for the East Coast, going to Rigoulet and calling on return, and will arrive here about the eighteenth of this month.
September 8, 1923 Statutory Notice Notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands against the estate of Thomas EARLE, late of Farmers Arm, Twillingate, deceased, who died on or about the 13th day of March, 1923, are hereby requested to send particulars duly attested, to the undersigned Executor on or before the 16th day of October, 1923, after which date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the person entitle thereto, having regard only to the claims and demands of which he shall then have had notice. Robert RICE, N.P. dated the 5th day of Sept, 1923.
September 8, 1923 Telegraph News Part 1) Aug 30th - Montreal reports that, swept along by wall of water released by breaking of upper gates of Lachine Canal, the schooner John B. Ketchum crashed through the lower gates of canal and narrowly avoided collision with liner and vessels, by dropping anchor at last moment. The lower gates were hurled into Montreal harbor, while upper gates are broken and useless.
September 8, 1923 Telegraph News Part 2) Sept 1st – The Portuguese cruiser Carvelhoe Arango, inward bound from Banks, crashed upon rocks half a mile north of Lamanche yesterday, and was refloated in a very much damaged condition. The Watchful, Capt. George BRAGG, towed cruiser off at high tide, and arrived at St. John’s with her this morning. Cruiser is 2,000 tons displacement, was engaged in fishery protection service, and has a crew of 137 men. Her forward compartments are filled with water and she will have to dock for repairs.
September 8, 1923 War Memorial The Prime Minister informed the Telegram that he has received a message from Field Marshall HAIG to the effect that he will unveil the Newfoundland War Memorial on July 1st, 1924. He will be accompanied on his visit by Lady HAIG. That Newfoundland will show the appreciation of the honor of a visit from Britain’s most distinguished soldier is certain.
September 8, 1923 N.D.M. Hospital Association Medical Fees per Dr. PARSONS - $2.70; Proceeds from concert Alex Hall - $51.35; Total $54.05 Arthur MANUEL, Fin. Secty.
September 8, 1923 Advertisement We are very pleased to inform our coal customers, and the public generally, that the load of Coal brought in by the schooner LeBerge was practically financed by the people themselves from the ship’s side. This is a fine style of business in these distressing times, as it just about takes all the Merchant’s time now-a-days to obtain adequate food supplies, etc., to accommodate the fishery. We are optimistic enough to think that the time is not far distant when the supplier and supplied will pull better together. All we need to-day is a right understanding as to the actual dealings of both parties. We are as usual Bartering Produce at current price. E. ROBERTS & Co. Personal Note – I have reached a point in my business affairs at Twillingate when it is absolutely necessary for me to make plain my past business procedure. That the public has been grossly misinformed as to my personal relation to the old firm of which I was the senior partner, also my private business which was operated under my own signature, namely, the vessel venture of which I was the largest shareholder and Managing Director, goes without saying. I shall endeavor in the near future to throw some light as to my position, having regard to both business ventures, and the compromise which I personally had effected, to save the same from liquidation. E. ROBERTS
    [There is nothing on my 1923 microfilm between September 8, 1923, and November 24, 1923. GW.]
November 24, 1923 Herring Fishery Starts at Bay of Islands Eleven dollars per barrel offered for Scotch Cure. News reached the city during the week from Bay of Islands that the herring fishery has begun at that place, and that at Middle Arm particularly the fish are plentiful and of excellent size and quality. The fishermen are hard at work and some 12 sail of American vessels are there for cargoes offering $2.00 per barrel from the net. To provide against the waste in small herring, so noticeable a feat of this fishery in former years, nets of larger mesh are being used, and this is a change which must have beneficial effect on this fishery. Some purchasers of the Scotch Cure fish arrived in the city recently, and offer $11.00 per barrel for Curling, but packers think this will advance in a short while and are not anxious to sell at the figure mentioned. – Trade Review.
November 24, 1923 N.D.M. Hospital Association Donations - H.C. ROBERTS - $5.00; Miss Elizabeth WASHBURN, Minneapolis - $500.00; Total $505.00. Arthur MANUEL, Fin. Secty. T’gate, Nov 19, 1923
November 24, 1923 Grand Falls News The A.N.D. will operate on a large scale this coming winter. The company has imported about a dozen tractors, which will be used in logging operations. It has been demonstrated that a tractor could move a load of over 100 cords where 4 cords was the maximum load for a pair of horses.
November 24, 1923 At the Humber It is learned, that in a few days, logging operations will start at the Humber and the company will have three sawmills in operation near Bay of Islands preparing lumber for the construction work.
November 24, 1923 At Hampton At Hampton Cove, White Bay, Mr. H.J. CROWE is providing employment for about 500 families, although the problem with the CROWE proposition is to find accommodation, as all the men have brought their families with them. The labor given this winter will curtail the giving out of relief to a large extent. Maybe in certain places there will be no relief needed.
November 24, 1923 Personals Mr. Edward ROBERTS, Mr. Chas. WHITE and Constable TULK, who had been in the City, returned by Clyde on Monday. Magistrate MIFFLEN went on to Campbellton on Tuesday night, by Clyde. Dr. Chas. E. PARSONS left here on Tuesday night by Clyde enroute to New York. Mrs. Thomas WHITE of the Arm left for New York on Tuesday, leaving here by Clyde.
November 24, 1923 Death On Nov. 17th at South Side, of diphtheria, Mrs. Matthew BOONE of Lewisporte. Remains were taken to Lewisporte by Clyde on Wednesday for interment.
November 24, 1923 Death At Crow Head, on Wednesday night, Mr. Richard SHARPE at the age of 71 years.
November 24, 1923 Marriage Last week at the S.A. Citadel by Comt. CANNING, Mr. Sydney BAGGS of Bluff Head Cove, to Miss DOVE of Chanceport.
November 24, 1923 Pork and Cabbage Supper The pork and cabbage supper at the St. Andrew's School Room on Tuesday night, was well patronized and being a fine night, some games were indulged in, after the tables were cleared, until proper time for retiring came.
November 24, 1923 Shipping News Schr. Ethel C., Capt. S. WHITE sailed for St. John’s on Tuesday with produce from Messrs. ASHBOURNE. Schr. Ida M. Clarke, Capt. Jas. GILLETT, arrived from St. John’s with freight for firms here. Schr. Frank H. Adams, Capt. MORGAN, put in on way to St. John’s on Monday, with produce, from Strong’s firm at Little Bay Islands. and at other places. The vessel is owned by MONROE and COMANY. Schr. Ida M. Clarke sailed for St. Anthony with freight and to load fish for J. & F. MOORE for St. John’s. Schr. Urowana arrived from St. John’s on Wednesday with freight for Mr. H.C. ROBERTS, and others here. Schr. Tidal Wave, Capt. Wm. BULGIN, left here yesterday with fish, etc. from Mr. ASHBOURNE for St. John’s. Schr. Carrie Annie, Capt. Andrew YOUNG, came from the Bay on Tuesday last with wood, etc.
November 24, 1923 Advertisement For sale, one Colt, apply to Mrs. Robert HINDS, Back Harbor
November 24, 1923 Advertisement For sale, List of Tools – For Tin and Sheet Iron Work to be brought at A BARGAIN – 1 bench slitting shears, 1 grooving machine, 1 lining machine, 1 burning machine, 1 setting down machine, 1 beading machine, 1 folding machine (tin), 1 folding machine (sheet iron), 1 set heavy rollers 3 ft., 1 set rollers, 1 elbow machinery turning, 1 beak horn stake, 1 slow horn stake, 1 mandel stake, 1 creasing stake, 1 hand vice, 1 pair tons, 1 shifting spanner, 6 smaller stakes, 1 jigger mould, 12 punches and chisels, 4 sets and 6 grovers, 6 hollow punches, 3 pairs shears, 4 compasses, 4 hammers - $450.00. A box sundries, 1 roll wire gauze, 5 doz. Lamp rings, 32 screw tops, handles for buckets, all kinds patterns and other articles required for tinsmith or sheet iron working. No reasonable offer will be refused if applied for at once. Thomas ANTLE, Botwood.
November 24, 1923 Telegraph News Two of the crew of the British Schr. Jean Dun-Donald Duff have arrived at Boston on the way to Newfoundland. The men are William PIKE of Hr. Grace and Eric HINTON.
November 24, 1923 Prisoner Released In the case of Laura PYE, who was charged with murdering her child, the jury disagreed and the prisoner was released, to appear if she should be again called upon. Mr. HIGGINS, who appeared for the defendant, addressed the jury, as also did Mr. H.A. WINTER for the Crown, and it appealed to the court that it was a pitiful case, wherein the mother was in desperate straits to provide for herself and the infant, and as her husband was away, no means could be had in such time to assure protection. Mrs. PYE was on a vacation from Halifax, and while at Carbonear, she called on a Mrs. CLARKE, who apparently showed herself very unkind to this woman and child, to the extent that she stayed for a time in the hills and in the woods, afterwards deciding to end the life of herself and child, and jumped over a wharf at Crocker’s Cove. She then waded ashore again as she regained her senses, and claimed the child was not drowned, but died of exposure in the woods. The Jury did not agree, even after summing up of the Chief Justice, that three offences might be considered, that of murder, of manslaughter, or willful neglect.
November 24, 1923 Whaling Voyage Over Cabot and Cachelot had fairly successful season. St. John’s – The whaler Cabot which with the “Cacelot” had been at work all summer off the Funks, with headquarters at Beaverton, gave up the fishery during the week. Both ships secured about 75 whales, but would have done better had they not been handicapped with bad weather for some weeks in the early part of the season. There is an excellent demand at present for whale oil at Liverpool, Glasgow and Rotterdam, and the average price obtained is £35 sterling the ton. The management of the company now realize that they would have fared better had the ships been sent to the Labrador coast, but can console themselves with the thought that in their experiment, they did not lose money, and that given reasonably favourable conditions next year, their venture will prove a success, with Labrador waters as the scene of their operations. – Trade Review.
November 24, 1923 Advertisement CHEESE, CHEESE – Choice September Cheese, P.E.I. Stock. We now offer a selected lot of choice P.E.I. September Cheese, uniform in quality, and ripe. We would advise our customers to lay in their winter stock of cheese before the winter sets in, and we can guarantee this Cheese to hold good in quality and texture until June next. For prices and further information apply to: Thomas B. CLIFT, Commercial Chambers, Water St., P.O. Box 1353, St. John’s. Cable Address “CLIFTON”.
November 24, 1923 Advertisement The Great Fight Against Indigestion. Arctic Indigestion Cure. What is said of its power by those who have used it. Cured after Suffering 17 years. Botwood, August 1st, 1917. “I was a sufferer from Indigestion for over 17 years. I could not eat any kind of heavy food. I tried different kinds of medicines, but to no avail until I heard of Artic Indigestion Cure. I took one pint bottle, and to-day I am perfectly cured. J. Roberts” Price $1.25 and $2.25 a bottle. Manufactured at Shearstown, Nfld. James MERCER, Prop. Sold by H.C. Roberts, Twillingate.
November 24, 1923 Accident Mr. William LINFIELD, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert LINFIELD of Jenkins’ Cove, had the misfortune to lose his foot – whether left or right we know not – at the Humber this week, and was ordered on to St. John’s to enter the hospital. It is thought the foot was crushed in a rock crusher.
November 24, 1923 Advertisement For sale, one Mare 14 years old, weight 900. One Hundred Dollars.One second hand buggy $35. Dr. WOOD.
November 24, 1923 Note of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. George DALLEY wishes to thank the many kind friends who helped them in any way during their bereavement, also those who brought so many beautiful wreaths to adorn the casket of their beloved son, Edward.
November 24, 1923 Advertisement Stationary Engine - For Sale, slightly used, 4 h.p. Stationary Engine at a bargain. Terms arranged if desired. Robert RICE, N.P.
    [There is nothing on my 1923 microfilm after November 24, 1923. GW.]

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