NFGenWeb Newspaper Records

Notre Dame Bay Region

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser

Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.

Title varies:
Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953.

Editor and proprietor:
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953.

The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953.

MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938, 1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.

The records were transcribed by RON ST. CROIX.
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors. If you should find any errors or have other records to contribute, then please contact the Twillingate Sun transcription project co-ordinator, GEORGE WHITE

- - [The Sun is not available on my microfilm from Jan, 1910 to April 30, 1910. GW.]
April 30, 1910 Premier MORRIS Interviewed and Banqueted Premier MORRIS is attracting a great deal of attention for this Colony in New York, where he has been exhaustively intervieewed by all the papers, and at several functions. He was dined at Hoffman House, New York, April 26th by the Nfld Societies in that city, and proceeded to England by "Campania" on 27th. Great developments are expected in our pulp areas during the coming summer, as several large American concerns are expected to interest themselves largely therein.
April 30, 1910 Promotion to Captain "Rescuer of Crew of Nokomis, Now Captain". Mr. HAMILTON, who was chief officer of SS Peruvian at the time of the rescue of the crew of the schooner Nolimis, has been appointed to the command of SS Mongolian. It will be remembered that Mr. HAMILTON was the first to man the life boat, which took off the crew of the Nolomis on December 15th, 1902. Mr. HAMILTON was presented with £5 sterling, and the crew of the life boat with £2 each by the Government in recognition of their services.
April 30, 1910 Motor Engines This year Mr. Tasker COOK, agent for the "Gideon" Kerosene Engines, has had orders for not less than 14 machines. They are for St. John's, Change Islands, Fogo, Norris' Arm, Springdale and Glovertown, and will be installed in boats of various sizes……(rest unreadable.)
April 30, 1910 Sheep Raising of the West Coast (Part 1) The experiment in sheep raising started last year by Mr. C.E. DODD, proprietor of the Log Cabin, has proved a great success so far, and bids fair to become a big thing before many years have elapsed. The scene of operations is about twenty miles in the country from Robinson's Head, Bay St. George, where there is a vast area of excellent grazing ground, water, and everything necessary for the successful raising of sheep. Mr. DODD started his "farm" year, with the importation of a dozen pure breed rams and sheep, and purchased a number of local breeds, so that at the close of the season he had a flock of one hundred and ten, and from these, up to the time Mr. DODD left for the city last week, had forty lambs, not one of which were lost. The sheep also during the winter thrived and not one death was reported.
April 30, 1910 Sheep Raising of the West Coast (Part 2) During the winter months the flock was kept in sheds built for the purpose and, although they are not yet albe to be out of doors, they are getting a picking here and there, and in another few weeks will be turned out to graze. Mr. DODD informs us that he expects to put in about a thousand sheep this year and five hundred pure breed Cheviots will be imported from England and added to the flock. It is his intention also, to establish another sheep farm "back of" the Log Cabin, where there is also an abundance of good grazing land. The result of this industry will be watched with interest, as despite the pessimistic opinions of many that sheep raising could not be made a success in this country, owing to the so-called severe winter, Mr. DODD has peersevered with his scheme, and his experience has warranted him in deciding to establish another farm, as we have stated. --- Chronicle
April 30, 1910 Our Shipping April 25 -- The "Clyde" leaves St. John's on Friday, April 29th at 6am, calls at Beaverton and Southern ports. She leaves Lewisporte on Monday, May 2nd, for South Side of the Bay. Schr. "Grace", Capt. Frank ROBERTS, arrived from Campbellton, and left here next day for St. John's. Schr. "Lark", Capt. Jas. PURCHASE, left Back Hr. on Monday for the French Shore. Schr. "Jester," Capt. Eph. VATCHER arrived from St. John's Tuesday night. Schr. "Energy," arrived from Fogo Tuesday. Schr. "Amanda," Capt. Simon YOUNG, left for French Shore. "S.S. Prospero," will take up the Northern service, leaving St. John's May 4th.
April 30, 1910 Liquor Law "Newfoundland Shows The Way". (Collier's Weekly, April 9.) It has been said that the chief products of Newfoudland are piety and codfish. At any rate, no province in Canada can give the Ancient Colony points on chosing the better part. Take for example the liquor law which Premier MORRIS is pushing through the Legislature. It whittles the saloon down to twelve hours, which is four hours shorter than the limit in our newest best West, but three hours longer than the union day at that. It cuts out tavern scores and helps the town drunkard back to self-reliance and self-respect and his family back to his wages. It keeps dry spots dry, barring wet neighbours out -- a logical quarantine which no local option district of Canada has yet adopted. If union with Canada ever comes about, it will find Newfoundland abreast of the latest moral improvements.
April 30, 1910 By Telegraph - (Part 1) St. John's, April 26th -- "Beothic" arrived last night with 30,000 and "Erik" in tow with 7,000; reports "Neptune" with weight of 15,000, "Ranger" 5,000 old and young. "Diana" 3,000 old and 3,000 young. "Adventure" 6,000 young, 2,500 old; "Bloodhound" 6,300 old and young "Aurora" not reported since April 1st.
April 30, 1910 By Telegraph - (Part 2) St. John's, April 27th -- Municipal elections take place about June 20th. Mayor GIBBS and Councillor ELLIS will be candidates for Mayoralty.
April 30, 1910 By Telegraph - (Part 3) St. John's, April 27th -- Sensational report was wired to U.S A. yesterday saying that the "Aurora" was missing but sealing captains ridicule this and say she is hunting old seals. "SS Ulunda" left last night taking last cargo of paper from St.John's for this season. Other shipments will now be made from Botwood and two Donaldson liners, the "Castalia" and "Tritoma" have been chartered to take up the service which will begin shortly.
April 30, 1910 By Telegraph - (Part 4) St. John's, April 27th -- New York. -- Speaking at the Banquet tendered him at Hoffman House here last night, Premier MORRIS declared there was no sentiment for either annexation or confederation in this Colony.
April 30, 1910 By Telegraph - (Part 5) St. John's, April 28 -- "Kite" arrived with 4,000 old equal to 8,000 seals. The remainder of the steamers are due Monday or Tuesday as killing season closes April 30th.
April 30, 1910 By Telegraph - (Part 6) St. John's, April 28 -- The new steamer "Susu" for the Fortune Bay mail service, experienced boisterous weather and had to put back to Londonderry today.
April 30, 1910 By Telegraph - (Part 7) St. John's, April 28 -- Mr. J. OUTERBRIDGE proceeded to England by "Mongolian" to represent Nfld. at the Festival of Empire. The Allan Co. are giving return tickets to London for $85, to persons from this Colony who wish to visit the Festival of Empire.
April 30, 1910 By Telegraph - (Part 8) St. John's, April 28 -- Captain BARTLETT and Commander PEARY left here yesterday for Europe, where they will be presented with medals by the Geographical Societies of all European countries.
April 30, 1910 Local Coal Mining Co. Places 1000 Shares One thousand shares of the St. George's Coal Mine Development Company, placed on the market at Bay of Islands last week, were quickly taken up at $5 per share. The Company owns three square miles of coal areas under a ninety year lease, and have an excellent place for shipping the product. The coal found, is said to be of better quality than that of North Sydney. The stock recently placed, was in order to raise funds to have the seams fully tested this year. -- Chronicle.
April 30, 1910 Wedding Mr. Hedley OSMOND of Tizzard's hr., working at Grand Falls, was to wed Miss D'Aray NEWHOOK, former asst. operator at Grand Falls, on 27th inst.
April 30, 1910 Fears Safety of Aurora "Aurora's" Pans -- Messrs. Bowring Bros. Received the following message yesterday from Mr. John ROWSELL, at Bonavista: -- " Forty young harps and Aurora's flags, taken off here to-day, supposed to be Aurora's pan. -- Chronicle, Apr., 19th.
April 30, 1910 Sealing The Labrador Turnout: 2,011 young hoods; 1,672 old hoods; total 3,683 seals. Gross weight 168 tons, 14 cwt., 3 qts, 7 lbs. Nett weight, 151 tons, 11 cwt., 1 qr., 12 lbs. Nett value, $10,583 - 87. 135 men shared $25.93 each; Capt. BARBOUR's share, $423.35. Her old seals averaged 173 lbs. The Labrador has the distinction of landing the biggest seal this spring. It was an old hood and weighed over 800 lbs. "Bonaventure's Turnout." -- 18468 young harps, 35 bedlamers, 77 old harps, 3 old hoods, 1 square flipper; total 18584; gross weight, 400 tons, 19 cwt., 1 qr., 24 lbs; nett weight 388 tons, 1 cwt., 1 qr., 4 lbs; nett value - $34,588.-67; 203 shares - $56.53 each; Captain Parsons' share -- $1383.94; Average weight of young harps - 48 lbs.
April 30, 1910 Codfish in Placentia Bay At St. Kyran's and other nearby places in Placentia Bay, codfish is striking in and trawls last week secured from 1 to 2 qtls., daily on herring bait which is plentiful. The codfish are of a large size and good quality, and have struck in quite early this season.
April 30, 1910 Visitors Mr. Bert CHOWN representing the Nfld. clothing Factory, and Mr. LAKE, representing John F. Lake Co., Fortune Bay, paid us a visit this week. Both gentlemen are pushing their line of goods. Messrs. Frank CURTIS and Mark DAVIS arrived, in Company with Mr. C.V. HODGE from Lewisporte Thursday. They are staying about a week.
April 30, 1910 Fishing Spring trade is on with a rush. Several schooners are on their way to the fishery, trading or coasting. Mr. Wm. ASHBOURNE has some forty traps barked and ready for the summers fishery and is evidently intending to do a larger business than ever.
April 30, 1910 Born On 22nd inst. The wife of S. LOVERIDGE, of a daughter.
- - [Nothing on my microfilm between April 30, 1910 and August 13, 1910. G.W.]

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