NFGenWeb Newspaper Records

Notre Dame Bay Region

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser

Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.

Title varies:
Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953.

Editor and proprietor:
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953.

The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953.

MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938, 1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.

The records were transcribed by RON ST. CROIX.
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors. If you should find any errors or have other records to contribute, then please contact the Twillingate Sun transcription project co-ordinator, GEORGE WHITE


[There is no material available on my microfilm between Jan. 1, 1908 and August 15, 1908. GW]
August 15, 1908 Wonderfully Independent (Evening Telegram) Dear Sir, -- We are all pleased to see that the Editor of the "Sun" has taken it upon himself to expose the cloaked policy of that wonderfully independent paper titled the "Plain-dealer." There is no doubt about it but Mr. ROBERTS has hit the owners (who ever they are) of that paper sorely. Any reader of the Plaindealer, with the least insight, must have seen since its first issue, that it has been nothing but a Tory wolf trying to pose in sheep's clothing. I don't know who Messrs. WISEMAN and BUCKLEY are, but if they are "Wise-men" they will "buckley" on the sword of honor, and own up to the flag under which they are sailing. The Plaindealer can as much tell the leaders of the Tory Party to go to h___, as the poor fishermen a few years ago could tell their merchant to go there. It will take a more independent paper than the Plaindealer to injure George ROBERTS in this district. A man who has always been honorable in his dealings with all men, and ever ready to do a favour for the aged, sick or those in trouble, besides doing bundles of clerical work for those needing it. Yours Truly, Old Age. Twillingate, July 28th, 1908.
August 15, 1908 Personals Mr. Weston STIRLING and Miss STIRLING, Principal of Bishop Field College, are here; the guests of the Rev. A.B.S. & Mrs. STIRLING. Miss Mamie FRASER is here visiting friends. Mr. Stanley MAIDMENT of Nipper's Hr., who has been visiting his parents here, leaves again by the "Prospero". Mr. Elijah MAIDMENT who has been ill for some months, goes to St. Anthony hospital by the same boat. Mrs. KINGSBURY, who has been here for a few weeks, left by "Clyde" for Lewisporte en route to Sydney. The Rev. H. KIRBY of Herring Neck, occupied the pulpits of St. Peter's and St. Andrew's on Sunday the 2nd inst. for the Incumbent, who was at Morton's Hr. conducting the duties of his office. Mrs. Elias ANSTEY, who has been to Campbellton, visiting her son John, returned by "Clyde." Mr. Harold BARRETT, who has been working at Grand Falls, came by "Clyde" on a visit to friends, and will return by the same boat. Mr. and Mrs. W.W. BAIRD of Campbellton and children, (2) arrived by "Clyde" on Monday from Campbellton. Mr. BAIRD returned by same boat, but Mrs. BAIRD and children remain here for a few weeks visit to relatives and friends. Mr. ROGERS, travelling agent for a Canadian dry goods firm, has just paid Twillingate his annual visit and left by "Clyde" Wednesday. J.B. BLANDFORD Esq., Stip. Magistrate, has been confined to his house for some days, suffering great pain at times from the old fracture in his leg. Mr. Charles WHITE of Durell's Arm School, and Mr. WINSOR, Principal of Superior School, who have been attending the Teachers Convention held past week at St. John's, came back by the "Clyde" Tuesday morning, feeling well after the pleasant services of the Convention and their visit to the City. Mrs. D.P. OSMOND and Mrs. A. OSMOND of Morton's Hr. with Misses HARVEY of Botwoodville, and other Sunday School workers, were here this week attending the S.S. Convention held in this town and which closed Tuesday night.
August 15, 1908 Correction Mr. Henry Hamlin's broken leg was set by Dr. I.S. LeDREW and not Dr. SMITH, as inadvertently reported by us last week. The patient is doing well.
August 15, 1908 Shipping News Cleared. July 31st - "Elin," THORSEN, Sydney, Ballist - Geo. J. CARTER. Entered. Aug. 5th - "Little Pet," PIPER, Cadiz, via Herring Neck, 120 tons salt - Geo J. CARTER. The three masted English schooner "Geisha," Capt. ENON, was loaded on the 22nd July, with 2,700 qtls. prime Shore; and sailed next morning for Europe. The Captain was very pleased to get 200 qtls over the charter. In 1883 DUDER's firm completed a cargo of 2.500 qtls on same date as above; but the vessel did not sail for several days on account of bad weather. The English schr. "Little Mystery," Capt. GREET, with the firm's second cargo was finished on 4th inst. She takes 2,800 qtls. Her genial commander Capt. GREET, looked smiling, on getting such a fine quantity over her charter. The schr. "Little Pet" arrived 3rd inst. from Cadiz, after a long passage of 43 days. She will begin to load as soon as her salt cargo is discharged. A shipment of 50 casks prime shore, will be made by SS. "Prospero". The hands are all busy, every opportunity screwing shore fish, in 4 qtl casks. The "King Fisher" has just been loaded with shore fish by Mr. W. ASHBOURNE. The Luetta is loading fish for Mr. W.J. SCOTT and Mr. G. GILLETT. The Springdale arrived yesterday with a load of coal for SS. Elinor.
August 15, 1908 Medical There are now three or four patients for "Prospero" to St. Anthony hospital for operations and treatment. What a pity some of this work cannot be done here, so that those who need this service, old and infirm in many cases, might be saved the sea voyage and anxiety of being away from home among strangers, at perhaps the most critical time of their existence.
August 15, 1908 William Edgar SHEPPARD Regards to all. Indian Island, District of Fogo, July 22nd, 1908. Dear Mr. Editor. I want to obtain space in your valuable paper, in which to insert a few lines re an operation at Change Islands, June 3rd, 1908, for a serious complaint of the bones, performed by Dr. CAMPBELL of Change Islds, Dr. WOOD of Fogo, and Dr. ANDERSON of Joe Batt's Arm, Dist. of Fogo. The wound requiring on inside of 16 stitches, and 8 stitches on the outside. Surprising indeed to our nieghbourhood, to see disease speedily removed, and patient surviving such an operation, and able to walk the length of a large room. We wish to extend our highest praise to our worthy Dr. CAMPBELL, who well deserves the same for what he has done. Being a native of Canada, we deem him a credit to his country, and to those who reared him to the estimation of being a Medical man. Meanwhile not forgetting Dr. WOOD & Dr. ANDERSON, two sympathizing, notable, skilful physicians, who are doing their best to fill the sphere in which they are placed. Did I not say the Doctor is a credit to his native home? - and I am sure he is as much to Change Islands, and well might the people of that place be pleased to have such a Physician in their midst. By acting on my own experiences, I can say that he is in all points a gentleman. I also believe him to be a God-fearing man, and God blesses the work of his hands. I wish to esteem another gentleman in the person of Mr. Chas. EARLE of Change Islds. I can recommend him as a man of hospitality and generous character, in ministering to his fellow men. I challenge him in that respect, against any Newfoundlander, for the condescendence of bringing and sending nourishment to me - I may say daily and hourly. Should he not then be congratulated? And now Mr. Editor, I must not forget another Merchant gentleman, Mr. Solomon ROBERTS. I feel I cannot speak too highly in his favour! I believe him to be a man whom the world looks upon as an author of good works. I have proved his to be a heart full of regard and deep pity, to all in need of help. Now I must stop my pen, and may God's Blessing rest upon all such people. Thanking you for space, I am yours respectfully. William E. SHEPPARD. [William Edgar SHEPPARD was my Great Grandfather! G.W.]
August 15, 1908 Death Little Bay Islands, Aug 8th, 1908. (To the Editor of the Twillingate Sun) Several homes in our little community have, within the past two years, been visited by death, and some cherished member of the home been called to the home above. But very heavy was the blow to the family when the death summons came for Mrs. George WISEMAN, and robbed the home of a beloved wife and mother. For the past ten months she had been ailing, having never fully recovered from the effect of the loss of Winnie, her youngest child, who was called from her tender care, to the loving arms of Jesus, a little over a year ago. But gradually, Mrs. WISEMAN's illness developed into consumption, and on the evening of June 9th., the family gathered around her bedside to bid her their last "farewell." "You will all come and meet me, won't you?" were her last words. She will be sadly missed not by the members of her own household alone, but by all who knew her. To every one alike she was ever ready to lend a helping hand whenever her services were required. To her sorrowing husband the loss is keen indeed, this being the third wife he has been called to part. But we have the full assurance to know that she is enjoying the pleasures of Heaven, and that she is reunited with her dear child, whom she so deeply mourned. On the 15th of June she was laid to rest and as we stood by the grave and saw the remains of one so near and dear lowered to her last resting place, our hearts felt very sad indeed, and it seemed as if life was hardly worth living without her. But we are comforted with the thought that we shall meet our loved one again, where sorrow and sickness are unknown. The deceased was forty four years of age and was a native of Purcell's harbor, Twillingate, her father being the late Thomas ANSTEY of that place. She leaves a husband, a son, two daughters, one little grandson, four sisters, and one brother, to mourn their sad loss. Sleep on beloved, sleep and take thy rest, Lay down thy head upon thy Saviour's breast, We loved thee week, but Jesus loves thee best, Good night. - Mourner.
August 15, 1908 Fortune Harbour One More for the Progressive Sir Robt. BOND. (Editor Evening Telegram) Sir, -- A much needed fixed white light has been erected on the Western Head of Fortune Hr, N.D. Bay. The writer of this need not use any words of praise in favor of Fortune harbor. It is already well known and enough praised. It is unquestionably one of the finest and most picturesque harbors in Newfoundland. The "Clyde", on one occasion, was detained over night by the owners, in order to see Fortune Harbor in the morning. Passengers are privileged by the popular and genial Capt. KNEE, of SS Clyde, to crowd the hurricane bridge on entering and going out of Fortune Harbor, to enable them to take in almost Killarney Lakes beauty and picturesqueness, of this, perhaps the finest seaport in the world. Correspondent. P.S. -- The SS. Clyde now calls at HAMILTON's wharf, another convenience made by the Rt. Hon. Sir R. BOND and his colleagues. Fortune Harbor, Aug. 1, 1908.
August 15, 1908 Storm of Aug. 6, 1908 During the storm of wind on the 6th inst., many of our fishermen here had a struggle to get in off the grounds. Two or three boats were capsized and three or four men - one eighty years of age - were thrown into the sea and were rescued just in the nick of time. But for the efforts, entailing great risk to their rescuers, those men would have met watery graves, and we really think some recognition of their bravery should be made in the usual way by conferring medals. At Change Islands the same storm was experienced and two men were driven off to sea in their boats. Mr. S. ROBERTS wired to Magistrate A. COOK Esq, of Fogo, who very promptly on behalf of the Government, sent the "Stella Maria" to search for the men, and he was not long in locating and bringing them safely to land.
August 15, 1908 Church Meeting Financial District. meeting of the Meth. Church opened at 9.30a.m. on Tuesday last in this town. Ministers attending were Revds. T. MARSHALL, Superintendent of Missions for Eastern Canada and Nfld., W.H. DUTCHON, Chairman of the District, J.K. CURTIS, J.C. DIDEY, R.H. MADDOCK, S.A. CHANCEY, H.J. COPPIN, J.J. DURRANT, W.J. MORRIS, A. YOUNG, W.P. WORNAL, J. HURST, F.J. ARMITAGE. The assessment of Missions and the full discussion of ways and means occupied the whole day and into midnight hour, when the session closed. The Revds. R.H. MADDOCK and H.P. GOPPIN leave by "Prospero", and the Rev. J. C. SIDNEY to Herring Hr., the other visitor took passage by the Clyde are hopeful for a successful year on the respective Mission and Circuits.
August 15, 1908 A Lively Trade The firm of G.J. CARTER Esq., Herring Neck is among the first outport businesses of the country; compact premises; a live and healthy trade. The firm is still keeping up its reputation for getting off early cargoes of shore fish.
August 15, 1908 Lost and Found Picked Up at Hart's Cove. July 35th, a Royal Scarlet pin, owner can have the same by calling at this office.
August 15, 1908 Garden Party Don't Forget: members of St. Peter's Women's Association will (D.V.) hold a Garden Party on the Parsonage grounds on Thursday Aug. 20th. Gates open at 3. Admission 5cts. Teas from 4 to 7 o'clock 20cts. Also light refreshments, candy, drinks etc. usual picnic games till 9.30 p.m.
August 15, 1908 Notice of Thanks. In a previous issue we said that it was our great pleasure to render any service possible, in our capacity as the representative of this District, because our service is appreciated. We have another evidence of that appreciation in a letter which we republish today, from the Evening Telegram, signed "Old Age." We do not know who "Old Age" is, and we can first publicly thank him through the Sun for his kind reference.
August 15, 1908 Advertisement Wanted: About the forepart of Sept., a Carpenter to act as Foreman for the building of a Church at Victoria Cove, Gander Bay. Six month's work at least, guaranteed to a suitable man. Applications stating terms and references to be sent to the Incumbent of Change Islands, on or before August 15th 1909
August 15, 1908 Notice to Mariners. No. 7, 1908. Newfoundland. Alterations in Light - Fort Point, Trinity. Latitude 48 22' 00" North, Longitude 53 21' 00' West. Notice is hereby given that on the 15th of July, prox., this light will be changed from Fixed White to Occulting White, shining alternate periods of 6 1/2 seconds light and 4 1/2 seconds dark. The station in other respects remains unaltered. Eli DAWE, Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Department of Marine and Fisheries. St. John's, Newfoundland. June 5th, 1908.
August 15, 1908 Advertisement Empire Store. Couches, tables, wash stands, rockers, sideboards, star wringers, clocks, timepieces, watches, sewing machines, accordions, sadirons, lime juice, hams, etc., etc. All at prices that cannot be beaten. Geo. ROBERTS.
August 15, 1908 Notice to Mariners No. 8, 1908. Newfoundland. St. Jacques Island, - Fortune Bay. Latitude 47 28' 00" North, Longitude 55 24' 30" West. Notice is hereby given that a circular iron tower has been erected on St. Jacques Island, from which a White Occulting Light, with alternate periods of seven seconds light and three seconds dark, will be exhibited on and after the 14th day of July, prox. The tower is 38 feet high from base to vane on the top of lantern. A dwelling house with flat roof will be erected during this season, at a short distance from the light tower. House and tower will be painted white. Eli DAWE. Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Department of Marine and Fisheries. St. John's, Newfoundland. June 9th, 1908.
August 15, 1908 Death At Durrell's Arm on August 1st ., Robert John, the beloved son of M. James GAIGE,[Name difficult to read!] age 19 1/2 years

[This is all the data that was on my microfilm for 1908. GW.]

© 2004 George White, Ron St. Croix  and NL GenWeb