NL GenWeb



Printed every Tuesday St. John’s, Newfoundland

Transcribed from the handwritten notes of Calvin Evans by Beverly Warford While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors. Calvin Evans wishes to note that his recordings on the Free Press reflect his own research interests only and should not be taken as complete information by any means.


Mrs. Elijah Benson, Grate’s Cove, 30 years in St. John’s, 84 years old. Three sons – Sergeant Benson of Carbonear, Elisha Benson of St. John’s and William Benson of Grates Cove. Two daughters – Naomi of St. John’s and Julia at Winnipeg. A sister, 24 grandchildren and 27 great-grandchildren. (Calvin Evans’ note – no date listed)

Mrs. Katie Gosse, Dec 27th, wife of Martin Gosse of Spaniard’s Bay, one of the most prominent Labrador fish merchants. Daughter of late Josiah Gosse, 43 years of age. Husband and 5 children left. Her mother, Mrs. Jane Gosse; brother Cyril; sister Minnie in Vancouver; sister Bertie in NY; oldest sister, Maud, widow of late Leonard Bartlett of St. John’s.

Grand Bank

Fisheries of 1913 – some 50,000 qtls.

Jan 13, 1914


Jan 6 – A serious fire occurred here at 7:30 a.m. when Edward Dean’s house was consumed. His little boy and a little girl, named Ella Knee, were burned to death. Mrs. Dean just escaped with her baby. There has been no trace discovered of the bodies of the children.

Magistrate Burt at Botwood – message “Samuel Peyton of Joe Batt’s Arm, while crossing the river from Botwood to Burnt Arm on Saturday, fell thru ice and was drowned. Deceased was about 35 and leaves widow and 2 children. Body recovered.” Same message received from Const. Churchill of Botwood.


Edward Cummins died Saturday Jan 10, aged 20, son of George and Sarah Cummins

Mary Carrigan, wife of Patrick, died Jan 9th.

Louise Locke, wife of Jesse Locke, aged 52 yrs, died on Jan 9th.

Jan 20, 1914


Catherine Woodford died Jan 7th at North Arm, Holyrood, aged 87 yrs. Three sons and several grandchildren.

Wm. Stevenson, husband of Mary, died Thursday, aged 63 yrs.

Alexander Bay

Walter Dewey and Geange caught two foxes. Sold one to Reid Co. for $1,100 and one to Harvey for $1, 800. Good for three weeks work.

Feb 3, 1914

New Bay

Married 16th Victor A. Moores and Barbara Churchill, daughter of Charles Churchill. Married by Rev. Mr. Rideout.

Saturday 17th – Mrs. Charles Cox of S.E. Arm died. Two little boys and a husband, She was, we think, a native of Burin.

Miss Bessie Norman of Cupids, I believe, is teaching day school. Men of South East Arm building a new school house on the neck between Cottle’s Cove and South East Arm. They have it boarded in, covered and shingled. (signed) Correspondent.

Tales of the Air

George Lee Temple of London is the 357th victim in the history of aviation.

Feb 24, 1914


Catherine Lawlor, relict of late Thomas Lawlor, on Thursday at age 73 yrs. Three sons and four daughters. Const. Ed Lawlor, Lawrence – engineer with Reid Co; Thomas in Boston; Mr. J. Dutton of Fermeuse; Miss L. Lawlor of Boston; Mesdames M.A. Duffy and J. Condon of the city.

Shipping News

The Harsford from Botwood has arrived at Buenos Ayres and the Hawthorne Bark from Point Leamington. The former left on Nov 12th and the latter on the 28th. A third arrival at the S. American port is the Manx King on Jan 14th. She sailed on Nov 17th from Botwood taking a large cargo, being a full-rigged ship of 1628 tons. All were lumber laden.


Mr. Bert Cousens of the Southside operated on for appendicitis.


Hannah Harvey, Feb 18th at residence, Tor Cottage, Waterford Bridge Road, aged 58 yrs.

Mar 17, 1914

Aviation News

German aviator broke record for sustained flight – was in the air for 14 hours and five minutes. Best record before was 13 hours and 22 minutes. Atlantic Ocean could be crossed in 15 hours according to estimates.

Mar 24, 1914


Rev. W. J. Morris, Methodist stationed there. Work on schooner Minnie J. Hickman has progressed favorably – she will be completed by time navigation opens.


The Salvation Army school house at Botwood has been totally destroyed by fire.

Trinity Bay

Mr. And Mrs. Emmanuel Stone of Monroe, T.B. arrived in town by Thursdays train. Mrs. Stone enters the General Hospital to undergo an operation.


Died on Thursday, Mary Egan, 74 yrs, relict of late John Egan, pilot. Leaves one son.

Mar 31, 1914

New Bay

Mar 14 – Rev. Mr. Morris and Mr. Scott were here for the Missionary meeting. We are glad the government is taking up the partridgeberry question. No one should be allowed to pick any berries till Sept 5 or 10. They would be 100 percent better all round. (signed) Correspondent.


Died Mar 30, Mrs. Wm. R. Warren yesterday. Eldest daughter of late Jas. Gordon of Baird, Gordon & Co. Wife of Wm. R. K.C. former speaker of House of Assembly. Husband and three little children. Waterford Bridge Road. Two years ago, her sister, Mrs. Johnstone, died.


Capt. Hoeburg of Burin was passenger on Prospero to the city.


Died on Mar 27, Elizabeth H. Symonds, relict of late Wm Symonds and daughter of late John and Margaret Voisey, aged 57yrs – 4 sons and 4 daughters, 2 sisters and 17 grandchildren.

Apr 7, 1914

Tales of the air

New altitude record – France Mar 31st. Pilot ascended to 5, 200 feet with nine passengers in an areoplane.

London – April 1 – New altitude record for airships – by Count Zepppelin’s airship – 10,000 feet over Santis Mountains.


Monday, March 30th, Ethel Alice McMurdo Gordon, wife of Wm R. Warren, aged 34 yrs.

Apr 1st, Anne Byrne, wife of James Byrne and 2nd daughter of F.H. Viguers.

Emma Chesley Woods, wife of Harry E. Greaves (of the National Stores), Wednesday 8th. Youngest daughter of Joseph Woods.

Susie Whalen, wife of James Meaney & proprietor of the Courier Newspaper, aged 42 yrs.

Apr 28, 1914


Maria Ryan, relict of late John Ryan, tailor and clothier, aged 67 yrs on Sunday Apr 26th.

May 5, 1914


A message from Botwood last week stated ice in Exploits Bay was 8-10 inches thick, but nothing was known of outside conditions. One of the Donaldson boats in now on way from England to load pulp & paper at Botwood, but it is feared she will have much difficulty in reaching there under present conditions.

May 12, 1914

Shipping News

A large number of schooners bound for this port from northward for supplies are held up owing to ice conditions, as are also many from the westward.

The Donaldson liner, Tritonia, bound from London to Botwood is jammed in ice in Green Bay and is in such condition that she may be abandoned.

Ice block in the Gulf has left South coast without coal.

May 19, 1914


Mr. Norman Gray of Botwood is visiting the city.

May 26, 1914


From Twillingate we learn there is little sign of codfish. From there north the ice still hindering operations and none of fishing schooners have been able to get to French Shore where they usually commence fishing about May 20th.

May 26, 1914

Shipping News

Schooner Olive, Evans, arrived yesterday week to Jas. Baird Ltd. from Gaultois with 1700 qtls codfish.

The Bellaventure, Capt. Randell, reached Botwood Thursday night after a hard time getting thru the ice in Exploits Bay. He left Wednesday night taking 100 tons of coal, part of the Tritonia’s cargo.

S.S. Clyde wired – because of ice – no way of getting to Botwood. Reached Lewisporte by way of Hornet Island and up through Birchy Island Tickle – never used that route before.

The Tritonia reached St. John’s – left Glasgow 32 days ago. Cargo of coal and general supplies had to be shifted because the butting of ice loosened the bow plates and water began to enter the forepeak and No. 1 hold. Ship was about 25 miles N.E. of Funks when the Bellaventure arrived. Will have to dock for repairs. The Bellaventure will take her cargo to Botwood.


Mary Ellen Shortall on May 18th. Wife of Robert and youngest daughter of late Capt. Martin and Ellen Power. Leaving 1 sister, 4 nieces.

June 2, 1914


Jane Randell, age 83, relict of late Charles Randell – Hearts Content – Wednesday 27th, 3 daughters and 2 sons. Mrs. W.T. Godley, St. John’s, Mrs. Moses Moore and Mrs. J.W. Tetford, Sydney, Charles Gaden, Preventive Officer Hearts Content, and William Gaden of Dawson City.

Died Saturday, Miss Mary Ann Power, daughter of late Michael and Ann Power, sister of Hon. M. Power.

June 2, 1914

Shipping News

Large number of schooners arrived from the northward for supplies. Many also left that night with cargoes of supplies.

June 9, 1914

Licenses issued under Saw Mills Act of 1914 to operate Saw Mills:

District of Twillingate –

George Jones & Bros., Point of Bay.

District of Bonavista -

Christopher Haines & Brothers, James Town

Messres. Reid & Lowe, Winter Brook

Daniel Collins, Lockyers Bay

Samuel G. Pye, 21st mile, Bonavista Branch Railway

Azariah Butler, Chalky Head Cove

John Keough & Bros., Plate Cove East

Albert B. Stares, Salton’s Pond, Brooklyn

Schooners Cleared at Twillingate

Nineteen Twillingate schooners cleared for the North week of May 30th. 153 men. Strathcona 62 tons – G.J. Carter. Beulah – G. J. Carter. Crew of 8 for Treaty Shore.

Jun 16, 1914

Shipping News

The Tritonia came off dock and left for Botwood.


Margaret Goss, relict of the late Solomon Goss, aged 90 yrs.

June 23, 1914


Mrs. Richard Hickey, 13 Murray Street, Thursday, aged 60 yrs. Leaving husband, one son, Richard, of the Reid Newfoundland Co.’s Electrical Dept.

A.N.D. Co.

The Marine left Botwood on Friday for London taking 5800 tons of pulp and paper from A.N.D. Co.

Premier Celebrates Birthday

Ottawa – Premier, Sir Robert Borden, is 60 today.

June 30, 1914

A.N.D. Co.

The Parthenia arrived Botwood with 6000 tons of coal for A.N.D. Co. and will return to England with cargo of pulp and paper.


Died June 26 on Thursday, Margaret Halley, relict of late Joseph Burfitt, aged 73 yrs, a native of Knocklofty, County Tipperary, Ireland.

Died on Tuesday June 23rd, Mrs. Fanny Gardner, relict of late Geo. Gardner of Bareneed, Port de Grave, aged 80 yrs, 3 sons and many grandchildren.

Jul 14, 1914


A very pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Mary’s church on July 1st when Mr. W.M. Tilly, a promising young merchant of this town, led to the alter Miss Emily Pearce formerly Church of England teacher at Maberly. Mr. Francis Pearce acted as her best man while Miss Frances Chaulk acted as best woman. The wedding was performed by Rev. Mr. Pegg. We wish them many years of wedded life and we are sure the NEWS will join in congratulations. AMICUS

Jul 21, 1914

Grand Falls

Grand Falls welcomes H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught (Page 4, Cols. 5-7) Then to Botwood.

Public Notice

Notice is hereby given that applications have been received from the following parties for licenses under Section 1 of the Saw Mils Acts 1914 to operate saw mills at the under mentioned places, namely –

Dist. of St. Barbe

Lot Head, Jackson’s Arm, White Bay

Dist. of Twillingate

Jonathan Mercer, North West Arm

Jas. House & E.K. Mills – Burlington

Robt. Small – Muddy Cove

Solomon Eveleigh – Newstead

Dist. of Bonavista

Adam Cole – Brooklyn

John & Sydey Pilley – Southward Bay Brook

Joseph B. King – White Point Pond, New Bonaventure

Noah Holloway and Bros. – Bloomfield

Dist. of Trinity

Placentia & St. Mary’s

Fortune Bay


Mr. William Freeman, aged 68 died at Twillingate on July 12th. Paralysis. A respected citizen. His son, Philip Freeman, senior linotype-operator on the NEWS Office called home.

Jul 28, 1914

Grand Falls

Page 6, cols. 3-5

By the S.S. ?Parthenia which sailed from Botwood Wednesday 15th, Messrs. H.C. Hanson and A.J. Noble left for England. Mr. Noble who is Chief Accountant of the A.N.D. Co Longdon Office has been holidaying in Grand Falls. Mr. Hanson is chief accountant in the Grand Falls Office.


Large number of visitors to town…..Miss Harvey from Botwood is on a week-end visit to Mrs. Ireland.

Mrs. Saunders of Dundee, Scotland, is a guest at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. D. Arklie.

Mr. Michael Lamee has for some time past been foreman of the Company’s machine shop here.

The interior of the Methodist Church has been completed.

Mr. W.W. Blackall, Supt. Of Education, has taken up residence here with his family.

The baseball craze has reached over heat and no opportunity for practice is being lost.

The Road Board so far has more than justified its existence. On Church Road next to Eric House is has taken away the old bridge and built a very substantial new one, adding a great improvement by placing railings at the sides.

Mr. T.F. Judge, the Asst. Supt. In the mills here….left for extended vacation in Canada. His is accompanied by Dr. Walter Scott.

(signed) O’F.

Aug 3, 1914

Storm and Sail

Thursday forenoon the Marine & Fisheries Dept. received the following message from Mr. Noah Simms of St. Anthony: “A large motor trap boat and schooner’s gaff topsail picked up at Great Braha; it is probable a schooner has been lost”. Instructions were at once forwarded to make all enquiries possible as to the supposed wreck but up to last night no further information had been received.

Aug 11, 1914

Aug 18, 1914

Shipping news

The ?Marina left Botwood Wednesday morning for London with 5500 tons of pulp and paper, and 6 passengers.

Aug 25, 1914

John Snow of Manuels, agent for the R.N. Co. at Benton, arrived to enter hospital.

Sept 1, 1914

Sept 8, 1914

War News

Sept 2nd Botwood contribution to the war effort – Jacob Hann, William Small and Wm May. Meeting in Botwood Orange Hall raised $820 for the War Effort.

Sept 15, 1914

Patriotic Fund

Botwood – Employees of AND Co. and Part & Storm would each contribute a day’s pay toward the Patriotic Fund. Other donations amount to over $850.00

Signed – James Arklie, Secretary

Sept 22, 1914

Sept 29, 1914

Fire destroys mill at Norris Arm

On Wednesday night the new lumber mill at Norris Arm owned by Messrs. Saunders & Howell was destroyed by fire. Fire started in the drying room. The volunteer fire brigade successful in saving large quantity of lumber stored nearby. Valuable machinery and stock, loss is very heavy one.

Oct 6, 1914

Oct 13, 1914

Oct 20, 1914


Schooner Ethel E, J. Philips.

Oct 27, 1914

Shipping News

The Orthia has sailed from Botwood for Lizard Head for orders _____ 4800 tons of pulp and paper from the AND Co.

Nov 3, 1914 to Dec 29, 1914

Note – The only regular columns now are Carbonear and Harbour Grace – mostly reports on the war effort.

Note – 1915 not filmed.

© Beverley Warford, Calvin Evans and NL GenWeb