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Notre Dame Bay Region

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser


Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.
Title varies:
Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953.
Editor and proprietor:
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953.

The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953.

MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938, 1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.

The records were transcribed by LLOYD ROWSELL & GEORGINA HUSSEY.
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors.

February 9, 1918  Married Scotch Girl  By last week’s mail, Mrs. Alfred BURTON received a letter from her son Pte. John, who was then in Scotland, saying that he had been married to a Scotch lassie named Meg MURRAY, who had frequently written to Mrs. BURTON. Mrs. BURTON’s other son Pte. Norman, who is with the Canadians, was also married some time ago to an English girl. 
February 9, 1918  Personals  Miss Lucy BORDEN, who is teaching at Trump Isld., came home for weekend. Mr. Peter PARSONS, who has been in the General Hospital, St. John’s, returned by “Fogota” last Saturday. Mr. P.W. FREEMAN returned to city by “Fogota.” Many visitors from Friday’s Bay and Tizzard’s Hr. were here on Thursday. Pte. Bert ROBERTS left with the last draft of volunteers on Tuesday last week, as did Ptes. Harold BLACKMORE and JACKMAN (2) of Tilt Cove. Mr. Lewis ANSTEY, went to Grand Falls Wednesday in company with the Mail Couriers. 
February 9, 1918  Marriage  The wedding of Mr. Joseph BULGIN to Annie, daughter of Mr. James WEAKLEY of the Arm, took place at the S.S. Methodist Church on Wednesday week. Mr. Robert BULGIN, brother of the groom gave the bride away and Miss Dorothy OAKE acted as bridesmaid. 
February 9, 1918  Halifax Disaster Fund  St. John’s, Jan. 31st, 1918. Magistrate SCOTT, Twillingate, Dear Sir: - I beg to acknowledge, with thanks, receipt from you of the sum of $540.00, being subscription of your people towards the Halifax Disaster Fund. Yours Very Truly, J.L. SLATTERY, Secretary-Treasurer. 
February 9, 1918  Marine News  Last week, a schooner moored for the winter off Ayre and Sons place, St. John’s, went to the bottom. Only the tops of her masts are now showing. Bowring Bros. new three master arrived last week at St. John’s with cargo of timber. Owners of sealing vessels will sign no men of ages between 18 and 30, single, who cannot show rejection badge. The schooner “Pauline Mortin”, built at Norris Arm, is now ready for sea at St. John’s and takes cargo of codfish for J.M. Barr. The barquentine “Minnie” owned by Goodridge, was abandoned in mid ocean after being 70 days out. Her crew were taken to Coruna, Spain. The Cunard liner “Aurania” of 13,400 tons, was torpedoed this week while on her way to United States. The S.S. “Prospero” will probably be sent to Europe about the end of the present month and operate in conjunction with the “Portia” which has already gone thither. We are told they are to be engaged carrying Nfld. Codfish from Gibraltar up the Mediterranean. No word has yet been heard of the schr. “Sydney Smith”, but this is occasioning no uneasiness, as her owners are aware of her route. The S.S. “Fogota,” which reached here on Saturday night last, stayed here all night, leaving again about breakfast time. It took her all day to get down and through Burnt Is. Tickle, but she must have found open water outside and gone on to Tilt Cove, as she passed the harbor’s mouth going South on Tuesday, about 5 p.m. 
February 9, 1918  Price of Butter  Butterine factories have advanced the price of their product another cent a pound, by permission of the Food Control Board. 
February 9, 1918  News of the Regiment  Letters from some of the volunteers who sailed from St. John’s in December say their ship was attacked by five submarines, three of which were sunk by their escort. Five members of the Regiment who were home of furlough, but not discharged, who refused to go with the last draft, have been arrested and will be court martialed. 
February 9, 1918  Death  A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. CROSBIE died recently at Saranac, USA. The body was brought to St. John’s by Miss Jeanie MANUEL, aunt of the deceased. 
February 9, 1918  Shipbuilding  The Hr. Grace Shipbuilding Co. has laid the keel of their first vessel, which will be of 600 tons displacement. The keels of four others of about 450 tons will be laid during the winter. 
February 9, 1918  Fish News and Prices  Large codfish is quoted at Oporto at 74 shillings over $18 – on Monday this week. Herring are now plentiful at Herring Neck, and Mr. Saul WHITE goes there Monday to begin packing for Mr. LIVINGSTONE. The ice is not over strong yet we are told and there are many “swatches” not yet frozen over. 
February 9, 1918  Oil at Bell Island  People who have been sinking wells on Bell Island claim to have struck strong indications of oil, and further prospecting is to be made. 
February 9, 1918  Mail  The mail arrived fairly early this week, and now that we have a good bridge we may expect the mailmen to have an easier time. 
February 9, 1918  Twenty Years Unheard From  Like news of one risen from the dead, was a letter received by Mrs. Alfred CURTIS, from her son Edward, whom she had not heard from for twenty years, on his departure from here on a foreign going steamer. He is now living in Auckland, New Zealand, has a wife and five children. The story of how correspondence re-opened reads like a novel. While a steamer was in Botwood last summer, Will MANUEL, formerly of Snelling’s Cove, Twillingate, while talking to the Mate, was told of a Twillingater named CURTIS whom he knew in Auckland. MANUEL wrote to Mrs. CURTIS here, giving the address of the long lost son and brother, and last mail brought the welcome news from him. Mrs. CURTIS had practically given up her son for dead, and the news of his being well and happy, although thousands of miles separate, is received with joy. 
February 9, 1918  Rowed 1000 miles  The barquentine “Hocken” from Cadiz for St. John’s, sank nearly 1000 miles N. of Barbados, after experiencing a series of gales. The Capt. and crew made land in their boat after a strenuous row. The Hocken was seen to go down shortly after noon. She was abandoned about 980 miles North of Barbados, so that the prospect of reaching land in two frail boats, it can easily be imagined, did not look over promising. The attempt to row the distance however was at once begun, and for the first two days fair progress was made, though on both nights it was rough and the boats lay to with sea anchors out. For a few days following, the weather continued calm, and on the 19th. the hopes of all were raised by the sight of a steamer passing at some little distance, in a Southwesterly direction. A flag was at once fastened to an oar and hoisted on the mast as a signal, and for two hours the ship was chased, the shipwrecked men rowing as they never did before till they became exhausted. The steamer passed on without sighting them. Next day fortunately they struck the Northeast Trades, and the wind being moderate, good headway was made. Conditions continuing favorable, 120 miles being made one day with a sail up, Barbados was reached on December 29th, at three o’clock in the afternoon. 
February 9, 1918  New Products From Grand Falls  Samples of by-products from the A.N.D. Co. mills at Grand Falls, are being shown in St. John’s. These include tarred paper, wallboard, binding board, boxboard and opiate (a mucilage equal to fish glue), painters knotting, leather board, coat hangers and andaco (a sweeping disinfectant). These are made from the waste of the mills, the chief aim being to supply light labor for the young people of the paper city. 
February 9, 1918  Big Losses On Fish  (Trade Review). There will be heavy losses to some of our exporters of fish that was shipped to Spain and the Mediterranean ports the past three months. It is estimated that the total loss will be not less than a million dollars, chiefly on Labrador fish which, owing to being in transit so long, and being held up in a warm climate, went bad. It is said that most of this spoiled fish turned pink, and then rotted, owing to being insufficiently salted. In other cases a large quantity of the fish mysteriously disappeared in process of trans-shipment. 
February 9, 1918  Advertisement  John COOK. Sailmaker. All orders entrusted to us attended to with care and dispatch. Twillingate, Nfld. 
February 9, 1918  Advertisement  Wanted. For St. John’s, a good general girl in a small family, where another girl is kept. Must understand plain cooking. For advice apply to Twillingate Sun Office. 
February 9, 1918  Advertisement  Soaps, Paints, Oiled Clothing. Think of these well-known brands. Matchless Paint. Perfection Soap. “Schooner” brand Oiled Clothes. You are right then. Standard Manufacturing Co. Limited. 
February 9, 1918  Entertained Soldiers at Saint John.  While a draft of 250 men of the Nfld. Reg. were at Saint John, N.B., during December, on their way across, they were most kindly treated by Mr. and Mrs. J.K. PIERCEY. Mr. PIERCEY was at one time living here, and later at Botwood, his wife being formerly Miss Minnie PEYTON of Back Hr. Minister BENNETT acknowledging this kindness says: “We are under a deep debt of gratitude to Mr. PIERCEY for the splendid way in which he acted during the time that our boys were detained in Saint John, while awaiting transportation. Nothing could excel the kindness and attention of his wife and himself, and it was owing to his energies that the Mayor and others were interested in our men, and made their short stay there very pleasant. 
February 9, 1918  Sale Of Work  The Sale of Work by the children of St. Peter’s School was held on Wednesday night in the Parish hall and the sum of practically $150 was realized. The display of girl’s work was good, while an innovation was the stall of boy’s work, which consisted chiefly of little tubs, punt’s buckets, fishing line reels, rolling pins, etc. No sit down tea was served, but cups of tea and cake or syrup and cake could be procured. Mr. HARNETT and his assistant, Miss TAYLOR are to be congratulated on the result. 
February 9, 1918  Change of Magistrates  Rumor has it that Mr. W.J. SCOTT, J.P., the present Magistrate here is to be transferred to Musgrave Hr., and that Mr. George ROBERTS is to be appointed to the Magistracy here. 
February 9, 1918  Letter from Robert SMALL  Writing from Portland, Maine, where he is working in a shipyard, to friends at Tizzard’s Hr., Mr. Robert SMALL says that they have had it very cold and thinks that the world must be turned wrong side up. He says that the week before he wrote, he worked only 23 hours for the whole week, and that thermometers registered from 15 to 30 below zero. 
February 9, 1918  Note Of Thanks  Miss H. OSMOND wished to thank all kind friends who send letters of sympathy, messages and wreaths; also those who helped in any other way during her mother’s illness and death. 
February 9, 1918  Advertisement  For Sale. All my premises consisting of dwelling house, stores, stage, stable and wharf. Situated at Muddy Cove, Tizzard’s Hr. All ready for immediate occupation. For further information apply to R.J. FRENCH, Robert SMALL, Feb 9 – Apr. 6 - 9 in Tizzard’s Hr. 
February 9, 1918  Marriage  Twillingater Married in Alberta. A Canadian correspondent writes us under date Jan. 16 as follows: “Mr. Jake WHEELOR, brother of Capt. David WHEELOR of Twillingate, was married recently at Bellevue, Alberta to a Mrs. HUNTER of Hillcrest, Alberta. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W.T. YOUNG, Pastor of Knox Methodist Church of Frank, Alberta, in which town Mr. WHEELOR resided for a number of years, moving to Bellevue about three years ago, where he has since done considerable building and now owns the best building block in that town. Jake WHEELOR came West many years ago, and like many other Newfoundlanders – especially Twillingaters – followed the building trade. Very soon he was accepting contracts, and for several years resided at Nelson, B.C., where he and the late W.G. GILLETT conducted a building and contracting business. After awhile, Mr. WHEELOR returned to Frank. I saw him last spring and he was most anxious to learn about home. He seemed to entertain the hope of visiting his father and brother and other friends at some near date.” The above will prove interesting to friends of Mr. WHEELOR, as we understand it is sometime since he was heard from. The Sun wishes Mr. and Mrs. WHEELOR every happiness. 
February 9, 1918  Painful Accidents  A young lad, ANSTEY, son of Mr. Robert ANSTEY, of Back Harbor, broke his arm on Wednesday. He and another boy were skylarking when ANSTEY fell on his elbow breaking the bone. Mrs. Ann BRIDGER had the misfortune to dislocate her arm at the shoulder on Sunday week, and Dr. WOOD had to be called to get it back. 
February 9, 1918  Postcard From Wilson POWELL  Mr. Wilson POWELL – his pardon Pte. Wilson POWELL – sends us a post card dated Jan. 6th. He had received copy of Sun dated Dec 1st. He was absent from Church parade that day and was writing letters. Saturday they were given a holiday as the Signaling Officer was so pleased with their work. Ending he says, “It’s a great life and I never felt happier or better.” 
February 9, 1918  Note Of Thanks  Nfld. Forestry Co’s, Scotland 5118. To the Editor Twillingate Sun. Dear Sir, Please allow me space in your valuable paper to thank the President and ladies of the W.P. W. for the parcel they so kindly forwarded to me for Christmas. Wishing them many happy returns of the season. I remain yours sincerely, Sgt. Ed. MOORE, Newfoundland Forestry Co’s. 
February 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 1)  By Our Special Correspondent. It is said the contributions to the Halifax Disaster Fund (including the Govt. grant), will likely exceed one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars. 
February 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 2)  During the last week, the suburban ponds were the centre of attention, the ice being in good condition; large numbers enjoyed the beautiful moonlight nights. His Excellency the Governor and Capt. CAMPBELL also took a spin around and enjoyed the bracing atmosphere very much. 
February 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 3)  The Hockey League are now corresponding with the Capt. of King’s College Hockey Team, Windsor, hoping to arrange for a visit from that team during next month. 
February 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 4)  On Wednesday night, the big ship building Co. of Hr. Grace laid the keel of a 600 ton ship, and later three other similar ships will be started and it is hoped to have them launched next summer. About 306 men will be employed on each. 
February 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 5)  Registrar DOYLE is now located on the third floor of the Kennedy Building, Duckworth St., and that vacated by him will, in future, be occupied by the officials of the Premiers Department. On Wednesday the Governor, accompanied by his A.D.C., paid an official visit to the Customs Building, and was escorted through the different offices by the Deputy Minister of Customs, LeMESSURIER, C.M.G. 
February 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 6)  The few sealing steamers which are named to prosecute the seal fishery the approaching spring, are now being got in readiness, with the exception of Capt. RANDELL who takes command of the “Seal”, and Capt. Jacob KEAN, the “Diana”. No other changes are mentioned. 
February 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 7)  On Thursday last an employee of R.N. Co, while at his avocet, slipped and his eye came in contact with a red-hot rivet. Fears are entertained that he will lose the sight of it. It will be a sad case if such should happen, for some time ago he lost the other eye. 
February 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 8)  On Friday night a wireless was received from a large oil tanker stating she was in distress with her steering gear carried away and her position 100 miles east of Halifax. The “Prospero” was dispatched early Saturday morning to render assistance. 
February 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 9)  A nurse from Halifax, N.S. arrived by Express on Friday with two young women who were injured at the time of the disaster and are still suffering from the effects. One belongs to Carbonear; the other to Placentia. 
February 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 10)  A dwelling house occupied by John PENDEA, on Alexander Street, was almost destroyed by fire on Tuesday morning, the upper flat is completely gutted and most of the furniture downstairs is ruined by smoke and water. Very little insurance was carried. 
February 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 11)  The milk dealers have once more notified their customers of a further increase of 2 cents per quart to take effect 1st. Feb. 
February 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 12)  The Reserve Battalion of the Royal Nfld. Regiment, which has been billeted at Ayr, transferred its quarters to Winchester a few weeks ago. 
February 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 13)  Several outport applicants are already seeking berths for the seal fishery. The fleet will be smaller than last year, consequently the many seekers cannot be accommodated, and those who intend coming to the city would be well advised to remain at home and save their money. 
February 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 14)  Experienced seaman are now being paid $85 per month with a bonus of $15, and men are scarce even at that figure. 
February 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 15)  The Govt. Cruiser “Fiona” is now offered for sale, for what reason has not been stated. 
February 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 16)  On account of being engaged in breaking up the ice floe in New York harbor, the “Florizel” will be late reaching port this trip. 
February 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 17)  Another office has been created by the Coaker-Cashin Govt. which Minister CROSBIE has been destined to fill viz. Minister of Shipping. The public generally are wondering why Mr. STONE, the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, whose Dept. this work naturally belongs, was not designated to look after this new creation instead of Mr. CROSBIE. 
February 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 18)  Sincere and genuine sympathy goes out to Rev. Father O’CALLAHAN who recently lost a nephew somewhere in France. 
February 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 19)  The preliminary hearing of the criminal libel charge of COAKER against Sir W.D. REID commenced before Judge MORRIS on Monday morning. 
February 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 20)  A laborer, working at Bowring’s South Side premises on Monday, met with a painful accident by having his arm caught in a hoist. He was attended by a Doctor and will be laid off for a few days. 
February 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 21)  A clarion call to the women of Nfld. Comes from Government House for funds for the Patriotic Association which are required to purchase the necessary stuff to be made up. Willing hands are ready. Will you help? 
    [There is nothing on my microfilm between Feb. 9 and Feb. 22, 1918. GW] 
February 22, 1918  Death of Fred CLARKE  The death of Fred CLARKE of Springdale occurred Feb 11th after a lingering illness. Writing from Springdale on Feb. 1st. Mr. George CLARKE says that Fred was then a very sick man having been ill for nearly a year – since last February to be exact. The late Fred CLARKE was, we think, (the) eldest son of Mr. George CLARKE and was a general favorite. He married a daughter of Mr. Levi CLARKE of Back Hr. Mr. CLARKE has lost one, if not two, sons in the war and this last loss will be a heavy blow. The Sun extends its sincere sympathy to the bereaved relatives. 
February 22, 1918  Lost Three Sons Within Year.  [Note: This article is accompanied with head and shoulder pictures of both George S. CLARKE and Walter J. CLARKE in uniform. GW] Since writing the account of the death of Mr. Fred CLARKE, on our fourth page, we understand that his death occurred on Tuesday, not Monday as there stated, the funeral taking place on Thursday. The late Fred CLARKE was about 33 years of age, was married to Rowena, daughter of Mr. Levi CLARKE, of Back Hr. and had three small children. he is the third son Mr. George CLARKE has lost within a year, Pte. Walter having been missing since April 1917, and Pte. George since Oct of last year, both of whom having been practically given up by Mr. CLARKE. The funeral of the late Fred CLARKE was attended by the Masonic Fraternity from Little Bay. Magistrate WELLS, reading the Masonic lesson. A very large cortege followed the corpse to the grave, almost everyone in Springdale being present, showing the esteem in which the deceased was held. The coffin was made by Mr. Tom JACOBS, who came over from Little Bay and very many wreaths were sent to adorn it. Fred was slightly better up till Saturday 9th, but then became gradually worse, though conscious to the end. He died strong in his Christian faith, reiterating at the last his faith in his Savior, and confident in His love and Power. 
February 22, 1918  Illness  Mr. J.A.S. PEYTON has been suffering from a recurrence of the attack of pleurisy which he contracted last winter on the West Coast, and has had to keep indoors. Mrs. Sabina JENKINS, who has been partially paralyzed for five years, had a further stroke last week and is very low. 
February 22, 1918  Shrove Tuesday  A girls club, which was recently formed by Mrs. (Rev.) HUNT, gave a soup and a pancake supper to a limited number of guests on Shrove Tuesday night. A feature of the evening was a guessing cake. About fifty were present and an enjoyable evening was spent. 
February 22, 1918  Resignation  Mr. A. Jas. PRESTON, who has for 14 years occupied the position as master of Loyalty Lodge, L.O.A., being unanimously re-elected each year, this year tendered his resignation feeling that it was time for a change. Mr. PRESTON has occupied many positions in the Orange Society, and his continued re-election to office speaks highly for the confidence, which his brothers members repose in “Jim”. He has our congratulations. 
February 22, 1918  The Dorcas Society  Report of The Dorcas Society for Year Ending December 13th. 1917. Number of garments made and distributed amongst 60 destitute persons -120. Quilts and Blankets 16 - $114. Groceries - $2.50. Coal and Oil - $4.50. Goods and Cash on hand - $25. Total - $146. By:- Government Grant - $100. J.W. Hodge, Esq. - $10. Wm. Ashbourne - $4. Earle, Sons & Co. - $2. G.J. Carter - $1.50. F. Linfield - $1.50. A. Manuel - $1. C.C. Pond - $1. Proceeds of 10 cent tea - $5. Amount on hand from 1916 - $20. Total $146. C. BAIRD, Secy. Treasurer. 
February 22, 1918  Advertisement  Wanted. Teams to go to Lewisporte for empty barrels at fifty cents per barrel. Apply: W.A. LININGSTONE, Ford Hotel. 
February 22, 1918  Death  The death of Bert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph PEARCE, occurred at Boston on Jan. 29th. During last Fall he fell from a building where he was working, his back being broken by the fall and he was removed to hospital. Here he finally succumbed from the effect of the injury on the above date. The case is the more pathetic because the mother is at present bed-ridden with serious malady. To the relatives the Sun extends its sincere sympathy. 
February 22, 1918  Personals  Mr. FREEMAN did not go by “Fogota” as we understood. He went to Lewisporte and had a quick trip, reaching St. John’s the following day. Mrs. Jas. HODDER is living with her son Mr. Alex HODDER during the winter; her own house being closed up. 
February 22, 1918  Enlisted  Several former Twillingate boys have been called up to serve in the United States Army. Among them are Mr. Titus HODDER’s son who volunteered on the outbreak of the war, the BISHOPS, George PIPPY, and Willis CLARK. 
February 22, 1918  Shipping News  Word was received in St. John’s Feb 15th that the schr. “Albert Young”, which left there for the other side with a cargo of codfish from G.M. Barr, has been lost in mid ocean on Thursday last. Capt. DODMAN and crew were rescued and brought into Liverpool. No word had been received of the Sydney Smith up to yesterday, though she was then 74 days out. 
February 22, 1918  Storekeepers Lookout!  Friday afternoon two young men from Little Hr. entered Mr. S. FACEY’s shop, inquired the price of a few articles but made no purchase. Mr. FACEY, having attended their requests, re-entered his workshop at the rear. He noticed they did not go out, and happening to glance through the window, he discovered one of them helping himself to tobacco. Coming out quickly, he caught one chap with two sticks in his hand. He then demanded that they hand over the stolen goods, and they produced from their pockets ten or a dozen plugs of tobacco. Mr. FACEY did not wish to prosecute, so he let them go with a good sound lecture. Both young scamps are known to him however, and in case of a second offence this one would be brought forward and it would go hard with them. 
February 22, 1918  New Bay Notes  New Bay, Jan. 24th, 1918. Editor Twillingate Sun. Dear Sir: - Since your correspondent wrote last, we find that there was a Methodist Board of Education formed, but the public knew nothing about it, and on Sunday night last, Rev. Mr. VATERS told the congregation that it did not concern the people at all. In the name of common sense who does it concern, if not the people? A night or two ago, BUDGELL brothers at Flurrie’s Bight had their stable and all its contents destroyed by fire, cow, ox, several sheep, fowls and ducks, origin of fire unknown. Weather continues mild; not much snow, no ice, bay steamer gone South for good this season. It is hoped the “Prospero” will make another trip North. Men are all home from herring catching; most did pretty well. Mr. Adolphus and Ezra MOORS and Mr. P. HUSTINS, went South by last “Prospero”, going as far as St. John’s. Yours sincerely, P. MOORS. 
February 22, 1918  Fire at New Bay  Referring to the item by our New Bay correspondent regarding the fire at Flurrie’s Bight on the night of Jan. 22nd, when Wm. BUDGELL and brothers had their barn destroyed, we are told they lost an ox, a cow, 5 sheep, 2 goats, 12 hens and ducks, besides a quantity of hay, the whole being valued at $500 at the lowest estimate. It is thought that the fire was caused by hot ashes thrown in to the hens. 
February 22, 1918  Marriage  The wedding of Arthur BULGIN to Miss Susie GILLARD of Gillard Cove, took place at the S. Side Meth. Church last Saturday. Congratulations. 
February 22, 1918  Marriage  The wedding of Mr. Ben G. STUCKLESS and Miss Ida SMITH took place at the North Side on Thursday of last week. The Sun extends best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. STUCKLESS. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 1)  "Recently an employer was sued by his clerk for a week’s wages. The defense proved that the young man had left of his own volition, consequently no wages were due. The Judge, in deciding the case in favor of the employer, suggested that the young man enlist and help swell the ranks of the Regiment. " 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 2)  One of the finest, if not the finest, vessel to enter port, is the tern schooner “Elizabeth Fearn,” built at Placentia by Mr. PALFREY. She is built of the best materials procurable and after her arrival, was visited by many a seafaring man. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 3)  The Admr. Rev. Canon SMITH, announces that the Consecration of the Rev. Canon WHITE, will take place on the 1st. March in the C. of E. Cathedral, this city. The Prelates who are expected from Canada to perform the ceremony and Archbishop of Nova Scotia, and the Bishops of Quebec, Montreal, Toronto and possibly the Bishop of Ontario. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 4)  Mr. Samuel PARSONS, the well-known Blacksmith of Burin, was crushed to death while attempting to board the “Prospero” at the public wharf. It appears from news received that he had only left his home about an hour before, to look after some freight on the Prospero, and in going on board slipped on the gangway, and met his death instantly. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 5)  Quite a number of soldiers returned on furlough by Wednesdays Express, and were met at the station by Premier LLOYD and the ladies reception Committee, and after being addressed by the former were driven to Government House, where the Governor received them and welcomed them back. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 6)  The fish exporters held another meeting Thursday afternoon, to consider means to cope with the reddening of Codfish. Several reasons were given. The lack of salt, the rushing of the fish to market before being properly cured, and it was agreed that an expert should be obtained to cope with the matter. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 7)  The COAKER - REID libel case was disposed of on Saturday by Judge MORRIS dismissing the case. Mr. HOWLEY, Counsel for complainant, gave notice of an appeal. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 8)  Dr. MOSDELL has arrived in the city and resumed the editorial chair of the Star. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 9)  The publisher of the Trade Review has offered an apology to Detectives BYRNE and WHELAN for a statement made some time ago by the paper, in reference to the actions of the Police Officers in the performance of their duties, and also agrees to pay the cash of the action. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 10)  A message from the Head Constable SHEPPARD, Hr. Grace, a few days ago, announced that a serious fire had occurred there Sunday morning, at the home of Capt. Tom KEHOE, in which his aged father was burnt to death. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 11)  The Hockey matches between a visiting team from Windsor, N.S., and a picked team from the city, commences tomorrow, Wednesday Evening. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 12)  For several days last week the trains were delayed by the continuance of storms and heavy snowdrifts, and traffic was completely held up. The “Sagona” is now on her way here from Port aux Basques with passengers and freight, which will somewhat relieve the situation. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 13)  Capt. Joe KEAN of the “Prospero” takes command of the “Sable I” to the ice fields, and is now in Halifax preparing his ship for the voyage. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 14)  Sunday night’s storm was very violent and many of the country roads were blocked so badly that the milkman found great difficulty in reaching town. During the gale the chimney in Mr. WINTER’s residence was blown over, and damaged the roof and ceiling. 
February 22, 1918  Notice!  No person is permitted the free use of telephones belonging to the system of The Twillingate Telephone & Electric Co., except those specified in the rules. The charge for all calls is five cents. Arthur MANUEL, Secy. 
February 22, 1918  Twillingater As Organist  Mr. Gus STAFFORD, eldest son of Dr. F. STAFFORD, formerly of this place, has been appointed as organist of the C. of E. Cathedral, St. John’s. 
February 22, 1918  Consecration of New Bishop  The Consecration of the new BISHOP, Rev. Canon WHITE, will take place in the Cathedral at St. John’s on Friday next, March 1st. The Archbishop of Nova Scotia will perform the ceremony assisted by the Bishops of Quebec, Montreal and Toronto. 
February 22, 1918  Three Dollar Herring at Springdale  Writing from Springdale in the early part of this month, a correspondent says: - “Quite a few herring here now. Factories – about twelve in number – are kept going, and three dollars is being paid from the net, which is as good as six dollars in boat, as there is no danger of losing nets, and no moorings required. The last American vessels left here about Jan. 16th all loaded. The last vessel loaded quickest as they went to the edge of the ice in the bottom of the bay, and finished in a few days. 
February 22, 1918  First Air Raid on Twillingate  Mr. Alan PRESTON’s house looked, one day this week, as if it had been the victim of a German air raid. Six panes of glass were blown out of one of the windows. It appears that a certain person shot at a bird flying along, and used no care in where he was aiming, the whole loading finding the window and side of the house, where over 40 shots are embedded in the wood. Fortunately neither Mrs. PRESTON or the children were in the room at the time, or they would probably have been wounded – or worse. Amateur gunners should use rather more care, when shooting in the neighborhood of houses, to say the least. 
February 22, 1918  Fine Ships Built at Botwood (Part 1)  Adam CHAULK The Master Builder. A correspondent from Botwood writes. “Please allow me space in your columns to say a few words concerning the shipbuilding at Botwood where two large ships are building. We understand these ships will be 450 tons each, and will be classed for the highest bounty given in Newfoundland. They are built of the country’s best timber. The keels are 13 ½ by 13 ½ inches hard pine, with 4 inch oak shoe. Stern and stem posts are also hard pine. Keelsons are six feet wide hard pine. The timbers consist of the very best and largest birch that can be secured in the country; the clamps are of good California fir, 6 ½ inches thick; ceiling from five to six inches thick; outside planking, ten streaks of 5 inch California fir, and bottom planking 3 ½ inch witch-hazel – which is considered the finest timber our country produces. 
February 22, 1918  Fine Ships Built at Botwood (Part 2)  They will be fastened to stand the test of the Western ocean. The iron used is from ¾ up to 1 ¼ galvanized. The beams are 12 by 12 and 14 by 12 inch hard pine. They will be braced with iron knees on every second beam, the knees weighing about 650 pounds each. They have also poop decks and double deck under the poop. They will be three masted ships, and will be equipped with 150 h.p. auxiliary engines. Such ships as these are never built in this country before, and we feel proud of the splendid vessels that have been launched during the past season. We hear the Martin Shipbuilding Co. at Norris’ Arm, is shut down ‘till warmer weather, which we hope will speedily come. In closing, I feel that I should like to say that there is much credit due the A.N.D. Co. for their enterprise, and no little praise to the builder of these fine ships.” – Mr. Adam CHAULK, formerly of Morton’s Hr. 
February 22, 1918  S.U.F. Will Support Two More Cots  The Society of United Fishermen, though a comparatively small body, have shown their patriotism in a practical manner. Last year they undertook to support a cot, and not alone was the $260 raised, but $300 was the total subscribed. This year they have decided to support two cots in another English hospital, at a cost of $130 each. The Society numbers only about 60 members, but they are deeply interested in the welfare of the men who are serving King and Country. 
February 22, 1918  Adjutant E. HISCOCK  Adjutant E. HISCOCK writes us from Winterton, Trinity Bay, is part as follows, under date Feb. 11th. “A Twillingate Sun came within my reach today, and it was like a fresh breeze from the cold North, so enclosed, you will find my subscription for one year. Remember us through your paper to all the old friends, and especially to the parents who have lost their brave boys through the war. Many of the boys we knew and were personally acquainted with. We can sympathize more fully as I have lost a nephew and Mrs. HISCOCK has also a brother, who lost his son. Mrs. HISCOCK joins with me in kind regards.” Many of his old friends will be delighted to hear from the Adjutant, and the Sun thanks him for the kind words no less than the subscription, and wishes him and his wife good health and good luck. 
February 22, 1918  Our Letter Box  Re Herring Prices. To the Editor of the Sun. Mr. Editor. Dear Sir: - Please allow me space in your highly esteemed paper regarding the herring fishery at Goshen’s Arm this winter. Now Mr. Editor, if this thing is allowed to go on unheeded, as I fear it is, then it is time that the good fishermen of this Island should open their eyes. Now Mr. Editor, do you think that it is right and proper for so many individuals to go to Goshen’s Arm and start so many factories, and purchase the herring at the low figure of $1 per barrel, which when secured, will get from $6 to $8 dollars per barrel for the fish purchased at $1. Now Mr. Editor I should like for you or someone to tell me how this is allowed to go on unheeded, when the same kind of fish sold about two months ago at Hall’s Bay for $6.25. To my mind there is more than one Kaiser around now. I could never understand why so many fishermen should allow 3 or 4 grab alls to sacrifice our fishermen like this. Hoping I haven’t taken up too much space in your paper, and hoping you will print this and say something in reference to the same. I remain yours truly, A.T.G. Fisherman. 
February 22, 1918  Letter from John RICE  North Side, Feb. 13th, 1918, Editor, Sun. Dear Sir: - In your paper lately, I saw my name in MOOR’s list for Halifax, for one dollar donation. I want to say I gave no dollar to the fund and did not ask anyone to give it for me. At the meeting in the Court House, as I was going away, I offered Mr. Jacob MOORS, North Side collector, a dollar. But he roughly refused to take it, why I do not know, and in the Court House at the same time I offered it a second time, in the presence of a J.P., but Mr. MOORS again refused it, and I handed the dollar for another local charity. I hear Mr. MOORS, thinking he was for once too fast, put in a dollar from his own pocket, and I want to say he went all together beyond his duty in using my name, and I do not want him or any other man to pay my dues, especially in MOOR’s way of doing it. Thanking you for space Mr. Editor. Yours truly, John RICE, North Side. 
February 22, 1918  Letter From Pte. B.P. DEWEY (Part 1)  From Pte. B.P. DEWEY. Ary, Scotland. Jan. 6th, 1918. Dear Lizzie: - Your letter came to hand two days ago, was indeed pleased to get it. Before going further I wish to congratulate you on your success. I must say you did well considering the ups and downs of last year. I trust success will still follow you the coming years. I was very much pleased to get the marks; was satisfied with the results, and I trust you will all strive to keep up the record of Durrel Academy. Am trying to write all the pupils and congratulate them; have written some. I am enjoying good health and trust you all are. We had an enjoyable time Xmas and New Year. I hope you did too. I suppose you are right down to study now, eh? How may pupils this year? We have been getting splendid weather since Xmas, but today it’s raining. It’s Sunday afternoon and I thought I couldn’t spend it better than in writing to my friends. We have no snow yet and not very cold at all. We are soon leaving Scotland for England. 
February 22, 1918  Letter From Pte. B.P. DEWEY (Part 2)  Our headquarters will be at Winchester, I think. But if you address letters to Ayr, I’ll get them ok. as all mail will be forwarded; can’t give new address yet. We are sorry to leave Scotland as all the people are wonderfully good to us. I fear the English won’t be quite as good. However, it remains to be proved. The photo I sent wasn’t at all good, so I am sending another. We were in to see Burn's monument and cottage a few days ago; t’was worth looking at. Saw lots of his own handwriting and numerous details, which I need not mention. I suppose you get lots of skating; very seldom they get skating here. Thanks for the parcel you have sent. It hasn’t reached me yet as it takes parcels longer to come, but I’ll get it in due course. I’m sure I’ll enjoy the socks and the dainties. Give my best respects to your mother, father, and sister. Well, Lizzy, I havn’t any news worthwhile to tell; you get all the war news of course. We all hope that by next year this time we will be enjoying the fruits of victory and peace. Shall be pleased to hear from you any time. With best wishes for the New Year. I am sincerely Yours, B.P. DEWEY. 
February 22, 1918  Letter of Apology (Part 1)  Miss ELLIOTT Makes Young Man Eat “Humble Pie.” To the Editor, Dear Sir: - I am now handing you for publication, an “apology” received from that person who so desperately belied me, some little time ago. I might say that this young man was given the choice of apologizing for what he said of me, or proving all that he said. I had said before that those reports were foreign to me. They were! I claims, that if a girl choose to go wrong, or to lose sight of her good name, she has not to go to the city, am I anything out? This apology will I suppose convince! If not, what is required? “A lie has no legs and cannot stand – but it has wings and can fly far and wide.” Many thanks for space Mr. Editor. I am yours truly, M.W. ELLIOTT, Crow Hd., Feb. 15th. 1918. 
February 22, 1918  Letter of Apology (Part 2)  St. John’s, N.F. Feb. 11th. 1918. Dear Meta: - Just a few lines in answer to your letter of the 30th inst. I am heartily sorry for what I said about you. I know I took your character. You said it is me – yes Meta, it is me. You asked me what on earth possessed me to say this about you - I do not know. Meta, all you heard about yourself is come from me, very sorry to say it was all told by me. Meta, truth is best to be told. I read your letter and it flashed in my mind as quick as a flash of lightning – be sure your sins will find you out. Very true are those words ….. Meta. I can’t remember saying you were named by the city folk John Green. I said you reminded me of John Green. I will never forgive myself as I live, for what I said about you. I ought to be ashamed of myself, so I am Meta. 
February 22, 1918  Letter of Apology (Part 3)  I hereby ask the forgiveness of you, your father, and mother. I said it and sorry for it too. You can publish this letter in the Sun to clear yourself, let people see you are not guilty of any of it, but I am the liar. Once more I ask your forgiveness. Hoping you will accept my apologies and forgive me. Now, Meta, it is the first I ever said about you, or anybody, and it will be the last on this earth by me. Please, Meta, I ask you to forgive me because I am sorry, heartily sorry. Forgive and forget. I know if you forgive me you will never forget me, since I thought about you with your character gone. I am ashamed to walk around here. I must close now by asking your forgiveness. Fred J. RIDEOUT. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 1)  Mr. JOHNSTONE, for many years General Passage Agent of the R.N. Co., recently resigned that position to become private Secy., to Sir W.D. REID. Mr. JOHNSTONE is succeeded by Mr. F. PITTMAN, an old employee of the Co. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 2)  On Tuesday evening of last week, Miss HARRIS, His Excellency’s daughter, was present and addressed St. Margaret’s Guild in Cannon Wood Hall, on her work as a V.A. D. in a French hospital at Dieut. A large and appreciative audience was present. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 3)  On Tuesday, while the driver of Messrs. Bishop and Sons horse was un-harnessing the animal, it bolted and dashed along George Street to Beck’s Cove and Water Street, continuing along Job Street, and down the dry dock gateway into the basin, where it drowned before help could be procured. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 4)  Libel suits appear to be the order of the day just now, and the lawyers are beginning to wonder what shall the harvest be? The latest being one by Mr. Lawyer EMERSON acting for Hon. R.A. SQUIRES, who has issued a libel writ against Hon. W.F., COAKER and the Advocate. The damages are laid at $200,000. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 5)  The annual meeting of the Newfoundland Auxiliary of the Bible Society, was held in the Methodist College Hall on Tuesday evening 5th inst. and was very largely attended. His Excellency the Governor presided and was accorded a hearty welcome. Addresses were given by His Excellency, Revs. Dr. JONES, Gordon DICKIE, D.B. HEMMEON, W.H. THOMAS, Canon BOLT and others. The singing by the talented choir of the Cochrane St. Methodist Church was of a very high order, and reflected great credit upon their conductor A. MEWS, Esq. C.M.G. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 6)  Messrs. Baine Johnstone’s new purchase, the S.S. “Seal” arrived in port a few days ago in command of Capt. RANDELL from Halifax and Louisburg. As soon as her inward cargo is discharged, she will fit out for the seal fishery. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 7)  During the last week or so, several business houses and others, were the recipients of letters from West Coast, dating as far back as Nov. and Dec. 1916. An examination of the Mail Officer's quarters on the Glencoe, revealed a mail sack, which contained over 600 letters, none of which had been opened or tampered with, and the Clerk has made an open confession of his mysterious conduct. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 8)  The well-known Milliner of Water St., for the past 20 years, Miss May FURLONG, has retired from business, and is succeeded by Miss KELLY who no doubt will prove a worthy successor. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 9)  Water Street is in such a deplorable condition at present form slush and snow, that the city teamsters are loudly complaining, and thoroughfares should be cleaned up. It is pretty hard handling on the horses. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 10)  On Thursday, word was received that the “Maid of Harlech” had been torpedoed while on her way to a Mediterranean port. This is one of the vessels that the controversy between Hon. HICKMAN and the Government and the tonnage Committee has been all about. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 11)  It is feared the schr. “Mantanzas,” which sailed for Barbados in Nov. last, fish laden, has been lost, as nothing has been heard of her since. Schr. and crew are hailed from Nova Scotia. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 12)  As Lent comes in early this year, the clubs and societies are rushing their sociables and entertainments within the next few days. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 13)  Mr. Joseph PYNN, while at work on the S.S. “Neptune,” met with a very painful accident that nearly cost him a broken leg, fortunately he escaped with a few bruises. 
February 22, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 14)  Another fish carrier, the auxiliary schr. “Lucania,” owned by Job Bros. ran ashore at Freshwater, near Ferryland on Monday last, and became a total wreck; crew saved. The schr. left port a few days ago, fish laden, for Brazil. 
    [There is nothing on my microfilm between Feb. 22, 1918, and March 2, 1918. GW] 
March 2, 1918  Note Of Thanks  Dear Sir: - Kindly allow me space in your valuable paper to thank the many, many friends (both far and near) who so kindly sympathized with me in the loss of my dear son “Bert”, who paid the supreme sacrifice in France. It was a sore bereavement indeed, but those dear friends helped to make it lighter with their words of sympathy, and with their letters of condolence. Again, thanking them all, I am yours truly, M.A. MUDFORD and family. 
March 2, 1918  Florizel Disaster (Part 1)  From Tuesday’s Daily News. From a member of the crew we learn that shortly after the ship left here at 8 p.m., Saturday, the breeze freshened from S.E. with thick snow, and in a short time the storm was raging. In his opinion, owing to the storm, a far stronger current than usual was setting towards the land, which accounts for the ship being close in before striking. As slob ice was steamed through practically from the time of leaving the Narrows, the log could not be used and under the prevailing conditions, the distance covered could not be accurately judged though the Officers and all on board, seeing she had been steaming nine hours before going ashore, felt she was well clear of Cape Race before she was hauled in. The reef on which she struck, penetrated the bottom and the ship gradually began to list to Starboard, making the task of moving about very difficult. The lights went out in less than fifteen minutes and the operator had only time to send out one brief Marconi message before the topmast snapped off, destroying the aerials and tendering the apparatus useless. Ten minutes from the time of striking, all the boats went by the board and in a short time the bridge, Captain’s and Officers cabins, and the Wheelhouse, were carried away. Only about 20 seconds elapsed between the huge seas, which swept the decks and carried overboard many, as they rushed out of their staterooms. Most of the passengers got on the bridge and in or near the smoking room, but were washed off as they became exhausted and found it impossible to hold on. 
March 2, 1918  Florizel Disaster (Part 2)  Some twenty-five were drowned when the bridge was carried away, including Capt. Joe KEAN and 2nd Officer KING. Mate JAMES was washed over the rail but managed to clamber back, in a bruised and dazed condition, while 3rd Mate JACKMAN was saved by a steel part of a lifebelt catching in his face, and badly lacerating his nose. The Officers encouraged the passengers, by work and example to hang on, and got them to shelter under the lee of the saloon. Capt. MARTIN left the bridge just before it was carried away. Shortly before the smoking room was washed away, 2nd Steward SNOW was standing on the promenade deck, but had no child in his arms as was reported yesterday, and the same sea took him overboard. Seaman BAILEY, who was on the deck above him, was lost at the same time. All the passengers and members of the crew then left were huddled into the wireless room, which was saved from destruction by the waves breaking against the funnel. About 6 p.m., the rescue ships reached the scene but could do nothing till daylight. The two women survivors were rescued by the first dory, which drifted down to the stranded ship. No attempt was made to launch boats as they could not live in the sea running, and in any case, they were smashed to pieces before an effort could be made to get them out. One of the crew who survives tells of witnessing some frightful scenes. 
March 2, 1918  Florizel Disaster (Part 3)  While the sea was at its height he saw ex-Pte. Joseph MALONEY trying to get forward between the seas. He held his wife clasped in one arm and baby boy in the other. He was awaiting an opportunity for some time, and eventually took the risk. One of the biggest seas to board the wreck during the day swept her fore and aft. MALONEY, with his wife and child, was thrown to the deck, and when the seaman looked again MALONEY was holding to the lee railing, and the mother and child had disappeared. The father eventually reached the Marconi room where he died soon after, the wounds which he received in Gallipoli having opened, which together with exposure, probably brought about death. The same seaman also witnessed the drowning of W.F. BUTLER, Mrs. BUTLER and James McCOUBREY. When conditions became unbearable, they tried to get to the Marconi house. Mrs. BUTLER was between her husband and Mr. McCOUBREY, each of whom held one of her hands. When they made the attempt, a sea caught them with full force, and this was the last seen of them. He also saw Mr. C.K. MILLER and Mr. M. O’DRISCOLL being swept away together early in the morning. The same seaman describes the scenes about the lower decks about eight o’clock as appalling. Bodies almost nude were floating about, and beating up as they came in contact with the sides of the ship. 
March 2, 1918  Florizel Disaster (Part 4)  The S.S. Hawk, Capt. SIMONSON, left here at 3:45 p.m., Sunday for the scene of the wreck, despatched by Mr. Cyril TESSIER. Earlier in the day the authorities had ordered her out, but a message being received from the Wreck Commissioner about 1 p.m. to the effect that the ship was a total wreck, and all the passengers and crew lost, it was decided to cancel the undertaking. This delayed the ship for nearly three hours. Through Mr. SAUNDERS, the Supt. of the Anglo American Telegraph Co., it was subsequently learnt that there were signs of life on board the Florizel, and on receiving this information, Mr. TESSIER and Capt. SIMONSON decided that the ship would go, whether the authorities ordered or not. A good run was made up the shore, and Horn Head was made at eight o’clock. The “Home” was spoken to and informed them that a boat had been put out and nothing could be done. The Hawk then used rockets and tried every possible way to find out if any life was on board. They got several flashes back but could not tell whether it was from the wreck or from the shore. Nothing further could be done and Capt. SIMONSON kept dodging around all night. During the early morning, three attempts were made to reach the wreck but the sea was too high and each one had to be abandoned. About 2:30 a.m. the “Prospero” arrived from Marystown. 
March 2, 1918  Florizel Disaster (Part 5)  The Home about that time launched a boat in charge of the Chief Engineer. The Prospero and Hawk also launched boats, and the Prospero’s boat coming to grief when a high sea struck her and the men were washed overboard. They were rescued by the crew of the Hawk and took on board and supplied with warm clothes. The Hawk’s boat manned by Capt. SIMONSON and Capt. DALTON, who was a volunteer member of the crew, and two R.N.R. men, got close to the wreck and spoke to the men on board. They were given the information that about forty were alive. Rockets were then got ready and efforts were made to shoot lines on board from the Hawk, but each attempt failed. Soon after, the “Gordon C.” came up, and put out a dory. Boats from each ship worked in conjunction and the Home succeeded in getting a line on board the Florizel. This line was made fast to a lifeboat some distance from the wreck and as near as safety would permit. Dories were then used between the wreck and the lifeboat, and in this way the survivors were taken off. The first taken off were the two female and three male passengers. The Hawk then succeeded in steaming closer to the wreck and took up a position about 60 feet from her. During the last trip the dory capsized and Capt. DALTON was severely injured. 
March 2, 1918  Florizel Disaster (Part 6)  The Florizel was built in 1909 by C. O’Connell & Co. and when launched, was the only ship of her class afloat, being specially constructed to contend with ice. She was a steel screw steamer of 3081 tons gross; 1980 tons net; 305.5 feet long; 43.1 feet beam and 29.6 feet deep, and fitted with submarine signals and wireless. Since her construction, she has been used almost entirely in the Newfoundland trade, and as a transport, having taken over the “Blue Puttees” in 1914, with Captain MARTIN in charge. Since then she has been engaged in the transport service several times, and on each, the steamer was valued at about $700,00 and the cargo at about $250,000. The “Terra Nova,” arrived from the “Florizel” wreck Thursday bringing nine more bodies. They are F.C. SMYTH, St. John’s; Walter RICHARDS, LaHave; Jas. CROCKWELL, Bay Bulls; Geo. MASSY and daughter; two Spanish firemen and one unidentified. On Monday morning the whole community was stirred to learn that the Red Cross liner Florizel, with the greater part of her passengers, had been lost at Broad Cove, Southern Shore on Sunday morning. The news was received here Sunday night, but few people knew of it till Monday. The story is yet incomplete in details, but is apparently this. 
March 2, 1918  Florizel Disaster (Part 7)  The Florizel left St. John’s on Saturday at 8 p.m. for Halifax. Survivors say, owing to slob ice along shore she was not using her log. Her Captain therefore, apparently miscalculated her position, for when she was hauled Westward on Sunday morning for Halifax, supposing the ship to be round Cape Race, she instead ran ashore near Broad Cove, becoming a total wreck. All details are missing but it is supposed that the first class passengers – most of whom perished, took to the boats and were swamped. Out of 146 on board, only 44 were rescued, these being taken from the wreck by rescue boats from the Prospero, Home, Terra Nova and Hawk, which were dispatched to the scene. The ship had altogether 69 crew and 77 passengers. The fact that messages speak of many bodies being still in the wreck shows apparently that the ship must have struck with some force, trapping and drowning people in their berths. Two women, Misses Kitty CANTWELL and Minnie DANIEL were among the survivors, as were Capt. Wm. MARTIN, Chief Officer Wm. JANES, and third officer P. JACKMAN, while many of the crew were also saved, this lending color to the belief that those who stayed with the wreck were rescued. Mr. W. EARLE of Earle Sons and Co., Fogo, perished, and Earle’s store was closed here Tuesday as a mark of respect. Mr. MASSEY, who bought herring in this bay during the summer and fall for the R. Boak Co. of Chicago, his wife and little girl of about eight years, also perished. Mr. J.S. MUNN, the managing head of Bowring Bros. and his baby daughter, were among the drowned, as were Capt. Jos. KEAN, eldest son of Capt. Abram KEAN, and Mr. T. O’NEIL, the proprietor of T. McMurdo and Company. 
March 2, 1918  Florizel Disaster (Part 8)  Magistrate SCOTT received a telegram that Mr. Jas. MILLER, who was engaged to his daughter, nurse Floss, was drowned in the wreck. Since writing the foregoing a list of those lost has come in. Rumours say that when the relief ships reached the stranded vessel, only one spar and her funnel were standing above water, and to these people clung, the rest of the wreck being submerged. It is apparent that something of this kind must have happened to cause the tremendous loss of life. Quite a gale must have been raging as it took the ship from eight Saturday night till five Sunday morning, before she reached the point where she struck; it also accounts for the loss of so many lives. By putting the accounts of Monday’s St. John’s papers with the public messages, we are able to fairly well reconstruct the awful story of living and dead hanging to a sea battered wreck for nearly two days. The Florizel kept fairly well off shore going down. The weather was rough and a gale of wind blowing with blinding snow, but there was no cause for alarm in a staunch ship. She met heavy slob and it was probably this that so delayed her that she was nearly nine hours doing about 50 miles. This slob must have reduced her speed much below what the Captain figured. She ran on the rocks apparently at full speed, ripping the bottom out of her. All day Sunday the ship hung there, battered by the huge swells which broke over her, gradually smashing her top works to bits, while the wretched passengers waited through all that day and the half of Monday; waiting, waiting, for the rescue that did not come; watching their number decrease by each mountainous wave that smashed on board. 
March 2, 1918  Florizel Disaster (Part 9)  From between about half past five Sunday morning, until the first rescuers reached the ship’s side on Monday morning at six o’clock, the people on the wreck must have endured a suspense such as turns men’s hair grey. When the ship struck, she ran about half her length in on the reef. Here she hung, her stern gradually settling. Most passengers were in bed, but on rushing on deck at the crash, a dreadful sight met their gaze. The ship was fast aground and mountainous seas were breaking over her. Her position was about 200 yards from the shore on Horn Reef near Broad Cove, or Cappahayden as it is now called. She was bow on, but at once assumed a list to Starboard as she was thrown over by the seas. In a few minutes the wheelhouse and smoking room were carried away and twelve persons were washed overboard, these including Capt. Joe KEAN who was lying on a table in the smoking room, having broken his leg. During Sunday morning, 33 passengers managed to reach the Marconi room, which was protected by the smoke stack from the full violence of the waves, but many were swept away while attempting to reach this shelter. Many who did reach shelter, perished through exposure owing to lack of clothing; this being especially true of some Spanish firemen who early laid down and died. For the more than 26 hours which they were on the wreck, there was neither food, drink nor fire for wretched survivors, who waited for the next sea which might sweep then too, to death. 
March 2, 1918  Florizel Disaster (Part 10)  While many people from the shore gathered to watch the wreck, it was impossible to get to her from there. One dory did make the attempt but was quickly upset. Reservist MARSHALL of H.M.S. “Briton” put a line aboard the wreck, by a rocket from the shore during Sunday, but it was washed off before any one on board could fasten it. The first of the rescue ships to arrive was the little steamer “Gordon C” which left St. John’s on Sunday about noon. Owing to some official muddling, rescue steamers were delayed, and this ship sailed on her own responsibility. She reached the wreck about 5:30 Sunday, but found it impossible to do anything owing to the high sea. The whaler “Hawk” was the next to arrive, and found the “Neptune” and Gordon C. anchored in Fermeuse. The “Home” was also there and she informed the Hawk that a boat had been put out, but nothing could be done. The “Prospero” arrived about 2:30 Monday morning. All these ships then launched boats, but the Prospero’s boat was upset, though her crew were rescued by the Hawk. The Hawk’s boat, manned by Capt. DALTON – a volunteer member of the crew – and two R.N.R. men, got close in and spoke to those on board, finding there was forty living. The Home succeeded in getting a line aboard, and this line was made fast to a lifeboat anchored some distance from the wreck. 
March 2, 1918  Florizel Disaster (Part 11)  Dories were then used between the lifeboat and the wreck. The first passengers to be rescued were Misses CANTWELL and DANIEFF, who were taken off by a dory from the Gordon C. in which Capt. PERRY himself was. The others were gradually rescued by dories from the other steamers. The rescuers did a most heroic work; Capts. PERRY and DALTON were upset in their dories and they, as well as the remaining seamen, were in the water. One naval reservist engaged in the rescue work was drowned when a boat upset. A report from the Tidewaiter and Policeman on duty near the scene of the Florizel wreck on Wednesday morning, said that apparently there was a distress signal flying from a pole stuck up through the bridge deck, and it was thought there were people alive on board. The “Terra Nova,” which was standing by, off the wreck, was wirelessed to try and ascertain. Her Captain reported that he went within 300 yards of the wreck but could not make out anyone alive, while he also sent dories near, but these were unable to get aboard owing to the stormy weather. A later report received at 5:30 said that boats from the Terra Nova had boarded the wreck but found no one alive. Several other bodies were discovered that day; two being women who were supposed to be Miss KEHO, St. John’s Stewardess, and Miss BEAUMONT, St. John’s, deaf and dumb girl returning to Halifax school for the blind. 
March 2, 1918  Houses Moved  Tuesday, Mr. WATKINS hauled the house formerly owned by Mr. Peter YOUNG from Hart’s Cove to the South Side near Shoal Tickle. Mr. Joseph WHITE was engaged this week, hauling a house formerly owned by Mr. Isaac POND. It was to be placed across the road and used for a store. 
March 2, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 1)  His Excellency the Governor, accompanied by his Private Sect, visited the Reid Nfld Co’s Dock works on Monday last, and were shown through by H.D. REID, Esq., President of the Co. The Governor expressed himself highly pleased with the working of machines. The magnitude of the plant was a surprise to His Excellency. The R.N.R. Co. have recently built a snow plough for the street railway, which was operated for the first time after the last great fall of snow, and gave entire satisfaction, as it cleared the track in 15 minutes which formerly took 20 men to perform in a half day. 
March 2, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 2)  Some young men who had imbibed a overdose of firewater recently at the Parade Rink, made things rather lively and going so far as to assault an Umpire, Manager CLUSTON, has had a black mark placed against them by the management, who have determined to exclude such characters from the rink in future. 
March 2, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 3)  A few days ago, a steamer arrived in port and anchored on the quarantine ground. Doctors CAMPBELL and MacPHERSON went on board and found one of the second class Stewards suffering from small pox. The patient was at once removed to the Hospital on Signal Hill for treatment, and the ship thoroughly fumigated. Passengers and crew not previously vaccinated, were attended to by the Doctors, and placed on quarantine in the city. The number detained were six first class passengers, five second, Capt. TUCKER, Mate, Miss McCARTHY, Stewardess, and seven of the crew. Although none of them are showing any symptoms of the disease, the Health Authorities deemed it advisable to do so by way of precaution 
March 2, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 4)  The Windsor (N.S.) Hockey team arrived on Wednesday in the midst of terrific wind and rainstorm, and the ice being so bad in the evening that the match had to be postponed. The first match came off on Tuesday evening in the presence of over two thousand spectators. A fine display of Hockey was exhibited, and although the Windsor boys went down to defeat, they played the game right from start to finish. The following night the second match came off with a similar result as the first. The final game was intended to be run off on Monday night, but on account of the Florizel tragedy, was postponed. 
March 2, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 5)  Assistant Collector of Customs LeMESSURIER, had Cabman J. DOOLEY before the court for a breach of the Municipal laws. It appears Mr. LeMESSURIER was coming up King’s Bridge Road on Monday last, when the defendant, who was driving a horse and sleigh, forced him into the deep snow. Judge MORRIS condemned the actions of the Cabman, and pointed out that at all times, citizens have the right of way. This being defendant’s first offence, a fine of $100 and cost were imposed. 
March 2, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 6)  Two fine horses owned by Mr. Wm. WALSH, Teamster for the gas works, were found dead in the stable on Tuesday morning. It is supposed the stable became filled with gas and caused their death. The loss is a great one to the owner. 
March 2, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 7)  A meeting of the Recruiting Com. was held on Thursday last to consider the needs of the Regiment, and after a discussion of over two hours, the Court by resolutions, pledged their co-operation with the Government and Militia Department, in the inauguration of a new campaign of voluntary enlistment, in fresh effort to obtain the necessary number of men to keep the Regiment at proper strength. It is hoped those high in authority will take an energetic part in the movement, not half heartedly, but a determination to win. 
March 2, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 8)  Capt. Joe KEAN left for Halifax on Saturday last to take over the “Sable I” and get her in readiness for the seal fishery. 
March 2, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 9)  A young lad from Trinity Bay arrived per train on Saturday to enter hospital for the amputation of his toes. He was out in the country assisting others to bring along some carcasses of Caribou, where his toes got badly frost bitten, hence the cause of the operation. 
March 2, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 10)  Several of our young men left on Saturday to take up training with the Canadians flying corps. The Budget wishes the young volunteers every success. 
March 2, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 11)  Since the above was written, the fearful marine tragedy near Cape Race in which the “Florizel” goes ashore in snowstorm and becomes a total wreck. The first message announcing this awful catastrophe, reached the city through the admiralty wireless at Mount Pearl. A special train with Doctors and Nurses with helpers and appliances was rushed to the scene, while four rescue ships were hurried off as quickly as possible. Yesterday (Monday) the ships returned with 44 survivors out of a total number of 138 souls on board. Among the missing are J.S. MUNN, Esq. of Bowring Bros. and Capt. Joe KEAN, Thos. McNEIL, FROUDE of Dicks. 
March 2, 1918  Marriage  A very pretty wedding took place at Pelley’s Island on Dec. 27th. when Mr. Robert YOUNG led to the altar Ivy A. GUY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hamizar GUY of Pelley’s Island. Mr. YOUNG is son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert YOUNG of Wild Bight. The ceremony was performed by Rev. MOULAND. The bride looked charming in a dress of cream silk with hat to match, and was given away by her father. Miss Daisy YOUNG, sister of the groom, acted as their bridesmaid, with her sister Miss Emma and Miss Flossie GUY sisters of the bride. The brideboys were Messrs. Samuel YOUNG and Samuel GRANTER. After the ceremony, the company returned to the home of the bride where a feast of many good things was prepared by Mrs. H. GUY, who did all in her power to make the affair as enjoyable as possible to all concerned. The bride was the recipient of many presents from her friends. Next day the happy couple returned to their future home at Wild Bight where a hot supper was prepared by Mrs. Robert YOUNG, mother of the groom, who also did all in her power to make the affair as enjoyable as possible. Here the bride was presented with further presents from her friends. We wish the newly married couple a happy married life. We wish them health, we wish them wealth, We wish them gold in store. We wish them heaven after death, What can we wish them more? The Sun joins in felicitous wishes to bride and groom. 
March 2, 1918  Post Card From Pte. Wilson POWELL,  The Editor has received a post card from Pte. Wilson POWELL, who says under Jan. 21st. Date, that he had been down to Winchester to see the boys of our Regiment. “DEWEY and myself going to Portsmouth to-morrow,” he adds. 
March 2, 1918  Personal  Mr. Edgar SWEETLAND Jr. arrived here from Botwood last Saturday. Mr. John and Pte. Fred ROBERTS arrived here yesterday and are guests at Long Point. Mr. A. COLBOURNE returned from Fogo last Sunday. He was out in the storm that morning. Mr. C.L. HODGE went to Fogo on Wednesday morning. Mr. Edgar SWEETLAND Jr. returned to Botwood Thursday. Mr. George JANES drove him up to Lewisporte. Mr. Samuel PAYNE is at present confined to his bed with a severe attack of bronchitis. We hear that Mr. Jos. A. YOUNG, who was returning home from the bay last Sunday morning, got astray for a while on Moor’s marsh in the storm. 
March 2, 1918  The Ruth Hickman  "Schr. Ruth Hickman, 405 tons. built by Geo. W. CLARKE at Springdale. Launched November 1917." [This caption accompanies a picture of a schooner's hull, being supported by props. GW.] 
March 2, 1918  Letter from George Bignell (Part 1)  St. Andrew’s Lodge, No. 10, Fogo, Newfoundland. Feb. 18th., 1917. Editor, Twillingate Sun. Dear Sir: - We are enclosing herewith a letter from brother George BIGNELL, who is at the war. Will you kindly insert same in the columns of your valuable paper the Sun. We are yours truly, Ezekiel LUDLOW, Secy. To the Secty and Brothers of the S.U.F. No 10 Lodge, H.M.T. Atholl, F. 862, c/o G.P.O, London. My Dear Brothers. We are entered into another winter and have the time to spare. I take the pleasure in writing you these few lines and as I believe the old year was a fairly successful one. I hope that this may be yet more successful both in Newfoundland and abroad, and that before long, we who are spared may be able to return home, to enjoy the blessings of a right and lasting peace, which we have been hoping and praying for, for over three years, and as we all know we are fighting with a fierce and mighty foe, but we can see that they are beginning to waver in their determination to conquer the world. There is no doubt but that you all know what the aims of England and her allies are, and there is no need for me to repeat them, and until we have accomplished it there can be no peace, we must have no halfway. Germany and her Allies can and must be beaten; they like other nations must be made to taste the bitterness of defeat, and we of Newfoundland have done and are still doing our little mite, to bring about this defeat. 
March 2, 1918  Letter from George Bignell (Part 2)  My dear brothers, I am very glad to know that the British Government have bestowed upon Newfoundland the title of Dominion, in recognition of the good work we have done in this great war. There is no doubt that Newfoundland has done very good both in men and in money, according to our population and means, but I think there are some who ought to come forward and do their bit in more ways than one. What will some of the young men do who say, "I have father, and mother, and brothers three, but what would they do at home without me?" These young men forget that some mothers have given their only son, and support, for their comfort, and I believe there are still some of these young men in Fogo. I tell you brothers, there is scarcely a home in England but have lost either father, or son, or both and I have seen thousands return with either a leg or arm missing or maimed for life. So I say brothers, where we lose one man let two step into his place. I am very sorry to hear of the death of so many of our members, but we must be always prepared for these things, and let us pray that these our brothers, have found everlasting peace where trials never come or tears of sorrow flow, and I must give my heartfelt sympathy to the relatives of these brave men who have given their lives for their country and friends. I must say that I have been very fortunate in not coming in contact with submarines or mines, but I would like to be able to say that I helped to sink one submarine, although I would not like to be torpedoed. I think I have said enough for this time. I am now in Canada and in the best of health. I must now close by wishing you all a prosperous New Year. Good Luck from George BIGNELL, R.N.R. 
March 2, 1918  Death  At Bonaventure on February 14th. Elsie Abbott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry HARBIN. “Oh no lost but gone before us, Let them never be forgot, Sweet their memory to the lonely, In our hearts they perish not.” 
March 2, 1918  Death  My husband Frederick Allan CLARKE, died at Springdale on Feb. 11th. of consumption, aged 33 years. Rowena E. CLARKE. 
March 2, 1918  Death  Died. On Feb. 14th at Springdale of whooping cough and bronchitis, Gertrude Madeline, darling child of H.H. and Mrs. BARRETT, aged 10 months. “He shall gather the lambs into his bosom.” 
March 2, 1918  Lucky Escapes  Mr. A.G. ASHBOURNE arrived from St. John’s on Monday, having left there the morning of the wreck. By fortunate circumstance, Mr. Wm. ASHBOURNE escaped going on the Florizel and perhaps losing his life. He had his passage by Florizel booked, but owing to a case of small pox being discovered, he cancelled the berth and went by train instead, as he feared possible delay of quarantine at Halifax. Mr. Harvey FREEMAN of Back Harbor, who was one of the Florizel’s crew, had a lucky escape. He was quarantined from the ship only shortly before she sailed, and perhaps escaped a watery grave. 
March 2, 1918  Two Accidents  A woman named SMART of Herring Neck broke her arm last week. Mr. James GIDGE of Durrel’s had the misfortune to break his leg last Saturday while coming through Manuel’s Cove. He was returning from the bay with a dozen sticks of wood when the horse became frightened by another horse, and bolted, his leg being broken by the slide, while he was dragged a considerable distance by the frightened animal. 
March 2, 1918  Note Of Thanks  I wish, through your paper to thank the many kind friends who sent messages of sympathy to me on the death of my dear husband, from St. John’s, Twillingate, Little Bay, Tilt Cove, and King’s Point, and also the kind friends of Springdale who sent wreaths to adorn the coffin. Rowena E. CLARKE. 
March 2, 1918  Note Of Thanks  We wish to thank all the kind friends of Springdale who in any way showed kindness to us either in coming to see us or for sending beautiful wreaths to adorn the coffin of our little one, and for the beautiful messages of sympathy received from kind friends outside in this our hour of bereavement. H.M. and Mrs. BARRETT. 
March 2, 1918  Advertisement  New Millinery. We are now showing a nice array of English & American HATS for women and children; all moderately priced goods. Henderson’s, St. John’s. “The Best Value House.” 
March 2, 1918  Soldier’s Letter  No 16 Sigr. D. LEWIS, 1st Newfoundland Regt. B.E.F., France. Dear Miss SHARPE: - Just a line in answer to note received in socks, which I received a few days ago, and for which I thank you very much. I am sure it is very kind and patriotic of you to think of us out here. Socks are the one thing mostly needed out here, especially at this time of the year. I am a first five hundred boy myself, so I can speak for all the rest, and I say were are all proud of our women folk at home who have done so much for us since we left. I can assure you such kindness can never be forgotten by the boys of Nfld. I close wishing you health and prosperity. I am your sincere friend, D. LEWIS. (The socks referred to were knit by Miss Bessie SHARP, who lives with Mr. Mark SPENCER, Back Hr. about three years ago as nearly as she can remember. 
March 2, 1918  Soldier’s Letter  Dear Mother, Just a few lines to let you know that I am getting a little better, but not much. I have got to have another operation on my foot. I am sending you a photograph of me having this operation – my first one. This is my second one, and I think I shall have the third. I should like for you to put this in the paper. I will tell you more on my next letter but I haven’t got my money yet. Good bye, from your son, S. BLAKE. 
March 2, 1918  News of Enlisted Men  Mrs. ANDREWS received a telegram from her husband yesterday saying he was leaving the other side. Mrs. MUDFORD received a postcard by last mail from her son, Pte. Hiram, who is prisoner of war in Germany. It was dated Dec 23rd and he said he had received a bunch of four letters from her that day. 
March 2, 1918  Advertisement  LOST. Between Tim's Hill and Summerford, two grub bags with a knitted cap in each. Finder please return to Nathaniel JENKINS. 
March 2, 1918  Collection for Mrs. BUSH  Twillingate, Feb. 27th, 1918. Editor, Twillingate Sun. Dear Sir: - Will you kindly give space to the following in the columns of your paper. Previous to my going to Hall’s Bay last fall herring catching, an old lady, by the name of Mrs. BUSH who resided at Sock Point, had her house destroyed by fire. After my arrival there, I discovered that Mrs. BUSH (who was eighty years of age) was greatly in need of assistance, having only a small quantity of flour in her possession. I decided to take up a collection on her behalf, which I did. The total sum raised being $16.20. This amount was sent to Mr. Geo. CLARKE of Springdale to deliver to her. Below are the names of the contributors, which I trust you will find correct. Yours sincerely, John PHILLIPS. P.S. If any names are omitted, I should like to know. List of contributors - John PHILLIPS $2; Wm. ASHBOURNE $2; Frank ROBERTS $1; Jas PRIMMER $1; Wesley WARFORD $1: Chesley ROBERTS $1; Sidney YOUNG 50c; J. WATERMAN 50c; Wm. OAKE 50c; Elijah YOUNG 50c; Robt GUY 50c; Elias YOUNG 50c; John STOCKLEY 50c; Elias YOUNG 50c; John STOCKLEY 50c; Robt STOCKLEY50c; Harry STOCKLEY 50c; Joseph STUCKLESS 50c; John ANSTEY 50c; George RIDEOUT 50c; John BUTCHER 50c; James GILLETT 70c; James ANSTEY 25c; Louis YOUNG 25c. Total $16.20. 
March 9, 1918  News of Enlisted Men Pte. Norman PARDY is on the way home and will probably be in St. John’s by middle of this month. Pte. Gus CHURCHILL will probably arrive at the same time. Pte. CHURCHILL has an empty sleeve for his country’s sake. [Pictures of Pte Norman PARDY and PTE Gus CHURCHILL accompany this article.] 
March 9, 1918  Death  The death of Mrs. Joseph PEARCE occurred at Bluff Head Cove on Tuesday morning, following an illness of some weeks, at the age of 65 years. For a number of years the deceased had been suffering from an internal complaint, but latterly the disease became aggravated and ended in death. The late Mrs. PEARCE was daughter of the late William BROWN of Bluff Head Cove. For a brief period she and her husband resided at Barr’d Islands, but returned here to take up their abode. There are four daughters living – Mrs. TOLLHURST of Minnesota, Mrs. Stan MITCHERD of Boston, Mrs. W. LUCAS of Bishop’s Falls, and Mrs. Edward JENKINS at the Arm, while a son Alfred is engaged on a steamer - running between London and Australia. To the bereaved husband who survives, and the other relatives, the Sun extends its sympathy. The funeral took place at St. Peter’s on Thursday. 
March 9, 1918  Personals  Rev. and Mrs. HUNT, went to Morton’s Hr. yesterday and will remain over Sunday. Miss TAYLOR, assistant at St. Peter’s, went to Morton’s Hr. yesterday to visit her brother who is a Naval Reservist and is home on a brief furlough. Mr. G. BLANDFORD went to Herring Neck Thursday, returning the same day. We understand Rev. ROBB has been invited to the Carbonear circuit. Mr. W. LUCAS arrived here Wednesday with the Mailmen from Lewisporte, to attend the funeral of his late mother-in-law, Mrs. PEARCE. He returned again yesterday. A few men are going from here to the ice fields, among them are Lewis LEGG, Ben OXFORD, Thos. LAMBERT, John LAMBERT. They left here this week. 
March 9, 1918  Advertisement  Wanted. At Once. A Servant Girl. Apply to Mrs. R.B. HODGE, Path End. 
March 9, 1918  Advertisement  For Sale. Motorboat 22 x 6 x 3 feet. Juniper planked with 4 H.P. Bridgeport engine; self-starting magnets. Apply Harry COLBOURNE, Twillingate. 
March 9, 1918  We Should Never Be Short Of Fats  One of the great world shortages today is that of fats. Germany and Austria have long been short. Great Britain is getting pretty short, and many people there are having to go on much reduced rations of butter. Newfoundland is particularly well situated as far as animal fats go, only the unfortunate part of it is, that both our main fat supplies have a particularly strong flavour. Still, if chemists can – as they have done – remove the disagreeable, strong taste from cottonseed oil, their is no reason why their services should not be availed of to make both cod oil and seal fat both palatable and pleasant as a fat food. It seems a great pity, when the whole world is starving for fats, that both these two animal fats should be used for paint oil or to lubricate machinery. The matter of removing the objectionable taste is something that skilled chemists could easily do, and with care in handling, both products might become food fats. There is nothing far fetched about this. The man who first suggested cottonseed oil as a food fat – an oil with particularly rank flavour – was probably ridiculed, yet today Crisco that you buy, is nothing more nor less than that same cottonseed oil with the flavour removed. Our Government by attending to this, would be not only rendering a service to the world, but would be very much enhancing the value of these two fats. Of course when we think of cod oil we are not considering the “rotten” article, which is too carelessly handled to make it fit for food. 
March 9, 1918  Hold What We Have  There seems to be a good and growing demand for Newfoundland herring in the American markets. If only our packers will be careful, there is every chance of our holding this position after the war; but to do this we must have careful and proper packing – otherwise the market may be lost as soon as Scotch and other herring begin to find their was back there again. It should be realized by every herring packer that, not only his own but the interest of the whole country, depends on the care he puts into his pack. 
March 9, 1918  The Arch Slackers  A meeting of the Patriotic Committee was held recently, but so far no work has been done to obtain the men that are necessary to fill the gaps. Canada is allowing a number of her veterans to visit their homes after three years service. There seems little chance of our veterans getting home, for the Government is too slack to do anything towards providing men to fill the gaps. A good deal has been said about “slackers”, but when all is said, the arch slackers are the men who occupy the benches in the House of Assembly. Beyond Premier LLOYD, Mr. BENNETT and Mr. GRIMES, these gentlemen, who should be in the lead, have done nothing to forward recruiting. If the Government wishes – and it is not evident that the Government does so wish – to obtain further support for the Regiment, let every member – either Government of Opposition – visit his district and begin an active recruiting campaign. They are the men who should do this. Why do they hesitate? Ah me – votes, gentlemen, votes – are the only thing they think of. 
March 9, 1918  Advertisement  Wanted To Buy – A new or second hand medium size harness. Apply Sun Offices. 
March 9, 1918  Advertisement  Wanted. Ten or Twelve men to work in shipyard at Birchy Bay. For a rate of wages etc. apply to Thomas FRENCH, Tizzard’s Harbor. 
March 9, 1918  Good Walk for Seventy Seven!  Mr. John LOCK, in spite of his 77 years, is still going strong. Last week he left his own house here about 10 a.m., walked to Bluff Head, thence to Chance Hr. and from that to Tizzard’s Hr., reaching home before six the same evening. Many young men would find a walk such as this quite enough for one day, and it shows that Mr. LOCK, like “Johnnie Walker” is still going strong. Long may he continue. 
March 9, 1918  Halifax Disaster  The enquiry into the collision between Mont Blanc and the Belgian relief ship which cause the Halifax disaster, found the Captain and Pilot of the French ship guilty of bad navigation. 
March 9, 1918  House Hauling  House hauling continues to be the order of the day, thanks to hard ice and fine weather. Mr. Herbert NEWMAN last Thursday, hauled a house from Back Hr. to Young’s Point. Mr. John WHITE hauled another from Back Hr. to his place on the South Side, and Mr. John COOK hauled a store from the hill to Jubilee Corner on Tuesday. 
March 9, 1918  Spare Our Blushes Friend (Part 1)  Kindersley, Sack., Feb. 19th 1918. Editor Twillingate Sun. Dear Friend: - A short while ago I received a letter from my brother John which I thought would be read with interest by many of the folk reached by your paper, especially since the Forestry battalion is made up of men from all over Newfoundland. The letter you will please find herewith and I hope same reaches you all right. The offer you had from St. John’s Telegram was of no surprise to me. I am sorry though if Mr. WINTER is quitting the newspaper profession. I must say I enjoyed his writing pretty nearly as much as I did those from your pen. Accept my congratulations. I said the offer was no surprise to me, since you are so modest it will be necessary for me to explain just what I mean. Your editorials would compare favourably with those in daily papers whose circulation runs into the scores of thousands. I did not pick out the Telegram as any particular paper to invite you to its editorial chair, but I thought an invitation of that sort would soon be extended by some reputable daily, (including of course the Telegram) with a standard, which it wished to have maintained. The people home, may now learn to appreciate more fully, your work in behalf of the community and it’s citizens. The fact that you have been invited to preside over the destiny of Nfld’s greatest newspaper, should be no small matter in deciding the quality of journalism with which the North in particular is favoured. Please publish the foregoing, just preceding my brother’s letter. With kind regards and best wishes to all. Yours truly, Doyle BARRETT. 
March 9, 1918  Spare Our Blushes Friend (Part 2)  Dunkeld, Perthshire, Scotland. Dec. 31st, 1917. Dear Brother: - Your letter of 1st inst. came to hand to day, and it was a pleasure to get a word from you after such a long silence. I have no doubt but that you are somewhat exempted from the exigencies of war, and that for a while, that part of the globe is safe from the depredations of the Hun. The winter sets in there as early as it does here, because at the present writing, there is only a sign of snow on the higher peaks, while the lowland is quite free of frost and snow. I spent my Christmas in the Southern part of Scotland, and it was a “green” one, somewhat different from what I had been accustomed. Yet I spent a very enjoyable one with friends. The boys at our Camp had a jolly good time, there being ample provision made for the festive season, and a gift of fruit, cigarettes and beer for all. On the 14th inst. we had a visit from Sir E.P. MORRIS and the late Gov. of Nfld. (Sir W. DAVIDSON) They inspected our work and then made the acquaintance of every man; after which they addressed us and spoke very encouragingly of the great service we were rendering the Empire. In consequence of their visit we were given a half-holiday. Quite a few concerts and teas have been given freely to our ….. beside all the others they attend on admission, so you see the social side of life is not so very dull after all. 
March 9, 1918  Spare Our Blushes Friend (Part 3)  We have a recreation building opened here at Camp, and it is furnished with a piano, gramophone, and an abundance of games and literature. Our present strength is 320, but we are expecting another draft of 90 men in a day or two. We will then have enough for three Companies. I have been transferred back to the Quartermaster’s office again, but work is not so pressing upon me as it was at first. I have been asked to take the position of Quartermaster Sergeant for B. Company, but I told the Major I would prefer staying upon the mountain with my old Company and retain present rank. I don’t know that may be done when the other men arrive. I hear from George and Gilbert quite frequently. Gilbert was up to see me for a couple of days before he went to France, and I was delighted to see him. He was looking fine, I don’t think George likes the conditions of things in the Camp where he is; there does not appear to be the same treatment accorded the men he is among as our men got, and other men think their lot pretty severe, although they can get a pass any night or week-end they want one. We still have a great many visitors coming to the wonderful log-chute and the working of the sawmills. To those who have never seen anything like it before, it is all very interesting. I am delighted to know you sent George tobacco, because if what is for sale in France is half as bad as what we get here, it is a wonder that an inveterate smoker like George lives to tell the tale. Tobacco here costs ten shillings a pound. When down South last week I had the pleasure of witnessing some very interesting manoeuvres by thirty aeroplanes. 
March 9, 1918  Spare Our Blushes Friend (Part 4)  I think it requires men of steeled nerves to go to the heights and perform such daring stunts as some aviators do. Will you credit it, that on Christmas Day I saw farmers at work sowing wheat, harrowing, and ploughing their land. It did not look very winter-like here. Christmas Day is never observed by Scotchmen in this country, although in England it is the day. The principal day in Scotland is New Year’s Day, “when brither Scots forefather” and taste the barley brew. The Food Control Board has taken charge of the distribution of certain articles and limited quantities are to be had by any one house. Butter, tea and sugar are practically being rationed to the people of most towns, and it is a hard sight to see crowds of women and children lined along the streets, awaiting their turn to pass through the “camel’s eye” for their purchases. It is often a case of too early, for late ones get none. The people who live on the Western side of the Atlantic have small conception of condition of things on this side. Be it said to their credit, the women of the nation have boldly come to the fore and have done, and are still doing, self-sacrificing labour for the cause of the Empire. Why, I have even seen women working on railway sections, and around station yards loading freight, not to speak of the thousands working at more refined occupations. The year 1917 is on its deathbed and the bells will soon be ringing the Old Year out and the New Year in. May it usher, for the British Empire and her gallant sons fighting on the fields of France and Flanders, and also for her brave lads in blue sailing the boundless oceans, a full measure of Peace, happiness and prosperity, and that before long, all those brave lads may be re-united with their cherished ones at home. Best wishes for your health and happiness throughout the New Year. Your brother, John. 
March 9, 1918  Miss Kate HORWOOD  On Active Service, Jan 24th, 1918, Miss Kate HORWOOD. Dear Friends: - I received a pair of socks a couple of days ago with a note enclosed in them from you, asking the person that receives them to write you. Well here I am, and I am very thankful to you for the socks. Its very good of you folk at home sending us out socks and shirts. This is the second time I have had socks from Twillingate with notes in them, the first was from a Mrs. E.G. LINFIELD; maybe you know her. I am quite sure all the boys are very pleased with the socks we get from home, especially now we are getting it very muddy, and a dry pair of socks are always a welcome guest. I shall have to put my address here as it may be crossed out. It is Pte. F. HIBBS, No 299, 1st Nfld Regt., B.E.F., France. I hope my letter reaches you safely and that if you have time you will answer it. So thanking you again I will close. I remain yours sincerely. Jas. HIBBS. 
March 9, 1918  Miss Kate HORWOOD  B.F. France, Dec 10, 1917. Miss Kate HORWOOD, Twillingate. Dear Miss: - I expressed my greatest gratitude for the pair of socks I received yesterday which couldn’t come in more needed time and your note in them. We just came in from that lovely place (you know where) after a trying experience, which I can heartily thank my Maker for bringing me through. It is good to know that we are not forgotten, although we are in the war zone far from home and friends, but we can do the fighting if our kind hearted people from home will send us comforts which we need badly sometimes, but we are always supplied. I can’t say anything else that will interest you, so I will ring off now by wishing you and your Club a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. May God grant that 1918 will bring us peace and victory. From your thankful soldier, Pte. Samuel MERCER, No 3479, C. Co. 
March 9, 1918  Re. George JENKINS  S.C.A. Camp Home, Feb. 2nd. Mr. & Mrs. Jenkins: - I have the honour to inform you that I had the privilege to meet your son George JENKINS, while in Hospital; we have been together for two months. I am so sorry to say that he left me this morning to return to his base. I must also congratulate you with your son, who is a very good man and a real Christian. It was the happiest time of my life I’ve had since I met him. I was a sinner and through him I became a Christian. He asked me to write to you and let you know that he is quite well. He is also expecting to go on leave to Scotland. As you know yourself, I haven’t got much to say, but can assure you that you need not fear that your boy will ever go wrong and God will lead him. I sincerely hope to have the honour to meet him again. Will now close. From a true friend. Cpl. T.R. UYS. 7422. 3rd. South African Inf. A Co, B.E.F. France. 
March 9, 1918  Donations  Magistrate’s Office, March 8th, 1918. Editor, Twillingate Sun. Dear Sir: - By last mail drafts were sent from the Bank to close the following accounts: - Imperial Red Cross $13.36, Halifax Disaster $43.13, Mr. W.E. BULGIN of Summerford who lost his house, etc. by fire a few weeks since, asks me to thank kind donors for amounts collected by Mr. Harry ANSTEY, Back Harbor, who did faithful work in securing $84 to help this distressed neighbour. I understand another collection is being made for same object on South Island, and no doubt will be acknowledged later. Yours faithfully – Magistrate. 
March 9, 1918  Skater  Mr. Michael GLAVINE arrived here yesterday about noon from Fortune Hr. having skated all the way from Northern Harbour. He left home at about 6 a.m. and was in Chance Hr. by 8. He says the ice is splendid on the Ships Run, but it is rough on the Bight. He returned this morning. 
March 9, 1918  Northern Lights  Person who were out about midnight Thursday, report seeing a remarkable phenomenon in the Sky. The Aurora showing quite blood red in the west where it looked almost like a fire 
March 9, 1918  New Bishop  The consecration of Bishop WHITE takes place tomorrow morning at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, St. John’s. Archbishop of Nova Scotia performs the ceremony. 
March 9, 1918  Trial At Herring Neck  An important trial takes place at Herring Neck shortly, when the Fishery Board takes action against the Manager of Mr. LIVINGSTONE’S herring factory at Herring Neck, on charge of putting up Scotch pack herring illegally before the first of March. We understand that the defendant claims that he was packing Norwegian style, the treatment being somewhat similar. Experts are being called and lawyers representing both sides are to be employed. 
March 9, 1918  Lay Offs  A number of young men who have been working at Grand Falls returned this week. Work is shut down to a considerable extent there, the reason given being the loss of the Florizel, which reduces paper shipments to New York. Men are still wanted for woods work we understand. 
March 9, 1918  Food and the War  Toronto, January 18 – “White flour, beef, bacon, and other foodstuffs may soon disappear from the Canadian household” said Hon. W.J. HANNA, Food Controller, in an interview here today. “The people of Canada are willing to go a long way in accepting food restrictions," said Mr. HANNA. “They are pretty well prepared for absolute prohibition of the use of certain articles of food, even to a degree that is not without its danger to public health. Absolute prohibition of some foods, is a problem of the day in Canada as well as the United States.” 
March 9, 1918  What Constitutes Scotch Herring (Part 1)  Editor Tw’Gate Sun. – Dear Sir: - I would feel greatly obliged to you if you would allow me space enough in your paper to sincerely thank the kind person who has interested himself so much in my welfare, as to report to the authorities in St. John’s that I have been guilty of breaking one of the fishery laws of the country. It has been whispered about rather freely that Capt. Saul WHITE, my agent and manager, has been packing his herring into barrels in such a way that when they reach New York they will, by a turn of the wrist, be transformed into “Scotch Cures”. As the story goes, the preliminary act in the transformation scene is performed as follows: - Capt. Saul, before commencing operations, takes out the bottoms of the barrels. The packers then pack the herring into the barrels, back up as per Norwegian style. When they are filled, the bottoms are put into the barrels again and they are shipped to New York. When they reach that city, the buyers there turn the barrels head up, take out the heads, and – hey presto! they have a few barrels of splendid “Scotch” packed herring. Mr. Editor, the man who invented this deliberate falsehood should never have been a fisherman. 
March 9, 1918  What Constitutes Scotch Herring (Part 1)  The Board of Inventions in London would at the resent juncture, gladly welcome the assistance of his imaginative brain. The result of his overworked brain is as base and barefaced as the kiss Judas imprinted on our Saviour’s lips. It is only fair on my part to say that, as Mr. WHITE will be living amongst you, when I may be in another country, WHITE had distinct orders from me to put up Norwegian packed herring until the first day of March. He obeyed my orders to the letter, and I am thoroughly satisfied with his work. As I have handled thousands of barrels of Scotch, Norwegian, Irish, English, Iceland and Holland herring, I think I should know what’s what, when I see them, I went to the USA at the request of the largest dealers in cured herring in that country, namely: - Messrs. Menzeland Company of New York. While with that firm I have repeatedly heard buyers and jobbers pass severe criticism on the old fashioned method of leaving the useless and deteriorating gut in the “Norwegian Style” herring, cured in Newfoundland. Again we must remember the herring from Holland are also “gutted” and the Dutchmen are the real “fathers” of the herring canning industry. Before closing, let me say I applied for a licence on behalf of Capt. WHITE on the eighteenth of February last. This will interest our aforesaid “friend.” Thanking you in anticipation, I remain, yours truly, William A. LIVINGSTONE, Ford Hotel, Twillingate. 
    [There is nothing on my microfilm between March 9, 1918, and March 23, 1918. GW] 
March 23, 1918  What Would You Do?  What Would You Do if you were Premier of this country? I know one thing that I would do if I were. The first would be absolute abolishment of the present antiquated telegraph system and install telephone lines instead. Just imagine Mr. Twillingate man, if you could call up the firm or person you wanted to send your message to, whether at Griquet, Bay of Islands, Port-aux-Basque or St. John’s, and for the twenty cents you now pay, not only send your message but get your reply. I don’t know what Premiers do. I think they allow themselves to be tied hand and foot with red tape once they get in that office at the head of the stairs next to the Colonial Secretary’s. I know I should kick over the traces. Will somebody else tell us what they would do if they were Premier? 
March 23, 1918  Lawsuit  The COAKER - REID libel case has now been transferred to the Supreme Court. Mr. COAKER was asked to give a personal bond of $5000 to guarantee his appearance in the further trial. 
March 23, 1918  Ice Report  The lighthouse keeper reported the bay practically clear of ice on Monday, water extending in to Triton. One seal was seen on the ice. Men who attempted to get off, found the ice broken up. 
March 23, 1918  Personals  Mr. H.J. HOWLETT arrived from St. John’s this week and is guest at the Ford Hotel. Mr. Arthur MANUEL went to Morton's this week, and thence to Exploits. Rev. and Mrs. HUNT, who went to Morton's Hr. for the L.O.A. celebration, returned again Thursday. Arctic Lodge, L.O.A., celebrated their anniversary at Morton's Hr. on Thursday. W.B. JENNINGS, M.H.A., was in town on Thursday for the F.P.U. celebration. One of the best knitted pairs of socks received by the W.P.A. here, was a pair handed in this week, knit by Mr. Robert HAYWARD of the S. Side. We are told that they were beautifully finished and we hasten to congratulate Mr. HAYWARD. Mr. Harvey FREEMAN is expected home as soon as railway communication is restored. Two commercial travelers arrived this week and are guests at the Ford Hotel. We understand the deputation for Methodist missionary meetings will be Rev. WILKINSON, Change Islands; Rev. MOORE, Herring Neck and Rev. ______ from Summerford. 
March 23, 1918  Helping The Poor Man  (Daily Star). One of the favorite terms of endearment used by the Advocate in referring to the loquacious president, is “poor man’s friend”. It doesn’t of course, intend us to understand by this expression that the president has been very kind to himself since those early days of his public career, when he delighted to refer to himself as “poor COAKER”, and when he cited his own alleged poverty as proof of his oneness with the lowliest of Newfoundland’s wage-earners. Still, we notice that, in all its references to the wonderful prosperity of the Union trading ventures, our contemporary omits to touch even lightly, on the extent to which fortune has blessed the worthy president with private car, and automobile privileges, with real estate, and with splendid salary. Moreover, it forgets to tell us how it was the men working on that wonderful plant at Catalina, had to strike to get their pay increased from $1 and $1.10 and $1.20. Perhaps while Mr. COAKER doesn’t mind securing the toilers increases when other people have to pay, he yet prefers to emulate the boldest, worst grab all of the whole bunch, when it comes to spending the money invested in his own organization. 
March 23, 1918  Note of Thanks  We wish, through your paper, to thank all the kind friends of Crow head who in any was showed kindness, in coming to see or sending wreaths to adorn the coffin of our Mother, or in any other way, helped to lighten our bereavement.. George HAMLIN and Brothers. 
March 23, 1918  Snow Delays The Trains  (Western Star, Mar. 13th.) The snowdrifts were piled high along the Western Division of the railway by Monday’s Northeast gale. In one cut a little out from Port aux Basques, the snow was fifteen feet high. It is a week ago today since we had an express train from the West; and the last from the East arrived here Friday night. 
March 23, 1918  Shipping News  Emanuel PIKE’s schr. “Cedella”, of Channel, will sail to the seal fishery in the Gulf in charge of Capt. D. MARTIN of Codroy. She will carry a crew of 15 men. The schr. "Ruth Hickman", whose picture we published recently, sailed from St. John's for foreign ports on Feb. 16th. Two of her crew were Twillingaters, one being Mr. Cecil ANSTEY, son of Mr. James ANSTEY, Back Hr. and the other Mr. Robert LAMBERT of the South Side, a married man. 
March 23, 1918  Advertisement  Sale Of Work.The C.E.W.A., St. Andrew’s Branch, intend holding a sale of plain and fancy aprons in their schoolroom on Tuesday April 2nd. Ice-cream served. Doors open 7 p.m. Admission 5 cents. J.E. YOUNG, Sect. L. BLANDFORD, Pres. 2 wks. 
March 23, 1918  Advertisement  Lost. On the ice between Mr. BLANDFORD’s and Mr. HODGE’s, a handbag containing a purse with money. Will finder please leave same – property of young woman – at this Office. 
March 23, 1918  Advertisement  For Sale. Schooner “Annie Josephine,” 27 Tons. For further particulars apply to James ROGERS, Durrel’s Arm, Twillingate. 
March 23, 1918  Advertisement  Wanted. Engineer for motorboat 20 h.p. Wolverine, 3 cylinder. Fair wages and constant employment to competent person. Apply, Sun Office. 3 wks. 
March 23, 1918  Sealing News  Sealing news Thursday night was as follows: Practically whole fleet working in patch of hoods and doing well. "Terra Nova" reports for weight of about 10,000. "Ranger" struck patch hoods yesterday, doing well. "Eagle" did well with hoods today, cannot give number killed. "Thetis" took 1000 whitecoats and later 800 hoods. "Neptune" in patch old hoods took 1000. "Diana" struck large patch hoods and did fair work. "Fogota" .... 1500 old and young hoods aboard and on ice. Seal reports 900 young harps and 200 old hoods. "Kite" reports prospects favorable. What whitecoats have been taken, are reported as very large and heavy. Mr. John ELLIOTT, S. Side, secured four seals one day this week. Though sealers have apparently missed the harps, they will likely secure loads among the hoods. This morning they struck a patch of hoods about 30,000. ____ has 1000 aboard and prospects good. "Sable" reports struck large patch hoods yesterday, with Terra Nova, Eagle, Ranger, Diana, Erick, Neptune, Thetis and Fogota in vicinity. Kite is said to have sent message that she has been picking up harps since 18th. and had about 3000 aboard. 
March 23, 1918  Marriage  Pte. E. WHITE, Gallipoli veteran, son of Capt. E. WHITE of the Arm, was married to Miss WHELLOR of Greenspond on Thursday, March 21st. The Sun offers congratulations to the young soldier and his bride, with best wishes for many happy years of wedded life. Pte. WHITE occupies a position as Clerk in the military headquarters in the CLB Armoury, St. John's. 
March 23, 1918  Advertisement  Clearance Sale. Skin Boots. Barked & Black. $2.50 Pair. See our famous "Redman" Rubber Boots, $5.50 Pair. John W. Hodge, Twillingate. 
March 23, 1918  Football Match  We understand a football match will take place next Thursday, if weather permits, on North Side. The gamesters will be composed of Arm and North Shore young men. 
March 23, 1918  Hay Shortage  There is a considerable shortage of hay in town as increasing numbers of cattle are being kept. 
March 23, 1918  Mail Deliveries  The railway line has been blocked all this week. Our Mailmen left Wednesday as usual but got nothing. Up to yesterday there was still no train through from St. John's. The Mail Couriers left Lewisporte at 7 o'clock this morning. Our own energetic Mailmen will we hope, be back in time to give us the mail tonight. Owing to the snow-block on the railway, the Mail Couriers brought only mail from West. 
March 23, 1918  That Lighthouse Telephone  The matter of a telephone to the Lighthouse has been occupying people's attention for some time, but although petitions on the subject have been forwarded to the Government, so far nothing has been done. The position of the Telephone Company is, that they are willing to construct the line and maintain the service, if the Government authorizes the rest of the instrument. The Company is being heavily taxed by Government, being compelled to pay a tax of $4.00 per year on each instrument in their system, but in spite of this, they are willing, for reasonable rent, to install an instrument at the Lighthouse. So far the Telephone Company, which is composed of Twillgate men of moderate means, has benefited the place not a little, but they consider that the Government, which is taking $136 a year from them in taxation, must come forward with the agreement to pay the rent of a phone to the lighthouse, if the people want one. We make this explanation to show how little help, local concerns can get from Governments in this country, and to point out to people who are misinformed, that the Telephone Company's service is due to the foresight and interest of Twillingate men alone, with precious little thanks to any Government. 
March 23, 1918  Forestry Battalion (Part 1)  With The Forestry Battalion in Scotland. In and around the mills, everything is going along smoothly, there being night and day shifts working regularly, and the stacks of lumber in the yard are increasing in size, notwithstanding the shipments being made as fast as railway cars can be procured. The closing days of January were very spring-like, the warm Southerly winds clearing all the snow from the hillsides, and making the ground very soft. A continuance of the same weather ushered in the month of February, and if the old adage respecting Candlemas Day holds good, then the remainder of our winter is likely to be mild. It is very fortunate that there has not been much snow; otherwise the operation of our railway would be seriously handicapped. So far, there has not been enough snow to tie up the trolleys for an hour. There is quite a marked contrast between this weather and what we were accustomed to in our home country. Yet, after all, clear frosty weather would be far healthier in winter season and snowballs would be preferable to mud balls. Those responsible for the issuance of the scale of Army rations did not have any idea as to the capacity of a hard-working Newfoundlander, otherwise they may have granted a larger supply of certain commodities. But as the food situation, not only here, but in many parts of the world, is a serious one at the present day, we have to comply with the order and practice economy. Since the opening day of the salmon (rod) fishing on the river Tay, some fifty-four fish have been landed. They totalled a weight of 972 pounds, the smallest salmon 17 1/2 lbs. Many of these fish were of clean run, having just come up from the sea. 
March 23, 1918  Forestry Battalion (Part 2)  Golf seems to be a National game in Scotland, and in many parts of the country large tracts of land are reserved for this sport. Now, owing to the great agitation for the increased acreage for root and other crops, it is understood that several of the famous golf links are to pass under the control of the Agricultural Board, and will be put under cultivation this year. London "Opinion" informs us that we are about to have a new General - "General Rations". The conservation of the Nation's food supply is necessary, and it is claimed that this can only be procured by the rationing of all classes. It is being brought home to the people that the undesirable shortage of food, which at present confronts the country, is due to three main causes. The first was the world's shortage of crops. The shortage was due almost entirely to the fact that the crops in France were a little more than one half the normal, and the crop in Italy had fallen short of 15 percent of the normal. The second cause was the shortage of ships, as one half of the British Merchant Navy was commandeered for purely war purposes for serving and carrying their fighting men. The third cause was the sinking of food cargoes by submarines. Whilst the war drags on its weary way, there is the cry for more men, and still more men. Just a few days ago a large contingent of troops from the United States landed at a nearby seaport town. These men have come overseas for the same worthy cause as our Colonials have come, and are imbued with just as strong a determination to see those aims realized, no matter what the cost, no matter what the sacrifice. It is up to those at home in all parts of the Empire to emulate the spirit of our fore-fathers, remembering the motto - "Britons never shall be slaves" - least of all to Germany. Remember those words recently uttered by the British Prime Minister - "The people must go on, or go under." Yours respectfully, J.A. BARRETT, Nfld. Forestry Companies, Dunkeld. 
March 23, 1918  Letter Re Socks  Dear Miss ELLIOTT: - Just received the pair of socks, with your note in them, I was awfully pleased with them, as I needed them badly and I could not get them in a better time, I think myself very lucky to get your socks as I know quite a few people belong to Twillingate, I think the women home, are certainly doing their bit as a pair of socks are one of the best comforts we get. I close now by wishing you every success with your good work, hope to hear from you again soon. I am well and feeling quite contented. Sincerely yours, Noah LANE, 2649 Transport Secr. 1st. Nfld. Reg. c/o Pay & Record Office. 58 Victoria St. London. 
March 23, 1918  Letter Re Socks  Dear Miss ELLIOTT: - Just a few lines to let you know I received your socks on the 12th. of Dec 1917, and I can tell you I enjoy them O.K. Well, Miss ELLIOTT, I suppose you know who I am; if you don’t know me I guess you know my sister. She is married to a chap by the name of Job ELLIOTT from Crow head. He may be something to you – I don’t know, but he is my brother-in-law. I may know you but I can’t remember anything about you, but it doesn’t matter now – I’m far from home and those I love. I was very glad to get the socks with the little note in them with your name and address. I am not writing much this time; not till I hear from you. It’s a bit cold out here this winter, just as cold as it is in Nfld., but Nfld is much better than France. Well, Miss ELLIOTT, I hope to hear from you soon. I remember to all your friends and don’t forget to write me when you get this little note and tell me all the news, so I must close now by wishing you good-bye with all good wishes and kind regards and happy Xmas. S. BRENSON, 2588, B.E.F., France 
March 23, 1918  The Florizel Inquiry (Part 1)  Evidence of Capt. MARTIN at Florizel Inquiry. To my knowledge the compasses were correct and showed no inaccuracy up to Cape Spear. I never found anyone in the chart room whose business it was not to be there. Passengers sometimes come around out of curiosity, but no one is allowed on the bridge at night except those of the crew whose business it is to be there. When the ship struck, I put the telegraph full astern, and told the Chief Officer to send a message to Cape Race that the ship was ashore. When the engine would not go full astern I put her full ahead. I got no answer from the engine room. That would be about 2 minutes after she struck. I gave orders to get the boats out. The Purser, who was near, I told to get all the passengers ready to leave the ship if necessary. I then saw the impossibility of launching the boats, as the seas swept clean over the ship. I then ordered all hands to get their life belts, telling them where to find them. Two boxes containing about 60 or 70 life belts were kept for emergency, on each side of the smoking room on deck. I ordered that they be given out. At that time the seas were very heavy and sweeping over the ship. No. 2 steel boat was swept out of its cradle and wedged between the Second Mate's room and the Starboard rail, blocking the passageway leading from aft on the lee side, to the bridge. I passed my life belt to some passenger out of my room. A big crowd of passengers and crew were huddled together on the smoke room deck and could neither get forward or aft. 
March 23, 1918  The Florizel Inquiry (Part 2)  The ladders leading from the social hall to the boat deck were carried away. All the passengers I saw had life belts. A great many passengers and crew were also behind the boats on the lee side. I noticed Capt. Joe KEAN. He told me his leg was broken. I helped him up to the bridge. He asked me the best place to go. Someone on top of the bridge helped me up to the bridge. I took him to the wheelhouse and placed him on a desk. He had no cap. I went to the chart room to get him one. A lot of people were in the chart room and in the wheelhouse. She shipped a sea just then, which carried away the forward end of the wheelhouse on the Port side and washed me and others out through the door on the Starboard side. The Second Mate and others, were on the lee side. Second Mate King said the wheelhouse would stand till daylight, when we would be rescued. At daylight I noticed Mr. MUNN and several passengers on the smoking room deck. I came down again and tried to get aft. During the time I was trying to get aft, the steamer shipped a heavy sea, which washed me about a bit. When I recovered myself, I was hanging on to the rail outside the Marconi room. All the passengers on the smoking room deck were gone. I did not see them going, but there was not one there. I did not know if the bridge was gone. I went to the Marconi room. When I got inside, there was quite a number of people. I don't know how long I remained there. On going to the fiddly a few feet from the Marconi House, I saw the Chief Officer, Second Cook, and some others, huddled together. 
March 23, 1918  The Florizel Inquiry (Part 3)  While there, I talked about getting a line ashore. I then went back to the Marconi Room and offered words of encouragement to those in there. I suggested trying to get a line on shore myself. The Second Engineer said it would be an act of madness. I said it was the only hope. When I spoke to him he said I would never reach the land. I said if I could get ashore it would be all right, I could get the line on my body and drift ashore. I was sure I could swim to the rocks with the rope, and if I drowned the line would be ashore, or the landsman would be able to get hold of it. I did not mind taking the risk of drowning. Seaman DOOLEY, who was in the Marconi room said, "You won't go alone, Captain, I'll go with you." I waited an opportunity to get forward. The bridge and smoking room was gone; the ship was broken off amidships, and submerged aft. On getting forward I found the Carpenter, Mr. LEDDINGHAM, who was injured, and another. I told them what I intended doing. They told me it was madness and that I could not do it. I did not listen and searched for a line. I could not find one. Everything was under water or washed off the deck. I told LEDDINGHAM I was going to try anyhow. He said I was a madman and there was no chance of getting off, and I should think of my wife and children. We remained there all night and refreshed ourselves with two packages of grape nuts and a part bottle of rye whiskey, the latter partly mixed with salt water. We went on deck during the night to show the lights. We also showed ourselves on deck during the day. Early the next morning the dories from the rescue ships came alongside and rescued us in twos and threes. 
March 23, 1918  Joined The Canadian Police Force  [This article is accompanied by a head and shoulder picture of Pte. Garland ROGERS. GW.] Pte. Garland ROGERS, who received his discharge recently in St. John's, having been unfitted for further active service owing to enteric fever educed in France, has now joined the Police force in Halifax, his friends having recently received his photograph in his regimentals. 
March 23, 1918  Record Tow  Capt. FEAR by name, but not by nature, was the man who commanded a Cunard Liner which recently towed the American steamer "Clara" of 4000 tons, for a distance of over 1200 miles. Capt. FEAR found the Clara disabled and drifting back to the submarine zone, so with eight big hawsers, he towed her through many storms to the safety of Halifax Harbor. At times the liner and her heavy tow would not make 1/2 a knot in the gales they met. 
March 23, 1918  Death  The death of Mrs. HAMLYN, an old lady of over 90 years, occurred at Crow Head on Monday morning. 
March 23, 1918  Shipwrecked Crew Arrived  Rescued By British Destroyer. (Telegram) The "Albert A. Young" left here early in February for a port in Spain, fish laden, from Mr. G. M. BARR. After several days at sea, heavy winds and boisterous seas were encountered, which caused the little ship to roll and plunge heavily. Such a pounding did she receive that her planks loosened, and shortly after her cabin, and fore and after holds filled with water. The ship was then in mid-Atlantic and their only hope of saving their lives was for the crew to man the pumps. For four long days and nights the little band put up a desperate fight for their lives, but despite their best efforts, the thrashing waters were gradually rising in the hold. Distress signals were continually flying from the masthead, and at night flare-ups were set off, with the hope of attracting the attention of some passing ship. Chilled to the bone, and almost exhausted from working at the pumps, the fate of those on board was almost sealed, then all of a sudden, there appeared on the horizon the smoke of a steamer, which was steaming through the waters at a tremendous speed. Hopes were again revived, and as the rescuing ship drew hearer, the British Naval Ensign was seen floating from her masthead, and on coming alongside she was observed to be a British destroyer of the latest type, fully armed and decks cleared ready for action. The shipwrecked sailors were immediately taken on board the destroyer and fearing the Albert A. Young would become a menace to shipping, a few charges were put into her hull. She was seen to shudder from the shock, and disappear bow foremost. Capt. DODMAN and crew were landed at Liverpool and later sent home via New York. 
March 30, 1918  Personals  Constable TULK was to leave for Fortune Hr. this morning. Rev Scott MILLEY of Summerford, who was here on Missionary meetings, returned this morning. Mr. Arthur MANUEL returned from trip to Morton’s Hr. and Exploits on Monday. Capt. James GILLETT went to Lewisporte, Wednesday to meet his daughter Bessie who was arriving from the USA. She has been very ill but is improved somewhat. Mr. A.H. HODGE went to Fogo on Thursday. Mr. D.P. OSMOND of Morton’s Hr. was in town Friday. Mr. George BLANDFORD went to St. John’s this week on business. We understand he will also visit his daughter Mrs. (Rev.) BAYLEY. Miss TAYLOR, assistant at St. Peter’s, went home to Morton’s Hr. for the Easter holidays. Miss Eva PURCHASE, teaching at Herring Neck, is home for Easter. Mr. A. COLBOURNE will probably accompany Mr. MANUEL as far as S.U.F. delegate to the Grand Lodge Convention. 
March 30, 1918  Second Accident  Mr. Isaac YOUNG, who was so severely injured last year by a board thrown from a circular saw, was again knocked out last week in a similar manner. He was rendered unconscious but came round all right and will be O.K. again. He has a portable sawmill run by a gas engine, which he imported from St. John’s this winter, and has been sawing staves and heading. 
March 30, 1918  Staff Members Illness  Owing to illness and holiday Friday, we must leave the report of Missionary meetings till next week. Owing to illness of two of our staff and the Good Friday holiday, it is only with the greatest difficulty that we succeeded in publishing today. 
March 30, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 1)  The Enthronement and Induction of His Lordship Bishop WHITE took place in the Cathedral on Sunday 17th., inst., Canon BOLT was the Installant, being assisted by Canons SMART and NETTEN and Rvds. BURTON and FLETCHER. The Bishop was the Preacher, taking for his text, “One soweth and another reapeth.” His subject being continuity of life work. 
March 30, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 2)  Another fish carrier, the schr. “Tatler,” owned by G.M. BARR, has been abandoned at sea on her way from Turks Island with a salt cargo for this port. The crew rescued by a British transport ship. Cape St. Francis lighthouse, which was so badly damaged by Saturday’s big storm, is now undergoing repairs. The crew of the Portuguese schr. abandoned at sea last week, left for their homes on Thursday last via Halifax. 
March 30, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 3)  Another young native, Mr. C.A. JERRETT’s son George of Brigus, has recently gone to Toronto to join the Imperial Flying Corps. Success to such a plucky chap who is an example to the slackers who are parading our streets at present time. 
March 30, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 4)  A registered letter has recently been exhibited here, which is really a curiosity. It was posted at Minsh, Russia on the 24th. Dec., 1914 and after visiting different offices enroute finally reached its destination on 20th. Feb., 1918 being 3 ¼ years on the way. 
March 30, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 5)  Bishop WHITE held his first confirmation in the Cathedral on Friday evening when 15 volunteers, who are shortly to leave on active service, received the apostolic rite. A large congregation was present. 
March 30, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 6)  On Wednesday morning, the Newfoundland Industrial Workers Association went on strike at eleven a.m. at the Reid Nfld. Company’s premises. The cause of the strike is said to be want of a definite reply from the Reid Company for an increased rate of wages. The N.K.W.A. had approached the Reids in this matter, but so far no definite reply had been received. Supt. POWELL, urging that the Reid Co. intended to make an advance, but that the Company was sinking money and found this difficult, and also needed time to arrange a schedule of increase where so many employees were concerned. President REID was to meet the strike leaders on Thursday afternoon and discuss the situation with them. 
March 30, 1918  Kerosene Supply  The oil tanker “Locolite”, which brought in the crew of the scrh. “Progressa”, brought 14,000 barrels of kerosene in bulk. This with the supply at present in the tanks in St. John’s, will be sufficient for all fishery requirements says the Trade Review. 
March 30, 1918  Note of Thanks  Imperial Red Cross Committee. Mar. 8th, 1918. Magistrate SCOTT, Twillingate. We beg to acknowledge receipt of your valued contribution as specified hereunder, for which the committee is deeply grateful. Sir. W.H. HORWOOD, Chairman. F.H. STEER, Sec. Treasurer. $15.00 
March 30, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 1)  By Our Special Correspondent. “Fish For Foresters.” A number of firms in the city have donated a quantity of salt fish for the use of the Forestry battalion in Scotland. Over 200 qtls. was received. 
March 30, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 2)  “Heavy Storm In City.” A very heavy storm swept St. John’s on Saturday Mar. 16th. It began about 3 in the afternoon and soon tied up the streetcar service. Children who were attending the nickels had to be brought home by the Police. Glass was blown in, and chimneys blown down, while some of the shop hands had to remain in the stores all night, it being too bad to get home. In the midst of the worst of the storm, a fire alarm was rung in, though it proved to be only a chimney. One schooner dragged her anchors in the harbor, and had to be brought back by a tug, while eight schooners drove out of Carbonear in the ice. The lighthouse at Cape Spear was badly damaged, many panes of glass being broken. 
March 30, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 3)  “Brought In Castaways.” An oil tanker steamer brought to port the crew of the schr. Progressa abandoned in mid-ocean. 
March 30, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 4)  Locomotive engine 124, which was only recently built, was badly smashed Saturday week near Avondale, by smashing through a plow, which it was pushing. 
March 30, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 5)  The summer residence of Mr. W.R. ENGLISH, jeweler was entered by burglars one night last week and systematically looted of everything of value. Over $100 worth of goods was carried away. 
March 30, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 6)  The daily papers of Tuesday presented a most unusual appearance. Owing to the break down of the Gas Company’s system, there was no gas for heating the metal pots under the linotypes, and hand setting had to be resorted to, with a most unusual and strange display of various types – large and small. 
March 30, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 7)  A train with twelve more bodies from the Florizel wreck, arrived last Sunday. All seven are accounted for. Twenty-five more bodies arrived Tuesday. 
March 30, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 8)  The sealing steamers, which left Monday week, experienced a stormy night and ran up around Cape Spear. The Eagle and Terra Nova, which did not leave till Tuesday, got ahead of the others. The Ranger had to put back for engine trouble, but got away next day. 
March 30, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 9)  A very unfortunate affair occurred here on Thursday, and as a result, Robert PENNY, a discharged and pensioned soldier, died at his home the following morning. He was one of the “Blue Puttees.” He was discharged owing to heart trouble caused by shell shock. The deceased soldier was walking with a young woman along Pleasant St., when Wm. DOOLEY, one of the surviving seamen from the Florizel was met. DOOLEY and the girl engaged in an altercation when PENNY interfered; but handled by DOOLEY. The soldier reached his home without assistance, but hemorrhages occurred in the night. DOOLEY has been arrested and may be charged with manslaughter. 
March 30, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 10)  The visiting Bishops who got safely out of this country, had the misfortune to get snow-bound between Louisburg and Sydney. 
March 30, 1918 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 11)  The schr. Pauline Martin, built at Norris Arm. has arrived safely at Pernambucto on her first trip. 
March 30, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 12)  When the gas gave out last week, the P.M. General installed an electric lighting plant in the G.P.O. and the light was as good as ever. (A little electricity installed or instilled into the dispatch of mails to outports would also be appreciated by the despised outports. Editor.) 
March 30, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 13)  While the Carnival was in progress at the Princes Rink, part of the gallery railing gave way and two young men and two women were precipitated to the ice – a distance of ten feet. The ladies were severely hurt, one of them being rendered unconscious. 
March 30, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 14)  The War Bread exhibit under the auspices of the Food Control Board was held in the British Hall on Wednesday, Mar. 13th. There were however only about 200 exhibits. Prizes were given for various substitutes of wheat bread and pastries. An exhibit was a loaf of bread made from the standard flour now being milled in Canada, and which is the only kind we shall get when the present supply is exhausted. The exhibit was opened by Governor HARRIS, and remained open till 10:30 at night, after which the exhibits were distributed among the Orphanages and the Salvation Army. 
March 30, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 15)  The past weeks have been weeks of funerals, and since the Florizel, the city has had daily, to watch one or more of these sad processions. So far no ship has been obtained to replace the wrecked Florizel. It is hoped to get either the Rutjinfel or the Nascopie. The latter is now on dock at an English port. 
March 30, 1918  Salvation Army Annual  The young people of Salvation Army Sunday School will hold their “Annual” on Sunday, March 31st., and on Wednesday, April 3rd. an entertainment will be held. Admission to entertainment – ten cents. 
March 30, 1918  Annual Meeting of Shareholders  The annual meeting of the Shareholders of the Twillingate Telephone & Electric Company will be held at their office (Twillingate Club Room) on Saturday next, April 6th. Business to receive financial statement and elect directors. A. MANUEL, Secretary. 
March 30, 1918  Advertisement  The W.P.A. acknowledge with thanks the donation of 8 heads “alloa” wool from Mr. Wm. Ashbourne per Mr. A.G. ASHBOURNE. There will be a meeting of the Association in the Courthouse on Wednesday, April 3rd. W. GILLINGHAM, Secretary. 
March 30, 1918  Sealing News  “Erik” arrived yesterday with equal to weight of 24,000. Daily News says compromise has been arranged by steamer owners and price of fat will be $12 for young and $9 for old. S.S. “Fogota” arrived in St. John’s on Thursday morning with 9000 equal to the weight of 13,000 young harps. “Eagle” arrived Thursday with 19,000 old and young equal to weight of 26,000. Owners of sealing steamers met the Govt. on Thursday to settle the price to be paid for seals. 
March 30, 1918  Soldiers Letter  Somewhere in France, Feb. 5th, 1918. Dear Friend: - I now take the pleasure of writing to thank you for the nice pair of socks that I received some time ago with your address in them. I tell you I have enjoyed the comfort of them. I don’t think I have ever met you although we didn’t live far from each other when I was home. My home is at Exploits and yours is Twillingate, so you see we didn’t live far apart. We are having nice weather out here just now; the mud is drying up fine. I hope you are having a good time at home and I hope the war will soon be over so that the boys will be able to come home again. Bye, bye for now with all good wishes, I remain yours sincerely, C. SCEVIOUR. 
March 30, 1918  A Sinful Waste  Ruining the Country’s Assets. Springdale, Mar. 22nd, 1918. Editor Twillingate Sun. Dear Sir: - there has been something happening recently which affects not only Springdale but the whole Bay, and unless drastic steps are taken, and punishment meted out, the whole herring fishery – as far as Hall’s Bay is concerned – will soon be a thing of the past – and remain as nothing but a recollection. Briefly the trouble is this: Herring being very plentiful and limits of the factories not very extensive, all the herring caught cannot be purchased. Scotch packed herring have to be fresh, bright fish, and therefore nothing but newly caught herring are required. Some men will come here with four or five nets for two men, and put them all out. When hauling them they will find that they cannot keep more than one clear. What is the consequence? When they go to haul the other three or four nets, maybe they have been lying ten or eleven days untouched. I know cases where these nets have been eleven days and not moved. When they are at last hauled, the herring are spoiled and are unfit for packing. The herring are then left on the ice in bulks, to go down when the thaw comes. This rotten fish goes to bottom to pollute the waters of the bay and ruin the fishing ground. This has already happened in South West Arm and will happen here. We wired the Secretary of the Fishery Board and await results. It would be amusing – if it were not so pathetic – to see a Fishery Warden staying by a brook all the summer to look after a few trout, while an important fishery like the Hall’s Bay herring fishery is allowed to be ruined. There is also a Harbor Master appointed to look after the disposal of herring “pips” and prevent them being thrown in the water. How inconsistent with this is the permitting of all these herring to rot and go to bottom. Correspondent. 
March 30, 1918  Mr. HICKS Writes (Part 1)  25 Fleming St., St. John’s, Mar, 15th, 1918. Editor, Twillingate Sun. Dear Sir: - We have been informed, during the past month, of those slanderous reports that have been getting around the town of Twillingate, concerning my niece Miss M. ELLIOTT. I understand that the girl herself has written to your paper denying the same, and not only that, but she found out the person who reported those lies, (because lies they are) and demanded an apology from that person and received the same, and published it in your paper also sir. But I am also informed that, in spite of all this, (which of course was quite enough for people to judge it to be false, had they cared to believe), there are some people who still believe. Now it might be wondered at why I have not written this effect before. The reason is this – I did not think there were such skeptical people down there. I have been informed of all those false rumors and I can say like the girl herself, that there is not one bit of truth in any of them whatever. Was it not rumored that she was expelled from my house on account of being out so late at night, and because of her ill conduct? She was not. And was it not said that I (her uncle) telegraphed to her mother to come to St. John’s for her, otherwise I myself should come to T’Gate with her? Like the other, this is a lie. I never knew my sister was coming to St. John’s until she wired me at Trinity saying she was on board S.S. “Prospero”, except that early in the fall she wrote to this effect, that she might come and spend a while near Christmas, and for no other reason did she come. 
March 30, 1918  Mr. HICKS Writes (Part 2)  And when she returned, Meta decided to go home instead of staying all the winter. About Meta leaving my house. The reason for her leaving is sir, too simple for publication, but she need not hesitate one minute to tell the reason, which no doubt she has done. It is honestly too bad for her to be belied as she has been. I was the same to her as I was to my own daughter, those two were as sisters, and constant companions with others of their friends, and in addition to this sir, I know those friends my self and did not feel in the least uneasy about their association. I am surprised to hear of this, one could hardly imagine that such lies could be told about a person, who is entirely innocent of every particle of it. My thought toward it is this that those people who seem to be experts at this game should leave off, and try at something nobler. I venture to say that the young man, who was the cause of this trouble, did not find it so hard to impress his story on people, as this girl has found it, to convince people of the truth. In conclusion Mr. Editor I say again, that this girl followed a decent respectable upright reputation, during the time that she was in the city, and was and is respected as such by all who met her and made her acquaintance. Thanking you for space, Mr. Editor, in your valuable paper. I am yours truly, A. HICKS & Family. (Miss ELLIOTT has now had every opportunity of vindicating her character through our pages, and this correspondence must now cease. Editor.) 
    [There is nothing on my microfilm between March 30, 1918, and May 11, 1918. GW] 
May 11, 1918  Public Caution  As several requests have come to me regarding the celebrated trap berth near “Spiller’s Rock,” in order to save trouble I hereby notify there has been no alteration in the Fishery Rules concerning the locality. Therefore be governed accordingly. Wm. J. SCOTT, J.P., Magistrate. 
May 11, 1918  Advertisement  Engines Of Quality. Gray, Lathrop, Fulton. Scripps – 4 cycle. All these Engines operate on Kerosene and are guaranteed to give Satisfaction. A.H. Murray & Co., St. John’s. 
May 11, 1918  Advertisement  Teachers Wanted. For Twillingate Central Superior School, a teacher – Male or Female, qualified to prepare candidates in all grades, for C.H.E. exams. Also two capable female teachers for other vacancies in our schools. Applications to be considered must be in the hands of the Chairman, Methodist Board of Education, Twillingate, not later than the 20th of May. 
May 11, 1918  Death  Died. On Sunday, April 14th, 1918, at the residence of her son, Dorman YOUNG, 11 Poulton Ave., Toronto, Mary WELLS, in her 74th year, relict of the late James YOUNG, Newfoundland. (The above was a daughter of the late Wm. WELLS of Back Hr.) 
May 11, 1918  Letter From Edward MOORES  [The following article is accompanied by a head and shoulders photo of Edward Moores in Military Uniform. GW.] Edward MOORES, Fores. April 4th., 1918, Scotland. My Dear Sister: - It is with pleasure I drop you a few lines to let you know that I received your kind and welcome letter today. I am well, hoping it will reach you all the same. Well Gertie, I haven’t anything worth relating to tell you, I am awful sorry that the parcel haven’t turned up yet, I expect it was lost when the steamer went down, but there is a lot of parcels coming in tonight; maybe it is among them. Well Gertie, it was very kind of you for sending it; anything is good that comes from the old homeland. How are all the little children? I guess mine won’t know me by the time I’m back. I’m proud I am doing my bit and I am satisfied to die for the dear old homeland if it need be, of course I am unfit for active service in France, but we are doing our little bit here. There are lots more men might be here, for we need more men, there is lots of single men that can come. Fred is with me for a few days. I can tell you sister, we had a dandy time together, after not seeing one another so many years. He is certainly a soldier; the right kind of a one. He is going back to London again. It only takes about ten hours to go from here to London. I sent my photo to you last week. I hope you got it all right. Give my respects to all at home. Tell Will not to work too hard. I hope it won’t be long before we will all meet again. Hoping to hear from you again soon. I must close by wishing you all the best of health. I remain your brother Sgt. Ed MOORE to his loving sister Gertie PENNELL. 
May 11, 1918  Letter From Fred MOORS  [The following article is accompanied by a head and shoulders photo of Fred Moors in Military Uniform. GW.]Fred MOORS, Can. Seaford, England. April 9th., 1918. Dear Mother: - Just a few lines to let you know I am still in the land of the living. Well Mother, I have some good news to tell you; I am discharged for Canada and am writing on a boat, no doubt you will be surprised to hear this, but I ain’t any further good for the Army as my heart is awful bad caused from shell shock. Say Mother, as soon as I get to Canada, I will drop a few lines to let you know then if I get leave before going West, and come down to see you all, just imagine it must be a few years since I last saw you. Ed and me sure had a good time while I was on my sick leave; he is a great boy and a good worker. I wish we were coming home together. I would like to be back in France now Mother, but my health is no good, but I will have a good rest when I get back home won’t I ma? Please give my best respects to all home; tell Dad all about it. Well, Ma, I will have to ring off for the present, as I am lost for news. Trusting this will find you all in the “pink”, I remain, yours truly, Fred MOORE; to his loving Mother. 
May 11, 1918  Trade Notes  (From Trade Review, Apr 27.) Beef and pork prices are unchanged, but beef is likely to advance. Prices are $51 for pork and $28 to $39 for beef. The outlook for codfish continues good, as Orpoto stocks have dwindled down, and prices will likely remain good. St. John’s exporters are standing pat on $13 for large and $12.25 for Brazil. Sugar is very scarce in the city. Most of the American sugar refineries are working at half speed and it is likely there will be some scarcity in Newfoundland. Shortage of flour is becoming more acute daily. Some of the standard war flour has arrived. Prices for patent flour continue unchanged. 
May 11, 1918  Advertisement  For Sale. At Gander Bay. Firewood. Apply to Horwood Lumber Co. Ltd, Gander Bay. 
May 11, 1918  Sealing News  Viking and Diana Reached Port Saturday Night. The S.S. Viking, Capt. W. BARTLETT, arrived from the Gulf seal fishery Saturday night, hailing for somewhat less than 1000 seals, mostly old. Capt. BARTLETT reports that this has been the worst spring in his experience in the Gulf, and the steamer was jammed most of the time. Many seals were seen but could not be reached. The S.S. Diana, Capt. Jacob KEAN, also arrived on Saturday night from her second trip, hailing for 2,700 seals, a large number of which are young. 
May 11, 1918  Advertisement  Government Notice To Contractors. Sealed Tenders will be received by the Department of Public Works until Monday, the sixth day of May prox., for the erection of a Postal Telegraph Building at Twillingate Arm, Notre Dame Bay. Plans and Specification may be seen at the office of W.J. SCOTT, Esq., Stipendiary Magistrate, Twillingate. The words “Tender for Postal Telegraph Building, Twillingate Arm” to be written across face of envelope, the same to be mailed to the Department, addressed to the undersigned. By Order. James HARRIS, Secretary. Department of Public Works. April 11th, 1918. 
May 11, 1918  Merchant Skippers Who Fought Subs  Captain MURRAY, was Master of a freighter which, bound from this side of the Atlantic to England a few voyages ago, sighted a U-Boat on the surface only a short distance ahead. Captain MURRAY rang for full speed and rammed the submersible. The impact was more than noticeable and the U-Boat was disabled but did not sink. The British steamer, backing away, turned her stern to the German, trained her gun on her and piled the shells into the sea scourge as fast as the gunners could handle them. The U-Boat sank. The other sub-sinking skipper now in port, had an even more exciting encounter, engaging two of these German pests at one time, sinking one, disabling the other and then having his own vessel sent to the bottom, the while fight lasting five hours. This shipmaster is Captain F.W. CHAMBERS, of the Furness Line, one of the best known and most popular Skippers in the company’s Canadian service, and the steamer in question was the good ship “Durango,” for years one of the most familiar ocean going crafts coming to this port. 
May 11, 1918  Naval Reservists  Regarding Augmentation Pay; Royal Naval Reservists. With reference to the foregoing, it is suggested that the next of kin of Reservists who are now serving, should communicate with them, and request them to send their instruction to the Militia Department. No action can be taken until such instructions are received. Next of kin of deceased Reservists will be communicated with in due course when their claims have been proved. Preliminary notice is to the payment of Augmentation Pay to men of the Royal Naval Reserve, Nfld. The Government are arranging through the Militia Dept for the payment of Augmentation Pay to the men of the Newfoundland Royal Naval Reserve. These payments will be granted from the 1st of May next. Full instructions as to claims and regulations as to payments will be published within the next few days. J.R. BENNETT, Acting Min. of Militia. 
May 11, 1918  W.P.A. Correction  From the list of contributors last week to the W.P.A. finds the name of Mrs. W.B. TEMPLE - $1, was accidentally omitted. 
May 11, 1918  Advertisement  Wanted. A good reliable girl to work in hotel; good wages given. Apply Mrs. R.W. MANUEL, Lewisporte. 
May 11, 1918  Lost a Sheep  Mr. John MINTY had the misfortune to have a sheep drowned in a brook on his property. It was a fine ewe and had two lambs. 
May 11, 1918  Accidental Shooting  Papers to hand last night’s mail, contain the information (that) Victor, son of Mr. J.T. CROUCHER was accidentally shot recently at Battle Hr. He was married and had an infant son. 
May 11, 1918  Soldiers Letter  March 3rd, 1918. Miss Dorothy PENNELL. Dear Friend: - I have just received a pair of socks from you for which I wish to thank you, it is very kind of you to think of us boys over here. I have been in this country four months, and previous to then I was both in France and Belgium. We have had some severe winter weather, but now its fine and warm and quite like summer. I am not in the line at present but in billets just a few miles behind. It is the first time I have had the pleasure of writing to anyone across the Atlantic, and I hope you will get this short letter alright, and that it will find you quite well, as I am the same at present. I will now close with all good wishes. From yours respectfully, Pte. E. KNOWLSON, D Co, 11th Batt. West Yorks Regt., Italian Expeditionary Force. 
May 11, 1918  Marriage  The wedding of Marjorie Douglas, youngest daughter of Mr. F. C. BERTEAU, I.S.O., Auditor General, to Mr. F.V. HARTNETT of Brooklyn, N.Y., took place at the Roman Catholic palace on Thursday, Apr. 25th at St. John’s. 
May 11, 1918  New Boats Built in Nova Scotia  A three masted schooner of 349 tons was recently launched at Shelburn, N.S. for Newfoundland parties; and another new purchase arrived in St. John’s last week. 
May 11, 1918  Personals  Mr. Jacob MOORS, who visited the city and other points, returned on Sunday via Lewisporte with Mr. John GUY, who went up with Mr. LOVERIDGE. The traveling was good that morning, but Burnt Bay was nearly thawed out and so was Virgin Arm. A number of men from Fortune Hr. landed in Crow Head on Thursday. They report no ice in the bay. Mr. Obadiah HODDER was due here this week, but it is thought that he is gone on to St. John’s owing to the difficulty of traveling. The motorboat that came here from Little Bay Is. contained Mr. George JONES and his crew, who were going up for their schooner. 
May 11, 1918  Shipping News  The S.S. “Clyde” will leave St. John’s next Tuesday. It is rumored that the Lewisporte, Catalina route is in no way decided as a settled matter, and that the Clyde may continue the service as last year. 
May 11, 1918  Letter From Mrs. Norman BURTON  Halton, Hastings. Apr. 3rd 1918. My Dear Mother: - Just a few lines in hoping they will find you all in the best of health, as I am pleased to say I am much better myself and baby gets on fine. Well dear, I am so sorry to have to tell you that Norman went to France on Thursday as Good Friday came the next day. I thought he was not going anymore; it came such a blow to me, for he was only warned in the morning as he went away at night, but we must cheer up and pray that he will come back safe to us again. I have had no letters yet, but I guess I shall get one soon. I soon came home after he went away, for I could not bear the thought of staying up there by myself, so please send all letters to above address. I am just going to write to Agnes, for Norman asked me to write and tell her he was gone to France, he was so cheerful. There was 12 thousand went out the night he went from the Camp. This was so dreadful. I shall be so glad when it is all over. Did you receive the photo of baby Norman and me? I have only had the one letter from you so far but I hope there is another one on the way. Well dear, how do you get on for food; it’s dreadful here. We all had papers last month when we received our check, to say if we do not go to Canada now, we can’t go until 12 months after the war, as there is such a shortage of food here, and that Canada has plenty. Well mother I have no more news to tell you. Give my regards to father and all, so will close with the very best of love. From your affectionate daughter, Daisy. 
May 11, 1918  W.P.A.I.  There will be a meeting of the W.P.A. in the Court House on Wednesday, May 15th. W. GILLINGHAM, Secy. The W.P.A. beg to acknowledge with thanks Mrs. J. ANDREWS $1 and also 66 pairs of socks contributed by the members and friends of the association for H.M. Queen Mary’s Shower. 
May 11, 1918  War Casualties  "Pte. George CLARKE, son of Mr. George W. CLARKE, Springdale, who was reported missing a considerable time ago, is now reported as dead. Several casualties have come in this week. Pte. Agustus BULGIN, M.M., was reported to his parents as wounded and missing. It is to be hoped that this heroic young fellow is in a German hospital and further particulars may later be received through the Red Cross society. Pte. Maxwell SPENCER, son of the late George SPENCER of Back Hr., paid the supreme sacrifice on Apr. 12th, being killed in action. He was brought up by Mr. MURRAY. Ptes. Hollie WHITE of Cottles Cove and Fred RIDEOUT of Morton’s Hr. were killed on the same date. Ptes. Samuel GILLISPIE, Fortune Hr., Eli SAUNDERS, Pt. Leamington, and Jos. BOONE of Leading Tickles were killed in action on April 13th. Among the list of wounded and missing is the name of Levi STOCKLEY, Virgin Arm. This was probably in the battles of April 12 or 13." 
May 11, 1918  The A.A.G.P.A.  The A.A.G.P.A. acknowledge with thanks, $5 from the Royal Black Preceptory. Also thanks the Editor for the special posters which he kindly sent out gratis. Lizzy CLARKE, President. 
May 11, 1918  Wages Increased  Mr. HODGE has increased the wages of his men on the room to $1.75 a day. So far he is in luck, being the only businessman with open water around his wharves, the rest of the harbor being still ice. 
May 11, 1918  Twillingater Wedded In S. Africa  The marriage of Nurse Margaret BLACKMORE to Mr. Alex STEPHENS, mining engineer at Capetown on April 30th., according to cable received by Mrs. STEPHENS’ mother – Mrs. BLACKMORE of Tilt Cove. Nurse BLACKMORE enlisted for war service not long after the outbreak of war. She served on the hospital ship “Ebani” in the East African Campaign and in the Mediterranean, her ship making one trip to England to refit and repair, Nurse BLACKMORE going with her. She met her husband on board the Ebani, where he was suffering from wounds, having served with the South African army against the Germans in East Africa. The Sun extends its heartiest best wishes to Mr. & Mrs. STEPHENS. 
May 11, 1918  Mail  There will be no parcel mail this week owing to difficult traveling for the mailmen, and it is probable that the “Earl of Devon” will be left before this reaches our readers. Apparently the Devon will be the only “outside” boat this season. 
May 11, 1918  Death  The death of Bennett, eldest son of widow Jane BARRETT, occurred on Tuesday of consumption at the age of about 21 years. The deceased young man was working at Grand Falls this winter, but was stricken with pleurisy, and from that consumption developed. 
May 11, 1918  Long Trip by Motorboat  A motorboat touched here Tuesday from Little Bay Islands on the way to Catalina and St. John’s. She was only about the size of a trapskiff, and will have a lengthy trip. 
May 11, 1918  Sentenced for Theft  Sentenced, for a theft of some groceries from a home on the North Side last week, a woman and her daughter of the Arm, were sentenced to a fine of five dollars each and $2.30 costs, or 14 days in gaol. The fine was paid. 
May 11, 1918  Thunder  Several peals of thunder was heard on Wednesday afternoon, much to the surprise of most people. 
May 11, 1918  Birth  Born, On Monday, May 6th, to Mr. & Mrs. Arthur MANUEL, a son. 
    [There is nothing on my microfilm between May 11, 1918, and June 1, 1918. GW] 
June 1, 1918  Advertisement  For Sale Schooners: -- Young Hustler about 21 tons. Lydia H. about 16 tons. Annie B. about 23 tons. Penguin about 15 tons. Jeanie about 15 tons. E.P. Morris about 20 tons. Mabel Perry about 20 tons. Snowbird about 13 tons. Chatterbox about 18 tons. For particulars apply to J.W. Hodge, Fogo. April 20th, 1918. 
June 1, 1918  A Courteous Action  Word has been received by Mrs. Geo. BLAKE and Mrs. Charles VINEHAM from Mr. Jas. R. STICK of the Royal St. Res., St. John’s, who recently returned from England, saying that he had seen Ptes. Samuel BLAKE and Arthur OXFORD, both at Wandsworth Hospital. They were both comfortable and cheerful, and glad to see someone from Newfoundland. Mr. STICK adds that he hopes both sons will soon be able to return to their mothers. It was a graceful act of kindness on Mr. STICK’s part to communicate with the mothers of these brave lads, a courtesy which both highly appreciate. It will (be) recollected that a son of Mr. STICK’s escaped from Germany last month and reached England safely. 
June 1, 1918  Daily Star Suspended  The St. John’s Daily Star was suspended and its office closed – temporarily at any rate – on Thursday by action of the Government, owing to articles published on the 25th. and 28th. which articles were considered inimitable to the carrying of the Conscription Act. Plaindealer; Daily Star; - who’ll be the next? Step up gentlemen of the press. You haven’t been blooded until you have been suppressed. 
June 1, 1918  WPAI  The WPAI wish to thank those who so kindly assisted in the Entertainment on May 24th. also all who helped in any way to make the evening a success. Total proceeds on concert $66.06. W. GILLINGHAM, Secy. W.P.A.I. Beg to acknowledge with thanks the sum of $5 from the ladies Aid (Meth.) South Side. The Teachers and Scholars of the Arm Academy netted the sum of $15 at the ice cream sale on Empire Day in the Arm Academy. The ladies of the W.P.A. held a successful little concert in the Alexandra Hall on the night of Empire Day. Not may were present at first, but as the evening drew to darkness, a goodly number gathered, as evidenced by the proceeds, which exceeded sixty dollars. The program was chiefly musical solos being rendered by Mrs. (Dr.) WOOD, Miss BLANDFORD, Miss Flo GRIMES, and Miss Minnie ROBERTS, and recitations were given by Mrs. and Miss LeDREW, Miss TAYLOR and Master Ernest COOK. A number of choruses were also given, and the inevitable ice cream dispensed; luckily both medical men were present. The ladies of the W.P.A. have done a noble work and what is more, they are “stayers.” 
June 1, 1918  AAGPA  The AAGPA wish to thank Mr. A.G. ASHBOURNE for 4 heads of wool. Maggie CLARKE, Treasurer. 
June 1, 1918  Trap Berth Case  A trap berth case of more than usual importance was held at the Magistrate’s Court, St. John’s. WILLIAMS took action against MURPHY under Sec. 48 of the Fishery rules, alleging that MURPHY set his cod trap unlawfully within less than 80 fathoms of WILLIAMS’ leader, which was previously set. The Judge ruled as follows: - The complainant WILLIAMS, was entitled to hold his place for a period of four days, within which time he was obliged, under the rule to set out his trap. No cod trap was set during the four days; therefore the complainant lost his right to this place. On May 6th, the defendant MURPHY set out his trap within twenty fathoms of the complainant’s leader, and the question for the court to decide is, has the defendant committed a breach of Rule 48, the complainant having failed to put out his trap within the period allowed, followed under the rule, thereby forfeited his right to the berth, which the setting of his leader on the 29th of April had secured to him. Under the rule, the defendant had the right to take up the complainant’s leader from the water before setting his own trap, but it was not obligatory upon him to do so. The complainant’s leader was not legally holding the water on May 6th, and therefore could carry with it no rights to the complainant, because of his neglect to set his trap within the time prescribed by the rule. The Defendant was within his rights in setting his trap when and where he did. I therefore dismiss the complaint. 
June 1, 1918  Horse Put Down  Mr. Edward LINFIELD’s little horse developed lockjaw on Thursday and had to be shot. The animal had been running and received a nasty cut on the foreleg from a kick evidently. 
June 1, 1918  New Motorboat  Mr. Fred NEWMAN has recently purchased a motorboat and was out for a trial trip Thursday evening. Many of Mr. NEWMAN’s customers, who secured their supply of fresh cod through him last year, will wish him good luck at the grounds. 
June 1, 1918  Ice Report  Word was received from White Bay by Mr. BLANDFORD on Thursday, saying there were only strings of ice in White Bay. A considerable quantity of ice piled in the Bight on Thursday evening. 
June 1, 1918  The Florizel Disaster  “Captain MARTIN To Blame.” The decision of the Marine Court of Enquiry into the Florizel disaster was given to the public Tuesday night. The Court finds Captain MARTIN solely responsible for the disaster, it being described as due to faulty navigation on his part. His certificate has been suspended for 21 months, but in view of his previous good record, he is recommended for a 1st Mate’s certificate during that period. All the other Officers and crew of the ship are held blameless. 
June 1, 1918  Regiment Can Get Back  Governor HARRIS announced Tuesday that he had received official intimation from the Army authorities that they have undertaken to restore the Newfoundland Regiment to its place in the 29th Division, as soon as it is brought up to fighting strength. 
June 1, 1918  Advertisement  Dr. F. STAFFORD & Son, St. John’s, Newfoundland. Manufacturers of 3 Specialties: Stafford’s Liniment, Stafford’s Prescription A, Stafford’s Phoratone Cough Cure. 
June 1, 1918  Sun Memorial Fund  Mark SPENCER, $1. Previously acknowledged $12. A savings account No. 1114, has been opened at the Bank of Nova Scotia and money received has been deposited there. 
June 1, 1918  Advertisement  “New Goods.” Just being opened – Kodak Films. Earle Sons Co. 
June 1, 1918  Wreck of the “Ethie”  The “Clyde's" crew, which ship was at the Ethie wreck, gives an interesting account of that matter. The Ethie rounded Cape Race safely and struck on Mistaken Point. A hole was punched through her bottom and she quickly filled, her crew leaving her. Next morning it was found that she had hove in over the rock and was lying on a smooth ledge. Three times she was pumped dry, and thrice by the pumps fouling, or the bursting of steam hose, did she fill again. The Canadian Govt. steamer finally pulled the Ethie off, after the Clyde had several times broken a nine-inch line. 
June 1, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 1)  (Owing to the irregularity of the mails, our old friend has been missing lately; our readers will welcome him back to our paper. Editor.) Wm. DOOLEY, the fireman of the late Florizel, who was standing his second trial on charge of unlawfully killing the ex-soldier Penny, has been acquitted. The first trial resulted in a disagreement of the Jury. The general opinion in the city seemed to be that DOOLEY was a very decent fellow, and was most sorry for the unfortunate termination of a little squabble. 
June 1, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 2)  His Excellency the Governor invited the members of the press to dine with him at Government House on Wednesday; all the papers, except the Plaindealer, were represented. 
June 1, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 3)  Thursday was observed as “Tag Day” on behalf of the Red Cross Fund and the neat sum of $2700 was realized. 
June 1, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 4)  A list of 69 members of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment, whose deeds of gallantry have won them medals, certificates, and to have their actions registered in the records of the 29th. Division, is published in the papers here. Amongst them the budget notices Sgt. Ernest P. AITKEN, of Botwood, and Pte. A. BULGIN of Twillingate, both of whom hold the Military Medal. The Budget is also sorry to notice from your pages that the latter young hero is wounded and missing. Let up hope he is safe in the hands of the more humane Huns, and may return to his family later. 
June 1, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 5)  Every cot in the hospital is still occupied and large numbers of outport patients are patiently (no pun meant) awaiting admittance. 
June 1, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 6)  A volunteer who filled up on a mixture of locally made “booze”, went on the rampage on Wednesday and raised Cain. He gave the “cop” who arrested him a lively time and tore the Policeman’s uniform so badly that he was fined $14 to make good the damage. 
June 1, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 7)  Capt. NUNNS and a number of returned soldiers arrived here this week from active service. 
June 1, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 8)  On Thursday there was a sign of codfish at Portugal Cove and some boats secured as much as ½ quintal each. Salmon are scarce. 
June 1, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 9)  About 1000 man are now in training at the Regimental Headquarters, and the Church Parade on Sunday promises to be a very large one. The Committee of the Returned Soldiers Association, which body has been doing such good work and to whom we owe the awakened state of the country, is now looking after the placing of returned, disabled men in positions of employment. The pity is, that it had to be left to the Soldiers themselves to do this. 
June 1, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 10)  The Daily News of Friday, May 25th contains the announcement taken from the Montreal Star, to the effect that Hon. W. F. LLOYD (our Premier) has been made a member of the Privy Council. 
June 1, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 11)  Four youths, who were caught red-handed robbing the Star of the Sea Hall of money, stamps, cigarettes &c., were sentenced to 6 months each. They are old offenders. 
June 1, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 12)  The funeral of Sgt. VAUGHAN, one of the Blue Puttees, whose death occurred at the General Hospital on Wednesday, after a few hours illness, took place Friday; it being a full military ceremony. The deceased soldier was favourably known here, and leaves a wife and two children. 
June 1, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 13)  The Military Exemption Tribunal has been very busy this week and about fifty cases a day are being heard. 
June 1, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 14)  The secret Circular of Mr. COAKER’s to his Union Councils which was published in the city papers, was received generally with feeling of surprise and disappointment, surprise at the double dealing evidenced, disappointment that a member of the Cabinet should give away Government secrets. 
June 1, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 15)  Two new locomotives for the Reid Co. were turned out of their shops on Saturday. These are of a heavy type. 
June 1, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 16)  Two of Barr’s vessels arrived on Tuesday from foreign voyages, having made good runs. 
June 1, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 17)  "Rumor has it around town that some more titles are to be given out and that the absence of the Premier and Minister of Militia is for the purpose of getting the handle of “Sir” added to their name, and a whack from King George’s sword, when they will be told to arise Sir William LLOYD and Sir John BENNETT. Politically speaking there are all sorts of rumors current. The advent of Mr. A.B. MORINE and Mr. MOULTON, both of whom live in Canada, gave rise to a crop of stories that confederation was to be brought about. There may not be a particle of truth in this talk, but during the latter days of the sessions just closed, all sorts of reports were current." 
June 1, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 18)  The Returned Soldiers Association has registered a protest against the absence of Minister of Militia BENNETT at this time, while the Conscription Act is being enforced, and demands that the Honourable John return at once, or resign. Up to the time this letter was posted, the Minister has done neither, and is probably well on his way. 
June 1, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 19)  A most generous gift to the Anglican community was recently made by the widow of the late John S. MUNN in memory of her husband and child who were lost on the Florizel. She has purchased the farm formerly owned by Steer Bros on the Long Pond Road. Persons familiar with St. John’s will remember that the present orphanage is situated on the corner of Military and King’s Bridge Roads, and the children are right in the city’s smoke and dirt. Out on the Steer farm they will be in the fresh air of the country, amid more healthy surroundings. The Anglican Community of Newfoundland owes a debt of gratitude to this bereaved Mother and wife. 
June 1, 1918  Personals  Nurse Floss SCOTT arrived by “Clyde” Monday from St. John’s, via Lewisporte. It is reported that Miss SCOTT will go overseas for Red Cross work at the front. Mrs. BUCKINGHAM, daughter of Magistrate and Mrs. SCOTT, arrived last week by “Home” and will spend some time with her family. Numbers of young men are daily thronging the Magistrate’s office applying for exemption. Mrs. H.J. HOWLETT and family arrived by “Clyde” Monday and will probably remain for the summer. Mr. HOWLETT arrived last week; he has recently returned from a most interesting trip to the United States. Pte. Ralph HODDER arrived this week on furlough. 
June 1, 1918  Letter from Fred Moors  Mr. Robert MOORS last mail, received a letter from his son Pte. Fred, who was with the Canadians and been several times wounded. He was then expecting to leave shortly for Canada, and would come to Newfoundland if at all fit to travel. He was badly shell shocked, and suffers considerably yet, being unfit for further active service. 
June 1, 1918  Shipping News  The “Clyde” will continue the same route as last year until the new wharf at Catalina is completed. The wharf at Lewisporte is also to be widened and a coal and freight shed placed on it. so as to make it possible to coal boats at once from chutes. Capt. Jas. JANES goes in charge of Mr. HODGE’s schr. “Exotic” this year. 
June 1, 1918  Rules re Letter Publishing  VOLUNTEER – your letter will be published when you send us your real name, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. This is the inflexible newspaper rule. 
    [There is nothing on my microfilm between June 1, 1918 and June 15, 1918. GW] 
June 15, 1918  The Mont Blanc Anchor  The anchor of the steamer “Mont Blanc” was removed from the rear of Hiddenhurst, (Hosterman’s Grounds) North West Arm last week, by a score of men with a block and tackle who pulled it out of the hole, which had been dug around it, as it was imbedded at a depth of about nine feet. Naval men on the party said it was a Smith stockless anchor, and one of them figured out that to break off the anchor at the shank must have taken a pressure force of 950,350 pounds. Its length is 3 feet, nine inches; it’s circumference 2 feet, 8 inches and its weight 1,207 pounds. Measured on the chart, and as the crow flies the anchor traveled a distance of 2 ¼ miles, and based on the angle at which it was imbedded it must have gone from 1 1/3 to 2 miles in the air on the morning of December 6th in the great Halifax explosion. Halifax Herald. 
June 15, 1918  Fish Reports  Some good hauls of codfish were taken at the Arm on Monday; CHURCHILL’s trap having 40 barrels it was estimated. Though, owing to not having accommodation for it, much of it had to be let down again. 
June 15, 1918  Personals  Mr John FIFIELD, who was working at Fogo last winter, arrived from there last week. Mr. George ROBERTS and family arrived by Clyde Monday and will take up residence in their home here. Mr. ROBERTS however, returns to St. John’s in the course of a few days. A large number of Salvation Army Officers arrived by Clyde to attend the District Conference here this week. The Clyde brought a large quantity of herring barrel hoops this trip, and the “Home” also took upwards of a car of hoops Northward. Mr. Paul MOORES and Rev. Reg. WHITE are due here for the funeral of their Mother. It is reported that Pte. John ROGERS, Nfld. Regiment with his wife, a Scotch lassie, is in St. John’s. A draft of the Nfld. Regiment left St. John’s this week for overseas. Pte. Ralph HODDER was among them. Magistrate SCOTT and Const. TULK left here by motorboat Tuesday visiting Herring Neck, Beaver Cove, and other points; they have not yet returned. Miss Minnie HARRIS, daughter of Rev. HARRIS of Morton’s Hr., who has been attending the National Training School at Toronto, has won a $160 scholarship. Miss Bessie FRENCH also of Morton’s Hr. who was attending the same institution, came only one per cent lower that Miss HARRIS. Congratulations. Mrs. (Rev.) BAYLY, daughter of Mr. George BLANDFORD arrived by “Clyde” on Monday. We understand that Rev & Mrs. BAYLY are to take up their residence in Oldtown, Maine shortly. Mrs. Wm. NEWMAN, daughter of Mrs. W. BAIRD, arrived from Toronto on Monday accompanied by her two children. Miss Daisy ROBERTS went to St. …?.... with her father on his last trip. Mr. S. LOVERIDGE, who takes his little boy Jack with him, goes to Lewisporte tomorrow in motorboat on way to St. John’s on business. 
June 15, 1918  Back to Notre Dame Bay  Botwood, June 8th, 1918, Mr. TEMPLE, Esq., Twillingate. Dear Sir: - You will see by the heading of my letter I have changed my address, and I would like for you to send the Sun on to Botwood until the last of June, as we will be here until then, after which we will be taking an appointment for Grand Falls, which will cover a period of a year or two, if all goes well. I might say we are real glad to get back to old Notre Dame Bay. Of all our appointments we have had, there is nowhere we can look back upon with happier memories, than the time sent in this bay, and there is no place we have found warmer friends also lasting friends, and there is no place that stands our with clearer recollections than dear old Twillingate. I am glad to say Mrs. HISCOCK is well and joins me in love to all. I am yours truly, E. HISCOCK, Adjt. 
June 15, 1918  The Ferry Wharf  Editor Tw’Gate Sun. I should like to say a few words about the ferry wharf at my place. This wharf is badly in need of repairs. People coming across from Tizzard’s Hr. and Friday’s Bay have to haul up their boats on my beach. If the wharf was in good repair there would be no need of this. But there is worse than this. Last year part of the wharf broke down, and some people have been actually carrying the sticks away for their own use. This wharf is built on my father’s land, and was given by him at the time he was running the ferry. When I took over my father’s debts I therefore owned the land the wharf was on. It is bad enough for the wharf to be allowed to fall to pieces, but for people to be carrying it away is a lot worse. I hope those in authority will do something with this before it is all carried off. Last winter I was asked if I would tender for the ferry, and I understood I was to do that work, and with this understanding I built a boat for that purpose and bought an engine. So far there is no ferry and I have a boat and engine on my hands for which I have no work. Please publish this letter in your paper over my own name. Yours truly, John GILLARD, Gillard’s Cove. 
June 15, 1918  Advertisement  Lost: Boy’s grey sweater, between C. of E. Cemetery and Sun Office. Finder please return to this office. 
June 15, 1918  Death  The death occurred on Thursday morning after a brief illness of Mrs. Charles WHITE of the South Side, at the age of 54. The late Mrs. WHITE was the widow of the late Paul MOORES and was we believe, teaching at Little Hr. at the time she was married to Mr. WHITE. The deceased lady had one son, Mr. Paul MOORES of Deer Lake Station, by her first husband, and a son, Rev. Reginald WHITE, at Sackville College was the issue of her second marriage. The late Mrs. WHITE has been to some degree an invalid for some time, and was of a retiring nature. She was an ardent reader and had not a little literary talent. It is no breach of confidence to say that on more than one occasion she has contributed bright and topical short poems for the Sun, and by a peculiar coincidence, we published one of them this week over the pseudonym she used of “Anon.” To the bereaved sons and husband, the Sun extends its sincere sympathy, especially to the latter, who now faces life alone in an empty house with a vacant chair. “Twilight and evening bell, and after that the dark, And may there be no sadness, of farewell when I embark. For though throughout the bourne of time and space, The floods may bear me far, I hope to see my Pilot face to face, When I have crossed the bar.” 
June 15, 1918  Shipping News  The schr. “Energy” arrived this week from Fogo with supplies for J.W. Hodge. Scrh. “M.P. Cashin” was to sail today for St. John’s with cargo of herring from the firm of Wm. Ashbourne. 
June 15, 1918  Death  A young man Peter BLAKE, son of Mr. George BLAKE and brother of Pte. Sam BLAKE, who was one of Capt. Isaac YOUNG’s crew, died of pneumonia in St. John’s this week. Capt. YOUNG is bringing the body home and is due here today. 
June 15, 1918  Capsized Boat  As Mr. RIDEOUT and some companions of Back Hr. were returning from the Bay with a load of pit props on Thursday in a “bully”, she capsized in the Bight in the strong breeze blowing. Fortunately they had a small motorboat in tow, and all hands reached Back Hr. safely in her. The swamped boat was too much to tow, and she drifted to sea being a total loss. 
June 15, 1918  Advertisement  Baking Powders. 1 lb. Cans 30c. ½ lb. Cans 17c. ¼ lb. Cans 10c. To Arrive Nest Week. Bakers Bread, Raisin and Currant Loaf. John W. Hodge, Twillingate. 
June 15, 1918  Advertisement  For Sale. One three H.P. Gray engine in first class condition on easy terms of payment. Apply at Sun Office. June 29th. 
June 15, 1918  Advertisement  For Sale. A limited quantity of milk at 32cts. gallon. Apply to A.H. Hodge. 
June 15, 1918  Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 1)  By Our Special Correspondent. A most interesting lecture was given in the Casino Theatre on Friday night by Corporal Moyle STICK, son of Mr. STICK of the Royal Stores, and the youngest of three brothers, all of whom are serving in the Army. One – Lieut. Len – being the very first to enlist in the Newfoundland Regiment. The Theatre was crammed to the doors and many were unable to gain admittance. Corporal STICK who was taken prisoner at the battle of Monchy, told of captivity in German hands. His tales of the treatment meted out and of the miserable food rations at first served the prisoners, was listened to in breathless silence by the crowded audience. After his lecture, Capt. Kevin KEGAN described the battle of Monchy, and how a handful of the Newfoundlanders defeated twenty thousand Huns. Sir. P.T. McGrath occupied the chair and a vote of thanks to Corporal STICK was proposed by Dr. ROBINSON, the P.M.G. 
June 15, 1918  Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 2)  The Reid Nfld. Co., have secured “Neptune” for the Labrador service for two or three trips and she sails early next week. 
June 15, 1918  Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 3)  The courts have awarded the salvors of the steamer (“Ar..nre.” ?) which was wrecked at St. Pierre a couple of years ago, the sum of $86,000. 
June 15, 1918  Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 4)  Two St. John’s girls were working at one of the Hospitals behind the lines, which was so cowardly bombed by Germans recently. They were Misses Armine GOSLING and Elsie CROWDY, both of whom are believed to have escaped unhurt. 
June 15, 1918  Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 5)  Two young women from the Iron Isle were arrested this week, charged with stealing $17 worth of clothing from a city woman. Both pleaded guilty and got off with a warning from Judge HARRIS. 
June 15, 1918  Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 6)  There are now over 1400 men in training in the city and good work is being done. It is expected that a draft will be dispatched shortly. There are however, a good many cases of measles, colds and scarletina among the men at present, so that it may not be possible to send a draft just yet. From thirty to forty cases are being heard daily at the exemption Court. 
June 15, 1918  Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 7)  Dr., GRENFELL, who was in the city this week, finds that he will have to close the hospital at Battle Hr. this summer owing to difficulty of obtaining doctors, as all American and Canadian medical men are wanted by their own Governments. He has arranged for a specialist in bone diseases with a powerful X-ray apparatus, to spend the summer at St. Anthony. 
June 15, 1918  Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 8)  The case of the Daily Star management against the Police Officers, was won by the Star. Judgment was given on Thursday by the Chief Justice, granting an injunction against the Department of Justice, ordering the removal of the Police Officers, and giving costs against them and in favour of the Star. Lawyer HOWLEY appeared for the Star. As soon as things can be fixed up, the Star will publish again, and rumor says there is some hot shot coming. 
June 15, 1918  Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 9)  Minister of Shipping, CROSBIE, wires the acting Premier CASHIN from Ottawa, to the effect that he has secured a guarantee, that Newfoundland will get its coal supply this year. To the city people, who have not the opportunity of obtaining pit props like you folks, this comes as most welcome news. 
June 15, 1918  Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 10)  Last Saturday, word was received in the city that the barque “Attila”, owned by Baine Johnston & Co., had taken fire after leaving Bahia, and been beached and totally destroyed. This means the loss of another fine fish carrier. The Attila was an iron ship. 
June 15, 1918  Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 11)  The “Diana”, which arrived at Bay of Islands from her first trip to the straits on Thursday, went as far as Henley Hr. where she found heavy ice which extended Eastward. She reports a good sign of fish from Port aux Choix to Bonne Bay. 
June 15, 1918  Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 12)  There are at present in the Fever Hospital, 17 cases of diphtheria, and 18 of small pox. 
June 15, 1918  Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 13)  The last draft for the Regiment, which recently went over, was the first bunch of our soldiers to sail via New York. At that town, they received the utmost kindness at the hands of many Newfoundlanders there. 
    [There is nothing on my microfilm between June 15, 1918 and July 9, 1918. GW.] 
July 9, 1918  Geography Mistake  A St. John’s contemporary has the following item – “S.S. ‘Susu’ left Millertown at noon bound West”. Well, well, next thing we know the ferry will be running from Kyer’s Pond to Rocky Pond or the ‘Prospero’ calling at Grand Falls! 
July 9, 1918  Socks for Soldiers  Last week Mrs. Wm. FREEMAN, of the lighthouse, sent her 70th pair of soldier’s socks to the W.P.A. We can’t help wondering if some folks who have never done anything but hinder every patriotic endeavor, don’t feel like searching for a knot hole, crawling in and pulling the hole in after them, after reading this. Congratulations Mrs. FREEMAN. You and the lighthouse, both of you, let your light “so shine,” not ineffectively. 
July 9, 1918  Fares Increased  Fares on the “Clyde” have advanced. What a dreadful shock it is to the nerves these days to come across something that has not “gone up.” 
July 9, 1918  Bigots  Because Venus COTE of Rimouski, Quebec, cut her hair short, and dressed in man’s clothing, to help in cab driving early this month, she was sentenced to two years imprisonment by the local Quebec authorities. This reminds us that it was not so very long ago that the world burnt women at the stake as witches, if they happened to be a little more clever than their fellows. We advance but slowly after all, and the greatest Missionary work needed today is the broadening of the bigot. Some bigots are so hard-shell however, that any attempt at broadening, would lead to explosion of the bigot – like a rotten egg. 
July 9, 1918  Fish & Taxes  A fisherman from a nearby place boasted last year that he had made $4000. We wonder if he or any similarly placed have been supplied with forms for the income tax? Fishery reports from Nippers Hr. show codfish fair. Seldom reports good sign fish. Flowers Cove plenty of fish. Griquet good sign of codfish and salmon. 
July 9, 1918  Coal Supplies  July is here and no sign of any coal cargoes yet. Many people have not the time nor opportunity to go for “pit-props”. They have always looked to the businessmen to stock fuel, no matter what the price. May we appeal on their behalf that they be not forgotten? We know business is not philanthropy, but many of these people are laborers, and have always depended on the business houses for their fuel supplies. 
July 9, 1918  Personals  Mr. Wm. ASHBOURNE, Mrs. ASHBOURNE and family, arrived by “Clyde” Monday. Mrs. George BROMLEY, from Canada, sister of Mr. Roland GILLETT, arrived Monday. Mr. SIMMS, opr. at Herring Neck, went to King’s Point last week to adjust some matters at the Telegraph Office there. Mr. W. HARNETT left by “Clyde” for Seldom, and will spend his holidays chasing the elusive cod. A number of young ladies and gentlemen gave a farewell party to Pte. Roy HODDER, who leaves this week for St. John’s. Mrs. W. HARNETT and children left by “Susu” for St. John’s. Naval Reservist, Ray ROBERTS, son of Mr. R.S. ROBERTS of the Lighthouse, has been here this week visiting his relatives. He was entertained in company with Pte. Roy HODDER in the Victoria Hall Tuesday night. Mrs. BROMLEY who arrived this week, has been absent from Twillingate for 25 years. She was living at Victoria, B.C. Mrs. BLACKMORE arrived recently from Indianapolis. Mrs. BLACKMORE, although over 78 years, made the journey of close on 3000 miles by herself. Mrs. BLACKMORE is guest of her daughter Mrs. Edgar HODDER. Miss SEELEY, assistant teacher at Arm Academy, left by Dundee for her home. Miss POOLE, the Principal, who has been visiting at Change Islds. this week also went to her home. Miss M.B. STUCKLESS left for St. John’s by “Dundee.” She will attend the summer school there and will be absent about a month. Mrs. (Dr.) C.V. SMITH of Change Is. was on board the Dundee Thursday for St. John’s. Magistrate SCOTT arrived from St. John’s on Monday. He had the honor to be in the Memorial Day procession in St. John’s on July 1st, in which five thousand people took part. Miss Bessie GILLETT left for St. John’s this week to visit her sister and from thence to Carbonear. Her wedding to Mr. CRAMM takes place shortly. Miss Annie OXFORD left this week for St. John’s and takes service with Mrs. L. EARLE. Capt. John GILLINGHAM, S.A., and wife, arrived by “Dundee” Monday. They were accompanied by Miss RENDALL, sister of Mrs. GILLINGHAM. Miss Daisy ROBERTS left by “Susu” for St. Anthony. Mr. Joseph FIFIELD and Mr. Gerald GIDGE left for St. Anthony by “Susu” Thursday. Ensign ROBERTS, S.A., left here Tuesday for Lewisporte in motorboat. He was accompanied by Rev. Reg. WHITE and Mr. Paul MOORS. We understand that Mr. MOORS will probably come here to take up his residence with Mr. C. WHITE. Mrs. Jonathan WHEELER arrived from Toronto last week, and went to Fogo to visit her mother Mrs. TORRAVILLE. Mrs. WHEELER is widow of the late Jonathan WHEELER, who died at Toronto last winter in his 60th year, having been thirty years resident of that town where he did a contracting business. Two sons and a married daughter are living in Toronto. 
July 9, 1918  Shipping News  "The “Clyde” began the new route to Catalina this week. The schrs. “Annie S. Hall”, Capt. John GILLETT, and “Little Dorrit”, Capt. WAY, arrived this week with salt cargoes &c. for Wm. Ashbourne. Mr. ASHBOURNE is also expecting a cargo of coal and another large schooner load of salt. The coal vessel, which Mr. ASHBOURNE is expecting, is the three masted “Gladys M. Hollett”, which was here a year or so ago taking herring. She brings 300 tons of coal and will take full cargo of herring for New York. Mr. HODGE is expecting a cargo of coal here from Sydney next week. No price is quoted yet until arrival of schooner. The “Dundee” arrived Thursday afternoon from South on way to Lewisporte. Capt. Arch BLANDFORD is in command, and one of the “Clyde”s crew, Mr. Sid PHILLIPS came back in her. G.J. Carter’s. “Vernie May” arrived Wednesday from St. John’s with salt cargo for G.J. Carter, and is now being caulked topsides and decks. Schr. “Beulah,” Capt. W.G. BULGIN, is reported at Greenspond, Treaty Shore, with from 50 to 80 barrels codfish and good prospects. Wm. Ashbourne's schr. “John Earle,” Capt., Willis HULL, “Elmo Gordon,” Capt. T. GILLARD, left this week for Labrador, and about eight boats for Treaty Shore cleared from the firm of Wm. Ashbourne. The schr. “Practincole,” Capt. Angus RANDELL cleared from Herring Neck last week. J.W. Hodge. Schr. “Exotic,” Capt. Jas. JANES, arrived from Cat Cove yesterday with 100 bbls. cod and 50 bbls. herring. All other schrs. are fitting out and will leave as soon as salt onboard." 
July 9, 1918  New Copper Claim.  “Said To Be Valuable Claim.” (North Sydney Herald.) Another American concern has interested themselves in the copper areas of Newfoundland, a Pennsylvania syndicate, having obtained a lease of what is said to be a valuable claim at Twillingate. At the terminus wharf, machinery is being loaded on board a schooner for the plant, the same having come from San Francisco. The American concern will finish the rough material right on their works, and the plant will be the first flotation one to be operated in the ancient colony. 
July 9, 1918  Mr. Elmo Ashbourne  It is probably not generally known that Mr. Elmo ASHBOURNE, who is serving in the Canadian Patrol, was at Halifax at the time of the disaster. He was on a ship only 250 yards from the Mont Blanc when she blew up, but fortunately escaped uninjured, thought some of his comrades lost their lives. During the winter he has been doing duty on the Pacific Coast from the Naval base at Esquimault, but had a few days leave to visit his parents before they left Toronto. 
July 9, 1918  Death (Part 1)  Nathaniel PATTEN. The passing of a figure familiar to every resident of Twillingate and many places surrounding, occurred in the death of former Head Constable N. PATTEN of St. John’s on Thursday, following a paralytic stroke at the age of about 72 years. During the spring, the deceased had a slight stroke of paralysis, which was followed on Tuesday night last by a severer one, from which the doctors gave no hope, and death intervened within a few hours. The late Head Constable PATTEN was generally sincerely loved, and most highly esteemed by all he came in contact with, and though many a boy has lost his slide while riding on the hill, or felt the cut of his stick in the skylarking at bon-fire night at his hands, not one but loved the dear old man. And for him, Twillingate was always home; for although the family moved to St. John’s a year or two age, after his superannuation, his house was ever open to any visitor from here. He always wanted to know what was going on in Twillingate, and was an ardent reader of the Sun. Both widow and one daughter who lived with him, are to a large degree helpless and practically crippled, and will sorely miss his strength and comfort. One daughter, Mrs. MORGAN, lives at Bay Roberts, and the youngest, Mrs. Fred SMITH at St. John’s. To the bereaved family the Sun extends its sympathy, assuring them that their bereavement is shard by the whole of Twillingate. 
July 9, 1918  Death (Part 2)  Passing of Head Constable Patten. While in St. John’s recently, it was my sad privilege to visit my long time co-worker in Court circles who had been stricken by paralysis a few days before. I found him quite sensible but he cried like a child at the sight of one from Twillingate. His voice was muffled, but in our short conversation we found the once powerful man, now waiting calmly as a little child for the “Great Architects” fiat. The call to rest came soon, and one could easily trace the providential hand that led him calmly and with little pain through the “shadow.” The funeral was attended by several Twillingate men, some of them Masons and members of 2364, of which the deceased was a charter member and one of the senior past masters. Six masons (one of them being Bro. Clarence F. SCOTT) formed a body guard, and walked each side of the hearse, and a posse of the Police Force under Super GRIMES, with reversed arms, led the way to the “dead march” to the cemetery, where in a plot near several new graves of “Florizel” victims, the last rites were performed by the Rev. CLAYTON of St. Thomas’ Church, in which an old Pastor, Rev. A.B.S. STIRLING, who had visited the deceased on his sick bed, took part. And then the mason brethren gave the “grand honors”, deposited the sprig of green, and sang, “Here brothers we may meet no more, But there is yet a happier shore, And there relieved from toil and pain, Dear brothers we shall meet again.” Shall we conclude in the familiar words: “Leave we now thy servant sleeping” Farewell. W.J.S. 
July 9, 1918  Summer Holidays  We understand that the usual summer holidays will begin on July 12th. The plan, which will likely be adopted, is a whole holiday and a half each alternate week until September, when only half-holidays will be observed until the finish. 
July 9, 1918  Note of Thanks  I desire, through the medium of your paper, to most sincerely thank from the bottom of my heart, and to say “God Bless You” to the very many kind friends I have met in Twillingate and other parts of this Bay. Especially Mr. HODGE who personally took up a collection among his employees on my behalf. (We may say that Mr. DAY had to have his leg amputated recently at Pilley’s Island, as the result of an injury sustained some years ago, and is making a collection to obtain an artificial leg. He has two sons with the Royal Nfld. Regiment, one since the very first, but who has luckily so far escaped. His third and last son, who is only sixteen, has offered himself, and is anxious to serve. - Did we hear anyone say, “What is Fortune Hr. doing?” Here’s the answer. - Mr. DAY is deserving of the best of treatment at our hands, and we are sure he will get it. Editor.) Mr. A.H. HODGE has been most generous to Mr. Jas. DAY, and yesterday sent his horse and carriage to take him on the other side of the harbour collecting. 
July 9, 1918  Advertisement  Wanted. Boy to learn the printing business; intelligent lad of 12 to 14 years, with about a primary grade. No heavy work. Increase in wages as proficiency obtained. No one who expects more than a million dollars a month need apply. Twillingate Sun. 
July 9, 1918  Birth  Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus WHITE, South Side, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son born June 23rd, 1918. 
July 9, 1918  Sickness  Pte. John ROGERS, the returned hero, who was recently here on leave, is very ill at this writing in St. John’s, and his father was telegraphed to come and see him. 
July 9, 1918  Enlisting  Pte. Bennett BURTON, who enlisted recently in the Regiment, was son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas BURTON of the Arm. He was a Bandsman in the A.L. Brigade. Ben was well liked and respected by all and we wish him good luck and safe return. 
July 9, 1918  Advertisement  Wanted. Men For Herring Fishery. Wanted – crews with motorboats wanted for fall fishery at Hall’s Bay. Apply W.A. LIVINGSTONE, Ford Hotel. 
July 9, 1918  Note of Thanks  The widow and family of the late Richard BRIDGER desire to thank the many kind friends who condoled with and assisted them in their bereavement. 
July 9, 1918  Simple Recipes  "The following are simple recipes easily within the range of the ordinary cook. Try them. Scotch Breakfast Scones. Two teaspoons baking powder; Half pound of flour; half tumbler sweet milk; A pinch of salt. Method – mix baking powder and flour in a basin and add salt. Work it into dough quickly with the milk, which must be added gradually, till a moderately soft dough is obtained. Roll out the dough on a floured board about half inch thick and cut into rounds or three-cornered pieces. Put on a greased tin and bake in a hot oven 8 or 10 minutes. Rhubarb and Orange Jam. One quart finely cut rhubarb; 6 oranges; 1-½ pounds of white sugar. Cut rinds of oranges into sections and remove and scrape off white pith. Free skin and pips from the pulp. Put into pan with sugar and rhubarb and the orange rind shredded fine. Bring slowly to boil. Skim well and boil until jam hardens when tested on a cold plate." 
July 9, 1918  Apple Tree  The apple tree in front of Mr. James YOUNG’s house is a picture. It is covered with bloom, being more white than green. 
July 9, 1918  Bicycle Accident  Bicycle Accident. Mr. Victor BAIRD attempted to take a submarine trip last Saturday at dinner hour, but did not go far. In turning on his bicycle on HODGE’s wharf, he and the machine both fell over into the water. Some difficulty was experienced in getting him as there was no boat handy, and he suffered somewhat from the effects, being confined to bed for the rest of the day. 
July 9, 1918  Schooner Fell Over  A small schooner, belonging to New Bay, being hove down at HODGE’s upper wharf yesterday morning, “fell down” and filled, giving her owners some difficulty in righting her again. 
July 9, 1918  Firewood  Postmaster WHITE took a little trip for firewood one day this week. He reports plenty of driftwood obtainable. Yesterday was observed as the first general holiday, and many of the shop hands went off to look for firewood. Drift pit props within a reasonable distance are however, now very scarce, and most of this stuff has been garnered. 
July 9, 1918  Not Moving To Twillingate  Mr. W.W. BAIRD writes to effect that he does not propose to move his family down here and knows nothing of the rumor we published to that effect. 
July 9, 1918  Marriage  The wedding of Ensign Albert J. ROBERTS, S.A., of the Arm to Capt. Ida Eunice HERDER, S.A., of Bay Roberts, takes place at the Army Citadel, Bay Roberts on July 16th. 
July 9, 1918  Donald Jenkins  [This article is accompanied by a full length photo of Donald Jenkins. GW.] Mechanic Donald JENKINS, son of Mrs. Philip YOUNG of Twillingate. Mechanic JENKINS has been at Camp Devens since Dec. 15th. 1917, and expects to remain there for some time. 
July 9, 1918  Playful Whale Not Welcome  Mr. Fred NEWMAN had an exiting experience while out fishing one day this week, when a playful whale came so close to his boat that its tail flicked right over the boat, and Mr. NEWMAN had to duck his head to escape being struck. It very nearly upset the boat and carried away one of the hooks of the trawl he was setting. 
July 9, 1918  Hospital Planning  There will be a meeting of the proposed Hospital Committee at 8 p.m. Saturday 13th. July, in the Court House, to further consider the matter; all members requested to attend. A.H. HODGE, Chairman. C. WHITE, Secretary. 
July 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 1)  By Our Special Correspondent. Rev. A.V. ROBB, recently of your circuit, preached in the Congregational Church on last Sunday at the commemoration service in honor of the Royal Nfld. Regiment. 
July 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 2)  The Mount Alliston quartette consisting of lady pianist, violinist, singer and reciter, have been entertaining the St. John’s public recently with some sweet music. The violinist visited the General Hospital and played for the patients there. Some attempts have been made by representative men recently to consider ways and means to improve the housing situation in the city. Many of the old houses in which poorer people live, are unfit for human habitation, and a meeting was called in hopes of devising some scheme for the betterment of these conditions. Unfortunately, political feeling has crept in and matters look to go flat. 
July 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 3)  The Budget notices with regret, the death of your former and much respected citizen Head Const. PATTEN which occurred at the age of 72 years. 
July 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 4)  Word has been received of the safe arrival at Winchester of the draft of volunteers, which left here on June 11th. 
July 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 5)  A fatal accident happened at Botwood on Saturday when Brakeman STOCKLEY of the A.N.D. Company’s employ, was run over and killed on the railway. 
July 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 6)  The celebration of Memorial Day July 1st was a splendid one, and a monster parade through the city excited much comment. In the afternoon a picnic was held for the children – in Government House grounds, but as many more children turned up than expected, there was hardly enough to go around. 
July 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 7)  Governor HARRIS and Miss HARRIS left by express Monday for a visit to Catalina, Trinity and Bonavista. 
July 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 8)  Word has been received from our Forestry Battalion, who are now shifting their quarters to Kenmore on Loch Tay. The wood to be attacked next is the forest on Drummond Hill, part of the Marques of Breadelbane’s estate. The hill rises very steeply some hundreds of feet, and is covered with larch (juniper), scotch fir, and spruce. The hills at Dunkeld are now cleaned, and what was a forest when the Newfoundlanders went there, is now only a barren. 
July 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 9)  The London Times, in an article on the King and Queen’s Silver Wedding, makes special reference to Newfoundland which it says led the way with 6000 pairs of socks. 
July 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 10)  The wedding of Mr. Angus REID, son of Mr. H.D. REID, Pres. of the Reid Nfld. Co. to Miss Gladys JOB, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. JOB of New York, took place there Tuesday, July 9th. 
July 9, 1918  Advertisement  Victory Bonds. Something For Nothing! 6 ½ percent on your money. Buy Victory Bonds! 
July 9, 1918  Advertisement  Wanted – Schooner. To freight between five and six hundred barrels of herring to St. John’s from Seal Cove, Friday’s Bay. Apply, Alex SAMPSON, Seal Cove, Friday’s Bay. July 13, 20 
July 9, 1918  Letter From The ANSTEYS  (Editor Twillingate Sun) Dear Sir: - We received a letter from Leslie a short time ago in which he asked us to thank the WPA for parcel received, and there being three Assoc. we did not know which to notify as he did not number it. Would you oblige us by inserting same in your paper for which we should be most thankful. Yours respectfully, Mr. & Mrs. Jas. ANSTEY. 
July 9, 1918  Advertisement  For Sale. On Tuesday, 16th., the dwelling house now occupied by Eli FROST, also one third of the Estate of the late James FROST. Sale commences at 11.30 a.m. C. WHITE, N.P., Auctioneer, Agent for Trustees. July 11th, 1918. 
July 9, 1918  The Steamer “Basco.”  Ben ELLIOTT Helping to Beat the Submarines. The first night launching on the Gulf Coast under the shipping board’s Merchant Marine program – probably the first at any port – took place on the Huston ship channel at 10:45 Wednesday night. The 3400 ton wooden steamer “Basco” built by the Universal Ship Building Company, slid off her berth without a flutter and is now in deep water. The launching had been announced for Wednesday afternoon, but a few minor jobs had not been completed at 4 p.m., the time set for the launching, and it was postponed to Wednesday night. The launching was private. Launchings on the Huston Ship Channel will be frequent as the summer wears on. The Midland Bridge Company ships will take the water in quick succession, while the Universal will launch its third in a month. With the speeding up of the shipbuilding program, launchings are now quite a frequent occurrence in the many yards throughout the country, which are under contract to the United States shipping board. The Universal Shipbuilding Co., of Texas is the concern here referred to. The steamer was built by Mr. Ben ELLIOTT, formerly of Crow Head and son of the late John and Mrs. ELLIOTT, who has for some time been living in the States. It is here that the FOX boys are also working. Another ship the “Nacogdoches”, has also recently been built by Mr. ELLOTT, and the sun extends congratulations to our former fellow townsman in his Hun - beating labors. 
July 9, 1918  Advertisement  Victory Bonds. Only until July 27th. to buy Victory Bonds. Better get yours immediately. Make money out of this war. Buy Victory Bonds. Carrying 6-½ percent interest. 
July 9, 1918  Advertisement  Victor Engines. The right engine for your boat. Before you buy an Engine of any size or type, let us tell you abut the Victor, one of the best in the world. Easy to operate, easy to run – the Victor Engine is the best for your boat. Perfectly new, not rebuilt, and look under at the prices of them. You know you get a bargain in those ‘Victor Engines.’ We know it. Prices to meet all competitors as follows: 2 hp, 1 cylinder - $112., 4 hp, 2 cylinder - $140; 6 hp, 3 cylinder - $175; 7 hp, 2 cylinder - $195; 12 hp, 3 cylinder - $ 235; 16 hp, 3 cylinder - $ 265. It is the aim of the Company to see not only Victor satisfaction, but power. Don’t say it’s too late to buy a Victor Engine because it’s not at that price. If you are interested in those Motors, send to R. B. & F. Rideout, or call at the office. Open day and night. Easy terms given. This price is only guaranteed for two weeks. R.B. & F. Rideout, Office: 12 Gear Building, St. John’s. 
July 9, 1918  Death  In loving memory of our dear brother, Sidney WEAKLEY, who died on Monday June 24th. He had been suffering for about six, months and had two operations during the past winter, and good hopes were held for his recovery. But God thought it wise to take him to himself, and our dear brother was resigned to His will and ready to obey the call. He has been a true soldier in the Salvation Army for five years. He was laid to rest June 26th in the S.A. Cemetery. He leaves a wife, and two children, mother and father. "He is gone, but not forgotten; He is gone but gone before; If we live and die for Jesus, We shall meet him on the shore." 
July 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 1)  On last Wednesday, June 27th., the Methodist Conference opened to both lay and Clerical representatives. The first business was the election of a President and Dr. Levi CURTIS was elected, succeeding Dr. SAINT. The first session closed at 3.30 and the members visited Government House, where they enjoyed the hospitality of His Excellency and Miss HARRIS. 
July 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 2)  The celebrations of July 1st. on Monday, promises to be a very large one. A parade through the city, ending at the parade ground, is planned and it will be attended by the soldiers, discharged and rejected men, the former being in their khaki, Patriotic association, WPA Brigades and other societies. Not less than between two and three thousand will participate. Letters from the Old Country from some St. John's boys, who are members of the Royal Nfld. Regiment, and were also members of the C.L.B. at home, say they attended a special service in the Cathedral at Winchester on Whit Monday, and a review. The C.L.B. were reviewed by Field Marshall Lord GRENFELL. The Nfld. members were given the post of honor in the Cathedral. The Nfld. boys were specially mentioned by the Brigadier General in his speech. During the sermon in the Cathedral, the Preacher referred to the fact that no less than a quarter of a million former C.L.B. members were serving, and that thirteen V.C’s have been won by C.L.B. boys in the present war. 
July 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 3)  Word has been received that the Hon. John R. BENNETT, Minister of Militia, has visited Our Boys over in France and been well received, As a matter of fact, it would be a most ungentlemanly thing for the Regiment to tell him to go back to Newfoundland where he was needed on the job. Our soldiers are always polite and whatever they may have thought, there is no doubt they gave Mr. BENNETT a good reception. 
July 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 4)  The Minister of Finance and Customs announces that the Victory Loan has been already oversubscribed, and that the amount will be extended, and subscriptions received up to July 27th. It is hoped that the original amount of two millions may be nearly doubled. 
July 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 5)  The preliminaries in the trial of John CHISLETT of Trinity Bay, for perjury, in giving false evidence before the Tribunal when applying for exemption for Alphaent CHISLETT, was concluded before Judge MORRIS, and the accused has been committed for trial before the supreme court. Lawyer HUNT appeared for the crown and SQUIRES for the defendant. 
July 9, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 6)  A Community Nurse has been engaged by the Government for the city. Last Registrar's report shows the proportion of infant deaths up to 167 per 1000, which is about the highest for any city in North America. Miss ROGERS is the Nurse engaged, and she arrived yesterday - Friday. A central office will be provided, to which mothers will bring their children. 
July 9, 1918  Thanks For Socks (Part 1)  Somewhere in France, May 17th, 1918. Mrs. Peter JENKINS. Dear Friend: - Just a word to let you know I received your socks and was very glad to get them. I got them when I was in the front line and it was very muddy at the time, up over my boots, so your socks came in great. You will have to excuse me for not writing before. I received your socks in Mar. and I was wounded on the 12th of April, but glad to say it was slightly in the head and shoulder. I am well again now and back with my Battalion again. I haven't much strange news to tell you. We are getting some fine weather over here almost too warm for us Nflders. Well, Mrs. JENKINS, I hope the war will soon be over and we will be able to get back to old Newfoundland again. We will have something to be proud of our island home and the Royal Newfoundland Regiment. We have a good reputation and we are going to keep it up. No doubt some of our brave boys have fell but fought and fell for a good cause, and I believe you, as a W.P.A. are doing your bit at home. Now you will have to excuse my bad scribbling and writing, as I am not much of a scholar, my home is at Greenspond, Bonavista Bay. I think I have said all at present. I remain your sincere friend, J.W. HARDING. My address: 3720 Pte. J.W. HARDING, A. Co. Royal Nfld. Rgt., B.E.F., France. Please write and let me know if you got my letter or not and thanks for the socks. 
July 9, 1918  Thanks For Socks (Part 2)  Somewhere in France. May 23rd, 1918. Dear Miss CLARKE: - Just a note thanking you for the socks which were very nice indeed and in such a place as France. I know the people in Twillingate must work hard working for the soldiers of Nfld. I don't know if I know any of your friends out here, but I can tell you that all the boys that are here at present are feeling well. My address is 83 E.G. NOFTALL, 1st Royal Nfld. Regt. B.E.F., France. Your friend, Ted. 
July 9, 1918  Letter From Gus Rideout  To Miss Maggie JACOBS From A Twillingate Sailor. May 18th., 1918. H.M.S. "Westward." Dear Maggie: - It gives me great pleasure to drop you a few lines as I am led to believe you are expecting it. Do you know that you owe me a letter? I wrote you last spring while in France but haven't received the answer yet, but anyhow we won't get sorry about it. I am writing this letter at sea, hoping to put into port soon, so as I can get it posted to you. I don't suppose we will see many subs on our way to detain us. I don't think there ever was one in this joint. I wish you could have a good look at this place. You would wonder how it is that we don't go balmy. It is certainly an awful place to call home. I don't suppose I shall know you by the time I come home as Blanche was telling me you had grown quite a big girl, but she didn't tell me the name of that guy you take home for an escort. Don't forget to mention his name when you write. Well, maybe I know him. News is so scarce here that I hardly know what to say. If I tell you anything about our duties or what we are doing now, I am running a great chance of getting (the knot end) and I cannot tell you what time this war is going to be over. This year I hope, as I am getting fed up on this side of the pond. I wouldn't mind spending a short time in Twillingate now. Oh well, it is no use of worrying is it? It ain't going to last forever is it? Now, I think I have said all for this time. I shall be able to write more when I hear the news from you. Remember me to Peter. So I think I will ring off for this time. Hoping to hear from you as soon as possible. I remain yours sincerely, Guss. Seaman Augustus RIDEOUT, A,B.R.W., C.V.R., H.M.S. "Westward," No. ii C-0 A.M.O. Cromarty, Ross, Scotland. 
July 9, 1918  Letter From Edward Moores  Forestry Sergt. MOORS Writes. Somewhere in France. June 23rd., 1918. My Dear Wife: - I just received the parcel and I tell you I was glad with it, especially the tobacco. Well, girlie, I am feeling fine again now. I wasn't very well for a while but I am working again now. The weather is getting awful hot here now, just enough to burn anyone. I hope you are having good weather at home. Everything in the parcel was O.K. You must have a kind heart for your boy that is away, but the day will come girlie, if all is well, that we will meet. Won't it be a big day! You can prepare not to see me next winter, but chances is, the war may be over before that time, but I am satisfied to stay three years yet so that we win. You know what a soldiers life is like - sometimes rough and sometimes smooth. Of course it is like that all the way through life. How are the dear little children getting on? I hope you all are in the pink. I heard they had conscription in Nfld. That will send the slackers along. I had a letter from Hedly WHITE today and Holley is a prisoner of war and wounded. Too bad isn't it poor boy? Jack just came in my room. I guess he is in looking for a piece of cake. He is looking fine yet. Give my best regards to all home, and take care of yourself. I must close. Wishing you the best of health from your loving husband. Edward MOORES. 
July 9, 1918  Letter From John Burton  From Pte. John BURTON. May 29th., 1918. Dear Mother: - Just a few lines to let you know that I am well and hope this will find you the same. Well, Mother, I would like to see you now, for it is a long time since I have seen you. I haven't wrote to you much since I came over here, so Mother it is time I should be writing to you. Now, I am writing this myself; it is not good writing Mother, but it is better than I could do when I was home. Tell father I would like to see him now and all the family also. I would like to be home now to see you all once more. My wife is well and sends her love to you. She is a good wife to me. I should like for you to see her mother. Write to her all the time, for when you write to here you are writing to me. Well, Mother dear I am coming to see you soon, so good-bye and God bless you. Write soon. From your loving son John BURTON. 
    [There is nothing on my microfilm between July 9 and August 10, 1918. GW.] 
August 10, 1918  A Young Upstart  Our young friend, The Industrial Worker, the infant of newspapers in this country, becomes angry with the poor old Sun for our little joke at his expense. Youth is always hot and hasty, and lengthened years may give the I.W. more matured views. He sneers at the Sun for its age, but if a thought were given he would understand what that age meant. Thirty eight years the Sun has risen Saturday by Saturday. It has seen parties come and go and City papers flourish for a short space and exit, while the Sun has steadily shone on. As to the good the Sun has done, it has never kept a record of its good deeds, believing that one should not announce to the right hand the doings of the left. That it has filled its nitch in a satisfactory manner, its lengthened life proves. Newspapers cease to exist when they fail to fill a want. Recording its mistakes but not its victories, the Sun plods on. It has had no meteoric existence, but the meteor tho’ forming a brilliant spectacle as it rushes to destruction in its short life, is not to be compared to the steady and grateful light of the Sun. Be not uneasy friend I.W., if your paper is really necessary its life is assured, no matter what the Sun may say. On the other hand if it is not necessary, its existence, no matter how brilliant, will be but as the shooting star, which in its mad rush through our atmosphere, burns itself up. Heat is therefore most unwise and should be avoided by all youthful newspapers. 
August 10, 1918  Dredging  We have all talked a good deal about dredging the Shoal Tickle, and generally the opinion seems to be held, that dredging a good channel, and keeping it cleared up every half dozen years or so, would be a satisfactory solution. But how to dredge it? We are informed that the Government owned dredge "Priestman", requires a depth of eleven feet under her stern, and a total width of 75 feet in which to operate. if this be correct it looks very much as if the Priestman will not be able to do much for Shoal Tickle. At the same time Mr. FITZGERALD is duly taking measurements as well as what he calls "penetration", that is, the depth of sand and gravel above bed rock, to find out what are the possible depths to which it might be excavated. Let us hope that something will be accomplished in the near future. 
August 10, 1918  Funeral Louis OSMOND  The funeral of the late Louis OSMOND took place at the Methodist Church, Morton's Hr., on Wednesday, Rev. MERCER officiating. The Orange Society of which the deceased was a member, attended in regalia. A number of visitors from different places came to pay the last farewell to a friend. They included Messrs. C.A. MANUEL and M. LACEY from Exploits; Mr. W.W. BAIRD, Campbellton; Mr. E.S. HENNEBURY, Beaverton; Messrs Arthur and Alfred MANUEL; L.A.S. PEYTON; W.B. TEMPLE and …. EBSUARY, Twillingate. The note was one of general sorrow and regret at his passing. Interment was in the cemetery on the Wild Cove Hill. 
August 10, 1918  Wrecked Boat's Long Trip  St. John's papers of last week contain the announcement of the sighting of a wrecked craft, on her beam-ends off Catalina, by another schooner. The name of the wrecked craft was made out to be the "Dove", and we are assured that the wreck is none other than the Back Hr. boat which was capsized while bringing wood from the bay, over a month ago. Every detail described points to the fact that this is the boat; red deck, piece of galvanized on one side, &c. From Western Head to Catalina, the Dove must have made the trip on her own, and she has probably reached considerably farther South by now, as she was sighted a fortnight ago. 
August 10, 1918  Chops Fingers Off  On Saturday morning, Charles HILLIER, a defaulter from the M.S "Act," who had been rounded up by the squad of soldiers, accidentally severed two fingers of one hand while cutting splits. 
August 10, 1918  Advertisement  For Sale, a good conditioned mare. Apply Mrs. Wm. MINTY or Sun office. 
August 10, 1918  Advertisement  "Agents Wanted" for private Christmas Cards. Ladies or gents. Samples free. Profitable. Chipchase, Cardex, Darlington, England. 
August 10, 1918  Advertisement  Picked Up - A Herring Net. Owner can have the same by proving property and paying cost of this notice. James EDDY. 
August 10, 1918  Advertisement  Ship Carpenters wanted at Birchy Bay. Apply to Birchy Bay Lumber Co., Birchy Bay. 
August 10, 1918  Advertisement  Carpenters Wanted. Four or five good ship's carpenters wanted to work on vessel at Bide Arm near Englee. Wages $3.50 per day, 35 cents per hour for overtime. Apply to Sun Office or Robert WHITE, Bide Arm, via Englee. 
August 10, 1918  Personals  Nurse, [Tessie ?] MOORS, has been spending her vacation with her relatives here. Mr. Jacob MOORS visited Catalina last week and returned by rail, Lewisporte Monday. A gentleman named FITZERALD from the Marine and fisheries department, was here this week examining shoal Tickle as to the possibility of doing something to improve much used water way. Magistrate SCOTT arrived by Dundee Monday from Campbellton, having visited New Bay, Exploits, and Loon Bay. At New Bay he heard an assault case. Mrs. W. HARNETT and children, who have been visiting St. John’s, returned by “Susu”. Rev. Capt. CLAYTON will be here tomorrow and we understand will preach at St. Peter’s at morning. Mrs. GUZWELL, formerly Miss STOWE, has been guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hanibal CHURCHILL. Mrs. Edward ROBERTS is spending some time with her relatives here. Miss Dorothy NEWMAN visited Fogo Monday and returned by “Clyde” on Thursday. Miss Annie GILLARD, arrived from St. John’s Sunday to visit friends here. Miss Beatrice PRESTON, who has been visiting Curling, Bay of Islands, returned home this week. Mrs. S.D. COOK of Curling, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. F. LINFIELD, is visiting the parental rooftree. Master Edwin (Win) COLBOURN left last week on a visit to the city, in the schr. “Mariner.” Mr. S. FACEY left for St. John’s by “Sagona” this week. Mr. C.D. MAYNE is visiting Springdale, Pilley’s Island, and other points on business in Mr. FACEY’s motorboat. Mr. Jonathan BURT went with him as pilot. Among the returned soldiers on the “Susu” was Pte. HARTERY, of Fleur de Lys, who is just discharged after having enlisted the second time. 
August 10, 1918  Note Of Thanks  Mrs. MINTY and family would like to thank all the kind friends that sent them letters of sympathy, and those that sent wreaths in their time of sore bereavement through the death of her two sons, also all the friends that have helped them in any way. They appreciate very much all that has been done for them and would like to thank them all. 
August 10, 1918  Advertisement  Lost. On August 2nd., A five-dollar bill on either Ashbourne’s N. Side premises, or Upper premises. Finder please leave at Sun office. Chas. BUTT. Burnt Cove. 
August 10, 1918  Sub Destroys Canadian Schooner.  St. John, N.B., Aug 4. – The four masted schooner “Dornfortein”, launched at the Straits Shore, St. John, a few weeks ago, was captured and burned to the water’s edge on Friday afternoon, by a German U-boat, off the Atlantic coast. The ship encountered the enemy craft at noon, and after holding her crew on board for five hours, the Germans told them to take to their lifeboats and row for the nearest shore. The Captain of the Dornfortein and the members of the crew, arrived in this city about 10 o’clock Saturday evening. It is reported that the enemy craft which destroyed the Dornfortein was the U-56, one of the latest type of German submarines. After taking from the ship all her valuables and foodstuffs, as well as a large quantity of gasoline, which was stored on board to be used for motive power for the hoisting apparatus, the Germans started a fire in her forecastle and another in her after cabin, and the ship burned to the waters edge. A number of the U-boats crew told a member of the crew of the Dornfortein, that there were but four German submarines operating in the Atlantic waters, but that more would come later, and they made other statements easily recognized as German propaganda, calculated to cause alarm among the civilian population in coastal towns and villages. All but the Captain were taken below into the depths of the U-boat, through the engine room, and into sort of a hold. The crew spent five hours in the bowels of the submarine. A member of the German U-boat said it was this very boat that set the mines, which destroyed the American auxiliary cruiser “San Diego” some little time ago, off the American coast. It was also the belief of the men that the U-boat was on the look out for a West India liner. The local men say that there were seventy or more comprising the crew of the submarine, that the vessel was more than 200 feet long, and that she mounted two guns, the caliber of which, according to the Germans, was 5.9. When asked why they did not torpedo the schooner, they said they did not want to waste a torpedo on her for it was better for them to set fire to her. 
August 10, 1918  Fourth Anniversary of the War  On Monday night a few citizens met in the Court House and adopted the resolution pledging Nfld. to continue the war to a victorious peace, which was adopted and carried unanimously; the meeting closing with the National Anthem. Services in the Churches on Sunday were of a special character, and all touched on the War’s 4th anniversary. 
August 10, 1918  Who Gets The Rest?  The following taken from the Montreal Star, are the coal prices fixed by the Canadian Board of Control. Considering that we pay from $14.75 to $15.00 a ton for it, it is interesting to a great many people to know who gets the rest of it. Suppose we allow the Merchant a dollar a ton profit, and a half a dollar for expenses of insurance. That with the price of the Nova Scotia S. & C. Co’s coal is $6.75. That leaves a difference of $7.25. If coasting schooners or steamers are taking so much a ton, they are the profiteers. What is the Control Board doing about it? Sydney Coal Field – Dominion Coal Co. - $4.65 f.o.b. cars C.G.R., Sydney; Whitney Pier, Louisbourg. Nova Scotia Steel and Coal Co - $5.25 f.o.b. C.G.R., North Sydney Junction or Coal Shipping Piers, North Sydney Harbor. Bras D’Or Coal Co. - $5.50 f.o.b. cars C.G.R. Sydney Coal Co. - $4.75 f.o.b. mine. 
August 10, 1918  “Welcome Home” For Boys.  Last night’s lecture was well attended and a complete success. A chief feature was that it resolved itself into a welcome home for the returned soldiers, who were taken to the platform and enthusiastically applauded. It was the first time that such a representation of khaki had appeared on a public platform here, and the audience was most sympathetic. Capt. CLAYTON was heard with the utmost attention and his lecture delighted all. 
August 10, 1918  Shipping News  The Schooner “Galdys Hollett,” torpedoed off Halifax last week, has been towed to land and can be easily made sea-worthy again. Another hospital ship, the “Warelda,” has been sunk by German submarines in the Channel, while returning from France. The total loss of life is not yet definitely known, but 123 are reported missing from her. 
August 10, 1918  Enlistment  By “Clyde” Thursday – six defaulters who agreed to enlist and have passed the medical examination, were sent on to St. John’s; three being from Herring Neck and three from here. 
August 10, 1918  Fish Reports  The Clyde’s crew report codfish scarce South, though a good deal has been jigged in the neighbourhood of Catalina. Mate BUTCHER went out one evening and jigged 40 fine fish. 
August 10, 1918  Death  At Morton’s Hr. on Tuesday, August 6th at the age of 48 years, Louis OSMOND. He leaves a wife and four children bereft. 
August 10, 1918  Birth  At Loon Bay, on August 8th. to Corporal and Mrs. Willis MANUEL, a daughter. 
August 10, 1918  Advertisement  Oil Cooking Stoves. We have just opened a few of these Coal - saving household conveniences at following prices. 2 burner with oven - $22.50. 3 burner with oven - $29.50. 4 burner with oven - $35.00. John W. Hodge, Twillingate. 
August 10, 1918  Sailors Stranded  Two men from the schr. ------ which is loading at Osmond’s wharf, Morton’s Hr., and who received their discharge, arrived here Thursday practically penniless. They signed on for coastwise service only they claim, and the ship is going to Glouchester. They also claim that the schr. is not properly equipped with boats, and that the food was scarce on board. They applied to the Relieving Officer and the Magistrate, but could get no assistance. Mr. STRANGER and Sgt. JOY guaranteed their board, and they secured lodgings at Mrs. Priscilla NEWMAN’s. They had taken an advance on their wages before leaving St. John’s and had only $1.75 each coming to them. Their story should be investigated, as there is probably another side to it. Both belong to St. John’s. 
August 10, 1918  St. John’s Welcomes Heroes  Last Sunday Was Great Day In City. St. John’s, Aug. 5th. (Special to the Sun). St. John’s did itself proud on Sunday when the Blue Puttee Boys and other returned soldiers arrived by S.S. “Kyle.” There had been a large meeting in the grounds of the Colonial Building just before dinner, to commemorate the 4th anniversary of the war. But the rain came down in torrents, and the meeting was held in the Legislative Council Chamber, which was packed by the people who had just come from Church. May were unable to gain admittance. Speeches were made by His Excellency, Acting Prime Minister CASHIN, who moved, and Mayor GOSLING who seconded the resolution, pledging Nfld. to the continuance of this righteous war. The resolution was enthusiastically carried. The rain ceased shortly after dinner, but a heavy fog continued and delayed the Kyle, which did not dock until after seven in the evening. A tremendous concourse of people filled the streets far back from the Furness - Withy wharf gates, and fully ten thousand people were watching and waiting. Ninety automobiles were in waiting and conveyed the returned men to Government House by way of Water, Middle and Cochrane streets. Here, after meeting the Governor, they were taken in charge by their friends and relatives, and driven to homes provided by the Ladies Reception Committee. Some of the returned veterans were badly maimed, and had to be tenderly lifted into the waiting cars, especially three who had been prisoners of war in Germany and were badly treated. 
August 10, 1918  Advertisement  BOOTS. We have now opened and have ready for your inspection, the Largest stock of Boots (Men and Boys Laced) we have ever had. Prices & Quality Right. G.J. Carter. 
August 10, 1918  Governor Has Kind Regards  St. John’s, August 1st, 1918. Dear Mr. SCOTT: - Now that I am back in St. John’s, His Excellency wishes me to write and thank you for all the capable arrangements you made for his visit to Twillingate. He was most deeply interested in all the developments of your town, and carried away the pleasantest recollections of his visit. I am to thank you and Mrs. SCOTT for your share of his entertainment, and to hope that you will also convey, to the other gentlemen who joined you in making his visit a pleasant one, his thanks. Yours faithfully, Knox NIVEN, Lieut. Col., Private Secretary. 
August 10, 1918  Blue Puttees Arrive  [This article is accompanied by head and shoulder photos of Pte. Edward WHITE and Pte Edward DAWE. GW.] “Susu” Brings Three of Our Boys Home. By the Susu, which reached here yesterday morning, there arrived two Blue Puttee Boys – Ptes. Ed WHITE and Joseph DAWE – and also Pte. Frank PARSONS, an invalided soldier who has lost his foot. Messages had been sent to St. John’s inquiring the names and the number of Twillingate boys returning, but no answer was vouchsafed. A few friends hurried to the wharf when the steamer blew, and Mr. ASHBOURNE kindly sent over the motorcar to take Ptes. DAWE and PARSONS to their homes, so it is presumed he had some information as to who was coming. Ptes. DAWE and WHITE are on leave; both have left Scotch wives on the other side of the water. An official reception is planned for these lads shortly, and it is to be hoped that Twillingate will show its appreciation of what these young men have done. Pte. Ned WHITE is son of Postmaster WHITE, and he and the late Pte. Augustus Mark NEWMAN, who was killed in the July 1st [1916 ?] engagement, were the two first to enlist directly from this place. Pte. Joe DAWE is foster son of Mr. and Mrs. James MORGAN and was one of Capt. Wm. SNOW’s crew, enlisting at the same time as Pte. Hardy SNOW who was killed on Oct. 12th., 1916. 
August 10, 1918  A 1 h.p. Submarine  Submarining seems to be becoming a favourite local sport. Some time ago a young gentleman tried to ride his bicycle across the harbour beneath the waves, while on Tuesday, our old friend “Dick POND” took passage over Mr. Hodge’s wharf, presumably being bound on similar underwater voyage. Dick, however, floated as did the coal cart, and he was ignominiously towed into the beach ending his career as a U-boat in short order. The wheels came off the cart, but were fished up from the bottom. 
August 10, 1918  Blue Puttee  Sgt. JOY, M.M., who was here in charge of the Conscription squad, is a Blue Puttee boy, having been one of the original 500 who trained at Pleasantville. He has been through all the actions without getting a wound, though last fall at Cambrai, he was blown twenty feet in the air by a shell which killed two of his comrades and wounded another. He was bruised rather seriously, but a couple of weeks in a rest camp made him as fit as ever. He wears the Military Cross ribbon and has also won a bar to the cross; the equivalent of the cross twice. 
August 10, 1918  Morton's Harbor Notes  Notes By Our Morton’s Harbor Correspondent. Summer has been postponed on account of the weather. Mr. John BARNES is still very ill, and the only relief promised is the end, which seems very near. Winifred JENNINGS, son of our “M.P.”, has gone to St. John’s to enlist. Mr. Chesley MANUEL of Exploits was a visitor to Morton’s Hr. on Sunday of last week. Miss Nina OSMOND returns to Exploits on Monday, after a few days stay at the parental home here. Mr. “Lou” OSMOND is dangerously ill with pneumonia. Mrs. OSMOND is also indisposed at this writing but her illness is not considered serious. Their numerous friends wish both Mr. and Mrs. OSMOND an early recovery. Rev. George MERCER, the new Methodist minister, has arrived and has favourably impressed many with the sermons delivered here so far. He is a brother of Rev. R. H. MERCER who, several years ago, won in many parts of Twillingate District, the name of “pulpit orator.” Mr. Raymond OSMOND was visiting at the Northern Metropolis last week. Caplin are still here in abundance and during the past few days many bait skiffs have been here and loaded. The schooner “Minnie”, from P.E.I., arrived several days ago to load herring for P.P. & L. Osmond. Manuel’s schooner, which has arrived from Loon Bay with lumber for D.P. & L. Osmond, will also take away a load of herring for the same firm. Mr. John HEAD at Comfort Cove has a bull, which evidently thinks there is no place like home. More than a week ago the bull was taken by boat to Coal - All Island, about two miles from Comfort Cove, a few days later the animal swam back home. Last week the dull weather was perhaps more noticeable than any other lately, the sun giving place to rain or fog – it was so dull that even the Twillingate luminary did not shine, but probably the wind of the previous week had something to do with that. It is not generally known that the “Sagona”, which now gives us the Labrador service, came very near being blown to atoms some little while ago. The steamer was loading dynamite at North Sydney, when five cases fell out of the sling and crushed down into the hold, striking with great force on top of other boxes containing similar explosives. Some boxes were badly broken, but had an explosion occurred, the steamer would have been damaged beyond recognition, and probably most of that part of North Sydney would have received the same fate. 
August 10, 1918  Death  Louis OSMOND. It is with feelings of sincere regret that we have to chronicle the passing of Louis OSMOND of Morton’s Hr., known far and wide as he was as “Lou.” No kindlier gentleman, more thoughtful, and loving husband and father, ever drew breath, and it was the writer’s privilege to have been numbered with his friends. A short time ago he arrived from the Treaty Shore suffering from a severe cold, which developed into pneumonia, and day by day, the first question on so many people’s lips was a thought of how it fared with him in his fight for life. Thursday last week a hope of improvement was held out, but Friday he was not so well, and Saturday the case was most critical. All night Monday, Dr. WOOD stayed with him in the attempt to win against death, but the end came, despite the last medical assistance could do, and Louis OSMOND ended life and began Immortality. He leaves this world the poorer for his fellowship – and what greater eulogy can be given any man than this? Throughout the length of the Treaty Shore, the “Pauline” will no longer bring Louis OSMOND, and the presence of that well-known and frequent visitor there, will remain but a remembrance. To the bereaved widow and fatherless children, and to sister and brothers, the Sun extends sincere and heartfelt sympathy, assuring them that their loss is realized by a very large circle of friends who admired and esteemed the dead. And so, Louis OSMOND will be gathered to his fathers, and after a few short months the world will have forgotten him. But among the circle of his friends – and it is a very large one – he will long be held in remembrance, and many a kind deed and generous action will be preserved in memory, for these are the things that do not die. 
August 10, 1918  New Bay Notes  New Bay, July 27. Just a word to say that since last writing, Mr. Kenneth YATES, Mr. Joseph BUDGELL, his daughter, Mrs. A. BUDGELL, and now this morning Mr. Arch WHITEHORN, have passed within the veil. The last named, volunteered for service with the Regiment with his brother Abner WHITEHORN. He had gone through the preliminary drill, came home after contracting measles, and now has gone to his eternal home. May we not say he died for his country’s good as much as though he had fallen on the blood soaked mud of Flanders. All honor to the brave boy. We were surprised and pained to learn of the death of our old and esteemed friend, Head Const. PATTEN. We hesitate not, to say that he was one of “earth’s noble men” – never looking for trouble, but straight when it came to a point of duty, and affectionate at home and abroad. While the earth is poorer because he is gone, Heaven is the richer, and we hope to see him again in the land of everlasting life. To dear Mrs. PATTEN and family, we extend our sincerest sympathy. P. MOORS. 
August 10, 1918  Advertisement  We Buy and Sell Houses and Collect Rents. Also have a quantity of OATS for Sale cheap. Fidelity Real - Estate Agents & Commission Merchants. 268 Water St., P.O. Box 1113, St. John’s. 
August 10, 1918  Flying The Atlantic  London, July 15 – “In order to stimulate the production of more powerful engines and more suitable aircraft,” the Daily Mail announces the revival of its offer of a prize of £10,000 to the first person who flies across the Atlantic from any point in the United Kingdom, Canada or Newfoundland, to Great Britain or Ireland or vice versa, in seventy-two consecutive hours. The original offer was made in April 1913. It was suspended at the outbreak of the war. 
August 10, 1918  Deserter  On Saturday the Police arrested one young man who deserted from Mr. ASHBOURNE’s vessel. It transpired, however, that he had only signed on for the trip home at the rate of $20 for the trip, and after agreeing to help finish discharging cargo here, he will be paid off. The case was heard before Mr. Charles WHITE, J.P. He belongs to Topsail and is eligible for Military Service under the Conscription Act. 
August 10, 1918  Another Schooner Torpedoed  On Wednesday, the three masted schr. Gladys M. Hollett, which left here last week laden with cargo of herring from Wm. Ashbourne, was sunk by a German raiding submarine about 30 miles off the coast of Nova Scotia, near LaHave Island, or roughly about 40 miles to the South of Halifax. The crew escaped and landed safely. The Hollett was commanded by Capt. CLUETT, and had only recently completed a trans-Atlantic voyage in safety. She brought a cargo of coal here for Wm. Ashbourne and received a load of herring from the same firm, being on her way to New York, when she was torpedoed. 
August 10, 1918  Rev. Capt. CLAYTON  Rev. Capt. CLAYTON, who lectured at Tizzard’s Hr. on Wednesday night, arrived here Thursday, and was to lecture in the Alexandra Hall last night. There is not time for us to give a report of the lecture however. Capt. CLAYTON has seen active service on the Western Front and returned nearly a year ago, having been granted a year’s leave. He is at present lecturing on behalf of the W.P.A. He has been attached to St. Thomas’ since he returned to this country 
August 10, 1918  Accident  Mr. George PAYNE had the misfortune to hurt his leg badly last week while working at Sleepy Cove. In some way he fell or jumped from a cage being lowered, and was so badly bruised that he had to be driven home. He has recovered, however, and is now at work again. 
    [There is nothing on my microfilm between August 10, 1918 and September 7, 1918. GW.] 
September 7, 1918    List of Vessels Insured in the Notre Dame Mutual Insurance Club Ltd. 
September 7, 1918  Advertisement  Found. A parcel containing an article of clothing, and two other small packages left at S. Facey’s shop about three weeks ago. Owner can have same by proving property and paying cost of this ad. Apply to S. FACEY. 
September 7, 1918  Advertisement  For Sale, Motorboat 30 feet long and substantially built. Also six h.p. Frazer engine. Had very little use and in good condition. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply to C. WHITE, N.P. Sept 7 – 14. 
September 7, 1918  Advertisement  Wanted Immediately. A general servant, also a housemaid willing to go with family to Toronto. Apply to Mrs. Wm. ASHBOURNE. 
September 7, 1918  Volunteers  Mr. Jack PHILLIPS did not go last week, as he was unable to secure a pass. He will join the Navy and not the Regiment as we reported. Lieut. Fred WATERMAN of Change Islands came here last week and returned home by Dundee Monday. Lieut. WATERMAN has risen from the ranks, having joined the first five hundred as a private, and has seen nearly four years service. He was given an enthusiastic reception at his home coming recently. 
September 7, 1918  Personals  Messrs. W. EARLE and Buller ROBERTS of Change Islands, came here in motorboat last week, and spent a few days as guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. COLBOURNE. Mr. W.A. LIVINGSTONE went to the North Side of the Bay last week. Mrs. W.W. BAIRD arrived this week from Campbellton and is visiting her mother, Mrs. Thomas PEYTON. Mrs. Kenneth MANUEL of Loon Bay is guest of her mother Mrs. Wm. BAIRD. We are glad to hear that Mr. Wm. HARBIN is much improved. Mr. MOSS, teacher of Morton’s Hr., was here last week. Great difficulties seem to be experienced in obtaining boarding houses for teachers. Mr. COLLIS and local talent gave a concert in the Alexandra Hall last night in aid of the W.P.A. Mr. & Mrs. John HODGE and family of Fogo, were on the “Clyde” Thursday, enroute for Toronto where he will take up his residence for the future. Mr. Bert CHOWN commercial, arrived here by “Sagona” on Sunday last. By “Sagona”, Mr. Bert PARDY, son of Mr. and Mrs. George PARDY of Little Harbor, left here for Cartwright where he assumes a position with the Hudson Bay Company. Mr. PARDY is a rejected volunteer, having offered his services for the Regiment but being found medically unfit. Miss Nellie WHITE has accepted a position with Mrs. COOPER at St. John’s at the C. of E. Home for Girls, attending Spencer College, and goes thither shortly. Mr. H.J. HOWLETT arrived here last week by “Susu.” Miss SEELEY arrived by “Dundee” and opened school at the Arm Academy Tuesday. Miss POOLE did not reach here. Mrs. A. COLBOURNE left by “Dundee” for Change Islands where she will spend a fortnight visiting friends. 
September 7, 1918  Advertisement  We have added to our great list of Prizes to be given away free in December of this year, Two Fifty Dollar Victory Bonds. Men, Boys and Youths who buy Buddy Boots have a chance for one of these Bonds free. They pay 6 ½ % interest. Buy Buddy Boots and get a Victory Bond free. See that your dealer gives you no other brand. Have you dealer register your name or send to us. Buddy Boots are a great wearing boot. More Buddy Boots sold in Newfoundland than any other brand. List of Prize Winners will be published in this paper first week in December. Cleveland Rubber Company, 166 Water St., St. John’s. 
September 7, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 1)  The crew of the torpedoed Norwegian steamer “Bergsdalen” reached the city Friday morning. They report that last Tuesday when their ship was about 120 miles South of Cape Race at 3:50 p.m., a torpedo suddenly hit her on the port side, cutting her almost in two. The ship sank so rapidly that some members of the crew had to jump into the water, and she went down in about 2 minutes. They were picked up by a Swedish steamer and landed at Cape Race. None of the crew saw any sign of the submarine during the whole time. 
September 7, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 2)  Mr. LYNCH, a city baker, was charged before Judge MORRIS on Friday with breach of the food regulation, not having the required amount of substitutes in his bread. He pleaded that he could not procure substitutes and that Sir P.T. McGRATH had told him to do the best he could. He was fined $1 and costs. 
September 7, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 3)  The Daily News, in an article this morning, claims that parties are selling their remaining stocks of white flour, which they have up to now been selling for $15, for the enhanced price of $20. The News rightly claims this as food profiteering, and calls on the authorities to stop it. The News urges a Housewife’s League along the lines adopted in the cities of Canada. 
September 7, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 4)  The Schr. “Bianca”, owned by Bowring Brothers, on her way to an Atlantic port with a cargo of coffee, was attacked and captured by a German Submarine on Saturday of last week. Her crew were robbed of their clothes, and then put adrift, being picked up later by a steamer. A message to Bowrings Thursday, stated that the Bianca, with a hole in her stern, had been towed into port and was still upright. The Bianca was a practically new schooner of 400 tons and was fitted with a 100 h.p. auxiliary engine. 
September 7, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 5)  Mr. Justice JOHNSON, who has been on circuit on the West Coast in the “Ingraham”, returned to the city Thursday. 
September 7, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 6)  The temperatures here was very low on Thursday and water froze in places. It is feared that the potatoes were “nipped” as a result. 
September 7, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 7)  Word was received in the City of the death of W. Norman SNELGROVE, J.P. of Catalina, from exposure. Mr. SNELGROVE left his home on Tuesday morning to go berry picking and went astray. Search parties found the body in the woods about four miles from home. 
September 7, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 8)  The strike at Port aux Basques is still on as we write, and a good deal of resentment against the Government seems to be manifested for their want of courage in tackling the proposition. It is said that Minister CROSBIE proposed a Board of arbitration of three - one to be appointed by Reids, one by the strikers, and the third to be the Minister himself. The N.I.W.A. refused to accept such a proposition, so our Ministers are not looked upon today as being unbiased men. 
September 7, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 9)  A most generous gift to the cause of C. of E. education in Newfoundland, is given publicity by Mr. W.W. BLACKHALL in today’s papers. Mr. George B. AYRE has purchased the British Hall and property of the British Society, and turned it over for the use of Bishop Spencer College so long as they may desire, at a rental of one dollar a year. He has also agreed to undertake the necessary alterations to fit the building for use as a college. It is certainly a magnificent present, and Church of England people throughout the Dominion must benefit. 
September 7, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 10)  The crew of the “Erik” arrived this (Saturday) morning from Placentia. The Captain has a shell wound in the side, and a piece of shell was removed from it at St. Pierre, while an Engineer has a wound in the breast and a finger gone. The sub, which sank the Erik, opened fire from about two miles distant, then submerged and came alongside. Capt. LANG is a native of St. John’s. The submarine which sank the Erik was U-89, one of the modern type, was over 300 feet long and carried three guns and a crew of 100 men, according to members of the Erik’s crew. 
September 7, 1918  Advertisement  Rompers. Girls Middy Blouses. Childs Ready – to - Wear Hats. Ladies Black ctn. Stockings 35 cents a pair. John W. Hodge, Twillingate. 
September 7, 1918  Fishing News  Mr. Roland GILLETT received a Marconigram this week from Capt. KEARLEY of the schr. “Melita”, dated Aug. 28th. which came up by S. S. “Wren,” and probably was dispatched about the 25th. The message is as follows “Fishing good; 40 barrels this morning. Prospects good for a good trip. Crew all well. Lemuel KEARLEY.” Squid are fairly plentiful here now and some food fishing is experienced. Haddock and dogfish, we are told, are now cleared off. 
September 7, 1918  Statutory Notice  In the matter of the Estate of Edward PECKFORD, late of Herring Neck, in the Electoral District of Twillingate, Volunteer, deceased. All persons claiming to be creditors of, or who have any claim or demand upon, or affecting the Estate of Edward PECKFORD, late of Herring Neck in the Electoral District of Twillingate, Volunteer, deceased, are required to send particulars of their claims in writing, duly attested, to Clift & Pinsent, Law Chambers, Duckworth Street, St. John’s, Solicitors for the Administration of the said Estate, on or before the 24th day of September, A.D. 1918; after which date the said administratrix will proceed to distribute the Estate, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. St. John’s, Aug. 27th. A.D. 1918. Clift & Pinsent. Solicitors for Administratrix. Address: Law Chambers, Duckworth Street, St. John’s, Newfoundland. 
September 7, 1918  Good Haul  Mr. George JANES had a most unusual haul one night this week, nothing less than three dogs being caught in his cod trap, escaping over the head. He was awakened during the night, and found three canines tangled up in the linnet of his traps, which were drying on the fence. On his appearance, the dogs made an extra effort to escape and cleared the head safely. Later in the day another dog succeeded in completely meshing himself and was cleared by a young boy. 
September 7, 1918  Shipping News  Two coal vessels arrived this week – one for J.W. Hodge and the other for the Hodder Company. Capt. Ambrose PAYNE arrived at Fogo this week from Belle Isle with 1100 qtls. Mr. M.E. MARTIN expects to launch his new vessel at Norris Arm about the 19th. She is of 500 tons and will proceed to Hr. Grace to be sparred, rigged, and equipped with an auxiliary engine. Word has been received from Mr. Joseph FIFIELD, saying that he is now fishing at St. Anthony and that his eyes are improving very much. Capt. F. ROBERTS discharged salt at Earle Sons & Co’s this week. Capt. ROBERTS has recently installed a hoisting engine. 
September 7, 1918  Death  There passed peacefully away on Aug 30th, at the home of Mr. Richard PRIMMER, Rebecca, wife of the later Peter JENKINS, at the age of 80 years. “Beautiful toiler, thy work all done, Beautiful soul into glory gone. Beautiful life with its crown now won, God giveth thee rest. Rest from all sorrows, and watching and fears, Rest from all possible sighing and tears, Rest through God’s endless, wonderful years – At Home with the blest.” 
September 7, 1918  Advertisement  R.B. RIDEOUT has been licensed by the Council, to be a Public Auctioneer, and wishes to announce that he is prepared to undertake the Sale of Real Estate, Household furniture, and all classes of goods, also cattle. He will be pleased to make a call at Twillingate, whenever the case may be. He is prepared to go and get highest price for anything, by public auction or private sale; he is in the position to get ready cash for you and promises to give prompt returns, and solicits a share of the Public Patronage who also deals in the following goods: - Typewriters, Sewing Machines, Motor Engines, Cattle Feed, Products of different kinds, Ropes, Lines and Twines, Bicycles, MacLean’s Magazines, Inks, and School books, and different kinds of goods. We also have another business named the Newfoundland Real Estate, which we buy and sell houses and land. If you have a house or land or anything to sell by public auction, he will be pleased to call to make a sale. R.B. RIDEOUT, Offices 10-12 Gear Building. 
September 7, 1918  Morton’s Hr. Notes  Dr. Chesley SMALL, A.A., one of our young men, has gone to Fortone to resume his duties as Principal of the Methodist Superior School there. Mr. D.P. OSMOND is at St. John’s on Business. Lance Corporal Wm. George BURG of Chance Harbor, F. Bay, was in town this week visiting with friends, and left by “Clyde” on Friday for St. John’s where he has to report to the military medical authorities before obtaining his discharge. Lance Corporal BURG has seen some years of service in France, and after getting his left hand pierced by a Hun bullet, was recommended for discharge. He was the first near his home to have the courage to enlist. To say the least, the folk around near his home should have given the hero a welcome home, but this was not done. The people of Tizzard’s Harbor or his immediate locality, are very lax in their duties if, on L.C. BERG’s return from the city, they do not show in some tangible form, their appreciation of what he has done for home and country. The Methodist Sunday school held its picnic on Tuesday. The weather was ideal and the event was enjoyed by most of the young folk in this neighborhood. Messrs. Raymond OSMOND and Allan FRENCH were visitors to Twillingate on Thursday. 
September 7, 1918  Acknowledgement  The W.P.A. III beg to acknowledge with thanks from W.P.A. I. - $5.75 – part proceeds of Capt. CLAYTON’s lecture at Alexandra Hall on August 9th. Also from O. HODDER Esq. the sum of $1. The Association quite recently forwarded to the Newfoundland War Contingent Association, London, 80 pairs of socks. L. ELLIOTT, Secy. 
September 7, 1918  Death  On Monday, Aug 26th the Angel of Death visited the home of Mr. & Mrs. Samuel DAVIS, and claimed as it victim their beloved son John. He had been ailing for some months past, and up to a few days previous to his death, was out around. “Jack”, as he was familiarly called by his many friends, being of a sunny disposition, was a general favorite, liked and well respected by all who knew him, and where ever he went he made hosts of friends. In the midst of our happiest memories will creep thoughts of Jack, as we can never associate him with anything unenjoyabel or unpleasant. To the sorrowing parents and relatives we extend sincere sympathy, and may the perpetual sunlight of heaven eternally shine upon his soul. Some of his friends, Fortune Hr. Aug 29th. 
September 7, 1918  Morton’s Hr. Notes  "(By Our Special Correspondent.) Rev. G.L. MERCER was attending Methodist District Meeting at Twillingate last week. The schooner “Pauline” returned from St. John’s on Saturday evening with a general cargo for Mr. D.P. OSMOND. A schooner arrived here last week from St. John’s with salt for Messrs. J. & P. Small. These people are shipping a load of herring South by the same vessel. Misses Eliza KNIGHT, Ida BENNETT, and Pearl RANDEL, Messrs. Arthur KNIGHT, Stanley FRENCH, and Wilbur WOLFREY, spent Sunday at Twillingate. Mrs. Ambrose BRETT who had been on a visit to St. John’s, returned to Morton’s Hr. several days ago. Pte. Edward WHITE and his sister, Miss Mary WHITE, enjoyed the weekend at “nature’s beauty spot.” The Misses ELLIOTT and one of the Bank staff were also up from Twillingate for Saturday. Two schooners belonging to Fortune put in here last week for customs clearance before proceeding to Sydney, with over two thousand barrels of herring, shipped from Summerford by Mr. Thomas FRENCH. On Friday a number of our young folk took a motorboat trip to Yellow Fox Island where they thoroughly enjoyed a splendid picnic and spent part of the time picking, or rather, looking for, raspberries. Rev. Mr. MOULAND, Methodist Minister at Pilley’s Island, spent several days here last week with friends, and left by “Earl of Devon” on Saturday morning, to commence his second year at Pilley’s Island, where he has been invited by the Church Board. Mr. John BARNES died on Monday morning of last week, after a lingering illness during the entire length of which he was never known to murmur about his condition, or complain of pain or distress of body. In fact, Mr. BARNES bore his suffering with unusual fortitude. Funeral took place from the Methodist Church on Wednesday. The members of the local L.O.A. of which the deceased was a member, attended the funeral in a body. Interment took place at the Wild Cove cemetery. Miss Barbara BRETT has gone to Exploits to commence her duties as School Teacher there. Miss Marian FRENCH left on Monday of this week to take charge of the Methodist school at Fogo." 
September 7, 1918  Comfort Cove Items  Comfort Cove, Aug. 29th. We have had Sgt. Louis HEAD back with us for a fortnight. He was one of the Blue Puttee Boys. After his experiences at the Dardanelles, and in the July 1st engagement, he does not seem much the worse, though he bears …… dy a few scars the Germans gave him. We enjoyed seeing him so fit, and although he has gone forward to take his place again, we still wish him the same good luck. He held service here on two occasions in the Methodist Church. The little building was filled to overflowing. Many on the first night were unable to gain admittance. We were very much interested in the service and it speaks well for him, as it takes all of a man to be a solider. Well done Louis HEAD - Right is yet triumphant over might, and while such men as you stick to the truth, we need never be afraid that we shall come out on top. This place and Newstead have nothing to be ashamed of. Out of a small community, eight young men volunteered and two have paid the supreme sacrifice. Three others have also gone forward since conscription passed. It is also remarkable that not one of the number was rejected, which makes us think this must be a healthy place. There is no one left now but the married men, but when the call comes they will go as readily as the others. Correspondent. 
September 7, 1918  Discharged  Naval Reservist Arthur BAGGS, who cut his foot seriously while on leave last fall, has received his discharge from the Navy owing to heart trouble induced by loss of blood, sustained when he received the injury. 
September 7, 1918  Labrador Report  "From SS “Wren.” Ryan’s Bay, Aug. 5th. – Hiawatha H., Nita M., first sign of fish August 5th, same day Wren arrived. No ice to hinder fishing. Atmosphere very cold and much snow on the land. Nineveh, Aug. 6th. – Bessie Grace, first fish August 1st; another the 5th., and 3 the 6th. Naevach, -- Undine, Exotic, Lorna, Doone Prospector. Rowall’s Hr. – Ruby V. Jonet, no trap set. Bear Gut – Pearl Ophir, Cambrian, nothing. Saglak Bay – Premier, Lewisporte, no sign of fish. Maidment Island. Aug 7th – Emblem of Hope, Ethel E., no sign of fish. Takatany – Nabob, Goldfinch, just a sign of fish. Shark Gut – Anette, Martello, nothing. Three Mountain Hr. – Howard Young, N. Duncan, nothing. Nanatok – Reginald B., two traps out averaging half a barrel per haul. Mugford Tickle – Energy, Dolly McC., Hopedale, Eda, Snowbird. Moore’s Hr. – Pratincole, sign of fish. Rookery. Aug 9th. -- Dolphin, Duke, Hephibah, Plaindealer. Barbour’s Tickle. – Mabel B., Exotic, Cecilia, Gladys T. There are in all about fifty schooners around Cut Throat. Little fish. Lady Bight – Elmo Gordon, Ascellus, Helene, Eva, Exotic, Mayflower. Dawe’s Island – Reginald A., and eight others. Not much fish. Perry’s Gulch – Sea Lark, 20 barrels morning’s haul on the 9th; good sign. Fish increasing. Beachy Isld. – Sign of fish. Solomon Island – New Vancouver 15 and 7 barrels; Marilla 10 and 5 barrels; St. Helena, Stanley G. Barbour, Lorna Doone, 10 barrels; and eight others. Savage Island – Gannet, Beothic, Bessie Louise, Anne E., Francis, Jessie Grandy. St. John’s Tickle – Effie, Belle, Euress, Hettie May, Cabot, J.D.S., and Stanley Taylor. Just a sign of fish. Young’s Hr., Aug. 10th – Beulah, Piccadillo, Lillian Jane. The schr Beulah is high liner, having about 100 quintals. Cape Harrigan – no schooners. North Farmyards, Aug 11th – Star of Hope, 200; Skylark, 200; Merry Widow, 200; Eastern Lily, 150; Valkyrie, 200; Rose Clair 150; Bercelona, 100. South Farmyards, - Ortolin, 100; Verg G., 50; Mona and Mommie, 150; Minnie Cook, 500. There are quite a number of schooners still on the way North." 
September 7, 1918  Letter From rev. Capt. STENLAKE  [The following article is accompanied by a head and shoulder photo of Captain STENLAKE in Military Uniform. GW.] Writing from Egypt to one of his friends in the city, under date July 12th. last, Capt. (Rev.) W.D. STENLAKE refers to his connection with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force. He regrets having been obliged to sever his connection with “Ours”, but the War Office, having decided that he should be sent to the land of the Pharaohs, he offers no “kick”, though wishing he could have remained in France with the “boys”. He says: “I believe I am the only soldier in Egypt wearing the old Caribou, and shall strive at all times to do credit to my dear old Regiment, counting it a great privilege and pleasure to have been associated with such splendid chaps for so long a time.” Capt. STENLAKE speaks of his delight at meeting Sister GARDNER, or anyone that comes from “dear old Terra Nova.” Sister GARDNER belongs to Trinity, is working in the Hospital attached to the camps from which he wrote and is well. He thinks he may be moved to the Palestine front, or to Mesopotamia before a great while. The weather is very hot, but he is feeling “fit as a fiddle.” With customary good spirits and optimism he adds: “We’ll have some time when we all get back to St. John’s, won’t we? Roll on Peace.” We are sure his many friends in Newfoundland will rejoice thus to hear from our “Soldier - Parson" as he is familiarly known, within and outside the Royal Newfoundland Regiment. 
September 7, 1918  Narrow Escape  Mr. Stan HARBIN’s ship was only about 9 miles from the Gladys M. Hollett at the time she was held up and bombed. His ship was on one tack, and the Hollett on another. 
    [There is nothing on my microfilm between September 7, 1918 and October 12, 1918. GW.] 
October 12, 1918  Personals  Mrs. GILLINGHAM, who recently accompanied her daughter Mrs. BATSTONE to Jackson’s Cove, returned this week. Mrs. GILLINGHAM spent a few days at Exploits as guest of Mr. & Mrs. M. LACEY. We understand that Lieut. POND was on his way here to visit friends, when his wife developed Spanish influenza, and he was compelled to abandon the trip. Miss Mary WHEELOR, daughter of Capt. D. WHEELOR, is very ill at Boston with influenza. A large number of young men called to the colors under the M.S. Act, left by “Dundee” for St. John’s yesterday. Mr. Paul MOORS arrived from Deer Lake this week and will take up his residence with his stepfather Mr. C. WHITE. He has resigned his position with the Postal Telegraph at Deer Lake. Rev. & Mrs. MERCER of Morton’s Hr., were here on Thursday. Mrs. MERCER had hoped to meet here sister on the “Sagona” but was disappointed to find that ship had been here. We hear that Mr. M. LACEY of Exploits, proposes to move to Canada shortly, where be has bought a farm. 
October 12, 1918  Shipping News  Schooner “Carrie Annie”, Capt. Jos. A. YOUNG, arrived from Labrador this week with 250 quintals green fish, also trade fish, and skin boots. The schr. “Energy”, Capt. Jas. CHURCHILL arrived Sunday to J.W. HODGE from Labrador hailing for 325 barrels. The schr. “Minnie J. Hickman,” Capt. Ben YOUNG, put into port Sunday from Burlington and Campbellton. Mrs. ANDREWS received word Saturday last, that her husband, Capt. J.W. ANDREWS had arrived that day from Europe safely, at a Southern port in Nfld. Capt. ANDREWS has luckily escaped the submersibles so far. The Schr. “Pearl”, Capt. Wm. FRAMPTON of Smith’s Sound, which had their bowsprit and head gear carried away by another schooner in the breeze of Sunday night, has been making repairs here, and left yesterday morning. 
October 12, 1918  Advertisement  For Sale. Dwelling house completely furnished, two stores, stage and wharf and 40 acres of land. Situated at Bridgeport (Chance Hr.), property of undersigned. For particulars apply to T. COLBOURNE, Morton’s Hr., P.O. Oct. 5.12 
October 12, 1918  Notice to Herring Packers  “Norwegian Method of Pack.” 1.- No person shall engage in the business of curing and packing herring under the “Norwegian Method, at any place in the Island of Newfoundland, without having previously taken out an annual License, which shall be numbered and issued before engaging therein. And the Owner or Manager of every plant shall cause to be branded upon the head of every barrel or half barrel, the number corresponding to the number of the License of said curer or packer. For this purpose he shall obtain through the Herring Fisheries Board, a suitable branding iron, the cost of same to be fixed by said Board and defrayed by the Licensee. No branding iron other than those obtained from the Herring Fisheries Board shall be used. And any person or persons in the Colony selling, purchasing or exporting, or being in any way a party to any transaction in the nature of a sale, purchase or export of any package containing any herring put up under the Norwegian Method, without such brand as above described, shall be deemed guilty of an offence against these Rules and Regulations. 2. – All herring cured and packaged under such License, shall be inspected and branded by an authorized Inspector, and the Certificate of Inspection produced by the shipper to Customs Officer, when applying for Export Entries, and an Inspection Fee of ten cents per barrel, and five cents per half barrel, shall be paid to said Officer, and by him remitted to the Herring Fisheries Board at St. John’s. By order of the Board, Geo. H. BADCOCK, Secretary. 
October 12, 1918  Advertisement  FISHERMAN! Before selling your Cod Oil, Fish, Etc, write us for prices. A two-cent stamp may be the means of putting dollars in your pocket. Write today. The Terra Nova Co. Commission Merchants., 268 Water St., St. John’s, N.F. P.O. Box 158. Geo. P. BARNES, Manager. 
October 12, 1918  Lighting On Trains.  When, about two years ago, a railway train left the track, the cars turned over and one caught fire burning eight persons to death, there was a big hub-hub. The trains were to be lit with electricity and goodness know what all. We traveled by a train not long since which still sported the old time oil lamps – and no one seemed to be doing any worrying. True, when we left St. John’s we did have electricity, but seven hours delay off the track, put too big a tax on the storage batteries, and by the time we were under weigh again, we had to once more revert to the oil lamps. We couldn’t help thinking that perhaps the authorities consider that the outport citizens are too green to burn anyway, so that safety need only be provided for the city – or near city – folks. However, if we are going to have oil lamps on the trains we might just as well have them all the time as half of it. We do not altogether blame the Reid Company. It is only natural that if they can escape extra expense they will do so; but those in authority – in this case the Government – cannot escape censure. Is it necessary that eight – or more – other persons must be burnt to death, in order to supply electricity entirely and do away with the dangerous oil lamps? We are truly “too green to burn” if we permit this state of things to continue. 
October 12, 1918  Fish Prices  When the fisherman gets ten or eleven dollars for his Labrador fish, he thinks he is getting a good price. Does he realize that fish is fetching more than double his price in the markets? We don’t know sufficient about marketing conditions to know whether the freight carrier gets most of the difference or not, but somebody is certainly getting rich on the business. Where is Mr. COAKER who used to keep people informed as to prices? Funny we never see anything in the Advocate now about the price of fish? 
October 12, 1918  Bridge At Campbellton  Sometime ago, when the Pulp mill dam at Campbellton blew out, it carried away with it much of the road, and all of the bridge. We are informed that a temporary structure has been erected, but is unsafe for children and not fit for horses. The Twillingate mail comes that way in fall and spring, so that we are as interested in this as the residents of Campbellton South and Loon Bay. The Government appealed to declare the Pulp Company liable to replace the bridge – but takes no action to compel them to do so. We suppose it expects the local Road Board at Campbellton to bring suit – only, will it supply the funds to defray legal expenses? Really, this Government of ours gets a bigger joke every day. 
October 12, 1918  Plaudits to the Labrador Crews  The Observer welcomes home our Labrador fishermen; glad to see them safe and sound after their long trip North. It is regrettable that many of them will barely “clear the bread box,” while some of their compatriots who stayed safely at home have made large money. Fortunately the herring fishery now plays a very important part, so that there will be no talk of starvation. We do not perhaps always give the mead that is due these men who go so far North and drag their catches out of icy waters. They deserve a larger recognition than they often receive, for theirs is by far the hardest and most risky of fishing operation. Many of them might easily stay at home but the Labrador calls to them, and they answer. We, at home, profit by their toil. Here’s luck to them next time, if not this year. 
October 12, 1918  Advertisement  Wanted At Once. A Crew of four men, to go to Tilt Cove and take the schr. “Dixmude,” from J.M. JACKMAN to St. John’s. Apply to Archibald ROBERTS or to A.H. HODGE for further particulars regarding wages, etc. 
October 12, 1918  First Snow  The first snow for the season fell on Saturday night and some of it remained unmelted nearly all Sunday. A decided change in the weather being experienced. 
October 12, 1918  Fierce Gale  Quite a number of fishing schooners (were) sheltered in the harbor on Sunday night. In the gale of that night, and Monday, there was much confusion and uneasiness. Many of the schooners carried women and children passengers. Over forty of these were landed and during Monday, Relieving Officer WHITE and Magistrate ROBERTS had a busy time. Homes were however found for them; Mr. WHITE looking after no less than seven himself. During the bustle of getting lines ashore in the gale, one boat upset, and three of its occupants were nearly drowned, one man especially being some minutes before he was brought round, and Dr. WOOD was summoned. The capsized boat belonged to a schooner owned by BARBOUR of … 
October 12, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 1)  By Our Special Correspondent. For The Sun. Sir M.P. CASHIN is receiving the congratulations of his friends – and the ridicule of those who are not, it might be added – over the honor due him in the birthday honors. The list includes a number of Commanders, Officers and members of the Order of the British Empire, and your Editor, who stands so strongly for the outports, will be glad to know that seven outport ladies have been honored therein. Sir M.P. is himself an Outport Man, born and bred. 
October 12, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 2)  The Government has decided to grant an increase in salaries to the Civil Servants and the following advances have been made. Salaries of $1000 or less gets a 25 percent increase, those over $1000 to $2000 gets 20 percent raise, and those over $2000 a 15 percent increase. Some of the papers take exception to the principle of the increase, arguing that their percentage basis is a “school-boy” method of doing it, but all join in congratulating the Government on having made this move at last. 
October 12, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 3)  Last week a petition signed by over 10,000 names was presented to the Governor asking that the Blue Puttees – and if possible other long service men, be allowed to spend the winter at home. The Governor received the deputation from the soldiers, which was accompanied by Mr. SQUIRES, and kindly but firmly showed them that he could not assist them in their request, and that while he would pass on the petition to the Government, would recommend that it should not be sent to the Home authorities. The Blue Puttees will therefore look in vain for their winter of peace so richly deserved, and are getting ready to leave shortly. Our sincere hope is that before these war veterans are sent to the front again, peace will have been reached. 
October 12, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 4)  So much Florida Water, Bay Rum, Essence of Lemon, and similar preparations, have been used of late months, to supply a “stick” for those who like their drinks to have some of the kick of old time, that a considerable outcry has been made against their sale. Florida Water was openly manufactured here, and it was an open secret that it was sold largely as a beverage. The Government, following the agitation, has prohibited the open importation or manufacture of these articles, dating from November first, and will place them under the charge of the Liquor Controller. Thirsty housewives, who heretofore flavored their cakes and cookies with essence of lemon, would be well advised to lay in a stock before it becomes necessary to obtain a “Script” to get it with. What fools there are in the world to be sure, to think that our favorite flavoring essence must go under the ban because of the insatiable thirst of these boozers. 
October 12, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 5)  Governor HARRIS will proceed to England this month, to visit his wife and to bring her out to Newfoundland. Lady HARRIS has been something of an invalid, and has not previously been able to come out. St. John’s folks will welcome her to their midst.
October 12, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 6)  The S.S. “Fiona,” formerly Government Cruiser, and which for many years carried the Supreme Court on its circuits North and West, has been sold by public auction to James Baird Ltd., for $13,500. Rumor says that she will be fitted up and sent to the icefields this winter. 
October 12, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 7)  The epidemic of Spanish influenza is still slightly on the increase. The Mate of the Twillingate schr. “Aricean”, died at the hospital as you have probably already heard. The Captain and Cook are now on the road to recovery. This disease, which is really the same as “Grippe,” is baffling the American authorities at the present time, and hundreds of cases have developed among American soldiers in training in the United States. 
October 12, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 8)  Train wrecks still keep up their frequency, a frequency which is rather disquieting to passengers. One of the city papers declares that there was seven train wrecks this week. The Government is being severely criticized in some quarters for its indifference, nor is the Govt. Engineer, HALL escaping. It is said that the Mount Moriah accident had been all cleared up by the time Mr. HALL reached there, and that last Sunday’s run off was not known in the city till the following day. There must be some cause for these wrecks, and the Government and Engineer HALL owe it to the traveling public to try and place their fingers on the weak spot – and, what is more, remedy the trouble. 
October 12, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 9)  One of the cases at present before the Supreme Court is that of the Daily Star against Censor GOODSON. Damages to the amount of $5000 are claimed. Meantime the Grand Jury is visiting the public institutions and will make their report later. This is a time-honored custom, which always produces a covert smile from your correspondent. The report is always given full publicity, recommendations are made – and the whole is forthwith consigned to limbo by the ruling powers of the day. Its queer how we allow ourselves to be fooled. 
October 12, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 10)  Our wandering Premier, Dr. LLOYD, still tarries in England, or his native Wales. So far there do not seem too be many “wails” on this side because of his non-return, and rumor says that the elevation of Sir M.P. CASHIN to the Knighthood is only the preliminary step in the transfer from acting Premier to the real thing. Who knows; queerer things have happened. 
October 12, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 11)  A further seizure of liquor was made by the Police on Saturday, when they found in a house on Alexander Street, a ten-gallon keg containing some rum, and a smaller one, which had not yet been tapped. Some of the “boys” still find something better than Florida water to brace up that tired feeling. 
October 12, 1918  Death  The death of Samuel JENKINS of Jenkins Arm occurred on Wednesday morning at the age of about 50. Deceased had been an invalid for many years, and had been gradually failing all the summer. He leaves a wife and one daughter, to whom the Sun extends its sympathy. 
October 12, 1918  Death  We regret to hear that Mrs. Samuel BORDEN, daughter of Mr. Mark MOORS, Sandy Cove, died at Boston this week from pneumonia following influenza, according to a telegram received here by her relatives. 
October 19, 1918  22 Pit-prop Cases at Fogo  Lawyer FOX and H.C. DAWE who have been at Fogo, arrived here by FREAKE’s motorboat Thursday, going hence to Herring Neck and Comfort Cove. At Fogo, twenty-two cases of pit prop thefts were heard and convictions secured. Fifteen of the defendants refused to pay and spent the night in jail, but next morning all paid, and were allowed to go home. 
October 19, 1918  S.A. Concert  Concert to be held in the S.A. Hall on Wednesday Oct. 23rd., at 8 p.m. Program will consist of recitations, dialogues, drills, singing, etc. All are cordially invited. Don’t miss this treat. Come and bring your best friend. Admission 10 cents. Doors open at 7.30 p.m. 
October 19, 1918  Letter From Nurse Gertrude TOBIN (Part 1)  "Nurse Gertrude TOBIN with USA Forces in France. The following letter, taken from the Victoria Colonist, refers to Nursing Sister Gertrude TOBIN, formerly of Twillingate, who is serving with the USA forces. Her sister Miss Lizzie TOBIN resides at 146 Eberts St., Victoria, B.C. Many Twillingaters will be interested to hear of these two ladies. “Ever since landing in England on June 1, we have been on the move. We were one week in London and then broken up into units of four or six and sent all over England. Then on July 3 we were gathered together again, and sent to France. A few days in one city, then broken up again and sent all over France. I am the only one of the hundred in No. 24 General Hospital, B.E.F., France, and may be moved again soon. One thing is comforting; it is very cool at night on the salt water, and I am grateful for that mercy. Quite near, there is a Canadian Hospital. Fielding McISAAC was a Medical Officer (Captain) there, and a great favourite. He was killed by a bomb on June 4, three Canadian nurses being killed at the same time. Most of the units came from Nova Scotia. I visited poor FIELDING’s grave. He is buried besides the Nurses in a little cemetery about ten minutes walk from where I live."" " 
October 19, 1918  Letter From Nurse Gertrude TOBIN (Part 2)  "One day I saw a USA ambulance train on the siding near the beach so I ran up to it and called. Three boys came out, and we had quite a chat. One was from Oklahoma, one from New Jersey and one from Arkansas, but they might all have been brought up on the same block the way they chatted and exchanged items. A Chicago unit has a Hospital about three miles from here. We walked over one afternoon and had supper with the girls. I wish you could see the nearest village to this Hospital – all shot to pieces and mostly evacuated; but a few old men and women and little children still remain and work in the fields, or do washing for the soldiers. The French people manage to have flowers, ever though the roof may be blown off their houses. They are wonderful people. I met a group of German prisoners the other day being marched past. The young boys were not bad looking, but the middle-aged men were very hard looking specimens. I saw one staring at my collar. He was about two yards from me. It was the USA letters. So I stood very still 'till he took it all in. The English Tommies are awfully nice to nurse. They never think of disobeying an order, and are particularly grateful for every thing you do. They are a great contrast to the American boys, who are always up to some mischief full of fun and when convalescing, just keep you every minute on the watch, and delight in putting it over on the Nurse." 
October 19, 1918  Pte Frank PARSONS  Amputation. We hear that Pte. Frank PARSONS, who has been undergoing treatment at the General Hospital, has had his foot amputated owing to its refusal to heal. We hope the brave young soldier will soon be well enough to come back to his friends. 
October 19, 1918  Death  The body of the young man Pte. BURTON, who died of pneumonia at St. John’s last week, was brought here by Dundee for interment. 
October 19, 1918  Premier in New York  New York, October 13 – Dr. W. F. LLOYD, premier of Newfoundland, who has been in London since last June, arrived here yesterday on his way home. 
October 19, 1918  W.P.A.  The WPA wish to acknowledge with thanks, the following from Mrs. George KEEFE (Little Hr.) – 1 pr socks; Mrs. Wm. MINTY – old white material. A special meeting of the association will be held in the courthouse on Tuesday (Oct. 22nd) to commence at 3 o’clock. Will all members please try to be present, and those knitting socks are urgently requested to bring in same at meeting, or at earliest date possible after Tuesday. The association sent to St. John’s per S.S. “Dundee” on Oct. 10th. a shipment of 68 pairs socks and quantity old white material. W. GILLINGHAM, Secy. 
October 19, 1918  New Nurse  Miss COOPER of St. John’s arrived by the “Sagona” this week, to take the position as Nurse with Mrs. HODGE, succeeding Miss WARD, who returned to her home at Hr. Grace by “Clyde.” 
October 19, 1918  Death  A telegram received here this week conveyed the sad news of the death of Allan (Bob) PURCHASE, only son of Mr. Thos. PURCHASE at Toronto. 
October 19, 1918  Morton's Harbor Notes (Part 1)  (By Our Special Correspondent.) Mr. J.B. OSMOND is at the Capital where he is spending a few days on business. On Thursday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick KNIGHT received by wire the sad news of the death by pneumonia on Monday afternoon of their daughter, Mrs. Leander SMALL, who has been residing at Toronto for the past several years. Mr. Edward WOOLFREY, who has been suffering several days from a severe cold, is now able to be about again. The “Pauline” returned from the North the weekend, and will proceed to St. John’s soon with a load of fish, bringing back a general cargo for Mr. O.P. OSMOND. The Margurite, belonging to the same firm, left on Monday morning on a trading trip to the North side of this bay. The muddling of officialdom at St. John’s has caused some little inconvenience locally. The new draftees were not notified until the “eleventh” hour that the date when they were required to report at St. John’s had been changed from October 15 to the same day next month. The reference to the negligence or oversight of the reception committee of the local branch of the W.P.A., was not a case of faultfinding, but just friendly criticism. The writer wishes to make it clear that he did not condemn this organization for knitting socks and providing other comforts for the soldiers for General Distribution. While this work is very necessary for the W.P.A. is surely negligent in an even more necessary matter, if it fails to recognize the heroic achievements of the Soldiers and Naval Reservists after they return home. 
October 19, 1918  Morton's Harbor Notes (Part 2)  Martha’s work, while important, was not considered nearly so important as Mary’s labors. The trouble with the local organization seems to be that there are too many Marthas who can see the distant requirements, but who fail to realize the duty nearest at hand. The Morton’s Hr. President will pardon your correspondent if he attempts to dwell on this subject at greater length than was at first intended, but perhaps the illustration will be a help to others to see their immediate or nearest duty, and attend to same as it comes, instead of scanning the distant horizon to find an outlet for charitable or patriotic effort. Some time ago a daily newspaper published in one of the leading cities on this continent, carried a full page editorial, and with it was an illustration showing an individual of means who, although in the midst of those needing (and perhaps most deserving) attention, was pictured with a spy glass looking away to far-off lands, looking for places and people on which to dispose some of the wealth and luxury which stood between himself and the needy at home, while just needs were not considered by this pretentious benefactor. Another point: for the life of me I cannot see how one can be loyal to the Empire, if no loyalty is shown to the community, particularly to the brave Soldier and Sailor lads who help to comprise the community. Still another point: no less than five men who have been on active service have returned to their homes here – and greater Morton’s Hr. – two have spent some time in the trenches. The other three have been active on H.M. war vessels. It would be interesting to learn from the president of the WPA how many of these returned heroes have been tendered a reception by the organization of which she is head. 
October 19, 1918  Sickness  Mr. F. SKINNER formerly of this town is at present sick in the hospital at Toronto. His brother Pte. Arthur is reported as wounded. Both are sons of Mr. Thos. SKINNER, Hart’s Cove. Several cases of typhoid are reported at the Arm. Mr. Ralph SMITH of the Bank of N.S. has been ill for a couple of weeks with the disease. Mr. Eli FROST is very ill of the same malady, and Mr. George WEIR is also down with it. Spanish influenza is spreading rapidly in St. John’s and all schools and theatres in the city have been ordered closed. 
October 19, 1918  Pit-prop Cases  Magistrate ROBERTS and Const. TULK, went to Herring Neck Thursday in company with H.C. DAWE and Lawyer FOX, to hear pit-prop cases there. We understand that a visit will be made here a little later, when a number of cases will be heard here. 
October 19, 1918  Personals  Mr. C.L. HODGE is at present in St. John’s in connection with the business of the firm. Mr. John LOCKE, who was visiting the Horse Islands and LaScie for purpose of doing a little fall fishing, returned last week, reporting that bait was scarce, and the weather stormy, though dogfish were plentiful. Mr. Frank CLARKE, who spent the winter at Springdale, came over last week for a visit. Mr. CLARKE tells us that business is rushing at Springdale, and that it is likely that Mr. George CLARKE will commence the construction of another vessel next spring. Miss Janet MOORS, who has been spending may months at Grand Falls, arrived this week. The Ford Hotel. We understand that Mrs. FORD proposes to close her hotel for the winter and will reside at St. John’s until the Spring. Her father, Mr. George FORD, arrived at the city by “Nascopie” from Labrador last week. Mr. JANES, who was killed by being run over by a motorcar in St. John’s last week, was an uncle of Mrs. S. FACEY. 
October 19, 1918  Body Recovered  The body of Capt. BARBOUR, who was drowned at Sydney last winter, has been recovered. 
October 19, 1918  Death  The death of Gar. Gordon STOCKLEY, C.G.A., occurred at Halifax on Thursday of pneumonia following Spanish influenza. Interment will take place at Halifax from the Military Hospital. 
October 19, 1918  Forestry Battalion  Mr. Thos. WELLS received word from his son Pte. Arch of the Forestry Bat., saying that he had arrived in St. John’s that day feeling O.K. Mr. WELL’S other son Pte. Willie is with the Regiment in France. 
October 19, 1918  Death  Halifax, October 8 – After a brief illness, of Spanish influenza, followed by pneumonia, there passed away at Faulkner Hospital, Jamaica Plain, Mass., Margaret, wife of Lieut. F.H. POND. Mrs. POND who entered professional training when Lieut. POND went overseas, had completed almost two years of training. She was well known in Halifax. Her mother, Mrs. MacLEAN and her only sister, Mrs. Roy J. SMITH, of 33 Cherry Street, will proceed to Sydney where the body will be taken for interment. 
October 19, 1918  Death  Among recent casualties is the name of Sgt. E.D. JOY, M.M. and bar, who died at Devonport, England, of pneumonia this week. Sgt. JOY was in charge of the conscription Squad which was here last summer, and made many friends by his quiet, unassuming manner. General regret will be expressed, that after serving four years in the field, with only one serious wound, he should succumb to the attack of disease. 
October 19, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 1)  After having found the Rinks unsuitable, and after having spent a tremendous amount of money on them, equipping them as a barracks, and then selling all the fittings and again refitting them, the Govt. has purchased the factory of the late Empire Woodworking Company for a barracks. It will be interesting to know what figure is paid to this, and what an elegant little “sop” it will be to certain former politicians. The expense of fitting up this building will be very heavy, and with the fitting and refitting of the rinks, the bill will be quite a huge one for the taxpayers. It really is terrible how politicians fritter away the country’s revenue. It is not that there is not need of a barracks, goodness knows, but a barracks might just as well have been built at first, as play with the matter by providing fat contracts for plumbers and contractors. 
October 19, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 2)  The grand jury which heard the enquiry into the accident when Mr. TRASK’s automobile ran over the old man O’NEIL, found “no bill” against the car owner, and he was discharged. 
October 19, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 3)  The enquiry into the Mount Moriah wreck in which Miss O’NEIL was killed, is now proceeding before Judge MORRIS. 
October 19, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 4)  A man in the neighborhood of the Ropewalk, who has been brewing a brand of strong liquid refreshment, was fined $100 by Judge MORRIS this week. 
October 19, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 5)  A sad motor accident occurred on Thursday which cost Mr. John JANES * his life. The deceased had been attending Masonic Lodge, and was on his way home when he was run over by an unknown car. A neighbor heard the crash and ran out, but the car drove on as soon as he appeared, and he was unable to see the number. Mr. JEANS * was quite dead when found, and must have been killed instantly. He was a well-known and much respected citizen, being in his 85th year. His wife, who survives, is still hale and hearty. Up to time of writing this, though every effort has been made to locate the car, no trace of the culprits has been discovered. [* Transcriber’s Note: The two spellings of the name are how they appear in the original article.] 
October 19, 1918  Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 6)  Three soldiers died at the Hospital during the week of either influenza or pneumonia. All bodies were sent to their homes. Spanish influenza is very prevalent in the city, and the authorities are proposing to take steps to prevent its further spread. 
October 19, 1918  Claims Of Losses  We understand that Magistrate ROBERTS is receiving sworn claims of losses (for) cattle, livestock or poultry, destroyed by dogs during 1918. We would suggest that all who have claims of this nature to make do so before the end of the year, as no claims will be considered after that date, so we understood. Do It Now. 
October 19, 1918  Death  Mrs. Priscilla NEWMAN, for long years a chronic invalid, yet bearing her affliction with light and cheerful spirit, Priscilla NEWMAN ended the pains of mortality for immortality, on Monday last. If cheerfulness in the face of affliction be the attribute of a good Christian – and who doubts that it is? – Priscilla NEWMAN was every whit the Christian. Physical disability that would have turned many a person to a querulous and complaining invalid, left her untouched and uncomplaining. We often ask where are the old Saints, and surely here was one. Mortal she was – not perfect; but her cheerful spirit is an example to those of us who in health find so much to complain of. Mrs. NEWMAN was relict of the late James NEWMAN, and all her children pre-deceased her. She was sister of Mr. Fred HOUSE, Sr. To the relatives of both families the Sun extends its sincerest sympathies. 
October 19, 1918  Death  For some years, the late Philip FREEMAN has been ailing, and on several occasions had been confined to bed. A couple of weeks ago he was seized with a paralytic stroke, and it was seen that the end was not far off. Though he rallied somewhat on Saturday, he gradually sank and passed peacefully away. The late Philip FREEMAN was a man of retiring nature, but a man to be heartily beloved by those who knew him. There was always something about him that unconsciously drew the writer to him, and we always felt that here was a man after our own heart. He leaves three sons, William of the Lighthouse, Ben, and Harvey, the latter of whom had just reached St. John’s in his ship, the “Eagle”, when he heard of his father’s illness; and Mrs. Herbert YOUNG is the only surviving daughter. His wife, who predeceased him, was a sister of the late Amos ROSSITER. Included in the family we should mention the granddaughter, Nancy, who for many years lived with him, and was actually a daughter in every sense of the word. Mr. FREEMAN was 77 years of age. The funeral was at St. Peter’s on Monday and was attended by the S.U.F., of which society the deceased was an old member. One brother Mr. Frank and a sister Mrs. LUNNEN survive. The family of the late Philip FREEMAN desire to sincerely thank the many kind friends who assisted them during their recent bereavement, and those who sent wreaths to adorn the coffin. 
October 19, 1918  Death  It seems but a short time ago that Pte. Charlie BURTON left his friends here to don the King’s uniform; a uniform it was never his privilege to wear in the field facing his country’s enemies. Death stalks at large, and it is not the rifle bullet, the crashing shell bursts, or the bright steel, which always kills. On Saturday week he was on guard at the Dock premises, and was so ill when released that he was immediately sent to the Hospital, dying in a week of pneumonia. To his relatives the Sun extends its sympathy. 
October 19, 1918  Death  By a strange coincidence, two elderly persons who were born on the same day, died within a day of each other; Philip FREEMAN and Mrs. Priscilla NEWMAN exchanging time for eternity on Saturday and Sunday respectively. 
October 19, 1918  Court Proceedings  Magistrate ROBERTS went to Summerford by “Clyde” to attend to another case. Magistrate ROBERTS and Const. TULK visited Carter’s Cove on Monday, where the former adjudicated on a case between Mr. Denis GLAVINE and Mr. Jas. BURT, concerning an alleged attack of the latter’s dogs, on the former. BURT claimed that he had kept his dogs chained up all summer, but on the day in question they had been let loose to be fed. BURT was fined $10 and costs. 
October 19, 1918  Morton's Harbor Notes  (By our special correspondent. For last week.) Mr. Harry MANUEL, in his schooner the “Greenwood,” left on Friday night for St. John’s with a very heavy load of herring for Mr. D.P. Osmond. Mrs. George BENNETT returned home by “Earl of Devon” this week. She had been to St. Anthony for eye treatment, with the pleasing result of an improved vision. Mr. Paul SMALL’s friends will be pleased to learn that he is now able to attend to his Mercantile duties, after having been kept in house for awhile, nursing a knee which was cut by coming in contact with a scythe some time ago. The cut is healed, but the knee is still stiff, and interferes somewhat with Mr. SMALL’s locomotion. Since writing the last budget, the “St. Clair”, Capt. Donelly ROBERTS, has returned home from the Labrador with over nine hundred quintals of fish. It is said that Mr. D.P. OSMOND’s schooner is the only one in this part of Nfld. to secure such a big catch of fish this season. Congratulations to owner skipper and crew. Rev. Robert MERCER, B.A., B.D. well known to many in this district, is expected at Morton’s Harbor about the latter part of this month to visit his brother, who is Pastor of the local Methodist Church. During the Sunday of the visitor’s stay here, some important services will be held in the Methodist Church, regarding which services, a more complete announcement will be made later. The Church-going folks are promised a day full of intellectual treats which will be both interesting and profitable. Rev. Robert MERCER is one of the most learned men in the Conference, and he has attained a position, which places him amongst the leading Preachers in this country. 
October 19, 1918 Springdale Notes  "Oct 9th. Capt. Thomas RUSSELL, in the schooner “Ettie A. Hickman”, bringing supplies for the F.P.U. store here, experienced quite a rough time running in the Bay Sunday night last, and as he was not very well acquainted with the harbor, ran quite a distance up Hall’s Bay before he anchored. He was not seen coming in, and when on Tuesday morning the vessel was seen coming down the Bay with her jibs in a damaged condition, some of the local jokers hinted that she had come by way of the Junction (Millertown Junction!) The telegraph lines have been open North and South from the effects of the gale of Sunday night, and we have felt very lonely without the war news. Our folks have recently added a gallery to the Methodist Church, to provide sitting room for new arrivals, for you must remember that this little town is growing quite rapidly. The gallery will also provide an excellent opportunity for viewing the latest styles in millinery and coats of those who sit beneath. There has been a general drive on the potato field these last two days, and reinforcements are being sent in today in order to get the crop harvested before the icy hand of winter spreads its white, chilly fingers upon them. Air raids, such as Morton’s Hr. has witnessed, very seldom occur here, but we had a subterranean imprisonment, but by the cruel hand of fate, and not in a Hun dugout. A sheep and two lambs were found in an underground cellar, after being there all through the summer months. All three were absolutely void of wool, and only one lamb was living when they were rescued. Let me woo the muse in conclusion: - “Times are rushing here in Springdale, Business, sure, is on the run; but we always find, thank goodness, Time to read the Twillingate Sun.”" 
October 19, 1918  Pte Jack PEARCE  Letters received from Pte. Jack PEARCE shows that he is improving, though both bones of the right arm are shattered. He writes cheerfully with his left hand. 
    [There is nothing on my microfilm from October 19, 1918 to November 23, 1918. GW] 
November 23, 1918  Advertisement  For Sale. Horse. Eight hundredweight; 10 years old. In good condition. Apply Edgar WARR, Little Hr. 
November 23, 1918  Personals  Pte. Frank PARSONS returned from St. John’s by “Prospero.” Capt. John GILLETT arrived from St. John’s by “Prospero”; his crew is bringing down his schooner. Mrs. B. STOCKLEY arrived from Toronto to spend the winter with her mother. Mr. & Mrs. George Wesley KEEFE left by “Prospero” for Springdale, where they will probably stay. They will spend the winter in the home of Mrs. Rowena CLARKE. Mr. F. BRAZIL, representing the Cleveland Rubber Co., the F.B. Wood Co., and the A.N.D. Co., spent the first days of the week here. Mr. E. BARTLET of Ernest BARTLET and Co., English hardware, was here on the past few days. He went to Fogo by “Clyde’ Tuesday. Quite a number of young men left this week for Springdale to engage in the herring fishery, herring having struck in abundantly over there we hear. 
November 23, 1918  Death  In proud and loving memory of my dear son Gunner Gordon STOCKLEY, who died at Halifax on Oct. 17th, aged 26 years. Gordon enlisted at Toronto in the fall of 1915, and went from there to Halifax where he stayed for 6 months. He was sent from there to St. Lucia, British West Indies, where he spent 2 ½ years doing garrison duty. While there he contracted Malaria Fever in January 1918 and spent 84 days in the hospital. Arriving at Halifax from St. Lucia in September, he spent 28 days furlough with his brothers in Toronto. On his return to Halifax on Oct. 11th. he was seized with influenza, which was followed by pneumonia, from which he died at Cogswell St. Military hospital. 
November 23, 1918  Death  Gordon was son of the late George and Batsheba STOCKLEY, and leaves five brothers, and one sister, and mother to mourn. A cousin, Pte. Lewis StOCKLEY has been missing since last April and is now reported dead. 
November 23, 1918  Postponed  To Magistrate ROBERTS. Date of calling up for Service Men in Class one of the Military Service Act is postponed indefinitely, and all traveling warrants issued men are cancelled. Please give this notice all publicity possible. Deputy Registrar. 
November 23, 1918  Death  Death has again visited our little town Morton’s Harbor, and taken from our midst Edwin TAYLOR, youngest son of the late Fredrick and Louisa TAYLOR, who died Nov. 18th. aged 29 years, leaving a sick wife, and mother, two brothers, two sisters, and a lot of friends, to mourn his loss. Mr. TAYLOR took the influenza and had seven visits from the Doctors, but all availed to naught. Mr. TAYLOR was a member of the L.O.L. Association and also a Brother of the Scarlet Chapter, but our loss is Heaven’s gain. 
November 23, 1918  Birth  To former Pte. Royal Nfld. Regt., Edward and Mrs. WHITE, Durrel's, on Sunday, Nov. 17th, a daughter. Congratulations. 
November 23, 1918  Food Shortages  It should not be thought that because the war is over, food will immediately be plentiful. Germany, Austria and Turkey are practically starving, and Pres. WILSON has guaranteed Germany that he will see her kept from absolute want. At the same time, few people will feel like saving food, in order to feed the Huns. There did not look to be any food shortage, to view the Public wharf on Tuesday, where flour and “substitutes” were piled high. The greater part was for the firm of Wm. Ashbourne. 
November 23, 1918  War Over  Now that the war is over, the orders for men under Class A of the Conscription Act should be at once cancelled, and men in training at St. John’s discharged. This is especially important for those belonging to this district, who might now engage in the herring fishery. 
November 23, 1918  Premier Lloyd's Absence  Whatever need there may be for Premier LLOYD’s attendance in England now, there was absolutely none for his spending his whole summer over there. If we can get on so well without him, why not suggest that he remain over, and share the pleasure of “barren” MORRIS’ company? 
November 23, 1918  Exporting Fresh Fish  The steamer on which Governor HARRIS returned last week was the “Bayano”, a big cold storage Australian meat carrier. Can the Observer’s dream be coming true; and is the day of exporting our fish fresh about to arrive? 
November 23, 1918  Advertisement  Notice. I am authorized by Magistrate SCOTT to consider offers for the renting or sale of his property on North Side, Twillingate. Also Land on Wild Cove and Back Harbour Roads. C. WHITE, Notary Public. November 15, 1918. Nov 23, 30, Dec 7. 
November 23, 1918  Advertisement  Wanted. Young women to train as Nurses at Rockingham Hospital Association. Apply Miss Mildred B. McKEE, Rockingham Hospital Assoc., Bellows Falls, Vermont, USA. 
November 23, 1918  Shipping News  A three masted vessel owned by the Horwood Lbr. Co., which was anchored in Farewell Hr. on Saturday, went ashore in the breeze, and became a total wreck. This is a vessel, which the firm lately purchased, and was being taken to Campbellton for repairs. The A.N.D. Co’s new vessel, which was launched a few weeks ago, is still there and will likely remain there all the winter. Mr. ASHBOURNE has purchased the Schr. “Douglas Adams,” which arrived here last Friday with a load of coal, including also the cargo of coal. Capt. PETTIPAS and his crew will return to Bay of Islds. by train. Schr. “St. Helena”, Capt. WALTERS with herring cargo from Hodge Bros. to Halifax, still here, detained by bad weather from sailing. Several schooners left on Thursday for Bay and Northward. Amongst them were schrs. “Mayflower” of Hodges for Burlington to load staves and lumber. Also schr. “Energy” for Baie Verte; lumber for same firm, also schr. “Mariner” went to Exploits Friday 22nd. By S.S. “Prospero,” Capt. Peter MILLER and crew arrived from Fogo to Hodge Bros. here, to take schr. Dixmude to St. John’s, with fish and oil from J.M. JACKMAN, Tilt Cove. This fine little craft will probably be sold at St. John’s after discharging cargo. The schr. “Energy”, Capt. Jas. JANES from St. John’s, arrived here last Friday evening, with cargo for J.W. Hodge. 
November 23, 1918  Advertisement  For Sale. Thirty acres of land, trees, big gardens, large quantity grass ground, one big cellar, one small house, 15 by 9. Plenty of good firewood. Land in good condition. One Waterloo stove 3 years in use, kettles and pots and cooking utensils, iron bedstead, gardening tools, one skiff with two sails. Good deep-water landwash, suitable for herring factory. Twenty-three barrels potatoes in cellar. One big washing tub. Is all worth about $2000. Will accept $400 cash down. Fully $1000 worth of work done on place. First offer takes it. Apply John WARREN, Wiseman’s Cove, Goshen’s Arm. 
November 23, 1918  Note of Thanks  We thank you all kind friends, for your kindness towards us while we were barred up with the influenza. You helped us out wonderful when we could not help ourselves, so we all thank you so very much. We found the influenza plenty strong for us. Only for Doctor and kind friends, some of us might have been barred up in a box for some time. So thank you all for helping us. Yours truly, Willis SIMMS. 
November 23, 1918  Spanish Flu (Part 1)  Closed Until Further Notice. Owing to many new cases of Spanish Influenza reported this week in our midst, spreading the disease over a large area, the Churches will not open tomorrow (Sunday) as was intended. The day schools will close again and the shops, large and small, will also close at 7pm, beginning Monday, until further notice. George ROBERTS, H.O, Nov. 23, 1918. Seven new cases of Influenza were reported on Thursday, one of them a very severe type apparently. A new case was reported on the North Side this week. Men here from Samson’s Isld. Thursday, reported a large number of cases of Influenza there, and Dr. WOOD went thither. Only two men from the whole settlement, so it is reported, were unaffected. Influenza is also bad at Cottle’s Island, and Dr. LeDREW went thither Thursday. In reference to our article regarding the reported cases on the Clyde, the following information has been obtained: Two members of the crew of that ship, who were sick when she was here two weeks ago, were pronounced to be suffering from influenza when the ship reached Wesleyville, and were sent on to the Hospital in St. John’s. 
November 23, 1918  Spanish Flu (Part 2)  Seven new cases of Spanish Influenza developed in “Canvastown,” South Side on Thursday. Why? There is nothing accidental about it at all; the infection can be traced. From the first four cases on the North Side and Back Harbor, not another case developed. Why? Simply because the ordinary quarantine rules and precautions were observed. These people were considerate for the health of others. Certain families on the South Side have been very careless about observing the necessary precautions. What is the result? Seven new cases in one day, because of their indifference. The resident of the influenza ridden household who neglects the quarantine regulations, and precautions, is condemning those with whom he comes in contact, to sickness; perhaps death. He strews abroad the contact, as deliberately as though he were scattering poison. Ignorance and indifference are always the hardest obstacles to overcome in combating any disease, that is why in South Africa, only few whites suffered from this disease, while it carried off the Kaffirs in scores. Don’t condemn your fellow man to death by your indifference. This disease has killed no one here yet, but it looks very much as if some lives have to be sacrificed before folks wake up to its dangerous nature. 
November 23, 1918  In Good Faith  Because we recently ran advertisements for R.B. RIDEOUT in all good faith, we call to our readers notice the fact that on Nov. 14th, R.B. RIDEOUT and F. RIDEOUT agents, appeared before the Chief Justice praying to be declared insolvent. We should not have noticed this, but that we do not desire our readers to believe that we acted in anything but a bona fide manner, in accepting their advertisements. 
November 23, 1918  Care and Indifference  At a meeting of the Vigilance Committee held last night, the Magistrate stated there were ten cases of Influenza where strict Quarantine precaution had been observed, from which not a case was traceable. On the other hand, there were ten others who had not been so careful and from these the disease had spread. 
November 23, 1918  Death  The death of Miss Janet WATERMAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WATERMAN of Change Islands, occurred at Horwood on Wednesday, Nov. 20th. Deceased was sister of Lieut. WATERMAN, Royal Nfld. Rgt. and niece of Mrs. KINGSBURY of Back Hr., and was Telegraph Operator at Horwood. 
November 23, 1918  Marriage  Miss S. E. FOLEY, who recently resigned her position as Telegraph Operator here to enter a partnership of two, left by “Clyde” Monday. The public, who visited the telegraph office so continuously during the days of the war, will sincerely miss the pleasant smile and obliging manner of this young lady. Her many friends here during her four years as Operator, will all join in wishing her a pleasant and smooth voyage over the stormy seas of matrimony. 
November 23, 1918  Marriage  The many friends of Chief Engineer John POLLOCK, of the S.S. “Clyde” will join the Sun in best wishes for a happy wedded life. He was married at Catalina on Saturday, Nov 9th, to Elsa May Snowden, daughter of Capt. Abel COURAGE of Catalina. Chief POLLOCK spent his honeymoon at Catalina and joined the Clyde at Lewisporte by rail, Monday. 
November 23, 1918  Marriage  The marriage of Mr. Walter HAWKINS to Miss Rachel LAMBERT, took place at the Methodist Parsonage on Nov. 7th. The Sun extends congratulations. 
November 23, 1918  Red Cross Fund Subscriptions (Part 1)  Little Harbor: Mrs. Uriah HOLLETT $1; Mrs. Mark WARR 25c; Mark WARR 50c; Mrs. Joseph WARR 20c; George PARDY 20c; Ernest PARDY $1; M.G. PARDY 25c; W.M. PARDY 10c; Samuel PARDY 10c; Mrs. Samuel PARDY 20c; John PARDY 50c; Wilfred PARDY 50c; Eric W. PARDY 20c; Mrs. Ephrian POOLE 25c; Mrs. John SMITH 10c; Mrs. Robert KEEFE 20c; Mrs. John KEEFE $1; Mrs. Jasper KEEFE 40c; Mrs. George KEEFE $1; Mrs. John RICE 20c; Mrs. Israel DOVE 50c; Horace SHORT 50c; G. ROBERTS $1; Total $10.55. Back Harbor: Walter ANSTEY $1; Norman ANSTEY $1; Arch ANSTEY $1; Frank FREEMAN $1; Stanley J. WARR $1; Mrs. Martha WELLS 50c; Mrs. Philip WELLS 50c; Olive WELLS 50c; James ANSTEY $1; Frederick ANSTEY 50c; Lloyd ANSTEY 50c; James ANSTEY 50c; James ANSTEY Jr. 50c; Hilda ANSTEY 25c; Marion ANSTEY 25c; Samuel WELLS $1; Elias BLACKLER 50c; Mrs. Levi CLARK 50c; Roy MOORES 30c; John ANSTEY $1; Zechariah TIZZARD $1; Mildred TIZZARD 20c; Nellie TIZZARD 20c; Isabel BLACKLKER 50c. Total $15.70. Durrel’s Arm S: Lizzie VINEHAM 20c; Eli FROST 20c; Joseph GIDGE 50c; Mrs. Isaac SMITH 50c; Mrs. James TROKE 25c; Mrs. Peter TROKE 20c; William PELLEY $1; Mrs. William PELLEY $1; Harry PELLEY 50c; James HORWOOD $1; Herbert HORWOOD 50c; Samuel WELSH 50c; Mrs. Theo INGS 25c; Mrs. Fred VINEHAM 20c; Frank WEIR $1; Bessie & Lucy TROKE 40c; Mrs. Martin VINEHAM 20c; Mrs. Thos. BURTON 40c; Minne BURTON 40c; James GIDGE 50c. Total $10.75. 
November 23, 1918  Red Cross Fund Subscriptions (Part 2)  North Side: Mrs. H. STUCKLESS 50c; Aubrey B. STUCKLESS 50c; Mrs. Dorcas STUCKLESS 50c; Emmie YOUNG 50c; Mrs. Maria FIFIELD 25c; Const. S. TULK $1; Mrs. William HOUSE $1; Frederick HOUSE Sr. $1; Mrs. Henry HARBIN $1; Mrs. S. HARBIN $1; P.A. HARBIN $1; Eli YOUNG $2; John FIFIELD $1; Elias FIFIELD $1; Alfred FIFIELD $1; Arthur FIFIELD 50c; Mrs. Alfred PRESTON 50c; Wesley PRESTON 20c; Everett PRESTON 50c; Everett PRESTON 20c; Frank FIFIELD 25c; Edna FIFIELD 10c; James HANRAHAN 25c; Mrs. Jane BARRETT 50c; Annie GUY 30c; Thelma LOVERIDGE 50c; Minnie E. ROBERTS $1; Alex MOORS $3; Mrs. Alex MOORS $2; C.E. MOORS $3; Jacob MOORS $5; Stewart MOORS $5; E.S.F. 50c; H.T. WELLS 50c; Minnie WELLS 50c; Arthur MANUEL $5; S.E. FORD 30c; John PIPPY $1; Mrs. Jonathan PIPPY $1; Mrs. William YOUNG 50c; Dora YOUNG 50c; Robert YOUNG $1; Mrs. C. YOUNG $1; George YOUNG $1; Dolly YOUNG 50c; Herbert NEWMAN $1; Wm. HARBIN $1; Wm. HARBIN $1; Alfred E. MANUEL $2; Obadiah MANUEL $1.50; S. FACEY $3; F.G. STUCKLESS $1; Martin STUCKLESS $1; Edward STUCKLESS $1; Norman STUCKLESS $1; Stewart ROBERTS $1; George CARD $2; Mrs. Mary Ann SMALL 50c; Andrew ROBERTS Jr. $5; Chesley ROBERTS $5; Stephen LOVERIDGE $2; Jessie M. STUCKLESS $1; Dorothy R. ELLIOTT $1; Mrs. Bennett YOUNG $1. Total $79.35. 
November 23, 1918  Red Cross Fund Subscriptions (Part 3)  South Side: Ethelbert VATCHER $1; Mrs. E. VATCHER $1; Mr. S. YOUNG 50c; Mr. W.G. YOUNG 30c; Edgar YOUNG 50c; Mrs. HURLEY 25c; Mrs. Abraham ELLIOTT 25c; Martin YOUNG 70c; Bessie PHILIPS 50c; Emma OSMOND 50c; Jacob OSMOND $1; George HODDER $1; L.E. HODDER r $1; Ronald HODDER $1; J.W. MINTY $2; Joseph ELLIOTT 70c; E. HAYWARD & Family $3; B. MITCHARD $1.50; Dorman ELLIOTT 50c; John ELLIOTT $1; Edward ELLIOTT 50c; Eleazer YOUNG $1; Isaac GREENHAM $1; Mrs. Isaac GREENHAM 50c; Elijah PITTMAN 50c; Ethel VATCHER $1; Mr. J. HODDER $2; Mr. WATKINS 25c; W.B. HUGHES $2; Mrs. W.B. HUGHES $2; Mrs. Arthur ELLIOTT 50c; Mrs. Thomas MITCHARD 50c; Dr. WOOD $5; Mrs. WOOD $2; Robert HAYWARD $1; Mrs. Robert HAYWARD 50c; Bert STOCKLEY 30c; Mrs. Clara OSMOND 25c; Mr. James OSMOND 25c; M. BARKER $1; Adjt. EBSUARY $1; Edward YOUNG 50c; Mrs. E. YOUNG 50c; W.B. YOUNG 25c; Chas. WHITE $5. Total $43.70. Bluff Head & Robins Cove. Robert BARNES $1; John HULL sr $1; Flossie STUCKLESS 5c; Bertie STUCKLESS 5c; Annie ROBERTS 20c; James WHITE $1; Theodore WHITE 50c; Mrs. Abram WHITE e $1; Lucy WHITE 50c; Mr. Isaac J. ROBERTS $1; Mr. Frank ROBERTS $1; Mr. William BARNES $1; Elias WHITE $1; Archibald WHITE $1; Eva WHITE 50c; Robert PRIMMER $1; Mrs. George WHITE 50c; Mr. Ira BARNES 50c; Mabel BARNES 25c; Amy BARNES 25c; Thomas KNELL 50c; Mrs. John H. HULL 20c; Flossie H. HULL 5c; Arthur HULL 5c; Mrs. Arch ROBERTS $1; Mrs. Gerald HULL 25c; Lillian HULL 5c; Olive HULL 5c; Thomas WHITE 50c; Mr. Hayward BAGGS $1; Mrs. Edward BAGGS 50c; Mrs. Eliah ROBERTS 50c; Mrs. Sarah ROBERTS 25c; Flora ROBERTS 50c; Adolphus BAGGS 20c; Arthur ANSTEY 40c. Total $21.10 CORRECTIONS: Simon YOUNG $1.50; Claude COOPER 25c; Annie COOPER 20c; Lillie COOPER 35c. Additional Back Harbor subscription: Ben FREEMAN 20c. 
November 23, 1918  Advertisement  For Sale. One second hand Gideon H. head Engine. 7 horse power. In good running condition. Apply Sun Office. 
November 23, 1918  How Peace Came On Battlefield  Nov. 11th. (By the A.P.) – Peace descended like a mantle over the battlefront at eleven o’clock this morning. The last big gun crashed its challenge and a great overpowering quiet replaced the turmoil of death and destruction. Coincident with the signing of the armistice by the desperate enemy, the city of Mons capitulated before the relentless British pressure, Canadian troops under General HORNE having captured the place. On this hallowed ground, the troops are now resting on their arms, happy in the thought of the fitness of their final triumph, they have driven the enemy out by the same gateway through which Field Marshall Von Kluk hurled their great armies against the valiant little force of “Contemptibles” in 1914. The population of Mons, today paraded the streets, cheering madly their deliverers. Their glad cries must have reached the ears of the Germans outside the walls of the town. Early this morning a crisp graphic order to cease fire, at eleven o’clock, was distributed to all units, with further orders to maintain defensive precautions, but to have no intercourses with the enemy. The advance continued; the gunner racing forward to the advance batteries seeking the honour of firing the final shot. Punctually at eleven o’clock the firing stopped like clockwork. Fleets of British airplanes dropped showers of signal lights, which descended with the momentous message to those below. There was joy in plenty among the British troops at the first blush of peace, but there was little in the nature of demonstrations. 
November 23, 1918  Death  Editor, Twillingate Sun. Dear Sir: - Please have these following words inserted in your paper in loving memory of 2554 Pte. George HOUSE, son of Mr. Jos. HOUSE, formerly of T’gate, Nfld. Pte. HOUSE was born in Twillingate Nfld., but came with his parents to Toronto, Canada, when only six years of age. He had been living in Toronto until three years ago when he returned to Nfld. with his parents. While there he enlisted from Lewisporte, April 1916, with 1st Nfld. Rgt. going overseas July 1916. In Memoriam. In loving memory of 2554 Pte. George HOUSE, age 22 years. Died of wounds received in France, Royal Nfld. Rgt. Buried at Brookwood Cemetery, London, England. “Now he is sleeping his last lone sleep, But some gentle hand in that distant land, may scatter some flower for me; and some loving heart may shed a tear. From that Mother in anguish sore, for the life so fair that is ended there, away on that Alien Shore. Father and Mother.” 
November 23, 1918  In Memoriam  In Loving memory of Pte. George HOUSE 2554, Royal Nfld. Regt. Died of wounds received in France. “May the Heavenly winds blow softly, O’er that sweet and Hallowed spot, Though the sea divided his grave from us, he will never be forgot. Sisters Olive and Hilda. 
November 23, 1918  Storm  Last Friday night and Saturday the wind blew from about the NNW with the force of a gale. Many fences were blown down, including parts of the C. of E. cemetery fence. Friday night the schr. “Fleetwing” went ashore on Hayward’s Point. During Saturday morning, the schr. “John Earl” drove on Harbour Rock, and after pounding for an hour or so, went to pieces. The schr. “Fiona” also went ashore on Wheelor’s Point. The schr. “Luetta” dragged her anchors somewhat, as did the schr. “Bessie Grace”, but both held on, and rode the storm safely. Many men who were here from outlying places, were held here for several days as it continued blustery, and a heavy sea ran on Tuesday. In the breeze, the flake of Mr. Elias YOUNG collapsed and about thirty or forty quintals of dried codfish was washed away. 
    [There is nothing on my microfilm between November 23, 1918, and Dec. 7, 1918. GW] 
December 7, 1918  Advertisement  Flash Disinfectant. Recommended most highly by Doctors. Lay in a supply for the Spring. Will kill the germs and prevent you from getting Spanish Influenza. Use freely in the homes, offices, stores, and aboard ships. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. We can supply the demand. J.B. Orr Co., Ltd. Importers. On sale at the following stores: - Connor’s Drug Store, W.E. Bearns, T.J. Edens, Kavanagh’s Drug Store, T. McMurdo & Co., W.J. Murphy, M.J. O’Brien, H. Peddigrew, Royal Stores, Ltd., Steer Bros. 
December 7, 1918  Pte Arthur SCOTT  [The following article is accompanied by a head and shoulders photo of Arthur Scott in Military Uniform. GW.] Congratulations to Magistrate and Mrs. SCOTT of Grand Falls on the release of their son Pte. Arthur SCOTT who was prisoner of war in Germany. Mr. John ELLIOTT, of Wild Cove received the following message from Magistrate SCOTT on Wednesday: “Thank God, Arthur arrived in England last Wednesday. Inform friends.” 
December 7, 1918  Death  There died at Morton’s Hr. on December 1st., the wife of the late Edwin TAYLOR, age 25 years. Mrs. TAYLOR was ailing for several months with the dreadful disease consumption, and several weeks ago she contracted Influenza, from which she gradually sank, the end coming on Sunday. We feel assured that she is safe in the arms of Jesus, and her many friends are looking forward to the time when on the radiant shore of a better land, they will meet her again. “Servant of God, well done, thy Glorious warfare past; Thy battles fought, thy race is run; and thou art crowned at last.” 
December 7, 1918  Death  There passed away on Thursday morning, Dec. 5th., at Hart’s Cove, a well-known figure in the person of Robert STOCKLEY, at the age of 62 years. The late Robert STOCKLEY was one of our foremost Labrador skipper men, and has been sailing to that fishery for many years. It was as director of ceremonies in the winter house haulings, that he was best known, and his strident tones, and the labour which he so freely gave to help all and everyone in any work of this kind, will be sincerely missed. His death was due to some growth in the throat. He leaves a widow, sister of Mr. James YOUNG, and one son Mr. Harry STOCKLEY, to whom the Sun extends its sincere sympathy. 
December 7, 1918  Advertisement  For Sale. Schooners and boats ranging from 18 to 80 tons. Also a number of codtraps. Wm. ASHBOURNE. 
December 7, 1918  Welcome Home Arthur Oxford  [The following article is accompanied by a head and shoulders photo of Arthur OXFORD in Military Uniform. GW.] Welcome to Pte. Arthur OXFORD who returned home on Monday’s “Clyde.” Pte. OXFORD was severely wounded in the left arm, and his hand is practically useless as a result. 
December 7, 1918  Guilty of Fraud  Got Six Months Hard. St. John’s papers contain the information that R.B. RIDEOUT, agent who recently applied to be declared insolvent, was found guilty of fraudulent practices and sentenced to 6 months in the Penitentiary with hard labor. He had obtained amounts exceeding $2000 from fishermen, for engines, which he had not delivered. 
December 7, 1918  Canada Drops Substitutes  Since the signing of the Armistice, the Canadian Govt. has lifted the regulations regarding substitutes in Canada, but no change will yet be made in the milling of flour and no patent flour will be milled at present. 
December 7, 1918  Manslaughter Charge  A prisoner was brought in to St. John’s from Bell Island last week, and will be charged with manslaughter, in the death of one BARNES, belonging to Pilley’s Isld., who was killed recently in the Iron Isle. 
December 7, 1918  Girl’s Good Record  The following is the record of the A.A.G.P.A., a small society of Academy girls, but who have done their part in patriotic work. The Arm girls Patriotic association, since it was organized in October 1916, has raised a total of $217.17. Of this amount $179.09 has been spent for wool, and a deposit of $50 is still in the bank, it being the intention of the girls to devote half of this to the memorial fund for the Boys who are dead. The girls made and sent to St. John’s, about 300 pairs of socks, (including socks sent to individual soldiers), 12 scarves, and 1 pr. mitts. Both last year and this, they sent Christmas parcels to Soldiers from the Arm. 
December 7, 1918  Notice To Cow Owners.  The meeting of the North Side Cow Owners, postponed last week on account of bad weather, will take place at the Court House tonight. Will all please attend. C. WHITE, Secy. Agr. Soc. 
December 7, 1918  Advertisement  Wanted – A General Servant. Apply to: Mrs. Harry J. HOWLETT. Dec 7, 14. Durrel's. 
December 7, 1918  Advertisement  Dwelling House. Situated near Mr. Wm. SNOW’s for sale. Apply to: Mrs. Sidney WEAKLEY, South Side. Dec. 7, 14. 
December 7, 1918  Advertisement  The well-known horse “Dick” has been purchased by Mr. F. NEWMAN. All will be glad to know that Dick is with us still. 
December 7, 1918  Sickness  Mrs. Robert MOORS, who has been very sick following pleurisy, is still very ill, and her daughter Janet was summoned from Grand Falls yesterday. 
December 7, 1918  Nfld Soldier Relates Some Experiences  3rd London General Hospital. Oct. 9th., 1918. Dear Sister: - Just a line to let you know that I am in England and that I am wounded. Well Sister, I was shot through the legs with an explosive bullet, but I was lucky, as it did not touch either of the bones. It will keep me in hospital about eight months. I don’t think I will ever see France again. I can write what I like now, as there is no censor. In France you could only say you were well, as you were not allowed to say anything else. I certainly saw some queer things in France. I was nearly all over it. I had some good souvenirs, but I lost them at the clearing station. We do not get much money in the Hospital; we only get 3s, 6d a week, and that is only enough to buy cigarettes. I went over the top on my birthday, for the first time, the morning I was twenty years old. To be leaping the parapet to face the Germans was an awful experience. The banging our guns had up, it seemed as if Heaven and earth had come together - ‘twas awful to behold. We went five miles that day and only lost ten men for the Battalion. Our company only lost one man, but the next morning we got it. Fritz had brought reinforcements and I tell you he certainly gave it to us. There were hundreds of machine guns; every few yards there was a gun. We had not gone two hundred yards before I got hit. Oh sister, the awful shock when the bullet struck, I thought my two legs had gone clean off my body, but when I looked at them, I saw I was only wounded by a bullet through the fleshy part of my legs, so I started to crawl. We had no field dressings, there wasn’t a hundred dressings in the whole battalion, and to send us over the top like that – we think somebody should write the Government about it. Well, sister, I had nothing to bandage my legs with, and the blood was certainly coming out. I crawled 50 yards and met a wounded Scotchman, He gave me half of his dressing, so I put that outside of my puttees on top of the wound, and tried to crawl on. I went so far more, and I met a Scotch Officer, he bound up my other leg, and gave me a drink of whisky that made me feel better, so I crawled on ‘till I got in shade of a big tree, and there I stopped ‘till the stretcher bearers came. I tell you I was glad enough when they came up, but I am in Blighty now, and my legs are getting fine. I hardly have any pain in them. The Nurse says I must have a good heart as I look so bright, but I have the best of health and that helps me along. I must close now. Your loving brother, Max. 
December 7, 1918  Rather Severe (Part 1)  “Oh it’s Tommy this, and Tommy that, and chuck ‘im out the Brute; But its thin red line o’ ‘eroes, when the gun begin to shoot.” On Wednesday morning two disabled soldiers, Pte. PARSONS minus a foot, and Pte. Gus CHURCHILL, minus an arm, were summoned by Harry ROBERTS, a young man from Wild Cove, for assault. Both pleaded guilty to the evidence given which was as follows: ROBERTS testified on oath, that as he was coming past Newman’s Hill one night last week, two men were standing and were swearing, he presumed at him. ROBERTS spoke to them, rebuking them, one of them whom he recognized as PARSONS (who had just returned from the Hospital in St. John’s, where he had only recently undergone an operation for removal of his bullet shattered foot), made a lunge at him with his head (his two arms being engaged with his crutches.) The other seized one of the crutches and threw it at ROBERTS, the crutch breaking in pieces when it struck the ground. The defendants pleaded guilty to the charge, but claimed that as broken men – Pte. PARSONS is minus one foot, and Pte. CHURCHILL has only one arm, and the other badly damaged by bullet wounds – that they were not capable of injuring the plaintiff. Further, the plaintiff admitted in his evidence that he spoke to the two defendants first, apparently rebuking them for swearing. 
December 7, 1918  Rather Severe (Part 2)  ROBERTS was given the opportunity to withdraw the case, but declined to do so, and the Magistrate imposed what is generally considered as a very stiff penalty of $10 each and costs. It should be noticed that first, both PARSONS and CHURCHILL are men who have given their limbs for the safety of us all. That ROBERTS was not in the least injured in the assault. That there has been rowdyism in our streets before we ever had a returned soldier, and if it is going to be checked now, it is most unfortunate – to say the very least – that two brave fellows whom we should be delighting to honor, should be selected as the first victims of the new procedure. But chiefly there is a want of consideration shown for these returned soldiers. We should remember that they have been living a strenuous life among men of their own age, where men had to make their way very often by pinching the other fellow; and when we expect them, after three or four years to settle down immediately into the humdrum ways of our quiet little town, we are seeking to change their nature by rather rough methods, when we inflict a $20 fine for what was a mere bit of rough play. Our sympathies, we may say, are entirely with the soldiers. We acknowledge the great debt that we owe these men, and we should all be prepared to overlook a little, when we consider what these men have suffered for our peace. We do no countenance breaches of the peace; but if some one has to be made an example of, Don’t Let It Be A Broken Up Soldier. Let us quote some more of Kipling’s verses – “We ain’t no thin red ‘eroes, and we ain’t no blackguards too, But single men in khaki, most remarkable like you, and if our conduct sometimes, isn’t all your fancy paints, why single men in khaki don’t grow into plaster saints.” 
December 7, 1918  Returning Service Men  Seaman Gunner Wilfred HAWKINS, R.N.R., who has been spending a furlough with his relatives here, leaves this week by “Dundee” for Halifax to report. Seaman Harry BORDEN, R.N.R., is expected home from Halifax in a few days. He has received his discharge we understand. Pte. Samuel BLAKE, of the Arm, is in St. John’s. He arrived on the same boat as Pte. OXFORD and has received his discharge. Sam was wounded in the foot and lost part of the heel. 
December 7, 1918  Shipping News  Mr. ASHBOURNE’s vessel “Ariceen,” hauled in by the public wharf Thursday, to begin loading. Schr. “Mayflower” is due at Hodge Bros. with cooperage from Burlington. Schr. “Energy”, from Baie Verte, arrived this week and is discharging lumber at Hodge Bros. The Trinity Bay boat “Petrel” has been held at Port Union under quarantine, owing to five of her crew being down with “flu.” The steamer “Bayano” took 3 ½ million pounds of frozen fish comprised of cod, salmon, and caplin, from St. John’s last week. St. John’s has been crowded with cargo boats during last week, and difficulty is experienced in getting sufficient laborers. The crew of the steamer “Cascapedia” for St. John’s, which foundered a couple of weeks ago, have arrived at Falmouth, England. 
December 7, 1918  Advertisement  Wanted – A Housemaid to go to Millertown. Only two in family. Good wages will be given to a suitable person. Apply giving references to Mrs. J.W. BARTLETT, Millertown. 
December 7, 1918  Advertisement  Land for sale at Durrel’s Arm; also outhouse and part of barn with waterside and stage. For particulars apply to Joseph MINTY, Lewisporte. 
December 7, 1918  Advertisement  For Sale - One secondhand Gideon H head Engine. 7 horsepower, in good running condition. Apply Sun office. 
December 7, 1918  Advertisement  For Sale a boat, cheap. New sails well fitted ready for use. Strong and tight, will carry about 120 quintals of green fish. Anyone who needs a boat for herring catching, may write or come and see her. Terms will be easy. For further information apply to John W. FROUD, Twillingate. 
December 7, 1918  Advertisement  For Sale. Cow; due to calve in February. Apply to Harry PEYTON, Back Hr. 
December 7, 1918  Advertisement  To The Traveling Public. I have decided to leave Twillingate for the winter. The Hotel will be kept open for all travelers till navigation closes. I will be back early in May to reopen and welcome all who come. Sincerely, S.E. FORD, Proprietress. 
December 7, 1918  Churches Reopened  The Churches and S.A. Barracks were open for the first time, after being closed for five Sundays, on Sunday last. At St. Peter’s, Rev. E. (HUNT ?) spoke of the season of Advent, the Epidemic, Thanksgiving, and the End of the War, and read a letter from the Bishop appealing for large Thanksgiving offerings, which would be devoted to increasing the stipend of the Clergy. There was no service at St. Andrews owing to the Sexton being ill. Rev. DOTCHON preached at S. Side Meth. and Rev. CURTIS at North Side. There will be special Thanksgiving Services in St. Peter’s on Sunday and in the Methodist Churches the following Sunday. 
December 7, 1918  Personals  Mrs. W. FORD left by “Prospero” for Pilley’s Isld. and will spend a couple of weeks at Springdale. 
December 7, 1918  Passports  Under the provisions of the War Measures Act, His Excellency the Governor in Council, has been pleased to order that the Regulations of date April 11th, 1918, made in consequence of the Military Service Act, whereby all persons were forbidden to leave Newfoundland without Passports, shall be cancelled from this date. In other respects the Passport Regulations are as heretofore, and Passports will still be required of persons entering all Countries, except the Dominion of Canada. W.E. HALFYARD, Colonial Secretary. Department of the Colonial Secretary. Nov. 21st., 1918. 
December 7, 1918  The Flu  Some three members of the crew of Earle Sons Schr. “Elrae,” which arrived here last week, were down with the flu and were quarantined on board. One man was very ill. The death of Mr. Douglas ARKLIE, son of Mr. Thos. ARKLIE, occurred at Grand Falls last Saturday of influenza. 
December 7, 1918  Letter from Soldier  Mr. George JENKINS of the Arm, recently received a letter from his son Pierce, who is serving with the Canadian G.A. at St. Lucia, West Indies. He finds it very hot there and longs for our cool breezes. Mr. JENKINS has another son Norman with the Canadians in France. 
December 7, 1918  A New Size  Shop hands will appreciate this little “bon mot.”A gentleman entered a store here the other day and was looking at some ladies coats bearing the size mark “SSW”. “Shocking small women I suppose,” he ventured. 
December 7, 1918  Advertisement  We stock the following: The Famous “Beacon” Lamp. 100 C.P. white light, 3 times as much light as an ordinary lamp on one sixth the cost in oil, for use in homes, stores, schools and Churches. The “Uncle Sam” watch, with the unbreakable crystal for hard everyday use. Also other reliable watches. A fine stock of jewelry, spectacles, and a variety of other goods etc., all at reasonable prices. We also repair – Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Bicycles, Bicycle pumps, etc. Sewing Machines and Talking Machines. F.G. STUCKLESS.
December 7, 1918  Death  Died. At Leading Tickles recently, Mary, beloved wife of John PEDDLE; also her sister Fanny PARSONS, after a short illness of “Spanish Influenza.” There remains a husband, one sister, Mrs. Arthur HAGGETT of that place, three brothers, and a number of friends, to mourn their loss. “We loved them, yes we loved them, But Jesus loved them more. And he hath sweetly called them, To yonder shining shore. The pearly gates were opened, A gentle voice said come, And with their spotless robes on, They calmly entered home.” 
December 7, 1918  City Doings  A young man from Cape Breton named Fred HILLIER, was killed at the Seaman’s Institute on Sunday week, by falling down the elevator shaft. The schr. “Little Stephano” reached St. John’s last week, with one of her crew dead and three others down with smallpox. She was from Oporto. Mr. A.B. MORINE has been taking up much space in the city papers lately on the Labrador boundary question. It is hinted that Mr. MORINE’s appearance in the forefront of local politics is not improbable. The will of the late Lieut. OUTERBRIDGE, who was wounded and missing in France, has just been probated in the Supreme Court. Besides various bequests to many religious societies, it leaves a small legacy to every employee of Harvey & Co. 
December 7, 1918  Notice  All members of Loyalty & Crosby Lodges, L.O.A., are requested to meet in their hall at 12 o’clock Sunday to attend the funeral of deceased brother Robert STOCKLEY. Funeral 2 p.m. sharp. W. MASTERS. 
December 14, 1918  The Susu Wrecked  The Susu, which went ashore at Pilleys Island, is said to be very hard aground, and the water rises and falls in her hold. She went ashore at Horn Pt. during daylight. 
December 14, 1918  Herring Fishery  Capt. John PHILLIPS, who proposed to go to Springdale herring catching last week, abandoned the idea and removed the gear from his schooner. Up to the end of last week herring were not plentiful at Springdale, though at Little Bay Islands good hauls were taken. The average price paid was $9, though in one instance as much as $12.50 was paid from the net. A man who arrived here yesterday reports no herring at Springdale, but good hauls at Little Bay Islands. 
December 14, 1918  Shipping News  Mr. Richard CARROL, of Fortune Hr., was here last week in schr. “Helen” with codfish to Earle Sons & Co. This is Mr. CARROL’s second trip here this fall. Schr. “Eva C.” has been abandoned in mid-ocean, but the crew have been rescued. The schr. “Mildred,” owned in St. John’s, was abandoned at sea on Dec. 2nd. and her crew taken off by the SS. “British Empress,” bound for London. The “Home” and “Dundee” both went to Botwood last Friday and Saturday, to cut out some vessels belonging to the A.N.D. Co. Last week Mr. Thomas FRENCH and Sons launched their new schooner at Birchy Bay. She is 250 tons, and was built for Bishop and Sons, St. John’s. She was to be towed on to St. John’s to be rigged and sparred. Capt. Thomas, Mate, and Cook, of the vessel Ariceen, arrived by “Dundee” Thursday. The Ariceen has now completed loading and has about 14,000 qtls. of Labrador fish in bulk on board. She represents a total value of nearly four hundred thousand dollars as she stands, including freight.
December 14, 1918  New Deck Boots  A sailor was observed coming up Carter’s Hill on Tuesday with a pair of new deck boots. Unfortunately he slipped and fell, and lookers were surprised to see and smell a degree of good old foxy rum pour from one of the boots. 
December 14, 1918  Fire at the Telegram  The office of the St. John’s Evening Herald newspaper was destroyed by fire this morning. The cost of the Evening Herald fire last week is estimated at $40,000; about $30,000 insurance was carried. The roof has fallen in and it will be a month or more before work can be resumed on the paper. Much type and other material, as well as considerable job work, was destroyed. 
December 14, 1918  Birth  Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Fred HODDER to whom the stork brought twin babies this week. 
December 14, 1918  Death of Robert STOCKLEY  The late Robert STOCKLEY was a healthy man up to last June when he became troubled with something in his throat. However, in spite of this, he went to the Labrador, but gradually got worse and was compelled to give up work. He prayed God to permit him to live till he reached home, and his prayer was answered. On Thursday, Dec 5th, he passed peacefully away. He was a man of obliging nature, and was loved by those who knew him. He had been fishing on the Labrador for 44 years, sailing first with Capt. James YOUNG for 24 years, and after that, taking charge of a vessel himself. He leaves a wife, and one son, and four grandchildren. He is gone, but not forgotten. The funeral Service was on Sunday last at the Methodist Church, and was attended by the L.O.A. of which he was an old member. “Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep, From which none ever waked to weep; A calm and undisturbed repose, Unbroken by the last of foes.” Mrs. STOCKLEY and son wish to thank the many kind friends who assisted them during their recent bereavement, and especially James YOUNG and sons, and the officers and members of Crosby Lodge, who sent wreaths to adorn the coffin. 
December 14, 1918  Sickness  Mr. Joseph STRICKLAND has been very ill from a bad cold and Mr. William John RICE injured himself considerably, by falling over the bridge at Robin’s Cove, while on his way to summon the Doctor one night this week. By “Prospero” a young man, Jas. CHURCHILL, son of Mr. Wm. CHURCHILL of the Arm, who has been for some time suffering from a form of beriberi, or similar disease, went on to St. Anthony to seek medical advice. This promising young fishing skipper is practically paralyzed in his lower limbs. 
December 14, 1918  Personals  "Miss Janet MOORS came from Grand Falls Thursday by motorboat. Mr. Ray BRETT came by same conveyance but the rest of Capt. SNOW’s crew went on to Grand Falls, where we understand quite a lot of men are wanted. Pte. Cecil ANSTEY arrived from St. John’s last night by Knight’s motorboat, which also brought along Monday’s mail. Mr. Harold BAIRD arrived here this week from Northern Arm and probably returns by “Dundee. Mr. Walter GARD left by “Prospero” for St. John’s where he has secured a position. Mr. and Mrs. GOODYEAR of Millertown, arrived here from Lewisporte by motorboat Tuesday. They are on their way to Cat Hr. to visit friends. Magistrate ROBERTS arrived from Conche by “Prospero.” Mrs. E. MANUEL and daughters, returned from Tilt Cove, where they have been spending the summer, by “Prospero.” Mr. Obadiah HODDER left for Lewisporte by motorboat Monday, on way to Canada and USA. Messrs Robert RIDEOUT and Edwin BAGGS, of Bluff Head Cove, have moved up to Carter’s Cove for the winter, where they will engage in woodcutting etc." 
December 14, 1918  Death  Word was received here on Monday by Mr. ASHBOURNE of the sudden death of Mr. NIPPER, a son-in-law of Mr. J.W. FROUD, of Hart’s Cove. Deceased was, at the time, working at the herring fishery at Springdale, and his death came as a great shock to his relatives here. He was a native of Little Burnt Bay. The body of the late Nathaniel NIPPER, who died suddenly on board the schr. “Violet Carrie,” at Springdale on Monday, is being sent home by first steamer. 
December 14, 1918  Death  The death of an aged lady, Mrs. LAMBERT of the South Side, occurred this week, and the funeral took place on Tuesday. 
December 14, 1918  Death  The death occurred on Monday after a brief illness from pneumonia, of Mrs. Norman STUCKLESS. Only last week she was seized with a cold, which quickly developed into inflammation, from which she passed away on Monday morning. The case is a particularly pathetic one, as she leaves a husband and seven small children, one of them an infant of a few weeks. The sympathy of the whole community goes out to them in their sadness. 
December 14, 1918  Magistrate Gone to Conche  Magistrate ROBERTS left by “Prospero” for Conche, where he has gone to investigate some breach of the fishery rules last summer. 
December 14, 1918  Note of Thanks  W.H. WATERMAN, wife, and family, of Change Islands, wish through the columns of your paper, to express their heartfelt thanks to the people of Horwood for their kindness to their dear daughter and loving sister Janet, also all others that have sent messages and notes of sympathy in the sad hour of their bereavement. 
December 14, 1918  The Flu  Special Const. Stanley RENDELL and his wife are down with the “flu.” Mrs. C.D. MAYNE has been quite ill the past week with sciatica, but is now recovering. There seems to be a re-outbreak of “flu” again, and very few children are attending school. 
December 14, 1918  Submarine Damages Addressed  Public notice appeared in Thursday’s St. John’s papers, signed by Minister of Shipping, requesting all owners of vessels who have suffered loss or damage through enemy submarines, to deliver to that Department statement of same with proof, as soon as possible. 
December 14, 1918  Hay Prices  A St. John’s paper reports that local hay was selling on the “beach” last Saturday in November, for $134 (?) a ton. 
December 14, 1918  Cod Oil Prices  Cod Oil has dropped from $400 a ton in Oct. to $300. 
December 14, 1918  Train Accident  Last Saturday an engine and tender on the Bonavista branch, ran through an open switch into Harbor Pond. The Engineer escaped, but the Brakeman was pinned by the legs, in four feet of water, where he had to remain for six hours before he was set free. 
December 14, 1918  Death  Word was received here yesterday of the death of Seaman Raymond ROBERTS, R.N.R., in England, of pneumonia. He is son of Mr. and Mrs. R.S. ROBERTS of the lighthouse, to whom the Sun extends its sincere sympathy. 
December 14, 1918  Postal Theft  A young man in the Gen. Post Office has been arrested for thefts from parcels and registered letters. A shortage of about $600 is claimed. 
December 14, 1918  Donation  Sir Edgar BOWRING has given $1000 to the new Salvation Army Rescue Home in St. John’s. 
December 14, 1918  Complains Of Insult  North Side, Twillingate. Dec. 10th., 1918. Editor Twillingate Sun. Dear Sir: - Will you please allow me space in your paper concerning some young men of Twillingate. They may think they are young men, but far from a young man’s principle to what they did to me coming down the North Side shore on Sunday night, on my way home. I am not a Twillingate girl, but I have been living here for quite a while, and this is not the only time I have been insulted by young men of this Town. They may think because I don’t belong here they can do what they please, but if I knew this young man’s name I would make him suffer. He came along twice before and I told him to go away, and the third time he came and insulted me and I told him then he had better be careful, but he still followed me to my home. There was another young man with him but I don’t know either of their names or I would publish them in your paper. I did not come to Twillingate to be insulted by young men, and if it ever happens again I will find out their names and make them suffer. Thanking you for space, A North Side Girl. 
December 14, 1918  Capt. CARTER Makes Salvage  Capt. CARTER of SS “Earle of Devon”, made a valuable salvage on his way from St. John’s this week. He fell in with a schooner on her way from Nipper’s Hr. to St. John’s, with a cargo of over 1200 qtls. of codfish, from the firm of S.J. BLACKLER, which had her mainmast broken off short, and which he towed into Wesleyville. The vessel is owned by BARBOUR, and ship and cargo are said to be worth $60,000. The Devon will tow the schooner to St. John’s on her return from the North. 
December 14, 1918  Red Cross Fund $736.95  A meeting of the Patriotic Association, unfortunately, but sparsely attended, was held in the Court House on Saturday night last. The Treasurer reported the sum of $836.95 had been received by him, and the Secretary was asked to forward this amount to Mr. STEER, the Secretary of the St. John's Hospital Association at St. John’s. Question elicited that collections at Manuel’s Cove and Back Hr. West had not yet been completed, but would be taken up shortly. 
December 14, 1918  Address To Pte. Samuel BLAKE  [The following article is accompanied by a head and shoulders photo of Samuel BLAKE in Military Uniform. GW.] Durrel’s, Dec. 16th., 1918. Dear Pte. BLAKE: - It is with pleasure that we assemble here tonight to greet you – one of our returned heroes, who has done so much in bringing about this glorious peace. It is to men of your type, Pte. BLAKE, that we owe our lives and all the freedom, which we enjoy. When you heard the motherland crying for help, you, like several of the brave men we have here tonight, did not turn a deaf ear, but nobly left your home and loved ones to try to help those in distress, and also to crush the cruel enemy. So please accept this little gift as a token of love and respect from your friends of the Arm. Sincerely yours, Arm Girls. Reply: Dear Friends: - Please accept my sincere thanks for your kind address, in which you expressed your appreciation of my humble services – services which I was only too thankful to be able to render you. Please accept my thanks for your generous gift which accompanied it, and which was indeed a pleasant surprise. Yours sincerely, Samuel BLAKE, Private, Royal Nfld. Regt. 
December 14, 1918  To Pte. Arthur OXFORD  Brother, Soldier, Pte. Arthur OXFORD. At the call for men you nobly responded to that call, and went forward with other heroes to do your bit, and after three years of duty in the Regiment, received wounds, which hinder you from again taking your place in the trenches. We see you bear the honourable marks of your warfare, and trust that your wounded arm will quickly recover its old time strength. You, with others who have suffered many hardships, must be happy to think that you have done your part to help crush German militarism, and secure victory for the arms of the Allies. We welcome you to your native home, and are glad, in that, while others have fallen, you have been spared to return. We ask you to accept the accompanying gift as a small token of our appreciation of the stand you took for Liberty’s cause. Yours truly, Ronald GILLETT, John GILLETT, C.E. MOORS, Harold CLARKE, George GILLETT Jr., John POND, Ted MOODY, Martin YOUNG, Pte. Aug. CHURCHILL, Pte. Frank PARSONS, Sgt. and Mrs. DEWLING, Bessie S. GILLETT, Maggie CLARKE, Mrs. John GILLETT, Mrs. Roland GILLETT, A.J. POOLE, R. SEELEY, Gertie COOPER, Mary WHITE, Kate HORWOOD, Rowena HICKS, Gladys YOUNG, Minnie PARSONS, Laura HORWOOD, Ethel LANGFORD, Gertie CHURCHILL and others. Reply: Dear Friends: - I thank you one and all for your kind words of appreciation for the humble services which it was my privilege to be able to render you, and for the very generous gift which accompanied it. It was indeed a pleasant surprise to me, and it will linger in my heart as a tender memory for many days to come. Yours sincerely, Arthur Oxford. Private, Royal Newfoundland Rgt. 
December 14, 1918  Death  The death of Mrs. Stanley RENDELL of the South Side occurred from influenza on Thursday. 
December 14, 1918  Death  [A picture of Mrs ROBERTS accompanies this article. GW.] Mrs. Frank ROBERTS. The death occurred on Tuesday of Mrs. Frank ROBERTS of Wild Cove at the remarkable age of 101 years. This centenarian celebrated her birthday during the summer, and for such an elderly person, was in fairly good health. She was a sister of the late Mrs. Samuel PAYNE and the late Alfred CURTIS. She leaves a large family of descendants, her children being Mrs. Elias WHEELOR, South Side; Mrs. A.W. BURT; Messrs Josiah and Benjamin ROBERTS and Mrs. John ELLIOTT, besides many great grandchildren. The funeral took place Thursday. To the many relatives and friends, the Sun extends its sympathy. 
December 14, 1918  Wet Work For Levi FIFIELD  A couple of weeks ago, while on the run up from St. John’s, Capt. Ed. ROBERTS’ schr. had a near shave, and Mr. Levi FIFIELD at the wheel, was buried in a sea that broke on board. The ship was running before the wind from Catalina, when a ledge called the Hay Pook, broke on her. The wave curled high and broke across the stern of the vessel, sweeping everything off her decks except the dory, which was lashed down. Mr. Levi FIFIELD was at the wheel, and he was completely buried in the mountain of water, though he wrapped his arms in the wheel and hung on. Some lines, and a new topmast-staysail were washed away, but otherwise little damage was done. 
December 14, 1918  Returning Soldiers  Ex - Pte. Edward White of the Arm, arrived by “Dundee” Thursday. We understand he returns to St. John’s shortly, and will take up the Engineering business. Mr. Mark SPENCER had word by the mail Thursday, that his son Pte. Fred SPENCER, was due in St. John’s on that day. The steamer on which he was coming was bringing 21 repatriated prisoners of war, and 221 men, and 3 Officers of the Nfld. Regiment. A number of soldiers, returning to their homes, were on board the “Dundee” Thursday; among them was Sgt. GOODYEAR who formerly taught at the Arm Academy here. Pte. Sam BLAKE recently returned from England, where he has been in Hospital suffering from a wound in the foot. The Sun extends a hearty welcome home to Pte. BLAKE. 
December 14, 1918  Queen Of Swansea On Dec 7, 1867, schr. Queen of Swansea sailed for Tilt Cove, with Dr. DOWSLEY, who was in charge of the mining supplies, on board. The vessel ran ashore at Gull Island, and the passengers and crew jumped on rocks from the jib boom. Next day, two of the crew went aboard to get food and some canvas for shelter. As they did so, the vessel slipped off the rocks and was driven to sea, taking the men with her. The remainder of the crew and the passengers, among whom were two ladies, were marooned on the rock all the winter, and their bodies were found the following spring; they having perished one by one. A diary was found on Dr. DOWSLEY’s body, and this is considered one of the most pathetic ever kept. 
December 14, 1918  Advertisement  House For Sale. At Back Harbor, Twillingate. Price three hundred and fifty dollars ($350). Apply to Mrs. Edward MOORS, Badger. 
December 14, 1918  Building New Boat  Mr. Obadiah HODDER’s men are getting ready to build a large motorboat of 55 feet long, and much of the material for her construction has already been landed. She will be built near the Coastal Wharf. 
December 21, 1918  Advertisement  Specials For Our Xmas Trade. The Famous “Beacon” Lamp. Toys and novelties, printing outfits, useful for printing cards and envelopes, etc. Jewellery of all kinds. Stereoscopes and views. A fine stock of groceries. Gramophones and records, to arrive shortly. F.G. STUCKLESS. 
December 21, 1918  Mining at Gull Pond  We are informed that the Gull Pond mining property at Hall’s Bay, is improving continually as development work is done on it. 
December 21, 1918  Death  Last Saturday word was received of the death of Seaman Harry BORDEN, R.N.R., son of Mr. & Mrs. Wm. BORDEN, Jenkin’s Cove, from pneumonia and Spanish influenza on Dec. 10th, at Plymouth, England. To the relatives the Sun extends its sympathy. 
December 21, 1918  Allan JANES Safe  Everyone will join in congratulations to Capt. and Mrs. James JANES, whose son, Pte. Allan, was reported Tuesday, having arrived in London from Germany, where he had been prisoner of war for over a year. Allan was a member of the S.U.F. and that society was just preparing to send him a box when the news was received of his release. 
December 21, 1918  Shipping News  Mr. Roland GILLETT and crew of the schr. “Militia,” which sailed for Change Islands on Monday, returned by Clyde Tuesday. This is the second cargo of fish Mr. GILLETT has sold to Elliott and Co. 
December 21, 1918  Very Inconsiderate Action  The action of Capt. KEAN of the “Prospero” in leaving the wharf here without having discharged all his freight, but more especially, in not taking on board a hundred or so packages of freight for White Bay last week, is meeting with a good deal of condemnation. This freight for the Treaty Shore included flour and perishable articles, such as potatoes, which are badly needed by residents down there, while the potatoes and other vegetables will be frozen and spoilt. The excuse of blaming Mr. ASHBOURNE’s vessel cannot be offered this year, for the vessel was well slacked off from the wharf, and the Prospero berthed inside her. Neither was it dark when the steamer left the wharf, and further, the wind was off that shore. The whole thing is inexplicable, and one wonders what has happened to the Great Commodore. We are informed that a somewhat similar sort of thing happened at Morton’s Hr. People found it too rough to get by the steamer that night, and Captain KEAN agreed to take the freight next morning; but as soon as he blew his whistle next morning and boats hurried alongside, he informed them that he was not waiting. Here also freight for White Bay, considerable of it, was shut out. Pending an explanation by the Captain we withhold our judgment; but as far as can be seen at present, most people condemn the Captain’s inconsiderate attitude to the good of people who, in a few days more, will be shut off from navigation for six or seven months. 
December 21, 1918  F.P.U. Conference  The F.P.U. Conference has recently concluded its sittings at Port Union. One of the resolutions we hear, was for building a branch railway to Cat Hr., and the Strait Shore from Gambo, and a bill to that effect will be brought in the coming session we hear; meanwhile Hall’s Bay, with twice the traffic, must wait. 
December 21, 1918  Sticky Accident  While loading freight at Port Union last week, a puncheon of molasses was knocked from the slings owing to the rolling of the “Clyde” and smashed to bits in the ship’s hold. 
December 21, 1918  Personals  Mr. and Mrs. Alfred KEARLEY of Herring Neck arrived by “Clyde” on Tuesday, to visit friends, and returned by “Prospero.” Mrs. TEMPLETON left for Lewisporte in motorboat Monday, for Grand Falls and will spend the winter at the paper city. 
December 21, 1918  Surprise Party  Pte. Samuel BLAKE, who returned last week, was the recipient of a Surprise Party on Monday night, which a number of young friends, chiefly of the A.A.G.P.A. – tendered him at his home. Besides the party, Pte. BLAKE was presented with twenty dollars from the revelers, as a token of appreciation. 
December 21, 1918  Plenty Of Money Here  About 20 men came from Herring Neck by “Clyde” Tuesday. Most of these were men who had been paid large cheques for codfish, and came up to the Bank to get them cashed. 
December 21, 1918  Coal Prospects Good  We understand that the Reid’s coal prospects at South Branch, Codroy, are turning out well, and that sidings are now being put in. The Reid people hope that next year they will not need to go to Sydney for coal to operate the railway. It is said that this coal will probably sell in St. John’s for $10 a ton. The St. George’s coalfields are also turning out well we hear. [Transcriber’s Note: Although the railway sidings were at South Branch, the coal mines were at the nearby village of Coal Brook. R. St. C.] 
December 21, 1918  New Pulp Mill At Glovertown  We hear that an American firm will erect a pulp mill on the Terra Nova River. 
December 21, 1918  Soldiers Arrive Home  The following soldiers arrived by motorboat on Friday with Pte. Cecil ANSTEY: Ptes. Jos. DALLEY, Harvey LEYTE and Jack PHILLIPS.

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