NFGenWeb Newspaper Records

Notre Dame Bay Region

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser

Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.

Title varies:
Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953.

Editor and proprietor:
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953.

The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953.

MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938, 1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.

The records were transcribed by JANE ANNE McKINNON & LLOYD ROWSELL.
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors. If you should find any errors or have other records to contribute, then please contact the Twillingate Sun transcription project co-ordinator, GEORGE WHITE

    [There is nothing on my Microfilm for 1917, prior to January 27, 1917. GW] 
January 27, 1917  Pte Norman BURTON  [Photo accompanies caption]: Pte. Norman BURTON, C. E. F., son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred BURTON of the Arm. Enlisted in Canada. Was wounded during the fall in France and is now we think in hospital. 
January 27, 1917  Botwood Notes  January 12, 1917. The express from Grand Falls to Botwood has changed her schedule. It now leaves Botwood at 8:30 am and leaves Grand Falls at 11 am. More of our Boys are leaving to volunteer. Wm. ELLIOTT and Mark WOOLRIDGE left by Tuesday night’s express for St. John’s to enlist. Messrs. Stanley WARR, John SIMMONS, Arthur POLLARD left Wednesday for St. John’s. Mr. Ford MANUEL of Lewisporte is here visiting friends. Jack Frost is keeping pretty well clear of us so far this year. It is raining as I write. The ice has been grand for skating the past week, and every night it has been crowded by numbers of young people and old, who were determined to enjoy themselves. We shall see no more steamers here this season. The last, the Pere Marquette, left here Monday night for Heart's Content. The place is beginning to look “deader” again now, as all the men working with the A. N.D. Co. are leaving for the logging camps. The S. A. people had a lantern show at their Barracks on Tuesday night, Jan. 10th, with good results. The C. of E. people held a social in the L. O. A. Hall on Wednesday, Jan. 11th, netting the grand sum of $55. Mr. Wm. ELLIOTT who volunteered recently, arrived from town Thursday, having failed to pass his medical examination on account of a bad eye. 
January 27, 1917  Looking Backwards (Part 1)  Letter from the First Salvationist to Visit Twillingate. The following letter was received last week by Mr. A. J. PEARCE. The writer is T. H. COLLIER, at one time Capt. COLLIER, S.A., who first opened the Salvation Army meetings at this place twenty-nine years ago, in an old store belonging to Mr. PEARCE, just below where Mr. CLARKE’s sail loft now stands. Mr. COLLIER is at present the Superintendent of the Provincial Industrial School for girls at Vancouver, B. C. Doubtless many of the older people will recollect him. It is 29 years, just about, since we opened fire in Twillingate. We went there on the 20th December, if I remember correctly. I have had a rather long and trying time this fall, and am not strong yet; at times it is about all I can do to manage my work. Our eldest boy is in England or France – His last letter was dated Dec. 2nd from Bramshott Camp; but he said nearly all his battalion had gone over, so he may be by this time. He was married less than a year when he enlisted. Our second boy is medically unfit, or he would have gone before this. Our “baby” is now past 18 years and works at Spencer’s Dressmaking Dept. here in Vancouver. 
January 27, 1917  Looking Backwards (Part 2)  Mrs. COLLIER is pretty well, she is kept rather busy all the time with the work of the institution. We have had a splendid Christmas time as far as the Institution is concerned. I composed a new song for the girls to sing and enclose you a copy. By the way, does the old TWILLINGATE SUN still shine? (You bet. Editor.) If so will you pass it on to them. If they publish it please send me a copy. We also had a splendid Christmas tree for the inmates on Christmas afternoon. Yesterday afternoon, we went to the Old People’s Home and gave them about two thirds of our program, just to cheer the old souls up a bit, bless them. How is my old friend Mr. PEARCE getting along? I have hope you are all right. I was trying to imagine how old you are, I shall be 54 on Jan. 26th, so you must be somewhere in the sixties. We are having some cold weather out here at present. Today is very cold and looks like snow. We had two falls of snow this winter so far. We had such very severe frosts in the early fall that there are no winter flowers this year. We usually have pansies and daisies and sometimes roses, but there are none this year. I suppose there are still some of my old friends around? Will you kindly remember me to them. I never forget the old town. I would give something to come back for a few weeks and see it again; but I doubt if I shall ever have the privilege. I am very old looking. My beard is almost white. 
January 27, 1917  Personals  Mr. Henry HARBIN who is Chief Officer on the S. S. Ethie, returned home by Prospero last week. Capt Steve HARBIN and crew of Home left St. John’s Thursday for home. 
January 27, 1917  Death  Death of Near Centenarian. The death occurred on Monday of James WHITE of Ragged Point at the advanced age of 98. 
January 27, 1917  The Ice Bridge  Up to Wednesday the harbour was frozen over down to Paradise, and people were walking from Rendell’s Cove to Young’s Point, but along the North Shore it is still unsafe. 
January 27, 1917  Birth  BORN: To Mr. and Mrs. Henry SIMMS, of Back Hr., Jan. 17th, a daughter. 
January 27, 1917  Advertisement  For sale two fine horse sleighs, box sleigh and side sleigh. For particulars and prices apply Archibald WHITE, Ragged Point. 
January 27, 1917  Advertisement  If any person desires oval glass and frames for enlargements, size 16 x 20 or 14 x 20 I can supply them with these oval frames for $2.50 and $3.00. Apply to W. G. WHITEHORNE, Photographer, Springdale. 
January 27, 1917  Advertisement  Wanted homes for two boys from 12 to 15 years, and one girl about 10, to save them from hunger, cold and misery. Apply. P. S. SAINSBURY, Adjt. 
January 27, 1917  W. P. A. Social  A very successful Social was held by the ladies of the W. P. A. in the basement of the Masonic Hall on Thursday night. The program was chiefly musical, a solo by Mr. C. L. HODGE, duet by Mr. HODGE and Mrs. WOOD and choruses. Then there were several pianoforte duets by Mesdames WOOD, Bailey, DOXSEE and TAMPIE. Possibly the feature of the evening was the reciting by Master DOXSEE of The Highland Brigade, which brought forth great applause, he giving as an encore “The Day.” Games of handball, catch, third, and jolly miller, were indulged in. One game of handball in which the two teams were captained by our two worthy Parsons of the C. of E. and Methodist, Parson ROBB’s winning by a head. Candy and ice cream was sold and in spite of chilliness of the atmosphere outside, the ice cream was soon all gone. At closing time there was $42.49 in hand, and the proceeds from many tickets had not been received, and we hear between $50 and $60 is estimated as takings. 
January 27, 1917  Advertisement  NOTICE: A general meeting of the share holders and other persons interested in the Notre Dame Mutual Insurance Club Limited, will be held in their office South Side, at 2 pm Thursday, February 8th, to consider whether this Club, owing to the Submarine Menace, will take war risks during the coming season of 1917. All interested are cordially invited to attend. Charles D. MAYNE, Secretary, Twillingate, January 25th, 1917. 
January 27, 1917  Essay by Willie YOUNG (Part 1)  Essay: “Our Boys in Khaki” by Willie YOUNG, Academy, Durrel's. What is war? In a short sentence it may be summed up to be the combination and concentration of all the horrors, atrocities, cries and sufferings of which human nature on this globe is capable. Great Britain has been at war with Germany since August 1914. How quickly the years fly, and in what times we are living! You who these twenty-nine months have suffered so much because of men at war with men. The years seem long in one sense, because many are looking for the time to come when war shall be no more, and short in another, to think how in twenty-nine months several million men have been ushered into Eternity. Peace would be almost a myth with the greater part of the world ranged in the most awful blood shedding that man has ever witnessed, and yet we will soon approach the joyous celebration of the day which ushered in King David’s Greater Son, and the Heavenly Host made glorious melody in heralding, “Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth peace among men.” The Great War, which is casting a shadow of sorrow over our Grand Old Empire, and throughout Europe, is after all, bringing out some grand traits in the character of our citizens. There is the mother, who sends her boy, with a prayer and blessing, though it nearly breaks her heart to do so. There is the wife, who sends the breadwinner, and there are those who have no loved ones to send, who are making sacrifices too. Newfoundland, Britain’s oldest Colony, has sent men and is still sending men, to help the Mother Country in her hour of need, to fight Prussian might, and to still keep the Old Flag flying. 
January 27, 1917  Essay by Willie YOUNG (Part 2)  Just after the war began in 1914, recruiting started in St. John’s, and from that time up to now, more than five thousand men have gone from Newfoundland to fight. After drilling in St. John’s for a time, were sent to the Dardanelles, where many of our boys for the first time saw active service on the Gallipoli Peninsula. Our Boys had to undergo much hardship there, for they endured piercing heat, burning sands, and Turkish attacks (by which their lives were in constant danger.) The Dardanelles proving a failure, “Ours” were sent to France, where they have distinguished themselves time and again. The first great battle in which they took part in France, and in which so man of our dear boys lost their lives, was the first of July. On the morning of that Memorial Day, “Ours” were ordered from the trenches, and the story of their heroic part has made Newfoundland proud of her soldier heroes. The Regiment (1st N.F.L.D.) advanced in a hail of German lead as calmly as if on parade. We who grumble and growl at home, at the ills and worries of life, they with death all around, whistling bullets and crashing shell bursts – “as steady as if on parade.” I wonder how any of us could face death for a principle. It certainly is a magnificent example they have set us. Things like this never die, they make the foundation of a great people. Newfoundland will be reborn in those Boys. The story of their heroic part cannot yet be told in full, but when it is told it will make Newfoundlanders very proud. They pushed up to what may be called the third wave in the attack, in probably the most formidable section of the German front, thro' an almost overwhelming artillery fire, across ground which was swept by machine guns. 
January 27, 1917  Essay by Willie YOUNG (Part 3)  But, after the battle, Ah! Then is the saddest part, nearly five hundred of our stalwart sons were either killed, wounded or missing. Many other battles have the Newfoundlanders taken part in, namely October 12th and December 4th and 7th. A few of our soldiers have been awarded the Military Cross and D. S. M. Our soldiers who have been killed have died not only that Germany may be crushed, but that we may be free and escape the fate of the Belgians. Surely not in vain have our brave heroes died. Surely not in vain dies any man who rightly dies, and the heroes of Flanders, of Gallipoli, and of all the Empire’s battles of today, have died for the cause of Right and world peace. Was it not for this that the Son of Man died. As I write this I hope that in twelve months or less, an end will be brought to this strife, and I hope that Justice and Right will have triumphed over Prussian brutality. Soon it will be Christmas. Christmas and Good Friday remind us of the fundamental truth, now almost universally accepted by all sections of the Church – Without shedding of blood there is no remission, and may not that fact be applicable to the present world strife, and out of it all and the terrible toll of life and heartbreaking and sobbing, comes a regenerated world and another morning of glad rejoicing. God reigns on High, and would make the wrath of man to praise Him, and insofar as our Empire stands for Righteousness and world Freedom, the blood shedding of Britain’s Fathers and Sons (and has not the very best been poured out) will not be in vain. Oh, may the day, (the day of peace) soon come when “Our Boys in Khaki” may come home again. Of the boys who do not come, of those who are buried on the Gallipoli Peninsula or on the fair plains of France, we may say, Victorious they fall, For they rose as they fell With Jesus, their Master, in glory to dwell; They have passed o’er the sea. They have reached the bright coast, For they fell like true warriors, They died at their post. 
January 27, 1917  A Unique Strike  St. John’s Daily Star. A unique strike occurred recently in an outport not so far from St. John’s. From time immemorial it has been the custom, on the death of a person, for the people – the men – to dig the grave gratis. It has been always the custom to serve the gravediggers liberally with liquor while at their work. A death occurred shortly after New Year, the men assembled to dig the grave but no booze was forthcoming and they absolutely refused to work. No influence could move them, and after the prescribed time for burial, the women engaged in the task of making a grave, but early in the enterprise had to desist. The men know the resident Physician had the desired “goods” and told him so, but he pointed out that to serve them with it made him amenable to the law. This cut no ice with the crowd and the upshot was that the Doctor had to capitulate, and with the customary libations, the grave was dug and the defunct one interred. The question now is, can the Doctor be prosecuted? 
January 27, 1917  Statutory Notice  In the matter of the estate of Adam POND, late of Twillingate, deceased. All persons indebted to this estate are requested to make payment to the Executor before January 25th, 1917. And persons claiming to be creditors of said estate, or who have any claim upon the estate or assets of said Adam POND, are requested to send particulars of their claim duly attested, to the undersigned, on or before January 25th 1917. And notice is herby given that after the said 25th day of January, A.D. 1917, the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice. C. WHITE, Executor, Twillingate, Jan. 4th, 1917. 
January 27, 1917  Correction  Recently a list was published by the committee in charge of the painting and renovating of North Side Meth. Church last year. In spite of careful proof reading, both on the part of our shop and the Committee, an error or two appear, and we are asked to make the following correction for the information of subscribers to that fund, viz: Mr. Jonas ELLIOTT $1.00, not 10 cents as shown. 
January 27, 1917  Letter From Pte Wm. MUDFORD  [Photo accompanies this letter] The Following Letter is from Pte. Will MUDFORD to his Mother. Cambridge Hospital, Aldershot. December 28th, 1917. Just a few lines to let you know that I am getting on splendid. I feel good, having just had my dinner, some turkey, soup and pudding, so you can see they give us good food. This is a splendid Hospital, and the Sisters and Nurses are like mothers, and I don’t care if they keep me here as long as the war lasts, but I don’t expect they will keep me after I can get up. I am still in bed, and feel a bit weak in the legs, but I think the fever has gone. I certainly was lucky, and hasn’t God been good to me to take care of my life in some of the biggest battles the world has ever seen, when my chums have fallen by the thousands. I spent nine months in the line without a day’s sickness or ever receiving a wound, and now I am lucky to escape some of the misery of the winter months. Do you hear from Hiram? I often think of him. I hope he won’t see it as hot as I have. If they send me out again I shall go willingly, knowing that the people I am fighting for are worthy of any sacrifice I can make. I suffered something dreadful the first three weeks, but I bore it with God’s help. The Sisters and the Boys often have singsongs and it seems like a bit of heaven compared with France. If you give me Ned WHITE’s address I will try to find him and some of the Nfld. Boys. I guess you are worrying about me, but you need not as I am glad to be here and am longing to hear from you. I got a Christmas stocking from the Canadian Baptist Church at Toronto. Let us hope that peace will soon come. God bless you all. 
January 27, 1917  Fire Caused by Hot Bag  Tuesday night, a brin bag in the attic of the Twillingate Club room caught fire, owing to too close proximity to the stovepipe. Fortunately it was seen in time, and one bucket of water put it out. 
January 27, 1917  Mr. MOORE is Glad Booze is Gone.  A Letter from U. S. A. – Mr. MOORE Glad Booze Gone. Watertown, Mass. Jan. 6th, 1917. I hear that you are having quite a nice winter down there so far, rather better than we have it here. I should say it will be a blessing to many folks if it continues, as coal and everything is so dear. I hear that coal is $15 a ton down there. Folks down home do not realize what a blessing they are enjoying to what the people here are. Thousands here cannot sit down by a nice warm fire, and must suffer with the cold. Well, Mr. Editor, I see that you folks have banished the booze business off the Island, and I can tell you when I heard it, for I heard of it from some folks before I saw it in the papers, I felt like singing praises to God from whom all blessings flow. I tell you it shows the fellow up here, what kind of stuff the Newfoundlanders are made of. Liquor is the curse of this country, and although the most awful crime and suffering have been caused by it, still they haven’t gumption enough to clear it out. Mr. SUNDAY (Billy SUNDAY) has nearly worked himself to death trying to show the awfulness of it. There are some places that have gone dry, and I am happy to say that I am living in one of them, though it doesn’t make a particle of difference to me, for I never spent 20 cents for the stuff in my life. If I had been in the habit of drinking, what I have seen since I came here would have been enough to make me give it up. None of the men that have come here have, as far as I know, taken to drinking, and that is one of the causes of their success. Wishing you and all old friends and our country a happy and prosperous New Year. I remain yours truly, Samuel MOORE. 
January 27, 1917  Cot Fund  "Cut Arm & Starve Harbour. George SMART $1. Arthur WHALEN .20, John WOODFORD $1.50, Mrs. John WOODFORD .50, Henry SMART .50, John SMART .50, John HOLWELL $5. George HOLWELL $2. Arthur HOLWELL $2. Herbert FUDGE $1. Isaac RICE .50, Theodore RICE .50, Jonas SMART .50, Benjamin BATT $1. Edward WARREN .50, Albert WARREN $1. Arthur WARREN $2. Wm. JONES $1. WM. DALLEY .50, Frank WOODFORD .50, Levi FARTHING .50, Charles FARTHING .20, Doyle WATKINS $1. George WATKINS .50, Arthur WATKINS .50, Arthur SIMMONS $2. Elias WOODFORD, Jr. .50, Thos. WOODFORD, Jr. .50, Timothy WOODFORD .50, Solomon SMART .50, Mrs. Solomon SMART .50, Hubert WATKINS .50, Solomon WARREN $1. Benjamin TORRAVILLE .50, Seymour WOODFORD $1. Angus KENDELL $1. John FARTHING .50, Henry TORRAVILLE .50, A friend .50, $34.90. TOTAL. S.U.F. Herring Neck $20. Sunnyside $195.20, Cobb's Arm $13. Too Good Arm $41.60, Ship Island $40.20, Merritt's Harbour $10. Salt Harbour $52.22, Pikes Arm $39.55, Cut Arm & Starve Hr. $34.92. $447.35 M. SIMMS, Chairman of Committee. " 
January 27, 1917  Statutory Notice  In the matter of the estate of James HICKS, late of Purcell’s Harbour, Twillingate, deceased. All persons indebted to this estate are requested to make payment to the Executor before January 25th, 1917. And all persons claiming to be creditors of said estate or who have any claim upon the estate or assets of said James HICKS, are requested to send particulars of their claim duly attested to the undersigned on or before January 25th, 1917. And notice is hereby given that after the said 25th day of January A. D. 1917, the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice. C. WHITE, Executor Twillingate, 21 December 1916. 
January 27, 1917  Post Office Resolutions  In our first issue of this year I suggested some resolutions for Twillingate to adopt. Thanks chiefly to the efforts of Mr. Wm. SHARP, one of them at least, seems in a fair way toward realization. Mr. SHARP has taken around a petition praying for the establishment of a way Post Office and telephone at Crow Head, and I understand that it was signed by every man in Crow Head, while it also bears large endorsements from Wild Cove and other parts of this port. 
January 27, 1917  Pte John BURTON  [Photo accompanies this item.] Pte. John BURTON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred BURTON of the Arm. Enlisted last winter in Newfoundland Regiment. Is not in France. Was member of the Arm Lads Brigade. 
January 27, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 1)  The death rate during the past week has been on the increase and Pneumonia and LaGrippe and laying off hundreds of old and young. At the last meeting of the City Council, it was decided, in view of the continued sick rate of the city, that a Medical Doctor should be employed to look wholly and solely after the health of the city. This is a step in the right direction. 
January 27, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 2)  The most of our buyers are now on the way to the American and English markets. We wish them a safe and speedy voyage across the “herring pond.” 
January 27, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 3)  A man named Wm. GILL of Conception Harbour, recently came to town and called at the Police Station, giving himself into the hands of the law for having attempted to kill one Robert HALTON, with a loaded gun. In discharging the gun, however, his own son received the load in the body. An investigation is now going on. 
January 27, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 4)  Alexander CARTER, a packer at the establishment of Ayre & Sons, was within an ace of losing his life the other day in the store elevator. In attempting to cross the elevator doors while the lift was in motion, slipped towards the elevator and his feet became wedged tight between the upright of the elevator and the side of the building. He was held in that painful position for two hours before he was extricated. Dr. ROBERTS was in attendance and give three injections, while the injured and suffering clerk was given [?] stimulants. After extrication, the right foot was found to be badly bruised and the patient was taken to the Hospital, and it is hoped he will get about again in a few weeks time. 
January 27, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 5)  The frosty spurt of the last week has given a fine sheet of ice on the rinks, so that the Curriers and Skaters can enjoy their favourite past time. 
January 27, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 6)  On the 18th, the well known piano and organ dealer – Mr. Chesley WOODS – passed peacefully away. Last summer his Brother the Hon J. J. B. WOODS was called to his reward, and a short time before, two Brothers in the States died. He leaves a wife and daughter to mourn their loss. 
January 27, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 7)  Mr. R. PARSONS of Bay Roberts, arrived in town a few days ago to look after the interests of the Hudson bay Co., who are opening an agency in this city. Heretofore the Co.’s business was transacted from Montreal, but now an official of the Co. will be stationed here. Mr. PARSONS who has been given charge of the St. John’s office, is an employee of 24 years standing and well deserves his promotion. 
January 27, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 8)  Fortunately for those on the Street Car a few nights ago, that the telephone pole was in the way when No. 6 going West on Duckworth St. left the rails at the foot of Pilot's Hill. Crashing into the pole, the car was brought to a standstill and the lives on board saved. But for the pole, which snapped off like matchwood with the crash, the car would have gone over the embankment, those on board instantly killed or maimed for life. 
January 27, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 9)  Mr. COLLISHAW has offered the city council to erect fifty houses on the property made over recently by Hon. John HARVEY. The housing problem has been often discussed, but this offer of Mr. COLLISHAW’s is the first practical one, and no doubt the city fathers will give the proposition their most earnest consideration. 
January 27, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 10)  Mr. M. J. KENNEDY, M.H.A., for St. John’s West, died suddenly on Sunday afternoon. After attending mass at the Cathedral, he visited the Knights of Columbus rooms, and after a pleasant chat with the members, left the rooms and was continuing along New Gower Street, when he fell opposite CONNOLLY'S Mortuary rooms. He was quickly and tenderly picked up and carried into CONNOLLYS, where a Doctor was in attendance, but too late to be of any assistance, as the vital spark had fled. Truly in the midst of life we are in death. 
January 27, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 11)  Another highly esteemed citizen crossed the Bar on Saturday afternoon. Mr. John P. GRACE was a man of many estimable qualities, and his passing not only leaves a blank in the family circle, but also in the community not easily filled. We extend our deepest sympathy to the family. 
February 3, 1917  News of the 1st. Nfld Regiment  A message was received by Mr. Jas. ANSTEY saying that Pte. Leslie ANSTEY had been operated on for enlarged tonsils this week. It is evident that Leslie did not go over with the others who left Tuesday. A large Contingent numbering nearly 500, of the 1st Nfld. Regiment, went forward from St. John’s this week for Scotland. Among them was Pte. Charles MOORS, and probably Pte. Keywood RIDOUT of this place. We wish the Boys good luck, and safe return to their friends. Letters were received from Pte. Harvey HODGE, of the Guards, who went over to France the day before Christmas. He was then well. Pte. Tom HODGE has been unlucky enough to be twice in hospital since going over to France, once for boils and alter for bronchitis. 
February 3, 1917  Shipping News  The lighthouse keepers report that the Prospero had considerable difficulty in getting out of the bay through the slob, which was apparently very thick, as she made slow progress. 
February 3, 1917  Death  Joseph Bennett, better known here as Bennett TOBIN, died on Saturday, Jan. 13th, at his home 201 Kingsboro St., Mt. Washington, U.S.A. at the age of 37 years. Bennett was born at Twillingate and was second son of the late J. B. TOBIN who carried on an extensive business here. He went to United States 16 years ago, and at time of his death was a salesman. He was married and leaves a wife, Cathar TOBIN, and two children, Clare Marie TOBIN, and J. B. TOBIN, Jr. One of his sisters, Miss Gertrude TOBIN of New York, was present at his death. Of the other two sisters Miss Elizabeth is in British Columbia, and Miss Minnie at New York. Deceased contracted a severe cold which developed into pneumonia at 12 o’clock, and by three o’clock he was dead, having filled up in three hours. He was very stout and fell and easy victim to the disease. His death will be learned of with regret here. 
February 3, 1917  Personals  Mr. Titus W. HODDER is now taking a vacation in Cuba with a companion. They travel by rail to Key West and will return by way of New Orleans. He says, writing to Mr. HODGE, to whom also we are indebted for particulars regarding late Bennett TOBIN, that while we are enjoying sleigh riding, skating etc., he will be picking oranges and bathing. Mr. C. L. HODGE, who went to Lewisporte with his sister on Tuesday, reached home Friday afternoon. Mrs. Eliza MANUEL who was afflicted with a slight paralysis of the tongue last week, on Thursday evening became totally blind in one eye, and there is no improvement at this writing. By this Mail we received a letter from the employer of Frank PIKE who was former employee of the SUN office, who is working in the Trail News at Trail, B. C. Frank is learning the linotype and his employer speaks very highly of him. Mr. Wm. ASHBOURNE left for Lewisporte by dog team Tuesday. It was his intention to go to St. John’s by Prospero, but she did not call in here going South. Miss Mabel HODGE left for Lewisporte on way to St. John’s, by dog team Tuesday. She was accompanied part of the way be her brother Mr. C. L. HODGE. Mr. Stanley NEWMAN left Wednesday for St. John’s and will enter the tuberculosis camp there for treatment this winter. Mr. SOPER of St. John’s, who has been here stocktaking at the Union Store, left for home on Wednesday. Capt. Steve HARBIN arrived on Tuesday from Lewisport. He drove over from Comfort Cove with horse, ice being now firm everywhere for horses. His crew arrived last Saturday. 
February 3, 1917  Our Sealing Fleet  Some Changes in Captains. Every preparation for the coming sealing voyage is now being made, and with a few exceptions, the different steamers have their coal supplies on board or are at Cape Breton ports taking them on board. There will be some changes among the Captains. Captain A. KEAN, who last year held the bridge of the Florizel, will go in the Terra Nova, and Capt. George BARBOUR who was in the Neptune, takes charge of the Thetis. Capt. CLARKE of Brigus, will likely command the Njord, and prosecute the voyage in the Gulf, and Captain Sam Bob WINSOR, who was in the Terra Nova last year, will go as Master of the Tanger. Capt. Joe KEAN, we learn has been offered command of one of Capt. FARQUHAR’s steamers, but has not decided to the present. The other Captains who will go out this spring are G. WHITELY, W. WINSOR, Jacob KEAN, D. MARTIN and N. KEAN. 
February 3, 1917  Casualties  Pte. Alfred PERRY, Wards Hr., died of wounds, both legs amputated. Sgt. Jas. MOORE, Grand Falls, Thos. LANGDON, Botwood, both wounded. 
February 3, 1917  Advertisement  Parcel Post: The name and address of the senders of Parcels must be distinctly written on cover of each parcel. The Postmasters are instructed to accept no parcels for transmission until this is done. The regulation is made solely in the interest and for the protection of the senders. Signed, J. Alex ROBINSON, Postmaster General. 
February 3, 1917  Newfoundlander Shot as German Spy  Newfoundland Seaman Shot as German Spy (The Evening Telegram) Information has just reached this city to the effect that a well known young mariner, who sailed out of St. John’s for several years, though he claimed Catalina as his birth place, had been executed quite recently in the Old Country for acting as a spy for the Germans. The exact character of the offence was that he was caught selling charts to the enemy. He was court marshalled and sentenced to be shot. The execution took place in a building in London. In connection with the foregoing it is noteworthy that the seaman in question, was on a vessel which was submarined and sunk by the Huns last fall. 
February 3, 1917  Advertisement  Picked up on Christmas morning near S. S. Methodist Church a sum of money. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Samuel COOPER, Farmers Arm. 
February 3, 1917  Newfoundland Must Propose Confederation.  Ottawa, Jan. 22 – In the House of Commons this afternoon, Gordon WILSON, of Wentworth, in the course of his speech in moving the address, expressed the hope that Newfoundland would consider favourably the question of becoming a part of the Canadian Confederation. Premier BORDEN in his address referring to WILSON’s reference to Newfoundland, said: If Newfoundland desired to take the initiative and made proposals, the Parliament and people of Canada would give these proposals earnest consideration. 
February 3, 1917  W.P.A.  The W.P.A. beg to acknowledge the following contributions: Mrs. ROBB $1.00, Miss Minnie ROBERTS $1.00, Mrs. FOX .50, Mrs. C. WHITE .50, Miss Olive SNOW 1 pr of socks, Proceeds of the Social last week were $61.70. Signed, Secretary. 
February 3, 1917  S. U. F. Anniversary  The Society of United Fishermen … had a very nice day for their Anniversary, which was held on Feb. 1st instead of on the time honoured Candlemas Day. About forty brethren paraded to the South Side Methodist Church where they were addressed by Rev. ROBB on the principles of Unity and Duty. Lunch was served by Mesdames HOUSE, caterers. Several of the members have sons serving with the forces either blue or khaki, and one at least has sacrificed his only son for the cause. The last of its chartered members passed away in the person of the late Amos ROSSITER. 
February 3, 1917  Botwood Notes  We are frozen up here now. Horses can travel around anywhere, and our mail comes form Norris Arm now by horse and slide. We shall soon have all our boys gone now; two more volunteered – John SIMMONS and Arthur POLLARD. The former failed in eyesight, but POLLARD was accepted. What about your boys? They seem to be careless about it. We see none of the Twillingate boys in the papers as enlisting. The two young men SIMMONS and POLLARD have tried once before. Mr. Amos NICHOLAS, driver on No. 2 train, leaves tonight for Port-aux-Basques to see his father who is dying. Your correspondent was talking the other day to Mrs. PHILLIPS, mother of L. C. Alfred MANUEL and Pte. Arch MANUEL. Besides these two sons she has a third who wants to go. I said, “I suppose you would stop him?” “No” she answered, “I don’t think it would be right to stop a boy who wants to go.” Unfortunately there is a lot of “stopping” done. Only the other day I was talking to a young man from your town, who said he was stopped by his parents, and the lad is in earnest about going too. It only creates bitterness between a boy and his parents, and may produce a gulf that is wider than death itself. Mr. John HANN of this town went to the Hospital in St. John’s for treatment of cancer. He is coming back again as they are unable to do anything for him. Naval Reservist Herbert HEAD, of Norris Arm, arrived by express, on one month's furlough. He has been serving 2 years and 4 months on an armed trawler. Letters have recently been received from Pte. Allan CLARKE, son of Mr. Amos CLARKE, one time of Twillingate, and from Pte. JANES of Bishops Falls, saying they will be coming home in the spring, medically unfit for further service. Two more paper machines have been closed down in the paper town, and things are a bit dull, but we look for a big spring’s business. 
February 3, 1917  Last Saturday’s Fire  A very nasty fire which fortunately was put out with comparative ease, occurred in the South Side (central) store of Mr. Wm. ASHBOURNE on Saturday afternoon, at about quarter after five. One of the large patent kerosene mantle lamps, which was used for lighting the store, exploded, blowing burning kerosene all over the place, several people were hit. In a moment, a sheet of flame flew around the shop, catching dry goods piled on the shelves. In addition, the flame burnt the strings by which kettles, tins, and much other hardware, was hung to the ceiling, and it all fell with a crash adding to the excitement. With great presence of mind Mr. Arthur YOUNG closed the main entrance doors, and prevented the inrush of wind to fan the flames. A couple of extinguishers were got to work, and with the assistance of some buckets of water, the fire was quickly put out, but not before considerable damage was done. Most of the dry goods on the South side of the shop was more of less charred, and the show cases and their contents, broken, or damaged and scorched, and a new $500 piano, belonging to Mr. A. G. ASHBOURNE, standing in the shop, was badly blistered and burnt. It is impossible to estimate the damage. Half the ceiling of the shop is charred and the paint raised in great blisters. A whole corner of shirts and underwear ready made, rubber boots, and floor canvas is more or less ruined, while all over the shop things are scorched and seared. The trouble was first seen by Mr. GRIMES, who noticed a small jet of flame coming from the top of the lamp, but even as he stepped towards it, it burst into a tremendous fan shape flame that drove full across the shop like the very breath of hell itself. Then the lamp exploded, and the pressure of the heated gas burst the glass of the doors. The flame was over in a few seconds, and all the kerosene in the lamp burnt up in one flash, leaving nothing but smoking and smouldering shop goods, and wood work, which was put out with buckets of water. The piano, which stood almost directly under the lamp, has the case utterly ruined, though the action is almost undamaged. 
February 3, 1917  New Year Greeting from Mr. CHINN  "The old year is past, and what we have done wrong can’t return. We are gaining on. In another year perhaps, we may be in our last home by the time another year rolls on again. Lots have passed away since last New Year. Brother POND is gone. I was talking to him last year when I was in his shop. He said he was talking to a man the other day who said CHINN told him that tea and the Grace of God was all right. I suppose I offended some last time, but anyhow I got no use for Sunday work, and I think it is time for us to have done of it. I suppose we will be electing people this fall to rule over our country. Now we want good men and no Sabbath breakers, nor other bad things. Some people don’t care what becomes of the country so they can heap up riches. One time I was out in the Mediterranean, and one fellow asked if there was any one in Twillingate, and I put his head in the dish and put my two feet on him, and that quieted him up, and he never asked about Twillingate any more. We want good [word missing] and we want good men. We shall have to knock off and begin afresh. The men who got thousands will die and so will Joe CHINN, but the Bible says our work will have to be tried by fire. I advise you to read Mark 9th. – 41st verse. Wishing all a happy New Year, yours truly, Joe CHINN, Chinnville." 
    [There is nothing on my microfilm between February 3, 1917 and February 17, 1917. GW.] 
February 17, 1917  Personals  Messrs. Tom JACOBS, O. MANUEL and John SLADE arrived Tuesday from Loon Bay, the two latter returning the following day. Mr. A. G. ASHBOURNE left for Lewisporte by dog team on Monday. Mr. G. F. GARDNER, manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia, visited Herring Neck on Thursday. Mr. Peter YOUNG, and a young man SKINNER, son of Mr. Thos. SKINNER, arrived from St. John’s via Lewisporte on Wednesday. They made a quick trip down, reaching here by two o’clock Wednesday afternoon. Mr. YOUNG is here on a brief trip to fix up some business. Mr. Joseph A. YOUNG, who was passenger in the car which was burnt last week near Glenwood, has been summoned to St. John’s to give evidence at the enquiry being held there, and left for Lewisporte Thursday morning. Mr. M. W. COOK, foreman at the Daily Star office, had the misfortune to cut the tip off his thumb recently, with a small rotary saw, used for trimming cuts &c. Mr. D. P. OSMOND and Mr. Hedley BRETT of Morton’s Hr. were in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. COLBOURNE and Miss Annie NEWMAN drove to Summerford on Thursday, the day being beautifully fine. Mr. R. K. HOLDEN who was here in connection with the fire at Wm. ASHBOURNE’s, left for Fogo last week, where he goes in connection with the winding up of the business of Mr. Aaron STONE. 
February 17, 1917  Salvation Army Chaplain  There was a little “jollying” going on in the Officers Mess and the wits turned on a Salvation Army Chaplain, Ensign SOLOMON. Someone asked the meaning of S’s the Ensign wore on his collar. One Officer said S.O.S. "Where’s the 'O'?" asked another."When the Ensign opens his mouth!" came the apt reply. "That’s quite right," chimed in the Ensign, "That’s it. I’m here to warn men who are going to Hell and show them the way to Heaven." Thenceforward he was known to officers and men alike as “S.O.S.”! 
February 17, 1917  Smuggling Pays Sometimes  Smuggling is a profitable business for our brethren on the other side of the island – sometimes. Last week it proved to be otherwise with Capt. FUDGE, of the schooner Nickerson. Mr. O’Reilly the Customs Detective, came along and found under a pile of salt, on board the Nickerson, which had just arrived from Gloucester, U.S.A., the following goods which had not paid duty: twenty-eight dory oars, fifteen coils manila rope, two barrels tea, three boxes groceries, two boxes soap, box coffee, twenty five boxes tobacco, three dozen suits of oil clothes, piece cable, four cases rubber boats, case of pickles, case of crockery ware, two sacks peas and beans, two dozen bait knives, three barrels sugar, one sundries, twelve dozen cotton mitts, two pairs rubber boots, one box of raisins.” Capt. FUDGE had to pay a fine of $200 and lost all the goods as well. 
February 17, 1917  Willis MANUEL Has a Welsh Bride  [Photo of soldier accompanies this item] Corp. Willis MANUEL, who was severely wounded in the July 1st drive, is on the way home, and is probably bringing with him as his life’s partner, a young lady from Wales. In the July 1st drive, Willis was hit in the back, arm and leg, but managed to crawl back to our trenches, and what is more he brought his rifle with him. For many weeks he hung between life and death in a Welsh Hospital, and the nursing and ministration of the young lady who is now his bride, won him back to life. He is only now, after eight months, fit to return to his home, where he will be enthusiastically welcomed. He had not received his discharge up to the time of writing, though he is probably unfit for further active service. 
February 17, 1917  Herring Fishery  Herring have been very numerous at Goshen's Arm the past week, and many people have been down from here and got good hauls. Mr. ASHBOURNE has a couple of packing establishments down there, but has some difficulty in getting men. 
February 17, 1917  New Store for St. John's  The T. Eaton Co. of Toronto are to establish a big store in St. John’s during the coming season. It is said that they will not observe the usual summer holidays, and the other stores will likely have to fall in line. 
February 17, 1917  Shipping News  Capt. Frank ROBERTS is getting along well with repairs to the schr. Grace, and she will be replanked nearly to the water line, with many new staunchions &c. 
February 17, 1917  Correction  We were in error last week in stating that Pte. Augustus BULGIN was son of Mr. Abraham BULGIN. He is the son of Mr and Mrs. John BULGIN. 
February 17, 1917  Note of Thanks  "Kindly permit me thro' your paper, to thank the many kind friends for their sympathy and assistance in this time of our bereavement. On behalf of the family: Allen PRESTON." 
February 17, 1917  As It Should Be  Advertisment in the St. John’s papers say that the Captains of the Bloodhound and Njord at any rate, have no use for “slackers.” They will give preference to men rejected for Navy and Army or who have near relatives serving King and Country. Unmarried men between 20 and 30 will not be accepted by them unless covered by the foregoing conditions. 
February 17, 1917  Boyde's Cove Notes  Feb. 13th. The winter is slipping away fast with very little snow so far. The free thaw of last week took away nearly all that was down and made good sleighing. Mr. Israel DEAN, Mr. Aquilla WOLLFREY passed through today for Campbellton with freight for Dog Bay. The absence of rabbits this year is very bad for people, especially when meat is so dear. 
February 17, 1917  Further Accounts of Train Wreck  Further accounts of the train accident and death of eight persons last week, in St. John’s papers to hand, add little to the account as published by the Sun last week. The names of the dead now given: Thomas STAPLETON, Mason of St. John’s, aged 70. This is the man whom Mr. YOUNG thought was MOLONEY. John JACOBSEN, the young Norwegian sailor, and Ambrose and James ROGERS of St. Jones Within, T. Bay were four whose names we did not have. The Mail Clerks had a narrow escape. Just before the accident they put out one of their lamps and turned the other down. When their car rolled over this lamp went out, which was very fortunate for them, as they were drenched with oil from the lamps. 
February 17, 1917  List of Contributors  List of Contributors to Fund for W P A II Room. Robert COOPER $1.00, Frank JENKINS .50, Thomas COOPER 1.00, Peter JACOBS .50, Bennett BURTON 1.00, Jack POND .50, Wm WATERMAN 1.00, Roland CHURCHILL .50, Alfred CLARKE .50, Wm. EARLE 1.00, Fred EARLE 1.00, Thomas LEGGE .50, Saul WHITE .50, Capt. J. GILLETT .50, Joseph WHITE .50, A. CHURHCILL .50, Charlie HELLIER .20, Elijah DALLEY .20, Capt. James GILLETT .50, Thomas EARLE .10, Arthur YOUNG .50, John HODDER .50, Bennett YOUNG .20, D. ANSTEY .10, Frank CLARKE .50, H. GILL .50, Joseph STUCKLESS .50, Philip POND .50, George POND .50, Solomon SKINNER .20, Walter YOUNG .20, Eli BURTON .10, Willis HULL .10, George GILLETT .50, Wilfred YOUNG .50, Stewart COOPER .30, Ray ROBERTS .10, Peter JENKINS .30, Arthur JENKINS .20, Total $18.30. 
February 17, 1917  Successful Children’s Sale  Mr. HARNETT and Miss BAILEY are to be congratulated on the success of their sale of Wednesday night, which netted them the handsome sum of something over $120. Miss BAILEY in whose hands the overseeing of the children’s work was, has the satisfaction of knowing that her labours have achieved something substantial, and she has worked hard to that end. A large number of persons attended, the parents of the children lending their support in goodly numbers. Every article was sold, the final batch being auctioned at fair prices. The children must feel highly elated, to think their efforts were crowned with such success. We understand this amount goes towards the debt on the Parish Hall. 
February 17, 1917  House Hauling  House hauling has begun again, as is usual these winter days. Mr. Obediah BRIDGER hauled his last week, from the marsh to point opposite Mr. Jas. PRESTON’s. Today Dr. WOOD has a crowd of men hauling the Surgery that was formerly Dr. SMITH’s, to a point close to his own (formerly NOTT'S) house. 
February 17, 1917  W.P.A.II.  We shall label in future the Arm W.P.A. II, the town branch as I, in order to distinguish them. This W. P. II of the Arm, while recently formed, has already a membership of 20. Last week its members held a 10 cent tea in the Brigade Hall, and the sum of $37.56 was taken. As they had up to this time, no place to meet, some of the men got a collection going and $18.30 was quickly gathered in. This will be used to fix up a room in one part of the Armoury for the ladies meetings. As the Arms have more soldiers than any other part of Twillingate, it is quite proper that they should have their own branch. We strongly urge on both I and II, that as much as possible, they should keep in touch with each other. Mrs. Peter JENKINS is President of II and Miss Blanch DOVE, Secretary. 
February 17, 1917  Our Boys at Winsor, NS  Letters and postcards received from Our Boys who went forward to Halifax recently, from St. John’s, say they are now established at Winsor, about fifty miles from Halifax, in barracks there. They have no idea when they will go forward overseas. Pte. Charlie MOORS of this place, is with this contingent. 
February 17, 1917  Note of Thanks  The W.P.A. of the Arm beg to thank those who in any way helped to make their social a success. The sum of $37.76 was raised which will be spent in comforts for Our Boys. Also any who contributed toward getting material to make the Bank room comfortable for the W.P.A. to hold meetings in. Mrs. Peter JENKINS, Pres. Miss Blanche DOVE, Secy. 
February 17, 1917  Sam PEARCE saw Clarence FACEY  Pte. Sam. PEARCE writing to his father recently from France, says he has met Pte. Clarence FACEY, who was then on his way to “Blighty” on furlough. Clarence is looking real well, he says and has gained forty pounds weight, and will try and get transferred to the Newfoundland regiment. 
February 17, 1917  Advertisement  For Sale: 1 horse 11cwt,. good condition, 1 mare, 13 cwt, young, good condition. Will be sold at a bargain. F. THISTLE, King’s Point. 
February 17, 1917  Marriage  The wedding of Emily, daughter of Mrs. Ann and late Robert DALLEY of French Beach, but who has resided for a long time with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan BURT of Church Hill, to Henry eldest son of the late Joseph STUCKLESS of Tickle Point, took place Wednesday Feb. 7th in the North Side Methodist Church. The bride, who was given away by Mr. Jonathan BURT, was dressed in blue cloth, with hat to match. She was attended by Misses Minnie ROBERTS, Gertie GIDGE and Ida YOUNG, while the groom was supported by his brother Mr. Joseph STUCKLESS, and Mr. Obadiah DALLEY. The wedding supper was held at Mr. BURT’s and the presents to the bride were many and valuable. The SUN wishes the young couple every happiness. They will reside at their new home on Tickle Point. 
February 17, 1917  Marriage  The wedding of Capt. Wm ROBERTS, of S. S. Susu, to Miss GOOBIE, daughter of Capt. GOOBIE of S. S. Ethie, took place at St. John’s on Wednesday. Capt. ROBERTS is one of our successful young men, and is son of MR. R. E. ROBERTS of the Lighthouse. 
February 17, 1917  Tuberculosis Camp at St. John’s  Miss Mary ROBERTS of Change Islands is now in charge of the Tuberculosis camp at St. John’s and Miss TESSLER, who was Nurse here with Mrs. R. D. HODGE, is also nursing at that camp. 
February 17, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 1)  The good ship Prospero is now on the Dock undergoing extensive repairs, which will take about two months. 
February 17, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 2)  The worst railway accident in the history of railroading in this Country, happened on the Cross Country train near Glenwood, early on Monday morning, whereby seven men and one woman lost their lives, and two men with the Mail Clerk are injured. No doubt a strict investigation will be held. 
February 17, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 3)  For some time past it was feared there would be a shortage of coal the coming spring, but that has now been obviated as the Govt. has made arrangements with the Cape Breton Coal Co to ship a sufficient supply here. 
February 17, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 4)  One of the saddest stories in connection with the recent railway accident is that of a young married couple who were on their way to their home in Placentia Bay. When the car toppled over Mr. Moses RODWAY was the first to escape and thought his wife was following him, but the poor woman had evidently collapsed and did not hear her husband call. When he found she was still in the car, he plunged back into the flames and reached the dead body of his wife. When the remains were recovered they were lying close to each other. Truly in death they were not divided. 
February 17, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 5)  A slight fire was discovered on Monday last in the lumber-room on the top flat of the Court House, among some papers and rubbish, by Miss BUCHANAN the caretaker’s daughter. She at once gave the alarm, and the Court Officials were quickly on the scene, and with the aid of extinguishers, quenched the fire. Chief WINSOR and Fireman BOGGAN being called for, visited the place, and after investigation reported all danger past. 
February 17, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 6)  The Mercantile offices announced, that as all berths for the sealing fleet have been given or promised, it would be useless for outport men to come to the City seeking berths unless they have guaranteed tickets. The Outport men would be well advised to remain at home and save unnecessary expense. Especially as no slackers will be given preference over men who have been turned down on account of slight ailments. 
February 17, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 7)  One of the greatest events in Newfoundland’s history was celebrated on Wednesday afternoon last, when the guns captured by Our Boys from the Germans on Oct. 12th, after a brilliant charge that the Memorable words were uttered “Newfoundlanders your gallantry was better than the best.” The guns were drawn on a float by recruits and guarded by some of the veterans who took part in their capture. It was indeed a Mammoth Parade, men, women and children thronging the streets, Sailors, Soldiers and Brigade Boys taking part. The guns are daily on exhibition in Court House Square, and interested onlookers are shown how they are operated. 
February 17, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 8)  A largely attended meeting was held at Canon Wood Hall on Thursday evening last to urge the enforcement of the Prohibition Act. It appears some of the Doctors have been abusing the trust reposed in them, by prescribing liquor as a beverage and not as a medicine. The guilty ones are prohibited from issuing prescriptions in future, as they will not be recognized. The Central Committee have a duty to perform and they should get to work at once. 
February 17, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 9)  The laundry proprietors of the City have announced their intention of raising the price of all kinds of laundry work, on account of the high cost of soaps, starches &c. in the near future. 
February 17, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 10)  Another batch of Heroes retuned per Friday’s express, and were met at the Station by the ladies Reception, and welcomed by the acting Premier, Hon. J. R. BENNETT. Owing to the lateness of the hour, the Governor did not receive them till the following morning. They are on furlough and sick leave. 
February 17, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 11)  The young Bay Roberts lad who stole a passage on the train to enlist, applied at Headquarters but was not accepted, being under age. His pluck was rewarded, however, by securing employment on one of the Mercantile firms. 
February 17, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 12)  It is said that some of the buyers who went as far as New York, will not venture across the “Herring Pond” but return to their peaceful domiciles. 
February 17, 1917  St. John’s Boy Under Arrest In U. S. A.  It is reported that a young man, a native of St. John’s, who left here for New York in September last year, has been arrested for a breach of neutrality. The man in question was at no time over-flowing in his love for King and Country, and gave as his reason for leaving home that he feared conscription. It appears that on reaching New York, he secured employment in a German Hotel, and his arrest followed from information given by a secret service bureau. Friends of his family who reside in New York, offering to give bonds for the young man’s future behaviour, but were informed that the crime committed was of too serious a nature for any favours to be given. 
February 17, 1917  Botwood Notes  Feb. 4th, 1917. Your paper, the Sun, just to hand, and no one realizes how much news is in your little paper till they leave Twillingate. It must seem good for your Boys in Khaki to get the Sun, I bet they can scan it pretty closely. I see you are still urging the young men to come forward, and I think myself the young men should be up and doing, and every man available should be out in the trenches avenging those who have given their lives. Those brave heroes have “gone West” for our sakes, and it is up to every one medically fit, to go and not hang back. Botwood has sent every man that she can send, one chap tried four times, and others two or three times. Some folks in Botwood say that Twillingate boys are “cowards.” I can’t believe it; but there is something the matter, and I do wish your boys could see the need for the sake of their own good name, and the good name of their town. Pte. Norman DEAN has failed to pass medically, and will come home for another three months furlough. He was wounded in July 1st action. Miss WHITE of Bishops Falls arrived by A.N.D. train yesterday. Mr and Mrs. STORM of Norris Arm are in town at present and leave shortly for the far West. A very enjoyable dance was held last night in the Connaught Hall, and about thirty couples attended, and all tripped the “light fantastic” till an early hour. A concert will be held at Northern Arm tomorrow night and a very enjoyable time is expected. 
February 17, 1917  Advertisement  For Sale: A dwelling house situated on Jubilee Corner. A comfortable and suitable house for a small family. For particulars apply to: Mrs. M.W. COOK, North Side. 
February 17, 1917  Death  The death of Mrs. Obadiah RODGERS of the Arm occurred last Saturday. She leaves a family of eight small children. 
February 17, 1917  Death  On Monday, Lucy SLADE, widow of the late James SLADE, passed away at the age of 55 after suffering for a number of years from internal cancer. Interment took place in the St. Andrew’s cemetery by Rev. HUNT on Thursday. She leaves an adopted son. 
February 17, 1917  Homes Found for the FROUDE Children  Adjut. SAINSBURY has secured homes for the FROUDE children, one goes to Comfort Cove, and another to Summerford. 
February 17, 1917  New Steamer for Red Indian Lake  The A.N.D. Co. are building a new steamer on Red Indian Lake this winter. She will be about 250 tons or nearly twice as large as the “Lady Mary” the present flagship. 
February 17, 1917  Rabbits are Scarce  Rabbits are very scarce in the bays this winter though there are some near the lumber camps in the interior. 
February 24, 1917  A Mean Deed  Tell us if you know anything meaner than this. Mr. John GODDEN of Comfort Cove tells us the following. He recently had three fox traps set on an island rock, and went out on Feb. 16th to visit them. A fox had got in them and apparently snapped up all the traps on himself and had carried them away. Mr. GODDEN tracked him to the mainland, and also found where the tracks of two men had left their horse and cart, and had gone after the fox. He also found the spot where they had overtaken the fox and killed it and, he tracked them back to their cart by the drops of blood. These men also took away the three traps. 
February 24, 1917  Where is Honesty?  "The older people had an instinctive honesty that I fear the present generation is very much lacking in. It is a great pity, too, apart entirely from the standpoint of ethics, for as the old adage says, there is no doubt that honesty is the best policy. It used to be the regular thing for trappers to respect the ground over which another furred and not encroach. Traps, bait, camps and such like might be left about without fear of their being taken. Today I very much regret that a new order of things has taken place, and I am not sure that the much quoted and vaunted motto of “Summ Cuique” is not pretty freely translated to mean “let every man have his own - and as much of everyone else’s as he can get away with.” I am thinking too of the two men who stole the fox from Mr. GODDEN at Comfort Cove. Stealing – for there is no other name – that fox with the traps, was equivalent to stealing $10, $30, perhaps more than $100 from that man’s house, according to the value of the fox. Perhaps those two men didn’t see it in that way, but a theft it undoubtedly is. Last fall at Springdale, there was some pretty crooked work went on too. One case we heard of were a couple of men stole a fleet of nets, took them further down the bay and worked them all the fall; afterwards returning them to their owners with the story that they were “picked up” adrift. Nets were systematically robbed of their herring, and the pillage was so bad that we hear regulations for the conduct of that fishery will be made law during the coming session of the House. It was no so in former days, and again I wonder can this be laid at the door of “Suum Cuique”? “Render Therefore Unto Caesar” You have all heard the story of the Irishman who claimed he was a Socialist, and as such believed in the equal distribution of this world’s goods. “And really Pat,” asked a friend, “if yez had two cows would yez give me one?” “Surely,” said Pat. “And if yez had two horses, would yez give me one?” “Surely I would,” again stoutly declared Pat. “And if yez had two pigs?” “Ah, gwan now, yez know I got two pigs.” If “Suum Cuique” is to mean anything it must mean not only obtaining but giving. It must mean the rendering unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s as well as the rest of the command. Many people in their anxiety, or cupidity, or meanness, take care that the first part of the command shall be slurred." 
February 24, 1917  Another Prophecy of Peace  (London Chronicle) A Peterborough resident gives the following prophecy of the termination of war on February 13, 1918: Daniel 12 chap. 11 v. “And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.” Revelations 13 chap., 4 and 5 v.: “And they worshipped the beast, saying who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.” From August 4, 1914 to Feb. 13, 1918, is 1290 days and 42 months. 
February 24, 1917  Found After Five Days  London, Feb. 10 – Three Englishmen and one American Negro, members of the crew of the torpedoed steamer Dauntless, have been picked up in a small boat at sea by a trawler, according to a despatch from Madrid. The men had been without food for five days; they were taken to hospital. 
February 24, 1917  Letter From Ernest CHURCHILL  "Miss Susie SNOW recently received a letter from Seaman Earnest CHURCHILL, R. N. R., acknowledging receipt of a parcel from the W. P. A. here. In the parcel was a pair of socks knitted by Miss SNOW and in which she had placed a note, hence Seaman CHURCHILL’s letter. It is good to know that our Boys are getting things from their home town, and it must have been pleasant to Ern to get a pair of socks and note of cheer from an Arm young lady." 
February 24, 1917  Electric Light for Railway  The Reid Newfoundland Company have decided to install a system of electric lighting on all their railway passenger cars. This decision will be generally approved and cordially welcomed by the travelling public. Experience – sadly enough an experience gained at the cost of eight human lives – has proved that the old method of kerosene lamps was dangerous in the extreme, though the many years freedom from accident might have been taken to indicate otherwise. The Company are to be commended for the promptness with which they have acted in this matter. Public anxiety will be allayed and there will be a feeling of satisfaction that after a few weeks at the most, a repetition of the terrible holocaust of a fortnight ago will be impossible – at least from the same cause. With steam heat and electric light, the danger of fire will be cut down to the …[this is where it ends!] 
February 24, 1917  German Merchant Ships  German merchant ships, of which there are a large number interned in the United States and her colonies, have nearly all been more or less damaged by their crews, to prevent them being used by the States in event of war. 
February 24, 1917  Shackelton Antaric Expedition Rescued  Sever survivors of the Shackelton Antaric Expedition have been rescued. 
February 24, 1917  Very High Winds  Wednesday night’s gale was the highest wind experienced for some time. Fences did not suffer much as they were frozen in. Mrs. Agnes YOUNG’s hen’s house had the roof blown off and one hen was killed. Other houses had boards blown off and some bricks fell. The Chimney of Mr. George JANE’s house, back Hr. was blown down by the storm of Wednesday night, breaking off two bricks below the roof. In its fall it completely smashed a roof ladder, and pretty much scared the occupants of the house. The chimney was a new one built only two years ago. 
February 24, 1917  Personals  Messrs. A. COLBOURNE and Geo. HODDER who arrived yesterday from Lewisporte, experienced bad travelling. They came as far as Comfort Cove on Wednesday. Mr. John HICKS of the Arm returned from Lewisporte on Wednesday with his horse. Mr. A. COLBOURNE and Mr. Geo. HODDER went to Lewisporte on Sunday. Mr. COLBOURNE intended to visit Grand Falls. 
February 24, 1917  Senior Domestic Science Class  On Saturday last, the sixteen young ladies of Miss Aitken’s Senior Domestic Science class held a reception for their parents, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all present. The Kindergarten room looked most attractive and the girls made charming young hostesses as they served the good things made entirely by themselves. During the afternoon the guests enjoyed a solo by Mrs. WOOD and Miss Katie BLANDFORD. So successful was the reception that the young ladies gave a delightful little party to an equal number of friends on Tuesday night. The young people enjoyed themselves most thoroughly and were loathe to leave as the midnight hour approached. 
February 24, 1917  Jack PARNELL  Jack PARNELL of Exploits, well known by many people here, is now serving in the R. N. Reserve and is on board H.M.C.S. Columbella. He tried three times for the Navy and underwent an operation. When last heard from on Jan. 11th, he was well. 
February 24, 1917  Advertisement  For Sale two fine horse sleighs, box sleigh and side sleigh. For particulars and prices apply: Archibald WHITE, Ragged Point. 
February 24, 1917  Fine Men and Good Labourers  We received this mail a letter from a businessman on the other side of this Bay. He says he had a number of Twillingate men working for him last fall and he found them “fine men and good labourers.” He was so well pleased with their work that he intends engaging a score of Twillingate men next fall. We don’t know when we heard anything that pleased us so much, and we gladly pass along the compliment to Twillingate, “long may her sons continue to be fine men and good labourers.” 
February 24, 1917  W.P.A.  There will be a meeting of the W. P. A. I. At Mrs. John BUTCHER’s, South Side on Wednesday. If Wednesday be stormy the meeting will be held on Friday. The W. P. A. beg to acknowledge the following: Mr. FOX 1 pr. Socks, Miss Agnes Pearce .50. 
February 24, 1917  Two Women Die at Comfort Cove  Two Women Perished in Storm of Thursday – Three Children Frostbitten. This morning Magistrate SCOTT received a telegram from Adjutant SIMMONS of Campbellton saying that the wives of Thomas LAMBERT and John EARLE of this place, who were living at Comfort Cove, perished in the snowstorm of Thursday Feb. 22nd, and that three children were badly frostbitten. LAMBERT and EARLE were in poor circumstances, and both men had come here recently and were working in ASHBOURNE’s herring factory. They left for Comfort Cove yesterday and had probably reached their homes last night. The message gave no particulars as to how the women perished. 
February 24, 1917  Methodist Missionary Meetings  Twillingate to Japan. Foreign Missionary works will be specially advocated this anniversary. The Official Board here recently decided to “aim” at the support of a Missionary in Japan, who would be in correspondence with the Circuit directly during his work in this important field. The services will (D.V.) be as follows: Friday, Mar. 2nd, Missionary Prayer meetings, Sunday, 4th, Missionary sermons in all Churches. Missionary Meetings: South Side Monday, North Side, Tuesday: Little Harbour, Wednesday, 7:30 o’clock. The visiting deputation will be: Rev. W. T. D. DUNN, Chairman of District, of Grand Falls; Rev. M. FENWICK, D. D., Superintendent of Newfoundland Missions; and Rev. William HARRIS, of Morton’s Harbour. Good singing and a hearty welcome for all. By order, Secy Com. 
February 24, 1917  Advertisement  For Sale: Motor Boat 7 ft, 6 in, wide, 2ft 8in deep, 32 ft long on top; engine under cover, Fitted with 7 h.p. Nat engine complete (hot head). Used two summers at trap fishery only. Apply: J. M. JACKMAN, Tilt Cove. 
February 24, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 1)  A young lad was before the Court on Thursday charged with the larceny of several letters from the Post Office box of S. E. Garland. The boy was in Mr. GARLAND’s employ for some time, and after he left retained the key of P. O. Box. Mr. HUTCHINGS, who tried the case, commented severely on the laxity of those employers, who put such strong temptations in the way of young boys of tender age. 
February 24, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 2)  A large tank steamer arrived on Wednesday with a cargo of lubricating oils, (coal oil and gasoline) in bulk for the Imperial Oil Coy. This is the first ship to bring such a cargo into this port. 
February 24, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 3)  It is now practically settled that the Halifax steamers will go on the hunt for whitecoats the coming spring, the Seal in the Gulf and the Sable on the front. Capt. Joe KEAN, of the S. S. Portia will command the Sable. 
February 24, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 4)  P. F. MOORE, Esq., popular M.H.A. for Ferryland succeeds the late M. J. KENNEDY, Esq., as Governor of the Newfoundland Savings Bank. 
February 24, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 5)  A large number of business people were up before the Magistrates Court a few days ago for violation of the Municipal Regulations, viz. neglecting to remove snow from sidewalks. 27 were convicted and each fined 50 cents and costs. 
February 24, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 6)  Another shipment of fresh salmon was brought to town by a Fisherman from Chapel Cove, Trinity Bay, which realized good prices. 
February 24, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 7)  A big snow storm which began Friday midnight, continued with increased violence all through Saturday, and in the country snow is piled up 10 ft high or more. Traffic was greatly impeded, and the street railway found great difficulty in navigating the belt line. 
February 24, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 8)  It is reported that the Gorton Pew Coy of Gloucester U.S.A. will start an extensive fishery business next summer, and have acquired the Premises recently occupied by Mr. K. R. PROWSE, on the South Side of the harbour. They will export green and dry fish. 
February 24, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 9)  Several cases of diphtheria have developed during the past week. 
February 24, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 10)  Mr. Robert STRANG, son of the late J. C. STRANG, passed away at noon on Saturday. Contracting a heavy cold a week or ten days ago, it resulted in Pleuro-pneumonia and all that medical skill could do to bring him back to health failed. 
February 24, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 11)  The latest war regulations prohibiting the travelling of women and children through the submarine danger zone, will no doubt cause some inconvenience to the lady buyers who are now on the other side purchasing goods. 
February 24, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 12)  Mr and Mrs. GOSSE who were before the court on a charge of manslaughter for the past 2 days, was found guilty of wilful neglect, by a special jury. Judge KENT, the presiding Judge, will pronounce sentence on Thursday next. 
February 24, 1917  Birth  BORN: To Mr. and Mrs. Roland GILLETT, on Wednesday, Feb. 21st, a daughter. 
February 24, 1917  Death  DIED: At Back Hr. on Tuesday, Feb. 20th, a little child of Mr and Mrs. Harold BAIRD. 
February 24, 1917  Ordained  Rev. STENLAKE is to be ordained at Grand Falls tomorrow. 
February 24, 1917  First Bad Storm  Wednesday evening and night we experienced the first severe N. E. storm for the winter. The wind was high and so were the snow banks. 
February 24, 1917  Advertisement  PATTEN and FORSEY of Grand Bank have recently installed an 85 h.p. Wolverine engine in one of their banking schooners. Wolverines are making a name for themselves all over the Island. 
February 24, 1917  Advertisement  Notice: Will the persons who took my three fox traps and fox from Nett Cove Head, kindly return same to me at once. John W. GODDEN, Comfort Cove. 
February 24, 1917  Cold Blooded Brutality  The British steamer Artist, when 80 miles from land in a heavy Easterly gale, was torpedoed by a German submarine last Saturday. In response to her appeal by “S.O.S., sinking quickly,” Auxiliary Patrol Craft proceeded to the spot and searched the vicinity but found no trace of the vessel or her survivors. Three days later the steamer Luchanna picked up a boat containing 16 survivors. The boat had originally contained 23, but seven had died of wounds and exposure and were buried at sea. The surviving 16 were landed, and of these five were suffering from severe frost bite and one from a broken arm. The crew then were forced to abandon their ship in open boats in a mid-winter gale, utterly without means of reaching hank or succor. Those of them who perished during those three days of bitter exposure were murdered, and to pretend that anything was done to ensure their safety would be sheer hypocrisy. The pledge given by Germany to the United States, not to sink merchant ships without ensuring the safety of passengers and crews, has been broken before, but never in circumstances of more cold-blooded brutality. 
    [There is nothing on my microfilm between February 24, 1917 and March 10, 1917. GW.] 
March 10, 1917  Correction  First let me apologise to Mr. P. F. MOORE for killing him off so unceremoniously last week. Mr. MOORE is not dead, but very much alive. The error was caused by a hasty glance at the St. John’s papers, which contained the death of Mr. MOORE’s brother, and the former's appointment as Governor of the Savings Bank. With the insistent demands of compositors ringing in our ears for copy, we got the two mixed and hence the mistake. 
March 10, 1917  Shortage of Magistrates  Early in the New Year a couple of test cases of the new Prohibition legislation came up. One would naturally have thought that they had sufficient Judges, J.P.s, etc. in St. John’s to try them. The act however, apparently said that the cases had to be tried by a Magistrate, and as there was no Magistrate for the District Court, only one acting J. P. One has had to be imported, and Magistrate PENNY of Carbonear will be called in, so it is said, to try the cases. This is the second occasion on which an outport Magistrate has been called to the city to try cases, as we recollect that a year or so ago, Magistrate SQUARRY of Channel was called in. Is it any wonder our outport Magistrates consider themselves such important people? 
March 10, 1917  Equal to Fiction  Outside a storybook perhaps, there was never anything much stranger than the peculiar happening at Conception Harbour during Jan. It seems that the wife of one John GILL had become enamoured of Robert DALTON, and had forsaken her lawful partner for her paramour. GILL, naturally, was very angry and set out with a shotgun to look for DALTON’s scalp. He trailed DALTON to his house on the night of January 12th and waited for him to come out. DALTON not appearing after a long vigil, GILL fired a couple of loads at the house to let DALTON know he was there. Next morning GILL was again on the job, but in the meanwhile GILL’s son had gone to DALTON’s house, and on stepping out the door, his father – thinking it was DALTON – gave him a loading of shot, which badly injured him. GILL has been tried and received the extraordinary light sentence of six months imprisonment. It seems as if the “unwritten law” of which we heard so much during the trial of the famous Harry THAW a few years ago, is being appealed to in this country. 
March 10, 1917  News of the Wounded  Pte. Leslie ANSTEY who underwent a serious operation at the General Hospital recently returned on Tuesday for a rest. He has been granted a couple of months furlough we understand. From indirect sources we learn that Sgt. J. V. TEMPLE who was called up to St. John’s last week, has been pronounced medically unfit for further service, and has received his discharge. He was wounded on July 1st. 
March 10, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 1)  The two test cases of the Prohibition Act are set for Tuesday, March 25th and Judge PENNY of Carbonear will come over Monday to them. A crowded courtroom is expected. 
March 10, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 2)  The new Government tuberculosis sanatorium is to be formally opened Thursday, March 7th, and the patients from Signal Hill and Backmarsh Road, transferred there. 
March 10, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 3)  Capt. KEAN who recently arrived from the States and Canada reports that his new three masted schooner of 1600 tons, which is being built at Shelburne, N.S., is nearing completion. She is to be called the “Little Stephano.” 
March 10, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 4)  The case of William WATERMAN of Twillingate which was an appeal from the decision of the Twillingate Magistrate, was brought up in the Supreme Court on Friday, March 2nd. The case was postponed C.A.V. – please translate Mr. Editor. (Search me. Editor) 
March 10, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 5)  The good ship Viking, the first sealer to clear, steamed off to Channel on Saturday afternoon. The Viking will have the Gulf all to herself this spring. 
March 10, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 6)  The returned soldier PUVER(?) who was charged with bigamy, has been sentenced to two years with hard labour. 
March 10, 1917  Rev. Dr. JONES  [Photo accompanies this item] Rev. Dr. JONES, through whose efforts the trial of the prohibition cases pending since the New Year, are said to be largely due. Dr. JONES is a Fogo boy. 
March 10, 1917  Advertisement  A few Barrels of Partridge Berries at 25 cents a gallon. Earle Sons & Co. 
March 10, 1917  Newstead Notes  Death has been visiting us of late and four of our friends have “crossed the bar.” The first was Dinah, beloved wife of William HALE, in the prime of life – just 26 years old. She had been married only 4 years, and for three of those had been a sufferer from consumption, falling asleep on Feb. 3rd. The next was Albert HEARLEY [likely should be HURLEY] of Herring Neck, who was living here for the winter with his parents, a promising youth of 20 years. He too died of consumption. And then we lost those two dear women in the storm. Cold type fails to describe the heartrending scene, we leave it to better and wiser writers. Not soon will the good people of Lewisporte, who sent clothes to the motherless, be forgotten. Your mailmen are doing all that any couriers can humanly do, and they risk their lives year after year. The weather of late has been stormy, but we are now having some beautiful days. We enjoy immediately reading the spots on the Sun, which we look for eagerly each week. 
March 10, 1917  Death  Dear Sir: Please allow me space in your valuable paper to record the death of our loving friend Allan BOYDE. On Feb. 5th. he passed away to be with Jesus. This young man was but 20 years of age, just entering to manhood was cut down in his bloom. We deeply mourn the loss of a loving friend. He always attended Sunday School, and was beloved by everyone who knew him. He was the only son of Robt. and Mary Jane BOYDE. But he is gone to be with Jesus, safe where death can never come. He leaves behind father, mother, and great many relatives and friends, to mourn their sad loss, to whom we tender our deepest sympathy. We all loved thee well, Oh, but Jesus loved thee best, And we know our dearest friend, Has obtained a glorious rest. Thou art gone dear friend, But you will never be forgot,For in Heaven we shall meet you In that bright and happy place. A.J.O. Tizzard’s Harbor, Feb. 12, 1917. 
March 10, 1917  Mr. J.D.S. BARRETT  We are this mail, in receipt of a letter from Mr. J. D. S. BARRETT who is at present at Expanse, Saskatchewan, and in charge Expanse Advertiser, a local newspaper. 
March 10, 1917  Advertisement  For Sale: By public auction on Mar. 20th at 3 pm, the building formerly used as school at Little Harbour. 
March 10, 1917  Claude ANDREWS  Mr Claude ANDREWS, a former employee of the Sun, who recently joined the staff of the Daily Star, writes that he is getting on all right, but doesn’t like St. John’s “half so well as Twillingate” – Bravo Claude. He says George OSMOND who joined the Navy has the measles at present, and that he has seen Gus HOUSE who has enlisted in the Regiment. 
March 10, 1917  Man Killed at Millertown  Willis VERGE of Britannia Cove, Trinity Bay, while working at Rowsell’s Camp, Millertown a few days ago, sustained fatal injuries which resulted in his death. He was employed as a chopper, and was crushed beneath a tree which he was felling. The body was coffined and sent home by the A. N. D. Co. 
March 10, 1917  Chesley KEARLEY  Chesley KEARLEY of Herring Neck was among the Naval Reservists who arrived at St. John’s on Tuesday. Ches was at one time Clerk in Mr. BLANDFORD’s store here. The Sun gladly welcomes him back. 
March 10, 1917  Boyde's Cove Notes  There has been quite a lot of traffic through here recently, a large number of men going to and from the lumber woods and others going to the seal fishery. Mr. Cornelius BRYNE of Tilting, passed through here with his wife. He is taking her to St. John’s to enter the General Hospital. Mr. Joseph PECKFORD passed down from Lewisporte with his wife, who was returning from the Hospital after having undergone an operation. She was fairly well. It seems to me a terribly long distance to have to take patients in frosty weather, and I think it is high time there was a Hospital at Twillingate. 
March 10, 1917  Rev. PENWICK  Rev. PENWICK who was one of the visiting Methodist Clergymen contracted a severe cold and has been quite ill at Mrs. GILLINGHAM’s where he was guest. 
March 10, 1917  House Hauling  More house hauling takes place today. Mr. Ben STUCKLESS is moving a house purchased from Mr. SMITH of Wild Cove, and it will be moved to a point on the waterside of the road, close to S. FACEY’s store. 
March 10, 1917  Birth  BORN: At Campbellton, to Mr and Mrs. W. BAIRD, on March 6th a son. 
March 10, 1917  Death  Monday brought death to old and young. At Back Hr. there passed away on Monday morning Fanny SPENCER, relict of the late Thomas SPENCER and sister of the late Simon and George WARR, well known residents of back Harbour. Mrs. SPENCER had been an invalid for sometime, and her passing at the age of 83 years was not unexpected. There are three surviving sisters – Mrs. Wm SPENCER, and Mrs. John RIDOUT, both widows, and Mrs. FUDGE of Round Harbour. The late Mrs. SPENCER was twice married, her first husband being William MAY. 
March 10, 1917  Death  On Monday also, Mr. Alexander BURT of Church Hill received a telegram from Tilt Cove apprising him of the death of his son, Wilfred, who was teaching at Indian Burying Place. The message conveyed no information as to the cause of death. Wilfred BURT was a former scholar of St. Peter’s and was spoken of by his teachers as a brighter than average boy. He was fourth son of Mr and Mrs. A. BURT, and only last year began teaching. In both cases the Sun extends its sympathy to the bereaved relatives. 
March 10, 1917  True Story of the Fox  Mr. Elijah GREENHAM called at our office this week and gave us the account of the fox and traps which Mr. John GODWIN of Comfort Cove lost a week or two ago. Mr. GREENHAM and four others were coming from the Bay with three horses, when they crossed the track of a fox with some traps on it. Mr. GREENHAM and another man stopped and followed the tracks a little way, and coming across the animal lying tangled up in the bushes with two traps on it, they killed it, and brought it and the traps out to the slide. They thought that if they were to leave the fox where they found it the man who owned it might never get it, so for safety they decided to bring it with them, telling everyone they met, they had picked up a fox and traps. Mr. Jonathan SAMSON took charge of the fox and traps, and Mr. GODWIN has now full possession of them. Mr. GREENHAM is anxious to have this statement made, as he and his friends had no intention of keeping the fox, and made no secret of having found it. We are glad to give this publicity, as Mr. GREENHAM’s honesty has never been questioned by anyone with whom he has had dealings. Mr. GODWIN’s letter to us was written before he knew what had become of his property, and under the circumstances he may be pardoned for at first thinking that his fox had been stolen. 
March 10, 1917  Destitute Families  It was rumoured that there were thirty destitute families on these islands at present. Enquiry from the Officer in charge of the Salvation Army as the likeliest person to know, elicits the information that he thinks this is considerably exaggerated. He knows a number of families who are doing little better them exist, but there is very little actual destitution. 
March 10, 1917  Best Out Port Paper  A friend passes along the following compliments to the Sun which he has received from a relative in Bonavista “I often send him copies” he says, “and he has words of appreciation for the Sun, saying in affect” - It is the best outport newspaper in this country. Cela va sans dire Which is French for “nuff said.” 
March 10, 1917  Advertisement  For sale by Notre Dame Trading Company a quantity of herring barrel hoops. Apply N.D. Trading Co., Summerford. 
March 10, 1917  Methodist Missionary Meetings  The visiting Clergymen for the Methodist Missionary meetings here the past week, were Rev. FENWICK of St. John’s, Rev. HARRIS of Morton’s Hr., and Rev. WILKINSON of Change Islands. The meeting at the South Side was held on Monday night. That of the North Side, scheduled for Tuesday night, was postponed until Wednesday, owing to stormy weather. Large congregations attended in both cases. 
March 10, 1917  Personals  Mr. C. L. HODGE who has been a couple of weeks at Fogo on business in connection with the firm of J. W. HODGE, arrived on Tuesday. He reports nothing of particular interest happened during his stay. Pneumonia has been prevalent, and there have been some cases of measles and the usual colds. He came up Pike’s Arm and found the going good. 
    [There is nothing on my microfilm between March 10, 1917 and March 24, 1917. GW.] 
March 24, 1917  J.W. HODGE's Store  [Photo accompanies item] The fine store of J. W. HODGE, North Side. This is easily the finest store in Twillingate, and reflects much credit on the builder Mr. Ben ROBERTS. The store is heated by hot air furnace. The end of the old shop, which is used as a warehouse can be seen in the left of the picture. 
March 24, 1917  Winter Fishery on the South Coast  A correspondent from Channel sends us an account of fishing up there in March which should be interesting to people here. He says, “As you are aware this is the fishing season up here, and whenever weather and ice conditions permit the fishermen are all out In their one and two dory skiffs, as they call them, and bring in anywhere from 2000 to 2800 pounds of cod. It is really remarkable to see them on the grounds, fishing with vapor flying as high as their hulls. They start early in the morning if it looks promising, and get back about 5 pm and start in splitting – at least that is those who intend selling for salt bulk. Understand they have two options this winter. Some of the folks are acting as agent for Canadian firms, and they are paying the fisherman 2½ cents per pound for the round fish with sound bone in. This fish is frozen, packed in 225 pound cases and sent to St. John, N.B., where it is transferred to cold storage steamers, and in due course arrives to the Canadian troops on the other side. The business is a splendid thing for the fisherman from Rose Blanche to Channel. Then again the Gorton Pew Fisheries Co. are here since last year, and in this case the fishing skiffs come right to their premises, split the fish and have it weighed immediately, taking a receipt for it, and getting paid weekly at the rate of 2¼ cents a pound, same as figure for fish with sound bone left in, but some prefer to sell to the Gorton Pew people because they are here to stay, while the other is only a temporary arrangement. In Rose Blanch they did pay 2½ with sound bone removed, to meet the competition. Fish is plentiful when they can get out, but ice bothers them a lot. Large banking vessels from Fortune Bay are scarce this year owing to the difficulty of getting crews. They never relished winter fishing, and they keep off the grounds when possible till April, when they fit out for the year’s work. Those who have gone, have done remarkably well. Saw the NOTT family at Rose Blanche. They have adapted themselves to new conditions, but I doubt if they would not rather be in Twillingate. 
March 24, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 1)  A disastrous fire occurred at Quidi Vidi on Monday afternoon, when a double house occupied by Thos. MALLARD and his daughter Mrs. MAY, was destroyed with all contents, including 450 dollars in cash. The loss is a serious one to Mr. MALLARD, as not a penny of Insurance was on the dwelling. The fire is supposed to have been caused by Mrs. MAY’s daughter, who after filling the lamps, threw a lighted paper on the floor, where a cask containing oil was kept. 
March 24, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 2)  The Government have issued instructions to the Costal Boat Co.s to have wireless installed at once on the Prospero, Portia and Glencoe. 
March 24, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 3)  Another of our local steamers has been reported lost, having sprung a leak and sunk some miles from Boston. The “Pere Marquette” was recently purchased by A. MURRAY and Co. and was bound to New York with a cargo of wood pulp, when she met her doom. The crew were rescued and landed at Boston. 
March 24, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 4)  Tuesday last was a busy day at the Post Office, 208 bags of mail were assorted during the afternoon and well up to midnight, and the staff say it was the busiest day for several years. 
March 24, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 5)  One of the war Veterans to reach the city on Tuesday was Private George JACKMAN. Since he enlisted he has passed through the Gallippoli and July 1st campaigns. At the latter drive, where so many of our brave lads paid the Supreme Sacrifice, he was seriously wounded. His home coming was a sad one for the young hero, for since he left home his father (the late E. M. JACKMAN), Grandfather, and Grandmother, have passed away – and he returns to find the vacant chairs. 
March 24, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 6)  The entry of China into the war cause much joy among the Chinamen of the city, and they celebrated the event by meeting in one of the Laundries and discussed the very popular step taken by their country, and expressed their loyalty to the British Empire by closing their meeting by singing “God Save the King.” 
March 24, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 7)  Another disastrous fire occurred on Wednesday following close on the MALLARD blaze. The house of John DAY, foreman of the electrical wires, on York Street, being gutted out. The cause of the fire was the result of children trying to light a fire in the stove with kerosene oil. No insurance was carried on the building. 
March 24, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 8)  On Saturday, Lieut. Howard REID and eight Naval Reserve men arrived by the express. At the station to meet them were the Ladies Reception Committee, Hons. J. R. BENNETT, CASHIN, and BLANDFORD, and Guards of Honour from the Regiment and H.M.S. Briton. Being a holiday, thousands were present to give the returned heroes a right royal reception, which was more enthusiastic because it was the first opportunity our citizens had of welcoming from active service, a Lieut. of the Royal Naval Air Service in the person of Lieut. REID. 
March 24, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 9)  In returning to her home on Friday evening, Miss WHITE fell through the ice a short distance below the Railway trestle, and but for the prompt action of Mr. BREEN, one of the R. N. Co. employees, she would have lost her life. Shortly after the discovery of Miss WHITE, a young lad, named CAHILL fell through near the trestle, and was rescued by men from the Round House. 
March 24, 1917  Exploits Notes  March 17th. I thought you might like to have a few items from here, which is not much. Shrove Tuesday, the F.P.U. had their annual parade, accompanied by a concert, the proceeds of which, $50. went to the Cot Fund. The Chairman of the Local Council made a good hit by saying that he thought this was a good place to put it, and if everyone did not think so they ought to. There was one saddening feature of the parade – to see so many men of military age that ought to be marching with the Newfoundland Regiment. Sad to relate one of our young men made the supreme sacrifice on March 4th, I refer to 2nd Lieut. Samuel MANUEL. Your readers will doubtless remember that he last year broke the record at Ayr for putting a machine gun into action. He was promoted to 2nd Lieut. and would have gone farther had death not stopped him. “Yet was sorrow mixed with pride, As we listened to the story telling how our soldier died.” The W. P. A. here are active in working for our soldiers and sailors. We are glad to hear good news from the sealers. 
March 24, 1917  End of Sleepy Cove Mine?  St. John’s papers contain the notice of a Sheriff's sale, at which were to be sold on Thursday, the land, mining rights, stores property &c. of the Great Northern Development CO. Mr. George ROBERTS and Ob. HODDER are the plaintiffs. So ends the Sleepy Cove mine apparently. Q.E.D. 
March 24, 1917  Prohibition cases  A very large audience was present at the Magistrate’s court to hear the Prohibition cases. The verdict was given by Magistrate PENNY in the case on Tuesday last against SHEA of $100 – the minimum fine or one month in default. Mr. SHEA will appeal to the Supreme Court. 
March 24, 1917  Heavy Losses in St. Pierre Volunteers  A little more than 30% of the several hundred soldiers contributed by the little French colony of St. Pierre, have given their lives in France. 
March 24, 1917  The Lusitania Story  An “inside story” which declares that the Lusitania was sunk owing to treachery of a false wireless message which lured her 60 miles off her track, has just been published in book form. Captain TURNER, of the ill-fated ship, will neither deny nor confirm the story, declaring he will tell the whole truth after the war is over. 
March 24, 1917  Death  The death of a well-known resident in the person of Alfred CURTIS, occurred on Monday night. Deceased was in his usual health up to just before tea, when he was seized with a pain in the head. He became rapidly worse and breathed his last about three hours later, at the age of 76 years. His widow who survives him is almost totally blind. The only surviving sister is Mrs. Elizabeth ROBERTS of Wild Cove. 
March 24, 1917  Woman Perished At Herring Neck  Woman Perished At Herring Neck Sunday Night On Sunday night a woman named Mrs. George POWELL of Herring Neck, went astray and apparently perished, as she was found dead the next day. It is said by persons who saw her that night, that she twice went astray off the road and was put right, and it is thought that the poor woman was partly demented. Constable TULK and Dr. WOOD went down Tuesday to hold an investigation. 
March 24, 1917  Personals  Mr. Harold BAIRD who went to Grand Falls last fall, is now working at Little Bay, and we understand will take his family over there on the reopening of navigation. Mr. Fred ROBERTS, son of Mr. A. ROBERTS, Jr., arrived Wednesday evening from St. John’s for a brief holiday. (last week) Magistrate SCOTT left this week to visit Grand Falls and other places enroute. Mr. SCORE of Cob's Arm was here Monday. Messrs. L. and F. OSMOND of Morton’s Hr. and Mr. C. MANUEL of Exploits, were here last week for a few hours. Messrs. PARSONS and SNOW, two “commercials”, registered at the Ford Hotel on Tuesday. Water was very scarce last week, and many wells were dry, but the “mild” of Monday filled them up again. Mr. M. W. COOK returned to St. John’s via Lewisporte on Wednesday. He went up with Mr. Elijah GREENHAM who was taking up a 5 h.p. Wolverine engine for shipment to one of the Southern ports. Mr. Arthur MANUEL was to go this week for an extended visit, which would probably embrace Morton’s Hr., Exploits, Loon Bay, and Campbellton. Mr. Fred WHITE has recently moved into his new house at Back Hr., and we hear Mr. Martin LUTHER is also building a dwelling. Messrs. ELLIOTT, FRAZER and McNULTY “commercials”, arrived this week from Fogo and are guests at the Ford. Magistrate SCOTT will visit St. John’s after finishing at Grand Falls. The Grand Lodge, L. O. A. is meeting at Grand Falls this week. About 90 delegates will be present. 
March 24, 1917  Advertisement  For Sale: Schooner Little Willie, 26 tons, trapskiff, punt, codtrap, bags, dipnets, 2 stoves and cooking gear. Price of total outfit $510. Apply: William GIDGE, Friday's Bay. 
March 24, 1917  Mrs. DOXSEE’s Activities  "Health Club, Boys Clubs and other Clubs. The Health Club feels that the question of “wells” is a very serious matter. For years there has been more or less typhoid in town and occasionally an epidemic. After the large number of cases last year, they feel that the people should interest themselves in this matter sufficient to try to avert another outbreak. The wells are too often only four, five or six feet deep and when the spring thaw comes, these shallow wells are filled with surface water decidedly unfit for use. Could something not be done to bring this subject so convincingly before the Health Authorities that something would be done before typhoid carried off our loved ones? The Club invites the co-operation of the public and would be glad to have your opinion expressed upon the subject through these columns. The “Bonnie Boys’ Club” of Twillingate has now a membership of 58, and are still growing – not only in numbers, but in enthusiasm. Marked progress is being made in the gentlemanly bearing, manners and appearance of the boys. Also they are developing mentally through taking part in Club affairs. For some time past the young men of Twillingate have felt the need of a Club or society of some sort whereby an all-round development might be secured, namely physical, mental and moral. This desire at last became realized in the opening of a Club on Mar. 8th, in the basement of the Masonic Temple. Mrs. DOXSEE’s co-operation was secured, and being heartily in sympathy with this desire for social and educational advantage, consented to act as patroness. The name chosen and approved of for the Club, is indicative of its nature, “The Young Men’s Literary and Debating Club of Twillingate.” To know that the young men of this Club are in earnest, one has but to attend one of its meetings to find out – they believe that: “For the structure that we raise Time is with materials filled. Our today’s and yesterdays, are the blocks with which we build. Build today, then, strong and sure, with a firm and ample base; and ascending and secure shall to morrow find its place.” … future able speakers, lecturers, debaters, and members of Parliament, received their start within Masonic walls. The young men’s club are following in their footsteps by having marked and en-ennobling Ideals." 
March 24, 1917  Acknowledgement  Received with thanks the sum of ten dollars and twenty five cents for the Parish Hall building fund, collected by Mr. James JANES from the following: Mr. J. W. BOONE, Lewisporte .50, Mr. R. W. BOONE, .50, Mr and Mrs. F. JANES, Toronto 2.00, Mr. A. RIDOUT .25, Mr. Thomas PURCHASE 1.00, Mr. F. G. MAY 2.00, Mr and Mrs. Stephen JANES 2.00, $10.25. Edgar SWEETLAND, Tres. Parish Hall Building Com. T’gate March 22nd, 1917. From Mrs. A. COLBOURNE, Patriotic Tea (St. Patrick’s night) $11.30. Also ice cream sale on Thursday night $4.80, Total: $16.10. From Ladies Aid $5.00, From Mrs. Charles WHITE 1 pr. Socks, Meeting to be held at Mrs. BLANDFORD’s on Wednesday. Will all members make an effort to be present? L. FACEY. 
March 24, 1917  Shipping News  The Schr. Maggie Sullivan has arrived on the other side. All well. 
March 24, 1917  The Herring Neck Tragedy  We have enabled to gather some particulars regarding the death of the unfortunate woman POWELL on Sunday night. It appears that she had gone to S. A. Barracks and left there shortly after nine o’clock. She was met by a man on the ice out from Lockyer's, and he directed her back to the wharf, and saw her safely on the road as he thought. As it was raining Sunday night, her husband experienced no uneasiness because she did not return, but on Monday morning he started out to look for her. He heard of her having been met by this man, and he went down to the Lighthouse. Here he and the light keeper discovered a black object lying out on the rough ice on the Herring Head shore. On getting the spyglass it was discovered to be the body of a woman. Mr. POWELL then walked out to the place and discovered that it was his wife lying dead. The body was not frozen and was comfortably clothed with leather boots on the feet. The deceased woman was about 41 years of age and had been married about nine months. It was admitted that she had acted peculiarly on previous occasions, and it was supposed that she was demented at the time. 
March 24, 1917  Kindergarten Class at the Arm  Notice: Any parents or persons interested in starting a Kindergarten class at the Arm, for children not already attending school, are invited to meet Mrs. DOXSEE and Miss AITKEN at Mr. HOWLETT’s tonight (Mar. 24th) at 7:30 pm. 
March 31, 1917  Gun Burst; Hand Shattered  Harold CLARKE looses thumb and forefinger. Last Saturday while out sealing Harold CLARKE, aged 16, son of Mr. Fred CLARKE of the Arm, burst his gun and had to have the thumb and middle finger of the left hand amputated, while his companion Martin YOUNG, was knocked senseless with the explosion, and had 30 or 40 shot in his clothing, though he was not seriously hurt. Saturday morning Mr. Isaac YOUNG, his two sons, and Harold CLARKE, started off on the ice for a day’s “swatching”, as old seals were plentiful. About five miles off the Gull Island, Mr. YOUNG left his eldest boy Martin, and Harold CLARKE at the good spot, while he and this other boy went on further. A seal came up and CLARKE fired at it, with the result that he was knocked head over heels by the kick, and had a finger cut. It is thought that this first shot must have fractured the gun barrel. Later with a smaller loading, he fired at another seal and failed to kill it. Then he asked Martin YOUNG to load the gun, and the latter put about “five fingers” in it. Shortly after, five seals came up at once and CLARKE fired at them. The gun burst, the barrel flew off into the swatch; the stock was smashed in pieces, and CLARKE’s companion who was crouched down beside him in the “gaze”, was knocked senseless. When the latter came to himself, CLARKE was running about with the blood running from his shattered hand. YOUNG bound up the hand as well as he could, but CLARKE lost a good deal of blood, and was quite faint when they reached home. Both Doctors were away at the time, but Dr. WOOD returned about six, and fixed up the hand temporarily, while Sunday morning, he and Dr. LEDREW amputated the thumb and middle finger, and they hope to save the rest of his hand. 
March 31, 1917  In Memorian  To the Honour Toll of the brave and the good who gave their lives for cause of Righteousness, Twillingate has been called on to add another name, and though he was not of our Regiment, Harvey Lionel HODGE of the Grenadier Guards has too, fought the good fight, and has finished his course. Who can doubt but that as a good soldier, henceforth is laid up for him the crown of Righteousness. It is a pleasure, if melancholy one that the editor performs, in adding a brief tribute to the heroic dead. Thirty-four years, the picture of fine manhood, of health, strength, and energy, and today his is not – because the madness of Germany’s rulers has tuned the whole earth into a battlefield. We were brought up side by side with Harvey HODGE, and two years we spent at school with him, so that to us the loss is a personal one. Nevertheless how can one grieve for life given in such a noble cause. You and I, reader, shall be long forgotten when the names of the men who fought and died for the freedom of the world will be still fresh in the minds of a grateful country. We count it then not loss, but gain for these noble men whose bodies stand between us and the Prussian brutes. Harvey HODGE enlisted on September 22nd, 1916, in London in the Honourable Artillery Company, and he and his Company crossed the Channel on Christmas Eve to France. Letters received from him last mail said that he was drawing nearer the firing line and expected to be in action shortly. Monday a cablegram was received by his people here, from his uncle at Bournemouth, saying that he was wounded in the lung but doing nicely. Hopes thus raised, were alas, dashed at night, when a further message was received saying that he had passed out on Thursday night. Harvey was the headman of the firm J. W. HODGE, and his uncle leaned much on this tall stalwart young fellow, and the loss to him will be almost that of a son. “But this we know, dear lad, all’s well with the man who has done his best, and whether he live, or whether he die, he is sacred high in our memory – and to God we leave the rest.” 
March 31, 1917  Had Good Trip  Mr. Arthur MANUEL who visited Morton’s Hr., Exploits, Loon Bay, Campbellton and Thwart Island last week, returned home on Tuesday. Mr. MANUEL was especially interested in the vessel being built at Thwart Island for Messrs. HORWOOD and others. She is now almost completely framed out under the charge of Mr. EVANS of Northern Arm. Forty men, chiefly from Morton’s Hr., Exploits, and Campbellton, are working there and the place is a regular hive of industry. Mr. MANUEL says that the timber that is going into the vessel is of splendid quality, and that the work appears to him to be particularly well done. Rabbits seemed fairly plentiful there. This new vessel will be out about 240 tons measurement, and will cost anywhere from $25,000 to $50,000. On account of danger of fire, it is talked at present of finishing her to just above water line, caulking and launching her, and taking her to Campbellton for completion. However this is not yet decided. 
March 31, 1917  Advertisement  Ice Cream for sale at the Ford Hotel. Mrs. W. FORD, Proprietress. 
March 31, 1917  Pte. Charlie Moors  [Photo accompanies item] Private Charles MOORS, son of Mr. Jacob MOORS, North Side, Twillingate, enlisted last fall in First Nfld. Regiment and is now at the Barracks, Winsor, N.S. awaiting transference overseas. Charlie was assistant storekeeper with W. HODGE, and was very popular among his chums. 
March 31, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 1)  The case of SINNOTT for an alleged violation of the Prohibition Act for selling a quantity of liquor in December last, and delivering the same in January, was recently tried before Mr. F. MORRIS, J. P., after a patient hearing, His Honour dismissed the action. 
March 31, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 2)  The fearful rainstorm on Monday last, played havoc with the city streets, tearing them up in many sections, which will need considerable repairs when the roads are clear of snow and ice. 
March 31, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 3)  Cabman KELLY met with a heavy loss on Monday night; a valuable horse broke its leg, and had to be shot by order of the Veterinary. 
March 31, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 4)  A lady passing near Rawlin’s cross Monday night sent in a false alarm. She noticed a reflection in Rennie's store window and mistaking it for a fire rang the alarm. 
March 31, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 5)  A lady and her better half arrived in the city from Canada a few days ago, and intended starting business as professional palm readers. Detective BYRNE was soon on their trail, and informed them that Newfoundland laws prohibited any such business as looking into the future, so they decided to quietly return to the land of the “Maple Leaf.” 
March 31, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 6)  Dr. TAIT was recently charged with breach of the Prohibition Act for issuing a prescription to a man named GRIFFTHS for a bottle of liquor on Feb. 2nd. As GRIFFTHS is at the seal fishery, the case was postponed till his return. 
March 31, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 7)  Capt. CROSS and crew of the ill-fated steamer “Pere Marquette,” arrived home by express on Wednesday last. They report having a thrilling and perilous experience, which they do not want repeated, but are none the worse for the hardships they went through. 
March 31, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 8)  Several citizens were before the Court on Saturday last charged with a violation of the Prohibition Act. The case against the Medical man was postponed in order to obtain further medical testimony; one of the citizens was fined $50 and costs; two were fined $50 without costs, and two cases were dismissed. 
March 31, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 9)  The representatives to the Grand Lodge Session, which was held this year at Grand Falls, returned to town by special train on Saturday night. Mr. J.E. PUDDISTER, of the Daily News staff was unanimously elected Grand Master. 
March 31, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 10)  The S. S. Sable I., Capt. Joe KEAN, steamed into port on Monday morning with a full load of 23,000 young harps; after being given a clean Bill of Health by the Quarantine officer, the ship was berthed at JOB Bros., South Side premises, where the cargo will be discharged. 
March 31, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 11)  On Monday CROSBIE & Co. were informed by cable that their Schr. Jean had been sunk by the German raider Moewe, and her crew held as prisoners of war in Germany. Much anxiety was caused as to the safety of the crew as the Schr. had not been reported for over 100 days. 
March 31, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 12)  The South shore train is now snow bound near Chance Cove, and a crowd of men are now engaged clearing the snow from the track. The train hands report a snowdrift 14 feet high and 400 ft long, which has to be cleaned up before the incoming train will be released. 
March 31, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 13)  This (Tuesday) afternoon, Mr. George BARRETT of Crosbie & Co., will be presented by His Excellency the Governor, with his son’s Military Medal, which he won on the battlefield in France. 
March 31, 1917  Letter from Pte. A. ELSTON  The following letter is a reply received by a member of our staff to one written recently to the soldier who received the socks knitted by Mrs. ANDREWS. Pte. A. ELSTON, 1342 B. Company, 11th East Yorks, B.E.F. France. Monday, Feb. 19th, Dear Friend, Your letter to hand, dated Jan. 9th 1917, was pleased to hear of you receiving my letter of thanks, so I am now taking the opportunity to answer your letter as soon as possible. Well friend I had not the slightest idea that my letter would be printed in your paper, but you will see we do not forget our friends who are so thoughtful for the Tommies out here; and which I am sure will also be a great expense to the sender of these splendid parcels. I am sorry to say I have not a photograph of myself alone, but the one I am sending, you have the privilege to do as you wish with the same, it is a photograph of myself and sister which was sent out here to me. I am pleased to say since my last letter to Mrs. ANDREWS was sent, we have been back from the trenches for a six weeks’ rest, which I am sure all of us have enjoyed, as there was plenty of sport such as boxing, football, and batt-running-championships in our Army training. We have had a very hard winter to contend with out here, but now the weather has broken, we shall take to the trenches again with cheerful spirits and hope for a speedy ending to this terrible crisis which envelopes nearly all the world. I am sending both letter and print to my parents, who will be greatly obliged to you for taking so much interest in us. So I will now close my letter in thanking both yourself and Mrs. ANDREWS for the interest, which you have taken to ensure comfort for the Tommies out here, and also wishing your valuable paper every success. I remain yours sincerely, Pte. A. ELSTON. 
March 31, 1917  Released From Germany  Capt. OTTESON Three Months Prisoner. Captain Peter OTTESON of the Nfld. Schr. Dutchess of Cornwall, which was sunk by the German raider Moewe, arrived in St. John’s last Thursday. He was liberated because of his Danish Nationality. He was not allowed change of clothing from the time his ship was captured until he reached Copenhagen – a period of nearly three months, and the food supplies was barely enough to prevent starvation. He saw the sinking of nine ships during the time he was on the Moewe, and the capture of the Yarrowdale. He says food is very scarce in Germany, and there are no men, except those of sixty and upwards. The rest of the Cornwall’s crew are still prisoners of war. 
March 31, 1917  Captain John GILLETT  Capt. John GILLETT who returned from St. John’s Thursday, has sold his schooner to the HORWOOD Lumber CO., so we hear. Rumour has it that he will go to Nova Scotia to try and buy a larger vessel. 
March 31, 1917  Sealing News  Monday the Sable Island arrived with 23,000. On Tuesday the Seal arrived with 16,000 and Wednesday morning the Terra Nova also reached there with 25,000. Up to Monday, the Viking in the Gulf reported having 8000 on board. All accounts agree that the ice was very much broken up and the seals scattered, while considerable bad weather seems to have been experienced. Ice extends right up to St. John’s Harbour. Up till Monday, although the Sable Island had docked at JOB'S premises, no seals were being discharged as no arrangements had been made regarding price, and the crew are holding for a higher price. About 150 seals were taken at Bonavista last Friday and Saturday, chiefly old hoods and about 20 young harps. A message from Seal Cove, White Bay, says that there were plenty of old seals to be seen there last week. A good many old seals were taken at Western Head last week, and a few by Tizzard’s Hr. folk. Capt. John GILLETT reports that a considerable number of young hoods were taken at Keels last Saturday. Many seals were got last Saturday, about sixty being taken at Crow Head vicinity all were old ones. 
March 31, 1917  S.B.C. Concert  Owing to the trapberth meeting in the Court House, the attendance probably was not as large as it might otherwise have been at the concert in the Marshall Hall on Wednesday night, and we were unable to be present ourselves as we intended. The sum of $15 was taken at the door, and as the admission was only ten cents, there must have been a fair audience. 
March 31, 1917  Fishery Meeting  "The adjourned meeting of voters was opened in the Court House Wednesday night and a packed house was present to hear the Committee’s report. The sections were dealt with one by one and four sections were completed by half past one or two a.m., but another meeting will yet be necessary to complete the count. So far the following sections have been passed by the meeting, though from the number of votes cast it is quite evident that only about half those present voted on any section. Section one was that the trapberths around these islands shall be drawn by lot. Section two which was defeated, was the these Islands be divided into four sections for the drawing of trap berths, viz: Mose's Point to Sleepy Cove Pt., Sleepy Cove Pt. To Carter’s Cove (B.I. Tickle), Carter's Cove to Glam Rocks, and Glam Rocks to Mose's Point. Section three was that places named as trap berths should be accepted as legal berths, irrespective of their distance from each other (whether the prescribed 80 fathoms or less). Section four was that all males over 21 years of age be allowed to draw lots, except all persons under salary. All sections but number two passed the meeting." 
March 31, 1917  The W. P.A. II, Durrel's  The W. P.A. II, Durrel's, desire to acknowledge the following contributions to the funds of the society. Mrs. Wm. WATERMAN (proceeds of tea) $4.00, Ladies Aid, South Side $5.00, The society recently shipped 40 pairs of socks to St. John’s, which have arrived there safely. Blanche DOVE, Secy. 
March 31, 1917  Personals  Mr. Fred ROBERTS returned to St. John’s on Thursday. Miss Frances HODGE arrived from Fogo Wednesday with Mr. A. H. HODGE. Mr. COLBOURNE went to Fogo Tuesday. 
March 31, 1917  Three Times Submarined  The crew of the Rose Dorthea which arrived in St. John’s last Sunday, had the experience of thrice having the vessel on which they were, torpedoed. First of all their own ship was sunk off the Portuguese Coast, but they were picked up by the Schr. Mayola. They had not been on board her more than two hours when she too was destroyed by a submarine. They rowed about 15 miles to land, and reached Lisbon. In crossing from there to Bristol, the steamer on which they were was torpedoed at night, and for the third time they had to take to the boats, and the Captain of the Mayola was drowned. 
March 31, 1917  Death  Mr and Mrs. James MORGAN were apprised Thursday of the death of their daughter, Mrs. Abner WELLS at Bay of Islands, in childbirth. She had been married twelve years and had previously had no children. We extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved parents. 
March 31, 1917  Shipping News  Capt. Saul WHITE will go to the fishery in the schooner Eileen for the Marystown Trading Co., sailing from Change Islands. This is the schooner that Capt. Edward WHITE had two years ago. 
March 31, 1917  Child Lost  A little boy belonging to the North Side, strayed away Sunday searching for his mother, and finally landed at Mr. George MINTY’s at the Arm. The telephone soon discovered his whereabouts to his anxious mother. 
March 31, 1917  Women to Vote  By a vote of 341 to 62, the House of Commons passed a resolution providing for women suffrage at the next general election in the British Isles. Now we suppose the suffragettes will be good. In justice to our own women, it is now up to Newfoundland to provide similar treatment to our own females. Mr. COAKER might gain great kudos by making that a plank in his next platform. 
March 31, 1917  W.P.A. I  W.P.A. I, beg to acknowledge with thanks: From Loyalty and Crosby Lodges L.O.A. $7.53, From Mrs. Jonathan BURT old white material, From Mrs. Harold BAIRD, old white material. The Assoc. has been asked again recently to try and send in old white material for Red Cross purposes, and will be glad to receive donations of some, from any ladies who can help in this way. M. HOWLETT, Secretary. 
March 31, 1917  Casualties  Pte. Willis MANUEL of Loon Bay was compelled to go back to the hospital again, as further splinters of bone are working out of his back. It will likely be some time before he will be fit to return home. Naval Reservist Thos. TRUSCOTT of St. John’s, was accidentally drowned from the liner Alsatian in Liverpool dock. This is the ship on which Seaman Albert YOUNG is serving. Very many persons are at present at boarding houses in St. Johns waiting admission to the General Hospital as their institution is crowded. Particular show Pte. Allan JANES of Back Hr. suffering from a wound in the cheek. 
March 31, 1917  Sights of War  A gentleman recently arrived at St. John’s, was in London when the munitions factory was blown up there last month. He witnessed the sight from the deck of a steamer. About 300 women lost their lives. 
March 31, 1917  Mrs. DOXSEE’s Bonnie Boys’ Club  Mrs. DOXSEE’s Bonnie Boys’ Club held a social last night at which the sum of $20 was made. This will be handed to the W.P.A. we understand. The evening consisted of a short programme while games filled in the balance. Ice cream was served. Each member of the Club invited a guest, and the Club now consists of 63 members. 
March 31, 1917  Death  The Death of Bartlett BRITT, son of Mr. Mark BRITT of Southern Arm, New Bay, occurred there this week, the funeral taking place yesterday. 
March 31, 1917  Sickness  The lad CLARKE who sustained the accident last Saturday is doing nicely we hear and the balance of the hand will likely be saved. He has lost thumb and second finger. Many friends have missed the familiar face of Mr. Joseph ELLIOTT of Sleepy Cove recently, and none more so than the Sun office. We regret to say that Mr. ELLIOTT is seriously ill. 
March 31, 1917  Herring Neck Notes  The herring fishery is now about over and herring are very scarce. It is estimated that about 2000 barrels of herring were put up here this winter. Added to this, the herring which have been hauled away by Twillingate and near by places, it is probable that the total catch here this winter must have approached close to 3000 barrels. A good deal of talk about the unfortunate women POWELL, is still heard, and it is thought strange that her husband made no outcry until Tuesday. The woman was known to have been of weak intellect, and many think that had immediate outcry been made Monday, she might have been found alive then, as it did not appear that she had been dead long when she was discovered Tuesday. Her knees were bruised where she had been falling about on the ice. Tuesday night a supper was given in the fisherman’s Hall at Salt Harbour to Reservist Chesley KEARLEY, who is home on a brief leave. Ches has seen much active service on the water, and his stories are very interesting. Needless to say all enjoyed themselves at the affair. 
March 31, 1917  Awarded Military Cross  Another Newfoundlander, Lieut. Gerald BYRNE of St. John’s has been awarded the Military Cross. 
March 31, 1917  Advertisement  For Sale: At Wiseman’s Cove twenty of thirty acres of land. For particulars apply John WARREN, Goshen’s Arm. 
March 31, 1917  Advertisement  For Sale: That dwelling house formerly owned by PRIDE, situated at Back Hr. Dock. For particulars apply to John FIFIELD, North Side. 
April 7, 1917  Magistrate SCOTT  A sensational rumour is going around town regarding the magistracy here. This rumour says that Magistrate SCOTT is to be pensioned and will reside in St. John’s, and that Mr. C. D. MAYNE will be the new incumbent of that office. We give the story as we heard it and the visit of the two gentlemen in question to St. John’s, lends colour, but there may not be a particle of truth in it. Magistrate SCOTT arrived on Friday from St. John’s. We extend congratulations on the birth of his Granddaughter. We were unable to interview him yet, but inquiry leads us to believe that the rumour current, regarding the Magistracy is absolutely without foundation. 
April 7, 1917  Advertisement  For Sale: A large piece of land with good waterside; ideal spot for herring factory or cod fishery business. For further particulars apply A.B.C., Springdale. 
April 7, 1917  Death  The death occurred on Friday of James JENKINS of the Arm at the age of 85. He had been in fair health and his passing came quite suddenly. 
April 7, 1917  Birth  Born: On Good Friday morning, at Cornwall Ave., St. John’s, a daughter to Capt. Edward and Mrs. ROBERTS. 
April 7, 1917  Death  The death of John, son of Mr. Thomas SKINNER of Hart’s Cove occurred on Thursday, at the age of about 18 years. The young man was a victim of the dread white plague. He had been working at St. John’s and returned during the winter. Two brothers of his came from Toronto this week to see him. To the parents and relatives the Sun extends its sympathy. 
April 7, 1917  Death  Centenarian Passed Away: Lived in Six Reigns. There passed peacefully away at his home in St. George’s on St. Patrick’s Day. Mr. Solomon BUTT, at the ripe old age of 107 years and 5 months. The late Mr. BUTT was a resident of St. George’s for upwards of one hundred years, going with his parents when but a small boy. Many are the interesting stories he could have told of his early boyhood when steamships, telegraphy and trains were unknown, but we greatly fear that the knowledge that was his, of the early pioneer days of the West Coast, has gone with him to the grave, and our local history has lost another source of information. The venerable pioneer lived in reigns of six monarchs, namely, George III, George IV, William V, Queen Victoria, Edward VII, and our present ruler King George V. 
April 7, 1917  Springdale Notes  Writing from Springdale a correspondent says “you have no idea how we missed the SUN. Work on Mr. CLARKE’s new vessel is progressing favourably. She will be about 400 tons or more.” 
April 7, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 1)  The fine hall of the Newfoundland British Society is on the market for sale. It seems hard luck that this old Society should be compelled to part with their building. 
April 7, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 2)  A big bank fishery is reported from the Westward. The Customs Officer wires that it is the best on record; MOULTON’s firm secured for four days fishing with 17 dories, over 900 qtls. 
April 7, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 3)  The Union Trading Co. purchased the men's share of the seals per Sable I. at $7.00 per cwt and the rise. These seals will be taken to Harbour Grace for manufacture. Whether such a move is a wise one remains to be seen, as the freight to Hr. Grace and other charges, will no doubt be considerable. A sealing suit is already mooted by some of the crews in port, and the old cry of stolen seals by one steamer from another will be thrashed out in the Law Courts after the voyage is over. Since the arrival of the Terra Nova, Messrs. BOWRING offered $7.50 for her catch, which the crew accepted, and landed their seals without trouble or inconvenience. The price of seals advanced on Monday to $8.00, so that the crews will make a good fortnight's pay. 
April 7, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 4)  The young man, MALLARD, who had been sick and had to escape through a window during the recent fire, died from the effects of the shock received, at the General Hospital on Tuesday. Much sympathy is felt for his family. 
April 7, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 5)  On Saturday night last, No. 1 Dry House of the Dominion Steel Co., Bell Island, caught fire and was badly damaged. The blaze was prevented from spreading by the local fire Co. 
April 7, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 6)  The Budget heard with deep regret of the death of Harvey HODGE from the wounds in France, and desires to extend sincere sympathy to Mrs. HODGE and family in their sad bereavement. 
April 7, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 7)  Quite a number of young lads stowed away in several of the sealing steamers, but none of them were permitted to go on the ice during the spring. One of the three on the Terra Nova did not wish to return so soon, so transferred his allegiance to the Eagle. 
April 7, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 8)  Mr. Richard NEYLE, an old and respected citizen, crossed the bar on Wednesday last, at the Patriarchal age of 90. He leaves five daughters and many grandchildren to whom we extend sympathy. 
April 7, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 9)  Dr. TAIT’s case for violation of the Prohibition Act, was disposed of before Judge PENNY last week, and a fine of $250.00 imposed. Another case against the Doctor is to come off on April 23rd. 
April 7, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 10)  Mr. S. FRELICH, late Manager of the British Clothing Co., has branched out for himself, and will be found at the top flat of the Telegram Building. The new concern to be designated as the Semi-Ready Clothing Co. Mr. FRELISH is most popular with his staff and no doubt success will attend his efforts.[note: last name spelling not a typo.] 
April 7, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 11)  Dr. MacPHERSON gave a most interesting lecture before the St. John’s Ambulance Association in Grenfell Hall on Friday evening last. His Excellency the Governor presided, who paid a warm tribute to Surgeon Major MACPHERSON, in the following words – “Every praise he felt, was due Major MACPHERSON who had offered his life and fortune through relinquishing his extensive practice to his King, and he therefore honoured him and those of his type.” 
April 7, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 12)  Mr. and Mrs. R. B. JOB arrived home via Trepassy and Cape Broyle on Monday. The steamer on which they were passengers, was several days in the ice, an experience which was quite novel to the travellers. 
April 7, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 13)  It is said there is any quantity of liquor stored away in many a private cellar, and manifestation of the same are growing daily in evidence. 
April 7, 1917  Weekly Budget from St. John’s (Part 14)  The writer was at the station on Sunday, and was surprised to find a large number of boys congregated about the waiting rooms. They were so noisy that the caretaker was compelled to turn them out and lock the doors. Every Sunday this kind of thing goes on, which must be very annoying to those going by Express or friends seeing them off. 
April 7, 1917  Regimental Notice  Men of all ranks, who have been honourably discharged, and officers who have retired from the 1st Nfld Regiment, for wounds, or disability, may obtain the Imperial silver war Badge, by making application to the Commanding Officer, Nfld. Regiment Headquarters. If applying by mail, give full name, Regimental number and postal address. Signed: J. J. O’GRADY, Capt. and Adjutant, 1st Nfld. Regiment. 
April 7, 1917  Two Twillingate Boys Acquire Northport News  Messrs. Rowland and Frank PIKE have purchased the Northport News, a weekly paper in a town in Washington State. Northport is about 10 miles over the boundary from British Columbia. Frank and Rowland are former residents of Twillingate, and Frank was one time employed in the SUN Office. Come to think of it, the Sun Office has supplied a good many printers and Newspapermen to the world. The Sun heartily wishes the young members of the Fourth Estate the very best of luck, and hopes that they will maintain the best traditions of the Sun. 
April 7, 1917  W.P.A. I  W.P.A. I beg to acknowledge with thanks from Mrs. DOXSEE’s Bonny Boys Club $20.00. A meeting of the Assoc. will be held at Mrs. FACEY’s on Wednesday. M. HOWLETT, Secretary. 
April 7, 1917  EARLE’s Business at Change Islands  We understand from the Adj. that Mr. Charlie EARLE’s business at Change Islands was closed up recently, through a business failure, and the public will regret to hear this. We hear that the closing of Mr. Charlie EARLE’s business at Change Islands is only temporary, owing to probably change of management, and there is no failure as we were at first informed. 
April 7, 1917  Pte. Phil JENSEN  Pte. Phil JENSEN who lectured here last year, has now been promoted to a Captaincy in the Canadian Army. He is recovering from his wounds. 
April 7, 1917  Little Bay News  A Masonic Temple will be erected by the brethren of Notre Dame Lodge at Little Bay during the coming summer. Mr. W. MACKAY has presented them with a free site. A movement is on foot for the erection of a Hospital at Little Bay. The need is very great as we think there is no Doctor from Pilley’s Island to St. Anthony. 
April 7, 1917  Sealing Disaster at Bonavista  Capt. A. Jas. GILLETT received a telegram from Capt. Wm. WINSOR this week, saying that he had turned out the heaviest trip of fat this year, his cargo being 37 tons heavier than any other, and totalling 548 tons. Thursday’s message conveys the news that four men belonging to Bonavista were driven off on the ice Wednesday, while looking for seals. Two of them were later rescued, another was drowned and one is yet unaccounted for. 
April 7, 1917  Advertisement  We the undersigned respectfully wish to announce to the Travelling Public that the King George Hotel is now open to receive old and new patrons and permanent boarders, having been closed for the winter months. It has been renovated and made comfortable for its patrons. We solicit a share of public patronage and trust that we shall be favoured with the same from old and new customers. With many thanks to our customers for past favours; we are yours respectfully, Mrs. & U. FREAKE, Proprietress and Proprietor, Lewisporte. 
April 7, 1917  Personals  Word was received by Mr. J. C. ANDREWS from his daughter in St. John’s, that Claud had offered himself for the Regiment, but had failed to pass. Claud was a former employee of the Sun, and is now working at the Star Office, St. John’s. Mr. C. D. MAYNE left for St. John’s on Thursday. He will be absent about a week. Mrs. Thos. LAMBERT, one of the two men whose wives perished at Comfort Cove this winter and who has been to the ice with Capt. KEAN returned home this week. We hear the bill was $95. The ice is going very rapidly in spite of the raw Easterly wind, and is unsafe in many places. Mr. Sandy HODDER found his small schooner full of water to the hatches on Tuesday, owing to ice having torn out the oakum. Mr. Tom ROBERTS is progressing rapidly with the “Grace” but the thawing ice is liable to cause some delay. Good Friday last year, the ice broke up, so we are told by a friend. Mrs. BAIRD was surprised and shocked to read of the death of her nephew Bartlett BRITT in last week’s Sun. She had no intimation of the fact previously. The young man was here last fall and was in apparent good health. Baie Verte mine is reported to be nearing a close down, and a clear out of the population is expected this spring. Reports from Little Bay show good work being done there and prospects most encouraging. Reservist Wilfred HAWKINS, when last heard from, was gone as a gunner on an armed merchant ship bound for Australia. He and his mate had a cabin to themselves and were very comfortable. Another Naval Reservist, John Joseph POWER is reported missing. His ship was in collision with another and he is believed drowned. Two more sealers arrived last Sunday at St. John’s, the Eagle with 18,000 and Diana with 11,000. Mr. O. BRIDGER has been busy this week blasting the rocks at the back of the house occupied by the late Luke COOK on Jubilee Corner. Mr. John COOK who owns the premises, proposes to turn the house around and add to it. Capt. John ROBERTS and his crew are preparing (Wednesday) to heave down the Schr. Gondola. Although the ice looks so bad, it is fully two feet thick around the schooner. Mr. Will MAY, Chief Steward of the Clyde who has been on the Sagona all the winter arrived here Wednesday from Lewisporte. 
April 7, 1917  Director's Meeting  "There will be a meeting of the Directors of the Twillingate Telephone Company on Saturday night April 14th, at W. B. TEMPLE’s residence. Signed: A. MANUEL, Sec’y." 
April 7, 1917  Memorial Service  A memorial service for the late Harvey L. HODGE was held in the N. Side Methodist Church on Sunday night, Rev. A. V. ROBB being the preacher. The Reverend Gentleman took for his text the following – “Whosoever shall save his life shall lose it and whosoever shall lose his life for My sake, shall save it,” and gave an excellent discourse on the subject. A large congregation was present and at the close all stood in silence while the Dead March in Saul was played. 
April 7, 1917  Advertisement  For Sale: A piece of land situated near Arm Academy, by side of Tom TUMBLER. For particulars and grant apply to C. WHITE. 
April 7, 1917  Advertisement  For Sale: At Wiseman’s Cove, twenty or thirty acres of land. For particulars apply, John WARREN, Goshen’s Arm. 
April 7, 1917  Employees of Earle Sons & Co.  [Photo accompanied this item.] Mr. A. COLBOURNE and employees of Earle Sons & Co. When Earle Sons & Co sold out their business at the upper end of the Harbour to Mr. Wm. ASHBOURNE, they established themselves on a smaller scale at Mr. A. COLBOURNE’s premises, where they are conducting a successful business on a small scale, with Mr. COLBOURNE as Manager. Left to right, A. COLBOURNE, Roy HODDER, Nellie WHITE, George HODDER, Mrs. COLBOURNE, Annie NEWMAN, Ralph HODDER. 
April 7, 1917  Jack PEARCE  After three attempts to enlist, Jack PEARCE has been successful, and has joined the Queen’s Rifles at Toronto. Last year Jack tried to enlist in the Newfoundland Regiment. After he went to Canada he tried again; and now once again, and has been accepted. Mr. PEARCE has the proud distinction of having two sons in khaki, Sam being with “Ours” in France. 
April 7, 1917  Salmon Fishery  This week since the break up of the Bight, men have been busy getting out salmon nets and taking their berths, as it is realized that even should the scheme for a lottery go through, it is improbable it would become law this season. 
April 7, 1917  Spiller’s Ground Cases  Verdict Gained by Mr. ASHBOURNE. We have it on good authority today (Wednesday) that Mr. ASHBOURNE has had a verdict returned in his favour in the three fishery cases in which he was interested in connection with the Spiller's. Magistrate SCOTT’s verdict is thus, apparently reversed. 
April 7, 1917  The boy FROUDE  The boy FROUDE, who was apprenticed to Mr. Walter GILLARD, ran away last week, and Adj. SAINSBURY has had some difficulty with him. 
April 14, 1917  St. Peter’s Anglican Church  [Photo accompanies item.] St. Peter’s Anglican, the oldest Church in Twillingate, and new Parish Hall, with High school rooms on lower flat. 
April 14, 1917  The Debating Club  (Owing to the Good Friday holiday, and the fact that one of our employees was ill all the week, we were badly rushed last week, and the following was overlooked.) The debating club under Mrs. DOXSEE’s auspices, met in the basement of the Masonic Hall last Thursday, to discuss the subject – “Resolved that the Republican form of Government is more beneficial than a Monarchy, for example Russia.” Mr. Chesley ROBERTS was in the chair, and the affirmative was taken by Mr. Roy HODDER, who made a very able presentation for his side. Mr. Edgar SWEETLAND led the negative and in spite of the difficulty of his task, upheld his side of the argument. All the boys spoke well, and it was surprising the “sang froid” which they displayed, shows that our coming men are promising to be good and fluent speakers. 
April 14, 1917  Fresh Fish Shipment  The St. John’s press announced the arrival of Robert COWAN in that city, who comes as a refrigerating expert, representing a two million dollar cold storage company. It is the intention of this company to establish one large central cold storage plant at St. John’s, and ten small ones in the outports. The company will work in conjunction with the Reid Nfld. Co., and will operate cold storage cars on the railway, and steamers. The idea evidently, is to take all the fish that can possibly be handled fresh, and place it immediately in cold storage, from whence it would be shipped abroad. This would be a great incentive to shore fishing, and would save the fisherman much of the trouble now necessitated in salting and curing fish for exportation. 
April 14, 1917  Death  Died at Campbellton on Monday, April 9th, Mrs. Sarah WHEELOR, wife of the late Mr. Arthur WHEELOR of this place, and daughter of Mr. David YOUNG of Campbellton, at the age of 38 years. She leaves a father, mother, and one brother, and six children to mourn her loss. “She is gone, but not forgotten; She is gone, but gone before; If we live and die for Jesus, We shall meet her on that shore.” 
April 14, 1917  Mail  The Mailmen took one of the heaviest mails for the winter away with them Wednesday. It totalled five bags. 
April 14, 1917  Earle Sons and Co. Barr'd Island  A person writing from Fogo last mail, says that Earle Sons and Co. are closing their business at Barr'd Islands. Mr. COLBOURNE informs us that the report re closing the business at Barr'd Islands must be a mistake, as that is one of Earle Sons & Co’s. best branches. He thinks the report may refer to Tilting, where some changes were in contemplation. 
April 14, 1917  Blasting a Government Well on Newman’s Hill  Mr. Ob. BRIDGER is engaged this week in blasting a Government well on Newman’s hill. 
April 14, 1917  Mr. James CHURCHILL  Mr. James CHURCHILL, son of Mr. Wm. CHURCHILL of the Arm, who has just been discharged from the General Hospital, arrived at Lewisporte Sunday, but owing to the unsafe condition of the ice, his father advised him to proceed to Botwood and remain with his uncle, Const. Fred CHURCHILL, until navigation opens. Mr. James CHURCHILL did not go to Botwood but came on here, reaching here on Wednesday night. The ice is reported as very bad, and travelling to Lewisporte is ended for this season. Mr. William CHURCHILL, who went up to meet his son, was able to row from Farmer's Head right down. There will soon be open water to Lewisporte. 
April 14, 1917  Hood Seals  A Hood seal was found in the harbour on Easter Sunday near Carter’s Head, and on the principle that it had no business wandering around on that day, a resident of the South Side gently took it in charge. A couple of hood seals were taken at Crow Head on Saturday last, and we are told that one was the largest ever brought into Crow Head. 
April 14, 1917  Regimental Notice  Men of all ranks, who have been honourably discharged and Officers who have retired from the 1st Nfld. Regiment for wounds of disability, may obtain the Imperial Silver War Badge, by making application to the Commanding Officer, Nfld. Regiment Headquarters. If applying by mail give full name, Regimental number, and postal address. Signed, J. J. O’GRADY, Capt. & Adjutant, 1st Nfld. Regiment. 
April 14, 1917  Seven Men Adrift on Ice  Seven Men Adrift on Ice – Six From Joe Batt's Arm and One From Barr'd Islds. Last Saturday morning, six men from Joe Batt’s Arm went sealing, and up to the present, no trace of them has been found, though the Diana and Bloodhound are searching for them. The men were three brothers named JACOBS and an adopted brother POMEROY, and two others named FREAKE. Besides these, there is also a man named NEWMAN from Barr’d Island, missing since Friday morning. Apparently they had no boat as none is spoken of. Mr. Fred HOUSE, Jr., had a wire from Joe Batt’s Arm Sunday, to look after the men if they landed here, but so far nothing has been seen or heard of them. The Diana Tuesday, reported herself as 15 miles off the Wadams, with no ice in sight and no sign of the missing men. 
April 14, 1917  Missing Man Found  One of the men missing last week, was found on Tuesday or Wednesday by searchers from that neighbourhood. The man NEWMAN, who was missing from Barr'd Islands, was found on Chaulk’s Island. So far no trace of the other men has been found. 
April 14, 1917  F.P.U. Concert  A well-attended concert was held under the auspices of the F.P.U. in the Alexandra Hall on Thursday night. The musical part of the programme was under the leadership of Mr. Clarence LUNNEN, and he also acted as accompanist. The A. L. B. bank was also present and rendered several selections. Not the least amusing feature was a chorus by the members of the Band “I want my fish and brewis in bed on Sunday morning.” Mr. Joseph CHINN was again present and performed for the benefit of the audience. It is generally admitted that the concert was the most popular for the season. We are informed that the proceeds go to make up a shortage in the F.P.U. anniversary tea. 
April 14, 1917  Notice  Estates of Deceased Soldiers & Sailors. Persons having the custody or knowledge of the existence of WILLS or other testamentary documents of Deceased Soldiers and Sailors, are requested to communicate with the undersigned. R. A. SQUIRES, H. M. Attorney-General, St. John’s, Nfld. 
April 14, 1917  Notice  Estates of Deceased Soldiers & Sailors. Notice Is Hereby Given that all creditors and other persons having any claims against the Estates of Deceased Soldiers of the Newfoundland Regiment, and deceased Sailors of the Newfoundland Royal Naval Reserve, the official notification of whose death was published in Newfoundland prior to the 1st day of March 1917, are hereby required to send particulars in writing, of their claim or demands, to the undersigned at St. John’s Newfoundland, on or before the FIRST DAY OF MAY, 1917, after which date the assets of said deceased Soldiers and Sailors will be distributed, having regard only to the claims and demands of which notice shall have been given, and the person or persons responsible for the distribution of the said Estates will not be liable for the assets of the said Deceased, so distributed, to any person or persons of whose claim or demands notice shall not have been given in accordance herewith. Dated this 27th day of March 1917. R. A. SQUIRES, H. M. Attorney-General, St. John’s, Nfld. 
April 14, 1917  Advertisement  Lost between Bank and Arm road on Little Hr. Road, a silver cross and chain. Will finder please return to Sun Office. 
April 14, 1917  Veterans Home on Leave  By yesterdays express, 20 soldiers and 25 sailors returning on leave from active service, arrived in St. John’s, and were heartily welcomed. 
April 14, 1917  Advertisement  Public Auction: The organ belonging to North Star Division, S. of T. will be sold by Public Auction in Victoria Hall, next Thursday at 3 pm. Signed: W.P. 
April 14, 1917  New W.P.A Branch  We hear that Crow Head is to have a branch of the W. P. A. too, and that Mrs. Wm. FREEMAN, of the Lighthouse, will likely be first President, and we can think of no one more worthy the honour. Mrs. FREEMAN has been an indefatigable worker for our “Boys” and has knit upwards of sixty pairs of socks for them. 
April 14, 1917  Ice Almost Gone  The Harbour is now almost completely broken up, and a few days more will give clear water everywhere. All the snow has been gone for some time and farmers fear we shall have a small grass crop this year, owing to the small amount of snow this winter. 
April 14, 1917  Searching for Seals  Mr. ASHBOURNE’s motor schooner “Bobs”, sailed yesterday morning for the ice, in the hope of picking up a few seals. 
April 14, 1917  Mrs. FACEY Writes (Part 1)  "Mr. TEMPLE, Editor, Twillingate Sun, Dear Sir, Will you allow me space once more to make a few remarks on behalf of the W.P.A. branch at Twillingate? I will begin by thanking the many kind friends, who through the past winter, have helped our work along in so many ways, some by donations of money, others by giving socks, and last but not least, we wish to thank all who have sent in bundles of old white material (of which there is great need for Red Cross purposes). We are hoping to secure their aid again now by way of Patriotic Teas, which plan was the means of helping us so splendidly last year, and during the months of April and May, we hope to get quite a sum in that way to enable us to keep up our work during the coming summer, (if there is need) and I greatly fear there will be. We also wish to let our friends know of a sale we intend having on Empire Day, which will consist of useful and fancy articles, also Tea will be served. We feel sure of your help and co-operation in this, as in all past efforts, and here is a splendid opportunity for the young ladies to help by giving donations of Fancy work, or anything in their line, for our sale. All gifts no matter how small will be thankfully received by the Association. " 
April 14, 1917  Mrs. FACEY Writes (Part 2)  To those ladies who have so faithfully knitted socks all winter, I would say, - still keep on friends, you know not the amount of comfort and help you are affording some poor, weary, footsore, lad; it does him good just to know he is so well remembered by those at home, and let us never grow tired of knitting while they need the socks. Just here, I would like to mention Mrs. FREEMAN of Long Pt. who has knitted a great many pairs for us, 68 since last June, and we feel very grateful in this way. Space will not allow me to mention separately all who have helped in the past winter, and perhaps its not necessary, as each source of help has appeared in the Sun and been acknowledged in that way, but I cannot close my remarks without saying how pleased we were to receive a donation of twenty dollars from The Bonny Boys Club, proceeds of a Social. How we appreciate the efforts of the young and what hopes it gives us for their future, when we see them interested in a cause for good and high purposes, and if we appreciate the members of The Bonny Boy's Club, what shall I say of its head, the kind, generous, noble, Lady, who is taking such an interest in our boys; certainly the way in which she has worked since coming amongst us, and the good she has done, ought to be appreciated by all our people. One thing we regret is that she is not going to remain with us longer. Thanking you for space Mr. Editor, I remain for the cause of Right and Freedom, Lillian M. FACEY. 
April 14, 1917  Trap Berth Meeting  The adjourned trap berth meeting was held on Wednesday night. Interest seemed to be waning as only about fifty persons were present. The remaining sections of that committee’s report were disposed of as follows: “No trap berth shall be sold.” “If the holder of a trap berth has not his trap in the water by the first day of July, he shall forfeit his claim to that berth, and it may be taken by another person.” “No cod or salmon net shall be in the water from December 24th to May 1st of each year.” “Bultows may be set in any water around these islands after Oct. 20th in each year.” These were accepted by the meeting, and a committee was formed to draw up a petition for presentation to the Legislature. Unfortunately the general feeling seems to be one of indifference, and it is very doubtful if the matter will now be carried through. 
April 14, 1917  Advertisement  For Sale: Cabbage and Turnip seed by Mrs. John GILLARD. Also a half ton of hay at 80 cents a cwt. John GILLARD, Gillard’s Cove. 
April 14, 1917  A Few Tips re Concrete  "As the springtime is coming and the time for concrete work is with us, a few tips taken from a book issued by the Canada Cement Company, may not be out of place. The making of concrete needs no special skill, and anyone if they use a little care, can make satisfactory concrete work. Do not use a very fine sand; the best sand is that where a large proportion of the grains are from 1/3 to 1/8 of an inch in diameter. Although beach stones are much used for gravel, they are not nearly so satisfactory as broken stone, owing to their smooth surface. The sand and cement should first be mixed together by thoroughly turning over two or three times, and afterwards, the gravel should be mixed with it before adding the water. There are two kinds of concrete: the 1:2:4: and the 1:3:6: that is cement sand and gravel in the proportions named. Where very large stones are also used to fill in, some of the gravel may be omitted. The 1:2:4: mixture is that generally used, but the 1:3:6: may be used in cases like sidewalks, floors or gutters &c. A good idea for a measuring box is one that has no bottom. It may be laid directly on the mixing board and filled with sand, or on the sand and filled with gravel. If three boxes are made, one for cement, another twice as big as that for gravel, the proportions will always be maintained without the trouble of counting as with a bucket. The forms for the concrete should be coated on the surface next to the concrete, with oil or soap but do not use kerosene. If you want fuller instructions we suggest that you write the Canada Cement Co., Montreal, who will supply you free with either “What the farmer can do with Concrete” or “Concrete Chimneys.”" 
    [There is nothing on my microfilm between April 14, 1917 and April 28, 1917. GW.] 
April 28, 1917  Personals  "Several boat loads of travellers went off up to Lewisporte on Monday, in motor boats, among them being Messrs. A. MANUEL and G. BLANDFORD, who are gone to do their usual spring buying. Messrs. HALLET, from Norris Arm formerly of Little Hr., were here on Tuesday in motor boat. Mr. Stephen LOVERIDGE left for St. John's via Lewisporte on Tuesday on business for the firm of Wm. ASHBOURNE. Magistrate SCOTT and Const. TULK went to Herring Neck Monday to hold court there." 
April 28, 1917  Shipping News  The schr. Carrie Annie left here Tuesday morning for Farmers Arm, where Mr. Jos. A. YOUNG has gone to get firewood. The schr. Dulcie M., owned by Mr. Pat GLAVINE, arrived here from Fortune Hr. on Monday night to take the spring fitout from EARLE Sons & Co. Mr. Michael GLAVINE also came over in her to do some business. Capt. Jas. ANSTEY and crew left here on Monday for St. John's via Lewisporte, as did also Capt. Wm. SNOW his crew. Capt. John GILLIETT left here Tuesday for Lewisporte on the way to St. John's. The schr. Olive Branch, in charge of Mr. Andrew ELLIOTT, left on Monday to try for a few seals, in emulation of ?Bobs. Capt. Robert YOUNG and his crew left St. John's Tuesday to bring down their schooner. (Correction)Capt John GILLETT did not go to St. John's but merely took up Capt. Robert YOUNG and crew to Lewisporte. 
April 28, 1917  Volunteers  Three young men of the South Side Monday visited the doctor for examination for the King's service. Two of them passed the medical examination but one failed. Messrs. Victor BAIRD and Steward LUTHER, both with a courage above their years visited the doctor this week, but were not accepted, being under the age limit. Mr. Edward MOORS who has gone to don the Khaki, left here on Monday for St. John's. Grand Falls has had another recurrence of the Patriotic spirit which breaks out at the call of duty. About thirty young men volunteered from there last week. Among the names from Twillingate are Lloyd LUNNEN and Fred SPENCER. The former is son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew LUNNEN and the latter is son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark SPENCER who have already two sons on active service. The name of Samuel SEELEY is also given. Can someone give us information. 
April 28, 1917  Bait  Some boys were out stabbing flat fish this week. This is remarkably early for this work. Herring are faily plentiful here at present, and some people especially at Wild Cove, have done very well. Mr. GLAVINE reports 'herring plentiful at New Bay, and the SPENCERS crew had done especially well at the business. 
April 28, 1917  Letter From Sam PEARCE (Part 1)  "A letter received by Mr. Fred NEWMAN from Pte. Samuel PEARCE (also a photograph in military uniform) March 8th, 1917: Dear Uncle Fred; No doubt you will be somewhat surprised to hear from me as I have not written you before. I thought that today as I have some spare time, that I would write a few lines to you, knowing that you would be delighted to hear from me being one of your 'good old friends' if I may say, altho not so very old myself. I expect you miss me in many ways, one missing me when you go in Mr. LINFIELD'S shop, one in the class room when you go there, and I am pretty sure that you miss me on the war news line, as you know that I use to be called Secretary HARCOURT by George, and that I use to tell you and the friends around, a great deal of war news; but now I am out in France the very place that some of the war news comes from, and have been out here going on four months now, and I hope that before 4 more passes that the war will be over. I know a good bit about trench warfare, as during the past winter, I have been back and forth in the trenches, and when I get back I will be able to relate to you and interest you with some of my experiences, altho they may not be so great as some of the chaps who were out to Gallipoli and are back home. The weather during the past winter has been very severe the ground has been frozen solid for a considerable time. It just reminded me of the cold weather that we get in January home, the snow was very scarce but despite it all thank God, God kindly permitted me to come through it all. " 
April 28, 1917  Letter From Sam PEARCE (Part 2)  I was in the trenches with shells bursting over our heads the same day as our division the 29th, went over the top and captured two lines of trenches, beside taking over three hundred prisoners. It was no trouble that day to see our shells bursting near the German lines. It was on the 27th day of January and the ground frozen solid. Most of our Twillingate chaps were well when I saw them last. I myself haven't been in the line the past ten days so I don't know how they are since I left them. Ned WHITE, John's son, is again in France altho I haven't seen him yet, as I heard that he is gone to the hospital, and that is the best place for him any way, as a person needs a strong constitution to stand all the hardships that one has to endure. I have thought of you more than once and of others who use to attend the class meetings when I did, namely Mr. Jonathan and Alexander BURT, Mr. ROBERTS Jr. Ches, and all the rest of the good meetings we use to have which I enjoyed. I don't forget to ask God's blessing on the meetings and those who attend, sometimes when on my knees, and I do trust and pray that the time will not be far distant when I can get back and assemble with our good old class Leader, Mr. ROBERTS and the members again; so when you go there again don't forget to remember me to them, and to pray for me as I pray for myself also for others. Trusting that you will answer this letter and tell me all the good news concerning the meetings etc. Remember me to all your family, and tell them I expect to see them again some day this year I hope, please God. I remain, Your Good Friend, Samuel PEARCE. 
April 28, 1917  Advertisement  Your House Reflects Your Character ... You are judged by the house you occupy as much as by the clothes you wear. An unpainted, shabby place, showing evidence of neglect, advertises the character of the owner and his family most unfavorably. It implies carelessness and a lack of self-respect. If you have a proper pride in your home and the community in which you live, you will use B-H ENGLISH PAINT. With the aid of this guaranteed paint you will have a really fine looking home at a reasonable cost, which will be a credit to yourself and your neighbours. Properly painted, your residence will stand out among the many .... it will remain for years as fresh looking as the day it was painted. Have a talk with the merchant ..... He will gladly supply you with color cards and prices. Arthur MANUEL, Twillingate, Nfld. 
April 28, 1917  Advertisement  WANTED: Three coopers for making Scotch Herring Barrels, apply to F. THISTLE, King's Point. 
April 28, 1917  Advertisement  Ladies Costumes - Just opened, an assortment of Dark and Light Tweed, Black Cloth, Black and Blue Serg. J.W. HODGE, Path-end. 
April 28, 1917  Advertisement  "JOB Bros. & Co. Ltd., St. John's. Importers, Buyers of English, Canadian, of Codfish, Cod-Oil, American and Foreign, Seal Oil, Seal Skins, Wares of all Kinds, Lobsters, Herring and Salmon. We pay cash for all produce. Provisions, Nails, Iron, Solder, Groceries, Oakum, Blocks, Flux etc., Ships' Stores, Pitch, Thimbles, Cordage, Tars, Tin, always in stock and selling at lowest prices. Climax Dairy Meal and Climax Molasses Feed. Agents for Royal Fire & Life Insurance of Liverpool, Union Marine Insurance Co. Liverpool." 
April 28, 1917  Advertisement  Nothing Nicer - Whether you are hot or not - than a good Ice Cream. Ice Cream Freezers: $2.50 to $3.50. EARLE Sons & Co. 
April 28, 1917  Advertisement  The Best Way: Jokesmiths tell of three good ways to publish information. Telegraph, Telephone and Tell a Woman! But the Last named way is Best, and the Best way to reach the Ladies, God bless 'em, is by advertising in THE TWILLINGATE SUN. 
April 28, 1917  Death of John Skinner  Lines on the Death of John SKINNER who died April 7th, 1917: We laid him down to sleep, In his young beauty, innocent and fair, And fresh and sweet as morning dews that weep, Upon the summer air. We saw him sink to rest, Our treasure and blessing from his birth, We laid spring flowers upon his quiet breast, And gave his form to earth. We could not keep him here; In vain our efforts; all in vain our love, We could not keep him, though to us so dear - His portion was above. The wealth of worlds untold, Were all to poor to win him back to earth, In safety now he walks the streets of gold, And knows heavens' priceless worth. To us alone the change, The shadowed days, the loneliness the grief, The difference ever felt, the void so strange, with naught to bring relief. But he will sleep on, Beneath the green turf gemmed with living flowers, Not dead but sleeping there, not lost but gone, Alas, no longer ours. M.F.C. St. John's April 16th. 
April 28, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 1)  The West End Grocer who cashed a twenty cent cheque for twenty dollars, has recovered his money from the customers whom he knew. The customer had earned twenty dollars or more, so did not examine the cheque closely, which through a mistake by the clerk, had been drawn for 20 cents instead of 20 dollars. All's well that ends well. 
April 28, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 2)  The sealing steamer Viking brought the Key of the 1917 voyage, being the last of the fleet. She arrived on Wednesday and hailed for 10,500 prime seals, which are in splendid condition. 
April 28, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 3)  "HUTCHINGS, MOORE and COISH are the names of the boys implicated in the stealing of over $1200.00 from PARKER and MONROE. HUTCHINGS, the principal, met MOORE on his way to the West End store. After sharing with him, they started for Topsail, where HUTCHINGS boarded, the other for Bell Island, while Moore returned to the city. Here he met COISH and gave him a share of the cash, and afterwards started for the Southern shore. On arrival at their destination COISH decided to return home, but MOORE started on to Mobile and purchased a horse and waggon. COISH upon reaching home, told the story to his father who immediately acquainted the detectives and handed them the cash MOORE gave to his son. On Saturday HUTCHINGS and MOORE were sentenced to 9 months in the Pen." 
April 28, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 4)  During the Diana's unsuccessful attempt to rescue the missing men from Joe BATT's Arm, the Capt. reports having seen thousands of Harps and Hoods, sufficient to load the ship twice over. The seals had, no doubt, drifted South and so escaped the fleet. 
April 28, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 5)  According to the casualties lists coming in, Our Boys have been again in action, and evidently in the thickest of the fight. It is hoped the list will not be heavy. Owing to the large casualty lists coming in many sociables which were to take place this week have been indefinitely postponed. 
April 28, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 6)  Colonel OTWAY has been apprised of the appointment of Staff Capt. and Mrs. TURNER to Nfld. and are due to arrive by next express. 
April 28, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 7)  The convalescent home on the Waterford Bridge Road was opened on Saturday, and several patients were received. Miss Jessie EDGAR had been appointed matron. 
April 28, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 8)  The laborers are now looking for more pay - $3.00 per day, or 15% advance on what they at present receive. 
April 28, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 9)  The Government have appointed a Commissiion to make a thorough enquiry of the high prices of foodstuffs and of our food supply generally. It is high time that such a step was taken, for the prices ruling now are almost beyond the reach of the ordinary man, especially flour and potatoes. 
April 28, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 10)  It is said that very little fish carrying will be done by the fishermen this summer in consequence of the fresh fish corporations buying up all the green fish. It this be the case the labour in handling fish around St. John's and outports will be almost nil. 
April 28, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 11)  FEARN'S schooner Mary Mildred, from Cadiz, sank off DAVEY's wharf on Monday last. It appears that while making the Narrows, before daylight, she struck a submerged growler, below the water line. The schr. began to leak, but the crew managed to keep the water under control, and the Capt. managed to get her to port, and ran her aground in DAVEY's Cove. The schr. was made fast but, unfortunately, when the tide rose in the morning, the moorings parted, and she fell off in deep water and sank. An effort will be made to refloat her. 
April 28, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 12)  Word has just been received of the torpedoeing of the FURNESS liner Annapolis which left here about a fornight ago. 
April 28, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 13)  Mr. Ben TULK, formerly Manager for the A.N.D. Co. at MILLERTON, but for the last few years resident at St. George's, is building a 400 ton vessel over there. She is to be equipped with twin auxiliary engines. 
April 28, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 14)  NOTICE: The trap net and bultow committee are especially requested to meet in the Courthouse on Tuesday, May 1st at 8:00 pm. George ROBERTS, Chairman. 
April 28, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 15)  A schooner owned by A.H. MURRAY has just arrived in St. John's after taking a year to make the trip across the Atlantic and back. She was three times driven back by storms and had to refit. 
April 28, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 16)  "The shop and residence of a Syrian named Domnic RICHARDS at Norris Arm was destroyed by fire last Saturday. RICHARDS had $10,000. insurance on the property." 
April 28, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 17)  (Picture of Pte. Samuel BLAKE). Mrs. George BLAKE received a telegram from the Colonial Secretary this week saying that her son, No. 2244 Pte. Samuel BLAKE, at 6th Stationary Hospital, Frevent, France, had been transferred to train ambulance suffering from mild gunshot wound in left leg. A later telegram conveyed the information that he had been admitted to Wandsworth Hospital. 
April 28, 1917 Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 18)  "We learn the Mr. M. J. BISHOP, who four years ago was day-school teacher at Crow Head, and since spent three years with EARLE Sons & Co. at Fogo, is now doing well as machine-operator in the munition plant of the Steel Co. of Canada at Montreal, and is devoting his spare time to the cause of training for overseas service. His brother who has finished his examinations for entrance to McGill University, has enlisted in the Royal Aviation Corps and hopes soon to have the privilege of meeting some of Ours who are so bravely fighting for the cause of humanity on the other side of the Atlantic. Both boys are O.K." 
April 28, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 19)  Owing to unavoidable circumstances the opening of the Artificial Limbs Department will be delayed until May 20th, instead of April 20th, as previously advertised by us. It will be open two months. 
April 28, 1917  Letter from Pte. Hooper GATES.  "France, March 21, 1917: Dearest cousin Winnie: - I don't know whether I have written to you since I have been in France or not, I scarcely know to whom I have written. But with the greatest of pleasure I am going to try to write you now, to let you know how I am getting on. I am well at present and enjoying the best of health, hoping this letter will find you the same. I haven't much strange news to tell you. It is the same over here in France as it is all the time, a big talk about war, and lots of fighting to be done and we Newfoundlanders are just the chaps who can do the fighting. I only wish that we could raise an army of Newfoundlanders. Well, I think that the Germans will soon be done up, for they are getting drove as fast as they can go out of France, of course you will soon see by the papers. I like it out here alright I think France is a very nice place when there isn't any war, especially in summer when everything is in full bloom, and there are also some nice people here too, they seem very friendly, for I am in an old lady's house now, and a merry old soul she is. So you see I am not in the firing line now, but I think I shall be going in again pretty soon. Well I wonder when this awful war is going to end. I believe it will be soon, I can't see how it can hold on much longer. I believe it will end up this summer, and don't think I will spend another Christmas out here, but will spend my next one in Newfoundland, (on Ragged Point I hope.) Well Winnie, this has been an awful cold winter over here, but it is beginning to get warmer now. There is nothing like summer is there, and we all like it dont we? I suppose your father is busy making barrels this winter, tell him to make some for me, for I may want some from him next fall, and I suppose Tom is doing some carpentry. Tell him to make a couch for me, to lie down on when I come home, for I shall want to thave a good rest before I do anything. I suppose you, Ethel and Hannah have enough mats made to cover PIKE'S Meadow. Tell your mother I should like to see her now, and have a good cup of tea with her which I have often had, and will again I hope. I suppose Eva is going to school, tell her I shall be expecting a letter from her; and also one from Ethel. Give my love to all my friends around so I think I have told you all. Hoping to get a letter from you soon. Good-bye and God bless you all. From your soldier boy, Hooper (The above letter is from Pte. Hooper GATES, son of Mrs. Mark SPENCER, of Back Harbor)." 
April 28, 1917  Teacher's Will Stay  Messrs. POWELL and DEWEY, Methodist teachers, have decided to remain at their posts for a further eight weeks until the examinations, as the board finds it impossible to replace them at present. Mr. DEWEY has already visited the doctor and passed the medical examination. 
April 28, 1917  New Bank Manager  Mr. G. F. GARDNER leaves to-day for another part of the country. He can supply no information, but there is a rumor current that it is the intention of the Bank of N.S. to open a branch on the other side of this Bay possibly Springdale - and that he goes there for that purpose. Mr. AMMERMAN is at present in charge of the bank here but only remaining until the arrival of Mr. DUNLOP from Wesleyville. 
April 28, 1917  Court Cases at Herring Neck  "While Magistrate SCOTT was at Herring Neck, three cases were heard before him: that of WARREN vs. WARREN was further remanded. WHITE vs. FUDGE, a dispute over property, was adjusted, each claimant paying half the costs, and Crown vs DALLEY, for breach of sections 35 and 48 of Fishery Rules. On April 24th, WHITE set his leader at Herring Head proposing to set his trap within four days allowed by law. On the same day DALLEY set his trap in the same berth across the leader set by WHITE. Defendant claimed he did not understand the Section in Fishery Rules. Result: DALLEY had to move his trap and to dig down in his jeans for twenty shekels." 
April 28, 1917  Pictures in this Issue  Picture (in military uniform) of JOS. DAWE, wounded April 14th. Gunshot left side and foot. Picture (in military uniform) of George JENKINS wounded April 14th. Severe bruises both legs. Picture (in military uniform) of Gus CHURCHILL, wounded April 15th. Gunshot head and left shoulder. Picture (in military uniform) of Arthur OXFORD. Wounded April 14th. Gunshot thigh severe. 
April 28, 1917  Potato Exports Prohibited  Newfoundland Govt. will prohibit export of potatoes, as speculators planning to buy here and export abroad owing high prices prevailing elsewhere. 
April 28, 1917  Presentation to Sergt. TEMPLE  (Western Star Apr. 18th) On the 9th inst. Sergeant J. V. TEMPLE was the recipient of a very beautiful gold plated self-filling fountain pen, presented him by Miss Edith MESSERVEY and friends of Sandy Point. Sergeant TEMPLE was the first to answer the call from here. He went over as a private with Ours and served at Gallipoli where he was numbered in the long list of casualities and was treated at Malta. We next find him back to Scotland and from there with the gallant charge on the memorable 1st July. He is now discharged as a result of that never to be forgotten date.
April 28, 1917  Advertisement  Wanted: A general servant apply Mrs. W. B. TEMPLE. 
April 28, 1917  Letter From Artie Scott  A letter dated April 1st was received by his people, from Artie SCOTT who is again with his cavalry unit, and had been active recently. His horse had been wounded under him in the shoulder by machine gun bullet, but he himself had escaped. 
April 28, 1917  Schooner Wrecked  As a result of the wreck of the schooner Minnie Swim belonging to Burin, there are 18 widows and 58 orphans at Burin Arm. 
April 28, 1917  Theatrical Company is Sick  The theatrical company who went to Morton's Hr. Thursday, to give their play 'The District School' there, took $14, and were given the use of the Hall free from charge, but they earned their money. The motor boat broke down outside Morton's Hr. and they spent a most uncomfortable two hours rolling about under canvas. Nearly everyone was seasick.... 
April 28, 1917  New Volunteers  "There seems to be quite a move among our young men at the present time, towards enlisting. Messrs. Harold EARLE, Harry BORDEN, Weston SKINNER and Peter JACOBS visited the doctor this week. Peter JACOBS was unsuccessful in passing the medical exam, but the others will probably leave on Monday for St. John's. Mr. POWELL, Principal of the central Methodist school will probably go forward Monday to St. John's, to enlist, and Mr. DEWEY, Principal of the Arm Academy goes as soon as he can be released and another teacher obtained. Mr. Edward MOORS has already gone, and Mr. Jack BRETT has been to the doctor for medical examination." 
April 28, 1917  Casualties  "This week the casualty list has been large. Fortunately the dead so far are few, but we may have a larger list of those who have paid the supreme sacrifice. From Twillingate the following are wounded Ptes. Arthur OXFORD, gunshot left thigh, severe; Augustus Cecil CHURCHILL, head and shoulder severe; Ptes. Frank PARSONS, Joseph DAWE, George JENKINS, and Saml. BLAKE are also among the wounded, but what the nature of the wounds are we have been unable to find out." 
April 28, 1917  Accident at Fortune Harbour:  Last Saturday while getting his gun ready to shoot snow birds, a young man of about 18 years of age put a .22 calibre bullet into his breast. It seems that he was leaning on the gun and was wiping down the stock, when his hand caught the hammer and snapped it up exploding the gun, which was a .22 calibre rifle, the bullet entering his right breast. It is thought that the bullet glanced from a rib and no internal damage was done but he was taken to Botwood on Monday to enter the Grand Falls hospital, and it is thought that the bullet will be extracted without much difficulty, as it seems to be just inside the skin. 
April 28, 1917  Advertisement  For Sale: That dwelling house formerly owned by PRIDE, situated at Back Hr. Dock. For particulars apply to John FIFIELD, North Side. 
April 28, 1917  Advertisement  John COOK Leading Sailmaker, Twillingate, Nfld. 
April 28, 1917  Advertisement  For sale: at WISEMAN's Cove, thee gardens fenced and other land posted around, ditch through center, well timbered, about twenty or thirty acres. Small dwelling house with utensils; big cellar, one skiff, sails. For particulars apply John WARREN, Goshen's Arm. 
April 28, 1917  Advertisement  Wanted: A thoroughly capable teacher (male or female) A. A. or First Grade, for the Superior Dept. of the Twillingate High School. Also two capable female teachers for the Lower Dept. in Durrel Academy and Bluff Head Cove school. Applications to be considered, must be in the hands of the Chairman of the Methodist Board of Education, Twillingate not later than May 10th. 
April 28, 1917  Advertisement  Lumber: We shall be making our usual stock of all kinds of lumber and scantling also cooperage stock. Everything for boat builders from thole-pins to keels, also a number of spars in stock from 45 to 57 feet long. T. J. FRENCH & Sons, Main Point, Gander Bay. 
April 28, 1917  Advertisement  For Sale: Schooner Little Willie 26 tons, trapskiff, punt, cod-trap, bags, dipnets, 2 stoves and cooking gear. Price of total outfit $1000. Apply William GIDGE, Friday's Bay. 
May 5, 1917  Poor Weather  Owing to the continuous wet and cold weather work of fitting out for the fishery is much delayed. 
May 5, 1917  Personals  "Mr. Edward LINFIELD was among those who went to St. John's last week. Mr. GARDNER, who left here last week, has gone to Little Bay Islands to establish a branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia there. Rev. HUNT went to Morton's Hr. on the Clyde last night for Sunday. Two agents selling enlargements were in town this week. [Today they do this on the internet, smile, lghr.]" 
May 5, 1917  Isaac YOUNG'S Narrow Escape  Mr. Isaac YOUNG, who was injured a few weeks ago by a stick thrown from a circular saw, is now improving, and is able to get out in his net loft. He had a narrow escape, and the doctor says he escaped death by a small margin. 
May 5, 1917  Fred ROBERTS Back in St. John's  Pte. Fred ROBERTS, son of Mr. Solomon ROBERTS of Change Islds., who lost his arm at the front arrived at St. John's last week. Fred, has had a severe time of it, being many months in hospital. We welcome the soldier laddie home. 
May 5, 1917  Happy Birthday  Mrs. ROSSITER celebrated her nintieth birthday this week, and the dear old lady is still fairly hale and hearty with all her facilities unimpared. The SUN wishes her many happy returns. 
May 5, 1917  Exploration at Tilt Cove  At attempt will be made at Tilt Cove this summer to search for another vein of ore. A diamond drill is to be installed near the C. of E. school room and drilling operations will begin shortly. 
May 5, 1917  Advertisement  Lost between Mr. F. LINDFIELD'S Store and ANSTEY's hill, a purse containing $2.00 please return to the Sun office. 
May 5, 1917  Seal Collections  Mr. HODGE had a wire from Mr. Andrew ELLIOTT dated from Shoe Cove last Friday, saying they were then there and that seals were scarce. He was going on to the Horse Islands to pick up a few hundred pelts taken by landsmen there, and would probably come back with them to Fogo, where the firm has a small vat. 
May 5, 1917  New Recruits  Mr Philip MOYLES, son of Mrs. Chas GUY of South Side, who has been at the S. Army training school, has made a second attempt to enlist, but we do not know if he has been successful. Pte. Leslie ANSTEY left Wednesday morning to report to Headquarters. He went up with a number of other passengers with Mr. John GILLETT. Two recruiting officers for the Regiment were due to arrive last evening and will be stationed here for a time. Another officer from Grand Falls, who is recruiting for the Forestry Battalion will also arrive here shortly. 
May 5, 1917  W.P.A. I Report  "W.P.A.I. Beg to acknowledge with thanks From Miss Janet MINTY, Kindergarten pupil, 2 handkerchiefs, hemmed by herself; From Miss Olive SNOW, old white material; From Mrs. KINGSBURY, old white material; The Association sent to St. John's last week, 131 pairs of socks and a large quanity of old white material. Meeting will be held in the Courthouse on Wednesday. A. HOWLETT, Secretary." 
May 5, 1917  Letter From Her Son  "(Photograph in military uniform). From Pte. Gus BULGIN. March 6th, 1917. Dear Mother; Just a few lines to let you know that I am enjoying the best of health, and hoping to hear that you are the same. I received the last parcel you sent me, but I haven't had a letter from home this long time, so I thought I would write and see if anything wrong. I had a postcard from Annie awhile ago, and answered it, but I haven't had any reply yet. I have no strange news to tell you at the present time, everything is the same as usual. Allan JANES was wounded the other day. He was a few yards from me, but I was lucky. I should like to see a parcel of tobacco come a little oftener. If you would put some under the cake when you send one, it would be fine, although I know it is a lot of bother. Keep the home fires burning, mother, and I hope to see you by Christmas. Cheer up. All the boys are enjoying the best of health. Tell Uncle Jim, Kenneth is well, I was talking to him and Arthur OXFORD. From Augustus to his dear mother." 
May 5, 1917  Note of Thanks  The members of the A.A.G.P.A Twillingate, wish to thank Mrs. MINTY and her Bible Class scolars, for the splendid sum of $15.50 toward the Patriotic fund. Dulcie GIDGE, Sec. 
May 5, 1917  Bad Weather in St. John's.  Capt. HARBIN reports, dreadful weather in St. John's during the first part of this week. A gale of wind blew, and rain and sleet and snow fell. In some places there was as much as two feet of snow. 
May 5, 1917  Shipping News  The Clyde which reached Fogo yesterday morning, and will be here before this reaches our readers, will make only one trip a week this year as her schedule is considerably lengthened, giving her 450 miles of a run. She is to call at Joe Batt's Arm, Tilting, Seldom, Carmanville, and will connect with the Dundee from Bonavista Bay, at Seldom. She will leave Lewisporte Monday mornings, and will probably get back the Friday evenings. The S.S. Home, Capt. HARBIN arrived from St. John's yesterday morning, thus opening the season's navigation. Mr. Herbert YOUNG is second officer of the Home. Schr. Martello arrived from Fogo for J.W. HODGE with supplies. Mr. G. BLANDFORD leaves St. John's tomorrow for home. 
May 5, 1917  Mail Run  Messrs. LUTHER, who went up with the mail Wednesday, brought back four bags, chiefly local and Canadian mail. They went in motor boat from Farmer's Arm. 
May 5, 1917  A Controversial Subject  "Tilt Cove, Apr. 25th. The Editor of the Twillingate Sun: Dear Sir: - I have been amused in reading Rev. Mr. DUNN's letter in which he accuses the Salvationists of taking away members of his flock. I am glad to find that one Salvationist had the courage to reply, and as a member of the Church of England, I would beg to remind Mr. DUNN that History repeats itself; and the S.A. is only acting in the same way, by drawing away members of the Methodist persuasion, as the Methodist themselves have been doing to our Church, ever since the founding of the Methodist religion by the misguided priest John Wesley, who moreover, never really severed his connexion with the C of E. and who undoubtedly never thought of the havoc which would be wrought on the Church he loved, by his preaching. Let us hope that Methodist and S.A. alike, will be brought to see the error of their ways and come back, like erring children to the true Faith, that all may be gathered into the one Fold of the Holy Catholic Church. A loyal Churchman. The Editor of the Sun assumes no responsibility for this letter, which refers to Rev. DUNN's complaint, that the S. Army were establishing a Citidel at Lewisporte. Not a denominationalist ourselves, we watch with regret the little bickerings and squabbles of the different religious bodies. To us they all appear to be doing a good work, subject to the limitations that human ideas and capacities must necessarily impose on all human endeavours. But the Sun knows no denomination, and yet has a welcome place for all. With us there is neither Jew or Gentile. We are truly ""Catholic"", something which can be truly said of no denomination, in that Catholic means universal. We make this explanation as we do not wish our readers to believe that we necessarily farther the above because we give it space. We are open to any correspondence that discusses matters without personal animus, but our opinions are those expressed by the Observer. Editor." 
May 5, 1917  War News  "The Newfoundlanders on April 14th. The following by Philip GIBBS, the war correspondent, describes the fighting of April 14th, when our Regiment suffered heavy casualties, and several T'gate boys were wounded. ""The Overseas troops"" referred to were the Newfoundlanders. ""The first two attacks were shattered by our gunfire before getting near our men, and another attack approaching from the South, was stopped dead within 150 yards of our line, by the rifle fire of our men, who showed great nerve and courage. Only broken remnants of the German battalion survived, but the German Staff, working far back at the end of telephone wires, said to attack again. So more men were advancing behind the intense barrage and this time, broke through a section of our line opposite Monchy village on the lower slope of the ridge. For a brief time it was bad for our men, but it was worse for the enemy. For one of ours killed or wounded, two Germans fell. Some overseas troops were among our English troops, and held off the brunt of this attack with a valor, which is praised as most splendid by Officers, who saw their risk and their resistance. They fought with individual judgement, and small parties of them engaged in hand-to-hand fights of great skill. In this open warfare, though it was new to them, one officer with a small group of comrades, worked his way down into a straight ditch filled with Germans, and enfiladed them in a most deadly way by rifle fire. The ditch became an open grave, choked with men. The officer himself shot forty men. It was a horrible little massacre, but it saved the lives of many British lads, who otherwise would have suffered the same fate, for in this war now men must kill or be killed.""" 
May 5, 1917  Letter to His Mother  Photograph in military uniform. From Pte. John BURTON. Dear Mother; Just a word to let you know that I am still alive and in good health, but no news to tell you. It is a little warmer today than it has been in a long time, but I suppose we will soon get the warm weather. I have not received a letter for a long time, or a parcel, but I am looking for one every day. When you get this letter you can send a parcel and be sure to make it strong, or it may get broken. I should like to be handy to have some dinner with you, for a meal at home would be good. I suppose father and Eli will soon be getting ready for fishing now, and I should like to be home with them. Tell Eli to write to me, for a letter from home is all right. When you send me a parcel send some tobacco, and a cake. Please give me Norman's address, as I want to find out where he is. Your loving son, John BURDEN (BURTON?) Since the above letter was written, John has been admitted to the 1st Australian Genl. Hospital. 
May 5, 1917  Death  "Newstead, May 1st. Editor (Twillingate Sun) Dear Sir, On Saturday last it was our sad duty to lay to rest, all that was mortal of Willie DAWE FUDGE, at the early age of 15 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry FUDGE, Comfort Cove. Mr. and Mrs. FUDGE feels their loss keenly, as Willie was a good and quiet boy and their only help. He was only sick a little over a week. All the fond parents and kind friends could do, failed to restore him, and he passed away on Wednesday to the spirit world. Mr. and Mrs. Fudge have our heart felt sympathy. Dear Parents, cease thy weeping; Sad ones look above. The God that took dear Willie, He is a God of Love. No more to sin nor sorrow; No more to suffer pain; And we may meet in Heaven, But not on earth again. M. EVELEIGH." 
May 5, 1917  Death  Better a Dead Hero than a Live Coward: March 6th, 1917. Dear Mr. and Mrs. FORWARD, Just a few words to offer my deepest sympathy in the death of your son Norman, who was killed in Action on Feb. 28. I was speaking to him the night before we went in the trenches; it's the first time I saw him since 1914, and we had a good friendly shake hands when I met him, but little did I think he was going to be killed the next night. I cannot say anything about him because he was in Coy. C, and I was in D, but so far as I can find out about him, he was living a very good life, and all the men that knew him said he was the best fellow, never down hearted and was always happy, and all I can say about him, he was a hero and died at his post, but you must remember that he died for a good cause; and the way we take it, it's better to be a dead hero than a live coward. You and Mrs. FORWARD must take it in good parts, but I know that you will feel it hard. We are out for a rest now. So I think I will close and, wishing you every success. I am yours sincerely, Pte. A. F. OSMOND, 1131 1st. Nfld. Regt. 29 Div. B.E.F. France. Pte. A.F. OSMOND is the son of Mr. J. W. OSMOND, Tizzards Harbor. 
May 5, 1917  Poem By Ethel BOYDE  TIZZARD's Harbour: The first is Alfred STUCKLESS, A sailor boy, is he. He is sweeping up the mines, In the HMS Figi. The next was Arthur OSMOND, From the Lumberwoods did go. He enlisted as a soldier, To fight the German foe. And then our brave Fred WHEELOR, A widow's youngest boy. He died of wounds, which he received In battle last July. Sidney LOCKE then volunteered, His country to protect. He's over in the land of France, Still trying to do his bit. With Sidney, our noble hero, Norman FORWARD volunteered. With sad regret we heard the news, That in action he was killed. The next to go was but a boy, Alphonso BOYD is he. A widowed father's only child. He's trying to do his duty. Two strapping lads then joined the rank, Ambrose and Chesley WHEELOR. One leaves a widowed father behind, The other a sorrowing mother. May God protect them who still lives, And guard them from all harm. Comfort the friends of those who died, And bring them to his Arm. God give us everlasting peace, And guard us from the Kaiser. God save our King and Heaven bless Our Soldier lads forever. Composed by Ethel L. BOYD, Tizzard's Harbour. 
May 5, 1917  Liner Annapolis Lost  "A message received in the city yesterday from the Old Country, stated that the Furness Liner Annapolis, which left here 11 days ago, had been sunk by a Hun submarine. The exact position was not given but we presume it was off the Irish Coast. We are informed by the Postmaster General that the ship carried five bags and five hampers of mail, practically all of which was consigned to the G.P.P. London, Nfld. Pay and Record Office, London, Newton-on Ayr and Liverpool. The letters and packages would be those posted from Saturday afternoon, April 7th to Tuesday 10th. Her cargo also included a large shipment of pulp and paper from here, but we are glad to state, on the authority of Hon. R. WATSON, the report incorrect that she had on board the c???? [unreadable] for St. Dunstan's. These, so far as is known, are still safe." 
May 5, 1917  Twillingater Injured in Toronto  A kind friend has handed us a clipping from a Toronto paper of April 11th, which has the following: "Workman Lost Hand. Arthur COOPER, aged 38 of 36 Essex Ave, had his left hand so badly injured this morning while at work on the Bloor street viaduct, that amputation was found necessary at Toronto General Hospital. COOPER is a married man with seven children." Mr. COOPER was here last fall, and is a son of Mr. George COOPER, South Side. A brother of his, with the Canadians, was killed last fall, while another won the Military Cross. 
May 5, 1917  Illness  One of the crew of Capt. Wm. SNOW's schooner, the Luetta, named Frank JENKINS, was taken suddenly ill on Saturday afternoon, and on a Doctor being called, he was found to be suffering from an acute attack of appendicitis, and was ordered to the Hospital immediately. 
May 5, 1917  W.P.A. at Crow Head  A very good audience was present at the first public appearance of the W.P.A. at Crow Head on Tuesday night. The program was lengthy but enjoyable, and during an interval, cake and syrup was served. Mrs. Arthur ELLIOTT, president of the Society, occupied the chair, and speeches were made by Rev. ROBB and Magistrate SCOTT. Miss Meta ELLIOTT acted as accompanist. We desire to congratulate the Crow Head ladies on the good start they have made. 
May 5, 1917  We May Soon be Wearing Codfish Shoes:  The United States Government experiments, to develop leather from shark and other fish skins, are reported to be progressing satisfactorly. In addition to the skins of sharks, experiments were made with the skins of such fish as cod, hake, grouper and stingray. 
May 5, 1917  Death  "Joseph ELLIOTT. The death of Joseph ELLIOTT of Sleepy Cove, robs us of another well known figure, who for many years has moved among us, shedding a quiet smile and pleasant manner wherever he went. Since his illness, there is no place he has been more sincerely missed, than at the SUN office, where he was a frequent visitor, and one who was ever welcome. All his life he had been a healthy man, with never a days sickness, until last winter he contracted consumption, and it's course was very rapid. Within a month he had to take to the bed from which he never rose, and passed peacefully out of Time into Eternity on Monday morning. It was our priviledge to see him alive on Sunday week last, but he was only a shadow of his former self, though through it all, that spirit of cheerfulness never left him. He was able to wish us goodbye with an added ""God Bless you."" Numerous friends visited him during his illness, showing the general esteem in which he was held, for though the way was long, all desired to pay their respects to one so generally loved. It is no flattery to the dead to say that his quiet, unassuming, pleasant, upright life was an object lesson to us all, and the world is a better place for having known such men as Joseph ELLIOTT. The late Joseph ELLIOTT, who was at the time of his death in his seventieth year, came originally from Little Bay Islands, and his family lived on the South Side, where Mr. Robt. HAYWARD now lives. He married a widow, Mrs. DOVE, whose daughter is Mrs. H. James PRESTON, and settled in Sleepy Cove. Here, one daughter, Mrs. John MILLS was born. There is also two surviving sisters, Mrs. BUDGELL and Mrs. Reuben ELLIOTT. To the bereaved widow and daughter and other relatives, the SUN extends its sympathy. ""A friend in need, is a friend indeed.""" 
May 5, 1917  Collection For Edgar JENKINS  "To the Editor, Twillingate Sun. Dear Sir: - Will you please publish in your next issue of the Twillingate Sun, the enclosed list of names of those persons who so generously responded to the appeal made on behalf of Edgar JENKINS, who owing to sickness for the past three years or more, was unable to provide for himself and family during the past winter. Thanking you in anticipation, Yours truly, Chas. D. MAYNE. Tw'gate, April 30th, 1917. Collected by Chas. D. Mayne: William ASHBOURNE $5.00. Capt. William SNOW $2.00. James GILLETT of George $1.20. A.G. ASHBOURNE, Charles D. MAYNE, Nathanael JENKINS, William OAKE, James PRIMMER, Samuel PENNEL, John GILLETT, George PHILLIPS, Solomon SKINNER, John WATERMAN, William WATERMAN, Saul WHITE, Arthur YOUNG, Elias YOUNG: $1.00 each. James PHILLIPS - .75, Miss MITCHARD -.70, Chesley ROBERTS, Peter GRIMES, Walter YOUNG, Stewart ROBERTS, George YOUNG, N.S., J.W. MINTY, William HUGHES, Stephen LOVERIDGE, Bert SWEETLAND, Miss Jessie STUCKLES N.S., John POND, Roland CHURCHILL, George RANDELL, Eli YATES, Isaac CHURCHILL, Philip CHURCHILL, John PHILIPS, Willis HULL, James ANSTEY B. Hr., John ANSTEY, Robert ANSTEY, Walter ANSTEY, Edgar ROBERTS S.S., George RIDEOUT B.Hr., Robert PRIMMER, Sidney LOVERIDGE, Samuel COOPER, John COOPER, Thomas SKINNER, Stanley RANDELL, Fred K PHILLIPS, Peter PARSONS, Isaac GREENHAM, Capt. Frank ROBERTS, Chas WHITE N.P., Sidney YOUNG, Alfred LINFIELD, John BUTCHER, Capt. James YOUNG, Edgar HODDER C.W. ---.50 each. Miss Flossie YOUNG, Miss Pearl ROBERTS, George HAWKINS - .40 each. John HULL of Geo, Andrew HULL, Philip YOUNG, Miss Maggie YOUNG - .30 each. Caleb SMITH, Miss Bessie Philips, Mrs. Joseph YOUNG of Simon, Claud YOUNG, Edgar WARR, Fred K VERGE, Andrew BOURDEN, Simon YOUNG, Herbert YOUNG, Theophelus GILLARD, William BOYDE of Abram - .20 each. Robert KEEFE, Archibald BOURDEN - .10 each. $48.45 TOTAL. ""Collected by William WATERMAN"". Thomas WHITE, Isaac YOUNG - $1.00 each. Thomas COOPER, Peter JACOBS, Peter JENKINS, Frederick EARLE, Edward WHITE, Edgar ROBERTS, Arm, Robert COOPER, Peter CLARKE, William EARLE - .50 each. Sidney WEAKLEY, George ROGERS, Joseph DALLEY - .30 each. Lewis LEGGE, George MINTY, Eli FROST, John PRIMMER, William POND, George COOPER, Joseph HELLIER, Stanley HELLIER - .20 each. James LEWIS - .10. Collected by Wm. Waterman $9.10. Collected by Chas D. Mayne $45.45 Total $57.55." 
May 12, 1917  Volunteers (Part 1)  Below we give the names as far as we are at present. There are probably others whom we have not got, and we should be glad if any friend will supply the name of any one who is serving or has offered in either Regiment, Navy or Canadians. North Side: Augustus HOUSE, 1st Nfld, Bertram HOUSE, C.E.F. Stanley HARBIN, medically unfit, Wilfred HARBIN, 1st Nfld, Charles MOORS, 1st Nfld. Edward MOORS, 1st Nfld. Arthur YOUNG, 1st. Nfld, Clarence FACEY, Lancashire Fusileers, Levi ROBERTS, Australians, Chesley ROBERTS, medically unfit, Harry POND, medically unfit, Edward NEWMAN, C.E.F. Mark NEWMAN, 1st Nfld. Claude ANDREWS, medically unfit, Samuel PEARCE, 1st Nfld, John PEARCE, C.E.F. Myron PEARCE, 1st. Nfld. Hubert ROBERTS, 1st. Nfld. Pearce POWELL, medically unfit, Arthur SCOTT, C.E.F. Arthur WHITE, C.E.F. Edward WHITE, 1st. Nfld. Edgar SWEETLAND, medically unfit, H.L. HODGE, Honble Artillery Co. Lloyd LUNNEN, 1st Nfld. Clarence LUNNEN, medically unfit, Gilbert BARRETT, C.E.F. George BARRETT, over age limit, Frank PAYNE, with US Army, J. V. TEMPLE, 1st Nfld. Back Harbour: John LUTHER, R.N.R. Leslie ANSTEY, R.N.R. Fred MOORS, C.E.F. Bennett SPENCER, 1st Nfld, Fred SPENCER, 1st Nfld, Max SPENCER, 1st Nfld, Philip ANSTEY, C.A.M.C. Stewart LUTHER, under age limit, Victor BAIRD, under age limit. Mudford's Cove: Will MUDFORD, C.E.F. Bert MUDFORD, 1st Nfld, Hiram MUDFORD 1st Nfld. Crow Head: Pierce KING C.E.F. 
May 12, 1917  Volunteers (Part 2)  Wild Cove: Ernest ROBERTS C.E.F. Robin's Cove, Ragged Pt. and Bluff Head Cove: Hooper GATES, 1st Nfld. George OSMOND, R.N.R. Arthur BAGGS, R.N.R. Bennett GILLARD, R.N.R. Kettle Cove: Allan HOPKINS, 1st. Nfld. Little Harbour: Isaac KEEFE, R.N.R. Norman PARDY, 1st Nfld. Saul KEEFE, 1st Nfld. ??? FUDGE, medically unfit. South Side: Albert YOUNG, R.N.R. Harold YOUNG, R.N.R. Allan T. YOUNG, R.N.R. Mark COOPER, C.E.F. Claude COOPER, C.E.F. Stewart YOUNG, C.E.F. Thomas ASHBOURNE, C.E.F. Gordon STOCKLEY, C.E.F. Hart's and Jenkins Cove: Peter JACOBS, medically unfit, Harry BORDEN, R.N.R. Weston SKINNER, 1st. Nfld. Vincent SKINNER, medically unfit, Wilfred HAWKINS, R.N.R. Sandy Cove: Joseph DAWE, 1st Nfld. Frank PARSONS, 1st Nfld. Sam SEELEY, 1st Nfld, Also Messrs. POWELL and DEWEY, Methodist teachers who will join the Regiment at end of June. Arms: Fred WHITE, 1st Nfld. Edward WHITE, 1st Nfld. Hardy F. SNOW, 1st Nfld. John BURTON, 1st Nfld. Norman BURTON, C.E.F. Sml. BLAKE, 1st Nfld. Augustus CHURCHILL, 1st Nfld. Ernest CHURCHILL, R.N.R. Peter ROSE, 1st Nfld. Augustus BURTON, C.E.F. Fred POND, C.E.F. George JENKINS, 1st Nfld. Perce JENKINS, C.E.F. Norman JENKINS, C.E.F. Garland ROGERS, 1st Nfld. John ROGERS, 1st Nfld. Kenneth LEGG, 1st Nfld. Herbert BROMLEY, C.E.F. Harold BROMLEY, C.E.F. Arthur OXFORD, 1st Nfld. Augustus BULGIN, 1st Nfld. George HAWKINS. 1st. Nfld. Stewart HICKS, C. E.F. Harold EARLE, under age, George VINEHAM, medically unfit, Will EARLE, medically unfit. Twenty two of these were members of the A.L.B. 
May 12, 1917  Males Age 15 to 30 From 1911 Census  "The following are the figures for the population males from 15 to 30 according to the last census. These would of course be not correct for the present time, but are the only figures upon which we can reasonably base the returns....Place - Males 15-30, 1911 Census: Little Hr. and Purcell’s Hr........27. Robins Cove to Purcell’s Hr......72. South Side, Jenkins and Harts Coves.....85. Sandy Cove and B. I. Tickle ....18. Arms .....113. North Side....58. Back Hr. ....44. Paradise and Wild Cove....34. Crow Head and Mudfords Cove....33" 
May 12, 1917  Our Recruiting Officers  Two recruiting officers arrived here on Saturday and will open a recruiting office here. For the present we understand it will be at the Arm. Corporal DEWLEY was one of the first five hundred who enlisted with the Regiment. He served in the Gallipoli Campaign and in France, being severely wounded in the arm on Oct. 12th. He is a native of St. John's. Seaman BONNEL of the R.N.R. was attached to the ill-fated Clan McNAUGHTON, on which several of our Newfoundland boys lost their lives. He was on leave in London, but got lost there and so missed his ship when she sailed for the last time. He was attached to a torpedo boat later, and had the pleasure of capturing the famous mine laying submarine, as well as having his own ship sunk under him later. 
May 12, 1917  Fortune Hr. Entertains Soldier  On Monday April 23rd, the ladies of the Patriotic Guild entertained Private Martin DAY at the "Guild House" (A building given to these ladies free of hire by Mr. R. QUIRK). A programme consisted of quadrilles, lancer and waltzes was gracefully carried out. About 11 o'clock a very tempting repast was served, after which the dancing was again resumed. The sum of $13.00 was taken up. This amount goes for Red Cross purposes. The entertainment was brought to a close by a very appropriate address from the president, Mrs. Mike GLAVINE and the singing of the National Anthem. "God Save the King". Com. 
May 12, 1917  Advertisement  "Wanted: For Glovertown Methodist School, A female teacher 1st Grade or A.A. Salary $200.00. R. C. WHITE, Chrm. Board of Education." 
May 12, 1917  Sued and Won  It is not often the booze dispenser 'gets his own' so neatly as did William R. TALBOT a saloon keeper of Beacon, New York States, during March of this year, when he was condemned by the court to pay the wife of a man, who had become a dipsomaniac at his hotel, the sum of twenty thousand dollars as damages. Mrs. Heaton, the lady who was awarded damages, was the wife of a prosperous mill owner, who also owned a chain of grocery stores. Heaton began drinking, and his business commenced to go down hill. Mrs. Heaton wrote to the publican requesting him not to serve her husband with any more drink, but he persisted, and Heaton's business rapidly went to the bad. Latterly, Mrs. HEATON [Eaton?? lghr] had been maintaining her family by clerking in a plumbers supply store. The refusal of the publican to obey Mrs. Heaton's written order was a violation of the American Liquor Tax Law, and it was on this count that the Judge awarded the full damages claimed. 
May 12, 1917  Rally The Troops!  The time has come when it should be plainly set forth what we have done or not done, in supplying recruits for our Regiment, so that there may be no doubt what quarters have done something of their duty, and what have been negligent. I do not think any portion of the town has done better than that from the Costal Wharf to the bridge. Almost every family has given one or more sons, and several have laid down their lives on our behalf. Thirty-one young men of that locality are either serving with the Nfld. regiment, or the Canadians, or have been refused as medically unfit. There remains hardly a half dozen of military age in that district. We give the names elsewhere. Back Harbor shows ten young men; Mudford's Cove three; Crow Head none; Wild Cove one. Robin's Cove to Purcell’s Hr. with a population of 72 men of military age according to 1911 census, shows only five men serving their King and country. The Arms have done very well; but they have also a large population of young men - 113 according to last census. While comparisons are odious, it is only fair that those localities that have done their bit should receive their mead of praise. We give credit for every man who possibly can, and should be glad to add any others if friends will supply their names and with whom enlisted. It is right that those places which have not given as yet anything like a fair quota, should bestir themselves, and wipe out the stigma that stands against them. 
May 12, 1917  Help The Commission to Help You  "Is there food profiteering going on amongst us; that is to say is the man who bought flour, beef, pork or sugar last fall, and who sold it at a certain price last winter, now sticking up the price of the same article without reason. If he is, I think the Commission which is now sitting in St. John's, should be speedily informed of it. Remember that that Commission is trying to help to keep down prices to a reasonable basis, and to prevent profiteering in any food stuffs, but it wants information from the public on which to work. If you have certain knowledge of any unfair profits being made on food stuffs, whether by the merchant or the farmer, I would advise you to lay your information before the Commission at once. If you cannot do that yourself, the Editor of the SUN will help, but if we want that Commission to help us, we must work with them, and don't blame the Commission if we fail to give it reliable information on which to work. We shall yet have to pay through the nose, why not help now." 
May 12, 1917  Fish Report  There was a good sign of fish to the South yesterday when the 'Clyde' came up. One trap at Change Islands had eight barrels and others smaller amounts. One trap at Seldom had five barrels and one Fogo trap two. Indications are that the fish will be in remarkably early this year, and with the long season ahead, and the promising prices, fishermen should make a good harvest. 
May 12, 1917  Advertisement  Wanted: A teacher for the Primary department St. Peter's High School, Twillingate, A. A. first or second grade. Salary $160.00 from Board. Duties to commence after summer holidays. Send applications and testimonials to Rev. E. HUNT, Chairman. 
May 12, 1917  Missing in Action  We hear this morning that Pte. Allan JANES of Back Hr., son of Capt and Mrs. JANES, is reported as missing after the battle of April 14th. We all hope that he is prisoner of war in Germany, but as the good officers of the American legation are not there to work on our behalf, it may be a long time before any definite information is obtained. 
May 12, 1917  Personals  "Miss Janet MOORS left for Badger by 'Clyde'. She will accompany Mrs. Ed. MOORS here, as the latter will reside in Back Hr. during her husband's absence in England. Mr. Harold BARRETT is purser on the 'Clyde' for this year. Lloyd LUNNEN and Max SPENCER arrived on a brief leave Monday. Pte. John BARNES, nephew of Mr. John COOK, and son of the late Ebenezer BARNES of Tilt Cove, also came along to see his sister who is staying here, and stayed for a few days. Messrs. A. MANUEL, G. BLANDFORD, Ed. LINFIELD arrived by ""Clyde' Monday from St. John's. Miss Ellen COLBOURNE arrived last night by 'Clyde' for a brief visit. We understand she will take charge of the hotel at Herring Neck. Mrs. Stewart WHEELOR left by 'Clyde' last night for Boston. Mr. & Mrs. Sam. PAYNE and daughter, left by 'Clyde"" for Boston, Messrs. Arch WELLS and Clarence LUNNEN for Forestry Battalion, and Myron PEARCE for Regiment left by 'Clyde'. Mrs. George PIPPY and children left for U.S.A. by 'Clyde'. Miss Eunice ROBERTS left by 'Clyde' for Joliet Ville, USA." 
May 12, 1917  Sharp Shooter  Pte. Allan HOPKINS who arrived here Monday night on leave, has done some of the best shooting at the range on the South Side Hills, recorded for any members of the Regiment. We understand that he made a 76 out of a possible 80, and nothing higher than this has been made there. 
May 12, 1917  Death at Grand Falls  A man named CHEATER, married and living at Grand Falls, was killed there on May 2nd by falling from the conveyor. 
May 12, 1917  Death at Greenspond.  Mrs. Ellen CARTER, widow of Loo Cove, committed suicide by drowning May 2nd at Greenspond. 
May 12, 1917  Shipping News  Schr. 'Luetta' Capt. Wm. SNOW, arrived from St. John's Tuesday with cargo of provisions etc. for Wm. ASHBOURNE. Schr. "Martello" Capt. Wm. PIPPY went in the 'bay' this week for firewood etc. for J. W. HODGE. 
May 12, 1917  Recruiting For the Forestry  Sgt. Foreman Edward MOORS arrived here last Saturday and is recruiting men for the Forestry Battalion. "Ned" who is a married man with family at Badger, is a Back Hr. boy, and is glad to be able to do something for his King and Country. 
May 12, 1917  Captain Wm. VERGE  Will VERGE, now Capt. W. VERGE, C.E.F. formerly principal of St. Peter's High School, writes to a friend here that he is now in England. Capt. Will was principal of a fine big school at Blairmore, Alta., but enlisted with the Canadians and is now on the other side. His name should be added to the list of men from the Arms who are serving with the colors. 
May 12, 1917  Pte Fred Roberts Returns  Probably the heartiest reception ever tendered a returned soldier in an outport, was given to Pte. Fred ROBERTS, son of Mr. Solomon ROBERTS, who returned by the 'Clyde' last week. Boats crowded with men, women and children came out to meet the 'Clyde' and flags and volleys of guns were very much in evidence. As the 'Clyde' drew abreast the waiting boat, Capt KNEE considerately slowed down, and ship and boats side by side, entered the Tickle amid shouts of welcome from many throats. The wharf was thronged with people and many a fair daughter of Change Islands bestowed a kiss on the lips of the returned soldier boy. Fred was wounded in the July 1st action and had to have his arm amputated, but looks well and happy. 
May 12, 1917  Shipping Problems at Grand Falls  Rumor has had it that Grand Falls is to be completely closed down. This is hardly the correct statement of affairs. One paper machine is at present running and it is proposed to reduce the output to less then a quarter of normal. A large cut of timber was made last winter so that only a very small number of men will be required in the woods. The situation is brought about by the impossibility of getting tonnage to carry away the paper to England. American publishers are desirous of getting Grand Falls paper, and Northcliffe has agreed to allow a quantity to go to the States, but under present conditions it is almost as difficult to get it there as to England. Until such a time as the tonnage problem improves, it is likely that Grand Falls will work at very reduced output, though it is unlikely that it will close down completely. 
May 12, 1917  Death  Mrs. R. D. HODGE and family wish to thank the many kind friends who expressed sympathy by letters, telegram, and verbally, with them in their recent bereavement, in the loss of Harvey of the Honorable Artillery Company, London, England, of wounds received in action March 16th, France. 
May 12, 1917  Two Soldiers Killed  [This article is c/w a photograph of both Bennet SPENCER and Sam PEARCE. GW.] This week again has the War God exacted his toll from our midst. Of course we know when these brave Boys leave us that some will not come back, but the full realization is not brought home to us until the casualty list tells its tale. Bennett SPENCER and Samuel PEARCE have exchanged mortality for an immortal crown that fadeth not away. They have done the finest thing that is given man to do, having laid down their lives for their friends - you and me - as truly as if they had met the enemy on their own doorstep, and forbade him pass except over their bodies. They too have - "Marched in the queue of the Good and the Great, Who battled with Fate and won through". Both families have given their all for their country. Both contained three sons, and all are wearing or will shortly wear, the khaki, so that the sacrifice they are making is really great indeed. Is it nothing to you who pass by? Why should the SPENCER family and the PEARCE family give all their sons when so many have not given one? When the drum of cannon fire is ceased and the stained and frayed khaki uniforms are laid tenderly away in the drawer with the christening robe or the wedding veil, shall we forget the men who shielded us with their bodies, and gave their lives on France's soil, for our protection? Nay, I cannot believe that in the hearts of their grateful countrymen, will the names of these heroes be ought but ever green; and the children who are yet unborn will be taught to reverence the names of all those who fought and died in Gallipoli or Flanders. Bennet SPENCER is (how can we say "was" for the hero who lives forever) son of Mr. Mark SPENCER of Back Hr. by a former wife. He enlisted from Grand Falls last year. He had only been with the Regiment about a month, and was killed in action on April 26th. Samuel PEARCE is son of Mr. A. J. PEARCE, sub collector of Customs. "Sammy" as we knew, was a great favorite and tried to enlist here, but failed to pass medically. Later he went to St. John's, and while working there he attained his heart's desire, and donned the King's uniform. His cheerful letter which we published a couple of weeks ago shows the spirit of the lad. He died of wounds on the field in the action of Feb. 14th, when our Boys defeated a very heavy counter attack from the Germans. 
May 12, 1917  Notice  Persons intending to engage in the manufacture of refined Cod Liver Oil, shall apply immediately to the Department of Marine and Fisheries, for the necessary application forms, in order to procure their licenses which must be renewed from the first day of May, each year. The Government has appointed as inspectors, Messrs E.C. COYELL and M.B. SIMONSON, who will visit all factories during the season, to instruct and advise manufacturers in the best methods of refining Cod Liver Oil ...... No package other than a new oak barrel made especially for refined cod liver oil, as tinued lined barrel or a burtor oil cask, shall be used to contain refined cod liver oil. A. A. PICCOTT, Minister of Marine and Fisheries Dept. 
May 12, 1917  Note of Thanks  The widow and relatives of the late Joseph ELLIOTT desire to most sincerely thank all the kind friends who sent condolences on that sad occasion of his death, more especially they desire to thank Mr. James YOUNG and sons for the very beautiful wreath sent, and the HODGES family for notes of condolence, and all friends who helped in any way to lighten the burden of their sorrow. 
May 12, 1917  Germanys Dead number 1,300,000  Amsterdam, May 2--One million three hundred thousand Germans have perished in the war, according to a statement made by Joseph Fredrick Naunaun; formerly a conservative member of the Reichstag. Herr Naunaun lecturing on the influence of the war on population, said in part: "Until now, the war has caused us a loss of 1,300,000 dead. This together with the decrease in births, gives a reduction of 3,800,000. The surplus of females has increased from 800,000 to far more than 2,000,000. The nation has bled as never since the thirty years war." 
May 12, 1917  Advertisement  Wanted: Salesman for general store at Campbellton. Unmarried man preferred. Apply HORWOOD Lumber Co., Campbellton. 
May 12, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 1)  During the past week, information has been received that several of our Boys have paid the supreme sacrifice. Among them may be mentioned Stanley CORNICK, Son of Mr. S.U. CORNICK of the Consolidated Foundry, and Alex JACKSON, son of Mr. Jno. JACKSON. Comm. Merchant of this City. 
May 12, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 2)  The mystery of three men's coats, three seals, with other articles, picked up in a boat off Grate's Cove a few days ago, has at last been solved. The boat belongs to GREEN's of Saint Jones Without, and they had to leave all behind, but hoisted the sail in hopes she would be picked up. 
May 12, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 3)  The well known Banking Skipper, John LEWIS, has commenced the season well, having returned to Harbor Briton last week with 600 quintals, which was caught off Bay of Islands. 
May 12, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 4)  A young man named John BARRETT, met with a painfull accident, while operating a piece of machinery on Wednesday morning, at Bowring's Packery. One of his arms was injured and his face very much hurt. After having his wounds dressed by a Doctor, he was driven to the Hospital for further treatment. 
May 19, 1917  Two Service men  Photograph of two men in military uniform: Pte. Peter ROSE, (right) nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Peter CLARKE, Farmers Arm and Pte. Ronald LINFIELD, son of Mr and Mrs. Alfred LINFIELD, Loon Bay. The former is now listed as missing, and the latter was in Hospital when we last heard from him. 
May 19, 1917  Morton's Harbor Notes (Part 1)  On May 7th, three of our Soldier Boys arrived from St. John's, namely Privates Herbert WHITE, Henry HORWOOD and George EARLE. Tuesday night, the 8th., the Epworth League gave them a right royal welcome, assembled in the Methodist Schoolroom at 8 o'clock, when speeches were delivered by Rev's HARRIS and EDGECOMB, and solos by some of the young folks, after which refreshments was served. On Wednesday, they left for St. John's, where we understand they will shortly leave for England. We wish them God's Speed. One of these men, Private Herbert WHITE, has only been married about a year, but in a position to go, and feeling that duty called, he said good-bye to wife and baby; she saying good-bye with almost a broken heart! May God's blessing rest upon them both, and be spared to enjoy many years of happiness. And yet, there are lots of our young men with no tie of that kind to bind them, yet they hang back.[GW.] 
May 19, 1917  Morton's Harbor Notes (Part 2)  D.P. & L. OSMOND's Schooner, St. Clair, left for Burlington to load lumber for St. John's, Captain Don ROBERTS of Twillingate in charge. The Morton went to New Bay last week with salt, and brought back a part load of herring, leaving again same day for Lewisporte, with crew for the schooner Pauline at St. John's. [GW.] 
May 19, 1917  Morton's Harbor Notes (Part 3)  On Saturday night, Mr. Hayward TAYLOR and Mrs. FORWARD were joined in Holy Wedlock. We wish them many years of happiness.[GW.] 
May 19, 1917  Death  Obituary: The death occurred on Monday of Elizabeth daughter of late Wm. and Mrs. POND, of consumption at 38 years of age. Deceased was taken sick last year and gradually failed. The funeral was delayed pending the arrival of Mr. Isaac POND from Toronto. There is also another brother, Mr. Abel POND of Botwood, while Mrs. John BUTCHER of the South Side is a sister. To relatives and friends the SUN extends its sympathy. 
May 19, 1917  Dorcas Society  Report of the Dorcas Society for the year Ending Dec. 31, 1917. Amount of clothing distributed amongst 69 destitute persons, $105.20. Coal etc. $3.00. Goods and Cash on Hand $20.00. Total $128.20. Government Grant, $100.00. Amt. on hand from 1915, $12.20. J.W. HODGE Esq. $5.00, Wm. ASHBOURNE Esq. $4.00, EARLE Sons & Co. $2.00. G. J. CARTER, $1.50. F. LINFIELD, $1.50. A. MANUEL, $1.00. C.C. POND, $1.00. Total $128.30. C. BAIRD, Treasurer. L. LOVERIDGE, Secretary. 
May 19, 1917  Volunteers  For King and Country: The following are additional names omitted last week: - South Side, Peter RENDALL, 1st Nfld, Fred RENDALL, 1st. Nfld. Sidney WHITE, R.N.R. John PIKE, C.E.F. Philip MOYLES, med. unfit. Bluff Head, Keywood RIDEOUT, 1st Nfld. North Side, George HOUSE, 1st Nfld. Beadon COLBOURNE, 1st. Nfld. Arch WELLS, medically unfit. Crow Head. Robert DOVE, C.E.F., son of Saml and Elizabeth DOVE. Adolphus BURT, R.N., son of Mrs. Levi Elliott, Crow Head. Lived for some time with Capt. Wm. OAKE. Now a stoker on a warship. Little Hr., Chesley PARDY, 1st Nfld. 
May 19, 1917  War News  OURS on April 14th: With the information to hand it is perhaps possible to tell more of the doings of Ours on April 14th, when some Twillingate boys fell, and others are now included in the missing list. The action occurred at Monchy, a small village to the east of Arras, and lying near the Arras-Cambrai road. Our Boys seem to have successfully captured the position but were later counter attacked by tremendous numbers of the enemy, and their flanks seem to have been left in the air, that is, they did not join on to any other troops on either end. Pushing around the flank, the Germans seem to have got in between some of our fellows, and it is this aspect which makes it seem probable, that of the nearly three hundred missing, the bulk may be prisoners of war. The Germans however, did not get off lightly, and a small group of our men were successful in getting the Boches in enfilad, and the officer in charge, alone shot forty Huns, while the ditch was filled with German dead. Our fellows beat off the attack successfully, and added another to the hardly won honors that are Newfoundlands through them. Young men, won't you help to keep up the magnificent record our Boys have made? Among the missing in the April 14th battle are: Pte. LEGROW, teacher at Tizzard's Hr., Pte. BOYDE, only son of Mr. Ned BOYDE, and Pte. OSMOND, son of Mr. J. W. OSMOND of Tizzard's Hr. The missing from Twillingate include Ptes. Saul KEEFE, Allan JANES, Peter ROSE, Hiram MUDFORD. 
May 19, 1917  Personals  "Messrs. HINES, WHITE and TIZZARD left last week for the Bay, herring catching. Mr. Robt. BOYDE of Tizzard's Hr. was in town this week. The volunteers who went up on the Clyde last week, were ordered to report at Grand Falls for medical examination instead of St. John's. Mr. E. S. HENNEBURY was passenger by Clyde from St. John's this week. Mr. AMBERMAN leaves by return Prospero. The new manager of the Bank being due Monday from Wesleyville. Rev. HUNT left by Clyde this morning to visit Trinity and points South. Pte. Gus. HOUSE returned to St. John's by Clyde as did also Pte. SAMSON. Rev. FREAKE of Herring Neck was here last Sunday and preached at the North Side Methodist in the morning and the South Side at night. Mrs. Francis HODGE, who has been here for several weeks, returned to Fogo Tuesday's Clyde. Mr. A. H. HODGE went to Fogo by Clyde. Mr. Joseph A. YOUNG, schr. Carrie Annie, left for White Bay Thursday. Mr. Bert RIDEOUT of Crow Head left by Clyde to enlist in the Forestry battalion. Mrs. LOVERIDGE arrived from Grand Falls by Clyde. Her son and daughter arrived last week by motorboat. Miss Mabel NEWMAN arrived from Grand Falls by Clyde. Mr. Chesley PARDY of the Bank of N.S. has volunteered for the Regiment and goes forward by Clyde this week. Ralph SMITH of the Arm, adopted son of Mr. John SMITH, entered the employ of the Bank of N.S. this week. Mr. Edward MOORS and family arrived from Badger by Clyde. Mr. Samuel DOVE arrived from Campbellton by Clyde. Miss Georgina SCOTT, daughter of Magistrate SCOTT, J.P., arrived from St. John's Tuesday via Clyde. Miss Jessie PIKE is on the way here from British Columbia and will probably arrive this week." 
May 19, 1917  Shipping News  "S.S. Earl of Devon arrived here yesterday from St. John's. We hear she does not go beyond Tilt Cove this trip, and reports say that there is ice this side of Nipper's Hr. The Schr. Olive Branch, which left here to try for seals a few weeks ago, returned Friday from the Horse Islds., bringing 650 seals from there, and 12 which the crew took themselves. They report seeing quantities of seals, but on only the first day out was it possible to do anything, for mountainous seas all the time. Schrs. Ada E. Young and Springdale, Messrs. Elias YOUNG and Wm. HOUSE, went in the Bay for wood last week. Schr. Grace, Capt. F. ROBERTS, left for Campbellton Tuesday morning. Capt Frank (ROBERTS) has now a fine schooner as she was almost rebuilt. Schr. Springdale, Capt. JENKINS, arrived from St. John's Monday morning. The Clyde called at Friday's Bay this week and will make her calls there regularly. The Schr. Maggie Sullivan, which was doing the transatlantic trade last winter, will take up the coastwise traffic again now, between St. John's and Fogo; Gerfalcon, Capt. Jas JAMES, came round from Back Hr. Tuesday to take fishery supplies from Wm. ASHBOURNE. S.S.Prospero left St. John's at 10 Wednesday morning for Northern ports. S.S. Earl of Devon which arrived at Greenspond Saturday night, did not reach Wesleyville until Wednesday morning, owing to thick weather." 
May 19, 1917  Notice  Recruits are wanted for the Newfoundland Royal Naval Reserve. The attention of young men of 18 years and over is called to the advantages of the Reserve. Directly on joining, pay commences at the rate of 1s - 8d English money, or .40 cents in Newfoundland Currency, per day, and in addition, there is a War Retainer Allowance of 16 cents a day, which is saved up for each Recruit. An entirely free kit of clothes is provided - the Food is of first class quality and the allowance is a good and full one. If a man allots $1.21 a week to his father or mother, or to any relative or even a friend, a similar sum of 5 shillings ($1.21) is added to this amount, as Separation Allowance from the Admiralty. If he allots 6 shillings or $1.46 a week the Separation Allowance is similarly $1.46, but this is the highest for a single man. The wife, in the case of Married men who allot not less than 5 shillings a week, received 6 shillings. Separation Allowance is paid: - wife and child, 12 shillings or $2.92 a week. Wife and two children, 16 shillings or $4.01 a week. Wife and three children, 20 shillings or $4.86 a week. Wife and four children, 22 shillings or $5.34 a week, and 2 shillings for every additional child. This is in addition to the 5 shillings or more per week, allotted by the husband. In the case of a motherless child, an allowance of 5 shillings per week, or $1.21, is made to the Guardian, and in the event of a Mother dying while her husband is serving, this allowance becomes payable for each child. A. MACDERMOTT, Commander, R. N., H.M.S. Briton, April 1917. 
May 19, 1917  Pte. Francis THISTLE:  "Friday, May 4th, the sad news of the death of Pte. Francis THISTLE, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice THISTLE of this place was received. He died of wounds on April 30th. The deceased Francis was quite young, and his future career was very promising indeed, having learnt Telegraphy in 1914 from Miss BUTLER, the present operator; but like all brave and noble youths, not satisfied to stay at home while others were fighting for King and Country, he enlisted in April 1916. Shortly after he was taken sick in St. John's, and after spending some time in hospital there, he recovered and finished his course of training before leaving for the Old Country, from where he went to the firing line in March 1917; not long there before the brave lad paid the supreme sacrifice. Sunday subsequent to hearing of his death, the teacher Mr. GABRIEL, held a most beautiful memorial service in honour of the young hero, at which a large number of people attended. He leaves five brothers, one sister, father and mother, to mourn the loss of their young hero, brother and son. The writer, having lost a brother in this terrible war, can fully sympathise with his relatives and friends. He also has a soldier brother Howard, who was wounded in the July drive, but not yet fully recovered from his wounds and is still at Scotland; but we trust his parents will have the pleasure of a visit from him during the summer months. Gander Bay May 9th." 
May 19, 1917  Advertisement  Ice Cream for sale at the Ford Hotel. Mrs. W. FORD, Proprietress. 
May 19, 1917  Advertisement  Wanted: A boy for general shop work. Apply Arthur MANUEL. 
May 19, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 1)  The strike of Bricklayers and Masons has been called off, as the employers acceded to the demand of the men and the strikers resumed work on Wednesday morning. 
May 19, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 2)  The widow of the late Rev. Theo. R. NURSE passed peacefully away on Monday morning, and was laid to rest on Wednesday afternoon - the Revds. Canon BOLT and H. UPHILL officiating. Three daughters, one son and many relatives are left to mourn their loss. 
May 19, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 3)  Quite a large number of volunteers, Naval Reserve men, and Foresters, to the number of 400, paraded through the city headed by the fife and drum band on Tuesday, under the command of Capt. O GRADY. The men were a fine stalwart lot of fellows, and their military appearance was favorably commented on. 
May 19, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 4)  His Lordship Bishop JONES is still very ill, and unable to attend business. His numerous friends however, hope to see him about again when the warm weather arrives. 
May 19, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 5)  The R. N. Coy will perform the Fogo mail service this year which was formerly done by the S.S. Susu. The Dundee from Port Blandford will call at all the ports to Seldom-Come-Bye, and the Clyde will, in addition to her usual ports of call, take in Tilton Hr., Joe Batt's Arm to Seldom - Come - Bye, connecting with the Dundee. 
May 19, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 6)  A recent Halifax Herald states that the C. of E. Supt. Of Education, W. W. BLACKALL Esq. is to be honored by King's University, Windsor N.S., at their Annual Convocation, by having the Hon. degree of D.C.L. conferred upon him. The Budget extends congratulations. 
May 19, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 7)  The Llewlyn Mysteries held their closed meeting on Tuesday and finalised their business for the season. Before dispersing, Mr. MOTT, on behalf of the Club, presented the conductor, Mr. Herbert STIRLING with a brass electric lamp for reading, as a slight appreciation of his services. Mr. STIRLING gracefully acknowledged the gift in a neat speech. 
May 19, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 8)  A goodly number of men - 50 or more, left on Thursdays express for Montreal, where they will be employed in the munitions factories. The majority of these men had offered for enlistment but failed to pass the necessary test. 
May 19, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 9)  "A sad accident occurred at Bell Island on Wednesday - John HUNT of Harbour Grace was employed on the face cleaner, and accidentally dislodged some rock causing it to fall, which struck him - breaking his arm and leg. He was at once conveyed to the Company's surgery where his leg was amputated, but the unfortunate man died shortly afterwards." 
May 19, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 10)  "An unfortunate controversy has arisen over the recent appointments in the regiment, and inquiry is now being made in connection with the matter. It is deplorable that Commissions cannot be given after strict trial and examination, or for bravery on the field of battle, and not along the lines of a particular denomination having the largest number of volunteers or the greatest pull. " 
May 19, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 11)  The Budget regrets very much, to hear of the death of Private PEARCE, and extends sincere sympathy to Mr. PEARCE and family. 
May 19, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 12)  The S.S. Earl of Devon, which sailed from the North on Thursday morning, was only at sea a few hours when she was forced to return, with her bilge pipes and pumps out of order. Repairs were quickly effected by MOORE & Co. and the steamer resumed her trip at 7 in the evening. 
May 19, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 13)  The last casualty list received a few days ago, contains a large number of our Boys missing. It is hoped that most of them are prisoners. 
May 19, 1917  Soldier's Letters  Pte. Jack PEARCE C. E. F. writing home, says that his company was expecting to sail this week for overseas. Frank PAYNE writing from Boston two weeks ago, to a friend here, said his company of American Guards expected to leave for Overseas very shortly. He expects to get his transfer to the Flying Corps. Some American soldiers have apparently gone Overseas already. 
May 19, 1917  Should we Eat Dog?  Mr. John MINTY lost a fine cow one day this week, which was killed by dogs. We understand that he identified the dogs and we trust he will prosecute the owners. Throughout the world the cry at the present time is for production of foodstuffs, the prices of which are continually soaring, and our answer is that we continue to keep a hundred or two vicious brutes of dogs, which every year destroy hundreds of dollars worth of valuable meat animals, and ruin acres of gardens, when they get in their search for half rotten fish used as manure. It is all very well to say that both dogs and sheep can be kept. Perhaps they can; but one might also argue that so can wolves and sheep, provided the wolves were barred safely with iron cages, but most people would not be anxious to try the experiment. The experience of Mr. MINTY is unfortunately for him, not a new one, and has been the experience of almost everyone who has attempted to rear cattle, sheep or poultry within the past decade or two. It is foolish to shut our eyes to the fact that most of our dogs have a very strong strain of esquimaux, and the esquimaux dog is little better than a half breed wolf, and that we can expect nothing but continued cattle killing, while these brutes are allowed to roam at large. The day is coming when salt port and salt beef may not only be dearer, but may not be imported at all. Newfoundland has no excuse why she should not be self supporting in meat and vegetables, and Twillingate as a part of it. There are dozens of acres of ground formerly cultivated, now lying idle, and there might be hundreds of sheep feeding on our hills and valleys if we had no dogs. The only possible use that can be urged for the dogs is for a month, at most in the winter. Against that, an average dog costs a community about twenty dollars a year, either positively or negatively - positively from the amount which it actually destroys, and negatively from the amount of food animals which there might be, but are not because of the fear of dogs. Is the public content to go hungry next winter for the benefit of the few dog owners. Say people, don't you think we should wake up? 
May 19, 1917  Schr. wrecked near Spillers  "As a result of strong tide and scanty wind, the schr. Van Tromp lies in pieces, not far from the far famed Spillars Ground. The Van Tromp was on the way here, from Fogo and Herring Neck, with shop goods for EARLE Sons, and 200 barrels of herring from Herring Neck to be coopered here; the total cargo being valued at about $1400. and was uninsured. The ship fetched in to Spillers Point about noon on Thursday, and there lost the wind, but put out her boat to tow off. They succeeded in towing her around Glam Rock Point, but here the tide caught her and swept her in the cove, where a big iceberg was grounded. The motorboat of a Change Is. schooner, not far off, was got hold of, but owing to the tremendous sea running, and the danger from the iceberg, they were unable to do anything, and the schr. was finally sent to pieces on the rocks. The whole cargo was uninsured but the hull was insured with the N.D. Mutual here." 
May 19, 1917  Fish Reports  Some good hauls of codfish were taken by CHURCHILL'S trap this week, as much as eleven barrels being secured on two occasions. Other traps have taken little however. 
May 19, 1917  Statutory Notice  "In the matter of the Estate of John GILLETT, Fisherman, deceased. Public Auction. On Saturday the 26th day of May, I will sell on the premises, (at noon) all that desirable property at Farmers Arm, lately occupied by Mr. Abram YOUNG, consisting of Dwelling House, stores and waterside, and land belonging to the same, to the highest bidder. Terms, prompt cash payment. Any persons having any claim on the said estate, will furnish me with a statement of the same before the thirtieth day of May, after which date I will distribute the said estate having regard only to claims of which I shall then have had notice. Wm. J. SCOTT, J. P. Administrator. Note: - To make matters clear, the so - called sale of the above property some weeks ago, before the estate was administered to according to law, was null and void. W.J. S. M 19, 26." 
May 19, 1917  Death  "The death of Mr. George COOPER of the South Side, occurred on Wednesday morning. For some weeks, he has been unconscious and death was daily expected. He had two sons serving King and Country, Mark who was killed at Ypres, and Claude who won the Military Medal, both with the C.E.F." 
May 19, 1917  Court Case  The Court is occupied this morning by the case of A. MANUEL, vs. John WHYATT for alleged theft of palings. 
    [There is nothing on my microfilm between May 19, 1917 and June 6, 1917. GW]
June 6, 1917  Private A.J. BURTON  [Photo in military uniform.] Pte. A. J. BURTON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abel BURTON of Harts Cove. Enlisted at Toronto, Nov. 12th, 1915. Was wounded Oct. 8th, 1916 in the right thigh and left Leg, for which he spent three months in the Central Hospital, London, England. Is now at Hastings. Pte. BURTON is married, his wife and one child living at Toronto. 
June 6, 1917  Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 1)  Hon D. MORISON, who has spent the winter in California, returned Per Express on Monday 1st. 
June 6, 1917  Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 2)  The P.M.G. Hon. J. A. ROBINSON has recently received the L.C.D. Degree (Honoris Causa) from Mount Allison University. Congratulations. 
June 6, 1917  Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 3)  A few days ago, Mr. P. C. BERTEAU's Cottage on the Torbay Road, was discovered to be on fire. The men of the Central Fire Station responded to the call, and after half an hour, had the blaze extinguished, which was caused by the overheating of an incubator, situated in one of the top rooms. 
June 6, 1917  Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 4)  On Tuesday morning last, Mr. D. CARROLL of Conche, was presented by His Excellency the Governor, with the Military Medal, awarded to his son, Corporal Bernard CARROLL for bravery on the battlefield. Corpl. CARROLL is reported missing. 
June 6, 1917  Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 5)  Another marine tragedy has been reported from Belleoram. The schr. found bottom up by the Banking schr.'Rita M. Cluett' turns out to be the 'Elsie Burdelto' owned by JOB Bros. & Co. About a fortnight ago, she left here with a cargo of salt for the firm's branch at Hr. Breton, which was discharged there, and the schr. left for Sydney. It is assumed that rough weather was met, when she met her doom. The two men lashed in the rigging, have been identified as the Master, Capt. Leo CODY, and the Mate Wm. KEHOE. How they came to be where discovered, will forever remain a mystery, as none are living to tell the tale. Much sympathy is felt for the relatives and friends. 
June 6, 1917  Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 6)  A young man, named Edward JOY, of the United States Navy, died at the General Hospital on Monday evening, being conveyed there on the previous Thursday, suffering from a severe attack of pneumonia. 
June 6, 1917  Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 7)  "Much sympathy is felt for the family and friends of the late Capt. Darius BLANDFORD, who died at his sons residence, Greenspond, on Wednesday morning last. Capt Darius is well and favorably known, as a successful mariner and seal killer. He has commanded R. N. CO's Coastal Steamer Dundee on the Bonavista Bay route, ever since her arrival on this side." 
June 6, 1917  Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 8)  Quite a number of our Boys who have been posted missing since the last big drive, have recently been reported as prisoners of war in Germany. Such news sends a ray of sunshine and hope to the anxious, that heir son or brother may be next heard from. The Rev. A. CLAYTON, Lieut. Stan DUDER with several other soldiers and sailors, returned from active service on Thursday’s Express, and were given the usual hearty welcome by the Ladies Reception Court, the Prime Minister, and other prominent citizens. 
June 6, 1917  Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 9)  The Rev. John LINE and wife, arrived by Thursday Express on a short vacation. His many friends here and T'gate will be pleased to welcome him. 
June 6, 1917 Weekly Budget From St. John's (Part 10)  Anderson's Day Light Bill passed the upper house, and has reached the Committee in the Assembly, and will probably become law before this appears in the 'SUN'. 
June 6, 1917  Personals  Miss Margaret SCOTT, who has been working as nurse in the General Hospital, arrived by Prospero Sunday, on a visit to her relatives. We understand Nurse Floss SCOTT and Mrs. Ed. ROBERTS will arrive shortly in a family re-union. Mrs. S. C. THOMPSON and family of St. John’s are to spend the summer here we are told, and will arrive shortly. Corporal DOOLEY and Seaman BONNEL, R.N.R., the two recruiting officers, left this week by Clyde and have closed the recruiting station here. Mr. C. L. HODGE went to Fogo this week, as we understand his uncle was ill. Ptes. C. PARDY, C. LUNNEN, Arch WELLS, Bert RIDEOUT, of Forestry Batallion, arrived by Prospero on furlough, to see their friends before sailing. Pte. Charles MOORS, who was prevented from sailing with the others of the WINDSOR contingent, is now back in the city. Misses Mabel COOK, Dorothy HYDE, and Ethel SCOTT, of Fogo were onboard the Clyde Thursday morning, enroute for Canada. Mrs. DOXESE, who has not been well recently, is now recovered and at work again. Miss Bertha HULL goes to Morton's Hr. as Supervisor for the C.H.E. exams. Mr. G. BLANDFORD discharged a cargo of coal here this week. Rumour has it that Dr. SMITH, formerly practising here, but recently at St. John's, will go to Little Bay this summer. Miss Ethel SCOTT who was on the Clyde Thursday, has gone to Toronto to be married to Raymond COOK, son of Magistrate COOK of Fogo. Miss Nellie WHITE went to Fogo by Clyde, to select goods for EARLE Sons & Co's branch here. She returned Wednesday. 
June 6, 1917  Note of Thanks  Mrs. John BUTCHER and Brothers, wish to thank the many kind friends for their help and sympathy, during the time of their sad bereavement through the loss of their sister Lizzie. 
June 6, 1917  Botwood Aid to War Funds  "Botwood Branch, Newfoundland Patriotic Association: Empire Day, 1917, Botwood, 29th May, 1917. Statement of Amounts collected from Botwood and vicinity in aid of War Funds from August, 1914 to 24th May, 1917. Patriotic Fund, $1,267.09 Aero Plane Fund, $452.00, Trafalgar Day Hospital Fund, $329.66, For Relief of Belgian Refugees: Larrigans, Socks, Fish, etc. valued at $1,300.00, Empire Day, 1916, Red Cross Fund, $213.60, Pte. JENSEN's Lecture, August, 1916, $74.25, Monthly Subscriptions etc. from July 1916 to 30th. April 1917, for Cot Fund and other purposes, $1,350.36. Total $4,985.96. The amounts mentioned above for Patriotic, Aero plane, Trafalgar Day, Hospital Funds, and amount collected at Pte. Jensen's lecture and for Empire Day (1916) Red Cross Fund have all been forwarded to and acknowledged by, the Treasurers of these various Funds, as well as in the newspapers. The goods for the Belgian Refugees were sent to Liverpool, England, and were acknowledged by the Belgian Minister, London. Of the $1,350.36 collected for the Cot Fund and other purposes, the following amounts have been disbursed: - Remitted to St. John’s for upkeep of three cots in England, guaranteed by Botwood and vicinity. From 1st August, 1916 to 31st July, 1917, twelve months at $20.00 per cot per months, $720.00. Remitted to St. John’s amount subscribed by P. D. PARK for upkeep of one cot, $260.00. Remitted amount subscribed by Mr. T. ANTLE for Cot Fund, $50.00. Gifts to Returned soldiers, $8.00. Board for returned soldier while in Botwood en route for home (Twillingate), $5.00. Board for soldier’s wife and child at Botwood while awaiting steamer for London England, $3.00. Telegrams, Postages, etc. $5.02. Cash in hand at this date to meet future payments towards upkeep of Cots, etc. $299.34. Total $1,250.36. James ARKLIE, Secretary." 
June 6, 1917  Ten Days in Shell Hole  WALSH of Newfoundland Regiment, had desperate experience: In the attack of Monchy-le-Preux near Arras, on April 14th, in which our Battalion took part, the remnant of B. Co., which reached the objective, were surrounded by the Germans, among whom being Sergt. WALSH, your brother and Lieut. Andrew CLOUSTON. WALSH was wounded by a machine gun bullet through the shin bone. Will was also slightly wounded in the leg, but not enough to interfere with his walking. Lieut. CLOUSTON was wounded in the right arm and stomach, but not seriously, and he also was able to walk.The little group had put up a stiff fight, but were finally overpowered by superior numbers. Your brother and Lieut. CLOUSTON were not ten yards away from Sergt. WALSH when they were seized, and their arms and equipment taken away from them. The last he saw of them was about ten minutes afterwards, they were led away to the rear under escort. Shortly after this, WALSH was seized by two Germans, who carried him some way to the rear, but finding that he was utterly unable to walk, dropped him near their second line. In the confusion that reigned, he managed to roll into a shell hole, among some dead bodies, and remained there ten days. Several times during that time, he was overhauled by bodies of Germans, but seeing that he had a broken leg, and thinking him almost dead, they left him there, until on April 24th, the remainder of the 29th Division made an attack, and captured the German front line. That night, he managed to crawl into the lines of the Eniskilling Fusilliers, who quickly had him on a stretcher and on the way to the Advanced Dressing Station.He was not long in getting to the Base Hospital, but was in such a condition, that they were unable to send him across the Channel. 
June 6, 1917  Drowning Fatality  Four men Swamp Skiff. A terrible drowning fatality, in which four residents of Twillingate lost their lives, occurred on Friday last about dusk, when John COLBOURNE, married, Josiah COLBOURNE, widower with no children of Purcell's Hr., Titus STUCKEY, married on the South Side, and Doyle WHITT, single of Kettle Cove, went down to watery graves. The bodies have not yet been recovered. What occured must to some extent be guessed. The men formed part of the crew of their schooner, which was lying at Sparrow Bill Cove on Thwart Island, and the other member being a boy, Ralph COLBOURNE, son of John COLBOURNE. The four men had gone to overhaul their nets that day, and were apparently returning with their motor boat deeply laden, when she shipped a lop, filled, and sank. The boat was later picked up between upper Back Island and Swan Island, full of water, with the switch in, and engine apparently set for full speed, and towed to Exploits. Some men have gone up from here, so further particulars may be to hand before this reaches our readers. All the dead men were dealers of Mr. BLANDFORD's, and the COLBOURNES were well known as reliable men. STUCKEY was an elderly man with a large family, and young WHITT was shortly to have been married. The event is a specially sad one, and the SUN extends its sincere sympathy to the bereaved families. From men who returned from the scene of the tragedy, we learn some futher particulars of the sad drowning. Capt. HANN of the Commodore, which is also anchored in Sparrow Bill Cove, told the COLBOURNE crew that they could go and pick his herring net, as they had not many herring in their own. At nearly dark, Mr. HANN heard voices calling, but thought it children. Coming on deck after a few minutes, he took his boat and rowed in the direction from which the sound came, and was just in time to see one man disappear beneath the waves. As there is a tremendous tide at this place, it is held there is slight hope of recovering the bodies. 
June 6, 1917  Death of Captain BLANDFORD  The death of Capt. Darius BLANDFORD, which occurred at Greenspond at 11:45 o'clock last night, removes from Newfoundland, one of the most prominent persons in the Colony's marine circles. The deceased, who had attained his 70th ( ??) year, had been ailing for some considerable time, but his malady did not assume a serious aspect until a few weeks ago. In the early part of the month he left here in command of the Reid Nfld. Co's Bay steamer of Dundee, of which ship he had been Master since the company took up the coastal and bay services. 
June 6, 1917  Mr. Isaac POND  Mr. Isaac POND, who came from Toronto recently for his sister's funeral, returned thither by Clyde Thursday. Mr. POND is engaged on a life saving station on the lake at Toronto. Their work is to take the crews off wrecks, or to effect rescues in cases of upsetting canoes or row boats. Two fast motorboats and a motor lifeboat are used in this work. Mr. POND tells us that in spite of all their efforts, many people are drowned yearly by careless handling of canoes. 
June 6, 1917  Left Boy Adrift to Suffer Death  An amazing story is told by John DUFF, a fifteen -year-old cadet of the British Merchant Service, the only survivor of the Britishship Thracia, sunk by a submarine torpedo off the French coast a few days ago, who has arrived at a French port. With six others of the crew, the boy managed to get away in the partly wrecked lifeboat, half full of water. Four were so badly wounded they soon died, the fifth perished of exposure, and the sixth was washed overboard by a great wave and drowned. Alone in the wrecked boat in the darkness, (for the Thracia was sunk after nightfall), with the seas breaking every moment over him, young DUFF managed to hang on for a long time - he thinks two hours at least. Suddenly a huge dark body loomed up out of the gloom and a voice hailed him. He replied with what little voice he had left, but the Submarine Commander merely asked him a few questions as to the ship, her cargo and her destination, and in response to his statement that he was the sole survivor, said: "I should like to shoot you down with my machine gun, but that death would be too swift, so I'll leave you to a less pleasant death. Slow agony is good enough for an English boy!" For twelve hours after the submarine disappeared, DUFF clung to the boat before he was picked up by a French trawler. 
June 6, 1917  W.P.A.  W.P.A. II. June 8th, 1917, beg to acknowledge with thanks from Mrs. Wm. POND, .50 cents, from Miss Susie SNOW, 1 pair of socks. The shipment of 20 shirts which were sent forward in May, has arrived safely at St. John's. There will be a meeting of the association in A. L. B. Hall on Thursday next. June 19th, at 7 pm. A. R. SNOW, Secretary. 
June 6, 1917  Twillingate District Meeting  Twillingate District Meeting will open in Twillingate D.V. on Wednesday Morning June 12th. Order of Services: North Side: Tuesday 7:30 pm. Devotional. J.A. WILKINSON. Wednesday 7:30 am. Public Service, W. J. MOORES. Wednesday 7:30 pm. Patriotic, NEWMAN & BOYES. Thursday 7:30 am. Public Service, A. BOYLES. Thursday 7:30 pm. Temperance, HARRIS & CURTIS. Friday 7:30 am. Public Service, E. VATCHER. Friday 7:30 pm. Missions, COTTON & NOFTLE. Sunday 7:30 am. Public Services. J.A.SPENCER. Sunday 11:00 am. Public Services, W.J. WILSON. Sunday 2:30 pm. Sabbath School, BOYES & COTTON. Sunday 6:30 pm. Public Services, T.P. NEWMAN. Sacrament South Side: Tuesday 7:30 pm. Devotional, A. V. ROBB. Wednesday 7:30 am. Public Service, R. MOORES. Wednesday 7:30 pm. Patriotic FRENCH & KELLOWAY. Thursday 7:30 am. Public Service, D.E. FREAKE. Thursday 7:30 pm. Temperance, PITCHER & EDGECOMBE. Friday 7:30 am. Public Service, E. MERCER. Friday 7:30 pm. MISSIONS, WILKINSON & WOOLFREY. Sunday 7:30 am. Public Service, W.E. KELLOWAY. Sunday 11:00 am. Public Service, I. FRENCH. Sunday 2:30 pm. Sabbath School, HARRIS & WILSON. Sunday 6:30 pm. Public Service, W T D DUNN. Sacrament Little Harbor: Sunday 11:00 am. Public Service, H.H. GILLINGHAM. Sunday 2:30 pm. Sabbath School, GILLINGHAM & EDDY. Sunday 6:30 pm. Public Service, T. PITCHER. Sacrament W. T. DUNN, Chairman. J. T. NEWMAN, Fin'l Secy. A. V. ROBB, Pastor. 
June 6, 1917  A Pathetic Letter  There is a peculiarly pathetic interest in the following letter, from the fact that it was written by a son of the late John COLBOURNE, who lost his life in the drowning of last week, Private in the St. John's Foresters. May 18th Dear Mother, We are going across to-morrow in the Florizel to Halifax, but I don't know where from that. We are going to England for the summer to cut wood. There are two hundred of us from the Regiment and one hundred from the Forestry Battalion. I tried twice for the Army, and I had to go the second time to the Forestry Doctor before I could pass. I shall have to be vaccinated. I am sending .60 cents a day home to you, and I hope to get more pay shortly, as I hope to be promoted to Corporal and do time keeping. Don't worry about me dear mother, I am trying to do my bit for King and Country. I could not be satisfied to stay home, when I think of the other fellows who are gone out to fight for me. Goodbye dear mother, From your son, Melville. 
June 6, 1917  Shipping News  Rumor says that the probabilities are, that the Prospero will make only one more trip North. Rev. HUNT returned from South by Prospero last Sunday. The S.S. Diana, which is to do the Labrador service this year, should be here before this reaches our readers. Jokers say she will be lucky if she gets time to make two trips to the Labrador this year. The Earle of Devon arrived from North on Thursday. The three master June, from St. John's for Campbellton to load pulp, put into port on Thursday evening. She is equipped with auxiliary engines, and many persons were puzzled as to her identy, as she steamed into the harbor. 
June 6, 1917  Why China broke with Germany  A story is current, that the Germans are said to he making soap and glycerine, from the dead bodies of German soldiers. While it is very doubtful if even super men, as the Huns claim to be, would do this, it evidently originated from the foolish boast made by the German Ambassador to China, to the Chinese Prime Minister. Hoping to impress the Chinamen with the throughness and determination of Germany, the Ambassador told him that glycerine for explosives, was being extracted from the dead bodies of German soldiers. A more unfortunate step he could not possibly have taken, as the Chinese are very strict in their reverence for the dead, and it is said, the Chinese Premier was so disgusted, that he immediately broke off diplomatic relations with Germany. 
 [There is nothing on my microfilm between June 6, 1917, and June 16, 1917. GW] 
June 16, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 1)  The Coopers increase of wages came into effect on 2th June; their weekly wages is now $16.80 instead of $14.40. 
June 16, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 2)  The funeral of the late Reservist Alan HANCOCK took place on Wednesday last and was largely attended. He was buried with military honours. 
June 16, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 3)  The long standing case against Dr. TAIT for violation of the Probition Act was dismissed on Wednesday by the presiding Magistrate. 
June 16, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 4)  Mr. Frank MORRIS, Grand Falls has recently made two splendid donations for Patriotic purposes, one to the JENSEN Camp Fund for $500.00 the other $250.00 for the benefit of the Newfoundland prisoners of war. 
June 16, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 5)  Quite a large number of Excursionsts went out along the line on Monday to enjoy a day in the country. It is said that over 1100 people left town between Saturday and Monday. 
June 16, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 6)  "Capt. (Rev.) A. CLAYTON, who has just returned from the front, gave a most interesting inspiring address at St. Thomas' Church on Sunday evening. He brought a message from the boys and spoke of their wonderful spirit of cheerfulness which was due to their living nearer to Christ. Their message home was 'Don't Worry', with a strong plea 'Come and help us'. During the delivery of the address many touching instances were related by Mr. CLAYTON showing how our brave heroes met death. He referred especially to the case of Pte. BUTLER of Topsail, who lay mortally wounded on the battlefield. An officer came along and standing beside the dying man said ""You are suffering my lad?"", and the brave fellow spoke in reply and passed away. ""He also suffered, God Save the King.""" 
June 16, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 7)  The Daylight Bill is now law and comes into effects at 9 o'clock Sunday night, and all the clocks are to be put on 1 hour, so that on Monday morning the stores open at 7:30 and close at 5 in the evening. 
June 16, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 8)  Lieut. C. CARTER, son of H. D. CARTER of the Bank of Montreal, returned from New York, where he had been under treatment for his wounded leg, a few days ago. While the leg has improved, it is not what was hoped for. 
June 16, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 9)  Two young lads were wrestling near the junction of Kings Bridge and Forest Roads when VAIL fell against the wheel of a passing cart, and got his face badly injured; his upper lip cut open and several teeth broken. He was taken into the C. of E. school, and after some time, Dr. MACPHERSON arrived on the scene, and conveyed the sufferer to the hospital. It is a wonder there are not more accidents when children are continually playing in the middle of the streets. 
June 16, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 10)  Two lads, WINSOR and ROCKE, were polishing the brass on one of the R. N. Coy's sleepers, on Friday last, when a dispute arose over a rubber band, which ROCKE tried to extricate from WINSOR's pocket. During the melee WINSOR fell off the car, and injured his hip. He was picked up unconscious and conveyed to his home and received medical attendance. 
June 16, 1917  Private Leslie ANSTEY  [Photo in military uniform]. Pte. Leslie ANSTEY, son of Mr. And Mrs. James ANSTEY, Back Hr. enlisted last fall, with 1st. Nfld. Regt. He recently returned to St. John's having been home for three months furlough, is at present in St. John's. 
June 16, 1917  Birth  BORN to Mr. and Mrs. Fred VINEHAM of the Arm, on Monday June 11th, a daughter. 
June 16, 1917  Personals  Miss Mable MUDFORD of Crow Head, left for St. John's by Prospero last Saturday. Mr. T. J. LUCAS who has been to Botwood, was passenger on Clyde Monday for Fogo. Mr. Abram PEARCE and daughter, Miss Hannah PEARCE, arrived by Prospero from Baie Verte last Saturday. Ptes. Ches PARDY, Arch WELLS, Bert RIDOUT who arrived here by Prospero last week on furlough, returned to St. John's by last Saturday. Pte. C. LUNNEN also left by Clyde last week for St. John's. Mr. Reg HITCHCOCK of Fogo, who arrived Monday, left by Sagona Wednesday for some port in Labrador. He is a wireless operator. Mrs. D. MOYLES and child arrived from BISHOP's Falls via Clyde Monday, where she will spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank FREEMAN. Mrs. A. G. ASHBOURNE went to Botwood this week by Clyde. Miss Kate TWINE left by Prospero for St. John's last week. Miss Ethel GARD arrived by Clyde Monday from St. John's for a short visit. Miss Frances BARNES, who spent the winter here, left by Prospero last week for St. John's. 
June 16, 1917  Injured in a Fall  Mrs. Peter JENKINS of the Arm, received a letter from Toronto last week, informing her that her son Willis, who has been working there for several years, was painting a flag staff when he fell 65 feet. He broke his spine in two places, and also his arm and leg and received internal injuries. JENKINS is a married man with one child. 
June 16, 1917  Shipping News  "Schr. Grace, Capt Frank ROBERTS, arrived from St. John's last Saturday. S.S. Sagona, Capt. SPRACKLIN, arrived here from St. John's on Wednesday night enroute for Labrador. The three master June, put into port on Tuesday night, enroute for New York with pulp from Campbellton. Schr. Beulah left this week for Treaty Shore from G. J. CARTER. The following schooners from Mr. Wm. ASHBOURNE's trade, left for the fishery this week: Ophir, John Earle, Tidal Wave, York, Lilly Amelia, Ethel E., Sea Lark, Gerfalcon, Telephone. Mr. ASHBOURNE discharged a cargo of coal this week, and another arrived to Mr. HODGE last night. The sch. Energy from J. W. HODGE, left yesterday for the fishery." 
June 16, 1917  Drowning  "Men who came down from the Bay yesterday, say that Messrs. PHILPOT and FROUDE of Cottles Island, who were picking their herring net near the scene of last week's accident, heard the cries of the drowning men, and dropping their net, rowed in the direction of the cries. It was almost dark, and though they were less then five minutes getting there, were too late to see anything of the poor fellows. The father of young WHITT was fishing at Birchey Isld. Tickle at the time, and these men notified him of the accident." 
June 16, 1917  A Sad Accident  On the 31st of August 1916, near the village of Launder, in the Province of Manitoba, Canada, a sad accident happened by which Peter POOLE, the eldest son of Mrs. John H. SMITH of Little Harbor, was instantly killed. The deceased left his home in the morning to go to the harvest field where he was working at that time with his team. Arriving in the field, he hitched his team to a loaded wagon, taking the lines in his hand he started to climb up the front end of the wagon, when his footing gave way and he fell to the ground, the horses going ahead at that time, pulled the wheel over his body, crushing him to death. Some of the men who were in the field at the time, saw what had happened and ran to his assistance, and thinking there might be a possible chance of aiding him, hurried him to the Doctor which was only a short distance away, but on arriving there it was discovered that the spirit had already taken its flight to unknown regions. A few days later, the remains was taken to the cemetery at Lauder, there layed to rest to await the coming of the Eternal Judge, who has promised that at his coming the Earth and the Sea shall restore their dead, and the families of the earth shall be re-united. Lord of the everlasting hills, God of the boundless sea, Help us throught all the shocks of fate, To keep our trust in thee. When natures un-relenting arm, Sweeps us like wishes away, Maker of man be thou our strength, And our eternal stay. 
June 16, 1917  Newfoundland Time  The Daylight Saving Act 1917, shall be known as Newfoundland time, and shall be applicable to the whole Colony. J.R. BENNETT, Colonial Secretary June 8th, 1917. 
June 16, 1917  Advertisement  I am prepared to examine eyes for spectacles and eye glasses by appointment. Terms moderate. Dr. WOOD. 
June 16, 1917  Advertisement  The man who lost his two jiggers in Mr. James YOUNG's Cod trap, can get them by applying to Mr. YOUNG at any time. 
June 16, 1917  Note of Thanks  New Bay: June 3rd, 1917. I wish through the columns of your very excellent paper, to thank with all my heart, the many friends far and near for all the kindness and sympathy shown and expressed at the loss of my dear son BARTLETT. His death coming so suddenly was wonderfully hard, but the many letters of sympathy and kindness shown, helped to buoy us up, and somewhat dispersed the gloom. Yours Sincerely, Mark BRITT. 
June 16, 1917  The Gospel According to St. John's  "St. John's folks seem to have been regaled with some decidedly spicy stories of doings at Twillingate a couple of weeks ago; that is if one judges by the St. John's papers. According to them, there was a riot in the Court House, the flag was torn off the building and - well, if the riot act wasn't read, it ought to have been. Apparently the excitement affected the staid and honorable House of Assembly, and some members went so far as to do without their little nap - no stranger, I said nap, not nip! Knowest thou not that Prohibition ruleth, and the ""spots on crackies"" are expensive things. The trouble seems to have been, that our worthy brethren of the ""fourth estate"", managed to mix up two separate and entirely different incidents, and to exceeding enlarge on them, for the delectation of their readers. As far as the little fuss in the Court House goes, we don't mind a little thing like that here, and around about election times, we have them as regularly as children have mumps or measles or wisdom teeth. No one gets excited over it, and we would suggest to our St. John's contempararies that they would be wise not to confuse a little fuss with a riot, nor forget that when men are egged on by a sea lawyer or two, they often commit themselves in a way of which they are afterwards ashamed." 
June 16, 1917  The Fishery  Codfish is plentiful at Fogo with the jigger, and at Change Islands traps and nets are doing well. 
June 16, 1917  Advertisement  Motor Boat for Sale: For sale motor boat Knoxette, 33 feet 6 in. long, 15 hp Knox engine; owned by Jack PARNELL: Only reason for selling owner serving in R. N. Reserve. Apply Wm. WINSOR, Exploits. 
June 16, 1917  Pit Props  The pit props business is not over, and the matter has now been taken before the Supreme Court. It has been a regrettable incident right through, but it is impossible to blame the men. They were advised, of if they were not advised, they certainly were led to believe, by Mr. JENNINGS, that they could legally take any of this wood after eighteen months. That was the opinion that one heard expressed everywhere, and when the SUN ventured to doubt it, Mr. JENNINGS himself came forward with a letter, which was published in this paper, to support his contention. Now - at least according to reports of proceedings in the Assembly, - Mr. JENNINGS denies that he advised anyone. After getting these men in a hole, they are left to get out of it the best way they can. I don't think this is fair, and it seems to me to be hardly the best method of helping the poor down - trodden toiler, as he has been labelled. Perhaps however, these men do not mind it, and after all it is their affair. If they are satisfied why should we worry. 
June 16, 1917  Public Notice  "Export of Pit Props: Owing to the large quantities of Pit Props cut in the Colony which, owing to the shortage of shipping, it is found impossible to ship to Great Britain or France, the Governor in Council has been pleased to order that, under these special circumstances, permission be given for the export of Pit Props to the Dominion of Canada and the United States of America, or for the sale of Pit Props to local manufacturers, if such can be used here. Provided however, that this permission is to extend only to Pit Props cut before the date of this Notice, and that the export shall be subject to the provisions of the ""Export of Timber Acts."" Sidney D. BLANDFORD, Minister of Agriculture and Mines, St. John's, Newfoundland, May 7th, 1917." 
June 16, 1917  Empire Day Imperial Red Cross Fund  "The thanks of the Patriotic Committee are hereby given the lady Teachers and other lady collectors for their noble work in the following wards. Of course some had better wards numerically &c. but all did their bit well. North Side; Misses BAILEY and L YOUNG, $150.00. South Side: Misses GILLINGHAM and A.J. YOUNG, $100.00. Wild Cove and Crow Head: Misses HARBIN and MUDFORD, $18.10. Back Hr. Misses BLACKLER and ANSTEY, $21.00. Ragged Pt. Winnie WHITE, $4.81. Little and Purcells Hr. Misses HULL and WARR, $16.55. Bluff Head Cove, Lilly ROBERTS, $7.00. Harts Cove and Burnt Island Tickle, JACOBS and WHELLOR, $21.45. Farmers Arm, Misses ASHBOURNE and GILLETT, $29.65. Durrels Arm, Misses GILLETT and SNOW, $28.24. French Beach, Misses Alberta ROBERTS, $4.90. From the young men's Debating Club....$15.00 Impromptu collection in Meth. Dis. Patriotic meeting N.S. Church ...$11.64. SAMWAYS adult Bible Class ......$4.50. Total $432.53. Included in above are donations from officers of S.S. Clyde and from a splendid former given by Mr. HENNEBURY of Beaver Cove also Solomon EVELEIGH of Newstead. (N.S. list.) Our objective was $500.00 and we ask the collectors to make another little push at once and hand in book at Bank early next week. Again thanking the workers. Yours in Victory, W. J. SCOTT J.P. Chariman. Charles WHITE J.P. Secretary. Note: Detailed lists will follow later when work is finished." 
June 16, 1917  Advertisement  For Sale: a limited quantity milk daily. Mrs. R.D. HODGE, Path End. 
June 16, 1917  Exploits Jottings  Several volunteers have gone forward from here since I wrote you last. Two have gone Overseas with the last draft for the Regiment and one with the Foresters. Five are home on leave now going back on Prospero to join the Forestry Bat. Herring are very plentiful in the Bay. The schooner Ambition is here with a load of salt. She struck on a reef in Bachalho Tickle and was leaking badly on her arrival. The young ladies of Exploits gave the soldiers home on leave a tea on Wednesday night, and a very enjoyable time was spent. Pte. Wm. NEWMAN of Black Island, also home on leave, was invited. We hear several others talking of going. The F. P. U. Store has a new manager - Mr. Jonas NOBLE of Nipper's Harbour. Mr. G. H. SCEVIOUR having resigned. There is no codfish of any account, a few barrels were secured in traps the last week of May, but nothing since. There is a sign of Salmon. Mr. Wm. LILLY towed in last Saturday the motor boat from which Messrs. COLBOURNE were drowned. We have only the Home calling, going and returning this year, where last year, we had the Clyde as well. I hear that Capt. KNEE is to go on the Dundee to replace the late Capt. Darius BLANDFORD, and that friend John BUTCHER will command the Clyde. Correspondent. 
June 16, 1917  Visited Little Bay Islands  The editor of the Sun visited Little Bay Islands with Mr. SIMMONS of the Bank of N.S. on Wednesday, returning Thursday. While there, he had the pleasure of seeing Mr. GARDNER, formerly manager of the Bank here, and who has lively recollections of Twillingate. The Bank at L. B. Isls, is at present in a store close to the public wharf, but the Bank contemplates building a new structure at the corner of the main street. All the fishermen at Little Bay Islds, are gone to the fishery, in the straits and elsewhere, and Messrs. W. and Adolph STRONG are also at present away on trading voyages. Only last week, they had the ice in there, and the tickle between these and Long Isld. was blocked, but fortunately it is now all cleared off. There is little fish in that neighbourhood, as few men fish at home, but there is a sign of caplin at Leading Tickles, and one man there caught a barrel of fish on caplin Wednesday. Generally speaking the fishing grounds seem deserted. A good few lobsters are being taken at Leading Tickles. 
June 16, 1917  W.P.A.I.  We beg to acknowledge with thanks from Mrs. A. POND, 1 pair of socks, Mrs. R. TEMPLE, old white linnen, Mrs. A. ROSSITER, old white linnen. The Association will meet once in three weeks during the summer months. Next meeting is to be held July 4th. A. HOWLETT, Secretary. 
June 16, 1917  The Abdication of Constantine  King Constantine of Greece has been deposed and he and his eldest son were to leave Athens for Italy this week. The second son of Constantine, Alexander, has been accepted by the Entente Allies as his successor. The abdication of Constantine brought about chiefly by pressure from the British and French, because of Constantine's Pro German activities. 
June 23, 1917  Corp. A.C. GOODYEAR  "[Photo in military uniform.] Corporal A. C. GOODYEAR, 1st Nfld. Reg.. Native of Musgrave Hr. was a teacher at the Arm Academy here when he enlisted in 1915. Is now in Hospital in England." 
June 23, 1917  Death  At Leigh House Tilt Cove, after a long and painful illness, Louisa M. beloved wife of J. M. JACKMAN Esq. J.P., aged 55 yrs. R.I.P. Earth to earth, and dust to dust, Calmly now the words we say, Leaving her to sleep in trust, Till the resurrection day, Father in thy gracious keeping, Leave we now thy servant sleeping. [Another section of this paper has a lengthy Obituary for this lady. GW.] 
June 23, 1917  Volunteers  "Messrs. POWELL and DEWEY, Principals respectively of the Central Methodist School and Arm Academy, left by 'Clyde' for St. John's this week, having completed their school year, and will join the 1st. Nfld. Regiment. Mr. and Mrs. TEMPLETON arrived by 'Prospero' yesterday from Belloram. Rev. Gordon TEMPLETON has enlisted with the Canadians. Two C. of E. Clergymen (Revs. LOADER of Grand Falls and MAIDMENT of Bonne Bay) have enlisted with the 1st. Nfld. Regt. and the former sails with the next draft. Mr. POWELL Principal of the Central Methodist has gone to Saint John N.B. to enlist with the R.A.M.C. and not with the 'Regiment' as we state elsewhere. Also Mr. DEWEY will not go forward 'till return 'Prospero'." 
June 23, 1917  Shipping News  A large motorboat owned by HAGGERTY of Botwood, on the way to White Bay fishing, put in here Monday. Some of the party are still staying here. We understand that 'Little Stephano', Capt. A. KEAN's new vessel, is due here now with coal for J. W. HODGE. 
June 23, 1917  W.P.A. Loon Bay  "June 17th, 1917. Dear Sir; - will you kindly allow me a space in your paper for a few remarks concerning our W. P. A. of Loon Bay. At the beginning of September 1916, our Association was organized with a membership of twelve. We elected as our President, Mrs. Kenneth MANUEL. Under her able leadership, the members have been very earnest and energetic, but owing to the shortage of funds, have not been able to accomplish as much as desired. Am enclosing for publication a list of the names of those who have so kindly contributed. W. ROBERTS, Sect. List of Subscribers: ""Stranded"" $10.00. K. MANUEL $5.00. W. G. ROBERTS $3.00. George BRENTON sr. $.2.50. Arthur MILLS $2.00. Robert ROBERTS $2.00. Edward MANUEL $2.00. Joseph BRENTON $2.00. Mrs. A. SLADE $1.50. Mrs. David WHEELER $1.50. Doman MILLS $1.50 Thomas HICKS $1.50. George BRENTON jr. $1.50. John BRENTON $1.50. Obadiah MANUEL $1.50. Lewis LUSCOMBE $1.20. James BUTCHER $1.00. E. S. HENNEBURY $1.00. Mrs. K. MANUEL $1.00. Cons. CRAMM .50. Ambrose COFFIN .50. A. MANUEL .50. W. JENNINGS .50. Mrs. Thomas HICKS .50. David MCFARLAN $1.00. George PHILLIPS $1.00. Samuel LUSCOMBE $1.00. Thomas LUSCOMBE sr. $1.00. Levi WHITE $1.00. Theo. LUSCOMBE $1.00. Joseph BRENTON jr. $1.00. Alfred LINFIELD $1.00. Chesley LINFIELD $1.00. O. COOPER $1.00. James LUSCOMBE $1.00. Thomas LUSCOMBE jr. $1.00. Noah LUSCOMBE $1.00. John LUSCOMBE. Alfred MILLS $1.00. David WHEELER $1.00. L. OSMOND $1.00. Mrs. R. ROBERTS $1.00. W. ROBERTS " 
June 23, 1917  Married  On June 7th at Mount Washington, Pa. by Rev. Frederick GOULD, Minnie BISHOP of Twillingate, to Emmett A. SLOAN of Pittsburg. The couple are spending their honeymoon at Cleveland, Ohio. 
June 23, 1917  Advertisement  Lost: between Courthouse and Mrs. FACEY's a teddy-bear. Will finder please return to baby TULK, Court House. 
June 23, 1917  Court Summons Issued  We understand that over 40 summons for attendance at the Supreme Court have been issued to parties here in connection with the taking of pit-props, and that there are about 70 altogether to be served. 
June 23, 1917  Rev. H.G. WAY  Rev. H. J. WAY, Meth. Probationer at Cat Hr., has been granted permission by the Conference, and now wears the uniform ot the 1st. Nfld. Reg. Mr. WAY has a brother missing since April 14th. 
June 23, 1917  Personals  "Miss PENNY returned to her home at St. Anthony by 'Prospero' yesterday. Mr. Tom ROBERTS, of Wild Cove goes to Pilley's Isld, by 'Prospero' thence to Springdale, where he will engage with Mr. George CLARKE on the new vessel being built there. Mrs. C. M. MANUEL and children (3) left by 'Prospero' for Baie Verte, where they will remain the summer. We hear that Rev. GODFREY of Hts. Content, whose wife is a Twillingate girl, (Miss NEWMAN) has accepted a call to London, Ont. Miss Ethel GARD returned to St. John's by 'Clyde' Wednesday. Mrs. Stewart YOUNG of Robin's Cove, went to Herring Neck by Monday's 'Clyde' to visit friends, returning Wednesday. The Magistrate went by 'Clyde' as Delegate to Meth. Conference and other business. Anyone having any matter for the court will apply to Const. TULK, Court House." 
June 23, 1917  Fishing News  The 'Clyde's" crew report marvellous catches of codfish being made at Joe Batts Arm. On Tuesday they say, 1000 quintals were landed at that place, one man is claimed to have taken over $700.00 worth of fish in two days. 
June 23, 1917  A Low Down Trick  We have all heard the famous chestnut of Mrs. Newlywed, who struggled all the morning to 'pick' a rabbit for her hubby's dinner, but probably the first occasion on which anyone heard of a sheep being 'picked' was last week, when Mrs. Alfred BURTON's sheep returned home, actually picked clean of wool, by some evily disposed person. Now it takes a pretty vindictive person to go to that trouble, and it takes a person of a pretty low order of intelligence, to take their spite out on a sheep. Mrs. BURTON laughs at the occurence, but it was no joke for the sheep! The wool was pulled out by the roots, and the poor animal must have suffered exquisite torture. The right treatment for the person who did this, would be to have half the hair pulled out of their head, by the roots! Mrs. BURTON has a pretty good idea of the perpetrator, and it is a pity they cannot be brought to justice! [GW] 
June 23, 1917  Death  In memory of Lorenia Daisy, darling child of John and Susanna LANGDON, who died Sept. 7th, 1916, at the age of 2 years, 1 month, and 18 days. [A poem is attached. GW] 
June 23, 1917  Jigging in a Cod-Trap  In regard to jigging fish in a codtrap, one of our 'legal lights' informs us that this is a larceny, that is to say; a plain theft, and as such, the owner could prosecute, just as if the man had taken fish from his stage! [GW] 
June 23, 1917  Congratulations  Congratulations to Mr. Thos. G.W. ASHBOURNE, B.A., now Lieut. ASHBOURNE of the C.E.F., and son of Mr. Wm. ASHBOURNE of this town, who obtained Bachelor of Arts Degree this spring. [GW.] 
June 30, 1917  Photographs  Photos in military uniforms. Arthur H. YOUNG, Wilfred D. HARBIN, Fred WHITE and Archibald M. NEWMAN. 
June 30, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 1)  As usual, quite a large number of outport schooners are now anchored in the harbor, whose crews intend fishing from here during the next few months, and are hoping for the same success that attended their vocation last season. 
June 30, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 2)  The Rev. Mr. MAIDMENT, of Bonne Bay, had been appointed Chaplain of the C. of E. boys at the front, in the place of Rev. A. CLAYTON, home on furlough, and will leave with the next draft. 
June 30, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 3)  A large copper steamer reached port on Tuesday in a disabled condition. Steaming down the shore in a dense fog, she came in contact with the land, damaging both bows near the water line. If permanent repairs are done here it will mean a two months job for our mechanics. 
June 30, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 4)  A relief steamer is now being fitted up to go to Utah and will sail shortly. Capt. Bob BARTLETT will be on the bridge. 
June 30, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 5)  Capt. Phil JENSEN is expected back very soon, as the American Specialist has ordered him a year's rest in the native air. 
June 30, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 6)  A motor cycle ran into and knocked over a young lad on LeMarchant Road on Thursday evening. The boy was slightly injured and was picked up by the Hon. J. C. CROSBIE, who was passing at the time in his motor car, and conveyed to his home. He attempted to cross in front of the cycle, which was going slowly, so that the owner is held blameless. 
June 30, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 7)  A gentleman of this city has made an important discovery of a new bait preserver, which has been recently tested and proved to be all the discoverer claims for it. 
June 30, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 8)  A young Pedler whose head quarters is at Grand Falls, was recently arrested charged with obtaining money under false pretenses. The Police are gathering evidence in connection with the matter. 
June 30, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 9)  The S.S. Thetis will be ready to leave next week on Labrador service. 
June 30, 1917  Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 10)  To-morrow (Sunday) afternoon two Parades will be held. The members of the S. of E. L. O. Association, Fishermen and British Societies will hold their annual parade to commemorate the birthday of the city, and attend Divine Service at Gower St. Church. The Rev. D. B. HEMMEON will preach. The members of the Masonic fraternity celebrates the bi-centenary of the Grand Lodge of England, by attending Divine Service at the C. of E. Cathedral, where the District Grand Chaplain, Rev. BOLT will address the bretheren. 
June 30, 1917  Marriage  "Married at. St. Thomas' Church, St. John's, Monday, June 25th, by Rev. C. A. MOULTON, Mary BRADLEY PATTEN to Frederick Duffield SMITH." 
June 30, 1917  Three New Vessels  The A. N. D. Co. are preparing to build two 400 ton vessels at Botwood. It is hoped to have them completed sufficiently to launch before the "freeze up" this fall. The new vessel being built on Thwart Island for HORWOOD and others will be finished planking this week. 
June 30, 1917  Personals  "Mr. and Mrs. S. C. THOMPSON and children arrived by 'Clyde' Monday. Mrs. THOMPSON and her children will spend the summer here with her mother, Mrs. Thos. PEYTON. Mrs. A. G. ASHBOURNE arrived from Botwood by 'Clyde' Monday. Mr. BAGGS, C of E. teacher at Morton's Hr. is here this week supervising at the St. Peter's center. Mrs. Andrew PEARCE went to St. John's by last 'Prospero'. Mr. and Mrs. Fred HODDER and children arrived from Boston by 'Clyde' Monday. Mr. Ted HODDER, son of Mr. George HODDER, arrived from Boston Monday. Mrs. Robert GUY and daughter arrived by 'Prospero' from Fogo and is spending some weeks with relatives at Wild Cove. Seaman Arnold GUY R.N.R., her son, is now serving on a patrol boat sailing from a Canadian port, and gets into port once a week. Nurse Bessie MOORS, of the General Hospital daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob MOORS, arrived by 'Prospero' last week and is spending a brief holiday with her relatives. Misses Mary KINGSBURY and Eliza SIMMS, left via 'Clyde' Wednesday for Sydney. Mr. BAGGS the Supervisor at St. Peter's, is Methodist teacher at Morton's Hr. not C. of E. as we state elsewhere. Colonel OTWAY and Adj. TILLY, S.A., are visiting here next week and are giving an illustrated lantern lecture of ""Round the World trip"". Mrs. Wm. COLBOURNE and seven children from Baie Verte, arrived by 'Prospero' and are staying at Back Harbor. Mrs. CROWTHERS (nee Althea OAKLEY) and child arrived by 'Prospero' last week from St. John's, and is guest of Mrs. Jonathan BURT. She is remaining here for some weeks." 
June 30, 1917  Shipping News  Schr. 'Gerfalcon', Capt. James JANES, arrived from White Bay Monday, and report no fish there. Schr. 'M. J. HICKMAN', Capt. Robt' YOUNG arrived from St. John's Monday. Last Thursday the 'Clyde' experienced a very sharp electric storm while entering Campbellton. Lumps of hail as big as bullets fell and compelled everyone to leave the deck. 
June 30, 1917  Welcome for L.C. NORTHCOTT  A concert as an official welcome to L.C. NORTHCOTT of Lewisporte, returned Veteran of the 1st. Nfld. Regiment, was held at that town last week. Speeches were made by visiting Clergymen, and the sum of $50.00 was taken, which will be applied to the Red Cross Fund. 
June 30, 1917  Fishing News  The Home, which arrived at Exploits Thursday night from North, reports good fishing all around the North Side of the Bay, with particularly good towards the Cape.[(lghr note: the bay = Our Lady Bay] Word receivd by 'Earl of Devon' from Capt. John PHILLIPS at Hooping Hr. says that he was getting some fish the first of this week, and it is thought that he must still be getting a little. Thirteen hundred quintals is the toll of two crews (a father and son) at Indian Islands for this season's fishing. Thirteen thousand dollars gross returns in less than two months. Can you beat it; and don't you think it is time we heard an end of the 'poor fisherman' fable? There is not the slightest objection to the fisherman being the wealthy class, provided they live up to their responsibilities; but there are many with snug bank balances who not help to carry the burden of citizenship. 
June 30, 1917  Advertisement  For Sale: House for sale owned by I. W. POND. For price and further particulars apply to Mrs. John BUTCHER: S. Side, Tw'gate. 
June 30, 1917  Advertisement  Just in, Oranges, Onions, Cheese, Evaporated Peaches, Apricot, Prunes, Apple. A. MANUEL. 
June 30, 1917  Drowning at Comfort Cove  "Newstead, June 15th. A sad accident occured here last Friday, when Mr. George WATKINS (1849-1917), 68 years of age, of Comfort Cove, met with his death by drowning. He left his home about nine in the morning to go as far as Nine Mile Point and haul a herring net. Not returning after four or five hours, his family became anxious, and his son-in-law went to look for him, and found the upturned punt on shore, and also picked up his cap. He returned and got a crew of men to accompany him, and they found the lifeless body. ""Uncle"" George, as he was familiarly called by old and young, will be sincerely missed by many both in the settlement and by travellers. He was father, physician, and friend, and many's the wound he has dressed, or the sick he has comforted. The Glory born of goodness never dies; Its flag is never half-mast in the skies. The funeral was conducted by Rev. EDGECOMBE of Summerford, assisted by Adj. DOWNEY, S.A., and many came from far and near to pay their respects to his end earth. He leaves a wife and five sons and one daughter, to whom we extend our sincere sympathy. I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless; Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness; Where is Death's sting, where Grave thy victory? I triumph still if Thou abide with me. Correspondent." 
June 30, 1917  A Few Observations by OBSERVER  "The Observer does not claim to know it all.' And He Went and Hid It In The Earth. There is about six million dollars in gold and silver stowed away in stockings or teapots, or some similar 'safe' receptacle in different parts of this country. How do I know? Well I only know what the different banking institutions tell me, and as they handle all the coin that comes in and all that goes out of the country, they have a pretty fair idea. Three million dollars worth of gold and three of silver, has passed through their hands never to return. It is not in circulation; it can hardly have been lost, and yet to all intents and purposes, it is just as effectually lost as though it were thrown into the sea. Money is a medium of exchange. It consists of little disks of gold and silver ( I am speaking of specie only) which represent so much clothes, or tea, or pork, or flour, or boots, or motor engines or any commodity that is necessary to our civilised existence. And the joke on those people who are hoarding this coin, is that their hoarded money is actually losing in value every year. Figure it out by your own experience. Three years ago the money that you now pay for a barrel of flour would have bought two. The coins that you now offer in exchange for a pair of boots, would have bought nearly two pairs. Put plainly then, the man who 'salted away' five hundred dollars in a teapot three years ago, would find that it had lost its value by nearly half, just as if it had shrank. That is one side; there are others. Every year the Banks would have paid him from two to three dollars interest for the use of the money. In three years he has lost, besides the actual decline in the value of what his money would buy, a sum of about forty dollars on his five hundred; while there are many other investments which, if not perhaps such a sure thing as the banks, would have paid him from seventy five to one hundred and fifty dollars for the use of that five hundred dollars in those three years. Nor does this end it. Do we not all recollect the parable of the man with the one talent who burried it in the ground. Scripture condems him in no uncertain manner, and yet the man who takes money out of circulation, and hides it in a teapot or tin box is following exactly in his footsteps." 
June 30, 1917  July 1 Remembered  "One year ago tomorrow, the flowers of our country was put to the supreme test. They rose to it like men; and for us July 1st will always be the Newfoundland Balacklava. They had seen others fail and melt away before that terrific machine gun fire, but as steadily as if only drilling, those lads of ours left their trenches at Beaumont Hamel - alas, so many never to return. What Newfoundlander thinks of July 1st, without a thrill of pride that he was kinsman to those khaki heroes. They paid the price for you and me, but they would not have had it otherwise. Will you forget them my countrymen? These men of whom the world was not worthy. Bow your heads for one moment and give thanks for those noble lads, who counted life as nothing for the sake of honor" 
June 30, 1917  Accidental Fall  Mrs. Mary ASHBOURNE, of the Arm an elderly lady, met with a severe accident last week, when she broke her thigh and perhaps will never walk again. Some repairs are being made to Mr. A. G. ASHBOURNE's house and a carpenter was altering the stairs, and had them cut loose, but temporarily trigged up making adjustments. Mrs. ASHBOURNE came out of her bedroom, and started to come down stairs, when the whole stairway collapsed, precipitating her to the floor below, and she sustained severe contusions, besides a broken thigh. General sympathy is felt for the injured woman. 
June 30, 1917  Child Accidently Poisoned  An accident , which fortunately had a happy termination in the recovery of the child, occured on Monday, when Mrs. Arthur MANUEL in mistake for Piney Balsam, gave her baby boy crude carbolic acid by mistake. Immediate doses of sweet oil were administered, and though the little sufferer had its mouth severely burnt, it has made a complete recovery, and it is thought that the child swallowed little or none of the poison. 
June 30, 1917  Advertisement  Local Agent Wanted: for Twillingate and district, to sell for "The Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries: Splendid list of stock for fall planting 1917, and Spring planting 1918, including many new varieties which we alone control. Send for new illustrated catalogue, also Agent's Proposition. Handsome free outfit, Exclusive Territory, Liberal Commissions. STONE and WELLINGTON. The Fonthill Nurseries (Established 1837) Toronto, Ontario. 
    [There is nothing on my microfilm between June 30, 1917 and July 21, 1917. GW.] 

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