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Newspaper Records

Notre Dame Bay Region

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser

Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.
Title varies: Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953.
Editor and proprietor:
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953.
MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938,1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889,1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.
Description: The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953.

The records were transcribed by GEORGE WHITE, PAMELA ELKAS and ROSLYN COLLINS. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors. If you should find any errors or have other records to contribute, then please contact the Twillingate Sun transcription project co-ordinator, GEORGE WHITE

January 10, 1885 John PYE Installed as W.M. The ceremony of installing John PYE, Esq., as W. M. of St. John's Lodge, No 579, R. E., took place in the Lodge Room, British Square, last evening, in the presence of a very large number of the Craft. The beautiful ritual of the installation was impressively performed by Sir William WHITEWAY, W. D. G. M. after which, brother PYE proceeded to invest his officers for the ensuing year as follows: S. J. BOONE, S. W., R. PEARCE, J. W., H. D. CARTER, Treasurer. John JEANS, Secretary. J. A. CLIFT, S. D., R. RENDELL, J. D., R. BURNS, Stewart, W. McCANDY, Stewart, A. MORGAN, I. G., H. EEARLE, Tyler. As a Craftsman, we take this opportunity of congratulating brother Pye, and feel confident that a bright future is in store for the Order in "this Newfoundland of ours," which teaches reverence, of law and order, the practice of benevolence, upright conduct, and all other virtues that tend to promote harmony and social intercourse all over GOD's vast domains. So might it be. - Times.
January 10, 1885 Church at Englee On Fire Wood being such a common building material in these districts, the greatest precautions need to be taken against fire, particularly in our churches. On the 23rd of Nov. no little alarm was caused in the quiet harbor of Englee by an outbreak of fire. Just in the midst of the service, the congregation began to grow restless, their eyes where upturned, to the roof and a sudden crackling indicated something to be wrong. The process of raising ladders, fetching buckets, etc. immediately commenced, and the Preacher and people were running pell-mell to the sea, "dipping it up." The day was a most unfortunate one for a fire, as there was quite a gale blowing. Happily, the flames had not taken a thorough hold of the building, otherwise salvation of it would have been impossible. The accident arose totally through negligence, the vane not having been adjusted on the stove pipe.
January 10, 1885 Death Dr. RICE, Superindent of the Methodist Conference of Canada, died on the 16th Dec., at Toronto.
January 10, 1885 Note of Thanks Our thanks are due to P. W. KELLY, Esq., of St. John's, for late copies of English papers received per last mail, as well as for others which he has regularly fowarded to our address during the past year.
January 10, 1885 Shooting Accident A few days ago says the Mercury of the 18th ult., a serious accident happened to Lorenzo CRUMMY, of Western Bay. He was in the country shooting, and when firing at a partridge, the gun burst and blew off a portion of his hand. The thumb was found some time after, several yards from the place the accident happened. Dr. NELSON, assisted by Dr. SOMMERVILLE, amputated the hand a few inches above the wrist, and the unfortunate man has been doing as well as can be expected.
January 10, 1885 Industrial Accident We learn that a serious accident occurred at the Colonial Company's Works on yesterday forenoon. A young man named James SIMMONDS, while at work at one of the hacking machines, got his leg caught in one of the belts and was whirled around in the air two or three times, seriously injuring the knee and ankle. His head, comming in contact with the floor, also received injury. The Manager, James II. MONROE, Esq., immediately ordered a carriage by telephone, and had the poor fellow conveyed to the Quidi Vidi Hospital, where his injuries will be attended to. Mercury, Dec. 18.
January 10, 1885 The Rev. Adam CURRIE, The Rev. Adam CURRIE, F.R.G.S. Licentate of Theology in the University of Durham, has been appointed Head Master of the Church of England Academy. He was formerly Mathematical Master at the Training College at Durham, and is now Master of the Wolsingham School and institution, which was at low ebb when he took charge, but which he has been successful in raising to a very creditable position, having increased the number of pupils to such an extent, that it has been necessary to enlarge the building. Mr. CURRIE, who has produced excellent testimonials, was selected unanimously by the Director, out of upwards of twenty candidates.
January 10, 1885 Annual Meeting S.U.F. At an annual meeting of "St. Peter's" Lodge, S. U. F., held on Monday evening last, following brethren were elected and duly installed as Officers for the current year. Past Master, Bro. T. W. MANUEL, performing the installation ceremony. Bros. Obediah MANUEL, W. M., elected. Bros. Walter PURCHASE, C. O., elected. Bros. John PRIDE, 2nd. O., elected. Bros. Rev. R. TEMPLE, Chap., re-elected. Bros. John LUNNEN, Sec., elected. Bros. John WHITE, Purser., elected. Bros. Daniel BLACKLER, Q. M., elected. Bros. Elias ANSTEY, L. O., re-elected. Sick Committee: Bros. James NEWMAN, Reuben BLACKMORE, Thomas SPENCER, James PURCHASE, James HAMLIN, Charles ANDREWS, Noah WHELLOR, Thomas EVERY, John JENKINS, Phillip CHURCHILL. FINANCE COMMITTEE: Bros. Thomas YOUNG, A. FINDLATOR, James GILLETT. INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE: Bros. Jacob MOORES, Philip FREEMAN, Fred GUY, John PURCHASE, Samuel MAIDMENT. MANAGING COMMITTEE: Bros. Titus LINFIELD, Reuben BLACKMORE, Mark BRETT. TRUSTEES: Bros. Rev. R. TEMPLE, Titus MANUEL. PURSER's ACCOUNT: Receipts for the year, £108, 18, 10. Paid for sickness and death, £44, 10, 0. Other expenses, £37, 7, 3. Balance on Hand, £27, 1, 7. = £108, 18, 10.
January 10, 1885 Marriage On Dec. 31st at St. Peter's Church, by the Rev. R. TEMPLE, R. D., Mr. Frederick OAKLEY, to Fanny, youngest daughter of Mr. Charles NEWMAN of Twillingate.
January 10, 1885 Marriage On New Years day; at the same place, by the same, Mr. Eli VATCHER, jr., to Susannah, youngest daughter of Samuel ANSTEY of Pardadise, Twillingate.
January 10, 1885 Marriage On Saturday, Nov. 15th, in the Methodist Church, Englee, by the Rev. HOOPER, Mr. Artemas HOPKINS to Miss Isabell HANCOCK, both of England.
January 10, 1885 Birth At Herring Neck, on 7th inst., the wife of Mr. R. MUNDY, of a son.
January 10, 1885 Birth At St. John's on the 4th inst, the wife of Mr. A. A. PARSONS, of a son.
January 10, 1885 Birth At Englee, on the 17th Nov., Mrs F. HANCOCK, of a daughter.
January 10, 1885 Death At St. John's on the 12th inst., suddenly, Alfred, infant son of Hon. W. J. S. DONNELLY, aged twelve months.
January 10, 1885 Death At Bonavista, on the 11th inst., Hugh Malcolm, youngest son of Dr. R. E. FORBES, aged 7 months.
January 10, 1885 Death At Lower Island Cove, on the 9th inst., Mr. C. Berkley, son of Rev. J. REAY, aged 2 years.
January 10, 1885 Death On the 7th inst., at the residence of his father, 1243 Dorchester Street, Montreal, Wilfred Wyclife, third son of the Rev. C. F. MACHIN, aged 23 years.

    [There is nothing on my Microfilm between Jan.10 and Feb. 7, 1885. GW]

February 7, 1885 Birth On the 10th, ult., the wife of Mr. William HUNTER, of a son.
February 7, 1885 Birth On the 23rd, ult. the wife of Mr. Frederick HOUSE, of a son.
February 7, 1885 Death On the 18th of December, at his native place, Belmont, Cottage, Creiff, Perthshire, Scotland, in his 73rd year of his age, Alexander MURRAY, C. M. G., F. G. S., Director of the Geological Survey of Newfoundland. Deceased was much respected in this Colony, where he spent the last 20 years of his life.
February 7, 1885 Illegal Surgery A Paris Jeweler has been prosecuted for illegally practicing surgery. He had pierced the ears of a child two years old, for earrings, for which he charged half a franc. The ear became inflamed, the inflammation spread to the neck, and the child died. The doctor attributed death to the ear having been pierced too high up, not in the lobe, but in the cartilage. The defense was that all jewelers pierce ears, and that the mother must have used some injurious lotion instead of olive oil. The Jeweler was fined 50 francs for homicide through imprudence, with 150 francs damages to the parents.
February 7, 1885 Gun Explodes James MARTIN, one of the crew of the Lady Glover, has had his hand blown off by the bursting of a gun, which he had purchased in St. John's. It seems that while on the passage around the Cape this morning, he was firing at some birds, when the gun burst, owing no doubt to its inferior quality. The unfortunate man we understand, lies now in a very precarious state. - H. G. Standard.
February 7, 1885 Accidental Drowning Yesterday, while two men were over Forest Pond with a dog and slide to procure wood, the ice gave way, and both were precipitated into the water. After a hard struggle, one of them managed to save himself, but the other became exhausted in the struggle for life, and sank to rise no more. The poor fellow's name was Angel, and he leaves a wife and two children. Mercury.
February 7, 1885 Bad Fire at Brigus Quite a destructive fire for so small a settlement as Brigus, occurred there on the 19th ult. The dwellings of Messrs. John ROWLAND, RABBITS, and HISCOCK, were burnt to the ground, and some other edifices, the names of the occupants of which we have not learnt, are also said to have been consumed. Telegram.
February 7, 1885 Trial of the Riverhead Prisoners Up to the latest accounts received per last mail, the trial of Riverhead Prisoners, for the willful murder of William FRENCH, had not been concluded but was slowly drawing to a close. The examination of witnesses was more protracted than was at first anticipated, the Crown having to put in rebuttal evidence against some of the most barefaced perjury ever invented, which was used for the defense, and given by a witness who was examined for the first time in the case. Mr. KENT, Q. C. addressed the Jury for the defense, and the Solicitor General, Hon. J. S. WINTER, occupied two days in a most able speech on behalf of the Crown. The Chief Justice, Sir F. H. T. CARTER, intended delivering his charge to the Jury on the 21st day of January. We are sorry that our limited space will not permit us to publish this week, the portion of Mr. WINTER's Speech received the last mail, but will endeavor to do so next issue.
February 7, 1885 Officers of "St. Andrew's" Lodge, S. U. F. Fogo The following are the names of the Officers of "St. Andrew's" Lodge, S. U. F., Fogo, for the current year: Bro. Andrew COOKE, W.M. Bro. James JONES, 1st Officer. Bro. James BLACKLER, 2nd Officer. Bro. George BARNES, Q. M. Bro. Joseph BEVIA, L.O. Bro. Rev. C. WOOD, Chaplain. Bro. M. STONE, Secretary. Bro. A. W. HOLMES, Purser.
February 7, 1885 The Ladies Tea (Part 1) The Tea and Concert, announced in your last issue, under the same title, came off very successfully on the appointment day. A sever and sudden storm on the previous evening had left its signs on the weather - in fact was not fully over till the middle of the day - and as the morning was intensely keen with the thermometer at, if not below zero, it was doubtful whether the Ladies would be able to receive their visitors. In this case, however, the old saying of, "Faint heart & c" was reversed, and if there were any "faint hearts" among the ticket holders, the "fair ladies" succeeded in "winning" a room full, and scarce a place was vacant which had been provided. The Room, as usual on such occasion was decorated with banners, and the outer frost with the enticing and elegant appearance of the Tables, must have had a most appetizing effect. Yet we did not hear of one lady provider, whose powers were not up to the mark in meeting the claims made upon her hospitality. "Supply" and "demand" equaled each other; and yet we believe, that had more been asked for, more would have been forthcoming. And it could have been no easy matter, to transport delicacies of varied kinds, from a considerable distance, without falling into Jack Frost's capacious maw.
February 7, 1885 The Ladies Tea (Part 2) As quickly as possible the Room was rearranged for the Concert, of which the Programme is given below. It consisted of singing, instrumental pieces, and reading & c.; such as severity of the weather had permitted of being practiced. There had not been much time or opportunity for drawbacks, all went well, and if one may judge by the hearty applause which followed each and every effort to please, the Concert was a great success. Without presuming to criticize, or to compare one performer with another; we think that the heartiest applause followed Dr. STAFFORD's song "The Little Hero," Miss Susan PURCHASE's song," Never Trouble Trouble," and Mr. PERCY’s inimitable reading of selections from "Mrs. Caudie." The entertainment closed about 10 p.m. with the National Anthem. The piano was lent for the occasion from the Parsonage. We trust that the result will be found a success financially also, and Lady’s laudable excretions may be rewarded. Thanks are abundantly due to them and all concerned, and we doubt not that St. Peter's Parish Committee will gratefully acknowledge the welcome help, next time of meeting. The appeal to the Ladies was so cordially responded to, that it adds immensely to the gratitude due. It is a trite but true saying "Get the ladies on your side." The present occasion has proved it well.
February 7, 1885 The Ladies Tea (Part 3) PROGRAMME PART I: Pianoforte, Mrs. TEMPLE. Song, "Book", Miss LETHBRIDGE. Duet, "Minute Gun At Sea", Dr. STAFFORD and Another, and Mr. LLOYD. Pianoforte, Mr. LLOYD. Song, "Mother I'm thinking of you", Mrs. OAKLY and Miss F. COLBORNE. Pianoforte Duet, Mrs. STAFFORD and Mrs. HITCHCOCK. Song, "Nearer the Beautiful "Gates", Mr.WEBBER. Reading, Mr. OWEN. Song, "Lost Song", Mr. LLOYD. Duet, "Wild Waves", Miss LETHBRIDGE and Another. Song, "Little Hero", Dr. STAFFORD. Pianoforte Duet, Miss TEMPLE and Mr. LLOYD. Song, "Happy Valley", Rev. R. TEMPLE and Mr. LLOYD. A Dialogue, as interlude, between three ladies, called "Deaf as a Post. PART II. Pianoforte, Miss Berthau. Song, "I’ve no Mother now", Miss COLBOURNE. Reading, Mr. PERCY. Song, "Bridge", Miss TEMPLE. Pianoforte, Miss LETHBRIDGE. Duet, "Messenger Swallow", Mrs. HITCHCOCK and Another. Song, "Never trouble trouble", Miss S. PURCHASE. Reading, Rev. R. TEMPLE, Song, "Juanita", Mr. G. BLANDFORD. Glee, "Nymphs of air", Mr. LLOYD, Rev. R. TEMPLE, and Dr. STAFFORD. Reading, Mr. Owen. Song, "Rose of Allandale", Rev. R. TEMPLE. Song, "Sea King", Dr. STAFFORD. Pianoforte Duet, Mrs. TEMPLE and Mr. LLOYD. Song, "Wings", Mr. LLOYD. Reading, Mr. PERCY. "God save the Queen." In this connection we would express the thanks of the Entertainment Committee to those friends, who so willingly gave their valuable assistance to them, and which contributed so largely to the success of the Entertainment, namely: Mrs. STAFFORD, Mrs. HITCHCOCK, Mr. LLOYD, Mr. TEMPELTON, Dr. STAFFORD and TRASCETT.

    [There is nothing on my Microfilm between Feb. 7, and March 7, 1885. GW]

March 7, 1885 Shortage of Paper We have to apologize to our readers for thie incompletenss of todays issue. Want of paper is the cause. We shall have our stock on hand as soon as navigation opens, when we shall endeavor to make compensation to our readers for the present deficiency.
March 7, 1885 Diphtheria There are a number of cases of diphtheria in this community at present, some of which are of a bad type. Several children have already succumbed to this fell disease.
March 7, 1885 House Burnt at Exploits We learn that Mr. Frederick MILLEY of Explots, had his dwelling house and nearly all its contents, destroyed by fire on the 26th ult. A defective stove pipe is supposed to be the cause of the disaster. This has been a very severe loss to Mr. MILLEY and leaves him in a destitute condition. To add to this, he has been for several years unable to perform heavy work, having been almost deprived of the use of his hands from the effects of a chill. We understand that some friends intend to make a subscription for the relief of this poor man, and we feel sure that anything given for this purpose will be well bestowed and redound to the honor of the donor.
March 7, 1885 Temperance Vote in St. John's The return of the Poll in the District of St. John's East and West, under the Provsion of "Temperance Act 1871" was as follows: For the Bill, 1747. Against the Bill, 3027. Total, 4774. Majority Against, 1280.
March 7, 1885 Death Mr. John DEARIN, son of Dr. DEARIN, M. H. A., died suddenly last night and strange to say, the horse which was despatched to convey the Doctor to the residence of his dead son, dropped and perished on the road. Mercury - Feb. 12.
March 7, 1885 Death On the 19th ult. Rhodon Geoffrey, only child of Mr. Andrew LINFIELD, aged 6 1/2 months.
March 7, 1885 Via Telegram BY TELEGRAPH. (Via Little Bay) St. John's, Feb. 24. 12 of the Riverhead Prisoners were admitted on bail today. All the Dundee fleet have arrived. The Address and Reply to the Opening Speech is still under discussion. The house proposed an amendment last evening in the paragraph having reference to the Harbor Grace outrage; discussion ensued, after which the house adjourned till to-morrow for the further consideration of amendment.
March 7, 1885 Advertisement THE SUBSCRIBER begs respectfully to form his patrons and the public generally, that he has removed to that Shop - NO. 286, Water St., (opposite Beck's Cove, ) Lately ocupied by Mr. J. DAYMOND, and hopes by strict attention to business, to merit an increase of patronage. He would call attention to his large - and varied assortment of - GOODS, viz: Crockeryware & Earthenware, (of every description), Stove and Fittings, Tinware and Glassware. Plumbing and Gas fitting Goods constantly on hand, and at Lowest Prices. Jobbing in any of the above lines promptly attended to. NOTE THE ADDRESS, JAMES PENNOCK, 286 Water St., March 5, 1885.
March 7, 1885 Advertisement CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH TWILLINGATE. The Rev Jas. SHARRATT, Pastor, Will (D.V.) recommence Special Revival - Services Again, in the above place of worship, and continue until further notice, commencing to-morrow, March 8, 1885. Preaching in the morning at 11, in the evening at 6:30. Sacramental service in the afternoon at 2:30 for Christians only. Weeknight services commence at 7, at which there will be: Special Singing / Earnest Pleading. Special Preaching / True Believing. Soul rejoicing. No collections. Sankey's Hymns will be used. All persons are cordially invited, and all Christians are asked to help us in the work.
March 7, 1885   Account of Robert Haggett's Trip to Twillingate
March 7, 1885 Charge to the Jury (Part 1) Extract from the Chief Justice's charge to the Jury. Now, it is my desire to put the case before you as clearly and as plainly as possible, not in a technical light, but as if we were outside the court. On St. Stephen's Day 1883, the Orange Society of Harbor Grace met for the purpose of holding a precession, and notice was given of it as you have heard. They had walked upon previous occasions, as you have always known Societies to do. They went by the usual route to Bear's Cove, turned up to the Carbonear road, close by the Cathedral, and came on to Harvey Street, peaceably and quietly with their music playing, their banners flying, and in their processional order. When they got up to about Brennan's, or the Pipetrack, another party of men is found there. What brought them there nobody knows. It is a very singular thing that in all the examinations taken here, not one single man knows what brought him there. Some say they heard of PARSON's gun and went there; others, that they were going to get a berth for the ice; and others that they were going for a cruise as they call it; but the centre of attraction for them all appears to be at the head of Pippy's lane. Now, you must bear that in mind, as a very important point in this case. The Society see them there, and they are going on their usual processional order, harming no man, attacking no man, their music still playing, their banners still flying, and they are still in perfect order. Now, let us suppose you are in any one of our Societies in St. John's, and your are walking in procession on Duckworth street, intending to go down a lane or street near the Fire Hall, and when you get up, you find on the East side of that lane, a number of persons obstructing it.
March 7, 1885 Charge to the Jury (Part 2) Are they lawfully there? Would you for one moment suppose they were? I don't think you would, and this is the position we have presented before us. "We had as much right to be there," said one witness, "as any others." True, if they were exercising the right of walking the street; but not if they were there for the purpose of obstructing parties not violating the peace, but who were only doing that which the law permits them to do. Who is in the wrong? Can you have any doubt that, that lawless assembly there, was the occasion of all these unfortunate results? A highway is dedicated to the use of the public, and the law so strongly guards that right, that Her Majesty the Queen herself, would not have the power of stopping or obstructing the public in its use. Not even to our own Sovereign, whose power is admitted to be so extensive, does that power apply. There was a lawless assembly there at this time, and from that and no other cause, these unfortunate events occurred, which occasion to you, to me, and to the country, so much anxiety and trouble. Now I apprechend, you have no doubt that the Crown has proved that William French was killed at this atfray; and the question is, were all or any of these parties charged in the indictment parties to his death. Any of these men who were there, no matter who the principal was, if they were there for a common purpose of obstructiong those people who had a right in law to be where they were, and if they were determined to carry out that purpose at all hazards, they are guilty of murder. You will ask yourselves as reasonable men, whether that position has been sustained or not.
March 7, 1885 Charge to the Jury (Part 3) The Crown says that these acts were premeditated at Riverhead, and they produce evidence to show that guns were fired there in the morning, and there is evidence on the other side that there were no guns fired there at all. If that were a question for your consideration, you may perhaps have some difficulty in selecting the truth, or you may have such a doubt upon your minds that you would not wish to pronouce upon it. It would not be an unusual thing if guns were fired about that place at that time of the year, but I only regard the point as a matter which may affect the credibility of the witnesses. The Crown further states that these men came down to Pippy's lane, and Mrs. GARDNER speaks of pickets being taken out of the fences there, and Edward PIPPY deposes to the same. Then they proceed to Harvey street, COADY being a very prominant party in the crowd, using such expressions as "We'll have blood or turn the Orangemen back" and the like. If he did that, it would clearly show to you what was the object of these men. It is for you to say, and it is purely in the province of the jury as to whether you will give credence to this evidence. They get on Harvey Street and cheer; they go down to Brennan's and cheer, and they come back again. Is that walking in processional order as parties would walk? Can you have any clearer proof than, that they were there for some purpose? I feel bound, and it is the bounden duty of the Judge, to tell you his impressions, but at the same time he is not to usurp the power of a jury; and I ask you whether you can believe that these parties were there as a society to walk, and merely that, without any purpose whatever? It is for you, to say, having regard to the results which followed. Now, in coming up from Brennan's, it is said a man named PARSONS, presented a gun at them which stopped them. I do not regard that as of any importance as regards the substantial issue.
March 7, 1885 Charge to the Jury (Part 4) It has however, been strongly commented upon throughout the case, but I shall only draw your attention to it for a short time. PARSONS comes out there with his gun we are told, and points it at these men. Is such a story as that reasonable? Just imagine him there, among a very large and excited crowd of about 100 persons, pointing a gun at them. Can you believe it? It may be true, but we must judge upon probabilities. We cannot enter into the minds of men, and we must therefore, judge from their outward acts. Is it then reasonable or probable that a man like PARSONS would have done what those witnesses tell you he did? How is it that although all these men were about that place when these men went into PARSON's garden, they cannot tell who went there? I say that this is an important fact as regards the credibility of those witnesses' evidence; and if they are telling what is untrue on this matter, how can you believe them on others? The Crown says these men went to PARSONS' unlawfully, and that is the reason their name is not disclosed. What became of that gun? The evidence says that PARSONS never fired that gun, but that the gun went off in the scuffle, and the load went in through the house in the manner described. Now, what became of it no one can tell, until young CALLAHAN says he saw one man coming up from the house with a gun, and that it was a double-barreled gun. And yet, of all the number of witnesses who must have seen that transuction he is the only one who admits it. If that is true as to what became of it and you, connect it with the men going to PARSONS', you will then perceive what their object was.
March 7, 1885 Charge to the Jury (Part 5) I think the learned Solicitor-General is right in his observation to you, that the men, probably, had no guns whilst coming down, but that they were procured for them within things became ripe. Now, PARSONS' gun, except as I say as regards the credibility of witnesses, can have no other bearing on this case, and I would ask you not to be led astray by any side issues which might arise. Then, pickets were taken by the procession; and there is no doubt. The defence says they were taken in numbers; the Crown that there were taken but few. It matters not. You can very easily suppose, that having seen a number of persons on the public street, obstructing it, parties would naturally go from the procession to procure some means of defence. Neither the use of sticks, or pickets or stones, however, would afford the slightest justification for this use of guns. No man's life was in peril. What is the defence? You charge us with having shot FRENCH. Why? We tell you we never had a gun from beginning to end; (and to be consistent), if any persons were shot on the Orange side they shot themselves. Now, gentlemen of the jury, that is for you to decide upon. Well! There might be possibly circumstances in which that might be the case. Friends might shoot friends; but I can scarcely imagine that you will have credibility enough as to believe that version. Take the evidence of the defence which says that every gun, and all guns spoken of, were pointed out at the Riverhead crowd.
March 7, 1885 Charge to the Jury (Part 6) How then, can you arrive at a conclusion that the gun from which FRENCH lost his life, was one on his own side? Now, gentlemen of the jury, I wish to be emphatic in this, because, while I do not intend to interfere with you in the discharge of your functions and your province to judge of facts, yet I cannot permit myself nor you, to be imposed upon by statements such as these; for if I did so, and I merely put it as a matter of doubt upon my mind as to whether such did occur or not, I would no longer think it my duty to sit upon this Bench. If I did not give my honest opinion. With you the responsibility rests, and I think that, when I read, or when my learned brother reads the evidence I have selected to put before you, you will have no doubt upon your minds. The analysis of the evidence so ably given by the learned counsel on both sides, has been so fully gone into, that it appears to me to be unnecessary to occupy much of your time in again, going over it. The evidence of the defence says that not a single man at the bar had a gun. If that be true, then they did not fire a gun; and no man would be guilty of FRENCH's death, unless he participated and was active in the acts of any other party who did it. The Crown shews you every man there who had a gun, and selects every prominent man who participated in the act. The witnesses for the defence were all mixed up with the crowd and their evidence is to be looked upon with very grave suspician. They were all apparently participating in the same thing, and it is for you to say what reliance you will place upon their testimony. But at the same time, when parties profess to speak the truth as to what they know, although they may be there with the rest, their evidence is entitled to your consideration.
March 7, 1885 Meeting at Robert's Arm Robert's Arm, Feb. 10th, 1865. Mr. Editor, Dear Sir, Perhaps some of your many readers may wish to know how we are getting along up here in this howling wilderness. The heavy falls of snow we have experienced this week just past, together with the raging of old Borens, has made it a howling wilderness indeed. The loneliness has been increased by the irregularity of our mail communication, We have thought all the time there must be a screw loose somewhere, but we have now concluded that the whole machinery wants not only to the renovated, but newly constructed. We have been trying to dispel the monotony of the season by a series of social meetings or weekly gatherings. There are a large number of people here this winter, upwards of thirty families all together, and through the kindness of Mr. J. MADDOCK, caretaker for the Mining Company, we have procured a suitable building for the prupose. Last Thursday being our second gathering, we had over one hundred in attendance, which was very good for Robert's Arm. The singing and recitations were well rendered, and the meeting in every way was a success, and closed by singing God save the Queen.
March 7, 1885 Little Bay Islands Orange Association Mr. Editor, Dear Sir, Even though we are so far removed from the great centres of activity, you will be glad to know that we are awake and fully alive to the necessity of keeping abreast of the times. It is only about four months since, that a Lodge (dedicated to St. Stephen) was established at this place and already, through the enterprising zeal of one or two of the brethrem, it can boast of upwards of fifty members. Not in any way to be behind ones neighbors, it was decided about a month ago to hold a Soiree. As a result, on Thursday last, an excelent tea, was provided, presided over by several ladies of the place, after which a very pleasent evening was spent in rendering the following programme, in a style, which in my humble opinion Mr. Editor, would be no discredit to the Capital itself. XENOPHON. Programme: Organ, Mrs. PINCOCK. Hymn, Choir. Speech, Chairman (Mr. C. B. OAKLEY.) Recitation, "Chimes of Bells", A. J. MORRIS. Hymn, Choir. Recitation, "No Sect in Heaven", Mr. Jos. STRONG. Dialogue, "Mr. and Mrs. Teazle", By Messrs, W. HYNES and Anstey. Hymn, Choir. Reading, "The Showman's Courtship", A. C. Hynes. Dialogue, "Mr. & Mrs. Potts." by Messrs, STRONG & MORRIS. Hymn, Choir. Dialogue, "Mr. & Mrs. Wilkins", by Messrs. A. C. HYNES, and A. J. MORRIS. Recitation, "Next Sunday Afternoon", by A. J. MORRIS. Hymn, Choir. Reading, "People will talk", Mr. C. B. OAKLEY. Debate, "Love", by Messrs. Jos. STRONG, A. J. MORRIS, A. C. HYNES, J. GRIMES, and G. MURCELL. Views from Magic Lantern. Address, by Rev. J. PINCOCK. Dialogue, "Row at Rice's", by Messrs, MORRIS, STRONG, PILL, HYNES, & WISEMAN. God save the Queen.

April 2, 1885 Death of Judge HAYWARD A man whose name has long been a familiar word throughout this County has passed away. After suffering for many months, Judge HAYWARD was permitted to die painlessly, and last night, in a sleep as peaceful as an infant's, melted into eternal slumber. The end had been long expected and prepared for. Two days ago the Judge dictated the death notices, which appeared today, and the announcements for his burial, were all made by him before his death. Such preparations told of resignation; yes, even of a spirit that welcomed death as a relief, a resolution to leave a weary world for a haven of rest. Judge HAYWARD was for many years a member of the Assembly, entering it in 1849 or 1850, and remaining untill his appointment to the bench, in 1868. During those 18 years he sat there continuously for Harbour Grace, and a more faithful member its constituency never had. He was an advocate for responsible government, and worked with the Liberal party to attain it. Afterwards, he became acquainted with the party led by Sir Hagle HOYLES, and remaining with it until his acceptance of a Judgeship, at which time Sir Frederick CARTER was Premier. From 1868 until the conclusion of the spring term of 1883, Judge HAYWARD assidously attended to his judicial duties. During the Legislation session of 1884, he was retired on a pension and subsequently, Judge LITTLE was appointed to the vacancy thus created. The deceased presented a well balanced and judicial mind. His judgments were clear and sound, standing the test of time. Suitors were always certain of a patient hearing from him, and his decisions bore the stand of common sense as well as of law.
April 2, 1885 Rev. BULLOCK Reappointed An old acquaintance abroad - Gibraltar Chronicle in February 18 contains the following "We understand that the Rev. H. BULLOCK is under orders to leave for Egypt the 22nd inst., most probably in the screw transport Arab. Mr. BULLOCK has filled the responsible office of Senior Chaplian to the forces in Gibraltar for nearly five years, with credit to himself and satisfaction to the military community, to whom his ministrations have been so unceasing and zealous, with the result that they have been highly appreciated by those amongst whom he had labored. He has been fortunate in every good work of money and Charity, and has been found unsparing of his time and strength at the call of duty. This community will in turn loose a kind Pastor and sympathetic friend, and it is needless to say that he carries with him on his journey and in his consequent career, our heartiest wishes for success" Rev. Mr. BULLOCK, whose is a son of the late Rector of St. Luke's, was well known in Halifax and was formerly Garrison Chaplian here - Halifax date. The Reverent Gentlemen alluded to in the foregoing, is a native of Trinity, Newfoundland, where his Father, Rev. W. BULLOCK, resided for many years as the Church of England Missionary - St. John's Times.
April 2, 1885 Fisticuffs in The House A fracas occurred in the room of the Clerk of the Assembly yesterday. After the House adjourned, a number of Members and others, gathered in the room; Mr. Frances WINTON, MHA, and Mr. George M. JOHNSON, Solicitor of the Assembly, being among the number. Mr. WINTON's ardent spirit seems to have over mastered his discretion, and he repeatedly and outrageously insulted Mr. JOHNSON. The latter bore it all very quietly until "inebriated by the exuberance of his own verbosity", Mr. WINTON spat in his face. The scene which followed was exciting though brief. 'Ere an arm could be lifted to prevent, Mr.WINTON had "sunk upon the floor and the subsequent proceedings interested him no more." About 15 minutes afterwards however, the afflicted man, with head in kerchief bound, went in to his tea, and as he was particularly careful to insist upon having his ham cut thin, interested parties decided that he had been more frightened than hurt. Mr. WINTON seems doomed to receive more downfalls in the Clerk's room than in the Assembly, though for that matter he has been known to fall down in several places in the House and its precincts, and without apparent provocation. The hand of a mighty man in Israel, one whose words and deeds are alike - eloquent - caused Mr. WINTON's form to fill a convenient coal scuttle a few sessions ago, and for aught we know ye coal scuttle still bears upon it ye marks of ye scuffle. - Mercury March 12.
April 2, 1885 Death Yesterday afternoon, an old woman named Mrs. LYNCH who resided on Prescott Street, was found dead in her chair. For sometime past she has been living all alone in a room, over one occupied by the family of a man named David LYNCH. On Monday afternoon Mrs. LYNCH assisted the deceased up over the stairs, placed her in a chair, lit the fire, put on a saucepan to boil, and left her as she thought, all right. Before leaving, Mrs. LYNCH asked her for a piece of paper to wrap up sixth half dollars which she had just received for rent. This happened about three o'clock in the afternoon, and from that time up to the same hour yesterday, not a sound was heard from her. The people downstairs, becoming anxious, knocked, but received no response. They next tried to open the door, but found that it was locked on the inside. Dr. BUNTING and Head Constable SULLIVAN was sent for, and upon the door being burst open, the lifeless form of the unfortunate woman met their gaze. The body was quite rigid, and the Doctor pronounced her to have been dead for 10 or 12 hours. Evidently, death had been caused by suffocation, as when discovered, her mouth and nostrils rested on her arm, which prevented her from breathing, and her face had all the appearances of one who had been suffocated, it being perfectly livid, with the exception of the portion that had rested on her hand. The money that had been paid her was still clasped in her hand, in the paper she had wrap it in. We understand that a Magesterial inquiry will be held in to the cause of her death. The deceased woman was well known in the vicinity of Prescott Street, where for many years she kept a small shop, and it is supposed made a little money. But becoming feeble a few years ago she let her shop, and took the rooms in which she lived up to the time of her death. She owned four or five houses which turned her in very fair rent. - Mercury
April 2, 1885 Birth Birth, on the 26th. ult, the wife of Mr. Allen FINDLATER, of a son.
April 2, 1885 Death Death. At St. John's on the 13th of March, at the age of 66, the Honorable John HAYWARD, formerly and for many years one of the Judges of H.M. Supreme Court of this colony.
April 2, 1885 Death On March 20, Mr. John TAYLOR, of Morton's Harbour, age 74 years.
April 2, 1885 Death On March 21, Frances Amanda, daughter of Mr. Thomas SPENCER of Back Harbour. age four years.
April 2, 1885 Death On March 22, Mr. John SIMMS of Back Harbour, age 61 years, a long and patient sufferer from sickness. Both funerals were conducted at the same hour at St. Peter's Church, and the deceased were laid to rest in the Church of England Cemetery.
April 2, 1885 Death On the 20th ult, Katie, youngest daughter of Mr. Philip RIDOUT, age nine years and nine months. The deceased suffered most painfully from several distressing maladies, which was bore with surprising calmness, not even dreading death, but longing for it, untill it came, and quietly removed our lovely flower from Earth to bloom in Paradise.[A lengthy verse follows which may be had by persons who request it. GW.]

    [There is nothing on my Microfilm between April 2 and April 25 1885 . GW]

April 25, 1885 Paper Shortage We have much pleasure in presenting the Sun to all readers this week in its usual form, which the receipt of our our supply of paper, per the steamer Hercules on Tuesday last, has enabled us to do so. Owning to the early closing of navigation we were prevented from supplementing our stock, and consequently were unable to issue regularly, as we were wanting to do. No doubt this naturally occasioned some little dissatisfaction on the part of our readers, but under the circumstances we would ask their indulgence. At the same time assuring them we will endeavor to make compensation for this deficit.
April 25, 1885 Shipping News A steamer passed South yesterday, and it was reported another was sighted in Baccalieu Tickle. The steamer Hercules, Captain CROSS, with mails and freight, made her welcome appearance here on Tuesday last from St. John's, and some intermediate ports. The Hercules left St. John's on Wednesday week, and it did not meet with any ice until within sight of Cape Fogo. Not being able to proceed further North than this port, in consequence of the Bay being filled with ice, the freight for ports on the other side of the Bay was landed here. Yesterday she left for the South, but was compelled to retreat. She left again this morning for St. John's. Captain GREEN is also on board the Hercules.
April 25, 1885 Advertisement The finder of a gold broach, lost some time since, will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same at the Sun office.
April 25, 1885 Advertisement Mr. H. NORMAN, has lately had his shop nicely fitted up and now offers special facilities for repairing clocks, watches and jewelry. He has also on hand a select stock of fancy toys, which will be disposed of at a very low price.
April 25, 1885 Bet's Cove Closing We learn that at Bett's Cove, owning to the extremely low prices of ore, operations have been suspended for an indefinite period. Monthly men received a month's notice and others have about three weeks employment. Great disillusion prevails.
April 25, 1885 Death The members of CROSBY Lodge, are requested to meet at hall this evening, at eight o'clock, for the purpose of making arrangements regarding the obsequies of the late Mr. George WHITEHORN. Funeral to take place on Wednesday next.
April 25, 1885 Sealing News Notwithstanding the unremitting efforts of our people, both in walking long distances on the ice and going out in boats whenever a suitable time offered, in quest of the "innocents", little success indeed has been their reward. The highest number of the seals secured by any crew in this vicinity will not succeed 20. Our first arrival from the Seal Fishery in Concepción Bay was the S. S. Iceland, Captain W. WINSOR, to Messrs. John MUNN & Co., on Monday afternoon, with a fine trip of 24,600 seals, of which 2500 were on deck. As the Iceland drew near the Inner Harbor, crowds of spectators watched her course with feelings of deep interest mingled with pleasure. When passing the premises of her owners, the Iceland dipped her flag in friendly greeting. H. M. S. Tenedos of course, returning the salutation. The boys onboard the former steamer mounted in a dense mass on the topgallant forecastle, and sent up a lusty cheer, which was ordered in true British style, by the bluejackets of the Tenedos. The Iceland then drew up to the upper premises, where she was visited by numbers of her town's people and Officers of the ship. The following steamer's have arrived at St. John's from the ice fields: to Messrs. BOWRING Bros: Falcon, Captain KNEE - 24,000. To Messrs. W. STEPHEN & Co: Terra Nova, Captain A. FAIRWEATHER - 22,000. To Messrs. J. & W. STEWART: Ranger, Captain J. BARBER - 34,628. To Messrs. W. STEPHEN & Co: Aurora, Captain J. FAIRWEATHER - 12,000.
April 25, 1885 Given up for lost The schooner, Solomon Poole, of Gloucester, Massachusetts, which sailed from that port on the first of January on a Grand Bank trip, has been given up. She was last seen on the ninth of February. She had a crew of 14 hands, two of them were Newfoundlanders - Richard GALL and Michael DIN. They were both single men.
April 25, 1885 Supposed Loss of Two Men News have just reached here of a disaster which occurred at Launce-au-Pigeon, French Shore, in December last, by which it is feared two men, named respectively, France FORWARD and John SMITH, have been met an untimely end. It appears two boats were out shooting sea birds, when they got caught in the slob. The one boat fortunately, succeeded in reaching the land, but sad to relate, the one in which the two men were, was carried off in it, and has not been heard of. The two boats belonged to the schooner Minnie F. which left here last fall for the French Shore, where the men hoped to secure some seals during the winter and spring, and had arrived here but a few days when the sad event occurred. The two unfortunate men belonged to Tizzard's Harbour. SMITH was unmarried; but FORWARD leaves a wife and three children, who have been suddenly deprived of their breadwinner.
April 25, 1885 Drowning at Channel A channel correspondent Of the Harbor Grace Standard, writing under date March 24, has the following: - A sad drowning accident occurred at Harbor le Cou (near Rose Blanche) on the morning of the 15th Inst, whereby another was added to the long list of those who found watery graves within the past six months. A son of S. BUCKLAND, a lad about 21 years of age, was drowned whilst endeavoring to save his father's skiff, which had broken loose from its moorings and was driving on the rocks. The lad, who was a cripple, went with two other men to save the skiff, but finding their efforts of no service, they had to turn their attention to their own safety. The lad who was endeavoring to jump on shore, fell into the water, and as there was a good deal of ice and slob about, he never rose to the surface again.
April 25, 1885 John STEER Esq. We always take pleasure in bringing before the public, and giving a word of encouragement, to any venture that is likely to benefit our people in any way. And today we pay tribute of respect to the enterprise of John STEER, Esq. who intends, if one may judge from appearances, to launch out into the Bank fishing business in thorough earnest, and thereby be the means of helping to advance the fishing interest of this county. He has recently built a fine establishment at Burgeo and fitted it with all the appliances necessary for the business. Next year he hopes to have four or five schooners in this important industry. One of his schooners, the Harry [missing], leaves Burgeo for the Banks today. The Ida M. Evans, a fine schooner of [missing] tons, nearly new, and built entirely of American oak, is at present being overhauled and refitted for the Banks. She will be ready to start for Burgeo on Monday, from which port she will proceed to the scene of her labors. May she secure a good voyage - Mercury.
April 25, 1885 Schooner Missing We learn from our correspondent at Channel that Captain HALL's schooner of Codroy, left the former place for the latter some time ago, for the purchase of procuring firewood and sheathing, preporatory to leaving for the ice. The schooner had on board no firewood, no water and but a little provisions. She had a crew of four men. She was caught in the ice. A schooner seen some time after, floating of Codroy was supposed to be HALL's. Four of his sealing crew had left in a boat in an attempt to reach her, but it is not known whether they did so or not. Neither has been heard from since - H. G. Standard.
April 25, 1885 Death Yesterday, after a lingering illness, Mr. George WHITEHORN, in the 35th year of his age.
April 25, 1885 Death On the 15th inst., after a short illness Mrs. James WHITEHORN, aged 36 years.
April 25, 1885 Death At West Arm, New Bay, April 16, of diphtheria, John Denzolo Dunn, the beloved and only child of Levi and Sophia BLANDFORD, of Herring Neck, Notre Dame Bay, aged two years.
April 25, 1885 Death At Walden's Cove, on the 15th ult., deeply regretted by all who were acquainted with him, Mr. James LIVRE, in the 59th year of his age. He leaves a large family and many sorrowing friends to mourn their loss. Deceased was a native of Carbonear, but for a period of over 10 [could be 40?] years, has been residing here.
April 25, 1885 Death At Fortune Harbor, on March 15, Mr. Thomas CROAK, a native of County Wexford, Ireland, aged 70 years, nearly 50 of which were spent in Green Bay.
April 25, 1885 Death At Barr'd Islands, Fogo, on the 17th of March, James Thomas, second son of the late Reverent Oliver ROUSE, aged 25 years.
April 25, 1885 Death At Brigus, on on the 5th inst., after a brief illness, Aggie, youngest daughter of Henry and June NORMAN, age 17 years.
April 25, 1885 Death At Tuckingmill, Camborne, Cornwall, England on the 19th. of February, Julie H., widow of the late Rev. G. H. BRYANT, Methodist Minister, leaving five orphaned children to mourn the loss of both parents.
April 25, 1885 Death At Carbonear, on April 2, on his birthday, aged 61 years, after a brief illness of six days, Robert MADDOCK, Esq., partner of the old and respected firm of J. & R. MADDOCK, merchants of Carbonear and Harbor Grace. The deceased gentleman was a native of Rattery, Devonshire, England, and spent 40 years in this country, for 34 years of which he was engaged in the mercantile business of the colony.
April 25, 1885 Death At St. John's on the 27th ult, William EMERSON, aged eight years and nine months, only son of Mr. W. B. STABB, and grandson of the Honorable G. H. EMERSON.
April 25, 1885 Death At St. John's on the 30th ult., W. Watson McNEIL, a native of Coupar - Augus, Porthshire, aged 30 years.

May 2, 1885 Death Died peacefully, at Fogo, on the 15th, after a short illness, Susan, aged 50 years, the affectionate wife of Hay FINDLATER, Esq., M. D.
May 2, 1885 Advertisement For Sale - The Fishing Premises and Gardens of the late Thomas BARNES, situated at Ragged Point, Twillingate. Apply to John W. OWEN.
May 2, 1885 Opening of Little Harbour Church The Methodist Church at Little Harbour will be opened (D.V.) Sunday, May 10, at 3 p.m. for divine services. Reverend Mr. HATCHER of Morton's Harbour is expected to preach the opening sermon. A collection will be taken up at the service for the Building Fund.
May 2, 1885 Shipping News The steamer Plover, Captain MANUAL, arrived here with mail and freight from St. John's and intermediate ports last night. She left St. John's on Tuesday last and meeting the ice at Greenspond, she retreated to King's Cove, which accounts for her being so late in arriving here. The schooner Greyhound, from the firm of E. DUDER, Esq. the Lulworth, belonging to Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co. and the Olivette, belonging to the J. B. TOBIN, Esq. have left here during the past week on a trading venture to the French Shore and White Bay. May they meet with abundant success.
May 2, 1885 Supreme Court Petitions have been presented to the House of Assembly from most of the respectable citizens of Harbour Grace, in reference to the late trials of the Riverhead Parishioners, asking if "practicable, the next trial should be held in England, failing which, it was suggested that the jury law should be amended." A Royal Gazette Extraordinary issued at St. John's on the 21st ult. announces that a term of the Supreme Court on circuit will commence at Harbour Grace on Tuesday, the seventh day of May next, and continue open until the 14th of the same month, or longer if necessary.
May 2, 1885 Accidental Shooting By the arrival of a boat from Coachman's Cove, intelligence as been received here of a shooting incident, whereby a young man belonging to the Horse Islands has been seriously if not fatally wounded. Alfred BATH and his son were out in boat in quest of seals, and it is stated that while the father was in the act of taking the loaded gun from the stern of the boat, it was accidentally discharged, the lead entering the thigh of his son. The unfortunate lad was brought to Tilt Cove to procure medical aid.
May 2, 1885 Schooner Lost The schooner Busy, BRIAN, Master, left the Gray Islands in March last, two prosecute the Seal fishery. Shortly after leaving Port, she had her stern-post started with the ice, causing her to leak so badly that it was with great difficulty that the crew succeeded in keeping her free. There being no possibility of saving the vessel, the crew decided to beach her at Stag Island and secure all the available property, which they did. She had on board 200 seals, which were brought here in a schooner belonging to Nipper's Harbour.
May 2, 1885 Child Burnt A Griquet correspondent writes to the Evening Mercury as follows - At Fortune Arm near Griquet, on the night of the 23rd of September, a man named PIKE with his wife, lost their house, with their only child, a girl of four years old alone in it, to pay a neighborly visit two or three hundred yards distant. In the meantime the house took fire, burnt to ashes, and a part only of the poor child was saved from the same fate, a portion of the swarded roof falling in and covering the body with the exception of the head, neck, and left arm, which were entirely consumed. The poor man's little all, both of food and clothing, was also burnt up.
May 2, 1885 Sealing News The following schooner's have arrived from the Seal Fishery within the past few days: Rovers Pride, DALLEY, Master, with 80 seals; Billorophen, HILLYARD, Master, 250; Muscliffe, ELLIOTT, Master, 175; Lil' Snow, SIMMS, Master, 200; The Muscliffe reports the schooner Dove, DAWN, Master, with upwards of 1100 seals. The Dove sailed from Conche on the 25th March, and has a crew of 11 hands. The fortunate fellows will average 100 seals for a man. The Dove has since arrived at St. John's. The Steamer Neptune, Captain S. BLANDFORD, arrived at St. John's from the South Shore, the 24th, with 5000 old and 5600 young harps. She reports the Hector, with 8100.

May 9, 1885 Shipping News Four of our sealing schooners arrived during the week, one bringing 400 seals. Several trading schooners are at present waiting for a favorable time to leave for St. John's.
May 9, 1885 Judge PINSENT's Lecture Newfoundland Our Oldest Colony - the above was the title of a lecture delivered by Judge PINSENT, D. C. L., before that Royal Colonial Institute, London. Lori LORNE, the late Governor General of Canada, presided.
May 9, 1885 Codtraps The bill passed the Assembly in Committee last night giving those in the possession of codtraps of a mesh smaller than 4 in., the right to use them till the close of the coming fishing season, next August, but no longer. - Telegram, April 16.
May 9, 1885 Cape Ray Lighthouse Burnt Cape Ray lighthouse - we learn from our Channel correspondent, was destroyed by fire on Saturday night. The fire was caused by the bursting of a lamp in the tower at seven o'clock. The lightkeepers narrowly escaped, one being badly burned in the hands while trying to extinguish the fire. The other buildings were not damaged. The lighthouse belonged to Canada. - Standard April 2.
May 9, 1885 Small Pox at Saint Pierre Small Pox - 10 days ago, we learned from the Mercury, a vessel with 145 passengers and crew arrived at St. Pierre having small pox on board. She was immediately quarantined, and the passengers and crew were landed and placed in the [can't read] on the Vanquer [can't read] and assistants from St. Pierre [can't read] 25 cases at present. Three deaths occurred during the passage, and one since arrival of vessel. At present, the health of St. Pierre is excellent. The smallpox incidents are over two miles from town strictly guarded, and [can't read] is allowed with them.
May 9, 1885 British Vessels The following is the official list of the British vessels of the Mediterranean Squadron under Lord John HAY, which in the event of war being declared between England and Russia, could be concentrated in the Dardenells; Helican, Monarch and Iris at Alexandria: Falcon at Malta: Superb and Dreadnought at Corfu: Temeraire, Invincible, and Alexandria, in the Mediterranean: Bittern at Suez: Albacore at Port Said: Cochatrice at Constantinople; Grappier at Gibraltar: Cruiser in the neighborhood of Malta. The following other ships of the squadron are in the Red Sea: Sphnix, Dolphin, Starling, Condor, and Cygnet. Coquette at Agig and Myrmidon at Zayle.
May 9, 1885 Appointment His Excellency the Governor, in council, has been pleased to appoint Dr. Duncan of Bett's Cove to be a member of the Church of England Board of Education, for Notre Dame Bay, North, in the place of Captain [FOOTE?] left the district: the Rev. E. [CALL??] to be an additional member of the [remainder is unreadable]
May 9, 1885 Rules for Orangement I do not like to see an Orangeman absent himself from God's house on the Sabbath day. I do not like to see an Orangeman drunk, or the worse of intoxicating liquors. I do not like to see letters published, written by Orangeman, damaging to an Orangeman's character, without good and substantial proof. I do not like to see Orangeman gambling. I do not like to see Orangeman absent from their Lodge meetings when it is possible for them to attend. I do not like to see an Orange entertainment brought to a close by a dance, or what is commonly called a ball. I do not like to hear an Orangeman use profanity or obscene language. I do not like to see an Orangeman do anything that would have a tendency to disturb the harmony of the brethren. Now, sir, I do not mean to say that Orangeman as a rule are guilty of those things that I do not like to see. Not at all; for I am one of those who believe that the Orange Society will compare very favorably with any other Society, morally, religiously, or numerically. But, after all, I know that some are guilty of these evils; consequently I submit these few lines to you for publication, and to your readers for their careful perusing, hoping that some may be benefited thereby.
May 9, 1885 Death Died, at Western Head, on the third inst., after a long and painful illness, Mr. John RIDEOUT, aged 42 years

May 16, 1885 Sealing News 200 seals were taken by the people of Leading Tickles on Friday the eighth inst. The steamer Vanguard, Captain C. DAWE, arrived at Harbor Grace from the second trip, on the 11th inst., with 1500.
May 16, 1885 New Church at Little Harbor The new Methodist Church at Little Harbor was opened for divine services for the first time on Sunday last. An account of the interesting proceedings will be found in another column.
May 16, 1885 Sail of Bait to French Vesells It is stated in the Royal Gazette, on the authority of a correspondent at Grand Bank, that the schooners of that port engaged in supplying the French with fresh Herring for bait, have realized $600 each -- Telegram.
May 16, 1885 Advertisement Mr. George LLOYD of Twillingate writes to Mr. PILL thus: "Dear Sir, I was troubled with a very bad cold, and unfit to do my labor. A friend advised me to try your lung healer. One bottle cured me, and I am at this time cured of my complaints."
May 16, 1885 Private HENRY's Letters At Parkersburg, West Virginia, lives a young lady who was engaged to marry Private Henry, shot by order of the Lieutenant GREELY. She has letters from Henry which the war Department would like to have but cannot get.
May 16, 1885 Shipping News "The steamer Hercules, Captain CROSS, arrived here from St. John's on Monday morning last. After discharging freight for this port, she reshipped a quantity for Little Bay and Bett's Cove, which had been landed here on her first trip. The Hercules returned from the North on Thursday en route to St. John's. She had on board 15 passengers, mostly men who have been employed in the mines, but in consequences of operations being suspended, they have been compelled to seek a livelihood elsewhere. The schooner Mary Parker, Captain CARTER, arrived from St. John's to the firm of E. Duder on Wednesday last, with a general cargo. The schooner Lauritt arrived here from Horse Islands on Thursday. She reports the schooner Greyhound, belonging to this port, which is on a trading venture in White Bay, as having to put back to the Horse Islands, not being able to proceed up the Bay in consequences of a large jam of ice. Upwards of 200 seals have been captured by the people of the Horse Islands. The schooner Sunrise, Captain W. ROBERTS, arrived from St. John's on Thursday last, bringing hither a cargo of provisions to J. B. TOBIN. The schooner Lullworth, Captain Joseph HARBIN, arrived from White Bay to Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co., this morning. She had been on a trading adventure in the above place during the past fortnight, and brought hither 370 seals. She confirms a previous report of ice in the White Bay."
May 16, 1885 Shipbuilding Shipbuilding is a subject that has always afforded us pleasure to notice, and we are glad to be able to chronicle the launch of two crafts at Spaniards Bay during the past week. The first - the Native Lass - was rebuilt at the above place by Mr. Mark GOSSE, and on Wednesday last, introduced to her native element. She is of 50 ton burthen, is of handsom model, and well add another to the large fleet of her owners, Messrs. John MUNN & Co. The other schooner was formally named the Young Thomas. During the past winter however, she was rebuilt by Mr. Josiah GOSSE, and in future will be known as the Rothesay. Let us hope that both the crafts may provide profitable to their owners. - H. G. Standard.

May 23, 1885 Supreme Court The spring term of the Supreme Court on circuit, Honorable Mr. Justice LITTLE presiding, concluded its session here on Thursday inst. The reports of the proceedings will appear in next issue.
May 23, 1885 The Trial of David LYNCH (Part 1) The trial of David LYNCH for perjury was held on Monday. The Solicitor General, Honorable J. S. WINTER, appeared for the Crown, Mr. G. H. EMERSON Jr. for the prisoner. The case was tried before a special jury. After listening to addresses from both councils and a very honest and impartial charge from His Lordship, the presiding Judge, retired to consider the matter and after a short absence, return to Court with the verdict of "Guilty" with a strong recommendation to mercy. The Judge reserved his judgment, as the question of the materiality of the evidence of the issue being tried in the original cases, and on which the perjury was alleged to have been committed, is to be passed on by the Judges of the Supreme Court before sentence can be pronounced. The Judge on the Circuit at the trial ruled that as a matter of Law, it was for the Judge to decide whether it was material to the subject matter in question in the original prosecution. The Attorney for the accused took exception to the ruling out of the Court and the Crown assented that the question be formally submitted, argued, and passed on by the Court. In the meantime, further proceedings will be stayed, and the accused remained in custody.
May 23, 1885 The Trial of David LYNCH (Part 2) His Lordship, Mr. Justice LITTLE, in his charge to the jury in the late perjury case, which charge was regarded by those who heard it as a very impartial and weighty one, made one statement that furnishes ground for reflection. His Lordship said in effect that it was to be regretted that, whilst the prisoner's case has been and properly, brought before the courts of justice, those who were far more guilty than he, those who put the man up to do it, still walked at-large amongst their fellowman. Everyone must acknowledge the justness of this observation, and the question arises, have the Crown Officers done all in their power to suppress perjury and subordination of witnesses? They acknowledge that such has happened, wholesale, so to speak, and yet seemed powerless to punish it or to prevent further examples of it. Many think they have not used every exertion. Many blame them for allowing two witnesses to skip from the country, against whom there were reasonable grounds to expect conviction. Without being in a position to substantiate all new complaints made by a deeply injured people, we yet think that partly owning to the gigantic nature of the task imposed on a couple of men, partly owning to mistaken magnanimously, there has been a certain amount of laxity on the part of the Crown which has not tended to promote the interest of justice nor the welfare of the people at large.
May 23, 1885 Railway Connection for Trinity Bay The Government, we're glad to say, have decided to connect Trinity Bay with the railroad. In order to do that it is proposed to construct a carriage road from Broad Cove, Trinity Bay, to connect with the railway station at that place. The road will be about 3 miles long. On Wednesday last, the Premier with the Surveyor General, Chairman Board of Works, and the Government Engineer, Mr. BURCHELL, paid a visit to the locality in order to make the necessary preparations. Work, we understand, well be shortly commenced on the road, which will be pushed to a speedy completion. Commenting on the above matter, the Mercury of Thursday remarks: On Thursday, Sir William WITEWAY, senior member for Trinity, J. O. FRAZER, Surveyor General, S. MCKAY, Chairman of the Board of Works, and R. BOND, Jr. member for Trinity, went out on the railway line to select sites for stations, and to make arrangements for the building of a carriage road from the railroad to Dildo, the route of which has been surveyed. Station sites were selected at Salmon Cove, Harbour Main and Tilton, and tenders for building the road to Dildo are to be received. At the invitation of Mr. SAVILLE, Mr. KENT, the railway company's solicitor, and the Honorable Mr. DONNELLY went out with the party, which visited Harbour Grace. The party arrived here at 5 p.m. and at 11 on the following morning left for the above locality.
May 23, 1885 Fishery News The first Salmon of the season was brought into our local market on yesterday morning by a South Side man. The fish were only of average size. The St. John's market was supplied some 10 days earlier. Last week a Salmon weighing 67 pounds was sold here for 1s 6ds per pound. It was taken in a net off Outer Cove on Tuesday week. The first fresh codfish was taken one day last week between Harbour Main and Brigus. The boats on the ground averaged about 20 fish each. There were also a few brought into this market. All the sealing fleets have now returned from the ice fields, the last from this port being the S. S. Vanguard, which arrived last Saturday evening and from St. John's, the S. S. Leopard, which arrived from the Gulf on last night week. The sealing voyage has only been an average one.
May 23, 1885 Shipping News Three of our coasting schooners arrived from St. John's to Messrs. Owen & Earle with general cargo during the past few days. The schooner Olivette belonging to Mr. B. TOBIN arrived from White Bay this past week. She has been trading at the above place and met with a fair measure of success. The Hercules, Captain CROSS, arrived here from St. John's, on Thursday forenoon last. After a short detention she left for the Bay, from whence she returned yesterday, en route to the Metropolis. The Plover is hourly expected from the Bay. She will not be ready to leave for St. John's at her usual time next week in consequence of the late delay, and will not be likely to arrived here until Friday or Saturday. The schooner Robert Fiddes, belonging to R. SCOTT Esq., of Fogo, put into port on Sunday last, on her way to Fogo from White Bay, whither she had been on a trading adventure. She had on board 470 seals, and a considerable quantity of fur. It is with much pleasure we note the launch of a new schooner at Morton's Harbour on the eighth inst. This vessel was built at the above place during the past winter, and is owned by M. OSMOND, Esq. She is called General Gordon, and is of 56 ton burthen. We hope she will prove a success to her enterprising owner.
May 23, 1885 Very Large Child At Hauling Point, White Bay, there lives a young (twin) girl named Phebe BLANCHARD. Though but two years old she is much stouter than ordinary women, and weights 200 lbs.
May 23, 1885 Bonavista Items "The merry month of May" has put everyone here on their best behavior. Preparations for the coming fishery are all but completed. In fact, some boats have gone in the Bay for rinds and firewood, and in a day or two our beaches will be divested of everything in the form of a boat. A fine new schooner arrived here today to James RYAN Esq., having been built during the winter to his order. She is somewhere about 40 ton and is an elegant model, reflecting great credit on local handicraft. This same enterprising gentlemen (who is at present traveling in United States, Canada, and Great Britain), is also building a schooner here which well be launched shortly. Very few seals have been taken here this season, in fact the total collected will not reach 200. Some herring are being caught here just now and welcome they are. It is barely a proper time to make a forecast of the coming season's success, but the indications are not of the best. The fishery, for which supplies have been liberally issued may be productive enough, but in view of the many complications existing outside, renumerative part of the business may not be of the best. STONE of Catalina lost a fine craft the other day. Mistayed. Insured. Farmers are now getting on with their ground. Weather getting warm. Snow almost gone. Politics in the shade just now. Auld Reckie, Bonavista, 13th May, 1885.
May 23, 1885 Large Shipment of Butter The largest consignment of butter ever received here in one bottom, was that discharged last week to Messrs. Baine Johnston & Co. It consisted of 10,708 tubs, and was not only the largest ever received here in a single vessel, but was the largest single shipment, as we are informed, ever made from New York. - Telegram.
May 23, 1885 Two Houses Burnt Two houses situated at the head of Barne's Lane, and in close proximity to MCDOUGAL's Oil Clothing Factory, were destroyed by fire at an early hour this morning. The firemen were promptly on the scene but could not do much to extinguish the flames, owing to the absence of water in that locality. Fortunately, there was not a breath of wind at the time, or in all probability most of the houses in the vicinity would have been destroyed. The houses which were burned were occupied by families named GARLAND, BUTLER and GOODLAND. All their household goods were destroyed and they barely escaped with their lives. - Mercury.
May 23, 1885 Fire at the Rope Walk A fire broke out at nine o'clock this morning in the coal store - a detached building - of the Rope Walk, Monday's Pond. Beside some 230 tn. of steam coal deposited there, it also contained a considerable quantity of cordage, jute, and hemp. All the employees were at once concentrated in putting out the flames, and the fire hose of the premises was brought to play upon them. An alarm was telephoned to Mr. Munro's office and the West Ward Fire Company with their band-engine dispatched to the scene. The flames had however, gathered so much headway that it was impossible to save the erection, and it with its contents were destroyed, but a large part of the coal was saved. It is thought that the fire originated by spontaneous combustion, as is frequently the case with steam coal, though it is feared that some carelessness with a pipe and matches is the true cause of the outbreak - Telegram.
May 23, 1885 Shipping News Port of Twillingate - May 16, May, COLLINS, St. John's, general cargo - W. Waterman & Co.

May 30, 1885 Head Constable DOYLE Reinstated (Part 1) The gratifying intelligence was received by the last mail that Head Constable DOYLE has recently been reinstated in his position as Head of Police at Harbor Grace, and is exonerated from the malicious charge that was preferred against him for the shooting of CALLAHAN, as will be seen from the official information published below, which we do reprint from the Evening Mercury of Tuesday last. The strong and explicit reasons given in the official document are such, we believe, as will be accepted by every unbiased or unprejudiced person in the colony, and the conclusion arrived at by her Majesty's law officers of the land, after mature thought and most rigid examinations of the facts brought before them, is a corrected endorsement of the popular opinion that has been entertained toward Head Constable DOYLE, ever since he has been falsely accused for the shooting of CALLAHAN in the unfortunate Harbor Grace affray of St. Stephen's Day 1883. Those who are better acquainted with the integrity of character and sterling qualities of this worthy officer were fully persuaded of his innocence of the implications made against him, and from which we are happy to know, is now released. It is true that in the trials that have taken place, many instances were given by Riverhead witnesses with the hope of implicating DOYLE, but we do not imagine that the witnesses were altogether to blame for the false statements made in the witness box, as there appears to have been a good deal of tutoring going on for sometime previous to the trial, and as the Honorable the Premier intimated in his speech on the Jury Bill, when under discussion in the House not long since. However, we are glad to know it has all been to no effect and that, as our esteemed contemporary remarks, "Slowly but surely the conspiries growing out of the Harbor Grace tragedy are being exposed and defeated."
May 30, 1885 Head Constable DOYLE Reinstated (Part 2) Attorney General's Office, May 1885. The Honorable The Colonial Secretary, Dear Sir - We have the honor to report for the information of his Excellency the Governor, that in the matter of the precedings against Head Constable DOYLE in relation to the occurrences of the 26th of December A.D., 1883, we have given the most careful consideration to the depositions and facts brought under our notice and also the evidence allowed at the trials which took place last Spring and Fall terms of the Supreme Court, of the indictments against Michael COADY and others, and we cannot arrive at any other conclusion than that there are not sufficient grounds to justify us in preferring an indictment against DOYLE. We are of opinion further that his conduct in the discharge of his official duty upon that occasion is not open to the serious charges preferring against him, nor to censure in any degree, but that on the contrary he faithfully performed his duty as a member of the Constabulary. We do not therefore propose to proceed with [can't read] against him, we respectfully recommend that Head Constable DOYLE be directed to resume active service. We have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient servants, signed, W. V. WHITEWAY, H. M. Attorney General, J. S. WINTER, H. M. Solicitor General.
May 30, 1885 Supreme Court (Part 1) Supreme Court Chief Justice CARTER's Address to the Grand Jury. The chief objective of your attending today is that the Crown Officers may present its Bill of Indictment against several parties arising out of the lamentable occurrences at Harbor Grace on the 26th of December 1883. These parties are Michael CODY, Patrick HARPER and others, in all 19, with others unknown, to the number of 50 or more, and are charged in two counts with having riotously assembled together to disturb the peace of our Sovereign Lady the Queen, and while so assembled, beating, wounding, and ill treating William BROWN, Solomon MARTIN, and John MCKAY, a Police Constable. The second is, that the same parties, and others unknown, and being armed with sticks and staves and other offensive weapons, did riotously gather together to disturb the peace of the Queen and make a great noise, riot and disturbances and so remained for the space of an hour or more, to the great disturbance and terror of her Majesty subjects and repassing in and along the Queen's highway and in contempt of the Queen and her laws and etc. William BROWN and Solomon MARTIN were wounded from gunshots and John MCKAY, the Police Constable, was knocked down by a picket, and before that he had received two blows from stones.
May 30, 1885 Supreme Court (Part 2) Riots is described to be a tumultuous disturbance of the peace by three or more persons, assembled together of their own authority with intent mutually to assist one another against any who shall oppose them in the execution of some enterprise of a private nature, and after words mutually executing this same in a violent and turbulent manner, to the terror of the people, whether the act intended was of itself lawful or unlawful. It must be shown that they assembled with some circumstances of actual force or violence or at least of an apparent tendency thereto, as was calculated to inspire people with terror, such as being armed, using threatening speeches, turbulent gestures or the like. It is sufficient terror and alarm to sustain the indictment for roit if any one of the Queen's subject be in fact terrified. The circumstances connected with the occation are familiar to most people in this county from publications which have from time to time appeared. The Orange Society were having its annual procession on St. Stephen's Day, and intended going down Pippy's Lane to Water Street in Harbor Grace, when at the East side of the Lane they were met by a large crowd or mob, and were obstructed in their procession. The crown had come from Riverhead or adjacent places, had paraded Harvey Street for a time, and took their stand when the Society was seen approaching. Some Police Constables got between the two bodies and did all they could to prevent a collision or disturbance. It was their duty to be there to maintain the peace, and the law protects them in the discharge of their responsible duty. It is true that the highway is open to all without distinction when using it for a lawful purpose, but if parties block off the way to prevent others from the use of it, they are acting unlawfully and willfully, and will be held responsible for the consequences of their illegal act.
May 30, 1885 Supreme Court (Part 3) The Crown case is that this crowd from Riverhead assembled together to oppose the procession, and had determined at all costs to carry out their object. In proof of this, it will be shown by the witnesses that, extreme violence was resorted to on the occasion, and such apparently was the audience that even the Police Constables, when in the honest discharge of their duty, and without provocation, were seriously assaulted. All who were present who by word or act, helped, incited, or encouraged this riotous and violent conduct are in the estimation of the law principles in the offense. We are living in a British possession where we expect to have the protection of the law, but if parties can with impunity arrogantly assume to themselves the privilege of setting it at defiance, and if the Constitutional Tribunal for sustaining law and order fail in the performance of their duties, then we become reduced to a condition of anarchy; and with the loss of confidence in the independent and impartial administration of justice we would be deprived of what, as British subjects, we prize as our dearest inheritance, and the consequences would be unspeakably lamentable. If the Crown by the evidence sustains these charges, I apprehend that you will have little difficulty in finding a true bill against those who may have brought themselves within the definition of riot I have just given you.
May 30, 1885 Supreme Court (Part 4) The Queen vs David LYNCH - This case was tried at Harbor Grace before Mr. Justice LITTLE and a special jury and a verdict of guilty was found against the prisoner. Mr. EMERSON moved this morning that a verdict of "not guilty" be entered for the prisoner on the grounds that: (1) the Crown should have proved the authority to administer an oath, (2) the occasion of administering it, (3) the taking of the oath, (4) the substance of the oath, (5) the materiality of the oath, (6) the unintroductory averments, (7) the falsity of the oath, and (8) the corrupt intention of the defendant. The Solicitor General on behalf of the crown supported the verdict. The perjury of which the prisoner was accused at the trial in Harbor Grace was that when giving evidence in St. John's, he swore that he saw the Orange procession pass up Harvey Street on the 26th day of December, that he saw two men going up after that procession, that they had guns, that he knew the said two men and they were Robert ASH and Joshua NEWMAN, that he saw them about 10 minutes after that procession passed his house, walking pretty smart and trying to catch the procession, that he spoke to them and asked them where they were going, that Robert ASH said "You blood of a bitch, go in and shut the door", that he went into his house, that Joshua NEWMAN lives West of him and Robert ASH to the East of him, that Joshua NEWMAN went down to Robert ASH, that afterwards he saw six or seven men pass up, that they all had guns, and that they passed about 20 minutes after the procession went up. The crown contended at the trial that this statement was not true. The court took time to consider the arguments of the council
May 30, 1885 Shipping News The the steamer, Plover, Captain MANUEL, with mails, freight and passengers, arrived here from St. John's and intermediate ports Thursday night last. After a short delay, she left for the other ports of call between here and Tilt Cove and is expected to arrive here this evening enroute to St. John's. The schooners Branshea and Mary Parker arrived from St. John's on Monday last, the former to Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co., and the latter to the firm of E. DUDER, with general cargo. The Parker, after a little over a day's delay in discharging and loading, left on another trip to the capital.
May 30, 1885 Sealing News The schooner, Endurance, David HACKETT, Master, arrived here from its sealing voyage, via Leading Tickles, on Thursday last, with 120 old seals, equal to about 250 young. She reports a large jam of ice to the Northward of the Horse Islands, also seeing a large number of seals, but owning to the boisterous state of the weather, they were unable to secure a full load as they otherwise might have done.
May 30, 1885 Vessel Lost A telegram from St. Pierre, Miquelon,(to the Mercury) says the schooner, Young Prince, Captain MURPHY of Catalina, with a crew of 32 men, was brought in here Thursday evening by the French brig Etoile, DesMesrs. The Young Prince struck an iceberg and was abandoned. Her crew were 19 days on the ice before being taken off. All were well.
May 30, 1885 House Destroyed by Fire We learn from the Standard that on the evening of the 19th inst. the dwelling house of Captain JEFFERS of Freshwater was struck by lightning, causing a little injury to the chimney and also the smashing of some crockery-ware on the dresser. From the same paper we learn that a fire at Bishop's on Sunday, the 17th inst, destroyed the house of Mr. Reginald SMITH, who has been reduced to a state of destitution by the calamitous event. The origin of the fire is unknown.
May 30, 1885 Fishing News Up to the present there has been very little sign of fish in this vicinity. Some small fish have been hauled with seines and few of larger size have been jigged. We learn there has been a better sign at Fogo and Herring Neck. The Plover reports a little being done about St. John's but very poor indications at the other Southern ports along the route. Our Harbor Grace contemporary of the 23rd inst contains the following -" Since the first days of the week there has been a fair sign of codfish at Bay-de-Verde and Bryant's Cove, one man belonging to the latter place having jigged 80. On Thursday morning BFIFFITS of Bryant's Cove took seven Salmon one of which weighed 18 lbs. There is good news in town today from the fishery. It comes from St. Mary's Harbour and states that the Western boats fishing there from the Highlands of the Bay, took from 30 to 40 quintals each with bultows, between Tuesday and Saturday last. On the other hand the accounts from the Banks are not nearly so good as they were at any time last year; and practical fisherman gave it as their opinion that the great body of fish are schooling in between the Banks and the shore. From the report in question, it seems as if it has now struck the shore - Telegram May 26.
May 30, 1885 New Lawyers At the opening of the court this morning, Mr. James MILLEY and Mr. John A. DAVIS were admitted to practice as attorneys and solicitors of the Supreme Court. The former served his apprenticeship in the office of the late Mr. BOONE and the latter in that of Messrs. MCNAILY and MCNAILY. The honorable Mr. Justice LITTLE, before whom they were examined, congratulated them upon the highly credible examination which they had passed. The written answers to the many questions that were put to them were of so satisfactory a character, that it was ordered that the same should be filed. The court wished them every success in the practice of their honorable profession -- Mercury, May 26. Mr. Edward SHAY, Jr., and Mr. William HORWOOD were admitted to practice as Barristers of the Supreme Court. They were congratulated by the Honorable Mr. Justice PINSENT, who observed that he was quite pleased to hear so favorable a report of them from the Law Society which was quite consistent with the highly creditable examination which they had passed when applying for admission as solicitors. His Lordship wished them every success in the practice of their profession.
May 30, 1885 The Mary Jane The banking schooner, Mary Jane, Captain CONNORS, arrived in this port at nine o'clock this morning from the Grand Bank with the equivalent of about 400 quintals dry fish, wanting only 150 quintals of a full cargo. On Tuesday forenoon of last week, while the schooner was anchored, fishing in latitude 46.10, longitude 50.50, a quantity of wreckage floated by her. It consisted of a jolly boat, a life buoy, shooks and loose spars, etc., and the Captain conjectures that they belonged to some West Indiaman, which he fears fell afoul of an iceberg. One of the schooner's dories attempted to tow in the jolly boat, which was filled with water, alongside, but as the dory itself was full of fish and the water rough, the men had to slip it. Captain CONNORS leaves tonight for the Banks, to get the last installment of a full fare. His experiences is unlike that of the banking schooner's recently arrived at Grand Bank port, and he says that the fishery prospects are good.
May 30, 1885 Dangerous Offender Peter CARRIGIAN, who was sentenced last December to six months hard labor for seriously wounding at the rope walk, the man FRENCH, of Harbor Grace, and subsequently after a couple of months imprisonment was released, is again, with three (?pleas), before the magistrate for a brutal assault on a very respectable man named William CROCKER of the South Side. CARRIGIAN is evidently a dangerous member of society and, if found guilty in this case, it is hoped, in the public interest, that the punishment meted out to him will be such as to cool his partisan feelings, and that no such influence as heretofor will be brought to bear to procure his release. The assault and battery case of CROCKER versus CARRIGIAN was scheduled by Judge PROWSE sentencing CARRIGIAN to 50 days imprisonment and discharging the others.

June 6, 1885 Local and General News Very little success has attended the efforts of our fishermen in this neighbourhood during the past week. One or two traps, however, have done a little. Several of our fishing schooners have left Port during the week found for the fishing grounds. The others are sure to follow. May every success attend the labors of our 'hardy toilers of the sea'. The banking schooner E.M. Evans, John STEER, has arrived at St. Mary's in quest of bait. She hails for equal to 400 quintals dried fish, as the result of a 10 day trip to the Banks - Telegram. The steamer Hercules, Captain CROSS, arrived here from St. John's on Sunday last, and remained in Port during the day. On Monday morning, she left for ports on the other side of the bay and returned in the evening on route to the metropolis. Our thanks are due to W. LETHBRIDGE Esq. JP, for local papers up to last Saturday's date, received per Mary Parker, which arrived from St. John's on Wednesday. Latest telegraph news and excerpts therefrom, well be found in today's paper. Mr. W. G. BRADSHAW's banking schooner, Nimbis, Captain CROWELL, put in here last evening for the purpose of procuring a cable and anchor, having lost both on the banks. The cable was cut through by a sharp rock and 65 fathoms lost. She hails for equal to 300 quintals of dried fish, and reports that fish are plentiful on the banks - Mercury May 29.
June 6, 1885 Accident A very painful accident occurred at Jenkin's Cove on Sunday last. A young girl (daughter of Mr. George SLADE. of the above place) was carrying her little sister of two years over a flake near their dwelling house, when the former accidentally tripped, and both fell violently on the sticks on which they were walking. The oldest girl was not much hurt, but the poor little one was seriously injured. The front part of her lower jaw was broken, one part overlapping the other, and her face somewhat contused. Dr. STAFFORD was promptly in attendance and set the jaw, and the little one, we are glad to know, is doing as well as can be expected.
June 6, 1885 Mistreated in Montreal Patrick WALSH and Peter CHAMP, two of the crew of the J.K Mundell, who were lost in a fog, and were picked up by the Suffolk, and carried into Montreal, arrived here by the S.S. Coban last night. They complained bitterly of the manner in which they were treated by the authorities at Montreal, who instead of putting them in a boarding house, sent them to the lockup, where they were fed on bread and water till the vessel was ready to take them to this port. The dory in which they were picked up, and which was worth 5 Pounds, was taken charge of by the Captain of the Suffolk, and not a cent was allowed to the unfortunate men, who were thrown on the cold charity of prison officials. It shows a great lack of humanity on the part of the authorities in Montreal, to treat in such a manner two castaway fisherman, who had been floating about on the face of the deep without food or shelter, for four days. Whenever shipwrecked sailors are brought into this port, they are treated well, and their wants are supplied, no matter what country they belong to. We expect our fisherman to be treated in the same manner. - Mercury May 30th
June 6, 1885 The Strait’s Fishery The S.S. Neptune, Captain BLANDFORD, left the wharf of Messrs. Job Brothers and Co. this morning, on her way to Blanc Sablon, Straits of Belle Isle. We believe she was to call at Hant’s Harbor, Trinity, Catalina, and Greenspond for boats and material for the codfishery. Captain BLANDFORD's outfit for the fishery is said to be the largest that ever was taken out of St. John's. We trust that the energy and determination of the man of whom we are all proud, as a true son of the old Terra Nova, may be so guided and prospered by Divine Providence, that when the Neptune returns in the fall, it may be our privilege to chronicle a good voyage for him and his hardy crew. The Hector has hauled into the berth vacated by the Neptune, and commenced to load supplies for the Strait’s Fishery, carried on at Bonne Esperance by the enterprising and indefatigable Mr. W. H. WHITELY. We believe she is to leave on Monday, the 1st of June, and to carry 200 men to the scene of action. The Lettie is loaded for Salmon Bay and leaves on Friday next in company with the Kite, chartered by [Unreadable].
June 6, 1885 Injury to Horse and Rider This morning, a rather serious accident occurred near the Tremount House, on Duckworth Street. A lad was leading a horse to water, and a son of Mr. John CARNELL was upon the horse's back. The animal became restive; the lad dropped the halter, and the horse and driver fell over a cliff about ten feet high, on the South side of Duckworth Street, near the Tremount House. The rider fell away from the horse, and escaped with a rather severe cut. The horse's neck was twisted and is likely to die of lockjaw. Its back was cut and its leg and one eye damaged. It belonged to a Mr. ROBERTSON, of Halifax, and came here by the Portia on her last trip, and was in the care of Mr. CARNELL.
June 6, 1885 Supreme Court "John MORRIS vs. John E. FURNEAUX - This case was set down for hearing today and a special jury was in attendance. The Chief Justice observed to them that since they received the summons, an application had been made by the defendant's counsel for a postponement, which had been granted until the 11th of June. The Queen vs. Michael COADY and others - The arrangement of the prisoners will take place on Monday next. Three names have been added to the list of prisoners tried last year, - John TAYLOR, Bartholemew STAPLETON, Richard MACKAY, son of Michael. The Crown does not proceed in this case against Patrick WALSH, son of James, Jeremiah LEE, Robert DONNELLEY, Patrick SMALLECOMBE and John MCCARTHY. The number of prisoners now for trial is seventeen. The Court adjourned ‘till tomorrow."

June 13, 1885Local and GeneralThere was a fair sign of fish in this neighborhood yesterday. One or two traps did very well, and one boat jigged a quintal. Similar reports come from Herring Neck. Several salmon have been taken in traps.
June 13, 1885White BayThe schr. Greyhound, which sailed from the firm of E. DUDER, on a trading venture to White Bay, some six weeks since, has not yet returned. It is thought that she is jammed in the ice at that place.
June 13, 1885PersonalJ. B. TOBIN and W. WATERMAN, Esq., arrived from England via St. John's by last Plover. We are glad to see both gentlemen looking so well after their trip.
June 13, 1885Processions' BillThe Legislative Council's discussion on the Processions' Bill will be found on the second page of to-day's impression, and will be read with interest. The last day's debate for this session will also be found in to-day's paper.
June 13, 1885Dropped DeadA melancholy affair (says the Standard) occurred at Tilton early yesterday morning - a woman, Mrs. YETMAN, having dropped dead. It seems that the unfortunate woman went to the well for a bucket of water, and not returning, her husband made search for her, and found her at the side of well-quite dead.
June 13, 1885LectureA lecture was delivered in the Congregational Church last Monday evening by the pastor, Rev. J. SHARRATT, subject of which was, "Love, Courtship and Marriage." The subject was treated in an earnest and practical manner, and if the advice given to young persons were acted upon in the future, beneficial results would be likely to follow. A collection was taken up at the close in aid of the Band of Hope.
June 13, 1885Steamer PloverThe coastal steamer Plover, Capt. MANUEL, with mails, freight and passengers, arrived from St John's and intermediate ports on Thursday forenoon last. Annexed is a list of her passengers: Old Perlican - Mrs. MEWS, Miss MEWS, Mr. MOREY. Catalina - Mr. Baddock. Greenspond - Mr. BARTLETT. Fogo-Mr. LUCAS. Twillingate - Messrs. T. R. JOB and two sons, J. B. TOBIN, BOWRING and WATERMAN. Little Bay - Messrs. TAVERNER, DEIM, RYALL, CORMICK, BOYLE, and Miss BOYLE. Tilt Cove - Miss GOULD.
June 13, 1885DrowningA sad drowning accident occurred at Durrell's Arm on Tuesday evening last. It apears five young men hurriedly launched a boat and just as they jumped into her, a sea struck the boat, which caused her to lurch and upset, precipitating its occupants into the water. One poor fellow, John JENKINS, was caught under the boat, and although life was not extinct when he was rescued, he expired shortly afterwards.
June 13, 1885Steamer HectorThe steamer Hector, belonging to JOB Brothers & Co., of St. John's, arrived here from Bonne Esperance, Straits of Belle Isle, on Wednesday evening. The object of her coming hither was to meet R. T. JOB, Esq., and two sons, and Mr. BOWRING, who arrived here by the Plover on Thursday morning. After a short detention the party embarked and the Hector weighed anchor and left for the Straits.
June 13, 1885FireFIRE AT HERRING NECK. - We regret to learn that the premises of Mr. Thomas DALLY, Herring Neck, were destroyed by fire on Thursday night. It appears that the servant girl went into the stage with a lighted candle and while there she snuffed it with her fingers, throwing the contents on the floor. She soon afterwards left the place, and as the floor must have been oily, a spark from the candle quickly ignited and the building was in flames. The fire extended to the store close by and from that to the dwelling, some two or three hundred yards distant by reason we learn, of a quantity of gunpowder that was in the store. Every exertion to arrest the flames proved unavailing, and in a little time everything was destroyed. The loss is a very severe one for Mr. DALLY, having been deprived of his fishery gear, as well as household valuables, which for a lifetime he has been accumulating. We deeply sympathise with him in his great loss.
June 13, 1885Rev. George NobleWe are sorry to learn that the Rev. Geo. NOBLE, has decided to sever his connection with the Newfoundland Methodist Conference. He purposes joining the South African Wesleyan Conference and intends proceeding in a few weeks to engage in Missionary work in that distant land. Mr. NOBLE has not been quite three years in this colony, but during the brief time that he has been laboring in connection with the Newfoundland Conference he has been a most successful worker. On each of the circuits where he has been engaged in ministerial toil, namely, Carbonear, St. John's and Bett's Cove, where he has just left, his efforts were much appreciated, and on leaving our shores he will take with him the prayers and well wishes of very many for the future. It is to be regretted that he has been induced to make this change, primarily, because of ill health from which he has been suffering more or less ever since coming to this colony. It is to be hoped that the climate of the sunny land, whither he is bound, will prove genial to his constitution and conduce to restored health. We trust that his labors in that southern clime will be even more abundantly blessed by the Great Head of the Church than in this land.
June 13, 1885Corner StoneThe Corner Stone of the Fisherman's and Seaman's Home was laid at St John's on Saturday the 6th inst. We learn from the Telegram, that the President, the Hon. A. W. HARVEY, "concluded his address by presenting Lady GLOVER with a silver trowel, beautifully engraved and appropriately inscribed, (that had been manufactured for the occasion by Mr. LINDBERG) with which implement he requested her ladyship to perform the important ceremony. Thus invited, and the usual canister of coins and records being thereupon deposited in the center of the corner-stone, Lady GLOVER proceeded. With the practical aid of the operative masons - Messrs. CAMERON and BROWN - to perform the ceremonies usual to the occasion, when, the corner-stone aforesaid having been lowered into its place, and declared "well and truly laid," the trowel was taken possession of by "the Mayor" and three cheers were given for her ladyship - Lady GLOVER- the amiable and dignified heroine of the day. His Excellency the Governor next addressed the assemblage, thanking the Chairman and company in a few well-chosen sentences for the honor done to Lady GLOVER and himself in connection with this event of the day." Speeches were also delivered by Bishop JONES, Rev. Dr. MILLIGAN, Rev. L. G. MACNEIL, Rev. David BEATON, and Hon. J. J. ROGERSON.
June 13, 1885New Masonic TempleThe Corner Stone of the New Masonic Temple to be erected by the Brethren of St. John's will be laid at that city on Thursday next. The impressive ceremony will, of course, be performed with the customary Masonic honors. Lodge "Harbor Grace" has received as invitation to be present, which, we understand, it will accept. - Standard, June 6.
June 13, 1885Fancy FairIt is intended to hold (D.V.) a Fancy Fair about the second week in October at Little Bay (Notre Dame Bay) in aid of the new English Church now in course of erection. Contributions in aid of the above object either in money or useful or fancy articles will be thankfully received by any of the following ladies: - Mrs. FOOTE, President, Mrs. LIND, Treasurer, Miss BLANDFORD, Secretary. Committee: - Mrs. DEIM, Mrs. CRANE, Mrs. LAMB, Mrs. RICHARDS, Miss E. FOOTE, Miss DEIM, Miss ATKINS. June 6.
June 13, 1885June Gale at Twillingate (Part 1)On Sunday last our coast was visited with such a terrific storm which, for this season of the year, was seldom if ever attended with such disastrous results to floating property. News of its terrible consequences have reached us from various directions, which is of a most lamentable character. In our own immediate locality the results were not so bad as elsewhere. The wind blew very high all day from N.E. veering to E.N.E. with thick snow showers and a heavy sea running. Had the wind veered two or three points further East it is possible that great disaster would have taken place, but fortunately no serious losses occurred in the harbor. The English schooner Ownie Belle, lying at Messrs. WATERMAN'S wharf, parted her chain and drifted a short distance, but without sustaining much injury; a small craft belonging to Messrs. HODDER & LINFIELD went ashore on the South Side, and with the exception of a number of traps being partly damaged, little other injury was done. At Wild Cove and Crow Head traps were badly wrecked. The storm at Farmer's Arm was more destructive. A new schooner owned by Mr. George GILLIOTT anchored in the arm, having supplies and everything on board, ready to leave for the fishery, was driven ashore. Her bottom was broken on the rocks, losing the salt and greatly damaging provisions, &c. At Herring Neck, seven traps were totally destroyed, and others were much damaged. At Change Islands and Fogo we learn that many traps and nets were wrecked. A correspondent from Musgrave Harbor, under date Tuesday last, says, that news was received there of seven craft lost at Cat Harbor; seven ashore at Doting Cove, three being total wrecks, with fishing gear, &c, ; two at Musgrave Harbor; three at White Point; one at Ladle Cove; several at Western Arm, and it is believed that all along the shore there is nothing but wrecks. The disasters further South are very great, as may be seen from the reports published in another column.
June 13, 1885June Gale at Twillingate (Part 2)The schr. First Fruit, bound from St. John's to this port with a cargo of provisions for W. WATERMAN & Co., was lost at Catalina during the gale of Sunday last. Her cargo, some of which was considerably damaged, and the wrecked gear which was recovered, were brought hither by the steamer Plover. The schr. Blanche, Phillip YOUNG, master, became a total wreck at Farewell, near Dildo, during the late gale. Their supply of salt was lost, but the crew managed to save all available gear, which was brought hither by the schooner Restless, LOYTE master, on Monday last. This latter vessel had a large part of her keel knocked off. The schooner Rose of Sharon, George CLARKE, master, and the Fawn, Albert SPENCER, master, left port last week for the prosecution of the fishery. They returned to port on Monday last. During the gale of Sunday both these vessels lost their trap skiffs, and had their traps considerably wrecked, which necessitated their returning to port. They were anchored at Cape Cove, near Fogo, and had to run for another port, the Rose of Sharon having to slip her anchor, and the Fawn beat into Stag Harbor with five reefs in her sails. The schr. Wild Rover, John ROBERTS, master, was lost at White Point, Straits Shore on Sunday last. She was bound from St. John's to this port, and on Saturday night was in the vicinity of the WADHAMS. It was very thick and the vessel hove off for the night. On Sunday morning the wind increased to a gale. The vessel's forestay was carried away, and being off a lee shore, had to run for White Point in order to save their lives. She had on board a large quantity of freight for Messrs. HOLDER & LINFIELD : 100 brls. flour for E. DUDER; and a summer's supply of salt, all of which was saved, with the exception of the salt, which was lost. The recovered property was brought here by a craft on Thursday.
June 13, 1885June Gale at Bonavista Bay (Part 3)We are indebted to an esteemed King's Cove correspondent for the following interesting particulars of the sad catastrophy in that part of Bonavista Bay: - June 9. On Sunday last, the 7th instant, was witnessed a gale of wind, such as the oldest inhabitant of this place never before saw at this season of the year. Early in the morning there was a moderate breeze of wind from E.N.E., till 6 o'clock, when it freshened and veered to N. E., with a heavy sea, and at 10 o'clock it blew a fearful gale. There were some thirteen schooners lying in the harbor beside six small craft, all in close proximity to one another, and only for the willingness of our men to render assistance, there would have been a serious loss of property. Mr. D. J. RYAN of the firm of James RYAN & Co., was to the front and working and giving instructions as to putting on lines and anchors, and to him is to be attributed, in a large measure, the safely of half of the schooners. The schooner Advance, Reaper, Young Flirt, and Mary Ellen were in dangerous positions, and only energy and determination, with considerable personal risk, prevented them from becoming total wrecks. One skiff, manned with the crew of the Reaper capsized, throwing the occupants into the water, and it was with considerable difficulty they were rescued, one poor fellow narrowly escaped with his life. The schr. Starlight dragged her anchors and went on shore. She was not, however, greatly damaged, and can be floated with a little trouble and expense. Flakes, stages and wharves all suffered, some rooms being altogether demolished, and the scene on the beach can better be imagined than described. What was expected to be the worst feature of the gale here was the loss of Cod Traps, of which seven were out, but, providentally, only two were lost, tho' all were badly broken up. According to reports from neighboring Coves and Harbors, we were favored here.
June 13, 1885June Gale at Bonavista Bay (Part 4)At Knight's Cove, the sea made a clean sweep of every thing within its reach - flakes, stages and boats - three cod traps were also lost at this place, belonging to the following men; viz; Peter and David RICKETTS, James RICKETTS of James, and James AYLWARD & Bros. The first mentioned of these unfortunates lost the base of their cod trap last year - and now, James AYLWRD & Bros. had their large stage carried away by the sea, after standing for forty years. At Broad Cove all stages and erections over the water were knocked down, several skiff's lost and a lot damaged. One skiff moored off on a collar, containing a cod trap and gear, was totally lost. This belonged to Mr. Patrick LAWTON. Another crew, William SYLWARD & Co., lost their cod trap, skiff and some thirty qintals of fish. At Castle's Cove, Keels, eight out of nine schooners anchored there were driven on shore. One poor man, James BROWN of Salvage, lost his schooner, trap, and all fishing gear, valued at £800. The following are the names of craft, and masters or owners names: - Eagle, Thomas HOBBS. Fanny, Abraham TURNER. Azela, James CAREW. First Trial, J. FITZGERALD. Glenelg, James BROWN. Bear, William DYKE. Bertha, Edward PENNY. Sarah Ann, James OLDFORD.
June 13, 1885June Gale at Bonavista Bay (Part 5)At Plate Cove, two schooners went ashore, the Evangeline belonging to James RYAN & Co., and one belonging to James and Michael WALSH. At Seal Cove, Southern Bay, five out of seven or eight schooners were driven on shore, and are total wrecks. At Red Clift Island one man, John QUINTON, lost three cod traps and gear. At Bonavista the full force of the gale was experienced, nothing by the waterside standing. Four or five schooners were lost, and an English vessel, which was discharging cargo to Messrs. Baine JOHNSON & Co., had to cut away masts, &c, to save the ship. One of the crew of same was drowned. The foregoing is but a brief outline known at present of the effects of the gale in this neighborhood, which is no inconsiderable direct loss, the indirect it is hard to estimate. We had a good sign of fish here on Friday last, traps taking from three to twelve quintals. Now prospects are far from cheering, the damage caused by the gale having a depressing effect on all engaged in our bread and butter industry. Since writing the above I hear there were six vessels lost at Catalina in the gale: two belonging to Messrs. McCormack & Walsh; one to Capt. Isaac BARTLETT of Bay Roberts, and one belonging to Green Bay, loaded with provisions.
June 13, 1885June Gale at Conception Bay (Part 6)Monday's Telegram says: "We learn that at Cupids no fewer than seven schooners, one of the the Susie A., were driven ashore - forced from their moorings by the fury of the wind and sea. At Hant's Harbor, the Wave, owned by Mr. WATSON a dealer of Messrs. JOB, Bros & Co., was riding securely at her cables, fitted out with full supplies for the Labrador when the storm burst upon her, and, in spite of every effort made to save her, she drifted ashore and was beaten up on the rocks, becoming a total loss". A Harbor Grace Correspondent writing to the same paper has the following: - "Three small schooners ran in here for shelter yesterday morning, they were anchored on North shore, Conception Bay, when the gale came on, and had a narrow escape. One of them had to slip her chains, and, having no mooring, on reaching port it was found necessary to run her aground just above Ship's Head. She is not much damaged. Several vessels have been badly wrecked at the wharves here. James YOUNG of Upper Island Cove, lost two traps at Baie de Verde, and others fishing there have met with similar misfortunes. Two schooners are stranded at Carbonear, and the Brig. Emma and the schooner, Industry, (the former commanded by Captain THOMEY and fully laded with merchantdise and fishing appliances), are on the rocks at Spaniard's Bay, and badly, if not totally wrecked. These vessels are insured, but they cannot be replaced in time for the fishery at Labrador, whither they were bound."
June 13, 1885June Gale at Conception Bay (Part 7)From the Mercury of Monday last, we clip the following: - "Fences down, trees torn up, broken flagstaffs, and displaced roofs, testify to the severity of yesterdays storm, so far as it was felt in and around this city. Reports of much more serious damage come from some of the outports, and it is probable that for weeks to come, we shall hear fresh accounts of disaster occurring on the North coast. At Holyrood, five vessels sank in the harbor, at Brigus twenty. The railway over Seal Cove Beach, and over the beach near Holyrood, was washed away, the waves dashing over it in a terrible manner. Places exposed to North Easterly winds suffered the most, as the gale was from that quarter when at its worst."
June 13, 1885Loyal Orange ProcessionThe postponed annual procession of the Loyal Orange Association of Carbonear, referred to in Saturday's issue, was held at that town at 1pm. on Monday last. About 170 of the Brethren of the Harbor Grace Lodge with the new British Band proceeded at twelve o'clock, in the Lady Glover, to Carbonear in order to take part in the procession. The occasion was marked with nothing but the greatest order and decorum. The Glover returned to this port at 6 p.m. and the members dispersed to their homes, pleased and gratified with the day's recreation. Ibid, May 30.
June 13, 1885Man killedOn Friday evening, an old man named Joseph PEARCEY fell from a gallery on Edwin DUDER'S wharf and was killed instantly. He resided on Limekiln Hill, was 77 years of age, and leaves a wife and two sons. His remains were interred in the Church of England cemetery this morning. Mercury.
June 13, 1885BookMr. John RIDOUT is agent for a book entitled "The Liquor Problem in All Ages." Of 656 pages, and profusely illustrated, the book contains the most exhaustive enquiry into the greatest problem of the century. The Rev. Dr. DORCHESTER, its author, has long been a prominent temperance advocate, and his book contains the result of twenty years careful study. It is, in fact, a complete collection of the best thoughts and arguments of temperance men, and contains invaluable information. Bound in the English cloth, the cost is 2 dols. 50 cents [last line too faded to read].
June 13, 1885DeathFell asleep on Wednesday last, after a short illness, meekly submissive to the Divine will, Agnes, relict of the late A. H. PEARCE, Esq., aged 63 years. The deceased is much and deservedly regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends.
June 13, 1885DeathOn Thursday last, Mr. Philip PRIDE, an old and respected inhabitant of this place aged 86 [could be 88, very hard to read] years.
June 13, 1885Telegraph LineEarly in the winter, we intimated through the columns of the Sun, that the material for extending the telegraph line to Twillingate, had been conveyed to our district, and that persons would be employed during the early spring months, in distributing the wires, &c., along the route, and making other necessary preparations, prior to erecting the line. This work was successfully performed, notwithstanding the severity of the weather, during the season of the year in which it could have been most advantageously undertaken, and everything possible was prepared for commencing the erection, as soon as the frost was out of the ground. According to late advices from St. John's, we are happy to be able to inform the public this week, that the work of construction has begun from Shoal Harbor, Trinity Bay, and that up to last week, several miles of line had been completed. Another number of men is employed from Freshwater, Bonavista Bay, which will shorten the St. John's main line. In a little while, a crew will also be engaged at Gander Bay, and thus the work will be pushed on vigoursly until brought to a completion. The cable for crossing Dildo [run] is now on its way from England, and in all probability, it will be laid next month, when our senior representative, Smith MacKAY Esq., Chairman of the Board of Works, hopes to pay us a visit. He has always taken a lively interest in the inauguration of this great public improvement, and deserves a large share of the credit for the project being so far advanced. Should everything go satisfactorily, it is expected that we shall be in telegraphic communication with St. John's, early in August.
June 13, 1885Supreme Court (Part 1)The Queen vs. Michael COADY and others. St. John's, Tuesday, June 2. The court opened at 10 o' clock this morning, to hear the argument in their case. Mr. KENT read affadavits to postpone, made by Richard MacKAY, Thomas MORRISEY, and himself. The grounds upon which the application is made are, that thirty-nine of the witnesses for the defence, are under shipping papers for the fishery, and will leave for the Labrador about the 10th. or the 12th. of June; that three of the witnesses have already proceeded to the Banks, and that serious loss would accrue to them and their families, if they were obliged to remain for the trial, more particularly as there would be no prospect of them afterwards, obtaining employment for the season. If it had been the intention of the Crown to try the case, it should have brought forward the matter at an early period, instead of allowing it to stand over until so late a day in the term. Looking at the number of witnesses who were examined, and the length of time which the preceeding trials occupied, it would be fair to assume that the present case would not be concluded, until the latter part of July. This would be a poor time of the year for men of that class to be looking for employment. The witnesses for the Crown, were in a better position than those for the Defence as the former could be compensated for their loss of employment.
June 13, 1885Supreme Court (Part 2)There were additional prisoners to the number of those that were tried last year, and it might be necessary to procure on their behalf, different evedince from that which had hitherto been produced, and at the present time, it was not acertained, whether such evedince could be availed of. The Attorney General resisted the application. The reasons that were urged here for a postponement, were such as might be put forward against any case that was to be heard at this season of the year. It was unfortunate for the witnesses that they should be called from their business at such a period, yet it must be borne in mind, that the law should be carried out. The witnesses who had gone to the Banks, went away voluntarily. There was no intimation on the part of the Crown, that the other cases would not be proceeded with, and that they knew that their evedince would be required. Reference had been made to the appointment of a special term, but that was a matter which they had nothing whatever to do with. They were here as officers, procecuting on the part of the Crown, and in that capacity, they were prepared to go on, and would urge that the case be proceeded with. The names of seventeen witnesses are upon the indictment. Other witnesses would no doubt be called, but not so many as were produced in the former trials. If this case were postponed, let the charge for the greater offence be heard. The witnesses in such event, would be obliged to remain, to give their evedince.
June 13, 1885Supreme Court (Part 3)After consultation with his brother Judges, the Chief Justice observed that they had read over the affidavits and had given carefull consideration to the arguements of Council. The case was not a novel one. Although the charge in this instance was different, yet the circumstancees were the same, and similar evidence would no doubt be produced, as that which was given on the two former occasions. They should at all times, take into consideration, the exigencies of the people, so as not to interfere with their means or prospect of obtaining a living, that is, so far as the same could be done consistently, with the administration of justice. It was also the policy, to allow those charged to make a suitable defence, and affadavits stated that this could not be done if the case were proceeded with in this term. After some farther observations, His Lordship said that the case will be postponed until the Fall. The Attorney General then said that the case being postponed, he would ask the Court to fix a day for the hearing of one of the murder cases. Mr. KENT said he was not prepared to agree upon a day, and that the reasons for a postponement in the misdeameanor case, equally applied to the present motion of the Attorney General. The matter was allowed to stand for the present. Only four of the Riverhead prisoners - COADY, WALSH, DUGGAN and HARPER, remain in the Penitentary for trial next autumn. All the others have been released upon bail. - Mercury.

June 20, 1885Local and GeneralThe revenue cruiser Rose, Capt. STEVENSON, arrived here from St. John's on Thursday last, on her way to the Labrador coast.
June 20, 1885Schr. GreyhoundThe schr. Greyhound, Capt. Geo. HODDER, arrived here from White Bay yesterday morning, with upwards of 300 seals. Her detention was caused by the ice.
June 20, 1885Schr. J. W. VickersonThe schr. J. W. Vickerson, Capt. CROCKER, arrived here from Griguet yesterday. In cosequence of the ice she has been some four weeks on her way to this port. She brought hither about 400 seals. The Rev. Mr. LLOYD, Mrs. LLOYD and child came passengers by her. They embarked on the Hercules last evening for St. John's en route to England.
June 20, 1885Herring Neck FireJust as we were going to press last week, we received information that Mr. DALLY of Herring Neck had all his property - dwelling house, store, and stage - destroyed by fire. We are glad to know that it was not so disastrous as then reported - the stage and dwelling house were not consumed.
June 20, 1885PassengersThe steamer Hercules, Capt. CROSS, arrived from St. John's Saturday night last. Capt. GREEN and daughter were on board, accompanied by Miss SCOTT and Miss GRAHAM, who were going the round trip. R. P. RICE, Esq., M.H.A. for Twillingate; J. OSMOND, Esq., for Moreton's Harbor, and Josiah MANUEL, Esq., for Exploits, were amongst her passengers from St. John's.
June 20, 1885New Masonic Hall - St.John'sThe corner stone of the new Masonic Hall, St. John's, was laid on Thursday, the 11th inst., at 12 o'clock, by Sir W. V. WHITEWAY, District Grand Master, assisted by Hon. A. M. MacKAY, Provincial Grandmaster, and the Hon. M. MONROE, Grand Superintendent of Royal Arch Masons in Newfoundland. The Brethren of the Masonic body met in the old hall at 10:30 and marched in procession to the site proposed for the new building, accompanied by the band of H. M. S. Tenedos. Brethren from Harbor Grace Lodge were present. The principal business establishements were closed from eleven to one o'clock, and a very large number of spectators witnessed the interesting ceremony, which for the first time was performed in this colony.
June 20, 1885Ice ReportThe steamer Hercules, Capt. Cross arrived here last evening, having been as far North as St. Anthony. She remained in port nearly an hour and left for Catalina, to convey the Methodist ministers, who are there attending District Meeting, to St. John's, in order to be in time for the annual conference, which meets on Tuesday next. We are indebted to an esteemed friend for the following jottings which the Hercules brings: - Ice now about Tilt Cove, and on to Partridge Point, nearly 3 miles wide, rather close and heavy. Clear water from Partridge Point to Fish Road Islands, and from there to St. Anthony, there is another heavy belt of ice. At St. Anthony it is reported, there is a heavy jam of ice coming out of the Straits. There are 30 schooners at St. Anthony, 33 in Shoe Cove, 8 in Tilt Cove, 15 in Round Harbor, 6 in Lascie, 4 in Manfield's Bight, all bound North, several others seen outside the ice going North.
June 20, 1885Fish ReportFish struck in on Monday at St. Anthony; traps getting from 10 to 15 qtls. per day. At Coachman's Cove, plenty of fish, but ice prevented use of traps. Ice make prospects gloomy, generally. At Burying Place, fish rather scarce. Nipper's Harbor, doing fairly well. North West Arm, the catch has been very good. One man has 130 qtls., and another about 100 qtls. Nothing is done anywhere with hook and line, the fish will not touch bait, very little is caught by jigging. Men say that fish is off in deep water. Salmon very scarce.
June 20, 1885Shipping NewsFor the past week or ten days, vessels from ports in Conception, Trinity and Bonavista Bays, bound for the Labrador and the Straits, have been arriving at and departing from, this port. Their presence here has been mainly in consequence of a large quantity of ice and icebergs floating about our coast, which is a great hindrance to these vessels in reaching their destination. On Saturday evening last some twenty craft or more came into port, amongst which were the J. L. Vogler, Mr. CHIPMAN, of Harbor Grace, and the Ocean Queen, Capt. SPRACKLIN, of Brigus. These took their departure on the following Monday morning. On Monday evening another fleet arrived, including the Vinco, HEATER, Margaret, DAVIS, Phoenix, BUTT, and one or two others belonging to Harbor Grace; also a schooner commanded by Mr. RABBITS of Brigus, and another commanded by Mr. MERCER of Bay Roberts. On Wednesday a favorable time offered and they left en route for the Labrador. On the same day the schr. Portree, Capt. John PARSONS, came into port for the object of burying a little girl, by the name of Mary Kate BUTT, who died on the previous day. The child was 2 months old. The Portree, Wild Wave, Capt. Albert NOEL, and others which came in on Thursday, left yesterday morning. A large number arrived here last evening amongst which were the following belonging to Catalina: - Annie, LODGE. Medway, Lenora, JEANS. Spy, HISCOCK. Tissue, MARTIN. Reward, NOWLAN. Acme, GULLAGE.
June 20, 1885Mail ServiceThe Labrador Mail Service will be performed this year by the Lady Glover, she having received the contract. The steamer is now being fitted up for the service. The speed of this boat will ensure the contract being performed with efficiency and despatch. The Lady Glover during the coming summer will be commanded by our energetic friend, Capt. Henry DAWE . -H. G. Standard.
June 20, 1885Rough Trip for the A.K. Walter[This and the following four] interesting items are clipped from the Mercury of the 9th and 10th inst: - Messrs. S. MARCH & Sons banking schooner A. K. Walter, Capt. George NICKERSON, arrived from the Grand Banks this afternoon, and reports that the gale struck the schooner on Sunday, while in lat. 45, long. 50, 20. She rode it out till Sunday afternoon, when her cable parted about 30 fathoms from the anchor. For hours the sea completely covered the vessel, and it was almost impossible to keep her afloat. Her trawls were all lost, her sails torn and dories damaged. The mate fell off the main boom into the sea, and was with great difficulty rescued, after being about half an hour in the water. When rescued his body was black and blue, and considerably swollen. He is now doing well. The A. K. Walter has equal to 700 qtls. of fish on board.
June 20, 1885Three Bait Skiffs LostRumor says that three bait skiffs, each with six men on board, left Holyrod on Saturday, and have not since been heard of. A bait skiff, bottom up, floated into Topsail last night, and it is supposed that she is one of the three referred to.
June 20, 1885No Vessels Lost at BrigusIt was reported last week, and the rumor was based upon what we regarded as good authority, that twenty vessels had been lost at Brigus. A message published above says that none at all were lost, for which the public will be thankful.
June 20, 1885New HotelThe new Atlantic Hotel was informally opened to-day, dinner being served there for the first time. Several permanent boarders are to-day taking up their quarters, and preparing to be as comfortable as bugs in rugs. The dining room looked well this morning, although all the furniture had not been in position. The kitchen was filled with bustling cooks and waiters, and altogether, the hotel looked as though it had really entered upon a busy and successful career. In a subsequent number, we shall deal more fully with this splendid institution, which is unequalled in the Maritime provinces adjoining this colony.
June 20, 1885Body DiscoveredThe body of the unfortunate man SCLATER was discovered by Sergeant LACEY and Constable COURTNEY, this afternoon, in the vicinity of Petty Harbor. Death is supposed to have been caused by exposure. The body was brought into town this afternoon. He was found about a mile and a half from the place where his friend left him, and two miles from LEAMEY'S the nearest house. When discovered he was lying on his back, and his trouting pole and bag were alongside of him.
June 20, 1885The Ice in the AtlanticThe British steamship Critic, on her arrival at New York on the 13th inst., reported having had a remarkable experience amid icebergs while on the voyage out. The captain reports that the first indication of danger was a sudden and great fall of temperature, accompanied by dense fog. About midnight, was descried a great wall of ice close to, and completely surrounding the ship, like a vast tomb, into which the vessel seemed to have suddenly dropped. All onboard were overawed and some seemed panic stricken. This was right in the highway between England and America. All day long, Captain LONG tried to get clear or to find a passage to the Southward, but in vain. Vast fields of ice stretched away as far as the masthead lookouts could see, and intersperced were hundreds of vast towers of ice, from seven hundred to a thousand feet high. Only with the greatest difficulty could the Captain avoid being crushed by the floating masses, and every narrow channel he entered, hoping to find a way of escape, soon became blocked, and a retreat had to be made. Night came on, but brought no cessation of anxiety. There was nothing for it, but to drift with the ice field, which seemed to excerise a powerfull attractive force, and the ship had to steam forward and back to resist it. Next day, the same dismal prospect was presented, and other vessels, including the Allen mail steamer Caspian, were seen, adopting without success, various expedients to get clear of the all surrounding and ever increasing floes. They presented grotesque and fantastic shapes, and but for the danger, the scene was one of marvellous beauty. At length, after sixty hours of suspence, when hope had become faint, suddenly there opened a wide passage, before the ship, and she steamed through, and soon left all traces of ice behind.
June 20, 1885Earl of Dufferin DamagedThe wrecking steamer Earl of Dufferin, while on her way from Halifax to Newfoundland, ran ashore at Cape Breton. She has been towed into Sydney for repairs.
June 20, 1885Salmon FisheryThe salmon fishery on the Sacramento River is almost a failure this season. Not more than 2000 cases have thus far been packed, against 30,000 cases at the same date last year. The falling-off is attributed to the ravages of the seals and sea lions, which either destroy or frighten off the fish.
June 20, 1885Estate of Thomas MANUELAll persons indebted to the Estate of the late Thomas MANUEL, will please make immediate payment: and all persons having any claims against the same will present the same duly attested to Thomas PEYTON, Thomas J. MANUEL., Executors.
June 20, 1885Sunday Excursion TrainsThe running of Sunday excursion trains by the Newfoundland Railway Company is a procedure against which the popular opinion of a large majority of the people of this colony have pronounced since first the practice of Sunday trains commenced. But not withstanding the strong indignation manifested towards the running of trains on that sacred day, and the wishes that have been made known for their discontinuance, we regret to find that the solicitations of so large a class have been ignored and that Sunday Excursion Trains are being more frequently run than ever. Such wanton desecration of the LORD'S Day on the part of the Railway Company is inexcusable, and when the public funds of the colony are called upon to subsidize a project of this description, the voice of the people should be listened to and every endeavour made on the part of legislators to suppress the evil in question, affecting as it does the moral and social condition of our people. The running of Sunday trains may appear a trifling matter to many, but when we take into consideration the disastrous results, both morally and religiously, which the inducement for Sunday recreation thus affords, it behoves all who entertain any respect whatever for the Law of God which says "Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy," &c. to discountenance in every possible way the form of Sunday desecration to which we refer. Numberously signed petitions were presented to the Legislature during its sittings in 1884, asking for an enactment against Sunday trains. A Memorial was also presented from the Church of England Synod and Resolutions from the Methodist Conference, (both of which we append) on the same subject. In accordance with the expressed opinion contained in these documents, a bill was introduced into the House of Assembly which as our readers are aware received little or no support, even from hon. members whose constituents were entirely in accord with the prayers of the petitions that had been presented against Sunday operations.
June 20, 1885Donkies! Donkies!!To the Editor of the Twillingate Sun - A word or two to the law makers and law breakers of our Newfoundland Government. You who profess to make laws do not make any law to prevent both sexes of our country from doing horse labour. Many part of the year many of our people are doing that kind of work, what in other countries horses or donkies have to do. Why should this be so? Why not the Government import some donkies for our people who are living in the various bays of this country. There is much land to which they have access, and which might be cleared and put into potatoes, hay, &c., which would prove to be a good benefit to the various settlements of the country and even to St. John's. These animals, which we are speaking of, are much in use by the common people in England, the West Indies and other countries, and why not in this? There is nothing which would pay the Government better. And on the ground of political ecomony we would strongly recommend the importation of these very durable animals. Some might say "have small horses," Donkies would be even better - first they could be obtained for less money, and also they could be kept more cheaply by the owner. Either donkies or Sable Island ponies would be the thing. Now, Mr. Members of our House of Assembly, will you be kind enough to take this matter up? and by so doing you will benefit yourselves, your people, and your country. Exploits, Notre Dame Bay.
June 20, 1885Riel's Capture (Part 1)He Surrendered Like a Coward. Toronto, Ont., May 16 - A dispatch from General MIDDLETON'S Camp says RIEL was captured and brought in yesterday evening. There was no demonstration. He walked quietly into the General's tent and no one was allowed to see him. Fifteen Miles below Batoche, May 15, 2:30 pm., via Clark's Crossing, May 16 - RIEL was captured at noon today by three scouts named ARMSTRONG, DIEHL, and HOWIE, four miles North of Batoche. The scouts had been out in the morning to scour the country, and just as they were coming out of some bush, of an unfrequented trail leading to Batoche, they spied RIEL with three companions. He was unarmed but his companions carried shot guns. They at once recognized RIEL, and advancing towards him, hailed him by name. They were then standing near a fence. No effort was made on his part to escape and, after a brief conversation, in which they expressed surprise at finding him there, RIEL declared that he intended to give himself up. His only fear was that he would be shot by the troops, but he was promised safe escort to the General's quarters ... DIEHL says RIEL was not in the least agitated when arrested and was willingly made a captive. He was assured of a fair trial, which was all he seemed to want. RIEL is now being interviewed by General MIDDLETON, while the men are standing idly around. No demonstration has been made. When he saw the Gatling go down with the scouts at Batoche he was much alarmed, on account of his family. He appears careworn and haggard. He has let his hair and beard grow long. He is dressed in a poorer fashion than most of the breed captured. While talking to General MIDDLETON, as could be seen from the outside of the tent, his eyes rolled from side to side, with the look of a hunted man. He is evidently the most thoroughly frightened man in the camp, and is in constant fear of violence at the hands of the soldiers. There is no danger of violence.
June 20, 1885Riel's Capture (Part 2)RIEL charges Lawrence CLARKE, of the Hudson Bay Co., with having precipated the revolt. RIEL denies he was leader of the rebellion and asserts his innocence. He says he can prove he wanted to go back to the United States, but would not be allowed to do so. He expresses himself pleased that the books and papers have fallen into the hands of General MIDDLETON, as from them he claims to be able to prove his innocence. He exects to be hanged. He spends most of his time in fasting and praying. The capture of RIEL was the absorbing theme in every part of the city today. At the Windsor, groups of gentlemen discussed the exciting news with much animation. The general opinion was that the arch-rebel should be hanged forthwith, but it was freely urged that Sir John would not have him hanged. Others again, were of the opinion that, unless energetic measures were adopted towards RIEL and his accomplices, such an outburst of feeling would take place as would drive Sir John from power.
June 20, 1885Supreme CourtTuesday, June 9. - The prisoner LYNCH, who was convicted of perjury at Harbor Grace, was sentenced by the Hon. Mr. Justice LITTLE this morning to nine months imprisonment, to be computed from the first of May last.

June 27, 1885Steam-cutter DartThe steam-cutter Dart, belonging to Messrs. JOB Bros. & Co., bound from St. John's to the Straits of Belle Isle, put into port on Wednesday last, for the purpose of receiving a fresh supply of coal. She left for her destination next morning.
June 27, 1885Steamer PloverThe coastal steamer Plover, Capt. MANUEL, with mails, freight and passengers, arrived here from St. John's and intermediate ports on Thursday morning last. She goes as far North as Griquet and may be looked for here to-morrow (Sunday) en route to the Capital.
June 27, 1885Asiatic Cholera DiseaseAccording to the late cable intelligence from Europe, we regret to learn that the dreadful disease of Asiatic cholera has again made its appearance in the countries of Southern Europe. Recent accounts inform us that Spain is being visited with this fearful epidemic, and that many deaths have already taken place.
June 27, 1885Schooner JunoThe schr. Juno was driven ashore at Gander Bay during the late severe gale and is beyond repairs, having part of her keel out, several bents of timbers gone and very much hogged. This schooner was entered in the Terra Nova Club. The chains, anchors, sails, running gear, &c., will be taken to Fogo and sold. The hull will have to be sold at Gander Bay.
June 27, 1885Lady Killed by TrainOn Wednesday last (says the St. John's Times of the 22nd) a married woman named MORGAN, was killed by a construction train near Lance Cove Beach. She leaves a husband and nine children, the youngest being a mere infant. A magisterial inquiry was held by Judge PROWSE, yesterday, in reference to the sad accident.
June 27, 1885PersonalThe Rev. F. R. DUFILL arrived from Bonavista per Plover on Thursday last, and will attend to the ministerial duties of the circuit during the absence of the regular ministers to Converence. Having laboured with much acceptance to the Methodist congregations during his appointment to this circuit, his visit will doubtless be a source of pleasure to many. We understand that Mr. DUFILL will preach in the South Side Church on Sunday morning and in the North Side Church in the evening. The Rev. S. JENNINGS came same steamer, to attend to the spiritual needs of the Morton's Harbor congregation for a short time.
June 27, 1885DeathThe remains of Mrs. WEARY, who died at Battle Harbor, Labrador, on the 3rd May, were brought here by the S. S. Panther this morning. The deceased was about 22 years of age, a native of Lapoile, and wife of the Rev. W. WEARY, the Church of England Clergyman at Battle Harbor. To the bereaved husband we tender our sincere sympathies. - Mercury, June 16.
June 27, 1885Sir John GloverIt is rumoured that Sir John and Lady GLOVER will leave for England in a few days, and that the servants at Government house received notice of discharge. His Excellency's health is said to be poor, and he and Lady GLOVER will remain in England for several weeks. - Ibid.
June 27, 1885Loss of the S.S. Lake Manitoba A special despatch to the Evening Mercury from St. Pierre, dated June 17th, says: "The steamship Lake Manitoba, 3,000 tons, Capt. JACKSON, from Montreal to Liverpool, while going at full speed in a dense fog, ran ashore at 2 o'clock on Sunday morning on Southwest point of Langdale. She is a total wreck, nine lady passengers and ninety-three of the crew barely escaping with their lives. They saved nothing. The cargo of five hundred head cattle, flour, corn and general cargo was all lost. Assistance was sent from here."
June 27, 1885Suicide at BurinBy the mails per Curlew intelligence was conveyed here that a planter named Charles BEST a resident of Burin, committed self-destruction. He was a well-to-do man, and up to the last moment gave orders in the most rational way to his crew, in the way of preparing the schooner for sea, and almost immediately thereafter, put an end to his life. The victim was unmarried, and there appeared to be no sound reasons for the fatal act, which appeared to have been done impulsively and not with premeditation. - Telegram.
June 27, 1885Boy DrownsGeorge DOROTHY, who was drowned at Bonavista during the late gale, was (we learn from the Mercury) "but 13 years old, a native of Trinity, and possessed all the attributes of a good and true seaman. He was a son of the late Capt. DOROTHY, who with another son and over forty others, went down in the ill-fated Lion, in January 1882. He leaves a widowed mother, who has had to mourn the loss of four sons and a husband, swallowed up by the remorseless ocean."
June 27, 1885DrownedDrowned at Bonavista, on the 7th ult., from on board the Christabel, George, son of the late Captain John DOHERTY of Trinity, aged 18 years. [Note that the name and age are reported differently in this article than in the one above. In both cases it is transcribed exactly as printed. George White]
June 27, 1885BirthOn the 16th inst., the wife of Mr. C. G. D. MAYNE, of a son.
June 27, 1885BirthAt St. John's, on the 19th inst., the wife of Francis C. BERTEAU, Esq., H. M. Customs, of a son.
June 27, 1885MarriageOn the 17th inst., at St. Mary's Church, by the Rev. T. G. NETTEN, Edward M., eldest son of the late Capt. James LeMESSURIER, of Guernsey, to Annie M., fifth daughter of Thomas LONG, Esq., Surveyor General's Department.
June 27, 1885MarriageAt St. Pierre, on the 11th inst., at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, by the Rev. T. W. TEMPLE, assisted by the Rev. A. S. WINDSOR, Alphonse Louis Mignot, merchant, to Florence St. Pierre, daughter of J. P. FRECKER, Esq., United States Consul.
June 27, 1885DeathYesterday, after a long illness, Rebecca, wife of the late Richard HODDER, aged 74 years.
June 27, 1885DeathAt Moreton's Harbor, on the 20th inst., after a long illness, borne with Christian resignation to the Divine will, Jane, relict of the late Edward RUSSELL, aged 75 years. The deceased was the mother of Messrs. Thomas FRENCH & Bros. of the above place.
June 27, 1885DeathAt the same place, on the 18th inst., Rosanna, relict of the late Samuel BRETT, aged 75 years.
June 27, 1885DeathAt St. John's on the 12th inst., Sophie, wife of Thomas W. PINSENT, Esq.
June 27, 1885DrownedDrowned at sea, on the 9th inst., from the schr. D. A. Huntley, Francis BRIDE, of Brigus, North, aged 42 years.
June 27, 1885DeathAt Bonavista, on the 18th inst., Gertie, third daughter of Dr. R. E. FORBES, aged 4 years.
June 27, 1885DeathAt Catalina, on the 4th inst., aged 9 1/2 months, Alice Amelia, the child of the Rev. George P. and Bessy STORY.
June 27, 1885Ship NewsPort of Twillingate. Entered. June 26 - Heroine, HANCOCK, Poole, general cargo, W. WATERMAN, & Co. June 19 - Hebe, HOGAN, St. John's, salt - W. WATERMAN, & Co. June 26 - Come, EVENSON, St. John, N.B., ballast - Captain.
June 27, 1885AdvertisementF W CUNNINGHAM Meehan's Wharf, (between JOB Bros. & Co., and Walter GRIEVE & Co's Wharves) MARINE STORE DEALER - For Sale. Second hand anchors, chains, blocks, sails and all description of vessels' gear. Highest Cash prices paid for Old Copper, Brass, Yellow Metal, Sheeting and Bolts, Zinc, Lead, Cast and Wrought Iron, Bones, Old Rubber, - Also Old Rope, Canvass, Rigging, Shakins, &c. Correspondence Solicited.

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