NL GenWeb



Transcribed from the handwritten notes of Calvin Evans by Beverly Warford While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors. Calvin Evans wishes to note that his recordings on the Free Press reflect his own research interests only and should not be taken as complete information by any means.

Licenses to operate sawmills issued to:

Twillingate District

John Colbourne – Wild Bight

Jas. Beaton – Norris Arm

Luke Dean – Botwood

Bonavista District

Thomas P. Lawton – King’s Cove

John Humby – Summerville


Sydney D. Blandford, Minister of Agriculture and Mines.

Jan 9, 1917

Grand Falls

A large quantity of machinery for A.N.D. Co. arrived Saturday and will be forwarded to Grand Falls by train. Some of pieces, all of which are to be used in sulphur plant which has been greatly enlarged, weigh 30,000 pounds.


On December 26th by Rev. H. Boyle, Jessie M., daughter of Mr. R. J. Ivany, married Geo. Seabright of Botwood, N.D.B.


Mary Mullins on Jan 3rd, wife of John R. Mullins, aged 48 yrs. Leaving husband 1 daughter, 3 sons and a mother.

Died Mary, widow of late Mr. L. Scott, aged 80 yrs on Tuesday, leaving 3 sons and 3 daughters.


The Orange Hall, Botwood, was crowded on Christmas night for Annual Concert of Botwood Methodist Ladies’ Aid. Programme consisted of choruses, songs, drills, dialogues and recitations. Miss Alexander presided at the piano which had been kindly lent by Mrs. Wentzell. Concert was prepared by Misses Fanny Harvey and E.J. Alexander and Mr. A.S. Pope. Amount taken at the door was $54.50 and proceeds of candy and fruit table, which was in charge of Mrs. James Wentzell and Mrs. John Dean was $19.18.

Calvin Evans’ notelarge columns every week on “Progress of the War” and “Our Casualties”

Jan 16, 1917


Died Jan 13, Mrs. Margaret Howell

Died Jan 7, Mary, relict of late Dennis Dunn, aged 85 yrs.

Died Jan 13, Johannah Lannigan, wife of late Thomas Lannigan (formerly the widow Hurley) – leaving 3 sons and 2 daughters.

Jan 23, 1917

Pit Prop Business

Mr. J.O. Williams who is largely interested in the pit prop business here, and who has been in England on business, leaves during present week for St. John’s via New York.


Died Wednesday (no date), Mrs. Mary Walsh , wife of Thomas, grocer, residence Waterford Bridge Road. Leaves husband, 2 daughters – Mrs. (Dr.) C. Howlett and Mrs. (Lieut.) Howley and one son, Samuel.

Died Mrs. John Kelly (Mary Torphy Kelly) on Wednesday, 17th, at Cross Roads in 70th year, 2 daughters – Mrs. P. J. Shea and Mrs. J. Chafe.

Died Mrs. Mary F. Kearney on 15th in Montreal. Widow of late John R. Kearney, H.M. C. and mother of Geo. F. Kearney of city. Son, Stan, inspector of branches with Ford Car Co. of Montreal and John R., agent for Western Life Ins. Co. at Winnipeg.

Died Thursday, Mrs. John Healey at Placentia Junction. Leaves husband, 1 son in US and daughter, Mrs. W. Power, Dunville. She was born in Holyrood.

Died Mrs. Edmund Kelly, Sydney, Monday, 70 yrs old, native of St. John’s.

Jan 30, 1917

A.N.D. Company

Net earnings of A.N.D. Co. after making provisions for depreciation and income tax amount to £65,500 which compares with £51,400 in previous year. Down because of the war.

Feb 6, 1917

Aviation Plant for Canada – Imperial ??Munitors Board in Toronto on Jan 31 signed $3,000,000 contract to establish an aviation school and plant at Camp Borden. Contract given to the Bale McMahon Co. of Ottawa.


Died Elizabeth Noel at Carbonear on Jan 31st, widow of late John Noel, aged 90 years.

Feb 13, 1917


Died on Feb 8 at “The Oaks”, Margaret Dwyer, age 80.

Died at Port de Grave on Jan 28, Ann Maria Dawe, widow of late Capt. Hy. Dawe, age 78 yrs.

Died Feb 10, Caroline Broome Harvey, widow of late Richard Harvey.

Died Feb 9th, Grace King, widow of late George King, 82 yrs.

Died Feb 6th, Annie Roberts, wife of Frederick Roberts and daughter of late Joseph and Mary Guy of Twillingate.

Died at Grand Bank on Saturday, Miss Georgie Buffett, eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. G.A. Buffett.

Died on Feb 18, Patience Batten Mercer, relict of late Edward Mercer, age 87 yrs.

Mar 20, 1917

War News

Sir Ernest Shackleton now in Sydney, Australia, wants to join the war effort.


Died at Belleoram on Friday 16th, Nellie, widow of late T.C. Duder, Esq.

Died at North Sydney on 13th, Mrs. A. E. Chambers, widow of late Chas. D. Chambers, J.P., formerly of Harbour Buffett.

Mar 27, 1917

A.N.D. Company

At Millertown, the A.N.D. Co. are having a 300 ton steamer built for use on Red Indian Lake in bringing supplies to the lumbermen and their camps, hauling rafts, etc. She will ply in conjunction with the “Lady Mary” which is now lying up for the winter. Mr. Chalk, who has many fine vessels to his credit, is the builder.

New Vessels

Eli Harris is building a three masted vessel of 180 tons at Grand Bank for Harris & Co. Harris has a flotilla of about 25. A 40 ton schooner also under construction for Harris at Garnish.

At Exploits, Mr. Robert Evans is at work for the Horwood Lumber Co., on a schooner which will measure over 300 tons and which will be engaged in freighting the output of their mills.

Apr 3, 1917


On Thursday, Mrs. Johannah Mahar, widow of late Edward Mahar died. Two sons, James of A.J. Harvey & Co. and John, engineer of the S.S. Eagle. Four daughters, Mrs. Delbou of Boston; Lucy of Martin Hardware Co.; Ellen, nurse at General Hospital and Agnes at home.

Apr 24, 1917


Edward J. Blackler, relict of the late Charlotte Blackler died on Friday, aged 79 yrs.

May 1, 1917


Capt. George Whiteley’s crews leave for the Straits this week to prepare for the coming season’s cod fishery.

Oil Wells

New drilling cables for General Oilfields Ltd. have arrived here from Pittsburgh and will be sent forward to Parson’s Pond as soon as possible.

It is stated that three partly drilled wells at Parson’s Pond will be carried deeper as soon as possible after the arrival of the new drilling cables and some necessary additional plant discharged by the steamer on her last trip here. The last well gave a good show of oil four days after it was started on April 10th.


Died Katherine, wife of late Richard Power, aged 73 yrs, on Saturday Apr 23rd. Leaving 7 sons, 3 daughters and 1 brother.

Died Apr 28 at Presque P.B., Mary M., daughter of John & Ellen Roche of Argentia and wife of Alphonsus L. Keats, Esq., J.P., manager of Baine, Johnston & Co.’s branch business there. She leaves husband, 1 daughter, father, mother, 1 sister and 2 brothers.

May 8, 1917

Grand Falls

The mills at Grand Falls (lumber?) are now practically closed and during week some 450 men have been paid off. The majority have returned to their homes in the outports to prepare for the fishery.


Greenspond – Mrs. Ellen Carter, wife of late Jas. Carter of Loo Cove, drowned last night. It is expected she was insane.

Died on 4th, Mary, relict of late Michael O’Neil (cooper) 273 Water St West, leaving 2 sons and 2 daughters.

(Several schooners and fish carriers torpedoed by Germans).

Died Friday, Mary, daughter of the late Thomas Murphy, Southside, and relict of William Jones.

Jun 5, 1917

On June 1st, Ellen, daughter of late James and Johannah Walsh of Kilbride. She died at residence of Mrs. Capt. J. Callahan, George St. A faithful servant of the Galway family for 60 years.

Jun 12, 1917

Harbour Grace

Work on the new shipbuilding plant at Harbour Grace is going ahead rapidly and several sheds are in course of construction. Some of the machinery is installed and more is expected to arrive shortly. The plant will be on the site of the old whaling factory which has now been demolished. We learn that Capt. R. Strong has taken a leading position with the promoters and has now gone to St. Mary’s Bay to bring down a load of deals, salved from a ship which was recently wrecked near there. Two schooners have been bought by the company for the carrying of lumber from different parts of the Island. It is expected that the construction of vessels will be taken up in September, as the plant is being rushed to completion, a large number of men being employed on it. The leading promoters are Norwegians and it is said will likely bring some of their countrymen here to assist the local builders.

Jun 12, 1917

Oil Wells

It is stated that 2 wells are in drilling at Parson’s Pond, but no facts about the operations have been made public since navigation opened.

Fishing News

Quite a number of new additions made to the motor fishing fleets of the west coast of Newfoundland.


Died at Petty Harbor, June 6, Harriett Chafe, widow of late Edward Chafe, aged 81 years, leaving 2 brothers.

Died Tuesday, Catherine Egan, wife of John T. Egan, aged 55 years.

June 26, 1917

Fishing News

Sailing from Twillingate for Labrador – Fleetwing, A. Greenham.

Patriotic funds

It is understood that Mr. Christopher Hannevig, who is here on business in his private yacht, has given a donation of $5,000.00 to the most deserving of our patriotic funds through his agent, Mr. J. O. Williams. Mr. Hannevig is the principal of the Harbor Grace Shipbuilding Co., and was recently in the second city inspecting the plant. His visit is combined with health-seeking, and his yacht will call at several ports on the coast, and as well make a trip north after leaving our waters.


Died Saturday in North Sydney, Mrs. Daniel Hickey, 73 yrs of age. Native of Fortune – moved to N.S., 30 years ago.

July 3, 1917


Up to June 18th inst., 23 vessels of 939 tons and 165 persons had cleared from Twillingate to Labrador and the Straits. Up to June 23rd, 30 vessels, 1154 tons and 205 persons. Up to June 30, 40 vessels, 1436 tons and 265 persons.


Alphonsus Keats, J.P. of Argentia, died on the 26th at residence of Mr. E.J. Berrigan, 209 Gower St. Active member of Historical Society. Manager for Baine Johnston & Co.

Mrs. M. Mahoney died Friday, June 29th at Burin. Wife of Michael Mahoney, Tinsmith. Lived in Burin last 20 years. Only sister of Mr. E.J. Kennedy of St. John’s, contractor.

Fish news

Fish slacked off a little on Saturday at Lamaline, but on the other days of the week, good work was done by all kinds of gear.


Inspector Lawlor who is now making his annual inspection of backyards, finds a decided improvement in their condition and a great many which formerly contained nothing but unsightly heaps of refuse are now set up with potatoes, cabbages and other vegetables.

July 10, 1917

Air Raid on London – Slight casualties

Labrador fishery

Total from all Newfoundland of 335 schooners to Labrador & Straits up to June 23rd.


Lieut. Laurence Crowe, son of Harry J. Crowe, lost his life as a result of an accident at Plymouth on June 6th. While flying, he fell into the sea; his body being later recovered. He qualified as a “flyer” on this side, went overseas and joined the Royal Flyers Corps. He was 20. Before family moved to Toronto, he resided in Halifax.

Died on July 6, Susanna N, daughter of late William and Amelia Butt, aged 64 yrs.

Died Susan Carey Flynn on July 4th, relict of late James Flynn, leaving 3 sons, 2 daughters, 1 brother and 1 sister.

Son of Rev. Charles Lench

Charles H. Lench, M. ARCH, Architect, Offices: 101 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.


Died at Fortune Harbour, John Thomas, eldest son of Edward and Ellen Wiseman, aged 23 yrs. Leaves father, mother, 7 sisters and 1 brother.

Died Mrs. Mary B. Curtis of St. Joseph’s on 23rd.

July 24, 1917

Drowning at New Bay

From New Bay men visiting the city, we learn of the drowning of three Rolfes two weeks ago. They were coming in from Leading Tickles on Thursday and when off mouth of Northwest Arm, a lop broke over their boat filling her. One son of Robert Rolfe managed to get on the bottom of the upturned boat, but the other three men lost their hold and were drowned. The young man on the capsized boat drifted ashore on the rocks and made landing. Here he was found next day by men who went over from South East Arm to look for herring.

Twillingate, Labrador and Straits Fishery

Up to July 7 – 54 vessels, 2091 tons, 375 men

Up to July 21 – 82 vessels, 2908 tons, 541 men


Died on July 20, Elizabeth Murphy, eldest daughter of late William and Hannah Roberts and wife of William Murphy, leaving 5 sons and 2 daughters.

Aug 7, 1917

War News

Fruitless Air Raid on Paris by Germans July 30th. Slight injury to two women from 6 or 8 bombs.

Fish News

Schooner “Ethel E” has returned to Twillingate from Treaty Shore with 630 qtls. codfish.

Aug 14, 1917

War News

Hon. J. R. Bennett received word on Monday from London that his son, Sidney, had passed the Flying Corps Medical Board and was returning to the depot to wait the call for active service. Thus has another of our brave boys connected himself with one of the most hazardous, though most indispensable branches of the war service.

Fish News

Schooner “Fleetwing”, A. Greenham, master, has returned to Twillingate from Treaty Shore with 350 qtls. codfish.


Died Margaret Holden Power on Aug 8th, relict of late Patrick Power (shoemaker) leaving 1 daughter and 1 nephew.

Aug 21, 1917

Work on the new shipbuilding plant at Ship Head, Harbour Grace, is going ahead splendidly and it is expected to be completed earlier than at first thought. The whaling factory, which formerly occupied the site, has been demolished and the new dock is rapidly assuming shape. Some 120 men are engaged at the construction work.


On Aug 11 in Denver, Colorado, Kate Halliday Green (Kittie), wife of Benjamin Green, formerly of this city.

A record Labrador Fishery is reported.

Sept 11, 1917


Sudden death of Frederick Smallwood on Sunday, aged 54 yrs, resident Rennie’s Mill Road, well-known boot and shoe merchant manufacturer.

War News

Rev. Walter W. Cotton, 2nd Lieut. – letter from the Front.


Schooner Defender arrived Greenspond with 600 qtls. codfish from Labrador.

Sept 25, 1917


Mr. R. G. Reid, Sr., received information that his eldest son, R.G., who has been training in the Imperial Aviation Corps, Toronto, has successfully passed his examination and given his commission. He has been appointed Flight Instructor – probably youngest on record. Canadian authorities decided to attach him to the training school though he wanted to go to the front. He is only in his 18th year.

Sept 25, 1917

New Schooner

A new schooner of 400 tons, built for Horwood Lumber Co. has just been launched at Thuart Island, N.D.B. and will be used as a trader. She been named “Attainment” and will shortly arrive here with a load of lumber.


Monday, Sept 17th, Anastasia McDonald, at Newbridge, Salmonier, wife of John McDonald, leaving 3 daughters and 2 sons.

Oct 2, 1917


Hon. J.R. Bennett, Minister of Militia, has been in Canada the last 3 weeks.


Boom in shipbuilding. Schooners under construction at Norris Arm, Port Blandford, Springdale, Placentia and other places. Messrs. J. O. Williams and M.E. Martin will lay keels for two at Norris Arm immediately on completion of vessel now almost finished.

Mr. C. Chalk building 250 ton schooner at Charlottetown for A.E. Hickman. Mr. G. Fearn building ship at Placentia.

Aeroplane for Newfoundland

Newfoundland is recipient of a plane from Great Britain. On Saturday last the city of Sheffield presented the machine to Mr. Walter Long who consented to receive it on behalf of this Colony, the ceremony taking place at Coal Aston. The presentation owes its inception to the Imperial Service Commission, whose president Lord Densborough, made the suggestion to Sheffield’s Master Cutler. Already several representative cities have given machines, Liverpool presenting one to Australia, Leeds to India, Leicester to Canada, while the committee found one for New Zealand.

His Excellency, Sir Walter Davidson, the governor responded: “The Government of Newfoundland desires me to convey to the Master Cutler and the people of the city of Sheffield, deep appreciation of the gift to Newfoundland presented by the Imperial Air Fleet Committee. All Newfoundlanders are proud of the honor this conferred on the loyal and ancient colony.

Return message from the Commission and Sheffield – “desire to express pleasure in forging new links between Great Britain and her Dominions by medium of the new communication by air. They will take deepest interest in the future career of Aeroplane Sheffield under flag of the Old Colony.”…… presentation was witnessed by nearly 100,000 people who displayed great enthusiasm toward Newfoundland.

Aerial operations over Europe…… a number of valuable photos were taken.


The Attainment, which was built at Thwart Island, Green Bay, by Mr. R. Evans for the Horwood Lumber Co. and recently launched, is now at Campellton where the spars are being stepped and her rigging completed. She is a splendid vessel of about 300 tons and has a birch bottom with hard pine topsides, and a remarkably strong deck of 4 X 4 inch hard pine. All the fastenings are of galvanized iron and she is in every respect a credit to the builder. She is expected to reach here about middle of next month.


R.G. Reid promoted to Flight Lieutenant – home on a visit.

Oct 9, 1917


William Waterman and his brother, Joseph, out shooting birds. Mr. Joseph Waterman accidentally discharged his gun in the boat. The charge blew the sole and heel off Waterman’s boat and several shot went in his leg. He is unable to walk and doctor thinks there is more shot in the leg. Twillingate Sun

Cod News

Arthur Adams on “Bread Box” caught 75-pound codfish. Last week he caught a 56- pound fish. Twillingate Sun.

Oct 16, 1917

Shipbuilding Plant

The building of Shipbuilding Plant at Harbour Grace is making quite a stir with some 70 men being now engaged in construction work alone, while 30 skilled workmen are now employed.

Oct 23, 1917

War News

From overseas we learn that Flight Lieutenant Ronald Ayre has been promoted to the rank of Captain and awarded the Military Cross. He is only 19 and has been on duty at the Front for some time. He is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Ayre.

Oct 30, 1917

Newfoundland receives a Sheffield Plane

Long article in columns 1 to 3 about the Sheffield Plane which is a Gift to the Colony of Newfoundland. Historic Gathering. Article is abridged from the Sheffield Telegraph. The plane was accepted for the use of the Royal Flying Corps and in trust for the Colony of Newfoundland.

Newfoundland Foresters

Picture of a Lumber Camp in the Highlands of Scotland. Newfoundland Foresters at Work. Page 7, columns 5-7.

Nov. 20, 1917

Local news

Mr. J. D. Lawrence, for several years chauffeur with Mr. W. J. Herder, has joined the Canadian Aviation forces and leaves within a few days to report at headquarters.

Mr. J. D. Henry, manager of the Parson's Pond Oil Wells Ltd., is in town on a brief visit.


Died at Catalina on Wednesday, Margaret, wife of P. F. Ryan and youngest daughter of the late John and Joanna Murphy, leaving husband, 2 sisters and 3 brothers.

Schooner Launched

The new schooner built at Springdale by G. W. Clarke for A. E. Hickman has been launched.

Shipping News

The new schooner Attainment of about 350-tons built at Thwart Island for the Horwood Lumber Co. arrived in port on Tuesday from Campbellton with a cargo of lumber to the owners. The Attainment is a splendidly built schooner, nothing but the best materials being used in construction, while the work was done by the most skilled shipwrights, and a staff from the city doing the caulking. She is built along very fine lines and should be a fast sailer, though on her maiden trip no opportunity was afforded to test her in this connection. The quarters for captain and crew are above decks and are both modern and spacious. The schooner is now at Horwood's lumber wharf discharging cargo.

Dec. 4, 1917

New schooner at Twillingate

The new schooner Ariceen was built in Nova Scotia for J. O. Williams. She has been purchased now by Mr. W. A. Ashbourne of Twillingate and will be used in the foreign-going trade. She is 416-tons gross. The purchase price was about $80,000. She is one of the finest vessels to enter this port.

Shipbuilding plant at Harbour Grace

Work in connection with the shipbuilding plant at Harbour Grace is progressing rapidly and some 300 men are at present engaged in the construction of buildings, breakwaters, etc.

Dec. 11, 1917

Reid Newfoundland Company

Mr. P. D. Park has been appointed assistant to the President of the Reid Newfoundland Co. and took up duty on Saturday week.


Died on Tuesday, Margaret Cullen, relict of the late Thomas Cullen, aged 74 years, leaving 4 daughters and 2 sons.

Died on 10th. inst., Anne Pike Simmons of Whitbourne, relict of Lemuel H. Simmons, aged 55 years, leaving 8 children - 6 daughters and 2 sons.

Died on Saturday, Dorcas Taylor, relict of the late Jonathan Taylor, aged 85 years, leaving 3 sons and 2 daughters.

Dec. 25 , 1917

Died on Saturday at the General Hospital, Frederick Julian Vallance, aged 75 years.

© Beverley Warford, Calvin Evans and NL GenWeb