NFGenWeb Newspaper Records

Notre Dame Bay Region

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser

Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.

Title varies:
Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953.

Editor and proprietor:
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953.

The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953.

MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938, 1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.

The records were transcribed by RON ST. CROIX
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors. If you should find any errors or have other records to contribute, then please contact the Twillingate Sun transcription project co-ordinator, GEORGE WHITE

- - [There is no material available on my microfilm for 1903, between April 25, 1903, and August 29, 1903. GW.]
August 29, 1903 Cricket Match A cricket match on Friday and Saturday last at Little Bay, between the C. Clubs of Pilley's Island and Little Bay; the latter came off victorious by 4 wickets and 11 runs. The P.I. Club is contemplating a visit to Tilt Cove.
August 29, 1903 Fishing Report The "H. Rasmussen," finished her compliment yesterday, taking 2,400 qtls. fish from H.J. Earle Esq., MHA. She sails to day for Figueria. The "Western Lass" finished loading on 24th inst., at Herring Neck for Lisbon with 2,500 qtls. fish from J.D. Lockyer, Esq., the agent of Geo. J. Carter, Esq. These are to be congratulated on having cargoes ready for market in August, considering the weather has been so poor. The "Ophir", Capt. Robt. STOCKLEY, arrived from Labrador yesterday well fished, and brings a very good report of our fishing fleet. The "Young Builder" and "Annie Josephine" arrived this week, one from the French Shore, and the other from Labrador; both have used their salt. The "Llewelyn", Capt. John KING, belonging to Bonaventure, was here this week from Labrador, loaded. She got her fish at Batteau, and reports plenty there still, but bait scarce. Several other craft bound South, put in port this week also.
August 29, 1903 Visitors Mrs. CREASY returned to Elliston by "Virginia's" last trip. The Rev. E.A. BUTLER of Fogo, was on the "Clyde" for Millerton on Tuesday last. Mr. C. EARLE and Mr. S. COOK were amongst the cricketeers from Change Islands. Miss PRIDE who has been visiting friends here, returned to St. John's again this week. This is excursion week on the "Clyde", Dr. MALCOLM returned from St. John's to Fogo last Clyde. W.B. TEMPLE, Esq., returned to Glenwood this week. W. ASHBOURNE, Esq., left Tuesday for St. John's. Mr. Stanley FOX, after an absence of four years, returned from New York to his native home, arriving per "Dorothy" on Sunday last. Rev. J. WHITE of Herring Neck was here to the treat on Wednesday. The Rev. E.C. CLENCH of Change Islands, came with the cricketers on the same day. The "Virginia Lake" returned from Labrador on Monday last. The Rev. BRONSON and wife of Quebec, Mr. BRIGGS, an American publisher, and Mr. DUNCAN, a literary man, got off here and joined the "Clyde" on Tuesday, bound West. The latter has already written several articles on the scenery and life in this country, and now intends to publish a book on Newfoundland.
August 29, 1903 Advertisement Wanted immediately, 100 men for the lumber woods. None but experienced men need apply. Apply to New Land Lumber & Pulp Co. Ltd., Norris' Arm.
August 29, 1903 Advertisement Wanted. Seven hundred lumbermen at Glenwood and Gambo, none but good men need apply. Standard wages paid. The Newfoundland Timber Estates Ltd. Harry J. CROWE, General Manager.
August 29, 1903 Advertisement At Lewisporte 1 spruce spar, 61 feet long, good sound stick, will be sold cheap if applied for at once. Particulars can be obtained from N. TURNER, Lewisport.
August 29, 1903 Advertisement "Notice to Lobster Packers: I am buying lobsters and am prepared to pay the highest price for a No. 1 Pack. I am also prepared to pay GOLD for all that I buy. Packers will do well to see me before offering elsewhere. Thomas FRENCH. "
August 29, 1903 Advertisement "Wanted: Live wild birds and animals of all kinds. Particularly different kinds of ducks, ptarmigan, grouse, mink, etc. Write me for prices and shipping directions. Cecil FRENCH, 718 Twelfth Street, NW, Washington, DC, USA. "
August 29, 1903 Advertisement Take a summer vacation via the Reid Newfoundland Co.'s system of railway and steamers and visit Notre Dame, Trinity, Bonavista and Placentia Bays; or take a trip around the Island, and to Labrador via Bay of Islands, steamer to Battle Harbor, thence Labrador steamer. Dining and sleeping cars on all Express trains. Steamers affording every modern comfort. Write your friends in Canada and the United States, who intend spending their Holidays in the "Old Home", to see that their tickets read "Via North Sydney and the Reid Newfoundland Company's Railway and Steamers." Through tickets issued to any point in Newfoundland by any of the Railway, Steamer or Tourist Agents in Canada or the United States. Baggage checked to destination.
[There is nothing available on my microfilm between Aug. 28, 1903 and October 31, 1903. GW]
October 31, 1903 Sad Accident At Glenwood. A sad accident happened at Glenwood on the 20th inst., when Mr. Wm. CANNINGS of Morton's Hr. lost his life. He was going up a ladder in the mill, when his foot slipped, and he fell across a pulley around which a belt was running, crushing him between the belt and the pulley. He was taken to the Doctor's surgery and examined by the Doctor and then conveyed to his boarding house, where he died about 24 hours after. Our sympathy is extended to the relatives
October 31, 1903 Appointed Published By Authority. His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Edwin B. COLBOURNE, Esq., (Millertown) to be a Justice of the Peace for the Colony. His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Mr. William MANUEL (Northern Arm, Exploits Bay) to be a Surveyor of Lumber. Secretary's Office, 20th. October, 1903.
October 31, 1903 Personal Rev.G.H. BOLT, from St. John's came by the "Clyde" Tuesday, in the interest of financial matters in connection with the Church of England in this place, and returned again on Wednesday.
October 31, 1903 Postal Theft A propos of the frequent reports of the robbery of letters, containing money and addressed to commercial firms in town, the blame for which is laid upon the Post Office, a leading merchant of Water St., who does about the largest cash business of any man in the colony, ventures the opinion that in may cases, it is dishonest employees of the firms concerned, and not the Postal Officials, who were the thieves. In all his own experience, extending over a quarter of a century, he had only one letter containing money miscarry, and he regards this as proof that the Post Office is not so much to blame as some people would make out. He further observes that as the majority of the business people have a similar record, and the complaints as to missing money letters come from but a few concerns, the Police might with advantage, direct their investigations outside the Post Office. -- Herald.
October 31, 1903 One Century Old North Sydney, Oct. 14. Born at Trepassey, Nfld., on Oct 15th, 1803, Mrs. Mary O'BRIEN of this town, will tomorrow celebrate her own one-hundredth birthday. She has seen four Sovereigns on the throne of Great Britain, and has lived during the reign of all the Presidents of the United States, except Washington, and today is for one of her years, an active woman. Her husband, William O'BRIEN, died thirty years ago. Mrs. O'BRIEN has four children living, besides a goodly number of grand and great grandchildren. -- Ex.
October 31, 1903 French Coins Found A few days ago as Mr. HINDS was digging in his garden at the Harbor, Woods Island. He struck something that sounded like coin, and turned up a number of copper pieces about twice the size of a penny. He also found a franc and a half franc piece. All the coins are French, and of dates about the beginning of the 18th century, and are thus two hundred years old. A piece of decayed rag was found with them, which was likely the canvas bag in which they were placed. People on the island are excited about the matter and wonder if this is only the beginning of other and larger deposits of money in the neighborhood. -- Western Star.
October 31, 1903 New Slate Quarry The latest thing in slate is that a very valuable find has been made at Burin, and those who have taken out the claim are jubilant over the prospects. Some of the owners have worked on the properties in Trinity Bay, and on finding this deposit, saw immediately the value of the new find. This property covers a wide area and the slate is of a splendid quality, and is present in illimitable quantity. A company has been formed and if outside capitalists do not step in and make a purchase, the present owners will work it on their own responsibility. -- Herald.
October 31, 1903 A Prosperous Winter The coming winter promises to be one of the most prosperous that Newfoundland has had for a good many years. The mainstay of the country, the Labrador fishery, has turned out excellent and all over the country, our fishermen are returning home from their arduous yet prosperous summer's toil, with the "Where with all" to provide for themselves and their families during the winter months. Especially is this so around this center. We hardly know of a man this year who has not done fairly at the fishery, and many have done exceptionally well. Altogether everything points to one of those "old time" winters when our Brigus people were prosperous. Long may they continue so. -- Birgus Vindicater.
October 31, 1903 For Sale At a bargain. 1 dwelling house, store, stable, milk house, wood house, cellar stage, flakes, and 7 acres of land, 5 acres under cultivation. 1 heifer, 2 sheep, potatoes, 30 hundred of hay, fishing skiffs, nets, etc. Charles BUTT, Indian Cove, Main Tickle.
October 31, 1903 For Sale New saw mill lumber at Dog Bay. Our new band saw mill is now running at Dog Bay, and we are prepared to supply lumber there of all grades, or cut to order, at low rates. Horwood Lumber Co., Ltd.
October 31, 1903 Men Wanted Wanted Eight men with their families at North West Arm, New Bay, for the lumber work. For particulars apply to Chas. CHURCHILL.
October 31, 1903 Notice Two months after date, application will be made to His Excellency the Governor in Council for licenses under Act 2. Ed. VII. Cap. II covering an area or section of 50 miles coastwise on each side of (1) Rencontre, Fortune Bay and (2) Cottel's Cove, New Bay, Notre Bay, respectively and for the approval of two factory sites within the said limits. E.W. ROBERTS, St. John's, Sept 29th 1903.

November 7, 1903 Advertisement Wm. CAMPBELL, successor to the Late Henry DUDER, Butcher. All orders from the Northward will receive prompt attention. One door East of new Post Office. St. John's Nfld.
November 7, 1903 Employment Opportunity Reid Newfoundland Co. Carpenters and Laborers wanted at once, to proceed to Londonderry and Amherst, Nova Scotia. Passage ticket will be advanced. Rate of wages: - Labourers: $1.25 to $1.40 per day; Carpenters $1.60 to $2.00 per day. Steady work; Board $3.00 per week. Apply to any Station Agent or to the General Passenger Agent. Railway Station, St. John's.
November 7, 1903 Mr.NEILSON is Dead. With much regret we publish the death of Mr. Adolph NEILSON, the pioneer of the whaling industry in this colony. We have met Mr. NEILSON on may occasions, and more than once, was a partaker of his very generous hospitality at Snook's Arm, where he first started a whale factory. All those who knew him are unanimous in their testimony that he was a very fine man of nobility of character, of a quiet unassuming disposition, and kindness of heart, and his sudden death will cause pains of regret in a very wide circle of acquaintances. He died at the Crosbie Hotel, St. John's, on Sunday morning 2nd. inst. He was a sufferer from asthma for years. He retired to bed at 9.30 Saturday night, and a few minutes later, a servant brought him a cup of strong coffee and a bottle of water. Nothing further was heard from him during the night. At 9.30 Sunday morning the servant went to call him.
November 7, 1903 Fire at The Daily News Nearly the whole of the Daily News office, St. John's was destroyed by fire on the 28th ulto. On the evening of the fire, the night operatives commenced work at 6pm as usual in the top flat; shortly after, the Editor left the building, and at that time everything was apparently allright. Shortly before 7 o'clock, smoke was seen coming through the elevator, and soon after, the fire burst out. How the fire originated is a mystery, but it is supposed to have started in the paper room. The News is being issued in the meantime at the Review Office.
November 7, 1903 Personal The Rev. C. HOWSE is on a pastoral visit to Change Islands, the Eastern end of his Circuit. He will probably return by the "Clyde" Tuesday. Mr. John CURTIS, who received a very severe blow in the breast while sawing staves some few days ago, is, we are glad to say, able to get out again. Mrs. TEMPLE is on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. BUTLER at Fogo.
November 7, 1903 Birth At South Side, on Thursday 5th inst., the wife of Mr. Lewis YOUNG, of a son.
November 7, 1903 Married At St. Peter's Church on Friday evening last, 6th inst., by Rev. Canon TEMPLE, R.D., Mr. John WARFORD, to Miss Mary BRETT, both of New Bay.
November 7, 1903 Death On the 31st ulto, of consumption, Eleanor Annie (Dolly) youngest child of Stephen and Hannah NEWMAN aged 5 years. We loved her, as no tongue can tell, We loved her dearly and how well. God loved her too and thought it best, To take her to her Heavenly rest. Safe in the arms of Jesus.
November 7, 1903 The Oporto Market. Oporto is the chief consuming market for large and medium shore codfish, and consumes more of that grade in the course of a season than all of the Spanish ports put together. Oporto consumes but little of small shore fish, and does not take any Labrador cure at all. In addition to the 32,000 qtls. of large fish in Oporto last Saturday, there was the usual deposit of Norway fish, and there are several cargoes of Newfoundland fish now on passage, still to arrive, besides those now loading here. The consumption last week in Oporto, represented only one third of what it has averaged for many previous weeks. The high prices evidently are checking consumption in all the markets, which is not to be wondered at, when it is remembered that the principal consumers of salt fish are of the poorer classes, who cannot afford, what is to them a luxury, at present high prices; and substitutes are of course being found. It is a mistake to suppose that salt cod is an indispensable article of diet, however much it may be liked by those accustomed to its use. The principal consuming markets of Labrador codfish are Spain, Italy, Greece and the West of England. Portugal may take an odd cargo, but no quantity to materially count as a factor in consumption. -- Herald.
November 7, 1903 Education Canon TEMPLE, (Chairman of Board) is authorized to hold an Examination for Grade at St. Peter's School, Twillingate beginning November 18th at 9.30am. Church of England Teachers, desirous of sitting at this Exam. will please give notice of their intention to the Canon without delay.
[This is all the data that was on my microfilm for 1903. GW.]

© 2004 George White, Ron St. Croix  and NL GenWeb