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Newspaper Records

Notre Dame Bay Region

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser


Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.
Title varies: Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953.
Editor and proprietor:
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953.
MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938,1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889,1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.
Description: The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953.

The records were transcribed by BEVERLY WARFORD. While I have endeavored to be as correct as possible, there may be typographical errors.
    [There is nothing on my 1924 microfilm prior to June 7, 1924. GW.]
June 7, 1924 Death Mrs. James BURT, 70 years old, who came to Joliet recently from Newfoundland, died May 5, at the home of her son, Andrew BURT, Plainfield Road, following a long illness. Surviving her are two daughters, Mrs. C.E. HOOPER, Boston; Mrs. Doyal BARRETT, Colman, Alberta, Canada. The above was sent us from Joliet, Ill. and the letter received from A.G. BURT, mentioned that Mrs. BURT was a resident of Morton’s Harbor, having lived there for 50 years. There is also a son, Mr. Andy BURT, now living at Joliet.
June 7, 1924 Advertisement For Sale: Schooners Martello, 65 tons, Merley, 39 1/2 tons, Opal Gem, 29 tons, boats Willie, 18 tons, Four Brothers, 14 tons, several fishing boats and skiffs motor engines, 3 and 5 hp. Apply to Hodge bros, Path End.
June 7, 1924 Advertisement Wanted: A capable girl for general house work, willing to accompany undersigned to Canada in June. Apply Rev. Reginald C. WHITE, Morton's Harbor.
    [There is nothing on my 1924 microfilm between June 7, 1924 and September 6, 1924. GW.]
September 6, 1924 Advertisement Housekeeper wanted, one used to children – other help kept – small family – steady employment for the right person. Write, stating experience and qualifications, to P.O. Box 296, Grand Falls.
September 6, 1924 Advertisement Wanted – A good housekeeper, two children to look after, girls 9 and 12 years. Apply Nathaniel BOONE, Lewisporte.
September 6, 1924 Advertisement For sale at Back Harbor, dwelling house formerly owned by John KINGSBURY. For particulars apply to Robert SIMMS, Back Harbor.
September 6, 1924 Advertisement Wanted - A woman of middle age to take charge of house, must understand plain cooking, and general housework. Reference required. Wages $120 a year, paid monthly. Apply at this Office.
September 6, 1924 Nfld. Power and Paper Co., Ltd. Employment Department – This department is ready to receive applications from experienced woodsmen (including cooks and teamsters) seeking work for the coming season. The Company will engage men for the most part on party contract, particulars of which may be had by calling on or writing this department which has offices at Corner Brook, Deer Lake and Grand Lake. Letters should state age and woods experience of applicant and should be addressed to Corner Brook.
September 6, 1924 Advertisement Many young men and women from all parts of Newfoundland will be wanting to attend the UNITED BUSINESS COLLEGE during the next School year, beginning Sept. 8th. It would be in your interest as well as ours, if you would write for full information as early as possible. Address: P.G. BUTLER, M.C.S., Principal, Victoria Hall, St. John’s.
September 6, 1924 Schooner repairs Schr. Netherton, Capt. WILLIAMS, put in here on Monday to get repairs made to sails that became stripped in the breeze. She was on way to Blanc Sablon with general cargo. Our sailmakers Messrs. COOK and CLARKE, put in extra time and fitted the vessel for sea again.
September 6, 1924 Personal Mr. Charles MOORS arrived from St. John’s on Friday last. Mr. STRANGER, representing Robinson Export Co., was in town this week on commercial business. Miss Clara MIFFLEN left for the city by Clyde last week. Mr. O. HODDER for Wilkinsburg, Misses Nellie ANSTEY and Queen ANSTEY for Brooklyn. left here by Earle Sons and Co’s motorboat on Tuesday. Magistrate MIFFLEN also left by same conveyance for St. John’s. Mr. James JAMES left again for Toronto last week. Mr. Arthur ELLIOTT left here on Wednesday for St. John’s to join Mr. John MAY and daughter and Mrs. Benjamin ELLIOTT, for Texas. Miss TEMPLEMAN from Bonavista, who taught school at Crow Head last year, was here for a few days and proceeded to Summerford on Wednesday where she takes teaching for the school year.
September 6, 1924 Marriage On Thursday afternoon a pretty wedding was solemnized in the North Side Methodist Church, when Miss Minnie SHARPE became the bride of Mr. Charles MOORS, both of this town. Rev. J.W. WINSOR performing the ceremony before a fairly large congregation at 4 p.m. Mrs. Edward ROBERTS playing the bridal chorus as the party entered the Church. The bride who was gowned in a gray costume, with hat to match, was given away by her brother, Mr. Edward SHARPE and Miss Bernice ROBERTS, who was dressed in white satin, acted as “maid of honor.” After the ceremony the bridal party left the Church to the strains Mendlessohus “wedding march”, motoring to Crow Head where a repast awaited them, at the home of the bride’s parents. Amongst the many presents received by the bride and groom was a gold piece from the Super and the Choir to the bride in appreciation of services rendered over the past years. Mr. and Mrs. MOORS will take up home life at St. John’s and goes this week where Mr. MOORS has a situation with A.E. HICKMAN and Co. The SUN wishes the newly wedded couple a bon voyage over matrimonial seas.
September 6, 1924 Telegraph News September 1st – Lightning destroyed two houses at Hr. Main on Saturday and knocked a child unconscious. House occupied by Mrs. CLINTON on Princess Street was gutted by fire Saturday night and two others damaged. City footballers returned from Grand Falls Saturday night. Of the three games two were drawn and the other won by the paper town fellows. The Railway Commission has decided to put the Portia on the St. John’s Port au Basques route as formerly. U.S. Round the World Fliers flew from Ivigtnt, Greenland to Ice Tickle, Labrador, yesterday making the 570 miles trip in less than seven hours. The U.S. Army fliers leave Indian Harbor for Hawke's Bay, Nfld. today.
September 6, 1924 Marriage On August 15th a very interesting event took place at English Harbor, Trinity Bay, when Miss Sarah G. BATSON, youngest daughter of Mr. H. G. and Mrs. BATSON, of that place, was united in bonds of Holy Matrimony to Rev. Uriah LAITE, Methodist Minister of Channel. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Harry O. COPPIN, of Catalina, Secretary of Conference. The bride who is a graduate Nurse of the Children’s Memorial Hospital, Montreal, and who for the past two years has been night supervisor of that institution, was attired in white baronet satin with bridal veil and orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of white carnations and asparagus fern; she presented a most beautiful appearance. The bride was given away by her brother-in-law, Mr. Gilbert BUGDEN, and was attended by her sister Miss M.J. BATSON, a graduate of the Montreal General Hospital, and who has since her graduation, been on the staff of that institution, and by her niece Miss Joyce BUDGDEN. They were dressed in powder blue and pink canton crepe respectively and carried large bouquets of roses. The groom was ably supported by Mr. Joseph J. BARNES of the Coronation Store, Champneys. The music, including wedding march and hymns, was well tendered by Miss Lillian MARSHALL of St. John’s. The Church was beautifully decorated by Mrs. James WELLS and a staff of young people. After the ceremony the party repaired to the home of the bride’s parents, where a bountiful repast was provided. The toast to the bride was proposed by the Secretary of Conference and was fittingly responded to by the groom. The happy couple leave by tonight’s train for Britannia, where the honeymoon will be spent. The groom’s gift to the bride was an insurance policy, to the bridesmaids and organist pieces of gold, and to the best man a pair of cuff links, make of Labradorite stone. Rev. and Mrs. LAITE take with them the best wishes of the entire community for their future happiness and success. English Hr., T.B., August 15th, 1924 – Telegram (Note – Rev. LAITE will be remembered by many here as he was a probationer on this circuit. We wish them also a happy future.)
September 6, 1924 Fishing News On Thursday, some handliners did well and loaded their boats and had the water been smooth this week, good catches would have been landed.
September 6, 1924 Appreciation Larry makes a motion and we beg to second the proposition that Twillingate make up a souvenir to Contractor RIDEOUT. as a token of appreciation for the work so well rendered in connection with the building of the Memorial Hospital. We believe that a cent from every individual around the two Islands deposited with someone, and when enough is gathered to make up a fairly good purse, the Governor be asked to make the presentation. We offer Larry’s proposal so that should a request be published later, folk will be ready to pay the mite. Mr. RIDEOUT as a native Twillingater, has played his part well and did much from an economical point of view, as well as employing our townsmen.
September 6, 1924 N.D.B. Memorial Hospital (Part 1) Mr. John MAY, Texas - $5.00; Mrs. Violet JANES, Lewisporte - $4.00; Total - $9.00, A. MANUEL, Secty. Amounted collected for to provide cots – Ragged Pt. To Manuel’s Cove (Collected by Mr. Abram WHITE). Isaac John ROBERTS, Donnelley GREENHAM, William ROBERTS - $1.00 each. Edward ROBERTS, Norman BARNES, Elijah GREENHAM, Mrs. John HULL Sr. - 50 cts. each. Mrs. HULL 20 cts. - $5.20. Purcell’s Hr. & Kettle Cove (Collected by Mr. Oliver WARR) – Oliver WARR, Mrs. Henry HOPKINS, A Friend, Mrs. Andrew ANSTEY - 25 cts. each. Mrs. Andrew ANSTEY, Irene ANSTEY, Miss Gladys GIDGE, Mrs. Herbert FLYNN, Frank HOPKINS - 20 cts. each. Mrs. Phillip ANSTEY 10 cts. - $2.10. Hart’s Cove, Jenkin’s Cove and Sandy Cove (Collected by Mr. Wm. HAWKINS) - James PRIMMER, William HAWKINS, Edgar HAWKINS - $3.00 each; Josiah HAWKINS, Edward SMITH, Eleanor Mary HAWKINGS - $2.00 each; Arthur BURTON, Stephen HAWKINS, Thomas PELLEY, Frederick PELLEY - $1.00 each. Edgar PELLEY, Freeman PELLEY, James MORGAN, Mrs. Fanny BATH, Harry STOCKLEY - 50 cts. each; Robert LINFIELD, Mrs. Elizabeth PARSONS – 40 cts. each - $22.30. Gilesport (Collected by Mr. H. ASHBOURNE) – A.G. ASHBOURNE - $20.00. Harry ASHBOURNE, A.J. GILLETT - $10.00 each, Mrs. Philip CHURCHILL, Mrs. Peter REID - $5.00 each, Thomas CHURCHILL, Wm. G. CHURCHILL - $2.50 each, Miss Annie CLARKE, Mrs. Isaac YOUNG - $2.00 each, Thomas WHITE - $1.50 Wm. POND, Philip POND, Peter CLARKE, Harlan RIDEOUT, W. GILLETT, Geo. GILLETT of Jas, Mrs. Isaac POND, Mrs. Joseph WHITE, Edgar ROBERTS, Roland Churchill, Robert COOPER - $1.00 each, Bennett BULGIN, Mrs. Jacob REID, Thomas LEGGE, Fred. CLARKE – 50 cts. each, George INGS, Wm. INGS, Thomas COOPER – 20 cts. each - $74.10.
September 6, 1924 N.D.B. Memorial Hospital (Part 2) Durrel (Collected by Mr. Jas HORWOOD) Mrs. Edward WHITE Sr., Andrew MAIDMENT - $5.00 each; Theodore JENKINS - $2.00; Mrs. Jonathan BURT, George STUCKLESS Sr, James HORWOOD - $1.00 each; James GIDGE – 55 cts; John MINTY, Miss O. MINTY, Mrs. Elizabeth MINTY, William PELLEY, Walter ROGERS, R.C. Perry – 50 cts. each. Miss Amy OXFORD, Clayton DALLEY, Frazer BLAKE – 20 cts each, Miss Mable BURTON – 10 cts - $19.25. Jackson’s Cove, NDB (Collected by Mr. G. Lorenzo NEWHOOK) – Lorenzo NEWHOOK - $3.00, C.R. NEWHOOK - $2.00; Mr. John BATSTONE - $1.50, Miss F. BUSSY (Teacher), Mrs. H.T. NEWHOOK, Mr. & Mrs. CRUDEN, Amos PYNN, Alan KNIGHT, Robert PYNN, Eliol BOWERS - $1.00 each, Mrs. Victor MANUEL, C.W. BATSTONE, Mrs. Oswald BATSTONE, Malcolm KNIGHT, Casie KNIGHT, Francis PYNN, John PYNN, Mrs. Alan PYNN, L. LUFF, Robert KNIGHT, Lewis PYNN, Arthur F. PYNN, W. A. KNIGHT, Lavina MANUEL – 50 cts. each, Mrs. R. LUFF, Mrs. W. LUFF – 25 cts. each, Stephen KNIGHT – 20 cts; Mrs. Herbert DICKS – 10 cts - $21.30. Arthur Manuel Secty.
September 6, 1924 Advertisement For Sale, One large Fig plant four feet high, one bagatelle board, one pair Dumb bells. Apply to HODGE BROS. Path End.
    [There is nothing on my 1924 microfilm between September 6, 1924 and November 24, 1924. GW.]
November 24, 1924 Fishing News The price of Labrador Fish in St. John’s last week at $8.10 and $8.20 was the highest paid. It is said that two Spaniard’s are buying at the City and the present price is due to the fact that there is keen competition as a result. The current price however seems to be $8.10, but whether the Mercantile men of St. John’s feel this a safe figure, or whether a rush to get the fish is made, we know not.
November 24, 1924 Tax Costs If anyone should doubt the sincerity and truth re the “tax costs” published in Mr. Edward ROBERTS’ letter under date of Oct. 11th, they should see him or make him back up or take back his statements through the proper channels.
November 24, 1924 Personal Miss Agnes R. PEARCE went to Morton's Harbor yesterday to spend a few days.
November 24, 1924 Shipping News Schr. Frances L. Spindler left for Lunenburg on Wednesday with a full load of fish from Est. W.A. Schr. Pratincole, Capt. Saul WHITE, arrived from the Treaty Shore on Wednesday last with produce. Mr. A.G. ASHBOURNE was on the vessel buying for the firm. Schr. Emily SEELEY touched in here on way to Flower’s Cove from A.S. RANDELL and Co., with freight on Wednesday. Schr. M. P. CASHIN, Capt. WATERMAN, left on a trading trip North on Wednesday morning last, for the Estate of Wm. Ashbourne. Schr. Grace was reported loading with flour at St. John’s, when Emily Seeley left.
November 24, 1924 Death Mr. John COOK received a cable from Syracuse, N.Y. to the effect that his sister Mrs. E.J. BARNES, died on Sunday last after an attack of paralysis. Mrs. BARNES left St. John’s last year for Syracuse and intended to come to Newfoundland this winter, and stay with her brother here. Her husband predeceased her a number of years, and she now leaves 3 daughters and one son married in Montreal.
November 24, 1924 Death Miss Helen THOMPSON, eldest daughter of the late S.C. and Mrs. THOMPSON, died of tuberculosis at St. John's on Monday at 18 years of age.
November 24, 1924 Birth At Dorchester Mass. U.S.A. on the 23rd October, a son to Mr. & Mrs. Charles QUALE (nee Bessie GILLETT).
November 24, 1924 Advertisement Wanted, a horse not over 8 hundred pounds. For particulars apply to this Office.
November 24, 1924 Telegraph News Nov 7th – The Longshoremen declared a general strike yesterday and work completely ceased along the water front. Last night the truckmen decided to throw in their lot with the strikers, with the result that delivery of goods will practically cease to-day. The Longshoremen’s Union strike continues. The Rosalind sailed last night for Heart’s Content where her cargo will be landed and brought to the city by train. Other steamers may also unload outside. Another big seizure has been made by the customs authorities, the Captain of the schr. Minnie D., being fined $800.00 and goods to the value of $4161 confiscated. The Evening Advocate suspended publication on Saturday.
November 24, 1924 Personals Mr. Alfred COLBOURNE arrived from St. John’s by Prospero on Tuesday. Mr. Robert RICE, J.P., also came from the city by same boat. Mr. ADAMS, representing the Bowring Bros., was in town this week soliciting orders. Mr. C.B. PERLIN of the Evening Telegram was in town last week. Mr. C.E. MANUEL of Exploits was here for a run last week coming by motorboat. Mr. Richard CARROLL and son Bennett were here last week and left on Monday again for Fortune Hr. Mr. Michael BYRNE also went with them, in their motorboat. Mrs. L. TEMPLETON came by Clyde this week from Herring Neck on a visit. Mr. & Mrs. Perry of Springdale went to their home by Prospero. Mr. M.W. COOK and family have removed from St. John’s to Port Union where Mr. COOK has been given charge of the printing at the Fisherman’s Advocate Office. He was up till late, foreman at the Trade Review Office. Mr. Alexander HODDER for California, U.S.A. and Mr. ADAMS for St. John’s, left for Lewisporte by Earle Sons & Co’s motorboat yesterday. Mrs. Wm. CHURCHILL and Mrs. Elizabeth YOUNG arrived by the Prospero on Tuesday last. Mrs. CHURCHILL is somewhat better, but is under the attendance of Dr. PARSONS for a while. Martin YOUNG, formerly of Twillingate, a son of William George YOUNG, called at the office of the Weekly last Saturday. Mr. YOUNG, who is a Carpenter by trade, left Twillingate about 20 years ago, and has had fairly steady employment ever since he came to the States. He visited Newfoundland in 1914 and was there when the war broke out. He is now residing in Everett, a town which is thickly populated with Newfoundlanders. - Nfld. Weekly. Mrs. H.E. TEMPLE, widow of late Canon TEMPLE, intends spending the winter months with her son, Mr. W.T. TEMPLE, at Montreal.
November 24, 1924 Coastal boat Owing to the strike at St. John’s the Prospero did not have much over a half freight and began discharging here. She had most of her freight for points North of Cape John. The steamer has her dynamo again in operation, and owing to the strike, had to proceed to Lewisporte for banker coal.
November 24, 1924 Hospital Ship A voluntary crew of four will sail a 100 feet hospital ship across the Atlantic from Yarmouth, England to Labrador next summer. The ship, Strathcona the Second, was designed to replace the Strathcona, which was wrecked off the Labrador coast a year and a half ago.
November 24, 1924 Fishing News There is a good sign of fish and from trawls some men took fair quantities past two or three days. Bait is plentiful.
November 25, 1924 Death (Editor Twillingate Sun) Dear Sir, - Please allow me space in your esteemed paper to record the death of one of our dear comrades in the person of Blanche FORSEY, youngest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Samuel FORSEY, of this place, who left this world for a better on August 27th after suffering about 10 months from that dreadful disease consumption. She was just in the bloom of life, 18 years and seven months, but she was like each of us, she had a certain length of time given her below and we trust she is gone where there are no more suffering, no more pain, and where we shall never say good bye. She bore her sickness patiently and was never heard to murmur, and was ready and waiting when the Lord should call her. No doubt she will be missed as she was a girl liked by all who knew her. She leaves a heart broken father and mother and one sister, and a large number of relatives and friends to mourn their sad loss. She was laid to rest on August 28th in the C.of E. cemetery, the service being conducted by Mr. Leander ROWSELL, of Leading Tickles. The writer joins in sympathizing with the heart broken family. “Behold the gentle shepherd stands, With all engaging charms; Hark how he calls his tender lambs, And folds them in his arms. This precious soul to God we’ve led, This has been all our joy; But now the time has come to part, And we must say good bye.” I remain, yours truly, M.S.R. Winter House Cove, Leading Tickles, Oct 25, 1924.
November 25, 1924 Advertisement For sale: Waterside premises consisting of shop and store. Good business stand situated North Side Twillingate. For particulars apply to: George YOUNG 20 ½ Prescott Street. Somerville, Mass. U.S.A.
November 25, 1924 Notice Any person or persons found cutting fire wood, pickets, etc., or in any other way trespassing on my land at Virgin Arm Point, will be prosecuted. It is impossible for anyone to mistake my property, 17 acres, which was granted under dates July 31, 1885, and June 20th, 1893, comprising the whole of Virgin Arm Point from water to water on both sides; being bounded on the West by a fence near the property of Kenneth BURT and John HICKS. The public will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Joseph A. YOUNG & Son, June 21st.
November 25, 1924 Advertisement The Memorial Hospital will be prepared to buy eggs, berries, fresh meat, at frequent intervals. Any who can provide these will please call at the Hospital any morning. Chas. E. PARSONS, MD.
November 29, 1924 Telegraph News (Part 1) Nov 21st – A special dispatch to the Daily News this morning from Quebec states that Premier ROSCHEREAU yesterday announced, that a conference will be arranged in December to discuss the possibility of an agreement between Newfoundland, Canada and the Province of Quebec regarding the delimitation of Labrador.
November 29, 1924 Telegraph News (Part 2) Nov 22nd – Leonard REID, driver of motorcar in accident which resulted in death of six persons in September, was last evening found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to one year in the penitentiary. In the case of the Crown versus John T. MEANEY charged with larceny, the jury disagreed and accused is out on bail.
November 29, 1924 Telegraph News (Part 3) Nov 24th – A fatal accident occurred on the railway at 4 o’clock this morning in which Engineer Fred TIPPLE lost his life. Two hours previously a work train left St. John’s to operate the steam shovel near that station. When nearing MANUEL’s bridge and taking a curve, the engine and train jumped the track and went over the embankment. The Engineer jumped from the cab of the engine to try and save his life, but in so doing, a box car near the train came upon him, and crushed out his life. The body was brought to town at 11 o’clock.
November 29, 1924 Personals Messrs. Ralph BULGIN and John ROBERTS (Long Point) left a few days ago to join the Cape Race, owned by Capt. Mark BURKE, for foreign market. Capt. George YATES, S.A., is here on a visit from Horwood. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph GIDGE who were on business in Trinity arrived last week. Miss Gertrude GIDGE who was confined to her home is again attending to her duties at school. Mr. Joseph FIFIELD handed on the subscription book showing the amount of $125.27 collected by Mr. Frank PRIMMER during this year. Owing to difficulty in determining all the amounts correctly we are therefore leaving out the itemized list. Mr. PRIMMER is endeavouring to get an artificial arm. Mr. SNOW was in town this week on mercantile business.
November 29, 1924 Health News Mrs. John LAMBERT, who was operated on a few days ago for kidney trouble at the Hospital, is doing well. Miss Gladys HOUSE was successfully operated on on Sunday last and had the skull bored on one side near the brain, and extending down on the maglin bone so that poison matter could be cleaned off. Despite the risk owing to a weak heart, she is pulling through. Other critical operations were performed this week and the patients are doing well.
November 29, 1924 Advertisement Picked up, a sum of money, the property of some person purchasing at this store. Owner can have same by proving loss and paying cost of notice. H.C. ROBERTS
November 29, 1924 Advertisement Wanted, an experienced girl, knowledge of plain cooking, references required. Good wages. Apply to Mrs. (Dr.) Geo. BAGGS, Millertown
November 29, 1924 Supreme Grand Lodge S.U.F. (Part 1) The Annual Session of the Supreme Grand Lodge of the Society of United Fishermen opened last evening in the S.U.F. Hall Water Street. All the officers with the exception of the Deputy Grand master Comp. Dr. ANDERSON of Heart’s Content, were at their posts. Everyone regretted the absence of the genial Doctor, who had arranged to attend but was unfortunately detained at the last moment. During the past few days delegates have been arriving and yesterday’s express brought Companions A. DEAN and H. DEAN, representing Maple Leaf Lodge, Whitney Pier; Companions L.R. HOLLETT and C.R. GARDINER, representing Grand Lodge, North Sydney, and Companion J. STRATTEN from Mizpah Lodge, Sydney Mines. We extend to these delegates a hearty welcome and trust their stay in the city will be pleasant – so pleasant that they will want to return again next year. These brethren from across the Gulf are keenly interested in the Order and are very desirous of its progress through the Maritime Provinces. Of the many societies we have in this country we understand that the S.U.F. is the only one of its kind that had its origin in Newfoundland; therefore it is natural to expect all Newfoundlanders who are eligible should get busy and join its ranks.
November 29, 1924 Supreme Grand Lodge S.U.F. (Part 2) Communications are coming in from various Canadian towns seeking information with a view of securing a branch of this society. Wake up, brethren of the S.U.F. and show that good can come out of Nazareth. The session last evening was chiefly taken up with the addresses of the Rt. Worthy Grand Master, Comp. J. CURNEW, and the reports of the Grand Lodge Secretary, Comp. Geo. HOUSE, and the Grand Purser Comp. J.G. HODDER. While the statistics given in both reports were not such as we would desire – and were brought about by conditions over which the Lodge had very little control – yet optimism prevailed, and before the evening had been far spent, the Lodge had settled down to business. The session will resume work at 2 o’clock this afternoon and again at 7:30 this evening. After the evening session the Grand Lodge is accepting an invitation from No. 5 Lodge S.U.F. to pay them a visit and to partake of refreshments. Needless to say the Grand Lodge appreciates this act of kindness from the City Lodge and is anticipating a most pleasant evening. Telegram Nov 18th.
November 29, 1924 Accident to Prospero (Transcriber’s note – first part of message partially torn) – On Tuesday ____________flashed _______ Capt. John Fi_____Green Island Cape Bonavista, and fear was entertained that the steamer would become a total wreck. The first message was to Const. TULK as follows from Bonavista. – All passengers landed safely; fear Prospero total wreck Green Island, Cape Bonavista. J.J. MIFFLEN. This was given of the Telephone on general ring. On Wednesday morning Const. TULK received this message: - Malakoff, Senef and Susu pulled Prospero off rocks last night. Very little goods jettisoned. Believe Prospero will be able proceed under own steam. Now at King's Cove. After asking Mr. MIFFLEN for further particulars we received the following Press message on Wednesday afternoon – Prospero under full steam, with Captain and First Officer on bridge, ran on rocks at 5:30 yesterday morning at Green Island, Cape Bonavista. There was practically no ground sea, quite calm but very dark. Preparations were immediately made for landing passengers, which, with the aid and assistance of men from the shore, was soon accomplished. As usual, the life boats were in a shocking and disgraceful condition. The forefoot of the ship was out of water and fortunately she went up on a smooth shelving rock. I understand deck cargo and that in No. 2 hold, were jettisoned. Last night the ship was pulled off the rock by Malakoff, Senef and Susu. Prospero then returned to King’s Cove and will likely proceed to St. John’s under her own steam. I gather there is one small hole in bottom of ship which was plugged. Most of passengers joined yesterday’s Express, the remainder follow to-day. The Ship arrived at St. John’s on Wednesday afternnon under her own steam, and will likely dock before taking up any work. The Portia is on way North, the Sagona taking up the South Western service.
November 29, 1924 Shipping News Schr. Grace arrived from South on Saturday last with freight for firms here. She left on Thursday for Cobb’s Arm to load limestone for Botwood. Schr. Utowana, fish laden from St. Anthony put in here on Friday of last week and took cask fish from Est. ASHBOURNE. She left for St. John’s On Wednesday morning. Schr. Jubilee with fish from the North arrived to Peter’s & Sons, St. John’s last week. Mr. John RICE is on the schooner.
December 20, 1924 Death It is with feelings of sincere regret that the Evening Telegram has to record the passing of a respected citizen in the person of Mr. James NORRIS, the well known merchant of Three Arms, N.D.B., who passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W.H. JACKMAN, Mundy Pond Road, on Saturday last, in the 74th year of his age. The late Mr. NORRIS arrived in the city on Saturday week and on Sunday was taken with a paralytic stroke. During the week he recovered somewhat, but on Friday he suffered another attack, and it was seen that the end was not far off. Fortified by the rites of the Holy Catholic Church, and surrounded by his loving wife and family, he passed peacefully away at the hour already mentioned. The late Mr. NORRIS was born in St. John’s West, but at an early age he removed to Three Arms with his parents. After a few years he opened business for himself and by dint of perseverance, integrity and sobriety, built up the well known and highly respected Norris firm, operating branches at Cochran’s Cove [This is typed as written, but I wonder if it should be Coachman's Cove? GW.] and at Conche, so well known throughout the Island. He leaves to mourn besides is wife, three sons, John of J.J. Norris & Son, Conche; Ambrose and Bernard of Norris & Co., Cochran’s Cove, and one daughter Mrs. W.H. JACKMAN, of this city, for whom much sympathy will be felt. The funeral takes place from the residence of W.H. JACKMAN, Mundy Pond Road, at noon tomorrow (Tuesday) to connect with the express for interment at Three Arms
December 20, 1924 Death There passed away on Thursday last December 4th, after a long and tedious illness an old and respected citizen in the person of Mrs. STUCKLESS, oldest daughter of the late Charles NEWMAN of Twillingate, and widow of the late Joseph STUCKLESS of Twillingate Arm. The deceased lady came to this settlement 21 years ago and kept a boarding house on the premises of G.J. CARTER. After retiring, she lived with her son, but at the time of death was living with her daughter Mrs. ARTHUR HOLWELL. She leaves to mourn one son, Harry, Wharfinger at G.J. CARTER'S, two daughters, Mrs. A. HOLWELL here and Mrs. Lewis HYDE at Change Islands, two brothers, Alfred at Twillingate and Charles at British Columbia, two sisters, Mrs. George ROUSELL at Leading Tickles, and Mrs. Fred OAKLEY at St. John’s and 18 grandchildren “Look up ye Saints of God, Nor fear to tread below, The path your Saviour trod, Of daily toil and woe.” C.H. Herring Neck, Dec 12/24.
December 20, 1924 Shipping News The Goodridge, Capt. Thomas RANDELL, took 40 tons of coal from the Hospital Board on Tuesday for Fogo to EARLE Sons and Co. The Netherbay, Capt. STUCKLESS, took produce etc. from the firm here on Monday. Schr. Tidal Wave, Capt. Wm. BULGIN, with a load of fish and herring, etc. for St. John’s, left here on Thursday from the firm of ASHBOURNE Estate. This is likely to be the last run to the city by schooner for the year. Capt. BULGIN made a quick run in the spring with a load of seals which turned out O.K. Schr. M.P. Cashin, Capt. Wm. WATERMAN, arrived from the Treaty Coast on Wednesday to ASHBOURNE Estate with fish and other produce. The Clyde is still making her regular trip North and will leave so it is announced, on the 29th, for St. John’s. We feel that this is early for the boat to be giving up the service as lots of freight is at present coming into Lewisporte. It will be time to quit when ice conditions will not permit the steamer to run.
December 20, 1924 Personals Mr. J. J. PENNY, agent for the Manufacturer’s Life Insurance Co., was in town last week and left here by Clyde on Monday morning for other points. Mr. PENNY finds insurance business brighter and he has done good in his Northern territory. Mr. T.G.W. ASHBOURNE arrived from the City on Saturday last coming here by Clyde. Mr. Jas. GILLETT’s crew also came. Mr. Benjamin ROBERTS, of Wild Cove, is at present confined to his home feeling ill. His suffering is from several sources and he needs to be careful. We hope he will soon be around again. Mr. Joseph YOUNG caught two bedlamer seals in his net this week. Mr. Frederick FACEY is gone to Carbonear having been transferred to the Bank there.
December 20, 1924 Telegraph News (Part 1) Dec. 17th - It has been decided to dispatch the S.S. Meigle to Tilt Cove North, sailing Saturday at 5 p.m., accepting freight Thursday and Friday calling at the following ports – Trinity, Port Union, King’s Cove, Greenspond, Wesleyville, Valleyfield, Seldom, Fogo, Change Isld., Herring Neck, Twillingate, Moreton’s Hr., Exploits, Fortune Hr., Leading Tickles, Pilley’s Isld, Springdale, Little Bay Isld., Little Bay, Nipper’s Harbor and Tilt Cove.
December 20, 1924 Telegraph News (Part 2) A special dispatch to the Daily News from Montreal states that the conference on the Labrador Boundary question opened in the Windsor Hotel yesterday morning under the presidency of the Hon. Louis A. TASCHEREAU, an Attorney General of the Province of Quebec. Associated with him were Charles LANCTOT, K.C., Deputy Attorney General of Quebec and Hon. A. McGEOFFRION. The Federal Government was represented by Right Hon. Charles DOHERTY, K.C., and Charles PLAXTON, special counsel for Federal Department of Justice. After discussing the matter all day, adjournment was taken for a day or two to enable each side to consider the points made by the other. All present were entertained at luncheon by Premier TASCHEREAU. Last night they were dined at the Mount Royal Club by Mr. DOHERTY. Premier MONROE and colleagues have received invitation from Premier Mackenzie KING to visit Ottawa, and from Premier TASCHEREAU to visit Quebec.
    [There is nothing on my 1924 microfilm after December 20, 1924 1924. GW.]

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Fogo / Twillingate District