NL GenWeb



(Selected Entries)
Transcriber's Note: Calvin Evans wishes to note that his recordings on the Free Press reflect his own research interests only and should not be taken as complete information by any means.
Transcribed from the handwritten notes of Calvin Evans by Beverly Warford While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors

Jan 9, 1912

Events of Year 1911

  • Feb 28 Big fire at Norris Arm
  • Aug 9 Big fire at Botwood
  • Sept 18 Botwood Masonic Lodge consecrated
  • Oct 5 Samuel Small of Moreton’s Harbour died at age 82 years

Jan 23, 1912


Robert Andrews died at Leading Tickles Saturday Dec 30, 1911, age 36, consumption. He and his brother George were mail carriers for Leading Tickles East and West, Winter House Cove, North East Arm, and New Bay. Every week going to Point Leamington for mails, and for 2 years during summer and autumn carried mails from Leading Tickles East to North West Arm, New Bay. Laid to rest in Church of England Cemetery at Leading Tickles. Leaves a wife, one little boy, father & mother (Henry & Mary) and brother.

Mar 26, 1912

North West Arm, Green Bay

House of Mr. Azarilla Mills totally destroyed by fire. School on fire also, but saved except for 1/6th of the roof.

Apr 23, 1912

Mar 17, 1912 Leading Tickles – Miss Florence Boyd, teacher, put on an entertainment in the Methodist Church building which is far from completed inside. Indebted to our Church of England friends for the patronage we get from them. …. so we changed date so as not to conflict with the F.P.U. Tea on April 9th. Children….young people…taking part…refreshments served. $8.00 raised to go toward finishing of interior of church. Efforts of Mrs. Woodworth and others of Burnt Island. Refreshments provided by Mrs. Israel Rowsell, Mrs. Arthur W. Rowsell, Mrs. Woodworth and Mrs. Mark Rowsell. These represent all the Methodist families here except for Mr. Nathaniel Chippett who lost his helpmate last year. I.A.R.

Grand Bank

Mr. Eli Harris of Grand Bank, the well-known dory builder….in the city.

May 14, 1912

Shipping News

The banking schooner Huron, Capt. “Bill” Martin, arrived from Quero Banks this morning. ….Capt. Bill Martin of Perlican 2 weeks on Grand Banks.

Oil Wells

Mr. G. B. Laing, manager of the Newfoundland Oil Wells Ltd. left by express Thursday on his way to Parsons’ Pond. Mr. Laing said some 80 men had been working upon the company’s claim during the winter, and several new borings had been made. The late boring showed good results, and according to the reports of the engineer in charge as submitted to Mr. Laing, a paying “gusher” of oil was in sight. Mr. Laing will remain at the scene of the operation for some months.

May 21, 1912

Botwood May 13 – The SS Marino arrived, 8 days for Glasgow, with coal and general cargo for A.N.D.Co. She passed miles of loose ice off the coast. The Exploits Bay is now free of ice. Melting of snow in interior raising river levels high. River log drive commenced.

Sunday a.m. S.S. Kastalia arrived from Glasgow with coal for A.N.D. Co. Splendid run – no delays. Fog held her up for 12 hours after passing Exploits. Pilot Peyton reports the great advantage of the lights placed in the run in such weather.

Road Board Appointment

Mr. Alfred Pope, Lock’s Cove, Fogo, appointed member of the road board for Fogo Proper.

New Mill

Mr. W.H. Horwood of H. Lumber Co. left for Campbellton to begin work of erecting a pulp mill to be owned and operated by his company. The mill and subsidiary buildings will be of concrete, and the system for the handling and development of the water power for the mill will be modern in every way. The plant’s capacity will be about 10,000 tons yearly.

Logging Camps

All the logging camps operated by the Harmworth’s Forest Company, H. J. Crowe, Martin and Curran, and others have broken up and are now ready for the “drive”. Cut of logs far in access of last year ….. so a “full drive” will follow. To be complete by end of May.

Fire at Parsons Pond

The postal telegraph department advised on Friday that the office at Parsons Pond has been destroyed by fire on Thursday evening. Support staff received message from Miss Vincent, operator at Parsons Pond, to effect that house of Samuel Payne, in which office was located, took fire….all telegraph instruments and fittings had been saved…. line is working satisfactorily.


May 15 Mr. C. Peat of Ayre & Son Grocery Department married to Miss M. Ellis, youngest daughter of James Ellis, Lesley Street, by Rev.J.S. Sutherland. Attended by Miss G. Peet, sister of the groom.


The S.S. Adventure with coal from Sydney to Botwood last week arrived. Took 6 days and got 20 miles in Bay of Exploits, ice being over 3 feet thick.

June 4, 1912

Tilt Cove

Wm Locke of Tilt Cove injured in mine when a sprawl of copper ore entered his right ear passage….. a young man with a family…brought to St. John’s to hospital.

Court News

Barratry… for the purpose of defrauding the insurance company. Albert W. Bishop found guilty.

June 9, 1912


Bath , N.Y. Doctor used aeroplane to make hurried call on an injured patient.

June 18, 1912

Court News

At Botwood early last week the captain of schooner Arthur H. White was before magistrate charged with not clearing from St. John's although he had bonded goods on board and has been fined $100 and costs.


Stanley Ward of Leading Tickles died at Twillingate from hemorrhage lung trouble. Thirty one years and married.

July 16, 1912


Salisbury, England July 15 Twelve aviators killed in a week. “Sacrificed to the science of aviation.”


Eli Humby, the shipbuilder at Indian Arm, Bonavista Bay died June 24th.

June 24, 1912


Edward Humby – postmaster for 40 years and one of best known shipbuilders in the colony, 85 yrs, 6 mos, 20 days. Built 64 or 65 schooners and 1 tugboat, The John Green, and large number of boats. Wife, 5 sons, ?3 daughters.

(Transcribers note – Both Names, Eli and Edward, used in articles.)

July 23, 1912


Mr. & Mrs. James Wentzell, prominent business people of Botwod Harbour, joined the Bruce express at Norris Arm, en route for Mr. Wentzell’s old home in the land of the Maple Leaf, to spend a few weeks on business and pleasure. Bon Voyage.

Methodist Church

Methodist vote on church union in Toronto. In favour 234,449. Against 38,055 (by province) Newfoundland 3,392 in favour/ 7,652 against. All other conferences hugely in favour.

South West Arm, New Bay – Five people have recently died from pneumonia. One was son of George Thompson. Mrs. Stuckless and Mr. Earle are in hospital. Because it is a lumbering community, many have to work in the water on the log drives – thought to be a cause.


Airship business does not pay. Zeppelin in Germany – loss of $75,000 first year. Two passenger airships built.

July 30, 1912


Schooner Pendragon, Capt. Evans, is discharging a load of lumber a J.& W. Pitt’s wharf.

Aug 20, 1912

Trip of Solway from Lewisporte to Humbermouth. Short write-up on each place entered.

Ship Building

Fog Free Zone Col. 2. P.3 – long comment on Manuels ship building - on the way they named their vessels.

Comments on Fortune Harbour – not transcribed

Schooner lost

Capt. Martin, from New Perlican, who lost his schooner in White Bay sometime ago, has lost the best part of this summer owing to the accident.


Miss Ann Manuel died Saturday night, native of Exploits Harbor, and many years a resident of this city, aged 82 yrs.

Aug 27, 1912

Shipping News

Schooner Pendragon, Capt. H. Evans, arrived in port Wednesday from Point Leamington with a load of lumber. After discharging her load, she will take a general cargo to Change Islands.

Sept 3, 1912

Lumbering season - At Gander, alone, it is expected that at least 2000 men will be employed during the season.

At Pt. Leamington all the men that can be got are at work in the mill or on the wharf. During late winter and spring, men were in the woods cutting logs which are now being sawed up and shipped to New York and other parts of America.


Thomas Peyton died at Twillingate on Sept 5th, age 84 yrs.

Sept 17, 1912

Parsons Pond

Men working on new road from Rocky Harbour to Norris Point….visited by Premier, Sir Edward Morris, …. The railway will pass close to Norris Point where 500 people reside. Meetings held by premier at Cow Head and Parson’s Pond on night of Sept 12.

The Oil Wells

The Home arrived here (at Cow Head or Parsons Pond) at 7:30 and the manager of the Newfoundland Oil Wells is on board in his motor yacht and brought Sir Edward and Mr. H.Y. Mott on shore when they had an opportunity of seeing the people. There are now 40 men working on the two wells, which are being built under an American engineer and prospects of striking oil were never better. All the people here were delighted and welcomed the Premier, and expressed their gratitude and appreciation for the telegraph office and secondly for the concession given to the company which made it possible to work the wells.

Mussel Harbour Arm

War Office has suspended use of aeroplanes (London) because of a large number of casualties recently. Aviators consider bi-planes safer than monoplanes, the latter being used because of their speed.

Road Board Appointments

Members of Road Board appointed for Leading Tickles East – Messrs. M.C. Alcock, James Butler and Robert Alcock in place of Messrs. Owen Butler and Stanley Loveman, resigned, and Robert Andrews, deceased.

Schooner for Conception Bay

Schooner “Marconi”, 55 tons, 10 years old, brought for $2,300 by Bob Churchill of Bay Roberts. Will use as trader around Conception Bay.

Sept 24, 1912

Botwood – Sept 16 – The Supreme Court on Circuit closed here on the conclusion of an action for the recovery of land between Wooleyedge (sic) and Rowe, in which judgement was given for the plaintiff. The Chief Justice and officials leave by the Clyde this evening.

Oct 1, 1912

Botwood Lodge (Masonic) WN – N. Grey, SW – J.W. Aitken, JW – J. Arklie, Chaplain – W. Evans, Treas. – P.D. Park, Secty – Walter Hopkins, S.D. – W.H. Baird, J.D. – F. Churchill, S. Steward – C. W. Storm, J. Steward – J. Antle, Director of C. – G. Bowden, J. Guard – J. Wentzell, Tyler – E.L. Oke.

Grand Bank – Miss Nellie Harris returns to Sackville to complete her B.A. course. Miss Clarke, daughter of Lionel B. Clarke, former principal, has passed her Intermediate Grade at Grand Bank Academy which makes her the warden of the Nelson shield for another year.


Loss of another aviator …… gives impetus to a movement to found a National Aviators’ League. The 20th British airman to lose his life. Such a league has been founded in the States to control aviation and discourage dangers risks and fancy flying.

Alexander Bay – Accident at James Blackwood’s sawmill the first day they started his new matcher. George Saunders, aged 24 years, lost arm above wrist.

Oct 8, 1912

Middle Brook, Gambo, - Abram Pritchett Sr. has erected fine sawmill on his premises.

Oct 15, 1912

Awful accident at Badger Brook. A man was taken for a bear and shot dead. Walter Lyver of Fortune Harbour shot and killed Wednesday by Thomas Langdon of Botwood. A bear had been noted in the vicinity. Langdon arrested, later released when enquiry completed.

Oct 22, 1912


Thomas W. Lidesten died on Oct 15th, beloved husband of Mary J. Lidesten, aged 49 yrs, leaving a wife, 1 son, 2 daughters, 2 sisters, 2 brothers.


Mr. & Mrs. J.Q. Gulnac left Norris Arm by Friday’s express for U.S. where it is understood they will in future reside.

Oct 29, 1912

Fishery at Grand Bank –

Samuel Harris – 7 ships

Geo. A. Buffet – 5 ships

Patten and Forsey – 4 ships

John B. Foote – 4 ships

Simeon Tibbo & Son – 3 ships (2 went down with 1450)

Forward & Tibbo – 1 ship

New store of Samuel Harris now open. New store of Forward & Tibbo open.

Oct 29, 1912

Rocky Brook, T.B.

Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Stone of Rocky Brook, T.B. who have been in the city on their regular fall business trip, returned home by the express Tuesday evening. Two of their schooners, the Arthur Monroe and the Maggie Stone, are now ready to leave with full loads of general supplies.

Nov 26, 1912

Botwood, S.S. Odland left Botwood Wednesday for New York with 1700 tons of pulp shipped by the A.E. Reed Co.

Dec 3, 1912

Paper Industry

Lord Cecil Harmsworth speaking at Fleetway House, London, last week said Newfoundland is often described as “Land of dogs, fogs & logs”. He praised the Newfoundland dog as unique, said there was very little fog and said it was indeed a land of logs. Spoke of one of the first paper & pulp manufacturing businesses in the British Empire – 1000 tons of paper produced per week and 400 tons of pulp. No prospect of resources being exhausted even in their grandchildren’s time.

Coal trade

S.S. Adventure back from Hudson Bay, now involved in the coal trade.

Free Press/Daily News

Where the home paper is printed – picture of the office of the Daily News and Free Press, Duckworth St. St. John’s. “Daily News” over door. Concrete building shared by both.

Dec 10, 1912

P. 16 – picture of Capt. Job Knee

Shipping News

The Tritonia left Botwood Tuesday for London with 3900 tons of paper from A.N.D. Co.

S.S. Hochelaga arrived Lewisporte Sunday with coal for the Reid Railway Newfoundland Co.

S.S. Marino left Botwood for London with 2 passengers and a cargo of 5,700 tons of pulp and paper from A.N.D. Co.


Frank Locke, Little Bay Islands, to be Inspector of Weights and Measures with jurisdiction from Little Bay, exclusive, to Little Bay Islands, in place of Robert Stone, resigned.

Dec 17, 1912


The mailman between Tizzard’s Harbour and Farmer’s Arm, Aaron Boyde, perished near the houses on Friday night. He was on way from Farmer’s Arm to catch the Clyde at Tizzard’s Harbour and passed through Chance Harbour about 4 p.m. People mounted a search and found the body. 76 years old.

Shipping News

The Tritonia will be the last ship to visit Botwood for pulp and paper this season, leaving England about end of month. Last winter she became jammed in the ice of the Exploits River on way to Botwood and was held back several weeks till cut out by the Adventure and the Nascopie after long and hard “butting”!

Dec 24, 1912

Alexander Bay – Mr. R. B. Stroud has started a dry goods store and is making things boom again. Mr. E. House has also opened a store, and Mr. John House from Gooseberry Island has also started a store here.


Robert Keel passed away at the ripe old age of 75 years.

Health Issue

Due to Tilt Cove mine closing there is now no doctor north of Pilley’s Island. There are 2000 people there that a doctor station at Nipper’s Harbour could reach.


The Kastalia which came here from Botwood as it was feared she would be frozen in there, sailed again Tuesday evening.

Capt. J. Joy, Ship’s Husband for Job Bros. & Co.

(Transcribers note - The term "Ship's Husband" was common in the old days. It was even used occasionally for women! Today it's replaced by "managing owner".)


At Twillingate on Tuesday, Annie Edna, wife of William Asbourne, Esq., J.P., died 2nd daughter of late Capt. Reuben Pike of Carbonear, aged 32 years.

Dec 31 – Events of past year

• Mar 1, 1912 – S.S. Tritonia arrived in Botwood Harbor, 41 days from London.

• Mar 8, 1912 – Train reaches Grand Falls, first time for a month

• Apr 27, 1912 – First train to arrive from Port aux Basques since Feb 5th

• Oct 3, 1912 – Jubilee Hotel, Norris Arm destroyed by fire.

Dec 31, 1912


Thomas C. Duder, Stipendiary Magistrate at Bonne Bay, died Sunday morning, aged 62 years. Born in St. John’s Apr 16, 1850. Nephew of late Edwin Duder. Worked in his uncle’s office until 1874 when he was appointed the firm’s agent at Fogo. Then he started in business there on his own account, extensive establishment. In 1875 appointed J.P. At election of 1893 he ran as supporter to the Grieve-Monroe party and was then appointed Finance Secty. of Goodridge administration of 1894. In 1897 – became Minister of Mines & Agriculture. In 1900 appointed Stipendiary Magistrate at Bonne Bay. First wife was Emily J. Haddon. His present wife is daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Hall. Has a son Harry. Daughters - Mrs. Harvey Jardine and Miss Mildred Duder. Brothers – Charles R. Duder and William Duder.

Shipping News

It is doubtful if the Tritonia, which was expected to leave England about end of the month to load pulp and paper at Botwood, will do so, in view of the Exploits being already solidly frozen over.


Margaret Hickey died Friday, wife of Patrick Hickey, shipwright, 1 daughter, 3 sons. No age given.

Henry Locke died St. John’s June 30, 1912 aged 73 yrs.

John Bulley Ayre died Jan 3, 1912 aged 73 yrs.

© Beverley Warford, Calvin Evans and NL GenWeb