Notre Dame Bay Region
Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser
Place of publication: Twillingate
Title varies:
Editor and proprietor:
The records were transcribed by CARL
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan.
31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb.
15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.
Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly
Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan.
31, 1953.
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan.
31, 1953.
The Twillingate Sun printed local
and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements.
It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway
and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it
supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased
publication due to financial reasons in 1953.
MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889,
1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938,
1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889,
1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.
While I have endeavored to be as
correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors.
If you should find any errors or have other records to contribute, then
please contact the Twillingate Sun transcription project co-ordinator,
January 14, 1911 | Coastal Wharf Lights | We publish elsewhere in this issue a letter from the wharfinger of the Coastal Wharf in reference to our article last week as to why the lamps near the shed and at the foot of the wharf were not lighted. There are two grave errors in the statement. In the first place wharfinger’s claim that the person who asked the question was not minding his own business, and is a gossip. We understand that the oil used and the wharfinger’s salary, is voted by the Government, and naturally the wharfinger is a public servant. If the public have no right to question the conduct of a public official why its news to us. Wharfinger, by accepting payment from the Government, becomes a public servant, and as such is responsible to the people of this colony as to how well, or otherwise, he does his duty. In the second place he says that he had no instructions to light the lamps and that the Government has not allowed any oil for the purpose. These lamps have been lit. There is therefore another question for wharfinger: by whose authority were they lit, and who supplied the oil therefor? We want to assure wharfinger that this is no personal matter. We don’t allow our personal affairs to creep into this paper. If we considered that our brother was not doing his duty as a public servant we should feel it our right to question his conduct. We thank wharfinger for his letter and his manliness in defending his conduct. If he will answer our second question satisfactorily, will beg his pardon and turn our attention to those who are responsible for not finding the oil to light the lamps or giving instructions. |
January 14, 1911 | Annual Meeting C of E (Part 1) | Annual Meeting of the Church of England Congregation: The annual meeting of the male members of the Church of England congregations in this place, was held on Thursday night in St. Peter’s school room. Rev. J. L. BRODIE in the chair. The meeting opened with the reading by the chairman of the rules of the Synod. The people’s warden Mr. D. EARLE then read the minutes of the last meeting, which were adopted, followed by the account of St. Peter’s Church. This account showed that in spite of heavy expense for reshoring, roof repairs, light, fuel, and wages etc., there was a balance of $1555 to the credit of the Church, as well as the amount of the EDMONDS bequest $436.56, in the Bank of Nova Scotia. The accounts, after being read in detail were passed, and the following officers for the coming year: Robert GUY, Parson's Warden, L. EARLE, (re-elected) People’s Warden. Select Vestry: Messrs James ANSTEY, A. COLBOURNE, John COOK, Fredk. HOUSE jr., John CLARKE, Edwin ROBERTS, Amos ROSSITER, Joseph ROBERTS, A. Leslie ANSTEY. Cemetery Committee: Messrs. W. B. TEMPLE, Amos ROSSITER, Herbert HOUSE, Harvey FREEMAN, Harry COLBOURNE, Geo. DAWE. |
January 14, 1911 | Annual Meeting C of E (Part 2) | Finance Committee: Elias BLACKLER, Geo. DAWE, Theo. LATHER, Aug. PURCHASE, for Back Harbour; Joe ROBERTS, for Wild Cove and Crow Head; Hubert HOUSE and H. COLBOURNE, for North Side; Walter YOUNG and Herbert YOUNG for South Side. Auditors: E. SWEETLAND and John WHITE (re-elected, as were the sexton, bell ringer and organ blower). It was shown that $110 was still due on the debt of the Parsonage with $31 to meet it. After some discussion which showed that the EDMONDS bequest was for the sole use of St. Peter’s Church, and not the property, the building committee was disbanded, and the People’s Warden was asked to take over the discharge of the balance of the debt, which he agreed to do in the best manner possible. The Sunday School Superintendent noted the great need of another stove, as well as additional teachers, and hoped that both would be forthcoming. Votes of thanks were accorded to all lay assistants, and a very enthusiastic meeting closed at 10:30 with the Doxology and Benediction. |
January 14, 1911 | Magistrate’s Office (Part 1) | Jan 16, 1911. Dear Sir: Like all other records, the Court books of 1910 have been closed, and like one of old in Sacred Writ, I have to say: “What I have written I have written.” The calendar outlines about seventy cases that have actually been heard by the Magistrate, and most of the records were reviewed by the Honorable Chief Justice during his visit on Circuit, and duly signed as correct by that high dignitary, a matter of satisfaction especially to a new incumbent. Regarding dog complaints, you will remember an old and striking adage - “Facts are stubborn things” Now, in view of the fact that several times, critical letters and editorial comments have appeared in your paper during the past season, calling on the Magistrate to carry out a certain “dog law”, the fact is, that whilst in eleven dog cases before the Court, every one of which was dealt with, and nearly 20 executions of dogs were ordered, not one solitary complaint was made to the Court during 1910 along the particular law on which the criticisms were based, and only in Jan. 1911 did a most worthy citizen, who is a near neighbor, call on me to state a case of killing by dogs, which occurred last April, and I am now expected to collect eight dollars for last year, among about 100 dog owners in the locality. |
January 14, 1911 | Magistrate’s Office (Part 2) | If there are other cases, I have heard nothing officially about these, so I leave the very intelligent public to think it over. I do not shirk proper criticism, but Mr. Editor, let us have fair play. I must congratulate our community on the very favorable state of affairs, and when we remember that Harbor Grace has 3 court officials, and seven police, and Carbonear has a Magistrate and four police, and Twillingate and the surrounding settlements, with about 6000 inhabitants, has one Magistrate and one rather elderly, but very worthy Head Constable to look after things, I don’t think we have very much to complain of. We have great reason to be thankful for the general good health of our people during the past year, and now thanking all for their co-operation, and wishing Twillingate and all our neighbors a very happy and (D.V.) prosperous New Year, I beg to remain, yours respectfully, W.J. SCOTT, J.P. |
January 14, 1911 | Letters of Sympathy (Part 1) | From S.U.F. & L.O.A. to Mr. James PURCHASE. Twillingate, Jan. 10th, 1911. Mr. James PURCHASE, Back Hr., Twillingate. Dear Sir & Brother: The Worthy Master, Officers, and Brethren of St. Peter’s Lodge No. 12, S.U.F., wishes to tender you and your family their sincere sympathy on the loss you have sustained of having your eldest son Harry killed in the recent disaster at Sydney mines; and they pray that Almighty God will abundantly strengthen both you and yours to endure this sad bereavement. Signed on behalf of St. Peter’s Lodge, Arthur YOUNG, P.M. Sec. Arthur MANUEL, P.M. Purser. REPLY: Worthy Master, Officers, and Brethren, St. Peter’s Lodge, S.U.F. Dear Sirs and Brethren, I thank you most sincerely for myself, and on behalf of my family, for your brotherly words of sympathy in our recent bereavement. My heart is too full gentlemen, and the anguish of the blow yet too new, to say more than this. Again, thanking you for your kindly words and wishes, Believe me, your's fraternally, James PURCHASE. |
January 14, 1911 | Letters of Sympathy (Part 2) | Dear Brother PURCHASE. We, the members of Crosby Lodge No. 30. L.O.A., desire to tender you our heartfelt sympathy in the severe trial you have been called upon to endure in the sudden and unexpected death of your beloved son Harry. We realize how helpless we are to lighten your burden of grief by anything that we can say or do, but we hope that this expression of fraternal sympathy may in some degree comfort you. Think not of your beloved son as dead, but having passed the portals of death, to enter a better life beyond, and when the family circle so suddenly severed by death, shall have re-established in Heaven, you will fully realize that he whom you now mourn is not lost but gone before. May God bless and sustain both you and your family till you meet beyond the river, where the surges cease to roll, and partings are no more. Signed on behalf of the Lodge, Jacob MOORS, W.M. [In reply to the Brethren of Crosby Lodge a duplicate of the reply to the S.U.F. was sent in recognition of their sympathy.] |
January 14, 1911 | Mail To Leave Wednesday | Messrs. Mark and Theodore LUTHER have again been awarded the contract for the overland winter mail service, and the first mail went out on Monday. The next mail will not leave before 18th inst., and every succeeding Wednesday during the winter. Mails will close at 8 p.m., Tuesday nights. This will allow the trouble of having the mail, be over here, a day after closing as formerly. While on this subject we want to offer our protest against having only one set of couriers all the way from here to Comfort Cove. The distance should be divided up; our men going to Farmer’s Arm, and special couriers from Comfort Cove to Farmer’s Arm. The couriers from here have to bring Herring Neck and Morton’s Harbor mail, as well as their own, from Comfort Cove to Virgin Arm, and as a result, our mail is often delayed beyond reason, through no fault of our couriers. |
January 14, 1911 | Mrs. ROBERTS Breaks Wrist | Mrs. Benjamin ROBERTS of Wild Cove, met with a painful accident on Sunday morning while returning from Church. As she was passing the home of Mr. Geo. ROBERTS, Wild Cove, and descending a slight incline, which was covered with ice, she fell, breaking the small bone in her wrist. She was attended by Dr. LeDREW, who set the bone, and we trust she will soon be all right again. |
January 14, 1911 | Love, Purity, Fidelity | The annual meeting of the venerable North Star Division, S. of T., was held Thursday night, and was quite an interesting session. D.G.W.P. Bro. F. LINFIELD assisted by D.G.C. S. LOVERIDGE, installed the officers as follows: W.P. Sis. Minnie ROBERTS, W.A. Bro. W.J. SCOTT, R.S. Bro. A.H. YOUNG, A.R.S. Sis. Minnie SHARP, F.S. Bro. S. LOVERIDGE, Treas. K. GARD, Chaplain Sis. N. MORGAN, Con. Bro. S. MOORS, A.C., Bro. R. WHITE, I.S. Bro. W. STUCKLESS, O.S. Bro. M. NEWMAN. Several matter of interest for the winter work were arranged, a New Year Souvenir Card is to be presented to all member's, home or afar, to rekindle the old enthusiasm for the old “war horse” that has done so much to uphold sobriety and good morals during 50 years past. A large attendance is expected next meeting. |
January 14, 1911 | Doctors Eat Humble Pie | St. John’s, Jan 11th. The Doctors of St. John’s, at a meeting here last night, decided to reconsider recent increases in fees, and practically return to previous conditions. This retreat was largely caused by the newspapers and the city Council threatening to invite four new Doctors, with proposals for a free dispensary. |
January 14, 1911 | Sun Published Tuesdays | It is our intention for the winter, until navigation resumes, to publish on Tuesday instead of Saturday, in order to fit in with the new arrangements of the mail. Our next issue therefore will be on Jan. 24th. |
January 14, 1911 | Wharfinger Defends Himself | Has Neither Oil Nor Authority To Light Lamps: To Editor Twillingate Sun. Dear Sir: I saw in your paper a letter or item headed “Lighten Our Darkness”; would to God he would, for some men are so dark and such gossips that all they can do is to mind other people’s business instead of their own. No man can be darker than that man. Now sir, he was referring to the lights not being lit on the road to the end of the Coastal Wharf, and coming down on the Wharfinger for not lighting them. Sir, I wish to inform Darkness in the first place, that the wharfinger has not been instructed by the Government to light those lamps, and second, the Government has not allowed any oil for those lamps, only for the Light House Department, which is to oil up the red beacon light only, neither is the Wharfinger paid for that business, so we wish for Darkness to pray for more light. Wharfinger. |
January 14, 1911 | Myrtle In Safety | In connection with the report of the loss of the Myrtle belonging to Mr. Sandy HODDER we publish the two following messages received by Mr. James HODDER, for which we thank him. First message we received Monday: “Myrtle wrecked Saturday. Some cargo landed rest waterlogged.” The second message received Tuesday: “Struck rock in Barrow Harbor Saturday morning going out. Have her off and in safety today.” Alex HODDER. |
January 14, 1911 | Sealing News | Two bedlamers were captured by Mr. Thos WELLS on Wednesday and Mr. Andrew GREENHAM obtained them. Mr. John RIDOUT had an old harp with young on Wednesday. Mr. George SHARP got two bedlamers, and Mr. Geo. TIZZARD an old harp. |
January 14, 1911 | S.U.F. | At the annual meeting of the S.U.F., held on Monday, Jan 2nd, the following officers were elected for the ensuing years: Wm. NOTT, W.M. re-elected; Herbert YOUNG, 1st Officer, elected; Harvey FREEMAN, 2nd Officer; Robert Gay, Chaplain; Arthur YOUNG, Secretary, re-elected; Fred HELLIER, Q.M. elected; Eli SPENCER, L.O., re-elected. Investigating Com: Bros. John WHITE, James ANSTEY, Jacob MOORES, Matthew COOK, John COOK. Fin. Com. Arthur COLBOURNE, Ernest MANUEL. Sick Com: John WHITE, Samuel ANSTEY, jr., Herbert YOUNG, John HODDER, Wm. OKE, Philip CHURCHILL, James ANSTEY, Eli SPENCER. Hall Man, Com. Jacob MOORES, Arthur MANUEL, Arthur YOUNG. Trustees: Arthur COLBOURNE, Ernest MANUEL. |
January 14, 1911 | Memorial Service | A memorial service for the late Henry Purchase, whose body was interred at Sydney, was held in St. Peter’s Church on Sunday night, a large congregation being present. After the third Collect hymns - 264 A & M “Thy Will Be Done” was sung followed by the office for the Burial of the dead. The Rev. PREACHER’S address was strikingly appropriate and doubtless touched all hearts and must have brought much comfort to the mourning relatives. |
January 14, 1911 | Fishery Regulations | St. John’s, Jan 13: Premier MORRIS wired Attorney General MORRISON last night from Washington saying he had concluded satisfactory arrangements regarding the fishery regulations which would be submitted to the Government on his return. This news gives general satisfaction in St. John’s because the settlement in this fashion, will save Colony heavy cost of second arbitration, which would be inevitable otherwise. It is announced that Premier MORRIS, while in Boston last week, concluded arrangements with an American concern for establishing cold storage industry in the Colony, representing investment of one million dollars. Five cold storage factories with smoke houses, fish packing houses, glue factories, and other enterprises, are to be established, one each year for the next 5 years, and operated for 15 years. |
January 14, 1911 | Rum Consumption Down | Assistant Collector LEMESSURIER officially declares statement untrue that half a million glasses of rum were consumed in Colony last year. He says consumption was smaller than previous years. |
January 14, 1911 | Greenspond Men Charged | The seven Greenspond men charged with preventing Fogota from landing freight there on Sunday, were fined $15 apiece by Judge CONROY yesterday. |
January 14, 1911 | Schooner Jeanie Lost | Schr. Jeanie of Brigus, chartered to convey Canadian surveying party in Hudson Bay, was lost there in Sept, but all aboard reached Port Churchill safely and walked thence to Winnipeg, and will come home by rail. |
January 14, 1911 | Enjoyable Skating | Good skating was enjoyed by a large number of our young people on Kyrea Pond on Saturday night. A crescent moon lent just enough light for amorous couples, and hardly a breath of wind was stirring. The ice was perfect and the pond crowded with young folks. |
January 14, 1911 | Personals | William SPENCER arrived by last Clyde from Boston. Thos. SAMSON arrived from Saskatchewan by the same boat. Chief Officer Steve HARBIN, Second Officer John BATCHER, and Messrs. John WELLS, Benj. FREEMAN, and Saml. HICKS, all of S.S. Clyde, arrived from St. John’s via PARNELL’S motorboat from Lewisporte. Geo. ROBERTS, who accompanied his son Hubert, as far as St. John’s by Prospero, returned by the same conveyance. Mr. Henry HARBIN, Chief officer of S.S. Home, arrived on Wednesday by motorboat. |
January 14, 1911 | Advertisement | This property owned by Caleb MANUEL, consists of dwelling 31 x 34 ft., besides additions. Four rooms and hall with porch, pantry, cellar, and wood-house. Concrete well in pantry with pump. Five bedrooms, complete furniture for all rooms. Barn 16 x 24. 16 acres land and wharf. For particulars contact Caleb MANUEL, Lewisporte. |
January 14, 1911 | Union Men Need Not Apply | It is reported in St. John’s that a certain firm will not employ any men belonging to the fishermen’s Union on their sealing steamer this spring. We have no confirmation at present, but the rumour is persistent. |
January 14, 1911 | Another Instance | In connection with the late mishap to the schooner Ada E. Young in which it was feared by the men at B. I. Tickle that all the crew had perished, when the schooner upset in the squall in Ship-Run, the following messages were exchanged, among sever others. Morton’s Hr., Dec 19, 1910. To Minister M. & Fisheries, St. John’s. A crew came from Samson’s Island Tickle, near Exploits yesterday, to report a Twillingate schooner Ada E. Young upset and full of water, with sails set, and one anchor out, in the Tickle. She probably met gale near Exploits Friday, as she was going for wood in Exploits Bay, and being light in ballast, went on beam ends, and drove across to Samson’s Island. No news of crew, say 6 men, I have sent a search crew but I want you to ask S.S. Clyde to have an eye in vicinity of Exploits, on her way in to Lewisport. Desperate weather several days, with hard frost, and heavy sea, but better today. I will report any tidings. Am here on Court business. W.J. SCOTT, J.P. PROMPT REPLY. To W.J. SCOTT, J.P., Morton’s Harbor. I have requested Reid Co. to instruct S.S. Clyde to search as required for men, and have also forwarded copy of message to Premier. Minister Marine & Fishermen. Fortunately during the day in reply to enquiries in other directions, the great news of “Crew Safe” was received, and at once the following message was sent to St. John’s. To Min. Marine & Fishermen, St. John’s. Crew safe at Exploits and it is probable the schooner will be recovered, thanks. W.J. SCOTT, J.P. |
January 14, 1911 | Bodies Returned to Nfld. | Bodies of REID, PARSONS, MESSERVEY & MURPHY, all Newfoundlanders, killed at Sydney last week, arrived by Bruce. |
January 14, 1911 | New Trial for DUNLOP | The second trial of John B. DUNLOP for shooting Dr. PRITCHARD of Bay Roberts, will take place on Feb. 17th. In the first trial the jury disagreed. The Spanish sailor Diaz, who stabbed Frank BORN, a seaman of S.S. Benedict, will take place at the same sitting. |
January 14, 1911 | Annie MULLIN’S Case | Boston, Jan 9th. It is reported here that new clues concerning the murder of Annie MULLINS of St. John’s, Nfld. have been discovered, which may result in the release of MANTIR and DELOREY, sentenced last year for this offence. |
[There is nothing on my 1911 microfilm between Jan 14, 1911 and May 2, 1911. GW.] | ||
May 2, 1911 | Advertisement | For Sale, carriage, for particulars apply to John ELLIOTT, Wild Cove, and Twillingate. |
May 2, 1911 | Advertisement | Motorboat, 26 ft by 6 ft, 6 in, 8 h.p. Rochester Engine, speed 8 Miles. All ready to Start. Good sea boat. Apply to J. PARNELL, Exploits Hr. |
May 2, 1911 | Advertisement | For sale, one 3/4 gun, 3 or 4 months in use, good for seals or birds. Reasonable price, Apply to J. BURRY, Twillingate. |
May 2, 1911 | Arm Lads Brigade (Part 1) | Dear Sir. There are a couple statements in your paper of last issue which to my mind, do not exactly coincide, vis - 1st, That some two hundred persons attended the inaugural tea and entertainment held by the Arm Lads Brigade in their new Hall in the Arm on April 20th. 2nd, The Arm Lads Brigade, who made the neat sum of $75 on Thursday night, held a repetition of the tea on Saturday night and of the concert on Monday, taking another $15. Whoever your informant may have been Sir, it is very evident that someone erred, probably through not stopping to think, for as you know, Sir, the tickets for tea and entertainment were sold for 30 cents each and providing that the whole of the “two hundred” who attended the entertainment was present at the tea as well (which does not often occur) where are you going to get the $75? |
May 2, 1911 | Arm Lads Brigade (Part 2) | I cannot, with my small stock of arithmetical knowledge, figure it out and get that result without borrowing a lot somewhere. The following Mr. Editor, will be a little nearer the mark. That there were about one hundred and seventy persons present at the tea (and quite a few of those had complimentary tickets) and somewhere from four hundred and fifty to five hundred, at the entertainment, (and although the general admission was 10 cents, quite a lot of children were admitted for 5 cents) and the proceeds amounted to $65. At the repetition of the tea on Saturday night, and have the concert on Monday there was raised another $31, making a total of $95. Permit me to add also, that Messrs W.J. SCOTT & A.G. ASHBOURNE were not the two who gave addresses, but Messrs. W.J. SCOTT & C. WHITE and that Mr. A.G. ASHBOURNE, beside making the liberal offer of $25 towards a brass band, seconded those “few words” of Mr. H.J. HOWLETT’S, which by the time he got through, amounted to a very ably put “vote of thanks” to all those especially the ladies, who were to blame for making the whole affair what it proved to be. |
May 2, 1911 | Arm Lads Brigade (Part 3) | I would also take this opportunity of thanking, through the columns of your paper, all those who contributed in any way to both tea and entertainment, and too much cannot be said in favor of the ladies who so willingly gave of their time and good things in order to make the tea such a pleasing subject for so many mouths, and it is very gratifying to know that some of them are only just beginning to get their enthusiasm aroused. For one lady who did not put up the most pleasant mouth when first asked to help, has since told me that she wished there would be another tea next week (and that lady had no boys in the brigade either, but hopes to have at least one some day). And for the benefit of that lady I may add that she need not be one bit uneasy but that when the “next week does come, her powers of cookery and of climbing the “Old Mead” will again be put to the test, but not, I hope, to the breaking point. Thanking you Mr. Editor, in anticipation, for space for the above in your valuable paper, I am, yours very truly, J.W. MINTY, Chairman Entertainment Com. The Arm, April 29 1911. |
May 2, 1911 | Arm Lads Brigade (Part 4) | (We thank Mr. MINTY for his letter and regret that we made any error. Our reporter obtained his information from what he had every reason to believe was a reliable source. Mr. MINTY will appreciate the difficulty, we have (without any telephone connection) of getting right onto the fountainheads of the different functions more especially at such a distance as the Arm. We are always glad to be put right when we err, and should be glad if the prime movers in affairs like this, would get on to us direct. We are not always able to discover who is the person in charge, and have to obtain our information from what seems the most reliable source. In this case apparently we didn’t get it right, - Editor.) |
May 2, 1911 | Of Rabbits and Labourers (Part 1) | Dear Sir - By a recent issue of the Sun I notice that Mr. George ROBERTS seems to be a little disturbed over the present Rabbit Law and claims that the Poor Settlers are likely to suffer on account of its existence. Like you sir, I fail to see why Mr. ROBERTS is only now waking up to the fact that such a law exists. If the item in your issue of 18th inst over the signature of J.W. MERCER, Secy. for Game and Fisheries Board, is correct, and it certainly is, why, Mr. ROBERTS was a member of the Govt. of that day who gave power to the Game and Fisheries Board to make regulations as to the close time etc., and now he says, the Board has no authority to make laws etc. If this is so, the work of the late Govt., of which Mr. ROBERTS was a member, was not thought very seriously of by ROBERTS himself. I don’t think any poor settlers around the suburbs of T’gate, have gone hungry this winter owing to the existing rabbit law. Rabbits have been very scarce around these borders the past 4 or 5 winters, and I don’t think a close season is necessary, and I have no doubt that if representation were made to the G & F. Board to this effect, they would readily acquiesce in it. So much for the rabbits. |
May 2, 1911 | Of Rabbits and Labourers (Part 2) | Cannot Mr. ROBERTS turn his attention to some of the “Poor labourers” of T’gate. Why is it they are not paid their wages ere this, I wonder. Is not the laborer worthy of his hire? Is there no law to protect the labourer as well as the rabbits? Why should a man have to wait month after month, for money that he should get when his labour is finished? Why should he be compelled to take truck, for fear of not getting the cash? I ask Mr. ROBERTS why he allows the poor labourer to be treated thus, and offers no protest, while on the other hand, he appears so much wrapped up in the “poor settler” that the thought of there being a close season for “bunnie”, jars on his sensitive nerves. It is a crying shame Mr. Editor, the way some labourers have been treated. Give a man his money so that he can spend it how or where he likes. Why should he be asked to take goods when he calls for his pay? This might have been good enough 100 years ago, but it is not good enough for the 20th century. I think sir, a matter of this kind is of far greater importance that the present Rabbit Law. Thanking you for space, I remain, Fair Play. |
May 2, 1911 | Note of Thanks | Dear Editor - Please allow me space in your paper to express my gratitude, and thank the many kind friends who assisted me in my bereavement and sorrow into which I have been lately plunged,owing to the death of my beloved wife. I have to mourn the loss of a beloved wife, who died of ovarian tumor after the operation at the General Hospital, St. John’s; whither she had gone for medical treatment. She was 28 years of age. It is my duty to thank the many friends who were so kind to her during her illness at home, and also Capt. Wm. WINSOR and Officers of the S.S. Stella Maris, who rendered all possible assistance and unmerited kindness to her, during her passage to St. John’s. When she died I decided to bring her body home, and I want to thank the two men, Robert PENNELL and Robert BULGIN of the Arm, who came to Lewisporte for the casket. It is reported that these men charged me $3 each for their work, but this is not true. The men did not charge anything, while others were asked to go and declined, even for payment. I also wish to thank William ROSE of Comfort Cove, Elijah GREENHAM of Bluff Head Cove, and Mrs. Wm. WHEELER for services rendered en route from Lewisport. Again thanking everybody who helped in any way, I remain, Yours truly, E.G. ROBERTS, Farmers Arm, Twillingate. May 1st, 1911. |
May 2, 1911 | Mr. ASHBOURNE's Surgery | Mr. Wm. ASHBOURNE of Twillingate, who had been in hospital at New York for several weeks, underwent an operation recently, which proved very successful. Mr. ASHBOURNE wired a gentleman in the city yesterday, saying he was able to sit up, and would be leaving New York for St. John’s about the middle of May. (Chronicle. April 27th) |
May 2, 1911 | Atlanta Rams Iceberg | The schr. Atlanta owned by H.J. EARLE, on her way here from St. John’s, rammed an iceberg on Friday night off Baccalieu, and was towed into St. John’s Saturday, by the Beothic. Messrs. A. COLBOURNE & E. LINFIELD were passengers. Her bowsprit was smashed and her bows beaten in for several feet. She made a deal of water, and it was nothing short of wonderful that she did not founder. The collision occurred about midnight Friday in foggy weather. She had some three cases of dynamite on board and it is lucky there were not stowed in the forepeak. Messrs. COLBOURNE & LINFIELD came by Prospero. |
May 2, 1911 | Personals | Mr. Roland GILLETT returned from St. John’s by Stella Maris. Second Officer John BUTCHER of the Clyde, will resign his position and go to Toronto by first Clyde. Mr. SCOTT, kindly interviewed the Capt. of the Stella Maris and obligingly he consented to wait here a few hours for mail. As a result, the Sun and so many others, were enabled to send their letters. Mr. Sol SKINNER will go to Toronto with Mr. J. BUTCHER, by first Clyde. Mr. Bennett YOUNG arrived at St. John’s from New York recently, where he had been spending the winter with his friends. He joins Capt Robert YOUNG’S schooner again for the summer. Commissioner REES, new chief Salvation Army in Canada and Nfld. now making first official visitation St. John’s, addressed three large meetings May 1st. Attorney General MORRISON, Col. Sec. WATSON, Speaker WARREN, and M.H.A’s SQUIRES & CLAPP present. Hon. D. MORISON will be acting Premier during Sir Edward Morris’ absence. Mr. Willis CLARK, son of Mr. Levi CLARK, of Back Hr., who has been in Springdale all winter, has gone to Toronto via St. John’s. Amongst passengers who will leave for Canada by first Clyde, are Mr. Herbert MITCHARD, Miss Maggie MITCHARD, Miss Jesse JACOBS, Mr. SOLOMON, and Fred SKINNER for Toronto; Mrs. Noah YATES and family for Vancouver. Mrs. YATES recently received a message from her husband instructing her to sell their property and join him in British Columbia |
May 2, 1911 | Court Record | Charles WHITE, N.P. vs. J.W. HODGE amount of agreement. John FARR vs. Thomas STOCKLEY, John B., Robert NICHOLAS, Andrew NICHOLAS, Assault & Battery. George HARWOOD vs. T. MANUEL & CO., debt. Crown per H.C. PATTEN vs. Andrew LAMBERT, Fred LAMBERT, Wm. LAMBERT, Fred STOCKLEY, dog attack. A. MANUEL vs. W.G. GLEESON, debt. Wilhelmina BASSETT VS. Albert SNELGROVE, Assault. G.J. CARTER vs. Claude ROBERTS, debt. Joseph YOUNG vs. John GILLARD jr., Elijah GILLARD, damage to property. Mrs. P. BURTON vs. Eli FROST, Def. of Character. |
May 2, 1911 | Sealing News | Two Change Island schooners secured some seals. The Star of Hope got 110 and the Tugela obtained 50 in one day off the Fogo Islds. Tilt Cove reports some Herring Neck schrs. off there, and a message of the 26th to the Marine & Fisheries Dept., said there were plenty of seals in the Bay. Many guns were heard from Western Head direction last Friday and Saturday, and a good many seals must have been taken. May 4th: Diana and Erik arrived last night; total catch will amount to about 304,000 or 30,000 less than last year. |
May 2, 1911 | Shipping News | The Grace and Springdale, Capts. Frank & Andrew ROBERTS, respectively, left here for Dog Bay on Thursday morning to begin their coastwise voyages. Gyrfalcon, Capt. James JANES, arrived from St. John’s Thursday morning to fit out for fishery. He brought over 100 packages of freight for Mr. A. MANUEL. He left for Exploits Friday to discharge balance of cargo there. Beulah, Capt. William BULGIN, arrived to G.J. CARTER. (Mr. Geo. BLANDFORD), on Thursday. Capt. Jacob MOORS is now fitting out the Humming Bird and intends to begin coasting, having decided to abandon the Labrador voyage this year. Capt. Peter PARSONS, of Lushes Bight, arrived at Purcell’s Hr from St. John’s on Monday having the honor of opening the voyage for sailing craft. Mrs. PARSONS is a sister of Mrs. G. COLE of this town. Bishop JONES returns from Bermuda this month; his new ship Amazon, will arrive St. John’s shortly. Premier MORRIS and Lady MORRIS sailed April 29th for England by Florizel via Halifax to attend Coronation. Capt. SPRACKLIN, appointed Master Invermore on Sydney-Port Aux Basque route. Capt. Arch BLANDFORD succeeds him on Glencoe. Capt. Jacob KEAN commands Home. Capt. DRAKE will retire from Reid’s Service. Eagle and Ranger each with weight 12,000 arrived St. John’s, May 1, and Kite at Channel same day with weight 6,000. Reid Co. expects news next week of steamer secured for Labrador service present season, also plans for building new Bruce; board trade held quarterly meeting last night presented report reviewing fishery matters past three months. Revenue for last ten months current fiscal year, which ended last Saturday, shows $100,000 above last year. Steamer Tritonia, which passed here Monday morning about 10 o’clock, reached Botwood the same day and began loading pulp and paper for England. |
May 2, 1911 | Shipbuilding, Burin Peninsula | Gov’t. has reserved all Burin Peninsula from lumber and pulp grants, hoping to encourage shipbuilding there. |
May 2, 1911 | Rhodes Scholarship Trust | Rhodes Scholarship Trust advises sending Nfld. boys to intermediate University for 2 years before going to Oxford. |
May 2, 1911 | Recruiting Eskimos | An American named SMITH is proceeding to Labrador to engage 50 Eskimos for exhibition purposes at Coronation; Gov’t will intervene under terms of act passed during recent session to prevent deportation of these natives. |
May 2, 1911 | Reid Company | Reid Company begins operations Bonavista branch, Hearts Content branch, Southern shore branch railways next week. |
May 2, 1911 | No Ice in the Bay | Men who arrived from Samson’s Isld. Friday report Bay all clear of ice to Lewisporte. |
May 2, 1911 | Horwood News | Writing from Loon Bay on April 29th, Mr. Kenneth MANUEL, who has been acting as camp foreman with the Horwood Lumber Co, at Gander Bay this winter says: - We finished logging in our camps last week, and since then I have taken eight horses from Horwood (Dog Bay) to Lewisporte. I shall be going back to Horwood in a day or two. The ice is wasting fast and we had to come all along the shore with the horses. We had a very fine winter for logging, getting out a larger cut than last winter, about three and a half million feet for Horwood alone. |
May 2, 1911 | Advertisement | For Sale The Schooner “Annie B”, 35 tons, built 1906, gear in good condition, substantially built, good sailer. Also two traps and trap skiffs with all necessary gear; no reasonable offer refused. For particulars apply to John MINTY, Twillingate. |
[There is nothing on my microfilm between May 2, 1911, and July 8, 1911. GW.] | ||
July 8, 1911 | Botwood Happenings (Part 1) | S.S. Tritonia finished loading Saturday, July 1st, and was to leave that evening. She carried several passengers for the old country, amongst them being Revs. DOGGETT & HURST, Mr. HYDE of Fogo who goes to visit his old home for family reunion. Mr. H.J. HANSEE, manager for A.N.D. Co. at Millertown and brother, will pay a visit to their home in Norway. |
July 8, 1911 | Botwood Happenings (Part 2) | Mr. J.W. AITKEN is rushing work on his portable mill near the site of the Nf. Pine & Pulp Co’s. and expected to be ready for sawing this week. He has a number of logs in the boom already, and will cut about 1 1/2 million feet of lumber this season. Fishermen’s Union store has recently been opened under the charge of Mr. D. ELLIOTT, and is selling to members of the Union only, for cash down. All the other stores are doing a good business; Ayre and Sons four hands being kept continually on the jump. |
July 8, 1911 | Botwood Happenings (Part 3) | Messrs. PARK & STORM have two large motorboats, one not yet equipped with an engine, and the other smaller boat, fitted with a 26 hp Gideon kero. motor. They were out for a trial trip Saturday but the engine was not running successfully, and the boat only made about 5 knots. Botwood boasts of some half dozen motorboats and the put- put of a motor exhaust is a common sound. |
July 8, 1911 | Botwood Happenings (Part 4) | In spite of the cry that men cannot get steady employment at Botwood, there is a continual complaint from many people that it is difficult or impossible to hire a man for a day. Many men who are laid off during the absence of a steamer, might obtain continual employment from householders. |
July 8, 1911 | Botwood Happenings (Part 5) | Mr. Harry INDER, son of Mr. S. INDER of Botwood, is now working with the Marconi people, and is appointed operator at the wireless station at Pt. Riche this summer. |
July 8, 1911 | Botwood Happenings (Part 6) | Mr. Joe PEARCE has charge of the work on the new Lights from Sandy Pt. down, finishing the construction of towers etc. at which he will be engaged all summer. |
July 8, 1911 | Botwood Happenings (Part 7) | Dr. ATHES, who has a large outside practice, is continually on the jump, and the genial Doctor finds many calls to answer. |
July 8, 1911 | Botwood Happenings (Part 8) | Botwood is to have a big time on the “Twelfth” consisting of sports during the day and a grand concert at night under the auspices of Duke of Cornwall Lodge L.O.A., at which some of the provincial grand officers will speak. |
July 8, 1911 | Botwood Happenings (Part 9) | Four Twillingate men, Messrs. STUCKLESS, BURT, CURTIS, & HANRAHAN, returned to their homes by Mr. J. BURT’S boat on Saturday. |
July 8, 1911 | Botwood Happenings (Part 10) | Mr. Ed PEYTON’S motorboat keeps on the go continually. On Friday he returned from Exploits and on Saturday was off again for Point-of-the-Bay and Black Is. |
July 8, 1911 | Botwood Happenings (Part 11) | Some interesting cases have occupied the attention of Magistrate BURT recently, amongst them being a case of attempted rape by a youth of 18, and a case of trespass by a man who entered a private room from which $10 was missed. Mr. BURT is now looking well and quite recovered from his recent operation. |
July 8, 1911 | Botwood Happenings (Part 12) | Mr. J. HANRAHAN of Twillingate, had the misfortune to have his coat and a $10 bill, which was in the pocket, stolen. He had just been paid off and went to work again, taking off his coat, which he hung on one of the stands. When he came to look for his coat in the evening, it was gone and with it the ten dollars. He was unable to find anyone wearing the coat but does not believe it was taken by a Botwood man. |
July 8, 1911 | Fishery News | Caplin arrived last week in fair quantities being taken on South Island and at Wild Cove, North Island. All traps on shore, in spite of continued small hauls, are nearly all up to the hundred qtl. mark or past it. Fishery outlook at Morton’s Hr. and Western Head and Whale's Gulch is far from encouraging. At Whale's Gulch on Friday, traps had only about a dozen fish and had done almost nothing to date. Hook and line also poor. Salmon were scarce as well. Mr. A. YATES arrived from New Bay in his schr. E. Moors, on Friday, to clear for the Labrador. He reports a spurt of fishing at New Bay Head, which has slacked again now. One trap had secured 70 brls to date. Caplin were plentiful at Leading Tickles. Salmon fishermen did well last week; several hauls of over one hundred are recorded. Salmon was so plentiful at Botwood last Saturday, that sellers found difficulty in disposing of any. One man with 100 lbs was unable to dispose of it and compelled to salt. Good fishing is reported at Fogo and vicinity, one trap at Seldom having 300 barrels. Capt. Jas. JANES, schr. Gerfalcon, arrived from Treaty Shore with 170 barrels. Capt. JANES experienced very dirty water during the last few days of his stay with exceptionally strong tides. On Monday and Tuesday week there was a good run and Capt. JANES trapped 100 barrels on those two days. His fish was caught at Hr. Deep and the leader of one trap was much damaged by ice. |
July 8, 1911 | Shipping News (Part 1) | Schr. Sea Lark, Capt. Jas. PURCHASE, arrived last week from Treaty Shore with 70 barrels. Capt. Jas. ANSTEY, schr. M.P. Cashin, arrived from Treaty Shore on Friday, with 40 brls. July 3rd: The Reid’s new Labrador steamer “Solway” arrived yesterday and will probably begin her service Wednesday. Stella Maris, sailed for Northern Labrador last Saturday night, and will dispose of some fishery cases in Straits enroute. 4th: The cruiser Fiona seized American fishing vessel, Fortune Bay, Saturday, with 20 barrels smuggled herring aboard. The Captain is being prosecuted before Magistrate WAY, Hr. Breton, today. A number of other Yankee vessels are supposed to be on South Coast intending similar practice. Government taking vigorous measures to prevent this. American schr. Harmony fined $1200 for violation of bait act, Hr. Breton, yesterday. Home, reaching Humbermouth yesterday, reports Straits clear ice, and much fish taken Bonne Esperance, but nothing elsewhere. 6th: Solway sailed for Labrador 3 p.m., for usual ports. 7th: The new Red Cross liner Stephano arrived yesterday, and will engage in next years seal fishery. |
July 8, 1911 | Shipping News (Part 2) | The Pauline belonging to D.P. & L. OSMOND is getting a new coat of paint all over, before proceeding to St. John’s, where she goes, before taking up her next voyage to White Bay. Maggie SULLIVAN arrived St. John’s Monday and had her topmast carried away on the run up. S.S. Soloway, the new Labrador boat, arrived this morning from St. John’s. She has a speed of 10 knots, is 771 tons gross, has accommodation for 70 steerage and 42 saloon passengers. She has 5 winches forward and two aft. Capt. A. ROBERTS was discharging salt for D.P. & L. Osmond on Friday, and comes here today with balance of cargo for Wm. ASHBOURNE. Mr. HODGE is still short three men for one of his schooners. He is offering $85 for the voyage, with a bonus of 5 cents per qtl on the catch. Schr. Nina L., which left here June 28th with [000 ?] brls herring from J.W. HODGE, arrived in St. John’s Monday. She experienced very foggy weather. July 3rd: Nauta, Capt STARKE, from Cadiz, 180 tons of salt to J.W. HODGE. Mr. HODGE has secured crews for the Energy and Martello (three traps each) and they will probably leave for the fishery on Saturday or Monday. No recent news has been received by him from the Exotic and Circassian, though at last news prospects looked fair. Osmond’s motorboat towed FRENCH’S new boat to Fogo this week to have the engine installed. |
July 8, 1911 | Advertisement | Motorboat will leave Lewisporte on arrival of all trains carrying both passengers and luggage. Special trips at anytime to order. For terms apply to Thomas G. FRENCH. |
July 8, 1911 | Station Sheet | Twillingate: Thomas W. ATKINSON. One to be sent. Change Islands: Harry B. COPPIN, Herring Neck: Isaac FRENCH, Moreton’s Hr.& Farmer’s Arm: Henry SCOTT, Supply W.R.B. Campbellton: One to be sent, Lewisporte: Walter T.D. DUNN, Grand Falls & Millertown: W.M. MUIR, Baxter J. WARR, Address Norris Arm. one to be sent, Botwood & Laurenceton: William J. MORRIS. One to be sent. Exploits & Point Leamington: Arminius YOUNG & Kenneth RICHARDS, Little Bay Island, Long Island, Pilley’s Island: Ernest BAINES, B.A., Peter LeGROW, Henry ALLENBY. Springdale: Francis G. MARTIN under superintendence of E. BAINES. King’s Point: Robert H. BALL, under superintendence of Sidney CHANCEY. Tilt Cove & La Scie: Alfred POLLARD, under superintendence of S. CHANCEY, Pacquet: F. PURCHASE, under superintendence of Chairman of District. Englee: John Cl Elliott, under superintendence of Chairman of District. St. Anthony: One to be sent. W.T.D. DUNN Chairman, Harry CHOPIN, Financial Secretary, W.M. MUIR, Sunday School Secretary. |
July 8, 1911 | Broken Finger | Mr. John YOUNG of South Side, had the misfortune to break his finger while at work at Grand Falls recently. He was putting a junk of wood in the barker in the wood room, when the chain which turns the junk, slipped off, driving one of the dogs into his finger breaking the bone. He was unable to continue work, and has returned home until his finger is well. |
July 8, 1911 | Personals | Mrs. C.V. SMITH and son went to Fogo by Prospero for a fortnight. Dr. O.V. SMITH and children spent last Sunday here, arriving by the Doctor’s motorboat on Saturday night, leaving again Monday morning. Mr. Frank FREEMAN left by Clyde for Botwood, and will work on the construction of the new lights in the Run. Mrs. William ASHBOURNE, who arrived from St. John’s with family last week, is far from well. Miss Ethel GARD came home for the holidays last Clyde. Rev. J.L. BRODIE arrived by Solway this morning. Mrs. Nance OSMOND has gone to St. John’s on an extended visit, which will last till the end of August. Mr. Walter TORRAVILLE and family arrived from Change Islands by Cook’s. Mrs. O. HODDER left for U.S. A. by motorboat on Thursday. Mr. Thomas FRENCH (Lewisporte) arrived here in his motorboat on Wednesday. Two American botanists came to Farmer’s Arm and here with him, returning the following day. |
July 8, 1911 | Birth | Born, On the 4th inst. the wife of Mr. Stephen LOVERIDGE of a son. |
July 8, 1911 | Notice | S.A. Service: Lieut. Colonel REES visiting Twillingate by S.S. Solway, will be conducting services at the S.A. Hall all day on Sunday. All are welcome to attend. |
July 8, 1911 | Notice | Tenders to take care of the Agricultural Bull will be received until July 15th by the Secretary of the Society. For particulars apply to Arthur MANUEL, J.P., on North Side or C. WHITE, Sec. Society, South Side. |
July 8, 1911 | Musgrave Hr. Fire | On June 28th, a big fire occurred at Musgrave Hr. when the property of five residents was burned to the ground, a total value of $50,000.00 being destroyed. The fire originated in the house of Mr. Moses WHITEWAY where a servant was baking, thro a defective stove pipe. In three hours the houses, stores, wharves, flakes, etc. of five people, were completely burnt. Almost $2,500 insurance was carried on two businesses, but the others were uninsured. |
July 8, 1911 | Sickness | Whooping cough is very prevalent here and numbers of children are suffering. We regret to learn that Mr. Alfred MANUEL is again suffering from the numbness in his legs, and unable to work. We hope he will soon be O.K. again. |
July 8, 1911 | Repairs to Tickle Bridge | Extensive repairs to the boardwalk on Tickle Bridge are being made and nearly completed. |
July 8, 1911 | Mr. George DAWE | Mr. Geo. DAWE recently purchased the premises of NURSE’S at Back Hr. |
July 8, 1911 | Public Notice | Public Health. Take Notice! As the hot weather is now due, all objectionable refuse detrimental to the general health must be removed at once or parties failing to do so will be liable to heavy fine. Re: FISH AND CAPLIN, Any Caplin or Fish offal placed on the ground, must be covered over within three days. W.J. SCOTT, Magistrate, Health Officer, Ex. Off. |
July 8, 1911 | Funds For A New Leg | Amount Collected For A New Leg For Josiah SPENCER. 30 cents each: Mrs. E. WHITE, John MINTY, Robt. CLARK, Geo. POND, A. BURTON, R. STOCKLEY, Mrs. Arch ROBERTS, Jos. WARR. 40 cents each: Wm. SNOW, Geo. JENKINS, I BORDEN, A. Jas GILLETT, Ed. Roberts, Ab. ELLIOTT, G.B., Jos. COLBOURNE. 50 cents each: Jack HOWLETT, J.W. MINTY, W. SKINNER, Meth. Parsonage, Jas. WEIR, Geo. GILLETT, Jos. WHITE, Is. POND, E.B. WHEELOR, Jas. MORGAN, Geo. SLADE, S. ARMY, John YOUNG, Abel ANSTEY, Chas. PIPPY, Fred HILLIER, A.G. ASHBOURNE, T. SAMSON. 10 cents each: Mrs. J. Slade, J. ROGERS, R.J.D.F.T., FRIEND, Mrs. GIDGE, F. WEIR, S. HAWKINS, Fred LEGGE, F. BLAKE, Peter REID, Geo. PELLY, W. BORDEN, J. PIPPY, A. YOUNG, Geo. VATCHER, Mrs. A. WHITE, Mrs. WHITE, E. BAGGS, A. BAGGS, L. YOUNG, John ELLIOTT, U. HALLIOTT, Mrs. J. HALLIOTT, Mrs. E. RICE, Mrs. S. RICE, A.E. HAYWARD, Mrs. R. ANSTEY, P. ANSTEY, S. WARR. 5 cents each: John BARNES, Lucy GUY. 15 cents each: Mrs. G. STUCKLESS, P. YOUNG, Mrs. J. COLBOURNE. 25 cents each: J. SMITH, E. SMITH, J.R. WHITE, F. HILLIER, Sr. $1.00 each: Wm. FREEMAN, Jr., Wm. ASHBOURNE. |
[There is nothing on my microfilm for July 15, 1911. GW.] | ||
July 22, 1911 | Public Notice | NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the administration of the OLD AGE PENSION FUND has been placed under the charge of the Department of Finance and Customs. The conditions for the receipt of an Old Age Pension are:1 The applicant must have attained the age of 75 years. 2. The applicant must have resided in the Colony for the past 20 years. 3. The applicant must satisfy the Governor in Council that his circumstances or means of support, are such as to render a pension necessary for his support. 4. An Old Age Pension shall be $50.00 per year, and shall be payable quarterly. The first 400 pensions provided for, during the recent session of the Legislature, shall commence on and from the beginning of the fiscal year, on the 1st day of July next, and the first quarterly payment shall become due on the 30th day of September next. Printed forms of application and all other information may be obtained, by writing to M.P. CASHIN, Minister of Finance & Customs, June 17, 2I 22 July 1911 |
July 22, 1911 | Dead Dog | We beg to call the attention of the authorities to the fact that there is the carcass of a dead dog in a decaying state, lying on the beach in the Little Arm just past Capt. Isaac YOUNG’S premises. Presently the stench from this decaying body will be fearful. The odor of rotten caplin is bad enough, in all conscience, without adding to it other and even more fearful smells. We understood there was a law forbidding the throwing of dead or decaying animal matter into the waters of any harbor, and if a rule is worth making it is worth carrying out. Similarly with the caplin and fish manure. These were supposed to be covered in three days. They are in many cases covered in three days - with maggots - but nothing else! |
July 22, 1911 | Frozen To Death | The heat wave in the States has evidently done more than send up the consumption of ice cream and soft drinks. It must have gone to someone’s head, by the following extract from the Boston Traveller, supposed to emanate from St. John’s: St. John’s, July 5th - John JOHNSON, a sailor, was found frozen to death here this morning. He had been overtaken by the blizzard of yesterday and died within sight of his home! No wonder some people have cold feet! |
July 22, 1911 | Fair Trips | A few schrs. have returned from Treaty shore with paying trips the past week. Buelah, Capt. W.G. BULGIN, arrived last Saturday with 375 barrels. Stanley Smith, Capt Willis HULL, arrived same date with 375 barrels. Ethel E., Capt. John PHILLIPS, arrived Monday with 300 brls. which he carried to Herring Neck to get “made” as he was unable to get it dried here. Mabel, Capt. Martin PHILLIPS, arrived Thursday with 200 barrels. Gondola, Capt. HOWELL, H.J. Earle supplier, arrived at Herring Neck with 400 brls. |
July 22, 1911 | American Poachers | Cruiser Fiona with Finance Minister CASHIN aboard, captured seven dories and caplin seine at Long Beach near Trepassey yesterday, belonging Gloucester schooner Arethusa, which was hovering nearby, and put to sea when cruiser sighted. The sixteen men comprising the crews of dories took to the woods where they are still hiding. Policemen have been sent to capture them and Fiona hopes to secure vessel within 24 hours. Cruiser Fiona arrived from Cape Race with 16 men belonging to Gloucester banker Arethusa captured by Finance Minister CASHIN, for taking bait illegally. American Poachers sentenced: $50.00 or 3 weeks. The 17 men from Gloucester banker Arethusa, captured while taking bail near Cape Race Tuesday, were fined today $50. apiece, or three weeks in prison, and their dories, seine, and gear were confiscated. The vessel is at St. Pierre and will probably pay the fines to secure men’s services again. |
July 22, 1911 | Rocks for Export | Atlantic Pebble Co. began work this week collecting beach stones for export, as was done last year. |
July 22, 1911 | Twillingate Sprinter | Our young fellow townsman, Mr. W.A. SCOTT - generally known to us as Arty - has been distinguishing himself as a runner at Botwood recently. In the 12th July sports there he carried off the prizes for the 100-yard dash, 220 yards, and half-mile races, in the face of keen competition. A Mr. STOCKLEY was the former winner and the betting was strongly in his favor, but Arty won out easily, much to the chagrin of STOCKLEY’S supporters. Arty was a member of the Tw’gate Orange Cadets. |
July 22, 1911 | Whaling News | Hawk for Cape Charles. The whaler “Hawk”, Capt. Fred SMITH, which has been operating at Cape Broyle, has not done very well with whales there owing to adverse weather, and Capt. SMITH has decided to go to Cape Charles for the balance of the season. During last week, she was unable to go out owing to very foggy weather, and for ten days no fish were secured. She has secured 12 fish there to date. The Hawk may reach here before this is in the hands of our readers. |
July 22, 1911 | New Trotter | MR. ASHBOURNE recently imported a fine new horse, which seems to be quite a nice trotter from appearances. |
July 22, 1911 | Trouting Trip | Mr. EARLE and party went trouting in Wild Cove Pond, where Mr. Earle has a boat, on Thursday, and secured 20 trout and one eel, the honor of landing the latter falling to Mrs. EARLE, who is an expert angler. |
July 22, 1911 | French's New Motorboat | FRENCH’S (Tizzard’s Hr.) new motorboat arrived here Friday morning. She has already made trips to Gander and Birchy Bays, and is working all right, developing so far a speed of 6 1/2 knots, tho they expected to get seven and over when the engine is limbered up. She is of the sloping counter stern model and has the engine well aft giving good carrying capacity amidships besides a forecastle. Mr. FRENCH sends her to Labrador at the end of July, on a trip that will occupy at least a month. Mr. PIPPY of St. John’s goes in her on a prospecting trip. |
July 22, 1911 | Fishing News | Fishermen in the Arms did pretty well on Saturday and on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Howlett’s trap secured 21 barrels Saturday, and had other hauls since. Most of the handline men did pretty well, punts averaging two barrels. Thursday there was a slack, but there may be more fish again now. The Arm fishermen are certainly hustlers and deserve all that is coming to them. Most of the fish has been a medium and small run. The fishery around Bluff Head, Tizzard’s Hr. and Morton’s Hr. has showed very little improvement the past week and little fish has been taken. Reports from Little Hr. indicate that fair fishing has been secured there and it is reported that one trap there secured 40 barrels one day, tho we couldn’t vouch for the truth of that. Back Hr., Crow Head, and Wild Cove traps, still take a little but average not much over a barrel or two a day. Mr. George DAWE, who has exchanged the ruler for the fishing line during his holidays, has been doing fairly well from his hand, and may be seen on the grounds before daylight daily. |
July 22, 1911 | Lumbering Notes | Adj. HISCOCK visits Campbellton and Pt. Leamington. Adj. HISCOCK returned from a trip to Campbellton and Pt. Leamington last week and brings an interesting batch of news. At Campbellton the Orange Society paraded on the 12th and held a very successful tea. After tea, the Adjutant gave a lantern exhibition of some 90 views, which was much enjoyed. Visitors from Loon Bay and Lewisport were present. The mill is running there full swing and will cut some two million feet this season. Owing to delay in getting out the drive, the cut will not likely be finished till the end of October. Mr. CANNING, the surveyor, has finished his examination of the waterpower possibilities for a pulp mill at Campbellton, and reports favorably on the project. He is the third engineer to report on the prospects. At Pt. Leamington the mill is running full blast, and about 5 million feet will be cut there. A vessel is expected later on, to take a large cargo for Brazil. A fine sign of fish is obtained up the Bay, even as far up as Knight Island. Lobsters have been scarce but the price is soaring, and expected to reach $20.00 before the end of the season. |
July 22, 1911 | Thos. FRENCH's New Mill | Capt Jacob MOORS had a new mill for Thos. FRENCH on board last trip, for installation at Gander Bay. |
July 22, 1911 | Personals | Mr. Arthur MANUEL and daughter, and one of Mr. FACEY’S little boys, returned from St. Anthony by Prospero. Little FACEY had one of his tonsils removed at the hospital there. The child has been suffering from deafness. Mrs. Geo. BARRETT and four children arrived by Clyde from Sydney. Miss M.B. STUCKLESS, who has been teaching at Herring Neck, arrived by Clyde to spend her holidays. The Postmaster is hard to work between times painting the ceiling of the Post Office. Mr. A. ROBERTS, Sr. is staining and varnishing in the N.Side Meth. Church this week. |
July 22, 1911 | Prospero Almost Rams Iceberg | The Prospero came near poking her nose into a long low iceberg off Canada Head, on her trip North. She was steaming full speed in a dense fog, when about twice her length ahead an iceberg suddenly loomed thro the fog. The helm was put hard a starboard and the engines reversed, and so close was the ship to the berg, that as her quarter swung round, it was possible to jump on the berg from the ship. Terribly foggy weather was experienced the whole trip, and at La Scie she was only enabled to enter the harbor thro the firing of guns inside, and by the help of a skiff, which came off. At Battle Hr. the ships boat had to be sent off to locate the small island at the entrance. |
July 22, 1911 | Sickness | We regret to learn that Dr. AMES has been seriously ill since the 12th July sports at Botwood, and that his life was for a time almost departed of, owing to severe hemorrhage. It is thought that he overworked himself in connection with the event. We trust the genial Doctor is recovered again ere this. |
July 22, 1911 | Death | The remains of Mr. James HODDER was interred in the Congregational cemetery, not in the C. of E. cemetery as stated by us last week. |
July 22, 1911 | Marriage | The wedding of Irene daughter of J. M. JACKMAN of Tilt Cove, and Mr. Geo.WHITE, son of the Inspector of Lighthouses, takes place at Tilt Cove on the 9th August. |
July 22, 1911 | Birth | Born: At Crow Head, July 13th, the wife of Mr. Samuel ELLIOTT, of a daughter. |
July 22, 1911 | Birth | At 541 - 49th St., Brooklyn, N.Y., on June the 27th, the wife of Mr. Thomas CHURCHILL (nee Nellie WHITE) of a son. Both parents formerly of Twillingate. |
[There is nothing on my microfilm between July 22, 1911, and Sept 2, 1911. GW.] | ||
September 2, 1911 | Capt. KEAN Annoyed | Editor Twillingate Sun, Dear Sir, - Just by accident I saw an item in the Twillingate Sun entitled “given unwisely” by what you are pleased to call sentimental Yankey round trippers, adding, “Better far if those hysterical passengers, instead of toadying to the Captain, had presented the thirty dollars to the poor beggars who lost their boat. Careless they may have been, but they need it and Captain KEAN did not.” In justice to those passengers, permit me to say, the purse of gold was presented to defray the expenses of the boat, and such was the wording of the address, and the owners of the boat got every cent of it, and a new gun in the bargain. And in future if you was a little more careful to find out particulars before you rush in print, you would save other people from being placed in a false position, besides making yourself ridiculous. I would be obliged if you would give this a place in your paper. Yours truly, A. KEAN. (We accept Capt. Kean’s censure, but must remind him that the information was supplied us by a correspondent, as coming direct from the Capt. himself, and appeared over the head of “Communicated.” We regret the mistake was made, but the fault lies not with us but rather with the account furnished us, and we made our amends last week. Correspondents are often annoyed because editors cut and alter their copy, but they forget that in cases such as this, the Editor gets all the knocks if there is any error in the account supplied. - Editor.) |
September 2, 1911 | Shipping News | Schooner Annie B., Capt. Elias DALLEY, pilot Mr. Edgar WARR, sailed for St. John’s this week with 660 quintals of shore fish for George GILLETT. |
September 2, 1911 | Advertisement | For Sale, Vessel 23 years of age, 78 tons, bargain, easy terms. Apply by letter P.O. Box 385, St. John’s, Nfld. |
September 2, 1911 | Presentation to Miss Bertha ROBERTS | Presentation to Miss Bertha ROBERTS - When Leaving Twillingate for U.S.A. Twillingate, 28 August 1911. Dear Miss ROBERTS; - It is with feelings of deep regret we approach the eve of your departure from Twillingate, where you have laboured so earnestly and devotedly in the various departments of our Church work, and we wish to express, in a more tangible way then heretofore, our hearty appreciation of those valuable services so deservingly rendered. The many happy seasons we have spent together in Sunday school work will linger as a pleasant and helpful memory, and we can hope that the good seeds of The Kingdom which you have so faithfully sown amongst the young people of our flock, will mature and bloom into Eternal Life, and may scholars and teachers together, share in the joy of Harvest Home. As Divine Worship is made more effectual by good singing, we cannot but approvingly recognize your valuable service in the Choir, which coupled with the efforts of the other members, have been highly appreciated by the congregation. Please accept the accompanying gift, which, while being of no great value in itself, is intended as a token of our reward and esteem, and may it serve to remind you of us whose very best wishes will follow you where ever you go. We commend you to the care and guidance of a loving Heavenly Father. May his presence go with you. We also recommend you to all those who may feel an interest in your future welfare. May your future be a happy and prosperous one, and when the changing scenes of this transitory life are over, may we all meet in that happy land where the surging billows of separation are unknown. Signed for and on behalf of the teachers and scholars of the North Side Sunday School. George ROBERTS, Superintendent. I endorse the above with reference to Miss ROBERTS. T.W. ATKINSON, Super of Twillingate Circuit. |
September 2, 1911 | Response | To Supt., Teachers and Scholars of North S.S.S. and members of North Side Choir. With profound feelings of gratitude I extend to you my sincere thanks for your parting gift, and also for your kind expressions of appreciation of the little service I may have rendered in Church choir and S. School, accompanying the same. The work has ever been to me both pleasant and beneficial, and the memory of your good wishes and prayers will be an incentive and help to me in the future. Again thanking you for your manifestation of esteem and regard, and with my best wishes for the success of the work in the highest sense of the word, I remain, yours sincerely, Bertha ROBERTS. |
September 2, 1911 | Court at Herring Neck (Part 1) | THE ADVOCATES CHARGES INVESTIGATED: Proved Grossly Exaggerated, Mr. COAKER Claims has no Personal Knowledge. Court House, Herring Neck, Sept. 2nd, 1911. To Marine & Fisheries Dept., per Deputy Commr. J.H. DEE, vs. Samuel STUCKLESS, Foreman G.J. Carter’s Cannery, Herring Neck. The court was called to Herring Neck about the 23rd. August, and had concluded 2 cases violent assault and battery, and one of larceny of money, and was about to return, when a telegram was received from Deputy Fishery Commissioner J.H. DEE, requesting the Magistrate to meet him to take up an important case at Herring Neck. The case was opened on 26th. Mr. S. STUCKLESS made a statement, and seven witnesses for prosecution were examined, the case adjourning till the 31st to allow time for a subpoena to be served in St. John’s on the Editor of Fisherman’s Advocate, as witness for prosecution, as the case was based on an Editorial article in the Advocate of 19th Aug. 1911. The subpoena reached the Authorities on Monday 28th, but Mr. COAKER explained he had no personal evidence to give, and the Magistrate decided nothing could be gained by his presence, and decided not to press service of subpoena. |
September 2, 1911 | Court at Herring Neck (Part 2) | The case was resumed on 31st and following days. About twenty witnesses, mostly boys from different parts of the locality, were closely examined on oath, and especially the 3 men indicated by Mr. COAKER as able to furnish all necessary information, but who were unable to supply much information of the examination. Mr. LOCKER, J.P. Agent, made the following statement, James D. LOCKYER, Agent, (sworn) - I am General Agent for the outport branches of the firm of Geo. J. Carter. The firm has had a canning factory for lobsters and salmon for a number of years, under the management and control of Mr. Sam. STUCKLESS, to whom the License, Rules etc. were sent direct. The packing of lobsters began about 23rd to 26th May, and practically ended about 21st July. I find the past season 5850 lobsters were received at the factory, and that 100 to 150 lobster traps were in operation, 100 of which were made new this spring, and supplied to different parties by Mr. STUCKLESS. For several years past, we have made and supplied traps, and it was estimated after deducting for losses, there were at least 150 traps used belonging to the firm, with some made and owned by fishermen themselves. |
September 2, 1911 | Court at Herring Neck (Part 3) | This year I was absent from Herring Neck from 23rd May to 14th July, on business to St. John’s and Trinity, except on the days from 15th to 20th June. I arrived by Prospero on the 15th, from South and left again on 21st, returning 14th July. It was during my absence practically all the lobsters were taken. The pack of lobsters has been a mere bagatelle to our trade for the past 6 years, and this year it is 2 cases more than last. I have given orders that the Fishery Warden and the Department of Marine and Fisheries should be furnished with all information, books, etc., that we could give from the firm. I did not receive any information or complaint that any fishermen have violated the law this season. (Sgd.) James D. LOCKYER, HERRING NECK, Aug. 31st, 1911. After a careful review of over 12 pages fools cap, the judgment was delivered on Saturday before a crowded Court Room in the very suitable Departmental Building, which is a credit to the Harbor (the Court wishes every Harbor it visits had a “goods box” like it) the Magistrate took the opportunity to address those present on the value of law and order. |
September 2, 1911 | Court at Herring Neck (Part 4) | Judgment, by Magistrate W.J. SCOTT, J.P. This action is based on an editorial article under the heading “Enforcement of Laws,” in the “Fisherman’s Advocate,” of date 19th August 1911. The paper is edited and managed by W. F. COAKER, of Coakerville, Dildo, near Herring Neck, but now residing in St. John’s, where the Advocate is published. The second paragraph of the article referred to, reads as follows: “For 20 years this factory has broken the Fishery Rules by buying and canning millions of hooked lobsters, thousands being undersized. 100,000 hooked lobsters have been canned at Herring Neck the past summer. The factory is owned by G.J. CARTER. CARTER’s agent at Herring Neck is a Justice of the Peace. What respect can our people be supposed to have for the laws of the country, when a J.P. of 30 years standing, openly and deliberately violates the laws before the eyes of the whole people?” The case was opened at Herring Neck on Aug 26, the defendant being present and making a statement. The books and tally board were voluntarily submitted by the firm, and from those a number of names were selected, and the shippers summoned as witnesses for the prosecution. |
September 2, 1911 | Court at Herring Neck (Part 5) | These were examined separately on oath. The Fishery Warden was also examined on oath. The official returns made to the Department and certified at the close of the present season, show the total pack this year to be 21 cases or 5,852 lobsters, or about one 17th part of 100,000 charged in the article. A subpoena was sent to St. John’s authorities to be served on Mr. COAKER as a witness, and the case adjourned for several days to allow him time to appear, but he informed the said officials that he had no personal knowledge of violations at H. Neck this year, but gave the names of 3 men who he said could give the information required, etc. As a result of his statement, and to save useless expense, the subpoena was not served on COAKER. The men named were summoned, and about 7 others, making in all nearly 20 witnesses. The men indicated by editor COAKER, could give no evidence direct, and were of no value to the prosecution, one, the Chairman of the F.P.U. said he had seen the article in the Advocate of 19th Aug, and it was grossly exaggerated. |
September 2, 1911 | Court at Herring Neck (Part 6) | Mr. LOCKYER J.P., who has been giving his service for many years free in the community, which in the main has been known for its law abiding, respectability, and industry, of its people, made a voluntary statement on oath, which clears him from the charge of prostitution of his office as a Justice of the Peace. After a careful hearing of several days, it has been proved that the Defendant STUCKLESS, who had full charge of the factory, the License being in his name, and had distinct instructions from the Firm not to accept hooked or undersized lobsters, had knowingly accepted about 500 hooked lobsters from some witnesses examined, but no small were offered or taken, and he has therefore been guilty to some extent, of a violation of the law, by having and packing 510 against the 100,000 hooked lobsters, stated in the Advocate. The court therefore imposes a fine of twenty dollars and costs of this court, thirty dollars, over half of which goes to pay the witnesses called for prosecution. Total fifty dollars, or in default of payment one month imprisonment at Twillingate. Amount paid by defendant. W.J. SCOTT, J.P., Magistrate. |
September 2, 1911 | Marriage | Minnie COLBOURNE married at Tilt Cove last week to Allan MOREY, of Millertown. Miss C., daughter of Mr. Sam COLBOURNE was teaching at Millertown. Mr. Elisha BUTTON, of New Melbourne, married to Miss Minnie THISTLE, of Little Bay Islands, last week; both bridal parties on Clyde. |
September 2, 1911 | Forest Fire | Fires were raging near Jumper’s Brook last week; some 400 men engaged fire fighting. Sunday very hard day drove men back. 18 men came out to Campbellton Wednesday who had been in assisting. |
September 2, 1911 | Personals | Messrs. W.R. MAIN and GOODALL, of Pittsburg, who have been spending some time here prospecting, went to Lewisport Wednesday with the Editor of the Sun. Mr. C. PITTMAN, P. Tel. Operator at Norris Arm, is taking a holiday to St. John’s. S.S. Tritonia passed out Friday morning from Botwood. Mr. BERTEAU and Miss BERTEAU were on board for England. Miss Bertha ROBERTS, having resigned her position as teacher of Methodist Day School, Crow Head, left by Clyde this week for Boston, U.S.A. For several years she also taught a class in the North Side Sunday School and gave 14 years of service in the choir of N. Side Church. Previous to leaving she was the recipient of many presents from numerous friends, and an address and gift from N.S. Sunday School, account of which appears in another column. |
September 2, 1911 | Fishing Reports | Mr. BLANDFORD had letters from W.G. TROKE, of schr. Commodore at Dawe’s Island, dated Aug 20th, saying that he had about 200, had 4 days good fishing then weather got stormy. It is reported that Mr. EARLE’S schrs Lizzie May, Capt. M. BROWN, and Togo, Capt. GRANVILLE, were at Wilox’s Point loaded; report came from two reliable sources. |
September 2, 1911 | More Charges and Fines at Herring Neck | 15 Men Fined $3. each. Comsr. J.H. DEE, M. and F. vs. several parties for violation of Lobster Rules, evolving from the case of the Dept. Marine & Fisheries vs. STUCKLESS. 15 persons were summoned for hooking lobsters at Herring Neck. The cases were heard Saturday and all were fined 3 dollars including costs or 1 week in jail. Fines paid or arranged for. |
September 2, 1911 | Public Notice | Name Changes Under the provisions of Chapter 23, 2 Edward VII, entitled “An Act to Amend the Post Office Act, 1891,” and upon the recommendation of the Board, appointed under Section 1 thereof, notice is hereby given that three months after this date, a Proclamation will issue for the alteration of name, or renaming of places as under, that is to say: 1 - That Northwest Arm, Trinity, be renamed Lockston. 2 - That Island Cove, near Heart’s Delight, Trinity Bay, be renamed Islington. 3 - That Lance Cove, South, Trinity Bay, be renamed Browndale. 4 - That Buckland's, Bay of Islands be renamed O’Regan. 5 - That Seal Cove, Trinity Bay, be renamed New Chelsea. 6 - That Salmon Cove, Trinity Bay be renamed Champneys. 7 - That Greenspond, White Bay District of St. Barbe, be renamed Williamsport. (Signed) R. WATSON, Colonial Secretary. |
September 2, 1911 | Advertisement | House For Rent. To Let, Possession 20th Sept., with or without furniture, bedding, etc., the dwelling house on North Side, property of Mrs. Richard NEWMAN, now occupied by Mr. Elias ROBERTS. |
September 2, 1911 | Advertisement | For Sale. Second-hand organ, good and cheap. Also, for short or long term, the shop which is most suitable for commercials, sample and sale room, or small cash business. Apply to W.J. SCOTT, Agent. |
September 2, 1911 | Advertisement | 3 Acres land near railway and west of station. Apply by letter P.O. Box 385, St. John’s, Nfld. |
September 2, 1911 | Advertisement | For Rent. Store at Bader Brook, centrally located, near railway. |
September 2, 1911 | Advertisement | Wm. CAMPBELL, Successor to the late Henry DUDER, Butcher. All orders from the Northward will receive prompt attention. One Door East of New Post Office, St. John’s, Nfld. |
September 2, 1911 | Click here to view Vessels Insured in The Notre Dame Mutual insurance Club Ltd., Twillingate, 1911 | |
There is nothing on my microfilm between September 2 1911, and September 22, 1911. GW. | ||
September 22, 1911 | The New Motorboat Notre Dame | The new motorboat Notre Dame, was at Lewisporte and made her maiden trip to Pilley’s Island on Monday. She is equipped with accommodation for about 18 passengers, with lavatory, etc. Her engine, a 20 h.p. two cylinder “Dan” of hot head, 4 cycle type, is well forward under a forecastle deck. She is sharp at both ends, of the peapod style and was built from plans obtained from America. She is about 45 feet long by some 12 or 14 feet beam. She is estimated to have cost between three and four thousand dollars. |
September 22, 1911 | Newfoundland Stamps Wanted. | Send your selection to George BARNES, Post Office Box 20 Tilt Cove Mines, for inspection. Cash paid. |
September 22, 1911 | All Aboard For Bonavista | Bonavista. Sept 13 - The first through passenger car came from Clarenville to Bonavista today, reaching here this afternoon, with Hon. Donald MORRISON, Minister of Justice, aboard. Mr. MORISON has come to see about the location of the railway station here. He was accompanied by Mr. Otto EMERSON, Engineer of the Reid Nfld. Co. Mrs. EMERSON was also on board and enjoys the distinction of being the first lady who has had the pleasure of passing to Bonavista over the Branch line. The bad weather today has stopped fishery and railway operations for the time being. |
September 22, 1911 | American Sports Fishermen | Guide Geo. GILLARD, who has been in White Bay with some Americans fishing, returned to his home by the Notre Dame. They had Park and Storm’s boat Jupiter engaged to carry them around the Bay, and spent about three weeks there. |
September 22, 1911 | Men Wanted | Mr. Thomas WELLS, who went to Millertown last week, returned from there Monday. He reports men in great demand, some camps having only one or two men. |
September 22, 1911 | Shipping News | Capt. Phillip WELLS and crew of Vivian, returned from St. John’s Monday. We understand the Vivian has been pronounced unseaworthy by Lloyd's Surveyor and the crew refused to come down in her. The Clyde had two hundred barrels of flour for Josiah MANUEL, Exploits and two hundred for D.P. & L. OSMOND, Morton’s Hr., consequently she was late, and did not arrive here till 6 a.m. Tuesday. Mr. ASHBOURNE’S boat is not yet ready as a new shaft had to be ordered, the other being much worn by contact with the woodwork when the stern bearing fell down. |
September 22, 1911 | Death | Oldest Fogo Resident Dead. Fogo, Sept. 16. - John MILLER, Sr., died here this morning suddenly of heart failure, at the age of 93. He was working in his garden only an hour before he died. Mr. MILLER was an Englishman and came to Nfld. about 70 years ago. |
September 22, 1911 | Fishing News | Capt. Jas. YOUNG arrived from Labrador on Monday with 500 bbls. He reports among others, Capt. Wm. GUY 250, Capt. Isaac EARLE 250, Capt. E. WHITE, 250 & Capt. E. VATCHER 400. There was good fishing at the Arms on Tuesday, boats nearly all securing from two to three bbls. Fishing on the North Side of the Bay has been extra good the past week, and at Exploits and Western Head, good catches have been secured. The Ariel is reported with 700, and Capt. D. ROBERTS with 400. Sch. Ariel arrived on Thursday from Labrador with 650 bbls. |
September 22, 1911 | Strike Settled | Crosbie’s Men go back to Work Under Old Conditions. The striking longshoremen on Crosbie & Co’s. premises, returned to work on Monday, the dispute having been settled at a Conference held on Sept. 16th. The man PEDDLE, over whom the squabble arose, will be given work at some other premises, and the men go back under old conditions. The whole trouble shows how apt unions are, to overstep the true idea of protection and attempt dictation. Surely there is no necessity for an employer to give a reason as to why he dismisses a man. He is paying the wages and is entitled to employ whom he likes and as long as he likes. If Mr. CROSBIE objected to having Mr. PEDDLE work for him that was his business. It may be hard on the man employed, but that is unfortunate. |
September 22, 1911 | Personals | Mr. James GILLETT, who has been working on the Labrador as a Catechist, arrived here by Prospero and leaves about the end of September for Toronto where he will enter a Theological College preparatory to being ordained. Miss Maggie BLACKMORE, operator at Lewisport, will likely go to South Africa via Botwood and London, if she can secure a passage by one of the paper boats. Mr. J.A. TEMPLETON, Manager of the Bank of N.S., is taking his vacation at the end of this week, and goes to St. John’s by Solway or Clyde. We understand that Rev. BRODIE is appointed to Bay de Verde and goes there shortly. We have not learned the name of the new incumbent. |
September 22, 1911 | Note of Thanks | Mrs. YOUNG desires to thank many kind friends who showed their deep sympathy with her during her recent trouble, the death of little Bessie, who passed away from this earth and its sufferings on Sept. 12th. Since the death of her dear husband two years ago, Bessie had become very thoughtful in helping, and sharing the responsibilities of the home. Now that she has gone, only the mother can realize what a help and cheer Bessie was to her. Why she should have been taken so young, only our Heavenly Father knows, so mysterious to us, so plain to him. God is his own interpreter and he will make it plain. Rev. Mr. BRODIE spoke some very fitting words at the funeral, from the words of a good man. “Who picked this flower?" I said, "The Master," and the gardener was silent. The word helped to heal the wound, and brought cheer to the mother’s heart. Bessie darling, we must leave you with the Shepherd kind and true. Come before, not lost, but waiting in that home beyond the blue. Mrs. YOUNG would also like to thank the many who sent wreaths especially Mrs. EARLE and Mr. ASHBOURNE and wife. |
September 22, 1911 | Red Letter Day at Botwood (Part 1) | Consecration of Botwood 3542 A.F. & M., R.E. and installation of Officers by District Grand Master James Augustus CLIFT, Esq., K.C. & M.H.A. for Twillingate District. Monday was a sort of “gathering of the clans” at the interesting and stirring seaport of Botwood, the shipping depot of the celebrated A.N.D. Co., of Grand Falls paper and pulp industry. Venerable “Scotties” who met in Lodge nearly 50 years ago in St. John’s, greeted each other as only true Masons can, after long absence from each other in body, but never forgotten. The Grand Lodge party, nearly 20 in number who had come in a special car via Norris Arm, made up a most representative company of the best type of Masons that the Capital can put out, (and mind ye, they are all “jolly good fellows”) headed by the genial and gifted D.G. Master and ably supported by Brethren PINSENT, STOTT, COLLIER, EDGAR, BARKER, the consecrating officers, and other equally well known members of the Ancient Fraternity. |
September 22, 1911 | Red Letter Day at Botwood (Part 2) | The Lodge under Scotch jurisdiction, lately opened at Grand Falls, was present in full number, and their handsome new regalia added much to the brilliancy, amongst whom we were glad to note, two ex-members of Twillingate 2364. Doctor Walter SCOTT and Mr. Mark DAVIS. Past Masters GRAY, WHITE, FACEY, SCOTT, and Brethren R. jr., and E. BOYD, went from Twillingate in motorboat, and at Botwood met P.M. Norman GRAY, W.M. designate of the new Lodge, thus making a complete lodge from Twillingate 2364 to assist in the functions. Nearly Fifty Masons assembled Monday night in the fine Orange Hall, specially dressed for the occasion, and in full Masonic garb, and the splendid regalia especially of the Grand Lodge, the D.G.M. looking superb in his blaze of gold, and chain of office, added charm and dignity to the impressive and solemn service, the musical part of which was greatly enhanced by the fine organ, ably manipulated by Bro. GRAY of St. John’s, the chanting of “So mote it be” being very inspiring, of the “inwardness” of the ceremonial we leave Masons to imagine. |
September 22, 1911 | Red Letter Day at Botwood (Part 3) | The Charter Members were: P.M. Norman GRAY, T. ARKLIE, J.W. AITKEN, George RYALL (4 of 2364), and G. BOWDEN, M.D., H. HERBERT & H.J. HANSEN. The Officers were installed by D.G.M. P.M. N. GRAY first W.M., G. BOWDEN, S.W., J.W. AITKEN J.W., T. ARKLIE, SEC., G. RYALL, Tyler, H. HANSEN, I.G. The evening concluded with grand Honors and refreshments. Tuesday the visitors went to Bishop's and Grand Falls by train and returned for the grand banquet in the evening, and how shall we describe it, - well, it was grand. The hall was beautifully decorated, the tables in oblong formation were a galaxy of perfection, the appointments and flower decorations were in harmony with a menu to tempt the appetite of an epicure, and at once demonstrated that the ladies of Botwood know how to do a good thing, especially when Masons are around. The party sat down at 8 o’clock, evidently with keen appetites, and did ample justice to the toothsome dainties so lavishly served. |
September 22, 1911 | Red Letter Day at Botwood (Part 4) | Mesdames PARK, AITKEN, BOWDEN, ARKLIE, EVANS, DEAN & SCOTT (of Twillingate) and Miss CUNNINGHAM gracefully attending to the tables which had been prepared by them, and for which they were loaded with encomiums by the delighted sterner sex, our St. John’s visitors said they had never seen such a spread. The toast list began with King, Duke of C. and quite a number of others, and for nearly two hours, pure wit and enjoyment reigned, and if it were possible for some present to grow fatter, well there was plenty laughter to grow on. After Auld Lang Syne, the ladies in the ring, and cheers for King, etc, the party dispersed, but the majority adjourned to Falconberg House, where the fair sex joined, and the light fantastic predominated until the wee small hours. The St. John’s party went to Grand Falls Wednesday, and back to St. John’s in night train, and the Twillingate brethren arrived home saluting the Clyde at Western Head at 12 o’clock noon, having had a splendid trip and wishing to go again. A pleasing feature was the visit of P.M. GRAY to see his son P.M. Norman GRAY, installed as first Master, and when we say 14 candidates were proposed at the first meeting, we safely predict for Botwood, 3542, under such a Captain, a happy career of well doing. “ So mote it be.” |
September 22, 1911 | Advertisement | Death After a Scratch Morris Quatzam, an eleven-year-old Windsor boy, fell off his bicycle and scratched his wrist. He thought nothing of the injury, but blood poison set in and he is dead. Such incidents as these - by no means infrequent - ought to make people realize the danger that may lie even in the smallest flesh wound. [The rest of this item is an advertisement for a product called Zam-Buk, a germ killing ointment.] |
September 22, 1911 | Three Schooners Lost | Schrs. Lost at Labrador It is reported that three schrs. were lost on Labrador recently, two having been driven ashore, and the other was lost with all hands, at least nothing has been heard of her since. One of the two that went ashore, is reported to be Kenneth KNEE, son of Capt. KNEE. |
September 22, 1911 | Dogs Kill Sheep | Three men came from Black Island, Friday’s Bay, to make complaint to the Court on Friday, bringing two dead dogs shot in the act of worrying sheep. Ten sheep were killed and another missing on Thursday, the carcasses being found with throats cut by the mongrels, in the water and on the shore. Legal action will be taken against the owners. |
September 22, 1911 | Anonymity | A person whose name we prefer to suppress for their own sake, writes asking us to send an anonymous letter, written by another party about them, and which we recently noted we declined to publish, except over their own signature. We must tell our friend that letters received by an Editor are not public property unless published, and can only find their way to the W.P.B. if they don’t reach the type settler. Although some editors have prostituted their office, there are a few others of us left yet. So we regret friend, that we can’t do what you ask. |
September 22, 1911 | Agriculture Society Mtg. (Part 1) | A Small Attendance, But All Enthusiastic. A meeting of the Agriculture Society was held on Wednesday night, at which some twelve members were present. The questions of regulations for the keeping of the Society’s pigs, of which Mr. EARLE is custodian of two, and Mr. MINTY of one, was taken up and after much discussion it was decided that the pigs should be kept for two years, and a young pig, of whatever sex the Society should decide, be returned for each pig each year, after that the pigs to become the property of the keeper. As a further precaution it is urged on the holder that he shall do all in his power to see that all young sow pigs are used for breeding. The question of the disposal of rams, of which the Society owns seven, was then discussed, and it was decided to send one each to Farmer’s Arm, Morton’s Hr., Tizzard’s Hr., Little Hr., Arms, South Side and Back Hr., the different guardians having been appointed except for Back Hr. |
September 22, 1911 | Agriculture Society Mtg. (Part 2) | The Board’s rule calls for the keeping of each ram for three years, and the return to the Society of one lamb for each ram, at the end of 3 years the ram becomes the property of the holder. It was also decided to instruct the holders to charge a fee of ten cents for each service. The question of the keeping of the Society’s bull was then taken up, but without any decision being reached. The bull is at present in Friday’s Bay. The Secretary then read a letter from the Premier in reply to a question from the Society, as to whether an Agricultural Exhibition in this district for 1912 would be possible, and the Premier stated that if the Society would supply him with full particulars as to the probable scope, outlay, prizes required, etc., he would do his utmost to arrange matters with the Board. |
September 22, 1911 | Agriculture Society Mtg. (Part 3) | It was therefore decided that a committee of seven, consisting of Messrs. L. EARLE, C. WHITE, M. WARR, G. DAWE, John PHILLIPS, Amos ROSSITER, & W.B. TEMPLE, be appointed to discuss the project and submit their propositions to the Society at their next meeting. The Secretary then announced that he was in receipt of some requests from some residents, for the importation of a superior quality of goat, and some discussion followed. The general opinion of the meeting being that the idea was good. As, however, the hour was late, the meeting left the matter in the hands of the Executive and closed. It is regretted that a greater number was not present as little can be done without enthusiasm. The gentlemen who gave their time are not standing to make one cent from the Society’dealings, and it speaks well for their public spiritedness that they were ready to sit from eight till twelve discussing matters and forming plans for what was in nearly every case of no direct benefit to them. We wish there were more. |
September 22, 1911 | Advertisement | Wanted. A male or female teacher first of second grade for Tizzards Hr. school. One with a knowledge of music preferred. Salary $170 and fees. School to open Oct. 1st 1911. Apply with references to Rev. Henry SCOTT, Moreton’s Hr., N.D. Bay. |
September 22, 1911 | Advertisement | For Sale. A young Jersey cow, five years old, in milk. For terms apply to J.W. HODGE, Fogo. |
September 22, 1911 | Advertisement | Servants Wanted, two general servants for Badger Staff house; wages six dollars a month. Apply Sun Office for particulars. |
[There is nothing on my microfilm between Sept 22, 1911 and October 21, 1911. GW.] | ||
October 21, 1911 | 3 Quintals in 2 1/2 Hrs. | We were recently given a clipping from a Scotch paper by Mr. A. GRAY, showing a new form of bait, which had been used on the Scotch Coast with great success. The bait, which is merely a small rubber eel of some 5 inches in length, was invented by a Civil Engineer named ABERNETHY, and by its means, he caught three hundred weight of fish in 2 1/2 hours. The article says: “The rubber coat or 'eel' is simply slipped over a specially bent hook, which having a swivel at the top, keeps constantly revolving in the water. The other day Mr. ABERNETHY succeeded in hooking three hundred weight of fish in 2 1/2 hours in Fraserburgh Bay, by means of this novel bait and the hand line. His catch included cod, saith, and even mackerel. The rubber measures about five inches in length and tapers to a point. One of these eels has been proved quite sufficient to capture several hundredweight of fish. The cost of the patented eel is sixpence, but the idea could be copied very easily by Fraserburgh fishermen, at a cost of one halfpenny each, including the hook. The patent is chiefly in the colouring of the rubber. In view of the ever-growing scarcity of bait, the rubber article should prove particularly acceptable to our fishermen. For handline work it is splendidly adapted. So far it is quite unknown on the East Coast, and Mr. ABERNETHY deserves every credit for proving the practicability of this simple little article, which may sooner or later revolutionize the whole fishing industry around our shores.” We do not see why the same idea should not work in our fishery. |
October 21, 1911 | Fatal Accident Near Bay Bulls | Man Killed On Branch Railway. The first fatal accident that has occurred since construction began on the branch lines, now being built by the Reid Newfoundland Company, happened this morning at Bay Bulls in a ballast pit. It appears that John Thos. WHITE, married, of Gaskar’s, St. Mary’s Bay, was working near Bay Bulls loading flat cars in a ballast pit. The wall of the pit suddenly caved in and buried him under a considerable quantity of debris. His companions, who witnessed the accident, were not long in taking him from underneath the pile of rubbish, but life was extinct when he was dug out. He had been crushed by several boulders rolling on him. The Reid Newfoundland Company were at once informed of the occurrence, and James MOONEY, a companion of WHITE’S, wired Mr. R.J. DEVEREAUX, M.H.A. for St. Mary’s. Mr. DEVEREAUX at once interviewed the Messrs Reids, and made arrangements to have the body brought on to St. John’s in a temporary coffin, and at the same time, notified the undertaker MARTIN, who will make arrangements for having the body properly coffined and despatched to its destination. WHITE it seems, had been only working on the branch line four or five days previous to his death. It is not known in the city how many in family White has. The remains will be despatched to St. Mary’s by the Portia. Chronicle, Oct 10th. |
October 21, 1911 | Takes Command S.S. Tritonia | Capt. Henry DAWE will take command of the S.S. Tritonia of the Donaldson Line, again next winter. He leaves here for Botwood early in December to join the ship, taking with him a number of men. The Tritonia is under charter to the Anglo - Newfoundland Development Co. to carry paper from Botwood to England, and it is the company’s intention to keep the communication open between Botwood and a port in the Old Country. We have no doubt but that Capt. DAWE will be able to accomplish this, as he has had lots of experience in dealing with ice. Bay Roberts Guardian. |
October 21, 1911 | Pilleys Island Notes | A very pretty wedding took place here on Oct. 7th at the S.A. Hall, the contracting parties being Capt. M. BLACKMORE and Capt. J.T. GILLINGHAM, the former of this place and the latter of Twillingate. The ceremony was performed by Staff Capt. CAVE. Mr. G. BLACKMORE brother of the bride acted the part of best man. The bride was attended by Miss Winnie GILLINGHAM, sister of the groom. Miss Lilly BLACKMORE being brides maid and Lieut. A. ROBERTS brides boy. After the ceremony, Ensign GRANDY spoke on behalf of the married folk, and Ensigns BLACKMORE and JANES, and the Rev. H. ELLENBY on behalf of the single foks. The marriage reception was given in the Orange Hall by the bride’s brother and quite a number of guests were present. The bride was the recipient of many useful presents. The happy couple left by Prospero for Twillingate where they will spend a few weeks before leaving for Canada. We wish them every future success. Miss C. PATTEN, one of the prominent young ladies of Twillingate, was also present on this occasion and left by Prospero. Ensign and Mrs. GRANDY are the proud possessors of a baby boy, which arrived at their home on Oct 1st. A daughter also arrived at the home of Jessie POOLE on Oct. 8th. We regret having to chronicle the death of one of our bright young citizens in the person of Stanley WHITT, formerly of Twillingate, who died on Oct 13th. The deceased had been ailing with consumption for about a year. Much sorrow and sympathy is felt on behalf of the parents. We pray God to bless them in their sad bereavement. |
October 21, 1911 | Death | At Farmer’s Arm, on Oct 2nd, the beloved wife of Samuel PENNELL, aged 66 years. |
October 21, 1911 | Special Meeting at St. Jacques Belloram, | October 10. All are united in saying that the reception accorded Sir Edward MORRIS here last evening was the finest ever seen here. At ten o’clock the Glencoe reached the public wharf. St. Jacques was illuminated for the occasion, volleys of guns proclaiming the Premier’s arrival. Hundreds of people went to the ship’s side, and on landing the populace escorted the Premier to a building nearby, prepared for the occasion, where Sir Edward delivered a most instructive and interesting address, showing how the policy of the Government was being carried out. There is no opposition now in this Bay to the Government, and all are satisfied that a proper commencement has at last been made to place the country in a proper light before the world. |
October 21, 1911 | Fatality at Bell Island | Bell Island. Fred TAYLOR, 23 years old, struck by a runaway ore car on the Dominion Company’s plant yesterday, died at midnight from his injuries. His skull, right arm and leg were broken, and while everything possible was done to relieve his sufferings, he was too badly hurt to hope that his life could be saved. |
October 21, 1911 | Premier at Harbor Breton | Harbor Breton, October 10. Sir Edward MORRIS arrived here by the Glencoe at six o’clock and was met at the wharf by Magistrate WAY and a large concourse of people. Strings of flags were across the street and floated from public and private buildings. Sir Edward landed immediately and proceeded to the Court House, where for an hour he addressed the people. He received a munificent reception and was accompanied back to the ship by the whole audience. He was introduced by Magistrate WAY, who on behalf of the people, thanked him for his visit. |
October 21, 1911 | Our Next Possession | Shortly preceding the recent election, a Canadian, prominent in railroad circles, visited Boston, and while there availed of an opportunity to visit one of the prominent schools. In the school, he observed that the geography lesson being taught dealt largely with Canada, and expressed wonder at the fact. The teacher said that until quite recently, Canadian geography had not figured in the curriculum, but that just then special attention was given to it, as the desire was to have the pupils thoroughly posted. On the wall there hung a large map of Canada, and over it the legend “Our next possession.” The election results however indicate that possession has been deferred indefinitely. |
October 21, 1911 | Death | Stephen BARTLETT of Trinity, aged 16, was instantly killed on Oct 11th by the falling of a block from the foremast head of the schr. Pearl, MORRIS owner, while assisting in the heaving down of the vessel. |
October 21, 1911 | Change In Sealing Captains | As there will be 5 more steel ships in the sealing voyage of next spring, Job’s, Crosbie’s, Baine Johnson’s, Bowring’s, and one in the Gulf owned by Farquhar of Halifax, some changes are to take place. The Stephano will be commanded by A. KEAN, who will be succeeded on the Florizel by Joe KEAN; Job’s steamer Nascopie will be Captained by Geo. BARBOUR; Wm. Winsor taking his place on the Beothic, Crosbie’s new steamer will be commanded by S.R. WINSOR, while Baine Johnson’s new ship Commodore, will be captained by Jacob Winsor. It is thought that Baxter BARBOUR of the Fogota will probably be given command of the Seal. |
October 21, 1911 | Arm School Building and “Very Fine Men” | Farmer’s Arm, Oct 18th, 1911. Dear Sir: The moderate puff of a “North Easter” on Saturday has sadly punctuated the absorbing and very vexed question of the “Arm School Building”, and all will be sorry for Mr. Wm. MINTY, agent for Mr. Wm. ASHBOURNE, and Contractor for the erection of the School Building, as they view the pile of broken timber, all that remains of the frame and floors nearly completed, but razed to the ground by the wind, which accident, however, was prognosticated by men of experience in such matters. But, Sir, allow me, one of the critics referred to by Mr. ASHBOURNE of the B. of E., to say for the benefit and the information of several of his relatives on the “Board”, (It is time Boards were elected by the people and then some men we know, would be elected - to “retirement”) that he was quite right in saying there are some “very fine men in the Arms,” and let me add, men who are paying their part of the revenue, a part of which for the benefit of rising generations, is entrusted to the Boards of Education, to be properly expended for educational purposes, according to an Act which calls for certain conditions in building and other particulars. That being the case these, “fine” tax payers claim the right, Mr. ASHBOURNE notwithstanding, to criticize the actions of such Boards, and particularly the “muddle” which is well illustrated by the pile of debris on the much “debated” and outrageous site in ASHBOURNE’S field, in the valley. Anyway Sir, over three fourths of the “fine” Arm men, which by vote condemned the site, think it is perhaps well to call a halt, and find out the real bearing of this whole matter, and possibly, as a result, children yet unborn, will bless the North Easter. P.S. - Query, some of the ”fine” men are asking, is it true the old commanding site has gone to ASHBOURNE’S; will the board reply? |
October 21, 1911 | What Constitutes Fishing Purposes | Some time ago one Morrisey KELLY, a detective from the Customs, was around this neighborhood making inquiries about motor engines, which had passed the Customs, duty free. The Customs Tariff permits all internal combustion motors for agricultural, fishing or missionary purposes to enter duty free, an act as broad as the King’s Highway. Many motors have been entered for fishing purposes the owners believing that the intention of the Act was to practically permit all industrial motors to come in free, but some of them have been fined and compelled to pay duty. The question as to what constitutes fishing purposes will naturally arise as a corollary of this case. If say, I own a motor and go fishing once a week or less, and use my motor for other work the rest of the time, does this constitute fishing purposes! If it does, then a couple of fishing trips a year will equally entitle my engine to enter for fishing purposes. If, on the other hand, it is necessary for me to fish practically continuously to entitle the motor to free entry, what about a case of this kind. A and B import gasoline motors. A being a fisherman imports his duty free and gets his gasoline duty free. B who uses his motor for industrial purposes, and is as equally dependent from it to make his living as the fisherman, has to pay duty on his engine and on his gasoline. A takes some passengers to Lewisporte, so does B. A has the advantage of a duty free engine and a duty free boat yet both are then in the same class of work. This is unfair discrimination which no legislators should ever be guilty of, and the Act should be amended during the coming session of the Legislature. To collect duties on motors when used for pleasure purposes would be perfectly fair, but to discriminate against lumbermen, passenger carriers, or anyone whose motor is his means of livelihood in favor of the man who uses his boat for fishing is class distinction and manifestly unfair. |
October 21, 1911 | Harris WHITEHORN’S Shooting | A subscriber was kind enough to lend us the following part of a letter he received recently from Mr. Harris WHITEHORN, and we trust the latter will pardon us for reproducing it. We are glad to see our fellow townsman still keeps up his good shooting. "Did pretty well at the matches this year again, but didn’t win my place on the team, in fact there is only one man of last years team on again. I had much the same luck as last year, shot well in everything but the “Aggregate Matches.” In the Gibson Rapid fire shots at 500 yds. in 40 seconds, I got 10 successive bulls and tied for the cup, but lost in the shoot-off by one point; had wrong windage, but divided money. Two scores count for first prize, that’s why I shot the 10 shots. I won first prize, $20. in the Ross rapid fire at same range, 5 shots in 45 seconds at figure of man from the waist up. I got 5 bulls and won the match. I tied for first one year before and I got second place last year. I won the extra service aggregate gold jewel worth £5.5s, given by J.H. STEWARD, London, Eng., and $10. cash. I tied with several others with possible in the 200 and 500 yards series and 1000 yards series. I got $77. at Ottawa and $59. at Toronto, besides $7. in our company match and silver medal, that is C Company, Royal Grenadiers. I won 1st prize in that match 5 times altogether, but didn’t get first this year, but got the silver medal in the aggregate. Our regimental match comes off next Saturday, the 7th, and I have a good chance for the aggregate cup and best shot badge, as the aggregate scores at Ottawa and Toronto is taken with the regular match; there is 2 others with about the same score as me so far." |
October 21, 1911 | Death | We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs. James GILLETT, sr., of Farmer’s Arm, Twillingate, who passed from mortality on Wednesday, 18th inst.., at the age of 63 years. The deceased lady has been ailing for some time with a virulent type of berri berri, and has been confined to her bed, succumbing to heart failure at the last. A few months ago her son James, came to visit her before entering a Theological College, and that visit proved to be the last time he was to see his mother, 'tho the sad news will not come to him unexpectedly. Mrs. GILLETT was the mother of twelve children, nine of whom predeceased her. There are two daughters living - Mrs. Elias BRETT, now living in Vancouver, and Miss Nellie at home, and one son James, jr. now at Wycliffe Theological College, Toronto. The deceased was a sister of Mrs. Geo BLANDFORD. The Sun extends its sympathy to sorrowing friends and relatives. |
October 21, 1911 | New Paper Mill | By Sunday’s East bound express there proceeded from Port Aux Basques to Glenwood, T.E. REMSEN, C.E., Assistant Engineer with Mr. George HARDY, of New York, the famous expert designer of pulp and paper mills, who planned the Harmsworth and Albert Reed mills, already in operation in this colony. Mr. REMSEN’S mission to Glenwood was to spend the next three weeks there to investigate, on behalf of Mr. J. LOIZEAU, of New Jersey, the water power facilities of that region, with a view to the construction of yet another mill in that locality. Chronicle, Oct 17th. |
October 21, 1911 | Grand Falls Club House | The new clubhouse at Grand Falls was opened by a ball on Oct 16th. The building will contain reading room, library, restaurant, and bath in the basement. It is fitted with electric light and steam heated. |
October 21, 1911 | Governor Returns | Governor WILLIAMS will return to this country about the end of October and will formally open the Bonavista railroad, after which daily trains will run over this branch. |
October 21, 1911 | Vessels Becalmed | Moderate weather delays our sailing craft considerably. For several days the weather has been very calm. Capt. PHILLIPS who put to sea, returned again the same day. Capt. Jacob MOORES, who has been waiting a time, took advantage of a draft of wind Friday morning, to get under weigh, but the wind dropped again a few minutes after. |
October 21, 1911 | Death | Death at Tilt Cove. A man named Benjamin SHORT was injured internally at Tilt Cove on Monday and died at his home a few hours later. |
October 21, 1911 | Advertisement | For Sale. A steam sawmill with dwelling house, mill house, engine house, stable and wharf, situated at Middle Arm, White Bay. For particulars and terms apply to Robert TEMPLETON, 333 Water Street, St. John’s. |
October 21, 1911 | Death | Died On Oct 18th, Dorcas, wife of James GILLETT, sr., Farmer’s Arm, aged 65 years. |
October 21, 1911 | Lost Girl Amanda HOWELL | Lost Girl. The girl Amanda HOWELL, of Bonne Bay, who wandered away in the woods and was 11 days without food other than berries and roots, was recently taken to the General Hospital, St. John’s, where her left leg was amputated at the knee and the right foot will be amputated later. The girls is doing well and must have an extremely strong constitution. |
October 21, 1911 | Jessie M. is Towed in | The tug D.P. Ingraham arrived here Friday with the dismasted schr. Jessie M., Capt. KIRBY, of Burin, in tow from Griquet. The Jessie M. was dismasted in the breeze of Oct 3rd. The Ingraham took coal from J.W. Hodge and proceeded on her way Friday afternoon. |
October 21, 1911 | Birth | Born, On Oct 16th, the wife of Mr. Stewart ROBERTS of a daughter. |
October 21, 1911 | Birth | On Oct 20th, the wife of Mr. Ernest MANUEL of a daughter. |
October 21, 1911 | Advertisement | After examining a number of makes of engines we have decided on the Wolverine as being the best hard service engine and have secured an agency for them. This engine has a bore of 5 1/2 inches and 6-inch stroke and is the same size that all other makers rate as 8,9. & 10. It is of the 4-cycle type with open base like a steam engine and is fitted with a reversible propeller like the “Gideon” motor. The engine will use the lowest and cheapest grades of kero oil without smoke. The price is $205 in New York, which with freight here will make the total, cost about $215 with all fittings landed here. This engine is not suited to light pleasure boats, tho used in some, but is built to run 24 hours a day, in all weathers, and under all sorts of conditions. No heating up required, quick starting. These engines are used largely in the Pacific salmon fisheries and are installed in much larger boats than any of our trapskiffs. I should be glad to discuss the question of engines with any one who proposes installing a motor. W. B. TEMPLE. |
October 21, 1911 | Little Pet | Schooner Little Pet The schooner Little Pet, Capt. W. J. OSBORNE, which arrived St. John’s from Fogo on Thursday looking to complete her crew, has secured the necessary number of men, and leaves for Naples today. She takes 2,800 qts. of codfish from J.W. HODGE of Fogo. St. John’s, Oct 12th. |
October 21, 1911 | Motor Engines | We have been asked what we considered the best motor engine we knew of and we confess we know of no best. The best motor engine is that which finds itself in the hands of the man who will study it from top to bottom and learn how it is put together, and what the particular duty of each part is. This is the best engine and there are quite a number of different makes which will be “best” under these conditions. The hot head type seems to have found great favor in this country, though they have been largely abandoned elsewhere in favor of the electric ignition. The hot head or hot tube engine was the earliest form of internal combustion motor. There seems to us no reason why the electric ignition - which is generally cheaper and starts without heating - should not prove perfectly satisfactory to the fishermen. We have been thinking seriously of giving a series of lectures this winter on “Electricity and Magnetism”, “Internal Combustion Engines” and “General Mechanics”, but felt dubious about it until we had felt the tone of the public pulse. We are too poor to give up our time to preparing drawings, models, etc., for such free, but if the Twillingate public think it would be a good scheme, and are prepared to pay 10 cents for the privilege of hearing us loosen some gas, we should be glad if they could let us know whenever any of them meets, what they think of the proposition. Now that motors are such an absorbing topic, perhaps it might be all right. What do you say gentlemen? |
October 21, 1911 | Advertisement | Newfoundland Stamps Wanted Send your selection to George BARNES, Post Office Box 20, Tilt Cove Mines for inspection. Cash paid. |
October 21, 1911 | Advertisement | Wanted, a housekeeper, elderly girl or widow preferred. Services required on or about Nov. 15th. Apply to S. FACEY, Twillingate. |
October 21, 1911 | Sickness | Mr. Louis OSMOND, who came home sick from the Treaty Shore last week, has been seriously ill, but we are glad to say at this writing, that he is now on the road to recovery. For six days and nights he did not close his eyes and at times was delirious. Monday night Dr. SMITH spent at Morton’s Hr. with him, and only after administering strong opiates was sleep secured. Mrs. M. OSMOND who was here on a visit, returned Monday, as the weather was too stormy previously for her to go up. |
October 21, 1911 | Personals | Messrs. J.A. TEMPLETON, Manager of the Bank of N.S. and Mr. Geo. ROBERTS, M.H.A., arrived from Lewisport via motorboat to Morton’s Hr. and Tizzard’s Hr. on Monday. Miss Gertie BLANDFORD returned from Toronto by Clyde, having abandoned the idea of nursing for the present. Mr. Arthur MANUEL, who has been on a business trip to St. John’s, returned on Monday morning, having been at Exploits since Friday, where he missed connections. Mr. MANUEL has brought back a fine Needham organ for himself. His shop is now stocked with a large variety of newest goods. A number of nurses from St. Anthony got off the Prosepro at Exploits last week and went thence to Norris Arm. Mr. FOREST of the Central Forest Lumber Co., Norris Arm, was here Tuesday. Mr. FOREST is Manager at Norris Arm, and from him we learn that next year’s cut of saw logs and pulp on Jumper's and Great Rattling Brooks, will be 20 million feet or over. Mr. GULNAC, the General Manager, is at present in England. |
October 21, 1911 | Fishing News | Fishermen down at the Arm and Jenkin’s Cove did well on Tuesday, getting a couple of quintals to a punt. |
October 21, 1911 | Shipping News | Capt. John PHILLIPS left for N.W. Arm to load lumber on Tuesday. Capt. Jas. ANSTEY left Wednesday for S.W. Arm to load lumber. Capt. Jas. JANES went to Birchy Bay Tuesday to load lumber for the Birchy Bay Lumber Co. |
October 21, 1911 | Train Accident | Friday last, the East coming freight train met with a serious accident between Glenwood and Botwood. An axle on one of the heavily laden cars broke, with the result that five cars were thrown off the track. Three of them turned bottom up, and one was smashed to matchwood. The damage to freight and cars means quite a loss to the Reid Co. (St. John’s paper). Our St. John’s contemporaries do get hopelessly muddled with their geography. |
October 21, 1911 | Fish Buyer | A man named HODNOTT from somewhere in the neighborhood of Greenspond, was here this week examining fish to see the possibilities of sending a vessel here from the Fishermen’s Union. He was particular in specifying that clean white nicely dried fish were the requirements. We did not hear at time of writing this whether he had secured sufficient for a cargo. |
October 21, 1911 | Bullbirds | Bullbirds were plentiful on Saturday last week and Monday and Tuesday this week. Several gunners secured over 100 each. |
[There is nothing on my microfilm between October 21, 1911 and November 4, 1911. GW.] | ||
November 4, 1911 | Death | The funeral of Mrs. John OXFORD, whose body was brought here on the Clyde this week, took place at the N. Side Methodist Church on Thursday, being largely attended by relatives and friends, as well as the children of Crow Head S. School, where she was formerly a teacher. Mrs. OXFORD was a daughter of Mr. Daniel HAMLYN of Crow Head and had recently been living at Botwood. To husband, father and friends, the Sun extends its sympathy. |
November 4, 1911 | Death | We sympathize with Mr. Joseph STRICKLAND on the loss of his wife, who was formerly Ann JACOBS, of Pound Cove, White Bay, who passed away after a short illness on Monday, Oct 30th, from internal complications. Mrs. STRICKLAND, whose age was given on the coffin as 48, came here a number of years ago as servant with Mrs. John WHITE. Her first husband, Mr. Simon LEGGE, died some years ago, and she subsequently married Mr. STRICKLAND, who is thus the loser of his second partner. The Sun extends its sympathy. |
November 4, 1911 | Death | At Wild Bight, Little Bay, there passed peacefully away on Wednesday morning, October 11th, in the 71st year of her age, Emma Lucy, the beloved wife of Mr. Abraham ROBERTS, and second daughter of the late John and Elizabeth MOSS of this town. |
November 4, 1911 | Mr WHITE Has Bad Fall | Mr. Charles WHITE met with a nasty accident one evening this week. He was walking along the road on the North Side, just past Mr. Jacob MOORS place, when he slipped and stumbled over the embankment. His eye was blackened and his face cut and bruised by the fall, and altogether he got quite a shaking up. |
November 4, 1911 | Most Unchristian | Twillingate, Oct 28th, 1911. Dear Sir: It is reported that a well-known young lady who recently changed her address, was given a parting shot by a prominent person in this place, insinuating that she was one of the writers to the Sun during the “Janes schoolboard” controversy. The young lady in question could not at first understand what was hinted at, but it suddenly dawned on her what was intended. The insinuation made before a number of people on the deck of the steamer, was considered most cowardly, and the poor girl felt terribly hurt, more especially since she asserts that she was innocent of any part in this affair. I hope that the person in question will yet learn manners even if it is too much to hope that he may become a Christian. Yours very truly, An Observer. (We may say that no female had any part in the letters in reference to Mr. Janes’ dismissal. We shall decline to deny or affirm further in this matter as a process of elimination might secure what certain parties are wanting - Editor) |
November 4, 1911 | W.M.S. Social | A social in connection with the Women’s Missionary Society will be held in the North Side schoolroom on Wednesday, Nov 8th to begin at eight o’clock. Mr. W.J. ANSTEY, who has had considerable experience in musical circles in Boston, will take a prominent part in the programme, and an enjoyable evening is expected. Admission 25 cents. |
November 4, 1911 | Gunners Capsize | Two Crow Head men had a very narrow escape from drowning on Thursday while out birding. Messrs. Samuel ELLIOTT and ANDREWS were together in a gunning punt, and shooting across the boat, they capsized her, throwing both men into the water. They managed to get hold of the upturned boat, but she continually rolled over on them with the result that, when the nearest punt, fully 500 yards to leeward, had reached them, ANDREWS was nearly spent from his struggles. ELLIOTT, however, was little the worse for his immersion. ANDREWS had the misfortune to lose his gun, which was not tied on. |
November 4, 1911 | Fish For St. John’s | We understand that the vessel, which the members of Fishermen’s Union were expecting, will not come now, and Capt’s Isaac YOUNG and Samuel PARDY will load fish next week for St. John’s. It is possible that Capt. Martin PHILLIPS will also take a load if it can be made up. The price offered is $4.50 F.O.B. here to Frandlin & Co. As the current price here is $4.30 this means quite a lot on a quantity of fish. The above cargoes are destined eventually for Halifax, N.S., and a man from Change Islands comes here to superintend the shipment. It seems probable, however, that the price of fish may go higher here shortly. |
November 4, 1911 | New Motor Pays Off | We understand that Capt. Isaac YOUNG has killed over $200 worth of fish from his motorboat this fall. Though possibly others have done as well with out a motor, we should recollect that Capt. YOUNG was new to the engine and did not at first get on to running her. Then again he saved all the labor of rowing and did the trips out and in easier and faster. |
November 4, 1911 | Schooners Wrecked | St. John’s, Nov 2nd. Dr. GRENFELL, according to Boston despatch, reports five schooners wrecked on Labrador during gale towards end of October, also his auxiliary yacht McKosh. All crews were saved. |
November 4, 1911 | Personals | Rev. A.B.S. STIRLING and family arrived by Prospero, his household effects having come by Capt. Wm. SHAW who arrived the day previously. The parson, whose sleigh was the first to be out this winter, has brought a horse carriage and sleigh with him. Mr. Roland GILLETT left by Clyde Wednesday for St. John’s on business. Mrs. T. MANUEL, of Loon Bay, who has been spending some time here, returned by Clyde. Mrs. W.W. BAIRD and children, of Campbellton, who has been visiting her parents, returned by Clyde. Mrs. Robert MOORS and daughter are gone to Grand Falls. Several deer hunters went off by Clyde from here. Mr. KAVANAGH, of McMurdo’s, came here on Friday by Mr. S. ROBERTS’ motorboat from Change Islands. A Mr. J. CAHILL has opened up in the store formerly occupied by Mr. Samuel PAYNE. |
November 4, 1911 | Rev. A. PITTMAN, R.C. | Rev. A. PITTMAN, R.C., arrived from Herring Neck on Thursday, having inducted three clergymen, Rev. PITCHER at Change Islands, Rev. BRITNELL at Fogo, and Rev. PENNEY at Herring Neck. The Rev. Gentleman visited as many old friends as time would permit, and called to see Mr. Andrew YOUNG who is in a dying condition. He also visited Mrs. Ann YOUNG on the South Side. It is to be regretted that the Rev. Gentleman’s stay was so short, as many old friends would have been glad to have him grace their board. He returned to Tilt Cove by Prospero. |
November 4, 1911 | Manpower Shortage | Lumber companies throughout the island are seeking hundreds of men for work in lumber woods during winter. |
November 4, 1911 | Bonavista Branch Line | President REID left by special train last night to inspect Bonavista branch before formal opening next week. |
November 4, 1911 | Shipping News | The cruiser Fiona is now on the way to the West Coast to supervise the herring fishery for the next two months. |
November 4, 1911 | Tilt Cove | We understand that people are not leaving Tilt Cove so rapidly as some reports would lead one to believe. The regular mines are being cut out by degrees, but prospecting on Murray’s Lookout is still going ahead, and it is hoped that a good lode will be struck there. “So mote it be”, as our Masonic friends say. |
November 4, 1911 | Sheep Arrive | Seven fine sheep arrived by Prospero by the Agricultural Society. |
November 4, 1911 | Casting Arrives | A large casting weighing some 4 1/2 tons was landed from the Clyde for the Gt. Northern Copper Co. We understand it is part of a crushing mill. |
November 4, 1911 | Road Work | The Road Board is now hard at work gravelling the roads in different parts of the town. |
November 4, 1911 | Moose Sighted | Mr. T.R. REMSEN, C.E., of New York, who is now at Glenwood investigating the water power of the Gander Lake river, with a view to the establishing there of another pulp mill, writes “No doubt it will be interesting news for your paper that while my party were passing down the Gander River last Wednesday, half-way between Glenwood and Gander Bay, we passed within one hundred yards of a big bull moose. He moved rapidly away when we came into view around a bend in the river. There were three cows nearby him”. - Chronicle. |
November 4, 1911 | Death | Died, on Oct 30th, Ann, beloved wife of Mr. Joseph STRICKLAND, aged 48 years. |
November 4, 1911 | Shipping News | The schooner Melita, Capt. John GILLETT, sailed Tuesday from the firm of George GILLETT, of Farmer’s Arm, Twillingate, for St. John’s with 1050 qtls. of Labrador and shore codfish. Steamer Merdator sailed from St. John’s 26th for Mediterranean with 14,000 qtls. codfish, largest shipment this year. This makes fifth steamer load sent there this year and another is now loading. Two million pounds of salt bulk fish have been exported to American markets to date. |
November 4, 1911 | Sickness | Mr. Geo. WARR, now over ninety years of age, has been ailing for the past two or three weeks. Mr. Lewis OSMOND, of Morton’s Hr., is now getting on nicely and will soon be convalescent. We learn today (Friday) that Mr. Andrew YOUNG is unable to recognize anyone and unable to see. It is doubtful if he will live till this reaches our readers hands. |
November 4, 1911 | Advertisement | Glass. Just opened at G. COLE’S Jewellery Store, a large assortment of plain & fancy glassware. Selling at lowest prices. Come and see. |
[There is nothing on my microfilm between November 4, 1911, and the end of the year. GW.] |
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