Notre Dame Bay Region
Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser
January - June 1913
Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan.
31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb.
15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.
Title varies:
Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly
Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan.
31, 1953.
Editor and proprietor:
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan.
31, 1953.
The Twillingate Sun printed local
and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements.
It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway
and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it
supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased
publication due to financial reasons in 1953.
MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889,
1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938,
1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889,
1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.
The records were transcribed by GEORGINA
While I have endeavored to be as
correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors.
If you should find any errors or have other records to contribute, then
please contact the Twillingate Sun transcription project co-ordinator,
February. 1, 1913 | Morris's Record | Lighthouses Erected in one Term With Bond's Two Terms. In perhaps few things has Morris done better, than in the erection of lights to warn the fishermen and seamen of this country. Much credit has been given Bond for those placed during his term. 33 in all, including many small ones; but Morris in half the time has placed more than double the number. Seventy-seven lights have been placed by the present Government, composed of 17 lighthouses, 14 harbor lights, 6 new fog alarms, 3 fog alarms equipped with modern plants, 15 light stations equipped with new lights and modern plants, 19 lights and fog alarms arranged for and in process of construction. Surely a good record, a record which can be verified, if necessary, by the Marine and Fisheries Dept. records. |
February. 1, 1913 | Why Can't Twillingate Have a Local Council? | Bell Island has recently taken advantage of the act passed by the Morris Government and petitioned for a local Council. The election was accordingly held on Jan. 15th and nine members were elected. The total vote polled was 355. We congratulate Bell Island in its new Council and trust it will prove of much benefit. We rise to ask "what's the matter with Twillingate having one too?" |
February. 1, 1913 | Trap Out in January | We understand that Messrs. Geo. SAUNDERS and Stanley PARSONS, of the Arm, have a trap out now in the berth where Mr. CHURCHILL did so well last year, and will leave it there all the winter. Surely this is the limit! |
February. 1, 1913 | Personals | Rev. STIRLING visited Morton's Harbor on Saturday, spending Sunday and Monday there. Rev. STIRLING returned from Morton's Hr. on Tuesday evening. Mr. DAVIS of Valleyfield, of the Union Store here, left St. John's by Tuesday evening's express for Lewisport, enroute here. Mr. Wilson BROWN, who has been in the employ of G. J. CARTER at the Arm with Mr. Jos. WHITE, left by Propsero for St. John's on Tuesday. Messrs. L. OSMOND of Morton's Hr. and J. W. OSMOND of Tizzard's Hr., were here Thursday. Mr. Wm. ASBOURNE and his two sons, Tom and Elmo, left by Prospero Tuesday for St. John's. Messrs. W. LUCAS and B. STUCKLESS, who left here Wednesday morning to go to Beaverton for Mr. Andrew ELLIOTT' s daughters, returned agained the same morning, it being too windy and cold. Mr. LUCAS started again Friday for Beaver Cove. Mr. ELLIOTT's daughters being on the way. Mr. Andrew ELLIOTT's daughters did not come by Prospero as she did not call at Fogo. Dr. SMITH was called to Black Island on Friday. While absent a hurry call for him came from New Hr. so Dr. LEDREW was requisitioned instead. Mr. Sol. ROBERTS, of Change Islands, and one of his younger sons, who went to St. John's by the last Clyde, have gone to New York, going thence to Alberta where the young man will remain with Mr. ROBERTS' other son. Miss Bessie ROBERTS, daughter of Mr. Sol ROBERTS of Change Islds, has been very ill since Mr. ROBERTS left home, heart trouble being the cause. Capt. Jas. JANES and crew are gone cutting wood. Mr. Jon WHITE, of the Arm, paid a short visit to Herring Neck this week. We have been informed that Rev. MCKIRDY who was assistant Meth. Minister here last year, and who has been at Springdale recently, had become partially blind and compelled to return to Scotland. Messrs. Sid WELLS and D. RIDOUT returned to Indian Arm Tuesday. Master Frank PAYNE son of Mr. Samuel PAYNE of Campbellton, came with Mr. Herbert NEWMAN Saturday night and will spend a few days here. Mr. W. W. BAIRD, of Campbellton, arrived here on Saturday night to visit his father who has been so ill recently. Mr. BAIRD, who was accompanied by Mr. Ken MANUEL, of Loon Bay, returned on Monday morning. |
February. 1, 1913 | Shipping News | Capt. HARBIN and crew of the Home were at St. John's on Wednesday and expected to leave for home. Capt. S. HARBIN, Chief Officer Farmer HARBIN, 2nd Officer GUY, and Mr. Stan HARBIN, of S. S. Home arrived Thursday evening. Mailman BISHOP, of the Prospero, stated that he would likely be here again shortly in the Stella Maris. The Earl of Devon will remain at Greenspond all the winter. All of Earle, Sons & Co.'s goods were brought to Fogo by last Fogota. |
February. 1, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 1) | On the last trip of the Solway to Sydney, a case of diphtheria developed on board, one of the firemen being attacked with the disease. Upon arrival here the ship was thoroughly disinfected by an official of the Health Department. |
February. 1, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 2) | In the midst of the storm on Monday morning, the fire bells rang out an alarm of fire, and it was soon discovered that the residence of Mr. MYERS, on Allendale Road was on fire. The fire brigades were quickly on the scene, and before long had the blaze under control, but not before Mr. MYER's dwelling was badly damaged, and the adjoining one of Dr. STAFFORD, injured by smoke and water. Both are covered by insurance. The loss of jewellery and clothing was considerable. |
February. 1, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 3) | Over 200 packages of mail matter reached here early Monday via Placentia per S. S. Glencoe. This large mail was due to the accumulation at Port aux Basques since the destruction of Leeche's Brook Bridge. |
February. 1, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 4) | A young reservist from the Calypso was on his way to his home at Portugal Cove, when he met with a serious accident. In trying to steer clear of a horse and sleigh, he slipped and broke his jaw bone. He is now under treatment at the hospital. |
February. 1, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 5) | Another case of typhoid fever broke out in the General Hospital on Monday, but the patient was promptly removed to the fever hospital. |
February. 1, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 6) | Job's ship Earlshall appears to have great difficulty in reaching this side of the Atlantic. After being 31 days on her second attempt to reach this port, she has again returned to Queenstown in a damaged condition. |
February. 1, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 7) | Premier MORRIS gave a farewell dinner to Governor Williams on Tuesday night. His Excellency left on the Numidian the following day. A number of buyers also took passage by the same ship. |
February. 1, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 8) | The sea has claimed another Nfld. Seaman in the person of James FINN, Mate of Baine JOHNSTON's barque Lake Simcoe. On Tuesday afternoon the firm were informed by cable of the ship's arrival at Pernam after a very stormy passage, during which the Mate was washed overboard and drowned. This family has been severely afflicted, for this is the third son to be lost at sea within a year, and the sympathy of the whole community will go out to the bereaved ones, in their hour of sorrow and mourning. |
February. 1, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 9) | The Hospital nurses and their friends had quite an enjoyable time af the opening of the new building on Tuesday night. The entertainment was given by the Public Works Department, and dancing was indulged in to the sweet strains of Myron's Orchestra, till the wee sma' hours, when all wended their way home with a 'happy to meet, sorry to part,' &c. |
February. 1, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 10) | Reid's new steamer Lintrose was launched on Tuesday at Newcastle, and will be ready to leave for this side about first week in March. |
February. 1, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 11) | On Wednesday the ice was in perfect condition for the Curler's Annual Bonspiel for the poor. The roaring game was continued all day with unabated interest, and the excitement among the knights of the broomstick intense. Crowds visited the rink during the day and Governor and Lady Williams were present for a short time before their departure, an act which was greatly appreciated by the Curlers. |
February. 1, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 12) | The first of the sealing fleet is now ready for the start. S. S. Kite leaves for Groais Island the first favorable chance, where she will lay up till sealing time. This is a new venture and Messrs. Bowring deserve every success. |
February. 1, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 13) | The Furness liner Cynthania reached port on Tuesday in a badly battered condition, and is now at the Reid's Dock undergoing repairs. Old Neptune has been very severe with the Furness line recently. The loss of the Florence, with several of their ships badly damaged and returning to some haven for repairs, will in the aggregate, tot up a considerable loss. Up to the present, seven bodies have been recovered from the lost Florence, but none could be identified. |
February. 1, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 14) | Death has been very busy in our midst the past week and in some cases the call has come with awful suddenness. Herbert HAYWARD, son of the the late A. C. HAYWARD, died suddenly at his mother's home on Thursday, and John CURNEW of Cabot Street, was suddenly called home on Thursday night. The shock to the families must have been a severe one. |
February. 1, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 15) | The enquiry into the burning of the mail car is still progressing, but whether the losers will get any recompense remains to be proved. There is hardly a town or settlement but has a resident who had some small parcel, which perhaps not of very great value, meant a lot to them. |
February. 1, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget from St. John's (Part 16) | The last of the R. N. Co's bay boats arrived Saturday afternoon from the West Coast. The Home, with the others, will be put in order, painted and renovated for the next season's work. |
February. 1, 1913 | Every Story Has Two Sides | Mr. Hodge Replies to Capt. Ned White. (Editor Twillingate Sun) Dear Sir, Will you kindly afford me sufficient space in your esteemed paper to reply to Captain Edward WHITE's misleading letter of last week's issue. Captain WHITE gives the public the impression that I was the purchaser of both qualities fish, namely his at $4.00 and the other lot at $5.00, which is incorrect. I had bought Captain WHITE's fish some two weeks or more before S. S. Erik arrived, and settled up with him at $4.00 and at the time he refers to, I was shipping all my Labrador Fish (then ready) on S. S. Erik to Halifax, and others were selling direct to Messrs. Job Brothers & Company's Agent, who was buying different lots according to quality, and manner in which the fish was dried. The fish Captain WHITE refers to at $5.00, and compares with his own, ex Energy, was more lightly salted and dried harder than his fish was, therefore it is unfair and misleading to try and make the public believe that both lots were equal in value. Had Captain WHITE lightly salted the Energy's fish, and instructed makers to dry it up to full extent, I have no doubt it would have fetched anywhere from $5.00 to $9.00, but as he salted for ordinary bulk Labrador, he should not expect a dry price for soft fish. Reckoning the difference in weight of these two qualities fish, I do not see any difference re net results. Hoping this explanation of the actual facts will be sufficient to show both sides of the story, and thanking you Mr. Editor, for space kindly given, I remain, Yours very truly, J. W. HODGE, per A. H. HODGE |
February. 1, 1913 | House Moved | That house which was formerly the dwelling owned by Chas. MURSELL and which has been standing for some time in Mrs. Thos. YOUNG's field was hauled to the South Side on Thursday. |
February. 1, 1913 | Robin Contract Awarded | We understand that the contract for repair of the schr Robin, which went ashore on Copper Rock this fall and was damaged, has been awarded to Capt. Andrew ROBERTS. It is currently reported that the tender was for $400. |
February. 1, 1913 | New Motor Boat | Mr. Wm. STUCKLESS is having a large motor boat built by Mr. Az. SMALL, of Tizzard's Hr. The boat will be 55 feet long by 9 feet beam. |
February. 1, 1913 | Prospero Has Problems | It was reported there was something the matter with the Prospero, after she left here about 2 p.m. Wednesday, as she was apparently drifting at the mercy of the wind off the Rags til nearly dark. She also went to Herring Neck and stayed there that night which adds color to the rumor. Made Herring Neck Under Sail. We report elsewhere the breakdown to the Prospero leaving here. Since then we have been able to ascertain that while off this harbor, her steering gear broke down and she made Herring Neck just at dark, under her head sails, with engine running dead slow. She crept in there at about 2 miles an hour, but effected repairs sufficient to be able to proceed next morning. The trouble was caused by steam pipes becoming frozen up, so it is said. Steamer Prospero arrived at St. John's Thursday night, having damaged rudder in ice. Altho' this is late for the Prospero to get here, it will be remembered that three years ago she was at the Coastal Wharf going South on the 8th of February, a beautifully mild day. S. S. Prospero which arrived at Seldom on Friday, reached here Monday night at tea time. Some men who attempted to get to her fell thro' the ice. Tuesday the Harbor was quite an inspiring sight with horses and dogs and carts going and coming from the Prospero which was stuck in the edge of the ice off Paradise. |
February. 1, 1913 | Left to Die in Zero Weather | Albert Young Left on Rocks Near Knight Island. A Story is going the rounds, as far as we can glean, the facts are that four men were coming from Lewisport Tuesday and took the outside track. When near Knight Island, Albert YOUNG, son of Mr. Levi YOUNG, gave out. The other three left YOUNG on the rocks wrapped in a couple of blankets, and came on to Farmer's Arm. They met a cart going up and told about YOUNG's predicament. After reaching Farmer's Arm some men went off to look for YOUNG, while the cart they had met informed Mr. ROSE of Comfort Cove. He was sick in bed but got out in search. YOUNG was not discovered till Wednesday, and when we take into consideration the bitter weather Tuesday night, is is a wonder he ever survived. ROSE took YOUNG to this own place and then came down here to inform his father. The peculiar part is that men should leave another to perish like this, and especially that they should walk right past Comfort Cove, with an exhausted comrade left behind in such weather. |
February. 1, 1913 | Business Shut Down | We are informed that the store of the Union Trading Co. at Fogo has been closed. |
February. 1, 1913 | Notre Dame Mutual Club Losses | The losses in the N. D. Mutual Club this year will be approximately 3 per cent. The total losses were Alexandra on Labrador, Nina Pearl at Pilley's Isld., Cuckoo at Groais Islands, and Gertie Moors at Gander Bay. The partial losses were Robin which went ashore on Copper Rock in this harbor, and Cornwall damaged at Lark Hr. |
February. 1, 1913 | New Motor Boats | Mr. EARLE is having a new motor boat built at Tizzard's Hr., and also a new lighter. The lighter will be 40 feet keel by 13 1/2 feet beam. Mr. Geo. SMALL has the contract for the boat and Mr. Luke BOYDE for the lighter. |
February. 1, 1913 | Anniversary | Magistrate and Mrs. SCOTT are today celebrating the 30th anniversary of their wedding. Congratulations! |
February. 1, 1913 | Good Work by Mailmen | Much credit due the Mailmen for their efforts with the mail last week. By travelling all night they reached here at brakfast time - half a day ahead. |
February. 1, 1913 | Horse Ran Off | Dick POND ran away on Thursday morning and gave his owner and the Postmaster quite a chase before he was captured. Evidently the political situation got on Dick's nerves. |
February. 1, 1913 | Cambellton Notes | At Campbellton we learn that lumbering and pulp cutting operation are in swing, and splendid weather is being experienced. Three Company camps are in operation, besides several hand loggers, while on the South Side several men are engaged in cutting pulpwood. Our old friend, Adj. HISCOCK, visits the camps occasionally. Miss PIPPY of Twillingate South Side is S.A. teacher there. |
February. 1, 1913 | Licks Iron in Zero Weather | Arthur MERENS, 12 years old of Montreal, had his tongue torn out recently. He tried licking an iron bar in their yard, with the thermometer below zero. As a result his tongue stuck fast. He had been there half an hour when neighbors saw him. His mother brought hot water to loosen his tongue, and when it was poured he jumped back tearing his tongue to ribbons. |
February. 1, 1913 | Seals Sighted | Mr. PRESTON of the lighthouse reports seeing quite a number of seals in the bay on Saturday. They could be seen with the glass popping up everywhere. |
February. 1, 1913 | Frightful | A young Boston woman extremely athletic, rides very well, and seated astride her horse, she resembled a beautiful boy. Riding one day in her masculine habit, she had the misfortune to be thrown. An old sea Captain hastened to her aid. Raising her gently, he touched a corset, and shouted in wild alarm to a bystander: "Get a doctor, quick! Here's a young chap's ribs runnin' North and South instead of East and West." |
February. 1, 1913 | Advertisement | For Sale: One good Carriage Harness, with winter fittings. H. J. HOWLETT. |
February. 1, 1913 | By Telegraph | Storm on Topsails today temporarily suspends railway service. Railway trains temporarily delayed by yesterday's snow storm are running on time again today. Coastal steamers are also on schedule. Steamer Kite sails next Wednesday for Groais Islands from where she prosecutes seal fishery in March. Two fires in St. John's last night with cold at zero did much damage. Eight parties involved in disturbance at Coakerite meeting at Bay Roberts last week are being prosecuted at Harbor Grace. |
February. 1, 1913 | Public Notice | Under the provisions of Chapter 23, 2 Edward VII, entitled, 'an Act to amend the Post Office Act, 1891' and upon the recommendation of the Board appointed under Section 1 thereof, Notice is hereby given that three months after this date, a Proclamation will issue for the alteration of name, or renaming of places as under, that is to say: 1. That Upper Rocky Brook and Middle Rocky Brook, Smith Sound, T.B., be renamed 'Monroe'. 2. That Lower Rocky Brook, Smith Sound, T.B., be renamed 'Clifton'. 3. That Britania Cove, Smith Sound, T.B., be renamed 'Britania.' 4. That Lance Cove, Smith Sound, T.B., be renamed 'Petley.' 5. That Cuckold's Cove, near Trinity, T.B., be renamed 'Dunfield.' 6. That the North Side of Norris Arm, N.D.A., be renamed 'Alderburn.' R. WATSON, Colonial Secretary. |
February. 1, 1913 | Correction Re Mr. HARBIN | We are asked to say that the statement published by us last week that Mr. HARBIN was appointed by A. S. RENDELL and Co. to look after Sidney Smith wreck is incorrect. Mr. HARBIN bears his appointment from the Portmadoc Insurance Company. |
February. 1, 1913 | Saint Patrick's Day | Owing to St. Patrick's day coming in the same week with Good Friday, the usual general holiday in St. John's will not take place. |
February. 1, 1913 | Lent | Lent comes early this year. Next Tuesday and Wednesday are Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday. |
February. 1, 1913 | Advertisement | For Sale: One 1/2 plate Camera and outfit, with 1/4 plate carriers, a quantity of chemicals and plates. Apply at Sun Office. |
February. 1, 1913 | Advertisement | For Sale: A fine Two Seat SLEIGH. Also large and small SPINNING WHEELS. Very cheap. SAMUEL MOOR. |
[There is nothing on my microfilm from January 1 to February 1 1913. GW.] | ||
February 8, 1913 | Personals | Mr. S. FACEY and Capt. Frank ROBERTS went to Chappel’s Island trouting on Tuesday. Mr. Wm. G. BULGIN of the Arm, has been suffering severely from erysipelas, his face being very much swollen. Mr. George BANKS of Fogo, drove up Messrs. Stanley LAYMAN, Clerk in J.W. Hodge’s shop, and Lemuel ANTHONY, Blacksmith from Fogo on Thursday, to finish their degrees in the Royal Black Preceptory. They experienced a hard time coming up as they found the ice broken up, and were compelled to go back to Farewell Hr. and cross the neck there. Will anyone going to Lewisporte, and willing to bring a 30 lb parcel, please communicate with the Sun Office. Mr. Robt. BOYDE, jr., at Tizzard’s Hr., has moved into a new shop recently. Mr. Titus LOCKE is building Earle’s lighter, not Mr. BOYDE, as we stated last week. Mr. Jos. KNIGHT is building a large motorboat at Morton’s Hr., about forty feet long, with raised forecastle forward. He will use the boat chiefly for trawling and codnet fishing. Messrs. Louis and J.B. OSMOND and Ed WOOLFREY left for Loon Bay, Campbellton, and Lewisport, Thursday morning. The thermometer recorded 14 below zero on Friday morning. The Prospero reported it 20 below when she was here. It must have been the nip her rudder got made her feel the cold so. |
February 8, 1913 | Rabbit Hunter’s Burnt Out | Lost Rabbits, Clothes and Grub. Return Home in Stockinged Feet. Messrs. LOVERIDGE (3), H. BARRETT and C. FACEY, who went rabbit hunting on the shore between Loon Bay and Birchy Bay at Ship Cove, had the camp they were staying in, burnt over their heads on Saturday morning last, losing 2/3 of their rabbits, most of their clothes, boots and grub. They had an open fireplace in the camp and some of them were keeping the fire in, when just before daylight, the camp took fire on the roof outside. They rushed out to attempt to put it out, buy were unable to check the spread of flames, and could not re-enter the camp. Messrs. FACEY and BARRETT lost their boots and overcoats, while the latter had a spare “Sunday-go-to-meeting” suit of clothes burnt, as well as his shaving gear, looking glass, tooth powder, etc. Fortunately their guns were outside and they had dogs, so the bootless ones were enabled to ride home, reaching here wet through, about 9 p.m. Saturday. Some 20 rabbits were rescued from the flames, and these were brought home. Of food, only part of a sweet loaf was saved, and this had to provide sufficient for 5 persons ‘till a dwelling was reached. The camp in which they were staying was a studded tilt, which was roofed with boughs, which had become blasted, and the fire spread so rapidly that there was little time for anything. After the fire, the unfortunates made their way to Comfort Cove, hatless, bootless and cuffless, and a pretty pickle they presented. Mr. EVELEIGH kindly assisted them to procure boots, caps, and mitts, and fitted them out to get home. The young men can all now rise and sing the last verse of “We won’t go there anymore.” |
February 8, 1913 | Had a Bad Fall | We learn that Mrs. Thomas ASHBOURNE fell down stairs in Dr. LEDREW’S house at Christmas time, and has been confined to her bed ever since. Her arm, shoulder and hip were terribly bruised by the fall, as she fell from nearly the top step to the bottom. She is unable to account for the fall, but supposes she tripped on the carpet. |
February 8, 1913 | Story Incorrect | We have been informed that the story which we published about Rev. MCKIRDY last week is incorrect, and that he is still at Springdale enjoying good health. |
February 8, 1913 | Death | The death of Joel WHEELOR of South Side, occurred on Sunday morning 2nd inst., at the age of 82 years. The late Mr. WHEELOR has been ill for some time from a heavy cold. He was a brother of Mr. Mark WHEELOR of the Arm, and Mr. Elias WHEELOR, South Side. Mr. WHEELOR acted as Engineer with Duder’s years ago, when they used to grind the seal fat there. On one occasion he was caught in a pulley and whirled around many times, his feet striking the roof at every revolution. Fortunately he escaped without broken bones. His family consists of 14 children of whom Jonathan, Arthur, David and Peter; Mrs. Wm. OAKE, Mrs. Wm. HOUSE, Isabella married in Toronto, and Jane married at King’s Cove, are the only survivors. His wife still survives him. |
February 8, 1913 | Kicked by Horse | Mr. Joe WHEELOR of Farmer’s Arm was kicked by a young horse, which he was breaking in last week. The horse struck him in the face with its shoe, inflicting a flesh wound which necessitated several stitches. A report was current that Mr. WHEELOR was dead, but we are able to deny this, and state that he is getting along all right. |
February 8, 1913 | Mr. COOK Leaves Advocate | We learn that Mr. M.W. COOK, formerly Foreman in the Fishermen’s Advocate office, has severed his connection with that plant and goes with Mr. Wm. DOOLEY on the new paper the latter is starting at Belle Island. |
February 8, 1913 | Marriage | Purser DOYLE of the “Clyde” was married last week to a Miss FINN of Carbonear. |
February 8, 1913 | Dangerous Roads | We beg to call the attention of the Road Board to the dangerous condition of the road between Scott’s late premises and Hodge’s. Dick Pond’s load went over the bank Thursday, and Dick came near following suit. A little work with a pick would soon improve matters. |
February 8, 1913 | Man Killed At Badger | We are sorry to learn of the sudden death of Tom ROWSELL, son of Mr. John ROWSELL of Glenwood, who was killed by a blow from a log at Badger, owing to the sled catching in a stump and partly upsetting the load. Tom was a bright, lively fellow, and was very popular with everyone. He was about 22 years old. The sun extends to the bereaved parents its sincere sympathy. |
February 8, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 1) | Two fires occurred on Monday night, about the same time and which rendered 7 families homeless. One took place on Harvey Road and the other on Gower St., East of LAWRENCE'S Carriage Factory. While the firemen were battling with the flames at the first outbreak, The alarm was sent in from Gower St. The night was bitterly cold and the Brigades must have suffered terribly. Fortunately there was but little wind which no doubt saved the city from a disastrous conflagration. |
February 8, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 2) | The new Curate for the Anglican Cathedral arrived per “Florizel” from England, via Halifax on Monday. He comes highly recommended. |
February 8, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 3) | Mr. E.M. JACKMAN has announced his retirement from politics on account of his business relations. |
February 8, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 4) | The Captain of the Furness Liner “Tobasco” reports having passed through a patch of seals while steaming through the ice, about 40 miles off the land, and other steamers arriving from the North and West also report having seen several young Harp seals. We wonder what does such early signs of the white coats portray? |
February 8, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 5) | Tuesday of this week the Police of Ferryland and Cape Broyle unearthed and seized a quantity of contraband goods, consisting of tobacco, Gin, &c. A little bit of smuggling must be carried on somewhere between the mainland and St.Pierre Island. |
February 8, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 6) | The coasting over the City hills having been pretty well brought under control. The Police are endeavouring to put a stop to another dangerous nuisance, ie. playing hockey in the streets. Several persons have been injured by the puck, and complaints are daily pouring in to the Police, who it is hoped will speedily put a stop to this business. |
February 8, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 7) | A sad case occurred on Tuesday. Mr. P. KELLY, Farmer of the Cove Road, died at the General Hospital, and as undertaker MYRICK was conveying the remains to his house, his wife, who had been ill for some time, expired, and they now lie at rest, side by side in the cemetery. “They were lovely and pleasant in their lives, and in their death were not divided.” Much sympathy is felt for the 2 sons and 3 daughters. |
February 8, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 8) | Mr. CONROY, who has been confined in the Fever Hospital for some time suffering from scarlet fever, hopes to be released next week. |
February 8, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 9) | Another Newfoundlander is forcing his was up the ladder. This time it is Mr. W.A. MACKAY, who has recently been elected Mayor of North Sydney. |
February 8, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 10) | Mr. FRANCIS, of Gander Bay, brought to town, during the week, a patch fox for which he received $500 from the Reid fox farm. The animal was minus a hind leg, but otherwise was in general good health. |
February 8, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 11) | A Schooner arrived on Monday from Flat Island, Placentia Bay, with a load of fish, an unusual occurrence at this season of the year. |
February 8, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 12) | The St. John’s Meat Co. have opened a meat store in the West end, and the enterprising proprietors, Messrs. CAMPBELL and MACKEY, deserve success in venturing out on such a speculation. The staff of Butchers are from England, and the meat imported from Argentina, Australia, and Chicago. If the number of persons who visit their stores are indicative of a prosperous business, then their venture must be a success. |
February 8, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 13) | Three cases of small pox were recently discovered at Bell Island, and it is thought the family contracted the disease from a person who visited the island some time previous from Broad Cove, where there are over 20 cases under quarantine. The Health authorities fear that other cases may shortly develop, and have taken all necessary precautions to prevent the disease spreading. |
February 8, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 14) | The “Bruce” reports very heavy Arctic ice in the Cabot Strait, so much so, that the R.N. Co. have almost decided to withdraw the “Invermore” from the service. |
February 8, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 15) | A sad case of double drowning occurred on Saturday afternoon, when 2 young men lost their lives. It appears that Joseph MOYST and his nephew, Fred JANES, with Sam BARTLETT, went out the narrows gunning in a small boat. Near the North Battery, the punt became jammed in the slob ice, and the three men not being able to free her, drew the attention of men at Hynes’ premises, by firing several shots. The tug was immediately dispatched, and taking the punt in tow, steamed quickly out of the slob and up the harbor. After a few yards from the ice, the boat commenced to fill with water, and when near Stabb’s wharf, sank, stern first, carrying JANES and BARTLETT with her. MOYST saved himself by holding on to the towing rope. |
February 8, 1913 | Advertisement | For Sale. The motorboat “Sunbeam” 25ft long, equipped with 7hp Remington Engine – an engine that always goes, never misses, hot head, 2 cycle, 3 port type; will work under water as long as head is above. Apply to: W.W. BAIRD, Campbellton. |
February 8, 1913 | Notice | Notice is hereby given that any person or persons interfering with, or in any way damaging the hull, or any material, belonging to the vessel “Sydney Smith”, now stranded on Harbor Rock, Twillingate, will be prosecuted. Wm. ASHBOURNE, For the Portmadoc Ins. Association. |
February 8, 1913 | Notice | The attention of the public is called to the following: - Section 3 of the 1904 Amendments (by addition) to the Deer Preservation act. 1902: - It shall not be lawful for any person to purchase, or to receive in exchange from any other person, any venison or any portion of the flesh of caribou, at any time between the first day of January and the thirty-first day of July in any day, and persons offending against the provisions of this section shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding two hundred dollars, or in default, to imprisonment for any period not exceeding three months. Game and Inland Fisheries Board. Jas. W. MERCER, Secretary. St. John’s, January 4, 1913. |
February 8, 1913 | Motoring Trip | The editor of the Sun and Mr. Wm. LUCAS drove to Tizzard’s Hr. and Morton’s Hr. on Wednesday, returning Thursday morning. The return being made via Chance Hr. which is much the best way at present. |
February 8, 1913 | Advertisement | For Sale. 1½ plate Camera and outfit, with ¼ plate carriers, a quantity of chemicals and plates. Apply Sun Office. |
February 8, 1913 | Advertisement | For Sale. One good Carriage Harness with winter fittings. H.J. HOWLETT. |
February 8, 1913 | Advertisement | For Sale. A fine Two Seat Sleigh. Also large and small Spinning Wheels. Very cheap. Samuel MOOR. |
February 8, 1913 | Mr. W.J. MINTY to Start in Business | We learn that Mr. W.J. MINTY, of the Arm, who has been for some years in charge of Mr. Ashbourne’s branch at the Arm, has tendered his resignation, and will start in business for himself on the premises of Mr. John MINTY, using the new store built by the latter a year or so ago. Mr. MINTY takes with him an experience in business, and the good will of the Arm folks, as he has been prominent in things social there, and is the Chief Officer of the Arm Boys Brigade. The Sun wishes Mr. MINTY good luck. |
February 8, 1913 | The Trap Berth | We learn that trap berths at Long Point were taken last week. Surely this is going too far with this trap berth business, and it is time the fishermen – especially those who have traps – held a meeting and arranged some regulations. Two or three schemes have been suggested. One is to grant trap berths something similar to the way land is granted, the fees to be placed toward fishery improvements. Another scheme suggested was that all trap holders should draw lots for berths. A third scheme would be that all trap holders should put prime berths to auction, and the price of the berths be divided evenly among those who secured none, or placed to the credit of a general accident insurance or similar fund. Such a fund could form an insurance scheme to that trap owners could insure their traps against loss or damage. Certainly some such scheme could be found workable, and it is to be hoped the fishermen here will take up the matter. |
February 8, 1913 | Leo ELLIOTT's Letter | Dear Sir: I have a few words to say about Brother Albert YOUNG, and four more of us travelling from Lewisporte. I have to say, the piece in the Sun last week was lies. Instead of Tuesday, it was Wednesday evening that we put him on the island. What could we do? If we stayed with him we would have all perished. Instead of two blankets, it was four he had on him. I want to tell the man that put it in last week, he must have had a dream! He said how ROSE took him to his own house. He was however, taken to Mr. CULL's. ROSE came down and said he was very sick. Albert YOUNG was well enough to eat when they got to him though. I want to explain this to people, that we did all we could for Brother YOUNG. When he gave out, we covered him up on the island. We were keeping to the windward shore, when we saw two men skating to Comfort Cove. We called to them and they heard us, turned and came toward us. We told them where Albert YOUNG was, and they told us to go on to Farmer's Arm, and they would go to the island and get him. One of the men gave me four buns and that helped me quite a lot. We got to Farmer's Arm, and told a man to go to Comfort Cove after YOUNG, and he went. When he got there, the men were looking for him. They did not get him that night, but found him next morning. When I reached Comfort Cove next morning, they had him at CULL's, and he came back to Farmer's Arm with me that evening, and stayed there that night. Next morning we left and got here at 1 o'clock. Leo ELLIOTT. |
February 15, 1913 | Telegraphic News | Feb. 8th – Evening Telegram announces today that Sir Robert BOND goes to England by Allan liner “Sardinian”, leaving here Monday, but expects to be back before Assembly session closes. Herald says it learns his business in England is to consult a specialist as to condition of his health. |
February 15, 1913 | Why They Got No Trout | Three gentlemen, two of them Clerks in a store on the South Side, met a peculiar accident last week. They had been trouting at Chapel’s Island on Thursday, and were returning home heavily laden with spoils of the chase, when near Trump Island, their horse upset the load – men, trout and all – and galloped off for home as fast as he could go, leaving our heroes deposited on the ice, able to do nothing but gaze regretfully after the fast disappearing horse. They gathered themselves together, but were compelled to leave their trout (they say they had more than one) and sadly wended their way towards Gillard’s Cove on foot. What was their surprise to meet their intelligent horse returning to look for them, when they neared the South Island. It is said by unkind persons, that the horse was so ashamed of the catch of trout, that he took this means of relieving them of the embarrassment of having to explain why they didn’t get more. They are now busy explaining how they didn’t get the trout home. |
February 15, 1913 | Letter Two Months from Pilley’s Island | We have been handed an envelope, the cover of a letter, which was mailed at Pilley’s Isld. on Dec 9th, 1912, and reached its owner here on Feb. 6th, 1913, practically two months on the way. The letter was registered and contained a sum of money, and this makes the delay so much stranger. Every registered letter is entered on a letter bill when it leaves a Post Office, and if each Clerk or Postmaster through whose hands it passes, checks the letters of packages on his bill, there cannot possibly be any mistake. Altho there is room for improvement in many branches of Postal work, in this case it is not the fault of the system, but due to the carelessness of some Official, to whom it could be directly traced, if the Postmaster General were communicated with. |
February 15, 1913 | Promotion for Nurse ROLLS | Miss K. ROLLS, or rather Nurse ROLLS, as we suppose her proper title is, sister of Mrs. L. EARLE, of this town, is now back in Pasadena from Chicago, where she has been taking a post-graduate course in nursing. She shortly goes to Los Angeles, California, where she will take up a position as Superintendent in a new children’s hospital there. We offer congratulations on Nurse ROLLS’ success. |
February 15, 1913 | Trap Berths (Part 1) | Referring to the trap berth question which we raised last week: - it has been argued that to give a grant of a trap berth would not be fair, as it would put one man in possession of the prime fish spot year after year. On the face of it this seems reasonable, but if you study it you will see there is nothing more unreasonable about granting a man’s trap berth, than in granting him a gold claim or an agricultural grant. No one kicks because a man who discovers a gold vein gets a grant for it, and gets rich from it. His energy, perseverance and investigation discovered the claim for him, and he is entitled to the result of his labors. Similarly, if by experimenting, a man discovers a good trap berth, why should he not be entitled to a grant, or at least a lease for a term of years, in return for his energy. We do not know anything about the trap berths over which there seems so much talk at present, but we presume they were discovered by someone after experimenting with different places, and the discoverer, to our mind, is the person who is best entitled to hold it. |
February 15, 1913 | Trap Berths (Part 2) | We see no reason why there should be any change in order to permit someone else to get some fish therefrom. You might as well argue that because Mr. Jones has a splendid garden, that can grow double as much as his neighbor Smith’s piece, that Jones should allow Smith to use his garden occasionally, and that it is unfair for Jones to be always getting good crops. Personally, if we were a fisherman, we should agitate to have some definite regulation for all. Rules are the back-bone of civilization, and while things are left to simply first come first served, there will always be rows and disputes over them. A trap berth does not yield the same results every year, so we fail to see why they should be worth squabbling over. If John Jones puts out his lines in January to hold a trap berth, he may find it valueless in June and July, and have all his trouble during the winter for nothing. Anyhow, we do not believe anything but a trap (and a genuine trap that would take fish at that) should hold a trap berth; and the man whom greediness, or jealousy of his neighbors good luck, causes to put out a codnet or piece of linnet to hold a trap berth, should be disqualified. If a man likes to risk his trap all winter, well, he is entitled to get fish for his trouble, but a piece of linnet should not be allowed to do the trick. |
February 15, 1913 | Nearly Poisoned | Mrs. Wm. NEWMAN came near being poisoned this week. She was suffering from la grippe, and asked her mother to hand her some medicine on the shelf. This Mrs. BAIRD did, and mixed a dose which her daughter drank. Then she discovered that she had taken a lotion which her father was using for external application – a deadly poison. They awoke Mr. Harold BAIRD to go for the Doctor, but he with much presence of mind, immediately mixed a mustard emetic, and gave Mrs. NEWMAN, which caused her to vomit the poison, and relieved her immediately. We learn that the drug taken was not dangerous, but the scare was great. |
February 15, 1913 | Stranded on Duck Island. | Messrs. Ed. YOUNG and Titus STUCKEY, who were called to Campbellton Sunday morning on account of the sickness of the former’s brother there, made a quick trip going and returning the same day. Unfortunately they were caught in the blizzard Sunday night, and landed on Duck Island, off Kettle Cove, where they were compelled to spend the night. They must have experienced very cold weather. |
February 15, 1913 | The Sealing Fleet | Sealing steamers this year will sail as follows: - from St. John’s: “Adventure,” Jacob KEAN; “Bellaventure,” J. KNEE; “Bonaventure,” John PARSONS; “Beothic,” WINSOR; “Diana,” BARBOUR; “Erik,” KEAN; “Southern Cross,” Geo. CLARKE; “Florizel,” KEAN; “Stephano,” A. KEAN. From Wesleyville: “Newfoundland,” Wes. KEAN; “Eagle,” E. BISHOP; “Ranger,” K. KNEE. From Channel: “Neptune,” BARTLETT “Labrador,” D. MARTIN “Bloodhound,” Jesse WINSOR; “Viking,” W. BARTLETT. From Conche: “Kite,” F. YETMAN. |
February 15, 1913 | Personals | Mr. Harry ANSTEY and party, who have been rabbit catching on Chapel’s Isld., arrived this week with 80 rabbits. Messrs. Louis CLARKE and Samuel WELLS arrived Sunday from Indian Arm, where they have been rabbit catching. Their catch amounted to 50 rabbits. Capt. Jas. JANES and his crew arrived this week and will return again Monday to Indian Cove, where they are wood cutting out towards Chapel’s Head. Practically everyone in the place has been attacked with “la grippe” this winter, and the Medical men have had a busy time. We understand that Mr. Peter GRIMES of Herring Neck will sever his connection with Mr. LOCKYER there, and join Mr. Wm. ASHBOURNE’S staff here. Mr. Wm. NEWMAN, who is on his way from Toronto here, has been heard from at Sydney, from whence we understand, he wired saying he had $1000 stolen from him and was cleaned out. Mr. John SHEPHERD lost a fine horse owing to the animal dying on Sunday last. Mr. W.T. HODDER arrived from USA via Lewisporte on Sunday, after a very round-about trip. Rev. CURTIS, who has been very ill, having been confined to his bed for 16 days, is now much recovered and able to get about again. Mrs. MURRAY, an old resident of Davis’ Cove, is very poorly this week, and fears are entertained for her. Dr. WOOD, who has been ill for so long, is now regaining his strength, and is much improved, being able to walk about his room. |
February 15, 1913 | Charged With Assault | (Special to Evening Herald) Bay Roberts; Feb. 7. – C.E. RUSSELL, Editor of the Guardian, was assaulted here last night by a Liberal - Cokerite. Previous to the assault, this man and others, went to the Guardian office, and used force against the door. At the same time, vile insinuations and threats were made use of on the street, opposite the residence of Mr. RUSSELL. His assailant will be summoned before Judge OKE today on a charge of battery and assault. |
February 15, 1913 | The Kite | Some uneasiness is felt in reference to the “Kite” which left St. John’s over two weeks ago for Conche, and has not yet been reported. It is supposed she is stuck in the ice. |
February 15, 1913 | Advertisement | Wolverine Engines. Orders for spring delivery of Wolverines are continually coming in. It will pay best to buy the engine whose agent is situated right in the Bay, and with whom it is easy to correspond. Spare parts carried on hand. I install engines of any type, size or style – hothead or electric ignition. Prices on application. W.B. TEMPLE, Agent for Wolverine Motors. |
February 15, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 1) | The ice is so treacherous this winter that persons crossing, should exercise extreme caution! On Saturday, four men attempted to cross Kent’s Pond and narrowly escaped drowning. They were over 15 minutes in the water before help arrived, and the rescuers had some difficulty in getting the men ashore, who were very much exhausted. |
February 15, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 2) | An old defective chimney in the West End of the City, took fire on Monday, and but one or two of the Firemen took a ladder, and had buckets of water passed up, no doubt a big fire would very soon have been in progress. It is high time for the safety of the town, that these old rookeries were razed to the ground. |
February 15, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 3) | In all conscious, it is bad enough to see a drunken man about the streets, but one has to witness such a scene as that which took place early on Monday morning! We are forced to exclaim with the historian of old, “Where are we and whither tending!” Just before daylight on the morning in question, the Constables on their beat on George St., came across a young woman in a beastly state of intoxication, and they had extreme difficulty in bringing her to the station. One would scarcely think that in this enlightened age, anyone could be found to treat a poor weak woman in such a way. |
February 15, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 4) | The body of the young lad JANES, who lost his life in Saturday night’s drowning tragedy, was recovered on Wednesday by Diver SQUIRES, several yards away from where his comrade was found. The parents naturally are heart broken over their loss. |
February 15, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 5) | Although the absence of snow is welcomed by all, still, there are or will be sufferers from it. The outport people, who are depending on wood for fuel, fencing, &c., and who lay in a 12 months stock, have up to the present been unable to do so. This means a great deal of suffering when coal is scarce and dear. |
February 15, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 6) | A serious accident occurred on the S.S. “Cynthian” a few days ago. By some unaccountable manner a young man WOODFORD, fell into the hold during Monday night. Next morning, on starting work on board, the workmen discovered him, face downward, in an unconscious condition. He was attended to by Dr. CARBERRY of the “Calypso” and ordered to the Hospital where he remains in critical condition. |
February 15, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 7) | The rotary plough, which left the station Monday afternoon, jumped the track near Kean’s Valley, the result being the express, with the Orange delegates on board, was held up at Donovan’s for 4 hours. |
February 15, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 8) | Dr. ROBERTS had a narrow escape from drowning on Wednesday. Cabman DOOLEY was driving him from Portugal Cove, and in order to shorten the journey, crossed Round Pond, when the horse went through. Dr. ROBERTS held on to the sleigh and got on firm ice, while DOOLEY jumped clear. The horse however, after being an hour in the water, perished shortly after its rescue. A heavy loss to the owner. |
February 15, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 9) | The man Frank POLAND, who was suddenly attacked with paralysis on the street on Wednesday, died shortly after being removed to the hospital. |
February 15, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 10) | The schr. “Adriatic,” which left Louisberg some 14 days ago with a cargo of black diamonds, and for whose safety great anxiety was felt, arrived at Cape Broyle on Friday. |
February 15, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 12) | The Halifax Wanderers (Hockey Club) have accepted the invitation of the St. John’s Hockeyist, to come down and play a series of matches during February month. It is also said that a team from the Paper City will visit St. John’s, for the purpose of defeating (if they can) our boys. |
February 15, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 13) | The friends of the Rev. Canon SMITH will be pleased to learn that he has so far recovered as to be able to move to the City to be in the close touch of his Physician. |
February 15, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 14) | The last Allan boat for the season leaves today (Tuesday) for the Homeland, taking about 50 passengers, among whom is Sir Robert BOND, who it is said, is going on a health trip for a few weeks. The S.S. “Bruce” is due to arrive from Sydney on Thursday morning with Governor DAVIDSON and his wife on board. A hearty “cead mille failte” awaits his Excellency. |
February 15, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 15) | The past week King frost has reigned supreme and the plumbers have been so highly favored that they are reaping a rich harvest in repairing water pipes injured by old Jack. |
February 15, 1913 | Killed By Falling Tree | Horace RICE of Norris Arm, working at Goodyear’s logging camp, Badger, was fatally injured on Friday by a tree falling on him. He was taken to the Grand Falls Hospital where he died Saturday night. |
February 15, 1913 | Birth | Mrs. LOYTE of Hart’s Cove, gave birth to a daughter on 7th inst., at Old House Cove. |
February 15, 1913 | Death | We regret to record the death of Sarah, relict of the late Esau MURRAY of Davis’ Cove, which occurred on Feb. 12th at the ripe old age of 85 years and four months. The funeral takes place today in the C. of E. cemetery. Mrs. MURRAY leaves a number of descendants, children, grand children and great grand children. Her husband predeceased here several years ago. The Sun extends its sympathy to bereaved relatives. |
February 15, 1913 | “Sydney Smith’s” Fish Bought | We understand that Mr. Wm. ASHBOURNE has purchased all the fish compromising the cargo of the ill-fated “Sidney Smith,” including that removed to Capt. J. PHILLIP’S schooner. Men are now engaged in removing fish from the wreck, which will be resalted. |
February 15, 1913 | Disturbance in Church | The Magistrate and Const. PATTON were at Herring Neck last week, to investigate a case arising from a disturbance during service, over pews in the Church of England, over in the Bight. The disturber was fined $35. |
February 15, 1913 | Power Plant | Earle, Sons & Co, at Fogo, have an electric lighting plant for their premises there, which they will install in the spring. The engine and dynamo are already there. The motor is a 9 h.p. Meitz and Weiss hot head, two cycle kerosene engine. They will also have a power plant to run their fish screw, &c. |
[There is nothing on my microfilm between February 15 and April 5 1913. GW.] | ||
April 5, 1913 | Personals | We are sorry to learn that Mr. Amos ROSSITER, of Back Harbor, has not been feeling well for some weeks past, owing to heart trouble. We understand that Mr. M.W. COOK has secured the position of Storekeeper at Earle, Sons & Co’s, in place of Mr. James PIKE, who goes to Canada shortly. A number of men are engaged in building a new wharf for W. Ashbourne at the South Side premises, to replace the old one recently carried away by ice. Mr. Hodge had a quantity of hay arrive by “Stella Maris.” Mr. Stephen LOVERIDGE took passage by “Stella Maris” for St. John’s, on a business trip for the firm of W. Ashbourne. We learn the total results for missions in Methodist Churches here will show 40 or 50 percent over previous year. It is reported Messrs. BURKE and SPRACKLIN and Miss A.J. YOUNG, Meth. Teachers, have resigned their schools, to take effect in June. Rev. G.A. STEEL returned from a missionary tour to Herring Neck and vicinity on Saturday last. Mr. Thomas WELLS of Back Hr. left this morning to go to the Hospital, to have cancer removed from his lip. Mr. WELLS has not decided whether he would go to Grand Falls or St. John’s. Mr. Frank LOVERIDGE, who was to the ice in the “Stephano”, is now in the Hospital at St. John’s suffering from pneumonia. |
April 5, 1913 | Cod Trap Berths | We learn considerable trouble is ahead, caused by people who have been, in some cases, keeping gear in the water, and under the ice all the winter, to get berths. The Court may be kept busy this spring, and many of the best fishermen think some law must be made, to put an end to such unseemly actions, and fix a date before which no fishing gear shall go in the water. A case will be heard in Court on Monday next at 11 a.m. |
April 5, 1913 | Advertisement | Orders for Nitrate of Soda or other fertilizers will be received until April 15th. Cash to accompany all orders. C. WHITE. |
April 5, 1913 | Shipping News | For the first time in our history have we seen a steamer arrive here twice from St. John’s in March, of course made possible only by the off shore prevailing winds having cleared the coast. The “Stella Maris” brought considerable freight this week. She will probably soon be replaced by a regular coastal steamer. “Lintrose” sails this evening for North Sydney direct; begins at once service with Port aux Basques to alternate with “Bruce”. |
April 5, 1913 | Advertisement | For Sale. One Dray and one large Box Cart in good condition. For particulars Apply to Earle, Sons & Co. |
April 5, 1913 | Back Harbor Breakwater | We are pleased to learn that in response to a largely signed petition from the people of Back Harbor, where soon it would be impossible for the schooners, the number of which will be increased this year, to lie at stormy times, as the breakwater has been getting out of repair, after so may years of good service, the Government, after wiring to the Road Board for full specifications, which were sent on, have forwarded a very substantial amount to be expended forthwith on this important public work. It is now up to the Board to show good results as they usually do. |
April 5, 1913 | Advertisement | For Sale. 1 Large Store and Stable on the premises of the late Stephan NEWMAN. For particulars apply to Willis NEWMAN, Back Harbor. |
April 5, 1913 | Advertisement | For Sale. Schr. “New Vancouver.” 39 tons; 5 years old; well found in all gear. Apply to James White & Sons. |
April 5, 1913 | Advertisement | Wanted – Miners. At York Harbor mine. Call or write Superintendent, York Hr. Mine, York Hr., Bay of Islands. L.K. JENKINS, Superintendent. |
April 5, 1913 | Sealing News | By Telegraph. (From the Seal Hunt) April 2nd – “Florizel” wired this morning, very stormy, took 100 seals yesterday; “Newfoundland” steamed Northwest from us today and “Bonaventure” was Southeast. “Adventure” arrived this morning; reports for 7000 seals; she is leaking somewhat and as prospects were poor, came to port. “Adventure” reports “Sagona” and “Eagle” with about 16,000 each. April 3rd – Sealer “Erik” harbored at Greenspond yesterday and landed fifty men, who it is said, refused to remain in her longer; she sailed again supposedly to continue the fishery. Wireless from “Nascopie” reports Eli DAVIS of Wesleyville, died of pneumonia. Wireless from “Eagle” reports she took a thousand bedlamers Tuesday and Wednesday, and has now nearly 15,000 aboard. April 4th – Capt. FARQUAHAR of steamer “Seal” wired Bowrings today that he has no word of “Viking” which was jammed about eight miles off Port au Port, but believes she is on her way home. Believed “Southern Cross” also about loaded. “Neptune” supposed to be well fished, and “Seal” herself has 13,000 coming home. “Stephano” unloaded today, turned out 37,882 seals, weighing 804 tons valued at $69,562, crew shared $80.06 each. |
April 5, 1913 | Death | We regret to record the death of Mrs. Henry RIDEOUT of Back Hr. which occurred at her home on Sunday morning at the age of 69 years. The deceased had been confined to home for a long while, and lately sustained an attack which hastened the end, which was not altogether unexpected. She lived a good Christian life and commanded the respect of those around her. She leaves a sorrowing husband and five children to mourn their loss. We extend our sympathies to the bereaved in their trouble. |
April 5, 1913 | Death | On March 17th, after a short illness, there passed peacefully away, Amos, the beloved husband of Levinia JONES. Being a member of the LOA, the brethren showed their respect by preceding the procession. Owing to the unavoidable absence of the Pastor, the ceremony was performed by Mr. C.M. CURTIS, who spoke from the words “The time is short." For the sorrowing relatives sincerest sympathy is felt. |
April 5, 1913 | Painfull Accident | Mable, daughter of Ambrose BRETT, met with an accident on Monday; she received a fall which broke her collar bone. Dr. LEDREW was called to attend to the sufferer. We hope to see Mable around again soon. |
April 5, 1913 | Loss of Horse | Mr. James BURT came near losing his horse on Friday. The animal went to the edge of the harbor ice, and slipped over. But for the fact that some of Mr. D.P. & L. Osmond’s employees saw the accident, we fear the beast would have been lost. Mr. Stanley WALL lost a horse on Monday; the beast, after being sick a short time, died. |
April 5, 1913 | Advertisement | For Sale. Herring Barrel Hoops For Sale. A number of bundles of Herring Barrel Hoops for sale. Apply to D.P. & L. Osmond, Morton’s Harbor. |
April 5, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 1) | S.S. “Tabasco” arrived on Monday and reports very storm weather from the time of leaving the other side. She passed through much ice. |
April 5, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 2) | A few days ago the death was announced of Mr. J.R. GOODRIDGE, which sad event took place at Algiers. Mr. GOODRIDGE has been in ill health for several years. He was an upright businessman, and was kind and courteous with whom he came in contact. He leaves two sons and two daughters. |
April 5, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 3) | The SS “Lloydsen” has sailed again in quest of the fat. She calls at Channel to augment her crew, and from thence for the Gulf. It is hoped the pluck of the owners will be rewarded by at least a saving trip. Reid’s new ship “Lintrose” arrived in port on Saturday morning after a boisterous passage. She sustained considerable damage. The passengers, Messrs. CHAPLAIN and MACINTYRE, report her as a dandy and splendid seaboat. She is fitted in elegant and elaborate manner. |
April 5, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 4) | The “Nickle” is now in full swing again after being thoroughly renovated. Two lady vocalists appear before the footlights and the moving pictures are all that can be desired. |
April 5, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 5) | On Wednesday, shortly after noon, an awful accident occurred at the floating dock. It appears Mr. MURPHY, the Supt. Engineer, was docking a schooner, and an unusual thing for him, he wore his overcoat, which it was thought was the direct cause of his death. It is believed that in stooping down to look into the cock well, his coat became caught in one of the cog wheels. He yelled to his assistant to shut off steam and stop the machinery, which although done instantly, was too late to save the poor fellow's life. He leaves a widow and four children. |
April 5, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 6) | Mrs. BELL, of the Crosbie Hotel, received the sad news from Winsor, N.S., of the passing of her young son, Willie. Earlier in the week the mother was apprised of the serious illness of her boy, and she had started on the outgoing express to visit him, when his death was announced. Much sympathy is evoked for the sorrowing parents. |
April 5, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 7) | It is reported around town that the young man, Nicholas ANGEL, whose death was recorded a few days ago, was the victim of foul play. He was on his way to Montreal when the news of his death by accident was received. Inspector General SULLIVAN has taken the matter up, and will no doubt probe the matter to the bottom. |
April 5, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 8) | On Thursday afternoon, Laura JUDGE, and employee of Mr. COADY, was almost burned to death. She threw some kerosene oil into the stove when the flame set fire to her clothing, burning her face and hands very badly. She was rescued from her perilous position by the store assistants, and attended to by Dr. ANDERSON. |
April 5, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 9) | On Sunday afternoon, the good ship “Stephano,” Capt. A. KEAN, entered port with the splendid trip of 37,000 seals. The day was beautifully fine and hundreds wended their way to Signal Hill and other points of vantage, to watch the Commodore majestically steaming through the narrows. Although the reports are favorable, the ventures have not done well, but on the whole, an average voyage is anticipated. The seal skinners recently made a demand for an increase of the skinning rates, and after a conference with Messrs. Job and Munn, a compromise was effected, which satisfied both parties. |
April 5, 1913 | Advertisement | For Sale. Schr. “Bessie R.” 96 Tons; Schr. “Robbie M.” 67 Tons; Schr. “Zadia Belle” 47 Tons. Well found and in good condition. Also several Codtraps. Apply to Solomon ROBERTS, Change Islands. |
[There is nothing on my microfilm between April 5 and April 19, 1913. GW.] | ||
April 19, 1913 | Complaint of Rowdiness | A great deal of rowdiness prevails in some of our streets after dark, and there is need of the Policemen taking an occasional stroll around. Some of these young hooligans take a delight in creating disturbance, assaulting passers by, and injuring property. Fines are foolishness, and in some cases a public application of the birch would be effectual. Fun is all right, but some of these youth have yet to learn that to injure a persons property is not fun. If some of the Officials were as busy suppressing this, as in sending egoistical reports of Court proceedings to the press, it would be much better for the community. What Twillingate wants is not people who advertise their virtues, but those who will get down and do something – not talk. |
April 19, 1913 | The Telephone Co. | The poles for the telephone line have been cut; the contract having been give to Mr. EVELEIGH, at New Hr, he being the lowest tenderer, and as soon as arrangements completed with the Government as to permission &c., the matter will again be taken up and finalized. While at Channel we inspected the system there; a similar one to what is proposed here, and found it worked well and gave good satisfaction. |
April 19, 1913 | Astray All Night | Two young men, ANSTEY of Back Hr. sons of Messrs John and Robert ANSTEY respectively, had quite an experience Friday night. They had gone out in punt to look for seals when the ice packed in between them and the shore. When they did not arrive before dark, their parents went to look for them, and fired guns to guide them. Fortunately they got a lead of water off the Shag Rocks, and reached home at 2 a.m. Saturday, nothing the worse. |
April 19, 1913 | Mr. ASHBOURNE for Bermuda | Mr. Wm. ASHBOURNE, who was in the hospital at Sydney, is somewhat better in Health. He has been advised by the Doctors to recuperate in Bermuda, and has gone there, where he will likely spend a month before returning to this Country. |
April 19, 1913 | The South Island Coal | We learn that work on the coal indications on the White Hills, South Island, will be undertaken by Mr. Wm. ASHBOURNE, who holds the mineral grant for practically all South Island, as soon as the frost is gone. Quite a lot of lumps of coal have been found by different parties from all around that district, and hopes are high that a regular seam will be discovered. Lumps of from two to ten pounds have been brought out, and the assay gives the coal as a very superior quality of steam coal, rich in hydrocarbons. We are almost afraid to be too optimistic, but sincerely hope for Twillingate’s sake that a considerable seam may be located. |
April 19, 1913 | Schooners Preparing | Capt. Frank ROBERTS and crew, and Capt. Robert YOUNG and crew, left via Lewisport for St. John’s this week, to fit out their schooners there. |
April 19, 1913 | Free Fish To States | In accordance with President WILSON’S message, the United States Govt. has revised the tariff, and placed fish on the free list. This makes the entry of Newfoundland fish possible, now the duty has been removed. This will clear the way for a lot of Canadian fish, and Newfoundland is bound to profit thereby. There is also an opportunity for the revival of the herring industry which has latterly fallen so. It seems passing strange to the layman, that with such opportunities as we have, tons of our herring are not smoked and exported. Some day some outside company will come in and put them up, and we shall kick ourselves because we neglected golden opportunities. |
April 19, 1913 | Promoted To The Quarter Deck | We learn that Mr. Ned ROBERTS, son of Capt. Andrew ROBERTS, is now promoted to the quarter deck, and takes charge of Horwood’s three master. He left this week for St. John’s to join her. We offer him our best wishes. |
April 19, 1913 | Case Remanded | The case of J.W. HODGE, versus Ed. WHITE was remanded Wednesday, and will be tried before the Supreme Court in St. John’s. |
April 19, 1913 | Sealing News | By Telegraph. St. John’s, April 15th – Steamer “Florizel” with 23,000 seals arrived last night. April 16th – The SS “Neptune” arrived last night with 24,000 seals from Gulf; reports giving “Southern Cross” 13,000 and “Lloydsen” unseen. No other steamers from front are expected before end of month. The steamer “Mongolian”, first mail boat from England, due tomorrow. By Telegraph. (The Seal Hunt) April 12th – Steamer “Seal” arrived last night with 13,000 and “Viking’ noon today with 21,000, latter seals are very heavy and made up weightiest load she ever brought in. April 14th – Steamer “Newfoundland” arrived Saturday night with 12,000 seals. “Florizel” got clear today and is due tomorrow. “Eagle” reports old seals plenty but ice poor. Steamer “Neptune” passed Channel yesterday, reports for 25,000 and says 15,000 more were stolen. Jobs on behalf of “Neptune” sued Capt. FARQUHAR and steamer “Seal” today for $10,000 for alleged theft of “Neptune’s” seals. |
April 19, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 1) | It has been decided by the City Fathers to have a new steel bridge replace the old bridge over the Waterford River, commonly known as Browning’s Bridge, and it is a foregone conclusion that a similar structure will take the place of the Long Bridge. |
April 19, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 2) | Reid's new steamer “Kyle,” was launched on the 27 March at Newcastle. This boat is intended for the Labrador service and is expected here the latter part of next month. |
April 19, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 3) | Another of the old drapers who came to this country in the early sixties has passed away. Robt. LAWNE, was a general favorite and had a host of friends, but few enemies. |
April 19, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 4) | The Municipal Council’s action against the Hockey League for the recovery of a percentage of the proceeds of the games played with the Halifax team, was decided in favour of the League. |
April 19, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 5) | The death of Mr. Ernest MARTIN, builder and contractor, took place on Tuesday evening at his residence, LeMarchant Road. Mr. MARTIN did an extensive business, and leaves behind him a name proverbial for honesty and uprightness. He was for a number of years, G. Secy. of the LOA. His wife and relatives have the sincere sympathy of the entire community. |
April 19, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 6) | Preparation is being made for the resumption of work on the Trepassey branch railway. Several gangs of workmen went out last week to clean up the road after the winter. |
April 19, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 7) | "Several Policemen have recently resigned to engage in the fishery, the small wages not being a sufficient inducement to keep them in the Force. Quite a number of our young men are leaving for western Canada, and those of them associated with the Brigades have been tendered farewell dinners. We wish all our young friends every success and prosperity in their new homes." |
April 19, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 8) | His Excellency the Governor, Mrs. DAVIDSON and Capt. BEECH, has recently visited the South Side premises of Job Bros. and witnessed the various processes through which the pelts went before being converted to oil. The vice regal party were deeply interested. |
April 19, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 9) | On Wednesday Messrs. BUNFIELD, HIGGINS and EMERSON were added to the roll of the legal profession. Mr. HIGGINS is a Rhode’s Scholar, and was called to the Bar in the Old Country where he studied. |
April 19, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 10) | Messrs. GOODRIDGE were apprised by cable on Saturday, of the arrival of their barqt. “Rosina” at Barbadoes from Pernambuco, after a passage of 8 days. Some of the old salts say this is a record run. Jobs barqt. “Earlshall,” after two unsuccessful attempts to cross the Atlantic, reached port on Sunday after a passage of 24 days. |
April 19, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 11) | A Mrs. MURPHY, of Tessier place, was found drowned on Sunday morning in O’Dea’s Bog, by Messrs. BURRIDGE and BARNES. The unfortunate woman left her home shortly before 7 to go to Mass, and it is thought her mind becoming mentally unbalanced, wandered to the place where she met her death. |
April 19, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 12) | Stolen seals are much in evidence now, and it would appear from reports floating around, that a few cases will be adjudicated before the Supreme Court. Already the owners of the “Neptune” have entered an action against the S.S. “Seal” for $10,000 worth of stolen fat, and the wise acres say there are more to follow. |
April 19, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 13) | Another sudden death occurred on Sunday evening. Mr. P. WALSH, a well known resident of Waterford Bridge Road, who had been in the best of health on Saturday, was suddenly stricken with paralysis during the night, and passed away as above recorded. |
April 19, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 14) | It is reported that two brothers from Boston are on their way to Newfoundland to start across the ocean on their fliers. It will be interesting and rather a novel flight, if they begin their flight from St. John’s. |
April 19, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 15) | Salmon were plentiful in town on Saturday – the first for the season, and found a ready sale from 30 cts. to 40 cts per lb. Since then the price has dropped to 20 cts. |
April 19, 1913 | Our Weekly Budget From St. John’s (Part 16) | The first steamer from Montreal and Gulf ports arrived on Monday, bringing a large freight. The “Lloydsen”, the last of the sealing fleet, arrived at Harbor Grace of Tuesday moring with equal to 13,000 young seals. It will be remembered that this steamer ….. her stern post and rudder …. forcing out of Channel, and was compelled to return to St. John’s for repairs, which delayed her nearly 3 weeks before she was ready for the hunt. All praise to the pluck and perseverance of Capt. Alphaeus BARBOUR and his crew, for they are worthy of it. Capt. KEAN of the “Erik” reports the past spring the most anxious he ever spent. After all the young seals were cut up, 48 of the crew refused to work or to hunt for the old and armed themselves with spikes threatening mischief, the Capt. decided to land the mutineers which he did at Bonavista. The “Bruce” is now on dock undergoing her annual painting and cleaning up. Reids new steamer “Kyle,” on her trial trip on Monday, made 13 ¾ knots. |
April 19, 1913 | Salt Prices High | Salt bids fair to be high this year, as we understand the price is already $1.50 in St. John’s for quantities. This is a result of a combine of the Cadiz salt growers. Coal has also promised to increase after May 1st. |
April 19, 1913 | Personals (Part 1) | "Capt. Jas. ANSTEY will install a Wolverine motor in his new trap-skiff this spring and Capt. John PHILLIPS will install a Wolverine also. Mr. EARLE will equip the “Undine” with a 40 h.p. Trask gasoline motor this spring. Several seals have been taken in this locality the past week or so. Mr. Amos ROSSITER who has been ill, is now able to get around. Mr. Mark LUTHER, who was injured by a load of wood falling on him three weeks ago, is now practically himself again. Mr. Eli SPENCER, who has been ill for some time, is still about the same. Mr. Luke COOK is still far from well, and is afflicted with acute deafness now. Mr. Obadiah WHEELOR, of Farmer’s Arm, was very sick on Monday, Dr. SMITH having been called there. Mr. C.L. HODGE goes to St. John’s by “Sagona” on her return. The “Sagona” leaves St. John’s this morning and goes as far as Griquet if possible. Capt. Jas. JANES and crew, left for St. John’s via Lewisport on Tuesday. He has a large freight to bring back. " |
April 19, 1913 | Personals (Part 2) | Mr. Wm. MAY left Tuesday to join the “Clyde” again as Steward this year. Mr. Geo. BARRETT, from Sydney, in company with his brother, Mr. Harold BARRETT, arrived from Lewisport Saturday. They, as we did, experienced bad traveling, and in leaving Campbellton, Mr. Harold BARRETT fell thro the ice. At Campbellton we had the pleasure of taking dinner with our old friend Adj. HISCOCK, who, with his good wife, were here and did so well at their entertainment recently, taking over forty dollars. Mr. W. BRADLEY, of HMC “Lewisporte” is at present in St. John’s on a brief holiday. Mr. Gordon STOCKLEY left for Toronto on the 8th inst., where he will join his brothers Messrs. Saul and George. Miss Hannah PEARCE has opened a private school for small children in Back Harbor. Mr. Alfred MANUEL is now practically his old self, having walked from his own house to Path End and back. Mr. Thos. WELLS, who was recently operated on for cancer of the lip at the General Hospital, St. John’s, returned with Capt. Jas. JANES on Tuesday. He is suffering somewhat from the effect of the operation, but improving all the time. |
April 19, 1913 | Personals (Part 3) | Five or six codfish of large size were jigged by a man named JENNINGS in Western Head Tickle on Friday last. The crew of the “Pauline” left Morton’s Hr. for St. John’s on Tuesday. Four fishermen left here Monday – Elmo Gordon, Sol WHITE: “Hallye’s Comet.” – Isaac EARLE: “Pohir.” – R. STOCKLEY & John Earle: Willis HULL. Mr. W.W. BAIRD of Campbellton arrived by “Clyde” Sunday and returned by Manuel’s, Loon Bay, motorboat, to see his mother who is ill with pneumonia. Mr. K. MANUEL also arrived by motorboat Monday. Rev. STIRLING was too ill to hold service on Sunday; Mr. Robert GUY officiating. Mr. E. SWEETLAND left by “Clyde” Saturday last to join the “Home” for Springdale. As the “Home,” however, had to return from Leading Tickles, having met the ice he experienced some delay. Mr. W.H. STUCKLESS returned from Herring Neck by “Clyde” Monday. H.J. EARLE, MHA, was passenger to Fogo by “Clyde” Sunday night, accompanied by Mr. MALCOLM, son of the late Dr. MALCOLM. |
April 19, 1913 | Personals (Part 4) | Congratulations are due Miss Minnie F. BURKE, daughter of Mr. Pat BURKE of Little Bay, who recently passed the State Board Examination for Nurses at Boston, gaining an average of 91.6 percent. The “Duchess” passed for Lewisporte Tuesday evening. She runs from Lewisport to Battle Hr., calling we believe, at Exploits and Tilt Cove in this bay. The schrs. “Springdale” and “Gyrfalcon” arrived Tuesday form St. John’s. A young man MANUEL, son of Mr. Uriah MANUEL, formerly of this place, who was very ill, died on Saturday last at Campbellton. Mr. Samuel CLARK, of Campbellton, is here on a brief visit. The principals of the “Sydney Smith” wreck have arrived, and it is said the ship will not likely be salved, as her keel is gone, sternpost much wrecked and other damage. Mrs. M.W. COOK and children arrived by “Clyde” Sunday; Mr. COOK comes by Schr. “Grace.” The death of Jas. SMITH of the Arm, occurred on Tuesday after a brief illness. Deceased had been working on reconstruction of Ashbourne’s wharf last week. Schr. “Grace” arrived Wednesday evening from St. John’s with general cargo. Mr. M.W. COOK and son arrived by her. Mrs. Arthur BLACKLER has moved with her mother to the latter’s house, near the late Thos. PEYTON’S. |
April 19, 1913 | Death | Died. At 2am Saturday, April 19, 1913, Mrs. Elizabeth BARRETT, age 65 years. Interment Monday from late residence, Barrettview, Twillingate. |
April 19, 1913 | Advertisement | Wood, Wood. 25 thousand good, large Birch & Spruce selling at right price. Apply to J.M. EVELEIGH, Comfort Cove. |
April 19, 1913 | Advertisement | For Sale. Second hand furniture, consisting of Tables, Chairs, Couches, Feather Beds, and bedsteads, etc, etc. Apply to Willis NEWMAN, Back Harbor. |
April 19, 1913 | Death | We regret to learn of the death of Mr. E.J. BARNES of Tilt Cove, which occurred there on Monday. Mr. John COOK, brother in law of the deceased, received a telegram on that day, conveying the sad intelligence, but no particulars were given. |
April 19, 1913 | Snow Storm | Thursday’s snow storm last week caused a block on the Topsails, and the Editor of this paper was held up at Kitty’s Brook from 8pm Thursday till five Friday evening. |
April 19, 1913 | Ice Treacherous | Travelling over the ice is getting bad. Campbellton is very unsafe on the West side. Mr. HEAD, of Comfort Cove had a horse drowned off there last week, and Mr. ROSE’S horse got in the water going out of Farmer’s Arm. |
April 19, 1913 | In Court | The Magistrate has been very busy this week - busier than usual. On Monday a case was heard against two young men for creating a disturbance around the North Side Methodist Sunday School, while service was progressing. They got off lightly being fined $2.50 each. Judgement in the Trap Berth dispute between Jas. ADEY and John SHEPPARD, was given in favour of ADEY. As we foretold, this greedy rushing for trap berths is having its sequel in disputes and cases in Court. What a pity these matters cannot be settled more amicably with a little more respect for the rights of others. A case of J.W. HODGE vs Captain Ed WHITE for alleged sale of second hand salt, without accounting for the proceeds of the sale, was also heard, but was postponed until further evidence could be procured. |
April 19, 1913 | Telegraphic News | By Telegraph. May 6th – “Loydsen”, last sealer for the year, reached Harbor Grace this morning. Marconi station, Cape Race, completely destroyed by fire last night. May 7th – Premier proceeded to Fogo district by steamer “Prospero” today and will hold public meetings in various places there during next week. Reid Co. report goodly numbers of men engaging in work on branch railways but room for may more yet. May 8th – Citizens of Harbor Grace and Carbonear are preparing for reception of Governor DAVIDSON who visits there next week. Message to Daily News states Premier MORRIS, received hearty welcome at Bay de Verde yesterday. New Furness liner “Digby” for St. John’s route, left Liverpool this morning; expects to make run here in five days. |
April 19, 1913 | Coastal Boat | No ports have been added to the Clyde with the exception of Brown’s Arm. Comfort Cove and Loon Bay folks are much disappointed. It is possible, however, that more ports may be added later if it is found that time allows. At present she is handling the bi-weekly service easily. The “Home” reached Nipper’s Hr. on her last trip. The “Duchess” could not get beyond Fortune Hr. for ice Thursday. |
April 19, 1913 | Sun Visits Coal Discovery | The Sun visited the White Hills where the coal has been discovered, in company with Messrs. S. LOVERIDGE and H. COLBOURNE. The spot where the lumps of coal have been found is a small valley which lies near the top of the range of hills between Gillard’s Cove and Little Hr. The coal is found in small lumps lying among the turf and the bog, as tho washed there many years ago. Some small pieces of slate were also found, but we were unable to find any similar formation near. While it is too early to say much, we fear we are not very optimistic. We understand Professor HOWLEY has stated that the formation is against the probability of coal being there, but until some definite exploration work has been done, it is impossible to say much. We hope, however, that some good may come of it. |
April 19, 1913 | Big Steamer Ashore | Cape Race. – Captain of S.S. “Glace Bay” just arrived here. He reports the loss of his ship at Freshwater Point, but was fortunate enough to get ashore himself and all hands. The Glace Bay is from Sydney to Wabana, and went ashore on Freshwater Point. The men are on the Point there. Freshwater Point is in Trepassey Bay, and about ten miles South of Cape Race. What time the steamer went ashore is unknown, but she was scheduled to leave Sydney for Wabana on the 27th. The Glace Bay was a new steamer, only launched this year for the N.S.S. Co., and was one of the most modern ore carriers afloat. She made one trip to Bell Island this season, taking a cargo of 10,500 tons of ore to Sydney. |
April 19, 1913 | Passengers | Mr. Arthur COLBOURNE arrived from St. Johh’s Thursday. Mr. George ROBERTS, MHA, arrived from St. John’s. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ARKLIE and child from Botwood. Mr. CHRISTIAN, representing Archibald Bros., Hr. Grace. |
April 19, 1913 | Death | We regret to learn the sudden death of John EARLE, which occurred at the Arm on Thursday morning of heart failure. Deceased was apparently in good health Wednesday as he was then fencing. He awoke at 5 o’clock Thursday morning and looked out, with the intention of hauling his herring net, but as the weather was disagreeable, lay down again. Shortly after he was heard to groan and passed away suddenly. |
April 19, 1913 | Advertisement | For Sale. Dwelling House and Outhouses situated on South Side, Twillingate. Possession given August 1st. For particulars apply to R.S. GILLINGHAM. |
April 19, 1913 | Advertisement | Wanted. A young man as Clerk; must have good experience in all branches of general shop work as conducted in outports. Apply by letter with reference, stating salary expected to: W. SCAMMELL, Agent, Earle Sons & Co. |
April 19, 1913 | Advertisement | For Sale. 1 Banking anchor about 500 lbs weight, will be sold cheap if taken immediately. Apply to H.J. HOWLETT. |
April 19, 1913 | Advertisement | Wanted. By first of June, a girl to do general housework, to a suitable person good wages will be paid. Apply to H.J. HOWLETT. |
[There is nothing on my microfilm between April 19 and July 26, 1913. GW.] |
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