NFGenWeb Newspaper Records

Notre Dame Bay Region

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser

Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.

Title varies:
Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953.

Editor and proprietor:
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953.

The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953.

MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938, 1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.

The records were transcribed by RON ST. CROIX, ROSLYN COLLINS.
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors. If you should find any errors or have other records to contribute, then please contact the Twillingate Sun transcription project co-ordinator, GEORGE WHITE

January 15, 1921 Advertisement For Sale. Schooner “Evening Star” 22 tons. For particulars apply to E. VATCHER.
January 15, 1921 The Courier Question (Part 1) We don’t know exactly how the courier system as at present arranged for, pans out at other places, but we believe conditions are much the same elsewhere as here. A few years ago, we took this matter up with the then Post Master General, Hon. J.A. ROBINSON, and as a result, arrangements last year were all completed three weeks before the end of the year, thus giving the couriers ample time to make their preparations. This year, thing’s have drifted back to the old muddle – tenders not accepted until a day or two before the beginning of the service – and nothing prepared for. The result will mean difficulty for the contractors. Now, as to Mr. GREENHAM, we have no brief for him, nor do we intend to argue any case for him beyond bringing to the public notice, and incidentally the notice of the P.M.G., a few facts. Two years ago no one could be got to tender for the mails. Wages were good; the price of codfish and herring had been high, and no one was anxious for the job.
January 15, 1921 The Courier Question (Part 2) Mr. GREENHAM offered to do the work for $40 a trip. This was considered high, but in extenuation, it may be said that he alone offered, and that every expense he had was also high. For two years he carried the mails with a promptness and celerity that had not been beaten by any – and our mail couriers have always been “right on the job” in all kinds of weather. He tendered again this year; purchased a new horse, a couple of dogs and he and his son remained at home to be ready for the call. Finally, on Thursday last week, notification was received that Mr. DALLEY’s tender had been accepted and not his. Now the Postal Department has the right to refuse or accept any tender. If it could get the work done cheaper – and the motto of the COAKER Government being “to keep down wages”, according to Mr. COAKER’s famous telegram to Mr. JONES – it was at liberty to do so.
January 15, 1921 The Courier Question (Part 3) But it had no right to keep men who had done faithful work for two years “in slings” and effectually prevent them from obtaining employment elsewhere. It was always the custom in the past whecouriers had done faithful work, to give them the opportunity to accept at the rate of the lowest tender, if they wished. As we have already said, we have no brief from Mr. GREENHAM to argue his case. He did the work well and faithfully. Mr. DALLEY will, we believe, do the same. The matter is one of a principle, the principle being that negotiations should be concluded earlier than January 6th, and that if it is not the intention to continue a former courier, who has done good work, he should be notified in ample time to prevent him going to expense, and give him time to seek other employment.
January 15, 1921 Sickness Mr. Fred HOUSE Jr. returned from Change Islds by “Clyde.” We understand he is not very well. Mrs. FIFIELD, who is at the hospital, wishes to thank the many friends who remembered her at Christmas time. She is also particularly grateful to Mrs. ELLIOTT whose attention has been constant and most kind and begs to thank also the Editor of the Sun for free copy of his paper weekly for the past couple of years. Miss Nellie GILLETT is confined to her home this week with an attack of dry pleurisy. Mrs. A.G. ASHBOURNE has not been very well of late, but is now recovering.
January 15, 1921 Hospital Matters Advanced (Part 1) Election of Directors next month. A meeting of the Directors of the N.D. Memorial Hospital was held on Monday night. Various correspondence was read, among it being an enclosure from Dr. GRENFELL, which stated that the motor ambulance was being shipped on December 5th to St. John’s from Ford city, Detroit, and the body from Penetanguishene. Thanks were tendered the Doctor for his unflagging interest. The matter of the general Meeting was then taken up and it was decided to hold this on Feb. 24th., when the present provisional directors would retire and new ones be elected or re-elected for the coming year. As the Memorandum of Association calls for fifteen directors – nine from Twillingate and six from outside places – it was decided that the following places would be invited to nominate Directors to sit on the board for the ensuing year, viz.
January 15, 1921 Hospital Matters Advanced (Part 2) – Fogo one, Change Islands one, Herring Neck one, Badger one, Morton’s Hr one, Little Bay Islands one, this giving a fairly comprehensive representation for the first year. Badger was chosen because of its generous contributions last year. The secretary intimated that he had written Dr. PARSONS asking if it would be possible to give an idea of the timber part of the building, so that orders could be placed with some lumber concern while the logs were being cut, to secure longest lengths and save wastage. No reply had yet been received. All who wish to become members of the Association and vote in the election of directors at the general meeting on Feb. 24th may do so by paying the fee of $2 to the Secretary.
January 15, 1921 Passengers The Clyde arrived here on Tuesday afternoon bringing a small mail. She will call at whatever ports possible between here and LaScie. The report that she was going to Horse Islands and Conche was incorrect. She met very heavy slob off the Straight Shore, but there was little in this Bay, although the “Cabot,” which had been at L. B. Islands, reports on Monday that there was no water to be seen from La Scie. Mr. SIMMS, Union Trading Co., who was here checking stock, took passage by the Clyde for Exploits.
January 15, 1921 Mail The overland couriers left on their first trip Wednesday morning. Residents of the upper end of the island declared Tuesday that the slob in the Bight was strong enough to bear a horse.
January 15, 1921 Presentation To Organist In the closing days of the old year, Miss Hannah PEARCE, who is leaving here for Grand Falls, was entertained by the ladies of St. Peter’s congregation in the Parish Hall and presented with a gift, and purse in token of their esteem and appreciation of her services as Organist. Miss PEARCE had acted as Organist for about twelve years, and gave her services ungrudgingly, coming from Back Hr. in all weathers. This matter was unavoidably overlooked by us during the Christmas week, and it is but scant justice to a painstaking and efficient Church worker that we now give it the publicity it deserved. Miss PEARCE will be sincerely missed from the organ stool of St. Peter’s and the best wishes of her many friends follow her to the Paper City.
January 15, 1921 A Souvenir Of Twillingate (From the “Telegram.”) We thank the Twillingate Sun for a copy of “Souvenir of Twillingate,” published by that paper. This is a very interesting little journal, well printed and containing some very fine articles and illustrations, mainly of Twillingate. Amongst the varied contributions are articles by Rev. Canon SMITH and Rev. Canon LOCKYER. Considering the difficulties of publishing in the outports, we must congratulate the Twillingate Sun on the excellence of this little publication.
January 15, 1921 Personals Dr. WOOD is moving into his new house in a few days. Dr. WOOD moves into his new home today, so patients or visitors please will call there today, and in future. We understand that Mr. & Mrs. Wm. ASHBOURNE will probably stay here for part of the winter at least.
January 15, 1921 Death The death of Mrs. Harold BAIRD last week occurred from blood poisoning, we hear.
January 15, 1921 Shipping News The schr. Cecil Jr., Capt. GUSHUE, with 5426 qtls of codfish – Labrador and shore – from the firm of Wm. Ashbourne, sailed on Sunday afternoon just after dinner for Malaga. The ship had a fine time off, in the breeze of Monday morning from the Westward. The crew of the little steamer Euphrates, which was driven off the coast in a storm in the latter days of the old year, were picked off their ship by a British steamer, the Euphrates being in a sinking condition. This news was wirelessed to Cape Race. S.S. Clyde came across the bay from New Bay direction yesterday and came in as far as Paradise, but finding the slob heavy inside, turned and went on. There is no Northern slob in sight yet from Long Point. S.S. Home from Shoe Cove put into port on Wednesday night, on way to St. John’s.
January 15, 1921 The Telephone The telephone formerly at Mr. MAYNE’s is now installed at the “Hospital”. Residents of Wild Cove will be glad of the convenience, while vice versa; those of Back Hr. will miss it. Back Hr. folks should unite for a central telephone to which all would contribute.
January 15, 1921 South Side Prize Distribution A distribution of Sunday School prizes and a magic lantern show for the children of St. Peter’s S.S. was given in the Parish hall on Tuesday night, a good audience being present. The prizes were presented by Mrs. R. TEMPLE. Cocoa and cake were supplied the youngsters through the generosity of the Incumbent and other friends, and the teachers were entertained at tea afterwards. A collection amounting to $14 was taken for S.S. expenses.
January 15, 1921 Advertisement An Accident Policy Pays you $5 a week and upwards, also Doctor’s bills, Hospital expenses and other benefits if you meet with an Accident. It costs about $5 per year. For full particulars apply to S.G. MOORS, Care Hodge Bros., Twillingate.
January 15, 1921 Mail Carriers (Part 1) I do not think it would be out of the way to say a few words regarding the re-arrangement of our mail couriers. We cannot too highly praise Mr. GREENHAM and son, who has been doing this service the past two years or more, their records for dispatch and arrivals cannot be beat. I would like to draw the attention of the public to the way these people have been treated this year. Knowing the many hardships to be met and the need of a good boat to bring the large bulk of mail (26 bags or more frequently), Mr. GREENHAM and son, after writing the Department handling mails, same as other years to the effect that they would carry the mail same as last year. After waiting three weeks and hearing nothing to say they were not to get it, started and built a suitable boat, spent November and part December making necessary arrangements, such as making gaffs, buying dogs, cruising wood, etc, for that service, get notice late in December that the service has been give to someone else.
January 15, 1921 Mail Carriers (Part 2) In view of the fact that these people took the mail when no one else would take it, and the fact that their service was entirely satisfactory, did the Department treat these people square? Should they not have immediately notified them thereby permitting them to get away to work at Grand Falls or elsewhere, or to make a counter offer, rather than keeping them without a reply, thereby causing them to loose their fall. All blame is with the Department not with their present appointed couriers, whom we wish the best of luck and a pleasant winter to favor them in their work. I for one do not consider GREENHAM fairly treated. Yours, Fair Play.
January 15, 1921 Death “In the midst of life we are in death.” In loving memory of Thomas JENKINS of Durrel’s Arm, who died at Grand Falls, the 15th day of December 1920, aged 22 years.
January 15, 1921 S.U.F. Election Of Officers The annual election of officers of the St. Peter’s Lodge, S.U.F., took place on Monday night the following being elected: - George JANES, Worthy Master; Fred LUTHER, Chief Officer; George YOUNG, Second Officer; Stanly NEWMAN, Quartermaster; Alfred FIFIELD, Lookout; Alfred MANUEL, P.M. Purser; Leslie ANSTEY, Secretary; John LUTHER, Chaplain; P.Ms Arthur COLBOURNE and Arthur MANUEL were elected Trustees, and the various committees for Relief, Investigation and Hall Management were also elected. The Society has had a number of calls for sickness and other expenses, but is in a healthy condition, and welcomes new members to its ranks.
January 15, 1921 Advertisement To clear before stock taking. 5 Ladies Coats - regular price $28 now $24.50. 6 Men’s Mackinaws – regular $19.80 now $18. 2 Men’s Overcoats regular $30 & $33 now $27.50 & $30. Cash Down – No Approbation. C. & E. ROBERTS.
January 15, 1921 Market Report (Trade Review.) Total exports of codfish during week before last amounted to 8457 qtls. 5490 of this being from St. John’s and balance from outports. The Cod oil market is very dull. A shipment of 4800 gals went forward by “Rosalind.” During the week 110 cases of lobsters were shipped to New York. Local price has dropped to $15 but the demand is expected to improve shortly. About 3000 cases are still left in this country, and a good deal of money has been sunk on lobsters the past season. A stiffening of prices in pork is expected owing to increased European demands. Beef continues strong, but trade in this commodity is dull. Best grade beefs are keeping up their price. There is no change in sugar up till Feb. 12th, the date set by the F.C.B. Whether the open market will be declared after that or not remains to be seen. Molasses prices have been reduced in St. John’s, Harvey & Co selling for $1.25 and $1.35 in puncheons; barrels five cents a gallon higher. Only 7580 puncheons were imported in 1920 compared with 11, 968 in 1919. Margarine. Oleo margarine, so called creamery, has declined three cents in St. John’s. When imported English goods can undersell it by ten to fifteen cents, it is time for local manufacturers to get down.
January 15, 1921 Loyalty L.O.A. Election Of Officers The annual Election of Officers for Loyalty Lodge, L.O.A. took place on Tuesday, Jan. 11th, the following being duly elected or re-elected. Bros. Lewis CLARKE, W. Master; Connelly ROBERTS, Deputy M.; Adolph VERGE, Chaplain; Mark RIDEOUT, Rec. Secy. Henry RIDEOUT, Fin. Sec. Andrew YOUNG, Treasurer, Henry SIMMS, Dir. of C. P.M. Fred WHITE, 1st Lecturer; Fred HOUSE Jr., 2nd Lecturer; Augustus PURCHASE, Inside Tyler; Edward STUCKLESS, Outside Tyler; and the various committees as follows – Investigating Bros. Geo. POND, Wm. OAKE, Abram WHITE, George SIMMS, John GUY. Hall Managing – Edward LINFIELD, Hy. SPENCER, Edgar HAWKINS; Auditing – Fred HOUSE, Bertram YOUNG; Trustees – P.M. A.J. PRESTON, Br. Jos. YOUNG; Hearse – Edward STUCKLESS.
January 15, 1921 Advertisement Lost on Friday a small parcel containing pair black wool gloves and slip of worsted. Return to Sun Office.
January 15, 1921 Advertisement For Sale. Gramophone and 28 records, in good second hand condition. Apply this office.
January 15, 1921 Advertisement For Sale. Firewood. Ocean Products & Supply Co. Coastal Wharf, Twillingate.
January 22, 1921 Building Power House at Toronto Quite a number of former Twillingaters who moved to Toronto are now, work being scarce at that city, working on a big powerhouse near Niagara Falls, the construction of which will occupy three years we are informed. This place is about two hours run from Toronto and the men expect to get home to Toronto each weekend.
January 22, 1921 1921 Sealing Fleet This year’s sealing fleet will be the smallest in number for many years. It will comprise the Terra Nova, Eagle, Ranger, Viking, Neptune, Thetis, Diana and Seal, it having been definitely decided not to send out the Sable I. A patch of little more that 100,000 seals would be sufficient to load the whole fleet. With an open spring the steamers should be able to reach the main herd. Though all of the steamers are staunchly built, they are not very powerful. The last few years very few seals have been taken and with “nature’s close season”, there should be enough whitecoats to load a fleet three times as large as the present one.
January 22, 1921 Rabbits Rabbits are now selling in St. John’s for 50 cents a pair.
January 22, 1921 Shooting Horses Owing to the high cost of hay, and the impossibility of selling them, over thirteen horses were shot by their owners in St. John’s.
January 22, 1921 Destroyed by Fire A message was received recently stating that one of the stores, with all its contents, of Thos. RYAN, Norris’ Arm, was totally destroyed by fire. The property is covered by insurance. Mr. RYAN has three stores at Norris’ Arm, but which one was burnt is yet unknown here. Insurance was carried on all three.
January 22, 1921 Mr. Allan PARSONS Mr. Allan PARSONS, who has been absent for about three years, returned by the last Prospero. During that time he has been sailing abroad having visited S. America, West Indies, Spain, Portugal and other countries. He has met it both rough and smooth, the hardest trip being one of 51 days from Cadiz to Newfoundland. He will probably leave again during the winter.
January 22, 1921 Advertisement For Sale. At Herring Neck; a dwelling house and premises. For further particulars apply to Mrs. William SIMMONS, Botwood.
January 22, 1921 Mr. Harry RICE Mr. Harry RICE arrived Thursday from Boston. He came via St. John’s by “Kyle” from Sydney. From Lewisporte he came by team, finding the traveling good. Mr. RICE, who is son of Mr. John RICE of this town, has been absent for about seven years. During some of that time he has worked with Mr. Gordon PURCHASE, formerly of Back Hr., who is doing well at Boston, being engaged chiefly in concrete building. There is quite a little unemployment in American cities at present, but Mr. RICE thinks that things will boom again in the spring. Just before he left, Mr. RICE attended one of Dr. GRENFELL’s lectures at Boston at which $38,000 was subscribed in about fifteen minutes. He has nothing but praise for the Doctor’s lecture, and says that he spoke in the highest terms of Newfoundlanders.
January 22, 1921 Into Receivership We are informed on fairly good authority that the firm of Joseph MANUEL of Exploits may pass or has already passed, into receiver’s hands. Mr. R.K. HOLDEN went there by last “Prospero” to take inventory. J. SELLERS of St. John’s is the largest creditor we are told. The firm of Allan Goodridge and Sons is insolvent. The bank of Montreal being the largest individual creditor.
January 22, 1921 Painful Accident Mr. Samuel ANSTEY jr., received a serious blow in the face on Tuesday, which had it been a little higher, might have been dangerous. He was coming out of the door of Hodge Bros Meat Store when a dog slide owned by his boy Bert, came swiftly past the door. The slide caught the corner of the door slamming it to, against Mr. ANSTEY, the iron-shod lock catching him on the cheek bone, knocking him down and for a second, stunning him. So severe was the blow that it knocked out a tooth and cut his tongue on the opposite side to which he was struck. His cheek was hurt badly, but fortunately not seriously.
January 22, 1921 Death The funeral of the infant child of Mr. & Mrs. Stanley WARR, Back Hr., took place on Monday.
January 22, 1921 Concrete Vessel The “Permanian,” a vessel built entirely of concrete at N. Sydney and engineered with hot head oil engines, made her trial trip in the closing days of the old year. Her master builder was Mr. GIDARD, a native of Twillingate District, if not of Twillingate proper.
January 22, 1921 On Strike Longshoremen and Coopers went on strike at G.M. BARR’s last week when their pay was reduced. They went back when it was agreed to hire them by the hour at Union pay.
January 22, 1921 Drum Prices Codfish drums are now selling in St. John’s at 60c against 90c this spring.
January 22, 1921 Sealing and Coal The Viking and Terra Nova are gone to Sydney for coal for the sealing voyage. These, with the Ranger and Eagle, will be the Bowring fleet this year. Coal freight rates by steamer have dropped nearly $2 a ton. This will be good news here if it applies to sailing ships this year.
January 22, 1921 Presentation Former residents of Twillingate were involved when Mr. G.B. LLOYD, organist of St. Mary’s, St. John’s, was presented with an easy chair by the choir, the presentation being made by Rev. A.B.S. STIRLING, Rector.
January 22, 1921 Fires at St. John's St. John’s has had a number of fires during the past month including the Small Pox Hospital (one of the oldest buildings in Nfld.) the Star Hall, the boarding house where a couple of lives were lost, and now Connor’s Drug Store, which was gutted on Jan. 9th.damage estimated at thirty thousand dollars.
January 22, 1921 Tizzard Hr. Notes On Jan. 10th. Rev. G.L. MERCER, conducted a week of prayer in this Church, of which the attendance was very great. Everything in Tizzards Hr. is going full bloom; we have a telephone here, which is a great help to the people. Our Church also is going up, and the “Forward Movement Guild” has purchased a Chapel Grand Organ from Moncton. We hope to get it here as soon as it is convenient to have it come from Lewisporte. We also have a magnificent steel alloy bell, which came from Hillsboro Ohio. It was presented to the Church by Robert BOYDE Esq. of this place. It chimed for the first time on Christmas Day. We are also glad to say that Ronald BOYDE, who has been so seriously ill, is progressing favourably, which is good news to his parents and friends. We are also getting very cold weather and we will soon be able to drive anywhere we wish on the ice. Wishing the Editor every success, we remain – To Interested, Guess Who We Are.
January 22, 1921 Meets Tragic Death (Daily News) H. McNEIL, a Miner working at South Branch, met with a terrible accident Saturday last which resulted in his death. While working in one of his pits, he observed a heavy rock breaking clear and attempted to run to safety, In doing so, he some way or other stumbled, and falling on the point of a pick axe which he carried, it pierced his breast and entered one of his lungs. Nothing could be done to save his life, and he expired the following morning.
January 22, 1921 Epidemic Mr. J.H. SCAMMELL, M.H.A., St. Barbe, is in receipt of a message from Mr. Wm. FILLIER, J.P., at Englee, to the effect that a serious epidemic, nature unknown, has broken out in that vicinity. Arrangements have been made to have a Doctor sent there from St. Anthony. Advocate, Jan 12.
January 22, 1921 Shooting Accident Mr. Joseph WATERMAN of Fogo, who was accidentally shot in the hip near his home on Wednesday last, arrived in the city by the Clyde Monday morning. Mr. WATERMAN’s injuries are serious.
January 22, 1921 Concert A successful little concert was given by the children of St. Peter’s school on Tuesday night in the Parish Hall, under the management of Mr. C.S. LUNNEN and Miss Edith MANUEL, Assistant Teacher. Various drills by the boys and girls included a doll drill by a [group ?] of the smallest little girls which was well received. There was a good audience, the hall being filled to capacity. During an interval, homemade candy was sold which was disposed of in very short order. After the concert refreshment were sold to those who cared to stay. The amount raised totaled $40.
January 22, 1921 Thanksgiving Day Monday Thanksgiving. The last Royal Gazette contained a proclamation directing that Monday, Jan. 24th, be observed as Thanksgiving Day throughout the Colony.
January 22, 1921 New Paper Another weekly paper will make its appearance within a few weeks in St. John’s under the editorship of J.R. SMALLWOOD, formerly Reporter with the Telegram.
January 22, 1921 Politics The Harbor Main election is another item causing no end of unrest in the ranks. Mr. SQUIRES well knows the utter impossibility of winning a seat in this district, and rather than face the cost of a campaign, he would much prefer a saw-off or no contest at all. Men who would possibly make some kind of a showing have point blank refused to enter the fight, and the only possible representatives of the reformers, are Messrs. Joseph CANTWELL and Joseph BURKE.
January 22, 1921 Advertisement For Sale. All that place of mine situated North Side, Twillingate, consisting of dwelling house and out-houses, will sell it furnished as it is or separately. A good chance for anyone wanting a home. My reason for selling – going to leave country early spring. Coopering tools also for sale. Robert SMALL.
January 22, 1921 Birth Born to Mr. & Mrs. Ernest CHURCHILL on December 31st, 1920 – Richard Frederick; weighed 6 pounds.
January 22, 1921 Whippet Tank At Thursdays meeting of the Civic Commission, it was proposed to ask the Colonial Secretary for the loan of the “Whippet Tank” in front of the Court House. The Commission will experiment with the machine for the purpose of finding out if it is suitable for opening up snowbound thoroughfares such as LeMarchant Road, Allandale Road and other places, which are now impassible to ordinary vehicles.
January 22, 1921 Advertisement For Sale. At Lewisporte, two pieces of land comprising considerable acreage. Also eighty odd acres near Burnt Bay Brook, suitable for mill or agricultural purposes. For particulars apply, Robert RICE, N.P.
January 22, 1921 Memorial Hospital Fund. "By six months interest on deposit in Bank of N.S. to Dec. 31st, 1920. $321.79. Arthur MANUEL, Secretary."
January 22, 1921 Shipping News Mr. Ashbourne’s vessel, the “Ariceen” arrived at Malaga this week after a very quick run of sixteen days. “As the firm’s other vessel, the “Cecil Jr.” had a good start, it is likely that she too will make a good run. Capt. BUTCHER and some of his crew arrived by “Prospero” last week; also Capt. Thos. WHITE of the Arm. It is characteristic of the present Government that they supplied Capt. BISHOP of the “Watchful”, (a party touter) with a free pass on the Prospero, but refused the same accommodation to Capt. BUTCHER. Can party politics so much further? The schooner “Rosenhjem,” which left St. John’s for Change Islands, in November, turned up at the Azores, having been driven clean across the Atlantic.
January 22, 1921 Trade Prices "(Trade Review). The market for cod oil remains dull, but improvement is hoped for by spring. The “Portia” brought 4000 scotch pack herring from Bay of Islands. Price there $14. The beef market is steady. There is scarcity of higher grades. Pork is very dull. Prices are at lowest for this twelve months and indications are for still lower - $39 to $45 wholesale. During 1920, the United States exported to Europe, 207 million bushels of wheat, and is now importing from Canada. Nfld. Stocks are 60,000 barrels less than 1919. Molasses prices are lower than for 3 years viz. $1.20 and $1.30 wholesale. Sugar. – No change as the F.C.B. will keep on the lid till February 12th. Stocks here are getting low and wholesalers are very timid in ordering the 25 barrel regulated lost, as the time draws nearer and nearer for the raising of the embargo. Even on one barrel it would be possible to lose $50. The situation is the most unique ever known here in trade circles, and the public are longing for the 12th of February to come in order to get their sugar for half the price they are now paying, its lowest point in New York and it is a pity that Importers are not able to take advantage of the minimum price."
January 22, 1921 Sickness Mr. Hayward BAGGS arrived this week from the lumber woods and developed smallpox.
January 22, 1921 Death A man named PARMITER, of Hr. Grace, working at the Terra Nova Sulphite Co’s plant, was so badly scalded when a boiler overturned on him, that he died.
January 22, 1921 Sealing Season The sealing steamers will sail on March 10th. this year, and are to be permitted to make two trips and will be allowed to take guns as well.
January 22, 1921 Death The late Azariah DAWE of Bay Roberts, who died recently at Toronto, left an estate of $255,000. Various bequests are made to religion and charitable institutions.
January 22, 1921 Death Mr. Obadiah HODDER’s plant and store were shut down yesterday and today owing to the death, in the USA, of the President of the G.N.C. Co. Mr. HODDER is building two boats at Sleepy Cove of about 35 feet, and we hear, starting another shortly of about 45 feet. The two first mentioned are being built in the cooperage.
January 29, 1921 Tizzard’s Hr. Notes On January the 21st, nothing out of the common took place during the day. But, in the night, one of our young men, in the person of Private Chesley WHEELOR, wended his way to Mortons Hr., where he was united in holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Blanche FUDGE, of Western Head, Mortons Hr. We wish Mr. & Mrs. WHEELOR a life of happiness through all the years to come. We understand that Mr. William BOYDE went to Twillingate by dog team on Jan. 21st., thus being the first person to go to Twillingate since the closing of navigation. We also hear the Forward Movement Guild of this place is going to start practice for a concert shortly, which we hope will be a success. We are also glad to know that the Ladies Aid Society of this place is still trying to do its bit although they have such a small number of workers. We are glad to say we did not have to wait long for our overland mail to get along this year, “Senef” making her last trip on January 6th., and we received our overland mail on January 15th., so we did not have a very long delay in our mails. Wishing the Editor every success, I remain – Correspondent.
January 29, 1921 Change Islds. Notes Messrs. Fred and Buller ROBERTS have left for a holiday via St. John’s to England and both will visit scenes of the war in France, and renew acquaintance of Mademoiselle from Armentiers. It will be remembered that Fred lost his arm in the Great War in France, we believe on that memorable July 1st, 1916. Mr. Harry ROBERTS has gone to the United States, so that Mr. John ROBERTS is the only male member of the family at home this winter. The firm of Solomon ROBERTS got their fish vessel away the first week in the New Year, and on the last trip of the “Susu,” they cleared out all their fish stocks.
January 29, 1921 Death The death of an aged resident, Mrs. NOSEWORTHY, at the age of 91 years, occurred at Manuel’s Cove on Monday. Older residents will remember her as Mrs. RUSSELL who at one time lived in a house long since pulled away in the triangular garden in front of the Court House. The aged woman maintained her faculties until the last.
January 29, 1921 Commodity Prices (Part 1) (Trade Review). There is little movement in Cod oil the past week, and prices are expected to be better. Only 12 tons of cod oil have been exported since new year, as sellers are holding. Bay of Islands fishermen got $2.50 from the net this fall, and packers of S.P. herring will clear $1.50 a barrel. All small herring were, however, thrown out owing to demands of the U.S. market. Port still continues on the downgrade, and it is expected that spring prices will be lowest since the war. The beef market has weakened again and another reduction has been made in local quotations. Bos $36; Family $35; Boneless $33 and still lower prices are anticipated. While wheat is low, flour remains fairly strong. Prices in St. John’s are $14.25 for top notch and $14 for ordinary first grades.
January 29, 1921 Commodity Prices (Part 2) Since the new year 10,419 barrels have been imported into St. John’s. Molasses will likely be very scarce in St. John’s before the new crop comes in. Sugar – there is no change in the situation. It is reported that the F.C.B. have 4,000 barrels more coming in. In speaking to Hon. A.W. MEWS, the Chairman of the Food Control Board, this week he said, “The Trade will not be placed in any awkward position as regards sugar, and dealers need not hesitate about buying. The effort of all now should be directed to working off the stocks. The sooner this is done the sooner we get back to normal. We intend to make an announcement in a few days.” (Apparently then “the Trade” must be considered, the Government’s motto being “the people be d---d” so that this is the Merchants Government. It is time the Public were given a little more consideration; “the Trade” will manage to make its profit all right. Ed. Sun.)
January 29, 1921 Politicians Get More Money Having ransacked the Treasury by voting themselves five thousand dollar salaries, creating foreign and local appointments for political heelers, and defeated candidates, appointing incompetent ambassadors, consuls and commissioners, and inspectors who are incapable, and even if they were, do not inspect, the Dominion has been called upon to pay almost one million dollars for the extra officialdom of a Railway Commission.
January 29, 1921 Advertisement Business Card. Legal Documents, Wills, Deeds, Protests, etc., Estates settled as promptly and inexpensively as possible. Houses bought and sold. Debts collected. Accounts audited. Letters written. Typewriting done at nominal rates. Robert RICE, J.P., Notary Public.
January 29, 1921 Gunning Accident Mr. Peter TROKE of Durrel’s Arm met with a nasty accident yesterday morning while out birding, and as a result, is suffering from a severely cut face. Mr. TROKE was using a left-handed gun and shooting from the right shoulder. The gun kicked strongly and the lock caught him in the cheek laying it open to the bone.
January 29, 1921 Marriage The wedding of Gordon, son of Mr. George RENDELL, South Side, and Clara, daughter of Mr. Robert SIMMS, Back Hr., took place in St. Peter’s Church on Thursday evening at seven o’clock. The bride, who wore dark blue serge dress with sax-blue hat, was given away by Mr. Henry SIMMS, and was attended by her sister, Miss Laura SIMMS and Miss Ida RIDEOUT. The groom was supported by his brother, Mr. Harry RENDELL, the wedding being kept at the home of the groom’s parents. The Sun joins in wishing Mr. & Mrs. RENDELL long life and happiness.
January 29, 1921 Advertisement Business Card. I.J. MIFFLIN, Notary Public, Twillingate.
January 29, 1921 Sale Coming The firm of Wm. Ashbourne is contemplating a series of after-stock-taking sales, we hear, an announcement will likely be made in the course of the next week or so.
January 29, 1921 Staff Reduction Mr. HODDER has reduced his staff partially until the middle of February. One of his motorboats is now practically completed we believe.
January 29, 1921 Sea Damage. Several flakes at the Arm and one at Davis’ Cove were somewhat damaged by the sea of Monday. Many people say that it was as heavy a surge as they ever experienced.
January 29, 1921 Death Word was received by relatives here that the death of the late Mrs. Harold BAIRD, at Northern Arm was due to a sore on her lip, which turned to blood poisoning, and developed very rapidly.
January 29, 1921 Nova Scotia's Agriculture Nova Scotia’s apple crop was the third largest in the history of the Province, being exceeded only by the yields of 1917 and 1919, the latter of which was the “high line.” The quality was much better, the prices were top-high and the returns from the orchards and gardens totaled at least a million and a half dollars. Pictou County produced 425 tons of butter last year, just by way of showing her people that their sources of wealth are by no means confined to coal mines and steel plants.
January 29, 1921 Hiccups and Sugar There have been several cases of the hiccups (which was prevalent in St. John’s recently) in this community though none of them serious. Some people believe that it was due to the high priced Government sugar.
January 29, 1921 Exceptional Ice Conditions Monday night a heavy sea ran and as a result with the “down” wind that followed, the whole harbor was cleared out, the Bight emptying, and it is feared the Run has broken up a good way. Clear water for the harbor and Bight is exceptional at this time of the year. The loss of the ice in the Bight, which was very smooth, will be severe to those accustomed to getting their wood over the winter ice from Friday’s Bay, as the ice is gone to the inner end of Trump Island. A number of gentlemen were here from Tizzards Hr. Monday but probably got over before the ice broke up. Old timers say that such a heavy sea is evidence that there is no northern slob in the vicinity yet.
January 29, 1921 No Holiday. Monday was not observed as a general holiday, though the Bank and Government offices were closed.
January 29, 1921 Birding When a number of men from Crow Head were out birding last week, one volley accounted for 52 “hounds.” There were four gunners who fired at the flock at once and the total kill was as stated. This was a pretty good bag.
February 5, 1921 Notre Dame Mutual Insurance Club Since publishing the account of the work of the Notre Dame Mutual Insurance Club during the past twenty-three years, in our last week’s issue, we have been given some further history of the movement. This local insurance scheme was first organized by a group of fishermen, chiefly of the Arm, among whom were such men as Mr. Robert LINFIELD, Mr. John MINTY (both of whom have since retired from work afloat), Mr. David WHEELOR, Mr. William SNOW and others. Mr. Charles WHITE went in with them as Secretary, and for a number of years did the secretarial work for a pittance of $30. He moreover, drew up the original rules, which though modified slightly, remain today in the ground work much as they were then. Strangely enough, in the first year of its inception, the business men of the place at that time refused to come in, and put many obstacles in the way, though they later saw its advantage and availed of them. At the meeting of the N.D. Mutual Ins. Club on Saturday last, four applications for the Secretary ship were considered and Mr. Chesley ROBERTS, of C. & E. Roberts was elected to the position.
February 5, 1921 The Telegraph Line is Repaired The telegraph line came up Monday after being down for a week or more, and the Postmaster had a busy day paying out telegraphic money orders from the lumber woods.
February 5, 1921 Twillingate Fire Insurance Company The annual meeting of the Shareholders of the Twillingate Fire Insurance Company will take place in their office (Club Room, N. Side) on Friday, February, 11th at 8 p.m. Business to received report of year’s transactions, election of directors, etc. W.B. TEMPLE, Secy.
February 5, 1921 Personals Mr. Hedley BRETT of Morton’s Hr. was in town on Tuesday. He drove over to Tizzard’s Hr. but found the ice in the Bight so rough that he preferred to walk down. From him we learn that Mr. Ford OSMOND is now quite recovered from his indisposition of last winter and is now in perfect health. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. HUGHES of this town, who are spending the winter with their daughter, Mrs. L. OSMOND, are keeping fairly fit, and Mr. HUGHES is able to get out every fine day. Rev G.L. MERCER of Morton’s Hr. was in town Thursday. The many friends of Mrs. Elias WHELLOR, South Side, who broke her arm during the closing days of December, will be glad to know that she is improving and the injured member fast getting stronger.
February 5, 1921 N.D. Memorial Hospital Fund. W.P. Association, New Bay, per Miss Maud CHURCHILL $21.16. Association Members Fees $2.00. Total: $23.16.
February 5, 1921 Advertisement Notice. I will sell my furniture and household goods separately. Come and make your selection. Robert SMALL.
February 5, 1921 Advertisement Wanted Immediately for Tizzard’s Harbor Primary, a teacher. Salary $28 per month per 6 months. Apply Chairman, Morton’s Hr. Board of Education.
February 5, 1921 Soaking the Public To Protect the Merchant No change in Sugar Price till June, is Government’s Declaration. The SQUIRES - COAKER Government insists on exacting its pound of flesh. St. John’s, Jan 31st., Special wire to the Sun. The latest bolt from the blue is the announcement made today by the Food Control Board of the SQUIRES - COAKER Government that there will be no change in the price of sugar until June. The Board announces that another 2500 barrels of sugar will be imported at the present cheap price of about six cents a pound, and lumped with that which it now has in stock to even up the losses which it claims it has sustained by previous prices. If there were no control at the present time, sugar would be selling at ten cents a pound in St. John’s today and twelve in out-ports.
February 5, 1921 Severe Fall Little Miss Laura BLACKLER sustained a severe fall from the stairs of the Parish Hall on Tuesday afternoon and, but for a girl chum who caught her coat, she might have broken here neck. A number of girls were sliding down the rail when Laura over-balanced. A chum, Miss Annie ANSTEY, saw her topple and grabbed the belt of her coat which gave way, but no doubt checked her fall and prevented a serious accident. She fell from the top to the bottom, her chin striking the newel post, and inflicting a cut, which was not however severe. She was knocked unconscious for the moment, and chums picker her up and carried her to Mrs. COLBOURNE’s where the Doctor was summoned, but declared no bones were broken and, beyond bruises and shaking up, she had escaped miraculously.
February 5, 1921 Birth Born. To Mr. & Mrs. George BRIDGER, on February 3rd, a daughter.
February 5, 1921 Birth Born. To Mr. & Mrs. Edward NEWMAN, Victoria, BC, on Jan. 6th, a daughter.
February 5, 1921 Rum And Rabbits Tempt Train Hands. (Daily News). As the result of a little happening on one of the local trains, a resident of New Hr. is short five gallons of rum and a few pairs of rabbits, a Placentia man is likely to get into trouble for selling the rum and some train hands are promised an interesting time for not having delivered the two R’s at the proper station. The story is that Thursday last, a suspicious looking barrel, ostensibly containing rabbits, was put aboard the train at Placentia, “booked” for New Harbor, T.B. It contained besides a “few” pairs of rabbits, however, a five gallon keg of rum, and the purchaser it is said, was on the train to see that the package would be properly delivered. When the train reached Whitbourne, it appears the barrel of “rabbits” was put off, but when the alleged owner went to examine it, he found it was very light in weight and that it had been opened. He complained to (to be continued.)
February 5, 1921 No Hospital Another instance of life which might have been saved, had there been a hospital in Twillingate, was the case of the unfortunate man WATERMAN at Fogo, who was accidentally shot in the leg in the early days of the year. Had it been possible to rush him to Twillingate, his life might have been saved, but the trip to St. John’s was too much, and he succumbed after the operation for the removal of his leg.
February 5, 1921 Blame the Sugar Government An esteemed Subscriber sends us the following clipping – Documents recently found in Genoa show that Columbus’ expense in discovering America was $7,000. The three ships cost $3,000. Columbus received $300 a year and his two Captains $200 each. The crew were paid $2.50 a month and DEMPSEY recently received $35,000 for knocking another man out in less than ten minutes. He also asks if we know how much John CABOT got for discovering Newfoundland. If we remember rightly, our old friend John got ten pounds sterling for his discovery, though since the “discovery” of the “Sugar Government’s” Food Control Board, some folks think he should have got ten years instead for discovering this Island.
February 5, 1921 Coal Business A correspondent of this Bay who has a schooner capable of bringing 150 tons, contemplates going into the coal trade next spring. Any businessman open to make negotiations will please communicate with us.
February 5, 1921 Sackville College A public message was received here this week to the effect that Sackville College had been burnt. Mr. C. WHITE had a message from his son to the effect that he was all right except for the excitement.
February 5, 1921 Frank LIND Memorial Yesterday the brass tablet bearing the inscription for the Lind Memorial came to hand, and through the courtesy of Ayre & Sons, Limited, has been placed in position and is now on exhibition in one of the windows in their Dry Goods Store. The Lectern will be repacked and forwarded to Little Bay on the opening of navigation. (Daily News.)
February 5, 1921 Sealing News About fifteen seals were taken at Crow Head last week in swatches of water, but since then the ice has been too tight until a change of wind occurs.
February 5, 1921 Election of Officers, R.S.C. The following officers were duly installed in the Royal Scarlet Chapter for the ensuing year: Sir K.C. Donnely ROBERTS, W.C. in C.; Robert BRETT, Ex. C. in C.; James PRESTON, Chaplain; Peter FIFIELD, Recording Sec.; Lewis PURCHASE, Financial Sec.; Stewart MOORS, Treasurer; John FIFIELD, H. at Arms; Frank NEWMAN, 1st Lect. Frederick HOUSE, 2nd. Lect.; Arthur GILLARD, 1st. Cond.; Frank GUY, 2nd. Cond.; Raymond BRETT, In. Herald; John GUY, Out. Herald.
February 5, 1921 Severe Accident Mrs. RIDEOUT, mother of Mr. George RIDEOUT, Back Hr., who was returning home yesterday after visiting friends at Wild Cove, was knocked down by a team of dogs and her face, chiefly about the nose, badly cut by the slide. She was taken to the Hospital where Medical aid was summoned and attention given by Mrs. ELLIOTT.
February 5, 1921 Sea Ducks When the shore train was coming through Feb 18, some thousands of sea ducks were seen along the shore in the section from Woodford’s to Topsail. According to “Old Stagers,” their presence indicates that there is heavy slob ice on the outside and the birds have been driven shoreward to fish for food.
February 5, 1921 Low Temperature Monday night was the lowest temperature recorded for the winter so far, the thermometer at the lighthouse recording 14 below, and Mr. Andrew PEARCE’s 12 below. In spite of the low temperature there was little wind so that the frost did not seem severe. [Farenhite Scale, GW.]
February 12, 1921 Snow, Trains, Fish and Sugar "St. John’s in Snow King’s Grip - Houses Buried; Trains Blocked; More Trouble In Fish Markets; New Sugar Costs 9 ¼, Sells for 22 ½. St. John’s Feb. 11th. Special Wire to the Sun. It is unlikely if even the Northern Metropolis can outdo the snow spectacle existing here since the storm, which raged from early Monday until late Wednesday. Even the 7th of April storm did not equal it. Several houses are damaged; others are buried. Hundreds of men and horses and catamarans are fighting the great drifts piled from ten to twenty feet in many of the principal thoroughfares. Tunneling operations through he drifts were necessary in many places to enable householders to escape. The language was hot enough to melt the snow but no use in grumbling. It is not likely that any express train will be leaving for several days as the line is badly blocked. Owing to the monopoly given to a certain Portuguese firm by Mr. COAKER’s recent arrangement, the Portuguese Fish Buyers have telegraphed the Governor here protesting against the monopoly given to one Mercantile Agency there, and threatening to buy no further Newfoundland fish if all restrictions are not removed. Meeting of Board of Trade will be held here today to consider this. Oh You Sugar! The new shipment of 1250 barrels of Government sugar has arrived, which it is estimated cost landed, nine and a quarter cents. This the Government will sell for 22 ½ cents in 25-barrel lots or 23 ½ in less than 25-barrel lots. Cost to consumer as at present, 26 in St. John’s; 28 to 30 outports."
February 12, 1921 Death There passed away on Monday, Feb 7th, in the early morning, a young life in the person of Harry POND, son of late Adam POND, at the age of 26 years. For the past two or three years, this young man had been ailing from tuberculosis, and was compelled to abandon his work. Last fall he visited the consumptive Sanatorium at St. John’s, but after a short stay, feeling that he had not long to live, came home to die. During the past month or so, he had been confined to his bed and the end was expected. Both his parents had pre-deceased him, and he lived with his aunt, Miss STUCKLESS, latterly. For some years previous to his illness he had been employed with the firm of G.J. Carter and was a quiet and trustworthy young man. To the relatives and friends the Sun extends it’s sympathy. The funeral of the late Harry POND took place on Wednesday from the S. Side Meth. Church, interment being in the Arm cemetery. The funeral was largely attended, the Society of United Fishermen, of which deceased was a member, following the remains to the grave.
February 12, 1921 Personals Mr. F.S. LOCKYER of Herring Neck was in town on Thursday on business, returning Friday. Messrs. Alfred KEARLEY and Abel CROSSLEY of Herring Neck were here Thursday for a meeting of the N.D. Mutual Ins. Club, and returned to their home Friday. Things are quiet in Herring Neck, the people being chiefly engaged in woodcutting at the present time. The Society of United Fishermen paraded there on Feb. 1st, account of which will be given next week.
February 12, 1921 Hon. W.F. COAKER Libeled Writs on Jan 27 were issued from the Supreme Court for personal libel against Hon, W.F. COAKER and the Union Publishing Co. Ltd. claiming damages of $1,000,000.00. The plaintiffs are Lind and Conto of Oporto, Portugal, fish merchants, and solicitors are Messrs HOWLEY and FOX. The statements complained of were made by Mr. COAKER at the Convention of the Licensed Codfish Exporters, held at the Grenfell Hall on September 2nd last year and were as follows: “We have been sending fish to Lind and Conto. That firm is as honest as any firm doing business; but they are no good to handle fish. They are old men whose time is past; they have no suitable stores to store fish; no suitable men to care for it; no young blood in the firm. It is stagnant. The conditions in their stores are abominable; the sheds you keep pickled fish in are as good as their stores. You send them fish on consignment, and wait till they send what money they like for it – and you call that business; it is not what I call business.” These statements were subsequently published in a pamphlet by the Union Publishing Co. Ltd. On the instructions of the Hon. W.F. COAKER, Minister of Marine and Fisheries.
February 12, 1921 Victims of Prohibition Codroy, Jan. 25 – There are quite a few items in print nowadays concerning “moonshine” but the latest in “home brew” is, a party here turned out a batch and after bottling up the “oh be joyful”, he fed the residue to the hens. After the hens partook of the feast, all became gloriously drunk and after tumbling about for a while, they finally all died without regaining their sober senses.
February 19, 1921 Men Paid Off At Grand Falls A number of men from this place, who had been working at Grand Falls, returned home on Sunday. They were Messrs. Edgar ROBERTS, Geo. and Harlan RIDEOUT, Nath. JENKINS, Herbert YOUNG, Geo. PHILLIPS, Sidney YOUNG, Thos. EARLE, Joseph WHITE, Geo. SAUNDERS, John HICKS, Geo. ROGERS, Wm. ROGERS and four or five Fogo men. They were paid off last week and they say about 250 more were to be paid off Monday. All Carpenter work is being reduced, and it was rumored that the staff at the mills would be reduced somewhat. Regarding the fire in the coal dump, they say this has been going on for some time but is now pretty well isolated from the rest of the coal. There is apparently no indication of any slackening of the work at the paper city, but the belief is held that new management is attempting to economize in wages, as the pay roll has been about $8000 a day.
February 19, 1921 Marriage We hear that Miss Mary BRETT, formerly of Paradise, was recently married at Black Island to Mr. Joshua BAKER of that place and the Sun offers best wishes. Miss BRETT was, up till recently, living at Samson’s Island. The bride is sister of Mr. Robert BRETT of this town.
February 19, 1921 Personals Several visitors were in town on Monday from Friday’s Bay and Morton’s Hr. including Mr. Geo. BURT, who has cut a considerable quantity of wood this winter at Carter’s Cove and Mr. Herbert HICKS of Morton’s Hr. who is building a new motorboat of 37 feet, and was down to the Sailmaker to get a suit of sails made. A group of men from Grand Falls, about twenty in number, arrived on Sunday night. Some others who had been working at Campbellton also came down that day, having left Campbellton in the morning.
February 19, 1921 Rev HUNT Resigns We are informed on the best authority that Rev. E. HUNT, last week tendered his resignation of this Mission and it is now in the hands of the Bishop.
February 19, 1921 Marriage Dear Editor: - Kindly allow me space in your paper to tell of a very pretty wedding which took place at Gilesport at 5 pm, Feb. 2nd., 1921 when Miss Alice CASTELL, was united in the sacred bonds of Matrimony to Mr. William BULGIN by Rev. Wilkinson. The bride, who was given away by Mr. Alfred LEGGE, looked charming in a dress of cream voile with white shoes and stockings, the bride, being a sister of Mrs. James LEGGE of this place. Thanking you for space and wishing Mr. and Mrs. BULGIN many years of wedded life.
February 19, 1921 Herring (Part 1) The old time herring fishery of Friday’s Bay, that was a feature every winter in years past, seems to be returning. For several years recently there have been no herring in Friday’s Bay, but plenty in Goshen’s Arm. Now they have abandoned Goshen’s Arm and are again taken in the neighborhood of Trump Isld. though at present not in any very large quantities, about a 100 for a net being the average haul. Just why the herring abandoned Friday’s Bay and then in turn Goshen’s Arm, no one seems to know, but in our opinion the placing of fish offal in the sea near fishing grounds, has a detrimental effect on the movements of herring especially towards the land. During the latter days of the War, when herring prices had reached their top figure, the waste was enormous and the pollution of the water by decomposed herring, which had been seined and left to rot, was tremendous, and men who had occasion to pass Upper Black Island, or Bold Island as it is now known, during 1918 summer, had seen the long greasy streak that extended for a mile or more from the cove on the Southern end of that island, while the shores of the ‘cove were knee-deep in decaying herring.
February 19, 1921 Herring (Part 2) And this was only one instance; there were probably hundreds of others. There is no reason why the herring fishery, properly managed, cannot be worth as much, and possibly more, than the codfish. The European herring fishery is enormous especially that of the East coast of England, and in Scotland. Over there, herring are besides salted, tinned, kippered, and the crude method in vogue in this country of splitting, is apparently little used. The herring fishery of Newfoundland has been allowed to get along as best it may. Successive Governments have spent much talk and spent more in development work in the codfishery, but the time has come for the herring industry to be properly tackled, and built up to the proportion it should occupy. The great point about it is moreover, that herring and codfisheries are not synchronous, or occur at different seasons; so that the cod fisherman may be also the herring fisher. What is needed, is proper curing methods to increase the value of the product, as salted split herring is only a makeshift method.
February 19, 1921 The Portuguese Market New Codfish Regulations regarding Portugal were gazetted last week. These demand that all sales of fish to Portugal shall be made through the Marine and Fisheries Department at a price approved by the Codfish Board. Government papers claim that Mr. COAKER succeeded in making sale of 175 thousand quintals of fish in Portugal at a satisfactory price, thought price is not given. This sale was apparently made through one firm, and it was over this that the Portuguese firms complained to the Governor last week.
February 19, 1921 Advertisement Wanted. I want agents and firms throughout Newfoundland to handle my goods – Jewelry, Novelties, Silk Handkerchiefs, etc. Good commission. F. HIERN, 1133 La Avenue, New Orleans, La. USA.
February 19, 1921 Advertisement For Sale. Stable 14 ft x 19 ft. Situated on Trump Island. Apply, Hooper GATES.
February 19, 1921 Shipping News The schooner Elizabeth Fern, which went ashore at Quidi Vidi last week, and was thought to be a total wreck, has been refloated. Schr. Margery McGlashen, which left Fogo on Christmas Day with cargo of codfish from Earle Sons & Co., was totally wrecked at Malaga with the loss of her fish cargo as well. A previous vessel from the same firm was wrecked during December while leaving Fogo Harbor. Schr. Sparkling Glance, from Beloram for Orporto with codfish cargo, was abandoned in mid ocean. The steamer Sable I., which was off St. John’s in the storm last week, reached port later, after having drifted from Cape Spear to Cape Race in the ice. S.S. Home, berthed at the Dry Dock, St. John’s, was completely gutted by fire Wednesday, which destroyed the interior fittings of the ship.
February 19, 1921 Sealing News Information was received here on Wednesday from what is regarded as a reliable source, that all sealing crews would be compelled to sign on for two trips this season. The price of fat was quoted at $4 for young.
February 19, 1921 House Hauling The usual winter house hauling was initiated this week when Mr. Dorman ELLIOTT of South Side hauled a house from Ragged Point. It always strikes us as most generous, the way men turn out to these hauls, spend all day, and sometimes two, to help out a neighbor.
February 19, 1921 Court Case Mr. Obadiah HODDER leaves here shortly for St. John’s to defend a case of Mr. Frank CARTER against the G.N.C. Co. This case has been postponed until the arrival of Mr. HODDER in the city.
February 19, 1921 Note of Thanks Miss STUCKLESS and Miss GILLETT wish to thank the people of Twillingate for their many kindnesses and expressions of sympathy shown to them during Harry POND’s illness and death, also those who sent wreaths to adorn the casket.
February 19, 1921 No Sweepstakes There will be no sweepstakes on the sealing voyage this year, except on the sly. Inspector Gen. of Police, HUTCHINGS, has issued notice that all lotteries are illegal.
February 19, 1921 Death Rev. Canon NOEL died at Hr. Grace on Feb. 14th., aged 82 years.
February 19, 1921 City Again Storm Swept And In Darkness As a result of the very severe storms of Tuesday and Wednesday, all trade in the City was brought to a complete standstill. Mountains of snow block many of the principal thoroughfares and prevent all traffic. Harvey’s Watchman perished. Watchman at Harvey’s, Mr. DELEUCHERY, perished on his way to work Tuesday in the height of the storm. Search parties discovered the body today. The Electric Plant at Petty Harbor was partly demolished and all light and power cut off from the city. Repairs will, it is hoped, be effected by Tuesday 22nd. The movements of trains are uncertain and cannot say when express will be leaving. Correspondent. St. John’s was again visited by a winter storm of exceptional severity on Tuesday and Wednesday, the snow being piled higher than known for forty years. To add to the difficulty, a section of the flume at Petty Hr., which supplies power to the electric plant there, collapsed for a distance of 60 feet, probably due to snow and ice, and power was shut off from the city. Many factories had to close down, and daily newspapers were unable to publish. It will probably take a week or longer to make the necessary repairs. Tuesday another severe storm raged and streetcar and light wires were down in St. John’s on Wednesday as a result.
February 19, 1921 New Liquor Regulations Owing to the manner in which the Medical men of the country have handled the sale of liquor, we hear on fairly good authority that it is the intention of the government to take the sale out of their hands entirely and vest it in the Magistrates instead.
February 19, 1921 Slowing Up At Grand Falls Mr. Hooper GATES and three others of this place, who had been working at Millertown, arrived here Tuesday. According to what they heard passing along, about 300 men were paid off at Grand Falls Monday, some of them being family men who had been working there since the start. Only one paper machine is running they were told, and Mr. Thos. JUDGE, the Superintendent, has gone to England. Apparently matters there do not look any too bright.
February 19, 1921 Capt. Joe HEWETT of the Salvation Army Capt. Joe HEWETT of the Salvation Army, whose trick musical performance pleased an audience here last fall, again performed in the S.A, Citadel on Wednesday night, Ice cream was served afterwards in the school.
February 19, 1921 Steel Works at Sydney Require More Orders News came from Sydney this week to the effect that the N.S. Steel Plant will close down operations shortly if they do not receive more orders. There are only 2,400 men now employed as against 4,000 in normal times. Unless some new orders are booked shortly, the Manager has intimated that the work will close down. This will affect over 1,000 Newfoundland workmen.
February 19, 1921 Train Report Yesterday’s news was to the effect that trains were blocked on both ends of the line.
February 19, 1921 Court Case The case of HOUSE vs. FACEY was heard before Magistrate MIFFLIN on Thursday, judgment being given for plaintiff for his bill of $25 and costs. Two little girls were the chief witnesses, who testified that the little boy FACEY tripped them and Mr. HOUSE’s little daughter, the latter falling and dislocating her shoulder, while coming from school. The bill included Doctors fees, fuel and light during several nights.
February 19, 1921 Concert A successful little concert was given in the Parish Hall on Thursday night to an appreciative audience, the general verdict being that it fully lived up to its advertisement and was a “scream.” All the parts were well done, but it is only fair to single out the soloists who made their debut and who did exceptionally well, equaling or surpassing any of the old stagers. Mr. Stanley NEWMAN in comic song – “They go wild, simply wild, over me,” Miss Annie B. NEWMAN in a sweet little Irish melody, Mrs. A. PURCHASE, (with Mr. LUNNEN) who gave the old favorite duet “Sister Ruth,” were all new stars and made a most favorable impression. The others are all too well known on the stage to need individual comment, but it goes without saying that their performance was excellent. Owing to the threatening snow storm the attendance was not large but the applause was most hearty. About $13 was taken at the door.
February 19, 1921 Poor Relief Committee A meeting of the Relief Committee, which did such good work last year, was convened this week and a deputation consisting of Capts. Jas. ANSTEY, A.J. GILLETT and John PHILLIPS, called on the Magistrate, as there were several cases of destitution reported, and the Committee funds had been reduced to about $100. Magistrate MIFFLIN undertook to wire the Minister of Public Works, Mr. JENNINGS, to ask if work of getting out ballast for the proposed breakwater could not the undertaken.
February 26, 1921 Advertisement Twillingate Fire Insurance Co., will protect you against Total or Partial Loss if you let it. But, for goodness sake don’t go begging subscriptions if you fail to insure and your property is burnt. Cheapest fire rates in Newfoundland. W.B. TEMPLE, Twillingate, Secretary.
February 26, 1921 The Seal Fishery Regarding the report of our informant last week respecting the price of seal fat, we were informed from another source that a Businessman here had information from St. John’s to the same effect. On the other hand, Hodge Bros. have this week paid $6 for fat. We asked Mr. HODGE is he had any recent information and he declared he had not, but thought he was safe in paying $6 until he received further information. In spite of the advertised efforts of Premier SQUIRES, it is now admitted that sealing crews are to be considerably reduced this year, and warnings are being issued by the Government that only vaccinated men and those who have been promised berths, should come to St. John’s. Up to the present all those who know say that very difficult conditions will be encountered by the sealing fleet this year owing to the heavy ice and tremendously extensive floes. The sealing fleet will number one less than last year.
February 26, 1921 A Children’s Concert A children’s concert was staged in the Arm Academy on Wednesday, which was well patronized. Mr. John GILLETT acted as Chairman, Miss Harriett CHURCHILL was the organizer and Mrs. Robert COOPER acted as accompanist. Songs, recitations and dialogues were well rendered, and the song “Gypsy’s Warning”, and recitations by Misses L. HORWOOD and Gertie GIDGE were the features chiefly appreciated. Ice cream was sold and the sum of $44 was raised.
February 26, 1921 Memorial Hospital Fund Arthur MANUEL, Secretary. Addition to amount acknowledged on front pages. Association Members Fees $12.
February 26, 1921 Grand Falls Mill Nothing very definite is known about the state of affairs at Grand Falls, but several men who were paid off have been taken on at the plant. The opinion prevails that a new wage scale is about to be enforced and preliminary to this the payroll is being reduced to a minimum.
February 26, 1921 Still Going Strong Mr. Andrew ROBERTS Sr., made the trip on foot to the Lighthouse on Wednesday, which shows that our respected fellow citizen in spite of advancing years is still “going strong.”
February 26, 1921 Lines Down The telegraph lines were down again on Thursday afternoon. When you consider that we have had only one real mail during February and an interrupted telegraph system as well, you may well wonder if this is the 20th century.
February 26, 1921 Delayed Move Mr. Robert SMALL will not likely leave for the present, as work in scarce in Toronto.
February 26, 1921 House Falls 25 Feet While Mr. John FARTHING of Herring Neck was hauling his house one day this week, the sticks on which it was sliding collapsed, and it fell over a 25 foot cliff on its front side. Luckily the damage was comparatively slight – two panes of glass and six sleepers broken. The house was being taken down over a 25-foot cliff when the sticks on which it was sliding snapped off. The “back-up” tackles held and the house swung in against the cliff, and it was against the cliff wall that the sleepers were broken; it then fell to the ice, lying flat on its front side. Examination showed comparatively little damage, and the haul was continued, this done with the house lying on its side. At its destination it had to be pulled up over another hill and this partly righted it, and with the aid of some screw jacks it was got in position, and found to be little the worse for its accident.
February 26, 1921 Drowning While attempting to reach a duck, which he shot in a swatch near Little Fogo Islands on Monday, Leo STANLEY, 12 years of age, son of Thomas STANLEY, was drowned.
February 26, 1921 Missing Person Alfred ANDREWS of Cape Freels, left home on Monday to go duck shooting. He did not return, and a search for him failed to discover him alive or dead.
February 26, 1921 Storms. The recent storms experienced in St. John’s traveled the East Coast of America and were severely felt at New York, Boston, and in Nova Scotia.
February 26, 1921 Harbor Ice Placentia Harbor was filling with ice on Tuesday, and the steamers Clyde and Sagona were compelled to leave and go to Burin.
February 26, 1921 Roman Catholic Palace Burnt Another bad fire was experienced in St. John’s Friday night when the Archbishop’s palace, situated in the rear of the Roman Catholic Cathedral, was completely destroyed. The fire started in the second flat and destroyed the palace with its contents, consisting of personal effects, books, pictures and many valuables. The Archbishop and Priests escaped without being injured, one of them being ill at the time. The library building at the rear was however saved, and though St. Bonaventure College and the Cathedral are all practically part of the structure, they escaped unharmed.
February 26, 1921 Death A well known and respected lady in the person of Mrs. Mary ELLIOTT, relict of the late John ELLIOTT (Crow Head), passed peacefully away to the Great Beyond, on Sunday night, February 20th., at the advanced of eighty five years and seven months. The late Mrs. ELLIOTT, although so aged, enjoyed fairly good health and was able to attend Church at times, as well as visit her friends. During the winter months she was seized with an attack of stomach trouble, which gradually grew worse till the end came, which was not anticipated too soon. Deceased was a daughter of the late James FOX, of Back Hr. and is survived by five sons, Benjamin, Archibald and Isaac, in USA, and Arthur at home. Two daughters, Mrs. Stephen HAWKINS, of Jenkin’s Cove (with whom the late Mrs. ELLIOTT died) and Mrs. Isaac BOURDEN at Boston, USA. The deceased lady was a very active member of St. Peter’s Women’s Association in earlier years, and several members of that Association were in attendance at the funeral on Wednesday at St. Peter’s Church. “And when hoary hairs shall their temples adorn, Like lambs they shall still in My boson be borne.”
February 26, 1921 Annual Meeting N.D.M. Hospital Association First Annual Meeting N.D.M. Hospital Association. The first annual meeting of the Notre Dame Memorial Hospital Association at which twenty-seven members were present, was held on Thursday night. Only one visiting director, Mr. F.S. LOCKLER from Herring Neck, was present, partly owing to the disorganized mail service, and partly to bad traveling. A statement of the reasons for incorporation was given in reply to questions asked by a couple of gentlemen before joining, and they then withdrew. The Financial Secretary read the statement of finances which showed the actual cash in the Bank here as $15,000, with amounts in the Bank at Fogo and Change Islands which with interest, would be over $2,000, making the total cash immediately available as $17,000. In addition to this there were promises of about $1,000, the amount from the Red Cross promised by the Governor, which was $5,000, and the $10,000 promised for construction by the late Government, but over which there was some hitch at present, making a total of cash and promises of about $33,000. The Provisional Directors then retired from office and the following were elected Directors: W.B. TEMPLE, G. BLANDFORD, A. Jas. GILLETT, Arthur MANUEL, Jacob MOORS, Benjamin ROBERTS, C. WHITE, W.J. MINTY, A.H. HODGE. The point of view of the outside places was given by Mr. LOCKLER, who thought that as soon as we had made an actual beginning, it would be possible to get further contributions. He thought that the Directors might be securing quotations for lumber from the Millers, and suggested places where good stock could be obtained. After some discussion it was moved that Secretary WHITE telegraph Dr. PARSONS asking for plans as early as possible. Regarding the invitation to Dr. PARSONS to visit here, it was moved that this be also incorporated in the telegram, and that he be asked to come at as early a date as possible, the exact time to be given by the Directors according to weather conditions in June.
February 26, 1921 Death Word was received yesterday of the death of Mrs. Tamar YOUNG, at the Poor Asylum in St. John’s.
February 26, 1921 Telegraph Lines Down Owing to the lines being down yesterday, we have not received our weekly message from St. John’s up to press hour. We also asked for a definite quotation on seal fat from the city. If these are received today, they will be posted in our window.
February 26, 1921 Train Report Government message on Tuesday says recent storm has put railway line in very bad state. New rotary plow has been sent to clear up Bay de Verde branch. Information received here Wednesday said that the delayed East bound train, which left Gambo last Saturday, had only reached within 18 miles of Come-by-Chance that evening. Thursday was apparently very mild on the Southern end of the line, and a train which left St. John’s, reached Whitbourne Friday morning. The East bound was at Rantem yesterday, the two being then about 40 miles apart, so that the West bound, may get through today if the weather holds soft. This morning the Operator received word that the East bound train was at Tickle Hr, and the West bound at Placentia Junction. This would make them somewhere about 20 miles apart at present. One line into St. John’s is working; it is supposed the lines have been knocked down by the Rotary.[Transcriber’s Note: The “Rotary” referred to here would be the rotary snow plow, used to clear the railway tracks.]
February 26, 1921 The Sun, the Premier and the Aeroplane Thinking that perhaps it would be no harm to offer the suggestion – since we are a strong believer in the possibilities of an aeroplane winter mail service for this country, this paper telegraphed on Monday to Premier SQUIRES, suggesting that if the aeroplane at Botwood was in flying condition, it be commandeered to clean up the three weeks accumulation of letter mail. The following reply was received from the Premier – “The Twillingate Sun, Aeroplane under contract with sealing owners for sealing voyage, not under Government control. Have forwarded your message to Mr. DUNFIELD of Job Brothers, representative of sealing owners. R.A. SQUIRES.” Of course this is nothing but official subterfuge. We were perfectly aware that the control lay with the sealing steamer owners, hence we deliberately used the word “commandeer.” The Government could commandeer the sugar supply, to our painful cost; it could commandeer the Railway – also to our sad cost; it could commandeer the whole codfish exportation machinery, but when it is such a simple matter as cleaning up a three weeks accumulation of letters – it hands the correspondence to Mr. DUNFIELD! Nice easy way to avoid bothering. We are not sure of the carrying capacity of this plane, but imagine it should be able to make the trip from Botwood to St. John’s in four or five hours, or less. It could thus make one trip and return each day, and in two or three days could clean up the whole letter mail for this bay. In a week it could serve every part of the North East Coast, now completely isolated. The weather is fine and moderate; beautifully adapted for flying. But then what do you expect from the present Government but evasion and subterfuge. The railway line is in a bad state, so says a Government message of Tuesday. When it will be opened again goodness only knows. Perhaps the only way to find out would be to “ask Mr. DUNFIELD.”
February 26, 1921 What’s The News We thank kind friends who sometimes bring us a clipping from some American or Canadian paper with the hint that it might be interesting to readers of the Sun. We don’t often use them, although we fully appreciate the good intention and kind thought behind their offering, for this reason: the Twillingate Sun devotes its attention within the limitations of its four pages, exclusively to the doings, aspirations, needs and desires of Twillingate and the Bay of Notre Dame generally, and of Newfoundland as a whole. It touches only ever so lightly on topics of world interest and then only when it has exhausted the local news. Our unvarying rule is, that news of this Town, this Bay, or this Country, must always have first place in our columns. If we don’t always get things exactly right that is our misfortune, not our deliberate fault; and how often do we find folks, who might have supplied a bit of information, drop in the week after to point out our error! We thank the friends therefore, who bring us well-enough- intentioned clippings, but we thank far more those who come to tell us about Twillingate happenings, and those correspondents who write from outside towns of their doings. You can make no mistake about bringing anything that tells of the news of Twillingate people, either at home or abroad, or places in this Bay in particular, and Newfoundland in general. We think that most people look for this sort of news in the Sun. If they want to know the news of the world, they take some Canadian paper. Thank you!
February 26, 1921 Mr. John White Forty years ago Monday, 21st., our worthy Postmaster, Mr. John WHITE, lost his right hand by a gun explosion. Mr. WHITE is an example of a man triumphing over odds, and we all wish him many more years of useful life.
February 26, 1921 Tea & Sale The ladies of the Arm intend holding their annual Tea and Sale of Work Wednesday, Mar. 2nd. Tea consists of meat & potatoes, cakes, pies, etc. Tea 50c. Doors open 5 o’clock. Admission 10c.
February 26, 1921 Wood Cutting Mr. Joseph A. YOUNG’s sons, and Mr. Elias YOUNG and his boys, have been living in Mr. YOUNG’s house on Virgin Arm Point during the past few weeks, and are cutting firewood there. Several others from this place are also busy cutting wood in Carter’s and Bridger’s Coves, and a good deal of wood is being hauled during these fine days.
February 26, 1921 Split Herring We hear that Mr. Robert FRENCH of Thos. FRENCH, Tizzard’s Hr., has been successful in placing an order from Halifax of 10,000 barrels of split herring. Our informant did not however know what price would be paid. This, if correct, will be good news to the people of Friday’s Bay and around Tizzard’s Hr., and must mean that the split herring market shows signs of improvement.
February 26, 1921 The Sun and Dr. Grenfell (Part 1) Interesting Statements At Port Saunder’s Meeting. The people of the Hawkes Bay district crowded the schoolroom, Port Saunder’s on Monday night, Jan. 24th., when there was a meeting for the purpose of appointing a Public Welfare Committee and discussing a number of local subjects which are exciting a great deal of interest at the present time. One of the most important is the forthcoming regatta and the attitude of the people towards the new forward movement inaugurated by Dr. GRENFELL. Two of Dr. GRENFELL’S Doctors had just visited the district in response to urgent calls for medical assistance, and the meeting was an enthusiastic expression of good feeling towards the institution. Mr. Jesse. PATEY was voted to the chair. Mr. HENRY read a number of interesting communications relating to the endowment fund and the regatta. Two of these were from Dr. GRENFELL. In a letter from Boston, Dr. GRENFELL said that he felt every dollar raised in Newfoundland was a challenge to the world outside, and he did not mind if it was collected in Newfoundland or given in Newfoundland. He favoured and encouraged the regatta idea. In a second letter from Brookline, Mass., Dr. GRENFELL mentioned, in reference to the possibility of a Nursing Unit being formed at Port Saunders, that the institution already operated at five Nursing Stations, Forteau, Lewis Bay, Cartwright, Flower’s Cove and Red Bay.
February 26, 1921 The Sun and Dr. Grenfell (Part 2) “We certainly should have one in your region,” he said. He also wrote concerning the advantages of industrial work and mentioned the possibility of a summer industrial teacher being sent to the coast. He said the institutions in Northern Newfoundland and Labrador had no object on earth but to try and help others. During his address, Mr. HENRY spoke in strong approval of the attitude of the “Twillingate Sun” towards Dr. GRENFELL’s great work, particularly that part of a recent editorial in which it was stated that the people on the North East Coast had an unqualified admiration for Dr. GRENFELL and his work. He agreed with the Editor of that paper that much of the antagonistic criticism of the Doctors statements was indulged in by those who had an imperfect knowledge of the facts and the conditions under which Dr. GRENFELL worked and conducted his organizations. Mr. HENRY also read the following extract from a letter sent by Mr. TEMPLE – “I am entirely at one with you in your admiration of GRENFELL. I have learned to know and esteem the man and the marvelous help, which he has given to the North East Coast. The regatta idea is a good one.” He said Mr. TEMPLE was hopeful that the Port Saunders regatta idea would be adopted in his locality, where, he pointed out, they were already organizing to get a Bay Hospital.
February 26, 1921 The Sun and Dr. Grenfell (Part 3) The following resolution was unanimously adopted on the motion of Mr. Michael CAINES. “The inhabitants of Port Saunders, Port aux Choix, River of Ponds, Spirity Cove and King’s Cove, desire to thank Dr. GRENFELL for the kind and favourable response to their appeal for the visit of the members of the St. Anthony Medical Staff during the present winter. It is an act of exceptional kindness, conferred at a time when there is considerable hardship and suffering, (largely due to unemployment) and when the families of some of the fishermen are in sore need of Medical skill and attention, and without the means of employing a Medical man. After the close of navigation, Dr. GRENFELL’s organizations are the only ones to which the people can look for help in their great trouble, and the visit of a Doctor, promises in the circumstances, to be more useful than in any previous year. The Government had been deaf to past appeals for help, and this winter there is no independent Medical man practicing within a hundred miles of Hawke’s Bay. The people take the opportunity of thanking Dr. GRENFELL for numerous exceptional kindnesses, and particularly for permitting and encouraging members of his staff to come ashore from the Coastal Steamers, and give advice to patients seriously ill on this part of the coast. They assure him that it is their intention to do their utmost to make the regatta in aid of the endowment fund, a success, and support this institutions in the future.”
February 26, 1921 Morton’s Hbr. Notes (Part 1) During the past week Mr. MERCER has been engaged in conducting special services on the afternoon for the young, and his endeavours have been rewarded by the commencement of a Revival. A beautiful, hand painted Honor Roll, which was presented by the Girls Guild, was unveiled in the Methodist Church sometime ago. We also notice that the Church has recently been presented with four large lamps and a new set of modern Offering Plates. Sunday, Feb. 20th., the Pulpit was occupied by our Pastor Rev. G.L. MERCER both in the morning and evening service, and those present listened to two very touching sermons. In the morning he spoke from a text found in Revelations 3rd chapter, verse 20, subject “Jesus Christ and His request,” and if I remember correctly, his remarks were based on the following heading – 1. Who is He that knocketh? 2. From whence came He? 3. Where does he seek admittance? 4. What Reception is He receiving from the world today? 5. What prompted him to come? Love. The evening remarks were equally well rendered. Most of the men of this town are at present engaged in cutting or hauling wood and on Thursday and Friday the men of Tizzard’s Hbr. gave the Parsonage a haul and put up a good showing.
February 26, 1921 Morton’s Hbr. Notes (Part 2) Mr. Hedley BRETT, who has been in the bay rabbit catching, arrived home last Thursday week with a pretty good catch. Mr. Frank CLARKE of Twillingate, who has been spending the winter here, has experienced ill health most all winter and as yet, has showed but slight, if any improvement. But we understand that Mr. & Mrs. HUGHES, also residents of Twillingate, are enjoying fairly good health. The Orangemen are planning to hold their Anniversary on March 10th., and are now engaged in practicing for a concert for the occasion, so a very enjoyable evening is being anticipated. On Monday, the men of Moreton’s as well as of Tizzard’s Hbr. and suburbs, were engaged in hauling the house formerly owned by Mr. SHEA across Wild Cove, to the premises of Richard STUCKLESS who has made the purchase. According to reports, no sugar is to be had in town, and whether the people will go elsewhere and buy, or go on sugar strike until the rats have consumed all that the Food Control Board has on hand, remains to be seen. Mr. W. FRENCH arrived from Birchy Bay last Thursday and returned on Saturday. Mr. Hedley BRETT went to Twillingate yesterday with horse on business. He returned last last evening and reports the Bight fairly good.
March 5, 1921 80th Anniversary [Birthday?] His sons and daughters, with daughters-in-law and sons-in-law, called on Mr. George GILLETT on Monday to congratulate him on his 80th anniversary. The call was in the nature of a surprise party, and after affectionate greetings, a purse of gold from the male members of the family, and a gift from the female relatives, were presented. Mr. GILLETT was delighted with the surprise and a good time was spent. The Sun joins in wishing Mr. GILLETT many more years of life.
March 5, 1921 A.L. Brigade Re-organized With the help of returned soldiers, former members of the Brigade, the A.L.B. has been completely re-organized, and is now being again firmly established, with a largely increased membership. Mr. George JENKINS (ex L.C. of the Royal Newfoundland Reg.) is Captain, and is ably assisted by other returned men, whose military training give them thorough knowledge of drill. The band is also taking up serious practice under Bandmaster Wm. EARLE and are receiving lessons from Lieut. BROWN, S.A. who is a good cornetist. Quite a lot of past members and new ones have come along, and a hearty invitation is extended to all young men to join up.
March 5, 1921 The Belated Message From St. John's Although we held up our paper for a couple of hours on Saturday last waiting for our weekly message from St. John’s, we could get no assurance as to when it was likely to get through owing to the disorganized condition of the wires, so we went to press. Just as our run was finished and the newsboys gone, we received the belated message. It was to the effect that Nathan KEAN would be the observer on the sealing aeroplane, which would carry a crew of five men. Eight steamers, with possibly the “Sagona” as well, would sail March 10th carrying guns and making two trips, with much reduced crews. Price of fat not settled, but not expected to be over $4. It also said that the Daily News, Telegram and Advocate were getting hot over the Hr. Main by-election to take place shortly, with the Daily Star “on the fence.” A severe rainstorm was experienced Thursday which flooded many basements. The Fish Buyers had received no word from the Government in answer to their petition asking to have the Regulations lifted from Portugal. Our correspondent considered the Government was being bossed by the Minister of Fisheries, then touring Europe. The Government were maintaining five steamers on the S.W. Coast, adding economy not in their vocabulary. PUDDISTER, Manager of Daily News, was taking action for libel of $10,000 against the Star. There was yet no word of the opening of the Legislature.
March 5, 1921 Change Island’s Notes (Part 1) Mr. Dorman ELLIOTT, the former manager of Elliott and Co. at Change Islands is being replaced by Mr. Jack BRETT, formerly of Fogo. Mr. BRETT served for a number of years with the firm of Earle Sons & Co. at Fogo. He enlisted with the first five hundred in the Nfld. Regiment and lost both feet through frostbite while serving in Gallipoli. Since his return from the front, he has been traveling for the Direct Agencies, and comes to his new position with a thorough knowledge of out-port business. There is plenty of sugar yet in Change Islands, and no such scarcity as the Northern Metropolis seems to be experiencing. The wrecked three masted schr. “Harriett”, which went ashore in the Eastern Tickle while leaving Fogo last fall, is to be sold by public auction on Monday by Mr. T. PECKFORD, of Change Islands, The Wreck Commissioner. The bottom of the ship is gone but sails and gear are in excellent condition and several bids are expected. The Harriett was only four years old at the time she was wrecked.
March 5, 1921 Change Island’s Notes (Part 2) Messrs. Earle Sons & Co., under adverse market conditions, were rather lucky than otherwise in having two cargoes thrown on the Insurance Companies – the other one was that wrecked at Malaga recently. Mr. Jack ROBERTS, who is managing the firm of Solomon ROBERTS, was successful in selling his cargo of fish at a fair rate, which will let him out safely. No word has been heard of his brothers since they reached London. It is not expected that Harry will return to Newfoundland, but will settle in the States or Canada. Mr. Charles EARLE is still well and going strong. Mr. & Mrs. H. J. EARLE have been spending the winter in Fogo. Word was received this week that Mrs. KEMMERLEY, formerly Nina EARLE, is very ill in Toronto of pneumonia. Her child has been at Change Islands all the winter. Owing to the absence of many of the Committee in the Bay cutting firewood, it was impossible for the Chairman, Mr. Frank TAYLOR to secure a meeting to elect a director to attend the Hospital Association meeting at Twillingate.
March 5, 1921 Advertisement Lost. Between S. FACEY’s and Post Office, large key with small key attached. Finder please return to this Office.
March 5, 1921 Death A lad named TUCKER of Elliston, age ten years, was killed through a piece of rough play on the part of an older companion named Arthur PELLY, aged 16. PELLY grasped TUCKER by the heels and swung him through the air, when the younger boy’s head came in contact with a slide, fracturing the skull, and he died later from the effects. PELLY will be tried for manslaughter.
March 5, 1921 Personals We understand on pretty good authority that Mr. W.B. JENNINGS is expected here shortly. We understand Mr. A.H. HODGE contemplates visiting Toronto if the railway line gets open again this winter. Several young folks plan to visit Morton’s Hr. for the L.O.A. anniversary next Thursday. Mr. Hedley BRETT of Morton’s Hr. was in town on Thursday to attend Masonic Lodge. We understand there were several new members initiated. Mr. W. EARLE of Change Islds., arrived here Thursday and is guest of Mr. A. COLBOURNE for a few days.
March 5, 1921 Telegraph Line The telegraph line is still down this morning and we might as well be living in the North Pole. Postmaster WHITE endeavoured to get in communication by wireless yesterday, but was unsuccessful.
March 5, 1921 Easter Performances Both the North Side Methodist and St. Peter’s choirs are preparing some special Easter music. The performers whose little concert in the Parish Hall a couple of weeks ago was so appreciated, are now preparing to put on another new performance for Easter week.
March 5, 1921 Sealings News Hopes are high for “the seals” now, as the Bay is clear, and should the right winds prevail, old timers say we are bound to get them. Here’s hoping you may grease your hauling ropes in the next two weeks. Sealing steamers will probably go North to pick up their crews owing to railway blockade. It has been decided to send the “Sagona” to the ice fields this spring, as was reported last week in our St. John’s message. Capt. Job KNEE goes in command.
March 5, 1921 Relocating Mr. Samuel ANSTEY Jr., is hauling a house this morning and Dr. WOOD is moving his surgery from the NOTT premises up to his own property.
March 5, 1921 District Grand Lodge, S.U.F., Herring Neck Worthy Master George JANES and Chief Officer Fred LUTHER of St. Peter’s Lodge, No. 12, S.U.F., visited Herring Neck last week for District Grand Lodge at that place. The visiting delegates speak in the highest terms of their reception at Herring Neck, and say they were given an extra good time, St. Mary’s Lodge excelling itself to entertain them. The visiting delegates were Bros. Gilbert PAYNE, Ez. LUDLOW, SIMMS and Rev. T. HISCOCK from Fogo; Bros. GATEHOUSE, PECKFORD, OKE, TORRAVILLE, Thos. HINDS and one other from Change Islands, and Bros. Geo. JANES and Fred LUTHER from Twillingate. The Lodge opened on Monday night, Feb. 21st., First Degree till 10:30 about 100 brethren being present. At that hour refreshments were served in the lower flat, and on return, District Grand Lodge was opened until 11:30, being then adjourned until 7:30 the following evening. On Tuesday evening, D.G. Lodge was again opened until 10 when adjournment was taken for supper and upon return, the Lodge was resumed till 4 a.m. when it closed. The following were elected officers of the D.G. Lodge for this year: Gilbert PAYNE, Fogo, District G. Master; Ezekiel LUDLOW, Fogo, District Secretary; Rev. T. HISCOCK, Fogo, District Chaplain. PECKFORD, Change Islands 1st. Officer; N. SIMMS, Herring Neck 2nd Officer; RANDELL, Herring Neck, Q.M. Geo. JANES, Twgate, Lookout; Herbert OKE, Fogo, Purser.
March 5, 1921 Shipping News The “Kyle” arrived at St. John’s from Sydney Monday. The “Senef” returned to Bay de Verde being unable to get into Trinity Bay.
March 5, 1921 New Church The Dedication of the new Methodist Church at Tizzard’s Hr. will also take place during the visit of Chairman Rev. COFFIN on the 18th. inst.
March 5, 1921 Note of Thanks Mrs. S. HAWKINS wished to thank the many friends who in any way showed kindness to her during the recent illness and death of her Mother, Mrs. ELLIOTT. Also to the friends who sent beautiful wreaths to adorn the casket, viz. Mr. & Mrs. A. MANUEL, Mrs. A. & Miss M.A.BLACKLER, and Miss Meta ELLIOTT.
March 5, 1921 Line Down Again The telegraph line has been down again since Thursday morning. No mails; no telegraphs; no sugar. Some Government all right!
March 5, 1921 Dorcas Report Report of Dorcas Society for year ending December 31st., 1920. To amt of clothing distributed among 46 destitute persons $127.50; Coal, etc. $5; Total: $132.50; By Government Grant $100; Amt on hand from 1919 $10; Hodge Bros $10; Wm. Ashbourne Esq. $4; Earle Sons & Co. $2; G.J. Carter $2; Fredk. LINFIELD $1.50; Arthur MANUEL $1; Twillingate Sun $1; Miss Minnie ROBERTS of Hodge Bros $1. Total: $132.50. The Dorcas Society wish to thank Mesdames R.D. HODGE, W. MINTY, R. TEMPLE and Mr. Arthur MANUEL for assistance rendered. C. BAIRD Secy.
March 5, 1921 Mr. John DOVE Mr. John DOVE of Chance Hr. was brought here Saturday and is in the “Hospital” under Mrs. ELLIOTT’s care, suffering from some internal trouble. He had previously been to St. Anthony, Dr. LeDREW was attending him.
March 5, 1921 Mr. A. Leslie ANSTEY Recently Mr. A. Leslie ANSTEY received his certificates from the War Office. These are his warrant as Warrant Officer in the Royal Newfoundland Regiment and a certificate for Mention in the Despatches of Sir Douglas HAIG, of date March 16th, 1919, for “gallant and meritorious conduct in the field.”
March 5, 1921 The Paper Mill at Grand Falls Mr. Augustus CHURCHILL, late Royal Nf. Reg. who gave a limb in the service of his country, returned from Grand Falls, last week. He will return there again in a few weeks. He says that while the staff there has been very considerably reduced, it is incorrect that only one paper machine is working and that in the paper room, only extra help has been discharged.
March 5, 1921 The Mail Sealing scout aeroplane leaves Botwood on March 4th for St. Anthony with mails, returning to Botwood but keeping from 30 to 50 miles to sea on return trip. Our message to the Premier last week suggesting the use of aeroplane for mail carrying, seems to have had some effect as Tuesday’s message said she would take mail to the Treaty Shore on her first trip yesterday. The train has been making slow progress, and is unlikely to reach Lewisporte until today – if then. Meanwhile two weeks mail lies in the Post Office here for points from Fogo to Exploits, which might be distributed. This contains not only letters but two issues of our paper – the only source of reliable information for the public at present. We have protested to the P.M. General, but why should the Sun be the only one to raise its voice? Surely there are others with some interest in the public matters.
March 5, 1921 Death Patrick HARTWELL of Bauline, Dist. Trepassy, was burnt to death on Tuesday when his home was destroyed by fire.
March 5, 1921 Shortage of Sugar The sugar question has now reached a stage when perhaps people realize that we knew what we were talking of when we protested against the sugar muddle into which the Government has got us over this commodity. Today there is not a pound of sugar – white or brown – to be purchased here or neighbouring places, with the exception of Herring Neck. This has been brought about by the Government, and by them alone. Last fall, before the close of navigation, the Food Control Board announced that the price was fixed till February 12th., and if it did not say so directly, it led everyone to believe that after that date, free importation would be permitted; which, even taking the extra cost of getting this goods down over the ice into consideration, would have permitted its sale at least 15 cents a pound! Today, not only are we faced with a sugar famine, but new sugar supplies – when they do arrive – will cost anywhere from 31 to 34 cents a pound, owing to winter rates over the railway and extra cost of getting goods down over the ice.
March 5, 1921 Sealing Industry The recent off wind, seems to have altered the face of things seaward quite a little, and the indication for a successful voyage for the sealing steamers are now much better than they were a few weeks ago. After all, the sealing industry benefits Newfoundland as a whole very little. With $4 fat, even at two trips, not much money will find its way to the out-ports when expenses and fares have been paid, and the returns to the men will be a very small wage for two months work, as it will mean two trips. A few Water Street firms will benefit, but the Sealing Voyage, so much advertised, means very little but talk to the most of this country. To our mind, the only way to increase the value of the sealing industry is to offer a substantial bounty to sealing craft and remove this business from the hands of a few big St. John’s firms who are taking all the cream of the undertaking. March and April used to be days of unwonted activity in the Northern out-ports. Schooners and brigs being got ready and sailing, and when they did get the fat, the men got some returns out of it; while the skinning and reduction of the pelts kept labor in the out-ports. Today the out-ports share is to read the meager sealing news and talk of “old times.” Why not bring back the sealing industry to where it was?
March 5, 1921 Blame the Politicians Where are the representatives of Twillingate District? Mr.SCAMMEL can secure the services of the aeroplane to take mail for Treaty Shore; the Bonavista representatives are getting the Bonavista branch line cleared up; so are those for Bay de Verde, but our three members are silent. They are now comfortably settled away so why should they worry? Let the public do the worrying is their motto. One week passed without a mail and we just figured that was unfortunate. But when it lengthens to two, three and now over four weeks without any outside mail, and over two without even connection with our next door neighbours, that is a little too thin. Never was such indifference towards their constituency manifested as is manifested by Messrs SAMSON and JENNINGS. What Mr. JONES is doing from the other end, we do not know, but if we were in his place, if burning words could fuse the telegraph lines or scorch the ears of those supine authorities in St. John’s, not a wire would be standing and McMURDO’s would be cleaned out of slave and Zambuk. If we can do without mails this way we might as well save the country several hundred thousand dollars yearly and do without the Postal Department entirely.
March 5, 1921 Fishing Fleet Tie-up The owners of 45 steam-fishing trawlers at Boston and Gloucester, have decided to lay up the fleet for an indefinite period. They offered to continue working them if the crews would accept a reduction in wages, but this was refused by the latter. They give as reason for this step the high cost of coal and low price of fish.
March 12, 1921 The Eileen Lake Schr. “Eileen Lake,” from Port Union for Oporto, arrived here Sunday through stress of weather. She is now held by authorities and in charge of Police owing to breach of clearance regulations. She will be detained until April 3rd. stated that her Captain is suing Trading Company for daily demurrage. Correspondent.
March 12, 1921 Society of United Fishermen (Part 1) Herring Neck, Feb. 29, 1921. Dear Mr. Editor: - It is seldom we see anything from this place in the Twillingate Sun. But we are pretty much alive as time goes on. On the 19th, at a meeting of the Memorial Hospital Committee, Mr. F.S. LOCKYER was unanimously elected a member of the board of directors. On the 21st there arrived from Fogo members of the District Grand Lodge, S.U.F. and delegation from Twillingate and Change Islands. The worthy master of St. Mary’s Lodge No. 14 met the Brothers on their arrival. At 7:30pm, the same evening, the worthy master Bro. Harry STUCKLESS, called the members together and after the regular routine of business gone through, the worthy District Grand Sec. Bro. Ezekiel LUDLOW instructed the Lodge in the proper working of the degree, after which the worthy Master asked the worthy District Grand Chaplain to address the Lodge which he did in the most gratifying manner. St. Mary’s Lodge was then closed. To open in the District Grand Lodge, the worthy District Grand Master Bro Gilbert PAYNE called this Lodge to business after the opening and Initiation Ceremony.
March 12, 1921 Society of United Fishermen (Part 2) The acting worthy District Grand quartermaster informed the worthy District Grand Master that the ladies in the under-flat were ready to serve lunch. The D.G. Lodge adjourned to open the following evening. At 7:30pm the following evening after the opening ceremonies the worthy D.G. Master Bro. Gilbert PAYNE called on Past Master Bro. Claud HOLWELL to take charge of the Lodge for the election and Installation of Officers for the coming year. Bro. Geo. JANES, T’wgate, elected W.D.G.L.O.; Bro. Gilbert PAYNE, Fogo, re-elected W.D.G. Master; Bro. Rev. J.T. HISCOCK, Fogo, re-elected W.D.G. Chaplain; Bro. Martin PECKFORD, Change Islands, elected W.D.G.C. Officer; Bro. Malcolm SIMMS, Herring Neck, elected W.D.G.S. Officer; Bro. Alfred RENDELL, Herring Neck, W.D.G. Q. Master; Bro. Ez. LUDLOW, Fogo re-elected W.D.G. Secy.; Bro. Hubert OAK, change Islands, elected W.D.G. Purser. A recess was then taken and the members of the District Grand Lodge went to the under-flat where the kind ladies had provided another lunch. After the Brethren had satisfied their appetite, they were called again to their Lodge room for the further dispatch of business after which the annual meeting of District Grand Lodge Notre Dame No. 3 closed at 3am, Feb. 23rd. Correspondent.
March 12, 1921 Death The death of Mrs. Mary M. ROBERTS, which occurred at Pelley’s Island, Notre Dame Bay early Saturday morning Feb. 5th., evoked widespread regret among her many friends in this town and elsewhere. The deceased was well and favourably known for and …….. those motherly qualities which endeared her to all whose privilege it was to know her. At the ripe old age of 79 and having had her share of life turmoil, her faith in God and her quiet cheerful optimism and good sense made her a personality which stood out like a Beacon, and inspired the traveler on life’s dusty highway to deeds of self denial and to God. To her immediate friends, and their name is legion, she was known as “Aunt Mary” and when some neighbor fell sick, and there was no Doctor, or some bereaved heart thirsted for sympathy, Aunt Mary was never appealed to in vain. She is enshrined in the hearts of someone in nearly every village in Notre Dame Bay. Her Kingdom was her home; her riches here devotion to her Husband, children and friends, and whether in a cottage or a palace, her presence made a home. Why mourn over the inevitable - her sleep must be peaceful. My peace I give unto you – her life exemplified the peace, which the world cannot give nor take away. Eternity alone will disclose the value to the world of the quiet unassuming women who live and minister and die more heroically than the soldier on the battle-field, amidst the uninspiring cares and duties of life – God’s Heroes our Mothers. To her surviving children Thos. ROBERTS of Pelley’s Island., with whom she made her home; E.W. ROBERTS of St. John’s; Lloyd ROBERTS of North Sydney, N.S. and Roland of Newport, USA, the sympathy of the community will go out. “As a cloud of the sunset, slow melting in heaven, as a star that is lost when the daylight is given, as a glad dream of slumber, which wakens in bliss, She hath passed to the world of the holy from this.” E.K.
March 12, 1921 Personals Mr. Alfred LINFIELD and Mr. ROBERTS were in town from Loon Bay on Wednesday. Mr. Kenneth MANUEL was also here from the same place on Thursday. Mr. A. COLBOURNE, who took up Master Josie MAYNE who will spend a few weeks with his uncle, Mr. Edwin COLBOURNE at Bishop’s Falls, went to Lewisporte on Wednesday. W.B. JENNINGS, Esq., M.H.H., Minister of Public Works, arrived here on Thursday accompanied by his Colleague, Mr. SAMPSON. Apparently the Sun has had the effect of waking the gentlemen to some sense of their responsibility. Messrs. A. COLBOURNE and W. EARLE, accompanied by Mr. A.H. HODGE, left for Change Islands on Monday, Mr. COLBOURNE going on to Fogo. The fine weather and good traveling has brought many visitors to town during the first part of this week. Mr. Obadiah WHELLOR and his brother were here from Summerford Tuesday; Mr. Herbert HICKS of Morton’s Hr. and many others.
March 12, 1921 Hr. Main Decides Today Reading the St. John’s papers of both sides of politics, it is evident that HAWCO and FUREY, JONES and LEWIS will all be elected. Seriously, though, it is impossible to judge from the ridiculous clamor, both sides are making as to who will win. The only point that sheds any light is the report that it was the intention of Dr. CAMPBELL to be nominated – it will be remembered that he holds his portfolio as Minister of Agriculture and Mines only by grace of a seat in the Legislative Council – if the going looked good for the Government, and the fact that he was not, is taken by Opposition papers as an indication that he saw no chance of election. Anyhow, by this time today the decision is made and there is little doubt that the decision of Hr. Main has a very important bearing on the political situation.
March 12, 1921 Sealing News Eight sealing steamers sailed form St. John’s on Thursday, 10th., at 8 in the morning. The weather was foggy, but report showed no ice along the shore. The Sealer Neptune reported herself 30 miles off the Funks yesterday.
March 12, 1921 Birth Born. To Mr. & Mrs. H.J. BLACKMORE, Indianapolis, Ind., on Feb. 3rd., a baby girl.
March 12, 1921 Birth Mrs. JACOB’s baby was born Mar. 3rd., Thursday, instead of Mar. 2nd., at stated.
March 12, 1921 Politics Messrs. JENNINGS and SAMSON were to hold a public meeting in the Alexandra Hall last night. We shall endeavor to report it if space and time permit today. If not we will do so next week.
March 12, 1921 Death Capt. Levi DIAMOND, aged 87, died last Saturday.
March 12, 1921 Advertisement Notice. Those that have selected furniture and other articles from me can take it the coming week. Robert SMALL.
March 12, 1921 Memorial Hospital Fund T’gate, Mar. 9th., 1921. Editor, T’gate Sun. Dear Sir: - The enclosed list of additional subscribers to the N.D. Memorial Hospital from Change Islands was received by me this week, and I would ask you to give it publication in your paper. I also wish to announce through your columns that I shall be pleased to receive the yearly installments now due by subscribers, when acknowledgements will be made in due course. Respectfully yours, Arthur MANUEL, Fin. Sec. N.D.M. Hospital. (Change Islands) Amount already acknowledged $1085.35. Ottowell LeDREW $1; James CRANE 50c; Saml ELLIOTT $5; Archibald ELLIOTT, J.P. $10; John OAKE $10; Rev. H. GOSSE $5; Jonas BLAKE $2. Interest accrued on money in bank for 1917-20: $56.07. Members fees Twillingate $2. Total $1176.92.
March 12, 1921 Concert A successful little concert was given in the Bluff Head Cove School room, on Wednesday night by the pupils, and the sum of $38 was made. This amount goes towards certain repairs and improvements made to the school building.
March 12, 1921 The Sugar Situation Regarding Sugar – it seems that a number of firms in St. John’s are at present not willing to handle Government Sugar. A businessman here ordering sugar received a reply from two wholesalers that they were not dealing in sugar until free importation was allowed. Sugar consumption is very slow at present, and it is fully expected that the Government sugar will last until September. If this be correct the people of this country are condemned to a further bondage to the sugar Govt. unless they break the shackles themselves.
March 12, 1921 The Relief Committee The Relief Committee beg to notify the public that they have finished the work entrusted to them, having spent all their funds, therefore are unable to make any further donations to those needing help. Also beg to advise that after accounts have been duly audited, statements of same will be published in the “Sun.” On behalf of the Relief Committee, James Anstey, Chairman; C.L. Hodge, Secretary.
March 12, 1921 St. John's News "Thanks to an inefficient Government our weekly message arrived again last week too late to be of value. Here it is. St. John’s, March 3, 1921. “In these days no communication from the capital. Where are the Representatives to see that Northern Districts get more than a meager sketch of daily local and foreign news compiled in the Advocate office, also weekly mail service connecting various settlements. Express eight days out, arrived Gambo last night. Couriers probably leaving Twillingate Monday. Exporters yesterday again confirmed former Resolution requesting Government to immediately cancel Regulations as affecting Portugal, expressing their determination to attempt to save something out of the wreckage. Four cargoes have entered Portugal in defiance of Government Regulations. Brazil is now buying from Halifax, lower priced fish. Sugar Regulations a blight to Newfoundland. A sensation is caused by late cable from Italy saying that schooner, President Coaker, was ordered to discharge cargo of 7,500 qtls. codfish in Italy on account of Newfld. Govt. This confirms the supposed guarantee given last fall to a few special Exporters. The cost to the Colony on this cargo is estimated in neighbourhood of forty thousand dollars, with more to follow. Awkward questions are being asked by the taxpayers. Accident to airplane at Botwood likely prevent cruise to ice field. This port free from ice. Thaws continuing. Correspondent."
March 12, 1921 Sealing Aeroplane. The Sub-Collector, Mr. J.A.S. PEYTON received a telegram Monday from Mr. Edgar PEYTON, at Botwood saying that the aeroplane had made a flight around Exploits Bay, but had damaged her engine. Whether damage was caused during running or at landing, message did not say. The sealing aeroplane, which was damaged last week, will likely be repaired and ready again by today, and is expected to make a trip then. All telegraph operators and lighthouse keepers are instructed to watch out for her and to report any sign of her. Capt. Nat. KEAN will be on board. Offices at repeating stations for this Bay and Treaty Shore will be kept open all night tonight. It is said that the damage occurred through the use of inferior gasoline.
March 12, 1921 Note of Thanks Ladies of the Arm Academy Sewing Circle wish to thank all kind friends who sent donations of cakes, pies or money, or in any way helped to make our sale and tea a success. Mrs. John MINTY, Pres. Mrs. L. WHEELOR, Sec.
March 12, 1921 House Sold. Mr. Robert SMALL has sold his house and land to Mr. Thos. RICE, of the Arm. The latter will probably move up here during the spring. Mr. SMALL will leave about the first week in April.
March 12, 1921 Shipping News The schr. “Laberge” arrived at St. Lawrence this week, salt laden, and the “Hawker” is due to arrive early in April. Both are owned by C. & E. ROBERTS. Mr. ASHBOURNE’s scrh. “Ariceen” left Italy for Cadiz last week. The schr. “Retraction,” owned by P. TEMPLEMAN, jammed near North Hr., St. Mary’s Bay, reports finding BARR’s schr. “Barbara Barr” near Cabinet (close by) abandoned.
March 12, 1921 Mr. Andrew Joseph Pearce. Imperial Service Medal Award. By the month old mail on Monday arrived the Imperial Service Medal awarded to our respected fellow townsman Andrew PEARCE, late Sub-Collector of His Majesty’s Customs. This medal was awarded Mr. PEARCE by His Majesty the King, for long and meritorious service in the Government employ. Mr. PEARCE having served for almost forty years continuously as Sub-Collector for this port. The presentation was to have been made by His Excellency, the Governor, in his visit to turn the first sod of the new Hospital last summer, which visit had to be cancelled owing to certain delays and misunderstandings. It was suggested that the presentation be made during the Governor’s visit the coming spring, but Mr. PEARCE preferred that it should be done quietly, so the medal was forwarded to Magistrate MIFFLEN, who will make the presentation. Andrew Joseph PEARCE was born on May 15th, 1879. He was appointed to the position as Sub-Collector, Postmaster and Surveyor of Shipping on Dec. 1st, 1880. Owing to the postal work becoming too great, that department was transferred, and he continued to hold the other two offices until last year when he asked to be relieved of his duties owing to ill health. Thirty-nine years earned for him a pension, and with the pension came this mark of his Sovereign’s appreciation. The Sun extends its congratulations to Mr. PEARCE, I.S.M., and trust he may live many years to wear the Medal His King has bestowed upon him.
March 12, 1921 Advertisement Found. Picked up on Kyar’s Pond, gauntlet glove with woolen back. Owner get same from Robert GRANVILLE, Black Duck Cove.
March 12, 1921 Mail The mailmen made good time with the mail Monday, and returned about teatime. They left again next morning for the balance of the overdue mail.
March 12, 1921 Summerford Notes Wood cutting has been the chief work this winter at Summerford, and quite a lot of it has been got out. Messrs. Elijah BOYDE, James GATES and Fred BURT have just finished up a spell of work on Chapel’s Island and have 13 thousand sticks to their credit. Some others have also been engaged, cutting ties for the A.N.D. Co. Although the poles for a telephone line to Summerford were cut last winter, there is as yet no sign of the line being erected. When one remembers that it is only two and half (miles?) from the bottom of Virgin Arm, where the telegraph line passes, to Summerford, it seems too bad that for the small cost, this convenience cannot be given to Summerford. Rabbits are apparently very scarce all round. Mr. Isaac BARNES, who is the veteran rabbit catcher in this neighbourhood, recently returned from a trip to the Bay with only three rabbits, so scarce were they. It may seem strange to readers of the Sun to hear of trawls being put out in the winter, yet on Tuesday morning, Mr. Abram MAIDMENT and another man left to set their trawls in the Run for Turbot. They had previously set one, but had some little trouble in getting it down, but in spite of the difficulty, were rewarded with three fine turbot. It is to be hoped they will have better luck this time. Those trawls are set in very deep water – about 300 fathoms and hauling them is no light task.
March 12, 1921 Attacked By Dogs. Master Wallace, eldest son of Mr. Edward STUCKLESS, aged about 15, was so badly bitten in the side by dogs on Monday, that he will have to lay by for a week. Master Fred FACEY was skating on the harbor near their own place and fell. The dogs of Mr. Martin STUCKLESS rushed out on the ice and attacked him. Wallace very bravely rushed to beat off the dogs, when they turned their attention to him, and before the dogs were driven away, they had bitten him severely. The FACEY boy escaped with only a few minor bites.
March 12, 1921 Birth Born. To Mr. & Mrs. Thos. JACOBS, Hart’s Cove, on Wednesday, March 2nd, a baby girl.
March 12, 1921 Advertisement Tomorrow May Be Too Late. Not long ago the inhabitants of the home of Mrs. LEGGE of the Arm, arose in the morning to find a hole charred through the floor under the kitchen stove, big enough to admit a boy’s body. Only the fact that there was no wind saved the building from total destruction. You never can tell when your fire is coming. Be wise and place a few hundred dollars insurance with the Twillingate Fire Insurance Company, who will give you the lowest rates in Newfoundland. Don’t wait. Tomorrow you may be watching your home burn. For full information write the Secretary, W.T. TEMPLE, Twillingate.
March 12, 1921 Chopped Child's Head Off A terrible accident occurred on Feb. 1st at St. Joseph's Placentia Bay. It seems that a young man named CLARKE was cutting firewood near his home, when a little girl named PARDY, aged 4 years, and a relative of CLARKE's, ran to get some splits from under the block. PARDY [sic] without seeng the child, raised the axe, which in descending struck the child on the head, almost severing it from the body, and killing the child instantly. The unfortunate occurence cast a gloom over the little settlement.
March 12, 1921 Photograph Adj. HISCOCK [A photograph of two men, one of whom could be Gen. BOOTH of the Salvation Army, is accompanied by the following text.] In this photograph appears an old friend, Adj. HISCOCK, S.A., now at Grand Falls.
March 19, 1921 Some Snow By Wednesday mail we received a couple of “snaps” of the snow banks, which drifted in St. John’s during the big storm of a few weeks ago. No description can convey the idea like these photographs, and we should be glad to show them to any caller. We thank our subscriber in St. John’s who sent them to us.
March 19, 1921 Grand Falls A subscriber writing from Grand Falls under March 11th date says, “A great many men are being laid off here from some of the work – mostly outsiders. I have no doubt things will right themselves again after a while.”
March 19, 1921 Birth Born. To Mr. & Mrs. Arthur GILLARD at Gillard’s Cove on March 5th, a baby girl.
March 19, 1921 Masonic Social The Masonic Brethren, who with guests and visitors numbered about one hundred, spent an enjoyable evening in their temple on St. Patrick’s Day. Dinner, under the catering of Mrs. Robert COOPER, was served in the lower flat, to which all did full and ample justice. After the dinner followed a toast list. The King, proposed by the Worshipful Master, Arthur YOUNG. Duke of Connaught, proposed by Bro. Dr. LeDREW. District G.M. CLIFT, proposed by Bro. C.D. MAYNE and responded to by Bro. Wm. ASHBOURNE. Our Guests and Visitors, proposed by Bro. A.G. ASHBOURNE and responded to by Rev. G.L. MERCER of Morton’s Hr. Sister Lodges, proposed by Bro. Paul MOORE and responded to by Rev. Dr. CURTIS. Officers and Members of Lodge 2364, proposed by Bro. C. WHITE. After the speeches had been brought to an end, games were indulged in until ten o’clock, when fruit was handed round. A solo was given by Mrs. WOOD and recitation by Mrs. LeDREW; then at eleven the evening closed with the Grand Honors and the National Anthem, and after singing Auld Lang Syne, the guests and brethren dispersed, having spent a very pleasant evening. A great deal of credit is due to Capt. F. ROBERTS who as chairman of the Committee was responsible for the management of the affair.
March 19, 1921 Personals Mr. SAMSON, M.H.A., left by team Friday morning for Lewisporte. Mr. JENNINGS, who went to Morton’s Hr. last Saturday, was spending some time in that locality. Sir William GOODE, who has been appointed Provisional Ruler of Austria, is a Newfoundlander by birth, having been born at Channel in 1875. Mr. Willis SPENCER of New Bay is spending the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. A. Jas. GILBERT. Mr. George BLANDFORD went to St. John’s on Tuesday, Mr. Arthur MANUEL driving him up to Lewisporte. Messrs. Harry RICE and Augustus PURCHASE went to Lewisport Tuesday on way to Boston, USA. Mr. Lewis PURCHASE, who drove them up, informed us there was considerable snow on the ice. Dr. CURTIS left here yesterday to join an East bound train which left Port aux Basques that morning.
March 19, 1921 Shipping News Mr. Ashbourne’s schr. “Douglas Adams” left Lisbon Saturday for this side. The “Ariceen” had not reached Cadiz up to yesterday. St. John’s newspapers say the Ariceen was rammed by a steamer in the Mediterranean and had her head gear damaged. Mr. ASHBOURNE informs us that this occurred while she was on her way up, some little time age, but in no way serious.
March 19, 1921 The Hr. Main Election The Harbor Main election of last Saturday, brought the defeat of the Government candidates and the election of the Opposition Candidates, Dr. JONES and Capt. LEWIS. The vote was: FUREY 959; HAWCO 943; JONES 1152 and LEWIS 1082. The significance of the defeat of the Government is that it was not able to win a district, which preferred to put men in opposition, rather than vote for the Government. It is unusual for electors to deliberately choose men in opposition when a Government’s term is less than half run, and the fact that Harbor Main deliberately chose the shades of opposition, is a pretty strong indication of the general dissatisfaction throughout the country with the present Government. What will happen now, we shall probably have to wait till the opening of the Legislature to determine. The Advocate protests through the Public News, that the Government is harmoniously united, but me thinks it protests over much.
March 19, 1921 Advertisement Lost. Between Ashbourne’s Arm premises and Dr. Ledrew’s, small black purse containing $10. Please return to Mrs. Arthur JENKINS.
March 19, 1921 Advertisement For Sale. 1 Stable; 1 Singer Sewing Machine, new; 1 Oil Heater; 2 Stoves. Also furniture, etc. Apply Hooper GATES, Ragged Point.
March 19, 1921 The sealing aeroplane at Botwood The sealing aeroplane at Botwood has not yet at this writing, made her first flight, and the steamers will probably discover the seals first. Many people are inclined to believe that the whole scheme is a hoax, and that Government and sealing owners will have paid their money for nothing.
March 19, 1921 Trap Berths. Traps were put out last week to hold the Walsh’s Pt. and Hadyn’s Rock berths at the Arm.
March 19, 1921 Prices. (Trade Review). The total fish shipments for last week were 14,534. Regulations are now removed except to Brazil, and these probably go shortly. Portuguese shipments are held up till April 3rd. Demand for Cod oil is poor. Best price in New York was 50 cents a gallon for Nfld. And Norwegian. The herring situation is brighter than for a long time. Scotch pack fetched $18 in New York. There is no glut of herring in New York like other years. Pork remains practically unchanged and will likely continue so for several months. Beef shows no appreciable change in American markets, and prices are expected to be slightly lower. Flour advanced about 30 to 40 cents per barrel last week. Leading brands are quoted in St. John’s at $14. Reports would indicate a shortage, but the competition of low priced sugar in the states will affect price, which is expected to be $1 an gallon. St. John’s price now 90 cents to $1.10. The sugar market is getting firmer and the low point has passed (of which Newfoundland could not avail thanks to F.C.B.) Oats are weaker; Hay is declining and Feeds are steady.
March 19, 1921 The Sealing Fleet The steamers which sailed this spring were: Eagle, Capt. BISHOP; Neptune, A. BARBOUR; Terra Nova, A. KEAN; Thetis, W.C. WINSOR; Ranger, Wes. KEAN; Diana, John PARSONS; Seal, Jacob KEAN; Sagona, Job KNEE; Viking (gulf), W. BARTLETT. The total crews number 1257 as against 1583 last year. The crews have signed on for trips and ships are permitted to stay out till end of April. Up to yesterday morning, the sealing news was not very encouraging. All the steamers were jammed. They made some slight progress Thursday morning, but were stuck fast again at night when wireless reports were sent in. None of them had any seals. The “Viking” in the gulf is apparently doing fairly well, having 4000 on board on Thursday.
March 19, 1921 What Rubbish The following beautifully bungled up account of the sealing aeroplane appeared in the British Dominion Trade Journal. It is worth reading if only to cause wonderment at how ill informed an important Journal can be. The idea of an aeroplane crew panning seals will cause a smile. “An expedition is planned at Truro, Nova Scotia by two local aviators, which promises to revolutionize, if successful, the whole sealing business. This expedition will leave Montreal in the spring for Newfoundland, carrying two aeroplanes capable of carrying five passengers, pilot and a mechanic. The outfit will also include lighter-than-air machines, which were used so successfully during the war for “spotting” submarines. Veteran seal hunters will join the party in Newfoundland. It is claimed that from the planes, seals may be “spotted” much more readily than is being done at the present time by men located in the rigging of vessels, The plan is for the plane to descend on the ice after the spotting and dispatch the seals with pump guns. The skins of the animals will be packed in a big bundle about the base of a pole, to which a flag will be attached, and when the ice breaks up, vessels will go out and pick up the piles, which have been left behind.
March 19, 1921 “Aunt Martha” INDER "Four Generations Gather On Mrs. INDER's 78 Birthday. Springdale, Mar. 6th. ""Aunt Martha"" INDER's friends in Twillingate will be interested to hear about the surprise party given here on her birthday, on March 6th when she passed the 78th milestone in fairly good health and spirits. Grandmother INDER is a native of Twillingate, a sister of Mr. Fred HOUSE of your town. Her granddaughters, Mrs. KNIGHT and Mrs. B.S. CLARKE, decided to give her a surprise on her birthday, in which they were aided by Mrs. John PETERS and her daughter. The old lady got an inkling of it somehow, but was agreeably surprised when about 4 p.m. ""The Cake"" decorated with 78 colored flags, was carried in, followed by an ample supply of goodies; and she was even more surprised as the guests came gathering in until about forty were assembled to wish her ""many happy returns."" Mrs. W. CUNNINGHAM, wife of the Magistrate, const. WALSH and Mrs. WALSH and other prominent citizens (self included, ahem!) were there, while two children, eleven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren were among the number. Four generations were represented in a direct line from Mrs. INDER, her son James, his daughter and little son aged 1 ½ years. Many gifts were presented to the dear old lady including several dollars in money. After tea, with Mrs. CUNNINGHAM accompanying at the organ, several hymns were sung including the dear old lady's favorite ""How firm a Foundation."" ""Aunt Martha"" is loved by all for her kind and gentle disposition, and we all trust she may be spared for may more years. I am sure those who organized the party were well repaid when they saw how their grandmother enjoyed it all. May I say the Twillingate Sun is very welcome here so many of us come from there that we look upon it as our paper. One of the Guests."
March 19, 1921 Advertisement The following lines of Groceries at Reduced Prices. Loose Currants; Dried Pears & Peaches; Table Jellies; Egg Powder; Tinned Peaches & Greengages; Corn Flakes; Cream of Wheat; Washing Powder; Red Rose Tea; Local Jams - Black Currant; Squash & Partridge Berry; Coffee- qrs., halves & one lb. packages; Corned & Roast Beef; Corned Beef Hash; Hamburg Steak; Local Tinned Salmon; Baked Beans; Potted Sardines; Cornflakes; Rolled Oats – for cattle. See Our Grocery Table. Hodge Bros.
March 19, 1921 Advertisement For Sale. A motorboat; length 21 feet; width 5 ft. 8 inches; depth 32 inches; equipped with 3 horse power engine. In good condition. For particulars apply to, Frank NEWMAN, North Side.
March 19, 1921 Advertisement Lost. At Little Hr. on Wednesday night, a Flash Light. Finder will receive reward by leaving name at Hodge Brothers office.
March 19, 1921 Death The death of Frank CLARKE, which we chronicled briefly last week, occurred at the home of his sister, Mrs. Abram KNIGHT, at Morton’s Hr. at the age of 78 years, from cancer of the throat. The late Mr. CLARKE was a quiet, unassuming, God-fearing citizen of Twillingate, leaving a brother at this town, Mr. John CLARKE and another at Springdale, Mr. Samuel CLARKE. He was twice married, his second wife having pre-deceased him; but had no children living. Two sisters, Mrs. Abram, and Mrs. Wm. KNIGHT reside at Morton’s Hr. To the relatives of the deceased the Sun extends its sympathy.
March 19, 1921 Prize Money Mr. Fred COMPTON (ex R.N.C.V.R.) received notice by last mail from the Naval Depot Ottawa that he was entitled to certain Prize Money. We hope our friend who served with the Canadian Navy will be the recipient of a nice little cheque.
March 19, 1921 Advertisement For Sale or Rent. That commodious dwelling house with stores, stables, concrete cellar and gardens at Back Harbor. Also on Tuesday next and the following days I will sell the remainder of my furniture etc., consisting of 1 Piano, good condition; 4 Iron bedsteads; Floor canvas; 1 Health mattress; 1 Washstand, 2 Small tables; 2 Wire mattresses; 1 Three-ply carpet; etc. Also, some second hand clothing. No reasonable offer refused. Charles D. MAYNE.
March 19, 1921 Breakwater (Part 1) Breakwater Voted To YOUNG’s Mr. James PHILLIPS. Capt. Frank ROBERTS moved as an amendment that the breakwater be built near the Public Wharf, N. Side. This was seconded by Capt. Bennett YOUNG. Capt. ROBERTS said he saw no place better for the benefit of outside vessels. The S. Side was of little advantage to vessels making shelter, as it was a lee shore. Mr. Wm. ASHBOURNE, in defending his motion, thought that, as all the public buildings were on the North Side, that the South Side was entitled to something. He pointed out that the number of coastwise craft wrecked in the harbor during the last 25 years was almost nil, compared with the number of local vessels and local property damaged on the S. Side. He complained that his Upper Premises was continually cluttered up by boats &c belonging to his dealers, who went there for shelter. There was already good protection on the N. Side from the coastal wharf, and he thought the $25,000 allocated would go a very short distance on site proposed by Capt. ROBERTS, probably not to the head of the present coastal wharf. Capt. ROBERTS failed to see who would benefit from a breakwater at Young’s Point, but Mr. ASHBOURNE, and doubted its value to shipping if we were going to consider outside craft, and didn’t think there was room for a half dozen schooners. He thought it better to extend the public wharf.
March 19, 1921 Breakwater (Part 2) He couldn’t say what was the best place, unless half a million dollars was available. Mr. A.G. ASHBOURNE considered, N. Side had now a good shelter in the Public Wharf. He thought the Young’s Point site was the best, and claimed the best holding ground in the harbor was off their premises. Mr. James PRIMMER thought we ought not to consider outside craft. Out harbors ignored the petition. In the fall of year, fishermen who owned motorboats, and there were thirty of them along South Side, had no protection. The site at Young’s Point would provide that for them. Mr. Thos. KNELL thought the best site would be from Tom-Cod rock and to dredge out Moor’s Cove if the main object was to protect fishing craft. Capt. A. Jas. GILLETT thought the Young’s Point site would provide no shelter for coastwise craft. If he were selfish he would fall in line with Mr. ASHBOURNE, but thought our main object was to consider coastwise craft generally. That being the case, he considered the only place was in the neighborhood of the public wharf. Capt. Abram WHITE though the Willar’s Pt. to Hr. Rock scheme the best. He thought the cost would be about same as from Young’s Point, and said there were 8 fathoms of water about 70 fathoms from Young’s Point, which would prevent extension beyond that. Capt. Andrew ROBERTS thought that perhaps a good place would be from the Belanders ashore on N. Side, and from Hr. Rock to Willar’s Point. Capt. John PHILLIPS was formerly of the opinion of Capt. GILLETT, but had come to believe there should be safety for motorboats. We could start building at Young’s Point and afterward add a couple of blocks on the Public Wharf.
March 19, 1921 Breakwater (Part 3) He pointed out that while schooners were insured, there was no insurance on motorboats, which represented a value of $300 each or over. Capt. F. ROBERTS would vote for a breakwater from Young’s Point if motorboats were the main consideration, but not if coastwise shipping was to be considered. Capt. A. Jas. GILLETT held a similar opinion. Mr. Wm. ASHBOURNE thought the people of Twillingate had little interest in the places outside. Twillingate Hr. was not considered a safe harbor for shipping, and only used in emergency. He thought chief idea was to have something to protect our own property. He thought that a breakwater from Willar’s Pt. to Hr. Rock would ruin him. He claimed he had a right to have his interests protected and was going to fight for it. Any vessel running in here had tackle to hold her, and would not be lost, because there was a little breakwater from Young’s Pt. Mr. A.G. ASHBOURNE asked the Chairman if the decision of the meeting would be final. Mr. SAMPSON replied that he thought not. If the Govt. Engineer thought the site decided on would be too expensive, he would probably not agree, but if the meeting decided on a spot where the breakwater could be built for the money, the Government would probably agree.
March 19, 1921 Breakwater (Part 4) This announcement seemed to have a damping effect on the audience, and as a result not half voted when the vote was taken. Mr. Martin PHILLIPS pointed out that the Public Wharf would need some repairs before the breakwater was completed. He favored the South Side site, but would like to see something done to the Public wharf as well, and to see it extended. He thought we ought to also decide an alternative site, in case the Government rejected that chosen. Capts. Abram WHITE, A. Jas GILLETT, Mr. Wm. ASHBOURNE and Mr. Martin PHILLIPS added some further suggestions when the amendment of Capt. F. Roberts was put and lost. Mr. ASHBOURNE’s motion was then put and carried, not quite half the audience voting, the others abstaining from voting entirely, the Chairman announcing that the site chosen was that at Young’s Point, South Side. The meeting closed with the National Anthem.
March 19, 1921 Public Warning I, the undersigned, hereby give notice that I hold clear title to that property at Tickle Point, Twillingate, formerly the estate of Mrs. TUCKER, deceased, and any person trespassing thereon will be prosecuted according to law. Laura BARRETT., Sydney, N.S.
March 19, 1921 Memorial Hospital Fund Arthur MANUEL. Collection Box Manuel’s Hotel, Lewisporte per A.H. HODGE $5. The best thanks of the M.H. Finance Committee are tendered to Mr. & Mrs. Robt. MANUEL for their interest in this matter. Arthur MANUEL, Finance Secy.
March 26, 1921 Long Distance Haul House hauling is not a thing to excite much wonderment, especially in this locality. In a city if a man takes a new dwelling he moves himself and his goods to that section. Here we do the reverse, we call in the neighbors and remove the house, body and bones, to where we need it. Mr. Joseph CHINN probably established what was a record for a long distance haul last week when he moved his house from Chinnville via Dark Hole Neck to Burnt Cove, a distance of about ten miles. Of course, it was a very tiny building, and was hauled on four sleds; otherwise it would have hardly been possible. About seventy men from Lobster Hr., Merritt’s Hr., Tilt Cove, and other parts of Friday’s Bay, lent a hand and the job was accomplished in about a day and a half. Mr. James GILLARD of Tilt Cove, who lent ropes, and Mr. Charley BUTT of Burnt Cove, have especial helped and Mr. CHINN is very grateful to them.
March 26, 1921 From Springdale (Part 1) How are things at Twillingate? No doubt you feel like the rest of us these depressing times. It seems to me that owing to these Fish Regulations we are out quite a lot as a country. It looks to me that any men with ordinary intelligence could readily understand how these restrictions would paralyze the free intercourse of trade, more especially at this particular time when the world in concentrating all its efforts to re-establishment in our foreign markets, seems unwise to say the least. I haven’t much experience in these matters, but think the present is the wrong time to try and enforce new and more stringent laws on foreign fish buyers. So much for my opinion. It really seems that most of the present laws are obnoxious. Take the beaver open season, from March 1st to March 15th, and no houses or dams to be interfered with. How can beaver be got otherwise? And then furriers claim that April month is the time beavers have their young, so that when one female is killed, three or four beavers are actually destroyed. But what is the use to talk? We may not in our small way see things right, but I for one, think that every man should have a voice in the affairs of his country, thought is seems at present that a few govern the many.
March 26, 1921 From Springdale (Part 2) We buried yesterday a young man named Fred ANSTEY, son of Jonathan ANSTEY, formerly of Carter’s Cove, Twillingate, who died at Millertown Hospital on March 12th. He was cook in one of the lumbering camps and was taken ill, being unconscious all the time. His death is very sad as he leaves a wife and three children. He was about 28 years (of age.) There is plenty of herring here, but few are being taken, as people have lost so much they are afraid to deal in them again. It is a great pity such an industry should fall through. It seems strange that while our Fish Commissioner, Mr. DEVINE in New York, reports Nfld. Scotch Pack herring as worth only $12. Mr. DUNPHY from Bay of Islands got $18 for 500 barrels there, and Mr. W. LIVINGSTONE here says he got $14 for what he put up last fall, which is quite a difference to Mr. DEVINE’s quotation. (Mr. DEVINE is drawing a salary of $5000, which is apparently money wasted. - Ed. Sun.) There is quite a lot of pit props cut here this winter – a ruinous thing for timber, though a good help for the present to help people through. But you can understand the destruction in timber when they cut not less than 4 inches in the top for spruce, and 5 inches for fir. Every one of these trees would be a saw log in a few years and manufactured in the country, whereas they will be sent out in the raw state. Correspondent.
March 26, 1921 Wretched Poverty The Relieving Officer, Mr. John WHITE, visited Morton’s Hr. in connection with the unfortunate woman WATKINS who was brought from Summerford by her late husband’s son, and deposited on her bed in the public road at Morton’s Hr. in front of her brother’s, Mr. HORWOOD’S home. There she remained for some time until discovered by a passer-by, when she was got into the HORWOOD home and stripped to her rags and squalor. The husband of this unfortunate woman died by her side in bed at Summerford recently. He was an elderly man of about 80 and it seems that the woman was half imbecile. The state in which they lived beggars description, and was worse than poverty. In justice to Mr. HORWOOD, about whom some hard things have been said, it should be remembered that both his wife and daughter are invalids, and the task of attending to the wretched woman was almost beyond the girl’s strength. Mr. WHITE will go to Summerford shortly to investigate the whole circumstances surrounding the affair.
March 26, 1921 Death The death occurred of Elias FIFIELD of North side at the age of 61 on Monday. Few people knew that Mr. FIFIELD was sick until the close of last week, when it was hinted that small hopes were held out for his recovery. Cancer of the stomach is given as the cause of his decease. The late Mr. FIFIELD, who leaves a widow and one son Alfred, of this town, was a diligent and unobtrusive citizen, filling his little notch in this sphere to the best of his ability. He was a member of St. Peter’s congregation and in its circle he will be sincerely missed. Mrs. Jacob MOORS is a sister and to the bereaved widow and other relatives, the Sun extends its sympathy. Besides Mrs. MOORS mentioned in the obituary of the late Elias FIFIELD, there are also living three others – Mrs. Fred VERGE of the Arm, Mrs. Shem YATES of Toronto and Mrs. DART of Exploits. The funeral took place on Wednesday and was largely attended interment being in the Anglican cemetery at Snelling’s Cove.
March 26, 1921 Personals Messrs. C.L. HODGE, accompanied by Mr. Ben YOUNG and Mr. George HODDER, who went to Lewisporte last week, experienced very bad driving after the storm of Friday night last. They returned here Monday morning. Mr. Joseph CHINN was in town Monday. Mr. Henry NEWMAN left last week for an extended visit along the railway line. He will visit his daughter, Mrs. LOVERIDGE at Grand Falls and then spend some time with his son, Mr. C.P. NEWMAN at Glovertown.
March 26, 1921 Memorial Hospital Fund Arthur MANUEL. 2nd Installment Subscribed by St. Peter’s Lodge. S.U.F. No 12. $10.50. Geo. JONES M.H.A. Little Bay Islands. $10.
March 26, 1921 Sealing Report Sealing news sent in last night was but very little more encouraging. A few seals had been got but the main patch had evidently not been reached. Present position was not given, the last being that of Thursday when ships were from 20 to 60 miles S.E. of the Funks.
March 26, 1921 Women's Sufferage (Part 1) The question of woman suffrage is again occupying the attention of certain good ladies in St. John’s. Our sisters of the Outports do not seem over enthusiastic about it. Perhaps before we go any further, it might be well to wonder why Newfoundland’s women pay so little attention to the business of securing the vote, while their American sisters have been so enthusiastic that from one end of the union to the other, women now have the vote. The main reason, we think, is that so very many of the American women are earning their own living. They are thus, in a large measure, independent, and paying the same taxes as men consider – and rightly so – the vote is their right. In this country the giving of suffrage to women would simply mean a duplication of the present vote, if the mere question of voting only, is considered; but it is here, in our opinion, that the St. John’s campaigners are making their mistake. If we thought that the obtaining of suffrage for Newfoundland’s women meant the mere duplication of the male vote, we should be by no means an enthusiastic supporter of it, even though we recognize that, taken as a whole, the female sex of this country is better educated than the men. If the granting of female suffrage simply means a continuance of the squabbles of our male friends over the respective merits of Squires and Cashin, Coaker and Crosbie, why it had better not be.
March 26, 1921 Women's Sufferage (Part 2) But because we believe that not for one minute it is necessary for the women to bother about such trash, do we think that women suffrage is not only a right, but a necessity. Here’s a local case. The other day a woman lay in the pangs of difficult and dangerous childbirth. Both Doctors were absent. There was not a competent trained mid-wife within a thousand miles. Two lives might have been sacrificed but for good luck. This is a question for women voters to take up. Children attend school suffering eyestrain, living under unhealthy conditions in ill ventilated and badly heated Schoolrooms. Women suffrage would give the mothers the right to investigate these matters and publicly demand reform. Male employees have their unions, yet there is no servant girls union, and the patient little drudge is worked to the bone uncomplainingly. Women suffrage would give the household servant the right to demand only fair hours of labor, and proper hours of recreation. In hundreds of homes throughout Newfoundland, mothers die or are invalids for life, or bear misshapen children, because there is no proper attention for this most serious business of life, besides which our silly coughs and colds and pains in the stomach are mere nothing. Here is work for woman suffrage.
March 26, 1921 Court News Frank A. CUTLER vs. The Great Northern Copper Company. Before Mr. Justice KENT. Adjourned from March 8th. MORINE K.C. for plaintiff moves for judgement. J.A.W. McNEILLY for defendant, is heard. It is ordered that judgement be entered for plaintiff for $1065.11 and costs.
  [There is nothing on my 1921 microfilm between March 26, and April 9, 1921. GW.]
April 9, 1921 Death Ida, daughter of Mr. Michael DOVE of Crow Head, died yesterday at the General Hospital, St. John’s, from meningitis. She went to the city last fall.
April 9, 1921 Hospital Matters Elsewhere in this issue will be found two letters bearing on Hospital matters. The first is from Mr. Roland NEWMAN who sends a cheque for $1001 from Twillingaters in Toronto, and ably assisted by Mr. NEWMAN and a gentleman from Change Islands. Rev. J.K. CURTIS also lent his aid in the initial stages, by giving a lecture. The association here offers its thanks to Messrs NEWMAN and BARRETT and the amount has been placed to the credit of the Fund at the Bank of Nova Scotia. The other letter refers to the motor truck given by the Red Cross Society and which is now in St. John’s we presume, having been shipped from St. John, N.B., over a month ago. This gift was obtained through the instrumentality of Dr. GRENFELL, and will be of great advantage in moving construction material and supplies.
April 9, 1921 The “Hawker” The schr. Hawker is now over fifty days out from [Patras ?], Greece, to Trepain, Italy. This run takes normally five days and it is feared some mishap has occurred. Two men from this place – Messrs. J. BRETT and Roland YATES were in her.
April 9, 1921 Personals Mr. Edward ROBERTS, senior partner of C. & E. Roberts, arrived here this week on a brief visit. Mr. A. COLBOURNE visited Fogo on Wednesday, returning the following day. Mrs. Stewart YOUNG of Robin’s Cove is visiting friends at Herring Neck this week. Magistrate MIFFLEN and Const. TULK visited Herring Neck this week on official business. Mr. Paul SMALL, of Bridgeport, was in town on Monday. Mr. Sandy SIMMS, of the Bank of N.S. here, who has been in the General Hospital, St. John’s for the past couple of months, will return here on Monday.
April 9, 1921 The Ford Company March 29th., 1921, W.B. TEMPLE, Esq., Chairman, Notre Dame Memorial Hospital Association, Twillingate, Nfld. Dear Sir: - Your letter of the 10th, instant came in this morning’s mail. The Canadian Red Cross Society has taken an interest in Dr. GRENFELL’S work for many years and their donation of the Ford truck and ambulance body is only a further evidence of their appreciation of the splendid work, which has been done under his direction. I trust that the chassis, the express body, and the ambulance body, will reach you in good condition, and that everything will be found quite suitable for your work. The Ford Company is particularly anxious to get a photograph of the outfit, and also to have a picture showing the car in actual use. I understand that they have written to Dr. GRENFELL as well as to us, about the matter. It is interesting to learn that the Hospital, in connection with which the car will be used, has been erected in commemoration of those who fell from your district during the war. This is a splendid way in which to commemorate your soldiers and sailors. I imagine that one thing that must have impressed them overseas was the wonderful Hospital care, which the sick and wounded received. I am sure, could they speak to you, they would approve of the erection of this Hospital and its being associated with their names. We shall be glad to hear from you when the car reaches you and is put into operation, and will greatly appreciate any information, which you may be able to send us. Yours faithfully, Albert H. ABBOTT, General Secretary.
April 9, 1921 Donation from Toronto 70 Henrick Ave., Toronto, Ont., May 20th. Mr. W.B. TEMPLE. Dear Sir: - Please find enclosed cheque for one thousand and one ($1001) payable to the order of the Notre Dame Memorial Hospital Association. Being amount raised by the folks at Toronto, in an effort started by Mr. Doyle BARRETT last summer. The committee report follows. Kindly hand cheque to the Association and ask Treasurer to acknowledge receipt, And Oblige, Yours very truly, Roland NEWMAN, Treasurer Com.
April 9, 1921 Flight of the Aeroplane A correspondent from Botwood sends us the following, which may be accepted as accurate account of the plane’s first trip. Botwood, March 29; 21. Dear Mr. TEMPLE. The Aeroplane left here Monday evening about 3 o’clock for Fogo, she did the trip down in 29 minutes, which is 63 miles as the crow flies. They were flying at a height of 3000 feet. The wind up at that height was blowing at the rate of 80 miles an hour; their engine was traveling at about 65 or 70 miles, and their speed was 110 miles per hour, the wind making up the balance. On arriving at Fogo they landed on the ice in the harbour. Returning they brought back a passenger, Capt. Ambrose PAYNE. It took them one hour and three quarters to get back, as they had the 80-mile wind to face. They however arrived back safe and sound.
April 9, 1921 Sealing News The first arrival from the seal fishery was the “Diana” on Tuesday with 6500, and bow plates gone. The “Eagle” arrived yesterday with 7000. The price of fat is set for $4 and the rise. Neither ship will make a second trip. Latest reports from the others are “Thetis” 16,000; “Terra Nova” 19,000; “Seal” 13,000 picking up scattered seals; “Viking” 13,400 and picking up pans.
April 9, 1921 Morton’s Hr. Notes Mr. MERCER, in company with Mr. Fred OSMOND and Mr. Hedley BRETT left here on Thursday morning, Mar. 31st for Lewisport. Mr. MERCER is enroute for Old Perlican to attend Grand Lodge sessions. However since his departure, we hear its meeting has been postponed until April 19th. On Saturday afternoon, the public’s attention was attracted by the “buzzing” sound of the sealing aeroplane and, although but a distant view was obtained, much excitement was shown. We hear that our Tizzard’s Hbr. friends were favored with a nearer view. Mr. CURTIS, who severely sprained his ankle while coming to Church Easter Sunday, has now fully recovered. A very pretty marriage was held in the S.A. Citadel on Monday night, April 4th., when Miss Chloe CORNICK of Morton’s Hbr. was united in holy matrimony with Mr. Edmund REID of Green’s Hr. Adj. MARCH of Twillingate conducted the ceremony after which the friends were entertained at the home of the bride. Correspondent.
April 9, 1921 Plane Visited Twillingate. The plane visited Twillingate last Saturday. Following our item, many people were on the watch and hundreds must have seen her. She flew down over the South Island out to about the Rags and returned over the North Island. During part of the time she dived slightly and was at an estimated altitude of about 1000 feet, the letters on the wings being plainly visible as well as the propeller. Finding it foggy to sea she did not venture off. All are most appreciative of Capt. KEAN’s quick response to their request, and those who requested the visit sent a telegram of thanks. We understand the plane was about 55 minutes out and returned to Botwood on this trip.
April 9, 1921 Note of Thanks The members of St. Andrew’s Sewing Class wish to thank all who sent donations, or in any way helped to make their sale a success. Total proceeds of both evenings amounted to $220. J.E. YOUNG, Secretary.
April 9, 1921 Leaving for Canada Several more folks are leaving shortly for Canada, times looking too blue here. Messrs. Fred WHITE and Robert HYNES will go West and Capt. Jas. JANES will go to Toronto, his family probably following later.
April 9, 1921 Advertisement For Sale; Well Known Schooners. Vernie May – 86 tons; Premier – 95 tons; Hopedale – 70 tons, now laid up in St. John’s; Buelah – 50 tons, now at Twillingate; Nabob – 45 tons; Gertie B. – 35 tons, Sybil – 36 tons, Lapwing – sloop, about 16 tons, now at Herring Neck. Some 30 codtraps and gear. Some second-hand trapskiffs, motor engines. 1 Lloyds test Chain, 7-8, 45 fathoms, new, at Herring Neck. Traps, Skiff and Engines can be seen at herring Neck and Twillingate. For information Apply to Geo. J. CARTER, St. John’s or Herring Neck.
April 9, 1921 Money Returned William MILES of Herring Neck, who was robbed of $200 last week, had the money returned to him yesterday by an unknown man.
April 9, 1921 Grand Falls Mill Mr. Andrew LOVERIDGE arrived from Grand Falls Wednesday. He reports work dull and men being laid off. A new wage scale with 25% reduction will come into effect after May it is expected. Five paper-making machines are running.
April 9, 1921 Death There passed peacefully away at the Channing Home, Brookline, Boston, Mass., on Sunday, February 20th, 1921, after a long illness, Mary Jane TIZZARD, daughter of the late Mr. & Mrs. George TIZZARD of Back Hr., Twillingate, Nfld. She leaves four sisters, Hester at St. John’s, Mrs. W. JENKINS of Springdale, N.F., Mrs. H. CLARKE and Margaret of Cambridge, Boston, Mass., to mourn the loss of their dear, beloved sister. Interment was at the Glenwood Cemetery, Everett, Boston, Mass. Automobile procession. Many beautiful floral tributes testified of the high esteem in which “Jennie” was held by her many friends in Boston.
April 9, 1921 Weather Tuesday was quite a severely cold day for April. Several persons who were in the bay suffered from frost bite.
April 9, 1921 House Hauling The house belonging to Mr. Frank COMPTON which broke through the ice last week, was safely got to its destination on Monday, after a long, hard pull. A lot of men assisted. Quite a little damage was done and a good deal of expense caused Mr. COMPTON for broken plank and tackle.
  [There is nothing on my 1921 microfilm between April 9, 1921, and April 23, 1921. GW.]
April 23, 1921 First Sign of Fish On Monday week Mr. SHEPPARD had a fine rock-cod in his trap. The fish was in good condition and made a meal for his family. April 11th is probably a record date for such an appearance.
April 23, 1921 Personals Mr. WATSON left here by motorboat from Crow Head on Tuesday to attempt to reach Pilley’s Island.
April 23, 1921 Ice Condition The ice is now getting very bad and communication with Lewisport is practically over, until the thaw is complete.
April 23, 1921 Split Herring Mr. Robert FRENCH of Tizzard’s Hr. has gone to Halifax to attempt to negotiate for the sale of split herring. We trust he will be successful.
April 23, 1921 Out of Step Now The public is always interested in prices, naturally so when the cost of living is such a daily burden to every family. From the advertisement in a St. John’s paper, we quote the following prices: Plate Beef 13c; Boneless Beef 16c; Fat back Pork 20c; Family Pork 19c; Bangoon Beans 4c; Dried Green Peas 7c; Rolled Oats 7c; Lard 28c; Molasses 95c gal.; Rice 6c. We were being perpetually told during the days of a rising market that it was absolutely necessary for the business man to follow the market upwards as he would later have to follow it downwards; but the public has to note with regret that, while the man of business was right in the parade then, his strength seems to have failed now, and he lags sadly in the rear.
April 23, 1921 Death Arthur, son of Mr. & Mrs. R.S. ROBERTS of the Lighthouse, passed away in the early hours this morning. He had been a sufferer from tuberculosis for some time.
April 23, 1921 Sealing Report The “Ranger” was reported coming South yesterday having circled the Grois Islands, but not having sufficient coal to push further North. The “Viking” arrived at St. John’s with 17,400. “Seal” landed 14,697 seals, then shared $75.06. “Terra Nova” turned out 10,500. “Neptune” crew shared $59.49. “Thetis” crew shared $68.40.
April 30, 1921 Advertisement For Sale. 1 Stove “Queen Cook.” 1 Bureau. Apply Hooper GATES.
April 30, 1921 The Sealing Voyage The voyage of the Sealing Steamers has turned out quite successfully in point of numbers, a grand total of 101,452 seals having been secured, which for the number of ships engaged, compares quite favorably with other years. The actual catch by steamers is as follows: Thetis 17,169; Viking 17,668; Terra Nova 10,754; Neptune 10,424; Sagona 7793; Eagle 7270; Diana 7282, Ranger 7395.
April 30, 1921 Personals Mr. Arthur MANUEL went to Lewisporte Friday and was delayed by the strong breeze. Capt. Andrew ROBERTS, who went up, returned the same evening. Mr. Thos. G.W. ASHBOURNE arrived Thursday with Mr. Martin PHILLIPS in motorboat from Lewisporte. He came across on the “Sachem” recently. Magistrate SCOTT, who had been to St. John’s, returned home on Friday and reports things looking brighter in the capital. Miss Ethel MANUEL, up till its close, nursing at the Jensen Camp, St. John’s, left by “Rosalind” last week for New York, and will enter a Philadelphia Hospital for a finishing nursing course. Miss MANUEL’s many friends will wish her every success in her venture, and look forward to seeing her again before long. Messrs John LUTHER, F. WHITE and R. HYNES arrived safely at Keewatin, their friends having heard from them. Mr. Ted LUTHER also reached Toronto safely, and secured work the day after his arrival. Mr. BEMISTER, ex-Capt. of the Royal Nfld. Rgt. came here from Morton’s Hr. yesterday. He is traveling for the Imperial Tobacco Company.
April 30, 1921 Lady Hauls Seals (Western Star). Cape St. George, April 12 – Miss MUISE, whose home is South Branch, but who has been teaching school at Cape St. George the past three years, went out on the ice yesterday and killed three seals, laced them up and hauled them ashore. She fell through once or twice but reached the shore safely. Yves SIMON of this place has killed fifty-four seals to date. About seven hundred seals have been taken by the residents of Cape St. George.
April 30, 1921 Death There passed peacefully away on Saturday morning at the Lighthouse, Arthur Balfour, son of Mr. & Mrs. R.S. ROBERTS at the early age of 19 years and 8 months. The deceased was for a short time a sufferer from that dread disease tuberculosis, and in spite of medical aid and the kind nursing of the devoted mother, nothing could prolong his life. Arthur was deemed a “fine fellow” by all who knew him, being of that quiet unassuming nature, and his passing is sincerely regretted by the many friends. Left to mourn their loss are the father and mother, four brothers, one sister, who mourn not as those having no hope but who know their loss is Arthur’s eternal gain. The funeral service took place on Monday at the N.S. Methodist Church conducted by Rev. GIBSON. The interment being at the Cemetery near Bear Barry Head. “Why do we mourn departing friends, or shake at death’s alarms? Tis but the voice that Jesus sends, to call them to His arms.”
April 30, 1921 Shipping News S.S. “Susu” takes up her Fogo route Tuesday, May 3rd. The “Glencoe” goes three trips to the Straits about May 20th – but there is no announcement as to N.D. Bay boat or boats. Capt. BUTCHER and three firemen, Messrs ELLIOTT (2) and WHEELOR left here Thursday morning via the Arm for Lewisporte in Mr. Joseph WHITE’s motorboat. Orders for the crews of the “Home” and “Senef” to proceed were countermanded that evening. It is rumored around town that the “Clyde” is to do both North and South sides of the Bay this season. Elliott & Co. at Change Islands are fitting out all their schooners, about 20 in number, having about 40 traps. Mr. Jack BRETT has been in charge there for about a month. The “Sordello,” owned by the A.N.D. Co., arrived at St. John’s this week. Mr. J.C. ANDREWS, of this town, is Chief Officer on her.
April 30, 1921 Death Canon SMITH, who contributed the article in Rev. E. HUNT’s Christmas number published from this office last year, died on Sunday, aged 76.
April 30, 1921 Re Lumber Drive For the benefit of those who may anticipate looking for work on the “drive”, the following message received by us from the Manager, A.N.D. Co. at Badger, is published. – To W.B. TEMPLE, Badger, May 22nd. Postal Telegraphs will announce when ready for drive. Absolutely no use anyone coming before drive starts.
April 30, 1921 Daylight Savings Time Daylight savings, that delight of clerks and others, and the anathema of the laborer and fisherman, begins on Sunday – tomorrow, when clocks will be put on one hour.
April 30, 1921 House Fire The house of Mr. John LAMBERT, back of the S.U.F. hall, caught fire in the roof on Tuesday, but fortunately was seen by some boys passing along the road, and the weather being moderate, it was extinguished without difficulty.
April 30, 1921 Ice Conditions Several motorboats went up from here to Lewisporte on Thursday and report the Bay entirely clear of ice. Unfortunately, at this writing the drift ice looks to be approaching.
April 30, 1921 Rowed Here From Change Islands Mr. Archibald MOORS and his son rowed here yesterday from Change Islands. They experienced a stormy breeze and lop coming up.
April 30, 1921 Morton’s Hr. Notes The Boy Scouts Society has been reorganized here quite recently and under their capable Scout Master, Mr. D. CURTIS, are progressing favourably. Last week, as one of their good deeds, they gave a widow woman of this vicinity a haul of wood and turned out some where over one hundred sticks. We take this opportunity of wishing the M.H. Boy Scouts every success. On Wednesday night, April 13th, the Girl Scouts gave a sale of work in the Orange Hall. Owing to the inclemency of the weather, but a small gathering presented itself, yet nearly eighty dollars was realized. Mr. D. KNIGHT went to Twillingate on Wednesday on business and stayed over a night to attend a concert in the Parish Hall. He returned on Thursday and left the following day for Botwood, where he has accepted a position. The Women’s Missionary Society held their annual Public Meeting on Sunday night, April 16th., in the Meth. Church. The meeting consisted of reading, recitations, solos and a lengthy discourse from Rev. G.L. MERCER. On Tuesday night, April 19th, the Black Preceptory had a dinner in their Hall, provided by the Girl Guilds and although we were not present, we learn that a very enjoyable evening was spent. The harbour is now practically all thawed and most of the men are busily engaged in getting their motorboats ready. Correspondent.
April 30, 1921 Theft The Store belonging to WALL, at Comfort Cove, was broken into and food supplies taken.
April 30, 1921 Longshoremen Longshoreman, who have been offered 1919 scale of wages by employers, will probably go on strike in St. John’s Monday.
April 30, 1921 Miss Beatrice INGS During a visit of the Governor recently to the Grenfell Institute, St. John’s, he was informed by the Superintendent, that the serving of hundreds of meals was done by one willing little waitress from Twillingate. Congratulations to Miss Beatrice INGS who is the lady in question.
April 30, 1921 Death "Mr. Joseph ROPER, well-known watchkeeper of St. John’s, died suddenly there this week aged 59. Capt. William PARSONS is also dead."
May 7, 1921 Advertisement Wanted. Manager for Botwood Stores; must have good experience and references. Ayre & Sons.
May 7, 1921 A Comfortable Pension The following question was asked by Sir M.P. CASHIN in the House recently: - “Who is E.S. HENNEBURY who appears to have received a pension of $1249.98. What department is he connected with, and what salary did he received before being pensioned.” Evidently this is our old friend of Beaverton who is building a bungalow at Angle Brook, Glovertown, and settling down on a well earned pension of twelve hundred a year. No “passing rich on forty pounds a year” for our friend. Mr. HENNEBURY was always looked upon as a good fellow, that was part of his pose. He did everyone that he came in contact well – especially the Government and the Whaling Company. He is supposed to be a bitter enemy of Mr. COAKER’s but he apparently gets a $1249 pension from that enemy. Why the transformation? It might we suppose, be claimed, with a certain amount of justice, that as an old servant of the Postal Telegraphs, he was entitled to a pension, but the amount seems over large from a practically bankrupt country. As merely a telegraph operator we cannot conceive that he is worth it.
May 7, 1921 Better A Magistrate Than A Doctor Here’s another question that was asked: - “Who is Dr. KILLAM who appears to have got $750 as Magistrate, Labrador, and for what services did he received this money.” This question opens the way for an explanation of the story as we heard it. Dr. KILLAM was formerly in charge of the Pilley’s Island Hospital. Last year he conceived the idea of setting up at Exploits for himself. To that end he returned to America and took a post-graduate course. He arrived at Exploits last spring with drugs, instruments and household furniture, plus Mrs. KILLAM. The Medical Board in St. John’s absolutely refused to permit him to practice because his course was a year short of that prescribed; and threatened we heard, to prosecute him if he dared to unpack his drugs. The poor fellow was stranded. Somehow influence was secured to get him the Magistracy above referred to, but Exploits and that part of the country lost the benefit of his services, and he was apparently a skillful Surgeon.
May 7, 1921 Appointment The Job For The Man. Major BERNARD, once Mr. Adolph BERNARD, native of France, and Newfoundlander by years of adoption, was last year appointed Trade Representative of Newfoundland to Italy. Major BERNARD is a Schoolmaster by profession; a clever French and language scholar; but about as suitable for a Trade Representative as any other good Schoolmaster. He earned, perhaps, some consideration for his services in the Army, though there is many a private of that same Newfld. Regiment, who has been compelled to leave his native country without having received any consideration. Mr. BERNARD is to marry the Governor’s daughter. A Trade Representative is a small billet, therefore let us see if we can arrange matters better. Sir Edgar BOWRING is getting old. Why not put Mr. BERNARD in his place, and make the job worthy of the man, if not the man worthy of the job? Of course the fact that Edgar BOWRING has forgotten more about trade conditions in this country than Mr. BERNARD ever knew, need not matter. Pull the string! pull the strings! What do we common people matter?
May 7, 1921 Herring Sold In Halifax Mr. Robert FRENCH, who had been on a trip to Halifax, returned home last Thursday via St. John’s. While Mr. FRENCH was in Nova Scotia, he sold a couple of cargoes of herring, about 3000 barrels. We were unable to obtain information as to the exact price he would pay except that it would be around $4.
May 7, 1921 Millertown All the lumbermen are out of the woods at Millertown for nearly a month now. The new Steamer being built there is nearly finished and a block is being added to the wharf at Millertown. Mr. S. WELLS at the Junction is doing well and enjoying life.
May 7, 1921 No Jobs A correspondent writing from Cambridge, Mass., says, “The times are very dull up here. All of the different tradesmen are on strike. Thousands of unemployed are walking the streets of Boston now. Anyone contemplating coming to America would do well to remember there are three million men idle in the U.S.A.”
May 7, 1921 Personals Mr. Norman ROBERTS, accompanied by Mr. Alex HODDER and Mr. Frank NEWMAN, leave this week for Lewisporte as soon as ice conditions permit. Messrs. ROBERTS and NEWMAN go to the States, the latter to New York, and Mr. HODDER joins a surveying party from the Reid Company in the interior. Messrs George NEWMAN and Louis ANSTEY, who had been working at Grand Falls, came out on Monday. Mr. M.W. COOK has left Grand Falls and accepted a position in the Advocate office, St. John’s.
May 7, 1921 Advertisement Wanted. Servant girl for two men. Wages $5 a month. Apply Hy. HAMLYN, Crow Head.
May 7, 1921 Advertisement Lumber for Sale. Three inch Plank, Framing Boat Planks, Barrel Heading, Shingles. Jos. A. YOUNG, South Side.
May 7, 1921 The Telegraph Line The Telegraph Line has been down since Tuesday and it is not expected it will be up till next week. Twenty-two poles were down between Beaverton and Dog Bay, and it was expected there were even more on the other end.
May 7, 1921 Boat Stuck in the Ice A motorboat was sighted in the ice off this place Tuesday evening, about four miles off. It was supposed to be Mr. Robert YOUNG from Little Bay on his way to Poole’s Island, but that was only supposition, and no one knew just what boat it was. The occupants must have spent an unpleasant night Tuesday, though those who saw the boat said it was equipped with a big cuddy forwards. On Thursday, as the motorboat in the rough ice was still visible, an attempt was made by two boats from the Arm, one in charge of Mr. Edgar G. ROBERTS and Capt. Ed. WHITE in the other, to reach her, but owing to a wrong direction being taken, neither boat reached her. The Lightkeepers reported seeing four men, who made no attempt to get to land, and seemed alright. Yesterday morning the boat was gone from sight as the ice had slackened. In spite of the failure of the Arm men to reach the boat, their efforts were worthy of all praise, as it was no easy matter to haul a boat over the heavy rough ice.
May 7, 1921 Death Mrs. Irene Dalley. The death occurred on Monday night, at Durrel, of Mrs. Joseph DALLEY, daughter of Mr. Reuben ELLIOTT of Crow Head, at the age of 22 years, following consumption and other contributory causes. She leaves a husband and one little child, while there are two brothers, Henry at Grand Falls and Claude at home, and a sister – Mrs. BOWERS of Nippers Hr., to mourn their loss. To the bereaved relatives the Sun extends its sympathies.
May 7, 1921 The Grand Falls Situation (Part 1) How matters Stand as we are Informed. From men who returned from Grand Falls this week we have endeavored to gain some idea of the situation there. As far as we can find out, the last year’s agreement regarding wages terminated at the end of April. On May 1st, a new schedule was brought in cutting skilled labor 20% and unskilled 33 1/3%. While the Sulphite and Paper Machine Union was prepared to consider a reduction, they felt that the cut on the unskilled labor was too severe. We understand that a fortnight for reconsideration was asked for, and we presume granted, as work was still going on Monday, though a strike was threatened. On the other hand we hear, though as correct, that the A.N.D. Co. officials have declared that paper can be imported to England from Germany at 2 cents a pound, the same as it is at present costs them to manufacture it at Grand Falls, and they would therefore rather risk a shut down for a time than continue to manufacture at a loss.
May 7, 1921 The Grand Falls Situation (Part 2) It is moreover pointed out that not a solitary dividend has yet been paid to the A.N.D. Co.s shareholders, and a large increase in capital was necessary last year. We also hear that coal which was previously sold to company’s employees at about $8, is now being charged St. John’s price, or $20, so that the Laborer finds it harder to live, and is opposed to any severe reduction in wages. Construction work is now progressing and a big new conveyor is being built on the river side of the present one from the slash mill. It is to be hoped that a conciliatory attitude between both the Company and the Union will be maintained, as a strike would be disastrous.
  [There is nothing on my 1921 microfilm between May 7, 1921, and May 21, 1921. GW.]
May 21, 1921 The Trouble At Grand Falls (Part 1) This letter is written with the object of putting the public in possession of the salient facts leading to the present trouble at Grand Falls. The town of Grand Falls, economically, is in a rather peculiar position in that there is little or no competition between the various stores in the town. In the town proper, there is one general store, purveying Meat, Groceries, Hardware and Dry Goods, one Drug Store, and Candy Store and Bakery, one Store stocking Ladies and Gents Furnishings only, and one Barbers Shop. Recently there has been started a Co-operative Store, selling Groceries and Dry-goods, but this as yet, is hampered for lack of working capital. At the Railroad Station settlement, a mile and a half from town, there are a few small polyglot stores, but they do no affect the general situation. It is obvious that this lack of competition has a material bearing on the selling price of commodities. The general average of retail prices at these stores is much higher than the present corresponding average, either for the island in its entirety, or for St. John’s, the capital city.
May 21, 1921 The Trouble At Grand Falls (Part 2) This is the first strike that has ever taken place at Grand Falls, all previous differences having been amicably settled in conference with the officials of the Anglo-Newfoundland Development Co. Ltd., who own the town and mills. The employees of the Company fully realize the need for real adjustments of wages and salaries in accord with the cost of living, and have only taken the present action after the most serious deliberation. In the past days, workers have worked nine hours per day, six days per week, with double time for repair work on Sundays. Since Easter, the mills have been operating only five days per week, which reduced earnings, of course by one-sixth. Salaried employees were not affected by this, but it forced on the majority of employees, the necessity of exercising the strictest economy in order to meet current expenses. So keenly was this felt indeed, that on April 24th, the Paper Makers Union appointed a Committee to collect facts and figures as to the cost of living comparatively between Grand Falls and other places. On April 26th, the Company posted a notice as under:
May 21, 1921 The Trouble At Grand Falls (Part 3) “Notice to all Employees. The Anglo-Newfoundland Development Co. Ltd., hereby informs all employees at Grand Falls, that on May 1st, rates of Pay will be reduced as follows - Skilled Labor 20% Reduction, Ordinary Labor 33 1/3% Reduction, 4th Hands, 5th Hands and Broke Hustlers will be rated according to experience and work done. Overtime rates will be - Weekdays – Straight Time, Sundays – Time & one half. The Company also gives notice that in future all Coal supplied to employees will be charge out at St. John’s retail prices. For all work other than Mill Work, namely at Farm, Badger, Millertown, Botwood, etc, working hours and rates of Pay will be fixed separately and irrespective of Mill Rates. Owing to the deplorable condition of the Paper Trade, the Company cannot fix any period of time during which the above rate will remain in force. Anglo-Newfoundland Development Co. Ltd., Sgd. G.F. LAYCOCK, For General Manager. April 26th., 1921.”
May 21, 1921 The Trouble At Grand Falls (Part 4) We particularly wish to emphasize the fact that no consultation between employees and management took place before the posting of this announcement; and it was posted only five days before going into effect, thus leaving little time for negotiations. On Friday, April 29th, a Committee from the Local branch of the International Brotherhood of Paper Makers waited on the Management to confer with them on the points raised by the above notice. The representatives of the Company at this interview were Messrs. HARRIS, LAYCOCK and T. JUDGE. Mr. HARRIS reviewed the economic position of the Company. The Company did not make such large profits as the Canadian and American mills, during the boom period of last year. Six months ago, a decline commenced, and now the paper market is in a very bad condition indeed; but he (Mr. Harris) looked for a recovery very soon. The Company cannot put a ton of paper F.O.B., Botwood below the current market price in London.
May 21, 1921 The Trouble At Grand Falls (Part 5) Practically all paper mills everywhere are working short time. Owing to general trade depression, large advertisers were asking for long period credit and newspapers live on their advertisers. Newspapers circulations have not decreased, but number of pages, and consequently consumption of paper had been reduced. Company had great difficulty in securing sufficient working capital to carry on. All our costs for material are very high. Company had bad luck in its logging operations during the past three winters. Weather conditions, etc., are being very adverse. During the winter 1918 – 1919, the Company could not get enough men to carry out adequate logging operations, and as a result, had to use up the reserve of wood. The quantity of wood cut during the winter 1919 - 1920 did not nearly come up to expectations, being only about 70,000 cords, although 1,300 men were employed in the lumber woods. This being due to the fact that weather conditions were so bad that it was physically impossible to get out a normal cut. Last winter, 1920 – 1921, the Company had not 10c in the locker.
May 21, 1921 The Trouble At Grand Falls (Part 6) Consequently, early in February, when logging conditions were excellent, the Company had to close down twenty camps because, to quote Mr. HARRIS’ own words “ we had not enough money to pay the men’s wages. Of every dollar paid as wages this year, 50c is borrowed money.” Paper was being imported into England from Finland, Scandinavia and Germany and put on the market at a lower price than England or Newfoundland made. The Company last year bought two years supply of coal at a very high price. This was done in anticipation of a coal famine. Last year the Company lost $100,000 on coal supplied for domestic purposes, $50,000 on the town itself and $10,000 on the Farm (milk, etc.) The above is a fair summary of the statements made to the interviewing Committee. The case for the employees rests on the fact that it is impossible to live on the wages offered by the Company.
May 21, 1921 The Trouble At Grand Falls (Part 7) The Committee did not, at the first conference, question any of the statements made on behalf of the Company, indeed, they were not in a position to do so. The Committee rather accepted all statements as true, but pointed out that the wages offered meant semi-starvation for the great majority, and therefore sought for some common ground for discussion. The pay of an ordinary laborer, assuming the five day week to continue, would be at the new rates – about $54 per month. Assuming this man to be married with three children, paying $9 per month rent, which is average, and allowing half a ton of coal per month, we find he has left for food and clothing about 24c per head per day for his family. One has only to read these figures to realize at once the impossibility of existing today on such a sum as this. Take again, for example, a paper-maker, one of the highest paid wage earners, a man who must work at his trade for years before he rises to the position of Machine Tender.
May 21, 1921 The Trouble At Grand Falls (Part 8) He would get, under the new rates, about 90c per hour, or about $158 per month. He would be paying anything up to $22 per month rent. With a similar family to our last case, the same consumption of coal, and paying $15 per month rent, he would have about 90c per head per day for food, clothing and incidentals for his family. There we have the high and the low line. Other examples follow: - Mechanics under the new rates would average 54c per hour, 9 hours per day, five days per week totaling to $103 per month. Taking a family of five, with rent at $14 per month and allowing half a ton of coal per month, he would have about 53c per head per day for food, clothing, etc. Some mechanics would, of course, work on repair work on Saturdays, and would be a little better off as a result. Carpenters would average about 45c per hour, 9 hours per day, 5 days per month, totaling $39 per month. With family of five, same rent and coal as above, he would have 43c per head per day for his family. Electricians also have always been poorly paid at these mills.
May 21, 1921 The Trouble At Grand Falls (Part 9) Assuming the Company’s statements to be correct, and knowing the above to be true, we asked for the Company’s co-operation in investigating and reducing the cost of living. This they declined to give us, to quote Mr. HARRIS once again “The spending of your money in entirely your own business, and does not concern us at all.” In reply to a direct question, Mr. HARRIS said, “The Company’s terms are rock-bottom, whatever happens.” On April 30th a Committee from Local 63 International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers, and a Committee from Local 1097 I.B.E.W. interviewed the Management and asked to be allowed to work two weeks more at the old rates, although to gain time for further discussion. This was refused, although they were told that they could work two weeks at the new rates without prejudice. The employees were so unwilling to cause trouble that they continued to work even at the new rates, so as to gain time and work went on as usual during the week.
May 21, 1921 The Trouble At Grand Falls (Part 10) On Saturday, May 7th., the Paper Makers met and presented an ultimatum to the Company. This was to the effect that the terms offered were impossible, and they demanded that the old rates of pay be continued, failing which they would withdraw their labor on Monday May 9th. They offered, however, to work one week longer if the Company desired to get into communication with the London Office. This offer was declined and the Company’s terms reaffirmed in writing. The same evening, Local 63, I.B.P.S.P.M.W. met, and an overwhelming vote in favor of refusing the Company’s terms was taken, and the Management so informed. Local 1907 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers unanimously decided to stand by the other Locals. The strike, therefore, commenced at 7 a.m. on Monday May 9th. This trouble cannot fairly be called a dispute. It is rather a protest against impossible terms. We would point out that the representatives of the employees and the representatives of the Company have not met on any common ground for discussion.
May 21, 1921 The Trouble At Grand Falls (Part 11) The Company’s main point is the economic position of the Company; the employee’s main point is the impossibility of living on the wages offered. It has never been the custom in this or other cases, to base wage rates on the profits or lack of profits of a Company, though this may affect rates to some extent. Wage rates, as between the A.N.D. Co. Ltd. and its employees, have always been based on cost of living. So far as the Papermakers are concerned, the Company has paid the rates prevailing in Canada and the U.S. Now, living costs are always higher in Newfoundland than in Canada or the U.S., and maybe anything up to about 20% higher. It follows, therefore, that Papermakers in Newfoundland are always underpaid to this extent. A Composite Committee from the three Locals has been formed to take charge of and conduct the strike. We agreed to leave in sufficient men to carry on certain essential services, such as water supply, lighting, sanitation, coal and milk delivery.
May 21, 1921 The Trouble At Grand Falls (Part 12) The fire brigade of course remains on duty. The mills have been picketed since Monday morning, but so far their position has been a sinecure. One or two men, strangers in town, turned out to work on Monday morning, but when the picket explained the situation to them, they went away and since that, no one has attempted to go into the mill. On Tuesday night hundreds of men left town by special train for their homes. The train could not accommodate all who wished to get away. Local 63, on Monday May 9th., suffered a loss by the death of a true and loyal member. Bro. J. PADDICK, who died of heart failure. He leaves a widow, two sons and a daughter, to all of whom the Employees Committee offers its deepest sympathy. The funeral was on Wednesday, and nearly three hundred Union men, headed by the Salvation Army Band, followed their deceased comrade to the grave. So far there has been no disturbance of any kind in the town. The men are standing solidly together in their fight for Justice and a living wage. Employees Committee. May 13th., 1921.
May 21, 1921 The Trouble At Grand Falls (Part 13) We publish elsewhere the statement of the strike leaders at Grand Falls. It is a very lengthy document, but in as much as it sheds light on a subject, which has been to some extent obscured, we give it publicity, since very many people in this district are deeply interested in Grand Falls. We hope the officials of the Company will make a statement on their part, since it is always necessary to hear both sides, and British justice demands it. Until that statement is made, it will be impossible for the public to decide where the trouble lies. We interrogate only one point – “there has been no disturbance in the town.” Rumor was brought here to the effect that a foreman who went to close the boom was threatened with being thrown into the river.
May 21, 1921 The Trouble At Grand Falls (Part 14) We might as well get it into our heads that war, whether national or class, cannot be conducted on Sunday school lines. We questioned the method of the Germans in France, but adopted them in most points and have elaborated on them in Ireland. The only war that can be conducted peaceably is the process of arbitration. All other wars mean suffering for both combatant and non-combatant. What attempt – if any – was made to settle the Grand Falls difficulty by independent arbitration is not clear. So far, neither side seems to be wilting any, and the Government has, apparently, made no attempt to bring about a reconciliation of the two parties. Meanwhile, the loss to the country is very heavy, more especially with trade conditions as bad as they are generally, and it is to be sincerely hoped for the sake of the Colony and all concerned, that an early attempt will be made to end such a disastrous happening as a years close down of such a large industry.
May 21, 1921 Woman and Boy Secure Seal One day last week Mrs. Elias FIFIELD and a boy LAMBERT succeeded in securing a fine seal in Old House Cove. They saw the seal, which was a cripple, “scooning” along by the beach, and the boy jumped out on a rock and hit it on the head with an axe, while Mrs. FIFIELD aided in dispatching it and getting it ashore. The animal was a three-year bedlamer we are told.
May 21, 1921 Sawed His Hand Mr. Robert BATT of Herring Neck, who severely cut his hand in a circular saw mill on Monday week, came up here last week for medical attention and is staying at the home of Mrs. J.W. ANDREWS.
May 21, 1921 On Way to Belle Isle Capt. Ambrose PAYNE and crew, were here last week on the way to Bell Island. They reported that the men from Long Island had been successful in getting their boat ashore at Western Fogo Island. We are told that Mr. PAYNE’s flight from Fogo to Botwood this spring cost him $60.
May 21, 1921 Shipping News The first arrivals in port for the season came this week. Following one or two small local craft with firewood on Wednesday, the schr. “La Berge,” Capt. CLAYTON, arrived from St. John’s with general cargo for C. & E. Roberts and T. French and Sons at Tizzard’s Hr. and Summerford. At the same time, the schr. “Driver” for Morton’s Hr and other points put in here. On Thursday, the ketch “Cecil and Belle,” Capt. RIDEOUT, with timber for the breakwater, now we presume the coastal wharf, arrived from Port Union. Capt. A. Jas. GILLETT leaves St. John’s next week with full general cargo for this place, chiefly for the firm of Wm. Ashbourne. Mr. F. LOCKYER, who went up by last “Prospero”, returned to Herring Neck on Monday. He will fit out two schooners at Herring neck and probably the “Beulah” here. Capt. Tom WHITE went to St. John’s last “Prospero” to outfit the Schr. “Premier.” The Luetta is at present gone to Sydney for a load of coal for St. Anthony. Saturday evening last week the firm of Wm. Ashbourne received a wire from Capt. George WINSOR of the Ariceen saying that he had arrived at Carbonear after a rough and tedious passage.
May 21, 1921 A Successful Concert A successful concert was held in the Arm Academy on Wednesday night when the sum of over $40 was raised. There was a good attendance, in spite of the fact that so may people are busy out of doors till dark. The feature of the evening was the selections by the A.L.B. Band, which quite distinguished itself. We believe Miss Bessie GILLETT was the moving spirit in this and congratulate her on the success of the evening.
May 21, 1921 Accident Mrs. J.W. ANDREWS had the misfortune to fall through the platform of her home one-day this week, and severely sprained her ankle.
May 21, 1921 Court Case Two men, who broke into Wall’s Store at Comfort Cove and took a barrel of flour each, were brought before Magistrate MIFFLEN this week. They pleaded guilty but were starving and were allowed to go on suspended sentence. Both had large families, one having five small children with no mother. We understand there are ten families at Comfort Cove practically starving – and the Government sent timber for the breakwater from Port Union!
May 21, 1921 Advertisement Wanted. For Twillingate High School about Sept 1st., a Principal. Salary from Board $585. Required to conduct two Church services on Sunday. Average yearly donation for this work about $50. First Assistant, Salary from Board $200. Second Assistant, Salary from Board $180, with testimonials, stating grade and experience. Apply to Rev. E. HUNT, Chairman, Board of Education, C. of E. May 21.
May 21, 1921 Marriage The wedding of Dinah RICKETTS cousin of RICKETTS, V.C., and Mr. Samuel STUCKLESS of Jenkin’s Cove, took place last week on Thursday at the Methodist parsonage at 10 p.m. by Rev. WILKINSON. The Sun extends best wishes.
May 21, 1921 Personals Mr. & Mrs. Robt. PRIMMER, Miss Bessie GILLETT and others, leave today by motorboat to spend the weekend at Black Island. Mr. Thos. ARKLIE, who has been in Scotland for four months during the winter, returned home to Botwood during the latter part of April. Mr. TUFFE, representing the British Import Co., was in town on Saturday last week. Mr. Robert SMALL writes last week that he is now settled in Toronto and has work, though he was much inconvenienced by delay to his trunk and tool chest. The family of Mr. R.S. ROBERTS, Lighthouse, desire to thank the many friends who assisted them, or sent letters or messages of sympathy during their recent bereavement. The Business places of this town have mutually agreed to close their Stores for Whole Holiday on “Empire Day,” Tuesday, 24th. Const. TULK, who went to St. John’s with two inmates for the Lunatic Asylum, returned by “Prospero” last week. Messrs. C. WHITE and W.B. TEMPLE, who went to St. John’s by last “Prospero,” to interview the Government regarding Hospital matters, returned by train and motorboat on Monday. Mr. Edward ROBERTS senior, of C. & E. Roberts, has purchased the house and grounds of the former Tobin property on the upper side of the street and will take up his residence there later, moving here from the city. Mr. Samuel WELLS of Millertown Jct. and his daughter, Miss May WELLS, have been here for the past week visiting friends, and returns again by “Clyde” today.
May 21, 1921 Potatoes Stolen Mr. W. WATERMAN had three barrels of seed potatoes stolen from his cellar last week. Matches were found in the cellar but the culprits have not yet been discovered.
May 21, 1921 Encourage Home Industries A subscriber suggests that, as the Post Office yard fence needs repairing, a request be sent to Mr. COAKER to send some pailings from Port Union to make the needful repairs. Another hopes that the ballast … the breakwater will also be sent from Port Union while still …. other thinks that if there is any difficulty about landing the material, a beach could also be brought from Port Union for the occasion.
May 21, 1921 To Repair Ship Messrs. Thomas ROBERTS and George PAYNE of Wild Cove visited Fogo last week in connections with repairs to the wrecked Danish vessel “Harriet” which went ashore last fall at that place, while leaving for market, fish laden. We understand that Earle Sons & Co. have bought the hull which will be repaired by these local ship-builders, assisted by Mr. BURT of Summerford.
May 21, 1921 Trap Berths The past week has been an exciting one over trap berths, many new holders having jumped to the fore, and those who previously held them, ousted. Some action at law are threatened, but may not materialize.
May 21, 1921 Fish Report Messrs. CHURCHILL of the Arm hauled their trap on Thursday evening and had one codfish. Yesterday morning they again hauled had no codfish but ½ barrel of what very much resembled caplin, but which most people believe were seal-fish. There has been little or no fish taken here this week. Business firms are however, outfitting to some extent for the Labrador fishery. A few loads of caplin were secured in the neighbourhood of Crow Head.
May 21, 1921 Tizzard’s Hr. Notes Its quite a long while ago since we saw anything in the Sun from this place. Probably our last correspondent is getting tired of writing. On Sunday, May the 8th., (Mothers Day) we had with us our Pastor, Rev. Geo. L. MERCER for Church services and also Sunday School. I’m sure his presence was greatly appreciated by all at Sunday School, and in the evening he preached with us again, and we had a splendid service right through. We were also given a solo by Miss Lillian G. LOCKE. Although there is a lot of ice around, we see that some of the men from here are busily engaged at the herring fishery. We wish them a good catch, and a good price for their herring. We understand that some of the men from here and the nearby places, that went away looking for employment, have arrived home again and looking nothing the worse for their trip. R. BOYDE also arrived from St. John’s on Monday, coming by boat from Lewisporte to Bridgeport, and traveling from Bridgeport to here. We are glad to say he is looking fine although there was lots of ice around. Mr. GILLARD and family has arrived here from Millertown, and will be living in their new home, purchased from Robert SMALL some time ago. Correspondent.
May 21, 1921 Advertisement Wanted. A General Servant with some experience. Apply to Mrs. Arthur MANUEL.
May 21, 1921 New Business Messrs. Edgar and Albert SWEETLAND have gone into business on their own account at Botwood as E. & A. Sweetland. The Sun wished the young men every success. Mr. Albert SWEETLAND was here last week.
May 21, 1921 Drowning The drowning of the late Samuel BRINTON at Terra Nova was caused by the upsetting of a boat.
May 21, 1921 Advertisement We are overstocked with Coil Rope, size 1 to 2 ½ inches, at Herring Neck and Twillingate, and have decided to sell a quantity at 20 cents per pound. Now is your time, fishermen. G.J. Carter.
May 21, 1921 Advertisement For Sale. Motor Boat used only one summer. 22 feet long. Sells at $60. Apply to Hedley WHITE, Cottle’s Cove.
May 21, 1921 Advertisement Wanted. Second-hand Caplin Seine. Advise with full particulars. J. BISHOP, Stephenville Crossing, (St. George’s District.)
May 21, 1921 Josiah Manuel’s Business The firm of Josiah Manuel of Exploits is at present going through the Courts in St. John’s, but as soon as matters are settled, Mr. MANUEL hopes to resume business.
May 21, 1921 Advertisement Teachers Wanted. Teachers’ Associate, First Grade, male or female, for Morton’s Hr. Superior School, Tizzard’s Hr. Superior and Summerford. Salaries $440, $400 and $285 respectively. Also Second Grade teachers for following schools – year divided – Cottle’s Island and Morton’s Hr. Primary, salary $280. Carter’s Cove and Virgin Arm, salary $275. Chanceport and Trump Island, salary $275. Applications and recommendations address to Methodist Board of Education, Morton’s Harbor, N.D. Bay.
May 21, 1921 Advertisement For Sale. Boat Helen, & room at Bell Isle; also schooner Union Club, in good condition. For particulars apply Richard CARROL, Fortune Hr.
May 21, 1921 Advertisement Picked Up. In the Straits of Belle Isle, a small punt; owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Richard F. CARROL, Fortune Hr.
May 21, 1921 Breakwater Scheme Abandoned Mr. ASHBOURNE informed us Monday that his firm received a telegram from St. John’s to the effect that the Government had decided to use the grant, voted for the proposed Breakwater, to extend and repair the Coastal Wharf, and that any surplus would probably be used on Shoal Tickle.
May 21, 1921 Mr. MAYNE Hard At Work. Mr. C.D. MAYNE writes from Gloucester under May 8th. Date, saying that business is dull but not hardly so dull as at Twillingate. He is at present traveling for the firm of Lewis J. Myers & Co. of Valparaiso, Indiana. This firm has branches in all the leading American cities as well as in Canada, Australia and New Zealand. He is not entirely enamored of this work, but the salary is good, and – how different from Newfoundland – absolutely no delay in getting around. Mr. MAYNE’s many friends here will be glad to know that he is fitting in well, and join in wishing him the best of luck.
May 21, 1921 Advertisement For Sale. That most desirable parcel of land situated at Bluff Head Cove, belonging to the estate of the late Elias ROBERTS, consisting of the old homestead and Farm Land. For Particulars apply Charles WHITE, Notary Public.
May 21, 1921 Advertisement Wanted for the C. of E. School at Botwood First or Second Grade Female Teacher with experience. Salary from Board $350. Apply to the Chairman of Board, Botwood.
May 21, 1921 Advertisement Wanted. Immediately, schooner freight about 50 thousand lumber, St. John’s. G.H. ANDREWS.
May 21, 1921 Mortons Hr. Notes (Part 1) On Thursday night May 12th., the young people of this town gave an impromptu concert in the Meth. School, after which ice cream was sold. The sum of $23 was realized which goes towards renovating the Church. Owing to Mr. MERCER being at Tizzard’s Hr. for Sunday, 8th., our Mothers’ Day service had to be postponed until last Sunday, when it was very successfully carried out. An appropriate sermon was rendered from the Text found in Proverbs 31 and 31, and to add to the success of the occasion, the Boy Scout Society in fine display, attended the service. The Anthem rendered by the choir was very creditable. We are proud to announce that the Chancey Adult Bible Class has been again re-organized, after being out of session for some time. Being interested, we take this opportunity to wish the Chancey A.B.C. every success and trust that much good may be derived there from. We understand that the Ministers intend having their annual district meeting here this year starting June 8th., and Mr. MERCER is now busy arranging for their accommodation.
May 21, 1921 Mortons Hr. Notes (Part 2) Six men, who have been here for the past week waiting for a steamer, are leaving by the “Prospero” for Griquet. Rev. HUNT was here for Sunday and returned to Twillingate on Monday morning. Mr. PHILLIP’s motorboat touched in here on Monday, landed a mail and proceeded to Twillingate. Most of the men of this vicinity are at present prosecuting either the herring or sealing fishery, and are obtaining fairly good results. Mr. Henry RIDEOUT of Western Head, while out sealing one day last week, had the misfortune to burst his gun thereby inflicting severe wounds on his face. Mrs. James TAYLOR, who has been sick recently, is now convalescent. Mr. Hedley BRETT left for St. John’s this morning. Mr. Harry FRENCH of Gander Bay arrived here Sunday by motorboat. He was at Twillingate yesterday and leaves again for Gander Bay sometime this week. Messrs. Sandy KNIGHT, Edward WOOLFREY, Stanley FRENCH were also at Twillingate today on business. We are real sorry to relate the “Major” of this town met with an accident on Wednesday, May 11th., which caused his death. He was grazing in a nearby field and fell into a well where be became so chilled that he died shortly after his removal.
  [There is nothing on my 1921 microfilm between May 21, 1921, and June 23, 1921. GW.]
June 23, 1921 Personals Mr. WALL, who runs a store at Campbellton, arrived this week on business in a motorboat. He paints a very gloomy picture of conditions at Campbellton, where there is no lumbering going on, the only employment being the expenditure of a few hundred dollars on a Government wharf there. Miss Mabel HODGE who was visiting the city, returned last week by “Clyde.” Dr. C.E. PARSONS and Engineer PHILLIPS, left by “Clyde” Saturday, the former for New York and the latter for Grand Falls. Dr. W.T. GRENFELL, accompanied by the Dentist and two students, left for St. Anthony by “Sagona” Saturday afternoon. Mrs. GRENFELL and the two children went down by “Strathcona” over a week ago.
June 23, 1921 Grand Falls News Mr. Harry PEYTON from Grand Falls came out last Saturday. Matters there are still at a standstill, though it is hoped an agreement may be reached before long. The drive has reached Rushy Pond, and will probably be held there.
June 23, 1921 Advertisement Stamps. From 1c to 5c, at 20; 6c to 10c at 35; others at 50c; per 100 New’fld (mixed) stamps. Andrews Agency, Box 548, St. John’s, Newfoundland.
June 23, 1921 Advertisement Picked up, a money purse between Mr. Ashbourne’s and Hart’s Cove. The person that lost it may have the same by applying to Edward SMITH and stating the amount of money in purse.
June 23, 1921 Advertisement Railway & Steamship Service. Travel and ship your freight by our Railway and Steamship System. It affords its patrons the Speediest, Safest and Best Service. Government Railway Commission.
June 25, 1921 Morton’s Hr. Notes On last Friday evening a very pretty wedding took place in the Methodist Church when Miss B. FROUDE and A. HOWARD were united in Holy Matrimony. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G.L. MERCER. After the ceremony many guests were received at the home of the groom and enjoyable time was spent. The presents were many and valuable. We wish the young couple a very happy future. On Sunday afternoon a number of the OSMOND folk went to Twillingate to attend the funeral of Mr. HUGHES. We offer our deepest sympathy to the bereaved friends. Mr. HAWKINS of Twillingate had again resumed duties on the Memorial Parsonage. Mr. Hedley KNIGHT is also engaged in painting the Church. Mr. Sandy KNIGHT, who has been to St. John’s doing business, arrived home yesterday. Mr. Herbert HICKS, who built a large motorboat the past winter, left on his first trip to Lewisporte this morning. He took along Rev. MERCER and family, and several others. Most of the men of this vicinity are at present trying for codfish, but up to the time of writing no results of importance have been made. Correspondent.
June 25, 1921 Personals Dr. GRENFELL, accompanied by Dr. MOLOPOLIS, a Dentist, and two college students arrived from Norris Arm by Mr. MANUEL’s motorboat on Wednesday. They are to join the “Sagona” today (Saturday) for St. Anthony. Mr. MANUEL also brought along from Botwood, Mr. PHILLIPS, an Engineer kindly lent to the Hospital Directors by the A.N.D. Co. at Grand Falls. Our old friend, Mr. John LOCKE, is now settled at Peter’s Arm, Botwood. Apart from severe twinges of rheumatism he writes that he is fairly well and desires to be remembered to old friends. Mr. Azariah SMALL, who has settled in Springdale, left by last “Prospero” for Griquet where he will spend the summer fishing. Mr. Robert SMALL is now living with his brother who has recently re-married, and will come down to Morton’s Hr. during he summer and take up his three boys there. Mr. Charles WHITE, J.P., N.P., left by “Clyde” for St. John’s last Friday accompanied by Mr. Reg. WHITE. Mr. A.G. ASHBOURNE from St. John’s and Mr. Elmo ASHBOURNE, Rhode’s Scholar, who arrived by “Sashem” from England, came here by motorboat, Wednesday. Mrs. James JANES and her daughters, left by “Clyde” last week for Toronto.
June 25, 1921 The Lighthouse Twenty-seven casks of kerosene for the Lighthouse and fog alarm arrived by “Prospero” last week.
June 25, 1921 The Railway Problem (Part 1) The House of Assembly was to open again on Thursday, June 23rd, after a week’s recess. The problem, which confronts the Government, is the disposition of the Railway, and it is declared that it was with the intention of permitting the government time to bring in some definite proposals before the end of the fiscal year – June 30th –, the recess was taken. The Position Briefly Stated. For the information of those who are not familiar with it, or have forgotten the position, briefly stated, is this: After the end of the session last year, the government took over, on Executive Responsibility, the control of the Railway under a Railway Commission of which Mr. W.F. COAKER was chairman. This Railway Commission was appointed by the House in Session all right, but appointed only to oversee the expenditure of the loan of a million dollars for improvements to the Railway, and not to assume the running of the Railway. It was generally believed, until the House met this year, that Mr. COAKER was alone responsible for exceeding these powers, and the new management of the Railway under the Commission began after the departure of the Premier for England.
June 25, 1921 The Railway Problem (Part 2) Subsequent information gathered by the Opposition has shown that the Government control of the Railway was done with the connivance of the Premier and Minister of Justice, and the agreement drawn up and signed before the Premier left for England last year. That agreement assumed full control of the Railway, and the Government became liable for the deficit in running that plant – a burden which has worked out at a loss to the Colony of nearly three millions of dollars. Moreover that Railway Commission became entirely different to its originally proposed make up. It ended by the people of this country being represented by Messrs. COAKER and Govt. Engineer HALL (2), and the Reid Corporation by Mrssrs. H.D. REID, R.G. REID and J.P. POWELL (3). One can easily see how, under such conditions, Newfoundland came off with the slack end. Original Contract Annulled. But even this was not the end. Having exceeded the powers of Legislative sanction, having interfered with and taken over the management of the railway, the REIDS claim that the Bond contract is annulled thereby, and throw over the railway onto the hands of the Government – a practically bankrupt Government. By cleverly manipulating matters, the Dock, the St. John’s Electric Plant and the Lands, Minerals and Timber granted to REIDS are now all incorporated as separate companies.
June 25, 1921 The Railway Problem (Part 3) They cannot be touched by the Government and there is nothing left but a more or less worn out railway which REIDS don’t care a penny for, and which the Government would ruin the country to run. And yet without the railway, can the country exist today? May Providence Guide. It is to tackle this problem that the Legislature will devote itself during the closing days of June. If ever the usual smug bit of philosophy with which the speech from the Throne is usually concluded – “that Providence may guide your efforts,” – was applicable, it certainly is in this case, for surely vain have been the counsels of man. The problem of the Railway throughout this country can be solved if it is approached by the politicians in a big and broad enough way. The answer is given in one work “Electrification.”
June 25, 1921 The Railway Problem (Part 4) Newfoundland contains abundant water supply yet untouched; hundreds of thousands of horsepower spilling itself in waste hour by hour; power that might be – should be – pulling our trains back and fro through the country. Then consider the saving in timber. Every year fire – and fire that in ninety-nine cases out of one hundred, is directly traceable to steam locomotives – destroys so much forest wealth. Let the government and the Opposition together, approach this in a statesmanlike manner. To an already over burdened country, a few extra million matter little, and this, instead of adding to already well paid officials, but such in addition to the country’s wealth, as would put it on a higher plane than ever before. No more money to be paid out of the country for coal. Fewer, very few, forest fires; power to sell for this industry or that. The small minds of local politicians may not grasp it, but it offers the solution.
June 25, 1921 Pleased With Herring Neck In conversation with Mr. E.G. COYELL, the herring inspector, he informed us that he has seen most of the herring in stock here and considered both the packages and their contents up to standard. The barrels were well made, of proper legal size and, as he stated, generally a credit to the people of the place and neighborhood. We asked if an iron hoop on both ends did not make a better package than wooden ones and he admitted that this was so, and that the two iron hoops were as cheap – taking wastage of broken hoops etc. – as the wooden ones in the long run. There are eight cargoes of herring to go from here during the summer, and Mr. COYELL thinks they are all pretty nicely packed, with only a very few packages that do not measure up to the quality. If Twillingate continues to do this, the lost herring industry may be ours again.
June 25, 1921 Note of Thanks Archibald MOORE of Change Islands wished to thank the many hospital people of Twillingate who were so kind to him during his recent stay among them, having been detained by ice for four days, especially Mr. & Mrs. John SHEPPARD of Wild Cove, with whom he stayed and Mr. Lewis ROBERTS who so kindly gave his horse to pull his boat from Wild Cove to Harbor Bridge, having been assisted by many obliging friends. Also the people who asked him to dine with them on different occasions, having been sorry to have to refuse their kind invitations. He spent all day Sunday with Mr. R.S. ROBERTS at the Lighthouse and wishes to sincerely thank Mr. ROBERTS and his wife for their great kindness and generosity.
June 25, 1921 Death The death occurred at Exploits on May 11th at the age of 79 years of George FOOTE, brother of Capt. Giles FOOTE.
June 25, 1921 Death The past two weeks have witnessed the passing of three well-known, old and respected residents. On Friday morning Frederick LINFIELD, after failing gradually through the winter and spring, passed peacefully away to the Great Beyond, of heart disease. During last fall, after and active and hearty life, the late Mr. LINFIELD began to suffer from heart trouble, and though he recovered somewhat during Christmas, the disease gradually increased its inroads. The late Frederick LINFIELD was a native of Twillingate being born in 1849, and served his first business experience with late J.B. TOBIN. About [?3] years ago he started in business for himself in a small way, and his unfailing politeness and attention to the wants of his customers, soon drew around him a clientele that assured the success of his business. Two children survive – Mr. Edward upon whom the management of the business now devolves, and Mrs. S.D. COOK of Curling, while there are several grandchildren. The surviving widow is herself in indifferent health, and the loss of husband and father to the family is severe. Interment was in the Bearberry Cemetery by Rev. GIBSON, from the N. Side Methodist Church, of which he was a faithful and active member. To the family the Sun extends its sympathy.
June 25, 1921 Death Another well-known figure in Henry HAMLYN of Crow Head passed away on Sunday at the age of 69 years after a lingering illness from cancer of the stomach. The late Mr. HAMLYN, who was a native of Crow Head, leaves two sons, Messrs. Martin and Dorman, and a daughter Mrs. Eli YOUNG of North Side, his wife having pre-deceased him about a year. He was an industrious and successful citizen of the fisherman-farmer type, having made good on both land and sea. He was a member of the Anglican Church, and the funeral was conducted by the lay reader in the absence of the incumbent of St. Peter’s. To the bereaved relatives, the Sun extends its sympathy.
June 25, 1921 Shipping News Two A.N.D. Co steamers from Botwood, the “Florence A.” and “Exploits,” on way to Hr. Grace for docking, were in port on Monday evening. Mr. Thos. ARKLIE (Jr) was on board. The firm of Wm. Ashbourne has several fishing craft ready to sail next week. Capt. Andrew GREENHAM in the Cashin will probably get away Monday. Schr. “Hopedale”, Capt. Richard GOSSE, arrived from St. John’s Friday with general cargo for G.J. Carter and others. Schr. “Olive Blanche”, Capt. John ELLIOTT, from Hodge Bros. was the first fishing craft to get away about a week ago. “Mayflower”, Capt. John H. HULL, sailed yesterday from the same firm.
June 25, 1921 Court Case Action taken by Mr. W. GARD, late employee of C. & E. Roberts, for a month’s wages in lieu of month’s notice, was heard before Magistrate MIFFLEN, who gave judgment for the amount sued for $33, and costs of the action.
June 25, 1921 High Cost It is a strange encouragement for the fishermen of this country, especially those on the Treaty Shore, that the freight by “Prospero”, on a barrel of herring from White Bay to this port, is 70 cents. Surely this is a poor accommodation on a Government owned steamer.
June 25, 1921 Dredging During the season of 1920, 6870 tons of material were dredged from Mr. COAKER’s premises at Port Union, free of charge, by the Priestman. Mr. HICKMAN, a man also in business at St. John’s, and moreover a supplier, was charged $1200 for dredging done at his docks, while Twillingate has had none of the services of the dredge.
June 25, 1921 Labor Bureau A labor bureau, for the registration of unemployed, has been opened in St. John’s under charge of ex-Capt. BUTLER. Up to last Wednesday, 500 names had registered.
June 25, 1921 Fishing News Salmon have been fairly plentiful this week and some nets have done pretty well. Caplin scull has occupied the past week and most potatoes are now covered. Messrs. SHEPPARD’s trap at Long Point was considerably wrecked during Sunday’s breeze.
June 25, 1921 Accommodation Abominable. The S.S. Seal, for Labrador, was in port Monday on her way North. She was crowded with passengers, and women and children were living on board under desperate conditions. The fare from Trinity Bay was $22.50 for meals included, we were told by one of the passengers, and the accommodation abominable.
  [There is nothing on my 1921 microfilm between June 23, 1921 and July 9, 1921. GW.]

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