NFGenWeb Newspaper Records

Notre Dame Bay Region

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser

Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.

Title varies:
Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953.

Editor and proprietor:
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953.

The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953.

MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938, 1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.

The records were transcribed by RON ST. CROIX
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors. If you should find any errors or have other records to contribute, then please contact the Twillingate Sun transcription project co-ordinator, GEORGE WHITE

    [There is nothing on my microfilm for May 29, 1915. GW.]
June 5, 1915 Homes for Ministers Homes for Ministers Attending District Meeting, Twillingate. [Transcriber's Note: Item's are in the following order: Name of Minister / Address / Name of person at whose home the Minister is staying.] L.E.C. DAVIES / Change Islands / Mr. F. LINFIELD. H.G. GILLINGHAM / Herring Neck / Mr. Peter CLARKE. W. HARRIS / Morton's Harbor / Mr. A. J. PEARCE. W. WILSON / Lewisport / Capt. E. VATCHER. W.J. MORRIS / Exploits / The Parsonage. W.L.D. DUNN / Grand Falls / W.J. SCOTT, Esq., J.P. J.L. NEWMAN / Botwood / W.J. SCOTT, Esq., J.P. L.G. SEELEY/ Millertown / Mr. Jonathan BURT. W.B. BARNES / Bishops Falls / Capt. R. YOUNG. J. DAVIS / Laurenceton / Capt. John GILLETT. L. PITCHER / Little Bay Islands / Mr. Benjamin ROBERTS. B.C. HENDERSON / St. Anthony / Mr. Benjamin ROBERTS. C.N. CURTIS / Long Islands / Mr. H.J. PRESTON. J.N. SEVIOR / Pilley's Island / Mr. S. LOVERIDGE. A.D. ROBERTS / Springdale / Mr. Geo. ROBERTS. L.D. COTTON / Nippers Harbour / Mr. John MINTY. S. WILLIAM / Tilt Cove / Mr. Geo. PAYNE. R.C. WHITE / Pacquet / Mr. C. WHITE. W.G. WOOLFREY / St. Anthony / Capt. HARBIN. W.G. MOORES / .............. / Capt. M. PHILLIPS. E.W. MOULAND / Farmers Arm / Mr. Jonas CLARKE. S. EDGECOMB / King's Point / Mr. Geo. MINTY. G. MERCER / ............. / Mr. E. JACOBS. J. VATERS / ............ / .............. .
June 5, 1915 Visit to Crow Head School Thursday morning the Sun visited the Crow Head School. We found Miss ROBERTS busy with her charges. Out of 39 names on the register, 27 were present. One intermediate candidate was present, and we believe Miss ROBERTS has also some Preliminary candidates as well. We heard one class read, asked them some questions on what they were reading, and heard them spell. The reading was from the fifth Royal Reader, and was quite fair; but the spelling in one or two cases was not quite so good, though we believe these were scholars who had been lately moved up into that class, so the test was perhaps not fair. The older was excellent, and the children most attentive to their work; but the building is a crime against the children. Crow Head people have a beautiful little new building across the road, which they use for a Sunday School. Children only spend one to two hours once a week in Sunday School, whereas they spend 25 hours a week in day school. It is therefore more important that the day school should be attractive, clean and hygienic from every standpoint. Crow Head people are seriously handicapping their children by leaving them in this old building, and we believe they would find it very beneficial, from the standpoint of health and efficiency, to move their day school to the new building, at any rate for a time, until the old could be thoroughly cleaned, painted, and repaired. The present building is an injustice to the children, the teacher, and to the people themselves, and we feel sure that if they look at it from the right standpoint, they will be just as energetic to improve their day school building, as they were to build their present beautiful little Sunday School.
June 5, 1915 Shipping News The "Prospero" left Elliston at 2 a.m. Friday. A steamer, said to be the "Adventure", has been off the bay all the week. One report says that she is bound to Botwood with coal, while others have it that she is to take the seals which were landed at the Cape this spring. So far however, she has made little progress, and yesterday morning was driving out the bay in the ice, fast. Capt. Andrew ROBERTS has been hung up at Lobster Hr. icebound for over a week. Capt. Frank ROBERTS left Catalina on Tuesday and was expecting to make Shambler's Cove that night.
June 5, 1915 The Right Flag We often wonder why landsmen insist on flying the Red Ensign as the National flag. The Red Ensign is the flag of the Merchant Navy, and is a sea flag, not a land flag. The true National flag is the plain Union Jack; or rather the Union flag as it should be called, for a "Jack" is a small flag flown aboard ship. The Union flag without any border is the proper flag for landsmen to fly, and is the National flag. Equipped with a white border, it is used by ships as a signal for a pilot. The Red Ensign, which is flown so much ashore, is the flag of the Merchant Marine. The Blue ensign is the flag of the Royal Naval Reserve, and, we fancy, is also used in the revenue service. The White Ensign, with the big red cross of St. George, is the flag of the Royal Navy, and is flown by men of war. The Red Ensign with the Dominion arms in the fly, is the Canadian flag. I think that perhaps the reason the Merchant Naval flag is flown so much ashore, is that very often it is the flag which belongs to some schooner or vessel; but the proper flag to fly is the Union (Jack, if you must have it), and landsmen have no right to fly the Red Ensign, as that is a sailor's flag and belongs to shipping.
June 5, 1915 Our New Policeman We understand that Const. TULK is going to become one of us, and will be stationed here. We are glad of that, as he has given evidence that he does not intend to allow some of our rowdies to own the earth, as they have been doing of late years, and his iron hand within the velvet glove, will we believe, quiet things down a bit. We do not mean to say that Twillingate is disorderly; but there have been a certain crowd of youths, more especially on the South Side, who have indulged in far too much "horseplay", and whose chivalry, when women and girls are concerned, is about on a par with that of German soldier in Belgium. It is these youths that need to be shown that the earth and the fullness thereof, is not theirs alone, and that other people have the right to walk the streets unmolested.
June 5, 1915 Advertisement New Goods to arrive by: Prospero, Grace, Dolly, McC, train, and Clyde. We wish to draw you attention to a few Special lines. Tray Cloths, Cushion Covers, Table Napkins, Wall Papers, Ladies and Children's Trimmed Hats. All carefully selected. Geo. J. CARTER.
June 5, 1915 Notes From Lewisporte There was a big "run off" on the Lewisporte branch on Sunday 23rd, while the train was coming from the junction with 10 cars of freight. Five were derailed, and two of them broken up and contents damaged. it took Sunday, Monday and part of Tuesday to clear up the wreckage. Many of the heaviest freight trains arrive here on Sunday. Maybe if the Reid Co. would try less Sunday freight trains they might have fewer "run offs." The drift ice, which has been keeping outside all the time, has now come in and the harbour is nearly full. Correspondent.
June 5, 1915 Death The most striking figure for years in this town passed to the Beyond on Tuesday morning, in the person of Titus W. MANUEL. Prominent in both lodge and Church during his lifetime, he was a man of character - one who’s "yea was yea, and his nay, nay." Regardless of the opinions of others, he had a sturdy belief that right was right and that no twisting of wrong could make it right. He believed that if one had a grievance against a fellow man, that one should tell him face to face, and not talk of it behind his back; and it is safe to say that those whom he treated thus, were his staunchest friends ever after. As a young man he spent a few years in Canada, where we believe he learnt his trade as a carpenter, and had built up a successful business here, with his son Mr. Alfred MANUEL. One of a fairly large family, he is survived by one brother Mr. O. H. MANUEL, and a sister Mrs. F. SLADE at Loon Bay. His own family consisted of two sons, Messrs. Alfred and Arthur MANUEL, and his widow who survives him. For years he was Church Warden of St. Peter's, and as such, was of very valuable assistance to the late Rev. Canon TEMPLE. About two years ago he was stricken with paralysis, from which he never recovered, and has been bedridden almost ever since. To such an active man as he was, one can imagine what two years a helpless invalid meant. To the family and relations the Sun extends its sympathy.
June 5, 1915 Death The late Tutus MANUEL was 75 years of age at his death. The funeral took place on Thursday and was attended by a large gathering. The Masonic, S.U.F. and Orange lodges paraded in the order named, as deceased was a member of all three organizations. We understand that the funeral address will be delivered by Rev. STIRLING on Sunday morning.
June 5, 1915 Herring Report Herring have been plentiful around this locality this week. Messrs. ROBERTS, of Wild Cove, secured over 100 barrels one day, and several nets were set in the harbor on Thursday night. We hear Messrs. STUCKLESS secured 25 barrels that night.
June 5, 1915 Advertisement New Goods, New Goods. Our new Spring Goods, which consist of a large variety of personally selected goods, will arrive by SS. "Earl of Devon" and we invite inspection of same. Cheap Herring Nets. 30, 25, 40 and 45 Rand. Cotton Nets at surprisingly low Prices. J.W. HODGE
June 5, 1915 Correction The contract for the interior finishing of the new parsonage was awarded to Mr. John ROBERTS alone - not to Messrs. John and Josiah as we stated. This is the first contract for this young man, and we wish him success in his venture.
June 5, 1915 Kind Comfort Cove People Messrs. LUTHER desire to sincerely thank the people of Comfort Cove and New Harbor for their assistance to them on their last but one, overland trip with the mail. As the ice was jammed in on Comfort Cove, it was necessary for them to take their boat across the neck to New Harbor. Willing hands lent themselves to the effort, and the boat was soon got over, and Mr. LUTHER thinks that it was very kind of them to help in this way, and desires us to offer them sincere thanks for their help.
June 5, 1915 Personals Up to press hour there is no further report of the "Prospero" which left Elliston before daylight yesterday morning. Men who know, agree that his calling at that port, showed the presence of ice close on Cape Bonavista. We understand that Misses Floss and Margie SCOTT, daughters of the magistrate, are on board the Prospero hoping to reach here - eventually. Mr. BLANDFORD’s motorboat, which went to Lewisporte last Friday, returned again Saturday. Miss Gertie BLANDFORD returned by her, as did Mr. C.L. HODGE. Both of these have been in the city, buying new goods for their respective firms. Mr. Tom JACOBS went to Lewisporte to commence work on MANUEL's new hotel, in the aforesaid boat, and several men for the lumber woods went by her. Mr. MALCOLM, of Mr. LOCKYER's employ, Herring Neck, was up here Thursday, and returned again yesterday morning. Dr. SMITH and family started off yesterday to spend the day fishing, but the change of wind and rain drove them home hurriedly.
June 5, 1915 Advertisement Our store has been completely renovated and enlarged, and we shall have large stocks immediately, on the arrival of the "Prospero." We have on hand Beef, Pork, Kerosene, and Tea. EARLE SONS & Co. Per A. COLBOURNE. [Transcriber's Note: "Beef, Pork, Kerosene and Tea" - hope that's not a menu!]
    [There is nothing on my microfilm between June 5 and June 26, 1915. GW.]
June 26, 1915 Volunteers We hear the Mr. Arthur WHITE, son of Mr. John WHITE, P.M. has joined one of the Canadian regiments. This is the second of Mr. WHITE's sons to offer himself for his King and Country.
June 26, 1915 Ted Newman's Letter "Ted" NEWMAN's people this week received a letter from him in France. He was not allowed to pass on any information, but he is well.
June 26, 1915 Personals "Mr. BUGDEN and family leave here by next ""Prospero."" Capt. A. COLBOURNE goes to Baie Verte on the ""Prospero."" Nurse Floss, who holds the important position of assistant Supt. at the St. John's General Hospital, has been recalled, and returns shortly. We hear that Miss Rose STIRLING and Miss HODGE will likely arrive by ""Prospero."" Mr. Mark BRETT, of New Bay, was down here this week looking well. Mr. BRETT is one of the few men who have made a success of farming in this Bay. Capt., Robert YOUNG arrived from Birchy Bay and will go to Alexander Bay for lumber for Horwood Lbr. Co. Capt. Isaac BOWEN of Change Islands is here on way to the fishery. Mr. SPARKS, traveler for Royal Stores, arrived here Monday from Morton's Hr. in motorboat. Mr. CHRISTIAN representing of Archibald Boot & Shoe Co. of Hr. Grace, arrived by ""Clyde."" Mr. John RICE's daughter arrived by ""Clyde"" Tuesday from Canada. Mrs. Harold BAIRD left by last Saturday's ""Clyde"" for Northern Arm to visit her relations there. ""Luetta"", Capt SNOW, arrived Tuesday from Norris Arm with lumber for St. John's. A Mr. HUTCHINGS of Botwood who came with him to join the ""Prospero"" became sick and is still here. "
June 26, 1915 Shipping News "The ""Prospero"" left Wesleyville quarter to nine this morning. Capt. Ab. WHITE's schooner, which recently returned from the Bay for wood, is leaking slightly, which will delay them for a day or two longer. Three of Mr. BLANDFORD’S schrs. and some others will get their salt at Battle Hr. on their way North. The Salt situation will be relieved next week. Mr. ASHBOURNE has three schooners on the way with loads, and he is chartering a steamer as well, so there should be a plentiful supply shortly. Salt how ever is scarce in St. John's. The ""Sagona"" arrived from Labrador on Tuesday having been as far as ..?.. and reported no ice. Just as she was leaving here a crack developed in her main steam pipe and she was all day effecting repairs. The ""S.S. Earl of Devon"" which left St. John's last Saturday, and for which some uneasiness was manifested, arrived here on Thursday."
June 26, 1915 Fishing News There was a good sign of codfish at the Arm yesterday when a man named ROGERS jigged 20. Salmon are now plentiful and are selling for 5 cents. We are informed that salt salmon is not worth much at present. FUDGE at Herring Neck had 15 barrels in his trap yesterday. Mr. HODGE received a message on Monday stating that there was plenty of fish with trap and hook between Point Riche and Flower’s Cove, and between Blanc Sablon and Lance au Loup. The message also stated that there was a jam of ice North of Bell Isle.
June 26, 1915 12th July Holiday A correspondent writes from Bishops Falls to say that a bunch of "boys" are planning an excursion here on Monday, July 12th, the great Orange day. They suggest a game of football and anything else that our local "sports" can suggest. We have no doubt that the store keepers would agree to a holiday on the "glorious twelfth, and or sports should have no trouble in arranging for a game, supper, and any other trimmings. About 25 or 30 of the young men would be coming, several of them former Twillingaters. What about it gents?
June 26, 1915 The Honor Roll Twillingaters, and young men from places in Twillingate District, who are serving the flag. This list will be filled up week by week. Will our friends help us to make it complete; and if any error notify us. A. Mark NEWMAN, son of Mr. Henry NEWMAN, N. Side, Twillingate; B Company, 1st Nfld. Regiment. Joseph DAWE, adopted son of Mr. Jas. MORGAN, Sandy Cove, Twillingate; A Company, 1st Nfld. Regiment. John LUTHER, R.N.R., son of Mr. Mark LUTHER, Back Hr., Twillingate; on board H.M.C.S. "Niobe." Edward WHITE, son on Mr. John WHITE, P.M., Twillingate, B Company, 1st Nfld. Regiment. Hardy F. SNOW, son of Capt. Wm. SNOW, Arm, Twillingate A Company, 1st Nfld Regiment. Arthur YOUNG, son of Mrs. Archibald YOUNG, N. Side, Twillingate, C Company, 1st Nfld. Regiment. Wilfred D. HARBIN, son of Mr. Henry HARBIN, N. Side, Twillingate, 1st Nfld. Regiment.
June 26, 1915 Advertisement For Sale: The following schooners -- "Bullbird" 25 tons; 6 years old. "Brandt" 20 tons; 2 years old. "Shag" 33 tons; new. "Wren" (ketch), 26 tons; 7 years old.
June 26, 1915 Notes from Summerford Messrs. BOYDE, SMALL, and WHEELOR, went to Lewisport one day last week for Caplin. They each secured a full load, and reported Caplin very plentiful. The S.S. "Clyde" made her first call here Wednesday. School has closed for the holidays and the teacher, Miss Georgina ROBERTS took passage by Clyde for Twillingate. Mr. James BOYDE has his schooner loaded with herring, waiting for a fair wind. The Sch. "Minnie J. Hickman," Capt. R. YOUNG, came here yesterday with freight for the Notre Dame Trapping Co. and left again today for Birchy Bay. Mr. Thos. WHEELOR is painting his schooner and fitting her out for the fishery. Mrs. James HICKS died here yesterday, and will be buried on Monday. We extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family. June 26th, Correspondent.
June 26, 1915 Man Drowned Tuesday morning a small schooner from Carmanville was struck by a squall off Brimstone Head, Fogo, (and) capsized. There were four people on board and one of these was drowned.
June 26, 1915 W.P.A. Report Socks Received. Beaverton. Miss Bessie BARRETT 1 pair; Mrs. D. BARRETT 2 pair; Mrs. A. LEYTE 2 pair; Miss Minnie PELLEY 1 pair; Miss Rita PELLEY 1 pair. Total - 7 pairs.
June 26, 1915 Schooner Lost Particulars of Loss of "Samoa." By "Prospero" we learnt particulars of the loss of the Samoa off Lower Head last week, when one man was drowned. The Samoa was owned by Mr. Job H. ROBERTS of St. John's and was bound to Exploits with salt. Off Lower Head she struck a pan of ice and began to fill rapidly. The men took to the boat, but the Cook, an old man of 70, thought he would have time to get his valise from the forecastle. While he was below, the vessel sank carrying the unfortunate man with her. The crew boarded another of Mr. ROBERTS’ vessels bound for Fortune Hr. with a similar cargo. The man who was drowned in the "Samoa" was a MASON from Catalina.
June 26, 1915 Capt. JENKINS Schooner Capt. Nath. JENKINS had the misfortune to have his schooner, which was lying at Ashbourne's wharf, spring a leak on Sunday, supposedly by ice jumping against her, and she filled half full of water, washing away his salt - 50 hhds., and spoiling much provisions. The loss is estimated at from three to five hundred dollars.
June 26, 1915 Sister Susies (Part 1) What Tullingate's "Sister Susies" Have Done. Below we publish some report of the work of the Twillingate branch of the Women's Patriotic Association. This branch was one of the earliest to be formed, and was originated as an independent unit; but a little later was affiliated with the main body. The society had its beginning in a meeting of ladies held in the Courthouse on August 20th, 1914. Magistrate SCOTT inaugurated the society, and thirteen ladies who were present signed the roll. From these Mrs. L. EARLE was elected President, Mrs. FACEY Vice-President, and Mrs. W.B. TEMPLE Sec-Tres. A circular was prepared by the secretary and copies mailed throughout the District. The result was a gratifying gift of socks from many parts of the district, while some other places affiliated with the main society, and sent their gifts direct to St. John's. As a result of the appeal this society was able to forward last October a bale of socks containing 1144 pairs. After Mrs. EARLE's departure Mrs. FACEY was unanimously elected as President, and has been an assiduous worker while Mrs. E. LINFIELD became Vice Pres. The work has become too heavy for the Secretary, so a Treasurer was appointed in the person of Miss GRAY.
June 26, 1915 Sister Susies (Part 2) Twillingate people contributed out of the first shipment of socks some 360 pairs, during the winter forty two flannel shirts and 57 pairs of socks were shipped while, by first steamer this spring 199 pairs of socks were sent forward. Of work on hand the society has about 40 dayshirts in process of making, and contributions of socks are still coming in; while some wool purchased with the Society's funds is being knit. Besides this, the members of the Society have canvassed for the Princess Mary's gift Book, and an order for 150 books for Twillingate alone was secured. Nor was the Belgian Relief Fund forgotten, for the proceeds of their first Sociable last winter $45, was devoted to that purpose. While it would be almost unfair to single out any socks in particular, it would be hardly just to bypass without notice from Beaverton, of which there were quite a number and to which Mrs. HENNEBURY contributed no less than eight pairs, as well as the70 pairs which came from Exploits, which were all so nicely washed.
June 26, 1915 Sister Susies (Part 3) A statement of income and expenditure is given below, and none of the members of the Women's Patriotic Association, which now includes fifty five workers, will read this without a touch of pride. That the cause of Britain must triumph when her women are so interested on her behalf, there can be no doubt, and our own boys will fight the better, when they know that there are many "Sister Susies" knitting and working and thinking of them. There is still room for increased membership. The war is not over, nor will likely be for another year, maybe two. Expenditure: To Goods purchased locally: Wool $44.78; Flannel $44.57; Calico & Buttons $1.42; Flannel (St. John's) $50.00; Belgian Relief Fund $45.00; Expenses: Sociable $3.35; Patriotic badges $13.50; Patriotic Postage 53 cents; Cash in hand $23.71; Total: $229.53. Income: Sociable Feb 9th, $48.35; Sociable May 24th, $57.10; Subscriptions $98.93; members fees $6.40; Sale of Patriotic Badges $13.50; Sale of Patriotic Stamps $6.75; Subscriptions for scout flag $3.50. Total: $229.53
June 26, 1915 Advertisement For Sale. 12 gauge, single barrel shotgun. May be seen at Sun office.
June 26, 1915 Exploits Notes Since last writing have been blocked with ice nearly all the time, so that we were glad indeed to hear the whistle of the Prospero last Friday. Fishermen have been hampered in their herring voyage on account of not being able to get any salt supply, except some little by rail in barrels. On arrival of Prospero, Messrs MANUEL's motorboat "Eye-opener", left for Twillingate and got back at eight o'clock Saturday, with 104 hhds from Mr. HODGE, which will relieve the situation somewhat. Messrs. MANUEL's schooner "Fog Free Zone" has been at Dog Bay for some time, but could get no further. The schooner "Renown" John JONES Master, is here on her way to St. John's from Little Bay Islands, with a load of herring. The "Clyde" came yesterday morning at 6 o'clock and went on to Lewisporte, "The Home" having passed up Saturday evening. No sign of codfish yet but herring and caplin very plentiful. About ten days ago there was a school of small salmon ran ashore at Waldron's Cove, and men there secured about a dozen; this was a very unusual occurrence. Cannot yet get a net out to try for salmon. Mr. Eleazar MANUEL set his codtrap last week, but had to take it up at once on account of ice. Several seals were killed lately, and would be more if men had time to go to look for them, but all are too busy herring catching. Messrs. MANUEL's "Eye-opener" left here for Lewisporte Sunday evening to meet Mr. C.A. (remainder of article is unreadable)
June 26, 1915 Morton's harbor Mine "To Reopen Morton's Hr. Antimony Mine." Messr W.A. McKAY and Wm. COOK of Morton's Hr. recently, and will open up the antimony mine there. Mr McKAY came here Monday in W.A. OSMOND’S motorboat. These gentlemen propose to put in an electric smelter at Botwood getting the "Juice" from the Bishops Falls plant. It is the intention to but small consignments of ore from anyone who owns a lode, and smelt it there. We hope the scheme will meet with success.
June 26, 1915 Promotions Mr. Saml. PIERCEY formerly Chief Steward of the "Clyde", has been promoted to Chief of the "Meigle," and Mr. Willie MAY becomes Chief of the Clyde, to whom we extend our hearty congratulations on his promotion.
June 26, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 1) A few days ago the announcement was made that the price of cod had advanced 40 cents per ton, and would in future cost the consumer $800. A bright look out indeed for the poor toiler.
June 26, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 2) The case of the young lad DAY, referred to in last weeks Budget, was terminated on Friday Evening when the Jury brought in a verdict of manslaughter. On Saturday morning the Chief Justice sentenced the youthful prisoner to 6 months in the penitentiary.
June 26, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 3) Capt. SAUNDERS made an attempt on Monday to raise the submerged schooners, "Desola" and "Stella Maris" near the COOK premises. The wrecking tug Coast Guard with all the necessary appliances has been engaged for the undertaking.
June 26, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 4) The "S.S. Carthaginean" sailed for Glasgow on Saturday morning. This also popular and reliable boat has made her last trip to St. John's until after the war.
June 26, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 5) We are glad to notice the arrival of "Clyde" and "Home" at Lewisporte, and no doubt the Postal authorities will see that mails are promptly dispatched, which has been somewhat knocked out of kilter during the Ice Blockade.
June 26, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 6) Diphtheria appears to be on the increase in the city, and many families have been sorely afflicted, the SNOW family, in particular are passing through the waters of deep sorrow; having lost 2 children, and mother, with another child suffering with the disease.
June 26, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 7) Arches have now being erected in various parts of the town in honor of the consecration of Archbishop (elect) ROCHE.
June 26, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 8) Crosbie & Co. are still increasing their sailing fleet. This week the barq "Rosina" has been purchased from the firm of Goodridge & Son.
June 26, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 9) Sunday was a red-letter day among the city Methodist. Special services were held in all the Churches and selected Preachers referred to the introduction of Methodism into St. John's 100 years ago.
June 26, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 10) One of our best known Master Mariners crossed the Bar on Tuesday morning last. Capt. Will CROSS has been ill for several years, and his devoted wife has been unremitting in her attention to him during his trying illness. Much sympathy is expressed for the widow and family in their bereavement.
June 26, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 11) A fashionable wedding took place in the Kirk on Tuesday afternoon, when Miss Gertie STRONG and Mr. W.G. MONTGOMERY of the Bank of Montreal, Frederiction N.B. were made man and wife. Congratulations.
June 26, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 12) The Methodist Conference opens its annual session to day (Wednesday) in Gower St. Church. A large number of the brethren are in town to attend. Several visiting divinities are also in town.
June 26, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 13) The workmen at the dry dock, a few days ago secured a lot of fresh caplin after the basin had been freed form water. A lot of small schools were found there.
June 26, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 14) The special service in Gower St. Methodist Church on Monday night was largely attended. After the oration by the Rec. Dr. BOND, which was a masterpiece of eloquent diction. His Excellency the Governor unveiled the tablet in memory of the early founders of Methodism.
June 26, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 15) Two little girls, aged 12 years, the children of Joseph and Thomas PARSONS, were drowned at Bell Island in Saturday evening having fallen over a cliff, while picking dandelions.
June 26, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 16) Hon. Sir Edgar BOWRING, is due to arrive tomorrow (Thursday) per "Stephano." While on the other side, Sir Edgar frequently visited our Bays, and paid them much attention. He has been absent for several months.
June 26, 1915 Explosion on Schooner The Western Star says that off Bay of Islands, Captain PETTIPAS was blown out of his schooner's hold, and some of her deck blown off recently, when an explosion took place supposed to be from gasoline, caused by the Captain lighting a match in her hold. The schooner was fitted with a gasoline engine, but it had not been used since last fall. He was not seriously injured, but the schooner caught fire ‘tho it was later put out.
June 26, 1915 Death Capt. Will CROSS, formerly a visitor to this port in the old "Galatea" died recently in St. John's.
June 26, 1915 From Private H.F. SNOW B. Co., 1st Nfld Reg., Stob's Camp, via Harwick, Scotland, June 1st, 1915. Since last writing you, we have made another move, this time it is to a place something like the plains, but not quite so wet. The camps are situated on the slope of a hill. All the companies are camping together. Not many hundred yards from our tents are the German concentration huts. Viewing their large tin houses from a hill not far away, the whole place appears to look like a manufacturing town. Large dispatches of prisoners arrive every week. Amongst them I tell you are some pretty hard looking cases. Their huts are surrounded on all sides by barbed wire, so there is not much chance of their escaping, if they do manage to face the bullets. A couple of Thursdays ago it was the Crown Prince's birthday, and to celebrate the occasion the Germans determined to quit work and enjoy a pleasant half holiday, but they were completely foiled by the guards, who made a raid on them with fixed bayonets and drove them from their huts to work on the Crown Prince's birthday, for the good of Britain, not at their own pleasure. Our camp is two miles from the nearest village, and about sixty miles from Edinburgh. Harwick is a little town about three miles distant, and as the cars run from there to the camps, we generally go there in the evening. We now live in tents which contain about thirteen fellows. You would laugh if you saw us huddled together in one little tent, packed together like sardines. We get the same diet as on Salisbury Plains. I hardly know the taste of roast beef now. I think we are going to Bedford next week to get fully equipped. Then we will leave for France to get a smack at the Huns. Am writing this in YMVA tent. There is a large crowd here. One fellow is now singing a song, while another chap is accompanying him on the piano. Tomorrow night we are having a concert. Cannot write any more as crowd is becoming too thick. Remember me to your father and mother. Hoping you will come on top in your exams. I remain, yours truly, H. SNOW.
    [There is nothing on my microfilm between June 26, and July 10, 1915. GW.]
July 10, 1915 Personals "Magistrate SCOTT went to Exploits by Tuesday's ""Clyde."" Mrs. Paul MOORS of Deer Lake arrived by ""Clyde"" and is staying with her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. WHITE. Messrs. ""Bert"" ROBERTS and Man PARSONS arrived last Saturday from St. John's. Mrs. Alfred MANUEL is not very well at present, but we trust will soon recover. Miss EARLE of Change Islands is guest of Mrs. (Dr.) SMITH. Rev. Reg. WHITE of Lascie arrived by ""Prospero."" Mrs. R. TEMPLE arrived this week from Sandy Pt., Bay St. George where she had been staying ....winter ... her daughter Mrs. (Rev.) F.A. BUTLER. Mr. S. EVELIEGH of Comfort Cove was here yesterday. Mr. Harold EARLE of Fogo was here this week on a brief visit. Mr. John HODGE of Fogo, arrived by motorboat Wednesday from St. John's, via Lewisporte. Miss Mabel HODGE arrived by ""Clyde"" last week looking well after her winter sojourn in the City. Mr. A.C. ASHBOURNE, who has been in the City for some time, has not returned up to this writing. Mr. Peter YOUNG goes to St. John's by ""Prospero"" today. Mr. Fred MAY, who has been working at Sydney, arrived this week. He tells us that business is fair at that town, and some shell contracts have been secured there. Mr. D. MILES, formerly of Herring Neck, now of Bishops Falls, is here on a brief visit. Master Jack HOWLETT goes to Keels, this week to spend a holiday with Mrs. HOWLETT's relations. Mr. W.F. COAKER came here by ""Can't Lose"" but did not come beyond the Union Store. Mr. H.J. EARLE was passenger on ""Clyde"" last night. Mr. HOWLETT's motorboat went to Exploits Wednesday with a couple of commercial travelers. Mrs. Thos. PEYTON arrived by ""Clyde"" Sunday from Botwood. Miss Dorie HYDE arrived from Fogo last night after a brief holiday. Mrs. CARTER, daughter of Mr. Nat TURNER of Lewisport, arrived here by ""Clyde"" Sunday from New York, and spent a day with Mrs. John BUTCHER, going hence to Tizzard Hr. Mr. BUGDEN and family leave by ""Prospero."" Mr. J.A. TEMPLETON visited Fogo last week."
July 10, 1915 The Honor Roll Men from Twillingate and neighborhood who are serving their King and Country on land or afloat: Isaac KEEFE, RNR, son of Mr. John KEEFE, Little Hr; on board HMS "Patricia." Edward WHITE, son of Capt. Ed. WHITE, Arm, T'Gate, 1st Nfld. Regiment at Stob's Hill. Fred WHITE, RNR, also son of Capt. Ed. WHITE. Stewart HICKS; (father dead, mother in USA, re-married) with Canadian Contingent at the Front. Has been twice wounded.
July 10, 1915 Shipping News The whaler "Hump" arrived here last night. We are informed that she takes up the Northern Labrador service formerly performed by the "Stella Maris." We are told that the sinking of the schr. "Samoa" off Lower Head a few weeks ago, was caused by her wheel ropes (she was not fitted with chains) jamming. So hard did she strike the ice that immediately after the shock the Skipper looked down the scuttle and discovered ice in the forecastle. Capt. Harry Manuel, who arrived last week with the first cargo of Lumber, left again Thursday. "Springdale," Capt. E. ROBERTS, is loading herring at Mr. BLANDFORD's premises. Mr. G., BLANDFORD shipped 300 barrels herring last week by Schr. "Player" for St. John’s. He also shipped 650 this week by "Earl of Devon." Capt. Andrew ROBERTS piloted a Norwegian vessel with salt for Carter's, Herring Neck and Twillingate branches, from St. John's this week, to the former port. We hear on fairly good authority that Capt. Isaac YOUNG struck a growler while on his way to St. John's with herring. The vessels headgear was much damaged and the pumps had to be kept going constantly. The "Can't Lose", formerly "Kintail" arrived here Friday morning, and left again the same afternoon. She brought some herring barrels and 50 tons of coal and goods for the Union Store. We are informed the "Can't Lose" is sold to an English concern, but will make another trip or two. The "Commodore" has a new Skipper in the person of Mr. George HANN of Friday's Bay. Mr. Ruben CHAPPEL is not going in her, as his wife has become demented. Capt. Ned WHITE returned form the Treaty Shore this week with no fish, and takes salt for Labrador. The Salt situation is still acute. Mr. ASHBOURNE has had a couple of schooner loads arrived, but that is not nearly sufficient for needs. Capt. Elias YOUNG is waiting for the arrival of his brother from St. John's with salt. Capt. James YOUNG and Capt., Jas. ANSTEY returned from Treaty Shore last week. They leave shortly for Labrador. Ships – Entered. July 5th, “Alaureda”, Capt. MARTIN from St. John’s, salt for W. Ashbourne. July 6th, “Effie,” M. Morrisey, Capt. ROBERTS from St. John’s; salt for W. Ashbourne. July 12th, “Lilla,” D. Young, Capt. BRIGHT from St. John’s; salt for J.W. Hodge. July 13th, “Excelda,” Capt. GILLARD, North Sydney; 200 tons coal; J.W. Hodge.
July 10, 1915 Grand Falls People Not Coming. We received the following telegram yesterday morning from Mr. Frank DOVE and regret the accident, as well as the postponement of the visit. No particulars of the accident are given. "Owing fatal accident to A. HARRIS, Mill Engineer, brother Manager HARRIS, have postponed football match. Kindly publish. F.J. DOVE."
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 1) Another industry is about to be launched in this Nfld. of ours. Mr. W.A. MacKAY, of Sydney, C.B., was recently in town spying out the land, and he has decided to build an electrical smelting furnace, at some point North. Mr. MacKAY has great faith in the future of his enterprise and he is now in Green Bay selecting a site. We wish him every success!
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 2) A member of the crew of Bowring's steamer "Othello," who was at his home in Hartlepool, England, at the time the Germans bombarded the city, gives a graphic description of the affair and the excitement at first caused, but quiet was soon restored.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 3) On Tuesday, a young lad of the tender age of 13 came across a cartridge and taking the shot out, threw the powder in a tin can, and having applied a lighted match which caused an explosion, with the result that the boy is almost blind and under a Doctor's care.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 4) Congratulations to the Rev. Chas. HOUSE, the newly elected President of the Methodist Conference, the Rev. N. GUY is fast coming to the front, having been elected one of the Scribes.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 5) The Rev. Father O'CALLAGHAN, who has been on a health trip for some months, returned per "Stephano," much improved in health. As ever the Rev. gentleman is ready to help along the Prohibition cause and no doubt, the Temperance workers are glad to welcome him back again.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 6) The question is now, is when are we to celebrate Midsummer Day! True, the date has come and gone, but summer has been left behind, probably to visit us at some future date.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 7) The completed organ of the C. of E. Cathedral was dedicated by Bishop JONES on Thursday morning last. In the evening a special service was held, and a musical program with an augmented choir, specially trained, was afterwards rendered.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 8) The French trawler "LaProvence" arrived on Sunday from Iceland, having been ordered there for repairs. The job was quickly done by the R.N. Co.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 9) The Governor's gardener Patrick SULLIVAN accidentally drank some carbolic acid instead of some medicine a short time before dinner hour on Sunday. Drs. ROBERTS and O'CONNELL were quickly summoned and held out very little hope for his recovery.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 10) The Clergy and lay members of the Methodist conference attended a garden party at Govt. House on Saturday last and witnessed a review of the Boy Scouts by His Excellency the Governor. Sunday last was a red-letter day for the Methodist Churches of the city. All the pulpits, as well as the Presbyterian and Congregational Churches being occupied by visiting divines, now attending the Conference. In the Roman Catholic Cathedral the Papal Delegate, Monst. (STAGUI ?) celebrated Pontifical High Mass at 11 o'clock, and in the evening Bishop O'LEARY of Charlottetown PEI officiated at Pontifical vespers. Immense congregations were present. On Tuesday an Immense congregation representing all classes and creeds attended the Consecration Ceremonies at the Roman Catholic Cathedral. Owing to the inclemency of the weather, the proposed parade through the city had to be abandoned, but the Cathedral grounds, halls and many other places were illuminated.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 11) On Monday the Hon. James RYAN's motor was bringing some of the visiting prelates from the train, and while driving along Duckworth St., opposite St. John's grocery store, accidentally crossed the street, and no doubt would have been precipitated over the embankment, but for running into large iron pipes which lay along the street, this no doubt saved the occupants from being seriously injured. The car was badly damaged.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 12) The Rev. W. CRACKNELL, Junior Curate of St. Thomas was advanced to the Priesthood on Tuesday last, at the ordination held by Bishop JONES at Petty Harbor.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 13) On Tuesday afternoon the cornerstone of Cockrane St. Centennial Methodist Church was laid by the General Supt., Rev. Dr. CHOW. Although the weather was cold and wet, a large concourse of people witnessed the ceremony.
July 10, 1915 Notes From Campbellton The Horwood Lbr. Co. have a big ship up around taking pit props. She is the "Mancunia" of 3600 tons and will take 2600 cords of pit props. It is hoped to finish her Friday July 8th, but she takes a lot to fill up. There have been ninety men working on her twelve hours a day for the past week. She will take on deck load 18 feet high and her holds are 25 feet deep.
July 10, 1915 Notes From Newstead On Wednesday morning about 4 or 5 o'clock, we were aroused from our slumber by the whistle of a steamer, just imagine how frightened we were, and almost thought it was the Germans. We were delighted to see the "Clyde," after waiting so many years. Messrs. Charles WHITE and John CANNING are both very sick. There is still a quite lot of ice in the bay, and harbor, which makes it rather trying for the herring catchers, as they need to watch their nets closely. Messrs. J. EVELIEGH and M. and A. HANN, who went to Lewisporte Friday, came back Tuesday. Messrs. L. and A. KNIGHT of Morton's Hr. were here this week. The F.P.U. painted their little hall last week and it looks very nice indeed. Some men belonging to Change Islands, went to Lewisport for a Nurse for Mrs. Alex. SCAMMEL, and got caught in the ice, and after 15 days got as far as Newstead. After staying here four days, they left Saturday and got caught in the ice about the middle of the Bay, and Sunday morning some of our men, who are always ready to lend a hand, went off and got them safe to land. They had two male passengers and their wives and children, and the ladies and children had rather a hard time. They left again Monday and got home all right. We have said farewell to our mailmen Messrs. LUTHER, BOONE, and ROSE, and hope they will enjoy a well-earned rest. We should like to see some more notes from the pen of our old friend Mr. P. MOORS of New Bay, and we remember him and his wife as old time friends.
July 10, 1915 Notes From King's Point The C.H.E. Examinations ended Thursday, June, Miss E. GILLINGHAM, the successful teacher of Jackson's Cove supervised. Nine candidates presented themselves for examination; seven from here, and two from Nipper's Hr. Miss G. STRONG and W. MILLEY. We wish them every success. Mr. D. JANES, who formerly resided at Grand Falls, arrived by the "Home" yesterday. During the ice blockade, which prevented the "Home" taking up the mail service, Mr. F. THISTLE, in his splendid motorboat, made a successful tour around the Bay, thus relieving the mail famine. We were all pleased to see the S.S. "Home" again, and also the gentleman Captain. Correspondent.
July 10, 1915 Notes From Lewisporte July 5th - On the 4th inst., Mrs. Ebuart BRADBURY, who had been sick for a long while with the dreaded white plague, passed to the Great Beyond. She was visited on the 3rd by her brother and two daughters from Stanhope. Mrs. Edward MARTIN is very sick and small hopes are held out for her recovery. Her daughter is here from Grand Falls. Mrs. Parmenas FREAKE and her children are here from Botwood, spending a month or two with her parents. Rev. W.J. WILSON is back again from conference and delivered two excellent sermons on Sunday. There are two pit-prop steamers loading at Lewisport now; one for Horwoods and one Martin. The latter takes the wood cut by Messes. FREAKE and MANUEL. Manuel's new Hotel is going up in leaps and bounds. It is a four-storey building and will accommodate a lot of guests. The King George Hotel has a change of managers. Mr. George HANN and wife have been selected by Mr. FREAKE to look after the work, which is not new to Mr. HANN, as he has kept a successful boarding house at Glenwood for several years. Herring are getting scarce now, but there have been some hundreds of barrels shipped from here by rail this spring. Mr. Charles MOYLES had the misfortune to lose two cows this spring, which is a serious loss, as he had the contract for supplying the Reid boats with milk. Correspondent.
July 10, 1915 Notes From Boyde’s Cove June 27th - We were very glad to see the "Clyde" here on her first trip to Boyde's Cove on the 25th ult. In spite of the dense fog, Capt. KNEE successfully made his way here without a pilot, and we give him a right royal welcome. This means a great advantage to us and if our good Gort would follow with the telegraph, we should feel that our joy was complete. This latter is badly needed as many people travel thro' Boyde’s Cove, as well as the winter mail couriers. There have been a great lot of boats and craft crossing up and down the "Runs" for their summer's wood the past week before going fishing, the fish is scarce up to date. Herring are now getting scarce in the "Run." Mr. Alf. LINFIELD, of Loon Bay, was here Thursday and he said he had been to Chapel's Cove and Comfort Cove in search of herring but without success. He then left for Goose Tickles and Dark Hole, but we fear without much success. However, we expect the herring back again to spawn later. Correspondent.
July 10, 1915 Advertisement Buy Your Flour, Feeds, & Provisions. From Rothwell & Bowring, Ltd., St. John's.
July 10, 1915 Fishing News The "Clyde" last night reported good fishing at Change Islands, and at Indian Islands. At Herring Neck it has slacked off a bit. The “Prospero” reported Monday that the fishing from Conche to Quirpon is good. From Conche South to this it is very poor, but South of this is apparently very good, especially at Wesleyville. Capt. John PHILLIPS, who arrived this week, was about the only one of the Treaty Shore schooners to get any fish; he secured 40 barrels.
July 10, 1915 Advertisement I am prepared to examine eyes for spectacles and eyeglasses by appointment. Terms moderate. Dr. WOOD.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 1) Owing to the bad weather on Wednesday, the pleasure seekers did not enjoy the holiday very much. It rained incessantly all day, which debarred many from attending the Salvation Army Picnic, and other outing which had been previously planned for.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 2) The little 5-year son of Patrick FIN, Holloway St., on Tuesday last was crossing Duckworth St. when a passing carriage ran over him. The child was carried home and was attended to by Drs. BURDEN and ROBERTS, who found the arm broken. The driver took not notice of the accident, but drove on as if nothing had happened. As the Police have his name, no doubt, he will have to answer for his negligence.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 3) On the arrival of JOB's barqt "Alembria" at Glasgow on Monday, Capt. CAMARO wired Job Bros. of the death of Isaac HUSSEY, an Able Seaman, a couple of days after leaving St. John's. The cause is unknown. He was an active member of the Ch. B. Old Comrades Association.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 4) On the last trip of the "Stephano", 24 round trippers came along. The bad weather is keeping back a large number of tourists from moving.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 5) Capt., SAUNDERS and his Divers are busy on the "Stella Maris," and it is expected that an attempt will be made to re-float her in a few days.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 6) Thursday was the hottest day for the season along the Railway line; the thermometer registering 92 in the shade at Gaff Topsail. It was the opposite in the city and winter clothing was much in evidence.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 7) Dr. BREHUD, has recovered from his attach of diphtheria, but his health is so impaired that he has been ordered away to recuperate.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 8) Dr. Harald TAIT, who was in town for a few days on a visit to his parents, left by Sunday's express, to join the Canadian R.A.M.C., having been appointed Lieutenant in this service and will leave for the front shortly. May success follow the Patriotic young Medico.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 9) A young lad of 14 years was arrested on Saturday on a charge of stealing a large sum on money from his mother. She has been so worried over her son's misconduct, and as she could not get any good of him, she thought she would try what the law could do with him, and handed him over to the Police, hoping and a course would make him turn over a new leaf and reform.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 10) The Orange Societies of the City attended Divine Service, on Sunday afternoon at St. Thomas. The Rev. Dr. JONES officiating. The Church was filled, the porches were crowded, and many were unable to gain admittance, the sermon was one of unusual power and eloquence and was listened to with rapt attention by the immense congregation present.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 11) A very painful accident happened on the incoming train on Monday night, whereby Mrs. YOUNG of Heart's Content had 3 fingers of her right hand badly crushed. The car windows were raised and while some shunting was being done, the jerking brought the window down with full force on the lady's hand, which was resting on the window shelf. Upon the arrival of the train at Brigus, Dr. McDOANLE was called and dressed the wounded hand.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 12) On Monday's express the Police Detectives arrested a passenger who was acting in a very suspicious manner, after being searched the police found all kinds and denominations of cash in his possession, the they believe they have the man who some time ago stole from a house at Clarenville over $1000.00 and also about a year ago broke into and robbed the Clarenville Post Office. He has been remanded pending further inquiries as to his participation in other burglaries and larcenies.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 13) His Grace, Archbishop ROCHE, held his first reception at the palace on Tuesday evening when a large number of citizens of all classes and creeds paid their respect to the new prelate.
July 10, 1915 "Prospero" Sold? A report reached here by the "Clyde" on Tuesday from Fogo that the Prospero had been sold to the Admiralty as a patrol boat. So far we hear neither confirmation nor denial, but at the present accept the story with reservations. Lintrose, Bruce - will the Prospero be the next to leave us? There are small souled folk who can kick because these steamers are sold, but the inconvenience, if inconvenience there be, we must bear as good British citizens. If this is all that we are called to suffer when our Empire is at war, it is small indeed, and we cannot think that anyone who had considered the question for one moment would grumble.
July 10, 1915 Not The Time In this connection it strikes us that the firing of powder guns, as was heard on Monday night is not the thing in these terrible times, and those that did this, did so from thoughtlessness. All over our Empire today all official salutes are tabooed. How can it be otherwise with so much gallant bloodshed, and so many brave lives being sacrificed to gratify the German War Lord's blood lust. Not powder gun celebration of old strifes between Britons - a strive which in Ireland today is forgotten in the Empire's need - but a grim determination to see this war through to a successful finish, in order that many of our Empire's problems, of which this same Irish question is one, may be taken in a spirit of mutual forbearance; remembering that Catholic and Protestant, Home ruler and anti, have given their lives that we who have so long enjoyed freedom, should so continue.
July 10, 1915 Herring We have heard complaints from business men this spring, of opening barrels with the herring in the middle half rotten, without salt, and entirely uncleaned; and other cases we were informed, that in the center of the barrels was a heap of "Pips." The man who so viciously does this is not alone in jusing * himself, but he is taking from fifty cents to a dollar off every barrel of herring sold in this country. Our herring are fetching only half the price they should if men would be honest, and if barrels were well made. And perhaps the worst black eye that the herring business gets, is the large number of bad barrels in which the herring are packed. We cannot understand why the Government does not institute a system of barrel inspection, so that every package, before herring was allowed to go into it, should bear the Inspector's band. There are a dozen competent Coopers in Twilllingate for instance, anyone of which is thoroughly trustworthy to pass on a barrel, and to refuse his stamp if not up to the standard. By forbidding herring to be sold in packages not so branded, would be the first great step in improving the herring industry, after that the rest would be easy. Until such a step is taken, the value of our herring fishery is going to figure in thousands of dollars. You got to watch the way the price of herring declined here this summer, and how some men could hardly sell their herring at all. This is important because the herring fishery may be a service of great wealth to this country, as to Scotland if properly handled, and if every man helps to improve the quality of package and contents. (* Transcriber's Note: This word might be "justify" ?)
July 10, 1915 Accident A resident of the Arm got an involuntary dip this week. He hitched his punt to a motorboat, and was stepping aft when the towrope came caught with a jerk. The result being that he was pitched straight overboard. He was picked up by a boat behind, not much worse.
July 10, 1915 Scarlet Fever A case of Scarlet Fever is reported by the Medical Authorities at Herring Neck.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 1) The big parade of the Catholic Citizens and societies, which was to have taken place on Tuesday evening, but had to be postponed on account of the bad weather, came off on Thursday evening. An immense concourse of people gathered on the streets, and at every possible vantage place, to witness the demonstration. Some of the arches were very attractive being lit up with electric bulbs. The College Halls and many of the residences of our Catholic fellow citizens were illuminated after the Parade.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 2) The church ship "Amazon" is once more being placed in Commission for the coming visitation voyage of His Lordship Bishop JONES, and an army of workmen are at present engaged in fitting her up and putting her in first class condition.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 3) A laborer working in a cut on Duckworth St. was badly injured about the body and legs on Thursday morning, by the earth caving in and burying him to the chest. He was quickly extricated and a Doctor summoned to attend to his injuries.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 4) The last Allan liner, "Pomeranian," to visit this port from the other side, arrived on Thursday. After her return from Philadelphia, she will take up the Montreal route. The trade will have to depend entirely on the Furness boats in future.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 5) The "Earl of Devon" is now at Greenspond in a damaged condition, having come in contact with an iceberg. It is expected the ship will some to St. John's for repairs.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 6) Mr. Herbert KNIGHT has been appointed to investigate the charges made against the Postal Telegraph Department in the House of Assembly during the last session. The appointment appears to meet the approval of all shades of Politics.
July 10, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 7) Some evil disposed person destroyed a valuable thermometer on Friday morning. It was on the outside of the shop door for the public convenience.
July 10, 1915 Death Friday after a long illness, there passed away Mrs. Alfred ANSTEY of Little Harbour, Twillingate. She came to New York about 2 years ago with her husband and family and has been sick for some time, but bore the pain bravely and was waiting and willing when the Master came to call her. She leaves a husband, 3 children and host of friends to mourn her lost. She was laid to rest on Sunday in Mount Olivet Cemetery; the Rev. A.J. SMITH, D.D. officiating. Quite a number of friends attended. Gone but no Forgotten.
July 10, 1915 Personals Mr. EDWARDS has moved to the house recently vacated by Mr. BUGDEN. Mr. John ROBERTS has begun work on the interior finishing of the C. of E. Parsonage and is getting ahead famously. The first cargo of coal to arrive this season came to J.W. Hodge this week, and is selling, we hear, for $9. Mr. Francis COLBOURNE of Baie Verte who has been prospecting some properties in Conception Bay was on board the “Earl of Devon” Thursday returning home. Mr. Elias ANSTEY of Grand Falls is here on a brief visit. Mrs. Maria FIFIELD of Tickle Point has been seriously ill this week but is now improving. Mrs. BATSTONE left for her home by “Prospero” Monday morning for her holidays. She recently received a letter from her brother who went with the second Canadian contingent, and is now in France. She also has another brother enlisted somewhere in Canada. Nathan RICE, son of Mrs. Betsy RICE now of Vancouver but formerly of Westport, White Bay, has been taken prisoner by the Germans, his mother having received work from him to that effect. Head Constable PATTEN who has taken up his residence in St. John’s, left by “Prospero” Monday, his wife and daughter having proceeded him a week. Mrs. ABBOTT, daughter of Mr. Elias ANSTEY, is here from USA on a visit. Miss Minnie B. STUCKLESS went by Prospero to Herring Neck on a visit. Rev. Reg. WHITE, who has been staying here for a few days visiting his parents leaves by “Prospero” for Kings Point where he will be stationed this year.
July 10, 1915 Death The death of Garfield LOVERIDGE, cousin of Mr. S. LOVERIDGE and whose father is dead, occurred on Tuesday at the age of 27 years. The funeral took place yesterday
July 10, 1915 Husband Abuse The “Prospero” took to St. John’s last trip a woman, who was charged with beating her husband, who is ill. She got six months.
July 10, 1915 Advertisement For Sale. 1 New Long Cart; 1 Box; 1 Carriage; 1 Side Sleigh; 1 Heavy Horse Sleigh; 1 Light; 1 Set carriage harness; 1 Cart; 1 Saddle; Horse rugs, etc. Also motor boat “Limit” with or without Engine; will be sold cheap if applied for immediately. For particulars apply to H.J. HOWLETT.
July 10, 1915 Dorcas Report The Women of the Dorcas Society wish to thank Mrs. HODGE, Mrs. SMITH and Mrs. R. TEMPLE for their kind help in relieving the sick and poor. C. BAIRD. To: Amount of clothing distributed to 62 destitute families $112.20. Coal and oil $4.00. Goods and Cash on hand $18.00. Total $134.00 By: Government grant $100; J.W. Hodge $5; Wm. Ashbourne $3; Earle Sons & Co. $2; F. Linfield $1.50; G.J. Carter $1.20; A. Manuel $1; C.C. Pond $1; Proceeds of Concert $ 18.40. Total $134.40.
    [There is nothing on my microfilm between July 10, 1915 and Sept. 11, 1915. GW.]
September 11, 1915 Note from Soldier Last winter Mrs. John W. SMALL of Morton’s Hr., when knitting socks for soldiers, put a note in one pair of them asking the receiver to write her. This week, she received a letter from Mr. J. O’NEIL saying he received the socks and the note on the last week of June, and was very glad with them. He said he was prisoner of war in Limburg, Germany, and had been there since last August. He said he was very glad to have some kind person to correspond with and hoped she would write again. Mrs. SMALL has often wondered if she would ever hear who got the note and was very glad to hear at last.
September 11, 1915 C.H.E. Exams Arm Academy. Intermediate - Honours Division; Weston SKINNER ($4.00 prize). Alice SNOW, Jessie DALLEY, Martha BOURDEN. Pass Division – Ernest ASHBOURNE, Geo. HAWKINS, Ralph SMITH. Preliminary – Honours Divisions; Allen BULGIN ($100 Scholarship), Willie YOUNG, Florrie ASHBOURNE, Lucy BOURDEN. Pass Division – Gladys YOUNG, Lizzie CLARKE, Maggie YOUNG, Mary GIDGE, Lucy BULGIN. Primary – Gladys ASHBOURNE, Rowena HICKS, Katie CHURCHILL, Harry ASHBOURNE, Fred GIDGE, William LINFIELD. This school passed all Candidates. St. Peter’s High School. Primary – Melian ANSTEY, Albert KINGSBURY, Alice PEYTON, Dolly SCOTT, Ernest SWEETLAND. Preliminary – Edward BRETT, Agnes LACEY, Edith MANUEL. Intermediate – Albert SWEETLAND. Number of candidates 11; passes 9. Little Harbor. Intermediate – Honours Division; Herbert PARDY, distinctions in Arithmetic, Algebra, French. Preliminary – Honours Division; A. Martin PARDY, Outport Scholarship of $100, and prizes $4 in Arithmetic and $4 in Geometry gaining distinctions in English, Geometry, Geography, Arithmetic, Algebra, French, School Management. A. Chesley PARDY, Distinctions in English and Arithmetic. Primary – Ralph COLBOURNE, R. Paul ANSTEY. Master W. HODDER, Meth. Superior wins four-dollar prize in Intermediate Scripture History; as does Miss Loretta GRIMES of the same school in Arithmetic.
September 11, 1915 W.P.A. W.P.A. Mrs. Alex HODDER – 1 pair of socks.
September 11, 1915 Severe Cut Accident: A little boy, son of Mr. J.A.S. PEYTON, cut an artery in his hand yesterday while playing, and bled profusely. He was fixed up by the Doctor.
September 11, 1915 Public Notice Partridge Berries. Any person having in his possession or picking partridge berried before the fifteenth of September, will be liable to a fine of twenty dollars. W.J. SCOTT, Magistrate.
September 11, 1915 Marine Accident Three Newfoundlanders Burnt to Death. The schooner “Hiawatha” of Burin was burnt to water’s edge yesterday morning at Halifax, after an explosion which killed Capt. SAUNDERS and two of the crew, while two others of the crew are in hospital. The Hiawatha had cargo of gasoline and kerosene for Emporia Oil Co. of Halifax on board. All her crew are Newfoundlanders.
September 11, 1915 Fishing News Hook and line men average around ¼ barrel. The best hook and line man we have so far heard of being Mr. Harry MINTY who has about 30 qtls. under salt. Although very late for trap fishing, some good hauls continue to be made. On Thursday night CHURCHILL’s (HOWLETT’s) trap has 15 barrels, and WHITE’s about 10 barrels. Other traps are also still running from 2 barrels up.
September 11, 1915 Marriage The wedding of Annie, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Frank FREEMAN of Back Hr. and Mr. Dorman MILES, formerly of Herring Neck took place at Bishops Falls this week. Mr. and Mrs. MILES will likely make their home at the “pulp city.”
September 11, 1915 Personals Mrs. F.M. FOX returned to the City by “Prospero”. Her husband is at New York, and she will probably follow shortly. Misses STAFFORD (2) returned to St. John’s by Prospero. Mrs. Carrie YOUNG and Dolly were passengers by Prospero Thursday for Bonavista. Mrs. YOUNG has relatives at that place, but has not been there for 30 years. Rev. A.B.S. STIRLING went to Change Islands by Prospero to induct the Rev. HIGGIT of that Mission. Mrs. R. TEMPLE is visiting St. John’s having gone thither by Prospero. Mrs. Elias ANSTEY of Grand Falls arrived by “Prospero” last week from Greenspond. She returned to Grand Falls by Tuesday’s “Clyde.” Mr. Alfred WELLS of South Euclid, Ohio, arrived by “Clyde” to revisit his hometown. Mr. WELLS, who is a brother of Mr. Tom WELLS of North Side, left here some 26 years ago. He now holds the important position of Steward or Caretaker of a wealthy gentleman’s estates. We were privileged to see photos of the house which somewhat resembles an old English Manor, with beautiful lawns in front. Mr. WELLS says that he cut 100 tons of hay from the fields of this property, besides oats and corn. Our visitor, who looked well and jolly, goes to Little Bay to visit his sister before returning to U.S.A. Capt. Frank ROBERTS put into port on Tuesday to land his son Thackery, who is suffering from pleurisy contracted as the result of a heavy cold.
September 11, 1915 Letter From Arnie Young (Part 1) Manly Letter From Pte. Arnie YOUNG to his Mother. I think that I told George that we were to be inspected by Lord KITCHINER on Thursday, but I wasn’t sure if it was correct or not. Well anyhow it turned out to be correct, and he was down yesterday. I think it was only the 22nd division that he inspected, but of course we couldn’t see half the troops that he was inspecting. We had no parade before breakfast yesterday morning, but we fell in at 9:30 just for roll call, then we were dismissed until dinner time. We had dinner at 10:45 of course it took us all the time before that polishing up our equipment; buttons etc. for the occasion. We fell in again at 11:46 and marched down to the ground where the review was to take place, that was only about three miles from our barracks. We were waiting there until 3 o’clock, that’s the time he arrived, and of course it was 4 o’clock before he got down to us.
September 11, 1915 Letter From Arnie Young (Part 2) It only took him about 5 minutes to inspect each battalion but I think he was longer than that with us, he didn’t say much, but just before he got down to the line where I was standing, I heard him say to the Colonel, “I think I will send you before the division.” (I told you before I think, we were attached to the 22nd division) “You will be going to the Dardanelles to see what you can do with the Turks.” That’s all that I heard him say, until when he finished the inspection, he faced the battalion and told us all that he was sending us to the Dardanelles, and that we would get our orders very shortly, so seeing from what authority it came from you can depend on it this time. I know that you have heard several times before that we were going to the Dardanelles in a few weeks and all that trash, but nobody knew where we were going until now.
September 11, 1915 Letter From Arnie Young (Part 3) The Cycle Corps of the 22nd division were just on the left of us, and after it was all over they came over to us and called us lucky beggars and everything else. They have been training for over ten months, and are not leaving for the front for another month yet. Well I think that the most of us would prefer going with the 22nd division to France but everybody seems pleased to know that we are going somewhere at last. You should have heard the boys shouting when we were dismissed. They are getting A. and B. Companies to sign on for the duration of the war, their year being nearly up now. B. Co. was signing today, but I hear that there are some backing out. That will mean another long sea trip for us, this time up to the Mediterranean, not across the Atlantic. I think we are being issued with a special uniform in a few days, as the climate is too hot out there. I am sorry that I can’t write any more now as I intend cycling to Windsor tomorrow; that’s only about 17 miles from Aldershot, and the road is great for cycling, and I want to have a wheel before the works closes. Kind regards to the crowd.
September 11, 1915 New Bay Notes Sept. 6th – Since last writing there has been no improvement in the fishery. Traps are all ashore, but a few cod nets are still out. Squid is very scarce. Mr. Cuth MOORS and Bros, who secured a schooner from Mr. MANUEL of Exploits, have gone on the Treaty Shore to see what they can do. Partridgeberries are getting ripe slowly, but we hear there is no sale for them for exportation, but no doubt a good many will be sold locally. Glad to see you and the Trade Review are taking up the herring fishery question, and no doubt something will have to be done to improve matters. The hay crop has been pretty good this year, and as the weather has been good it is pretty well all stowed away. Mr. David SPENCER has been at Pilley’s Island for some time. Recently one of his fingers gathered and blood poisoning set in. The Doctor removed the finger, but only just in time to save the hand. He is getting better now, and will soon be able to return home. Mr. Joseph RICE of Flurries Bight has been sick for a long time, suffering from internal trouble, which has caused him much pain. The Pilley’s Isld. Doctor came to see him, but although the pain has eased he does not improve. His friends will be sorry to hear of his illness. There is a gentleman named PIPPY here from St. John’s looking after some mineral claims. Miss Ernie MOORS and her sister Nettie recently went to Grand Falls. The former to become the bride of Mr. E. RIDEOUT, at the paper city. Rev. Mr. MORRIS visited Leading Tickles by “Clyde,” and came back to spend Sunday at New Bay, returning home on Tuesday. Correspondent.
September 11, 1915 Returned From Service John LUTHER, R.N.R. from H.M.C.S. “Niobe” arrived by “Clyde” Tuesday morning. It was hoped to get a reception for him but owing to delay in getting a reply as to whether he was on board, and late arrival of the Clyde, it was abandoned. The Twillingate Club are giving Jack a supper at the Ford Hotel, and no doubt some others will welcome the first of our boys home from active service.
September 11, 1915 Death The death of the late Fred YOUNG of the South Side, father of Mr. Edward YOUNG, Blacksmith, occurred on Tuesday morning at the age of 66. Two sons Edward and Pierce and three daughters who are living here, and a son Louis and daughter living in the States, survive him.
September 11, 1915 Notes From King’s Point Sept 4th. Mr. EVANS of Botwood arrived today by S.S. “Clyde.” We understand he is going to superintend the loading of the Union pit props, which were cut here last winter. The ship is due on the 8th. Some of the fishermen (who) returned from the Cape yesterday, report fish very scarce all along the Cape shore. Mr. And Mrs. John MATTHEWS of this place went to Springdale by “Clyde” today. Mr. William RIDEOUT’s little baby boy died last Saturday; to the father and mother we extend our sincere sympathy. Quite a number of women went berry picking yesterday and returned with their baskets filled. Correspondent.
September 11, 1915 At Egypt “Ours” has arrived safely at Egypt and the boys, after disembarking at Alexandria have gone on to Cairo. Here they will spend a little while go get used to the climate and polish up before going forward to the Dardanelles where, let us hope, they will be in time to see the end of Turkish resistance, and the opening of this waterway. The Regiment has now discarded it’s heavy uniforms, and are now dressed in tropical weight material with white pith helmets instead of caps, as pictures of the Australians and New Zealand show. In fact it is said that many of these latter have gone into battle with nothing more than a pair of bathing trunks on, so warm it is. Joseph DAWE is, we hear, returning home, as he has been for a long time in the hospital and his health is not good. Willis MANUEL is still hard at work making munitions, and remained behind in England. Ned WHITE and Mark NEWMAN are both signed on for the end of the war; Jack TEMPLE has got his Lance Corporal stripe. Ned WHITE, of the Arm, is gone, as is Hardy SNOW. Young PARDY of Little Hr. was in hospital suffering with rheumatic fever when last heard of.
September 11, 1915 Advertisement Lost. Between Post Office and Mr. GARD’s, North Side, two silver hatpins. Will finder please leave same at Sun office.
September 11, 1915 Advertisement Lost. On Sunday between Mr. Samuel WELL’s house and St. Peter’s Church, a gold brooch with initials B.M.W. thereon. Finder please return to Post Office.
September 11, 1915 School Opens St. Peter’s High School has re-opened under favorable auspices and already there are over one hundred children attending.
September 11, 1915 Marriage Mr. Westen E. STIRLING, youngest brother of the Incumbent of Twillingate, and Miss Ethel UPHILL, sister of Rev. Henry UPHILL, Rector of St. Mary’s Church, St. John’s, were married at Truro, N.S. on August 25th. The young couple will arrive in St. John’s during the week.
September 11, 1915 Shipping News The “Vernie May,” Capt. Arch ROBERTS, arrived Tuesday with general cargo for J.G. Carter. Capt. ROBERTS drew a little more water than he thought, and venturing too near the Eastern side of Hr. Rock, went aground. Fortunately, as it was high water, she was very soon got off again unhurt.
September 11, 1915 Advertisement Buy Your Flour, Feeds, & Provisions from Rothwell & Bowring, Ltd. St. John’s. Agents Wanted, For Private Christmas Cards. Ladies or Gents, Samples Book Free. Large Profits. Chipchase “Caudex,” Darlington, England.
September 11, 1915 Advertisement Boarding. Board and lodgings, quick lunch, ice cream, college ice served. (Late residence of H.C. PATTEN.) Photos copied and enlarged and picture framing. H.T. FORD, Twillingate.
September 11, 1915 Boys Beware While the two scholarship winners here have both been boys, an examination of the general results show that, of honors in the Intermediate in the Outports, there were 53 girls and only 19 boys obtained honors. It looks from such superficial examination of these results that our girls as a body, are being better educated than our boys, and those who have had the pleasure of visiting any of our schools must have been struck with just this very feature. It is to be regretted, for the boys will find, if this state of affairs is not altered, that the best positions in business will be captured by the girls. This is already taking place. Where years ago one found only men behind the counter, today there are girls. A few years ago a female telegraph operator was a “rara avis.” To day the female operators far outnumber the men, at least in commercial telegraphy. And it is the same in may other branches of business. Let the boys, and more especially their parents, look to it.
September 11, 1915 Well Done While not entirely favoring much of the methods adopted in the Council of Higher Education Exams, and believing there is vast room for improvement, we cannot but admit the stimulus to education afforded by such a competitive system, and we are heartily glad to congratulate the successful scholars in the different Twillingate schools. Most especially we should like to offer our very hearty best wishes to the two brilliant young lads who secured two of the Preliminary Outport Scholarships. A.L BULGIN of the Arm Academy who tops the list, and A.M. PARDY of Little Hr. School. It must be highly gratifying to both Mr. Dai…. And Miss Bertha HULL to …… splendid results for the hard grind of last winter. Teaching is not the easiest job in the world, and though some people are apt to believe it a “cinch”, only those who have actually experienced, know what weariness to mind and body the imparter of knowledge ends the day with. Such results as we mention however, make up for much that is past, and we joy with successful teachers and scholars in their triumph. “Floreat Twillingate.”
September 11, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 1) (Special to the Sun) Among business circles, a report is current that a direct line of steamers between Baltimore and this port will shortly be inaugurated. If the undertaking is successfully launched, it is proposed to have a fortnightly service between the above-mentioned ports.
September 11, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 2) The JOHNSON family has recently placed in the C. of E. Cathedral, two memorial tablets in memory of the Rev. J.H. CARRINGTON and his son-in-law G.M. JOHNSON - two former Clergymen.
September 11, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 3) Word was received in town a few days ago of the promotion of Lt. Com. McDERMOTT of HMCS “Calypso” to the rank of Commander.
September 11, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 4) The reservists serving on HMCS “Niobe” are now employing a fortnights furlough at their homes, having arrived via Port Aux Basques at an early hour on Saturday morning. Notwithstanding the unseasonable hour, a large number of relatives and friends were at the station to meet them.
September 11, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 5) News was received in town on Monday by Mr. Frank RENDELL, that his brother Charles had died of wounds received at the front on ?th August. He leaves a widow, (daughter of the late Dr. SIMMS) and three children to whom we extend sincere sympathy.
September 11, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 6) The president of the RNC returned to the City on Saturday after an absence of several months.
September 11, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 7) The 8 year old son of Mr. Jonas BARTER, was missing from his house, Monday Pond Road, when the family had assembled at tea hour on Tuesday evening, and was not located until the next day, when two men who were searching South Side Hill, were drawn to a spot of shrubbery by the antics of their dog, where they found the child sound asleep. The faithful dog, no doubt saved the child’s life.
September 11, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 8) The inquire, which has been going on for the last few days, into the burning of the Norris Arm Railway station, resulted in the accused, PEARCEY, being committed for trial at the next session of the Supreme Court.
September 11, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 9) The Furness Withy Co. are now located in their new building at the East end of the city. The offices are splendidly furnished and most conveniently laid out for the transaction of their increasing business.
September 11, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 10) His Grace Archbishop ROCHE paid an Episcopal visit to Bell Island last week, and was given a grand reception by the Roman Catholics and others of the Iron Island.
September 11, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 11) A most obliging Officer of the Nfld constabulary, Inspector COLLINS, has recently been retired after being in active service for over 40 years with a record of valuable work performed.
September 11, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 12) The first lady traveler, Miss Mary HALL, to traverse the whole length of Africa, is now in town, and will tell us about her travels, at the Grenfell Hall on Monday evening next. No doubt a rich treat is in store for all who attend.
September 11, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 13) A sad drowning accident occurred shortly after the “Sagona” sailed on Wednesday and while passing Torbay Head. It appears that one of the firemen named Jas MONAHAM was emptying an ash can, when through some unaccountable way, he slipped and fell overboard. The steamer was under full speed at the time, but was quickly stopped, and a boat launched, and a thorough search was made and every thing done to rescue the unfortunate man but without avail. The accident has thrown a gloom over the ship’s company who left port full of life and merriment. The Capt., after steaming around the vicinity for over an hour gave up the search and proceeded on his way.
    [There is nothing on my microfilm for Sept. 18, 1915. GW.]
September 25, 1915 Prohibition (Transcriber’s Note: this is the nominal list from a long article related to prohibition.) Names of Members of General Committee: Crow Head – George HAMLYN, John MILLS, Henry HAMLYN, Samuel DOVE. Wild Cove – Benj ROBERTS, Jno. ELLIOTT, Edwin ROBERTS, Jno. ROBERTS, Walter ROBERTS. Back Hr. – W. RIDEOUT, George MURRY, Jno. ANSTEY, Jno. RIDOUT, James ANSTEY, James JANES, Lewis PURCHASE. North Side – Rev. A.B. STIRLING, George ROBERTS, W.J. SCOTT, Jacob MOORS, F. LINDFIELD, Arthur MANUEL, W.B. TEMPLE, Edgar SWEETLAND, A.H. HODGE, Stewart MOORES, J.D.S. BARRETT, Jas PRESTON, Fredk. WHITE, Alex MOORES, Fredk. HOUSE jr., S. LOVERIDGE, J.A. TEMPLETON, Cons. TULK. South Side – S. BENNETT, Adj. SAINSBURY, W. ASHBOURNE, Ed. HAYWARD, Geo. BLANDFORD, Walter YOUNG, Gordon RENDAL, W. HUGHES, Saml. WATKINS, C. WHITE. Farmer’s Arm and Jenkins Cove – W. POND, Edgar HAWKINS, A.G. ASHBOURNE, Peter PARSONS, Jas. GILLETT of Geo., Joseph WHITE, Hannibal CHURCHILL. Durrels Arm – Jas. H ……, J.W. MINTY, W. SNOW, ………… man, H.J. HOWLETT. Little Harbour and Purcells Harbour – E.D WARR, Israel DOVE, Henry HOPKINS, Jnl. COLBOURNE, Charles MARSH. Bluff Head Cove and Ragged Point – Arch WHITE, Elias ROBERTS, Thomas WHITE. Executive: W. ASHBOURNE, Chairman; Revs. A.B. STIRLING and BENNETT, Adj. SAINSBURY, W.J. SCOTT, F. LINDFIELD, W.B. TEMPLE, George ROBERTS, Arthur MANUEL. Edgar SWEETLAND and C. WHITE. The executive meets every Thursday evening at 8 pm. in the Court House. By order, C. WHITE, Secy.
September 25, 1915 Personals Mr. S. FACEY and Miss Bessie FACEY left by “Clyde” Monday for Dog Bay, to join the schr. “Springdale” there, for St. John’s. Mr. A.A. and Miss Hannah PEARCE leave next “Prospero” for Baie Verte, where they will spend the winter. Miss FOLEY, who came up by “Clyde” Tuesday left again by “Prospero” for Fogo, having gone thither to relieve the Operator. Mr. ELLIOTT, representing Ayre & Sons, and Mr. SMITH representing Davis and Lawrence Co., were here this week. Mr. Martin GILLETT, who had been at St. Anthony for an internal operation, and Mr. Jos. HAWKINS, who had also been in the hospital, arrived by “Prospero” Wednesday. Mrs. S. LOVERIDGE was passenger for Bishop’s Falls by “Clyde” last week, where she is gone to visit friends. Mrs. H.J. EARLE, who has been visiting here daughter Mrs. SMITH, returned to Fogo by “Prospero.”
September 25, 1915 Visit By The Governor On Tuesday afternoon, the Governor and party visited Mrs. ROBERTS, mother of Mr. Benjamin ROBERTS and Mrs. ELLIOTT, and other daughters and sons, all of whom are working citizens. The dear old lady, who recently celebrated her ninety eight birthday, greatly enjoyed the quiet chat with Lady DAVIDSON and the Governor, who were delighted to meet such an interesting “Elect Lady” whose sun is nearing the “setting”, certain “there’ll be no moaning at the bar when she puts out to sea.” W.J.S.
September 25, 1915 Shipping News The “Fogota,” which recently returned from patrol work, is now at the dock premises, being put in readiness to take up her old run on the Fogo mail service. The “Susu”, which is now doing her work, will be again put on the Fortune Bay run. The “Othello,” taking 2800 cords of pit props, left Nipper’s Hr. Tuesday for Cardiff. Capt. Herbert YOUNG, schr. “Robin,” arrived today from Labrador with slightly over 100 bbls. The steamer “Carlsbrook” loading pit-props at Springdale, and on which the trouble which we reported last week occurred, went ashore near Otter Island, Little Bay, and will not likely be got off. The new sealing Steamer “Iceland”, which was being built for Baine Johnson and Company at Scotland, has been sold to the Russian Govt.
September 25, 1915 Mr. Harold PARDY Mr. Harold PARDY, who joined the Nfld. Regiment and went to Scotland and afterwards to Stobs, has not yet been discharged from the Hospital, where he was suffering from rheumatic fever. So much has his constitution been undermined, that he will likely receive his discharge. He has received an invitation to visit a Mr. and Mrs. SMITH in Scotland, and may go there is his health permits.
September 25, 1915 Death As we go to press we learn of the death of Mrs. Saml. PAYNE Senior, which occurred quite suddenly this morning while she was apparently in good health.
September 25, 1915 Boyde’s Cove Notes "Sept. 15th – The work of floating the pit props and securing them, ready for loading on board the steamer, is being conducted by Mr. J.P. NEWMAN, while Mr. Alfred LINFIELD, of Loon Bay, is here in his motorboat, assisting at the loading, but has been hindered by stormy weather. Yesterday evening a number of men on the way to Carmanville for pit-prop loading, were storm bound here to day, but they got clear from here today, but a storm overtook them and they had to run back here again. Correspondent."
September 25, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 1) An old man of 70 years was found dead in Prowse’s field early on Saturday morning, with his throat cut, by a labourer on his way to work. It is presumed that the man committed suicide, as a small knife was found tightly held in his right hand, a sure indication that the wound was self-inflicted.
September 25, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 2) The S.S. “Allaguash” from Copenhagen to New York, put into port on Sunday morning in a damaged state, having been in collision with a Norwegian Barque. The Barque arrived in port a day or two afterwards, being towed in by the S.S. “Prospero.” This ship has her foremast and bow spit carried away and is otherwise damaged.
September 25, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 3) A Miss HOLDEN of South Side had a narrow escape from being poisoned a few days ago, by drinking a quantity of Jays Fluid. She happily discovered her mistake in time, and Dr. TAIT, who was summoned, administered antidotes. She suffered severely, but she is now almost recovered.
September 25, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 4) I. SULLIVAN, a well-known sailor residing on Long's Hill, who was watchman on the Schr. “Mildred,” lost his life by drowning on Sunday morning. His body was found in Bowring’s dock, and it is surmised he fell over the stern of the schr. The list of fatalities during the last ten days has increased to thirteen.
September 25, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 5) The Burin Schr. “Casaga”, belonging to Hollett Bros., arrived in port on Tuesday for repairs. When off Cape Race, on her way to Labrador, and during a heavy breeze, the mainmast was broken off. A new spar will be placed in position as speedily as possible.
September 25, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 6) The last whole holiday for the season was thoroughly enjoyed by the hundreds who availed of the fine day to take a run up the Southern shore, while a large number visited Kelligrews and intermediate stations.
September 25, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 7) It has been announced, from London, that 36 bags and 11 baskets of mail for Nfld were on the Allan liner “Hesperian” when she was torpedoed.
September 25, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 8) The credit of shipping the first fish cargo from Labrador this season falls to Baine Johnston & Co. The Schr. “Mary Loyde” having sailed on Thursday for market with 4000 qtls.
October 3, 1915 The “Maggie Sullivan.” "Mr. HODGE received a message Tuesday morning from Fogo stating that the Maggie Sullivan had arrived there and that her mainmast, mainsail, maintop mast, and gaff had been carried away. Judging by this, her mainmast and all sails on it must have been swept away. "
October 3, 1915 Labrador Fleet The last vessels of the Labrador fleet arrived this week. They are: “Mayflower”, John H. HULL – 300; “Exotic”, E. VATCHER – 520; “Annie B. ”Thomas DALLEY - 600, “Ethel E.”, John PHILLIPS – 250; “York,” Eli FROST – 240; “John Earle”, Willis HULL – 240.
October 3, 1915 Advertisement The undersigned begs to intimate to the traveling public that Board and Lodging can be obtained at moderate terms at her residence – about 3 minutes walk east of Railway Station. Mrs. BRADLEY, Lewisporte. Sept 18th, 1915.
October 3, 1915 “Ted” NEWMAN Writes "(On Active Service) Hantol Remount Depot, (Canadian) Army P.O., France. I have intended to write you for quiet a long time. I know you are always pleased to hear from any of the boys from old Twillingate. I have been in France for four months and am getting quite used to the ways of the country, but not much of a hand at speaking French, though I can manage to make myself understood by signs and words (mostly signs). The people are quite interesting especially the fair sex, which are an exceptionally good-looking lot. The women seem to do all the hardest work and they do carry some dreadful loads. This is a very pretty part of France we are in, but I may not mention names, as it is contrary to regulations. It is mostly farming country, splendid tracts of level fertile land. They farm the land all the year round. The people of France are very industrious, and all seem to be united in the determination to carry the war to a successful finish. They have very old-fashioned methods of farming, and one sees none of the labor saving devices that are so common in Western Canada. Our recent successes of which you have read before this, have been quite satisfactory, and are I think, the forerunner of greater things in the near future. What a brutal crowd the Germans are, some of deeds that they have done fairly make my blood boil. I was disappointed while in England at not getting a chance to see our Nfld. boys, but our stay there was very brief. I know they will give a good account of themselves when opportunity offers. There are quite a few Nfld. boys serving with the Canadians. I receive your paper regularly and it is always welcome. I suppose you are getting Fall weather by this time. Here it is dark by 7 o’clock and the nights are quite cool. We are quite comfortable, but it gets a bit monotonous at times. Hoping you and all the friends are well. E. NEWMAN."
October 3, 1915 Shipping News The schr. “Commodore” arrived this week from Herring Neck with coal for G. Blandford.
October 3, 1915 Painfull Accident A little child aged about 2 or 3, of Mr. Herbert YOUNG South Side, fell off a chair Thursday evening and broke its arm about the wrist. Dr. WOOD was called and made the little sufferer as comfortable as possible.
October 3, 1915 Personals Rev. STERLING and family moved into the new parsonage this week. Dr. HAURAHAN, inspector of R. C. Schools, was on board the “Clyde” Tuesday for Fogo, and returned north by “Prospero.” Miss Margie SCOTT went to Morton’s Hr. by “Prospero.” Miss Emma ROWSELL, of Leading Tickles, who has been visiting her sister Mrs. George Bridger, returned home today. Miss F. FOLEY returned by Wednesday’s “Clyde” from Fogo where she has been relieving. Mr. Paul MOORS, son of Mrs. C. WHITE, arrived by “Clyde” from Deer Lake to spend a week’s holiday. Mrs. R.D. HODGE returned from Grand Falls by “Clyde” Tuesday. Mrs. C.L. HODGE returned from St. John’s Tuesday via Lewisport and motorboat. Elder YOUNG who visited here this week, went on to Change Isld. and Fogo for Prohibition lectures. Miss Rachael REID, a bouncing Scotch lassie, who was formerly in service here, arrived by “Clyde” to visit old friends. Mrs. HARNETT and child arrived from Seldom by “Prospero.”Const. TULK who went to the City with a lunatic, returned by “Prospero.”
October 3, 1915 Advertisement Lost. My umbrella, like its owner – rather poor, is astray. Will be thankful if anyone will direct it to W.J. SCOTT.
October 3, 1915 Fishing News Fishermen at the Arm continue to do well with fish during the moderate weather, which has prevailed recently.
October 3, 1915 Trading Trip Capt. Saul WHITE leaves in the “N. Duncan” with Mr. Steward ROBERTS as clerk, and Mr. A.G. ASHBOURNE goes in the “Humming Bird”, trading on the Treaty Shore about the latter part of this week, for the firm of Wm. Ashbourne.
October 3, 1915 Maggie Sullivan Damaged Plucky Sullivan’s Skipper Sails Ship In Damaged State. The schr. Maggie Sullivan, Capt. Albert GINN, arrived at Fogo Monday morning in a damaged condition. Schooner left St. John’s morning of Oct 21st, and was off the Wadhams following morning 7 a.m., sailing along wing and wing, crew at breakfast, gaff topsail set, nice breeze, when all of a sudden the mainmast broke off under crosstrees, about the gaff battens, and down came topmast, masthead, gaff, with sails and rigging attached. Capt. GINN, then decided to keep schooner off the land and try and repair damages enough to bring schooner into Fogo, which was begun in vicinity of the Funks, and when completed, schooner was nearly up off St. John’s again. However, wind veered off again and good headway was then made, and schooner beat in Stag Hr. Run, under riding sail, for mainsail damaged, foresail and jibs, and finally reached Fogo, and beat in Harbor also, without further mishap.
October 3, 1915 Advertisement Wanted. A few men for the Winter’s logging and pit prop cutting, on monthly wages and found, or by contract. Men with lumbering experience preferred. Apply to, A.T. Woolfrey & Bros. Lewisport.
October 3, 1915 Morton’s Hr. Notes The Prohibition Campaign Committee of this place has been busy, and their efforts have met with marked success. A series of meeting has been held beginning at Bridgeport, including Western Head, Chance Harbor, Friday’s Bay and Summerford. Great enthusiasm prevailed at each meeting, and at the close each manifested itself unanimous for Prohibition, and I have no hesitation in saying that those places will poll practically solid vote for Prohibition. Morton’s Harbor itself is wide awake, and I think we can say with perfect truth that no place is more fully alive to the importance of the question confronting Newfoundland, and whatever may be the result of the election, it will be a source of satisfaction to know that this district has done its best to abolish the “curse of drink” from our Island home, so as to save the future generations from temptation, and to give them a clean country wherein to live. We have it on good authority from a member of the Campaign Committee, that a mass meeting will be held on Sunday, and that the Rev. Gentlemen of Twillingate are to be among the speakers. Correspondent.
October 3, 1915 Notes From Summerford All our craft have returned from the fishery some having done fairly well and others nothing. We have been having very poor weather for fish drying the last part of the month. Most people have their crops up and did fairly well, but a few lost considerably, owing to early frost. Mr. SMALL went to Lewisport on Saturday in his motorboat, with some men looking for work. Correspondent.
October 3, 1915 Prohibition A very full meeting of the Prohibition Committee was held in the courthouse on Monday night, at which much interesting discussion took place. Meetings were arranged for different sections of these Islands during the week, and a mass meeting in the South Side Methodist Church on Sunday night. Speakers also went by invitation from here to Herring Neck, for a Tuesday night meeting at that place, and other speakers go to Morton’s Hr. for Sunday, if weather permits. A question in reference to a lumber camp, about 2 miles from Scissors Cove, where there were fifty voters chiefly from Morton’s Hr. was also brought forward, and Mr. George ROBERTS was appointed to deal with the matter and try and effect some arrangements. A number of silly stories are going the rounds, set on foot by enemies of prohibitions, who seeing no chance to meet these workers openly, are attempting by knifing in the dark to do damage to the cause. One of the silliest of these stories is that some of the canvassers are getting paid from the Govt., so the story goes, at the rate of $60 a month. There may be canvassers paid in the Colony or may not be, but one thing we can be sure of, that they are not getting paid by the Government. The St. John’s committee has a large campaign fund to which wealthy men have subscribed sums, which have been publicly acknowledged in St. John’s papers. If these people care to pay canvassers that is their own business, for the fund is made up of private gifts, and not a cent comes out of our pockets. In this locality, and in this Bay, no paid canvassers are employed, and the men who are going around from place to place, are doing so from their sincere conviction that they are doing the best to help their country, and are receiving not a red cent for so doing. Our country had got to a terrible pass if a man cannot do a thing for his country’s good, without being immediately accused of making a “rake off.”
October 3, 1915 Death “We Left Him Alone In His Glory.” For many days there have been some of us who received the two daily public messages with a sense of dread. Up till Tuesday, it had not come home to us; but the death of Private William WHITE of Loon Bay, breaks the sequence, and we know how near to so many of us, is that life and death struggle in Gallipoli. To the parents at Loon Bay we extend our heartfelt sympathy. Philosophy is unavailing at this time, and we must leave them to their tears, gently closing the door behind and shutting their grief out from the gaze of those who know not what this great sacrifice means. William WHITE was a fine upstanding fellow, who has made the greatest of sacrifices, the giving of his life for you and for me, but “Can honors voice provoke the silent dust, Or flattery soothe the dull cold ear of death, So we leave him, and little he’ll reck if we let him sleep on, In the grave where a Briton has laid him.”
October 3, 1915 Two Young Scamps Mr. Paul MOORS, who arrived here only Tuesday, was Thursday victimized by two young rogues from Manuel’s Cove way, named CONWAY and HYNES, of over $30 and a railway pass. Mr. MOORS and Mr. WHITE were in Mr. COLBOURNES’ store Thursday afternoon, and made some purchases there. On getting some way up the road Mr. MOORS missed his purse, and returned to Mr. COLBOURNES’ but found no trace. Being suspicious of the two fellows CONWAY and HYNES, who had been in the store at the same time, he traced them to Hodges, but found they had spent no money there. He then went to the Magistrate to ask for a summons, but this was refused, Mr. SCOTT giving as a reason that the Policeman was not home. Messrs. WHITE and MOORS then went home and discovered by telephone, that the two thieves had been at Ashbourne’s upper premises and had spent $15. Mr. WHITE immediately harnessed up his horse and chased the fugitives, whom he soon overtook and ordered them to hand over the purse and money. Knowing him to be the Sheriff, the bluff worked famously, and the two thieves handed over their stolen loot consisting of about $15 and the purse, but they had destroyed the pass. The rest of the goods they took back to the store, and Mr. MOORS was successful in getting his money all back again.
October 3, 1915 Notice of Thanks Mr. H.J. CROWE, to whom we owe this great pleasure, deserves – and will receive – the heartiest thanks of those who want a better Newfoundland, and a better world. Ever since his first coming to Newfoundland as General Manage for the Timber Estates, he has been interested in the welfare of those with whom he came in contact, and one of our earliest recollections of his kindness was a gift of a bale of toys and sweets to the school children of Glenwood, and today his generosity embraces the whole Island. Our hearty thanks are therefore due Mr. CROWE in no small measure.
October 3, 1915 Public Notice (Schedule O) Electoral District Twillingate, to wit: Public Notice is hereby give to the Electors of the Electoral District aforesaid that, in obedience to His Majesty’s Writ to me directed and bearing date 7th day of Oct. 1915, directing that on Thursday, the fourth day of November next, a poll of the Electors in the aforesaid District shall be taken according to law on the following question: “Are you in favour of prohibiting the importation, manufacture and sale of spirits, wine, ale, beer, cider and all other alcoholic liquors for use as beverages?” I hereby give notice that such Poll will be opened on the fourth day of the month of November, in the year 1915, from the hour of eight in the morning till four of the clock in the afternoon, in each of the Polling Districts fixed by the Proclamation of His Excellency the Governor, dated the fourth day of the month of October in the year 1915. And further that at Twillingate, I shall open the ballot boxes, count the votes and declare the total number of votes given for the affirmative and the negative respectively, of which all persons are hereby required to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly. Twillingate Booths: North Side, Parish Hall; South Side, C. of E. school room; Little Harbor, Meth. school room. Note: All men who on the fourth of November are 21 years old are entitled to vote. Given under my hand at Twillingate this 16th day of October in the year 1915. W.J. SCOTT, Returning Officer.
October 3, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 1) John LUFFMAN of Bell Island and Albert BURCHELL of St. George’s, were invalided home, and arrived here Sunday night on the S.S. “Tabasco.” Both were Naval Reserve men.
October 3, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 2) On Sunday afternoon, at St. Thomas Sunday school, Mr. H. M. LeMESSURIER, was the recipient of an address and handsome ebony walking stick. Mr. LeMESSURIER, who has retired from the superintendence of the School after nearly half a century of faithful service, is succeeded by Mr. H.Y. MOTT.
October 3, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 3) The S.S. “Nascopie” arrived from Hudson Bay on Sunday last. The ship has been engaged for the past 3 months by the Hudson Bay Co., and brought along a cargo of skins, oil and salmon, which will be trans shipped to Montreal.
October 3, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 4) The Prohibition Campaign Committee have commenced the canvass of the city, and up to the time of writing have met a most hearty reception. The court can boast of the largest number of volunteer canvassers ever known in the city, over 300 being engaged in the work.
October 3, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 5) Private LODGE, of the Nfld Regiment, whose death was reported in Casualty List a few days ago, was an ex-pupil of the Methodist College, and as a mark of respect, the College flag was flying at half-mast on Tuesday.
October 3, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 6) Six French vessels have now arrived to load fish. Stormy weather was experienced crossing the Herring Pond.
October 3, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 7) Some boys who were anxious for a ride, took a lend of Mr. BISHOP’s fit-out on Tuesday evening, while that gentleman was transacting some business at the Railway Station. After being located by the Police, the carriage was so badly damaged as to be unfit for use. The youngsters are known and will likely have to pay dearly for their little frolic.
October 3, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 8) A young lad named CODNER, while playing in the rear of Dr. FRASER’s residence a couple days ago, fell over the embankment. The boy was picked up by the Police and attended to by Dr. FRASER, who ordered him to the Hospital. Fortunately he escaped with only a few bad cuts about the head.
October 3, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 9) Commander McDERMOTT of HMS “Calypso” was recently married to Miss Eva GOODRIDGE, daughter of the late J.R. GOODRIDGE, Esq. The ceremony took place at Ferryland.
October 3, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 10) On Trafalgar Day, about 150 boys paraded to Govt. House, and after the Governor had addressed them, they marched through the streets. The youngsters attracted considerable attention. The F. and G. Co of the Nfld. Regiment also paraded in the afternoon under the command of Capt. MONTGOMESIE. They first called upon the Governor who congratulated them on their soldier like appearance. After the Commander in Chief had inspected them, they marched through the streets of the City and the crowds were delighted with the manly appearance of boys in Khaki. It is expected when returns are all received, the Trafalgar fund will reach the magnificent sum of $10,000.
October 3, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 11) The repairs to the Norwegian barque are rapidly nearing completion, and when the gigantic undertaking of renewing a steel bowsprit 57 feet long, a steel portion of a foretopmast, and two steel yard arms, besides the wooden parts, are considered, Supt. LADLEY and his men deserve every econium that can be showered upon them, for overcoming which at first appeared an insurmountable task. It goes to show that our men have the ability to take the most difficult job in their line.
    [There is nothing on my microfilm for October 10, 1915. GW.]
October 16, 1915 Labrador Arrivals The following vessels have arrived from the Labrador fishery: “Humming Bird”, Wm. OAKE – 600; “Ophir”, Robt. STOCKLEY – 500; “Elmo Gordon”, Saul WHITE – 350; ‘N. Duncan”, Jas. HICKS – 320; “Halley’s Comet”, Eli BATES – 200; “Violet Carrie”, John GILLARD – 150.
October 16, 1915 Shipping News A vessel arrived at Carter’s, Herring Neck this week to load fish for Europe. This makes three – one here and two at Herring Neck, which will load Labrador fish. Treaty Shore: “Allandale,” John WATKINS – 130; “Dolly Mac”, A. Jas. GILLETT – 600; “Player,” Isaac YOUNG – 350; “Helene”, Ed. WHITE – 450; “Pearl”, David WHEELOR – 240; “J.C. May”, George TROAKE – 10; “Strathcona”, Wm. HAWKINS – 400; “Martello”, Jonas CLARKE – 300; “Beulah”, W.G. BULGIN – 250; “Emblem of Hope”, Ab. WHITE – 300; “Tritona”, Oliver WARR – 415; “Ada E. Young”, Elias YOUNG – 210; “Rolling Wave”, Andrew BORDEN with a full load. The Schr. “Protector” arrived this week and discharged ---- tons of Coal for the Union Trading Co. “Minnie J. Hickman’ arrived from Kings Point Thursday limber laden, enroute for St. John’s. The Clyde, last trip North, was a veritable Noah’s Ark for livestock. On board there were four horses, a bull, eight or ten pigs, fifty hens, a goat, and to complete the list, a pair of young patch foxes. Such an assortment is seldom seen.
October 16, 1915 First Snow Yesterday we had the first snow shower for the season.
October 16, 1915 Death James HODDER. There is a gap at the coastal wharf these days, and his many friends will miss the well-known figure of James HODDER there. For some time the late Mr. HODDER had been failing in health. Medical Skill did it’s best to prolong life, three score and ten being the approximate age of man. 71 years found him physically unable to resist the attacks of disease, and on Tuesday the tired body dropped to sleep; that quiet sleep which knows no waking. It was but a few months ago that his brother George passed away, and now the younger brother follows. Both these left their mark on Twillingate, being both men of enterprise. There are four sons surviving; Alex, the youngest, and Edgar living here, Obadiah and Titus W. in the States, the latter of whom has accumulated a considerable fortune. To the bereaved widow, who survives, and the other members of the family, the Sun extends its sincere sympathy.
October 16, 1915 Notes From King’s Point The S.S. “Elmsgarth” left here last week with a load of pit props for Cardiff. The schooner “Minnie J. Hickman,” Capt. YOUNG is here loading lumber for St. John’s. Great preparations are being made for catching herring. There will be four or five factories in operation here this winter; at present there are no herring. No doubt in a few weeks the herring will be as plentiful as in other years. F. THISTLE is also having one or two cargoes of pit props cut on South Brook. He has already employed thirty men for camp building etc. The cutting of the wood will commence about the 15th of Oct. when he will need about 80 men. Miss Mary MATTHEWS of this place leaves by next “Prospero” for St. Anthony, to fill her brother Fred’s position as Operator. We hear Fred is going to enlist to fight for his King and Country. Correspondent.
October 16, 1915 Clyde's Crew Capt. S. HARBIN joined the “Clyde” Thursday morning as Chief Officer, Chief Officer John BUTCHER becomes Second Officer and Mr. Pierce KNEE drops out for the present.
October 16, 1915 Advertisement For Sale. Two tons of Hay, (more or less). For particulars apply to, Samuel KEEFE, Trump Island.
October 16, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 1) On Sunday last Parker and Monroe’s West End shoe store was considerably damaged by fire. The origin of the blaze was probably caused by some person dropping a lighted match where some kerosene oil had saturated the floor. The firemen were quickly on the scene and had the fire out in about 15 minutes.
October 16, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 2) The casualty list, reaching town every other day, gives the names of many of our boys wounded at the Dardenelles. Such news naturally makes the parents and friends a bit anxious, and many a prayer ascends from the family altar for the safety of the lads now in the firing line. May the God of battles save and protect them in the hour of peril and danger.
October 16, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 3) The remains of the late Miss CARBERRY, which arrived on Saturday night per S.S. “Durango,” were conveyed to Harbour Grace and laid to rest in the family plot of that town.
October 16, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 4) Our volunteers are beginning to feel the benefit of the training they are undergoing from a health standpoint. Many of them have put on flesh and increased in weight so rapidly that they have grown out of their uniforms which necessitated them getting new outfits.
October 16, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 5) One of our most popular and influential Merchants intends leaving for New York shortly, to represent his firm's business in that center.
October 16, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 6) Two prominent citizens died almost suddenly during the past week. Mr. John ROSCOE, for many years accountant with H.J. Stabb & Co., passed away at his house on Battery Road Friday morning.
October 16, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 7) Inspector COLLINS, while superintending repairs to his house Thursday afternoon, was seized with heart failure, and was attended by Dr. ROBERTS and Father CARTER. He only survived a few hours after the attack. He was only recently retired.
October 16, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 8) Although numerous casualties have been reported, the first death caused from wounds on the battlefield was announced on Friday evening; Michael John BLYDE of this City had given up his life for King and Country.
October 16, 1915 Morton’s Hr. Notes Morton’s Hr., Sept. 13 – The “St. Clair”, Capt. Donnely ROBERTS, returned from the Labrador on Monday well fished, we hear 700. Our young people appreciate sociability, which is proven by the fact that they are opening the fall and winter series of sociables on Thursday evening of this week. A varied program has been arranged and a merry making and get acquainted time is anticipated. Mr. TOMS arrived by last “Clyde” to resume his professional duties as Principal of the Church of England school. Mr. TOMS quite recently underwent an operation for appendicitis, hence the delay in re-opening school. The crew of the Schooner “Notre Dame”, owned by Messrs. D.P. and L. OSMOND, arrived home Sunday afternoon. Many of the Sun readers are aware that the Notre Dame was wrecked during a heavy storm on the Labrador coast about two weeks ago. The crew managed to save about 150 qtls. of fish and a large portion of the schooner’s accessories. They came to Twillingate in the Labrador steamer and from thence to Morton’s Harbor by motorboat. The members of the prohibition committee are getting their work in good shape. A number of meetings to be held here, and at adjacent places have been arranged for, and personal canvass has also been planned. On Sunday no less than twenty temperance enthusiasts went to Twillingate to attend the big prohibition meeting. Their going was made feasible through the kindness of Messrs. John and Paul SMALL, who placed their motorboat at the disposal of the local prohibition committee. Correspondent.
October 16, 1915 Prohibition Bridgeport (Chance Hr.) In Line. (Special to the Sun). Morton’s Hr. Saturday. The Morton’s Harbour Prohibition Committee held first meeting of series at “Bridgeport” last night. Schoolhouse crowded and much enthusiasm manifested. Unanimous response made in favour of Prohibition. Several other meetings in this neighborhood will follow in quick succession. This sub-district will poll practically solid vote for prohibition. J.D.S. BARRETT.
October 16, 1915 Fishing Reports Some beautifully moderate weather has been experienced the last fortnight, and hook and liners have done very well. Monday and yesterday were stormy but the wind on Monday was short lived. Bait is said to be scarce here but at Leading Tickles on Wednesday, men were jigging squid in plenty.
October 16, 1915 Surprise Party “There was a sound of revelry by night.” On Wednesday evening the 13th at 8 pm., to the surprise and wonder of Mr. and Mrs. TULK, a party composed of about twenty five of the young people of the town, bubbling over with laughter and merriment, crowded through the door, hall and dining room of the Court House, evidently bent up on some joyous errand – thereby giving a surprise party to Mr. and Mrs. TULK, who have but recently taken up their abode at that place. After the introductions had taken place and all had become generally familiarized, the party repaired to the Court room, which had been so generously placed at their disposal by Magistrate SCOTT, and games; some old, some new, but all possessing their quota of enjoyment, became the order of the day. Refreshments were then served after which Mr. POWELL, at the end of his little speech, presented to Mr. and Mrs. TULK on behalf of the party, a silver tea service, both as token of the esteem in which they are regarded, and as a proof of the good wishes of those present. Mrs. TULK replied in a few choice words, gratefully thanking all for their nice gift and good wishes. All then joined in singing “For they are jolly good fellows,” and “God Save the King”, then wishing Mr. and Mrs. TULK the greatest happiness, the best of health, and a bright and happy future, these young people reluctantly said good night, and soon vanished into the darkness from which they had so suddenly come.
October 16, 1915 Two Newfoundlanders Drowned Lunenburg, N.S. October 1 – While the crew of the schooner “Marjory E. Blackman”, Capt. David BLACKMAN, were discharging fish this forenoon at Feltzeu South, a sad accident took place. George STRICKLAND, a native of Harbor Breton, Newfoundland overloaded his dory, and on the way from the vessel to the shore the boat sank, carrying with it its sole occupant, who was unable to swim and was drowned. The scene of the accident was but a short distance from the shore, and boats were almost immediately on the ground grappling for the body, which was brought to the surface fifteen minutes afterwards. STRICKLAND was twenty-five years of age and unmarried. His father and mother are both living and one of his brothers is a member of the schooner’s crew. The deceased was highly thought of in the community, and was an Anglican in religion, and will be buried at Rose Bay on Sunday afternoon. Dr. SLAUGHENWHITE held an inquest and the verdict was accidental drowning
October 16, 1915 Lost Man Overboard Shelbourne, N.S. October 1.— The Gloucester schooner “Governor Foss” arrived here this afternoon with her flag at half-mast for the loss of William McCARTY aged fifty-four years, who was washed overboard in a heavy gale off LaHave last Monday morning. The deceased is a native of Newfoundland (and) has resided in Gloucester and leaves a widow with five children. Capt. Frederick THOMPSON of the Governor Foss reports the gale as exceptionally severe, having lost dories and foresail, with other damage.
October 16, 1915 Advertisement The undersigned wishes to inform the public that his New Stores are completed, and carries a full line of Dry Goods, Groceries, Earthenware, Glassware, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Furniture, Provisions and General Fancy Goods. As our stocks are all new, we claim that we are well able to meet the requirements of our many customers, and respectfully invite old and new customers to patronize us. We respectfully solicit a full share of public patronage and trust that all will endeavor to cooperate with us in our undertakings. We also beg to announce to the traveling public that the Manuel Hotel known as the Traveler’s Rest, is now in working order, and equipped with modern improvements, having hot and cold water baths, and speaking tubes on second and third floor. We respectfully invite old and new customers to favour us with their visits, and assure them that our first consideration shall be to look after their comforts. We undertake the responsibility of our business with a full determination, that we should, at all times to the utmost of our ability, endeavor to give general satisfaction to one and to all. We now hereby take the liberty of thanking our many customers, both far and near for past favours, and respectfully ask for a continuance of the same. We remain, yours very truly, R.W. MANUEL, Proprietor, Mrs. R.W. MANUEL, Proprietress. Lewisport Oct 11th, 1915.
October 16, 1915 Employment Mr. LeGROW is getting a number of men at work at Springdale cutting pit props, and expects to cut about thirty thousand cords there this season. Mr. W.A. McKAY has men working on the dumps at Little Bay picking them and also gathering iron scraps, which are now coated with copper from the pond. He proposes to erect a hydroelectric plant at Indian Falls, near Halls Bay and establish an electric smelter at Little Bay.
October 16, 1915 Prohibition Elder W. YOUNG of the Seventh Day Adventist Church is making a tour of this District and holding meeting at various places in the interest of Prohibition. He gathers all denominations on his platforms, and sectarianism is abolished in this. He hopes to reach here next week.
October 16, 1915 Recovering Mr. Edward REDMAN of Harry’s Hr., who is now at his native home in Ireland, is improving and writes encouragingly. Every hope is now entertained that care and medical attention will make his recovery certain.
October 16, 1915 Herring There is no herring anywhere on the North Side of the Bay at present.
    [There is nothing on my microfilm between October 16, and Nov. 20, 1915. GW.]
November 20, 1915 KEAN vs. COAKER Verdict For $100 And Costs. When the Supreme Court sat after recess yesterday, Mr. FURLONG, K.C., for the plaintiff, in the case of KEAN vs. COAKER, addressed the jury. The latter were then charged by the Judge, Mr. Justice JOHNSON and retired. After about half an hour's deliberation they returned and announced thru' their foreman that they had found a verdict in favour of the plaintiff for $100 and costs.
November 20, 1915 Sale Of Work St. Peter’s Women’s Association will hold their Annual Sale of Plain and Fancy work in the Parish Hall, Wednesday, Nov. 24th. Doors open at 4.30. Admission 5cts. Tea 25cts. Home made candy for sale. Della STIRLING, President.
November 20, 1915 Near Fatal Accident Mr. PENNY, Mate of the schr. “Dulcie M.” had a narrow escape from drowning on Monday week. The schooner was lying at the mill wharf at Loon Bay, when Mr. PENNY came on deck early, to get a bucket of water to fetch the pump. In doing this he overbalanced and fell in. He was unable to swim and his cries were not heard by the crew who were in the forecastle, owing to the lumber on deck deadening the sound. He was nearly gone when one of the crew happened to come on deck and threw him a rope, and the exhausted man was got out. Mr. Harry MANUEL did everything for his comfort, and administered mustard emetic, besides getting blankets & c., and he soon recovered from the effects.
November 20, 1915 Personals Magistrate SCOTT left for St. John’s by “Clyde” on business. Magistrate and Mrs. SCOTT announce the engagement of their eldest daughter Eleanor Eales to Captain Edward ROBERTS of Twillingate. Mr. Wm. POND, who has been visiting his son Fred at Halifax, returned by “Clyde” Wednesday. Miss THISTLE, of Kings Pt,. who is teacher at Norris Arm, was guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. HARNETT while the “Clyde” was gone South. Miss Rose STIRLING and Miss GADEN of St. John’s, arrived by “Prospero” Monday. The latter is guest of Miss STIRLING. Mr. John COOK goes to St. John’s by “Prospero” to visit his sister Mrs. BARNES.
November 20, 1915 Trafalgar Day Fund Crow Head. M.A. BLACKER 50, Mrs. Isaac MUDFORD 20, Mrs. George CHIPMAN 15, Mrs. Ann MUDFORD 50, Alfred MUDFORD 50, Mrs. George DOVE 20, Mrs. WHEELER 20, Mrs. Samuel DOVE 10, Mrs. Georgina DOVE 20, Mrs. Michael DOVE 20, Mrs. Mark ANDREWS 50, Mrs. John HAMLYN 20, Mrs. Uriah HAMLYN 5, Mrs. Saml. H HAMLYN 50, Mrs. Arthur ELLIOTT 20, Mrs. Mary ELLIOTT 20, Mrs. Samuel ELLIOTT 50, Mr. Fred ELLIOTT 20, Mrs. George ELLIOTT 6, Mrs. Levi ELLIOTT 25, Mr. Levi ELLIOTT 20, Mrs. John SHARP 20, Mr. Frank SHARP 20, Mrs. Eli SHARP 20, Miss Charity DOVE 20, Mr. Henry HAMLYN 20, Mr. Martin HAMLYN 10, Mrs. Albert SHARP 10, Mr. Arthur SHARP 20, Mr. Reuben ELLIOTT 20, Mr. Bennet ELLIOTT 10, Mrs. Robert SHARP 20, Mr. Jonas ELLIOTT 50, Mrs. Jonas ELLIOTT 50, Mr. James H. PRESTON 50, Joseph ELLIOTT 20, John MILLS 50, Mrs. Joseph ELLIOTT 50, Nathaniel CHITMAN 20, William FREEMAN 50, Mrs. KING 20, William HAMLYN 20.
November 20, 1915 Shipping News Dr. WOOD was called to attend a fireman of the Clyde who was ill when that ship arrived here Wednesday. The Clyde was piled high with freight leaving Lewisport Monday night, and was eight hours in Botwood discharging. Two reports are current to probable Bay boat changes in this bay. One says that the wrecking tug “Petrel” will take up the North Side of the Bay leaving the “Clyde” to do this, while another report has it that the Petrel will relieve the “Ethie” on Trinity Bay which has very little work to do, and that the Ethie will do the North Side of the Bay service. The latter seems more likely, as the Petrel will hardly be able to handle the work on this Bay. Capt. Baxter BARBOUR, who left Sydney some five weeks ago, in charge of the S.S. “Dundonald”, loaded with steel billets for France, has not yet been reported, and some uneasiness for his safety is manifested. A vessel lying at Hodges wharf, Fogo, broke adrift on Thursday and was nearly on the point before she was brought up. Quite a number of men left by Clyde last night enroute for the Lumber woods. The Clyde was unable to get to the wharf at Seal Cove on Thursday and hence her delay. “Dulcie M,” Capt. Harry MANUEL arrived Sunday form Loon Bay. Mr. ASHBOURNE has a large quantity of fish, which is not yet shipped. He dispatched several hundred barrels of herring by “Clyde” for U.S.A. The Clyde, which left here Thursday morning, made a very lengthy trip South, not returning till Friday. A sick fireman, belonging to the “Clyde,” was left in Fogo. The three “Ventures” are now reported as about to be sold. The steam sealing fleet is narrowing down to very small limits. Mr. HODGE is expecting the schooner “Pritchard” with coal from Sydney. She is now overdue. He also hopes to get another cargo if a bottom can be obtained, but this is very difficult. Quite a number of Lunenburg, N.S. schooners are in the fish carrying trade from Newfoundland to Europe this year.
November 20, 1915 Gets Two Years John STRONG, against whom the Grand Jury found a true bill for burglary, was arraigned before the Supreme Court and pleaded guilty to a charge of breaking into a house at Clarenville, and stealing money and goods to the amount of over two hundred dollars. STRONG is already serving a term for breaking into the Post Office at the same place, and he was today sentenced two years in the Penitentiary to begin at the expiry of the term, which he is now serving.
November 20, 1915 Magistrate Arrested In the Supreme Court, before the Chief Justice and a special jury, the hearing of an action for damages was begun. The action was taken by Thomas LARACY of Hr. Main, on behalf of his 12 year old daughter Nora, against Michael F. O’TOOLE, Magistrate of Holyrood, and Edward LOUGLIN, Police Sergeant of the same place, claiming $2,000 damages for the wrongful arrest and imprisonment of the said Nora. The arrest had been made on a complaint that Nora LARACY and others, had broken glass in a house in Hr. Main, and was made without a warrant. The little girl, with her two sisters, were taken from Hr. Main and imprisoned overnight.
November 20, 1915 Advertisement Cows For Sale. 1 milch cow, 3 young cows, 1 old cow in good order. Will sell any of above at reasonable price. For particulars apply to Edgar SMALL, Summerford.
November 20, 1915 Advertisement Wanted. A general servant girl good wages paid. Apply to Mrs. HODGE, Path End.
November 20, 1915 Advertisement For Sale. 2 Motorboats, 25 & 30 feet long. Apply to Wm. WINSOR, Exploits.
November 20, 1915 Advertisement For Sale. All classes of lumber, matched, clapboards, rough boards, joisting. Sizes cut to order; also quantity of shingles. F. THISTLE, King’s Point.
November 20, 1915 Herring Herring was plentiful in Hall’s Bay, according to a telegram received recently by Wm. ASHBOURNE.
November 20, 1915 Mischief Some boys upset an outhouse on the Union premises, into the water one night this week. Mr. HODDER who owns the premises, swears vengeance if he can catch the young miscreants.
November 20, 1915 Preparing For A Start Pte. Fred WHITE Soon Off To Dardanelles. Newton Park School, Ayr, Scotland, Oct 27, 1915. Dear Mother; Just a few lines to let you know I am well, and hope you are the same. We are still hammering away at it, and are preparing for a start for the Dardanelles very soon, I was in the trenches today for about two hours digging them and shooting. We get news from our boys nearly every day. There are a few killed and wounded. They are not doing much at the present time but are preparing for a big start soon. I suppose father is home by this time. I hope he did well and I know he will get his part if anyone does. I received your parcel and letter all right. Will like you to send me some more tobacco, because we don’t get any tobacco over here like our own. I hope you get the photos I sent you last week. I wonder if you heard from Ned? I haven’t had a word. I suppose they are still hammering away at it. Tell father to write and tell me all the news about this summer. I expect you and father will be lonely this winter, but I hope to be home alongside of you again some day, although I expect it will be a long time yet, for I expect to be in the trenches before Christmas, sniping away at the Germans. I know it will seem strange for us two to face shot and shell on a blood stained battle field, but I suppose we will get used to it after awhile. It must take all of a man to face shot and shell, but we must put our trust in God and keep our powder dry. Good-bye, for I think I must close now. Fred. (The above letter is from Pte. Fred, second son of Capt. Edward WHITE of the Arm. It will be remembered that Capt. WHITE’s eldest son Edward, was last week reported dangerously ill, but apparently must be getting on all right, as nothing further has been heard up to this writing. Judging from the above letter, Pte. Fred will soon be on his way to the Dardanelles. Editor Sun)
November 20, 1915 "Pte. Edward WHITE Dangerously Ill. " Mr. John WHITE, P.M., received a telegram from the Colonial Secretary on Thursday conveying the intelligence that his son, Private Edward WHITE, was dangerously ill of enteric fever at Alexandria. Private WHITE was not at Gallipoli, but had been stationed in Egypt in charge of stores, &c. All friends will very much regret to hear of his illness, but trust that his good Newfoundland constitution will be proof against even this dreadful tropical disease, and we extend our sincere sympathy to the family in their anxiety.
November 20, 1915 Captain James JANES Capt. Jas. JANES and crew are in the Bay wood cutting. The genial skipper, who made such a trip this year, was talking of visiting Toronto, but will not likely go now as he fears his net work &c. may be delayed.
November 20, 1915 Earnest SLADE The Casualty list of yesterday contained the name of Ernest SLADE, of Loon Bay, who has been slightly wounded in the Dardanelles. Pte. SLADE is son of the late Fred SLADE of Loon Bay. His mother, who is still living at Loon Bay, is sister of the late Titus MANUEL and Mr. Obadiah MANUEL of this town. The Sun extends its sympathy to her, but trusts that Pte. SLADE will soon be all right again.
November 20, 1915 Man Killed At Butterine Factory A fatal accident occurred at Harvey & Co’s. Butterine Factory Wednesday 10th, in which Edward BROOKINGS, an employee of the factory, met a sudden and tragic death. A barrel of lard was being hoisted from one flat to another, when the strap in which it was being lifted gave way. BROOKINGS, who was standing under it, did not have time to heed the shouts of his fellow workmen to get out of the way, when the heavy barrel fell on him, striking his head and killing him almost instantly.
November 20, 1915 Former Twillingater Rev. A. YOUNG is Still Interested in Home Town. Writing from Webwood, Ontario in a letter of recent date, Rev. Archibald YOUNG, M.A., says that he thinks Newfoundlanders have given generously to all patriotic Funds. In the little town of Webwood of less than 1000 people, $500 was collected on Trafalgar Day for the Red Cross Fund. In the matter of Prohibition, they are as interested as we. In the district he has to travel, are five hotels with bars. “We hope”, he adds, “soon to see them closed, not only from the religious, but from the economic standpoint as well.”
November 20, 1915 Advertisement For Sale. Schooner “Robin” 55 tons, well found, for particulars apply to Jas. Young & Sons.
November 20, 1915 Notes From Summerford Nov. 4th. Rev. Mr. HARRIS came here Monday from Morton’s Hr. in motorboat, to go to Virgin Arm for the purpose of holding Temperance meeting. Mrs. Thomas WHEELER left for Twillingate in his boat yesterday quite a number went with him. Mr. R.J. FRENCH from Tizzard’s Hr. passed through here yesterday on his way to Birch Bay. Mr. J.W. SMALL came here last evening from Morton’s Hr. He opened the Polling Booth this morning. This is the eleventh day since we had a mail, and not much chance of getting one this week. Correspondent.
November 20, 1915 Botwood Alternative (Herald Nov. 12) By yesterday morning’s train Mr. William SCOTT, C.E. Superintendent of the Harmsworth paper mills at Grand Falls, left for Heart’s Content to set on foot, construction work for the purpose of creating there, a winter shipping terminus for his concern. The experience of the past five or six years has shown that it is impossible to rely upon Botwood for this purpose, after the end of December in any year, owing to the winter ice and weather conditions, and that another port further South has to be secured.
November 20, 1915 Advertisement “Rough on rats.” Clears out rats, mice, etc. “Don’t die in the house.” 15c and 25c at Druggist and Country Stores.
November 20, 1915 Alcohol One Doctor Wont’ Touch It. Those who saw danger in the handling of spirits by the Doctors, in event of prohibition becoming law, and expected underhand procuring of liquor, may ease their minds. One Twillingate Doctor, Dr. Smith, states openly that he does not expect to handle it at all, being convinced that it is not a necessary or useful drug. Bravo, Doctor; who will be the next to do the same?
November 20, 1915 New Doctor Dr. McLEAN, formerly of Joe Batt’s Arm, has secured the practice at Change Islands and is now stationed there. The Typhoid epidemic at Change Islands is nearly over we understand.
November 20, 1915 Marriage The marriage of Mr. Pierce BOYDE to a daughter of Mr. Elias YOUNG, South Side, took place at the Meth. Parsonage the first week in November.
November 20, 1915 First Snow Wednesday night we experienced the first snowfall for the year with about an inch of snow.
November 20, 1915 Prohibition Wanted 685 Votes. The vote required from St. Barbe to carry Prohibition is now given as 685, since all counts have been revised. St. Barbe was forecasted for a thousand “yes” votes.
November 20, 1915 Child Cuts its Finger The little 2 year old child of Mr. William HARNETT, accidentaly cut the fleshy top off its finger this week.
November 20, 1915 Panic Onboard The Ancona The Italian steamer Ancona was not sunk without warning, according to information obtained from survivors landed at Malta by Reuter Co. and cabled here. The American submarine which overhauled her after a long stern chase, gave the Commander a brief respite to permit the removal of passengers, but the indescribable panic which began among the immigrants onboard, as soon as the underwater craft was sighted, was responsible for the loss of many lives. In a mad rush for safety, men, women, and children overwhelmed the boats, several of which were overturned before they could be lowered. Many occupants fell into the water and were drowned. The shots fired around the steamer by the submarine, apparently in an attempt to hasten the loading of the boats, added to the panic. The people on board were mostly Greeks and Italians with large families, on their way to the United States to settle there. The majority therefore, were women and children.
November 20, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 1) The 5000 ton steamer “Branford” put into port Thursday for repairs to her steering gear. She has cargo of china clay from England for New York. The Moravian steamer “Harmony” arrived Wednesday from Labrador with codfish and oil.
November 20, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 2) Lieutenant Gerald HARVEY, who was wounded at the Dardanelles, is now in England. Two bullets that were in his shoulder have been extracted, and he is doing nicely.
November 20, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 3) The “Bellaventure,” which has been engaged by the Canadian Govt. during the summer, bringing workmen and supplies from Halifax to Hudson Bay, for work on the Port Nelson railway, returned here Wednesday. She will likely be sold to the Russian Govt. The S.S. “Sheba,” which was chartered by the Reid Co. to help relieve the congestion at N. Sydney, arrived here Thursday with a full cargo.
November 20, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 4) Eight new cases of diphtheria have been reported since the beginning of the week. At the Council’s Meeting on Friday night, the Health Officer reported 24 cases of diphtheria in the city.
November 20, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 5) Fishermen on the local grounds still continue to do well in spite of bad weather.
November 20, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 6) The S.S. “Paliki” arrived from Montreal Thursday with a cargo of flour.
November 20, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 7) Tuesday afternoon, while looking for cows, a young man BUTT of Perry’s Cove got lost in the fog. His friends being anxious when he did not return at dark, got out search parties who fired guns without result. On the following morning, however, he returned safely, none the worse for his night out.
November 20, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 8) The S.S. “Lexington” arrived from London, England, with a full general cargo.
November 20, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 9) No less than sixteen Lunenburg schooners are loading or have loaded fish for Europe from this country.
November 20, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 10) The “Beothic,” which is being sold to the Russian Govt,. is still in port; some details of the purchase not having yet been arranged.
November 20, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 11) An interesting case was heard in the Supreme Court recently when Magistrate O’TOOLE and Constable LOUGHLIN of Hr. Main, were sued for damages for wrongful imprisonment of a girl named Norah LARACY. It appears that the girl was arrested, for supposedly breaking a window, without a warrant, and kept all night in the cells. The claim was for $2000 damages. The jury gave a verdict of $100 against Magistrate O’TOOLE and $5 against Policeman LOUGHLIN. Our out-port Magistrates do not seem to be as careful as they should, and justice is not always administered impartially.
    [There is nothing on my microfilm between November 20, and Christmas, 1915. GW.]
Christmas, 1915 Shipping News The sealing fleet of 1916 promises to be the smallest for many years, and will not exceed 10 steamers. They are made up of the old class of wooden ships, and will carry small crews, the whole fleet not taking more than 1400 men. The steamers probably prosecuting the voyage are the Eagle, Terra Nova, Ranger, Viking, Kite, Diana, Erik, Bloodhound, Neptune and Newfoundland. Capt. Jas. JANES has completed loading and will likely have sailed before this goes to press. Capt. John GILLETT arrived this week and discharged general cargo to J.W. Hodge. Capt. Wm. SNOW arrived this week with supplies for Wm. Ashbourne. Capt. Frank ROBERTS arrived at Herring Neck Monday from St. John’s. Capt. Ed. ROBERTS arrived Saturday with supplies. We hear the “Springdale” has been sold to a man on the West Coast. Capt. Robert YOUNG arrived this week from Conche with fish cargo for St. John’s. The S.S. “Newfoundland” is advertised to leave St. John’s for Herring Neck, Twillingate, and ports on N. side of the Bay within a few days. She will bring any freight offering.
Christmas, 1915 Personals Miss Eleanor SCOTT arrived by “Prospero” from Exploits Sunday. Magistrate SCOTT arrived from Exploits Sunday and leaves again this week to hold an official enquiry into alleged misuse of public moneys. Messrs. H. and Solomon FORD went to Lewisport by Mr. HOWLETT’s motorboat Wednesday. Mr. Solomon goes on to Winnipeg to start on his trip for Chesterfield and Mr. Henry stops at Montreal. St. John’s papers to hand by Devon, say Mr. Jonas CLARKE arrived, but very weak and had to be taken on a stretcher. Mr. Lewis PURCHASE returned from St. Anthony by “Prospero” this week. He had a portion of the middle of his right hand removed, but has suffered severely with pain since his return.
Christmas, 1915 Twillingate’s Oldest Inhabitant [C/W Picture of] Mrs. Frank ROBERTS of Wild Cove, aged 98 and four months. We are very much indebted to Mr. Stewart WHEELOR, grandson of this aged lady, for the use of the picture of Mrs. ROBERTS shown above. (Editor.) Mrs. ROBERTS was born in Twillingate in September 1817, a daughter of the late Benjamin CURTIS. The late Mrs. Samuel PAYNE who died this year, was a sister of hers. The following children are living – Mrs. Susan WHEELOR, Mrs. Lucy ELLIOTT, Mrs. Amelia BURT daughters; and Mr. Josiah ROBERTS and Mr. Benjamin ROBERTS, sons. Three of her children are dead – two sons John and Frank and a daughter Maria. The estimable old lady is in good health and able to converse freely, though of course her memory is much clearer on matters of 50 years ago than things of today. The Sun wishes Mrs. ROBERTS continued health and years, and Compliments of the Season.
Christmas, 1915 St. Peter’s School St. Peter’s School at present exceeds 120 children. Mr. HARNETT has forty under his care and Miss BATSTON has no less than eighty.
Christmas, 1915 Boyde’s Cove Notes We have been getting very indifferent weather for fish drying lately. Most of the people are finished getting their wood out of the bays. Some went down to Change Islands the week. Mr. J.P. NEWMAN has none of his fish, either Shore or Labrador, shipped yet. We hear he is going into the pit-props business when he comes back from shipping his fish. There will be room for quite a few men to cut along this shore. Mr. NEWMAN says that he is ready to buy pit props from thirty or forty men, and it is a great chance for men to earn a few dollars this winter. Mr. Uriah FREAKE of Lewisport is going into the business pretty heavily we hear. We hope he will do well. Correspondent.
Christmas, 1915 A Miry Experience (Part 1) The Tale of Two Benighted Travelers. (By Mr. Stephen LOVERIDGE.) Xmas comes but once a year, but a trip by night without the aid of a lantern, across Virgin Arm Neck to Summerford, would not be considered more than once in ten years by the writer. Such a wallowing in the mire that my friend Lucas and I endured on the night of Nov 3rd just past, in floundering through the mud in our fishing boots, knee deep at more places than one, with the aid of a box of Sea-Dog matches to serve the place of an electric light, while we ploughed our way over the rough, thorny and marshy road, will certainly linger with us and cause us a twitter of laughter, even if we linger to the seventies. But I’m beginning my story at the middle, let me begin at our starting point – “Moto boats by the wharf dada waitin for you, better hurry up!” said the little fellow of four, rushing indoors. “Oh its 4 o’clock I see, guess its quite a lop on in the bight, we must get to Virgin Arm to-night as its voting day to-morrow. Now, Lucas catch up your traps boy, and we’ll be off." In a pair of minutes the motorboat has a move on, and we are speeding up the harbor. My friend Lucas held the tiller, while engineer ROBERTS oiled her up, and the motor was soon at fever heat. We found ourselves in the dusk off Pools Hr. Island. Suddenly ROBERTS exclaimed, “These are fishermen just ahead, squid jigging.” We discovered, not a bit too soon, that a reef of rocks instead of squid seekers, waited to greet us.
Christmas, 1915 A Miry Experience (Part 2) It was dark when Virgin Arm Point was reached. Now we are gliding up the smooth silvery sea in quick time. In less time than it takes to narrate it, we were landed and our lonely engineer was racing on his homeward journey. A score of steps and we were seeking admission for our parcels, if not for ourselves, at what we thought was a hospitable home. We heard the soft step inside and the cracking of the spruce logs in the stove, but no response came to our repeated knocks. Nothing daunted, we floundered to the tall trees near by, and concealed in our oil skins, our grub, together with our valuable parcels. A short consultation and here we are, making the first step in inky darkness on the track for Summerford, a distance of 3 miles. Chuck. Chuck. Down we go calling on each other for assistance. “Matches Lucas, quick; we’re sinking.” A quick flash and we landed ourselves on a dry bank, “Come on” said L, “ Until my match box is empty, and then we will camp for the night.” Matters grew worse when we mistook a branch path for the main one. We fumbled back to the “main street”. Luckily an old newspaper was at hand and we kindled a jolly bright fire. We jogged along feeling our way at every step. “Matches almost gone chum” said Lucas in not too optimistic tones, “Road is better isn’t it? Look here, the stars are coming out now.” It’s “quick march”. The bogs are passed and we reach Summerford, and did free justice to the remains of our relative’s lunch. To all that read my story – “S’posing your eyes are good to see – Never attempt Virgin Arm neck at night, Wither a light wid ye”.
Christmas, 1915 Christmas Services - Labrador Eat Remains Of Candles. Christmas Services Among the Eskimos of Labrador – Part Most Enjoyed by the Children. Somebody has said that when the world was being made, the Creator gathered up all the waste material he had left over and made Labrador out of it. Some people say the Creator never intended it to be inhabited. But inhabited it is, with a sturdy, taciturn band of Eskimos who, thanks to the Moravian Missionaries, who have penetrated to that country, celebrate Christmas in their own peculiar way. As service time in the Church draws near, all the inhabitants, old and young, the men on one side and the women on the other, are waiting in eager expectation. It is quite dark by four o’clock and the bell rings. All come trooping in, clad in the best clothes they can muster. No one stays at home from these services, unless he is sick or lame, and whenever it is possible, sleighs are used to bring the disabled ones to Church. For the little children, the happiest part of the services comes later when each child receives a lighted candle, symbolizing the light of the world. Each candle stands in a white turnip, which serves as a candlestick. Most of the candles are made from deer tallow, which the Eskimos bring to the Missionaries. After the services, the children eat not only the turnip, but what is left of the candle as well.
Christmas, 1915 Norman PARDY at Ayr My Dear Brother. Just a few lines to let you know that I have not forgotten you. Well Earnest, I am writing this in the guardroom. It is about five o’clock in the morning now. I wrote Mother, but last night. I haven’t had any sleep during the night, but did get some during the day. We don’t have so long watches at this job as we do on board the schooner. We have two hours on and four off. I might get some sleep during my four hours off, but I haven’t my blankets down here, besides, it’s almost too cold to sleep in this place without beds or bedclothes. We have a fire here, but it don’t make much difference to it, for it is very cold outside. I haven’t anything strange to tell you. I am feeling ok now. I haven’t done much drill since I came back from the Hospital. There was a Nfld. mail came in today but I didn’t get anything. I suppose that I’ll get something next mail. There was some mail came the other day, which had been to the Dardanelles. Some of the fellows had letters, which were written in August. I got two, one was written on the 6th. of Sept. and the other on the 14th. But I was glad to get them no matter how old they are. There is something on them, which you haven’t heard before. Say me to all of the boys, tell them that they had better come over. We are having a great time over here; free trips to France and the Dardanelles, everything found, lots of ammunition, lots of targets in the trenches to fire at. A party off to Dardanelles soon, a good chance for steady nerves. I must close now as I have my duty to attend to. Norman.
Christmas, 1915 Birth Born to Mr. and Mrs. M.W. COOK, on Dec 17th, a son.
Christmas, 1915 Mark YOUNG’s Christmas Eve (Part 1) A Tale of Twillingate 200 Years Ago. The winter of 1715 promised to be a very severe one. Christmas week had set in cold and stormy and though Mark YOUNG and his only companion, his faithful dog, found it warm and snug enough in their log tilt on what in now known as Young’s Point, yet outside, the wind whistled and screamed in the clearing, and moaned through the tree tops as it drove the snow in hissing sheets against the little hut. Food promised to be scarce during the winter. The Indians had destroyed nearly half of Mark’s little potato patch during the fall, and early frosts had done much damage to his other vegetables. Beyond the one doe, which he had been successful in catching in a rope slip near Kyer’s Pond, he had not seen a single caribou since December set in. He must go and get our some rabbit slips he thought, as soon as the storm moderated. He wondered how Jim RIDOUT, on the back of the island, was getting on. He had not seen him since the last of November. The morning of Christmas Eve dawned bright and clear, but long before it had dawned, Mark had been tramping through the woods on his snow shoes, bending young saplings, and setting his rabbit slips by the faint light of the waning moon.
Christmas, 1915 Mark YOUNG’s Christmas Eve (Part 2) The noises of the woods and the sharp snapping of the frost, might have made a more nervous man shiver, but Mark was well used to traveling about alone. Suddenly, however, apart from any noises came a faint moan, which stopped him short in his tracks. A caribou in some Indian trap he thought first, but moving cautiously in the direction of the sound, he soon came on a mound of snow from which was sticking the hand of an Indian boy. Fearful at first of some Indian trick, Mark got his flint lock ready, but there was no trick, and only too plain was it that the boy had got lost in the storm of last night, and would perish in a few minutes if no help was given. Without hesitation, Mark scraped the snow from the almost lifeless form, and hoisting the boy, who was a child of only 12 or 14 years, on his back, he started for his cabin at his very best pace. Arriving there, he soon had the boy stripped and …. rubbing him, wrapped him in his warmest deerskins and managed to get a few spoonfuls of hot venison soup between the child’s almost purple lips; and he soon had the satisfaction of seeing the youngster sleeping quietly. By the time the boy had been fixed away, and Mark had prepared something for his own meal, the short winter day had closed in, and through the trees he could see the Northern Lights, already showing in the sky.
Christmas, 1915 Mark YOUNG’s Christmas Eve (Part 3) He walked to his woodpile and stooped to gather an armful for his evening supply, when three figures noiselessly threw themselves on him. C….. as he was with the wood, he went down like a sack and he …… could struggle, Indian thongs bound his arms and legs ……. Indians carried him into the cabin. Here they laid him on the floor while they ransacked the tilt. As they were searching around, examining this and that, the boy in the bunk awoke from his sleep and started up with a cry. With a cry of joy, the father of the boy, who was one of the three Indians, caught him to his arms. A guttural conversation of much excitement, and with much waving of arms and pointing to the bound form of Mark YOUNG took place between the four. On the table by the bunk lay a picture representing the Christ in the Manger, and among the gesticulations, Mark noticed that they pointed at the picture, and heard them utter the work “Kismas” several times. After a lengthy pow-wow, and the boy had been clothed again in his now dried clothes, the Indians carefully returned to their places, the things they had taken from the shelves, and cutting Mark’s thongs, set him on his feet. Bowing low, each Indian passed before him saying “Kismas, good man,” and the four retreated silently, leaving Mark alone with his fire, and glad indeed that he had been able to breathe into the hearts of the savages, a little of the Christmas spirit. Two hundred years have passed away, and YOUNGs still live on Young’s Point, but the spirit of that kind hearted man lives with them, and good deeds are not soon forgotten.
Christmas, 1915 Marriage On November the 20th., Gwynneth Murriel, youngest daughter of Albert FREEMAN, Sub Coll., was united in the bonds of matrimony to John McDONALD, C.A., son of the late John McDONALD, brush manufacturer, Glasgow, Scotland. The Rev. W.J. MORRIS officiated at the Church, which was generously filled by the friends and parents of the bride. After the ceremony, a reception was held at the Clubhouse, which was enjoyed by the forty guests present. Next day, the happy pair sailed for New York, via St. John’s, their future home, where Mr. McDONALD holds a position with the noted firm of Barron’s, Wade, Guthrie & Co. of New York. Veritas.
Christmas, 1915 Advertisement Photo Supplies. Photographic supplies are now on hand at the FORD studio. Films, developers and papers may be purchased here. Photo enlargements of any size made and completed frames supplied. Calendars for 1916 to hold photos of different sizes. H.T. FORD.
Christmas, 1915 Seventy Years Ago Consecration of Oldest Church in Twillingate. (By A.W.W. BURT.) From various sources of information I have been enabled to compile some account of the Episcopal Church here (St. Peter’s; Editor.) which was constructed as far back as 1845. This building has braved the storms of 70 years, and its lofty tower rearing its spire to a height of one hundred feet, stands an honor and an ornament to the community. The original account from which I draw my information, goes on to say something as follows. In the year 1845, Bishop FIELD visited Twillingate for the first time. On the arrival of his ship, a splendid display of flags on both sides of the harbor, and discharges of cannon from the establishments of Merssrs Cox and Slade and Messrs Slade & Co., made him a hearty welcome. His Lordship had come to consecrate the new Church – a substantial, capacious and handsome edifice, measuring some 80 feet in length by some forty five in width, with a lofty and characteristic tower at the West end. The inhabitants had been anxiously awaiting his Lordship’s arrival to duly set apart and consecrate this fine fabric to God’s honor and service, with the accustomed prayers and blessings. Though the fishery was then at it’s height (being July) a large congregation assembled to witness the consecration and assist at the solemn service, there being many gray heads of respectable planters among them, who knew how to value the Ministry of the Church of their fathers. My information tells me that, unlike our present day, there was no collection on the occasion, for the work had been completed and paid for to the amount of $5000, not including much voluntary labor. The contributions of the inhabitants must have been generously made and it manifested much wisdom on their part to have this building completely paid for at completion, besides doing away with the objectionable practice of selling pews to private person’s in God’s House. After the consecration service was concluded, many of the boats put out again for the fishing grounds. The day, so my informant tells me, was fine and the whole proceedings seemed conducted under most happy auspices. From the same account I learn that on the 4th of July that year, no less than 45 icebergs were visible from Loon Point. I must conclude by wishing for one and all, a more happy and prosperous 1916 than the past year has been.
Christmas, 1915 Photograph [The following caption for a picture:] "Landing of Vice Regal Party at Twillingate, Sept. 25th., 1915. The photo which was taken by Mr. Edward MOORS, shows the moment of landing, while bouquets being presented to Lady DAVIDSON and Miss DAVIDSON."
Christmas, 1915 Photograph [The following caption for a picture:] "Log Cabin, Grand Falls."
Christmas, 1915 In The Lonely Arctic (Part 1) A true story of a strange happening told by Mrs. W. FORD. I have often thought of the story, which I am about to relate, and though it happened when I was only a child, I shudder even now. I was living with my father and mother at a quiet little place on the Northern Labrador. We did not see many white visitors so late in the season as October, and it was with great surprise that one day, we observed a boat coming with a white man sitting in the stern. He stepped ashore and held out his hand to father saying “I am come to throw my self on your hospitality, and beg that you will put me up for a short while, as I am very anxious to reach farther North as soon as I can travel over the ice. I am footsore and weary. Can you give me a place to sleep and food to eat? I will work for you and earn my living while I am here and until I can continue my journey." Father looked the man over and seemed to be satisfied that he was all right, and invited him to the house. Mother gave him a good dinner, and I never saw a person eat so ravenously, He said he had not seen a decently cooked meal for months. Father asked him where he had come from, and what he was doing and he replied that he came from Canada. He was a Doctor, but for certain reasons did not desire to tell his business, and begged to be taken on trust.
Christmas, 1915 In The Lonely Arctic (Part 2) At first Father seemed suspicious, but as time went on we got to like him, and he became one of the family. I was then quite a little girl and loved to play with him, and when the time came for him to go, I felt that I was losing my playmate. The next morning he went away with two Esquimaux guides. They were very unwilling to take him, and said they did not know him and were afraid. However father persuaded them to take him to the next station, four days run with dog and sledge. They made a good start the first day, and the second morning the Esquimaux told him he could walk on ahead, as they were not ready. As soon as he had gone round a bank, they started the dogs and went in another direction. He was out alone six days and nights trying to get to the next post. His feet became frozen and he had given up all hope of ever seeing any one again, when he was found by some trappers, who brought him to the station for which he was traveling. Here he slowly recovered from his hardships. The Agent offered him books but he refused to read, and would not look at a newspaper.
Christmas, 1915 In The Lonely Arctic (Part 3) Thinking to interest him, the Agent brought a Canadian paper one afternoon, and read the story of a mysterious murderer who had disappeared after poisoning his wife and two children and his mother. On looking up after reading the story, he was surprised and horrified to see the sick man’s face. His eyes were staring, his hair seemed to be actually standing on end, and his lips were drawn back from his teeth. The Factor was alarmed, and thinking the man was in a fit, he jumped to his feet; but the Doctor pulled himself together and laughed saying that his head ached badly, and he would rest a bit. He did not leave his bed that evening, so the others did not wish to disturb him. About midnight that night they were aroused by the sound of someone moving about, and the Factor opened his room door, when he saw the Doctor starting around, and presently he called “Mother, mother, mother”! Then muttering “This won’t do”, and before the Factor had time to stop him, he rushed out into the freezing night without boots or stocking on. He climbed a ladder to the top of the store, before he could be checked, and jumped over. He was picked up immediately by the Factor and his men, but the body was lifeless, his neck being broken by the fall. Strangely enough too, the paper that had excited him so was never seen after.

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