NFGenWeb Newspaper Records

Notre Dame Bay Region

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser

Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.

Title varies:
Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953.

Editor and proprietor:
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953.

The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953.

MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938, 1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.

The records were transcribed by RON ST. CROIX.
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors. If you should find any errors or have other records to contribute, then please contact the Twillingate Sun transcription project co-ordinator, GEORGE WHITE

January 9, 1915 Shipping News "Christmas Shipping Meets Troublesome Times Owing to Early Frost." Christmas week shipping fell on unfortunate delays owing to low temperatures and quick making of slob. The "Springdale," "Arthur H. White" and "Maggie Sullivan" which left here Christmas week, have so far been hung up at Change Islands. The Springdale met slob and in beating into Change Islands struck a rock, causing her to leak badly. The "Sagona" was ordered to take her fish from her. The Arthur H. White got into the slob and is frozen up at Southern End. The Sullivan we hear, was fortunate enough to reach Seldom. Capt. Ned ROBERTS and his crew are on their way home, we hear at this writing, and as the White was chartered for Lunenburg, it is possible that another crew may have been engaged to take her there if she gets clear. The "Prospero" arrived at the mouth of the harbor Wednesday morning, Dec 29th and her Mailman walked ashore. About the same time, the "Clyde" arrived off French Head. The latter landed some freight for Morton's Harbor, and parties in the Arm as well as Herring Neck, Morton's Hr., and Tizzard's Hr. mails, as well as our own. Mr. L. EARLE who was passenger for Fogo, boarded the Prospero at Long Point, and later she forced her way up to the coastal wharf. Later also, the Clyde "butted" right up to Ashbourne's wharf, where she was all day taking fish and landing freight. The Prospero took about 200 qtls from G. J. Carter. The Clyde later reached Fogo where she has since been frozen up, in company with the Sagona and Fogota. The "Home" was at Nippers's Hr. up till Saturday, and at this writing, is in the slob off Black Island, trying to force across the Bay. The "Prospero" was filled to the hatches, and every available place on deck, with oil, codfish, and herring on her last trip from the North. The schr. "Bessie A. Crooks," fish laden by Bowring Bros., was detained in port for some time by the desertion of some members of the crew. The Dutch steamer "LaFlandre" arrived in port last Saturday morning for a bunker supply of coal. Three ocean steamers arrived at St.John's Wednesday short of coal and report severe weather on Atlantic. The "Sagona" which took Capt. Andrew ROBERTS' fish cargo, got clear early this week. Thursday morning the "Clyde" and "Fogota" at Fogo, got clear owing to the "down wind", which slacked off the ice. A steamer, said to be the "Bauline", was off this harbor on Thursday. Report say that the "Home" is off Chance Hr. with heavy ice around her.
January 9, 1915 Governor's Visit. His Excellency the Governor paid an official visit to H.M.S. "Calypso" on Thursday of last week, and inspected the Naval Reservists at present on board. The Governor gave one of his patriotic speeches and was warmly cheered upon leaving. He was accompanied by the Premier, Sir E.P. MORRIS.
January 9, 1915 Prisoners of War, The prisoners of war, which have been held here for some time, were recently removed to Harbor Grace jail, owing to the penitentiary being over-crowded. They will be held there until the end of the war.
January 9, 1915 New Command Capt. RENDELL who has been for the past 6 years commander of the SS "Bonaventure", recently tendered his resignation, to take command of Baine Johnston's new steamer, now building on the Clyde. She is to be ready for next spring's sealing voyage.
January 9, 1915 Clothing Contract The Newfoundland Clothing Co. has been awarded the contract of supplying uniforms and overcoats for the 2nd Nfld regiment. Several Canadian and English firms, as well as our local Companys competed. $10,000 is the amount of the contract.
January 9, 1915 Enlistment The number of young men who have enlisted to date is creeping up to 700. The recruiting office has closed till after the New Year.
January 9, 1915 Talc Property It is reported that the Talc property at Kelligrews has been sold to Messrs. MacDONALD of the United States. The proprietors thoroughly understand the business, and no doubt the South Shore will become a hive of industry in the coming summer.
January 9, 1915 House Fire Mr. MacKINSON's dwelling, with all its contents, which is situated at Hueville near Brigus, was totally destroyed by fire on Monday morning. The Inmates had a narrow escape, saving nothing but their nightclothes.
January 9, 1915 Burglary Three burglars were caught at T. WALL's premises early Monday morning. The Police Officers on night duty happened to be passing, when they discovered a light in the stable at the rear, and going to the place, found the three gents drinking one another's health from a rum jar. They were soon placed under arrest, and upon appearing in court received the sentence of the Judge for their misdeeds.
January 9, 1915 Money Raised at St. Anthony Fair Held There Realizes $470 For Patriotic Fund. On Wednesday, 16th of Dec., a fair was held at St. Anthony for the benefit of the Patriotic fund. Lady DAVIDSON very kindly gave her patronage; and the fair realized $470, an amount which includes a gift of $50 from Mr. Joseph MOORE, and contributions from other friends and nearby villages. Lock's Cove sent $17 and sent a buyer, while others from outside came to buy also. The enthusiasm shown was quite unprecedented. Three men gave the rings off their fingers to be sold for the benefit of the Fund, while one young man gave his watch. It seems as though every man and woman had had a share in making something. The donations included new snow shoes, dog whips, komatiks, hooked mats, artificial flowers in little pots, skin boots, fancy work, cakes, candy, ice cream, milk, cream, dried fish, ducks, carving work, and even a model boat windmill, and a model team of dogs with real puppies beautifully stuffed by the donor. One remarkable thing was that everything was sold. A loaf of bread was auctioned for sixty cents, while a cake, which a fisherman bought for a dollar and a half; he allowed to be auctioned out all over again for the benefit of the fund. A concert was given at the close of the fair, with a reproduction of the old English Morris dances. The dancers were in costume, and there was a clown on a hobbyhorse thrown in, who created a great deal of amusement. Four hundred and seventy dollars is a good start, but we consider it only a start. The French Shore is going to do its best to make it up to a thousand dollars. Griquet is now organizing to help on the work; while Conche, Englee and Cape Norman are expecting to do the same. The smaller villages near these places hope each to have stalls of their own - and every village is going to make its stall the best in the sale. We realize that we honor ourselves by giving far more than by receiving, and we believe it is a disgrace for any Newfoundlander to say "I gave nothin to my King and Country," when thousands of our fellow men are freely giving their lives for us. These fairs make it possible for every man to say, "I was able to help." Every man and every woman can make or bring something, if it is only a load of firewood or a loaf of bread. Even the children worked for this fair, while a committee of ladies got the whole thing up and managed it, attending to the decorations and refreshments - God bless 'em. We felt all the more glad of the effort and anxious only to do more when we heard the Germans had bombarded the English coast and advanced to Warsaw. Wilfred GRENFELL, M.D.
January 9, 1915 Death We regret to hear of the death of Mr. and Mrs. George JONES baby of four or five months. The child was accidentally smothered while asleep.
January 9, 1915 Schooner Crews Returned Capt. Robert YOUNG and his crew returned "overland" last week. They had a hard tramp from Lewisporte and had to go a good bit "round shore," especially at Virgin Arm, and were two days doing the walk. Capt. Frank ROBERTS and crew arrived last Saturday from St. John's via Lewisporte. Capt. Andrew ROBERTS and crew arrived this week from Change Islands. They report that the "Sagona" took his fish, but during Sunday's breeze, was "riftered" in by the slob till her lee rail was awash. Fortunately, she managed later to get clear from her dangerous predicament.
January 9, 1915 Enlistment Bert HOUSE, of this town, who has been working at Toronto, recently has joined the Second Canadian Contingent.
January 9, 1915 The Patriotic Fund Amount Received to Jan 6th. Wednesday. Editor, Twillingate Sun: - Please publish the following list of subscribers to the Patriotic Fund up to this date. Yours Truly, J.A. TEMPLETON, Hon. Treas. Walter ANSTEY $2; Francis FREEMAN $1; Robert ANSTEY 50cts; Fred BURT $1; George KEEFE $1; James GILLETT, sr. $1; William OAKE 50cts; James LEGG 50cts; Lat BOYDE 20cts; James CURCHILL 50cts; Amos ROSSITER $1.
January 9, 1915 Death We extend our sincere sympathy to Mr. Thos. JACOBS in the loss of his wife. The death of Ethel JACOBS occurred on Tuesday, Dec 29th at the age of 27 of consumption. Her baby was born just a week before her sad demise. She passed peacefully away leaving two children and her husband, after a brief wedded life. Ethel was daughter of the late Stephen NEWMAN of this town and well known and liked for her gentle quiet demeanor. The funeral took place on the first day of the New Year, the service being held in the S. Side Meth. Church, and internment at Bear Berry Cemetery.
January 9, 1915 Instillation of Officers Twillingate Lodge 2364 A.F. & A.M., R.E. At the annual meeting of the above Lodge held on 28th ulto. the I.P.M. Bro. A.G. ASHBOURNE (the W.M. Bro. F. ROBERTS being absent) conferred the degree of Past Master on Bro. William SNOW, and afterward installed him in the office of Worshipful Master for 1915. The W.M., Bro. Wm. SNOW then invested and installed his own officers for the ensuing year which are as follows: Bros. Andrew ROBERTS, Sr. Warden; I.S. LeDREW, Jr. Warden; Rev. S. BENNETT, Chaplain; S. FACEY, Treasurer; George ROBERTS, Sec.; Archibald ROBERTS, Sr. Deacon; John PHILLIPS, Jr. Deacon; David WHEELER, Louis CLARKE Stewards; Arthur YOUNG, Inner Guard; Jonas ELLIOTT, Tyler. - Com. by Secretary.
January 9, 1915 Lost and Found Picked Up. By Mailmen between Farmer's Arm and Comfort Cove, purse containing $7, cents and paper with name Thomas W. HODDER. Apply Martin LUTHER.
January 9, 1915 Our Soldier Boys Postcards received this week from Ned WHITE and Mark NEWMAN sends Christmas greetings. They were invited to spend Christmas with Mr. STENLAKE at his home in Guernsey, but did not know if they would get off. All the T'gate boys were well. They had then moved to Fort George and were finding it a considerable improvement to Salisbury Plains with its mud. The weather they say is mild and they have had no snow yet.
January 9, 1915 Marriage Married. At St. Andrew's on Dec 22nd. by Rev. A.P.S. STIRLING, George STUCKLESS, adopted son of Mrs. Lucy SLADE, to Dulcie, daughter of Mr. Nathaniel JENKINS.
January 9, 1915 Marriage Married. On Christmas Day, Walter, son of Mr. James YOUNG, to Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Wm. CHURCHILL. The Sun Extends Good wishes.
January 9, 1915 The Twillingate Sun Nfld. Subscription; in Nfld. and Canada, one dollar a year; United States and elsewhere, $1.25. Advertising rates, 50c an inch; half rates for each continuation. Local Concerts, bazaar's etc., 20c per inch. Want ads. 1/2c a word, minimum charge 20c. Special rates for contracts.
January 9, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 1) [Transcriber's Note: This is a compilation of several articles on the same storm at St. John's.] Owing to the terrible weather on the Atlantic, several steamers have been forced to call into this port for a supply of coal. Sunday was a terrific day - the storm started shortly after midnight, and continued with unabated fury during the day. The services, in consequence were poorly attended, very few people caring to venture out in such a blizzard. During Saturday night's storm, the roof of a dwelling on Goodview Street was lifted by a squall and blown some distance away with the force of the hurricane. The icy condition of the streets has caused quite a number of accidents. An old lady slipped on the ice on Hayward Avenue and falling heavily fractured her hip. Mr. CONWAY, the well-known plasterer, fell and fractured the bone of his leg near the ankle. Mrs. FORD, of South Side, fell on Church Hill and broke her left leg. Mr. R. FENNESSEY inflicted a deep cut on his forehead by falling on the ice, and blacksmith EVANS had one of his legs broken and sustained other injuries. No doubt the SS "Durango" is meeting heavy weather; she is now out 18 days from Queenstown and at the time of writing has not been reported.
January 9, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 2) The firemen will remember the first Sunday of the New Year, for no less than 6 alarms were rung in during the storm. The first call was from the Congregational Church where a fire had started just over the furnace room. When the Church was reached the fire was well underway, and had the firemen been ten minutes later, the Church and surrounding houses would doubtless have been destroyed. The other alarms were from different parts of the city, but fortunately did not amount to very much. Great difficulty was experienced in getting the horses through the snowdrifts, and the fact of so may fires being in evidence made everyone anxious, in case the fierce gale would help kindle a blaze beyond the control of the fire fighters, and endanger the town. But all's well that ends well, and thanks to the men who worked under the greatest difficulties, the only damage done was to the Church, and that escaped at only a small loss.
January 9, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 3) W.D. REID, Esq., of the R.N. Co., left a few days ago for Montreal where he will spend the winter.
January 9, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 4) One of our Naval Reserve boys, David BUTLER, of Shearstown, Bay Roberts, answered the last call on Dec. 16, and passed away at the Royal Naval hospital from an attach of influenza and pleurisy.
January 9, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 5) On Xmas eve, a collision between two teams coming in opposite directions. On one team, the driver was helplessly drunk, and his horse was going along at a rapid pace when he crashed into the other team. With the shock the unfortunate drunkard was precipitated to the ground, the wheel of his cart passing over and fracturing his left leg. The other team was only slightly damaged.
January 9, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 6) According to their annual custom, the Salvation Army supplied 300 poor families with a Xmas dinner, irrespective of creed. With but one exception, the Army girls received a liberal supply of the wherewithal to purchase the meat, &c. required. Christmas day passed off pleasantly although the services in the various Churches were tinged with sadness. Yet for the sake of the children, everyone tried to make the day as merry and happy as possible.
January 9, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 7) Mr. C.P. EAGEN, the popular Duckworth St. Grocer, was thrown from his express wagon on Xmas Eve by the horse bolting, and received it is thought, a fractured shoulder.
January 9, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 8) Notwithstanding the hard times, the Proprietors of the Royal Stores, through Mr. A. MacPHERSON, gave the employees the usual bonuses, which were much appreciated by the large staff.
January 9, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 9) On Thursday afternoon the schr. Britannia left port for Britannia Cove. Off Baccalieu, terrific weather was met, with a N.W. gale, accompanied by heavy seas. The little schooner was badly damaged, and upon reaching port was visited by hundreds of citizens, who were attracted by the iced up and dilapidated condition of the craft. Capt. KEAN of the "Portia" reports the last trip as the stormiest he has ever experienced, since taking up the coastal service some 10 years ago. Violent storms with heavy seas was a daily occurrence. Much anxiety was occasioned from the report circulated about town on Sunday that the SS. "Morwenna" had struck a mine and sank off the French coast. The report afterwards turned out to be unfounded.
January 9, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 10) The streetcar conductors and motormen were made happy when they were the recipients of a pair of gloves each from the Hon. John AYRE. The Nfld. British Society was the recipient of a splendid act of benevolence on the part of the Hon. James RYAN, when that gentleman sent in a cheque of $300 on Xmas eve. This old Society is grateful for such a handsome gift.
January 9, 1915 Patriotic Meeting A Patriotic Meeting, under the auspices of the SUF, was held in the Victoria Hall on Wednesday night, and similar meeting will be held in the Arm next week, and Little Hr. later. The chair was occupied by the Editor of the Sun who traced the events, which led up to Britain's participation in the present war. Rev. MARCH occupied himself with reference to the conduct of the war and the atrocious way in which German culture was carrying it out. At the close, Magistrate SCOTT kindly consented to say a few words. The singing of the Choruses was excellent, and the performers certainly put their heart into the work. It was regrettable that for the first part of the evening at any rate, the fair sex predominated in point of numbers. Men are what Britain wants just now. Twillingate women have shown their mettle.
January 9, 1915 Election of Officers S.U.F. The annual meting of the SUF was held in their Hall on Monday night last, when the following officers were elected and installed for the ensuing year. Bro. Wm. SNOW, P.M. acted as inductor. Bro. Fred WHITE W.M. re-elected. Augustus PURCHASE, 1st O. elected. Edward RIDOUT, 2nd O. elected; Fred LUTHER, QM, elected; Alfred MANUEL, Purser, elected; Authur YOUNG, Secretary, re-elected; Lewis CLARK, Chaplain, elected; George RIDEOUT, L.O. re-elected. Sick Com. - Bros Lewis PURCHASE, Fred WHITE, John WHITE, Samuel ANSTEY, Herbert YOUNG, Chesley YOUNG, David WHEELER, James GILLETT. Auditors: - Bros. Jacob MOORES, William HOUSE. Investigating Com: - Bros Herbert YOUNG, Fred NEWMAN, Harlan RIDOUT, Elias SPENCER, Leslie ANSTEY. Hall. M. Cim.: - Bros Wm. HOUSE, Alfred MANUEL, M. COOK.
January 9, 1915 The Patriotic Fund Amount Received to Jan 6th, Wednesday. Editor Twillingate Sun: - Please publish the following list of subscribers to the Patriotic Fund up to this date. Yours Truly, J.A. TEMPLETON, Hon. Treas. Nath JENKINS $1; George ROGERS 20cts; Robert JENKINS 20 cts; A. MANUEL 2nd installment $5; A. Jas. GILLETT $4; George GILLETT $3.
January 9, 1915 Botwood Belgian Relief Committee H.J. CROWE, Botwood, 50 qtls cod fish; W. ASHBOURNE, Twillingate, 5 qtls; James NORRIS, Three Arms, 5 qtls: collected by Josiah MANUEL, at Exploits, 4 qtls: Geo. BLANDFORD, T'gate 1 qtl (sent cash for $6): Arthur MANUEL 1/2 qtl. - 65 1/2 qtls. H.J. CROWE, Botwood, 250 pairs larrigans; P.D. PARK, Botwood, 100 pairs socks. Collected by Miss NEWMAN and Miss L. JEWER - 215 pairs socks, 3 handkerchiefs, 3 under vests, 2 boys shirts, 1 suit underwear, 1 child's dress. Cash $27.15. Collected by Miss M. TURNER and Miss ELLIOTT, Peter's Arm - 57 pairs socks and stockings. Collected by Mrs. C. LANGDON and Miss WAGGS, Northern Arm - 19 pairs socks and stockings, 13 underskirts, 2 shirts, 3 dresses, 2 singlets, 4 Ladies vests. Cash $11.35. Collected by Secretary - 13 pairs socks and stockings. Cash $19.00. Total value $1300. James ARKLIE. Sec. Committee. Shipped to the Belgian Minister, London, England.
January 9, 1915 Birth Born, On Jan 1 to Dr. C.V. and Mrs. SMITH, a son.
January 9, 1915 Birth Born, On Christmas Day to Mr. and Mrs. William MOORES, of Back Hr., a daughter.
January 9, 1915 Death The death of Mr. Joseph STUCKLESS of Tickle Point occurred after a very brief illness on Wednesday morning, of heart failure. Mr. STUCKLESS was down the road on last Saturday, and no one suspected his demise so suddenly. Deceased was of 65 summers and leaves a number of grown sons as well as a widow, to whom the Sun extends its sincere sympathy.
January 9, 1915 Death Private John CHAPLIN, son of Mark CHAPLIN, Tailor of St. John's, died at Fort George on New Years day. He is the first member of the Nfld. Contingent to pass under.
January 9, 1915 Advertisement Woolfrey Bros., Lewisporte, quotes Lowest Prices on Lumber and allows 2 1/2 per cent off for cash. Well situated at Scissor's Cove.
January 9, 1915 Advertisement For Sale. The well known horse, Bill, weight about 13 hundred lbs. Apply to H.J. HOWLETT.
January 9, 1915 The Year 1914 In Review (Part 1) "1914 and its Principal Happenings in and Around Twillingate." Death of John GILLARD, Christmas, 1913. Stoker of s.s. "Dundee" found dead in engine room, Xmas 1913. Jan 3rd - "Home" calls on way to St. John's. Jan 3rd - Two houses burnt at Fogo belonging to Geo. PAYNE. Jan 3rd - News received of John MAIDMENT's death at Fort William. Jan 5th - Schr. "Sea Lark" dragged and went ashore on the mud in Back Hr. Jan 5th & 6th - Heavy snow storm here. Jan 6th - Edward DEAN's house at Botwood burnt; son and Ella KNEE burnt to death. Jan 8th - HOWLETT's motorboat went to Lewisporte; no slob. Jan 11th - Storm. Wharf at Sleepy Cove washed away. Jan 13th - Sir Robert BOND resigns seat. Jan 14th - Death of Mrs. John LOCKE. Jan 14th - "Prospero" passed South outside; slob on land. Jan 15th - Opening of House of Assembly. Sir Robert BOND resigns seat for Twillingate. Jan 18th - Mrs. A. POND broke her wrist. Jan 19th - Snow storm. Cochrane St. Methodist Church burnt, St. John's. Jan 19th - Rev. STENLAKE arrives at Fogo. Jan. 21st - "Prospero" gets to Catalina. Capt's JANES, OAKE and PHILLIPS and crew from St. John's overland. Jan 22nd - News received of abandonment of "Annie E. Banks" from Herring Neck. "Tobeacic" and "Mayflower" in Atlantic. Jan 25th - "Prospero" arrived Sleepy Cove. Jan 29th - Frank LINFIELD's house hauled across harbor. Jan 29th - Marriage of Mr. Harry MINTY to Miss Clementine RICE. Feb 3rd - S.U.F. Parade. Children's concert at night. Fox killed on N. Island. Feb 11th - F.P.U. held annual parade. People did well with herring at Goshen's Arm. Feb 14th - T. Manuel Co's store Loon Bay burnt. Feb 17th - Sudden storm all over island. Feb 20th - Death of Bartholomew STUCKLESS of Wild Cove. Feb 20th - L.O.A. annual parade. Feb 23rd - Bedlamers killed at Nipper's Hr. Gus CHURCHILL broke leg at A.L.B. armory. Feb 23rd - Mrs. Thos. SKINNER fell and broke her arm. Feb ? - Death of Michael BYRNE, Fortune Hr. aged 95.
January 9, 1915 The Year 1914 In Review (Part 2) Mar 1st - Death of Maggie KEAN; Mrs. STAFFORD undergoes operation, St. John's. Mar 1st - Methodist Missionary Meetings begin. Mar 7th - Mr. Abram ELLIOTT hauled house from Bluff Head Cove. Mar 12th - S. of T. annual parade. Mar 8th - Richard ELLIOTT died at Merritt's Hr., aged 62. Mar 9th - Mr. John RICE finds house afire and extinguishes fire. Mar 10th - Funeral of John PHILPOTT of Herring Neck. - Meth. Missionary Meetings. - Announcement that Earle Sons & Co. to close business here. - Sealing steamers passed along near harbor's mouth. Mar 15th & 16th - C. of E. Missionary Meetings. Mar 18th - Marriage of Mr. Wm. ASHBOURNE and Miss Janie HILL. Mar 20th - Mr. W. LUCAS goes to Fogo to attend his mother's funeral. Mar 21st - S.A. school at Botwood burnt. Mar 24th - House hauled from Tizzard's Hr. to Bluff Head Cove. Mar 25th - First report from sealing steamers. Mar 28th - Election of first Elective Road Board. Mar 31st - Heavy Storm. - Dreadful Newfoundland and Southern Cross disasters. - Memorial service St. Peter's. April 13th - Distribution Concert Methodist Superior. April 14th - Death of Thos. STOCKLEY, Virgin Arm, aged 35. April 14th - Marriage of Mr. George JANES to Miss Blanche RIDEOUT. April 14th - Samuel RODGERS, of the Arm. driven off; landed at Herring Neck. April 16th - Marriage of Mr. Geo. NEWMAN to Miss Harriet GUY. April 21st - Corpse of unfortunate girl Maggie POWER found near Little Hr. Lookout. April 23rd - A.L.B. Entertainment. First appearance of brass band. April 23rd - Thos. CHEATER smothered in Snow storm at Fogo. - Jonathan ELLIOTT, of Beaver Cove, lost in same storm. April 25th - Death of James SHARP, Crow Head, aged 45. April 25th - Marriage of Mr. Henry NEWMAN and Widow Priscilla SHEPPARD. April 25th - Death of Fred PIKE at Toronto. April 26th - Masonic Memorial Service. May 1st - Death of Winnie CHURCHILL aged 20. May 1st - Purchase of Tobin-Scott property by J.W. Hodge. May 1st - "Tritonia" off here jammed - bound for Botwood. May 6th - Completion of exterior St. Peter's Parish Hall. May 9th - "Sagona" arrives, opening of navigation. May 17th - A.L.B. farewell Church parade before fishing voyage. May 19th - First trip of "Clyde". May 29th - "Empress of Ireland" disaster; 1024 perished.
January 9, 1915 The Year 1914 In Review (Part 3) June 2nd - Sign of fish at Crow Head. June 3rd - Campbellton pulp mills begin making pulp. - Schooners off for fishery. June 4th - Death of Lewis JENKINS, aged 20. June 4th - First telephones of Twillingate Telephone and Electric Co's system working. June 12th - Harbor full of ice. 27 fishing schooners jammed at Sunday Cove Island. June 12th - Marriage of Mr. Chesley MINTY and Miss HUTCHINSON at Boston. June 15th - Drowning of G.L. CROWELL and Wm. BATH at Glenwood. June 21st - Schr. "Grace" all day on White Ground. - Treaty Shore fishermen arrive with poor catches. June 23rd - Michael HOOPER injured by flywheel at Campbellton. June 26th - Herbert HICKS fell from roof of house at Morton's Hr. - "Clyde" poked jib boom thru lighthouse on wharf. - Duke of Connaught wires inability to visit Twillingate. June 28th - Assassination of Grand Duke Ferdinand of Austria, prelude to European war. June 28th - "Home" has to go to St. John's for new blade for her propeller. July 12th - Death of William FREEMAN sr., aged 69. July 14th - Death of Mrs. George RIDOUT, aged 74. July 17th - Death of Carrie CHURCHILL. - Wreck of "Inverness" on Labrador. July 20th - Demented girl BENNETT burnt to death at Fogo. July 20th - Mr. Wm. ASHBOURNE imports first automobile in Twillingate. July 26th - Six babies born in Twillingate. July 28th - War by Austria on Serbia resulting in general European affray. July 28th - Marriage of Miss Annie WHEELOR of this town to Rev. J.R. COOPER, June 30th, Henrysburg, Quebec. Aug 12th - C. of E. Sunday School picnic; fine day. Aug 16th - Annual Flower Service, St. Peter's. Aug 16th - Wrecked "Sydney Smith" refloated and towed to Arm. Aug 18th - Marriage of Mr. W. W. LUCAS to Miss Jessie PEARCE. Aug 25th - Patriotic Public Meeting held in Court House. Aug 25th - Mark NEWMAN, Joseph DAWE, of Twillingate, volunteer for 1st Nfld. Regiment. Aug 25th - Ladies Patriotic Society formed here to knit socks &c. for Soldiers.
January 9, 1915 The Year 1914 In Review (Part 4) Sept 5th - Statement of N.D. Mutual Insurance Club published showing 204 vessels insured valued at $278,850. Sept 7th - St. Peter's school reopens in new Parish Hall. Sept 8th - Mr. Isaac YOUNG's house struck by lightning. - Labrador schooners arrive mostly with good voyages. Sept 14th - Supreme Court on Circuit arrives. Hears assault case ASHBOURNE vs. JONES of Chance Hr. - Meth. Sunday School Rally. - "Jerry" COLBOURNE and two young men WELLS drowned at Goose Cove. - Sept 21st - Berman sailor sent to St. John's as prisoner of war. - Two Lewisporte youngsters arrested for shop breaking. - Mr. John COOK moves his sail-loft. Sept 27th - Two schooners ashore at Manuel's Cove, but got off later. Oct 3rd - 1st Newfoundland Regiment leave by "Florizel" and join Canadian ships off Cape Race. Oct 12th - News received of death of Garfield MOORS at Kamloops, B.C. Oct 14th - Shipment of 1140 pairs socks from women of Twillingate District forwarded to St. John's Patriotic Association. Oct 15th - Four wrecked crews from Bell Isle on "Prospero." Oct 17th - Manuel's hotel and store at Lewisporte burnt. Oct 18th - Day of Public Intercession for Peace. Oct 18th - Announcement of bye-elections in Twillingate and Bonavista uncontested. Oct 24th - Letter from Dr. GRENFELL re Twillingate Hospital published in the Sun. Oct 24th - Drowning at Farmer's Arm of two young men ROBERTS of Twillingate. Nov 2nd - Rev. GODDEN inducted at Herring Neck by Rev. A.B.S. STIRLING, R.D. Nov 4th - A.L.B. hold Patriotic Fund. Nov 5th - Drowning of two CASSELS and John RICHMOND at Herring Neck. Nov 5th - News received of death of Mrs. Louisa JANES at Leadville. Nov 25th - Marriage of Mr. Augustus PURCHASE to Miss Lucy HODDER. - Fairly good trawl fishing at Crow Head. - Mr. EDWARDS establishes his tailor's shop here. - Son of W. BRADLEY, J.P., of Lewisporte drowned. Dec 2nd - Death of Wm. OSMOND of Tizzard's Hr. aged 73. Dec 3rd - Mr. Abram YOUNG breaks his leg. - Rev. MORRIS of Exploits, arrives with broken arm. Dec 7th - Death of John GIDGE of the Arm, aged 91 years. Dec 9th - Marriage of Mr. Esau MURRAY to Miss Mary WATKINS. Dec 17th - Marriage of Mrs. Alex. MOORS to Miss Lilly STUCKLESS. Dec 17th - Death of Martin BLACKMORE, Tilt Cove, aged 67.

January 16, 1915 Election of Officers Crosby Lodge, No. 30. L.O.A. Bros. Alex MOORS, W.M.; Lewis ANSTEY, D.M., elec.; Joseph FIFIELD, R.S., re-elected; Charles MOORS, F.S., elected; Arthur YOUNG, Treas., re-elected; Geo. MURRAY, D.C., re-elected; Robert BRETT, 1st Lecturer, elected; Jos. STUCKLESS, jr. 2nd Lecturer elected; Robt. STOCKLEY, I.TYLER, elected; James OSMOND, O. TYLER. Invest. Committee - Bros. Robert BRETT, Isaac POND, John HODDER, George GARD, Lewis ANSTEY. Joseph FIFIELD, R.S.
January 16, 1915 Death Edward HUDSON, 72 years of age, died at his home, 198 Norfell Street, Monday morning after an illness of about 2 months. Mr. HUDSON was a Cooper by trade, had lived about 25 years in Cambridge, and was well known in the district. Mr. HUDSON is survived by six sons - John, William, Edward, James, Walter and Arthur, also four daughters - Mrs. Samuel MURPHY and Miss Lucy HUDSON of Cambridge, Mrs. Dion SQUIRES of Pawtucket, RI, and Mrs. Arion FOWLER of New York City. The funeral was held at the St. Thomas (Episcopal) Church, Union Square, Thursday, Dec 3rd; interment was at the Cambridge cemetery. Mr. HUDSONwas also an old resident of Twillingate. He lived here for seventeen years. Seven of his children were born here. He also worked here as a Cooper for Mr. Lethbridge.
January 16, 1915 Advertisement We have a large stock of Apples, Oranges, Onions, Cabbage, Parsnips, Carrots, all selling cheap. Geo. J. Carter.
January 16, 1915 Advertisement High Oil Stoves from $4.70 to $7.50. Stone Foot Warmers 60 and 70c. Picture Framing, assorted prices. Colored Glass for Front Doors. Cheap Apples. A few barrels of Gravenstein Apples selling at 6 cents dozen. J.W. Hodge, Path End.
January 16, 1915 Ship Damaged The "A.M.Fox" has been in trouble again. On her way from Bay Roberts to Plymouth with fish cargo she lost two boats and received damage to bulwarks and hatches in rough weather.
January 16, 1915 Marriage Married. At the Methodist Parsonage, on January2, by Rev. S. BENNETT, Miss Ida SMITH of Little Harbor to Mr. Frederick ANSTEY of Purcell's Harbor.
January 16, 1915 Enlisted Among the list of volunteers we notice the name of Harold PARDY, son of Mr. George PARDY, of Little Hr., and congratulate the young man on his patriotic spirit.
January 16, 1915 Death at Bay Roberts A drowning accident occurred at Bay Roberts last Thursday, when Wm. DAWSON was drowned by the upsetting of a flat, in which he and a companion were shooting birds. The other man was rescued.
January 16, 1915 Annual Church Meeting The annual St. Peter's Church meeting was held in the new parish Hall on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The different accounts were presented and passed, showing the Church to be in a sound financial condition. With the exception of 2 or 3 parishoners all committees were re-elected as last year. Mr. Arthur MANUEL was unanimously re-elected Financial Warden for his 4th term. During the present year some renovations will be made to the Church and tower. Seventy years age this 3rd July coming, St. Peter's Church was consecrated by the late Bishop FIELD.
January 16, 1915 Women's Patriotic Association Any one desiring of helping in patriotic work can get wool for knitting socks from following ladies: Mrs. MAYNE, Mrs. FACEY, Miss GRAY, Miss BLANDFORD, Mrs. Peter YOUNG. Socks are to be marked as follows: Knit near to 3 rows of White for 10 inch socks, Blue for 10 1/2 inch socks, Red for 11 inch socks. Rib the leg and top of the foot, length of leg 14 inches. Special meeting W.P.A. Wednesday, 20th, 3pm. All members requested to attend. Acknowledgement of Socks &c. Editor Twillingate Sun: - Please publish the following list of Socks &c. to the Patriotic Fund. Margaret GRAY, Treasurer. Mrs. William SNOW $2; Mrs. Titus JENKINS, 50c; Miss Susie HODDER, 60c; Mrs. FOX, $1; S.S. Clyde $1; Miss Jessie DALLEY 10c; Miss Mary DALLEY 10c; Miss Josephine ROGERS 20c; Miss Lily ADAMS 20c; Miss Susie DALLEY 5c; Miss Kate STUCKLESS 30c; Mr. Eli EARLE, 50c; Mr. George STUCKLESS, sr. 30c; Mr. Samuel FLYNN 20c; Mr. George VINEHAM, 50c; Mr. Manuel JENKINS 25c; Mrs. Joseph HELLIER 10c; Mrs. John SIMONDS 25c; Mr. Nathaniel JENKINS 20c; Miss Dulcie JENKINS, 20c. Total $8.55. Mrs. Aaron WATKINS, Farmer's Arm, Dildo 1 pair; Mrs. Henry WATKINS, Farmer's Arm, Dildo 1 pair; Mrs. John MITCHELL, Pacquet 1 pair; Mrs. Charles WHITE, T'Gate 1 pair.
January 16, 1915 Skating The past week the weather has been very fine and the skating on the harbor has been good. Many folks have enjoyed themselves on steel, and many people have found the good hauling of great advantage.
January 16, 1915 Crew Arrive Captian HARBIN and members of the "Home"s crew belonging here, arrived on Tuesday morning.
January 16, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 1) The SS "Diana" has recently changed owners and next spring will prosecute the seal fishery under the flag of James Baird, Ltd. Capt. John CLARKE will command her. The SS "Nascopie", 16 days from Torre Viega, with a cargo of salt, arrived on Saturday of last week. The Capt. reports stormy weather which made it one of the worst trips he ever experienced.
January 16, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 2) On the last trip of the "Stephano" from New York, she was met by H.M.S. "Niobe" who sent a couple of Officers on board for some news papers. They had been so long at sea that they were anxious .... late war news. Capt. SMITH very soon satisfied their craving by giving them all the papers he could lay his hands upon.
January 16, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 3) The "Durango" arrived in Port on Tuesday last week ,after a lengthy and stormy voyage from Liverpool. During the trip the wheel rods and chains were broken, throwing the steering gear out of commission; owing to the stormy weather, the engineers had great difficulty in effecting repairs. The Capt. and crew were glad when port was reached.
January 16, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 4) Private CHANNING of the first Nfld. Regiment returned home on the SS. "Stephano" via halifax. He contracted pneumonia, but is now on the high road to recovery. He hopes to be able to shoulder his musket again in the near future.
January 16, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 5) A young girl who was coasting down Carter's Hill, had a narrow squeak of being crushed to death by a passing street car coming down Theatre Hill. She started down the incline with her face downward on the slide, and in this position flew across the street passing under the car fender and landed in a snow bank on the opposite side. How the child escaped injury is a miracle.
January 16, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 6) The bereaved family of I.M. DOOLEY, of Pleasantville, Quidi Vidi, has the sincere sympathy of the whole community. On Tuesday of last week the wife and mother passed away, after an illness of some months, and on the following Thursday morning their darling child Mary, aged 14 years, was suddenly summoned as the result of a hemorrhage. The funeral of the mother and daughter took place on Sunday afternoon, and was largely attended. The most pathetic part of their sad trial is that Mr. DOOLEY, who is Steward on the "Glencoe", was away from home. Truly the New Year has opened with unusual severity upon this doubly stricken family.
January 16, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 7) The big Anchor liner "Perugia" received quick despatch in receiving 250 tons of bunker coal, which was put on board in less than 8 hours. The Capt. was delighted with the expeditious work of our laborers, and was not backward in telling them so. A laborer working on the above named steamer fell through the floor in Harvey's coal shed, a distance of 10 feet, and received such injuries as to necessitate his being sent to the Hospital.
January 16, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 8) Among those who have given of the best, may be mentioned the names of Mr. and Mrs. W. KNIGHT. Five sons for the King and Empire is a record any parent may justly feel proud of.
January 16, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 8) One of our City boys, Stan LUMISDEN, has been accepted as a volunteer (in) the Princess Patricia's Regiment. Stan is at present in Winnipeg, but has telegraphed his father that he leaves for Halifax on the 13th.
January 16, 1915 The Patriotic Fund. Amount Received to Jan 13th. Wednesday. Editor Twillingate Sun. Please publish the following list of subscribers to the Patriotic Fund up to this date. Yours Truly, J.A. TEMPLETON, Hon. Treasurer. John LOCKE $1; George LACEY $1; Peter COOK, 50c; F. LUNNEN, 50c; H. BAIRD, $1; Willis BRIDGER, 20c; Allan JANES, $2; James JANES $2; J.P.J. $2.
January 16, 1915 Travel on Bay Ice Some horses were down yesterday from Morton's Hr. for freight landed from the Clyde on her last trip for D.P. & L. Osmond.
January 16, 1915 Mrs. ROBERTS Quite Sick Mrs. Frank ROBERTS of Wild cove has been very ill this week. Mrs. ROBERTS is of an advanced age, having past the 97th milestone of her life.
January 16, 1915 Rabbits Rabbits are reported as scarcer this year. Mr. Edgar ROBERTS and companion returned this week with 20. Some others are doing better, but it is unlikely rabbits will be more plentiful until falls of snow occur.
January 16, 1915 Advertisement We are still offering a good selection of lumber at our mill. Prices from $7 thousand up. Lots of qualities to choose from. T. Manuel & Co., Loon Bay.
January 16, 1915 Death A baby of Mr. Edward BROWN died this week and was buried Tuesday.
January 16, 1915 Birth Born. At Little Harbor, on January 8, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Robert KEEFE.
January 16, 1915 Advertisement Do You Know This? Woolfrey Bros., Lewisporte, quotes Lowest Prices on Lumber, and allows 2 1/2 per cent off for cash. Well situated at Scissor's Cove.

January 23, 1915 What Happens to Socks As a silly yarn to the effect that soldiers are having to buy the socks knit freely by our women, the following may perhaps set such nonsense effectually at rest: (Daily News) When the socks and comforts for the troops are sent to the headquarters of the St. John Ambulance Association, they are speedily sent forward on their mission of mercy. Yesterday a post-card was received from the Western front, directed to one whose busy fingers had wrought comfort for a soldier lad, and who had enclosed initials and address in one sock, little expecting to hear from him who was destined to wear it. It was a grateful note in French: J.A.S., 17 Dick's Square, St. John's, Nfld., Dec, 2nd, 1914. I am the man who received the socks, for which I heartily thank you, for I was in great need of them, and was very happy to have received them. Honore HAMME. A Convalescent Infantry Soldier. It will be noted not only how welcome was the gift, and how grateful the recipient, but also how promptly the good work of the women of Newfoundland has been availed of, for this sick soldier was enjoying the warmth and comfort that the socks afforded over six weeks ago. Surely another evidence of the truth of the old proverb, that who so gives quickly gives twice.
January 23, 1915 Death As we go to press we learn of the death of Mrs. Fanny SPENCER of Back Hr., at an advanced age
January 23, 1915 Notre Dame Mutual Insurance Club "Statement of Expenses. Including Partial and Total Losses with other Expenses, of the Notre Dame Mutual Insurance Club, Ltd., for the Year Ending December 31st, 1914. To Registration of Directors and amended Rules - $3.00. Printing 500 Books Rules, 500 Policies, 1000 Surveyors Certificates, 270 List of Vessels, 1000 Bill Heads, Notices of Auction, Advertisements and Statements - $ 43.30. Postage and Telegraph to Date - $18.96. Stationery, 2 Manifold Copying Books, Ledger, Envelopes, etc. - $2.00. Rent, Fuel, Oil, Storgae, Wharfage for 1914 - $25.00. Treasurer's Salary for 12 months - $50.00. 35 Directors Meetings, 249 attendances at 50c, - $124.50. Sub-total - $266.76. Miscellaneous Expenses: Interest on Loan, paid Salvers acct. Schr. ""Nellie W."" gear saved, etc., etc., $64.43. Partial Losses: Schr. ""Britannia"", struck Midsummers Rock, repairs - $604.88. Schr. ""Emerald"", stranded, Bourden's Cove refloating $120.00, Contract for repairs $325.00 Total $445.00. Schr. ""Martello"" paid James JANES and crew for towing schr. about 40 miles to harbor - $50.00. Total Losses , Schr ""Nellie W."" lost at Stag Bay, Labrador - $2380.00. Schr. ""Pendragon,"" where lost at unknown - $1230.00. Total. $5041.07. CR. by amount received from gear sold ""Nellie W,"" - $79.55. Amount received from rope sold Emerald $11.90. Total $91.45. 204 vessels insured, valued at $278,850.00 at 1 30-40% or $1.77 1/2 to $100. Total $5041.04. Note - There are two or three claims yet unsettled - which will have to be considered later on, as soon as damages are ascertained - after which the directors will consider such claims, and assess and collect by making another call on Underwriters if required. E. & O.E. Charles D. MAYNE, Secretary. Audited and found correct, William SNOW, Roland GILLETT, Auditors. "
January 23, 1915 Enlistment "Well Done Lads". Mr. Fred HARBIN and Mr. Artie YOUNG, are offering themselves as volunteers and Fred leaves shortly for St. John's. Fred HARBIN is son of Chief Officer Henry HARBIN of the "Meigle", and Artie is son of the late Archibald YOUNG. We are informed that Messrs. HARBIN and YOUNG are offering themselves for the naval Reserve, and with them also applied a young man BURT from Morton's Hr. We wish the gallant lads the best of luck with a chance to smell powder.
January 23, 1915 Illness Mr. George PAYNE received word Friday that his son Charlie, who is working at Campbellton, was sick and he is sending someone to bring him home.
January 23, 1915 Ducks Quite a few ducks were got last week and some this. One man killed 13 one day last week.
January 23, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 1) The "Mongolian" on her last trip, met terrific weather during a voyage of 11 days from the old country.
January 23, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 2) A most remarkable spirit of true patriotism has been exhibited by Messrs. Bert HARRIS, Ralph MERCER and Allen, so as to qualify as volunteers for the second regiment. During the first call these young men were turned down owing to some slight physical defects. They were determined to have these remedied, and entered the hospital with that object in view. The operation on each have been successfully performed, and they will soon be OK for active service. What a lesson in patriotism.
January 23, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 3) The Governor recently paid a visit to the Poor Asylum and presented the inmates with a few gifts which were highly appreciated by them.
January 23, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 4) The son of Assistant Collector LeMESSURIER, who has been in training for some time in London, has recently been gazetted as second lieut. in a British regiment. "Hughey" was a Capt. in the C.L. B. and his promotion goes to show that the training of our boys brigades must be thorough.
January 23, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 5) There is to be a Norwegian sealer prosecuting the seal fishery in the Gulf the coming spring. The "Njord" is at present coaling at North Sydney. Seven or eight ships are expected to hunt the fat among them being the iron clad "Bonaventure" which ship will be commanded by the arctic Explorer, Bob BARTLETT.
January 23, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 6) At a meeting of Avalon Lodge, A.F. & A.M. recently, held in the Masonic Temple, two members of the Craft were present, Bro. Randolph WINTER of Burin, and Bro. Earnest AITKIN, of Botwood. They were addressed by P.M. CLIFT, as the young Bros. are both volunteers and will shortly be leaving for the front. The meeting was a most patriotic and inspiring one.
January 23, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 7) The slob ice is now packed close on land and shipping can neither enter or clear without a change of wind. Baine Johnston's new sealer is to be named "Iceland". She will be the largest of the sealing fleet - over 100 tons larger than the "Stephano". Capt. RANDELL, who will command her, served his apprenticeship with this old firm. It is doubtful owing to the demands on the builders, whether the ship will be ready for the seal fishery or not.
January 23, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 8) A big jump in flour has recently taken place, the lower grades rising to $7.50, with a possible increasing very shortly. At this rate, flour will become a prohibitive article so far as the poorer classes are concerned.
January 23, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 9) Some boys who had just constructed a huge snow house near George St., were admiring their structure, young FLYNN, who was alone inside, was almost suffocated by its caving in. His comrades, when they saw what had happened, ran away frightened, but Mrs. COADY happened to be at her window at the moment, took in the situation and gave the alarm. It was some time before the lad was released and respiration restored.
January 23, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 10) The past week has been very mild, the only drawback being the ice blockade, but at the time of writing a change of wind is probable, which will release the shipping now ready for market.
January 23, 1915 Advertisement Ladies Wishing to have Tailor made Suits this Spring, would do well to place their names on my books to save disappointment. Latest styles coming from London and New York. Prices moderate. J.E. EDWARDS, Genuine Tailor and Renovator. North Side.
January 23, 1915 Notes from Loon Bay Since last season, when there was an account of your visit here, we have not seen much in your paper of our doings here, it may not be out of place to let you know we are still jogging along. The weather is all that can be desired for lumbering, altho on not as large a scale as formerly, owing to heavy stocks in the market, still the T. Manuel Co. have about 40 men employed, and will turn out a few thousand by the end of the season. Quite a lot of rabbit seekers from Twillingate and vicinity have come along during the past week, something like 50 teams have put up in the camps which have not been in use around. Although the little animals are not as plentiful as past years, yet with the help of the old time sealing gun, which is much in evidence, they all manage to get a few. We hear frequently from our boys of the Regiment, they seem to be better quartered at Fort George than at Salisbury Plains, no doubt before long we shall hear of them been off to the front. We have had our old friend Mailman HANN along a couple of trips. We hope he will still continue so come through, although we hear he was considering seriously, the idea of giving up, the last trip he made, owing to such heavy loads of mail he has to get along with, and not enough remuneration for the work. This should be looked into, as without doubt the mails are increasing, and the rates still kept at the old figures, which is not a square deal, especially on the route from Lewisporte to Boyd's Cove, which is a very hard one. We are hoping to get a more satisfactory service for our winter mail from here to Twillingate this season, as the P.M.G. seems to be interesting himself in the matter by getting the Courier from Farmer's Arm to wait at Boyd's cove till the arrival of the Lewisporte Couriers, thus making a quick connection. Wishing the Sun a Prosperous Year. Correspondent.
January 23, 1915 Sons of Temperance "Installation of Officers, S. of T. At a meeting of North Star Division, No., 15, held on Jan. 21st., the following officers were installed for ensuing quarter: Bro. J.D.S. BARRETT, W.P., elect.; Sis. N. MORGAN, W.A. elect.; Bro. S.G. MOORS, F.S., re-elect.; Sis. C. PATTEN, Treas., elect.; Bro. E. SWEETLAND, jr., R.S., re-elect.; Sis. B. PRESTON, A.R.S., elect.; Bro. E.C. MOORS, Con. elect.; Sis. L. GUY, A. Con. elect.; Bro. W.J. SCOTT, Chap., elect.; Bro. G. YOUNG, L.S., re-elect.; Bro. P. NEWMAN, G.S., re-elect. Investigating Com. -- Sis. N. MORGAN, Bros. Geo. ROBERTS and S. LOVERIDGE. Auditing Com. -- Bros. W.J. SCOTT, S. LOVERIDGE and F. LINFIELD. Visiting Com. -- Bro. J.D.S. BARRETT, Sis. Minnie ROBERTS, C. PATTEN, Bro,. B. YOUNG. Good of Order Com. -- Sis. Minnie ROBERTS, Georgina SCOTT, N. MORGAN, B. PRESTON, Sis. B. LOVERIDGE, and E. SWEETLAND, jr. Edgar SWEETLAND, jr., Recording Secretary. "
January 23, 1915 The Sealing Fleet Dwindles Down Sealing Steamer Owners Discuss Closing for this Year. Thursday, - Owners of sealing steamers, at a meeting in St. John's to-day, considered proposal to abandon seal fishery for this spring entirely, because last years catch of skins is still unsold and the price is low. The owners of steel steamers can also secure profitable charters for transatlantic freight. This year only eighteen steamers will prosecute the sealing voyage from this port, being two less than a year ago and several short of a year ago. To the local fleet can be added two Norwegian steamers, and another, according to Halifax Exchanges. Two of the old wooden fleet, the "Newfoundland" and "Ranger" in all probability, will not take part in the voyage; it having been practically decided in the Ranger's case. The fleet, masters and owners are: - Bowring Bros. Ltd. -- Stephano, Capt. A. KEAN. Florizel, Capt. Joe KEAN. Eagle, Capt. E. BISHOP. Terra Nova, Capt. W. BARTLETT, sr. Viking, Capt. W. BARTLETT, jr. Job Bros. & Co. - Nascopie, Capt. G. BARBOUR. Beothic, Capt. W.C. WINSOR. Neptune, Capt. Bax BARBOUR. A.J. Harvey & Co. - Adventure, Capt. Jacob KEAN. Bellaventure, Capt. C. CROSS. Bonaventure, Capt. Bob BARTLETT. Crosbie & Co. - Sagona, Capt. S.R. WINSOR. Fogota, Capt. S. BARBOUR. James Baird Ltd. - Erik, Capt. Dan MARTIN. Diana, Capt. John CLARKE. Baine Johnston & Co. - New steamer, Capt. J. RANDELL. Bloodhound, Capt. A. BARBOUR. Job Roberts. - Kite, Capt. BURGESS.
January 23, 1915 Death News was received on Monday by Mr. O.H. MANUEL of the death of Frederick SLADE of Loon Bay, at the age of 76. The late Mr. SLADE was, as far as we know, a native of Twillingate, and has a brother, Mr. Geo. SLADE, now living in the Arm. He was twice married, and among the children of the first family were Mrs. RYALL, (formerly of this town) now of St. John's, and Mrs. Jane BARRETT. His second marriage was to Amelia, sister of Messrs. Titus and O.H. MANUEL, by whom he had several sons and daughters. Deceased had been living at Loon Bay for a number of years. The late Mr. SLADE was of a very retiring disposition, and was on that account perhaps not very well known. The Sun extends its sympathy to the bereaved family.
January 23, 1915 Death News was received here Thusday of the sad demise of Mrs. AITKEN at Botwood on Monday morning, at the age of 42. The late Susan AITKEN was second daughter of the late Thomas PEYTON of Back Hr., the eldest daughter, being Mrs. W.J. SCOTT. In 1890 she married J.W. AITKEN and moved to Botwood, having lived there ever since. She was the mother of a large family, the youngest of which is 4 1/2 years, and the eldest son is with the second contingent of the Newfoundland Regiment. The late Mrs. AITKEN was blessed with a cheery optimistic temperament and had many friends, all of whom will regret to hear of her sad death. Last year she was found to be suffering from consumption, and though everything that could be done was done for her, she gradually faded away. To the sorrowing husband and children, the Sun extends its sincere sympathy.
January 23, 1915 Narrow Escape From Drowning Mr. Thos. KEEFE had a narrow escape from drowning at Little Hr. last week, and incidentally most of the residents were much alarmed at the time. He was going to Trump Island, and on the way coming into the bottom of Little Hr., drove over a "swatch" and he, dogs, and slide, all fell in. His cries alarmed the neighborhood and people hastened to the rescue, and he was hauled out, but not before he was a good bit exhausted, as the dogs, in their frantic efforts to get out themselves, climbed upon him. He is none the worse for his involuntary dip.
January 23, 1915 Dog Steals Hens Food Miss COLBOURNE was feeding her hens on Monday morning, and put down a pan with food in it, when a dog suddenly appeared, and grabbing the pan in his mouth, made off with it. Mr. George NEWMAN gave chase and captured the pan near Hodge's, but not before Mr. Dog had demolished the contents.

January 30, 1915 New Parsonage Burnt to Ground Rev. STIRLING Homeless - New Parsonage Burnt to Ground Wednesday Morning - Very Little Saved. Wednesday morning, as most people were pursuing their vocations, pretty much in the usual manner, the cry of fire went round. Telephone holders were aroused by a general ring from the Parsonage, notifying them that it was on fire. Many men rushed to the scene, but quick as they were the fire was quicker, and even the first comers could not reach the head of the stairs against the reeking smoke which filled everything, and was already pouring out under the eaves. While some busied themselves with getting out the furniture in the lower rooms, others attacked the fire from the front windows, but as no fire fighting apparatus was available, and water was scarce, little progress was made, and the flames soon burst out on the fire fighters. All efforts were now directed to saving whatever could be got our, and to keeping the shed in the rear, saturated with water. Within one hour after the first alarm, the building was in ashes. No clothing was saved, nor were any beds or furniture from the second flat. The organ, tables, chairs, sideboard, stoves, telephone and pretty nearly the most of what was on the ground flat, was got out including a cash box, containing money belonging to the Women's Ass'n., and some of the Parson's books. Mrs. KINGSBURY, who was there that morning, had a coat and "cloud" burnt, and Mr. John RICE, who worked like a trojan, lost his cap and got his hair and eyelashes badly scorched. It is not definitely known how the fire started, but it began in the South East bed room in a clothes closet next the chimney, (which must have been defective, as it collapsed very early in the fire). Bert STIRLING was upstairs and came down calling to his mother that there was a lot of smoke upstairs. When Mrs. STIRLING rushed upstairs, the whole room was full of smoke, and flames was bursting thro the closet. The building was insured for $1000, but Mr. STIRLING had no insurance on his furniture, and all their wearing apparel, bed clothes, linen, &c., is destroyed. The building is a comparatively new one, having been completed only a few years ago, and cost about $1700 exclusive of the material taken from the old parsonage. It was completely clear of debt, and the tax on St. Peter's and St. Andrew's congregations will be heavy. Mr. Alfred COLBOURNE has kindly placed his house at the disposal of Mr. STIRLING, and the family will occupy it for the present. The whole sympathy of the community goes out to the homeless family. Old timers tell us that about 47 years ago the Methodist parsonage here was burnt, at about 2 o'clock in the morning. Missie Carrie BUGDEN lost quite a few things in the fire, as she had been there helping Mrs. STIRLING. The Church registers which were in the Parsonage at the time, were destroyed. This is an important loss, as these registers date back many years. In hunting thro the rubbish some youngsters found a cash box with charred papers and two $2 gold pieces stuck together. Some friends have interested themselves on the family's behalf and generous response was made by them, which it is believed will be followed by a like response from the public, Mr. E. SWEETLAND will receive contributions.
January 30, 1915 Fogo News Items The new parsonage at Fogo is now completed at a cost of $1800. All but $200 of the cost is paid up. Rev. BRITNELL fell in the water some short while ago, and had a rather hard time getting out. The foundation of the new Episcopal Church is completed, and sills, &c. are laid. The work of tearing down the old Chruch will commence shortly, and meanwhile service will be held in the S.U.F. lodge. Earle's Joe Batt's Arm business, which has been purchased by the F.P.U. Trading Company, has not yet been taken over by them, and will not likely be, until the spring. The "Dorothy Duff" and the Norwegian vessel "Thomas" are frozen in at Fogo all winter.
January 30, 1915 Death The death of Ann, wife of Mr. Eli SPENCER, of Back Hr., occurred last Thursday at the age of 61. The late Ann SPENCER was, before her marriage to Thos. SIMMS her first husband, a PRICE. Her first husband was one of the crew of WARR's schooner, the "Rise and Go" which was lost in the 80s with all hands. She later married Mr. Eli SPENCER, and had for years been a sufferer from cancer of the breast. The funeral took place at St. Peter's, Saturday last. To the bereaved husband the Sun extends its sympathy. (By a typographical error last week we spoke of Mrs. Fanny SPENCER instead of Mrs. Ann. We are glad to say that we believe Mrs. Fanny SPENCERis still well and hearty.)
January 30, 1915 Personals Mr. L. EARLE arrived from Fogo Monday via Southern End, Beaver Cove, and Saltons. Messrs. M.W. COOK and E. GREENHAM went from here to Beaverton to meet him. Mr. EARLE will probably remain a few weeks.
January 30, 1915 Soldier Gets His mother's Socks How a Pair of Socks Reached Her Own Son. Paper in the Toe Leads to Identification. Last week we printed an extract from a St. John's paper showing the travels of a pair of socks knit by one of the St. John's ladies. This week we have a tale of a pair of socks knit by a Morton's Hr. lady, and how, after all their travels, they reached her own son on Salisbury Plain, England. This fall Mrs. J.B. OSMOND sent a pair of socks to the Women's Patriotic Society here, and these with others were duly packed with 1143 other pairs, in a packing case here, and sent to St. John's. But Mrs. OSMOND was cuter than some, for she stowed away in the toe on one sock, a slip containing her name - Maggie OSMOND. The socks were despatched from St. John's to the St.John Ambulance Association in England, which distributed these comforts. One day while Douglas OSMOND, of Morton's Hr., and members of the first Newfoundland Contingent was standing talking with some others, a young man - member of the Canadian Contingent - approached and asked if his name was OSMOND. On Doug's replying that it was, he was asked if he knew a Mrs. Maggie OSMOND. "Why, that's my Mother" said Doug. "Well, then," said the other chap, "I've got a pair of socks that had the name Mrs. Maggie OSMOND in the toe, and if another fellow had a pair of socks my mother knit I should like to have them, and I guess you would like to have these. Shall we swap?" Without more ado, Doug replied that he certainly would and then and there the transfer was completed, and that is how Doug OSMOND happened to get the very pair of socks his mother knit, after all their travels. It is the strangest story imaginable, and yet absolutely true, but I cannot help thinking that dear Mrs. OSMOND, God bless her, must have knit a little prayer into every round of those socks, that her own dear boy two thousand miles away, might get them. Oh dear ladies, don't stop knitting yet, and don't be afraid to put your names in your socks. There are many Doug OSMOND's far away in Europe, aye, and many a one who has no mother.
January 30, 1915 Patriotic Fund Amount Received to Jan. 20th. Wednesday. Editor Twillingate Sun:- Please publish the following list of subscribers to the Patriotic Fund up to this date. Yours Truly, J.A. TEMPLETON, Hon. Treas. Israel DOVE $1; H.G.P. $1; Collected at Loon Bay per Dulcie MANUEL $18.20; Capt. John GILLETT $5; James PRIMMER $1; Samuel COOPER 50c; Arthur STOCKLEY $1.40; George DALLY $1.40; John RODGERS jr. $1.40; Wm. HOWARD $1.40. Well Done Arctic Lodge L.O.A. Yesterday we received the following telegram from Morton's Hr. W.B. TEMPLE, Twillingate. Arctic Lodge voted last night one hundred dollars to Patriotic Fund. We congratulate Morton's Hr. Orangemen on the evidence of their Patriotism, and the proof that the Loyal Orange Association with them is not a name only. Women's Patriotic Fund Association are giving a sociable in the Court House on February 9th at 7.40. Proceeds for the Belgian Fund. Tickets can be had from members of Association. There will be a meeting of the Committee of the Women's Patriotic Society in the Court House on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. By order. S.C. TEMPLE, Sec
January 30, 1915 Birth Born. At Purcell's Harbor, on Jan. 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fredk. ANSTEY, a son.
January 30, 1915 Enlistment Messrs. Fred HARBIN and Artie YOUNG left this week for St. John's to offer themselves for the Naval Reserve.
January 30, 1915 Nfld. Pays First Toll 24 Nfld Reservist Drown When H.M.S. "Viknor" Struck Mine. As we go to press we learn that the British armed liner Viknor, struck a mine off Irish Coast recently and foundered. Among those who were lost were 24 Nfld. Naval Reservists.
January 30, 1915 Note Of Thanks (Editor Twillingate Sun) Dear Sir: - Will you kindly afford us a little space in order that we may avail of this earliest opportunity to thank the general public of Twillingate for numerous acts of kindness shewn to us and ours during the past two days? Since 9.45 Wednesday morning, when the catastrophe which rendered us homeless and poor overtook us, we have been the recipients of a generosity at the hands of all classes and creeds, that makes us realize our utter unworthiness of such treatment. We feel confident that people so open-hearted and sympathetic, will understand that at present it is quite impossible for us to address individuals, and we are therefore obliged to request our benefactors to accept this expression of thanks, which emanate from the grateful hearts of Yours sincerely, A.B.S and Della STIRLING, Tw'gate, Jan 29th, 1915.
January 30, 1915 Marriage GILLETT - CLARKE. (written for last week). The wedding of Mr. John GILLETT of the Arm, to Miss Lucy CLARKE, daughter of Mr. Jonas CLARKE, was quietly celebrated last Wednesday night at the bride's home. The groom is well known as "Jacky" as he is familiarly called. He is a general favorite with everybody and the Sun extends its very best wishes to him and his bride.
January 30, 1915 Marriage BRIDGER - WIER. On Thursday evening at six o'clock, the wedding of Willis, son of Mr. Richard BRIDGER, of Paradise, and Blanche, daughter of Mr. Frank WEIR, of the Arm, was celebrated at the Methodist Parsonage. The happy couple were greeted with quite a fusilade of guns. The Sun extends best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. BRIDGER.
January 30, 1915 Marriage HICKS - ANSTEY. The wedding of James HICKS to Miss ANSTEY, daughter of Mr. Peter ANSTEY, of Little Harbor, also occurred this week. To them also the Sun extends best wishes.
January 30, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 1) "Near Death." An unfortunate fellow by the name of Frank NEARY, without home or friends, was found almost frozen to death on Monday morning by some people in the neighborhood of Tank Lane. He had spent Sunday night under a gallery in the rear of Ayre's store, and was very much exhausted when discovered and just able to utter a few words. His condition was such that he was quickly conveyed to the hospital for treatment.
January 30, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 2) "Died." Mr. W.R. SEARLE, a well known builder and contractor of this city, died at South Acton, Mass., a few days ago.
January 30, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 3) Mr. and Mrs. A.B. MORINE after spending a pleasant holiday with their children in Toronto, returned to town by Monday's express.
January 30, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 4) The pastime of "copying" on the ice, by three lads near Baine Johnston's premises, very nearly resulted in a serious accident. One of the lads was standing on a pan, which, being carried off by the tide, began to drift down the harbor. The Police put out in a boat and rescued the lad who received a bad scare. This should be a warning to parents not to allow their boys to incur such risks.
January 30, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 5) A notorious character who has been a terror to females near Quidi Vidi Road, has been rounded up by the Police and sent to the penitentiary for 80 days to consider his past life.
January 30, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 6) It was currently reported along the water front and in business circles, that there would be very few steamers sent to the sealing voyage the coming spring. The reason for such a step is the uncertainty of a market for the oil and skins. A meeting has been held by the steamer owners but no action will be decided upon until after another meeting very soon.
January 30, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 7) Another old landmark has been removed by death in the person of Master Pilot William LEWIS, the oldest Pilot in the port. It was Mr. LEWIS' lot to pilot in the "Ophir" when our gracious King George V visited St. John's as Prince of Wales.
January 30, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 8) The scarity of snow in Conception and other bays is causing the people some anxiety about their fuel supply. The roads are almost bare, and the ponds are not considered safe, so that it is impossible for the men to get to the woods. And not only does it effect the fuel, but also the getting of material for their boats and stages. However, a good fall of snow, with a visit from Jack Frost, would very soon set matters right.
January 30, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 9) On the last trip of the "Prospero," she met with an accident, having ran ashore on Horse Island Rock, which will necessitate her being docked for repairs to her bottom, before she can proceed to sea again. Had the weather been stormy, those on board would have been in rather a perilous situation.
January 30, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 10) The crew of the ill fated schr. "Arnold," which was reported abandoned at sea last week, arrived per "Stephano" on her last trip from Halifax. They suffered untold hardships until rescued by the SS. "Rio Tieti" from Hull to Saint John, N.B. Capt. FREEMAN treated them most kindly, and the ship-wrecked mariners deeply appreciated the treatment.
January 30, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 11) The mines on Bell Island have again resumed operations and some 600 men are now employed, and it is expected may more will be required at no distant date.
January 30, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 12) Supt. DUNNE, with Firemen NEARY and BOGGAN, narrowly escaped death in going to a fire call on Plymouth Road. In turning a corner, the chemical engine on with the three men were driving, sheered on the ice and toppled over, throwing the men on the street. They were all badly injured, but Fireman BOGGAN fared the worst having received internal injury.
January 30, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 13) Quite a number of special policemen have been recently sworn in whose duty will be to guard the cable stations at Heart's Content, Bay Roberts, Placentia, Cuckold's Cove and Port aux Basques during the war.
January 30, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 14) Job's barquentine "Earlshall" became a total wreck on Sunday last, at a small cove in Shoal Bay during a snow storm. The crew had a hard experience, barely escaping with their lives. They arrived in town early on Monday morning.
January 30, 1915 Lengthy Letter From New Bay. "We can sympathize with our friends of Twillingate about dogs, keeping them so long it is hard to give them up; but still once it is done, no doubt all will see the wisdom of it. We have not seen anything of that libel case for a long time. As we read your notes, we admired your pluck for refusing to apologize if you had said nothing worthy of it. If one has, in an unguarded moment, said or done anything wrong, it is manly to apologize, but this signing of apologies written by lawyers, just as a form, is disgusting, and it is more manly to go to prison, than to put one's name to what they do not mean. Well, it has been a hard, trying season, everyone more or less feeling the strain of this terrible European war, still we are surely favored as a people. Britain having control of the sea leaves us free to ship the produce and get food, etc., in. We often wonder and try to imagine what it would be if Great Britain were not the ""Mistress of the Sea."" The good ladies have done something toward helping with socks, bandages, etc. Still, we believe more might have been done. It is very often the case that those who have the least, give the most, while those who have plenty and to share, do nothing, or comparatively nothing. We have heard of one lady saying when asked to help, ""I need all I have. What did they go to war for! Let them fight it out,"" and yet with plenty to spare, and living in peace and quietness under the British flag. In conversation with an old and esteemed friend at Fortune Hr., who is from old Ireland but has spent the greater part of his long life at Fortune Hr., speaking of the British Government he said, ""There is no Government in the world like it, it stands for Liberty and Freedom. Aye, and they will win out in this awful war, too."" We cannot entertain the thought that Great Britain and their Allies are going to be defeated; they are defending the right of the world and must and will win out, whatever may be her reverses. We have got a public shed built on the wharf at Cottle's Cove, and accounts remain posted in it so that everyone may see what was done. Our road money has been expended as far as possible to the best advantage. There are two important bridges needing repairs, or being made entirely new. If we had the grants of money that have been sent back from this place, these bridges could be made entirely new and safe for a generation, and we ask why has this money been returned, and why is a grant of $25 allowed to remain here for three or four years (and) not worked, when the purpose for which it was sent needs it badly. We have not got that telephone wire connecting us with the office at Fortune Hr., and the outside world. Why? Is it not needed? I hear some official saying, ""No, you have got more now than other places of more importance."" A great many say we do need it and must have it, and some are determined to agitate until it is granted. A good many men are up around the Bay cutting pit props. It is a help, and while some think it is destroying the timber, it is helping men to live when there did not seem to be any other door open. The F.P.U. men have been working about their hall, and have it ready and holding their weekly meetings in it, and we understand will have a parade some time in March and a public concert. Yours Sincerely, P. MOORE."
January 30, 1915 Transfer of Property Earle Sons & Co's Premises and Stock Bought by Wm. Ashbourne. For two or three days this week it was commonly known around town that Mr. Wm. Ashbourne and Messrs. Earle Sons & Cp., were negotiating for the transfer of the latter's property on the South Side, as well as all schooners, books, debts, etc. One of the principals of the firm of Wm. Ashbourne, informed us on Wednesday night that the deal was completed that evening, and the transfer will take place at an early date. This will put Mr. ASHBOURNE in a position to largely extend his business, as they are already much cramped for store room, and will also afford employment to a considerable number of men. Mr. Peter GRIMES will occupy the house lately vacated by Mr. L. EARLE, and we presume will likely have charge of that end of the business. We congratulate Mr. ASHBOURNE on his business push, and we trust that he will make a success of the new establishment.
January 30, 1915 Patriotic Fund Amount Received to Jan. 20th, Wednesday. Editor Twillingate Sun:- Please publish the following list of subscribers to the Patriotic Fund up to this date. Yours Truly, J.A. Templeton, Hon. Treas. Isaac SMITH, $1; James SMITH, 50c; Esau BURTON, 20c; Saul WHITE, 20c; Fredk. WEATLEY, 10c; George WEIR, 20c.
January 30, 1915 Collection for Eli YATES at B.C. Amounts Collected at Vancouver, B.C., Towards Purchasing an Artificial Leg for Mr. Eli YATES. (Collected by Messrs. Jos. YOUNG and Noah YATES) Joseph YOUNG $2.50; George LINFIELD $2; Joseph HICKS $2; Wm. WHEELOR $1.50; Annie YOUNG, John WHEELOR, Fred SEARS, Gordon CAMPBELL, John SWITZER, J.D. McPHERSON, Peter SCHIPPERS, Joe, Eliz, Walter VERGE, Elias BRETT, Willis MOORES, $1; A. JUMARSON, T.P. EVANS, J. McLAREN, A. McDONALD, T. PARENNER, Neuern, T.CAMPBELL, D.IRVING, W.R. MENCHION, J.A. BLACK, C. Mgns, John HUNT, Norman LEUNAN, Dan. McDONALD, Mrs. Francis HICKS, 50c each; P.G. MANUEL, G. DEUIDER, J. SHEPHERS, N. BURNICKSELL, Schoolery, McDougall, Kidd, C.V. Parker, John Kelly, Wm. McMillan, V. Johnson, A. Gustafson, L. Falk, Stanley Conur, W.C. Cram, Robert Kboson, 25 cents each.
January 30, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 1) A new Masonic Lodge named St. Andrew's was erected and consecrated in the Masonic Temple on Monday evening of last week. It will be remembered that this Lodge was to have been opened last December, but the almost sudden death of the Master elect, Mr. R. C. SMITH, prevented the ceremony taking place at that time. The honor of being the first Master of St. Andrew's Lodge has fallen upon Mr. H.E. COWAN, who has already passed through the chair, and therefore is fully qualified to guide the destinies of the new Lodge during 1915.
January 30, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 2) The Belgian steamer "Tiflis" entered port on Wednesday morning with the yellow flag flying at her mast head, and anchored on the quarantine grounds. Cr. CAMPBELL, Quarantine Officer, immediately boarded her, and examined one of the crew who was suffering from a serious type of small pox. In the afternoon he was transferred to the Signal Hill Hospital. After the ship had been thoroughly disinfected, she resumed her voyage to New York.
January 30, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 3) It appears that the wholesale robberies have become the fashion now-a-day, and it is nothing new every other day to hear of some case being unearthed. The latest being the larceny of a lot of goods from the firm of James Baird. The culprit was a man who had been with the firm quite a number of years.
January 30, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 4) Another workman on Harvey's premises was injured by falling over a trolley and dislocating his hip on Thursday evening. He was sent to the hospital for treatment.
January 30, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 5) Mr. John EVANS, a son of Mr. T.J. EVANS, a Private in the 2nd Contingent, has entered the hospital to undergo an operation for appendicitis. He hopes to get to the front later.
January 30, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 6) Reid's steamer "Lintrose," has been sold to the Russian Government as an ice-breaker in the White Sea. A representative of the Russian Embassy at Washington concluded regotiations on Wednesday of last week. The ship is now in the stream awaiting orders, and will, no doubt, sail in a day or two.
January 30, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 7) His Excellency the Governor, has sent to Mr. and Mrs. Mark CHAPLIN a gracious message of sympathy from the King and Queen on the death of their son John, in the service of his country.
January 30, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 8) During the past week death has been very busy in our midst. Within 6 months the Customs Dept. has been again invaded and another of its prominent officials in the person of James CORMACK removed, after a few days illness.
January 30, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 9) Mr. Otto EMERSON, of the R.N. Co's staff has been called hence. Mr. Emerson was son of the late Lewis EMERSON, to whom we extend sympathy.
January 30, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 10) Report received by the agents, Messrs. Harvey & Co., state that the "Morwenna," which was lying at the pier in Halifax harbor, had been damaged by a tug, and would be delayed several days for repairs. The steamer had a cargo on board for St. John's and was ready to sail.

February 6, 1915 Letter from "Ted" Newman. Dear Sir: - I am sending my renewal to your paper and hope it will reach you all right. I receive the Sun regularly and manage to keep in touch with what takes place in the old land. Well, we have passed 1914 a year long to be remembered, but in spite of all that has taking place, we as a people have an awful to be thankful for when we look and see the enormous destruction in lives and property, and the war that is raging at the present time. We ought to be thankful we were born under the protection of the Union Jack and I hope, Sir, before long we will see an end of this terrible struggle, and I believe the Empire will emerge from this stronger than ever. Wishing you and your many readers Compliments of the season. Yours truly, Edward NEWMAN.
February 6, 1915 Advertisement Just Arrived. A Few Pairs Labrador Skin Boots. Full Stock Groceries, including Tinned Rabbit, Salmon, Lobster, Bakeapples, Sugar, Corn, Tomatoes, etc. J.W. Hodge, Path End.
February 6, 1915 Advertisement How the Sealskin Coat Looks This Season. This change - and sealskin coats change with them! Lucky is the women who has enough of last year's coat left to make over. Here is a new sealskin model which, by adding new fur for the tunic portion, could be made over from last season's coat. The one shown is a ripple-skirted coat of Hudson seal with the flaring lines now fashionable, and a wide collar of skunk.
February 6, 1915 Troops at Nairn By Thursday's mail we received a copy of the Nairn Telegraph's published at Nairn, about 8 miles from Fort George, where our Nfld. troops are stationed. The paper gives our lads great praise, and publishes a lengthy account of the New Year's dinner given to the regiment at Nairn. Capt. CARTY in replying to the toast to the Contingent, spoke humorously of the number of passes he had to sign, for members who wished to visit Nairn, and since meeting the ladies at the gathering, he could quite understand the eagerness of the boys to visit that town. Without casting any reflection on the fair sex of this town, it wouldn't in the least surprise us, to find some of our boys bringing home a Scotch wife with them after the war.
February 6, 1915 The Honor Roll Since last week three more young men from this town - though unfortunately only one belongs here - have gone forward to offer themselves for the service of their country. Wm. Herbert LINCH, aged 20, and son of Rev. LINCH, of the Meth. Conference, employed as teller in the Bank of N.S. here. Arthur Colin GOODYEAR, aged 21, of Musgrave Hr., and assistant teacher at the Arm Academy. Edward WHITE, aged 20, son of Mr. Edward WHITE, of the Arm, fisherman. These are the men who have stepped forward. When will some of our young men follow them? Capt. Ned WHITE is a bit of a fighter himself, and this is the second of his sons to offer himself. Fred, unfortunately, was unable to pass the medical exam for Naval Reserve, but this does not in the least detract from his fine spirit in offering. Edward WHITE is a bandsman in the Arm Brigade, and we believe is the first member of that Society to come forward. Some others are offering from Herring Neck, and Mr. MALCOLM there failed to pass the medical examination. We are sorry to learn that George JENKINS, son of Mr. Peter JENKINS, who offered himself as a volunteer, failed to pass the medical exam. George is the man who beats the big drun in the A.L.B. Band and would we believe, have enjoyed thumping "Bonches" (the label the Frenchmen have put on the Germans) in a similar manner. However, his spirit was in the right place, and his patriotic offer is just as good as if he had been allowed to go.
February 6, 1915 Norman PARDY Friends writing from St. John's say Norman PARDY is doing well and taking his training seriously. He is also developing as a shot, and headed his squad one day with 17 points out of twenty.
February 6, 1915 Sliding Accident Boy Meets Accident While Coasting on Church Hill. Master Cyril BUGDEN met with a nasty accident on Wednesday afternoon, which might easily have been much worse. He and a number of others were sliding on Church Hill using a big bob-sled, when as they came tearing down the hill, a youngster near the foot, threw a handful of snow on them. The snow went in BUGDEN's eyes and he lost control of the sled, which swerved and smashed up against a "shore" from a fence. BUGDEN was much bruised about the lower part of his body, and was unconscious when picked up, being jammed between the sled and the "shore." The Doctor was called but found no bones broken, and the boy will be all right again in a few days. This trick of throwing snow at coasters is a dangerous one, and children while enjoying themselves in the fine run which Church Hill gives, should be careful not to play "monkey tricks" like this, which - as in this case- might easily cause disaster. Queerly enough, too, there was a sort of sequel to this accident. Mr. BUGDEN was at the Parsonage when the news of the accident was brought and, he immediately rushed out, followed by Rev. STIRLING, leaving the door open behind them. Mrs. STIRLING had been across the ice and was just landing at Dr. SMITH's place, when she saw the two men rush out of the house. After the experience of last week ,her heart rushed to her mouth, as she feared another fire. Fortunately the alarm was not on fire this time, but the shock which she received quite upset her for the rest of the day.
February 6, 1915 Personals Mr. Simon YOUNG returned from Lewisporte, Thursday with a new horse which he had come down by train. Capt. Frank ROBERTS, who has been rabbit hunting, returned last evening.
February 6, 1915 Birth Born. To Mr. and Mrs. Fredk WHITE on Thursday, Feb 4th, a son.
February 6, 1915 Herring Fishery Herring have been plentiful at Goshen's Arm of late and quiet a number of good hauls have been made by a number of men from this place.

March 6, 1915 Illness The young man Keywood RIDOUT of Bluff Head Cove, who was brought home from the bay last week by his brother, is improving. He is suffering from rheumatic fever. Mr. John ELLIOTT, of Wild Cove, has been suffering from erysipelas of his knee for the past few days, but is now on the road to recovery. Mr. F.J. BRADY, proprietor of the Trinity Enterprise, who had been suffering, since Feb. 8th, from pneumonia, has we are glad to say, recovered sufficiently to resume the publication of the Enterprise.
March 6, 1915 Paralytic Stroke. We are sorry to learn that Mr. John STUCKLESS received a stroke of paralysis on Sunday, which numbed all one side and seriously interfered with his speech. Mr. STUCKLESS was apparently in the best of health until paralyzed, and was getting ready for Church Sunday morning when he was taken. Paralysis seems to have come on him suddenly, and he is still confined to bed, and his speech much interfered with.
March 6, 1915 Death Sympathy for Mr. and Mrs. Edward LINFIELD. Not many young parents are called to go thro the deep waters of sorrow as have been Mr. and Mrs. Edward LINFIELD, and the sympathy of the whole community goes out to them in this, the fourth bereavement. Their little baby girl was doing well until quite recently, when she began to fail thro' teething. On Monday she became seriously ill and was feared to be dying. Many a young mother sent a heartfelt prayer to Heaven, for these two young people in their distress; but, alas, Fate had decreed otherwise. Universal sympathy goes out to the young parents thus sadly bereft.
March 6, 1915 Twillingater's Who Have Made Good In the old school days it used to be a frequent taunt by the "harbor" boys against the Back Hr. boys that - "Back Harbor boys are bully boys, But Front Harbor boys are men; If Back Harbor boys come over here, We'll drive them back again." Needless to say Back harbor boys were not driven back, and Back Harbor's "bully boys" of those days, have done quite as well in the world as Front Harbor "men." Of those Back Harbor Boys, of the old school days, is Reverend Herbert PURCHASE, now of New York, who was a school chum of the Editor of the Sun. Herbert PURCHASE was a clever lad, and we remember that a distinct rivalry existed between him, Frank CURTIS and ourselves for the head of the class. Frank led in mathematics, but for all round work, Herbert was hard to beat, and the position he holds to-day proves it. Herbert PURCHASE entered the teaching profession at first; but about 12 years ago he left Nipper's harbor, where he was then teaching, for Milwaukie, USA to study for the Church. It was thro the efforts, we believe, of Rev. A. PITTMAN then at Tilt Cove, but now of Trinity, that he was led to take this step. Since that day his progress has been rapid, and he is now Pastor of a fine Church in New Jersey, not far from New York. Herbert Purchase has proved that he had the stuff in him of which men are made. There is always room at the top. Next Back Harbor boy!
March 6, 1915 Advertisement For Sale. The building in Back Harbor formerly used as High School. Apply to, C. of E. Bd. of Ed.
March 6, 1915 The Newfoundland Disaster (Part 1) By late papers we received a synopsis of the findings of the Commission appointed to investigate the Newfoundland and sealing disasters of last winter. Three Judges of the Supreme Court - certainly unbiased men - were appointed and even they cannot agree as to where to place the blame, if any; so it is not to be wondered at, if ordinary mortals find difficulty in deciding, when judicial minds cannot agree. The report of the two Judges says that the "disaster was due to various causes, the absence of any one which might have prevented it." Personally it seemed to us, as we expressed ourselves the very week the accident happened, that it was an entire mistake to send men out on the ice on a morning like it. We well remember the morning and the whole sky looked full of snow. Under such conditions it appears most unwise for the Captain of the "Newfoundland" to send men away from his ship. Apparently there were mistakes all round, and the mistakes of the leader in going towards the seals, instead of starting back for the Newfoundland right away, probably had as great an influence as anything. There was also a great deal too much taken for granted all round. The Newfoundland's Captain took it for granted that his men were on board the Stephano all night. The Stephano's Captain took it for granted they had returned to the Newfoundland safely. Evidence shows that the men were within two miles of the Newfoundland at nightfall. Had the Newfoundland's whistle been blown continuously all night they would have all reached her. Of course the reason Captain Abram Kean is singled out for a scapegoat in some quarters, is for nothing but personal and political spite. Several others were equally guilty, or more guilty than he, but their names are hardly ever mentioned.
March 6, 1915 The Newfoundland Disaster (Part 2) Two Judges Find Capt. KEAN Guilty of Error of Judgement. Judge JOHNSTON Lays no Blame on Captain KEAN. By the courtesy of the Attorney General, Hon. R.A. SQUIRES, we are able to furnish the first of certain portions of the findings of the Chief Justice and Mr. Justice EMERSON, who agree on their report and the minority finding of Mr. Justice JOHNSON. The Chief Justice HORWOOD and Mr. Justice EMERSON join in a report 18 pages long. Annexed is a schedule containing a draft bill dealing with certain matters in connection with the fishery. Fifty-two witnesses were called. The disaster was due to various causes, the absence of any one of which might have been sufficient to have avoided it, but its primary cause was the sending of the men so great a distance from their ship, that there was no expectation of their being able to do the work for which they were sent, in time to return to their ship for the night. Such a risk is sometimes taken by those in search of seals, but it is obvious that it can be excused only where there is a certainty, that shelter for the night can be found on board a neighbouring ship. It is clear that in the circumstances TUFFcommitted an error of judgment in leaving the Stephano, to go in pursuit of those seals, without having made an arrangement that the ship would return before night to take him and his crew on board. While TUFF and Captain Abram KEAN were in conference, the Stephano was under steam and TUFF had been informed by the Captain, that the steamer was taking him two miles nearer to the Newfoundland. It was upon this that TUFF made his calculations as to the course and distance, when he subsequently decided to turn back. The Newfoundland's men had been sent out from the ship that morning, in response to a signal from the Stephano, inviting them on board that ship to obtain information as to seals in the neighborhood. This signal made per se relations, between the Captain of the Stephano and the visiting crew, and placed him in a position of responsibility towards them.
March 6, 1915 The Newfoundland Disaster (Part 3) It placed upon him the duty of seeing that the advice which he had volunteered, did not expose them unduly to danger, and of exercising the prudence and consideration towards them, as would be reasonably expected from a careful Master when dealing with his own crew. The Captain of the Stephano's explanation is, that he did not know that it had taken the Newfoundland's men so long to reach the Stephano, but was under the impression they had come in two hours and twenty minutes; and his First Officer, YETMAN, states that he was responsible for having earlier in the day, given him this information. YETMAN however, fails to explain why he had not seen the Newfoundland's crew earlier on the ice than 9 o'clock, and how they then appeared to him as only then leaving the ship. There can be no question that a grave error of judgment was committed by the Captain of the Stephano in advising their going on to kill seals at the time, and in the circumstances, without arranging with them that the Stephano would return to enable them to board her for the night. Mr. Justice JOHNSON's Report (17 Pages.) The evidence reported shows that it had been arranged between Captain Abram KEAN of the Stephano, and his son Wesbury, of the Newfoundland before they left port, that the hoisting of a derrick on board the Stephano, would notify Wesbury that the Stephano was among the seals. No other private signals were arranged between them. A derrick was hoisted on Monday, March 30th. On Monday morning, Wesbury KEAN sent two-fifths of the crew of the Newfoundland to the Stephano. In sending away his men in charge of George TUFF, a man of long experience at this fishery, Captain Wesbury KEAN was fully justified in the circumstances.
March 6, 1915 The Newfoundland Disaster (Part 4) TUFF, (was) a man of considerably more experience that Wesbury KEAN, and the party was therefore entrusted to the best leader in the ship. Hedley PAYNE, a particularly bright witness, whose evidence recommended itself to the Commission, thought that the Stephano took them about two miles while they were on board her. He also observed that Captain KEAN, while in conversation with TUFF, pointed in the direction of the seals to which the Newfoundland's men were going. TUFFsays Captain KEAN told him while on board the Stephano, that he was taking them two miles nearer the Newfoundland. At the time of this statement, no one thought of disaster, and it is impossible to believe that Captain KEAN would have made such a statement If it were not true. I have no doubt whatever, that when he told TUFF of how the seals and the Newfoundland then lay from the Stephano, he knew perfectly well what he was talking about. I am equally satisfied that their failure to reach their vessel was not in any degree attributable to any mistake on Captain Abram KEAN's part. In the evening the Stephano picked up her pans and ultimately proceeded as far towards the Newfoundland's position as she could get, she being ultimately blocked by the heavy ice. In the circumstances, I find that so far from being guilty of any omission whatever, the Stephano's Captain went beyond what was incumbent on him, and displayed commendable care for the safety of these men for whom he was in no way responsible. It must be remembered that the Newfoundland's crew left the Stephano voluntarily at the call of their leader; that there still remained five hours of daylight; that the distance between the ships was less than four miles; and that the weather gave no particular cause for alarm, until an hour after the crew took to the ice.
March 6, 1915 The Newfoundland Disaster (Part 5) In these circumstances, Captain KEAN had sufficient reason to conclude that they had reached their ship. About 7 p.m., the "Florizel" sent a wireless to the Stephano reporting progress, and asking whether the Newfoundland's men were on board the Stephano. Captain KEAN replied that he had met them before noon within 3 miles of the ship, and that he had no doubt they were on board her. The derrick signal was no more than notice to Wesbury KEAN that the Stephano was in the seals. It left him to send men to the seals or bring them in the Newfoundland if he could. It imposed no duty or responsibility upon Captain Abram KEAN. There would be an end to all kindly help if the giver were to be saddled with onus.
March 6, 1915 Says He Sank Submarine Baltimore, Feb. 19th - Captain J. WHITE, who came into this port this morning in charge of the British steamship "Overdale," says he sank a German Submarine off the coast of England on New Year's Day. The Captain said that during a heavy snowstorm, his vessel collided with and sank, a submarine, passing right over it. According to his story the submarine was lying submerged. As the big freighter rose, its bow on the top of a big wave, the submarine was observed lying in the trough of the wave beneath. With a tremendous smack, the steamer dived right on top of the submarine, coming with full force right onto the underwater craft's deck, which sank from view. The Overdale leaking, and with two blades of her propeller gone, had to make Queenstown, where she had to spend 3 weeks in dock. Capt. WHITE says that when he gets back to Liverpool he will claim the big reward offered to the first British captain to sink a German submarine.
March 6, 1915 More Twillingate Volunteers Mr. Alan YOUNG of South Side offered himself for service of his country, passed the Preliminary medical examination, and was to leave for St. John's on Friday. Mr. S. FACEY received a postcard from his son Clarence, who has been working at New York, but writes from France that he is on his way to England to join the London Artillery.
March 6, 1915 Advertisement For Sale. Decked motorboat, 34 feet long, 4 feet deep, 11 h.p. Ferro, in good order, engine only used 6 months. Apply to Thomas ADAMS, Salton's.
March 6, 1915 Letter From Reservist John Luther Appreciates Gift from Hometown. The following letter was received by Mr. Arthur MANUEL from Mr. John LUTHER, R.N.R. of Back Hr., who has been on the H.M.S.C. "Niobe" since the early part of the Fall. The box referred to is one containing a gift of socks, mitts, cake, tobacco, and tins of rabbit, salmon, bakeapples, &c., give by some friends of the North Side. Halifax. Feb. 13th, 1915. Mr. Arthur MANUEL, Dear Sir: - I received a letter from you some time ago saying you were sending me a box. I have been waiting till I could get on shore to get it, but up till this time I have not been able to do so. The box is here all right, but they will not deliver it to anyone but the owner. I don't know when I shall be able to get it. You see, we are at sea nearly all the time, and when we get in port it is only for coal, and we leave again soon after we are finished coaling, and can't get ashore in the day. We arrived here on the tenth, and are leaving here to-morrow. Perhaps next trip we may get an afternoon's leave, and then I may get it. I am sorry because I should like to get it for the sake of those who took the trouble to send it, and I wish to thank them for their kindness, and appreciate it as a mark of their good will. I hope next trip to get ashore, and if I do, will let you know. Thanking you very much for your kindness. I remain, yours truly, John LUTHER.
March 6, 1915 Gulf Sealing Fleet Commencing today, the Gulf sealing fleet will sign their crews, sailing from here on Friday and Saturday next for Channel. The St. John's fleet for the Gulf this year are: - "Bonaventure " Captain Bob BARTLETT; "Terra Nova" Captain Wm. BARTLETT Sr.; "Viking" Captain Wm. BARTLETT Jr.; "Bloodhound" Captain Alpheus BARBOUR; "Erik" Captain D. MARTIN; "Diana" Captain J. CLARKE. In addition to the local ships are the "Seal" of Halifax, and two Norwegian steamers, which are now at North Sydney. The six local ships will take approximately 1,200 men. Several men got seals off Crow Head on Tuesday. Mr. PARSONS of the Arm had three and two or three others had one or two each. Mr. Levi ELLIOTT was fortunate enough to secure three seals on Tuesday.
March 6, 1915 Shipping News Ship Arrival. "Beothic" arrived Thursday from Liverpool having run the gauntlet of German submarines.
March 6, 1915 Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 1) Almost a drowning accident was witnessed in the swimming pool at the King George Institute a few days ago. A young volunteer named VATERS was attending the bathing parade, and dived into the deepest part of the pool, and being unable to swim, was dragging down a man named MEWS, when OSMOND, the Supt. of the pool, saved both.
March 6, 1915 Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 2) Over the announcement that Rt. Rev. Mons. ROCHE had been appointed Archbishop of St. John's in succession to the late Most. Rev. Dr. HOWLEY, there was great rejoicings throughout the City among all classes and creeds. The new Archbishop is a great favorite, hence the cause of such an outburst of joy on the high honor conferred upon him.
March 6, 1915 Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 3) For some time past the authorities have been watching a foreigner, who is a member of the 2nd Nfld Contingent, and arrested him as an alien suspect, Tuesday evening of last week.
March 6, 1915 Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 4) Young SIMPSON who so badly injured Head PEET, was convicted and sentenced to 6 months in the penitentiary.
March 6, 1915 Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 5) The Gulf steamers prosecuting the seal fishery from the Gulf, are about ready, and will sail the latter part of the week for Channel, from whence they clear.
March 6, 1915 Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 6) On Wednesday of last week, the Octagon Hotel, so well and favorably known, was burnt to the ground. The fire is supposed to originate from a defective chimney. During the afternoon, the Proprietor visited the place and lighted a fire in the kitchen stove, and afterwards went to the ice house, where he has some men employed cutting ice, and on his return, found the place filled with smoke, and in less than an hour the place was destroyed.
March 6, 1915 Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 7) Although the "Kyle" is meeting much ice in the Cabot Straits, she is doing good work. The last few trips had to be made to Louisburg on account of Sydney harbor being blocked with ice.
March 6, 1915 Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 8) The "Mongolian" which left here last week, was compelled to return to Halifax in a leaky condition. It will be remembered that over 200 of our Naval Reservists were on her.
March 6, 1915 Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 9) The Feldian Hockey Club, having won 1915 championship, received a congratulatory message from the old Fieldians at Edinburgh on Friday last.
March 6, 1915 Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 10) Frank WINSBORROW of the Royal Stores, died suddenly on Thursday of last week. He was well and favorably known, having spent the greater part of his life with Job Bros. and the Royal Stores.
March 6, 1915 Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 11) A young man McCRUDDEN, while cleaning the windows at the Seaman's Institute, fell from a stepladder, and received such serious injuries that he had to be conveyed to the hospital for treatment, where he passed away on Sunday last.
March 6, 1915 Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 12) On Friday afternoon, Private POWER, while drilling at the C.L.B. Armoury, fell and broke one of his legs. Father NEAUGLE, who was present, rendered first aid, afterward Dr. CAMPBELL attended to the injured man who was later conveyed to the hospital.
March 6, 1915 Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 13) A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the residence of Capt. A. and Mrs. KEAN on Saturday afternoon, when their daughter Mabel was united in matrimony to Mr. Hiram MITCHELL, Chief Officer of the SS. "Stephano."
March 6, 1915 Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 14) After battling with the ice floes the past week, the steamers Durango and Adventure entered port on Monday.
March 6, 1915 Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 15) The work of unloading the steamer DeSola commenced on Saturday. The dangerous stuff will be stored at Irvine until repairs to the ship are completed.
March 6, 1915 Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 16) It is expected another contingent of the volunteers will shortly be leaving for abroad.
March 6, 1915 Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 17) A young Russian was brought from Grand Falls, charged with having obtained goods belonging to the R.N.Co., under false pretences. On Monday he was brought before Judge KNIGHT, convicted and fined $100 or 3 months.
March 6, 1915 Twillingater on Board Queen Elizabeth It is known that one Nfld. naval Reservist is on board the Queen Elizabeth, the newest and greatest British battleship afloat, and now at the Dardanelles. It is generally believed that Isaac KEEFE, R.N.R., of Little Hr. is the Reservist in question.

March 13, 1915 Farewell Supper A farewell supper was given to the visiting volunteers at Mrs. J. M. COOK's on Tuesday night. Clerks and others from the employ of Wm. Ashbourne, where Messrs. A. YOUNG and F. HARBIN have been formerly employed, tendered the feast. Wives and Sweethearts were present and the company, to the number of over twenty, enjoyed a pleasant evening, dispersing at eleven to the strains of "Auld Lang Syne."
March 13, 1915 Illness Illness. Mrs. Willis BRIDGER (nee Blanche WEIR) has been very ill from pleurisy, and has at times been beside herself. Drs. SMITH and LeDREW have both been attending her, but we hear she is now improving. Mr. C.L. HODGE has been kept at home for a week or so with a bad cold. He is now recovered.
March 13, 1915 Twillingaters Who Have "Made Good." Rev. James GILLETT. Everybody knows "Jimmy" GILLETT, as he used to be called by his friends. Always pleasant and serene, nothing ever seemed to ruffle his temper; no storms ever clouded his brow. Almost too kind and good-natured to get ahead some thought, but we have got to learn that bumptious self-importance is not absolutely necessary to success. Conscientious to a point, is probably the secret of his great success. For some years he was in the teaching profession, where so many of our Clergymen have learned that teaching grown-ups the right is only an advanced grade of teaching children, and have prepared themselves for their mission in life. James GILLETT began as a fisher of fish, and ends as a "fisher of men"; and in this he has the example of many of the Apostles themselves, who left their boats and followed the Master. In September 1911, he left home for Wycliffe Theological College, Toronto, having just finished a year and a half at Battle Hr. as teacher and lay reader. While at College he spent two summers at Porcupine, in the newly opened silver region of Ontario, relieving and assisting Clergymen, and must have gained a wide experience, owing to the cosmopolitan character of the men to be met with at mining camps. He also spent a summer at Percher in British Columbia. He was ordained Deacon in May 1914, and will take Priests orders during this month. Success has come to James as the result of hard work. Room at the top you say? Lord bless you, yes, it's only the bottom that's overcrowded.
March 13, 1915 Glitter Plays Havoc Sunday's glitter played havoc with telegraph and telephone lines all over the country. Not for some time has such heavy glitter been seen. In some places, ice to the diameter of two inches surrounded the wires, and the tremendous weight brought them down in may places. Communication with St. John's was cut off since Sunday, and it (will) probably take days to repair the damage. The Telephone Company's lines suffered heavily, crossing Hart's Marsh, and also on the Little Hr. road, where the telegraph lines which came down, assisted in the damage.
March 13, 1915 Sealing News Many hunters toddled off bright and early Monday morning to look for the elusive white coat, but not much success rewarded their efforts. One old harp, and a young one, were got by Mr. Mark ANDREWS at Crow's Head, but the ice was very rough, and men did not go off over three miles. We hear six white coats were taken by Herring Neck men on Monday.Harps at Cape St. John. Mr. A.H. HODGE, yesterday received a message from Mr. J.M. JACKMAN at Tilt Cove as follows: - "Plenty old and young harps Cape John, nothing done yet, weather too stormy."
March 13, 1915 Notes From Summerford Very sorry to report the death of one of our brave young men of Summerford - Jonas WATKINS - who, when the call was made for Volunteers last fall, joined the Naval Reserve and was serving on H.M.S. "Clan McNaughten," when she was lost with all hands. He leaves a father, mother, four sisters, and three brothers, to mourn their sad loss. To the bereaved family we extend our deepest sympathy. On March 10th the Methodist Ladies Aid here, held their annual sale of work. Tea and Syrup were also served with refreshments. The proceeds go towards the new Church here. On Monday four of the volunteers passed thro here, to their respective homes at Twillingate and Morton's Harbor, on a few days leave of absence. On Wednesday they passed back towards St. John's again, and seemed to be quite merry, singing "Tipperary" and "Are we downhearted? No!" We join in wishing them a safe passage across to the front and a speedy return. We have one young man from this place with the 1st Newfoundland Regiment. - W.A.
March 13, 1915 Destitution There has been a good deal of talk of destitution in some quarters this winter, but we hear that lately, some attempt has been made to get statistics. It is said that 25 families on these two islands are "destitute." This must be more or less qualified, for we hear of one so called destitute that is in credit several dollars to a Merchant, and has been obtaining money be soliciting from the public, as well as from the Poor Commissioner. There are some of these destitute cases that we have always with us, and who thinks that to plead poverty in order to swindle the public is clever. There are also some real cases, which we have with us all the time. One of the most pitiable is that of the family of the unfortunate man William HYNES, whose wife has positively slaved in order to feed her children and bed-ridden husband. If there really is destruction, and we think that over half of these 25 cases will be found to be "regulars," and some others, due to causes under their own control. The best way to handle them would be a visiting committee consisting of a representative from each Lodge, a Clergyman or two, and the Relieving Officer, who might ask for and receive reports of destitution and investigate personally. Charity is a good thing, but it has so often been proved that those really in need are often the last to speak of their need.
March 13, 1915 Personals Miss BURT of Morton's Hr., who has been visiting here, returned Thursday. Misses FRENCH and HARRIS of Morton's Hr., who paid a brief visit here, returned home on Tuesday. Miss "Dot" OSMOND visited Mrs. MAYNE last week, making only a brief stay.
March 13, 1915 Notes From Gander Bay The men engaged in logging and pit-prop cutting, have had an excellent winter for their work up to about a week ago, when the mild spurt seriously interfered with all hands. However, snow again made its appearance, greatly to the relief of those who Feared the wood's work was over. The Horwood Lumber Company is extensively engaged in the pit-prop business. Their three camps in this place, to say nothing of Dog Bay, employs over 100 men. FRENCH's men have been busy; they have more logs out than their mill can saw next summer. The Nova Scotia Company is not operating their mill this winter. They closed down soon after the war started, but we hope to see them running again when peace is restored, and the German militarism destroyed. Of course everything else takes a secondary place to the great conflict now raging. Gander Bay has not been altogether unmindful of her duty to the flag. A successful patriotic concert was held some time age, where (we are informed) over $70 was raised for the Patriotic Fund. Apart from their financial help. six of our young men have offered themselves for active service for the Empire. Though they all belonged here, they did not all hail from Gander Bay, most of them joined the Naval Reserve force. Their action speaks volumes for their pluck, when it is considered what little incentive and encouragement is met with in these by-places. Had there been a patriotic committee formed like Twillingate, we think Gander Bay would have been ahead. When last heard from, two of our men were at Devonport. From their barracks could be seen the new mammoth battleship "Warspite," (Britain's latest thing in warships) being completed and armed. Possibly she is in commission by this time. At that time of writing there were ten 15 inch guns lying alongside. In common with other parts of the Island, we sympathize with the relatives of gallant fellows who went down with the "Viknor" and "Clan McNaughton" fighting our battles.
March 13, 1915 Death Charles FRANCES. There passed away at Gander Bay on March 2nd., at the age of something over one hundred years, Charles FRANCES, a former French Canadian, who came to Nfld. 75 years ago in company with his mother, and took up his residence at Gander Bay. Here he settled and married a Newfoundlander, who bore him eight children - six sons and two daughters. He was a Furrier by trade, and was well known years ago at Twillingate, where he was a regular customer. Up to the last month of his life he was able to walk with the best, and could tell many a story of the old home in Canada. A good Catholic, her remained faithful to his Mother Church. Older residents of Twillingate can no doubt remember him. - R.I.P.
March 13, 1915 Marriage We understand that the wedding of Mr. A. MANUEL and Miss MITCHARD takes place on Thursday, 18th. inst.
March 13, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 1) March is now a little over a week old and the weather during that period has been remarkably mild. The lamb like appearance of the advent of the month makes people wonder the furious old lion will not bob up serenely toward its departure.
March 13, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 2) The ice blockade is still on, and the Gulf fleet find a great difficulty in getting through. the only one to make any progress was the "Bonaventure," Capt. Bob Bartlett, who with skilful maneuvering, managed to work out the narrows, and is now well on her way to Channel.
March 13, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 3) The Furness steamer "Graciana" arrived from Liverpool on Tuesday of last week, bringing a large cargo, and as passengers, 4 Petty Officers of the Calypso, who accompanied the last Contingent of Naval Reservists to England. By the same steamer Messrs. STRINGER, HISCOCK and WADDELTON of the RNR, were invalided home, being sick and unfit for active service.
March 13, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 4) It is reported that the building known as the "Army and Navy Depot" has been acquired by a Nova Scotia Co., and that a new baking establishment will shortly be inaugurated.
March 13, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 5) The Western winter fishery is about over, and the bankers have returned to port, some fairly well fished, while others with poor fares. They will now fit out for the spring fishery.
March 13, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 6) A very serious accident happened to one of our volunteers last week. Hurrying at the sound of "fall in," he fell on the bayonet of the Guard, which entered his side, inflicting a deep wound. He was conveyed at once to the Hospital, where he lies in a precarious condition.
March 13, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 7) Once more the Budget has to report the passing of another well-known Customs official in the person of Joseph FRANCIS. Joe, as he was familiarly called, was for over a quarter of a century in connection with the civil service, and although well over seventy, he was smart and active as a man of 30. A few days before his death he contracted a heavy cold, which brought on hemorrhages. Joe was a great favorite and well liked.
March 13, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 8) Early on Friday evening of last week, a blaze was discovered at Bowring's bakery. A gas explosion being the cause. The firemen were quickly on the spot, and in less than an hour, all danger was over.
March 13, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 9) On Saturday morning about 2 o'clock, one of the worst blizzards for the season was raging, the wind blowing at hurricane force. In the height of the storm, the fire companies were called to a fire in the Chinese laundry on the Cross, which was burning furiously, and on the arrival of the firemen on the scene, it looked serious for the nearby dwellings, but several streams of water were quickly brought into requisition, and after an hour's strenuous efforts, the flames were confined in one building. The laundry is badly gutted, nothing remaining but charred walls and chimneys. The owner of the property, Mrs. E. RAWLINS, carried no insurance, but the celestials were covered.
March 13, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 10) The steamer "DeSola" is now submerged at the dock premises, being burned to the water's edge. The problem now is how to get her out of the way.
March 13, 1915 Recent Happenings Recent Happenings Both in Newfoundland and Abroad. Since the outbreak of the war, no less than 77 employees of the Reid Nfld Co. have volunteered. All occupied good positions at the time of their offer. The Reid Nfld Co. have purchased the "Sagona" and will place her on the Labrador service next summer, the "Kyle" going on the Cabot Straits. The death of the oldest Master Mariner in Great Britain, David Jackson, occurred the other day in his 108th year. A giant Marconi station, probably the largest in the world is to be erected just outside St. John's by the English Govt. Several hundred tons of material for its construction arrived on March 2nd. Work of construction will be started at once. Newspapers received by Thursday's mail say white coats were plentiful in Bonavista Bay. The "Sagona" will not go to the ice this year. The "Bruce" and her convoys, which left N. Sydney some weeks or more ago, has not yet reached St. John's being hindered by ice. The Bruce was damaged by ice, and goes on dock for repairs. The Newfoundland Regiment is now "in charge" of Scotland, being quartered in the famous Edinburgh castle.
March 13, 1915 Willis Manuel By this mail we received a photo of Corporal (we think) Willis MANUEL of Loon Bay, a member of first Contingent, now at Edinburgh. Mr. MANUEL wears a stripe, but we do not know whether it is that of Lance Corporal, Corporal, or what. It is characteristic of the young man's modesty that he says nothing about it himself.
March 13, 1915 Salvation Army Last week's "Warcry" contained a picture of some Nfld Salvationists among whom we recognized our old friend Adj. HISCOCK and his good wife and Capt. ROBERTS, of the Arm, now teaching at Bay Roberts.
March 13, 1915 Prancing Steeds to Exhibit at Change Islands. (Editor Twillingate Sun.) Dear Sir: - We are in for a jolly old time St. Patrick's Day, weather permitting, nothing less than a first class horse Race, Mr. John ROBERTS has a splendid racer, Frank, and Mr. Noah PECKFORD, not to be outdone, imported a grand stallion this winter. last week they had a trial spin from ROBERTS' wharf to South End and back. Some say Frank won by a head, others declare Skipper Noah’s was leading by a few inches. Anyway it will be decided on St. Patrick's Day for a wager of $50 a side. We cordially invite all our friends to join in and make things lively. Come on Messrs HOWLETT, BAIRD, OSMOND, ROBERTS, MANUEL, SMITH, BOYD, and show what your prancing steeds can do. Change Islands will hold her own sure. Yours truly, Interested. Change Islands, March 8th, 1915.
March 13, 1915 Re-building of Parsonage Notwithstanding a good deal of unfavorable weather, our Anglican friends are making very surprising progress in the work of re-building the parsonage. The roof is now being put on and next week shingling will be undertaken. Two bay windows (up to the main roof) are being put on the front of the house and there will we understand, be a piazza and vestibule instead of the porch as formerly. Mr. R. HINDS, voluntary foreman, is to be congratulated on the work done to date, while his co-workers are worthy of much praise for their untiring and self-sacrificing efforts.
March 13, 1915 Soldiers on Holiday Privates A. YOUNG, F. HARBIN and H. PARDY of the Nfld Regiment, arrived from St. John's Monday on a brief holiday. They are due back at the ...y at midday Thursday. They were accompanied as far as Farmer's Arm by Pte. MILLS of Morton's Hr., who went to St. John's to enlist when they did, joined them here on Tuesday. We hope the lads' stay here will be pleasant. They probably leave St. John's about the 15th in a company of about 250 strong, which will bring the regiment at Edinburgh up to full battalion strength.
March 13, 1915 Sons of Temperance Concert Sons of Temperance, the North Star Division, held their postponed concert on Monday night, before a comparatively small audience. Mr. Doyle BARRETT, the Worthy Patriarch, occupied the chair, and opened the proceedings with an interesting speech on the Temperance question. Speeches were also made by Messrs LOVERIDGE and W.J. SCOTT. A recitation by Miss GUY and a dialogue between Misses Daisy ROBERTS and Olive YOUNG were the best features of the evening. Our soldier lads were present in khaki, and quite looked their part, many eyes being continually turned in their direction.
March 13, 1915 Twillingaters at Sydney Volunteer Mrs. Ann MUDFORD of Crow Head had a letter last mail from her son William, who has been working at Sydney up to recently, saying that he had joined the Canadian Contingent. We hear also that Pierce KING, whose mother is sister of Mrs. Joseph ELLIOTT, and who last year built a house at Lower Head, has joined the Canadian Contingent. Mr. KING has been working at Sydney as well.

    [There is nothing on my microfilm for March 20, 1915. GW]

March 27, 1915 Mr. BRIDGER Writes Twillingate, March 22nd. (Editor Twillingate Sun) Dear Sir: - would you kindly allow me space in your valuable paper to make a few remarks in reference to Dr. LeDREW attending my wife. On March 5th my wife was taken very sick witH a pain in her side. My name being on Dr. LeDREW's books, of course he was called to see her, and said she had pleurisy on both lungs. Later she was stricken with a pain in her head that used to render her unconscious, and Dr. LeDREW did not seem to know what caused the trouble. After three days I called in Dr. SMITH and he gave her treatment for her head and finally she began to improve slowly. Three days later I got Dr. WOOD over to see her and he gave her treatment that very soon brought her to her normal state. Many thanks to Dr. WOOD. Dr. LeDREW, on hearing of Dr. SMITH's visit, never came afterward. Surely, Mr. Editor, a man in a free country can call in any, or as many doctors as he feels like doing. Therefore I consider Dr. LeDREW did not do his duty toward my wife. Had it not been for other Doctors I am doubtful is she would have got back to her right mind again. I met Dr. LeDREW ten days after. I asked him why he had not been down to see my wife. He said he was not sent for. Surely he did not need to be sent for. So from this time forward I shall have no more dealings with Dr. LeDREW. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for space, I remain, Yours truly, Willis BRIDGER.
March 27, 1915 Advertisement For Sale. That suitable Dwelling House with property attached, situated on North Side, Twillingate, near Bank of Nova Scotia. For particulars apply to. N. PATTEN.
March 27, 1915 Shareholders Meeting The Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of the Twillingate Telephone & Electric Co. will be held in the Company's Office, (former Club room) South Side, Twillingate. April 6th. W.B. TEMPLE, Secy. Mar. 16th, 1915.
March 27, 1915 Advertisement For Sale. Schooners "Lom", 36 tons, 6 summers running. "Diver Jack", 69 tons, 5 1/2 summers running. All gear in perfect condition. Terms reasonable. Josiah MANUEL, Exploits.
March 27, 1915 Vessel Owners We have made some enquiries lately into the two systems at present in vogue of fishing. The Mail and Advocate said in a recent article, the system of Merchants owning schooners and hiring Captains to run them, was not in its opinion, as good a system as the practice of planters owning their own schooners. What are the conditions here? As far as we can find out there are not over ten or twelve fishing Skippers owning their own schooners. All the others sail in vessels owned by the Merchant. We understand that the man who owns, (that it has paid for, or is paying for on installments) his schooner, has all the catch, barring the half share that goes to his share men, while he stands all the expense of outfitting, provisioning and repairing of his vessel. On the other hand the Skipper who goes in the Merchant's schooner, gets a full share and has no other expenses. This latter seems to be the favorite method here, and men themselves prefer this to the other, so that evidently the majority of our Skipper men, are not of the same opinion as the Advocate in this matter.
March 27, 1915 Letter From Isaac Keefe, R.N. Letters received from Reservist Isaac KEEFE by his friends at Little Hr. say that he is on a ship guarding the North Coast of Scotland. He did not give the name of the ship, but said they were on the lookout to capture ships. His ship has been out for two trips, of a month each, and they get 48 hours leave ashore when they come in.
March 27, 1915 Sealing News Up to this writing the situation for the sealing fleet looks very black indeed. All steamers report themselves jammed and doing nothing. The "Eagle" which got caught off here, was for a time in danger, and boats and provisions were got out. But the nip was not serious and her crew later rejoined her. Tilt Cove reports that the light keeper on Gull Island saw a large body of seals - some 100,000 off that Island on March 6th and 7th. Old sealers here believe this patch still somewhere in the middle of this bay, out of reach at present of either ships or landsmen. They also believe that the steamers are too far out. Messages from Lascie say that 2700 seals were landed at Gull Isld. by 16 men, and some 1300 at Cape John in early part of the week. Message to Fisheries Dept. from Lascie Thursday, said that 1200 young seals, averaging 50 pounds, were taken at Cape John Wednesday, and that men were still hauling them on ice off the Cape, tho ice and weather conditions were bad. There was a report from the Gulf that the "Seal" and "Bonaventure" were in the patch, but further inquiry gives no foundation for the report.
March 27, 1915 Seriously Wounded Engineer Lt. Commander HOWLEY, son of Professor HOWLEY, St. John's, was seriously injured by the mine explosion, which sank the battleship "Irresistible" in the Dardanelles last week.
March 27, 1915 Twillingaters Who Have "Made Good." Rev. Norman GUY, M.A. We have a distinct recollection of Norman GUY as a rather sober faced, serious minded young lad at school. Painstaking and clever, he combined two attributes, which lay the world at the feet of almost any man. Like so many of our native Clergymen, he began with the teaching profession and taught successively at Little Hr. (Twillingate), Burin, Bonavista, and in the Methodist Superior School here. He was for a time a probationer of the Meth. Church at Bonne Bay and then spent 4 years at Mr. Allison, Sackville, where he gained much fame for himself and his Alma Mater as a debater of considerable brilliancy. While there he received his Bachelor of Arts degree, and his Master of Arts after returning to this country. After leaving Sackville, he was stationed at Grand Falls for two years, and while there, received a unanimous invitation to the Pastorate of George St. congregation, St. John's. Still quite a young man, Norman GUY has attained to heights which do him great credit. Of all his class mates who attended the Arm school when he did, where are the others? Did I not tell you that the top was not over crowded, it's only the bottom.
March 27, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 1) Quite a lot of telegraph poles are being placed on the Waterford Bridge Road, for use in the construction of the Marconi lines to Mount Pearl.
March 27, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 2) Mr. and Mrs. S.O. STEELE have the sympathy of the whole community on the death of their son Herbert, who passed away on Monday of last week. He was a promising young man, and had but recently returned from College, but that dread disease consumption, laid hold of him and all that medical aid could do was done. He has two brothers at present with the Nfld. Contingent at the front.
March 27, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 3) A city Engineer having offered to re-float the submerged steamer "DeSola," an attempt will be made shortly to do the work.
March 27, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 4) On the arrival of the "Stephano" in port, she steamed direct to the dock pier and landed the new rudder for the SS "Bruce", afterwards returning and berthed at the Red Cross premises. The body of the late Capt. CLARKE was taken to the Chapter Room of the Masonic Temple, from whence the funeral took place, which was largely attended by the ship's Company and the employees of Messrs. Bowring and Harvey. About 200 members of the Masonic fraternity preceded the hearse. The rev. Canon BOLT officiated at the grave.
March 27, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 5) Capt. HATHERLY of the Allan steamer "Mongolian" has made his last voyage, information having been received of his being killed by falling off the hatch-beam into the hold of the ship, which is under going repairs at Halifax.
March 27, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 6) A young lady of the City is reported to have lost her false teeth, which she believes were stolen from her. How the thief got access to the masticators is a mystery the Police are now trying to unravel.
March 27, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 7) Although we have had down winds for the past few days, the ice still hangs about, and quite a number of vessels are now overdue. The "Bruce" with her two escorts are still detained at trepassey, having been now several weeks on the trip from Port aux Basques.
March 27, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 8) The volunteers were entertained at the Grenfell Hall on Thursday evening, when addresses were given by His Excellency the Governor, the Premier, and Mr. J.A. CLIFT, who presided. A large number of the Naval Reservists were also present. After a most successful concert the representatives of the Army and Navy were each presented with pipes and tobacco.
March 27, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 9) Since the last appearance of the Budget, a well-known and highly respected citizen in the person of Mr. John SYME has been summoned to the great beyond. Up to within a couple of days of his death Mr. SYME was in fairly good health and able to be about town. On Wednesday of last week, he felt unwell and on the day following, passed away almost suddenly.
March 27, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 10) The "Stephano" sailed on Saturday morning at 7 o'clock, taking 250 volunteers under the command of Lieut. Col. RANDELL of C.L.B., and 8 Naval Reserve men. The ship made a splendid run and landed her passengers in Halifax shortly after midnight on Sunday. Yesterday (Monday) morning they were transferred to the liner "Scandinavian" and left Halifax shortly after. We wish them bon voyage.
March 27, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 11) The crew of the wrecked steamer "DeSola" have recently been giving trouble. As soon as they discovered that the Officers were going on the "Stephano" the Chinese became uneasy, and waited for the Capt. and other Officers. As soon as they saw them the trouble began, and several of the Chinese were arrested. The position of the unfortunate seamen have elicited much sympathy, and arrangements have been made to send them home on the "Durango."
March 27, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 12) The passenger, who attempted to defraud a newsboy recently on the train, was up before the court and fined $20, which he paid.
March 27, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 13) Mr. Jas. P. HOWLEY received information from the Admiralty, that his son Richard of H.M.S. "Irresistible" was seriously injured during the bombardment of the Dardanelles. It is hoped the family will receive more cheering accounts next reports.
March 27, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 14) The SS. "Durango" arrived in port last Saturday after a tedious passage of 5 days from Halifax. The R.N. Co. received a cable message on Sunday announcing the arrival of the "Lintrose" at Archangel. The work that the steamer "Earl Grey" could not accomplish, the Lintrose has done, and it is hoped she will maintain her record as an icebreaker and keep the port of Northern Russia open which will be of untold benefit to both England and Russia.
March 27, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 15) Medical Officer PATTERSON and Lieuts. ALDERDICE, NUNNS and WIGHTON, who accompanied the volunteers of the 1st and 2nd Contingent to England, returned by Mondays express.
March 27, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 16) Capt. W.H. FRANKLIN of the 1st Nfld. regiment, has gone to the front with the East Norfolk Regiment.
March 27, 1915 Personals Mr. Harold EARLE who arrived last week from St. John's, having been driven down from Lewisporte by Mr. HOWLETT, left for Fogo Monday. Miss Phoebe MITCHARD, who has been in U.S.A. since last year, arrived on Wednesday. Mr. George HODDER, sr., who has been seriously ill, and was very low on Monday, is now much better and brighter. Mr. Wm. ASHBOURNE was out "swoiling" one day this week, and we hear had the luck to get one seal.
March 27, 1915 Fell Through the Ice Miss Kate WEIR fell thro the ice in the middle of the big Arm yesterday. Her cries attracted the attention of some men who hauled her out.
March 27, 1915 Business Report Ashbourne's upper premises (formerly Earl's) opened for business last Saturday. Mr. George NOTT is book-keeper and Mr. Stewart ROBERTS in charge of the store. Mr. A. COLBOURNE is widening his shop, and preparing for a good summer's work we hope.
March 27, 1915 Warning Warning. Any persons cutting wood on my property on the S.E. side of Hoars' Pond will be prosecuted according to law. William ANDREWS.
March 27, 1915 Troops Sailing Today Mr. George PARDY received a message last Saturday from his son Harold saying they were sailing that day.
March 27, 1915 Enlisting Mr. Peter RANDELL, of the South Side, who happened to be at Lewisporte on his way here, when Mr. Allan YOUNG went up to join the volunteers, joined forces with the latter and went on to St. John's with him. Well-done boys.
March 27, 1915 Mr. YOUNG Boards The Eagle. Capt. Isaac YOUNG and two companions, walked out to the "Eagle" yesterday and returned again last night. He reports the Eagle about 8 or 9 miles off with no seals. The Captain reported the Eagle as slightly damaged, one of her iron straps broken, and a bulkhead out of place. He reported a spot of seals 4 miles North East of him, and that his men had hauled aboard 100. Capt. YOUNG saw some old seals and got one.
March 27, 1915 Women's Patriotic Society List of Socks &c., and Money. Mrs. GILLINGHAM $1; Miss Tottie PEACH $1.30; Mrs. Fred LINFIELD 1 pr. (3rd .); Mrs. Ed LINFIELD 1 pr. (3rd pr.); Mrs. GILLINGHAM, 2 prs; Miss G. CUNNINGHAM, Botwood 1 pr.; Mrs. J. MITCHELL, Pacquet 2nd pr.; Mrs. W.B. TEMPLE 1 pr. (3rd pr.)
March 27, 1915 The Sun Directory Below will be found a list of St. John's firms with their address and the goods they handle. This we hope to enlarge on, as others come in. The idea is to supply our subscribers with a brief directory. Steer Bros. 379, 182, 382, Water St., St. John's. General Merchants. Specialties: Purity Flour, Mocha Tea. P.O. Box 952. Mail Orders. Robert Templeton, 333 Water St., St. John's, General Importer Dry Goods. Wholesale Dealer In Pound Goods, Lobster Tins, Wall Paper, Nfld. Brick, Herring Nets, Glass Floats, Linen Thread Gill Nets. Hendersons, Theatre Hill, St. John's. Importers of General Dry Goods. American Fancy Goods, Child's, Misses and Ladies Millinery. Motto: "Satisfaction or Money Refunded." "The Best Value House."

April 3, 1915 Death "On Sunday morning, after a gradual failing, the end of his life came to George HODDER at about 10 o'clock, at the age of 75. For the past week or so he had been alternately better and worse, but observers saw that the end could not be far off, and he passed out quietly, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. COLBOURNE. Probably few men were better known in this locality than this cheerful man. Always optimistic, he radiated good cheer from him while he talked. The late George HODDER has a large family - 16 children in all. Mrs. Geo. NOTT, Mrs. A. COLBOURNE and Messrs. John and George, jr., are the only members of his family at present living in Twillingate. Besides these there are Mrs. (Const.) DWYER, Hr. Grace; Mrs. (Rev.) JOHNSTON, in Canada; Mrs. WALKER, USA; Messrs. Edward, Walter, James and Wilson at Boston or its suburbs. He also had a brother, Mr. James HODDER, Coastal Wharf, and a sister, Mrs. Hannibal STOWE, a widow, now living at St. John's. The late Mr. HODDER was famous as a mining prospector. He had the greatest faith in this District as a mineral producing country, and he had tapped the rocks for miles around, while his specimens were numerous. Up to his death he held various mining claims and was always hopeful of the outcome. While no great Churchgoer, and owing no allegiance particularly to any sect, George HODDER was one of those men who hated profession without deeds. Nominally a Seventy Day Adventist he had an open ear for all beliefs, but believed that ""faith without work is dead."" Being human he was not perfect, but he tried to be kind and just to his neighbors, and without bitterness to his enemies; and we venture to say that his life leaves a sweeter fragrance behind than that of many a pious Pharisee, who never missed a Church service nor a chance to back-bite his neighbor. The funeral took place on Tuesday at St. Peter's and interment was in the Congregational Cemetery near Ragged Point. To his widow who survives him and children and friends the Sun extends its sympathy."
April 3, 1915 Twillingater's Who Have Made Good Probably no young man of his day was better liked by those who knew him, than was Jimmy HODDER, now of Sommerville, Mass., which goes to show that a man needn't be a "grouch" to be successful. He began work at an early age at Duder's, where he acted as Storekeeper. Leaving here about 28 years of age he went to Boston, USA and immediately engaged in business there. From that time on, his success has been rapid. He owns the largest store in Summerville, a suburb of Boston, and is besides, a large property owner as well. It was while at work on the construction of a big theatre of his, last year that his brother Lloyd met his unfortunate end. Jimmy is another example of what our Twillingate boys can do if given scope for their talents. He, too, has proved that there is plenty of room at the top.
April 3, 1915 Personals "Mr. Joseph HOUSE, who reached Lewisporte with his family last Monday, arrived here Saturday. He left his family at Campbellton, and will probably return there till the opening of navigation. Mrs. W. NEWMAN came as far as Campbellton with him, and will probably come on here later. Mr. Ned HODGE returned to Fogo last Saturday. Mr. A.G. ASHBOURNE has presented some prizes for distribution to the Lower Dept. of St. Peter's school at Easter. Messrs. O. MANUEL and J. WHEELOR of Loon Bay came down Monday for Dr. SMITH, who went up the same evening to visit Mr. Arthur MANUEL of that place, who is suffering from pneumonia. Mr. Ernest WALL arrived from LewisportE Tuesday morning before dinner, having left there that morning about four. This is probably as good time as was ever made with a dog team. Dr. WOOD performed a successful operation of cancer of the lip on Mr. Robert HAYWARD last week. Mr. and Mrs. FORWARD of Tizzar'd Harbor, paid a brief visit here last Saturday, transacting business and visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. L. OSMOND and Mr. and Mrs. Ches. MANUEL, visited Campbellton last week and spent a few days there. Mr. Ernest MANUEL paid a brief visit here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lucas took advantage of the fine afternoon Thursday and paid a visit to her mother with horse and sleigh. The road being bare in many places the sleigh struck a stone hard enough to break one of the traces. Owing to the sever shock, Mrs. LUCAS has been confined to her bed with Dr. SMITH in attendance. "
April 3, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 1) (Special to the Sun). the Furness steamers "Durango" and "Tobasco", after being icebound in port for several days, were released on Friday morning of last week ,and sailed for their respective destinations.
April 3, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 2) A slight fire at Horwoods match factory brought the fire company on the scene. The chemical was brought into requisition and quickly extinguished the blaze before any damage was done.
April 3, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 3) An old lady living on the Torbay Road - Mrs. WHEELER - has been mourning for the loss of her son Philip, whose name appeared among the missing from H.M.S. "Clan McNaughton." Imagine the joy of the old mother, when a few days ago, she received a letter from her boy informing her that he was safe. It appears (that) before the Cruiser sailed, he was taken ill with fever and was conveyed to the Hospital from whence he wrote his mother. That home on the Torbay Road was quickly transformed from a house of mourning to one of joy and gladness.
April 3, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 4) Private J.W. GRANT, of the 1st Nfld. Regiment, who came across to Halifax as Orderly to Capt. O'Brien, upon hearing of the death of his father, was given leave to visit his mother, and he arrived by Monday's express.
April 3, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 5) The Health authorities were surprised last week of the appearance of a case of Small Pox at Trepassey and every precaution will be taken to prevent the disease spreading.
April 3, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 6) A familiar meat vendor, Silas ROGERS, of Long Pond, was found dead on his cart, near Brigus a few days ago. He was on his way to Brigus to purchase cattle, but just before reaching the town he expired from heart failure.
April 3, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 7) Labor is fairly plentiful in the city just now. A large number of men are employed at Mount Pearl; and the Bank of Nova Scotia have commenced to take down the O'Dwyer building, preparatory to erecting an up to date Banking establishment, this giving a lot of employment to hundreds of men.
April 3, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 8) The Sealing liar was thought to have gone to the front, but he bobbed up serenely a few days ago and had the "Bonaventure" and "Seal" loaded, with several of the ships lost, or on the way home disabled.
April 3, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 9) Up to the present no attempt has been made to remove the submerged "DeSola" from her present position, near the R.N. Co's. premises.
April 3, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 10) "On Thursday afternoon of last week, two young men took advantage of the fine weather to go out bird shooting in a small boat outside the Narrows. Before they were aware of it they found themselves drifting South in the ice floe, but fortunately for them a motor was near, and rescued them from their perilous position. During the last few days the off winds have given the ice a good shove off the land, and many over due vessels have arrived. Numerous icebergs, however, are much in evidence. The ""Bruce"", with her escort, entered port a few days ago, after several weeks delay from the ice blockage. She is now on the dock to receive a new sternpost and rudder in addition (to) the annual overhauling and renovating. Reid’s premises is at present a hum of industry; so many steamers being put in readiness for the summer work."
April 3, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 11) A good deal of dissatisfaction has cropped up between our local Contractors and the Bank of Nova Scotia, on account of being excluded from tendering for the erection of the new building. It is expected the Govt. will be asked to introduce a bill for the protection of our local men.
April 3, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 12) Old Jack Frost has paid us another visit and he has been very severe, especially as most people had started house-cleaning, thinking the venerable jack had left us for the season. The past few days have been so cold that the furnace and hall stove had to be called into action. Up to the hour of writing, the sealing news is very discouraging so far as the steamers are concerned and although so near the fat, yet are unable to move an inch toward the coveted goal. It is earnestly hoped that the Ice King will soon relax his grip and let them free.
April 3, 1915 Illness Mr. C.D. MAYNE has been confined to his home this week, suffering from a bad cold with bronchitis. We are glad to see Mr. John STUCKLESS, who had a paralytic stroke some weeks ago, now out around again.
April 3, 1915 "Bill" the Horse The "well-known horse "Bill" has been sold we hear, and will cross the Bay with the opening of navigation.
April 3, 1915 Advertisement If you want value for your money buy "Royal Household Flour." Also a Tea which has always given satisfaction is "Hazelfield" Tea in half chests, and 4, 10 and 20 lb. boxes. Wholesale only from Harvey & Co. Ltd.
April 3, 1915 Sun Visits S.A. School Thursday afternoon in accordance with our plan of visiting all the schools the Sun dropped into the Salvation Army School. We found 22 children on the register and 17 present, chiefly children in the lower grades, ranging from A, B, C up. There are also two candidates for Intermediate neither of which was present, and one Primary Candidate who was present. We heard a class composed of 4th, and 3rd, Standards read from Standard 3 reader. The reading was good as was also the spelling, and question were answered fairly intelligently. We found one boy very shortsighted, and gave him our spectacles to try, which he said much improved his vision. We urge his parents to get him equipped with glasses. We also spoke briefly on the use of the toothbrush, to which the children listened most attentively. Mr. Miller has a very nice building in which to teach, and it is well equipped with maps and desks, and well lit and airy. The children all seemed most attentive to their class, and good feeling evidently prevails between them and their teacher.
April 3, 1915 Flag Halyards Carried Away We will ask the person who took my flag halyards to put them back near the pole, where he unrove them, by the 15th of this month, or I shall publish his name in this paper if they are not replaced. Joseph A. YOUNG.
April 3, 1915 Advertisement For Sale. Fish Cask and Herring Barrel Hoops. Apply to Edgar SMALL, Summerford.

   : [There is nothing on my microfilm for April 10, 1915. GW]
April 17, 1915 Sealing Reports The "Bonaventure" weighed out 25,985 seals valued at $52,886 and her men shared $64.86. Twelve Policemen went by Wednesday nights express to Port aux Basques, the Captain of the "Terra Nova" having wired for Police protection; his men having mutinied. "Beothic" struck small patch Wednesday and took about 500. The "Eagle" Thursday reported for 7,000 stowed and her men were hauling all day Wednesday. The "Florizel" was ordered home and was due Thursday night. The "Nascopie" lost her propeller and the "Nascopie" is towing her home. [Transcriber's Note: This is how it appears in the original, but one of the names is incorrect.]
April 17, 1915 Notes From Exploits There has not been much doing here this winter. Nearly all the men that were not in the woods have been making herring barrels. On Easter Sunday there died at Swan Harbor, Mrs. Llewlyn LILLY, daughter of Mr. Zeph WELLS. Your readers will probably remember that her two brothers were drowned at Goose Cove last September. Messrs. MANUEL are building a large shed in preparation for the herring fishery, which for the past two seasons has been the mainstay of men, owing to the failure of the cod fishery.
April 17, 1915 Letter From Frank Pike I was over in Spokane Wash. for four months working in a job shop, but I am now back on the News again. Mr. FOSTER, who was formerly manager of the Daily News, is now a Commissioned Officer in the Army. The new Manager is a thorough businessman. He started as an apprentice and worked himself up to his present position. Business affairs are very dull in the West, and by what we read in the papers, it is the same in the East. Of course after this war is settled, business in every capacity must gradually boom. Farming is going to be the money making process in Canada this year, unless a great change takes place. After reading about the German baby-killers, it makes us all feel like going over and help to civilize them. I have spoke of going several times but our folks don't seem to care about it. Of course one would rather stay in Canada to take advantage of some of the opportunities that will be open before long. All the family is well, and are enjoying both the beautiful weather and delightful scenery, which the little city of Nelson affords us. We are watching Twillingate getting more up to date every day. That idea of yours "to have a volunteer Fire Brigade" is some suggestion. We hope it goes. That is the way all small towns start, before the amount of money to employ men steady, has been accumulated. The Twillingate Sun is being made larger, and has several cuts every week. That is quite an improvement since I worked there. Frank PIKE.
April 17, 1915 Twillingaters Who Have "Made Good." About 38 years ago, George PHILLIPS left Twillingate for Canada. Up to that time he had been a fisherman, and was known here as an expert trapman. He was considered the best authority on repairing and altering traps in the place, a business which is now carried on by his brother. When George PHILLIPS arrived in Toronto, he had 25 cents in his pocket. He didn't however go to the Govt. to look for assistance but he bent his own broad shoulders to work. By industry and good judgment he began to build for himself a business, until he was doing pretty well. About 18 years after, came a time of commercial stagnation in Canada. he lost upwards of $30,000 and many houses that he had built were unpaid for, or thrown back on his hands. Many a man would have been ready to drop out against such a set back, but not so this man, who again started to crawl up the ladder he had fallen down. To-day thanks to that indomitable spirit, he is again in good circumstances, being worth probably upwards of $100,000 and able now to rest somewhat on his oars and enjoy the fruits of his labor. George PHILLIPS teaches the lesson of perseverance to young men. The true man knows that he must meet black days, and set backs, but he should not be discouraged. Success is seldom achieved by anything but hard work and plodding. We began this series of articles with a resident, because we considered that he was our greatest success. We hope in a week or two to come back to other residents who, we consider have "made good." It is very often harder to make progress in ones own town, where the neighbors are always pulling down instead of helping, and where the field is so much more limited; but in spite of this many of our young men are doing well at home. We shall attend to them shortly, but we shall only consider native born Twillingaters.
April 17, 1915 Notes From King's Point "Mrs. Elizabeth THISTLE, relict of the late F. THISTLE, of Boot Hr., died on March 27th at the home of her son, F. THISTLE, at King's Point. She was 75 years old and leaves 3 sons and 1 daughter, quite a number of grand children, and 15 great grand children. She was a native of Harbor Grace but spent 40 years in this bay. Also Mr. Fred STRONG died at Three Arms, April 4th, at the age of 64 years, after a lingering illness, leaving a wife, 3 brothers and numerous friends to mourn their sad loss. The King's Point Council held their tea and parade on the first day of April, All Fool's Day. Their band, consisting of one accordion did credit to the King's Point Council. Several interesting addresses were given, especially that by Mr. WELSHMAN, of Shoe Cove, who to judge by appearances, must have taken something stronger than tea before going to the hall. Herring are very plentiful here and quite a large quantity has been packed ready for shipment as soon as navigation opens. Rev. James GILLETT arrived last evening and will spend a month with his family."
April 17, 1915 Advertisement For Sale. 1, two h.p. Gasoline engine, complete, and in good condition. Price $35.50. Apply to Harry COLBOURNE.
April 17, 1915 Advertisement A Rare Chance. To Rent A Shop, Store and Waterside Premises, conveniently situated at Durrell's Arm. Ready for occupation. For particulars apply to John MINTY.
April 17, 1915 Advertisement Buy Your Flour, Feeds & Provisions From Rothwell & Bowring, Ltd., St. John's.
April 17, 1915 Shocking Tragedy at Fogo Young Man and Woman Drowned. A shocking fatality occurred at Fogo on Monday night about ten o'clock, when Edward HODGE, son of Mr. J.W. HODGE of Fogo, and cousin of Messrs. A.H. and C.L. HODGE of this town, and Miss HOPKINS of Heart's Content, the U. of C. School Teacher at Fogo, were drowned by falling thro the ice. It appears that Mr. HODGE, with Miss HOPKINS and Miss OAKE, at whose house Miss HOPKINS boarded, were crossing the harbor on the way to the girl's home, when the three fell thro the ice into the water. Miss OAKE managed to crawl out before help reached to them. When help arrived the body of young HODGE was recovered and it showed some slight signs of life. In spite of the Doctor's efforts however, he was compelled finally to pronounce life extinct. Miss HOPKINS's body was not recovered till the following morning. The terrible tragedy has thrown a gloom over the town of Fogo, and much sympathy with the bereaved family was expressed here, as Ned was known to many friends in Twillingate and visited here only three weeks ago.
April 17, 1915 Notes From Summerford Miss Georgina ROBERTS, Meth. teacher here, who has been home to spend her Easter holiday, returned on Monday and opened school on Tuesday. Five of our soldier-lads passed through here on Monday on a few days leave to their respective homes at Twillingate and Morton's Hr., Luke's Arm, and Chance Hr. They are expecting to sail for England on or about the 15th. We wish them bon voyage and a safe return. Messrs. BARNES, ANSTEY, SMALL and WATKINS who were off on a rabbit hunt have returned with about 50 a man. Correspondent. April 7th.
April 17, 1915 Notes From Lewisporte April has brought us snow and hard weather, and many of the men who were about through with their winter's work, have gone to work again, there being plenty of work here if the weather holds suitable. The pit prop buyers want all the wood they can get, and Woolfrey Bros. want all the logs and stave timber they can purchase at Scissor's Cove, as we learn they have sold all their last year's cut of lumber, and want a big cut this summer. Norman BULGIN and French Co., who were down on the Straight Shore cutting pit props with their families, have moved back to their summers' residence again. The mild weather flooded their camp with water. Mrs. Edward MARTIN and Mrs. John NOSEWORTHY, who have been sick the past few days, are now somewhat better and hope to be around in a few days. Mrs. Eli MARTIN, who has been sick for the past 5 or 6 months, is practically deaf and blind. They have quite a large family, all small, and it hardly need be said they find the times hard. Kind friends have helped, for which both Mr. and Mrs. MARTIN are very thankful. Sunday being Easter, there was a Missionary collection taken in the Church to help meet the deficit in the general fund; $40 was collected. On Monday evening the ladies of the W.M.S. held their Easter meeting. The room was packed and collection, including their Easter offering, amounted to about $27. This society is raising over $100 in Lewisporte for missions this year. Much credit to the ladies of this Society. While Mr. George HANN was driving his wife and two other ladies to the meeting last night, the sled upset on the road, and it is thought his wife dislocated her shoulder. He has taken her to Grand Falls to the Doctor for treatment. Certain parties, not being satisfied with the meetings in the Methodist Church, started holding cottage meetings of their own, we suppose under the auspices of the S.A. We learn on Sunday some division occurred among themselves, and consequently some of their number broke off again, the Master's words coming true, "a house divided against itself cannot stand." The stork has visited us again and brought to Mr. and Mrs. George MOYLES a bouncing boy. George is proud of his boy, and delights in taking a good chew. While people are complaining about high prices we notice Woolfrey Bros. have put a notice, offering cranberries for 37c per gal. This is an unusual low price for those berries. Correspondent, April 6th.
April 17, 1915 Advertisement For Sale. 2 Motor Boats, 25 & 30 feet long. Apply to Wm. WINSOR, Exploits.
April 17, 1915 Advertisement Seasoned Lumber For Sale. 70 M. 1 inch Ploughed and Tongued Board. Also quantity of Rough Board, Clapboard, Framing, etc. Last season's cut. F. THISTLE, King's Point.
April 17, 1915 Death There passed away on Monday, Mrs. WHEELOR, relict of the late Joel WHEELOR at the age of 80, at the home of her son Mr. Peter WHEELOR near the Bridge. The late Mrs. WHEELOR, who was predeceased by her husband about a year, left a large family of children. Messrs. David, Peter and Arthur WHEELOR of this place are sons, and Mrs. W. HOUSE, Mrs. Wm. OAKE and Miss Dorcas WHEELOR, daughters. Besides these, there are three daughters Belle and Jane and a Mrs. REID and a son Johnathan in Toronto. The funeral took place on Wednesday at the S.S. Meth. Church.
April 17, 1915 Advertisement Picked Up On North Side, lady's brooch. Owner may have same by calling at this office, proving property and paying for this ad.
April 17, 1915 Personal Mr. John LOCK, who has been at Tizzard's Hr. for the past fortnight, returned here Thursday.
May 8, 1915 An Appreciation of the Mailmen The overland mail service has now closed, except in so far as special trips are concerned, and we cannot let the occasion pass without a few thanks to our couriers, - the Messrs. LUTHER -, whose service is so satisfactory, and who consider no effort too great where His Majesty's mail is concerned. What are the conditions these men have to contend with week after week? No one but he who has traveled with them knows, but in spite of it all our mail arrives, snow or rain, frost or thaw, making slob, or treacherous spring ice; and there is no doubt that were the courier on the other end as anxious and pushing as ours, we should get our mail even earlier than we do. There are two or three things wanted which would help our Mailmen considerably. One is civilized people who would respect their camps, and not ill-use them as they have the camps on Hatchet and Indian Cove Necks. Another thing is telephone communication with Farmers Arm and Comfort Cove. With these aids their work would be much simplified. We must not forget Mr. MILES, the Herring Neck courier, whom we believe our friends there find just as satisfactory as we do ours.
May 8, 1915 Twillingaters Who Have "Made Good." Capt. Jack CHURCHILL. Capt. CHURCHILL is one of Twillingate's young men of whom our Arm friends are particularly proud. One of a twin, (the other being Const. Fred of Botwood) he has always a bright and witty disposition, in fact in the S.U.F. concerts of twenty years or so ago, we remember the CHURCHILL boys as the features of those entertainments. Jack's first voyage to sea was with Capt. ANTLE to Sydney in 1901. From there he moved to the steamer "Servia" in the St. John's - New York service, and was on her for 2 years. He was also successively in the "Rose May," and in the West Indies winter service, being also in the "St. Clair", "Olive" and "Grand Falls". As one would expect, being anxious to get farther aft, Jack obtained the position of Mate, and spent 2 years on the "Olinda" as First Mate. Having shown his fitness for quarterdeck work, he was then given command of the "Success", a fine three-masted schooner, in which he visited us last fall. Jack, like all seamen, has had a few adventures, and probably his narrowest squeak was when he got clear of Hamburg, Germany last July, only a few days ahead of the declaration of war. One week later and Capt. Jack and his crew would have had the "pleasure" of spending some months in a German concentration camp, where we are led to believe the grub is not so good as that served in the Success' cabin. Capt. Jack deserves much credit for his advancement, and we look forward to seeing him yet walk the quarterdeck of an even finer and larger vessel than the Success. There's many a quarterdeck yet, young men, where there is plenty of room. It's the forecastle you find crowded, not the quarterdeck.
May 8, 1915 Boy Scouts Concert The Boy Scouts and some of their young lady friends, held a concert in the Victoria Hall on Tuesday night. A fairly good house attended, most of them being young people. Scoutmaster EDWARDS favored with a couple of comic songs, and the boys were highly delighted with the "Dentist" sketch. Miss Carrie BUGDEN acted as accompanist in a most creditable manner. During an interval, candy was sold at five cents a bag, and the whole stock was quickly disposed, and as much more could have been sold. The proceeds netted seventeen dollars, we are told, which will go towards uniforms for the boys.
May 8, 1915 The Courts Four young men were before the court last week for disorderly conduct on the streets, and were each fined a few dollars for their fun. We are glad to see Const. TULK getting after some of those rowdies who frequent the Barracks' Hill. They have been allowed too much license for years, and need a little attention now.
May 8, 1915 Business Trip Miss Gertie BLANDFORD went to Lewisport by motorboat, by way of Dildo on Tuesday, to take the train for St. John's, where she will attend to the purchase of goods for G.J. Carter's branch here. Mr. Geo. BLANDFORD accompanied her as far as Lewisport.
May 8, 1915 Advertisement Wanted. For the C. of E. High School, Twillingate, a Principal (male), and Assistant (female). Duties to begin on September 1st. Further particulars on application to C. of E. Bd. of Education, Twillingate.
May 8, 1915 Advertisement We are now ready to book orders for all kinds LUMBER, including Cooperage stock. All manufactured from Green timber. Prices right. T.J. French & Sons, Main Point, Gander Bay.
May 8, 1915 Dr. WOOD Stranded We hear that Dr. WOOD is marooned on Black Island by the ice.
May 8, 1915 Shipping News Mr. Alex HODDER has purchased the schr. "General Booth" from Mr. Fred. WHITE and they will send her to the fishery this season. MANUEL's Exploits motorboat, the "Eye Opener", which has been in Back Hr. all the winter, having been caught there in the slob last Fall, got clear Wednesday and left for Exploits.
May 8, 1915 News of Seals Several young seals were killed the first part of this week both around this island and also at the Arms.
May 8, 1915 Death A little child of Mr. Martin STUCKLESS died yesterday morning.
May 8, 1915 Birth Born. On Wednesday, May 5th at Loon Bay, to Mr. and Mrs. O. MANUEL, a son.
May 8, 1915 Accident Miss Hettie HODDER, daughter of Mr. Edgar HODDER, had the misfortune to drive a needle in her arm while house cleaning, and it broke off. Dr. SMITH was called but we did not hear if he was successful in extracting it.
May 8, 1915 Enlisted "Ted" NEWMAN For The Front. The below refers to the Old Fellows society at Victoria, and the occasion, the departure of Ted NEWMAN for the Front with the Remount Corps. "Ted gamely offered his services, and is by now well, on his way to France. That he may assist in driving the brutal Huns from fair France and Belgium and return safely, is the wish of the Sun. Ted is the second of former employees in this office, to offer his services for the country.
May 8, 1915 Meeting Dominion Lodge No. 4. There was a good attendance at this lodge last Thursday evening, and those present witnessed a fine presentation of the first degree. Bro. E. NEWMAN, noble grand of this lodge, will leave on Tuesday next with the remount detachment bound for St. John. Bro. NEWMAN carries with him the best wishes of all members of the order in this city, and they hope to see him in the lodge room again at no far distant date.
May 8, 1915 Miss BATSTONE Will Stay Miss BATSTONE has (with the permission of the Board of Education) withdrawn her resignation and will continue as Assistant Teacher in the High School.
May 8, 1915 Hospital Discussion A public meeting to discuss a telegram from Mr. SHEA, St. John's, Agent for the Grenfell Mission, was held in the Court House on Tuesday night. The telegram asked for information as to what Twillingate citizens were prepared to do, and it was generally agreed that nothing should be decided until Dr. GRENFELL could come here and discuss the matter, which it is hoped will be in the early summer. It was also decided to ascertain what financial assistance could likely be obtained from the Government, before proceeding in the matter.
May 8, 1915 Notes From Lewisporte On April 19th, there passed peacefully away Mrs. Robert MORGAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George BROWN of this place. The late Mrs. MORGAN had been married not quite a year and lived at their own house until about a month ago, when they came here; she to spend the summer with her parents, and her husband taking a job with one of the coastal steamers. When her baby was born, she did not recover, and passed peacefully away. Her funeral was very largely attended, and her coffin covered with wreaths, among which was one from her Sunday School class. The child will be looked after by her sister. After the F.P.U. parade and concert on the 14th, the L.O.A. held their annual parade and concert on the 22nd. Both entertainments were well patronized. Two more of our young men have volunteered for the Nfld. Regiment, this time being Arch and Lewis NORTHCOTT. There are now 8 young men representing Lewisporte with the Contingent. One of them is now ready to leave for England. Last but not least, we had a very pretty wedding here, in which Mr. Samuel RUSSEL and Miss SMITH were united in Holy Matrimony. Sam seems to have been a good many years looking for the right kind of girl, but we believe has found one in his bride, who is both young and bright. We wish them many happy years. Correspondent.
May 8, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 1) A temperance rally was held at the College Hall on Monday night of last week, when Resolutions were passed re Prohibition. The spacious Hall was filled with a large audience who exhibited sign of deep interest in the movement. A mammoth parade under the auspices of the W.C.T.U. was held on Tuesday afternoon, to demonstrate with no uncertain sound, the sentiment of the women on the subject of Prohibition. The same night, the Salvation Army held another Prohibition demonstration, which was largely attended by citizens of every rank. No doubt a temperance wave has struck St. John's and the Legislature must do something to banish intemperance from our land, for they cannot ignore the people's demands. Mr. HICKMAN brought forward his Prohibition Resolutions in the Assembly on Wednesday last. The keen interest manifested was shown by the large attendance. After a long discussion the Premier intimated that he would introduce a bill during the session to enable the people to say yes or No on the subject. In other words a plebiscite would be taken during the fall for the people to decide for themselves. So might it be!
May 8, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 2) Everything points to a busy season at the Iron Island. The Dominion Co., anticipates a big output, probably six hundred thousand tons of ore.
May 8, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 3) Work is brisk at the R.N. Co's docks these days, the employees doing overtime in order to keep up with the volume of labor presenting itself. Several steamers are waiting their turn to be docked.
May 8, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 4) Another contingent of our boys left for England via Halifax by the last "Stephano." They received a hearty send off. It is reported that part of the Nfld. contingent has been ordered to Egypt, for active service.
May 8, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 5) Rev. Dr. BOND, of Halifax, is now visiting the City, in connection with the Missionary Services of George St. and Cochrane St. Methodist Churches. He has lost none of his old time vigour and is as sprightly and active as he was in the days of yore.
May 8, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 6) On Friday afternoon the Prime Minister introduced a series of resolutions dealing with a contract entered into between the Government and a corporation known as the "Newfoundland Products Corporation." It is a giant undertaking, for already $100,00 has been expended in surveys, and the preliminary outlay will be about $18,000,000. If the proposals, as laid bare by Sir Edward, work out to a successful issue, immense benefit must accrue to the Colony. So many of similar schemes have been brought before the Legislature in former years, with great flourish of trumpets and with the result that the bubble soon burst, and all the grand pictures became a thing of the past. But with the present proposals, there appears to be something tangible to take hold of, and with such men as the Reid Nfld. Co. behind the movement, its success is assured.
May 8, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 7) A railway accident recently occurred near North Branch, Codroy Bridge, when six cars left the track, with the result that Conductor NOSEWORTHY and four of the passengers, were slightly injured.
May 8, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 8) Capt. Bob BARTLETT was before the Court on Friday on three sealing cases: (1) Neglecting to supply beef to the crew, (2) Sailing before March 13th, and (3) Killing seals on Sunday. These suits were brought forward by some members of the crew. The Judge has not yet rendered his verdict. A case against a Naval Officer of the "Calypso" for interfering with the Police in the discharge of their duty, was dismissed.
May 8, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 9) The induction of the New Rector of St. Thomas' Parish, took place on Sunday evening at the 6.30 service. Rev. Canons SMITH, COLLEY and WHITE assisting. The old Church was filled at both services with large congregations. At the morning service, Rev. Dr. JONES took part, reading the lessons and preaching. His sermon was a masterpiece, showing him to be a pulpit orator of exceptional merit. In the evening, Rural Dean COLLEY conducted the installation ceremony, Canon WHITE being the preacher. St. Thomas’ Parish has commenced a new page in its history, and the services on Sunday were helpful and inspiring, and it is the prayer of all, that Dr. JONES' pastorate may be a successful and happy one.

May 15, 1915 Notes From Exploits May 1st - All the ice cleared off at this writing out of Exploits and Burnt Bays. All clear from here to Lewisporte or Botwood. Conditions are similar at new Bay, which is clear water. There is a good sign of herring at Black Island, two barrels being got for a net. Mr. Manuel LACEY left yesterday for St. John's, as did the crew of Manuel's schooner, "Fog Free Zone", which is in St. John's. There has been only one death here since writing you last - the four month child of Mr. LILLY, whose death I previously reported. Three volunteers from here left with the last contingent of Nfld. Regiment - Paul LILLY, Cyril SCEVIOUR and Samuel MANUEL. There have been several young seals killed the past month at Black Island. You have probably seen the crew of MANUEL's motorboat - "Eye Opener" - which went down from here to try and get her up. Correspondent.
May 15, 1915 Advertisement Foot Sewing Machines. Hard Wood Mahogany Cover, Drop Head, with 5 drawers, with Lock and Key, and full attachments, for $19.50. A.T. Woolfrey & Bros., Lewisporte.
May 15, 1915 Meets Nasty Accident Mr. John STUCKLESS, of Bluff Head Cove, while at work on the "Rolling Wave" at Ashbournes' N. Side premises, sustained a severe cut on the head by being knocked against an axe. He was standing on a cask doing some rigging, when the foretopmast came loose and fell, knocking him off the cask. In falling he struck his head against an axe lying on the deck, making a cut several inches long on his head, which bled profusely. Dr. SMITH was called and inserted several stitches in the wound, and as the man was much stunned by his fall, he was driven home by Mr. A. POND. He will likely be all right in a few days.
May 15, 1915 First Nfld Regiment Thursday. A message received at St. John's yesterday from Dr. PATTERSON, who went over with last contingent as Medical Officer, said that 1st Newfoundland Regiment moves to-day from Edinburgh, to go under canvas at Stobbs Hill, near the Border between England and Scotland, where there is a large German concentration camp, and where they will likely do duty guarding German prisoners. Evidently the previous report, which we heard of their going to the Dardanelle’s, is not correct.
May 15, 1915 Personals Mr. C.L. HODGE went to St. John's last week on business. Mr. Joseph A. YOUNG and Mr. Roland GILLETT who have been to St. John's on business, returned here on Thursday. Const. TULK has gone to St. John's on leave of absence. Rumor has it that he will not come back alone. Messrs. Arthur MANUEL and Edward LINFIELD arrived Tuesday morning from St. John's via Lewisporte. Messrs. Wm. and George MOORS arrived from Badger via Lewisporte Tuesday. They experienced a troublesome time having left Lewisporte last Friday. Dr. SMITH was successful in extracting the needle which we last week reported Miss Hettie HODDER as running into her arm.
May 15, 1915 Advertisement J.E. EDWARDS. Ladies and Gents Tailor. North Side, Tw'gate. Special attention to all work.
May 15, 1915 Advertisement Board & Lodging. Mrs. J. HANCOCK solicits the patronage of the Travelling Public. Board and Lodging furnished. Situated three doors east of Custom House, Lewisporte.
May 15, 1915 Advertisement For Sale. A Motor Boat (without engine) 4 years old, 28 ft. over all, with comfortable Cabin, original cost $200; will sell for $70.
May 15, 1915 Advertisement Wanted. A good girl for general housework. Wages $6. Apply immediately to Mrs. Solomon ROBERTS, Change Islands.
May 15, 1915 Advertisement For Sale. At Botwood, that piece of land opposite the Pulp Co's wharf at Peter's Arm, Botwood, measuring 450 by 50 feet, with building thereon, building 40 by 30 feet. Will be sold cheap, if applied for at once, Apply to W.J. O'BRIEN, Summerside, Bay of Islands.
May 15, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 1) (Special to the Sun). All the sealing fleet (with the exception of the "Eagle" and "Bloodhound", icebound at Wesleyville), have arrived. The total catch will not reach 40,000 seals - the worst on record.
May 15, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 2) The Assembly is now principally occupied thrashing out the contract between the Govt. and the Nfld. Products Co. In a multitude of counsellors there is wisdom, and no doubt the outcome to their deliberations will result in a modified form, acceptable to all parties.
May 15, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 3) Several salt steamers have recently arrived which has somewhat relieved the anxiety for that most needed article.
May 15, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 4) The fox cases against PIERCY for purchasing two fixes in close season, and H.D. REID for having in his possession two foxes in close season, were before the courts last week. Judge KNIGHT, after hearing the pros and cons dismissed both cases.
May 15, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 5) The reception held in Canon Wood Hall in honor of the New Rector, Rev. Dr. JONES, last week, was well attended and the St. Thomas Women's Association deserve a word of praise for the success of the affair. Hon M.G. WINTER presided and speeches were given by Canons SMITH, WHITE and BOLT, and Rev. A. CLAYTON. The Rector, in a very pleasing speech, replied to the kindly expression of welcome extended to him.
May 15, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 6) The many friends of the Rev. C. W. HOLLAND will regret to learn that his son Jack, has fallen on the field of honor in the battle around Ypres, and sincere sympathy will be extended to the Rev. gentleman and his family, by the whole community in which the Budget joins.
May 15, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 7) The Bay Boats are now ready to take up their summer's work, and the "Prospero" is scheduled to sail on Thursday 6th inst. but none of them will get away during the prevailing Easterly winds.
May 15, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 8) The Importer's Association have changed the Monday holiday to Wednesday and the stores will not open after 6 o'clock until the fall trade opens on October next.
May 15, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 9) It is reported that two of our old sealing steamers have been sold to outport parties - the SS. "Neptune" and the "Newfoundland". After the experiences of the past spring, it is not encouraging to hold on to the older ships.
May 15, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 10) Several of our Nfld. Doctors have volunteered for the front. Doctor DEAN, son of the genial Capt. Abram; Doctor TEMPLEMAN, son of the Hon. Phillip; and Doctor PARSONS, of Harbor Grace, and others. May they all return with victory perched upon their banners!
May 15, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 11) The dredge "Priestman" which is now operating in St. John's Hr., will shortly start work in the out-harbors.
May 15, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 12) Judge KNIGHT, who has some serious throat trouble, left for Montreal by Sunday's express to consult a specialist there.
May 15, 1915 Notes From Summerford. April 30. - Three volunteers passed up through here to-day from Morton's Hr. and Western Head, namely George SMALL, Keywood JENNINGS, and Chesley RIDOUT; also six men going in to Grand Falls for work. Mr. Martin SMALL took them to Lewisporte in motorboat. Mr. A. LINFIELD from Loon Bay came here in his motorboat to-day, bringing down Mr. W.B. TEMPLE. May 5th. - Mr. Joseph YOUNG came here to-day and took passage with Mr. James BOYDE in their boat for Lewisporte. Mr. Freake, from Boyde's Cove in his motorboat, came here to-day on business, returning home the same day. Mr. Theophilus BROWN is building a fine large skiff in which he intends to put an engine. Mr. Elijah BOYDE has built a new boat in which he has placed a 4h.p. American engine. Correspondent.
May 15, 1915 News From Lewisporte Mr. Harry RUSSEL, while engaged cutting pit props for Mr. W. FREAKE, and working near another man, received a very bad cut in the leg from the other man's axe, and will be laid up for some time. Mr. William SNOW of this place too, met with similar accident. He had the misfortune to cut two of his toes nearly off. Rev. W.J. WILSON was called and dressed the injured members. Mr. SNOW will be laid up for some time, and this comes extra hard on him, as he has been sick most of the winter. We learn the new Church Committee has issued their statement for the year ending March, which seems to be very satisfactory, taking into consideration the pressing needs of the past winter. They hope to complete the outside of the building this year. FREAKE and MANUEL are offering a much higher price for pit props for the summer's cut, and many men will be engaged at this work. WOOLFREY Bros. are starting sawing at their mill, and things are looking bright for Lewisporte and Scissor's Cove. Mr. R. MANUEL will start work on the new hotel shortly when Mr. JACOBS arrives from Twillingate, and he can get his lumber from Loon Bay and elsewhere. Correspondent.
May 15, 1915 Herring and Seals People from the southern end of these islands did will with herring this week. We hear that BORDENS' seined 200 barrels on Monday. Seals were scarce on Monday, few being got.
May 22, 1915 No Rebate on Fuel No Rebate on Gasoline and Kerosene. St. John's, Friday - In the House of Assembly yesterday, Finance Minister CASHIN introduced the Budget. He announced that the drawback given on gasoline and kerosene, used for fishery purposes, would not be given and all would alike pay the duty. There is also to be a 10 per cent duty imposed on most of the goods at present on the free list, except fishery salt and a few others.
May 22, 1915 Shipping News Capt. Jonas CLARKE will go in one of J.W. HODGE's schooners this season, the "Martello", instead of in OSMOND's "St. Clair." Capt. Donnelly ROBERTS will go in the "St. Clair" this season. Mr. Fred ROBERTS and companion arrived Thursday from Pike's Arm where the schr. "Springdale" is. She was a week getting from Dog Bay to there, owing to the ice hindering her.
May 22, 1915 Loss of Livestock Mr. Robert SIMMS of Back Hr. had two sheep killed this week by dogs. Mr. John SHARPE of Crow Head had the misfortune to lose a cow Thursday, it getting bogged in a marsh.
May 22, 1915 Twillingaters Who Have "Made Good." James WEIR. A most retiring man, he is not perhaps very well known socially, but no person who has ever carried him a job, has forgotten him afterwards. While frequently called a Blacksmith, he is rather a Gun and Locksmith, and Machinist as well. Though confined to simple tools, and without a Machine Shop at his back, there is probably no little job connected with a machine that James Weir cannot do. He is never bothered for a tool to do his work, for if he hasn't got it he will soon make it. For years he was with DUDER, in the old "Fleta," and looking after the engine, which ran the smelting outfit there. Later he branched out doing gun repairs and other jobs of this kind, and is now known all around these islands, while his reputation extends even to the Treaty Shore. Under other auspices, James WEIR might have obtained a considerable reputation as a clever workman. As it is, he is satisfied to do his little best in "that state of life to which it has pleased God to call him," (to quote the Catechism) and everyone knows, that if mortal man can make a piece for a gun, or a motor, or a clock, James WEIR can.
May 22, 1915 The Weather While we complain of the lateness of the season on the water, we must recollect that the first trip of "Clyde" last year was not until May 19th. and that on June 12th last year, this harbor was full of ice, and 28 sail of craft were jammed in Sunday Cove Island Tickle.
May 22, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 1) After mourning for Jack HOLLANDS as being killed, for several days, the Rev. HOLLANDS and family received a message stating that Jack was alive and well. The memorial service arranged for was turned into one of thanksgiving and their sorrow turned into joy.
May 22, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 2) The Canadian tugboat, "I.P. Thorne," having had repairs effected to her machinery, left for her destination a few days ago for Archangel via Stornway. She will be employed by the Russian Govt. The Russian Govt. is now negotiating for one or two of our sealing steamers, and an attaché from the Embassy at Washington is at present in the city conducting the negotiations.
May 22, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 3) The last contingent of our volunteers, under the command of Capt. Eric AYRE, arrived safely on the other side after a voyage of ten days. Besides the 1000 reservists, which have left to fight for King and Empire, we have 1250 men in barracks in England, anxious and ready to get into the fray.
May 22, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 4) The "S.S. Carlton" arrived from Montreal on Sunday last with a full cargo. She is the first boat to come down the St. Lawrence since the opening of navigation. The "S.S. Sinbad" will follow in a few days. Both steamers are chartered by the Furness Whitby Co.
May 22, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 5) Several of our soldier boys at the front have been reported wounded, among them being George HUNT, brother of lawyer HUNT, and Albert MATTHEWS, brother of Rev. F.R. MATTHEWS, of Carbonear.
May 22, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 6) On Wednesday morning of last week, a fire broke out in the premises of the Imperial Manufacturing Co., Prescott St., through an explosion caused by chemicals, and quickly spread to the second story, which is occupied by the U.S. Picture and Portrait Co. Although the fire Companies were quickly on the spot, damage to the tune of many thousands of dollars was caused. The premises were badly gutted by fire and water.
May 22, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 7) The "Prospero" and Reid's Northern boats are still detained in port on account of ice conditions, while several schooners are unable to make a move to their destinations.
May 22, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 8) Lieuts. SHORTALL, BARTLETT, PATERSON and (MELIOR ?) of the Nfld. Regiment have arrived from Scotland, and commenced the work of the training the men of F. Co. The next contingent will probably be leaving in a month or six weeks.
May 22, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 9) The British Society opened their new Nickel Theatre on Monday night, and was well patronized. The pictures were good and the hall was splendidly arranged and second to none in the city. Unfortunately, the lady vocalist had not arrived, being held up at Sydney on account of ice conditions. We wish this old society every success in their new venture.
May 22, 1915 Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 10) A very large gathering of the Catholic citizens of St. John's, was held in the T.A. hall on Sunday evening, to consider the steps to be taken in connection with the consecration of Rt. Rev. E.P. ROCHE, Archbishop Elect. A committee was appointed to carry out the wishes of the Roman Catholics in honoring their new Archbishop. Before the meeting closed, a subscription list was opened and $2,000 realized.
May 22, 1915 Advertisement Alladdin Mantle Lamp. Simplest, safest, cleanest, cheapest, most reliable, most economical, most satisfactory lamp in the world. Burns common kerosene oil. The Alladdin will pay for itself in a few months in oil saved. Costs only quarter as much as the ordinary oil lamp to operate - Gives a clear white light and powerful illumination. For Churches, Schools, Halls, &c., nothing to beat it on earth as an oil lamp. For prices and particulars write the Sole Agent for Nfld. Chesley WOODS. 140 Water Street, St. John's, Sub Agents needed in every locality.
May 22, 1915 Advertisement Picked Up. In the lane by Mr. ASHBOURNE's upper premises, a pair of ladies long white gloves. Owner can have same by applying to Mr. Wm. G. YOUNG, Robin's Cove.
May 22, 1915 War Losses Canadian Losses. Ottawa says Canadian losses so far total 4751, including 678 killed. 3206 wounded; 867 missing.
May 22, 1915 Marriage Wedding. The marriage of Andrew GREENHAM, son of Mr. Isaac GREENHAM, to Bessie ELLIOTT, of Robin's Cove, took place at the home of the groom Saturday night. Much musketry marked the event.
May 22, 1915 Herring Herring are reported very plentiful at Herring Neck, and everyone down there is said to have their barrels full, and to have "knocked off fair play."
May 22, 1915 Weather Wednesday night we had a couple of inches of snowfall. Those of an optimistic mind smiled and said it was good for the ground, and those inclined pessimistically just "cussed."
May 22, 1915 Personals Mr. A.G. ASHBOURNE arrived from St. John's last Saturday from a business trip.
May 22, 1915 New Job Miss Dorothy NEWMAN has secured the position as assistant clerk at the Union Store. She leaves the Sun office to enter that position, and it affords us much pleasure to testify to the conscientious nature of her work and her aptitude for learning.
May 22, 1915 Contractors Messrs. Josiah and John ROBERTS have secured the contract to finish the interior of the new C. of E. Parsonage, their tender having been accepted by the building committee.
May 22, 1915 George MOORS Mr. George MOORS who arrived recently from USA, has some interesting tales to tell of his travels. Since he was last here he has been in Alaska, and California, and has also taken a trip to Australia. Business everywhere in the West, George says, is dull since the war began. He will remain here for the summer.
May 22, 1915 Ice Blocade All shopkeepers are now getting low on stocks, and if it had not been for Ashbourne's, butter, flour and other necessities would be out. Owing to the lateness of the season, everyone was expecting to have had springs goods in ere this. Up to this writing, the "Prospero" is still at Catalina icebound, and the "Fogoto" is said to be jammed off Greenspond.
May 22, 1915 "Artie" YOUNG Writes From Edinburgh The Castle, Edinburgh, April 26th, 1915. I would have written you yesterday, but my chum and myself got leave for the weekend, and went over to Glasgow. He was working in Canada when war broke out, but came home to enlist. We had a grand time. It doesn't cost much for a Soldier to travel over here. We went to Glasgow, that's about 40 miles from here, and from that we went to Ballock, which is about 20 miles from Glasgow, and there we took a motorboat and went up Loch Lomond a few miles. I tell you 'twas good to get on the water again. It made me feel at home. It was a grand day - too warm if anything - and the water as smooth as glass. I felt like it was in July crossing the harbor. How little did I dream last year that I was to see the "bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lomond," that you hear sung about sometimes. I saw the shipbuilding works on the Tyne. We were down for another bathe to-day. We generally get two a week, and we can either take a warm bath or a swim, and I always prefer the swim, as we can get a warm bath at the Castle any time we want it. It is a great swimming pool they have here too. Tell mother I am feeling fine and was never better in my life. Your brother, Arthur.
May 22, 1915 Advertisement Reid Newfoundland. Co., Water Street Stores Department. The well-known Headquarters for Motor Boats, Motor Supplies, Gasoline, and Motor Oils. Any person intending to invest in a Motor that gives least amount of bother, and longest service, it will pay to call at our Water St. Stores and be convinced that our Buffalo, Wonder, and Eagle, Motors are the best procurable. Call or Send for Quotations. Reid Newfoundland Co.

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