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Newspaper Records

Notre Dame Bay Region

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser

Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.
Title varies: Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953.
Editor and proprietor:
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953.
MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938,1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889,1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.
Description: The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953.

The records were transcribed by PAMELA ELKAS, BEVERLY WARFORD AND GEORGE WHITE. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors. If you should find any errors or have other records to contribute, then please contact the Twillingate Sun transcription project co-ordinator, GEORGE WHITE

July 5, 1884 Birth At Seldom-Come-By on the 6th June, the wife of Mr. Nicholas PENNY, of a son
July 5, 1884 Death On June 30th, after a lingering illness, borne with exemplary patience and Christian resignation to the Divine Will, Prescilla NEWMAN, aged 54 years. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord."
July 5, 1884 Shipping News Port of Twillingate - Entered - June 30 - Sea Breeze, DOWN, Cadiz, salt - Owen & Earle; July 1 - Chase, TOWNSLY, Figueria, salt - Waterman & Co; July 4 - Olive Branch, HORNE, Figuera, salt - do; July 4 - Excelsior, JENKINS, Figueira, via St. John's, salt - W. Waterman & Co.; July 5 - Belle of Devon, QUILLER, Figueira, salt - E. Duder. Cleared - June 28 - Emulator, PAUL, Sydney - E. Duder; July 3 - Clara, WOOD, Beaver's Point - do. The English schooner, Olive Branch, Capt. HORNE, arrived here on Wednesday morning last to Messrs. Waterman & Co., with a cargo of salt, making the passage from Figuera to this port in 23 days. The Olive Branch proceeds to Nipper's Harbor on Monday next to discharge cargo, and to load with dry fish when caught, and cured for market.
July 5, 1884 Fire We learn that on the 30th June, a poor man, named James AYLWARD, living at Stock Cove, Bonavista Bay, had his dwelling house and contents totally destroyed by fire; the cause of same unknown, but supposed to be through defective funnels.
July 5, 1884 Death We deeply regret to learn that intelligence was received last evening via Bett's Cove of the sudden death of the Rev. C. MEEK, Church of England Clergyman of Fogo, which occurred in Boston a few days since. The Rev. Gentleman and his wife left Fogo a short time since to visit the United States, and the sad news of his decease away from home, will be received with heartfelt sorrow by his numerous friends. In another paper an extended notice will be given, no further particulars of his death having yet reached us.
July 5, 1884 Passengers The coastal steamer Plover, Capt. MANUEL, arrived here on Thursday night last, bringing mails and freight and passengers. She goes as far North as St. Anthony, and may be looked for here on her return to St. John's on Saturday evening. The following is a list of her passengers from St. John's - Old Perlican - Mr. CHRISTIAN, Mrs. SNELGROVE, Mr. DAY and 4 children. Trinity - Mrs. SPURRELL and Mr. WHITE. Catalina - Mr. F.S. KNIGHT, Miss Mary RYAN, Miss KNIGHT. King's Cove - Miss RIDEOUT. Greenspond - Mr. A. M. RIDOUT, Mr. BOLGER, Fogo - Miss BOGGAN, Miss DEADY, Misses TUSCOTT (2); Twillingate - Revs. Messrs. ANDREWS and VICKERS, Mr. RAFTERS; Exploits - Mr. WINSOR, Rev. Mr. CRANE, Mr. MANUEL; Mr. COLLINS; Leading Tickles - Mr. and Mrs. PEARCE.
July 5, 1884 Fishery Notes (Part 1) Very little success has attended the labors of our fisherman during the past week. A correspondent writing from King's Cove, Dated July 1st, gives us the following interesting fishery items: - The fishery at this place and neighborhood is poor, nearly as bad as it can be without being nil, and when compared with last year to date, I may safely say not more than one fourth the quantity of fish has been caught. Traps have been a failure so far, the best one here has sixty quintals to date; last year to same time 250 qtls. would be under the correct quantity for same trap. The average for hook and line per man here would be five qtls, and this with plenty of caplin.
July 5, 1884 Fishery Notes (Part 2) At Broad Cove and Keel's a little fish was caught last week with hook and line, and at Open Hall Tickle and Plate Cove the same, say from three to six qtls, per boat for the week. To sum up, the prospects of a fair voyage are gloomy, as it is the opinion of older fisherman here that no body of fish has struck in, the present season. All schooners supplied for the Labrador fishery are gone. This fishery year after year is getting more expensive, with traps and seines and costly schooners, it is impossible for it to pay, and price in perspective for this year would not induce one to supply for it. There are two fine schooners lying up, the Nonpariel and Thomas Guthrie, the owner preferring to let them remain at anchor, than to supply for Labrador fishery.
July 5, 1884 Fishery Notes (Part 3) The dispatch from Trepassey to the Mercury under date, June 30th, has the following: - On Saturday evening fish struck the land. Five traps took from seventy to one hundred and thirty quintals each. One trap for one hour's fishing had two hundred quintals taken out of it. Portugal Cove and Biscay Bay are doing well. A messenger from Peter's River and Holyrood, St. Mary's Bay, says fish struck there on Friday, and the traps are full all the time. At. St. Shott's, one trap for Friday took one hundred quintals. To-day, up to noon, six arrivals from the trap have from sixty to one hundred quintals each, and report all the rest of the traps full, and boats coming home. If weather continues fine, and fish hold out, Trepassey will be safe. The place here have been enveloped in smoke for the past week. Heavy bush fires are raging at some place. From Renews to same paper; - Six Western boats arrived here Saturday with one hundred and twenty to one hundred and seventy quintals. They report others doing well. Jacks averaging four to five quintals a day. Traps doing nothing.
July 5, 1884 New Orange Lodge at Moreton's Harbor On Saturday the 21st ult, a deputation of Orangemen proceeded to Moreton's Harbor for the purpose of instituting a Lodge of the Loyal Orange Association in that settlement … … At eight o'clock a good many of the brethern assembled in the school house, and a sufficient number of regularly constitued Orangemen for opening a new Lodge being present, the Grand Deputy Past Master, Companion Titus MANUEL, took the chair and proceeded with the business of the evening. After disposing of the ceremony contained in the Ritual of the Order for such occasions, he proceeded to elect the officers for "Arctic" Lodge. No. 42. When this was done, short addresses were given by Companions, MANUEL, Thomas YOUNG, C. MAYNE, R. BLACKMORE and the writer. ..... The following are the names of the officers: - Joseph B. OSMOND. W.M., John TAYLOR, Jr., D.M., George K. OSMOND, Sec., Ambrose J. OSMOND, Treas., Elijah JENNINGS, Chap., Abraham NIGHT, J.T., Joseph W. OSMOND, O.T.
July 5, 1884 Harbor Grace Affray Trial (Part 1) The case of the Crown vs. Michael COADY and eighteen others of the Riverhead party, charged with the willful murder of Wm JEANS on last St. Stephen’s Day, was brought to a close on the 27th ult, when the jury brought in a verdict of “Not Guilty.” In another column we reprint the St. John’s Evening Mercry’s editorial of Monday last, having reference to this verdict, the sentiment of which article we fully endorse. It is not the intention this week to deal at length with the all important subject at issue, but in justice to the country at large, we are constrained to say a few words, condemnatory of the verdict that has been found in favor of the prisoners. In the first place we are inclined to think that every intelligent and unprejudiced person in the Colony will bear us out in saying that when it comes to a religious question, a trail by Petty Jury (all Roman Catholics) before the Supreme Court of Newfoundland, is nothing more than a mere burlesque, and it is unreasonable to expect, that when such trails come before it, the Protestants of the country will receive justice from such a jury. There has been ample evidence of this in the past.
July 5, 1884 Harbor Grace Affray Trial (Part 2) At different periods previous to the shooting affray of St. Stephen’s Day, prisoners of the Roman Catholic denomination were before the Court, charged with the willful murder of Protestants, and in no instance whatever have the accused ones been found guilty of the charges made against them; and although the Protestant denomination of the country largely predominate, still they have quietly watched events, and made no resistance to the injustice from which they have suffered. That the Riverhead prisoners were the aggressors on St. Stephen’s Day, no unprejudiced person will deny. The fact that they, with others, assembled early in the morning at Riverhead, and walked nearly two miles, armed with guns, pickets and other weapon, and having waited about Pippy’s Lane, nearly two hours for the Orange procession to approach them, clearly indicates what their intentions were and that the plot (in which it is believed the Roman Catholics present were not the only ones concerned) had been a premeditated scheme to frustrate the arrangements of the Orange procession, and slay them at any cost.
July 5, 1884 Harbor Grace Affray Trial (Part 3) If such had not been their intention, the Riverhead party would not have assembled in a body near Pippy’s Lane on St. Stephen’s Day, for the purpose of preventing the Orange procession from enjoying a privilege which the British Constitution accords, and which a clique of Roman Catholics had no right whatever to deprive them of, however obnoxious the name Orange may seem to them. Witnesses for the Crown clearly proved that JEANS had been killed by the Riverhead party, and certainly the poor fellow’s partner, who also received shot wounds from the same discharge that killed JEANS, as well as other witnesses who were close by at time, could not have been so mistaken in identifying the persons who fired the guns, as the perjury and bribery of witnesses for the defense would lead the public to understand. As our contemporary observes, “a union of views existed in 1882 between a certain number of Protestants and Roman Catholics, and the latter in consequence, wield a great influence in public matters to-day.” But it is pretty certain that if they abuse the political power that has been given there, the Protestants of the country will be compelled to unite to protect their own interests, for when religious rights are interfered with, every Protestant will be as staunch an Orangeman in principle as those who may be connected with the Association.
July 5, 1884 Sea Disaster Captain James WINSOR’S schooner Mary Jane, which left this on Tuesday evening with a full cargo of freight for some of the Northern outports, was lost the following day on Horse Island Rock, off Greenspond. At the time she struck, she was going at the rate of seven knots an hours, and a white fog hung over the water, which made it extremely difficult for those on board to know where they were. She knocked against the rock twice, the second time remaining on it for some hours, when the crew got ashore. She was then blown off, partially sinking after drifting about two miles. Two schooners made an effort to tow her in, but did not succeed, and she now lies two miles off Horse Island, with her stern out of water. Captain WINSOR and his crew were brought from Greenspond this morning in the schooner Westville, Captain BRAGG. The crew consisted of seven men, and they saved nothing but what they had on. There were also four passengers on board at the time of the mishap. – Mercury June 27.
July 5, 1884 Not Guilty (Part 1) When in December last, it became our duty to refer to the sad occurrences of St. Stephen’s Day, we plainly said that the persons known as the Riverhead party had been the perpetrators of a great outrage, in that they had fired upon “an unarmed procession” and killed and wounded some of its members, and we demanded the punishment of the offenders. The article created great, and not unnatural, excitement among a portion of our Roman Catholic fellow citizens, and some forcibly expressed to us their disapprobation. In one way only did we make any show of retraction, and that was by stating our belief that while the Orange procession had been unarmed, it had at the moment of the affray been accompanied by a number of “sympathizers” with guns. Even this simple statement was distasteful to the more hot headed Orangemen, and some our journalistic contemporaries animadverted in scathing terms, upon what they were pleased to call our “cowardly backdown.”
July 5, 1884 Not Guilty (Part 2) Well the trial of the alleged offenders has taken place, and although the Jury declared the Riverhead prisoners “not guilty,” we do not think there is a clear headed man in this country, Roman Catholic or Protestant, who does not believe in his inmost soul, the three things we stated in the articles referred to, - first, that the Riverhead Party were the aggressors; second, that the Orange procession were unarmed; third, that a number of the “Orange sympathizers” had guns. We hold that in these respects the position we assumed has been sustained by the evidence in the case, though not by the verdict of the Jury. While our allegations have been sustained, the object which actuated our article has not been attained. Though some of our Roman Catholic fellow citizens, we have reasons to believe, fully comprehended the desire to befriend them, which really dictated the course we pursued, the greater portion failed to do so, but on the contrary, completely misunderstood us, and translated into an attack what was meant as friendly counsel.
July 5, 1884 Not Guilty (Part 3) There were in December last, three distinct bodies in Newfoundland – Roman Catholics, Protestants, and Orangemen. By this we mean that a large number of Protestants of the country were not only not Orangemen, but were actually opposed to them. Desiring most strongly a continuance of freedom from denominational strife, with all the social and material benefits thus insured, we declared our belief that the Roman Catholics of this Island were not in sympathy with the evil-doers of the St. Stephen’s Day, and called upon them to prove this by assisting the Officers of the law to promptly bring the offenders to justice, adding an expression of our belief that denomination leanings must, in fact, not only be impartial but anxious to prove their impartiality. A union of views existed in 1882 between a certain number of Protestants and Roman Catholics, and the latter in consequence, wield a great influence in public matters do-day.
July 5, 1884 Not Guilty (Part 4) If the sentiment now rampant in the country, be in existence at the next election, no such combination can exist, but on the contrary, the Roman Catholics must become a comparatively helpless minority. Why? Because they have impressed the Protestant people of this Island with the belief that they will protect offenders of their own creed, at any cost to the public welfare. We need not refer to the special causes of this belief further, than to say that they have all been the consequences of the active support given to the Riverhead prisoners by a certain portion, at least of their own co-religionists. If anything were needed to render this belief a firm conviction, it has been afforded by the verdict given on Friday. Let us call the attention of our readers, more especially of these who are Roman Catholics, to the real meaning of that verdict. The learned Judge who charged the jury, said in effect, that if the Riverhead prisoners went with arms to meet the Orange Society, and either of them, or anyone else in their company, killed JEANS, they were each guilty of “murder.”
July 5, 1884 Not Guilty (Part 5) If however, the Jury believed that the prisoners had no intention of using arms, but were provoked to do so by the hostile demonstrations of the Orangemen, then the prisoners were guilty of “manslaughter.” To believe that the Riverhead party did not assemble on St. Stephen’s Day to oppose the Orange Society may be possible, but to believe that they did not eventually use arms, is to believe that the Orange Society and its sympathizers shot not only CALLAHAN and DORMIDY, but all who fell on the Orange Side. Now, we ask with all seriousness, is there one human being in this Island who credits this? Did the jury? No one will ever believe they did, and yet this and this alone could sustain the verdict they gave. When on Thursday night, the Jury retired to deliberate upon their verdict, they carried with them far more than the fate of the few men in the prisoner’s box. To a large extent they carried the political future of their co-religionists in this Island with them.
July 5, 1884 Not Guilty (Part 6) They were a Roman Catholic Jury trying Roman Catholics, for an assault upon Protestant fellow subjects, and since Protestants form a majority of the people of this Island, the mere question of prudence, if they had no higher standpoint, should have led them to give a better verdict than they did. If they had taken the most lenient view possible to impartial men, and had returned into Court with a verdict of manslaughter, coupled if they would, with a recommendation to mercy, and the discharge of those for whom alibis were sworn, a revulsion of Protestant feeling would have taken place, and many who are to-day to be numbered as warm Orange sympathizers, would have become tolerant once more. The Jury, however, did not act upon these views, and in consequence, the division between Roman Catholics and Protestants will grow more marked each day.
July 5, 1884 Not Guilty (Part 7) We make these remarks now because we have been waiting for six months for a fitting opportunity to explain our expression to December last, and we feel sure that the more thoughtful of the Roman Catholics, will realize ‘ere long, how fatal a mistake was made when our good advice was rejected, and the Riverhead prisoners accorded the moral support of the Roman Catholic denomination. The trials are not yet done, and better counsels may prevail with another jury. This much may be taken for granted, that unless the guilty members of the Riverhead party are punished, and the Roman Catholic body separated from them by unequivocal manifestations of its intention to aid in their conviction instead of assisting their escape, the whole Protestant people of this Island will unite, and denominationalism, with all its attendant evils, become the ruling political factor in this Island.

July 12, 1884 Thanks to Captain CARTER The schooner Mary Parker, Capt. CARTER, arrived here from St. John's via Fogo on Monday morning last, leaving the former port on the previous Saturday. We are indebted to the Captain for late local papers, interesting extracts from which will be found in today's paper.
July 12, 1884 Conference The annual session of the Methodist Conference of Newfoundland met at St. John's on the 1st inst. We are glad to be able to lay before our readers, reports of the first two day's proceedings, received through the kindness of Capt. Andrew ROBERTS, of the Young Builder, who arrived here on Wednesday.
July 12, 1884 Coastal Steamer The coastal steamer Plover, Capt. MANUEL, with a large number of passengers en route for St. John's, called here on Sunday afternoon last, having been as far as St. Anthony. The fishery along the coast is reported bad, and the prospects not at all cheering.
July 12, 1884 Departure We understand that the Rev. Mr. PINCOCK and wife, Rev. LISTER and wife, and Revs. Messrs. DUFFILL and ABRAHAM, left St. John's per Allan steamer last week for England. We wish them all a pleasant visit to the shores of Old England and a safe return in due time to Terra Nova's soil.
July 12, 1884 Church News Church of England - The Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D. left yesterday morning in the Mission yacht Snowdrop for White Bay; accompanied by the Rev. S. J. ANDREWS, who has lately been ordained Deacon, and appointed to White Bay Mission. We wish him every success in his arduous duties. We understand that Mr. W.H. RAFTERS, Student of the Theological College, St. John's, who arrived here per last Plover, is temporarily appointed to Moreton's Harbour to administer to the spiritual wants of the Church people of that settlement, who for some years past have been destitute of Pastoral care.
July 12, 1884 Student Awards (Part 1) It will be observed from the following extract taken from the St. John's Evening Telegram of the 3rd inst., that a number of Newfoundland young ladies have been distinguishing themselves in their studies at Mount St. Vincent Academy, Halifax, within the past year. It is pleasing to know that one of the successful young ladies referred to is Miss Minnie TOBIN, daughter of J.B. TOBIN, Esq., J.P., Merchant, of this town, who is to be congratulated on the literary distinction that she has recently won. We notice by a recent copy of the Halifax Herald that a number of young ladies of this country have singualy distinguished themselves in their studies at Mount St. Vincent Academy, near Halifax, the past year, as evidenced by the result of the annual examination just held there.
July 12, 1884 Student Awards (Part 2) Of eight recipients of special prizes given for success in all the studies, four were Newfoundlanders - Misses L. KIELLY, B. BROWN, M. McGRATH and M. TOBIN. In the first Music Class, of the two first prizes only awarded, one was taken by Miss TOBIN and the other two second prizes by Miss M. DRISCOLL and B. MURPHY. In Vocal Music the only first prize given was borne off by Miss B. MURPHY, and a second prize was awarded to Miss M. JARDINE ..... We notice also that a first prize in Ancient History, a first prize in Rhetoric; a second premium for success in all the studies, First English Class, and a premium for success in Grecian and Roman History, same class, were awarded respectively to Misses M. TOBIN, L. KIELLY, B. BROWN and M. McGRATH. Other prizes were taken by Newfoundlanders in minor classes.
July 12, 1884 Fishery News The fishery in this locality, the past week, has been very poor. At Herring Neck a little has been doing, and the prospect there is more encouraging. A special dispatch from Placentia to last Friday's Evening Telegram, says "BRADSHAW's banker arrived last evening - the P.L. Whitten with equal to 600 and the Nimbus equal to 500 quintals dry fish. Shore fishery fair and traps doing well. One man, secured three hundred quintals last week. Bait is abundant and the catch far exceeds last year's fishery to date. Very few salmon have been taken here this season, and that branch of the fishery as far as this place is concerned, may be regarded as a failure up to the present. The Telegram of same date says: "The best fishing done with any one trap in Petty Harbor to this time is that done by HOWLETT of that place, who has secured 200 quintals. No other six traps there together have done so well; and the fares range downward to 20 quintals and even lower. Hook-and-liners report variously from 5 to 20 qtls. The present unsatisfactory state of things may give place to brighter prospects at any moment, and the fishing with squid bait after this month may make ample return for the present deficiencies.
July 12, 1884 Personal We are pleased to welcome to town Samuel BAIRD, Esq., Stipendiary Magistrate of Greenspond, who arrived here per last Plover to spend a short time among his many friends and acquaintances.
July 12, 1884 Death At New Bay, on the 28th June, after a tedious illness, Mr. Edmund Moors, aged 74 years. His end was peace. The deceased was a native of Twillingate and for many years a resident of New Bay, being one of the first who settled there.
July 12, 1884 "A Thunderbolt" (Part 1) (From the Evening Mercury, July 8) The Advocate of this morning takes exception to our article of Monday last entitled “Not Guilty,” and says that it fell like a “thunderbolt”. Neither result, we must confess, was unlooked for. That the Advocate would think of the result of the late trial in a manner unlike ourselfs, was abundantly proved by its very onesided course during the trail – a course, let us say, the motive power of which was pretty well known by the public. Let us remind our contemporary, but that thunderbolts clear the atmosphere, and that its mental firmament is so obscured by the certain cloudy influence that a few thunderbolts will be vastly to its advantage. Because we have not inhabited the Island for a long time, the Advocate denies our right to prophecy as to the effect the late verdict will have upon the Protestant people of this country. We beg to tell our contemporary that the verdict was not alone an outrage upon the Protestant sentiment of Newfoundland, but upon that of the entire Protestant people of the Empire, and that it should doubly heed our warnings, because it was that of one unwarped by local prejudices, and sincerely desirous of seeing the whole people of this Island live in harmony.
July 12, 1884 "A Thunderbolt" (Part 2) The Advocate tell us too, that if we had been conversant with the history of the Country, it would have been known that the Roman Catholics have done much for its political institutions. We not only know, but have repeatedly affirmed it. We must point out however, how little such a plea has to do with the verdict under discussion. The political services referred to were for the benefit of the Roman Catholics in the first place, and only secondarily for the Protestants, and if they were all for the latter, would afford no earthly reason why twelve intelligent jurymen should acquit the man who shot the Orangemen at Harbor Grace. We did not “suggest non-intercourse and ostracism” – that was suggested by the actions of the inconsiderate men who defended and pointed out, for the benefit of Roman Catholics themselves, the inevitable result if the prisoners continued to escape justice at the hands of their co-religionists.
July 12, 1884 "A Thunderbolt" (Part 3) This matter is peculiarly and entirely in the hands of the Roman Catholics themselves – to make or mark their own political fortunes. The Prisoners are Roman Catholics, any jury chosen here to try them must be of the same faith, and if the prisoners are found guilty of the crime they undoubtedly committed, the Protestant people will recognize the even-handed justice of the Roman Catholics, and since they will have shown that they know how to obey, will consent to let them assist in ruling. The opportunity is afforded, and the Roman Catholics – not the Mercury – will suggest “non-intercourse and ostracism" or intercourse and friendship, by the policy they pursue. We need not discuss the prisoners’ guilt or innocence at length, although the Advocate affirms the latter. That the Riverhead party and the Orangemen met, all will admit. The former say that they were not armed, and admit that the Orange Procession were, and although affirming that some sympathizers were. The Orangemen say they were not armed, but that the Riverhead party were.
July 12, 1884 "A Thunderbolt" (Part 4) Let us admit, for argument’s sake, that the evidence of both was unreliable in that particular, and turn to the results for proof. Four Orangemen were shot, one old “sympathizer” beaten to death, and many wounded. One Riverhead man was killed and one wounded. What does this mean, on its face? Why, that both parties fired, and that both were guilty. If the Jury trying the Riverhead prisoners believed even this story, it would afford no excuse, for if both were guilty of carrying and using arms, both should be punished; not one or both declared innocent. But, perhaps it will be said that the “Orange sympathizers” were the only ones armed, and that they shot all those who were killed or wounded on both sides. Such a preposterous belief could alone have justified the jury’s verdict, and they evidently had not seen, or did not believe, a letter written to a Boston paper by the Rev Father ROWE, in which he declared that all the Orangemen were shot in the back while running away.
July 12, 1884 "A Thunderbolt" (Part 5) Fifteen of the Riverhead prisoners were proved by their own witnesses to be present. The law says that those who were present were guilty of “murder” or “manslaughter”. The jury found the prisoners innocent. Further comment is unnecessary. Let us tell the Advocate that we have no desire to unite the Riverhead prisoners to their co-religionists in this Island. On the contrary, we have expressly denied the connection, but the ill-advised conduct of the very men who control the Advocate’s utterances, is making the Protestant portion of the public believe that the Riverhead prisoners are endorsed by the whole Roman Catholic people. It remains with the better portion of the latter to disprove a charge we have never made, and in the truth of which we cannot believe. If the threats we daily, nay hourly hear, and the conduct of certain intelligent men, are to be accepted by us as correct indications of the feeling of the Roman Catholic people of this city, than the same indiscreet men we have referred to are hurrying their friends towards the pit they have digged with their own hands. The crisis is an important one, and it will be well if threats are abandoned and the issue looked squarely in the face.
July 12, 1884 "A Thunderbolt" (Part 6) Twelve of the Riverhead prisoners are admitted on bail - The following named individuals - twelve in number - the Riverhead prisoners, lately on trial, have been admitted to bail under order from the Supreme Court, each in $800 personally, and two sureties of $800 each, or $2,400 for each person charged. The bonds were to be signed this afternoon before the magistrates: - Richard MACKEY, James QUIRK, Nicholas SHANNAHAN, Thomas DUGGAN, Thomas BRADBURY, Jeremiah LEE, Robert DONNELLY, Patk. SMALLCOMBE, Thomas MORRISSEY, Patrick WALSH (son of James), John MCCARTHY and John FLEMING, all of whom are to appear when called for at the Fall Term of the Supreme Count. The following are the names of those held: Michael GOADY, Patrick HARPER, John WALSH, William RUSSEL, Pierce WADE, Nicholas BRADBURY and Richard FLEMING - St. John's Evening Telegram, July 3.

July 19, 1884 Death At Jenkin's Cove, on Wednesday morning last, after a tedious illness, Mr. William VERGE. The funeral of the deceased takes place to-day, attended by brethren of the Loyal Orange Association, of which he was a worthy member.
July 19, 1884 Death At Fogo, on the 11th July, Elizabeth, beloved wife of Mr. Wm. LUDLOW, aged 43 years. Her end was peace.
July 19, 1884 Shipping News Port of Twillingate - Entered - July 12 - Heroine, BRODDEN, Poole, general cargo. W.W. & Co; July 17 - Agervan, JACOBINSON, Flutwood, ballast, J.J.Jacobinson. Cleared - July 10 - Sea Breeze, DOWN Sydney, Owen & Earle; Vistula, ??Mabns, J.B. Tobin
July 19, 1884 Funeral The funeral obsequies of the Rev. C. MEEK took place at the Church of England Cemetery on Saturday afternoon, when a large concourse of citizens attended. The Burial Service was impressively read by His Lordship the Bishops, suitable Hymns were sung in the Chapel and at the grave, and a great number of the Masonic craft were present to pay the last tribute or respect to their deceased brother. It could be seen from the sorrowful appearance of those gathered round the grave, that the sudden and tragic death of this favorite Clergyman had made a deep impression on the community. Mr. John CARILI had charge of the arrangements. Yesterday, from the pulpits of the Episcopal Churches in the city, references were made the sad event. – Evening Mercury.
July 19, 1884 Paper Refused (Part 1) Within the past few weeks we have been favoured with "Refused" copies of the Twillingate Sun from some our Roman Catholic patrons, which signifies, we presume, that they have decided to withdraw their names from our subscription list, because we have ventured to publish articles antagonistic to their prejudicial religious views, or given an independent expression of opinion from time to time, ever since the sad and tragic events of the Harbor Grace shooting affray of 26th December last, stained the annals of our country. If we have been too outspoken in the defense of our principles, which accord freedom of thought, liberty of conscience, and religious and political tolerance to every one, and thereby merited, the non-appreciation of any of our readers, we have only been discharging a duty which the exigencies of the times demand; for so long as law and justice, and the religious rights of any creed are interfered with, the aggrieved ones may rest assures that our motto is, - "Here shall the Press Religious rights maintain, Unawed by influence and unbribed by gain, Here patriots Truth her glorious precepts draw, Pledged to Religion, Liberty and Law."
July 19, 1884 Paper Refused (Part 1) When giving our opinion of the unfortunate affair shortly after happening, we felt disposed to be silent on the subject until the law had done its part; but when finding that one-sided fabulous and misleading reports were being printed in Roman Catholic papers (both foreign and local) for the purpose of making their own cause appear good, we were constrained to repudiate such fabrications, and vindicate the principles of the Protestant religion which were being ruthlessly assailed. As an evidence we need merely allude to the letter from the Rev. Father ROWE, which he wrote to the Boston Republic in January last, and which was re-printed on our fourth page a few weeks since. Space forbids us enlarging at present and all we would say is that we shall endeavour to vindicate Truth and Justice whoever may take offence.
July 19, 1884 To the Editor (Part 1) Dear Sir, - In your issue of Saturday, the 12th inst., in an article taken from the Evening Mercury, it is stated that a leader head “Not Guilty,” which appeared in that paper on the 8th, fell like a “thunderbolt” on the Advocate, and as a matter of course, on its readers. Strange, that the same cause should produce such widely different effects; for I can truly say, that here in this Northern home of ours, it had the effect of calming down angry and revengeful passions, which were acquiring rather a dangerous mastership, and which caused feelings of great uneasiness to the conservators of the peace, and all law-abiding citizens. In fact, it had the same effect that pouring oil upon the troubled waters of an angry sea would have. A few more “thunderbolts” of the same character may have a surprisingly good effect in clearing the religious (?) atmosphere from many noxious and poisonous vapors that now surround it, amongst the deadliest of which must be reckoned that infamous verdict of “Not Guilty”.
July 19, 1884 To the Editor (Part 2) That lie has inflicted more real injury to the Country at large, both in its home and foreign connections, than may appear to many at first sight; but those who take a calm and dispassionate view of the bitter results which it must inevitably lead to, and that ostracism and boycotting must be the order of the day, Who can blame the Protestants of the Colony if they were driven to such reprisals. The law of the land has been appealed to – and in vain – for justice on the murders of our friends and brothers; murders plainly proved and sworn to in the highest Court of the land – a Court presided over, and conducted by three noble men, whose very names are household word for all that is manly, honorable, patriotic and upright, and who would scorn to let the slightest sign of party or sectarian feeling, influence their conduct; and after a patient hearing of forty-seven days, these twelve Solomons come into Court with “Not Guilty.” Does this need comment? Surely not. Where then is the protection of the law?
July 19, 1884 To the Editor (Part 3) Is there no remedy? Must a majority of the inhabitants of this Colony tamely submit to such indignities from a minority steeped to the neck in prejudice and bigotry? God forbid! I am sure the Protestants of this land are not yet sunk so low in their own estimation, as to merit such a reproach …… the Protestants of this land must write; that is the grand remedy, and thank God it is sufficiently ample. We must cast aside all denominational differences, and unite as one body – even as our enemies are one. I understand a protestant League or union is now in course of organization, and it is plainly the duty of all Protestants – no matter what their denomination – to be enrolled as members. This is indeed a step in the right direction, and I venture to prophesy that once completed, and in good working order, will have the most beneficial results. We claim nothing but our rights; we insist on that and nothing less will satisfy us. The Roman Catholic shall have his too – without dispute - but nothing more. A stop must be put to his shooting Protestants because he does not like their name.
July 19, 1884 To the Editor (Part 4) There is plenty of good work for this League. The electorate should be revised – a re-distribution of seats is wanted, and the relative number of members should be equalized according to population. At present, the Roman Catholics have an entirely undue preponderance in the House, if number is to be the criterion of representation, and this as a matter of simple justice, should be rectified. Other reforms will soon follow, and it is to be hoped that after a time, when the present cloud shall have lost some what of its dark hue, and the “thunderbolt” shall have done its work of purification, peace and confidence may again be restored, and a return of the old friendly relations between neighbors – no matter what their religious opinion may be – be the general feeling in every home and household. But I must draw this long episode to a close, else your patience as well as your space may be exhausted; but believing that I speak the sentiments of the majority of those Northern Districts, I considered I was only performing a duty in jotting down these few remarks, which would be incomplete if I were not to bear witness to the unanimity of opinion entertained by every denomination of Protestants here, of the able, masterly, and patriotic manner in which the Hon. Attorney General, Sir W. V. WHITEWAY conducted the case for the Crown.
July 19, 1884 To the Editor (Part 5) His opening and closing addresses have been the theme of conversation here, and will be long remembered with feelings of gratitude by the L.O.A. It is universally admitted that his exposition of the rights, privileges and position of that Order in Newfoundland was all that could be desired, and I will go further and say more than was expected from him. On the whole, it was very pleasing to me to hear such admiration expressed for one whom I have long respected and esteemed; and it was even carried so far as to hint that in the event of another general election, Sir William would find very little difficulty in resuming his old position as one of the members for the district. Perhaps it is not good taste, Mr. Editor, to praise you in your paper, but truth is truth and I must express my mind, though at the risk of being misunderstood. I do not stoop to adulation or flattery. I have no sinister purpose to serve by so doing, in either flattering you or any other man, but I do say, and I can get it endorsed by scores of others, that the attitude you have taken up with regard to the publication of matter connected with the horrible murders referred to, has met with the general approval of all good and loyal citizens.
July 19, 1884 To the Editor (Part 6) I have heard that a few have withdrawn their names from your list for being so outspoken, and for publishing matter which others declined doing, but their loss will soon be made up, and the satisfaction you must feel, and that you have imparted to others, by acting in his case as the fearless champion of the Press, will be ample consolation for such trifling draw backs. You have proved yourself a worthy representative of the fourth estate, and long may you continue to enjoy your well earned popularity. That your success and prosperity as a journalist, as a representative of the district, and as a true and loyal son of the L.O.A., may be ample and continuous, will be very sincerely desired by your numerous friends, and by none, more so than – yours truly, X.Y.Z.
July 19, 1884 Fishery In and around this locality, the fishery to date, has been very poor. The highest trap will hardly reach 200 qtls., which may be true of three or four, while the others have not accured more than twenty or thirty qtls. or even less, the hook and line men do not average five qtls. About Herring Neck, there has been a little improvement; traps have done better; two we understand, have taken nearly three hundred qtls. each, and hook and liners average from eight to ten qtls. We learn that at Fogo there has been some improvement of late, as well as in other localities in this district that we have heard from.
July 19, 1884 The Glorious Twelfth The 12th of July Anniversary was celebrated by brethren of the Loyal Orange Association in this town on Saturday last. In the evening they assembled in their lodge room, and spent a very pleasant time together.
July 19, 1884 Sudden Death Yesterday Mrs. Mary MANUEL left her home, Siliens Cove, about 1 o'clock, to vister her sister, Mrs. John PEYTON, Back Harbor. Not returning up to a late hour in the evening, anxiety was manifested for her whereabouts, and some of her friends started in search for her, and found her leaning up to a fence near Mr. FREEMAN's, in a senseless condition. She was taken home and expired in a few hours. The deceased was an old person, being about eighty years, and it is supposed that she had been seized with appolexy.
July 19, 1884 Passengers The coastal steamer Plover, Capt. MANUEL with mails and passengers called here on Thursday morning going North. The weather the early part of the trip was rather foggy, which detained her a few hours later than otherwise. The Plover commenced the Labrador route this time, proceeding as far as Battle Harbor, and may not be expected here before Wednesday next, or even later, should the present foggy weather continue. Annexed is the list of passengers - Bay-de-Verde - Rev. Mr. JENNINGS; Trinity - Rev. R.W. FREEMAN, Miss MARSHALL and Master MARSHALL, Mr & Mrs BREMNER, Dr. GREEN; Catalina – Rev. B.G. STOREY, Master WALSH; Bonavista - Rev. J. PRATT, Mr. CANDOW; King's Cove - Rev. A. WOOD, Miss KIRBY; Greenspond - Rev. S. MATTHEWS and WILSON, Messrs. OAKLEY, G.P. DUNCAN, Bury ATWELL and Mrs. ATWELL; Fogo - Rev. Mr. DUNN, Messrs. EARLE, FITZGERALD, W. SQUIRES; Twillingate - Rev. J. EMBREE, Miss R.E. BRAYLEY, Mr. and Mrs. BERTEAU and Miss BERTEAU, Miss WATKINS, Miss OSMOND, Miss CAMPBELL and Mr. HAWKINS; Exploits - Rev. A. HILL; Little Bay - Miss DUNPHY, Tilt Cove - Miss ELLWARD, Mr. DUGGAN; Coachman's Cove - Mr. ST. GEORGE; Battle Harbor - Mr. HUTCHINGS.

July 26, 1884 Notice It is proposed by the friends of the late Rev. Christopher MEEK to erect two stained glass windows in the East end of Fogo Church, as a memorial of his long and faithful services. Subscriptions to effect this object will be thankfully received and acknowledged by The Rev. Henry DUNFIELD, St. Thomas's Church, St. John's, Allan FINDLATOR, Twillingate, John T. CROUCHER, Fogo
July 26, 1884 Methodist Conference (Part 1) Final draft of stations - President - Rev. G.S. MILLIGAN, L.L.D.; Secretary - Rev. G.J. BOND, B.A.; St. John’s District – St. John’s East – Rev. Geo. BOND, B.A.; Rev. Geo VATER; St. John’s West – Rev. George BOYD, Superintendent Methodist Day Schools, Rev. G.S. MILLIGAN, L.L.D.; Rev. T. FOX (Supernumerary); Pouch Cove – Rev. Jesse HAYFIELD; Burin – Rev. James NURSE; Grand Bank – Rev. T.H. JAMES; Fortune – Rev. S. SNOWDEN; Burgeo – Rev. S. REID; Petites – Rev. G.C. FRAZER; Channel – Rev. W. H. ?EDYVEAN; St. Pierre – One wanted; Flat Island – Rev. C. LENCH; Sound Island – Rev. G.B.S. SMITH; Flower Cove – One to be sent; St. Anthony – Rev. Levi CURTIS; Bonne Bay – one to be sent; St. George’s Bay – Rev. W. REX; Red Bay, Labrador – Rev. James WILSON; Hamilton Inlet – Rev. J.T. NEWMAN; signed Rev. G.S. Milligan L.L.D. District Superintendent; Rev. G.J. BOND, A.B.; Financial Secretary; Carbonear District – Carbonear – Rev. W. KENDAL; One to be sent; Rev. J.S. PEACH (Supernumerary); Harbor Grace – Rev. T.W. ATKINSON;
July 26, 1884 Methodist Conference (Part 1) Brigus – Rev. John GOODISON; Cupids – Rev. James DOVE; Bay Roberts – Rev. J. LISTER; Port-de-Grave – Rev. W.R. TRATT; Freshwater – Rev. J.B. HEAL; Black Head – Rev. W. SWANN; Western Bay – Rev. S. MATTHEWS; Island Cove – Rev. J. REAY; Old Perlican – Rev. Geo PAINS; Hunt’s Harbor – Rev. J. PARKINS, Heart’s Content – Rev. H. LEWIS; Random North – Rev. Edgar TAYLOR; Random South – Rev. G.G. WILLEY; Britannia Cove – Rev. Mark FENWICK; Green’s Harbor – One to be sent; Signed by Rev. DOVE, District Superintendent, Rev. J. GOODSON, Financial Secretary; Bonavista District – Rev. John PRATT; Rev. F.R. DUFFILL; Catalina – Rev. G.P. STORY: Trinity – Rev. R.W. FREEMAN; Greenspond – Rev. W. JENNINGS; Wesleyville – Rev. Geo. BULLEN: Twillingate – Rev. J. EMBREE; Rev. T.W. DUNN; Musgrave Harbor – One to be sent; Fogo Rev. J. HILL; Herring Neck – Rev. R. BRAMFITT; Moreton’s Harbor – Rev. H. HATCHER; Exploits – Rev. A. HILL; Little Bay Island – Rev. J. PINCOCK; Little Bay – Rev. J.W. VICKERS; Bett’s Cove and Tilt Cove – Rev. Geo. NOBLE; White Bay – Rev. Herbert HOOPER; Signed by Rev. J. EMBREE, District Superintendent; Rev. J. PRATT, Financial Secretary
July 26, 1884 Banks Fishery The banking schooner Lolanthe, of Gloucester, arrived here on Saturday evening for a supply of bait. Captain MURPHY who by the way, is a native of this city, reports 1100 quintals of fish since the beginning of the voyage - 1st May - and says fish was very plentiful on the Banks when he left the fishing ground for this port. - Evening telegram, July 7. The banking schooner, Mary, Captain GOULD, belonging to Messrs. Joe Brothers & Co, arrived from the Banks on Saturday evening with a fare equal to 350 quintals dry fish. The vessel but a fortnight left altogether, and was only eight days fishing in catching the quantity named. It was procured with caplin bait. Fish is reported as being very plentiful on the Grand Banks just now. - Ibid.
July 26, 1884 Disturbances St. John's N.F. June 30 - Two Orange outranges are reported here. At Twillingate, 16 loaded guns were fired into the house of Capt. WREY; and the windows were smashed with stones. The WREYS are one of only three Catholic families residing at Twillingate. At Greenspond Harbor, four Southern vessels took refuge from a South-East gale and floating field _________ Tuesday last. The Orangemen attacked the crew on shore, maimed them brutally, and pursued them to their vessels with large ballast stones, smashing the companion door, skylights, cabin stoves and furniture, breaking bulwarks, and forcing the vessels to rush away amid the storm and ice peril, out into Bonavista Bay.
July 26, 1884 Steamer The steamer Plover called here en route for St. John's on Friday morning. Her delay North was caused by the Hercules not reaching Battle Harbor with the Labrador mails. The Plover waited at Battle Harbor over fifty hours and as the Hercules did not arrive, she started on her return South, and was overtaken by the Hercules with the mail at Tilt Cove on Thursday morning. The fishery on the coast of Labrador is reported as being very unfavorable, scarcely any fish having been caught on any part of the Coast.
July 26, 1884 Schooner The schr. Vivid, belonging to Messrs. HODDER & LINFIELD, arrived here from the French Shore Saturday last. Cod fishery reports are most discouraging. The salmon fishery on that shore has been very good. We learn that the Vivid brought back about 100 tierces.
July 26, 1884 Fishery notes from White Bay By the return of the Mission yacht Snowdrop, Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., we learn that the fishery at White Bay, up to a late date, has not been very encouraging, although there is a very good sign of fish at some of the harbors. The long continuance of boisterous weather has been a great hindrance to the operations of the fishermen, and has caused considerable damage to traps. The schr. John Franklin, BURT, Master, of Tizzards Harbor, was at Cat Arm, North Side of White Bay, on the 19th of the month, also several other craft, poorly fished. There were 27 sail of craft at Packet Harbor on Sunday last, amongst which were the schr, Albian, MINTY, Master belonging to this port, and the schr Four Brothers, BOYD, Master of Tizzard’s Harbor. They were doing a little with the fish when the weather would permit them to keep their traps in the water.
July 26, 1884 Married On the 30th ult., at St. Thomas' Church, St. John's, by the Rev.A.C.F. WOOD, Rector, Mr. E.W. LYON to Lizzie Bodine, second daughter of the late Capt. John PEACH.
July 26, 1884 Church News On Monday at 5:30, The Church of England Mission yatch, Lavrock, entered our harbour. On board were his Lordship the Bishop of Newfoundland and Rev. T. NURSE, his Lordship’s Chaplain pro _____. They were on their way to Labrador, and had had a very fair run so far, the Church yatch sailing at her usual excellent speed. She anchored near the public wharf, and Mr. W.S. RAFTER proceeded on board, and in the absence of the Rural Dean, welcomed his Lordship once more to our town. The rain and high wind, did not prevent his Lordship from coming on shore and visiting St. Peter’s Church. He expressed pleasure at the needful alterations which have lately been made. His Lordship then visited the Rectory. The next morning the Lavrock proceeded on her noble mission North.
July 26, 1884 Drowning at White Bay We have recently received intelligence of an accident which occurred near Jackson’s Arm, White Bay, on the 28th ult., by which one poor fellow was drowned, and three other persons narrowly escaped the same untimely end. It appears that Joseph COBBS, his wife and child, and a man by the name of John GILL, left Jackson’s Arm, on the above day, in a small boat, for a village some four miles distant. Whilst running along under sail, a sudden squall of wind upset the boat, and the occupants were precipitated into the water. The boat, it is said, turned over three times. Mrs. COBBS saved herself by grasping the rudder of the boat, by which she managed to get into it, and rescued her baby. The child was floating on boards and somewhat bruised, when the mother snatched her from the greedy sea. GILL held to the boat, but poor COBBS met a watery grave. The survivors got to the shore, where they had to remain all night, exposed to a heavy thunder storm.
July 26, 1884 Death On Saturday, 19th at 3:30, the burial of the later Mr. William VERGE, took place at St. Andrew’s Church. A great number of the friends of the deceased met in the Church of England school room South-side, which is used while the Church undergoes repair. The burial service was impressively read by Mr. W.S. RAFTAR, who chose for his sermon the text, “Then cometh the end” 1 Cor. XV 24r. In his discourse he alluded to the fact that the deceased had for years been Sexton of the Church, a duty which he performed to the best of his ability, and that he had also been an ardent member of the L.O.A., which renowned Association was well represented at the funeral. Some felt the truth of the Preacher’s words, That God does not suffer us to be brothers in any noble association merely for our bodily advantage; but that we as brothers may lead those around us to live a more manly life, in fact He had graciously granted us this mode of showing our love for Jesus.” The suitable hymn “Brief life is here our portion” was sung at the grave site.
July 26, 1884 Passengers Passengers per Plover for Twillingate - Rev. Mr. HATCHER, wife and family; Mrs. MILLER and two children; Messrs. WILLIAM and EVERY; From Twillingate - Miss LETHBRIDGE; Mrs. SALTER, Messrs. BRAYLEY, MEWS, NURSE, PITTMAN; Mr. LUCAS and wife of Fogo.
July 26, 1884 Death Last evening, between the hours of six and seven, a little boy named WALSH, son of Mr. Patrick WALSH, of H.M. Customs, met with a sad and strange death. It appears that the little fellow had climbed upon the fence just behind the Colonial Building, when he fell over the side and was caught by the sleeve of his coat on a row of nails, which runs along the top of the fence. The arm working clear, the sleeve still hitched to the nail, came across his throat and choked him. He was first discovered by a man name SULLIVAN, who instead of taking him immediately down, left him hanging and rushed over to Mr. SALTER’s residence, informing that gentleman of the circumstance. He, in company with the Rev. H LEWIS, repaired to the spot instantly. The latter gentleman felt the boy’s pulse, and finding that it had ceased to beat, a Constable was sent for, to see the position in which the body was hanging. As soon as the Policeman arrived, the body was taken down and carried into the Colonial building. Dr. HEWLEY was sent for, and arrived shortly after. He examined the body, and pronounced life extinct for some time. – St. John’s Evening Mercury, July 10.
July 26, 1884 Inquiry A Magisterial Inquiry was made to day into the death of Edward WALSH, the boy whose sad demise was referred to yesterday. The evidence of the Rev. H. LEWIS went to show that life must have been extinct some time before the body was discovered, as the pulse had ceased to beat, and the body was quite stiff. The reason why an effort to take the body from the fence was not made by those first on the ground was, that the fence was too high for them, and before other means could be devised, a tall Policeman came to the rescue. The body was choked by the collar of the coat, which was closed in front by hooks so strong, that they did not break with the weight of the body. Ibid – July 11
July 26, 1884 Harbor Grace Affry (Part 1) The Advocate issued to-day, expresses pleasure that “some” remarks in its Wednesday’s editorial caused us “pain”. Our contemporary is easily pleased, but may be still more delighted with an acknowledgement that its whole article was painful to us. In fact, its articles always are, and if anyone upon whom they have a different effect, except their author, can be found, we have not yet heard of him. Our consistency or inconsistency, seems a question of great moment to the Advocate, and its says: - “in short, were the Mercury desirous of effectually repelling in the charge of inconsistency, it could only succeed in doing so by unsaying all its utterances on the Harbor Grace tragedy and its results from the 26 December last, or by burying them as deeply as possible ‘neath the waters of Lethe.” This subject can be discussed by saying that if “all” we have said should be burned then “all” must have been of a kind, and therefore consistent. Adopting the traditional Irish rule, the Advocate answers our questions, “who did kill the Orangemen,” by asking “who killed Callahan.”
July 26, 1884 Harbor Grace Affry (Part 1) We will be more satisfactory than the Advocate and say that the Grand Jury found a true bill against the Riverhead men, for the murder of CALLAHAN and the Orangemen. This finding represents Protestant relief. The petty jury found the Riverhead men “not guilty” thereby reflecting Roman Catholic assertions, and receiving the Advocate’s commendation for their verdict. The Advocate and its friend have endorsed the finding of the jury, a dare hoped to set up so no theory to account for the death of Callahan and the Orangemen. They will say the former was killed by DOYLE, and we therefore only ask the Advocate to say who killed the Orangemen. Now we have the opinion of an authority upon their point, whose assertions will have great weight with the Advocate, and we beg to quote from it. The Rev. John ROWE is a Priest who was stationed in Harbor Grace when the tragedy of St. Stephen’s Day occurred, and if any man living knows the truth of that sad affair, the Rev. John ROWE is the man.
July 26, 1884 Harbor Grace Affry (Part 1) This Priest, this father confessor of the Riverhead man, this Reverend whose testimony touching the actions of his parishioners, no Roman Catholic will doubt, wrote a letter to the Boston Republican thirteen days after the tragedy, and this is what he said regarding the death of Orangemen: - “It is said that DOYLE cried out “Fire !” “Fire!” and although a volley was fired amongst the Catholics, some of them were killed. When the Catholics saw the cowardly act of DOYLE they grew savage, and those of them that had guns fired simultaneously with the Orangemen. Three of the Orangemen received mortal wounds and sixteen others were more or less injured. One of the Catholics received a serious wound in the side, and for or five others had their clothes pierced by bullets. It is surprising that some of them were not killed. In the commencement of the battle the number were in ratio of 500 Orangemen to 70 Catholics.
July 26, 1884 Harbor Grace Affry (Part 1) After the first round and some short, sharpwork with wattles, the Orangemen threw away their regalia and leaving the Riverhead men Masters of the field. The inquisitive people soon began to notice that nearly all the Orangemen were shot in the back. The great Orange flag which had as its motto: "The cause is a good one and will stand” was captured immediately, tied up under the green flag, and marched up to Riverhead, where it was torn in ribbons and used for various purposes. Neither the flag nor the cause could stand that. Orange badges, sashes and emblems were strewn upon the ground in promiscuous profession near the scene of action. Now the Rev. John ROWE says that the Riverhead men killed three Orangemen and wounded sixteen. The jury said they were “not guilty.” The Advocate says the jury were right. The Mercury was that Father ROWE was right in this particular. The Advocate is bound to advance some theory to account for the death of so many men, so we ask it in the name of Father ROWE, the Grand Jury and Protestant people of this land “who killed the Orangemen” and did Father ROWE tell the truth or not, when he said the men of Riverhead did so. Our contemporary need not to try to shuffle out of this question, for we will enforce an answer.

Aug 2, 1884 Marriage At Morton's Harbor, on Tuesday last 29th July, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. J. EMBREE, assisted by the Rev. H. HATCHER, Mr. Charles G.D. MAYNE, of Exceter, Devon, England to Caroline, the third daughter of Mark OSMOND, Esq. J.P. of that place.
Aug 2, 1884 Marriage On 22nd July at Heart's Content, by the Rev. H. LEWIS, assisted by the Rev. George PAYNE, Mr. W.J. EATON, of Poole, Dorset, England to Amelia, youngest daughter of R. A. PENNY, Esq, J.P. of Heart's Content.
Aug 2, 1884 Death At Bonavista on Tuesday, 29th July, Mr. Arthur TEMPLEMAN, age 40 years.
Aug 2, 1884 Church News The Rev. H. HATCHER, who arrived here from Red Bay, Labrador, last Plover, preached in the North side and South side Methodist Churches, alternately, morning and evening, on Sunday last. The discourses on each occasion were excellent. Mr. HATCHER has been stationed at Red Bay the last three years, and now succeeds the Rev. J. PINCOCK at Moreton’s Harbor. The Red Bay Mission is supported principally by the Methodist Sunday Schools, St. John’s, who volunteered to contribute largely towards sending the Gospel to the many who were destitute of religious light and knowledge, on the bleak and barren shore of that part of the Labrador coast.
Aug 2, 1884 Mr. SCOTT's Concern (Part 1) Dear Mr. Editor, - Knowing that esteemed paper is intended to diffuse light, and as I want a little on a public matter, I come to you for help. I live at Fogo, carry on a business there and at Twillingate; have been in the habit of getting a little favor at times along with others, in getting my letters in the Post Office before the public delivery commenced. This I found necessary in order to give me a few moments extra to write my Twillingate connection, or send messages in reply by telegraph to St. John’s via Little Bay. Now it so happens that lately I have given offence to the Post Office “powers that be” at Fogo. (I don’t know who has really charge there, whether Mr. FITZGERALD or his family); so last night, expecting that some spite might be shown, I took the precaution to send my letter bag to the Office one hour before the steamer Plover arrived. On her arriving, my Clerk endeavored to get in as usual with the few favoured ones, but the door was shut and locked in his face.
Aug 2, 1884 Mr. SCOTT's Concern (Part 1) He waited there for one hour, during which two of the other Fogo business firms got their letters and left, and other favorites were admitted, but in place of giving me mine, and the pubic who were waiting, the Acting Post Mistress, coolly came out and left the office and went to the house; no doubt to entertain some friend who had come passengers by the steamer, and I remained there till the Mail-Officers was ready to leave, when he was delivered his bag for the North, and as I was bound to Twillingate in boat, I of course, had to go with him (there being no freight to delay the steamer), the mails were precisely one and half hours in the office when the Mail Officers left. My clerk got the letters after we left, and by run of one mile, just reached the mail boat in time to hand my letters to the Mail Officer as the boat left the Stage to go on board, and by the kindness of the Officers of the ship, who delayed her fifteen minutes, I succeeded in seeing my letters and giving such hurried instructions as the time afforded. The above is disagreeable and uncertain. Can no better arrangements be made for outharbours? Yours truly, R. Scott Aug 2nd.
Aug 2, 1884 Fishery News No improvement has taken place in the fishery around these parts within the past week. About Fogo Island we learn that of late the fishery had been fair; most of the traps have secured a fair average voyage, and a little is still being done there. At Musgrave Harbor, hook and liners have done poorly. We learn that there is plenty of fish on the ground, but it will not take bait. In some cases, traps there have done well; two or three are reported with from two to four hundred qtls. A Bonavista correspondent, under date of July 29th says; “A little or no fish going just now. Voyage far below an average. Best traps of which there are only three,150 qtls; others ranging from 80 to 20 qtls. Hook and line men from 8 to 15 qtls. per man. Nothing has been done for the last three weeks with hook and line. Squids struck in last week; fish reported plentiful on the ground, but won’t take the hook.”
Aug 2, 1884 Passengers (Part 1) The coastal steamer Plover, Captain MANUEL, going North made her usual call here, with mails and passengers, early on Thursday morning. She reports little improvement in the fishery in the various localities touched at coming along. The Plover goes to Battle Harbor for Labrador mail, and is expected back on Tuesday should the weather prove favorable. List of passengers from St. John’s North: - Old Perlican – Mrs. COX, Mr. BUTLER and Miss MEWS: Trinity – Mr. JOHSON, two children and Miss HUGHES; Catalina – Rev. Mr. CURLING and Mrs. BADCOCK; Bonavista – Mr. ELDERGIN; Greenspond – Mr. E.M. ARCHABALD; Fogo – Missess ROLLS, FURNEAUX, MILLEY, BARTLETT and Mr. AIKIN; Twillingate – Rev. W. TEMPLE, wife and servant, Rev. Mr. BRAMFITT wife and servant, MESSRS. W.J. SCOTT, George SCOTT, S. PROWSE, and GREGG; Expoits – Mr. BURN and Miss LILY; Little Bay Island – Messrs. G.S. GREEN and MORRIS;
Aug 2, 1884 Passengers (Part 2) Little Bay – Messrs. WALSH, OAKLEY and Mrs. MULLOWNY; Nipper’s Harbor – Mr. W.J. EATON and wife; Tilt Cove – Miss GRAHAM; Coachman’s Cove – Mr. TRIMM and MRS. O’MARA; Battle Harbor – Messrs. W.B. GRIEVE and MCCANDY. The following is the list of passengers from North to St. John’s last trip: Battle Harbour – Mr. COWAN, Forteau – Messrs. MITCHELL, ANSTEY, NOSEWORTHY; Blanc Sablon – Mr. AUBIN, Lance - au - Loup – Mrs. JAMIESON; Chatteau – Mr. SHERRAN; Bett’s Cove - Mr. BADGE; Little Bay – Messrs. Geo. LANGMEAD, CREELMAN, P.C. CLEARY, Miss CONWAY, Mrs. P.C. CLEARY; Little Bay Island – Mrs. MORGAN, Capt. WINDSOR, Mrs. WINDSOR; Leading Tickles – Mr. J.W. PHILLIPS, Mr. STRATTON; Exploits –MR. RICE, Mr. WOOD; Twillingate – Messrs. MEWS, PITTMAN, GILLET, NURSE, BRAYLEY, Mrs. T. SALTER and child, Miss LETHBRIDGE, Miss RADFORD; Fogo – Miss FURNEAUX; Mrs. W.B. FITZGERALD; Rev. F. BROWN; Mr. WATERMAN; Greenspond – Mr. E.M. ARCHIBALD; Mr. DUNCAN; King’s Cove – Miss Rideout, Catalina – Miss CRAGGY, Miss GABRIAL. Trinity – Miss KAVANAGH, Mrs. BISHOP and son; Bay-de-Verde – Mrs. READER, Miss NORTH, Rev. Mr. CHAMBERLIN
Aug 2, 1884 Marriage On Tuesday last, Mr. C.G.D. MAYNE was united in bonds of sacred matrimony to Miss Carrie OSMOND, daughter of Mr. OSMOND, Esq. J.P. of Moreton’s Harbor. The young couple have our congratulations on passing over to the “majority” and, we sincerely hope that happiness and prosperity will attend them, and that their pathway through life may be fragrant with the blessings of a bountiful Providence.
Aug 2, 1884 Marriage Our congratulations are also extended to Mr. W.J. EATON, and bride, who were among the passengers per Plover going to Nipper's Harbor. Mr. EATON was married at Heart’s Content on the 22nd ult. to Miss PENNY, daughter of A. PENNY, Esq., J.P. of that place. The newly married ones have our best wishes for future happiness.
Aug 2, 1884 The late Rev. G. MEEK (Part 1) The death of the Rev. C. MEEK, Church of England Clergyman of Fogo, which sad event took place in Boston a few weeks since, under circumstances of a most painful character, will long be regretted by the people of Fogo, and especially by Churchmen of that place to whom he proved a most faithful and efficient Pastor. “Mr. Meek,” says the Mercury, “Was the son of that faithful old Bonavista schoolmaster whose services in this country will never be forgotten, and to whose teaching the late Mr. ALEXANDER substantially testified by a bequest to the School Society under which Mr. MEEK, senior serviced.” For Fifteen years he was Pastor at Fogo, during which time he won the affection of his people, and in his removal from them, the Church has lost one of her most earnest and devoted workers. His remains were conveyed from Boston to St. John’s and interred in the Church of England cemetery on Saturday, the ___th ult, attended by a large number of the Masonic Craft, who were present to pay their last tribute of respect to their lamented and departed brother.
Aug 2, 1884 The late Rev. G. MEEK (Part 1) To Mrs. MEEK and family, who in the all wise Providence of God, have been so suddenly and unexpectedly called to endure such a severe affliction, our heartfelt sympathy is hereby tendered. It will be seen from a notice in our advertisement, that it is proposed to erect two stained glass windows in the East end of Fogo Church, as a memorial of his long and faithful services, towards which deserving object contributions are solicited. Taking into consideration the indefatigable and self-denying efforts of the late Pastor in that parish, it is becoming on the part of his friends, that some such memento to his memory should be raised, and we hope that the appeal which has been made, on behalf of the same, will be liberally responded to by the public.
Aug 2, 1884
"Terrible Tidings From the Far North"
Aug 2, 1884
"Further Particulars of the disaster"

[There is nothing on my 1884 microfilm between August 2 and August 23, 1884. GW.]

Aug 23, 1884 Birth At Herring Neck, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr. Frederick SEALEY, of a daughter.
Aug 23, 1884 Birth On August 6, 1884, at North West Arm, Green Bay, the wife of Mr. Azarella MILLS of a son.
Aug 23, 1884 Death On August 12, 1884 at North West Arm, Green Bay, Mary Ann (Annie) aged 18 years, the beloved wife of Mr. Azarella MILLS, and the adopted affectionate daughter of Mr. James HIGGINS. Her end was peace, for she was trusting fully in Jesus.
Aug 23, 1884 Death On the 13th inst., after a lingering illness, borne with most exemplary patience and Christian resignation to the Divine will, Eliza, second daughter of the later Captain Samuel STUCKLESS, aged 42 years.
Aug 23, 1884 Death On Sunday last, after a protracted illness, Harriett, wife of the late Mr. Isaac CHURCHILL, aged 75 years.
Aug 23, 1884 Death At Herring Neck on the 16th inst., after a lingering illness, Mr. William DALLY, aged 64 years.
Aug 23, 1884 Death On August 4th, Jane the beloved wife of Mr. Isaac FARTHING of Herring Neck, leaving a large family to mourn their loss. "Weep not, cry not, Jesus is come, To the death bed chamber To call his ransom'd home."
Aug 23, 1884 Death On June 21st, at Merritt's Harbor, after a long illness, James VATCHER, son of Mr. Charles VATCHER, aged 40. The deceased left a wife and two children to lament their loss. He declared to his friends in his dying moments that he was going to be with Jesus which is far better.
Aug 23, 1884 Ship News Port of Twillingate - Entered Aug 19 - Haphzibah, THOMAS, Bristol, general cargo, Owen & Earle; Cleared - Aug 10 - Princeport, NORRIS, Sydney, E. Duder. The schooner Minnie Tobin, Jonathan BURT, master, belonging to J.B. TOBIN, Esq., J.P. left Purcell's Harbor for St. John's on Tuesday, the 13th and returned here on Sunday last, making the trip in little more than five days. She brought a load of provisions, &c., and left on Wednesday for White Bay on a trading venture. The schooner Arctic belonging to M. OSMOND, Esq., J.P. Moreton's Harbor, sailed from that port for St. John's on the 9th inst., and arrived back on Monday last, calling here on her return. She was eight days from Moreton's Harbor, three of which going and returning it was nearly calm. The English schooner Hephzbah, Capt. THOMAS, arrived from Bristol, on Monday last to Messrs. OWEN & EARLE, with a general cargo.
Aug 23, 1884 Cricket at Little Bay (Part 1) A very interesting Cricket Match was played at Little Bay the 15th inst, between the “Pioneer” C.C. of Little Bay and “Zulu” C.C. of Bett’s Cove, which resulted in a victory for the former by thirty-eight runs. Annexed are the scores: - “Pioneer’s” 1st Innings – T. WALL, b. KEEFE – 3; W. WALSH, b. Keefe – 7; J.C. THOMPSON, run out – 7; E. BERTEAU, c. SIMPSON, b. DUDER – 23; R.D. WALSH, .b KEEFE – 9; H. KENNEDY, c DUDER, b DUDER – 4; J. MCKINNON, b DUDER – 4; C.O’B.RODDIN, b KEEFE – 1; F.H. BERTEAU, not out – 9; P. HEARN, c DUDER, b KEEFE – 2; Ed DOHENEY, e KEAN, b KEEFE – 1; Byes – 2, Total 72 “Zulu’s” lst Innings – R. ESCOTT, b. KENNEDY – 3; A. SIMPSON, c WALSH, b KENNEDY – 0; T. ENNIS, b KENNEDY – 3; W. KEAN, b KENNEDY – 4; W. PROWSE, b. KENNEDY – 0; J. PROWSE, b. WALL – 2; A. SPRIGGS, b. KENNEDY – 3; J.C. DUDER, Jr., c KENNEDY, b KENNEDY – 10; W. MERCER, b WALL – 6; T. WIGGINS, b WALL – 5; N. KEEFE, not out – 2; Byes – 3, Total – 41;
Aug 23, 1884 Cricket at Little Bay (Part 2) “Pioneer’s” 2nd Innings – F.H. BERTEAU, b Keefe – 6; T. WALL, c. ENNIS, b KEEFE – 6; T. WALL, c ENNIS, b KEEFE – 2; J.C. THOMPSON, b KEAN – 3; E. BERTEAU, b KEEFE – 0; H. KENNEDY, run out – 14; R.D. WALSH, run out – 3; J. MCKINNON, b KEEFE – 8; W. WALSH, c KEAN, b KEEFE – 3; C. O’B. REDDIN, not out – 10; R. HEARN, b KEEFE – 3; E. DOHENEY, b KEEFE – 0; E. DOHENEY, b KEEFE – 0; Byes –1; Total 53; “Zulu’s” 2nd Innings – R. ESCOTT, b KENNEDY – 0; T. WIGGINS, run out – 14; W. KEAN, b KENNEDY – 5; N. KEEFE, run out – 0; J.C. DUDER, Jr., b THOMPSON –3; A. SIMPSON, c KENNEDY, b. KENNEDY – 9; T. ENNIS, b KENNEDY – 5; W. MERCER, c KENNEDY, b KENNEDY – 0; J. PROWSE, not out – 2; A. SPRIGGS, b KENNEDY – 0; W. PROWSE, run out – o; Byes – 8; Total 46
Aug 23, 1884 Bear killed A water bear was killed near Clark's Gulch, Herring Neck, last week, by Mr. John ROSE.
Aug 23, 1884 Church News We understand that the Church of England mission yacht Lavrock, with his Lordship the Bishop of Newfoundland on board, left Tilt Cove for White Bay the early part of the week, and is expected to arrive here about Saturday next.
Aug 23, 1884 Moreton's Harbour Church We are pleased to note the rapid improvements being made in the picturesque Church of Moreton’s Harbor. On Sunday, Aug 3rd, a large congregation were pleased to find that an organ (Mason & Hamlyn Cabinet) had been placed in the Church. It was only the old people who could remember the last one that was there, and then, that was the property of the Minister, while this belongs to the Church. The people in, and around Moreton’s Harbor can well appreciate good music, and already there is a regularly formed choir, who on the Sunday referred to, performed their part very well, considering they only had one hasty practice previously. The Hymn’s chosen were the brightest, and yet ones that the “old folks” knew; and many a one who has not been able to take part in the Church service for years blended their voices in the praise of God. Mr. W.S. RAFTER undertook both, the duties of Minister and Organist, having composed a voluntary in honour of the day. The sermons preached were very appropriate to the occasion, the text of one being from Psalm XXX1X, 1 (Prayer Book Version) “My song shall be always of the Lord.” We learn that the Church is to be repainted, the paint having arrived here by the Mary Parker.
Aug 23, 1884 Mining at Placentia We understand that the cause of the limitation of mining enterprise at Placentia is due, not to any growing inferiority in the quality of the ore which, on the contrary, appears to be rich as ever, but to increase of water interfering with the work as the shaft penetrated to further depth. When the water difficulty can be dealt with by steam-hoisting machinery – now on the way – full employment will be afforded as before. Meanwhile that obstacle is dealt with by hard-work; and the fishing voyage which was opening at the time of our former report on this subject, enabled the discharged operatives to obtain employment in other directions. – Telegram.
Aug 23, 1884 Fishing news English schooners have been in port for some weeks past, waiting for cargos of dry fish. Up to this date last year, several had sailed for foreign ports, but the shortness of this season's catch, and the backwardness of the weather for drying what has been caught, make them much later in leaving for market than previous years.
Aug 23, 1884 Loss of Craft on Labrador The weather on the Labrador coast of late has been very stormy, causing much damage to property. Three craft were lately lost, whose crews were on board Plover going South. One of these was the Betsy Walsh and was in charge of Mr. WALSH of Plate Cove, Bonavista Bay. She was lost near Dog Isle, and is reported to have had 240 brls. fish when the disaster occurred, which together with the everything else on board, became a total loss. The schr. Elizabeth of Catalina, Sutton, Master, struck an island of ice off White Islands, and had to be abandoned. A large boat, became leaky, off Fox Head, near Conche. It had to be abandoned and sunk soon afterwards. The schr. Lark of Twillingate, HUDSON, Master, was lost in Conche Bight on the night of the 17th inst. We understand that one of the craft belonged to Messrs. Goodfellow & Co., and another to Messrs. P.& L. Tessier, St. John’s.
Aug 23, 1884 Personal J.E.C. DUDER, Esq., principal of the well-known and long established Mercantile firm of E. DUDER, Esq., arrived here per last Plover, from St. John’s, and having spent a few days in this part of his extensive business domain, left in Messrs. WATERMAN’s yacht Snowbird, on Monday last to pay Fogo a short visit previous to the Plover’s return from the North. We hope that Mr. DUDER, who is a son of the late lamented E. DUDER, Esq., whose memory will not soon be forgotten, will be as successful a Mercantile gentleman his respected father proved to be.
Aug 23, 1884 Personal J.W. OWEN, Esq., came here on Saturday last from Fogo, having arrived there per last Plover from St. John’s. Mr. OWEN has been on a visit to the Old Country the past few months, and is looking well after his trip.
Aug 23, 1884 Personal The Rev. Theodore R. NURSE, arrived here from Tilt Cove by the Plover on Thursday last. Mr. NURSE was Chaplain, pro tem for his Lordship the Bishop of Newfoundland, in the absence of the Rev. Mr. NOEL, Rector of Harbor Grace, who took passage for the North by last steamer and joined the Mission yacht Lavrock at Tilt Cove.
Aug 23, 1884 Passengers The following is the list of passengers per Plover which called here early on Thursday morning, going to St John’s: - From Battle Harbor – Mr. MCCANDY, Mrs. CRUMBY, Mr. DOYLE, Mr. W.B. GRIEVES; Salmon River – Mr. PELLY; Henley Harbor – Miss KEHOE; Tilt Cove – Mr. ST. GEORGE, Miss KAVANAH; Little Bay – Messrs. DOWNEY and WALSH; Little Bay Island – Mr. LEWIS, Leading Tickles – Messrs. TUCKER, HALL, RICHARDS and Richard LEWIS.
Aug 23, 1884 Head Constable DOYLE (Part 1) (From the Harbour Grace Standard) Mr. Editor – Two communications have lately appeared in the Terra Nova Advocate, in which the writers try to make it appear that Head Constable DOYLE fired the first shot at the Riverhead affray, and that, that shot killed Patrick CALLAHAN. The same statement is also found in the widely circulated letter of Father ROE, lately republished in the Evening Mercury. If any apology were needed to speak a word on behalf of a fellowman, such would be furnished by the course pursued by the writers aforesaid. Now, Mr. Editor, it must be very painful to the many friends amongst all classes and creeds, whom Head Constable DOYLE has made for himself during his long residence amongst us, to find such charges as these brought against him, and you cannot expect any honest candid man to believe them except upon the most irrefrangible evidence. And justly so, for above many, Head Constable DOYLE has borne up to the present hour, in every way to most irreproachable character. Those who know him best and longest appear to think the most of him.
Aug 23, 1884 Head Constable DOYLE (Part 2) But still, if even a man with such a good record for integrity, kindly disposition, and impartiality, as Head Constable DOYLE has hitherto enjoyed in the estimation of both Roman Catholics and Protestants; - if even such a one has acted as some assert, I for one would not be the man to shield him from justice. But has he so acted? We have two versions of his conduct on the occasion of St. Stephen’s Day; the one holding him up to view as almost a friend incarnate, the other exhibiting him as a brave, judicious self-possessed Officer of the law, risking, in company with two or three subordinate officers, life itself, in endeavoring to keep her Majesty’s peace unbroken. The Riverhead witnesses represent him as leading on the Orangemen, as calling out “Come on”, as pushing CALLAHAN, as commencing the affray by striking his thigh, and calling out “Fire, fire, fire” and leveling a pistol or revolver and shooting CALLAHAN. He himself and the witnesses for the Crown declare that he was there because, informed of the likelihood of a collision between the two parties by a Roman Catholic citizen, that he immediately proceeded on a horse and slide to the scene of the expected disturbance.
Aug 23, 1884 Head Constable DOYLE (Part 3) That he came up the Pipe Track Road, not Harvey Street as the procession did, that he went up to the Riverhead party, and besought them to go back, that they refused, asking him to turn the processions back; that he went back to the processionists, that he made them halt, that he pushed back from amongst the processionists two or three Riverhead men who had got amongst them, thereby probably saving them from injury, that he had no pistol or revolver or other firearm during the whole affray, that consequently he did not fire, that he did not shoot CALLAHAN, that in short he risked his life and did all that man could do to keep both parties apart. I think your readers who have studied the testimony given before Judge BENNETT at the preliminary examination, and that given at the recent trial, will agree with me, that such is a fair statement of the gist of the various versions of Head Constable DOYLE’s conduct. The question arises – Which is the public to believe? Laying aside for a moment the question of superior weight of evidence, let us enquire which is the more reasonable presumption?
Aug 23, 1884 Head Constable DOYLE (Part 4) Is it reasonable to presume that an Officer of the Crown , high up in that branch of the service to which he belongs, having the reputation of being a good, well-meaning man, a man devoted to his duties, would so far forget himself and his duty to his Queen as to do what would tend to provoke a deadly encounter between two parties, and to cause his own destruction almost certainly there and then, and if not then, yet afterward by a legal process? Is it a reasonable presumption that such a man would, out of malice and hatred (for what other motive could there be if what the Riverhead party swear be correct?), commit such a senseless and monstrous deed? Does not every one, both Protestant and Roman Catholic, that knows Mr. DOYLE say, does not every sensible man say, the presumption is that Head Constable DOYLE did not act in that exceedingly rash, wicked and incomprehensible manner? But what about the evidence? First, the evidence in support of the Riverhead contention: So far as number of witnesses go, the case against DOYLE is strong enough.
Aug 23, 1884 Head Constable DOYLE (Part 5) Eighteen or twenty or more witnesses do swear most unmistakably that DOYLE did fire the first shot, did shoot CALLAHAN, some of them assorting that he called out “Come on”, slapped his thigh, shouted “Fire, fire”. In estimating the value of this testimony, the following undeniable fact must be borne in mind, viz. that it is the testimony of the persons who either are themselves on trial for the murder of CALLAHN and others, or are liable to the same charge, or are friends and relatives of the accused. I may pass over any reference to the self contradictory nature of the evidence. The following statement from Judge PINSENT’s charge to the Petty Jury having reference to the charge against DOYLE, may find place here: - Going Back now from the line of defense, which alleges the death of CALLAHAN by DOYLE or other persons, will go into the evidence of the Crown on this point. There is a concurrence of testimony that DOYLE was not in a position, to do that with which he is charged.
Aug 23, 1884 Head Constable DOYLE (Part 6) The position which you are asked to father from the evidence of the Defense is convicting DOYLE, is so opposed to physical facts, that it is impossible to imagine that his hand could have committed the deed he is charged with. I may be excused for alluding in passing for the reference made to DOYLE by the first Law Office of the Crown, Sir W.V. WHITEWAY. In the course of his address to the Petty Jury he remarked as follows: “I shall make no comments on the testimony of Head Constable DOYLE. But this I will do, and I feel bound to say it; that as the head of the department in which he is in a long service, he has borne an exemplary character.” Mr. BOONE is his opening address for the Defense, used the words found below. The portion which as everybody knows referred to Head Constable DOYLE, and which expresses the acute lawyer’s belief in DOYLE’s innocency, I have placed in italics: “We say that a revolver was fired before the guns, that the contest commenced with a revolver, and that it was either a bullet from a revolver or a slug from a gun that killed CALLAHAN, and which was fired from the Southern side of the procession."
Aug 23, 1884 Head Constable DOYLE (Part 7) "I am not now making any charge against any one of having fired this revolver, for I know what has been said in reference to the matter, and I believe now that a mistake has been made with regard to the party who fired the shot.” There are also a large number of witnesses on the other side who swore to the effect that the first shot fired was by the Riverhead party, that DOYLE did not have a firearm of any sort in his hand, did not fire one, did not shoot any one. For the sake of argument, and lest any should say that their evidence is in any degree open to the same objection as that which may be urged against the Riverhead evidence – for this reasons I may leave out of account, or else may place as against the Riverhead witnesses, all the witnesses in favor of DOYLE except Sergeant WINSLOW, Constables MCKAY and FAHEY, and Patrick DORMODY, adding Head Constable DOYLE’s own sworn statement. The extracts from the evidence I am about to give have been taken partly from the sworn dispositions made before Judge BENNET (which forming in part information laid against DOYLE for shooting CALLAHAN, bear more directly on the subject under consideration than does the evidence at the recent trial) and partly from the evidence given at the late trial.
Aug 23, 1884 Head Constable DOYLE (Part 8) I may preface the extract from Sergeant WINSLOW”s evidence by saying that he is a Roman Catholic; an old soldier who held the position of Sergeant in her Majesty’s Army, and served in the Crimean War; one long in the Police Force, and on that bears reputation of being a fearless and impartial Officer. Of this Witness Judge PINSENT in his charge to the Petty Jury, remarked that “He was above imputation” and that the evidence given by him was “Of an untainted and unquestionable character.” Sergeant WINSLOW bears record: "I remember the 26th of December last. I saw the Orange Society coming out of the Methodist Church, and walked down as far as Bear’s Cove with it. I accompanied the procession in the course of my duty. I went up LeMarchant road and met the Society, and went up Victoria Street West. I saw Head Constable DOYLE. He passed me and turned up the Pipetrack road. I did not see DOYLE again until I saw him between the two parties to the Eastward of Pippy’s. I and Constable FAHEY got between the two parties, and I went over to where I saw DOYLE was speaking to the Riverhead party on the North side of the road. It was very quiet then, no noise, or talking, sullen silence.
Aug 23, 1884 Head Constable DOYLE (Part 9) "There was a space between the two parties. I stood to the rear of DOYLE when he was speaking to the Riverhead party. He was quite close to the parties. The two parties were across the road. They were in a crowd. Two or three of the right of the Riverhead party went over the left of the Orange party. Doyle ran over to the left of the road, and placed himself between the two or three men of the Riverhead side who had run over to the Orange party, or their followers, to keep them apart. The persons on the Orange side appeared to want to quarrel with those men, and he ran between. He was keeping the parties separated. At the commencement of the affray I was close to Head Constable DOYLE and remained near him all through. He was trying to prevent a collision. He was very cool. He is generally a cool man. I have never seen him excited. I have known him twelve years. I am positive that no shot was fired before the Riverhead party fired on the Orangemen. DOYLE did not use a pistol. I am positive he could not have used a pistol without my knowing it. I never heard a pistol shot on the occasion. They were all heavy reports."
Aug 23, 1884 Head Constable DOYLE (Part 10) "DOYLE was doing his utmost to make peace, and to keep the parties apart and to prevent a collision. I never saw a man doing more to prevent a collision. He did everything he possibly could." Constable MCKAY witnesses as follows: "I am 64 years of age. I have been 46 years in H.M. Service; fourteen years in the 42nd Highlanders; eight years in the Newfoundland Company; and twenty-three years in the Constabulary force. I was discharged with a good character from H.M. Service – not a blot on my sheet from the day I entered the Service till I left it and I have borne a good character in the Constabulary – not a blot against me. From my experience I would know a gun shot from a pistol shot. I could not be mistaken. I saw head Constable DOYLE between the parties trying to keep the Riverhead party back. I was then near the Railway track. I saw the Head Constable speaking to Nicholas SHANAHAN. He put up his hand telling them to go back. While he was doing this, I heard guns go off. I saw the smoke. These guns were fired from the Riverhead party."
Aug 23, 1884 Head Constable DOYLE (Part 11) "This was the first discharge of firearms that occurred. I felt shot going round me from the first discharge, and I found two shot-holes in my coat when I went home. After the smoke cleared off I saw two men lying on the road apparently dead. I knew they were CALLAHAN and JANES (one of them had a scarf), as I afterward discovered their names. When these two men fell first, I was in the full view of Head Constable DOYLE. I was then fifteen or twenty feet from him, when the two men fell apparently dead. DOYLE had no weapon. He did not expect there would be need for weapons or the whole of us would have been armed. We were not armed on this occasion. On former occasions the Orange Society had walked without being molested, and that is the reason we were not armed. I had not the least reasons to expect a row on that day. There could not possibly be fired a pistol or revolver without my knowing it. There was no firing at all before the first guns were fired from the Riverhead party. DOYLE did not fire a pistol, revolver, or other firearm during the whole affray, and could not have done so without my knowledge, as I was close by him all the time of the affray."
Aug 23, 1884 Head Constable DOYLE (Part 12) "DOYLE was not the least excited, and he told me to keep cool, and not get afraid or excited, and I did not get excited or afraid. The guns came from the Riverhead party. H.C. DOYLE passed us. He was in a sleigh, was close by him. He was standing between the two parties telling them for “God’s sake, to go back.” The testimony of Constable FAHEY (a Roman Catholic and one that cannot be asserted to be biased in favor of DOYLE) so far as it goes is favorable to DOYLE. "I tried to keep peace during the affray, and did nothing particular. I broke a gun. I took it from a man who struck me with it during the affray. I did not see the man. I put my hand behind me and caught the gun. When I took hold of the gun the man must have let go. I got excited during the affray, and did not notice all that went on – so I have been told since. After breaking the gun I tried to draw my sword. I said, I did not come here to fight, I came to keep peace. Head Constable DOYLE put his hand on my chest, and told me to stay quiet. I said all right. DOYLE appeared to me then to be cool enough. I did not see any weapon in DOYLE’s hand. It was in the midst of the affray that DOYLE spoke to me."
Aug 23, 1884 Head Constable DOYLE (Part 13) Patrick DORMODY, (A Riverhead man, a Roman Catholic, and one of the persons badly wounded in the affray), in his evidence for the Defense, gave sworn testimony as follows – (which is almost word for word with the deposition taken by Judge BENNETT when he (DORMODY) was lying, it was believed at the point of death): "I took Sergeant DOYLE to have a long coat on - longer than Policeman generally wear. It was after we retreated to Pippy’s that I went forward to speak to him. I don’t remember what I said to him. I have a very distinct remembrance of what took place that day. He did not do anything that I could see. I thought that DOYLE came here to make peace. I took him to be trying to make peace between the parties. He was calm and cool when I spoke to him. He appeared to be striving to make peace. I saw no arms in the hands of Head Constable DOYLE when I was speaking to him. I saw him at the time in front of the Orange Society until I turned to go back. I took the first shot that was fired to be a gun shot."
Aug 23, 1884 Head Constable DOYLE (Part 14) The sworn voluntary statement of Head Constable DOYLE (whose evidence for the Crown was largely quoted by the Defense, and of whom Mr. BOONE their leading Counsel, said “ Head Constable DOYLE has given his evidence in a clear and fair manner”) contains the following: "I went to the scene of the affray on St. Stephen’s Day with no other intention and for no other purpose than to do my duty as a member of the Constabulary. While there, I did all in my power to keep peace and to prevent disturbances taking place. During the short time I was there I endeavored to dissuade both parties from coming into collision. I knew it would be useless for me to attempt doing anything by force, consequently I did not do so. I did not fire a revolver or pistol on that day. I had no pistol, revolver or firearm of any description at the time of the affray. None of the Riverhead party came to me from their crowd before the shooting commenced to ask me to make peace or to request the Orange procession to go down the Pipetrack Road."
Aug 23, 1884 Head Constable DOYLE (Part 15) "The only name of the party who spoke to me was Nicholas SHANAHAN, and he was close up to his own party when he used the words, 'Then make them go back.' He said this in reply to my remonstrance. I was not acquainted with nor did not know Patrick CALLAHAN by sight. I did not lay hands or shove any man of the Riverhead party except James QUIRK and a young man named Richard FLEMING, who had a gun. These I brought back towards their own party from the Orange procession, and they were the only two men of the Riverhead party who came a little in advance of that part and got mixed up with the Orange procession before the firing. I did not strike my thigh three times, or at all, did not say “Fire” nor did I use any word of encouragement or command to either party except the world “Halt”, which I used to the Orange" [transcriber’s note - article incomplete]

Aug 30, 1884 Public Wharf, Fogo Having paid a short visit to Fogo the past week, we found that considerable dissatisfaction was being expressed because no steps had yet been taken towards the erection of a public wharf in that important settlement, and naturally enough the Representatives for the district were charged with being recreant in their duty to that part of their constituency in consequence of the project, which has been so long looked for, being still in abeyance. The laxity in this instance however, is not to be attributed altogether to the representatives, as it was understood that the matter had been put into the hands of the Road Board of Fogo, and that intimation had been given to provide material during last winter for its construction, for which the necessary funds would be forthcoming. During the last Session of the legislature, Six Hundred Dollars were provided out of the special grant towards this desirable object, and if no action has been taken to construct it the fault does not rest with the members, all three of whom did their utmost in their representative capacity, on behalf of the public of Fogo. The matter now rests with themselves, and we trust that the Board under which the management of it is placed, will evince a lively interest in this necessary public improvement and lose little time in carrying out the wishes of the general public in respect to this coastal wharf.
Aug 30, 1884 Shipwrecked Crews (Part 1) The Schooner A.J.O., Joseph W. OSMOND, Master, belong to M. OSMOND, Esq., Moretons Harbor, arrived here on Thursday morning from Labrador, having on board two shipwrecked crews, whose schooners were lost at Nawtock Bay (near Rama) on the 14th Aug. During a severe wind storm, attended with heavy sea, these craft parted their chains and drove ashore, becoming total wrecks. One of them, The Valeria, belonged to our respected friend, Mr. DALTON of Kite Cove, Exploits. The other was the Challenge, ST.JOLIN, Master of Harbor Maine, Conception Bay. Nearly all the material and fishing gear belonging to the former was saved and put on board the A.J.O, but almost everything on board the Challenge became a total loss, as she was driven ashore on sunken rocks and no assistance could be given towards saving the material. At the time of the disaster, both craft had about 300 qtls. fish.
Aug 30, 1884 Shipwrecked Crews (Part 2) Mr. DALTON, wishes through the medium of the Twillingate Sun, to thank the Master and crew of the A.J.O. for their extreme kindness to him and the other shipwrecked men. The crews of these craft were cast ashore on that desolate part of the coast with no inhabitants near, but providentially, three or four other craft happened to be fishing in the same locality. They all rendered what assistance they could, but neither of them felt disposed to take the crews on board, as they would necessarily have to abandon the voyage by so doing. However, the Master of the A.J.O., seeing the distressed condition of the unfortunate crews, took them on board, and decided on giving up the voyage to bring them home. We think that it would be only just and right that the owner of the A.J.O. be suitably compensated for the loss and expense entailed by abandoning the voyage to bring the shipwrecked men home. Such acts merit an intrinsic recognition.
Aug 30, 1884 Sons of Temperance (Part 1) Twillingate Aug 28, 1884 Mr. Editor, - As you are already aware we, the undersigned, who were instrumental in the passing of the Local Option Bill in this community, have since that time watched the working of the measure with a deep interest, which we may add was peculiarly necessary. Violations of the Law were of frequent occurrence and no action whatever seemed to be taken by the authorities to prevent such a state of things and ensure for the measure a fair trial. We, however, possessed our seals in patience, for we were inclined to “Be to his faults a little blind, And to his virtues very kind” until a circumstance occurred, which we considered nothing better than a gross injustice to the Temperance Law, the friends of Temperance, and the community at large – viz., the verdict in the case of PATTEN versus J.W. OWEN. The particular of this case were made public through the medium of your paper shortly after its occurrence, and we have no doubt had the facts therein stated been otherwise than true, an attempt would have been made by those concerned to refute them; but unquestionable they were, and consequently no such effort was made.
Aug 30, 1884 Sons of Temperance (Part 2) We then deemed it our duty to represent such gross negligence and mal-administration of the Law to the proper authorities, and as a proof that we as a Temperance Body, were not alone in our disapproval of such unjust proceedings, a memorial was forwarded to the Hon. E.D. SHEA, Colonial Secretary, signed by about one hundred of the intelligent and respectable inhabitants of this community, setting forth the facts of the case in a clear and unmistakable manner. One or two points, however, we must notice: - First we represented to “the Government the mal-administration of the law relating to the sale of intoxicating liquors by the Officials appointed to enforce the law in this locality; and regarding the case under consideration, we assorted in the memorial to the Government, that “the only matter of defense or mitigation of the alleged offence was some supposed permission given by the Magistrate to sell spirits in small quantities for medicinal purposes.”
Aug 30, 1884 Sons of Temperance (Part 3) The only thing which approaches anything like an answer to this assertion is the following: In replying to the Colonial Secretary, Mr. BERTEAU says: - “That as the offence was slight and being the first complaint, I conceived justice to be arrived at by making the offender pay the costs.” This answer does not in the least shake the validity of the above assertion made by us. Again, another significant utterance is “I cannot go fully into particulars without my notes.” When strange to say the next paragraph gives an account of the case, stating even the very quantity of liquor sold, but no reference to the defense of the Defendant, which we hold was based on the “permission” given him by the Magistrate. Again in Mr. BERTEAU’s version of the case it is stated “that the liquor was sold by a servant in the employ of Mr. J.W. OWEN, without his knowledge or consent.” The liquor was sold by a clerk in the employ of Mr. OWEN, and it is not often that clerks take upon them to sell articles of any kind without their Master’s knowledge or consent.
Aug 30, 1884 Sons of Temperance (Part 4) But be this as it may, again, it is not a contradiction of what we averred was the defense of the case. If, however, Mr. BERTEAU used this mitigation of such a lenient verdict, we think he is establishing a very dangerous principle, inasmuch that if such were adopted it would be only necessary to hire persons when the law could be violated with impunity. And lastly, if the people of a community who are determined to have the laws of the land – especially those which may directly concern themselves – carried into effect – if they are also resolved to oppose the open violation of them by those who are sworn, paid, and bound to enforce them – if their taking the proper steps to prevent such iniquitous proceedings can be styled “bad feeling” – then are the petitioners guilty of it towards him who have been lax in the performance of his duty and not otherwise. Haveing sufficiently occupied your space, we are, Mr. Editor, yours truly, North Star Division, Nov 15. S. of T.
Aug 30, 1884 Arrivals from Labrador The schooner Lassie, Geo. DOWNER, Master, owned by R. SCOTT, Esq., Fogo, returned from Labrador to that port on the 24th inst., with between six and seven hundred quintals fish. The Lassie left Fogo on the 10th July and was scarcely six weeks absent. She was as far North as Nugwa about eighty five miles to the Southward of Cape Chidley, where she secured her catch, which is a long distance down the shore, being we are informed, fifteen hundred miles from here. The Lassie reports that on the 10th of August five hundred craft were between Cape Harrington and Cape Mugford, with little or no fish. Two or three belonging here are reported by her, to have had very poor catches of fish on the above date, but we are happy to know that after, intelligence of their whereabouts brings us more encouraging news of the success that is attending their search for the treasures of the deep. The Guiding Star, Mr. Joseph ELLIOTT of Change Islands, arrived there on Tuesday week with something over 300 qtls. fish.
Aug 30, 1884 Drowning A Channel correspondent to the Harbor Grace Standard furnishes that journal with the following item: - “One Alfred NUBCI of this place came to a sad and sudden death last evening (July 31). He left home in his little flat to go squidding, and so far as can be learnt he met with a friend (?) out on the ground who helped him to a little gin. When last seen (it was by his wife) he was rowing in towards the shore, apparently in a very strange manner. Having seen him coming his wife entered the house, and shortly afterwards she saw his flat floating past empty. It is supposed that he must have fallen overboard. As yet the body has not been recovered.”
Aug 30, 1884 Church of England News The “rafters” on the roof of the extension of the Church of England Cathedral are now being erected. The grand cast window of the edifice is in harmony with the splendid architectural features of the English Ministers and abbeys of the middle Ages, and the large window in the North side of the nave also forms a sightly object. The English Cathedral here has been some forty years reaching its present nearly finished state; but that period is a comparatively short one when we consider that in it so much progress has been made with a Church which is pronounced by competent judges to be amongst the few perfect specimens of ecclesiastical architecture on this side of the Atlantic; and one to which the members of its congregation may well direct the attention of strangers, from whatever part of the world they come, with pride. To build such an edifice, and that too, despite a great deal of business adversity, depressing every interest in the past, is an achievement which no city or this city, so far as we know, can boast of. – Telegram.
Aug 30, 1884 Birth On the 28th inst., the wife of Mr. R. RYALL of a daughter.
Aug 30, 1884 Craft slightly damaged The schooner Self, belonging to Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co., having a valuable cargo on board, left Fogo harbor on Monday morning last on a trading and collecting expedition to the Strait Shore and other localities. After getting outside the harbor, it was found that the high North-West wind which had been blowing strongly, caused a heavy sea to heave in, and as the wind was adverse, it was deemed advisable to return to port, and await a more favorable time. While “beating” in through the Middle Tickle, she grounded on the Harbor rock, damaging her keel and becoming leaky. In consequence of the sea which was running high at the time she was in a very dangerous predicament, but no sooner was she thus seen from the shore than assistance was rendered. The other business firms promptly sent men from their employs, who with many volunteers, quickly succeeded in taking the cargo out of the craft, which was safely conveyed to land in boats, and in a short time she floated off. Had it not been for the timely assistance so willingly rendered, it is probable that the fate of the craft and property would have been very different from what it fortunately was, as the continuous bouncing of a loaded craft on the rock would soon beat the bottom out of her, and both become a total wreck. The injury the Self sustained, rendered her unfit for the work intended for her, and another craft had to be provided for the business.
Aug 30, 1884 Passengers The coastal steamer Plover from St. John’s made her regular call here on Thursday morning. She had on board a large number of passengers, and a considerable quantity of freight. After a detention of nearly two hours she proceeded for her usual ports of call North, as far as Battle Harbor, and may be expected here about Wednesday morning. Appended is the passenger list: - For Old Perlican – Messrs. WALSH, LAMB, Mrs. JACOBS, Misses JACOBS, READER and KAVANAH. Trinity – Miss PAYNE, Mr. BREMNIER; Bonavista – Rev. F.R. DUFFILL, Mrs. PRATT and two children, Miss Churchill; King’s Cove – Rev. Mr. SHEARS; Greenspond – Mr. LANGMEAD; Fogo – Mr. T.O. DUDER, Miss CARTER, Mrs. J. HADDON, Miss MUTCH, Misses DUDER (2), Miss ELLWARD, Messrs DEADY, TAYLOR and PERRY, Twillingate – Mrs. S. PARSONS, Misses LUTHBRIDGE, RADFORD and SCOTT, Leading Tickles – Messrs LEWIS and TRACEY; Little Bay Island – Mrs. PINCOCK, two children and servant; Little Bay – Rev. Father FLYNN, Miss SMART, Messrs. T. WALSH and MERCER; Tilt Cove – Mr. S. RENDELL; Lance-au-Loup – Mrs. O’DELL; Battle Harbor – Mr. MOORE, Mr. LUSH; From Fogo – Rev. J. HILL, wife and child; Twillingate – Mrs. SIMMONS, Little Bay Island; From Twillingate – Rev. J. PINCOCK and Mr. & Mrs. WARR, Little Bay Island; Messrs BUTT and ELDERKIN, Little Bay, Mr. BAIRD, St. Anthony

Sept 6, 1884 Gull Island Light-House The steamer Lizzie, employed by the Government the past few weeks for the Light-house service, arrived here from Little Bay early on Wednesday morning, having on board Inspector NEVILL and the Chairman Board of Works, S. MCKAY, Esq., one of the representatives for our district, who thereby had an opportunity to paying a flying visit to some of his constituents. Hons. Stephen RENDELL and P. CLEARY were also on board, being passengers to St. John’s. Mr. NEVILL has been engaged in visiting and inspecting the various light-houses along the coast, and instead of calling here coming from St. John’s, a favorable time appeared to offer when nearing this port for landing at Gull Island, which was availed of. We are happy to learn from Mr. NEVILL that the light-house on this island is just about completed and that the light will be exhibited for the first time on Monday night next. For some years the subject of a light-house in the vicinity of the Cape has been in agitation, and it must be gratifying to the agitators of this very necessary public improvement, that the Government have devised means for the erection so desirable a light, which will prove a great boon to our seafaring population.
Sept 6, 1884 Church of England (Part 1) On Tuesday afternoon last (2nd inst.) the Church Ship Lavrock, with Bishop JONES on board, arrived here from visiting all the Northern part of the Island and the Straits. His Lordship was expected on Saturday, but could not succeed in reaching Twillingate so soon. Wednesday, the 3rd, was therefore an important day to the Church people, solemonized to many of them by the two sacred serviced of Consecration and Confirmation. St. Peter’s Church, the longest built of any place of worship in the settlement, has never till now possessed a Chancel; so that the rubric in the Prayer Book “and the Chancels shall remain as in times past,” has been a dead letter as to the arrangements for Divine Service here, and the East end of the Church was crowded with pews, Holy Table, and a cumbrous arrangement of Pulpit and staircase, quite blocking the view. A new Chancel has lately, however, been erected, in memory of Mr. Edwin DUDER, whom it needs not to further eulogize, and this addition to the building was consecrated by the Bishop on Wednesday morning. Quite as numerous a congregation gathered as could be expected on a fine day in the week (more especially the day of preparation for the School Treat) although not by any means a large assembly for this place.
Sept 6, 1884 Church of England (Part 2) The Bishop and his Champlain, who carried the Pastoral Staff, were met at the Chancel steps by the Incumbent, and several other principal inhabitants, to present the necessary petition for consecration. The Bishop then began the consecration service; after which Morning Payer was said by the Incumbent; the choral part being well performed by the Choir. Jackson’s To Deum and Jubilate were sung; as also the Anthem “I will lift up mine eyes.” The Bishop preached an excellent sermon upon the subject of our Lord’s customary attendance at the Jewish Synagogues, claiming it as an example to us of obedience to Church authority, even in things not directly commanded by Scriptures. There were about thirty communicants. In the evening, the Bishop held a Confirmation and confirmed about 85 candidates, in the presence of an over whelming congregation. The service, which was very impressive, was made more so by the manner in which the hymns were sung, and especially by the Bishop’s address after the ceremony. On Thursday the Bishop visited Moreton’s Harbour, returning thence to Twillingate the same day to enable him to witness the annual school feast.
Sept 6, 1884 Arrivals from Labrador During the past week several craft have returned from the Labrador having been successful in securing pretty good catches. Among the fortunate ones are the following: - Six Brothers, James YOUNG, Master, belonging to Mr. Simon YOUNG, 750 qtls., Lucy, John RIDEOUT Master, to Messrs. OWEN & EARLE, with between two and three hundred. Mr. Wm. ANSTEY at Purcell's Harbor, 500 qtls. Mr. Thomas FRENCH at Moreton's Harbor, 650. The Nymph, Mr. Hospeh HACKET, Leading Tickles, 200. The Lady Blandford, Mr. Jospeh BLANDFORD, Herring Neck, about 200. We are plased to learn that Mr. John ANSTY in the Guirella, arrived at Purcell's Harbor on Thursday evening with about 1,000 qtls.
Sept 6, 1884 Personals (Part 1) The Rev. Theodore R. NURSE, son of J. NURSE, Esq., of this place, who has been spending a short time with his friends, took passage per last steamer Plover for Harbor Grace en route for his parish, Spaniard’s Bay. During his Incumbency of the Brooklyn mission, Bonavista Bay, the Rev. gentleman’s labors proved a great blessing to Church people, and we trust that even greater success will attend his Ministry in the Spaniard Bay parish, which for nearly a year past he has been appointed. Mr. C. ROWLAND and wife, who is a daughter of Josiah COLBOURNE, Esq., J.P. of this town, have been spending a few days here the past week, having arrived per steamer Lizzie on Wednesday last.
Sept 6, 1884 Personals (Part 2) Mr. ROWLAND is a representative of the firm of ROWLAND & RENDELL of Round Harbor, where he has been engaged in Mercantile business for some years. He is a very enterprising young man, though the failure of the fisheries on that part of the shore for successive years past may at times have deprived him as well as many others from receiving that remuneration which the large speculative expenditures demanded. We wish him every success in his business enterprise. The Rev. C. LADNER, after an absence of two or three years, returns to this country in rather bad health. He has been forced by weakness of the lungs to retire from the Ministry, and he is now acting as a traveling agent of the North American Life Assurance Company. This company is a first class one in every respect, and with so popular an agent to urge its claims, it cannot fail to do a large business in this Island. – St. John’s Evening Mercury, Aug 29.
Sept 6, 1884 Notes from Fortune Harbour A Fortune Harbor correspondent writing under date of August 28th says: “The fishery may be said to be nearly over, as there is scarcely a fish on the ground at present. The average would be something like 20 qtls. per man; of course some men will go to 25 or 28 qtls. The icebergs and rough weather were a great injury here. Squid are abundant at present. None of our Labrador fleet have arrived yet; there are good accounts from two or three of them. Mr. Edward GILLESPIE’s new vessel arrived from White Bay some time ago with 93 brls and left again two weeks since. Six of our neighbors from Waldron’s Cove on their way to Fortune Harbor to procure squids on Tuesday last, when nearing the latter place, picked up a dead whale measuring 63 feet. At present they are engaged in fletching it. They have taken off a trap skiff load of fat off about one-third of the carcass. Our crops look well except cabbage. We thought at one time the hay crop would be a failure but latterly it is turning out well. We have only just commenced cutting hay, as the season is backward, but are hoping for better weather in Sept. The potato crop is looking better than for many years before.
Sept 6, 1884 Picnic at Fortune Harbor (Part 1) Fortune Harbor, 18th Aug, 1884 – Mr. Editor: - It has been customary for some years past with our matrons and mothers of families, to get up a picnic in which all the young members of families are partakers. Out door or open air parties are usually enjoyed by all, but more particularly by children. Although in presence of their mothers, who are generally in attendance on these occasions, they feel as if they were on “no man’s land,” and in their natural element. It is really amusing to witness their frolics as I did on this occasion. Racing, romping, and round games are gone into with a hearty good will; they amuse themselves and also amuse the old folks so much so, that we would wish to be young again. August 15th was the annual picnic day. On former occasions they were always held in some field, but this time an island in nearly the center of the harbor, was selected, and at an early hour on the morning of that day, some half dozen flags were flying on different parts of the island. About 3 o’clock, boats approached the island from various directions of the harbor, each containing two or three old and middle aged ladies, and the young members of their families, and well filled hampers, also small kegs of spruce beer.
Sept 6, 1884 Picnic at Fortune Harbor (Part 2) Immediately all were landed, a fire was kindled; some half dozen kettles were set boiling and the old ladies pretty busy arranging luncheon. In the meantime beer and cake were freely partaken of, before tea, cocoa, and coffee was served. It was almost amusing to witness as I did, the young ones feasting. One would imagine they had eaten nothing for a week. When the feast was over, games were commenced. About 5 o’clock some forty young men and women who had been invited to partake of tea, appeared on the scene, and also a few young gentlemen from the South, who were here on a visit at the time. I thought that would be a drawback to the young folks’ amusement, but such was not the case; they were masters of the field until after six o’clock when all had to retreat in consequence of the day becoming rainy.
Sept 6, 1884 Picnic at Fortune Harbor (Part 3) The young men not satisfied with their share of the sport, got permission to adjourn to the Northside school house, which they immediately did, accompanied by two musicians. Lamps were quickly procured and the room prepared for a good square dance. This Mr. Editor, is the first picnic at which I have been a guest in this place, but I assure you I would not lose the chance another time. There was one feature in the case which I really did admire. After the women who were the founders of the affair had seen or sent the young ones home, they accompanied their guests to the school house where a most sumptuous table was spread for everyone at 10 o’clock, after which all the old folks retired to their homes, having spent a very pleasant afternoon, dancing being kept up by the more youthful part of the company until the small hours of the morning. Some of the strangers declared they really enjoyed themselves better than at some public balls. Yours very truly, A Guest.
Sept 6, 1884 Birth At Fortune Harbor, Aug 22nd, the wife of Mr. Edward WISEMAN of a daughter.
Sept 6, 1884 Birth Same place, on the 24th, the wife of Mr. Jospeh FOLEY of a daughter.
Sept 6, 1884 Marriage At Christ Church, Bett's Cove, by his Lordship the Bishop of Newfoundland, assisted by Rev. J.M. NOEL, Mr. Geroge Henry DOWELL, to Eliza Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. Eli TILLEY of Round Harbor.
Sept 6, 1884 Shipping News (Part 1) Port of Twillingate – Entered – Sept 1st – Janet & Margaret, BRINFORD, Little Bay, ballast – W. Waterman & CO; 2nd – Marie Delphin, TEMELLOY, Montreal, general cargo – E. Duder; 4th – Rosa Meek, LANY, St. John’s, ballast – E.Duder; 5th – Mary Elizabeth, MALLETT, Montreal, via Fogo, part cargo provisions – Owen & Earle. Cleared – 28th Hephzibah, THOMAS, Fogo, ballast , Owen & Earle; Sept 1 – Grace, BALL , Lisbon, 3500 qtls. Shore fish – Edwin Duder; Sept 5th – Julia, FEDDIK, Fogo, ballast – W. Waterman & Co. The schooner Clare, with a cargo of provisions, &c., for Messrs. ROWLAND & RENDELL, Round Harbor, on her way from St. John’s for that port, called here on Thursday morning for Mr. And Mrs. ROWLAND. The Clare was going to leave this morning, but as the wind is contrary she will not start before Monday. We are indebted to Mr. R. for late copies of St. John’s papers extracts from which will be found elsewhere.
Sept 6, 1884 Shipping News (Part 2) The English schooner Grace, Capt. BALL, with a cargo of dry fish for the firm of E. DUDER, Esq., sailed for foreign market on Wednesday last. This is the first cargo of this year’s fish that has been dispatched up to the present, the fishery being far short of last year, and the weather for curing it proving exceedingly unfavorable. The schooner Robert Fiddes, belonging to R. SCOTT, Esq., Fogo, arrived here from that port with provisions, dry good, &c. on Wednesday. The Marie Delphine arrived from Montreal the past week to E. E. Duder Esq., with general cargo. The Mary Ella, arrived from Montreal to Messrs. Owen & Earle with provisions &c. She landed part of cargo at Fogo and came here yesterday afternoon to discharge the remainder.
Sept 6, 1884 Passengers Passengers per last Plover South: From Battle Harbor – Messrs. BLAKE, MANEY, FLOWY, STEPHENSON, Sergt. SQUIRES, and Constable COGHLAN. Salmon River – Mrs. WHITELY, family and servant. Griquet – Mr. ANTLE. Tilt Cove – Mrs. BROYLE, second daughter. Little Bay – Miss EDWARD, Mrs. EDDISON, Mr. DEAN. Little Bay Island – Messrs. HAWKINS, ELDERKIN and MARTIN. Leading Tickles – Mr. ROIL. Exploits – Rev. Dr. MILLIGAN, Mr. READ, Mrs. LACY. Twillingate – Rev. T.R. NURSE, Mrs. NURSE, Mrs. TEMPLE, Miss Janet STIRLING, Master Claud LETHBRIDE, Miss WATKINS, Rev. J. HILL, wife and child for Fogo. For Twillingate – Rev. J. SQUIRES from Battle Harbor. Mr. W. BAIRD and son from St. Anthony. Mr. EVERY and Mrs. ROFF.
Sept 6, 1884 Advertisement For Sale, at Fortune Harbour, a mare colt, warranted by the owner. For further particulars apply to the Office of this paper.
Sept 6, 1884 Fishing news The steamer Plover which returned from the North on Wednesday last, enroute for St. John’s, brought no news of interest regarding fishery operations on the Labrador Coast. Very little has been done there since last reports, and the prospects of a good voyage are discouraging, large numbers of craft being reported with less than one hundred quintals. A little fish was being caught in a few localities, but as the weather is likely to be stormy so late in the season, the probability of “making up” a voyage is very uncertain. The herring fishery up to latest dates, is reported almost a failure.
Sept 6, 1884 Methodist The Rev. J. HILL, of Fogo, preached in the North-side Church last Sunday morning, and in the South-side Church at 6:30 pm, his discourse on each occasion being earnest and practical, and calculated to prove very acceptable to the large congregations in attendance.
Sept 6, 1884 Court news According to Proclamation, the Supreme Court on Circuit to be opened here on Monday, the 15th September next. His Honor, Mr. Justice LITTLE will be the presiding judge, who will visit us for the first time in his judicial capacity.
Sept 6, 1884 Suicide Mrs. RYALL, wife of Wm. RYALL, Watchman, committed suicide this morning at eleven o’clock by hanging herself. She stood on a tub, fastened a cord to a beam in her room, and putting the noose around her neck kicked away the tub and let herself down. When discovered, life was extinct. About an hour before she committed the deed she was out doors putting in coal. It is supposed she was in a state of temporary insanity, as she was an inmate of the Lunatic Asylum all last summer. - Ibid
Sept 6, 1884 Drowning (Part 1) Yesterday afternoon a young sailor named LEGAT took Catherine SHEAVES and Mary Jane HOLLETT, each about sixteen years old, for a sail. They preceded some distance beyond the mouth of the harbor, and when turning to come in, the boat upset and precipitated the three into the water. LEGAT managed to get upon the boat’s bottom, and with one hand upon each of the girls he managed to keep them afloat for quite a long time. Help, however, was distant, and at last the girl HOLLETT was torn from his grasp by a wave and sank to rise no more. Released from a portion of his burden, he managed to hold the SHEAVES girl until they were picked up by the steam-tug Favorite. Both girls, we understand, were large and heavy, and LEGAT seems to have shown great plunk and bravery in maintaining them above water.
Sept 6, 1884 Drowning (Part 2) Whatever may have been the degree of his fault in allowing the boat to upset, he appears to have acted very heroically afterwards. The body of the drowned girl has not been recovered. When the accident happened, the tug boat Favorite, Captain PARSONS, was towing in a mud scow, and the Captain noticed a number of people near the Light-house waving their hands and pointing in the direction of the Northern Head. He immediately cut the cable holding the scow and steamed in the direction indicated. Turning the Head, he saw a speck some distance away, which, when he came up with it, proved to be a man and a girl clinging to a boat which was bottom upwards. With some difficulty he got them on board. They were quite exhausted, and could not have held out many minutes longer. The captain deserves great praise for his promptness in hurrying to the rescue. The rescued girl is in a critical condition. It is reported that LEGAT was engaged to the deceased. Ibid, Aug 20.
Sept 6, 1884
"Artic Cannibalism"

Sept 13, 1884 Gold at Baie Verd Bay Verd, White Bay, Sept 2nd, 1884 – T.J. AVERY has in his possession some specimens of Gold bearing quartz, the finest I have seen in this country. Having had twenty-two years experience in the gold mines of Nova Scotia and knowing something of Mines in that time, I should say they are not inferior to the Gold bearing quartz of Nova Scotia. The lode is two feet wide and running regularly, showing an equal ________ of iron pyrites which is always regular with gold bearing quartz. This lode if worked with economy, will within six months yield a good profit to its owners. Yours, Robert PERRY.
Sept 13, 1884 Protestant Union (Part 1) [ Warning: I have struggled with the following article, as to whether I should ignore it, or have it printed so that people can realize, what a bigoted atmosphere prevailed at this point in Newfoundland history. Thankfully, we have progressed beyond this, so I hope that readers of this article will not be offended that we have reproduced it here. We know we cannot change history but thankfull, we have changed our thinking on this subject matter! George White.] (To the Editor Twillingate Sun) There is a move in right direction of late in the matter of uniting the Protestants of our Colony. At Harbor Grace, the Protestants have united so that they might have united and uniform action. The movement is called Protestant Union. Not being a member of the Union I may be allowed to speak freely; and not being an Orangeman more freely, perhaps. There is a great need that the two organizations be so managed that there will not be any friction, and that the interests of our cause will be well looked to. There are some men who are continually on the look out that they may ally with any movement so as to get some government position, whose policies do not mean more than self-interests. We must see that such individuals do not make tools of our interests to “grind their own axe.” But what is this “Protestant Union” going to do?
Sept 13, 1884 Protestant Union (Part 2) From what I can learn from its chief supporters, they intended first of all to bind the Protestants in our land, then when bound by representatives from each section they will decide what course to pursue, what man to support, and how best to conserve Protestant interests. Ignoring politics as we now understand that word when we think of present Government and New party, there are some who advocate a combination of Protestants and Roman Catholics. But every right thinking man knows that in every attempt at a union Government, the Romanists always go in for the lion’s share, and when they think they have the power, the Harbor Grace tragedy will be repeated, and something more outrageous than “Not guilty” verdict will be our fate. Yea they might even attempt to repeat the Inquisition in Spain and the days of Bloody Queen Mary if we are not alive to our interests. It is no use for some people to say let us live in peace when we are in danger of being blown in pieces. Let the Roman Catholics have fair play and justice, let them have their share of every grant that is made for roads, poor, education, &c.; but do not let them have the reins of Government.
Sept 13, 1884 Protestant Union (Part 3) Do not let Protestants who have sold themselves to work iniquity persuade you to be neutral on this great question, in which the civil and religious interests of our Colony are at stake. The Roman Catholics are at work. One of their lawyers was at Harbor Grace the other day working up another “Not guilty” verdict I have no doubt. There is every prospect of the Protestant Union having a fair, footing on the North Shore of Conception Bay. A few Protestants in Island Cove, whose minds have been poisoned by the Evening Telegram man, insulted the secretary when holding a meeting there. God Help Newfoundland when such men as the Editor of the Evening Telegram become the counselors of our people. But there is no fear, because every one knows that he is paid to shield a few bloodsuckers who expect to reap a rich harvest from a weak-back Protestantism in this Colony. Yours, &c., Quis-Quis
Sept 13, 1884 Kings Cove News (Part 1) We are indebted to an esteemed correspondent of King’s Cove, writing under date of the 9th inst., for the following valuable items of interest, as well for Tuesday’s telegraphic dispatch which will be found in another column: - Since I wrote to you in July, I am sorry to say, my prediction, that the Shore fishery would be a comparative failure in this neighborhood, has proved too true. It is the worse voyage taken all round, known for many years as you will see from following figures. The very best hereabout is that of Wm AYLWARD and Sons of Knight’s Cove; with two traps they only secured 230 quintals, and two other traps which fished at same place viz: James RICKETTS and Peter and David RICKETTS, have only the former 85 qtls., the latter 45 qtls. At Stock Cove, four traps fishing there have secured as follows: - Michael SYLWARD & Sons – 150 qtls., Patrick WALSH – 96 qtls., Thomas WALSH – 86 qtls., P. MAHENEY & Sons – 39 qtls. At the before mentioned coves, the average catch for hook-and-line is ten quintals per man up to present time, and we may say the voyage is nearly over.
Sept 13, 1884 Kings Cove News (Part 2) At this place (King’s Cove) the best trap, that of Jeremiah SULLIVAN & Brothers, has 200 qtls. Seven other traps worked here have as follows: - John MONKS – 106 qtls., Thomas BROWN – 70 qtls., William COFFIN – 70 qtls., R.W. MONKS – 60 qtls., Thomas HANCOCK – 59 qtls, E.M. LONG – 40 qtls., William SULLIVAN – 30 qtls. Next to nothing has been done with cod nets; not more than one qtl. per net average, and hook-and-line ten qtls. per man, are outside figures. Not a cargo of dry fish shipped here yet for a foreign market. The schooner Fearless of Guernsey, has about half her cargo on board; two other vessels here waiting for cargoes, the Hilda and Welsh Belle. The Camelia, another British schooner, called here a few days ago for supercargoes and left for Labrador, at which coast she will load. First arrival here from Labrador to-day; the schooner J.F. Brown with 400 qtls. Her reports of the crafts belonging here are very bad, some schooners having only 50 qtls. fish. We are shortly expecting a visit from the Bishop of Newfoundland. Bishop MCDONALD will also visit King’s Cove present month to consecrate the new Roman Catholic Church.
Sept 13, 1884 Court on Circuit at Bonne Bay (Part 1) (Special to the Evening Telegram) The circuit steamer Leopard with Mr. Justice LITTLE and suits on board, left Bay of Islands this morning and arrived here at a reasonable hour this evening. Court Opened on the arrival of the boat, but there is no civil or criminal business to be transacted, she will leave at day light to-morrow. Bonne Bay, Monday Sept 8. The steamer Leopard was detained here until 10 o’clock last night by a Northeast gale and a heavy sea. A false report gained considerable circulation and credence, and caused a strong feeling here and in the neighborhood. This report was to the effect that a man had been murdered, decapitated, and his limbs mutilated at Flower's Cove, or Port-au-Choix, or somewhere in that vicinity.
Sept 13, 1884 Court on Circuit at Bonne Bay (Part 2) Judge LITTLE immediately ordered the Magistrate, Mr. BROWN, and the Crown Officer to investigate the report here. On Saturday evening the examination of several respectable witnesses from schooners which had just arrived from the localities mentioned, took place. Their testimony clearly shows that no such act was committed. The Captain and crew of a schooner which left Flowers Cove and Port-au-Choix on Thursday last, positively deny that anything of the kind had occurred. The Magistrate and authorities here, consider it to be an utterly baseless and vile report, and agree that the originators, in the present unfortunate condition of the country, deserve severe punishment. The Leopard, with the Court, will now proceed to Flowers Cove to find, if possible, who started the report. She sailed at 10 o’clock last night.
Sept 13, 1884 The Church Ship (Part 1) The Bishop left Twillingate early on Friday morning (5th) and anchored in Herring Neck after a quick run. His Lordship confirmed 38 persons in the afternoon, and preached to a large congregation in the evening. Next morning, Saturday, the Lavrock was under way early, and after landing the Rev. Mr. HEWITT at Change Islands, passed on to spend Sunday at Fogo; the Bishop feeling it to be all but absolute necessity to do so, in the present desolate state of that mission. Fogo mourns, and mourns rightly, for its last Pastor. The Church buildings are in mourning, and the draperies are but the correct expression of public feeling. Of course, flags went up to welcome the Bishop, but it was easy to see that they were complimentary to his Lordship, and no token of joy, unless as regards his own presence among the orphaned people. On Sunday, the Bishop held three services ……. In the course of his sermon, which was very affecting, the Bishop spoke with great propriety upon the loss of the late Rev. G. MEEK.
Sept 13, 1884 The Church Ship (Part 2) Seventy-five persons received Holy Communion ……. And in the evening the Rev. J.M. NOEL, Rector of Harbor Grace, and Bishop CHAPLAIN, preached from Rev. xxii. 3 “And His servants shall serve Him.” which, singularly enough, is the text of Scripture inscribed upon the memorial to Mr. MEEK, which has already been erected in the Church of England Cemetery in St. John’s. On Monday, the Bishop and party proceeded to Barr’d Island in the Snowbird, kindly provided by Mr. T. HODGE. About fifty persons were confirmed in the beautiful Church of the united settlements there, and after being hospitably entertained by Mr. & Mrs. ROLLS, the Bishop returned to Fogo. On Tuesday, to save time, his Lordship crossed in a trap skiff to Change Islands while the Lavrock beat back; confirmed fifty more young people, preached in the evening, and presided at a meeting which had been called with respect to the erection of a new Church. £120 were subscribed by the people at once, a committee was formed, and promises of labor and help given.
Sept 13, 1884 The Church Ship (Part 3) On Wednesday morning the Church ship left for Indian Islands, where a few candidates were waiting for the Bishop. After the service which was held in the unfinished Church, the Bishop crossed to Seldom-Come-By, and anchored for the night, also to hold a service for the people. His Lordship next precedes to Pinchard’s Island and Greenspond. It is a matter of satisfaction to all the Churchmen of Notre Dame Bay, and one for congratulation to those of Fogo mission, that the Bishop has appointed as a successor to Mr. MEEK, the Rev. Henry JOHNSON, formerly of Exploits, and also of Trinity West. No more suitable Clergy could have been found in the Diocese. Zealous, unaffected, kindhearted, sincere, and unassuming, Mr. JOHNSON will especially win the hearts of his new people, and before long will succeed in healing the wound that Fogo has received. He does not gain temporarily by the change, but he shall gain otherwise, and in blessing others, “be watered also himself”. May God bless him for coming, and the Bishop for sending him so promptly. T.
Sept 13, 1884 Arrivals from Labrador The following schooners have returned from the fishing voyage since last paper. The catches in most instances are exceedingly small, as may be seen from the figures furnished, considering, too, that the crews of these craft, consist of from six to ten men, respectively: - Vessels and Masters – Jewel, Mark BRETT – 100 qtls; Bellorophen, Robert ADEN – 300 qtls; Greyhound, Mark COOK – 140 qtls; Rose, Thomas MANUEL – 90 qtls; Summerset, Joseph STUCKLESS - 130 qtls; Five Brothers, Robert YOUNG – 170 qtls; Rose of Sheron, George CLARKE - 350 qtls; Kangeroo, Jacob MOORE – 170 qtls; Fawn, Albert SPENCER – 200 qtls; Muscliffe, Matthew ELLIOTT, 350 qtls; Erebits, Charles VATCHER – 300 qtls; Loyalty, George GUY – 100 qtls; Success, Samuel FOX – 250 qtls; Rover’s Bride, James RIDEOUT – 300 qtls; Fortuna, Daniel BLACKLER – 200 qtls; Brick, John LUTHER – 400 qtls; Rise and Go, Thomas WAR 100 qtls; J.S.O., Philip FREEMAN – 140 qtls
Sept 13, 1884 Steamer burns The sealing steamer Greenland, owned by Messrs. John Munn & Co., was destroyed by fire, while lying at their wharf, Harbor Grace, on the night of 2nd inst. Origin of the fire is said to be unknown. The steamer was insured for full value.
Sept 13, 1884 Personal We understand that Mr. W.S. RAFTER, the Layreader of Moreton’s Harbor Church, will be leaving for St. John’s next week with the view of being ordained.
Sept 13, 1884 Passengers The usual call of the coastal steamer Plover, Capt. MANUEL with mails and passengers was made here on Thursday morning. She had on board a good deal of freight for the other ports of call, whither she proceeded after a detention of nearly two hours. This will the Plover’s fifth trip as far as Battle Harbor, so that the next will complete the stipulated Labrador mal service for the present season. Passengers: For Bay-de-Verde – Miss GALLISHUE. Catalina – Miss ROUSO, Mrs. MCCORMACK. Mr. T. STONE. Greenspond – Rev. Mr. BELLEN, Mrs. BULLEN, Messrs. BARTLETT and TREADWELL. Fogo – Rev. Mr. CHEESEMAN, Mr. and Mrs. EARL, Mr. FRENCH, Miss FRENCH. Twillingate – Miss BLACKLER. Exploits – Mrs. WINDSOR. Leading Tickles – Miss WEBBER. Little Bay – Sheriff BEMISTER, Messrs. A.O. HAYWARD, G. LEMEASARIER and DEAN. Nipper’s Harbor – Mr. BARNES, Blanc SABLON, - Mrs. and Master PITCHER. Battle Harbor – Mrs. ? CROTUBAY, Messrs. MILLEY and MCNEIL. For Twillingate – Mr. Peter MOORS and wife from Bonavista; Rev. J. EMBREE and son from Fogo. From Twillingate – Mrs. and Miss BERTEAU, Little Bay – Mr. PEYTON. Several others also took passage whose names have not been furnished.
Sept 13, 1884 Brig “Resolven” Abandoned Brig “Resolven” Abandoned and Towed into Harbor Grace (Special to the Evening Mercury) Harbor Grace, Sept 1 – Friday evening a telegram from H.M.S. Mallard Commander BROWN, at Catalina to Messrs. Munn & Co. said that the brig Resolven had been towed by her into Catalina. The lady Glover left here on Saturday and returned with the Resolven in tow yesterday. When picked up thirty five miles off Catalina, no person was on board, all sails were set and the boat was gone. A fire in the galley showed that she had been left after four in the morning, and side lights burning proved that she had been left before five. The chronometer, Captain’s watch, £100 in money and compasses were undisturbed. It is thought that bread and water were taken. The Resolven was on her port tack when she struck on the starboard bow, carrying away bow-sprit, fore and aft topsail, and main yards, and breaking in the starboard bulwarks from stem to stem. The port side was also badly scraped, showing that she had been in contact a second time, or had fallen off on the port side when forced into the wind’s eye by collision. The Resolven left here on Wednesday last for Labrador with salt and herring barrels, and it is surmised that she struck an iceberg while the crew were getting coffee. Beside the crew there were four passengers – Douglas TAYLOR, Thomas COLFORD, George COLFORD, and Edward KEEFE. Hopes are entertained for their safety, as the weather was fine on Friday morning when they left the Resolven.
Sept 13, 1884 Death At St. John's on the 2nd inst., in the 24th year of her age, Isabella E, beloved wife of Mr. Harry GEAR, and daughter of the Hon. Surveyor General.
Sept 13, 1884 Shipping News Port of Twillingate – Cleared – Sept 11 – Marie Delphine, TEMBLAY, St. Ann, Cape Breton, ballast – E. Duder. Sept 21 – Mary Ella Mallett, MALLETT, Sydney, Cape Breton, ballast – Owen & Earle

Sept 20, 1884 Loss of a Craft The 24 ton schooner Otter, owned by Messrs. YONDALL & Co., Harbor Grace, was lost on Saturday week. It appears, according to the Standard, that on the preceding Monday she lay anchored in Baccalieu Tickle, the crew being engaged in fishing. During the heavy thunderstorm of that night she sprang a leak, and for shelter she was run in Back Cove of Bay-de-Verde. Seeing no means of discovering the leak, the Master determined to endeavor to get to Harbor Grace and repair the damages. On next afternoon the craft left Bay-de-Verde. When some distance up the Bay a strong breeze set in from W.S.W., which forced her to bear away for Flamboro Head. There she remained until the following Friday when she again left for this port. When off the Red Lands, the water gained so rapidly in the schooner’s hold that she had to be abandoned at 2 a.m. on Saturday morning. The weather at the time was very thick. In a few moments the schooner had sunk. The Master and crew put off from her in the boat and succeeded in getting into Salvage. The schooner had a quantity of fish on board, which together with the outfit and fishing gear, was totally lost. The schooner and outfit were insured. – Telegram.
Sept 20, 1884 Obituary Many readers of the Evening Telegram will notice with sincere regret the lamented and premature decease of Mrs. Harry GEAR, eldest daughter of the Hon. James G. FRASER, which melancholy event took place quite suddenly yesterday morning. It is not often the pen of a political journalist is turned aside from the exercise of what is often an acrimonious task, to record such very private afflictions as the present one, but the dear “maiden, wife, and mother” here departed, was such a general favourite with all who knew her in her native home, that we feel justified to “turn aside” from the “beaten track” into this little Bethany, this “home of tears”. Of her of whom it might have been said “She openeth her mouth with wisdom, and in her tongue is the law of kindness” we also say, May her sleep be sweet “until the day dawns and the shadows flee away”. What matter if I stand along? I wait with joy the coming years; My heart shall reap where it has sown, And garner up its fruits of tears. The waters know their own, and draw the brook that springs in yonder height; So flows the good with equal law unto the soul of pure delight. The stars come nightly to the sky; The tidal wave unto the sea; Nor times, nor space, nor deep, nor height can keep my own away from me. Evening Telegram Sept 3.
Sept 20, 1884 Death of Capt. Norman A special telegraphic dispatch from Harbor Grace to St. John’s Evening Mercury of the ___th inst. Announces the death of the above respected gentleman as follows: “Captain Nathan NORMAN died at Brigus yesterday, aged seventy-six, after a painful illness, lasting six months. He was a native of Brigus and had been engaged in the fishery business for sixty years. He may be called the pioneer of the Northern Labrador fishery having been the first to visit the far North of that coast in search of fish. He was the first Justice of the Peace for Labrador, and for four years, from seventy eight to eighty two, was member of the Assembly for Brigus. In his younger days he was a very successful seal killer, and to the last, was universally respected. He leaves two sons and a daughter, the latter the wife of George MAKINSON, Esquire, and one of the former Captain NORMAN, ice-pilot of the Thetis.
Sept 20, 1884 The Dory "Harold T. Bibber" (Part 1) (Special to the Evening Mercury Sept 4) The dory Harold T. Bibber, twelve and a half feet long on bottom, seventeen feet over all, and twenty inches deep, with compartments to hold one thousand pound of air, covered in on top and commanded by Captain TRAINER, the same that commanded the City of Bath, and put in here three years ago, arrived at noon yesterday. She is on her way to Queenstown from here after taking a supply of water. She left New York on the twenty-fifth of June and arrived at Newhaven on the 26th, left there on the 7th of July, arrived at Bath on the 14th July, left there on the 21th, arrived at Cape Canso, N.S., 10th August, and left there on the 11th. On the Grand Bank she passed a dory full of water and two men lying dead in her, dressed with oil clothes and having rubber boots on their feet. The boat was painted flesh color and No.4 painted on each bow.
Sept 20, 1884 The Dory "Harold T. Bibber" (Part 1) On the 19th, during a dense fog the Harold T. Bibber was struck by a steamer, breaking three timbers, one plank turning her over, and filling her with water, and losing everything that was moveable. She was picked up by a French banking schooner belonging to St. Pierre. The Captain gave her all the provision that was on board of dory as the schooner was short, and in few days afterwards he was landed at St. Pierre, where he got boat repaired. Up to this time, Capt TRAINER was by himself. Before leaving St. Pierre, a German named Francis HEDIERMANN volunteered to go with him, so they let there on the 25th August arriving at St. Lawrence 20th, left 8 a.m. 2nd September arriving here at noon yesterday, making 112 miles in twenty-four hours. Capt. TRAINER is in excellent health and spirits and expects to arrive at Queenstown harbor in thirty days.
Sept 20, 1884 Died At Tizzard's Harbor on the 19th inst., Mrs. Mary BOYD, aged 86 years, wife of the late Mr. Thomas BOYD of that place.
Sept 20, 1884 Shipping News Port of Twillingate - Entered - Sept 17 - Annie Stuart, GALT, St. John's, part cargo - Owen & Earle; Sept 18 - Welcome Home, LUNDINS, Cadiz, Salt - Owen & Earle. Cleared - Sept 17 - Belle of Devon, QUILLAR, Naples 3100 qtls. fish, E. Duder. The English schooner Belle of Devon, Capt. QUILLER, left port on Thursday last, bound for Naples, with a large cargo of dry fish. This is the second vessel cleared from the firm of E.Duder, Esq., this season.
Sept 20, 1884 Mining Accident Our Bett’s Cove correspondent in another column, informs us of a sad accident which occurred in the mine there on the 11th inst., whereby one of the leading miners, Mr. Alonzo SPRIGGS, was crushed to death by the falling stones from over a dangerous post, where he was working. Mr. SPRIGGS was a very respectable young man and leaves a wife and two children to mourn their deep loss. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity and also of the S.U.F. His remains were conveyed to Little Bay in the Hiram Perry on the 14th, and interred with Masonic honors.
Sept 20, 1884 Court news The steamer Leopard, Capt. FIELD, engaged by the Government to convey the Judge and suit to discharge the duties of the Supreme Court on Circuit, arrived here from Little Bay on Sunday evening last. The business of the Court having been concluded Wednesday evening, the Leopard left early on Thursday morning for Fogo.
Sept 20, 1884 Advertisement For Sale cheap, the wrecked schr. “Lady Elgin” being about 65 tons, with large and small spars, chains and anchors, &c. price, ?50. This schooner was water-logged last fall at Point Limington, and sold for the benefit of the underwriters. She is now afloat and pumped out, lying at Point Limington, New Bay. Apply to J.W. Phillips, Point Limington Saw Mill, Sept 9, 1884.
Sept 20, 1884 Court News (Part 1) Opening of Supreme Court on Northern Circuit – The annual term of the above Court was opened there on Monday last in St. Peter’s School-house, which is the most suitable place that could be obtained for the purpose, in the absence of a Court-house, now in course of erection. The Court commenced at 10 o’clock, and was presided over by Mr. Justice LITTLE, who is to be congratulated on his first visit to this town in his judicial capacity, and whom we were pleased to welcome here. After the preliminaries usual on opening had been disposed of, the docket was called which contained only a few civil cases, being principally debt claims. There was no criminal case on the records here to come before his Lordship, neither was there either one at Little Bay; and when we take into consideration that in a district like this, containing some twenty thousand people, not a solitary criminal case occurred in twelve months requiring the interposition of a Supreme Court of Justice, it certainly speaks most creditably for the law-abiding disposition of our people, and would compare very favorably with communities of a similar size in any part of the world.
Sept 20, 1884 Court News (Part 2) His Lordship expressed the pleasure it afforded him in meeting the public for the first time, and congratulated the community on the freedom from crime, and also on the good character of our people, which he hoped would long be sustained. The only case of importance that came before the Court was one between Mr. Matthew ELLIOTT, planter, and his crew of sharemen, which occurred while prosecuting the fishing voyage the past season. This case was tried on Wednesday before a special jury. It appears from evidence of the Master, that these sharemen were dilatory in the performance of their agreement, and on consequence of neglect and having refused to obey orders, Mr. ELIOTT felt justified in sending them from his craft as he was afraid that they were all conspiring against him.
Sept 20, 1884 Court News (Part 3) On this plea, Silas BURT and the six other sharemen took action against Matthew ELLIOTT for their share of fish and damages for wrongful dismissal, and he also had a counter action against the sharemen for loss sustained through their neglect. The result of this trial will be seen in the law reports in another column. These sharemen-fishermen appear to have conducted themselves pretty well while the trap-fishing continued, but when the punt fishing commenced, they did not seem to be so industrious. We fear that the idea is too frequently entertained by young fisherman, especially, that when the “trapping” time is over, they should “reel up” and start for home.
Sept 20, 1884 Supreme Court at Little Bay (Part 1) Little Bay, Sept. 11, 1884. Court open at 10:30. his Lordship, Mr. Justice LITTLE presided. The Sherriff for the Northern district not having arrived, the Grand Jury were not summoned till tomorrow. The civil docket containing 22 cases was called. Joseph STRONG vs. several parties for goods sold and delivered. Mr. MCNEILY for plaintiff and Mr. CLIFT for defendants. STEWART vs. MCKENZIE. This was an action for balance of accounts ?341. Mr. MCNEILY for plaintiff, Mr. EMERSON for defendant. The counsel for the defense moved for a day to be appointed, and stated that the defendant intended to try by special jury. Court adjourned till 3 o’clock same day, when the case of MULLOWNEY vs. MALCOLM was heard. MCNEILY for plaintiff, Mr. EMERSON for defendant. This was an action for work and services as a hired servant. Several witnesses having been heard, the case was adjourned to St. John’s till October. Sept 12, 1884. The Court opened at 10 o’clock.
Sept 20, 1884 Supreme Court at Little Bay (Part 2) The Grand Jury were called and sworn – Joseph H. TAVERNER, Esq., being chosen foreman. His Lordship addressed the Grand Jury after which they retired and returned with the following presentment: Your Lordship Judge LITTLE – We, the Grand Jury have much pleasure in welcoming you as Judge fur the first time on this Circuit, and thank you for the confidence you have placed in us as such. We are pleased there are no criminal cases to be brought before your lordship. To a large extent, peace and harmony prevail among the inhabitants of Little Bay. We notice with satisfaction that the Government has erected a Court House and Gaol. The lack of these buildings has been a want felt since the opening of this place. We beg to call your Lordship’s attention to the fact that the people are very much in want of a public wharf. All business in the way of shipping has to be done from the company’s wharf. As the wharf is small, and as the company charges exorbitant rates for all goods landed or shipped from the wharf, it is the opinion of the jury that a public wharf is a necessity, and we beg that your Lordship will bring the matter prominently before the Executive for their wise consideration.
Sept 20, 1884 Supreme Court at Little Bay (Part 3) We also bring before your lordship’s notice the right of roads in Little Bay, whether they be public or private, and whether the Government has power to make new roads at Little Bay, should application be made for such. The jury would also ask your Lordship if it were not legal for party or parties to obtain a license for the sale of spirits in Little Bay, so that there would not be much sold privately. Trusting that your Lordship will give this your full consideration. For self and fellow jurors, J.H. TAVENER, Foreman. Grand Jury Room, Little Bay, Sept 12, 1884. The civil docket was then called. Jonathan BENSON vs Samuel BOONE and others – Mr. MORRISON for plaintiff; Messrs. EMERSON and WALSH for defendants. The counsel for the plaintiff withdrew the case.
Sept 20, 1884 Supreme Court at Little Bay (Part 4) Jonathan BENSON vs YEATES – Mr. MORRISON for plaintiff; Mr. EMERSON for defendant. This case was heard before the judge without jury. C.A.V. MCLEAN vs WELLS – The decision of the Magistrate was sustained. COSTELLO vs WELLS – The decision of the Magistrate sustained. BRIEN and COSTELLO vs BOONE – As the plaintiff was not ready, the case was on motion of Mr. EMERSON, postponed. Horace M. HERBERT vs James WALSHMAN – Mr. MCNEILY for plaintiff. The Court gave verdict for plaintiff for the amount claimed. Estate of Reuben CLARK – Upon motion of MR. MCNEILY, citation of next of kin was granted, to show reason administration should not be granted to Henry FOOTE.
Sept 20, 1884 Supreme Court at Little Bay (Part 5) Patrick MARDY vs Henry HUNT- Mr. EMERSON for plaintiff. Mr. MORRISON for defendant. This case was, upon motion of Mr. EMERSON, referred to the arbitration of Mr. BLANDOFRD the Stipendiary Magistrate. BENSON vs BOONE and others – The attachment was discharged with costs upon motion of Mr. EMERSON. Rule absolute ordered. DEGROUCHY and others vs WILTON – Upon motion of Mr. MORRISON the attachment was discharged. DEGROUCY and other vs. TUFF – Upon motion of Mr. MORRISON, the attachment was discharged. HARTERY vs THORPE – Mr. EMERSON for plaintiff. Judgement in default was given by the Court for plaintiff. Having heard several motions and adjournment the Court rose.
Sept 20, 1884 Supreme Court at Twillingate (Part 1) Court at Twillingate – Monday, Sept 15, 1884. The Steamer Leopard arrived here from Little Bay last evening. The following are on Circuit: - Judge LITTLE; Sheriff BEMISTER, Sheriff CARTER, Southern District; Mr. G. J. ADAMS, Clerk, Mr. A.G. HAYWARD, Q.C., Crown Prosecutor, Mr. M.J. O’MARA , C.P. Southern District, Messrs. T.F. WALSH, MCNEILY, EMEROY, LEMESSURIER, MORISON, and CLIFT, Barristers. Mr. John BURKE, Crier and Topstaff, Richard PINN, Wm. COLLINS, Policemen. The Court open at 10 a.m., his Lordship, Mr. Justice LITTLE presiding. The docket was called which contained no case of a criminal nature and only a few civil cases to occupy the attention of the Court. His Lordship congratulated the community on its orderly and peaceful condition. He said that the Grand Jury would not be summoned on this occasion, as the Magistrate had informed him that there was no case to come before the Court, demanding their attention, and expressed the hope that such a happy state of things may long exist.
Sept 20, 1884 Supreme Court at Twillingate (Part 2) Silas BURT and six other sharemen vs Matthew ELLIOTT, Planter – Mr. MORRISON and MR. EMERSON for Plaintiffs; Mr. Hayward Q.C., and MR. MCNEILY for Defendant. This case was set down for trial by Petty Jury to-morrow. The other cases upon the docket were debt and estate, and after the hearing of several motions in connection therewith the Court adjourned. Tuesday, Sept 16th. The Court opened at 10 o’clock. The case of BURT vs ELLIOTT, was called. Mr. HAYWARD, Q.C. counsel for the defense, stated that the defendant wished to try by special jury which the Court granted. The petty jury was discharged, and the case postponed until to-morrow at 10 o’clock, when a special jury would be summoned to try it. Two or three cases of insolvency were under consideration, and after various other business had been gone through, the Court adjourned.
Sept 20, 1884 Supreme Court at Twillingate (Part 3) Wednesday, Sept. 17th. Court opened at 10 o’clock. Silas BURT (shareman) vs. Matthew ELLIOTT (planter). This was an action taken by the crew of the schr. Muscliffe, to recover as sharemen, their share of the summer’s voyage of fish, and also for damages, alleging that they were wrongfully dismissed by the Defendant at Labrador on the 27th of August last. Mr. MORRISON , and Mr. Geo. EMERSON, appeared for plaintiff; Mr. A.O. HAYWARD, Q.C. and Mr. L.R. MCNEILY for the Defendant. Mr. MORRISON opened the case and called Silas BURT, John SQUIRES, James OSMOND, Geo. WHITE, David LOCKE, John FROUD, and Edward ELLIOTT, members of the crew of the Muscliffe, and Messrs. Allan F_____, Accountant, and Chas MAYNE, Merchant’s Agent. The first witness Silas BURT deposed as follows: Silas BURT, sworn – I was a shareman with Matthew ELLIOTT. It was my first year fishing. We commenced fishing at Wilkin’s Island on the 16th July. We caught 100 qtls there. There was no trouble at that time. We went to Indian Islands. I fished in a boat with Geo. WHITE. I afterwards fished with Edward ELLIOTT.
Sept 20, 1884 Supreme Court at Twillingate (Part 4) There was no quarrel between me and WHITE. The boat I was in was wrecked on the fishing ground. I threw my jigger across the other boat. Hauling up, she struck damaging counter of our boat. There was a lop at the time. It was done accidentally. We were getting a little fish. We landed at Jigger Island one morning. It was blowing too hard to stay on the grounds. We lay down; we did not go to sleep. The Island was 4 miles from vessel. We tried for fish in the evening before going on board. We got our tea. Captain said it was a poor way to earn our wages. I was on board YOUNG’s vessel at Indian Islands. I don’t remember his men speaking about what fish we had. We went to Nain’s Bay. We turned out when called by the Captain. We did not dress and go to bunk again. Some mornings we lay on bunk until kettle was boiled before going fishing. We did not go to sleep. At Nain Bay we went fishing as usual. We came on board in the evening. We had no fish worthwhile.
Sept 20, 1884 Supreme Court at Twillingate (Part 5) We were on board when the Captain came. He had nearly a brl. of fish. We got no tea. The Captain told the girl not to put the table down. Next morning Skipper asked what we were going to do. We said we did not know. We got bread and tea. We went fishing at 11 o’clock. We came on board in the evening. There were four Eskimos hoisting in the boats. We offered to do the work, but were refused. We went to Paul’s Island. Next day we were told to leave, or else the Skipper would break up the forecastle and throw our things overboard. We had no breakfast. We did not ask for it. The Skipper told us to take one of the boats, and take some fish ashore to Mr. FORD if we wanted to get food. We would not do this. We left without food. There was one house there beside Mr. FORD’s . All the vessels except one had left for home. We went forty miles that day in boat. We got food from a schooner under sail about 12 o’clock. I swear I did not disobey orders. I did not refuse to work. I did all in my power for the good of voyage, all the crew did the same to my knowledge.
Sept 20, 1884 Supreme Court at Twillingate (Part 5) I swear I did not know why we were deprived of food. I do not know why we were ordered to leave. This was corroborated in the main, by the other witnesses, members of the crew. Mr. MCNEILY addressed the Jury at considerable length for the defense. Matthew ELLIOTT, defendant, sworn. – I left 3rd of July for the Labrador fishery. Commenced fishing 16th July. These sharemen were my crew, Silas BURT was engaged with me the last 12 months. Shareman during the summer. I fished in small boat with a boy, sometimes by myself. My chief work was on board the vessel as splitter. During latter part summer, five of my men fished with jiggers: John FROUD, John SQUIRES, David LOCKE, Geo. WHITE, Silas BURT and Edward ELLIOTT; my boy, and myself attended to the traps. First dispute was on the fishing ground, between Geo. WHITE and Silas BURT. WHITE and SQUIRES wished to go together. I told them they must pull together if we hoped to do anything. I removed John SQUIRES and put him in boat with WHITE. This was at Hare Island.
Sept 20, 1884 Supreme Court at Twillingate (Part 6) There was a good sign of fish, 27th July, Edward ELLIOTT had six qtls., some small boats loaded twice, my boats did nothing, and very little in trap. Up to this time, men found no fault with me. Left Hare Bay next morning and went to Indian Islands. Plenty of fish. Jas. YOUNG and others doing well with traps, and good with jigger. Nothing particular, but men not bringing in fish. They said nothing but that they did as well as others. I spoke to them more than once because they did not do according to other men. They did not do their duty 25th August, I spoke to them. They distinctly told me leaving the cabin they would go fishing no more. John SQUIRES was the first to speak, two or three others repeated. BURT passed up with the rest. I reasoned with BURT why he did not go to sea, he said the others would not go. In the evening this occurred. I swear they disobeyed my orders. They were angry. Next morning I called the men. I asked Edward ELLIOTT why he slept in the forecastle. He said because he was cold in the cabin.
Sept 20, 1884 Supreme Court at Twillingate (Part 7) I called all hands, I took breakfast; they went out after having their breakfast. Up to this time they were not denied food. I went to sea, came on board in the afternoon, they were on board. They did not appear to have been to work. I thought they ought to have had a qtl. per man at lowest. I had no conversation with them. James OSMOND offered to put away fish. I refused, I thought they ought to have been trying to catch fish instead of being on board. They ought to have been at sea. That evening I told Edward ELLIOTT I would not call them. The reason was they did not bring any fish. They neglected their duty right through, the whole lot of them. I often spoke to them about it. I never refused them food until they disobeyed orders. Plenty of good food on board. It was a consequence of neglecting duty. I gave orders that they should not have their meals. Their meals were stopped hardly one day, the 28th.
Sept 20, 1884 Supreme Court at Twillingate (Part 8) On 26th they had breakfast. I don’t know if they had dinner. On the 26th, I locked their grub, but never told a man to leave. I did not expect them to stay without food. After they assembled in the forecastle I was afraid they would turn on me and take the ship. The reasons I give, they were in the forecastle as one man. Next reason, I could get no satisfactory answer from either of them. They would not tell me what they intended to do. Their conduct led me to think they would turn ?mannas. I and YOUNG were at Indian Islands; plenty of fish with traps. I saw my men on Jigger Island. I don’t know the reason they were there. It was likely they were there to catch sleep. YOUNG’s crew were out that day. I saw them go in the morning. I know, as YOUNG told me and I saw them. My crew returned in the dusk of the evening; put no fish on vessels deck. They ought to have fish. I told them all other boats had fish. I don’t know they were to the Jigger Island for any purpose. Two days in Nain they got half a barrel fish. The boy and myself got 2 qtls. They ought to have had a brl. per day, according to the Eskimos.
Sept 20, 1884 Supreme Court at Twillingate (Part 9) Eskimos caught a qtl. and a half per day. 28th August I employed four Eskimos to hoist the boats in because my men objected to go fishing. They refused, all working together. They disobeyed my orders, before I gave orders to stop their food. They refused to work. I ought to have had 600 qtls to the best of my knowledge. I have 328 qtls instead. 40 qtls of that was given by James YOUNG. He had more than he could handle. I swear I was afraid of these men. I thought it best to get clear of them. Mary Ann WAR, servant, and James YOUNG, planter, gave evidence for the defense. Mr. EMERSON addressed the Jury for this Plaintiffs. His Lordship then summed up the case, and read the law bearing on the relations between Master and servant and servant and Master.
Sept 20, 1884 Supreme Court at Twillingate (Part 10) He felt sure that the attention they (the Jury) had paid, and their intelligence and knowledge of the fishery and its customs, that no better tribunal could be selected to decide the case. After showing the necessity of protecting capital, and on the other hand the great necessity of protecting labor, which meant human lives, His Lordship told the Jury they could retire. The Jury after an absence of nearly an hour, returned to Court with a verdict for the Plaintiff’s for their share of fish, and for the Defendant £9 to be paid by each shareman, for the insubordination, which in their opinion justified their dismissal. The following are the names of the Special Jury: Martin BLACKMRE, foreman, Francis ROBERTS, Obediah MANUEL, Benjamin ROSSITER, James BLACKLER, Job LUTHER, John MOORES, John PURCHASE, Frederick HOUSE.
Sept 20, 1884 Death Ephraim TAKTOS, the Esquimaux, who was serving out a life-sentence in the Penitentiary for the murder of another Esquimaux, near the Moravian settlements, died this morning of consumption, from which he was ailing for eighteen months past. He was 37 years old. He was first committed to the Penitentiary on the 24th November, 1880; was tried at special term of the Supreme Court, which opened on the 10th August, 1881, was convicted and sentenced to be hanged, which sentence, was subsequently commuted to imprisonment for life, principally owing to a doubt as to whether the location of the spot where the crime was committed came within the jurisdiction of our Government. - Telegram
Sept 20, 1884 Mining Accident Bett’s Cove, Sept 17, 1884 – Dear Sir – Just a few lines to let you know of the sad accident that occurred here on Thursday last (11th Sept) Mr. Alonzo SPRIGGS, one of the leading miners was killed in the mine. He was working in a dangerous part when a lot of stone gave away above him, which, before he had time to escape, fell on him, crushing his head and neck fearfully. Two large stones weighing near a ton each, were with difficulty removed from off his body. The Doctor was at once on the spot and pronounced him quite dead. The young man was a member of the Masonic, as well as the order of the S.U.F. On Sunday the steamer Hiram Perry was placed at the disposal of the Masons of Bett’s Cove and Little Bay who turned out in full regalia. Leaving Bett’s Cove, 10 a.m., she called at Nipper’s Harbour for the members of S.U.F., and proceeded to Little Bay where the body was met by a number of S.U.F. belonging to Little Bay, all walking in procession to the Church, and thence to the grave. The Church burial services was read by Mr. KING, after which the Masonic ceremonies were performed. This funeral was very largely attended, between three and four hundred people present. The Perry left again at 5 p.m., returned to Bett’s Cove and Nipper’s Harbor. In a small community like this such a sudden death causes great excitement, and although this is only the second man that has been killed in five years, I think some steps should be taken to see that men are not allowed to work in such dangerous places without proper protection in the shape of timber, &c. Yours truly, A. Resident.
Sept 20, 1884 Fishery News The coastal steamer Plover, with a large number of passengers from the North, called here early on Thursday morning, returning to St. John’s. She had on board three shipwrecked crews who had lost their craft during late severe storms on the Labrador. The fishery on the coast is well nigh ended, as little or nothing was being caught in the various harbors when the Hercules came up the shore. On the French Shore some boats were doing pretty well when the weather would admit of their remaining on the fishing grounds. The Plover reports that the herring fishery on the coast was almost a failure up to latest dates.
Sept 20, 1884 Accident at Harry's Harbor, Green Bay The friends of Mr. James WHITE, formerly a resident of Twillingate, but now at Harry’s Harbor, will regret to learn that he has recently had a narrow escape from drowning. He left his home as usual for the fishing ground on Monday morning, August 25th. About 3 pm he had hauled up his grapnel, preparatory to returning, and had just put up the two sails of his boat, but before he could get to the sculling oar, a sudden squall came on, throwing the boat on her side, and partly precipitating him into the water; he managed however to hold on to the gunwale with both hands. He was now some distance from his home. His shouts for help could be heard a long way off, but no notice was taken for some time as the lads are frequently in the habit of calling one to the other. At length two inhabitants of Three Arms, Messrs. W. BUDGELL and W. STRONG, who were fishing off the Pinnacle, more than a mile away, finding the cries still continued, made in the direction from whence they came. They succeeded in rescuing the unfortunate man from his perilous position, somewhat exhausted after an hour’s immersion. Had there been any more ballast in the boat it is thought she must have sunk. Mr. WHITE, with his boat however, safely reached shore, none the worse for the mishap with the exception of the loss of fish and line. – Com
Sept 20, 1884 Morton's Harbor Fleet The Moreton’s Harbor fishing fleet has returned hailing for the under mentioned fares. The average catch for these craft is equal if not ahead of any belonging to other ports. It will be seen that over 4000 qtls. of fish have carried into Moreton’s Harbor by this number of craft which must be considered good for so bad a season. Vessels & Masters: Combat, Ephriam SMALL – 190 qtls.; Precurser, William SMALL – 190 qtls; Outstrip, Abraham KNIGHT – 625 qtls., Rambler, James FRENCH – 575 qtls., Welcome Home, Charles BRETT – 480 qtls., Joseph TAYLOR – 380 qtls., Sunbeam, Abel JONES – 180 qtls., Briliant Star, Herculas RIDOUT – 320 qtls., Village Belle, Samuel RIDOUT – 160 qtls., XXX, Uriah OSMOND – 250 qtls.; AJO, Joseph W. OSMOND – 250 qtls., Princess, Richard BOONE B.B. – 300 qtls., Speed, Solomon HAND – 200 qtls., Harvest Home, Joseph WOLFRY – 400 qtls., Branch, John WOLFRY – 300 qtls.
Sept 20, 1884 New Arrivals A party of sixteen Indians crossed the country from Fortune Bay and arrived at Exploits last week. After obtaining supplies, &c., they started for Hall’s Bay where they purpose settling down.
Sept 20, 1884 New Gloves At the close of Monday’s session of the Supreme Court, Sheriff BEMISTER announced that he had a somewhat novel duty to perform. He had been handed a pair of white kid gloves to present to His Lordship, on this his first visit as a Judge of the Supreme Court, and the absence of criminal cases from docket. His Lordship, replied in fitting terms, speaking in a praiseworthy manner of the commendable state of this important community, and as it was not the first he hoped it would not be the last that such a gratifying state of things would exist. The gloves were presented by Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D.
Sept 20, 1884 Schooner The schooner Branksen, owned by Messrs. W. Waterman & Co, returned to port on Wednesday evening, having been engaged the past three or four weeks in a collecting and trading venture in different parts of the bay. She brought back a full cargo.
Sept 20, 1884 Little Bay Methodist Tea Meeting On Thursday, the 11th ult., a very successful tea meeting was held in the new School-Church. The weather being fine and the assizes having just been opened, many strangers from a distance were present. Tea was on the tables at 7 p.m. when a large number of the children and their parents sat down. The trays were presided over by Madams BOYD, RIDOUT, HOUSE, RICE, BENSON, MCNEIL and JANES. After the tea a public meeting was held, when addresses were delivered by Revs. J. W. VICKERS, and G. NOBLE (Bett’s Cove), recitation given by several of the children, and suitable pieces sung under the leadership of Mr. W. QUENBY. The services were continued on the following Sunday, when sermons were preached by Rev. J. PINCOCK (Little Bay Islands) to capital congregation. Collections were made at each service in aid of building fund.

Sept 27, 1884 Marriage At St. Paul's Church, Trinity, by the Rev. Benjamin SMITH, Rural Dean, assisted by the Revs. H. JOHNSON and Walter SMITH, the Rev. W.J. LOCKYER, Incumbent, Cow Bay, Cape Breton, to Elizabeth Mary, eldest daughter of Robert WHITE, M.D., of Trinity.
Sept 27, 1884 Died At Heart's Content, on Sunday Sept. 14th after a long and painful illness, in the 46th year of his age, Ezra WEEDON, Esq., Supt. of the Anglo American Cable Station of that place.
Sept 27, 1884 Shipping News Port of Twillingate - Cleared - Sept 23 - Rosa Meek, TUNE, Lisbon, 2800 qtls. fish, E. Duder; Sept 24 - Sea Breeze, DOWN, Lisbon, 2747 qtls. fish, Owen & Earle.
Sept 27, 1884 Marriage On Oct 19th, at St. Peter's Church, by the Rev. R.TEMPLE, Mr. William ROSE, of Farmer's Arm, to Jemima, daughter of Mr. Jonathan MANUEL of Exploits.
Sept 27, 1884 Marriage On Oct 22nd, by the same, Mr. Levi CUTLER of Pike's Arm, Herring Neck, to Miss Catherine BLAKE of Twillingate.
Sept 27, 1884 Early Frost Last night a heavy frost made sad havoc in the gardens around St. John’s, vegetables and flowers being destroyed. Potato stalks were all nipped, and the consequences is that the potatoes will have to be dug immediately or they will rot in the ground and they are not yet half grown.
Sept 27, 1884 Methodist Board of Education His Excellency the Governor in Council, has been pleased to appoint Rev. Geo. BOND, B.A., to be a member of the Methodist Board of Examiners of Pupil Teachers, in the place of Rev. W.W. PERCIVAL, left the Colony. Rev. Theophilus HOWE, to be a member of Trinity (West) Methodist Board of Education, in the place of the Rev. John W. REAY, left the district. Rev. Arthur CHEESEMAN (Musgrave Harbor) to be a member of the Musgrave Harbor Methodist Board of Education in the place of Rev. James WILSON, left the district, and Mr. Wm. John EATON (Nipper's Harbor) to be a member of the Notre Dame Bay (North) Methodist Board of Education in place of the late Mr. Wm. MURCELL. – Telegram
Sept 27, 1884 Coastal Steamer The coastal steamer Plover with mails and passengers, arrived here early on Thursday morning. After landing freight and remaining nearly two hours, she proceeded on her route North. This is the Plover’s last trip to Battle Harbor in connection with the Labrador mail service. Should the weather be favorable, she will probably be here on her return South about Tuesday evening or Wednesday.
Sept 27, 1884 Personal J.B. BLANDFORD, Esq. Stipendiary Magistrate for Little Bay, who was here to the sitting of the Supreme Court on Circuit, took passage per plover on Thursday for that place.
Sept 27, 1884 Large Cod A codfish cured and ready for market at Digby weights 54 lbs, the largest probably ever caught on our coast. Halifax Chronicle.
Sept 27, 1884 Fishing News The steamer Hector arrived at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon from the Straits of Belle Isle. She brought the majority of the crews working under Mr. WHITELY, at Bonn Esperance; Captain JOY, at Salmon River; and Captain BLANDFORD at Blanc Sablon – about three hundred persons all told. The yield of fish was so small that it didn’t pay the expenses of living, to continue work longer. The accounts of many of hands involve settlement upon such small shares as 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, &c., quintals. The overcrowding of so large number of people, both men, women and children, in the limited area for their accommodation in the ship, was so very extreme as to call for greater care in future.
Sept 27, 1884 Drowning Casualty at Labrador By the last Labrador mail – says the Harbor Grace standard – we learn of the occurrence of a sad drowning casualty which lately took place at Mannock’s Island, Labrador. It seems that since the 19th August, a boat’s crew of three men belonging to that place had been missing. The bodies were found some time after. It is believed that the boat struck on a rock in Misanwick Tickle. The names of the unfortunate men were John HOLDEN, George COVEYDUCK and Isaac SPRACKLIN. They all belonged to Cupids. Their families and relations have our warm sympathy.
Sept 27, 1884 Destitution Inevitable (Part 1) The almost total failure of the past season’s fisheries on many parts of our coast, will render the coming winter one of the severest that has ever been experienced by a very large number of the population. There are many places that will suffer greatly in consequence of the large falling off in this year’s catch, but it is probable that in no part of the Colony will the pinch of poverty be as much felt as in White Bay, and all along the electoral district of St. Barbes, represented in the legislature by J.H. BOONE, Esq. The fishery up and down that coast has been wretched, numbers of fishermen not having caught five quintals during the summer. Many of these are family men, with several children to provide for. Similar results may also attend the voyage in other localities, but while this may be so, they are not in such deplorable condition as the people of White Bay, because they may be within the reach of advantages which that part of the Colony is wholly void of.
Sept 27, 1884 Destitution Inevitable (Part 2) There are auxiliaries to the fishermen in very many places, in the shape of agriculture, lumbering, &c., which is not the case there. The residents of that Bay have little or no land under cultivation, so that they are without potatoes and other vegetables which would be so valuable to them in pulling through winters, when after the best of voyage, the fisheries do not yield a sufficient surplus to enable them to get along independently. There are no lumber enterprises, carried on, and being altogether dependant upon the fisheries which are very precarious, they often find themselves in straightened circumstances. According to intelligence that has reached us from time to time of late, we learn that many at this early date are already in a starving condition, and unless some means are devised for their sustentation before navigation closes, starvation will inevitably be the case in numerous instances, the approaching winter in that extern part of the colony. How to meet this exigency may seem a perplexing question.
Sept 27, 1884 Destitution Inevitable (Part 3) Many of these poor unfortunates have been kept alive by supplying Merchants nearly all the year who are minus of any returns for their outlay, and it cannot be expected that they will respond further to their necessities. It therefore becomes the duty of the Government to adopt means for alleviation of our distressed fellow creatures, and though the funds of the Colony may have to respond largely to provide them with food for several months to come, it is one of those emergencies that cannot be overruled and which has not been brought about by the people’s own seeking. We do not hold altogether with the system that has been established in the past of doling out poor relief to able-bodied men, without their giving something like an equivalent labor value in return, as such a method is calculated in many instances to encourage imposition and laziness. If distress should be prevalent in any part of the Colony calling for Government relief, why cannot some public work or other, so much needed in every locality, be enterprised to the value of the relief money that must necessarily be expended? However, we hope that the attention of the Government will be specially directed towards that destitute place, and the most feasible mode of supplying relief adopted.
Sept 27, 1884 Disaster at Sea (Part 1) The steamer Lady Glover, returned to port from Catalina on Sunday night with the derelict brig Resolven. This vessel, as was stated last week, was picked up by H.M.S. Mallard 25 miles off Catalina. When fallen in with, she had all sails set, a fire was burning in the galley, and her port side light was lit. From this latter fact it is believed that the vessel was abandoned before daylight. There were found on board, the chronometer, a watch belonging to the Captain and a package contain 100 one-pound notes. Three small beakers of water were missing as well as a quantity of bread, which is believed were thrown by the crew and passengers in the boat, when they were about leaving the ship. Unfortunately however, no trace has since been seen nor tidings heard, from either boat crew or passengers. Whether these escaped clear of the vessel after her collision with the iceberg, and have been picked up by some passing craft, or whether they were all drowned at the side of the ship, owing to the boat having capsized, are matters of speculation awaiting solution.
Sept 27, 1884 Disaster at Sea (Part 2) We must all hope, however, that the former supposition will yet be found to be the correct one. The injuries inflicted on the Resolven at the time of collision were serious ones. Her jib boom and bowsprit were carried away and her stem smashed. It is thought that she fell on her port side after she collided with the berg. This had the effect of bringing her round, when she dropped astern. Her rudder was then unshipped, likely by a piece of projecting ice and her rudder-case carried away. When she fell on the berg she damaged her fore lower topsail and fore and main yards. Backing astern, her quarter came in contact with the berg, and great damage was inflicted on the upper works of the starboard quarter. Then doubtless her sails caught aback, and she was thrown around on the port side, and her sides were chafed and rubbed very severely, and other injuries inflicted on her hull. In order to better launch the boat, the crew broke off the top gallant bulwarks and rail, and cut the “band” off to prevent the boat from being staved.
Sept 27, 1884 Disaster at Sea (Part 3) The main rail was cut three or four inches deep. The boat was launched right over the rail. The Resolven is a vessel of 148 tons, brig rigged, and was built in P.E. Island in 1872. She left this port for Snug Harbor, Labrador, and was ballasted with herring barrels, salt, etc. The names of the Captain and crew were: John JAMES, James MATTHEWS, John JONES, Thomas RICHARDS, George NATHAN, Evan THOMAS of Wales; and Richard DOWNS of England. The names of the passengers: Douglas TAYLOR, Thomas and Geo. COLFORD of Carbonear, and Edward J. KEEFE of Harbor Grace. Mr. TAYLOR, who is a native of Carbonear, is in the service of Messrs. John Munn & Co., and had been living in Harbor Grace for some time past. He is married, but no children. Thomas and George COLFORD are sons of the late John COLFORD of Carbonear. They are both married, the former having two children, but the later none. Edward J. KEEFE is a son of the late Michael KEEFE, and is unmarried. The greatest sympathy is felt by the whole community for the bereaved families in the sad state of suspense in which they have been plunged by reason of the disasters to the Resolven. – H.G. Standard.

Oct 6, 1884 Notice to Mariners (No.1, 1884) To Mariners. Notice is hereby given that a Light House has been erected on Gull Island off Cape John, Longitude, 49° 59’ 54” North, Latitude 55° 21’ 33” West. On and after this date, an Intermittent White Light, making one complete revolution per minute, appearing about 11 seconds light, and 9 seconds dark, will be exhibited, nightly, from sunset to sunrise. The apparatus is Dioptric, of the fourth order, illuminating the whole horizon by means of central lamp, with two annular wicks. It is 525 feet above the level of the sea, on a circular Iron Tower. The Tower is 43 feet, 4 in. high from the rock on which it stands, to the top of the ventilator, and it is painted in alternate red and white vertical stripes, four of each. The Keeper’s house is 112 feet W. by N. from the Tower, but connected therewith by a covered way. (By order) M.T. KNIGHT, Pro. Secretary, Board Works Office, St. John’s, 8th Sept, 1884
Oct 6, 1884 Drowning A serious accident occurred near Little Fogo Islands on the 25th ult. Two young men of Seal Harbor, Change Islands, named Henry EVELY and Nathaniel LEDREW, were out on the fishing ground in a small boat. They were just about starting for home, and one of them was in the act it is said of pulling up the grapnel, when a heavy sea went over the boat which swamped her and cast her unfortunate occupants into a watery grave. Other boats were fishing some distance from them, but there was a strong wind and lop at the time and before they could reach them, the angry waves had carried them out of sight. The bodies have not yet been discovered. Both of these young men were unmarried. EVELY was 21 years of age and was the only support of a widowed mother who has four small children to be provided for, in consequences of which, she is left in rather distressing circumstances, which we trust will be taken into consideration by the proper authorities.
Oct 6, 1884 Childbrith on board "Plover" While the steamer Plover was lying at the coastal wharf during a severe storm on Wednesday last, Mrs. MCCARTHY, who was passenger by her from Labrador gave birth to twin children – boy and girl.
Oct 6, 1884 Death on board "Plover" A death occurred on board the steamer Plover on Monday night last. Dennis SHANNAHOUGH, of Conception Bay, had been sick on the Labrador for about three weeks and was returning home. He died a few hours after being taken on board from the steamer Hercules.
Oct 6, 1884 Wages The crew of the steamer Wolf were paid off on Monday last, their wages amounting to over £30 a man. The harpooners we understand made £70 a man. Nfldr.
Oct 6, 1884 Appreciation The Evening Telegram of a recent date says that Captain ST. JOHN of the schooner Challenge of Conception Harbor, called at this office, and desires to acknowledge the invaluable service received by him at the hands of Mr. OSBORNE of Twillingate, through whose instrumentality he and his crew were rescued from isolation, perhaps death, while cast away at an uninhabited place in Naotuck Bay, 4 miles south of Rama, Labrador. At that place the Challenge parted two chains in a gale of W.S.W. wind and became a total wreck. They lost everything, including the summer’s voyage of 400 qtls. fish. Mr. OSBORNE, in his craft, happened to touch in there while the castaways were huddled about the wreckage on the landwash, trying to save what would sustain life. He took them, nine hands all told, aboard, and though his own voyage was not yet up, he discontinued operations, and bore up for Twillingate arriving there safely. We beg to commend Mr. OSBOURNE’s praiseworthy conduct to the representatives of the district of Twillingate and Fogo, and trust that they will see him amply rewarded from the fund for the relief of shipwrecked crews. (There occurs an inaccuracy in the above. The schooner master referred to being Mr. OSMOND of Moreton’s Harbor, instead of Mr. OSBORNE of Twillingate – Ed. Sun)
Oct 6, 1884 Cape John Light The Cape John light can be seen distinctly from the Long Point Light House, Twillingate.
Oct 6, 1884 Coastal Steamer The steamer Plover arrived here at two o’clock on Thursday morning, returning from Battle Harbor, and was detained in port several hours, as a defect was discovered in her boiler which had to be mended before proceeding to St. John’s. She had on board a large number of passengers amongst which were a couple of shipwrecked crews, American and Canadian, whose vessels were lately lost on the Labrador coast. The fishery on the coast is over and nearly all have left for their homes, or are making preparations for so doing. The herring fishery as before reported is a failure, the catch being upwards of 60,000 brls. short of last years.
Oct 6, 1884 Curious Fish A very singular specimen of fish was discovered in Southwest Arm on the 19th ult., by a fisherman who was in quest of squids. It is about eighteen inches in length, of small dimensions, and has sixty claws. Its back is covered with a beautiful kind of long silky hair, which shades all the colors of the rainbow. That it is not amphibious is evident from the fact that is perished soon after being captured and taken on land. This phenomenon kind of fish was on exhibition at Little Bay last week, where it elicited much interest and was afterwards purchased by Mr. R.H. COLLINS of St. John’s for over £6, who we understand, intends exhibiting it in that city.
Oct 6, 1884 Narrow Escape It was only within the last few days that we received intelligence of a narrow escape from drowning which happened at Triton a few weeks since. Mrs. HENSTRIDGE, an elderly woman, was out alone in a small boat some distance from the land. In an instant the boat was suddenly capsized and the occupant immersed underneath the waves. With great presence of mind the unfortunate woman managed to cling to the boat and succeeded in climbing on the bottom and held on to the keel, remaining in that perilous position for a length of time when she was observed from the shore and quickly rescued by two of her own sex.
Oct 6, 1884 Shipping News The schr. Alice, Capt. W.H. HORUE, arrived at this place recently from Bridgewater, Nova Scotia making the run in about 9 days. We understand she brings a full cargo of lumber for the Court House now in course of erection at the West end. The schrs, Mary Parker and Evangaline left for St. John’s recently, the former taking a large number of passengers. The Mary Parker made the run in 23 hours and has since arrived back again making the round trip in 8 days discharging and taking in cargo in the interval. Port of Twillingate – Entered – Sept 26th – Alice, HORNE, Bridgewater, W. Waterman & Co.; Sept 26th – Maggie, PERCY, Sydney, coal – E. Duder; Sept 29th – Lady Ernestine, JONES, St. John’s, ballast – E. Duder. Cleared – Sept 29th – Maggie, PERCY, St. John’s part cargo, E. Duder; Sept 29th – Chase, TOWNSLEY, 2850 qtls fish, W. Waterman & Co.
Oct 6, 1884 Birth On board the coastal steamer Plover at Government Wharf on Wednesday last, Mrs. MCCARTHY of a twin.
Oct 6, 1884 Marriage At the Parsonage, Little Bay Island, on the 24th Sept., by Rev. J. PINCOCK, Jas. SAINT, Esq., Stipendiary Magistrate, St. Anthony, French Shore, to Fanny, daughter of the last Mr. Joseph BACON of St. John’s (St. John’s and Halifax papers please copy)
Oct 6, 1884 Death To the memory of Peter ANSTEY, the beloved son of Mr. William ANSTEY of Little Bay Island, who died September the 26th, 1884, aged 22 years. He married last March to Mary Taylor, from Cupids, daughter of Nathaniel and Patience Taylor. He left the world triumphant, and no doubt is gone to eternal Glory. His funeral took place on the 30th, and was attended by a large congregation. The Rev. J. PINCOCK preached the funeral sermon from the 15th chapter of the second of Corinthians, the 55th and the two following verses. – Com.
Oct 6, 1884 S. of T. On Thursday, 2nd inst., the following members of North Star Division, No. 15 were installed as officers for the ensuing quarter by the acting D.G.W.P. Bro., Geo. ROBERTS and Bro. CAMERON (D.G.W.P) of Union Division, No. 8) of St. John’s acting G.C. G.C. escorted Bro. Reuben BLACKMORE to P.W.P. chair. Bro. Chas. MAYNE, elected W.P., Bro. George Roberts, elected W.A., Bro. John LUNNAN, elected R.S., Bro. William BAIRD, Jr, elected A.R.S., Bro. A.W. SCOTT, elected F.S., Bro. G.G. WILLIAM, elected Treas., Bro. Isaac MOORES, elected Chap., Bro. Harry CLARKE, elected Con., Bro. Elijah BLACKMORE, elected. A.C., Bro. Joseph FIFIELD, Jr., elected I.S., Bro. Samuel PAYNE, Sr., elected O.S. Investigating Committee – Bros. A.W. SCOTT, G.G. WILLIAM and Isaac MOORES. Sick Committee – Bros. Samuel PAYNE, Henry CLARKE and Isaac MOORES. Finance Committee – Bros. W.J. SCOTT and Reuben BLACKMORE. John LUNNEN, R.S.
Oct 6, 1884 Mining news The S.S. Carn Brea, Capt. JENKIN, 1170 register tonnage arrived at the port of Little Bay from Cardiff on the 16th Sept. with cargo of coke and merchandise, discharged her cargo and on 27th proceeded to Bett’s Cove from thence to New York with 2000 tons copper ore. The Carn Brea is a very fine steamer built in Newcastle in 1882. She is built of iron, deck and all, and is steered with steam machinery commanded by a very able and experienced man. Capt. JENKIN is a native of Falmouth to which port the Cara Brea hails from. She is considered to be the finest steamer ever arrived at port. The Carn Brea left Bett’s Cove on the 30th ult., Capt. FANS and another officer who have been on a shooting excursion to Hall’s Bay country, taking passage by her to New York.
Oct 6, 1884 Passengers Passengers per “Plover” South: From Salmon River – Mr. W.H. WHITELEY and two sons, Miss PERCY. Forteau – Mr. TRAPNELL. Blanc Sablon – Mr. MCCORMACK. Red Bay – Capt. CRABB. Chatteau – Capt. MANNARD and two sons, Mr. FIELD. Battle Harbor – Rev. E. BECK, Mrs. F. BERTEAU, Messrs. KEITH, MCKENSIE, TURNER, E. STABB, MOORS and Dr. DUNN. St. Anthony – Messrs. MOORS and TUCKER. Coachman’s Cove – Mr. BALFOUR. Tilt Cove – Messrs. PEACH and OKE. Bett’s Cove – Mr. KAVANAGH. Little Bay – Col. DRUMMOND, Capt. ORD and Miss WALSH. Twillingate – Miss L. SALTER; 40 in steerage.

Oct 11, 1884 Coastal Steamer The coastal steamer Plover left St. John’s on Thursday morning and arrived here to-day. She had on board upwards of fifty passengers when leaving the Capital. The steamer goes to the French Shore this trip and may not be expected here before Wednesday or Thursday next.
Oct 11, 1884 Injury Mr. CHURCHILL of the Arm met with an accident last week while in the Bay cutting wood. In felling a stick, the axe slipped and cut his foot considerably just below the ankle. He came home on Saturday last and soon had the skilful attendance of Dr. STAFFORD who dressed the wound which is now fast healing.
Oct 11, 1884 Drownings A sad occurrence took place in Belvie Bay, White Bay, two weeks since, two seamen of H.M.S. TENEDOS having been drowned by the capsizing of one of the ship’s boats. It was blowing a heavy breeze when the boat, manned by twelve persons, was going to the land and was upset by a sudden squall. All with the exception of two, endeavored to keep themselves afloat or cling to the boat till rescued, but the poor unfortunate ones mentioned, attempted to swim for the shore and were drowned.
Oct 11, 1884 Anxious moments! A cordwaiter, aged 104, and his son, aged 85, arrived at Liverpool, N.S. the other day, from St. John , N.B., on a visit to some friends. During the day the son, while seeing the sights, strayed away from his father, who rushed around for some time, asking every one he met: “Have you seen my boy?” The reunion which afterward took place was very affecting. – Philadelphia Call.
Oct 11, 1884 Birth At Moreton's Harbor, on 29th Sept., the wife of Mr. J.B. OSMOND, of a daughter.
Oct 11, 1884 Death At Brigus, on the 6th inst., Captain N. RABBITTS, ex-M.H.A., aged 67 years. He leaves a wife and 5 children to mourn their loss.
Oct 11, 1884 Death At St. John's on the 7th inst., after a lingering illness, Mr. HEATH, a native of Torquey, Devon, England, aged 58 years, 36 of which he spent in that city.
Oct 11, 1884 Situation at Harbor Grace (Part 1) It has been with extreme reluctance that we have had to chronicle within the past few months so many cases of assaults, and such like unpleasant occurrences arising out of feeling engendered by the affray of St. Stephen’s Day. We have to publish a new batch to-day. Up to the present time, these attacks have been committed by those in humbler walks of life. We have this week however, to record an exception to the rule, in which a member of the legal fraternity and a M.H.A. was the trespasser. It appears that on Thursday last, while the Rev. Mr. BOYD who proceeding hitherward from St. John’s, the member of the Bar above referred to, attacked him in language which all that heard it characterized as exceedingly abusive, especially when addressed to a Clergyman. The only thing that can be urged in extension of his conduct was that he was so sadly intoxicated that it is our candid opinion he did not fully realize the terribly abusive nature of the language he used and of which we believe he must now be heartily ashamed.
Oct 11, 1884 Situation at Harbor Grace (Part 2) Mr. MAKINSON desires us to express to the traveling public his deep regret that such a scene should have occurred on board the Lady Glover. It is his desire that all who travel by the boat should do so without fear or molestation from any one. If we thought it would do any good we would gladly avoid all reference to such unpleasant occurrences as we notice to-day. But, when they are so generally known and produce such a bad effect on the public mind, it is wisest perhaps not to ignore their existence but to refer to them, if only to urge most earnestly all whom our voice may reach, to use their utmost exertions to put a stop to such scenes. We cannot see how any good Christian man can not otherwise. Retaliation, no matter what the provocation may be, we contend, is wrong. Such a doctrine, in such times as these is not a popular one, but the question for us is, is it not a right one, and a wise one?
Oct 11, 1884 Situation at Harbor Grace (Part 3) We have to notice this week another case of beating. The facts are briefly those. On Thursday afternoon last, one of the Riverhead prisoners, Richard MACKEY, was down town. Getting under the influence of spirits, he was taken down to the Police Station, and keep there a while. He was then liberated and conducted homeward by a Policeman as far as Warren’s. After the Policeman left, he was attacked by some parties, and knocked down and beaten it is said pretty severely. We have a reflection or two to make on this case. The first one is the oft-repeated one of the duty of citizens to refrain from acts of violence. No matter what a man has done, no reasonable person can advocate the carrying on of reprisals. Let the law step in and with firm and impartial hand crush out breaches of the peace from what quarter so ever they emanate. The next is the duty of the authorities to guard against dangers arising from the presence of such disturbing agencies in the community. The last is a comment on the negligence and ________ manifested in the way in which this affair was allowed to take place.
Oct 11, 1884 Situation at Harbor Grace (Part 4) Either the man should have been kept in the lock-up till the time came next day for him to be brought before the Magistrate, or if let out, he should have been accompanied by the Policeman till all danger of attack was over. We are sorry to have to record an act of vandalism committed on Thursday night last. Some parties unknown removed the gates leading to the Convent grounds, and threw them over the bank into the water. They were found the next day by a Southside man, named NOSEWORTHY who communicated the fact to the Police, and restored the property. We hope the Police will find out the perpetrators of the act, and have them brought to justice. We trust too, that respectable citizens will do everything they can to assist the authorities. Such occurrences must by all means be put to a stop too.
Oct 11, 1884 Situation at Harbor Grace (Part 5) During the past week preparations for the lifting of the partly submerged steamer Greenland, have been energetically continued under the direction and superintendence of Rear-Admiral GRANT. For the last four days everything has been in readiness for the work of taking the ship off, only awaiting the arrival of the steam pump from St. John’s. The pump was received by the last Allan boat from England and arrived here by the steamer Active this morning. Two vessels are now moored alongside the Greenland with two heavy chains passed by the driver under the propellor shafting. Two large iron tanks are secured to the sailing vessels on the outside, in order to give them additional “flotation,” and to balance the strain upon them. Two other tanks are attached to the stern of the steamer, with the object of affording extra lifting power. The diver has fixed planks over the side of the Greenland, where she has been burnt through above the waterline. Everything consequently as we said is now ready, and the attempt to lift the steamer will be made on Monday next. – Harbor Grace Standard, Oct. 4.
Oct 11, 1884 Disgraceful Attack Our Harbor Grace contemporary informs us of a very disgraceful attack that was lately made upon the Rev. G. BOYD, the Methodist Minister of St. John’s West circuit, who was returning from Conception Bay on the Lady Glover. It is all the more to be deplored as the individual who offered the insult to Mr. BOYD is a person of intelligence, being a member of the legal profession and a M.H.A. Space prevents us from commenting on such reprehensible conduct towards a Protestant Clergyman, which appears to be characteristic of the spirit of Romanism from the remotest ages of the world.
Oct 11, 1884 Kings Cove News The Rev. Wm. VEITCH, Parish Priest of King’s Cove, gratefully acknowledges for himself and his Parishioners, the receipt from James RYAN, Esq., of the truly magnificent contribution of $400 to the funds of the new Catholic Church of Saints Peter and Paul, just completed. – Telegram.

Oct 18, 1884 Advertisement For Sale, by Josiah MANUEL, Exploits, 10 good Pine Spars, 58 to 62 feet in length.
Oct 18, 1884 Advertisement If you would have appetite, flesh, color, strength, and vigor, take Ayre's Sarsaparilla, which will confer them upon you in rapid succession! [This advertisement again goes to prove that Newfoundlanders were often ahead of the rest of the world in their medications. Note this was a SARS cure - see the first four letters in the word Sarsaparilla - which they had in 1884, 119 years before China made the disease famous! GW.]
Oct 18, 1884 Leading Tickles His Excellency the Governor, in Council, has been pleased to appoint Messrs. Thomas ROWSELL, Benjamin ROWSELL, George MARSH, Noah CHIPPETT, Joseph HACKETT, John WARD, Uriah MARTIN and THOMAS M. SILK, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Leading Tickles, Bay of Notre Dame. Secretary’s Office, St. John’s, Oct 7, 1884.
Oct 18, 1884 Coastal Steamer The coastal steamer Plover, Capt. MANUEL, having on board a large number of passengers, returned from the North on Wednesday morning en route for St. John’s. She may be expected here her usual time next trip.
Oct 18, 1884 Shipping News The schooner Vivid, belonging to Messrs HODDER & LINFIELD, arrived here last week from the French Shore, having been absent several weeks on a collecting and trading venture. She brought back nearly a full load of fish and other products. This is the second cargo the Vivid has collected on that shore the past season.
Oct 18, 1884 Sea Birds During the past week large numbers of Turrs and other wild birds of prey, have been making their periodical visit to the waters around this locality, and some of our neighbors have been successful in killing and securing a good many. In the absence of fresh meats, which can not be obtained by many at this early date, these birds make a dainty dish, and their appearance around our shores must be hailed with delight in many instances.
Oct 18, 1884 Fortune Harbour News A Fortune Harbor correspondent under date of 12th inst. says: The last of our Labrador fleet arrived a few days since. Out of thirteen vessels only two have average catches, eight have done fairly and five very badly. The fall fishery is as bad as possible and has been so ever since the caplin struck off from the land. The prospect looks pretty gloomy at present. The potato crop is nothing to boast of, in fact some persons have no crops. It is only in light dry soil that the crop is good at all. So much rain in the early part of the season had a very injurious effect on potatoes and cabbage.
Oct 18, 1884 Crown Lands Act Application for a Homestead Right – I, __________, of ___________, do hereby apply for a homestead of _______acres of land situate (here describe the land) under the homestead provisions of “The Crown Lands Act, 1884” and I declare that I am over eighteen years of age, that I have not previously obtained a homestead under the provisions of the said Act; that there is no person residing or having improvements on said land, and that this application is made for my exclusive use and benefit with the intention of residing upon and cultivating the said land.
Oct 18, 1884 Caution to Orangemen (Part 1) The following letters are reprinted in the Sun for the information of Orangemen in Newfoundland. Too frequently are many of the brethren likely to be fraudulently imposed upon by foreign adventurers such as the individual here referred to: - THAT IMPOSTER – To the Editor of the Sentinel – Sir and Bro. – Information has reached me that an individual by name of JOHNSON has been imposing upon the brethren of St. John’s, Nfld. by worming himself into their confidence, and telling them that he was at liberty to start a Preceptory of the Royal Black Knights of Ireland, and has endeavored to secure their co-operation in so doing. Will you allow me, through your columns, to warn the brethren of that section against being led astray, and to assure them that no authority whatever has been vested in the said individual, nor can any Preceptory be started without a warrant from the Grand Black Chapter of Ireland, Yours &c., J.S. WILLIAMS, Grand Registrar, Toronto, Sept 9, 1884. G.B.C.B.A.
Oct 18, 1884 Caution to Orangemen (Part 2) To the Editor of the Sentinel – Dear Sir and Bro. I notice in your issue of the 11st inst. A letter from Bro. J.S. WILLIAMS, Grand Registrar, G.B.C.B.A., calling the attention of Brethren to the conduct of an individual by the name of JOHNSON. I suppose he is the same individual who made a tour or tramp of this Province and pretended to be authorized to communicate what he called the revised Lectures to the Primary Lodges, and lived on the hospitality of the brethren. …….. The attention of the R.W. Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia was twice called to the fact that such an imposition was being carried on, that this person was collecting money from the Lodges in this Province, and yet our Grand Officers have not taken any steps to prevent this fraud on their unsuspecting brethren. And as our Grand Officers do not appear to look after the matter, I would suggest that any brother knowing anything of the whereabouts of this individual, should communicate the fact at once to the Sentinel, so that the brethren may protect themselves against imposition. Yours fraternally, Nova Scotia Orangeman, Sept 15th, 1884
Oct 18, 1884 Fishing News The schooner Bessie, Capt. POWER of St. John’s, put into port on Wednesday night. She had been as far North as Conche with a cargo of supplies, and was returning to St. John’s, having to make this port through stress of weather. The Captain reported that the weather on the Coast of late has been exceedingly stormy and a severe gale of wind was experienced in the Straits during last week. Two vessels belonging to Mr. WATSON, with 2,000 qtls fish are reported to have been lost in the gale, and other damage to property is also said to have been caused. When the Bessie was at Conche there was a good sign of fish and when the weather was fine enough to get on the grounds, boats would catch a couple a quintals per day. Several craft returning from Labrador also sought refuge in our harbor on Wednesday night.
Oct 18, 1884 Birth At Fortune Harbor, Sept 28th, the wife of James QUIRK, of a son.
Oct 18, 1884 Birth At same place, Oct 4th, the wife of Capt. Thomas QUIRK of a daughter.
Oct 18, 1884 Married By Rev. W.T.D.DUNN, at his residence, Twillingate, on the 15th inst. Mr. Abel RUSSELL of Moreton's Harbor and Miss Kezia MOORE of Back Harbor Twillingate.
Oct 18, 1884 Married In the North side Methodist Church, Twillingate on the 17th inst., by Rev. W.T. D. DUNN, Mr. John LACEY of Horse Islands, White Bay and Miss Rowena MUGFORD of Crow Head, Twillingate.
Oct 18, 1884 Married At Fortune Harbor on Oct. 6th by the Rev. S.G. FLYNN, Mr. Samuel COOK of Leading Tickles, to Miss Anastatia GLAVEEN of Fortune Harbor.
Oct 18, 1884 Married At same place on Oct 7th, by the same, Capt. Stephen MCLAUGHLIN, to Mrs. Elizabeth GALISPIE, relict of the late Thomas GILISPIE.

Oct 25, 1884 Coastal Steamer The coastal steamer Plover, Capt. MANUEL, with mails and passengers, came here on Thursday morning. As she only goes as far as Tilt Cove this trip she may be expected here this afternoon. Direct steam for Twillingate – The Cunard steamer Delta, has been advertised to leave St. John’s for this port, about the 24th inst., (yesterday) with freight and six cabin passengers, so that she may be expected here this evening.
Oct 25, 1884 Supreme Court A “ Royal Gazette Extraordinary” published on Friday last, the 17th inst., contains a proclamation to the effect that a special term of the Supreme Court will commence on the 30th of October and continue until the 17th day of November, which will be for the purpose of trying the Harbor Grace prisoners, on the second indictment.
Oct 25, 1884 Election at Harbor Main We notice that a Proclamation of His Excellency the Governor appears in the Royal Gazette for the election of a member for Harbor Main, in place of the Hon. J.J. LITTLE who has been appointed Assistant Judge of the Supreme Court. The 3rd of November has been appointed for Nomination to take place, and polling on the 8th.
Oct 25, 1884 Spurious Nfld Notes There are in circulation £5 Commercial Bank of Newfoundland notes, which are of a package of 2,000 of five pound notes which were lost in a wrecked steamer, but subsequently recovered by parties who put them in circulation. They are genuine, with the exception of the signatures, which have been so cleverly executed that experts cannot detect the difference between them and the genuine signatures. They can be readily known, however, by the numbers, all the numbers being between 6,000 and 8,000. The public, therefore, must be on their guard; and accept none of these notes between the numbers above mentioned. Halifax Recorder.
Oct 25, 1884 Fatal Accident at Greenspond The St. John’s Evening Telegram of the 20th inst., has information of a serious accident which occurred at Greenspond on Friday last. The particulars it contains are as follows: “A elderly man named Richard BISHOP was with the others working on the roof of a house belonging to Mr. DOMINEY, and was in the act of unrolling some felt, when he inadvertently walked over the scaffolding and fell to the pavement below – some 28 or 30 feet. The injuries he sustained, including a fracture of the spine and several external bruises, resulted in death about three hours after the accident. Mr. BISHOP was a very worthy man and highly esteemed by all who knew him. Nor were evidence of this fact wanting: our informant tells us that as soon as the disaster became known, all who had flags of any description displayed them half-mast high, and the whole town apparently went into mourning, and as the deceased, was a member of the societies of that place, it was thought that his funeral would be the largest ever witnessed there.
Oct 25, 1884 Advertisement For Immediate Sale, By Private Contract, That Well-known Mission Boat, “Snowdrop: now lying off the Custom House Wharf, with all her gear, sails, chains, three anchors, cabin-stove, &c. Apply, personally, to Rev. R. TEMPLE, who is authorized by the Bishop to sell for the highest offer. Twillingate, Oct 23rd.
Oct 25, 1884 Married On Oct 19th, at St. Peter's Church, by the Rev. R. TEMPLE, Mr. William ROSE, of Farmer's Arm, to Jemina, daughter of Mr. Jonathan MANUEL of Exploits.
Oct 25, 1884 Married Oct Oct. 22nd, by the same, Mr. Levi CUTLER of Pike's Arm, Herring Neck, to Miss Catherine BLAKE of Twillingate.
Oct 25, 1884 Death On Monday morning, Hannah Slade, infant daughter oF Robert and Elizabeth RYALL, aged 7 weeks.
Oct 25, 1884 Death On Thursday morning after a lingering illness, Mr. Jacob WATKINS, aged 33 years.
Oct 25, 1884
"Summary of Census Twillingate District
Oct 25, 1884
"Summary of Census Fogo District

November 1, 1884 The St. John's Nail Factory (Part 1) Of late years, a wonderful increase has taken place in the number of manufacturing industries in the city - an increase due, in the first place, to a commendable spirit of enterprise on the part of some of our monied men, and in the second, to the wise policy of the Government in granting a measure of protection. The Ropewalk is a noteable case in point, but a still more recent one is the Nail Factory with the Rolling Mill just about commencing its work. The Nail Factory has been at work for some months, and its nails are already widely and favourably known, but the Rolling Mill attached to it, has risen from its foundation within a very short time, and is therefore, practically unknown, even to our own citizens. Tuesday last, the first rolling took place, and by invitation, we were present to see the pleasant sight, and to inspect the building. Before describing what we saw however, it will be well, no doubt, to speak briefly of the Nail Factory, which the Rolling Mill is to supply, and which we have never spoken of at length.
November 1, 1884 The St. John's Nail Factory (Part 2) [There follows 2 full colums, describing the Nail Factory, The Engine Room, The Manufacturing Engine, The Warerooms, The Capacity of the Factory, The Rolling Mill, The Machinery, The Method of Rolling, etc. I can make this available by photocopy to interested persons. GW.] Foremen and Employees: The Foreman of the Nail Factory is Mr. Fred C. DUNHAM, and his son, the Foreman of the Rolling Mill. Mr. Thomas MILLER and 5 of the men in the Rolling Mill, are natives of St. John, New Brunswick, but all the other employees are natives of this country. There are 10 men and 11 boys in the factory, and 15 men in the mill. The boys make an average of $4. per week, and were all taught their trade by Mr. DUNHAM. Mr. J.J. VEY of this city is the efficient Manager of the concern, and through him, the wishes of the Directors are made known to the Foremen.
November 1, 1884 The St. John's Nail Factory (Part 3) The Directorate: The Company's affairs are conducted by a board of directors composed of George GEAR Esq., President, Charles BOWRING Esq., Vice President, The Hon. M. MONROE, Secretary, The Hon. Charles R. AYRE, The Hon Robert THORBURN, James BROWNING Esq., and James ANGEL Esq. Those are names known over and far beyond this Island, and are a tower of strength to the enterprise whose affairs they control. Under their guidance it cannot but prosper, and that it will do so to an [unreadable] degree, we sincerely hope.
November 1, 1884 Progress at Little Harbor (Part 1) To the Editor of The Twillingate Sun, Dear Sir: It may interest many of your Readers to learn that favourable signs of progress are manifesting themselves at the quiet little settlement of Little Harbor. Any man who has attended the religious servicees there of late, must have observed the very great need there is for a much larger place of worship. Though the prospects of the season are the opposite of cheering, yet the friends have bravely set themselves to the work of enlarging their borders, and as the whole of the population in the district of Little Harbor and Purcell's Harbor are united in their interest for the cause of Methodism, we have no fear about the success of the work.
November 1, 1884 Progress at Little Harbor (Part 2) A few weeks ago, a preliminary meeting was held, at which it was decided to build a new Church, and to commence operations at once. A good start was made by Mr. Thomas ANSTEY who offered his schooner, and ten willing friends volunteered to man it and go into the Bay to cut the frame. This they have done, and if the whole matter is carried on as heartily as it has been commenced, there will be a speedy and successful issue. On Thursday evening, the 16th inst., a second meeting was held to make the final arrangements. The Rev. J. EMBREE, Supt Minister presided. The plan of a neat and commodious Church drawn up by LAIRD Bros. of St. John's was submitted and accepted. The building is to be 54 feet by 34 feet and 17 feet walls, and if built according to plan, it will without doubt be the neatest place of Worship on Twillingate Islands.
November 1, 1884 Progress at Little Harbor (Part 3) A subscription list was opened at the meeting which reached the amount of nearly $120. The following were appointed as the Board of Trustees: Mr. Jasper DOWLING, Mr. John ANSTEY, Mr. Thos. ANSTEY, Mr. John EVELIEGH, Mr. Uriah STUCKLESS, Mr. Jonth. BURT, Mr. Mark WARR, Mr. James PARDY, Mr. John RICE, Mr. Abm. KIEF, Mr. James BURT. The work was placed in charge of Messrs. Andrew ANSTEY and George WARR who were employed as foremen builders, and we are glad to see that they have already begun work and are getting on well. All the help that friends can possibly give to this noble work will be thankfully received by the Ttreasurer, Mr. John ANSTEY Purcell's Harbor, or the Ministers of the Circuit. C. Twillingate, Oct 31, 1884.
November 1, 1884 Casualties at Little Bay We have to thank an esteemed correspondent at Little Bay for the following interesting paragraphs: On Tuesday morning, the 14th of October last, Henry CASTELLO of this place, had the misfortune to loose his house and furniture, which were destroyed by fire. William BRIEN who happened to be returning from the mine at 4:30 am, observed flames issuing from the house. He aroused CASTELLO, who with wife and child, managed to escape as soon as possible. There was no time to save anything. At about 3:30 on Monday the 20th., two men had a narrow escape from death. Their names were Israel LOCKE and Stanley TAYLOR. LOCKE observed that a piece of rock under which they were working was "backed", and jumping to a safe distance, called upon TAYLOR to follow. Before the poor fellow had time to move, the rock struck him, breaking his leg and thigh. Dr. Henderson was speedily in attendance and the unfortunate man is getting on as well as can be expected.
November 1, 1884 Shipping News The Cunard steamer Delta, arrived here yesterday morning from Montreal via St. John's, with part cargo of provisions for Messrs W. Waterman & Co. She left St. John's on Wednesday morning and experienced a very rough time. J.B. TOBIN Esq., came passenger by her.
November 1, 1884 Wreck of The Lady Jane (Part 1) The schooner Flamingo, Captain James SEVIOR of Exploits, arrived here from Twillingate on Saturday evening, having on board the crew and passengers of the lost schooner Lady Jane, numbering 51 men, women and children, which they took off the wreck of that schooner on Wednesday morning last. The Lady Jane was owned by C. DAWE Esq., of Bay Roberts, and was bound home with a load of fish and oil, when she got in contact with the rocks between Penguin Island and Deadman's Point on Tuesday night. A boat was launched but it was immediately swamped, and all that night and up to 8 o' clock the next morning, she was drifting about and filling with water. During all this time, those on board, especially the women and children, were in a terrible condition, as they expected every moment would be their last.
November 1, 1884 Wreck of The Lady Jane (Part 2) When the Flamingo came up with them, the schooner was three parts full of water and was rapidly settling down. The passengers and crew were immediately transferred to the Flamingo, after which a portion of the cargo was got on board. There were two corpses on board of the Lady Jane, which were also taken on board of the Flamingo and brought in here. One of them was that of a man named Wm. EDENS who died on the Labrador about a month ago. He was an Englishman by birth, but leaves a wife and child in Heart's Content, where he has been living some years. The other was that of a little child 2 years old, who died in July. EDENS was buried here this morning, but the child was taken to Spaniard's Bay. The Lady Glover took home the crew this morning. - Mercury of Monday Last.
November 1, 1884 Marriage At the Methodist Parsonage, Twillingate, on the 27 th. inst., by Rev. W.T. DUNN, Mr. Abel BURTON to Mrs. Amelia Ann GOSS, both of Twillingate.
November 1, 1884 Marriage On the 26th., by the same at his residence, Mr. Jacob HUSKINS to Miss Eva COX, both of New Bay Head.
November 1, 1884 Marriage On the 30th Oct, at the Methodist Parsonage by the same, Mr. John READ to Miss Susan ARNEY, both of Twillingate.
November 1, 1884 Marriage On the 21 st. inst., at Hillview Cottage, St. John's by the Rev. David BEATON, R. Campbell SMITH, youngest son of Mr. Alexander SMITH, to Amelia Westbrook, (Millie) 3rd daughter of Mr. R.W. NEYLE
November 1, 1884 Marriage At Trinity on the 22nd inst., by the Rev. R.W. FREEMAN, brother in law of the Bride, Mr. John CROSS of Trinity, to Mary Ann, 3rd daughter of John LEWIS Esq., of Lower Island Cove.
November 1, 1884 Death On Thursday evening last, Alice May, infant daughter of A.J. PEARCE, Esq., Sub-Collector H.M.C. of this Port, age 10 months.
November 1, 1884 Death At St. John's on the 26th inst., after a lingering illness, James Augustus, 3rd son of Solomon and Annie MUTCH, age 19? [could be 10] years
November 1, 1884 Death At St. John's on the 26th inst., after a lingering illness, which he bore with Christian resignation to the Divine Will, Mr. William J. DWYER, a native of Tilton Harbor.

November 8, 1884 Supreme Court Monday, November 3: The Court opened this morning at 11 o'clock. Present the Chief Justice and the Hon Mr. Justice PINSENT. The Petty Jury were in attendance. There are 41 cases on the Docket. The case of GOODRIDGE vs. RO?S [unsure of this spelling as 3rd letter difficult to read.] was called, but the matter was not proceeded with today in consequence of the illness of the Council for one of the parties. The case of George ANDERSON vs. James MURRAY for an alleged trespass to land on the South Side of Duckworth St. was set down for hearing on Monday next. The case of William STABB vs. The Newfoundland Railway Co. will also be heard on that day. Several other cases were called but the parties were not ready to go to trial. The Chief Justice observed that it was unfair on the part of the Council to ask for ammendments to pleadings at the last moment, and expressed his displeasure at the parties not being ready for trial when their cases were called. He would bring the Jury back again on Wednesday next, and if the parties were not then ready, these cases would be stricken off the docket.
November 8, 1884 USA Elections By the arrival of the steamer Hercules, we learn that a telegraphic despatch received at St. John's on Wednesday afternoon, states that CLEVELAND, a Democrat, has been elected President of The United States.
November 8, 1884 Man Drowned A man named Albert CRABB was knocked overboard from the deck of a schooner while going round Western Head yesterday, and met with watery grave. A rope was thrown to him, which he failed to grasp, and before a boat could get to him, he had sank to rise no more.
November 8, 1884 Rough Trip for the Hercules The steamer Hurcules arrived here on Friday morning from St. John's, bringing a large quantity of freight. She discharged part of her cargo and left for Little Bay with the remainder, and may be looked for here, tonight or tomorrow morning, on her way to St. John's. Her passage here was a very stormy one. On Wednesday night it blew strongly with a tremendous sea running. A cow, which was being forwarded to Tilt Cove, was washed overboard. It is expected that the steamer will be back again from St. John's in about a week.
November 8, 1884 Wrech of the Schooner Spray The schooner Spray, (of Harbor Grace) DROVER Master, struck a rock in Long Island Tickle last week, and soon after, became a total wreck. She was returning from Labrador, and intended calling at Hall's Bay for lumber, when the accident occurred. There were onboard, a number of freighters, (four crews) men, women and children. Fortunately, there was not a very heavy sea at the time, otherwise the results might have been more serious. The shipwrecked people were brought here in Mr. Owen BURGE's craft, of Dark Tickle, and are awaiting the return of the Hercules to be conveyed to their destinations.
November 8, 1884 Letter of Thanks re Capt. DOWNER Harbor Grace, 21st Oct. 1884. To the Editor of the Evening Mercury. Sir: I take the earliest opportunity of publicly acknowledging my gratitude To Captain George DOWNER, Master of the schooner Lassie of Fogo, and his crew, for the promptitude with which they came to my help in a time of great jeopardy during the past summer. I was fishing at a place called Nachack Bay, about 40 miles South of Cape Chudleigh, when a violent storm arose, accompanied by a heavy sea. In the height of the hurricane, my two boats got broken up and my schooner received serious damage. In this helpless condition, we were rapidly driving ashore, when Mr. DOWNER, who fortunately was near enough to see our position, immediately despatched his crew - at considerable risk - to our aid. I am thankful to say that by their timely help, my vessel, as well as the lives onboard, was saved. I therefore, for myself and crew, beg to tender our sincere thanks to Captain DOWNER and his men, for the valuable assistance rendered us in such a perilous time. How fully those kind hearted men proved the truthfullness of the homely proverb "A friend in need is a friend indeed." Yours truly, Henry W. THOMEY - Master of the schooner Celerity.
November 8, 1884 Death At Herring Neck yesterday morning, Mrs Jane REDDICK, age 29, relict of the late Mr. James REDDICK, and 2nd daughter of Mr. Joseph BLANDFORD of that place.

November 15, 1884 Magisterial Investigation at Fogo(Part 1) A Magisterial inquiry was held in this office on Thursday, the 9th of Oct. inst., before James FITZGERALD and Thos C. DUDER, Esquires, two of her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the Northern District, to investigate the circumstances touching the death, by the accidental discharge of a fowling piece, of one, Rebecca ABBOT, aged 14 years, in the dwelling house of Thomas ELLIOTT of Big Beaver Cove, about 20 miles from Fogo. It appeared from the examination of the witnesses, upon oath, that on Thursday evening, the 18th of September last, Herbert ELLIOTT, a boy of about 14 years old, son of Mr. ELLIOTT, came into the kitchen of his father's house, there being in the room at the time, the deceased girl, and another younger girl named Susanna MERCER, and two young children, that the said Herbert ELLIOTT took the fowling piece that was standing behind the door, in his hands, knowing it to be loaded. Upon seeing which, the girl MERCER went into the bedroom, leaving the deceased and the two children in the room with the boy ELLIOTT.
November 15, 1884 Magisterial Investigation at Fogo(Part 2) The deceased girl was sitting on a low bench at the time. Herbert ELLIOTT, upon taking the gun in his hands, rested the backstock against his thigh, and with one hand, fixed the cap on the nipple, while with his other hand, he held the hammer back as far as it would go, but unfortunately, on letting it back down on the cap, it slipped, striking the cap and exploding the gun, the contents of which struck the poor girl on the side of her mouth near her chin, and passing downward towards her collarbone, killed her instantly. This testimony of the boy ELLIOTT was confirmed as far as possible, by Thos. Wm. DAY and his father, Thos. ELLIOTT, who ran into the house immediately on hearing the explosion, and found the girl lying upon her back on the floor, dead. Mr. ELLIOTT, Thos. W. DAY, and others, made a coffin in which they placed the body, and took it to Musgrave Harbor on Saturday, where it was examined by the parents, who upon hearing of the circumstances, were satisfied that it was a very sad accident. The body was interred by John B. WHEELER next day (Sunday, Sept 21st, 1884.) James FITZGERALD J.P., Stipendiary Magistrate.
November 15, 1884 Schooner Archer Wrecked The schooner Archer, owned by Mr. Samuel PARDY of Lobster Harbor, White Bay, became a total wreck in the North West gale of the 28th. ult. She had in, a cargo of fish and herring, which however, was landed with only slight damage. The gear of the Archer was all landed, and will be sold for the benefit of whom it may concern. The Archer was insured in the Terra Nova Club for £180 cy. The weather in White Bay, for some time past, has been very stormy.
November 15, 1884 Thief Arrested While Constable COURTENY was on his beat last night, he saw a suspicious looking character going along with a bag on his back. The Constable immediately arrested and brought him to Lockup, where the bag was opened and found to contain six white cotton and one flannel shirt, robbed from some poor Washerwoman's line. The name of the thief is CHISHOLM, a native of Gysboreu, NS. - Mercury.
November 15, 1884 Birth At Morton's Harbor on the 1st ult., the wife of Mr. Mark TAYLOR of a daughter.
November 15, 1884 Birth At Morton's Harbor on the 4th. ult., the wife of Mr. John BRETT of a daughter.
November 15, 1884 Marriage On Nov. 4th., at St. Peter's Church, by Rev. R. TEMPLE, Mr. James ANSTEY, Back Harbor, Twillingate, to Rowena, youngest daughter of Mr. Benjamin ROSSITOR, also of Back Harbor.
November 15, 1884 Marriage On the 2nd inst. by Rev. W.T.D. DUNN, at the Residence, Mr. Charles PELLY to Miss Martha A. ELLSWOOD, both of Twillingate.
November 15, 1884 Marriage On the 4th inst., by the same, at the North Side Methodist Church, Mr. Samuel CLARKE of Twillingate to Miss S. CLOUTER of Catalina.
November 15, 1884 Marriage On the 8th Inst., by the same, at his residence, Mr. Alexander SANGER of Bird Island Cove, to Miss Lydia Moores of Twillingate.
November 15, 1884 Marriage At Morton's Harbor on the 4th. Ult., at the Methodist Parsonage, by the Rev. H. HATCHER, Mr. Samuel PARSONS, Schoolteacher, to Miss Elizabeth Ann, second daughter of Capt Ephriam SMALL.
November 15, 1884 Marriage On the 5th. Ult., at the same place, by the same, Mr. Edward RIDOUT of Western Head to Miss Elizabeth MARCH of Twillingate.
November 15, 1884 Marriage On the 5th. Ult., at the same place, by the same, Mr. Sephenial WELLS of Exploits, to Miss Amelia Ann, second daughter of Capt. John TAYLOR.
November 15, 1884 Marriage On the 6th. Ult., at the same place, by the same, Mr. William RIDOUT of Whale's Gulch to Miss Rose, eldest daughter of Capt Charles BRETT.
November 15, 1884 Death At Back Harbour on Monday ? [can't read date] st., calmly resigned to the will of God, Mr. John FREEMAN in the 79th year of his age. The deceased was a native of Poole, Dorset, England, and for 67 years a respected resident of this place. His funeral took place on Wednesday evening and was largely attended by relatives and friends.

November 22, 1884 Letter from Three Arms A private correspondent to our address says: You will be glad to hear that the wharf for Three Arms is now completed and the work is highly creditable to the residents. Mr. James NORRIS, Trader, Three Arms, owner of the schooner Little Mary, one of the best sailers in the Bay, is having a craft of some 70 tons built in Western Arm, Mr. William PERRY of North West Arm being Master Builder. Mr. J. BENSON of Little Bay, is also having a large craft built in same Arm. Mr. John EVANS of Harry's Harbor being engaged as Master Builder.
November 22, 1884 Letter from Trinity I believe they are about to commence a Public wharf at this place, at which the Steamer will be able to come alonside. On Wednesday and Thursday last, H.M.S. Garnet anchored in Trinity Harbor. Her Captain, and His Excellency Sir John GLOVER are on a shooting excursion in Trinity Bay.
November 22, 1884 Loss of the Elsie May The loss of the Elsie May by collision with the Northern Light off Catalina, was a peculiar one. The former was making Groos? [could be Green] Island Light at the entrance of Catalina Harbor from the South, and the Northern Light, without sidelight, was coming from the North. In the mouth of the harbor, they collided slightly, the anchor of the Elsie May attaching itself to the other vessel, and the chain running out freely for a short time. Then the chain drew taut, and the Elsie May was capsized, Two of the crew named CARPENTER and FORD were lost. Four men on board had all their winter's provisions with them. Although their lives were spared, the loss of their property is a sad blow to them. Their families are in a desperate condition, being in sore need of food. CARPENTER leaves a wife, and FORD a wife and five small children. These are particularly miserable, and we trust that something will be done for their relief. Too frequently are calamaties on our coasts, but each has its own peculiar tale of wretchedness. - Evening Mercury, Nov. 12.
November 22, 1884 More Marine Accidents We have this week to report the loss of two more schooners. The first is the Brigantine Elizabeth Jane, Capt Wm. TAYLOR, belonging to J.R. MADDOCK. This [unreadable] was lost on Saturday last at Sea Cow Island, near Gaspe. The crew were all saved. The Elizabeth Jane was loaded with herring and salmon and was bound for Boston. She left Saint Anthony, French Shore on the 15th. and was forced through stress of weather to put into Pitt's Arm, between Henley Harbor and Chateau, which place she left on the 24th. ult., and eight days afterward, was overtaken by the disaster referred to. The Elizabeth Jane was 135 tons burden, and was insured by The Conception Bay Club for £325. The second loss was that of the schooner United Brothers, MAHONEY Master, also of this port. This craft was returning from the Labrador. On Monday last, while running into Snook's Arm for shelter, she struck on a rock and sank 10 minutes afterward. Her cargo consisting of 500 quintals of fish, as well as traps and seins, was all lost. Her crew and passengers numbered 17 persons, including 4 women. They were all saved. The United Brothers was owned by Messrs PATERSON & FOSTER. She was a craft of 34 tons and was insured in the Clnception Bay Club for £175. - Ibid.
November 22, 1884 Letter from Little Bay Little Bay, Nov. 10: An accident happened here a little while ago. A craft came from Labrador, returning to Bay Roberts, and two young men named MAHONEY and DONAHOO, went on board, being drunk. After a little while onboard, they rose a dispute, and having got in a boat to go onshore, they also disputed about being landed. So, returning to the craft, another of the crew got in with them and said that he would land them. When reaching the shore, MAHONEY would not leave the boat, swearing that the man would not put him out, and in attempting to do so, he got stabbed twice in the arm, and wounded in the head by a stone or knife that was thrown from the shore by the two rascals, who also used bad language, saying they didn't care for other Orangemen or Protestants in Little bay or out of it. But they were mistaken in thinking that these men were either, as they were Roman Catholics like themselves. Yours etc., Little Minr.
November 22, 1884 Birth At Morton's Harbor on the 19th instant, the wife of Mr. Frederick FRENCH of a daughter.
November 22, 1884 Birth On the 12th November, at Victoria Cottage, Harbor Grace, Mrs. P.D. KNIGHT of a daughter.
November 22, 1884 Marriage On Monday, Nov. 3rd. In the Methodist Church, Jackson's Cove, by the Rev. J.W. VICKERS, assisted by the Rev. G. NOBLE, Mr. Wm. STRONG of Three Arms, to Miss Sarah Ann Knight LANGDON of Jackson's Cove.
November 22, 1884 Marriage On Monday, Nov. 3rd. In the Methodist Church, Jackson's Cove, by the Rev. G. NOBLE, assisted by the Rev. J.W. VICKERS, Mr. Daniel STARKES of Nipper's Harbor to Miss Emma Lenora Lucy LANGDON of Jackson's Cove.
November 22, 1884 Marriage On Wednesday Nov. 5th., in the Methodist Church Harry's Harbor, by the Rev. J. W. VICKERS, Mr. Solomon Rowsell of Three Arms, to Miss Elizabeth BOWDITCH of Harry's Harbor.
November 22, 1884 Marriage At Jackson's Cove on Nov. 10th., by the Rev. J.W. VICKERS, Mr. Charles William BATSTONE of Jackson's Cove to Miss Cordella Jane KNIGHT.
November 22, 1884 Marriage At the Methodist Church in Trinity on the 3rd inst., by the Rev. R.W. FREEMAN, William Frederick, eldest son of Reuben BEMISTER Esq., J.P., of New Perlican, to Isabell Bremner GENT, only daughter of Mr. James GENT of Trinity.
November 22, 1884 Death On the 16th. Inst., Mrs George YOUNG aged 67 years.

November 29, 1884 Harbor Grace Affray The case of The Queen vs. the Riverhead Prisoners was opened at St. John's on Monday last, when the prisoners were arraigned for the wilful murder of William FRENCH.
November 29, 1884 Train Fares On Monday, the trains commenced running between St. John's and Harbor Grace. Fares have been fixed at $3.40 for first class, $2.40 for 2nd class, $6.50 first class return, and $4.50 second class return.
November 29, 1884 Vessel Lost We learn from the Mercury that, during the snow storm of Nov. 21 st., a vessel called the King Bird, commanded by Captain McLEOD and loaded with produce from Prince Edward Island, was lost between Cape Spear and Petty Harbor. The crew barely escaped with their lives.
November 29, 1884 Passengers The Coastal steamer Plover, Captain MANUEL, arrived here on Tuesday last. The following is a list of her passengers: Messrs. BURKE, LAMB, ROWLAND, OSMOND, HODGE, BYRNE, WILLIAMS, SAUNDERS, THISTLE, BARNES, WINSOR, NUTSO? [can't read clearly], STRONG, MANUEL, ROUSE, WILLIAMS, Miss KING, Mrs LAMB, Miss CRAMM, Mrs. BROYLES?, [could be BRAYLEE] Miss L. CLARKE, Mrs BURKE, Miss MERCER, Misses DROVER, CRAGG and CHURCHILL. The steamer Hercules, Captain CROSS, with freight and passengers, arrived here on Wednesday. The following were passengers by her: Seldom Come By - Capt. DEAN, Fogo - Mr. FITZGERALD. Twillingate - Sgt. WELLS, Messrs J.B. BYRNE, D.C. WEBBER. Little Bay Islands - Mr. A.C. HYNES. Little Bay - Messrs. J. LOCKE, J. BENSON, B. BOYLES, C. REDDEN, LeBUFF, and 16 in steerage.
November 29, 1884 Arrival at Little Bay An esteemed correspondent from Little Bay furnishes us with the following: On the 19th of November, the SS Anerby, Captain J. RAEBURN from Liverpool, in water ballast and some cases of goods. The Anerby is a fine vessel of 1257 registered tonnage, built in the year 1831. [Could be 1881?] She experienced some very heavy storms during the latter part of her voyage, with very high seas. The ship laboured heavily, being so light and high out of the water. She started her funnel and it became twisted, also her whistle and machinery slightly injured. This was however, readjusted by the able management of the Machinists of Little Bay. On account of the heavy storms and high head winds she met with, she was 15 days in her passage, while invariably, those steamers make the passage here from Liverpool in 10 days. Sometimes she had to use her sails to keep her steady. Unfortunately, she lost a man overboard. The Anerby is loading ore for New Jersey, and will take about 2200 tons of cargo.
Nov. 29, 1884 Boat Taken Mr. Editor, Dear Sir, - I am authorised by Israel DECKER of Slaughter Cove, Bay Verte, to publish the following in the TWILLINGATE SUN : - Having been fishing the past summer, Israel DECKER had in his charge a small jack or bully, as they are sometimes called, from Mr. HERBERT of Nipper’s Harbor. After returning from the fishery, he moored his boat in safety, as he supposed, in the cove, but while he was absent in the country deer hunting, James BUTLER, who lives at the Head of Bay Verte, sent down a crew and towed her out of the Cove. There were a quantity of salt and some fishing gear belonging to DECKER in the boat at the time, his son was also on board and they took her from him by force. They towed her up to James BUTLER’s room, unbent her sails, and locked them up. When DECKER returned he went up for his boat, but BUTLER refused to give her up, giving as his reason that his son built her and he had furnished the material. DECKER will enter an action at once for the recovery of the boat. I can vouch for the truth of this statement being an eyewitness.
Nov. 29, 1884 Oil Discovery, Baie Verte While a party where out deer hunting some three weeks ago, about eight or nine miles South from Bay Verte, they made a discovery, which may prove very valuable. On arriving at the hunting ground they erected a temporary camp for the night to prevent them from the weather. A fire was kindled and supper prepared. Having partaken their meal and while enjoying a comfortable smoke, flames of fire suddenly burst forth, causing confusion and dismay amongst the party. The flames shot forth to the distance of thirty feet in the air, illuminating the place all around. The tent was entirely consumed, and one man, John DOWNEY of Coachman’s Cove, narrowly escaped with his life, his clothes being nearly burnt off him. On returning to the scene of disaster on the following morning, traces of parafine oil were plainly visible on the ground, and it was supposed that the fire had burnt into a spring of parafine oil, which caused the explosion.
Nov. 29, 1884 Antimony at Mortons Hbr. While on the South Side of Twillingate one day this week, I was shown some beautiful specimens of antimony taken from the antimony Mine at Moreton’s Harbour. This Mine has been recently opened. G. HODDER, Esq., who is agent for the Company and a shareholder as well, (the gentleman from whom we derived our information) informed me that the lode could be traced for a distance of several hundred yards, enlarging as it extends West. This mine, if opened up, will prove to be the largest, as well as the richest on the continent of America, the ore being far superior in quality to that taken from the same kind of mineral now being worked in the Province of New Brunswick. There are at present, five men employed in prospecting, and I was informed they would continue to work during the winter. The owners of this splendid property are gentlemen belonging to Twillingate and St. John’s and carry on a large trade in the fishing. Robert PERRY.
Nov. 29, 1884 Death The hackneyed saying, “in three midst of life we are in death.” was sadly exemplified yesterday, when the entire city was shocked by the news of the premature and unexpected death of Mr. J. H. BOONE. For several days it has been generally known that he had been severely unwell, but his speedy restoration in health was confidently predicted by his physicians and anticipated by the public, which would have been very unwillingly indeed to believe any other result probable. On Saturday night at about 10 o’clock, his physician, Dr. SHEA, and the consulting physician, Dr. MacKENZIE, visited the deceased, and found him in an apparently improved condition. At 10 o’clock yesterday morning a messenger brought to Dr. SHEA the same picasing report. But at 12 o’clock noon, the doctor was startled to hear that his patient was dying. He hurried to the scene with Dr. McKENZIE, but at 12:30 just before their arrival, the spirit had winged its flight to Him who gave it. Inflammation of the lungs was the cause of death. Mr. BOONE was the son of a clergyman of the Church of England, once stationed at Twillingate. He was born there, but received his education and legal training in this city, studying law in the office of Chief Justice Sir Frederick CARTER. For several years he occupied the honorable position of Solicitor of the House of Assembly, and resigned in 1882 to contest the electoral district now known as St. Barbe. In all the relations of life, Mr. BOONE was loved and respected. As a man he was genial and kindly, enjoying the love of all; as a lawyer he was most successful; and had no equal, in many respects, among his compeers at the Bar; as a member of the Assembly he was admired for his wit, oratory and fairness, having qualities which eminently fitted him to occupy in time, any position the country could offer. His death will create a great blank in legal and political circles, a blank which will not be filled for years, and it will be very long in deed ‘ere his friends will cease to recall the happy sayings and pleasant manners of one whose jovial disposition had become a household word. A wife and four children have been left to mourn their loss, and to them we beg leave to tender our sincere and respectful sympathy. - - Evening Mercury, Nov. 17
Nov. 29, 1884 Death On the 10th inst., at his residence, Water Street, St. John’s, Wm. PITTS, Esq., in his sixty seventh year.
Nov. 29, 1884 Death At St. John’s on the 17th inst., Thomas CLIFT, Esq., aged 66 years.
Nov. 29, 1884 Death At Rose Cottage, St. John’s on the 16th of inflammation of the lungs, John HOYLES Esq., Barrister-at-Law and member of the house of .Assembly, age 36 years.
Nov. 29, 1884 Death At Fogo, on the 2nd inst., Mary the beloved wife of Robert STRICKLAND, and the daughter of the late Wm. PELLY, aged 63 years.
Nov. 29, 1884 Death At Old Perlican, Trinity Bay, on Monday 17, inst. Mr. John MARCH aged 80 years.

Dec. 6, 1884 Advertisement "Light! Light! PERFECT COMBUSTION! The New York “Wonder Lamp” One of the best and most practical in our times of the ninetieth century, and is the nearest approach to the ELECTRIC LIGHT yet invented. A Single Light of 60 Candle Power produced from Coal Oil, at an expense of a cent per hour. Never breaks a Chimney or gets overheated. ----- Warranted perfectly safe in every respect. Under all circumstances no cleaning of smoking chimneys or trimming of wick, no dirt or unpleasant smell. A great saving of disagreeable drudgery. It solves the problem of perfect illumination for Streets, Halls, Churches, Dwellings, Work, Shops or Vessels. WM. RYALL. 180 Duckworth St. St. John’s. Agent for Newfoundland."
Dec. 6, 1884 Misprint Correction - Two very glaring misprints inadvertently occurred in the letter of our correspondent, 'Justice', in last issue. In the second paragraph, instead of "petitioners" read practitioners, and in the last paragraph for "patronage" read patronise.
Dec. 6, 1884 Steamer Just before going to press, the coastal steamer Plover, Capt. MANUEL, put in an appearance. The Plover left St. John's on Thursday morning and goes as far North as Griquet. The steamer Hercules, Capt. CROSS, arrived here from St. John's yesterday. She landed a quantity of freight, and left at an early hour this morning for the other side of the Bay, and is expected to call here en 'route to St. John's on Monday.
Dec. 6, 1884 Guns for Sambro The Imperial Government has supplied two, twenty-four pounder guns, to be placed on Sambro Island, near Halifax, for use of when vessels are observed in danger thereabouts, to warn them off. The terrible disaster to the Daniel Steinmann, of Sambro Light last spring, no doubt led them to take this step.
Dec. 6, 1884 Captain FOX - Stroke "We are sorry to learn that Mr. Samuel FOX, of Back Harbor, who is now at St. John's, has been attacked with a severe paralytic stroke, whereby it is feared he has lost the use of one of his arms. Mr. FOX left here a short time since, for St. John's, as master of the schr. Bessie Purchase, and when taken ill was lying in his berth."
Dec. 6, 1884 Mary Joseph Lost! A special dispatch from Channel to the Evening Mercury, under date, Dec. 1 has the following : - "The schr. Mary Joseph, belonging to this place, from Sydney, coal laden, total loss of all on board. Her wreckage was picked up near Point Rosey. Crew consisted of Frank RETIFF, Henry SCOTT, Michael PETITE, Charles BOYCE, and one woman and boy, passengers. The two former leave families. Mrs. SCOTT has a large family of small children totally unprovided for. Continuous living gales have been felt during the past fortnight."
Dec. 6, 1884 Accident - Joe HAGGETT "We are sorry to note that Mr. Joseph HACKETT, of Leading Tickles, met with a serious accident on Wednesday evening last. When landing wood from his craft on Messrs. Waterman's premises, and when heaving a 'turn' off his back, a stick flew back and struck him, knocking him backwards, which caused him to fall several feet, between the wharf and store. His head was a good deal fractured on sharp rocks on which he fell, having also sustained severe bodily injuries, and was in a senseless condition when taken up. Mr.Hackett, was taken to the residence of Mr. Samuel Newman and Doctor Stafford was soon in attendance, under whose treatment we are happy to know, our friend is slowly recovering."
Dec. 6, 1884 Advertisement TO BE LET And possession given immediately, SHOP, STORE, and PREMISES Lately occupied by Mr. Uriah Martin, Situate at Leading Tickles, Green Bay, Richard B. Holden. Dec. 6.
Dec. 6, 1884 Harbor Grace Affray (Part 1) "Queen vs. Michael Coady and others -- For the Wilful Murder of Wm. French -- The Attorney General's Statement. Monday, Nov. 25 The following with one or two slight alterations, is the recital of facts made by the Attorney General in concluding his opening speech last Spring, and is that which he also gave to the Jury yesterday: - I will now endeavor to detail the facts which, although few, are attested by a large number of witnesses. It appears that on the 26th. of December last, a Society in Harbor Grace, called the Orange Society, had proposed to walk in procession as they have done on previous years. And here let me observe, for the purpose of clearing away any misconceptions or any misapprehension, that the Society had a perfect and Legal right to walk in procession, as perfect and as legal right as any other Society in this Island, - for example, as the British, Benevolent Irish, St. Andrew's, Total Abstinence and Star of the Sea Societies, or any other body, and provided they did so peaceably and without interfering with others, no person had any right to interfere with or molest them. "
Dec. 6, 1884 Harbor Grace Affray (Part 2) With the policy of the law which permits those Societies to walk, we have nothing to do; that is a subject for the Legislature. Here we administer the law as we find it, and under the Law as it now stands, the Society had a perfect right to walk. The Orange Society had assembled at their Hall, and marched to the Methodist Church, where they attended Divine service. Afterwards they had proceeded to Bear’s Cove, whence on returning, they had gone up so far, along Harvey St. as to about a crossroad leading from Harvey Street to Water Street, called the Pipe Track Road. The proceedings of the Society seem to have been of an orderly character. A little to the Westward of the Pipe Track road is another crossroad called Pippy’s Lane, leading from Harvey Street to Water Street. About this locality in Harvey Street is the scene of the tragedy which brings us together today.
Dec. 6, 1884 Harbor Grace Affray (Part 3) On the morning of the same day, the 26th of December, there was an early stir among certain persons in and about the Riverhead of Harbor Grace. Flags were hoisted at the bridge, and an assemblage of persons took place there, among whom were identified the prisoners, HARPER, DUGGAN, [RUSSELL?], QUIRK, COADY, MACKAY, SHANNAHAN & MACARTHY. Many of them had guns and remarks are alleged to have been made, indicating that the object they had in view, was to obstruct the Orange procession and to use [?] for that purpose. One man is stated to have used words to the effect that “There will be blood shed this day if cold lead can do it!” Particulars of those remarks will be detailed by the witnesses, and of course, they can only be evidence if connected with subsequent acts by the same parties.
Dec. 6, 1884 Harbor Grace Affray (Part 4) The persons there assembled, being joined on the way by several others, walked to PIPPY’s or DONNELY’s [Lane?], a distance of about two miles, where a number, throwing off their coats or jackets into DONNELY’s garden, tore down a fence and armed themselves with pickets. Some of them went to PIPPY’s store, and also to the house of one Thomas PARSONS, to procure guns. Among those who went to PIPPY’s store, was the prisoner COADY, who used expressions of which the following are specimens: “Murder we will have!” “We have come to die, or turn the Orangemen back!” “We will turn the Orangemen or die!” “We are bound to kill or be killed!” “We will die or have blood!” Finally, congregating in Harvey Street, near the head of Pippy’s Lane, they awaited the approach of the Orange procession. If all this be true, then coupling those facts with what ensued, is strong evidence of a deep seated, malicious intent, a preconceived plot of deliberate murder.
Dec. 6, 1884 Harbor Grace Affray (Part 5) When this mob or crowd, was so waiting, one of them said that the Orangemen should not go down to Pippy’s Lane without shedding blood. The mob was there waiting a considerable time. At length, the Orange procession, numbering about 400 to 500 men, with a band of music, flags, and regalia, marched along Harvey Street, Westward toward the place where the crowd had assembled. When the head of the procession was from 300 to 400 yards distant from the crowd, Head Constable DOYLE is described as coming upon the scene, followed closely after by Sergeant WINSLOW and Constables MacKAY and FAHEY. Upon arrival, DOYLE is said to have approached the Riverhead crowd, numbering of 100 to 150 men, and to have remonstrated with them. The prisoners, QUIRK, SHANNAHAN, CODY, John WALSH, (who had a gun), and others, were in front. Upon DOYLE remonstrating, SHANNAHAN said, “Well, turn them back.” CODY said, “Go back, or mark what will follow!” The prisoner FLEMING was there, having a gun capped.
Dec. 6, 1884 Harbor Grace Affray (Part 6) DOYLE then turned from the crowd toward the procession, and CODY and SHANNAHAN turned back to the Riverhead crowd, and armed themselves each with a gun. DOYLE went toward the procession which had continued to come on, and putting his hand on the shoulder of the foremost man, called out to them “Halt!” They halted. DOYLE requested them to turn down the Pipe Track Road. Someone among the Orangemen said, “We want to go down Pippy’s Lane.” Or “The next Lane.” The two bodies of men had now come in close proximity, and prisoners QUIRK and FLEMING went forward until they got among the Orangemen, who called out, “Go back! Go back!” DOYLE, fearing as he says, that these men would be struck by the Orangemen, told them to go back, and put his hands upon them to push them. Some stones were then thrown by the Riverhead men, and cries of, “Come on, come on!” were heard, it appears, from both parties. This parley, altercation or war of words, [?] to be of short duration, remarkably short, for almost immediately five shots were fired from the Riverhead party – first three guns, then shortly after, another gun, and after a pause, a fifth gun. As Sergeant WINSLOW describes, “There was not much space between them.” It was what he calls “An irregular volley.” Some witnesses say that when those shots were fired, the men forming the front of the Riverhead party knelt or lowered themselves, and that the shots were fired over their heads.
Dec. 6, 1884 Harbor Grace Affray (Part 7) Afterwards, and it seem quickly, two shots were fired by parties on the South side of the Orange procession. Some of the witnesses allege that other shots were fired. The particulars of this firing will be best gathered from the witnesses. Three men, JEANS, FRENCH AND CALLAHAN, were killed upon the spot when those shots were fired, and a great number of others were wounded. Evidence will be produced, identifying the prisoner John WALSH, as having fired and wounded two men, named BROWN & LUFFMAN, and the prisoner HARPER as having shot and killed JANES and then firing a second shot, with another gun, wounding Solomon MARTIN. Also that the prisoner [Leo?] shot Thomas NICHOLAS, who has since died of the wounds then received. But I shall not enter into a detailed account of what occurred. It will be better related by the witnesses, who will be produced for examination. I cannot assume to do more than to give you a general outline. Did I attempt anything further, it would necessitate a close reference to the depositions of each witness. This would be superfluous, as each will be examined before you. The whole of this affray occupied but a few minutes. Sergeant WINSLOW took possession of a gun, which was dropped by one of the Riverhead men, and which he had attempted to fire immediately after the first shots. It missed fire. The Sergeant made towards this man, who dropped the gun and ran away.
Dec. 6, 1884 Harbor Grace Affray (Part 8) Some of the Riverhead men attempted to strike Constable McKAY, and upon Head Constable DOYLE interfering and saying, “Don’t injure the Constables, they have done you no harm,” DOYLE was struck a heavy blow from behind, which felled him, senseless to the ground. The affray would seem to have been ending, when a most cruel and brutal attack was made by the prisoner, John WALSH, with a picket, upon a poor unfortunate old man, John BRAY, who was going off the ground with a flag. WALSH left the Riverhead crowd and ran after BRAY, struck him senseless, and so injured that he never recovered his senses, and died shortly after from the effects of the wound WALSH had given him. I have endeavoured to give you a concise account of some of the incidents of this painful and revolting transaction. The full history you will obtain from the witnesses. The result was that three men, FRENCH, JEANS & CALLAHAN were killed upon the spot. John BRAY died shortly after, as I have just described, and Thomas NICHOLAS died a short time ago from gunshot wounds then received. Beside these, a large number were wounded, more or less severely.
Dec. 6, 1884 Harbor Grace Affray (Part 9) To make the deed of blood more effectual, large shot or slugs were used, weighing upwards of 30 grams each, as some of the bodies were frightfully mangled. We are now concerned [with] the inquiry as to the cause of the death of William FRENCH, and if it can be shown that he was killed by one of the shots fired by the Riverhead party, then the responsibility for his death, rests with that party. And here I tell you, subject to the direction of the Court, that if the prisoners were in that party or mob of 100 to 150 men, armed with weapons as I have described, and assembled with a common intent at all hazards to obstruct the men in that Orange procession, and to drive them back, and if anyone in that party used one of those weapons, and therewith inflicted a fatal wound on any one of those who they purposed so to obstruct, then the homicide of that man is murder by each and every man in that party so assembled with that common intent. – Mercury.
Dec. 6, 1884 L.O.A. Officers The annual meeting of the Crosby Lodge, LOA, was held on Wednesday last, the 3rd, inst., when the following officers were duly elected for the coming year: Bro. Geo. GARD, WM, Elected, Bro. Alfred WELLS, DM, Elected, Bro. Josiah COLBOURNE, Tres., re-elected, Bro. John LUNNEN, Sec., re-elected, Bro Charles MAYNE, Chap., Elected, Bro James BOYD, OT, re-elected, Bro. George NOTT, IT, Elected, Bro. Thomas WARR, DC, re- elected. Investigating Committee: Bros. Titus MANUEL, George NOTT, Thomas MITCHARD, Adam POND, James PURCHASE. Finance Committee: Bros. W.J. SCOTT, W.B. HUGHES. Trustees: Reuben BLACKMORE, W.B. HUGHES. Josiah COLBOURNE, Treasurer.
Dec. 6, 1884 Marriage In Saint Mary’s Church, Herring Neck, on the 8th of November, by the Rev. J. HEWITT, Mr. David BLANDFORD to Miss Susanna ROUSELL of Leading Tickles.
Dec. 6, 1884 Marriage On the 25th Ult., at the R.C. Church, Tilton Harbor, By the Rev. J. BROWN, PP, Mr. Michael FITZGERALD, son of James FITZGERALD, Esq., JP, Fogo, to Miss Johanna C. JONES, second daughter of the late Mr. Wm. JONES.
Dec. 6, 1884 Death At Herring Neck, on the 30th. Nov., Mr. Richard PHILPOTT, aged 76 years, for many years a much respected inhabitant of that place.
Dec. 6, 1884 Death At Herring Neck, Janet, only daughter of Frederick and Emily SEALEY, aged 3 months.
Dec. 6, 1884 Death At Little Bay, on the 24th. Inst., after a short and painful illness, Sarah Jane, the beloved wife of JJ BENSON, Esq., aged 41 years.
Dec. 6, 1884 Death At St. John’s on Tuesday afternoon, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Mr. John ANGELL.
Dec. 6, 1884 Death At about 2 O’clock this morning, an old and respected citizen, passed quietly over to “the great majority”. Mr. Thomas CLIFT has been unwell for several months past, but although his demise was looked for at some not distant date, his death this morning, came as a surprise. His last visit to the business office in which he had spent so many years, was made on the 17th of May last, since which time, he had been confined to the house, with the exception of two or three of the warm days, experienced in August, and during the last two months, he has not left his bed. Bright’s disease was the cause of his sickness and death. Mr CLIFT’s business career was entirely in connection with the firm now known as Clift Wood and Company, but formerly called James Clift. His father was the originator of the firm, his brother, Mr. James CLIFT, was the successor, Mr. Thomas CLIFT being the junior partner, and when Mr. James CLIKFT died, in 1877, the deceased became the head of the business, which is now conducted by Messrs. Charles and Shannon CLIFT, brother and nephew respectively of the deceased. Mr. CLIFT was much respected by all who knew him, and his death, expected though it was, is much regretted through out the city. – Mercury.
Dec. 6, 1884 Death We are sure the readers of the Evening Telegram will have observed with deep regret, the loss of another staunch and true friend, in the death of William PITTS Esq., as reported in last night’s Obituary notice of this paper. After a long and determined battle with ‘The last Enemy’, but without much pain – we are glad to hear – Mr. PITTS passed peacefully away on Monday afternoon, there and then realizing a decease that his friends have sadly anticipated for some time past. Mr. PITTs was the representative member of one of our oldest Newfoundland families – a family that has been identified with the trade and fortunes of this Colony for over three generations. Himself, a fine active business man, he succeeded to the occupancy of waterside premises, that have been previously used by Matthew STEWART, Esq., and Stewart and Covers, and there, soon turned what had been a failing business, into a highly profitable one. While resident at the house in Water Street, where he died, Mr. PITTS brought up a large family, and in his office, some of our smartest young men, (now well up in years,) have obtained their mercantile education. Mrs. PITTS predeceased her worthy husband many years ago, and of their surviving children, The Hon. James S., the eldest son, inherits his father’s business, and Arthur, the only other son living, is at present absent from home. Two daughters are still unmarried, and the other two, Mrs GH BICKINSON, and Mrs. Frederick AYRE, are worthy representatives of the good old stock. Mr. PITTS was always unassumingly identified with the Wesleyan Methodist body, and gave his substantial support to every good undertaking in conjunction therewith. Many people of this community will miss in him a warm and steady friend, the poor a kind-hearted benefactor, and his native town, a good and useful citizen. If we had the carving of his epitaph, it would consist of three words, and these would be they: HE HELPED MANY! – Com.

Dec. 13, 1884 Shipping News The Costal steamer Plover, Capt. MANUEL arrived here on Thursday night last, en route to St. John's. The schr. Branksea, Capt. William HARBIN, belonging to W. Waterman & Co. left port for St. John's this morning, with a cargo of dry fish. The schooner Evangeline, Capt. A. ROBERTS, arrived here from St. John's on Saturday last, with a general cargo. She has since left for Little Bay, where she will discharge the same. The schrs, Mary Parker and L. P. Pond, are at present loading for St. John's. The former at the wharf of E. Duder, Esq., and the latter at Messers, Owen & Earle.
Dec. 13, 1884 Joseph Haggett Mr. Joseph HACKETT of Leading Tickles, reported in last issue as having been seriously injured by a fall, is we are glad to know, steadily recovering and we hope ere long, he will be thoroughly recruited.
Dec. 13, 1884 Passengers The steamer Hercules arrived here from the Bay on Thursday last, and left for St. John's, via Fogo, yesterday morning. The following passengers left here for the Capital by her: - Messrs, J. W. PHILLIPS, R. MELLISH, A. LACEY, Mr. and Mrs. J.P. THOMPSON and child.
Dec. 13, 1884 Death We have to record the melancholy death of Mr. Thomas STEVENSON. The unfortunate man, who it appears had been subject to fits of lowness of spirits or slight aberration of intellect, left his house on Thursday last, and not making his appearance at a reasonable time, search was made for him which resulted in his being found on yesterday afternoon, at the foot of Lady Lake. The clothes of the unhappy man were burnt from the breast down to the feet, believed to have been occasioned by the discharge of the gun that the deceased had taken with him, and was lying beside him. No shot, however, was discovered either in his clothes or body. The results of the enquiry held today, as to the cause of death will appear in next issue. Harbor Grace Standard.
Dec. 13, 1884 Antimony Mine at Moreton's Harbor Mr. Editor, Dear Sir, Knowing the colums of your valuable papers are open to everything that will tend to advance the interest of this country, you will please allow me a small space to give you a short account of our trip to the Antimony Mine at Moreton's Harbour. On Monday last, in company of George HODDER, Esq., Manager of the mine, I paid a visit to Moreton's Harbour. On the side of the road leading to Moreton's Harbour, a shaft has been sunk to the distance of thirty feet, but, which is now stopped, for what reason I do not say, but it is best known to the proprietors themselves. The last ore taken from the bottom of the shaft is of good quality and will pay well if worked. About four hundred yards to the West of this, on the same lode, a shaft is being sunk, it's greatest depth being about twelve feet. The lode in the bottom of this shaft will average six inches in width. The ore is of good quality and contains a small percentage of lead and silver. Between those two shafts, the surface having been removed, shows the lode to be eighteen inches in some places, and as high as twenty two inches in width. The lode from highwater mark, can be traced to the distance of half a mile running a due course East and West, which proves it to be the regular lodes. All regular lodes contain rich minerals gold, silver, copper, lead etc. & run East to West. Any branches diverging from this line are called shots, cross leads, fissure veins, which in some cases are very rich, but do not run to any depth. This mine can be worked with a very small expense, as the ground is chalky and of the nature of limestone, and ? the management of a skilfull Foreman, would prove a succcess to the proprietors. This lode, as well as others that have been named, diverges a few feet from the main lode, but will eventually resume it's own course again, and in all probability the ore will be of a richer and better quality. A main shaft sunk on the center of the property, and a tram way built of one quarter of a mile; hundreds of tons of ore could be shipped daily if required. This with prudence and economy, will prove a mine of wealth. I have every confidence of this fine property, and with skilful men at his command, would work it to the best advantage as possible. Thank you, Mr. Editor for so much of your valuable space. I remain yours, Renfrew.
Dec. 13, 1884 Death At Moreton's Harbour, on the 3rd inst., after a lingering illness, Mr. John TAYLOR aged 33 years. This funeral of the decease took place on Saturday afternoon, attended by the members of "Arctic" Lodge, L.O.A. with which he was connected, and a large concourse of residents. The burial service of the Church of England being impressively read by Mr. G. E. LLOYD.

Dec. 23, 1884 Drownings at Daniel's Harbor On the 20th of September last, James RUMBOLDT, his wife and 4 children, were drowned by the capsizing of the boat off Daniel's Harbor. On Oct. 1st the bodies of the father and two children were picked up on the beach, near where the accident happened. A short time afterwards, the body of another child was picked up about 20 miles from the scene of the accident. - Mercury.
Dec. 23, 1884 Murder for Twenty Five Cents Upton, Ky., December 2.- At a colored people's dance here, Taylor PHILIPS asked Rafe HOWARD to loan him twenty five cents. HOWARD refused, a quarrel ensued, and HOWARD stabbed and killed PHILIPS. A cousin of the latter, then shot and killed HOWARD as he attempted to escape.
Dec. 23, 1884 Drunkenness On Sunday night the 7th, inst., a poor woman in the city was about being confined, and a man - a friend of the family, sent for a Priest and a Doctor. After they came the Priest administered the pledge to the husband of the aforesaid woman, the friend gave 50 cents to the woman for necessaries, and the family were left alone. Soon after, the husband took the 50 cents from under the wife's pillow, and went out and got drunk, not returning until Tuesday, when the wife's pallid face had been frozen by death's icy breath. He immediately went out again, leaving the corpse uncared for, and being found on Thursday in a drunken condition, he was taken before the Magistrate and sentenced to twenty days imprisonment. Is not this a temperance sermon. - Mercury... Dec. 16
Dec. 23, 1884 Convicted of Larceny On Saturday last, James Maurice BLAKE, who was convicted of larceny, was brought up for sentence, when the Chief Justice pronounced sentence as follows: - "That you James Maurice BLAKE, be imprisoned in the Penitentiary with hard labour for a period of eighteen months from the time of your final commitment by the Magistrate. And that you leave this country within forty eight hours after the expiration of your sentence, and should you be found here after that time, you will be imprisoned for a further period of two years." Let us hope that this sentence will have a wholesome effect upon the minds of the evil disposed. - St. John's Times.
Dec. 23, 1884 Death It is with deep regret that we record to-day the untimely death of a Harbor Gracian abroad - Mr. William ROGERS, son of our late esteemed friend, David ROGERS, Esq., brother of the Rev. J. A. ROGERS of Nova Scotia, and of Mr. Thomas ROGERS, H. M. Gaoler of this town. The late Mr. ROGERS, as all who know him will acknowledge, was a man of more than ordinary mental ability. His decease in the prime of his life, will call up feelings of sadness in the minds of all acquainted with him. Except his more immediate friends, none will feel his loss more, than those who sat in the same room with him in the old Grammar School of this town. May his last hours have been brightened with those hopes that look above and beyond the portals of the tomb! To his widowed mother and other sorrowing friends, we tender our heartfelt sympathy. - H. G. Standard, Dec. 16.
Dec. 23, 1884 Permissive Law passed at Heart's Content It has been stated not unfrequeantly, that Heart's Content was a long way behind other settlements in the country in its temperance sentiment, and that any attempt to pass the Permissive Law would be a complete failure; but the occurence of last week clearly proved that the people of that place are as fully alive to their interests, and are as determind to rid themselves of the deadliest foe - the public house, as those of any other settlement in the country. They passed the Permissive Law by a large majority as we anticipated they would do, much to the chagrin of the proprietor of that one public house and his customers. A correspondent to one of our dailys recently said that one pubic house was not enough; they should have at least seven there. The people have shown that one was one too many. And the people were right. - Temperance Journal.
Dec. 23, 1884 Man Lost Overboard On Monday last the barquentine Flora, Capt. James PIKE, arrived here to Messrs, John Munn & Co. from New York. We learn with regret that during the passage, one of the crew - Joseph TEMPLE, fell from on board, and was lost, despite all the efforts made to save him. The Flora left New York at 10 a.m. on the 24th of November, with a strong breeze blowing from the N. W., accompanied with a heavy sea. The vessel was running under square sails, and going at the rate of 11 knots an hour. About four hours after leaving port, the unfortunate seaman referred to, was in the act of drawing up a bucket of water, when the vessel made a heavy roll. TEMPLE lost his balance and fell overboard. The ship was quickly rounded to; but it was found that there was unfortunately, too much sea on to launch the boat, and thus to rescue the unhappy man was alas an utter impossibility. The decease was a native of Heart's Delight, and was unmarried.
Dec. 23, 1884 Sons of Temperance At a quarterly meeting of the "North Star" Division, Sons of Temperance, held on the evening of Thursday last, the following were elected officers for the ensuring quarter: Bro. Jacob MOORES, W. P. Bro. Reuben BLACKMORE, W. A. Bro. John HILLYARD, R. S. Bro. Edward ROBERTS, A. R. S. Bro. William J. SCOTT, F. S. Bro. Issac MOORES, Treas. Bro. William LINFIELD, Conductor. Bro. Frank ROBERTS, A. Con. Bro. Henry CLARKE, I. S., Bro. John W. ROBERTS, O. S.
Dec. 23, 1884 Dry Dock is Opened We learned from our contemporary the Mercury, that the Dry Dock was formally opened on the 9th inst. Shortly after three o'clock H. M. S. Tenedos, having His Excellency the Governor, Premier WHITEWAY and other members of Executive Council on board, steamed through the gateway and entered the dock. The dock and the adjacent wharves, the hills, and the shipping, were crowded with interested spectators. All the shops were closed, and more people went to see the opening than have ever before been present on any public occasion in the country. A slight mishap to the dredge last night, caused a delay in the filling of the dock, but today everything worked well. The dock was flooded and pumped out today, and the gateway proved to be without a leak. A lady's slipper would not have been moistened in any part of the dock, shortly subsequent to the pumping. To-morrow two vessels will be docked for repair, and several others are booked to follow.
Dec. 23, 1884 Married On Dec. 9th, at St. Peter's Church by Rev. R. TEMPLE, R. D., Mr. John RIDEOUT, to Miss Elizabeth DREW.
Dec. 23, 1884 Death On the 9th inst., at Bristol England, Marie aged 75 years, relict of the Rev. Adam NIGHTINGALE, for 42 years Wesleyan Minster in Newfoundland.
Dec. 23, 1884 Death At Quebec, on Nov. 21st, after a long illness of typhoid fever, surrounded by many Christian friends, Mr. William ROGERS, aged 35 years, third son of the late David ROGERS, Esq. The deceased was a native of St. John's.

Dec. 31, 1884 Supreme Court (Part 1) (From the evening Mercury) SUPREME COURT. ALEXANDER J. W. McNEILY AND ISAAC R. McNEILY, Barristers at Law, vs ALFRED B. MORINE, Editor, and JOHN E. FURNEAUX, Proprietor of the Evening Mercury. This case came up for hearing yesterday before the Hon. Mr. Justice PINSENT and a special jury. Mr. GREEN appeared as Counsel for the plaintiffs, and in his opening address to the jury, explained the nature of the libel, and argued that it would occasion serious damage to the plaintiffs, in their professional capacity. The following remarks in the Mercury of the 10th of April last were the grounds of the plaintiffs claim. "In this connection we cannot refrain from illusion to a most peculiar circumstance. Very seldom have we been touched and fed the pleasure of a literary combat with A. J. W. McNEILY (meaning the plaintiff, Alexander J. W. McNeily) senior member of the firm of McNeily & McNeily, but when we have, it has been in reference to some legal points. Occasionaly his ignorance to the law has been most clearly demonstrated, and to-day, his brother's (meaning the plaintiff Isaac R. McNeily) presumption has met with like exposure. That even the junior member of McNeily & McNeily should be ignorant of a local law, twenty three years in force, is most remarkable, and should act as a warning to these who have legal business to intrust to the firm. We advise Mr. McNEILY to refrain from political journalism, a continuance in which will soon lead to his exposure in proper light."
Dec. 31, 1884 Supreme Court (Part 2) Mr. I. R. McNEILY proves that the plaintiffs constituted the firm of McNeily and McNeily, carrying on legal business in this city, that a great deal of their practice is derived from abroad, and they had large outport connections. He stated that the article, the subject matter of the action, was brought under his notice the night on which it was published, and that he immediately repaired to the Mercury office, for the purpose of remonstrating with the defendant, MORINE. He was not in, and the witness added that perhaps if he had been, we would never have had this reaction; it might have been in a different form. It was that part of the article which said that the legal opinions, the subject of the criticism, should act as a warning to persons having legal business to entrust to the plaintiffs, which he objected to. He then swore to his belief as to the injurious offset, the alleged libel would have upon the practice of the plaintiffs. Mr. A. J. W. McNEILY was next called and corroborated in a general way, the testimony of the other plaintiff as to their partnership, business, etc., and swore that the libel had an unquestionably damaging effect upon the plaintiffs in their professional capacity. On cross-examination, witness admitted that he had occupied public positions and frequently wrote for the press, and that the articles of the Politics and Morality series that appearded in Our Country before libel, were written by him. After the close of the Plaintiff's case, Mr. MORINE moved for a nonsuit, upon the grounds (1) of insufficient proof of publication by himself, (2) that no libel of the firm of McNeily & McNeily had been proved and, (3) that the occasion of the alleged libel constituted such a privileged occasion as made proof of express malice necessary.
Dec. 31, 1884 Supreme Court (Part 3) The Judge reserved his decision, and directed Mr. MORINE to go to the jury. To the jury, Mr. MORINE expressed his inability to address them in language so eloquent as that which Mr. GREEN had used, but said that he felt certain of a patient hearing from them. The chief plaintiff of this case had confessed to his quasi-public position, to his authorship of violent political articles, and especially to have written and published those opinions upon law points, which had been criticized as is in the alleged libel. He had in short, confessed that he had provoked the encounter, and having got the worst of it, he now came into Court for protection. Such conduct was cowardly in the extreme, was beneath contempt, and would, he felt certain, not be encouraged by the verdict of the jury. The junior plaintiff had sworn to him belief, that if he had explained to the defendant MORINE, the latter would have apologized, and also acknowledged that he did not make such an explanation, and had given defendants no reason why an apology should have been made. All this went to prove that even the plaintiffs did not believe that the defendants had been actuated by malice, and where there was no malice, no action for libel could be maintained. Defendants had been informed, and had verily believed, that Mr. I. R. McNeily was the author of the artical criticized as his, and had they been led to believe otherwise at any subseqent date, they would have withdrawn anything offensive. The gist of the article attributed to Mr. I. R. McNeily was, that the Disabilities Act of 1883 had allowed Mr. RICE. M. H. A., to accept an appointment as Fishery Commisioner, whilst a member of the Assembly. The statutes showed that contention wrong, for under the Act commonly called "Carters Purge", Mr. RICE could have held the same appointment.
Dec. 31, 1884 Supreme Court (Part 4) The senior plaintiff had contended that under the "Railroad Act," the sum of $40,000 per month must be paid into a Bank as laborers' security, whereas the Act named no certain sum and made no deposit "from time to time," and as a matter of fact, $24,000 was the sum agreed upon. The same plaintiff had stated that this security, although deposited under the Railway Act for laborers' security, could be attached for the general liabilities of the Railway Company, before the laborers were paid. This was manifestly absurd, for if the plaintiff''s statement were correct, the so-called security would be no security at all, and would be as safe in the hands of the Railway Company as in the Bank. Both plaintiff's had acknowleged their authorships of Political articles, the chief partner had confessed to have written the opinions criticized by the defendant, and the latter had plainly shown that those opinions were incorrect, and therefore the defendants claimed a favorable verdict from the jury. It was true that Mr. A. J. W. McNeil had just sworn that the majority of the people of this country were ignorant and unintelligent, but the defendants did not think so, and had faith in the intelligence of the jury. In their hands they felt made to them they were bound to refer, and they were confident that a British jury would never endorse and encourage the cowardice of men who challenged combat, and afterwards fled like whipped curs for protection.
Dec. 31, 1884 Supreme Court (Part 5) At the close of Mr. Morine's speech, he stated that he did not intend to call any witnesses for the defence. The learned Judge wished time to consider, and therefore, adjourned the case till 3:30 o'clock p.m. After recess, Mr. GREENE addressed the jury. He complimented the defendant upon his defence and speech, but held that the truth or otherwise, of the charge that Mr. McNEILY was ignorant of certain laws, had nothing to do with this case. Mr. Greene occupied about thirty minutes in delivering a speech, which displayed great ability to make the best of a bad case. Mr. Justice PINSENT then charged the jury. He commenced by reading the alleged libel, and then very briefly reviewed the evidence. The plaintiffs, he said, showed in their professional capacity, and the defendants set up as a defence that the plaintiffs and themselves provoked an attack, and had misstated law. The plaintiffs had provided the publication of the libel, and the defendants had put in evidence certain opinions given by one of the plaintiffs, which they contended showed an ignorance of Statute law. He was not bound to say whether the defendants were or were not wrong in their contention, it was quite possible in writing Political articles for the papers, Mr. McNeily was not as careful as he would have been in giving opinions to clients, but the jury must remember that the defendants had imputed ignorance to the plaintiff as lawyers, while only one of the latter had written as a politician, and therefore libelious words had been spoken without legal excuse. The question of damages was for the jury, but he would advise exemplary damages, such an amount as would restrain the defendants in future. He concluded by reading to the jury a portion of a sentence passed by Lord Chief Justice COLERIDGE in a criminal libel suit. The jury were about half an hour in consultation, and returned with a verdict of $250 for the plaintiffs. The amount claimed was $4,000. R. J. Kent, Q. C., was first engaged as counsel for the prosecution, but as he was unable to attend, Mr. Greene appeared on his behalf. The defence was conducted A. B. MORINE in person, with the assistance of his solicitor, Mr. W. H. HORWOOD.
Dec. 31, 1884 Case of David LYNCH Some time ago, a correspondent, "A Harber Grace Grand Juryman," addressed a letter to the Standard, asking what had been done in the case of Mr. David LYNCH, against whom the Grand Jury here had found a True Bill for perjury, but who had not at the summonds of the Supreme Court, appearded before it to stand his trial. LYNCH it ought to be stated, had given evidence at the Spring trial which involving the connection with the affray, of several Protestants living near him, had then to take action against him, resulting in above stated. We did not think it was right to insert this communivadoa, as a Bench Warrant has been issued for LYNCH's arrest, and later on did not think it was neccessary as we were informed on what we judged most irreproachable authority, that he had been arrested. However, within the past week, the report apparently on trustworthy authority has reached us, that all that was done in LYNCH's case was to renew his bail, we think it well to call publication to the matter, and to inquire whether there is any truth in this extraordinary report. If it be true, we think some explanation to the public is necessary. We understand the law of the land is as our correspondent stated, viz .... that the penalty for refusing to appear before the Court to answer to a charge made against one, is six months imprisonment, besides we are told, forfeiture of one's bail. It is unnecessary for us to point out, if the person charged with offenses can stave off trial from time to time, without any pains or penalties attaching thereto, the sooner a reform is made the better. The administration of justice in this Island has lately fallen into great disrepute, and if through any flaw in the law or dereliction of duty on the part of the law officers, offences against the Supreme Court are not punished. Justice is shown in this Island not only blind, but deaf n' dumb, halt, and bound hand and foot. To make the matter a very grave one, the cause was one having a prospective hearing - one important in itself, but especially important at the present crisis in our country's history. The opinions of Protostants at present, is very strong that to them, Justice, or Law rather, presents the sharp edge of liars word, to others the blunt one. We have used and will continue to use, our best endeavors to inculate respect for the Law, in spite of its lapses, but we need not point out that the Law ought to show itself worthy of respect, by being more impartial in future than it has been in the past. We deem it therefore, a duty we owe to the country generally, to make public enquiry of this matter. Our information as to the arrest of LYNCH was from so unquestionable a source, and the thing stated in the report referred to is so passing strange, that we cannot bring ourselves to believe the latter, and will be glad to be in a position to contradict it. H. G. Standard.
Dec. 31, 1884 Appointments His Excellency the Governor, in Council has been pleased to appoint the Rev. Christopher WOOD, to be a member of the Church of England Board of Education for Fogo; the Rev. A. W. WINSOR, to be a member of the Church of England Board of Education for Burin; Mr. William BADCOCK, to be a member of the Board of Directors for the Methodist Grammar School, Carbonear, in place of Mr. Wm. JOYCE, deceased. His Excellency in Council has also been pleased to appoint Mr. Edmond BUTT, (Western Bay), to be inspector of Weights and Measures for the District of Bay-de-Verde, in place of Mr. Samuel MILLEY, deceased. Secretary's Office, 16th Dec. 1884.
Dec. 31, 1884 Election at Royal Scarlet Order At a special meeting of the Royal Scarlet Order, Edward 7th , No [?] the following Officers were duly installed for the coming year: Companion G. B. NOTT, W. C. elected. Companion John WHITE, E. C. elected. Companion Andrew LINFIELD, Tres. elected. Companion Charles MURCELL, Scribe, elected. Companion Jacob MOORES, S.K.A. elected. Companion G. K. OSMOND, Chaplan, elected. Companion Joseph YOUNG, I. H. elected. Companion John LOVERAGE, O. H. elected.
Dec. 31, 1884 Fire on the SS Caspian The following letter is from a passenger hence by the Caspian, on her last trip to Britain: Our memorable voyage is ended. It was very rough, and I scarcely left my berth until Monday. On that evening, however, I spent some time in the saloon and re-tired at 10 o'clock, but before I got asleep, there was a loud outcry of "Fire!" I got up and found the saloon and passengers crowded with smoke. Where to run with my little girl, or what to do, was a source of great anxiety to me. For once in my life I felt like falling on the deck and fainting. In a short space of time however, every man on board the good ship Caspian was at work. Water and steam was poured upon the cargo of cotton and fire, and after a while the smoke subsided. It broke out again soon afterwards, seemingly with renewed force, but the same means where used as at midnight, and with the same results. The hatches were never lifted. Had they been, it is supposed we would at once have been enveloped in flames. The cotton smouldered all the way, and the hatches and other parts of the ship were very hot when we got to Liverpool at 10 a. m. on Thursday, just sixty hours after the outbreak of the fire. These were truly exciting hours, with death continually staring us in the face. The coolness manifested by all was most remarkable. We heartily thank God for our escape and safe landing. Enclosed a copy of a testimonial presented to Captain BARRETT. All the passengers signed it, the name of W. H. MARE, Esq., being the first on the list: S S "Caspian" Nov. 26, 1881. Captain BARRETT: Dear Sir, We the undersigned passengers per S.S. Caspian from Baltimore, Halifax, and St. John's Newfoundland, have much pleasure in expressing to you, our high appreciation of your conduct, and that of your officers and crew, on the occasion of the fire which broke out on this ship on Monday last, before midnight. We believe that under Divine Providence, we are indebted for our safety to you and those under your command, by the prompt, energetic action taken in getting the fire under control. In an incredible short space of time every man was at his post, without the slightest confusion, and the most perfect discipline prevailed throughout. With our best wishes we remain, Yours very truly, W. H. MARE And all the other passengers.

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