Notre Dame Bay Region
Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser
Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan.
31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb.
15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.
Title varies:
Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly
Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan.
31, 1953.
Editor and proprietor:
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan.
31, 1953.
The Twillingate Sun printed local
and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements.
It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway
and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it
supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased
publication due to financial reasons in 1953.
MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889,
1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938,
1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889,
1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.
The records were transcribed by RON ST. CROIX.
While I have endeavored to be as
correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors.
If you should find any errors or have other records to contribute, then
please contact the Twillingate Sun transcription project co-ordinator,
PUB. DATE | EVENT | DETAILS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
October 30, 1909 | Pier at Sleepy Cove | The contract for the material for the construction of a Loading Pier for the Great Northern Copper Co. at Sleepy Cove, has been give to Messers. James ANSTEY & Brothers of Twillingate. Soon as navigation opens in the spring and the material is landed, the work of erection will commence and be raised to completion. The pier will be 400 feet long, strong and substantial, for tramming the copper ore on board ships from the mine. Without this pier the ore cannot be shipped except very slowly, and at much unnecessary cost of handling. With the pier, much time and money will be saved in the shipment of the ore to market. The pier will be built along the North side of the cove, extending Westward along the incline from drop of the ore bin. At the side of the pier ships can lay and load in sufficiently deep water, and with safety. With an anchor buoy in the cove, and a cross crib at the Western end of the pier, Sleepy Cove will not be inferior to Tilt Cove, as a shipping port for the ore mined, and to be mined, by the Great Northern Copper Company. Further, for the landing of timber, coal and machinery and other things required for mining, the pier will be most convenient and a great saving of labor and other expenses. The industrial hand, points to success at Sleepy Cove where copper ore exists in a workable paying quantity. Operations are economically conducted; the pier is most necessary and must be built; then the shipment of ore will commence, and the company be reimbursed for the outlay.
October 30, 1909 | Hodder Supply Company (Part 1) | "Construction Work Being Pushed." Work is being rushed on the new premises of the Hodder Supply Co., at Path End. Quite a number of men are now busily employed in connection with laying the foundation of the new Store. The Schooner Ethel E., Capt., John Phillips, is bringing the sticks for cribs and breast work, and after discharging the present load, will proceed to Campbellton for the frame work, plank, boards, etc., for the Store, which will be pushed to completion at as early date as possible. An extensive wholesale business right here in Twillingate has been accepted by a vast majority of people, especially the proprietors of retail stores, as a very proper proposition. The installation of such a business will meet a long felt want, and quite a number of large dealers in general merchandise, have promised to back the proposition, by placing their orders with the wholesale branch of the Hodder Supply Co. There is no doubt of capturing the business, and a very large and extensive trade for Twillingate is in the centre of a vast consuming population, and the trade from all parts of this district, as well as from outside places, would come this way.
| October 30, 1909 | Hodder Supply Company (Part 2) | Notre Dame Bay stands easily first in point of wealth and importance, of all the Bays in Newfoundland. Here, mining, lumbering, and the fisheries, are in full swing and it is a deplorable fact that there is not a wholesale Store in all Newfoundland, outside of St. John's. Every place is depending on the City, and outport shopkeepers anxiously desire something better than the inconvenience, loss and delay, of transportation there from. The new premises of the Hodder Supply Co. is in the right place. The water is deep, it is at the rear of the Coastal wharf - the centre of the traffic of the town and Bay, by steamers and otherwise - and the immense advantage of this dispensing depot can be seen at a glance. From the standpoint of prompt delivery, cheap freight and easy transportation, Twillingate commands the situation, and there is no question of controlling the wholesale trade of the vastly populated centre. Retail dealers will readily place their orders as soon as the wholesale Store of the of the Hodder Supply Co. is ........ for the trade.
| October 30, 1909 | Personals | Rev. J.S. Brodie entered upon his ecclesiastical duties in this Parish on Sunday last, occupying the pulpit of St. Andrew's in the morning and St. Peter's at night.
| October 30, 1909 | Personals | Mr. And Mrs. W.B. Temple, who have been here for a few weeks returned home by "Clyde" this week.
| October 30, 1909 | Personals | Mrs. FOX, Mr. Stanley FOX, wife and family, and Mr. James FOX, left on Wednesday per "Prospero" en route for New York.
| October 30, 1909 | Personals | Mr. John POND and family left for Toronto by "Clyde" Wednesday.
| October 30, 1909 | Personals | Mrs. SMITH is here visiting her son Dr. C.V. SMITH.
| October 30, 1909 | Personals | Miss Lizzie ROBERTS and her brother Robert, of Change Islands, were here for visit this week.
| October 30, 1909 | Personals | Mr. And Mrs. G. BLANDFORD paid their daughter Mrs. (Dr.) WOODS at Fogo, a visit this week.
| October 30, 1909 | Personals | Mr. Ira HULL left by the "Prospero" en route to New York, and Miss BLACKLER by same boat for St. John's.
| October 30, 1909 | Stockholder's Meeting | Messrs. Albert E. KENDELL, John G. FOX, A.H. KOLE, Joseph ROSEUSWAY, Vincent GABANY, Philip KAROLIVICE, stockholders of the Great Northern Copper Co. and of the Hodder Supply Co. are expected to arrive here to-day from Pittsburg to look over the property of the GNC Co. with a view to further developments of the mine, and to consider business extension.
| October 30, 1909 | A Society Wedding | The marriage of Miss EARLE to Dr. CV SMITH will take place on Tuesday 16th November next, at St. Andrew's Church, Fogo. The Banns were published in St. Peter's Church on Sunday last by Rev. JS Brodie for the first time.
| October 30, 1909 | Whaling | By latest report we learn that the Cape Charles Whaling Co., have captured 51 whales, and the crew will leave the station for home on or about the 15th November.
| October 30, 1909 | Lost | A pair of spectacles, between Jubilee Corner and Path End. Finder will please leave them at this office.
| October 30, 1909 | Died | At Crow Head on October 25th, Mrs. Louisa SCAMMELL, aged 72 years.
| October 30, 1909 | Died | At the Arm, on the same date, Mrs. Alice SNOW, aged 85 years.
| October 30, 1909 | Court News | On Saturday, Oct. 23rd, 1909, before Chas. D. MAINE, J.P., and Wm. ASHBURNE, J.P. Ensign SAINSBURY, S.A. vs. Louis LAMBERT. Complaint - Disorderly conduct and common assault in S.A. Barracks on Wednesday 20th October last. Defendant LAMBERT pleaded guilty and was fined $7.50 and costs $1.75 = $9.25 or 5 week's imprisonment with hard labor. Defendant paid fine. The Justices severely reprimanded the Defendants, and suggest that if the defendants should be summoned to court for a similar offence, that they should not have the option of a fine. Ensign SAINSBURY, S.A. vrs. George HAWKINS. Complaint - Disorderly conduct in S.A. Barracks on Wednesday, Oct. 23rd. Defendant pleaded guilty and was fined $5.00 and costs $1.75 + $6.75 or one month's imprisonment with hard labor. Defendant paid fine. The above complaint was made before W.J. SCOTT, J.P., he being sick requested Chas D. MAYNE, J.P. to act.
| October 30, 1909 | Ship News | October 12th - "John" JONASEN, Fogo, 70 tons salt. - H.J. Earle. October 18th "Sidney Smith", LEWIS. St. John's, 250 hhds. salt, provisions and sundry merchandise. - J.W. Hodge. October 21st. "Thomas", BENTSEN, North Sydney, via Change Islands and Beaverton, ballast. - W. Ashbourne. October 23rd. "Elizabeth", HUGHES, North Sydney, 243 tons coal. - G.J. Carter. October 25th. "Percy Roy", HISCOCK, St. John's 360 hhds. salt and provisions and general merchandise. - W.J. Scott & H.J. Howlett.
| October 30, 1909 | Employment | "Wanted" Servant, for general house work, Wages four dollars a month. Aply to Dr. O.V. SMITH, Tilt Cove
| October 30, 1909 | Wanted | "Sticks Wanted". Tenders are asked for the supply of a large quantity of sticks, specification of which can be seen at the Store of Hodder Supply Co.
| October 30, 1909 | Advertisements | "Wanted". A smart, strong, intelligent boy to learn the dry goods business. Only one who is willing to make himself generally useful need apply. W. ASHBOURNE.
| October 30, 1909 | Advertisements | "For Sale". Two second hand stoves. Apply to Elias ROBERTS, Path End.
| October 30, 1909 | Advertisements | "For Sale". Schooner "Katie May", 231/2 tons, 11 years old built at Little Bay Islands, good hull, juniper plank, pine deck, extra good chains and anchors, and other gear in fairly good condition, will sell for $390.00 spot cash. For further particulars Apply to Peter PARSONS, Lushe's Bight, or Wm. ASHBOURNE, Twillingate.
| [No Microfilm Available for the period between Oct 30, 1909 and Nov. 27, 1909. GW.] November 27, 1909 | Ship News | 20th - The American schooner "Essex" left Nipper's harbour today with thirteen hundred barrels of herring for the Gloucester market. -- The schooner "C.B. Whitten." laying at Job's Wharf last night, was robbed of $100 taken from a trunk in the cabin. -- The schooner "Languille," owned by W.S. WINSOR of Wesleyville, commanded by Capt. CARTER, is overdue a week, and grave fears are entertained for her.
| November 27, 1909 | Fishing | The herring fishery at Bay of Islands is up todate. A number of cargoes have been shipped from Bonne Bay, and herring still holds good there.
| November 27, 1909 | Married | At the North Side Methodist Church on the 25th inst. by Rev. T.W. ATKINSON, Miss Ellen JENKINS of Durrell's Arm to Mr. Arthur J. PRICE of Back Harbor.
| November 27, 1909 | Advertisement | "For Sale" Schooner "Merley", for particulars apply to Jonas RICE, S.W. Arm via Botwood.
| November 27, 1909 | Advertisement | "For Sale" One ton good Timothy Hay. Apply to John REDDICK, Herring Neck.
| November 27, 1909 | By Telepraph (Part 1) | St. John's, November 19th, 1909. The "SS Pelican" arrived in port last night from Ungava Bay with one blade of her propellor and a jury rudder, having sailed and steamed the whole distance in the crippled condition.
| November 27, 1909 | By Telepraph (Part 2) | James MANTIR, who was convicted in Boston of murdering Annie MULLINS, will get life imprisonment. Peter DELOREY, who was an accessory in the act, will get about twenty years.
| November 27, 1909 | Advertisement | "Raw Furs" We pay extreme prices for all Newfoundland raw furs. Write for our price-list containing full information. M.J. JEWETT & Sons, Redwood, New York, Dept 40.
| November 27, 1909 | Note of Thanks | Editor Twillingate Sun. Dear Sir, -- I desire through the columns of this paper to thank the kind friends of Back Hr., who so willingly assisted us in the hour of our sad bereavement; also those who sent wreaths. Yours truly, John MOORE. Back Hr., Nov. 20th.
| November 27, 1909 | Personals | Mr. And Mrs. Thomas PEYTON have gone to Botwoodville for the winter. Mr. A.J.S. PEYTON who was summoned home owing to illness of his mother, left again by "Clyde" Friday, on urgent business in connection with the office of Agric. and Mines. Messrs. B. SMITH,jr., Willis CLARK, H. RIDOUT, W.NEWMAN, W.HODDER, Brett HODDER, H. PAYNE, J. CURTIS, J. HARBIN have ....home from whaling venture at Cape Charles. Mrs. J.D. LOCKYER, of Herring Neck was here this .....visiting Mrs. HODGE. Mrs. Peter YOUNG and Miss J. CHURCHILL took passage by "Prospero" for St. John's.
| November 27, 1909 | Closing Out SCOTT's Business | Mr. J.H. LeMESSURIER and Mr. FOLEY are here in the interest of Messrs. Bowring Brothers, winding up the business of W.J. SCOTT, Esq., and are inviting tenders for the purchase of the schooners, traps and goods of the estate.
| November 27, 1909 | For Immediate Sale | Two buildings (partly fitted as dwelling houses) owned by the late H. BERTEAU in Twillingate; also household furniture. For particulars apply to Miss BERTEAU. Edwin H. BERTEAU, Executor.
| November 27, 1909 | More Employees Needed (Part 1) | The "Clyde" has now completed 49 trips and it is an utter impossibility for her to fulfill the contract requirements which is 60 trips. This year owing to the ice blockade in the spring, she did not commence work until the 3rd June, and it is impossible for her at any time, to make more than two circuits of the bay within the week, and if the present stormy weather continues, added therto the long delays in handling large quantities of freight, one trip a week is all that can be hoped for, during the ensuing month. Outside of Lewisporte very little time is lost by the Clyde. But the slow handling of freight there, means more to the owners, the Captain, and crew of the Clyde, than you may think. With a greater ruch, not a slashing of goods around the premises, but a careful handling under a business like system, would ensure quicker dispatch, and save much of the rush and risk on the route, in the attempt to make connections.
| November 27, 1909 | More Employees Needed (Part 2) | We do not mean to say that the loaders at Lewisporte are not doing their best. They are, and often work through two whole days and a night without sleep and rest, in unloading and loading the Clyde, but all practical men, aware of what is being done do-day in the freight carrying world, will be ready to admit that an hour and a half unloading a car, with a capacity of 150 brls of flour, is much slower than the business of the country demands. What we do say, is that the loaders or handlers of freight at this or any other season, when there is so much traffic on the line, are too few and should be increased to double the present number of employees. The same amount of work in half the time, with a double staff is much cheaper, and is what the practical men of the times are aiming at. Suppose the Clyde's crew were an hour and a half handling 150 brls flour at the various ports of discharge on the route, what would happen? Would she ever make connections?
| November 27, 1909 | More Employees Needed (Part 3) | The mail service would be always out of gear and passengers as inconvenienced, and put to such an expense, that patronage in this connection would cease. The quickest means of transportation, and the least possible delay, is what business demands, and is being attempted by the practical men of the times. Yes, and slow coaches are bound to go under. Special car rates from St. John's are all that can be desired; the cost of insurance is saved and the freight charges are on the level of competition. A car with a capacity of thirty thousand pounds for thirty dollars, is only ten cents per one hundred pounds, and is a rate of freight to which there can be no exception. The only drawback, is the long delay loading at Lewisporte, which we claim would be reduced to half, thus enabling the Clyde to make better connections and loose less trips, were double the number of loaders employed. We are not criticising for the sake of criticism, nor with any desire or intention other than the general good fo all concerned, with a view to the greater satisfaction by more speedy transportation, and the least possible delay to the travelling public, and the delivery of His Majesty's mail, in so far as can be, on schedule time.
| November 27, 1909 | Lost Sheep | Mr. John EARLE, of Farmer's Arm, has had with his flock for the past fortnight, a black sheep. The owner can have same by applying to him.
| November 27, 1909 | Wedding at Fogo (Part 1) | The marriage of Miss Agnes P. EARLE, daughter of H.J. EARLE, Esq., M.H.A., Fogo, to Doctor C.V. SMITH, of Twillingate, took place in Saint Andrew's Church, Fogo, at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Nov 16th. The Rev. E.A. BUTLER officiated, assisted by Revs. N.S. FACEY and H. KIRBY, the Church being nicely decorated for the occasion. The Clergy and Choir met the bridal party at the West door and proceeded in procession up the aisle, singing a Hymn. Arriving at the Chancel, where stood the gridegroom and best man, the opening sentences of the service were read by Rev. N.S. FACEY, and Rev. E.A. BUTLER then made them man and wife. The concluding part was taken by the Rev. H. KIRBY. The bride was beautifully attired in a gown of cream silk Eolienne, with a veil of white silk falle and coronet of orange blossoms, and carried a boquet of chrysanthemums. She was attended by Miss Gwendolin POOKE and Miss MALCOLM, who looked charming in dresses of pale green Eolienne and white tulle veils each carrying boquets.
| November 27, 1909 | Wedding at Fogo (Part 2) | The groom was ably supported by Mr. Harold EARLE. After the service the bridal party returned to the residence of the bride's father where a reception was held, followed in the evening by a very enjoyable dance. The bride was the recipient of many valuable and useful presents, including a gift from each member of her Sunday School class. A pearl brooch was the gift of the groom and a Neumeyer piano that of her father. The groom's gifts to the bridesmaids were gold and pearl lace pins. The bride is a very popular and much esteemed young lady, as was demonstrated by the big display of bunting on the shipping and on shore, and by the round of guns and cannon booming their message of congratulation and best wishes. Mr. and Mrs. SMITH left by the S.S. Clyde for Twillingate, their future home. --Com.
| November 27, 1909 | SMITHS Arrival at Twillingate | A very liberal display of bunting, the roaring of musketry and cannon, welcomed the Doctor and Mrs. SMITH here on 19th inst., and we join the people in their many expressions of kindest regards, congratulations, and best wishes.
| November 27, 1909 | Shipping News | The "Luetta", Mr Wm SNOW, the "Humming Bird", Mr. Jacob MOORS, and the "Grace" Mr. F. ROBERTS, recently arrived from St. John's. The "Feleix", a large tramp steamer, is discharging coal for the A.N.D. Co., at Botwood; two or three other steamers are due there this fall.
| November 27, 1909 | Ransom Demanded | A prominent business man in St. John's, a few days ago, was demanded by "The Black Hand" to deposit in a somewhat public place, $10,000 or, in the event of failure, to lose his life. Another gentleman was also required to deposit a large sum of money, or his child would be strangled. "The Black Hand" business is carried on to an alarming extent in some parts of the world, and if it has reached this country, is something to be deplored. The police in St. John's are on the alert, but the society of The Black Hand has baffled the best detective system of the world, and therefore, many are the responses to the demands made. Whether the demands recently made in the City is the work of a joker or not, time alone will disclose. Those referred to however are only moving around under vigilant protection.
| November 27, 1909 | Court News | Richard QUIRK, of Fortune Hr., was convicted before Stipy. Magistrate T.E. WELLS, Esq., on the complaint of John CARROLL, for a breach of the 3rd section of the Intoxicating Liquors Act, 1906, and fined $60 and costs. Mark BOONE was fined at Cottle's Cove, New Bay, on 20th Oct. $5 including costs, for disorderly conduct, and spitting tobacco on the floor of the S.A. Barracks at Cottle's Cove, during service on the 17th of Oct.
| November 27, 1909 | Obituary | Mr. Robert MOORS, sr., of Back Hr., was called on Wednesday, the 17th inst., to exchange time for eternity. He died of cancer in the stomach, often suffering intense pain. Early in the spring he visited St. Anthony hospital, and after a thorough examination of the diseased part, the doctors said they could do nothing for him, as his disease was incurable. Sometime after arriving hime, and when the cancer had grown to a considerable size, it broke on the outside, giving considerable relief, and it was hoped by the friends that he would recover. Dr. C.V. SMITH attended him during his illness. Dr. L.S. LeDREW was also called in for consultation. They both held the same opinion as the hospital doctors at St. Anthony. He had reached the age of 65 years and leaves a widow and four children, to whom our sympathy is extended.
| November 27, 1909 | Found | Picked up at Trap Gulch, by Mr. Nath JENKINS, a herring net, badly wrecked but not past repairs; one cork marked J.S.R.
| November 27, 1909 | Ship News | Quite a large quantity of herrings have been seined and caught in stationary nets on the north side of this Bay this fall, and the "Clyde" carried several hundred barrels inwards therefrom this week. She had a full load of freight leaving Lewisporte on Wednesday morning last mostly for Botwood and Twillingate. Her passengers were Miss Bessie Pearce, from Toronto, who has come to spend the winter with her friends at Morton's Hr. and Twillingate; Miss Miles, telegraph operator for Fogo, and Mr. Penny of Seldon-Come-By, also came through from Boaton. Messrs. A. G. Ashbourne, J.D. Lockyer, A.J.S. Peyton, and the Editor of the Sun arrived by her from St.John's. Mr. J.F. Meehan, representing T.H. Estabrook, proprietors of Red Rose tea was also among the passengers of the Clydde and had the pleasure of considerible business along the route.
| November 27, 1909 | The Fishery | The fish experts of St. John's are hoping to get from the outports, 100,000 qtls of cod before navigation closes, but we question if their hopes will be realized. The price for shore advanced, a few weeks age, to $5.50 and $6.50 per quintal; not much demand for Labrador. Many people regard the sudden barometer-like, up and down price of fish this year, as nothing more than a gamble in stocks. They regard the sudden drop in price earlier in the season, unwarranted by the law of supply and demand, there being no change in the markets. Neither have the markets so improved as to cause the present rise, and that it will not stand, they say. The fact remains, however, that the fishermen suffered loss by the late slump, but they are not, and will not reap the benifit of the rise, because they had parted with their catch before the advance in price. Less fluctuation would give more general satisfaction in our great staple; the uncertainties are painful. Merchants and fishermen seldom know how they are coming out until the end of the season, which more often show loss than gain. The F.P. Union are advocating a better system of cull, some uniform standard that all can follow. The conduct of our treat staple is not lacking in wise suggestions, but unfortunately there the matter ends.
| [No Microfilm Available for the period between Nov. 27, 1909 and the end of the year, 1909. GW.] |
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