NL GenWeb


1907 - 1911

Entries pertaining to N.D.B region
Printed every Tuesday St. John’s, Newfoundland

Transcribed from the handwritten notes of Calvin Evans by Beverly Warford While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors

Tuesday Jan 1, 1907


The report is received in Toronto that the Harmsworths, the London publishers, are to start a daily paper in Canada and this is said will be located in Ottawa.


…..The local mind was somewhat startled today by the news that Merchant ship builder, Josiah MANUEL of Exploits is in a precarious situation in St. John’s – family summoned to his bedside.

Lumbering operations in this district appear stagnating. Gambo, Glenwood, Gander Bay, Badger Bay and Charles Brook having suspended operations.

Through the kind thought of Harry J. CROWE, Esq. the collective staff of the Newfoundland Timber Estates here, were invited to dinner at Somerset House on Christmas Day. For the honor of Mr. CROWE and the good name of the house, we hope the guests enjoyed the good things prepared.


A special train from Lewisporte arrived today bringing Mrs. Josiah MANUEL, Miss Janet MANUEL, Mr. Chesley MANUEL, Messrs. E. __. GUSHUE, J. PENNEY, A. YATES, B.W. MORRES and several others to attend the funeral obsequies of the late Josiah MANUEL.

New Bay

Tuesday and Wednesday last the sewing circle had their sale of work, they sold all their goods, raising about $150. Bravo for Rev. Mr. SMITH and his hand of ladies.

A little while ago Mrs. R. SPENCER passed away….had reached her 90th year. Her husband had died many years before.

The coming winter our mail will come down from Botwoodville to New Bay and Fortune Harbour. Yours truly, New Bay

Obituary for Josiah MANUEL , Esq.

Died Wednesday last at residence of his son-in-law, John C. CROSBIE. Conducted business in Green Bay for 40 years, on the French Shore, on the Straits, with Exploits the place where he was born as his headquarters. As a shipbuilder, he ranks with the foremost…for the number of schooners built and for the beauty of their lines is their durability and seaworthiness. At least 100 schooners have come from his docks, and there are 7 on the stocks at present. A life-long Conservative …..pneumonia and congestion of the lungs (while on a visit to the city). Jabez MANUEL, his eldest son,…… son Chesley. This is the passing of no ordinary man… much of the prosperity of Northern Newfoundland due to him. Service conducted by Drs. COWPERTHERWAITE and CURTIS – buried in General Protestant Cemetery.

Jan 8, 1907


The cold during the middle of December was so severe that the bay was frozen over and the ice strong enough to permit double teams crossing with loads of merchandise. On Saturday 23rd the Company hauled 2 car loads of hay from Norris Arm, some of the teams loading as much as 25 bundles. On Monday 24th it was unsafe and on 26th there was open water.

The new company are logging on Northern Brook only this winter, they have 4 camps, with about 120 men, quite a falling off from former years, when the last company had 350 to 500 men employed.

Renewed energy is evidently being infused into the shipbuilding industry, as 14 schooners from 35 to 100 tons are being built in Exploits Bay this winter. A large number of men are employed in cutting lumber, besides those actively building the vessels.

Jan 15, 1907

N.W. Arm, Green Bay

A few words from this obscure settlement …. Christmas celebrations …. Miss YOUNG, our teacher …the school house… whether it was legal to cut the Christmas tree on the reserve limit, impossible to go 3 miles in the country to get it because of the unusually wet weather. The bridge at the center of the harbour was swept away…impossible to go from one side to the other…S.S. Clyde called here – Capt. KNEE.

Botwoodville Jan 8th

Lumbering operations continue apace. Ship building industry being reviewed…..four vessels being on the stocks at Northern Arm, one at Peter’s Arm and seven at Kite Cove.

….this important lumbering district. Paper and pulp mills, rail and shipping will mean much to this section of the country.

Botwoodville church has introduced the Anglo lamp. New church being largely attended …..?ner by more than 100. Rev. C.R. DURRANT has introduced several new features.

Day school party and concert. The president of the new company (H. CROWE, Esq.) donated a present for each child. Children gave three cheers for Mr. CROWE. Church of England and Methodist schools at center of town, but no schooling at the extreme ends.

G. FOWLER, Esq., late manager of the mill, dangerously ill at Amherst, NS. His daughter, Mrs. SMITH, left on the express accompanied by Dr. SMITH.

Miss Jennie BUTLER of Burnt Arm, daughter of Eli BUTLER, Esq., married B. TIBERT, Esq. of Nova Scotia who has represented the Newlands Lumber Co. for some years at Norris Arm. Their future home will be Free Port, N.S.

Mrs. Arthur BURT and Mrs. Jabez JURE have both had baby boys this week.

New Bay

January 5th – It is quite a long time since we have seen any item of “New Bay” news in your paper. Although things are quiet, yet we are not quite asleep. During the past few weeks, we have been enlivened by the beautiful weather and certain goings on.

Last month we had a bazaar here in connection with the Methodists, who are not quite extinct, although it is thought that only one or two are left. But it is my humble opinion, that as surely, as the proof of the pudding is in the eating, so surely does this bazaar prove that Methodism here has a future. In an issue of your paper, a few weeks ago I noticed mention made of the formation of a Sewing Circle in New Bay. This Circle has I believe already a real good balance in hand, perhaps a total of $80.00. Surely dead people would not raise this money in less than 3 months, even in New Bay, where by the way, are some people, who have money, and the wit to keep it. I don’t know when these people will have their new church built. One thing is sure, some of the timber will not be new by the time it is ready for prayers. But I understand that a start will soon be made. Another foreman is supposed to be engaged.

The next interesting item was Christmas. Owing to so much sickness, there were many who did not have a real fill of enjoyment. But, others did. At Christmas there was a meeting consisting of singing by the Sunday School Scholars and Teachers. Recitations, solos, duets, etc. Rev. R. S. SMITH presiding at the organ, which by the way is giving real satisfaction, and is of great service. The Christmas tree contained a present for each scholar from the S.S., besides many presents which were given by friends to friends. The children appeared to appreciate the Christmas cheer, especially when at the meeting’s close they received their bag containing fruit, cake and sweets. Altogether it was a pleasant meeting …….

In the Methodist Sunday School, Rev. R.S. SMITH married Abraham BUDGELL of South Arm to Bertha BUDGELL of New Bay. This wedding is the first in New Bay at which an organ has been played. As the couple left the building man and wife were greeted with the firing of guns by many of their friends.

At 11 o’clock the same night, we assembled at the school house for watch-night service, between forty and fifty persons being present. The meeting was of a very quiet and solemn nature, and one in which we felt it good to be. The address was based upon Deut 31, 8. After the address, the season of silent prayer during the last moments of last year, and the first moments of this year, will not be forgotten, and in the first hour of this year many returned to their homes, better because they had been to the House of God.

We are expecting to see the “Clyde” to-day, for the last time this winter. Soon we shall be almost “shut out of the world.” If the telegraph wires were within a reasonable distance, what a great boon this would be, not merely to New Bay. But also S.W. Arm, Fortune Harbour, and other places. I suppose “some day”, this may be, why not soon! Wishing the readers of the Free Press, a very happy New Year.

Signed N.B.C. (Note - ?New Bay Correspondent)

Norris Arm

The Newland Lumber and Pulp Co. is not operating on quite so large a scale as last winter. They have 9 camps and about 200 men in the woods and expect to make a big cut. Mr. GULNAC, the manager here, visiting St. John’s and US. Mr. F. PATTON will be manager in his absence. Mr. CROWE sent Christmas gifts to all the children. He is now in Norway.


Messrs. SULLIVAN and SAUNDERS, surveyors at Grand Falls, start in the woods shortly with gangs to survey the property. Considerable prospecting has been done of late and indications of coal, gold, silver and other valuables obtained as soon as the winter is over, the growing settlement will assume a busy appearance. Work on the new dam will be commenced for which 3000 barrels of cement are on hand.

The Late Josiah MANUEL

In appreciation from Botwoodville….the largest ship builder in Newfoundland. On White Bay, the Straits and French Shore he did a large floating and trading business – five trading schooners out some summers. Sons Jabez and Chesley have been managing all operations for the last 3 years.

Jan 22, 1907


Stephen EDGAR of Greenspond is now having a 50 ton schooner built. Mr. S. WHITE is superintending the work and will have her ready to leave the stocks by May 1st. She will prosecute the Labrador fishery next summer.


William George LANNING of Leading Tickles passed away on 2nd ult. at age 28, son of William and Charlotte LANNING.


Northern Arm, Exploits is a regular hive of industry this winter as schooners to the value of about $20,000 are being built there. This, with the winter operation of Mr. H.J. CROWE of Botwoodville, is giving work to a large number of men and makes the outlook brighter than was anticipated in the early part of the winter.

The new schooner W.S. Monroe which was built at Little Bay Islands last season by Mr. A. STRONG was surveyed on Tuesday and found fully up to the requirements called for under the bounty act. She is 83 tons and one of the best schooners built here for sometime.

Jan 29, 1907


Mr. S. HARRIS is having a large boat built here. Mr. George REEVES is also building a very nice little schooner.


Samuel P. BOWDEN, the well-known sailmaker, the son of Capt. Solomon BOWDEN, died with a stroke on Friday Jan 25, age 57 years.


Mr. M. DROVER is having a schooner of 40 tons built for Labrador fishery ….at Cavendish.

Feb 5, 1907

Obit for Capt Arthur JACKMAN – died Thursday, born in Renews in 1843. Jackman connected with the ?Bowring’s house for 100 yrs.

Lumber Exports

In addition to the heavy shipments made by the Newfoundland Timber Estates Ltd. and Newland Lumber and Pulp Co. to South America during last few months from Lewisporte and Grand Bay, a contract has just been closed by the above companies for over 7 million feet to one South American firm, for shipment to Buenos Ayres next spring. Prices realized were in advance of the regular shipments from Canadian mills which is due to the quality and manufacture of the lumber.

Grand Falls

The contract for plumbing and heating the Harmsworth buildings at Grand Falls was awarded to Messrs. Moore and Co.

Feb 12, 1907


Work of Mr. F. WOODMAN’s new schooner at New Harbour, T.B., is progressing favorably and she will be completed early in the spring. Will be used in Labrador fishery.


Kearley Brothers are having a schooner built here of about 50 tons and builder W. ROSE. Will be finished in April.

Little Bay Islands

Strong and Mursell are having 2 schooners built in this harbour and 2 more in the bay.


Engineer SCOTT of the Harmsworth Co. visiting town.

Feb 19, 1907


One schooner is being built at Salmon Cove for Messrs. Ryan and Co. and Skipper Albert FOWLOW is having a schooner of 60 tons built in Smith’s Sound.

Leading Tickles

Most of the folk are busy building trap skiffs. ….. At Seal Bay the mill owners are going in for a big lot of timber, there is something like 70 or 80 people at Mill Cove and North West Arm this winter, most all are busily engaged. The energetic Mr. ANSTEY is building a trim little vessel and according to the reports the work one of the first class, she will be about 30 tons. Unfortunately for him and his ?son there has been some bother in getting building material, caused by some oversight in the early fall. Neglects of this kind too frequently occur and often cause much expense and worry. Mr. W. CAMPBELL of North West Arm is doing big work with the logs; he will probably have a big show of timber to drive in the spring.

Mark CHIPPETT, son of Noah of Burnt Island, married Melinda ROWSELL, oldest daughter of Eli ROWSELL of Rowsell’s Island in early winter. Rev. Mr. GROUCHY of Pilley’s Island. (Signed) Hit or Miss

Feb 26, 1907


Clarke’s Brothers, Springdale are building two sixty ton schooners this winter for Labrador fishery.


W.H. Baird has moved his mill from Northern Arm to Burnt Arm. Owing to the restrictions put on the cutting of logs on crown lands. Mr. BAIRD has moved on to land of his own and is cutting ?laths.

A debating and amusement club has been formed and held its first debate.

Mar 5, 1907


A schooner of about 50 tons is being built at Beaver Cove, Fogo, to the order of Messrs. EARLE. James Elliott is foreman of construction. She will be commanded by Frank BANKS at the fishery.

Mar 12, 1907

New Bay

Two or three children from here and at South West Arm have died from whooping cough. Mr. DALTON of Exploits has arrived here (to be the new foreman for the new church). Rev. R.S.SMITH seemed determined once the work was started that it should continue against all odds until now the completion of the church is only a matter of time. Some of our young men offered to give liberally and also to lend money when needed and one or two of the older men have come to the front nobly. Yet there are others who have the money “and the wit to keep it”. Pity they do not lose the wit. The Ladies Sewing Circle is again moving and will shortly have a tea meeting and entertainment to raise money to help the work along. The ladies mean business and are determined to push toe good work forward. The Rev. R.S. SMITH is now at Leading Tickles engaged in Circuit work.

We are just informed that Mr. Charles CHURCHILL while in the act of felling a tree, fell and hurt himself slightly. Mr. F.B. MOORS of N.W. Arm got hurt through a blow from a tree he was felling.

Signed: Northern Rambler

Mar 26, 1907


Mr. C.F. TAYLOR, Pilley’s Island, is having two fine schooners built near his place, employment for about 25 men.

Apr 2, 1907


Mr. C.F. TAYLOR of Pilley’s Island is also having a schooner built at Seal Bay and another at Dark Tickle. He will have 10 or more fishing schooners this summer. Fortune Harbour will have 17 schooners fishing. James GILLESPIE of Fortune Harbor will be skipper of one of Mr. TAYLOR’s schooners of 55 tons.

Apr 9, 1907


Miss WOODMAN of New BAY is in town being a guest at the Rectory. The schooner Riseover leaves for the North for lumber as soon as the bays are free from ice.

Apr 16, 1907


Mr. W. CROWELL of Glenwood… leaves for home….he had a number of men logging on the Timber Estates area during the winter. He also secured 100 fine spars.

Apr 23, 1907


Rev. L. GODDON walked the 30 miles from Exploits on snowshoes. The Newfoundland Pine and Pulp Company’s camps are about breaking up….exceptional good spring. Company houses where Mr. FOGWELL and Mr. HAGGERTY lived were both destroyed by fire. Houses owned by Albert JURE and John PETERSON were unroofed in a terrible winter storm. Roof blew off Thomas ANTLE’s woodshed and store in one side of George JURE’s house. Jabez’s JURE’s camp the last to come out for Newfoundland Pine and Pulp Co. – 30 men – 2 days to come 11 miles, shoveling a road for their horses all the way.

Mr. ?BARTLETT and his staff surveying the railroad line from Grand Falls to Botwoodville are camped at Peter’s River, about 2 miles from here.

New Bay

Rev. Mr. MADDOCK of Exploits came here for missionary meetings with Rev. Mr. SMITH. He and Mr. SMITH went to South West Arm. The Sewing Circle raised $10.21. Mr. WATERMAN, teacher and lay agent at South West Arm, is here for a holiday. Signed: Fisherman

Smith Sound, T.B.

Most everywhere you look you will see trap boats and punts building. There are also five fine new schooners building in Smith Sound this winter for the Labrador fishery.

Alexander Bay

Jas. SPARKES is building a schooner for A. BURRY and other boat building is going on. A certain amount of lumbering is being done, and it is hoped that a few years will show the establishment of a pulp mill in the bay. Gambo (13 miles) has the closest telegraph office.

Musgrave Harbour

Mr. Jas. GOODYEAR, Levi BRADLEY and Geo. A. MOULAND building boats.

Hant’s Harbour

The hull for Job’s new steamer to replace the Dart, built at Hant’s Harbour during the winter was towed here on Friday by the Dart, Capt. EDDY. The ship was launched on Apr 22nd, is strongly constructed and will register about 30 feet….to place the Dart’s boiler and engines in her for the Strait’s fishery.

May 7, 1907

Norris Arm

The Newland Lumber & Pulp Co is building a big scow 70 feet long and 32 feet wide. We believe it is their intention to ship their South American stock to Botwoodville next summer. The scow will carry about 100,000 feet of lumber. Mr. John JURE is builder and he will soon have it ready for launching. J.C. HOPKINS has built a new house this winter near the railway station and Mr. GULNAC, the manager, will have a handsome dwelling house erected this summer. The planing mill has been running all the winter. They have manufactured a large amount of birch heading and ?stoves, headed ceiling and matched lumber. The cut is about 5 million feet; not as large as last year. Mr. PATTON is the mill manager.

Little Hearts Ease

Five schooners in course of erection and two undergoing repairs.


Two fine vessels have been built here this winter, one by Mr. MANUEL, one by Mr. WINDSOR. Messrs. MANUEL are building six in the bay and Mr. WINSOR two. Messrs. MANUEL have their new shop finished. Mr. S. PURCHASE is putting finishing touches on his new store and will have a much larger stock. Lower Island Cove – 40-50 men prosecuting seal fishery every year.


A drowning accident occurred at New Bay on Apr 25th in which a young woman named STOCKLEY lost her life. She was crossing on the ice, and suddenly went through.


Capt. Wm. MARTIN of New Perlican will go in her schooner, The King Bird, to Labrador fishery. He also brought schooner, Mary Etta.

May 14, 1907


Schooner Sylph sold to Ches. JERRETT for $1550.

Middle Brook

Capt. BARBOUR launched his schooner from the dock at Gambo yesterday. She is a very nice vessel and was built by Mr. French of Moreton’s Harbour.

St. Brendan’s

Wm. RYAN launched his new schooner last Friday. James BRIDGEMAN has also a new schooner nearly finished – the prettiest model.

May 21, 1907

Norris Arm

A commodious new hotel “Jubilee Hotel” under management of Mr. Josiah WHITEWAY. The Company’s men are now engaged in driving the logs, and next month the mill will commence to saw. Mr. BUTLER, the local ______ , will enter Methodist ministry.


Mr. Jas. OAKE’s new schooner will be launched on Tuesday 14th inst. Mr. Jas. JOHNSON the builder is to be congratulated on putting out of hands such a fine looking craft. Several other fishing boats are also ready to try the waters. Mr. EARLE’s schooner of about 50 tons built at Beaver Cove this past winter by Mr. Jas. ELLIOTT will leave the stocks on the 13th inst. As will also one for Capt. Wm OAKE Snr. The last vessel was built by Mr. SMITH and will be a sample of Green Bay handiwork.

Botwoodville – Mrs. WENTZELL of Botwoodville is now in the city making her usual spring visit.

May 28, 1907

Supreme Court of Newfoundland – list of Deputy Sheriffs – Leading Tickles – Wm LANNING; New Bay – Peter MOORES, Botwoodville – J.T. BENDLE; Trinity – Isaac MANUEL, Exploits – Geo. S. LILLY.

New Bay

Mr. Dalton is here resuming work on the church. Messrs. Samuel and Amos WALL have finished their new boat and have her ready for sea. Signed: Northern Rambler.


The shipwrights of St. John’s settled for 22 ½ cents/hr.


Jabez MANUEL has constructed 7 fine schooners this winter – one is 100 tons and is said to be as pretty a vessel as ever built at Exploits.

New schooner, May Gladys, Capt. Robt. SMITH built at Random, TB, 40 tons register. Little schooner, Ivanhoe, built during winter – owned by E. House, Gooseberry Islands, BB – finishing touches given by Amos PIERCE, Gambo.

Jun 4, 1907

Botwoodville – The schooner Springdale and Jeanette are loading lumber here for St. John’s. Pardy’s schooner of Little Harbour, Twillingate, sailed today for St. John’s with a load of lumber for Baird’s mill. Mr. WHITMAN arrived from Boston – he comes to ship the lumber of the Exploits River Lumber & Pulp Co. The Newfoundland Pine and Pulp Co. have finished their log drive – only occupied 7 days. Death of Mrs. Wm. JEWER on the 15th inst – a daughter of Charles Gill, a native of Exploits Bay, in her 33rd year. Leaves 4 children and a husband.


Owing to a scarcity of men, several of the small mills in northern bays have not yet started. They will not begin running until the fall, when the fishery is over.

Jun 11, 1907

Mr. W.J. MURPHY, Manager of the Botwoodville mill, left the city by Express.

Jun 18, 1907


From Manuel’s shipyard, this spring come 6 schooners – Fog Free Zone, Scotch Cure, Lilly of the Valley, Tally Ho, N. Duncan and Express. The latter was to be called Short Line Route, but name changed. One schooner is still on the stocks there. All will be engaged in Labrador fishery.

Schooner Humming Bird, Capt. Jacob MOORE, Twillingate. Built at Exploits by ?Robert SEVIOUR for T.A. WINSOR who sold her to Capt. MOORE. 60 tons. Lumber all juniper and spruce, planked with birch, and juniper, pitch-pine spars, new sails and riggings. Two other schooners built at Exploits last winter for T.A. WINSOR – Wren and Robin.

Schooner Fog Free Zone, Capt. E. MANUEL, Exploits – dispensing a load of 61,000 spruce lumber for Botwoodville. Built at Manuel’s shipyard Exploits, handsome schooner about 70 tons. Planking is native hardwood; also full timbered, well-fastened and strongly built in every particular in order to qualify for the bounty. The two tall pitch-pine spars, well-set rigging, new sails, together with graceful lines of the white painted hull give the vessel an exceptionally smart appearance as she sits like some ocean bird resting in her native element.

New Bay – June 8th

On May 1st, Annual Missionary Meeting – Revs. MADDOCK and SMITH. On Jun 5th, Minnie CHURCHILL, eldest daughter of Charles CHURCHILL, married George NORMORE of Wellman’s Cove and have gone to their new home there. Mr. OSMOND’s trader was around for the first trip this year. Because of ice, last Sunday, Mr. WATERMAN, lay agent at South West Arm was here with Rev. SMITH. Our friends at South West Arm propose building a new church which is much needed. Northern Rambler.

Botwoodville – June 15th

A little girl, daughter of John HANCOCK, was drowned in a well. A new schooner, Scotch Cure, built by John MANUEL & Brothers for Josiah MANUEL sailed for the harbour yesterday. The S.S. Huntcliff is loading lumber here, also the Bargue “Oscar”. The work of filling up the mill has been in progress for the last month and sawing will commence early next week. Salmon have not yet struck in; a few herring were taken this week.

Mr. BAIRD, J.P. at Botwoodville.

Jul 9, 1907

Lewisporte – Jun 1st

The greater number of men are engaged in the Newfoundland Timber Estates Shipping lumber. Full ships lying at the wharf. S.S. Huntcliffe, Peterson Master, which takes 2 ¼ million to the English market sails today. The ?Lindisforme, Capt. Hellsten, 1400 thousand for Buenos Ayres and Bargue, E.J. SPICER, Capt. PETTERSON, 1100 thousand also for South American markets, other vessels are daily expected to arrive. Mr. H.S. CROWE is now in charge as manager of the Timber Estates business having his headquarters here.

Mr. C. MANUEL’s store closing – winding up business.

Uriah FREAKE appears to be wining favor with the public as a man of business. He has recently added an up-to-date general store to his premises, which is now well stocked with general merchandise. He has acquired another very advantageous business site by the railway station formerly owned by Alfred YOUNG – for another general store to cater to the floating trade of the place.

Norris Arm

The mill began sawing last week. Mr. CHENOW is the rotary sawyer. He is from the U.S.; has been sick recently with typhoid fever. Roland GOODYEAR of Grand Falls is taking his place as sawyer. 2400-2500 logs sawed per day. The company is building a new house for the millwright, Mr. BOURBON, and they have the stone foundation of Mr. GULNAC’s house nearly ready for carpenters to start framing. Mr. O. RUSSUM, timekeeper, leaves for his home in Albany, NY. Walter HOPKINS will take his place. Miss HERBERT of Pilley’s Island will take the place of Mrs. HOPKINS as stenographer. Mr. BUTLER, school teacher, has resigned.


New schooner built at Indian Arm by Messrs. FRY for Skipper Robert PENNEY, is a clipping little craft of about 28 tons and is called the Gertie P.

Jul 16, 1907

New Bay – July 14th

Fish is scarce here; lobsters are plentiful; salmon few; Labrador schooners and French Shore boats all gone; caplin getting away; garden not looking well.

Mr. CAMPBELL, the mining expert from N.Y., has been here. Now gone to South West Arm to examine some claims there. Mr. MCVICARS has been around prospecting. Dr. OVERTON of Exploits here for a short stay. Took Rev. R. S. SMITH back with him for a holiday. Mr. SMITH returns here for another year. Rev. Solomon ?HAREN from Garnish spent a week with us. Miss VATCHER, the teacher, left for home on Sunday.


The new launch, the hull being built at Bay Roberts for Messrs. C & A DAWE, made her trail trip in the harbor on Friday. The speed obtained averaged more than 9 knots. The launch is only about 20 feet deep and was filled by the Reid Co. with a 15 h.p. double cylinder engine with reversible propeller. The fuel is kerosene oil. Will be used in the firm’s service on the Labrador.

Jul 23, 1907

Alexander Bay – Mr. Joseph GEANGE met with a misfortune while working in A. JANES’ mills. While in the act of sawing slaves, the saw, which was somewhat damaged before, went to pieces and cut and bruised his hand quite a lot.


Orange Lodge Celebrations – two steamers, The Exploits and the Alligator brought full loads of passengers from Norris Arm. Also Kite Cove, Burnt Arm and Northern Arm.

Mr. BALFOUR, Manager of the Newfoundland Pine & Pulp Co, Mr. HANSON, Mr. WHITMAN, Dr. SMITH, Magistrate BURT – to be congratulated on the success. At 8 p.m. a concert presented under the able management of Brother J.T. BENDLE – 2 ½ hrs – largest audience ever assembled in Botwoodville. July 18th schooner Grace, Capt. Frank ROBERTS, sailed for St. John’s with a load of lumber. Schooner Maggie ____, Capt. Arch RORBERTS, also.


A new schooner Energy built at Farmer’s Arm NDB by Adam CHALK for Reuben SMALL and Brothers. 66 tons, built of juniper and will be used in the coasting and trading business. She will be surveyed by Lloyd’s Surveyor, WHEATLEY, for the bounty.

July 30, 1907 (This date taken from reel containing miscellaneous issues which were missing when first filmed)

Grand Falls Farm

The Harmsworth farm at Grand Falls, which is conducted by Mr. BLACK, is now in full vegetation and in the fall is expected to produce good crops.

Mail Matters at Leading Tickles – Letter of Jul 20, 1907 signed by J. LANNING -management of mails in West Tickle – postmistress is away on 3 weeks vacation, no one to receive the mails.

Grand Falls

Mr. H.C. HANSSON of the A.N.D. Co, Grand Falls arrived in town on Thursday (St. John’s).

Aug 6, 1907

Mr. S.H. Parsons left by Express for Bishops Falls to spend a few weeks recuperating.

Grand Falls Baseball

Baseball has been introduced at Grand Falls. Is this the thin edge of the wedge? Surely the grand old game of cricket is not going to disappear before the inroad of the American game of baseball, interesting though that sport may be.

Aug 13, 1907

(Long column on Grand Falls, p.3. mostly sports especially baseball and Grand Falls’ bid to be strong competition for St. John’s.)

New Bay

Fishery fairly good around here (Aug 4) with hook and line and with traps. Weather is wet and stormy, constant rain. Mrs. P. MOORS has been unwell for some time and has gone to Elliston, her home, to recuperate. Magistrate WELLS here to decide a case on trap berths between BUDGELL and SPENCER. He found against BUDGELL. Fishermen maintain that BUDGELL had the prior claim to the berth and that decision of the Magistrate was unfair. It will now go to the Supreme Court.

Norris Arm

Mr. BLOCK, Manager of Experimental Farm at Rushy Pond, was here. He reports everything looking well on the farm. What a change! Where the lordly deer used to roam through a few years ago at Rushy Pond, Grand Falls and Bishop’s Falls, now it’s the plough and horse and the ring of the hammer and anvil. All these enterprises can be traced to the energy and business capacity of Mr. H. J. CROWE , and all think that he is a good second to Sir R.G. REID in doing being the means of opening up the resources of our Island home. J.H.


Loading lumber. The Russian ship Landsform sailed for Buenos Ayres with 1,300,000 feet. Norwegian Bargue E.S. ?Specer wil take 1 million feet. Norwegian ship ?Addorre will take more than 1 million feet for the Timber Estates.

Aug 20, 1907

Botwoodville – Aug 17th

About the middle of next week, the mill will finish sawing logs. This has been the shortest season in the history of Botwoodville lasting only 2 months and a few days. Mr. CROWE has intimated that he will cut no lumber at Botwoodville this winter, the reports of the woodsmen be unfavorable. However he intends to operate at Badger Brook and at South West Arm, New Bay.

Aug 27, 1907

Grand Bank

Schooner Olive, Evans, from Lamaline arrived having discharged cargo to the firm of S. Harris there. We hear she is to proceed to Fortune Bay to load lumber for here.


The sharemen of the banking crews this season will make $150 to $300, the best average for several years.

Sept 3, 1907

Methodist Church

Rev. R. S. SMITH wrote a 2 column report on the meeting at Lewisporte of the Twillingate Financial District Meeting and District Sunday Schools of the Methodist Church.


The Messrs. MANUEL of Explotis have a large schooner on the stocks at Northern Arm, ready to be launched. It is expected that at about the end of this or beginning of next week the tides will be high enough to permit the launching to take place.

Sept 17, 1907


Large sailing ships of the Norwegian fleet here for lumber from the Timber Estates and the Newland Lumber and Pulp Co, their destination being Buenos Ayres. SS Adventure, commanded by genial Capt. COUCH, left this week with cargo for NY and the Fortune, now at Gander Bay, will come here to complete her cargo to South America. SS King, ?Haoken, was here with cargo for the Anglo-Newfoundland Development Co. and Albert E. Read. 20,000 bags cement for the former, steel rails, cement and other cargo for the latter.

Grand Falls

The dam now under construction by the A.N.D. Co. at Grand Falls is requiring an enormous amount of cement.

Grand Falls will be the metropolis of the interior. One bad feature of the place, from the Newfoundlander point of view, is the fact that they cannot own free homes or any cattle or poultry, thus the employees are subject to the Landlord Co. for everything.

Sept 24, 1907

A disastrous gale sweeps the Northern coast. Great storm of 1846. Now another storm worse than that the last of 1885. LaScie to Twillingate to Cat Harbour to Bonavista. Loss of many schooners and wharves. Estimated $120,000 damages in storm ($30,000 at Twillingate alone).

Oct 1, 1907


The foundation ____ of a new Methodist Church for the Alexander Street congregation is to be laid today. Hon. J.S. PITTS, C.B.G. will officiate.

Leading Tickles Postal Matters

At Leading Tickles (West) John LANNING laid a complaint and it was replied to by Leander ROWSELL and Ellen M. ROWSELL (Post Mistress) who is taking out a $400 action against him if he does not apologize within one month. (Page 4, Col 5-6)

Oct 8, 1907

Rev. R. S. SMITH writes of storms and wrecks and mourning. New Bay Sept 28 (Page 4, Column 6 – general)

Oct 22, 1907

The Newland Lumber and Pulp Co. at Norris Arm will soon be closed for the winter and only a few men will be employed there.


On Thursday week J. EVANS’ schooner arrived at Hant’s Harbour.


Married on 15th inst. Chesley MANUEL of Exploits to Mary FROST of Harbour Grace by Rev. Dr. Cowperthwaite.

Leading Tickles

Died at Leading Tickles, Harold Augustus, aged 21, son of Charlotte and William LANNING after a lingering illness.

Oct 29, 1907

Botwoodville-Oct 18th

The SS Adventure left for Lewisporte on the 10th to finish loading lumber for N.Y. The N.S. full-rigged ship Savona is loading lumber for South America but at the present rate of taking cargo it will be next year before one finishes. The schooner Express, Elias BURT master, left for St. John’s with lumber on Wednesday.

Concert in the Orange Hall – Mr. H.J. CROWE, who happened to be here, generously helped with two songs, which were very pleasantly rendered.

H.J. CROWE, Esq., is presently here. He brought with him an army of timber cruisers and inspectors from the U.S. to go over the limits of the Exploits River Lumber & Pulp Co. A steamer is expected next week to take the remainder of the Wood-Bark Co.’s lumber. Mr. WHITMAN left yesterday. Mr. Chesley MANUEL and bride arrived by Wednesday’s Express to Lewisporte where a schooner was waiting to take them to Exploits, their future home.

Nov 3, 1907

(Note – this date was taken from the reel containing miscellaneous issues which were missing when the paper was first filmed)

New Bay – Oct 30th

All men home from Labrador and French Shore, have done fairly well. Mr. Thos. YATES remains brought home.

Terrible storm of Sept 18th – destructive of life and property.

Miss Sarah HOBBS of Elliston spent more than a month with us – she returned home to be an assistant teacher for the winter in South Side Methodist School.

Miss HICKMAN of Grand Bank is our teacher this year.

Sunday School picnic last week. Had a nice cup of tea under the cover of the new church because of wet weather. Entertainment at night in the school room. Rev. R.S. SMITH presiding at the organ.

Mr. DALTON is again starting work on the new church. Some repairs are being done to our roads. Mr. EVANS from Northern Arm, Exploits Bay, is starting to build a new vessel for Mr. Wm. MOORS.

N. Rambler.

Nov 12, 1907


George JURE lost his life at age 26 in the forest at Victoria River. Body placed in a sheet iron coffin by his father and brothers and 6 young men from Botwood cut their way thru the impenetrable forest to bring the coffin to Millertown and thence to Botwood.

The Harmsworth Co. will commence cutting pulpwood at Red Indian Lake at an early date and a large number of men will be employed this winter.

Nov 19, 1907

Point Leamington – Nov 9th

As you have never had any notes from me, I am sending you a few lines. Last week our place was very much in evidence in the east end of St. John’s, about 50 carters being engaged in hauling down supplies to the “Regulus” (ship) until midnight and everyone asking “Where is Point Leamington?”.

The Newfoundland Pine & Pulp Co. have taken over the late G.L. PHILLIPS estate from Messrs. BISHOP and MONROE and intend working on a large scale this winter: They are arranging to cut 4 million feet, mostly pine, so things will likely hum for a while.

Harry J. CROWE Esq., the principal of the Pulp Co., is here at present and is engaged in getting a start for the business which will be managed by his brother Mr. Fred CROWE of N.Y.

All our local fishermen are home and have done fairly well, considering the voyage this year.

There is talk here too of an iron mine opening up in the near future. J.M. CAMPBELL being here this summer to examine the property on behalf of a London, England Company who are going to send out a diamond drill in the spring to prospect the property.

We want telegraph connection now with Botwoodville.

Signed: Saw Log

Nov 26, 1907

Districts – The lumber mills at Glenwood and Norris Arm will soon close work. Almost all the lumber has been cut up and shipped and the men will soon go in the woods logging.


Capt. A. BARRET will build 40 ton schooner to replace schooner S.E. Parker lost in storm. The frame will come from west side of Trinity Bay and the planking and decking have been ordered from Clarke’s Mill at Springdale, NDB. Amos PIERCEY will be the builder.

Dec 3, 1907


Dr. GRENFELL having a new schooner built at Englee by Mr. HOPKINS and a number of workmen under his superintendence, for his cooperative stores.

Dec 24, 1907

New Bay

The new road to Cockold’s (sic) Cove and the church and connected with the road to Fortune Harbour. P. Moors.

Dec 31, 1907

Norris Arm

Owing to the planing mill being shut down there is not much doing here this winter. A few hands are building a machine shop, logging is in full swing, ideal weather for yarding logs. Mr. and Mrs. GULNAC have gone to Albany, NY for holidays. Moved into their new house, a fine building, last week.

Dr. SMITH, late of Botwoodville, has settled here, living in the Company’s staff house. He is taking Dr. BURR’s place, who has taken up a practice with A.E. Reed Co. at Grand Falls. Walter HOPKINS gone to take course at Maritime Business college in ?Halifax - has worked with company here for four years. He resigned in October to take up a position as stenographer with H.J. CROWE.

Jan 14, 1908

(Note this date missing when paper was first filmed. Found on a reel containing miscellaneous issues)


The Newfoundland Pine and Pulp Co have 150 men in the woods logging and expect to get about 4 million feet of lumber this winter.

It is conservatively estimated that the total cut for the winter at Norris Arm, Dog Bay, New Bay, Indian Brook, Springdale, NDB and other places will amount to 40 million feet cut. Number 1 pine in England fetching a fine price. The total value of Newfoundland pine cut for 1907-8 is put down to $1,250,000.

Jan 21, 1908

New Bay – Jan 15th

Magistrate Wells is at Fortune Harbor sitting on a few lobster cases, etc. He fined a couple of men for purchasing lobsters not fully labeled, one for $2.75, the other for $6.00…..all the season no one could get labels under a fortnight and sometimes longer….wrong labels sent… and packers warily wait for more…labels put on tins…the men should not be consured (sic) as lawbreakers.

Rev. E. S. SMITH married George WALL, son of Ephraim, to Rebecca BOONE, daughter of Isaac. It was on Christmas Day.

When at our old friend’s home, Mr. A. RICHARDS, we saw an old flint and steel pistol that was used at the Battle of Waterloo. It is strange that such an old relic should be stowed away in such an isolated place as New Bay.

If the male part of New Bay Methodist Church worked as the females have, the church would soon be completed.

Dr. OVERTON of Exploits died….. Mrs. OVERTON and her little boys…..

Mr. Adolphus YATES has his schooner hauled up for repairs, and Mr. EVANS is making quite a show already in Mr. Wm. MOOR”s dock.

Northern Rambler

Jan 28, 1908

Grand Falls dam page 7, cols 4-5

Feb 4, 1908


The Newfoundland Pine and Pulp Co. is not in operation on the Botwoodville limits this winter, so things are rather quiet in this neighborhood. This Company is putting in a cut at Badger Brook and at Point Leamington where most of the men are being employed.

W.H. BAIRD is putting in some logs and he will start up his mill in a few days so that he will have his logs sawn before June to avoid danger of forest fire.

Church of England Ladies had sale of work in Orange Hall…thanks for help from friends at Northern Arm, Norris Arm and around….Miss EVANS and Miss WHITE were organists…..Miss Cousins.

Eleazor LIDSTONE, son of Isaac of Lawrenceton died on 19th…..illness of 1 year. Had the dread disease white plaque in his 30th year. Leaves wife and 2 children.

Mr. Jas. HANCOCK, a landmark of this place, died on Tuesday 21st. He came to Peter’s Arm over 40 years ago from Exploits, was one of first settlers here…all his children survive except Edward who was drowned about 15 years ago by falling over the Botwoodville wharf when working as night watchmen for the company. Mrs. HANCOCK survives…an old lady of 82 years and is very ______. The two have lived together 52 years. He was 84 at death.

New Bay

Complaints about the roads and mails and sale of “spirits”.

The fire which destroyed home of George Shepherd of South Arm, New Bay …..commenced in the wood piled at the back of the stove. Only a bed and sewing machine saved. Sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd.

A party of men left this morning to work on the line which being cut in order that the telegraph wire may be used at South West Arm, New Bay. Telegraph means so much to us that are ?convenience at such a capital, and our hopes are high that in the near future New Bay and Fortune Harbour may enjoy communication with the world more often than once per week. Signed T.H.

Feb 11, 1908

Fortune Harbour Jan 26th

The ice has been broken here. For the first time in the history of Fortune Harbour the new priest, Father Nolan, introduced a Christmas tree, which was very well attended and patronized. Results, financially, $64.00. A sociable was held in the hall which was a grand success. It realized over $90.00 – kept up for two nights. A dance was held in connection with the sociable. These amounts will go to the new church.

Mar 3, 1908


Rev. J.J. DURRANT, Mrs. Samuel ELSON and James ANTLE visited the Grand Lodge sessions at Lewisporte.

The Young ladies of Northern Arm are preparing for a concert to be given there in April in connection with a sale of work, the proceeds of which will start a fund for the building of a new church.

Two new schooners are being built in Northern Arm, one by Job MANUEL & Brothers and the other by Mr. Henry EVANS.

J.T. BENDLE, Customs House Officer, on a visit to Halifax where his wife and family staying the winter. Messrs. O’SULLIVAN and PHILLIPS of Bishops Falls here for two days. Also George Norman COOK of Bishops Falls. Mike BYRNE, one of the foremen at Bishops Falls, came home on Thursday.

The Albert R. REED Co. of Bishops Falls discharged most of their workmen. The Reid-Newfoundland Co. it appears claim that the building of dams may endanger the Bishops Falls Railway bridge and the Pulp Company, not knowing whether they may be held responsible in the event of a washout, have decided to discontinue operations for the present and until some definite understanding is arrived at. This is an unfortunate occurrence so far as Botwoodville… concerned as a large number of the men from here were getting remunerative employment and claim that they were getting much better satisfaction from this company than elsewhere. The workers speak in glowing terms of the officers in charge and especially so in the case of the manager, Mr. HARRIS and assistant manager, Mr. O’SULIVAN.


Yesterday Mr. Simeon Henry PARSONS the well-known photographer passed away. Dread disease cancer for a year. Was a native of Harbour Grace in his 64th year. An artist as well. Two of his sons in the business. Two daughters, eldest son a photographer in the Old Country. Edward PARSONS of Harbour Grace is a brother.

Mar 17, 1908

Point Leamington – Mar 3rd

This has been a busy winter for Point Leamington consequent to the Newfoundland Pine and Pulp Co operating the G.L. PHILLIP’s limits on a large scale. Most of the camps are cutting on contract and we understand are doing fairly well not withstanding the unfavorable weather for logging owing to much mild weather.

Schools are open this winter, the Methodist and Salvation Army.

The Telegraph line will connect at Point Leamington before opening of navigation. The line is already cut and the erection of poles will commence immediately.

Mrs. R.H. FOGWELL , wife of the company’s store keeper, has been for a fortnight and is staying at the staff house.

Miss TILLY, operator at Botwoodville, is on a visit here and is guest of the manager.

Mr. A.R. HUTCHCROFT returned from St. John’s today.

Norris Arm

Mr. and Mrs. W.J. SPURRELL celebrated 7th wedding anniversary. Mr. SPURRELL has been bookkeeper for the New Land Lumber & Pulp Co. ever since they started business.

Teacher Mr. GRANDY of Garnish.

The Company has built a forge and machine shop. Mr. BOURBON is in charge, he is an up to date millwright and will have everything convenient for keeping the mill machinery in order next summer.


Shipbuilding is booming here as usual – all over men employed. Mr. MANUEL is building two vessels and Mr. WINDSOR two, one of these being a “Rocker Bottom”.

Apr 7, 1908

Middle Brook, Gambo

Allan PRITCHETT erected a new mill last summer. Commenced work in woods on Jan 15th and finished Mar 14th. Best cut yet. After he gave up lumbering, a wharf was built here for $700. During winter was sawing for cast and staves for Messrs Ryan of Bonavista. He sold 30,000 in Bonavista and 50,000 to E.J. ?Dominey of Greenspond. Will start sawing again on Apr 2nd. Employing this year: James GRANTER, bookkeeper; Job OSMOND, sawyer; Samuel BARROW, engineer and J. J. FELTHAM, general manager.


Albert C. MANUEL died at Brooklyn, N.Y. Mar 14th, son of Capt. George and Rachel Manuel of Catalina, Newfoundland. Brother of George and Kenneth MANUEL. Sisters Gertrude MANUEL, Mrs. S. TOWNSHEND, Mrs. F. ?MANCHER/MANDER and Mrs. C. ?CLOCKELT

Apr 14, 1908


Jas. C. WATERMAN, Esq., J.P. died at Fogo on Feb 24th.

North-West Arm, Green Bay

Miss B. ABBOTT, school teacher – concert – school house decorated. North West Arm will soon be able to boast of having a steel bridge to connect both sides of the Arm.

Apr 21, 1908

Steam and sail

About 400 men to come from the northward to prepare their schooners which are lying in the harbor here (St. John’s) for the coming voyage and 32 Twillingate men arrived in a little schooner and barely made it before dark.

Apr 28, 1908


Easter services in Botwoodville Methodist Church – a children’s service. Miss Dinah KING at the organ. An address in character building was given by Mr. Samuel ELSON.

Concert arranged at Northern Arm for the Orange Lodge (which marched to Northern Arm) by Miss Beatrice EVANS and friends. Solos by Misses J. EVANS, A. AITKEN and Rev. F. ARMITAGE. Duets by Miss L. King and B. EVANS.

May 12, 1908

Botwoodville – May 2nd

The Exploits Bay is now free of ice and we will gladly welcome the SS Clyde next week.

A great many logs floated down the Exploits River last week, most of them being picked up by the men here. These logs were lost by the Harmsworth Co. last fall when their dam washed away, but were held by the ice till it thawed out this spring.

The outlook for work is not bright owing to the Albert E. REED Co. closing down at Bishop Falls. We trust this stoppage is only temporary. Since starting this Company has been a great help to Botwoodville. The men working there claim they get better satisfaction there then elsewhere.

All the lumber companies around have started their drives. This week men went to Juniper Brook for the Newland Lumber & Pulp Co. In Point Leamington and Badger Brook for the Newfoundland Pine & Pulp Co. The labor on the drive is the best paid of any in the lumber business, the men receiving from $1.75 to $2.00 per day.

Mr. BAIRD has about finished sawing his logs and has over a quarter of a million lumber ready to ship.

Elias BURT sailed for Exploits in his schooner today. Constable CHURCHILL has been here all this week. Magistrate BURT goes to Grand Falls Monday morning.

Leading Tickles

On the 24th inst. of consumption, John, youngest son of Henry and Mary ANDREWS aged 20 years and 3 months.

May 19, 1908

Manuel family

Dr. COWEPERTHWAITE left by Thursday’s Express on a professional visit to Mrs. Josiah MANUEL at Exploits. She has been unwell of late.


One of the schooners built the past season at Exploits by MANUEL Brothers will be ready to be launched next week. She will be christened “Bonds Day is Done”.

Thos. WINSOR of Exploits is now constructing a 50 ton schooner after the American “Knockabout” plans. Has no bowsprit or jibboom, but carried a large spread of canvas on deck. This class has proven to possess excellent sea going powers. A schooner of the same type on Rose Blanche grounds last year had a 15 knot record. Mr. WINDSOR has the honor to build the first local “Knockabout”.

C.F. TAYLOR of Pilley’s Island having 4 vessels built.

May 26, 1908

Norris Arm

A young man ROWSELL of Bay Roberts drowned while driving logs on Rattling Brook. George BEATON and his brother of Sandy Point found body by jigging in 18 feet of water about 300 yards from where he fell in. Great credit is due these men as they were not employees of the lumber company. Magistrate BURT of Botwoodville…..held an inquiry.

Mr. T. SPHERE is building a shop and hotel here. Any tourists wishing to enjoy a few days of boating and taking in the beautiful scenery of the mouth of the Exploits River can feel sure of hotel accommodations here. Glad to see Mr. and Mrs. H.J. CROWE among us again. Mr. CROWE has been ill nearly all winter.

Jun 2, 1908

New Bay

Our young friends held an entertainment and one of our little girls Miss K. YATES read a well prepared address to the Rev. R.S. SMITH and presented him with a purse, as a token of their appreciation of his efforts among them for the last 2 years. It was intended as a surprise to the Rev. gentleman. Rev. SMITH is now at South West Arm previous to going to the district. Rev. Mr. WILSON from St. Anthony is spending the Sunday with us. He preached this morning and left a favorable impression on all.

May 30th – Rambler

Jun 9, 1908


Mrs. Jas. WENTZELL returned from a trip to the city last Monday. While in St. John’s she collected $50.00 to buy a new pulpit for our new church here. Last fall Mrs. WENTZELL also collected $104 for a new organ and in addition $72 was collected for arching the roof with metal ceiling some time back. When finished we shall have one of the most beautiful little churches in Newfoundland at Botwoodville….and we deserve to thank Mrs. WENTZELL and the friends in St. John’s for the generous amounts received.

Sometime back a tea and concert were held at Northern Arm with sale of work by the Ladies Aid. This was a complete success, over $75.00 being netted towards a prospective new church. Perhaps there is not another settlement of its size and importance where we have so much musical talent as at Northern Arm. The concert was pure and good in character and the various rounds consisting of songs, choruses, recitations, dialogues and drills, were very pleasingly rendered. Misses Beatrice and Minnie EVANS presided at the organ.

On the 19th ult. the minister, Rev. J.J. DURRANT, received a pleasant little surprise on his birthday from the young people of Northern Arm. Purer and better than the price of gold will be the memory of the kindness that prompted the young people to give him his first surprise party.

Owing to the closing down of the mill our men are moving out to seek employment and this makes it quiet and dull here at present but we are hoping for better things in the near future. Signed: J.D.J.


Robert SEXTON, the well-known boat builder, was injured by a yacht turning over on him.

Jun 16, 1908

Cottles Island, NDB – Kenneth RIDEOUT has recently launched a well-built, good-looking schooner, 30 tons, known as the Stella Bell.

Jun 23, 1908

New Bay – Jun 20th

Mr. and Mrs. Esau MOORES and son arrived from New York - visiting parents and friends. Mr. H. P. JAMES of New Aberdeen who was paying a visit to his ?aunt, Mrs. P. MOORS, has gone to St. Anthony. Edward BOONE and Annie WHITE have gone there for medical treatment. Miss HICKMAN, our popular school teacher who has been working here for past 6 months, leaves for her home in Grand Bank by the SS Clyde. Rev. R.S. SMITH will also leave by the Clyde for St. John’s. Donald Morrison was here on his way north.

The new church at Cottle’s Cove is now nearing completion and we are informed will be opened shortly by the Chairman of the District, if the Rev. R. S. SMITH goes to a new circuit. Mr. H. BUTT , wife and child are paying a flying visit to their many friends here. They return home to Moreton’s Harbour by the Prospero. Mrs. John MOORS leaves for the Labrador on Monday.

Northern Rambler

New Bay

Editor, Free Press – Dear Sir, we have just read the very interesting note in your last paper and also Rev. R.S. SMITH’s. That gentleman knows that the main point of my letters are “Can Sunday traveling be prohibited and can the clergy working unitedly obtain that end.” Now I think, sir, that most will agree with the writer that the Rev. gentleman is foreign from these points at issue and is for a great extent beating about the bush. I am not prepared to retreat from what I have said in my previous letters, but will hold to it, til someone will prove clearly and emphatically that I am wrong. Will Rev. R. S. SMITH kindly show whereas we insulted the clergy or anyone else, and also to note what is in my letters untrue and will not warrant the non de planes of Veritas Vincit. Surely truth must conquer. If the Rev. gentleman will treat the matter fairly and squarely it will become interesting and something definite will be done. I am yours sincerely, P. MOORS


Thomas PAUL passed away at age 105.


The importance of the small mills – Mr. PRITCHETT of Dark Cove sold boat loads of wharf and stage stuff to supply the fishermen. It is the small mill that should be pushed on instead of the large ones, as the larger cut and burn up everything in 2 or 3 years, and the poor man is still walking around looking for something for his family _____.

Let the fishermen cut on the outside mile and a half and supply their wants. Mr. Joseph CURRAN is helping to give men work. Abraham PRITCHETT and his sons are supplying quite a few men who are getting their logs down over a long drive. Messrs. Walter PRITCHETT, John COLLINGS and Allan PRITCHETT are all doing well for the people as they can, by the running of mills and in other occupations.

Jul 7, 1908

Mill burns

The mill owned by J.A. SUTHERLAND at Gander Bay burned to the ground and a large quantity of logs and sawn lumber destroyed. The fire is supposed to have been caused by sparks from a pile of old slabs and other refuse, which had been burned the previous day near the mill. The owner and employees knew nothing of the occurrence until Friday morning. The mill we believe is insured.

Methodist district

Botwoodville and Laurencetown – Wm J. MOORES and Francis J. ARMITAGE

Exploits and New Bay – Arnunius YOUNG, one to be sent, postal address, New Bay, supply (C.B.T), postal address, South West Arm, New Bay

Grand Bank

Capt. William EVANS arrived with a load of pier logs, to be used on the east side of the harbour.

Sunday Travelling

Rev. R. S. Smith (P.4) response to P. Moors - letter indicated the dispute was not a personal thing. Signed R. S. Smith, New Bay, Jul 4, 1908

Jul 21, 1908

(Note that this date was missing when paper first filmed. This date taken from a reel of miscellaneous issues)

Badger Brook

Fire-fight recently commenced on 13th. Burned 1 mile long by 1 mile wide. Flames subdued by 10 p.m. Saved the settlement and valuable timber lands. Mr. McNamara, the fire warden.

Harry’s Harbour, NDB

Forty families live here. Mr. E. REDMAN started herring industry here 2 years ago. Last year we had a one dollar postman to bring our mails from Three Arms – the only improvement by the government. Need a telegraph office. Harry’s Harbour is a center for Three Arms and Jackson’s Cove – asking government for telegraph line for South West Arm via J. Cove. – July 11th (Signed) “Neighbour’s Share”


Capt. PHILLIPS of Twillingate who lost his schooner near Cann Island last December and purchased the “Ethel E” last spring, will likely be high liner of the Twillingate this year. He is fishing at Cremaillere, French Shore, and had 900 qtls. under salt with two traps still in the water. Expects to get 1400 qtls on 1st trap. Then will refit and sail for Capt. Mugford, Labrador.

July 28, 1908

Sunday traveling – response by P. Moors July 15th – clergy hold a half-rate permit for traveling – they should pass it in.

Horwood, NDB

This place presents a very thriving appearance. The Horwood Lumber Company’s mill gives employment to a large number of men, and over 30 cargos of lumber have already been shipped from the company’s wharf this season.

The steamship Clyde and Stella Maris call here every week – visitors coming for trouting and salmon fishery. Methodist and Salvation Army have erected fine halls. L.O.A. has a new building. Land here is good for agriculture – number of people from other bays settling here. Hoping for extension of railway from near Glenwood and Farewell.

Lecture by Dr. A.K. Campbell of Change Islands on consumption. Most people think that night air is dangerous and so try to keep it out of their rooms. This is a great mistake. It should not be excluded. Flies are carriers. Need to disinfect room.



There are 386 reindeer at Goose Cove – being looked after by the Laplanders. Next week they will begin milking and it will be supplied to the St. Anthony Hospital where there are 45 patients.

Aug 4,1908


Oldest native of Alexander Bay, at 81, came there as an infant with her family. She is daughter of the late Richard and sister of the late John Stroud. (Note name not recorded in newspaper)

New Bay - Jul 25th

On Sunday 19th the new Methodist Church of this place was opened. Members present were Rev. W.H. ?Dolchon, Chairman District; R.H. Maddock and R. S. Smith and C.B. Tiller, the newly appointed minister for South West Arm.

In morning Rev. W.H. ?Dolchon preached a very appropriate sermon from 1 Kings 8: 9-10. In the afternoon, Rev. R.S. Smith preached his farewell sermon from Acts 26:2 “I think myself happy”. Miss P. Moors presided at the organ and acquitted herself nobly. At the closing the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was administered by chairman of district.

At closing service of the day the preacher was Rev. Mr. ?Dolchon and his talk was “God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” – “the best was kept to the last.”….everyone can feel proud of their neat little church. Collections raised $170.00.

On Monday, Revs. ?Dolchon, Smith, Tiller left for Exploits. Mrs. P. Moors, Miss E. Moors and Miss P. Moors also took passage with them, the writer going to South Arm and thence to South West Arm. The milling company there is building a large mill and work generally is booming. The manager, Mr. Crowe, seems to be very enterprising and courteous. The government has the telegraph line extended to South West Arm and an office erected there. Everything seems to be moving apace. Rev. Mr. Tiller who has been waiting to get to work went today.

Northern Rambler

Labrador Storm

On Sunday – great destruction – 17 vessels lost at Tinker’s Harbour near Holton. 120 men there without food or shelter. No loss of life. Destruction of fishing gear and wharves. Also in the Straits. 40 schooners lost between Indian Tickle and King’s Bay. Over 900 shipwrecked.

Aug 11, 1908

Millerton (sic) - Aug 8th

Mr. Herbert, manger of the store – the net profits of store to be used for school purposes – the company. A temporary sawmill erected to supply demands of the trade. ?Hilberto the lumber necessary for repairs had to be brought by train from Grand Falls.

A new steamer is being built under the able direction of Mr. CHALK for work on the lake….ready for floating about October.

Site chosen for up-to-date hotel. Office of W.F. Canning, the company’s ?assistant , gutted by fire and being repaired. Divine worship in school house – church unused for some time to be refilled by the company. (signed) C.P.D.T.


Labrador fishery averages only 150-200 qtls.

The Storm’s doings

List of shipwrecked vessels whose crews returned by the Virginia Lake

- Pendragon, King’s Bay, Giles Smith

- Helen C, King’s Bay, Evans

- 26 schooners in total – 105 men

Aug 18, 1908

New Bay – Aug 15th

Since last we wrote Mr. William Moor’s schooner that was then on the docks has been launched and now lies to her anchorage at the owner’s wharf. She is a splendid looking boat and well-built and neither her owner nor builder need to be ashamed of her. When being launched she hung and it was quite hard to get her afloat, but our good friends from Fortune Harbour came along and lent a hand to the work and when all was ready the ladies took hold of the line with a will and it wasn’t long before she came off her blocks and this morning floated off. Great credit is due our Fortune Harbour friends; they acted nobly.

When the SS Clyde went south last Sunday we met the Rev. Mr. Maddock in company with Rev. Mr. Marshall. All would have been delighted if the Rev. gentlemen could have stopped and given us a sermon; it would have been a treat to us in this isolated place.

Northern Rambler

Sept 1, 1908

Botwoodville - Aug 22nd

Norwegian bargue ?Areola is loaded with lumber and leaves on Monday for London, England. This bargue takes the last of the Wood-Barker Co.’s lumber with exception of a few thousand feet to be shipped to St. John’s.

Mr. J.T. BENDLE resigned as custom’s officer on July 18th and is now residing in N.S. Mr. PITTMAN of Norris Arm now does the custom’s work of this port.

Miss CUNNNINGHAM of Tilt Cove has been appointed postmistress and telegraph operator for Botwoodville.

Capt. Henry EVANS who lost his schooner on the Labrador in the late gale but was fortunate in buying another wreck, filling her up and bringing her home to Northern Arm, leaves next week for Twillingate to take a load of dry fish to St. John’s for William ASHBOURNE.

A short time ago, the Norris Arm motor boat ran into a log and sank almost immediately. Although quite near the shore the engineer barely escaped. The boat was raised next day and put in running order again.

Capt. Jacob EVANS left for the French Shore, fall fishing, yesterday, after discharging his load of Labrador fish.

New Bay – Aug 29th

Dry weather…the wells are minus water. Men are getting little fish with trawls, 2 boats are home at South Arm having done well and reports all over men on French Shore doing well.

The big saw-mill at South West Arm was ready for sawing logs on the 27th; the engine blew the whistle for the 1st time on the 26th. Mr. CROWE has quite a large quantity of logs to saw and will employ men and boys.

Rev. Mr. TILLER, Methodist Minster stationed at South West Arm is doing good work and well received by the people. The Rev. Mr. YOUNG and his amiable lady came here by SS Clyde yesterday and went on to South West Arm. Mr. CROWE very kindly took them on his launch. Our new minister, Rev. Mr. STAPLETON arrived here on the 21st and preached his first sermon on the 25th. He is very well received and hopes to be able to do good work. On Thursday the annual Sunday School picnic came off, and children and friends spent an enjoyable time.

Northern Rambler

Sept 22, 1908

New Bay – Sept 19th

Rev. Mr. YOUNG preached in the morning and Mrs. YOUNG presided at the organ – from Exploits. He visited Flurries Bight to see if possible to erect a small house there for the children of New Bay Head and vicinity to have school for part of the year. Mr. STAPLETON has visited Leading Tickles and today has gone to North West Arm – met Ladies Aid and Building Committee – financial problems.

French Short boats are home having done pretty well. Messrs. J. MOORS and A. YATES are home from Labrador. Mr. MOORS having 100 qtls. and Mr. YATES 200 qtls. All men are well. Miss YOUNG, daughter of late Thomas YOUNG of Twillingate, in charge of day school. Lieut. CROCKER, Salvation Arm, came on Friday to take charge of Cottle’s Cove corps. Miss Martha MANUEL, daughter of Jacob Manuel of this place, has gone to Point Leamington, South West Arm, to take charge of the Methodist school there.

Northern Rambler.

Oct 6, 1908

Sunday Travelling

P. MOORS, New Bay Sept 27th – it is wrong for the clergy to accept the half-rate for travel and freight. (Rev. SMITH said he did not use it)

Oct 20, 1908

Exploits Harbour – Oct 17th

Fish $2.00 or $2.50/qtl but flour is $7.00 barrel and $8.00 for coals, etc. Bond’s Government is wasting $50,000 on a museum in St. John’s. Exploits is in need of a telegraph line. The schooner Nina L of Crosbie’s firm in St. John’s is expected daily with load of salt for Manuel’s firm. Poor fishery this year – shipyards won’t be so busy.


Fortune Harbour

All schooners arrived from Labrador – average results are fairly satisfactory nearly everyone securing a saving trip. Weather excellent for drying fish. Mr. and Mrs. C. CLARK from U.S. visiting – quite charmed with Fortune Harbour. Miss Bride DUNN coming by Clyde for the winter. The new R.C. Church is in course of erection under worthy supervision of Rev. J.J. NOLAN, PP. Promises to be a magnificent structure. A sociable held under management of Misses Shea, Davis, Hookers and Woodroe – enjoyable program. Oct 12, 1908 – Observer


On Wednesday night the 2 large mills at Glenwood owned by Newfoundland Timber Estates were destroyed by fire, loss being about $80,000. Forest fires raging in the area for several days and a lot of timber destroyed.

Oct 28, 1908


Several young men have left for Grand Falls and other lumber camps to seek work for coming winter. Meeting to decide on building a belfry on the Methodist Church. It was decided that such an improvement be made. VISITE

Nov 3, 1908


Died at Leading Tickles Oct 18th Minnie Alberta, beloved child of William and Lottie Lanning, aged 16 years.

Grand Falls

Grand Falls is now getting up to date and now has a jewellery store there. Opened short time ago by Mr. Lamb of this city (St. John’s).

Nov 17, 1908


At Grand Falls water pipes are now being laid and a perfect water service to the village will be _______ next season.

Dec 1, 1908


Schooner Belle ?Franklin arrived from Botwoodville with a cargo of lumber to the Empire Wood Working Co.

New Bay – Nov 22nd

Had visit from Mr. LODGE, Assistant Methodist School Inspector who stayed here for a few days. Messrs. POWELL and EMERSON were here looking after mining interests and by the SS Clyde Messrs. CROWE, brothers, of the Newfoundland Pine and Pulp Co, Point Leamington, landed here en route to their business there. At least 75 men will be employed in the woods this winter and that work will be rushing for the next year, which is quite a boom in these depressing time.

Mr. William MOORS in his new vessel Gertie Moors has been to St. John’s, home and gone again. We hear this nice little vessel is making a splendid record for herself and we wish our friend every success.

Capt. Wesley ROBERTS of Twillingate drowned. For the minute we were stunned and could scarcely believe it true.

Little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George WHITE of this place died suddenly in her sleep during the night.


Lewisporte has come to be regarded as the shipping center of the north. The stevedore, Mr. Parmenas MANUEL. Ship Freia is loading lumber for South American markets chiefly the Newfoundland Pine & Pulp Co.’s mill at Badger River. The President of the Newfoundland Pine & Pulp Co, Harry J. CROWE, spent a day here last week en route to Point Leamington, New Bay, where they operate a large mill. The prospects of his enterprises are exceedingly bright and promising. Mr. CROWE was the moving genius in negotiating the A.E. Reed enterprise at Bishop’s Falls. The embargo spurred by Mr. CROWE’s opponents has been lifted off A.E. Reed Co. and work resumed. Newfoundland Pine and Pulp Company….under contract with Reed to supply them with raw material for pulp. The new mill at Point Leamington built since last May has turned out some two million feet of choice lumber which will be held in reserve for shipping next season. The Badger mill also turned out 1 ¼ million feet of pine now ready to be shipped.

The well-known shingle manufacture, Moses DROVER of Witless Bay and Greens Harbour has extended his business to Exploits Bay having purchased the mill at Brown’s Arm formerly owned by Caleb MANUEL. Lumber operations in progress and presiding ____ of the manager, Wm DROVER.


Dec 8, 1908

Exploits Harbour – Nov 28th

The work of erecting a belfry on the Methodist church was started on Thursday. Mr. DALTON has the contract.

At Exploits on Nov 19th at Methodist Church, Alice CANNING and Stephen MANUEL were married. Assisted by Messes Annie MNUEL, B. PEARCE. Mr. A. MANUEL, brother of the groom, and Jas. SCEVIOUR attended.


The Hawke’s Bay Lumber deal in which J.J. MURPHY and others are interested has been fully completed and work of logging begun.

Grand Falls

Mr. T.S. Pooke, purchasing agent for the A.N.D. Co. in Grand Falls, visiting the city.

South West Arm, Green Bay

There is a good sign of herring.

Exploits – Dec 10

Schooner Bessie Grace, Capt. PURCHASE, ran into stormy weather on way from St. John’s. She arrived in Newtown with both her spars sprained.

Frederick PURCHASE elected W.M. of Orange Association.

The ship-yards are again opening up for the winter’s work. Owing to the poor demand for schooners, there will not be so many launched this year as here before, another misfortune due to low price of fish. VISITE

Alexander Bay

Rev. Mr. Burton is pushing work ahead on the new school house and will soon have it ready to open.


Several schooners from northward arrived in St. John’s.

Dec 22, 1908

North West Arm, Green Bay – Dec 12th

Rev. H.G. COFFIN of Methodist Church married Jonathan VOKEY and Elizabeth PERRY, both of this place. Assisted by Tryphena ?Robbers and Joseph Perry, brother of bride. Signed “J”.

Dec 27, 1908

Exploits – Dec 18th

Schooner Bessie Grace, Capt. PURCHASE, had spars broken…she sailed into port on the 16th, having lost several feet of spar, her co____somewhat lower. She carried away her masthead at Cape Freals and the stumps were filled up in order to get her home.

Frederick PURCHASE preached his trial sermon as a local preacher. He was examined before the Trustee Board by Rev. Mr. YOUNG. Josiah PURCHASE to Twillingate to consult a doctor.

Jan 12, 1909


Paul LILY arrived home from Dr. Grenfell Hospital in St. Anthony.

Miss I. CALPIN, typist, and R. TAYLOR, saleslady, of firm of Mr. Josiah MANUEL leave by SS Clyde to spend winter in their respective homes – in Bay Roberts and Harbour Grace. Chesley MANUEL and wife arrive home with a young daughter.

Jan 19, 1909

New Bay – Jan 9th

On Christmas Eve, the Sunday School had their Christmas Tree…..

Last evening Miss Pruie MOORS, daughter of William Moors, was married to Allan FREEMAN, son of Francis FREEMAN of Twillingate, at the house of William MOORS. They leave today for Fortune Harbour to connect with SS Prospero en route to St. John’s, from thence by train to Norris Arm where they will make their home. Married by Rev. Mr. STAPLETON who now goes to St. John’s for the good of his health.

Feb 9, 1909


Jabez MANUEL to the Pacific Coast for the benefit of his health.

Only one ship being built here this year. Titus MANUEL taken very ill on Sunday 26th. Raymond MANUEL, 16 year old son of Jabez, had accident last week – broke his leg above the knee. Rev. Mr. BULL with aid of a nurse, Miss __er, doctored up the leg.

Feb 16, 1909


A fine gasoline boat of about 20 tons for Mr. HODGE is now being built at Joe Batt’s Arm under skilful supervision of Levi PERRY.

Grand Falls

The forebay of the big dam at Grand Falls has been completed within the last week.

Feb 23, 1909

Fortune Harbour

A new high school was opened this fall under the charge of Miss L. WOODROE. Several children are here from “outside” places this winter. Miss SHEA’s school is doing grand work and shows a very good attendance. Miss HOSKINS our new teacher of the South Side school has won much popularity as a teacher and musician. Father NOLAN started a “circulating library” in the parish….the four school teachers are presidents of the various “circles” and manage the circulation of literature. Fortuneite


A meeting of the men to discuss building of a new church.

Mar 2, 1909

The A.N.D. Co. at Grand Falls has decided not to take on any men at their work who is not vaccinated …must show a certificate of vaccination.


The organ for the Methodist Church has been at Lewisporte ever since the Clyde stopped running….not got down until yesterday.

New Bay – Feb 25th

Rev. Mr. STAPLETON came home by way of Norris Arm thence to Point Leamington and home. Feeling better. He speaks highly of the accommodations of the SS Prospero and the kindness received at St. John’s especially of Mr. W.H. MARTIN and his amiable wife.

Rev. Mr. YOUNG here on Sunday and preached three times. We get three mails per week, two by way of Fortune Harbour and one by way of Point Leamington. Mr. FREEMAN, mail officer of the SS Clyde. Men from Fortune Harbour cutting railway ties. Rev. Mr. STAPLETON disposed of the seats in the church a little while ago and finds there are not nearly enough for all applicants. N. Rambler

Fortune Hr – Feb 18th

A very enjoyable entertainment in the North side school on Feb 12th under management of Messes Dunn, Davis, Synes, Bryne and Shea. In aid of the new church – a number of young men from Exploits attended. Dancing til the wee’ sma’ hours. (signed) Interested.

Mar 9, 1909

New Bay

E. MOORS, Post Mistress, New Bay – Feb 25th – asks that a complaint letter from Adolphus YATES be published - a groundless complaint of South East Arm.

Alexander Bay

First settlers came about 1868. Stroud family lived near the Terra Nova River, Corral from Bonavista opened up a copper mine about ½ mile up the river. Mine discontinued by late J. Stroud. Saunders, Sparkes, and Dewey then came – then O’Donnels and MacDonalds. Lanes and Duggans from Catalina – then Arnolds and Butts and one Genge and Briffett from Greenspond. About 1882 first sawmill was established by Kean and ?MacKenee and is presently owned by Chas. Kean. Mill started a new era. Named after the great Alexander who died at Bonavista. J. Noseworthy of Alexander Bay applied to Government for name to be given.

About 20 years ago sawmills began to hum and their log camps gave place to large buildings. 600 inhabitants now. Five sections – Glover Town, Saunder’s Cove, Trey Town, Rose Deal and Cull’s Harbour.

Semper Idem

Mar 16, 1909

Grand Falls

About the 1st of May, 25 houses will be built at Grand Falls by the Harmsworth people. Some of the employees are presently living in sheds….carpenters from St. John’s will do much of the work.

Mar 23, 1909

Grand Falls – Mar 13th

On the 12th inst. a basket party was held in the People’s Hall, Grand Falls under the auspices of the Methodist Ladies Aid Society. Mr. Geo. Hicks, school teacher, auctioned off the baskets. $50.00 netted toward building fund for Methodist Church in Grand Falls. (signed) One Who Was There

Mar 30, 1909

Leading Tickles – Mar 23rd

Miss Josephine LANNING is teaching school in East Tickle …. Making great progress. Teacher in the West Tickle is Mr. BRETT.


Mr. Manuel will soon have his new schooner ready for launching.


Parsons’ mill at Gillam’s Brook completely destroyed by fire last Monday. The loss amount to $4000 with no insurance. Shaving near the boiler caught fire.

Advertisement for Horwood Lumber Co

“Large shipments of wide pine boards, heavy long scantling and spruce boards. All dry and clean. Last years cut.”

Mr. YATES replied to E. MOORS re New Bay Post office (P.7 Col 1 & 2)

Adolphus YATES South East Arm, New Bay – Mar 25th

About his 17 year old boy going to the local post office to pick up a registered letter – asked for an order – had to walk 8 or 9 miles thru deep snow. The little 5X5 closet in the back kitchen situate near Moors Cove about ¾ mile from public wharf without a sign for post office or a letter box to drop off mail – running for over 20 years without rule or regulation until 6 months ago – only Monday and Saturday are mail days. Then rules changed to 6 days per week. (Note - He used “Cottrell’s Cove” – first time). We should have done with this “back kitchen business”.

Apr 13, 1909


Only three of our men at seal fishery. Albert MILLEY, 16 ½ years, died of the white plague.

Wellman’s Cove

Stormy weather. Large number of our men at Millertown. Great improvement made to our schoolroom. New seats and painting. One of our oldest church members, E. Wellman…..


New Bay – Apr 5th

Rev’s Young, Tiller and Stapleton on missionary meetings. They left for North West Arm with Norman Manuel, then to Leading Tickles and South West Arm. Road Board formed at a meeting of the men in South East Arm. Northern Rambler.

Grand Falls

Men now working on the railway board as far as Bishop’s Falls and it will be continued from there to Lewisporte by the Albert Reed Co. Lewisporte will be the terminus. The flume has been completed at Grand Falls and it is a wonderful construction – built by Walsh of ?Holyde, N.Y.

About 150 new cottages being erected for residents and old shacks will be burnt down.

Lewis Milled is dead. The founder of Millertown – died in Scotland on April 2nd. John Miller, his son, manager of the company at Ingram Docks. Belonged to Crieff, Scotland. Sold Newfoundland operation to Newfoundland Timber Estates and acquired the Dominion Lumber Company’s business at Ingram Docks. Fair and far seeing man.

Apr 20, 1909

Grand Falls correspondent is J.D.J. (No specific news).

Apr 27, 1909

Change Island notes – Wm. WATERMAN died at great age of 86 yrs.


With the opening of the new pulp factory at Bishop’s Falls better times are expected. Cod fishery is suffering – fewer schooners preparing for fishery. Two new schooners are nearing completion – each about 500 tons (note should be 50?) and owned by Messrs. Amos BROWN and S. MANUEL. One of our schooner owners has shown commendable enterprise in opening up a small lumber mill not far from this place. It is worked by water-power and is now sawing lumber in very satisfactory fashion. An unfortunate accident has somewhat marred the opening success of the mill, however, in the loss of a thumb by the son of the owner – John TETFORD. This occurred on April 17th. The young fellow was clearing away sawdust from the saw when the slab he was using was suddenly caught by the swiftly moving saw and before he knew it the right thumb was completely and cleanly amputated. Formation of the primary lodge of the L.O.A. this winter. Opened in December and christened the “Vesper” Lodge. Correspondent

May 4, 1909

Correspondence printed on the whole page between Sir Robert Bond, J.F. Downey, Sir Robert Borden and Harry J. Crowe in favor of confederation with Canada – Dec 1908. Crowe writes from Bridgetown, NS and Chateau ?Frontenac , Quebec Jun 1907


The new tower of Methodist Church is near completion and both church and tower are being painted.

Leading Tickles – Apr 28th

Old time winter – perpetual snow. Bay still filled with ice. All young men home from lumber woods. Energetic teacher Mr. S. BRETT prepared a concert – the first undertaken by the Church of England people for quite a number of years. Corrigenda

New Bay

Apr 14th - Letter from E. Moors in response to A. Yates

Easter Cantata - Our highly esteemed and efficient school teacher, Miss L. Young – she presided at the organ. Mr. STAPLETON sang the solos. Recitations by Misses Lilly YATES, Edith YATES and Master Arthur YATES. Mr. Malachi MOORS made a very neat organ stool. (signed) One who was there.

May 11, 1909

New Bay

Letter from Chas. CHURCHILL, New Bay Apr 10th indicating that Northern Rambler was wrong to accuse people of complaining about the mails and particular Mr. FREEMAN, mail officer of the Clyde.

May 18, 11909

Exploits May 10th

Are you going to the launch? This was last week’s salutation and also the event of the year. On Thursday 6th, Mr. MANUEL’s dock was the central point of attraction and the greater portion of the harbour ?vended their way thither. At 6:20 pm the trip was ?loosed and a fine schooner of about 60 tons slid to her Paradise. Hundreds of eyes were fixed on the spot where she took her first dip, while a large number rallied along the deck from side to side. Mr. George LUFF, the ship-builder deserves a word of praise for his ability and success along these lines. The dock-yards of England could not turn out better models than those sent out from the dock-yards of Exploits. Well done Newfoundlanders. They not only build them, but rig and sail them. We hope that whatever party is returned to power that there will be more encouragement given to such industries and we shall soon see Newfoundland take an important place in the industrial world. VISITE

May 25, 1909

Botwoodville – May 16th

The grading of the new railway is now in progress. About 100 men working, having commenced a fortnight ago. The railway will run along under the bank about 10 or 12 feet above high water mark, for about a mile and a quarter where it crosses the public road in Peter’s Arm, running through James Byrne’s farm and crossing Peter’s River about a mile form the bottom of the arm; then it runs to the south of Peter’s Pond, an strikes towards the Exploits River. It runs along the banks of the Exploits for two miles below Bishop’s Falls and crosses the mainline somewhere inside the Bishop’s Falls round house and on to Grand Falls. The line will give quite a lot of work before it is finished, the excavating and cribbing being very tedious work along the shore.

After the arrival of a steamer in a few days with supplies, the company will take on a large number of men, as it is their intention to finish the railway by September. The building of the large terminal wharf will also start soon. This will give employment to another large force of men.

MANUEL’s Mill in Northern Arm will commence sawing next week.

Mr. BAIRD has moved his mill to Botwoodville where he will saw all summer. Mr. BAIRD did good work last winter, sawing in the woods. We understand this to be the first time that sawing has been done in the woods by a portable mill in Newfoundland during the winter.

Henry EVANS’ schooner is loading lumber, the first for the season.

The schooner ?Mauna Loa which loaded lumber last fall, but was caught with the ice and had to lay up here all winter, is now ready to sail.

The ladies of Northern Arm had a sale of work, tea and concert on Thursday last in aid of the new church fund. This proved a great success.

Although the bay has been open for a fortnight the SS Clyde has not yet put in an appearance.

Bishop’s Falls

The Albert E. Reed Co. of Bishop’s Falls has commenced work on the dam at Bishop’s Falls.

Jun 1, 1909


Newfoundland Pine and Pulp Company have 3 mills operating – one at Point Leamington, the headquarters, one at Norris Arm and the third at Badger Brook. 100 additional men in lumber camps. Cut of 1 1/3 million feet consisting of 2/3 pine and balance of spruce and juniper. 50 men will work on the drive. Finished product to South American market.

New Bay – May 23rd

Adolphus YATES was deputy returning officer for the recent election. Kenneth YATES was doorkeeper and Albert YATES, Poll Clerk. P. MOORS acting as agent for Hon. J.A. Cliff on Polling day. 67 votes recorded – quiet and orderly.

Mr. William MOORS having his schooner loaded with wood for Twillingate left here this morning to try and get to his destination.

Jun 15, 1909

Lewisporte Jun 12th

Lewisporte deplores the fact that the A.N.D. Co. has decided to abandon this as their shipping port in favor of Botwoodville. Their railway from thence to Grand Falls nearing completion, the rails for which will be landed at Botwoodville next week.


Leading Tickles – Jun 5th

A concert….by teacher Miss HARVEY. Mr. Isreal ROWSELL acted as chairman and thanks are due him and also Mr. Mark ROWSELL who kindly gave us his organ for the occasion. After the concert refreshments were served by Mrs. Isreal and Mrs. Arthur ROWSELL. The proceeds go toward the interior of the new church. (signed) One Interested.

Jul 6, 1909

New Bay Jun 26th

When at Point Leamington a little while ago we found our friends had made quite an improvement with road between South Arm and South West Arm last fall, and they are to be congratulated. Work is now booming at the mill and the company expects to ship a couple of loads of lumber away this season besides what they ship locally.

Mr. Moors is seeking legal advice re charges laid against his wife by A. Yates.

Labrador schooners have crews and will soon be leaving for the north.


Mr. T.A. WINSOR, Postmaster, died after being paralyzed. Buried in Church of England Church cemetery. Born in England and came here as a young man. Lived in St. John’s and then came to Exploits and started a business. Postmaster for past 40 years – the first to stamp a letter in Exploits. (signed) Au Revoir

Jul 13, 1909

Grand Falls

About 1200 men employed by the Harmsworth Co. erecting machinery. Mr. William KEARNS supervised the erection work in a very satisfactory manner.

Mr. ROBERTS, an architect from London, arrived at Grand Falls about a fortnight ago. He will take charge of the planning of a residence for Lord Northcliffe for occupying during his visits to that manufacturing center. It will be a very handsome erection and will prove an attractive addition to Grand Falls.

Mr. H.F. LINCOLN, who superintended the construction of work at Grand Falls, has gone to Bishop’s Falls where he will be engaged in a similar capacity for the Albert E. Reed Co. His position at Grand Falls has been filled by Mr. J. O’REILLY who has had long experience in the business.

Much enjoyment is afforded in Grand Falls by the concerts, dances and cricket, football and baseball matches.

Jul 20, 1909

New Bay – Jul 10th

Rev. J. T. STAPLETON arrived to spend another year at New Bay. On Friday a heavy gale of wind from the south, Mr. William MOORS on his vessel “Gertie Moors” left the previous day for Twillingate en route to Labrador. Miss L. YOUNG and Mrs. A. FREEMAN taking passage to Twillingate with him. Miss May MOORS, youngest daughter of Capt. William MOORS presided on the organ, her first time playing in public, at Sunday School Anniversary.

Adolphus MOORS in their schooner “Julia” left for Labrador, this being the first time our young friend has taken charge. We wish him every success.

Rev. Mr. WILLIAMS takes up new work at South West Arm.

Adolphus YATES left for Labrador yesterday.

Fortune Harbour – Jul 11th

Nellie SHEA, daughter of J. SHEA of Fortune Harbour, married Mr. G. WALL of Grand Falls in R.C. Church here. They will reside in Grand Falls.

Jul 20, 1909

Bishop’s Falls

Article “I work with pick and shovel for $1.35 per day and ?find myself, and I’m not complaining about hard work” (signed) Rail Roader

Jul 27, 1909

Grand Falls

Bishop MARCH and Rev. Father BATTCOCK here to dedicate new church just finished…the party were shown through the immense pulp plant and everything in connection with the paper-making machine from start to finish was clearly explained by the assistant superintendent, Mr. GATELY…..all ascended the acid tower about 280 feet high – beautiful view of the dam and water falls, the new city and the surrounding country.

The rising little city of Grand Falls has had an influx of visitors – Bishop MARCH of Harbour Grace, Rev. Father BATTCOCK of Gambo, Rev. Dr. WHALEN of North River, Rev. J. ASHLEY of Portugal Cove. Also Mr. Jas. RYAN enterprising merchant of Spaniard’s Bay, Joseph CURRAN of the Gambo Hotel, G.A. STRONG, general manager of the Gambo Lumber Co. and Miss Bertha ?JARDESE of Bay Roberts.


An enormous cut of timer is on the Exploits River – 20 million feet cut at Red Indian lake. Floated down stream – now at Badger Brook.



A very enjoyable concert at Botwoodville under direction of Dr. AMES in aid of the church at that place. Rev. Mr. WOODVILLE was on the list and gave a song in a very acceptable manner.

Grand Falls

A large light was recently erected at Grand Falls on the power house there. It consists of an enameled glass tube about 3 feet long and 1 foot in circumference. The light given off rivals daylight. More will be erected later.

Aug 17, 1909


Operations at the headquarters of the Newfoundland Lumber & Pulp Co. at Norris Arm will be carried on at an extensive scale this year. 200 men in woods logging. 5 or 6 million feet estimated.

Mr. F.M. Crowe of Point Leamington is at the Crosbie Hotel. St. John’s

Aug 24, 1909


Our Labrador fleet now about 600 miles distant below and about Mugford….will pan out alright….reports from French shore good.

Miss ALLEN, trained nurse, labouring here for two months under the “Deep Sea Mission” auspices – speaks highly of our people, their comfortable homes, their thrift and better level of education than she expected…she feels there should be an up to date hospital and not a missionary one either.


Mr. MANUEL’s motor boat conveyed a number of ladies to Northern Harbour. Miss BUTT, the day school teacher, opened school Monday. Mr. WINDSOR’s schooner, Olinda, ?lost on Labrador. Josiah DART summoned to Grand Falls – his son Wesley dying there.

Log drive

The drive on the Exploits River interrupted by warm weather or evaporation of water. The men engaged near Millertown trying to free the logs.

Aug 31,1909

Road boards

Appointed – Joseph MOORES, David SPENCER, Walter YATES, Malachi MOORES and Albert YATES for New Bay.

Grand Falls

The I.O.O.F. granted a charter to open a new lodge at Grand Falls – next week. Will be called the Exploits No. 1.

Grand Falls – Aug 27, 1909

Two men Thorne and Parsons arrived her by Fridays Express from Botwoodville to enter hospital. The former has a broken arm caused by a blow from a stick when an engine went over the wharf at Botwoodville. Parsons has a broken leg which was caused by the bank of an excavation falling on him.

George Seymour, a lad from Botwoodville….in a burn accident…brought to hospital.

New Bay Post Office

Letter from P. Moors, Aug 21st

A week or two ago the government saw fit to change our postal office here….numerous complaints….We can get thru $100 worth of stamps in a year…at first there was only about 30 letters taken from time navigation closed in fall til it opened in spring. Last fall the last trip of the Clyde has 130 letters and quite a number of small parcels. An increase all the time. Last year we changed…could pick up your mail at public wharf ….rest taken home and dispensed.

Grand Falls

Page 7, Col. 2 – Lord Northcliffe discusses present budget situation.

Sept 7, 1909

Mr. Crowe

Mr. H.S. Crowe of Badger Brook is at present in the city.

Leading Tickles West

Schooner Willie, Capt. George Rowsell, arrived from French Shore with 150 barrels of fish – very good for only 4 men.

Mail now is picked up at Elijah Lannings the merchant here, which is the first house above the narrows – another ½ mile for people of the west end. People at Winter House Cove say it is just as well for mail carriers to go on the East Tickle post office. ZIKLAG

Sept 14, 1909

New Bay

Miss Norman of cupids is here taking chare of the day school. Miss Hayter of Botwoodville has gone to North West Arm to take charge of school there. Miss Belle Spencer, one of our popular young ladies is gone to Card’s Harbour teaching. Joseph Boone went to St. Anthony Hospital and is home again. Mrs. A. Freeman was away to Twillingate and Badger Brook for extended visits. Mr. J. Bowden of St. John’s here for a flying to visit to his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Manuel. Mr. John Lannon has taken away a load of railway ties in the schooner, Skylark, belonging to C. Taylor, Esq., of Pilley’s Island.

Ladies have furnished the church with matting for the aisles, chair, etc., for pulpits, two large lamps and the last given is a very nice individual communion set and collection plates. The Salvation Army held their picnic. Ensign Wiltshire, SA, Rev. Mr. Young, Rev. Mr. Williams and F. Crowe, Esq., of South West Arm attended.

Joseph Budgle’s boat is home from French Shore – fine catch.

Mrs. George Budgle died last Sunday, leaving husband and three children.


Grand Falls

The first week of next month has been set down for the opening of the great Harmsworth pulp plant at Grand Falls. Lord and Lady Northcliffe and many prominent personages, local and foreign, will be present. Construction practically completed – and mechanical erections will be finished by end this month. Also the $40,000 residence for Lord Northcliffe. On _____ day the regular staff number, more than 200, will be seated at Lord Northcliffe’s resident and the operatives (about 500) will be dine the next day as guests of the company and a general holiday kept with sports the order of the day. Mr. P. Peddle, manger of the woods restaurant, has arranged for the catering.

Alexander Bay

Capt. Stephen Sweetapple arrived home with full load of fish, Capt. Baxter Burry with 700 qtls. James House 300, Edgar House 3000, other poorly fished.

Sept 21, 1909

Mills destroyed

Grant’s mill at Gambo has been destroyed by fire Monday night and 200 cords of wood consumed by the fire. The mill at Butt’s Pond has also been razed to the ground and between 15,000 and 20,000 feet of lumber burnt. A number of men at both mills engaged sawing logs but don’t know how fire happened.


Susan, wife of Ford Winsor, age 79 yrs died at son’s residence Fort Townsend – leaving one son and two daughters.

Oct 5, 1909

New Bay Sept 26th

Schooner Julia, Capt. Adolphus Yates, is home from Labrador – all well – 100 qtls. fish. Reports from others not good.

South Arm

Mr. G.T. Phillips of St. John’s is here and we are glad to see our old and esteemed friend. Rumor has it that he is under orders from the Government to fence the narrows of Diver Pond, South Arm and put there a number of lobsters to see if this interesting crustacean can outlive winter in the shoal water and so, the coming spring and summer to catch a quantity of male and female lobsters and drop them in this fine pond of salt water to increase and in time replenish the waters of this extensive Arm. If this is true that our friend is here for this purpose we wish him every success in the new enterprise. Artificial hatching is useless, but this natural way will doubtless be a great benefit.

Fish news

Schooner Cecil Belle of Summerville, BB fished in the Straits just discharged her cargo of 800 qtls. fish in St. John’s. Her crew of 11 men shared $153.72 each (others $140 and $120 per man).

Grand Falls

Mr. H.D. Reid sent his automobile out to Grand Falls by Thursday express to be at disposal of Lord Northcliffe during the fetes at Grand Falls.

Mr. Peter Peddle, manager of Woods Wash End Candy Store, left by Sunday express for Grand Falls to prepare preliminary work for catering at the opening fetes. The number of waiters gone out from here is 50.


Miss ?Bethuce, the telegraph operator at Grand Falls. 2nd operation in St. John’s for appendicitis.

Oct 12, 1909

Alexander Bay

Labrador schooner all home. Capt. S. Sweetapple 500 qtls. B. Burry 700, N. Sparks 500, Edgar House 350, James House 300, H. Davis 250, D. Parsons 250, T. Sparkes 200, Wm Diamond 140, R. James 100, T Ralph 150 Total catch 3440 qtls.


The Grand River Pulp and Lumber co operating at Gillesporte have ceased operation for season and Manager Marshall and 25 employees came along on the Invermore . Success of season 2 million standard feet. Enormous amount of unsawn logs. 55 Briardene took shipment for America.

Point Leamington Sept 30th

The mill erected last year by Newfoundland Pine & Pulp Co. Ltd closed down last night after successful season. Sawn between 3 and 4 million feet, mostly pine which is now piled in yard. Most will be shipped to Buenos Ayres, South America and the SS General Gordon due on Oct 15 will take 2 ½ million feet. Balance will be loaded on steamer for New York about Nov 1.

Sawing season lasted about 3 ½ months. Mill cleaned down, ?horns and whistles reverberated thru the air and 90 employees assembled and were addressed by H.J. Crowe who arrived yesterday. He complimented the men… and informed them that a larger shipment of lumber has never been made from any port of the world to South America then the SS Gordon will take. His remarks were received by the men with great enthusiasm and prolonged cheers.

Fish news

Labrador fish is now quoted at $3.50.

At Comfort bight the fish were “eating the rods” when the “Invermore was coming south.

Oct 19, 1909


Arch Tulk (son of Benjamin Tulk of the AND Co) and Ronald Goodyear, both of whom did well in the lumber business last winter at Millertown, intend running a couple of camps at Badger brook the coming winter and will cut lumber for the AND Co.

Nov 2, 1909

Grand Falls Hospital foundation Stone laid by Lady Northcliffe (page 2, Col 3-4). Designed by Wm Scott, C.E., J.P.

Lord Northcliffe at Botwood Harbour (P. 3, col 2-3)

On Oct 23 a meeting was held at Botwoodville under the auspices of the Botwood Literary and Athletic Club. Dr. Ames presided and Lord Northcliffe was present…After thanking Mr. Crowe and Dr. Ames for their kindness on organ, a splendid reception on a very ____ evening, and after reference to the excellent work shown on construction of the Botwood Railway by Mr. Scott, E.E, Mr. Park and Mr. Steele, Lord Northcliffe said …..This, my second visit to Botwood and Botwood Harbor, as some of us prefer to call it – one of the finest harbors in the world…you young people…forget about going west…show confidence in your own country…..” His Lordship spoke of the need for more reading, and better reading and more game playing and expressed himself delighted with Botwood’s great possibilities and abilities of Newfoundlanders to undertake any task, intellectual or mechanical…..

The Botwood Literary and Athletics Club is a branch of the YMCA in Grand Falls.

Carmelite House mentioned, the headquarters of the ?parents cos. of the AND Co. Ltd.

Nov 9, 1909

Lord Northcliffe leaves for Canada (P. 2, col. 3).

Prizes will be offered to inhabitants of Grand Falls, Millertown and Botwood. 1. Best small vegetable garden (a) Grand Falls, (b) Botwood, (c) Millertown, etc. Best small flower garden, best coll. of vegetables, heaviest turnip, etc. etc. etc.

New Bay

SS Gordon loading lumber at Point Leamington. Rev. Mr. Stapleton has his organ for the school. Mr. Osmond’s trader has gone home for the winter. Mrs. A. Freeman will reside in Twillingate for winter. Mr. and Mrs. M. Moors have a new baby. Miss Norman and Miss Jessie Churchill called for Methodist Orphanage. E. Lodge, schooner inspector here.


North West Arm, Green Bay – Oct 23rd

Kenneth Mills married Dora Bradbury, daughter of Albert Bradbury of Harbour Grace. Rev. H. Coppin presided. Attended by Miss Phenie Robbins and Mary Rideout – Geo. Robbins and Geo. Roberts attended the groom.

Nov 23, 1909

Mr. G.T. Phillips had his men working on improving the road for Pt. Leamington to South Arm…….if our friend can succeed in getting another grant in the spring the road from Paradise to Bobby’s Cove will be greatly improved. Need to make from Bobby’s cove to South West Arm better.

Rev. Mr. Stapleton and Young doing missionary meetings – to go to Charles Brook, North West Arm, South West Arm, etc.

White Bay

The White Bay Timber & Pulp Co. of Toronto. Mr. Starr, lawyer, visiting Newfoundland.

Schooner lost

Schooner, Juliet, Isreal Boone Master, lost at Burnt Point. Crew safe. Their home at Bay Roberts.

Nov 30, 1909

Schooner lost

Schooner, Little Jap, Feltham, which left Deer Island the 9th inst. is still unreported and it is feared she was swamped in the storm that sprung up a few hours after she left. The schooner had a cargo of 700 qtls. of fish on board and also some lumber. She would have only been a short distance from Deer Island when the storm broke on her, the belief is that she came to grief in the vicinity of Gooseberry island, as some wreckage was picked up there after the storm abated. Those onboard were: John Whealan, R. House, A. House, Thos. Taylor, Robt. Payne, Gooseberry Islands; Chas. Feltham, Geo. Boland, S. Boland, Caleb Feltham, Abraham Feltham, Arthur Kng, Benj. Feltham, Deer Island; Jacob Sturge, Bragg’s Island. All the men except two are married, with families and the blow will be a severe one.

Grand Falls

The big new engine No.3 of the AND Co went off the rails Wednesday and sustained considerable damage. The engine was in charge of driver St. John and was nearing the mill with 12 cars behind, laden with coal, from Botwoodville. Twenty or thirty dwellings erected recently. Construction of the new hospital began. The guests of the “Columbia” gathered in the spacious “Library” of the hotel – for impromptu concert by Mr. Isaac, the popular commercial traveler from London.

Poles being put along the streets and shortly the town will be lighted by electricity. 30 or 40 lights to be placed and houses will have wires attached and lights installed.

Post Office improvement – 8X10 building. Mr. Newhook, Post Master and his assistant, Mr. Benning. Lord Northcliffe donated a set of books to all hotels and every house at Grand Falls – a circulating library to be established. Mr. Cooper to ?distribute books.


Dec 7, 1909

Grand Falls – On Tuesday the first paper was manufactured at Grand Falls – an epoch in the development of Newfoundland’s resources.

Dec 21, 1909


Three master builders at Grand Bank- Bell, Harris and Forsey.

Dec 28, 1909

Alexander Bay

The loss of the Little Jap comes very close to home to some of the people in this place. One of her crew, Abraham Feltham, is a son of the aged Mrs. Wm. Arnold of Alexander Bay, for whom much sympathy is felt. Messrs. Geo. And Jas. Arnold of this place are making a collection and almost everyone is doing what they can to increase the funds.

Jan 18, 1910

(This date taken from reel containing miscellaneous issues which were missing when first filmed. Only date available for the year 1910 as the remainder are not available).

New Bay – Jan 10th

Stormy weather last week - raging winds, high seas, snow. Skipper John Moors, one of our oldest inhabitants, said he never saw the sea run so high around his premises before.

Capt. William Moors in his schooner Gertie Moors has arrived from White Bay where he was engaged cutting studs for the Hodder Supply Company of Twillingate. Capt. Moors met with very wet and disagreeable weather for working in the woods, but thru the hard work of himself and crew did fairly well. Fish plentiful in December but bait scarce.

On Jan 3rd the schooner Renoven, Capt. John Jones, arrived from St. John’s to South West Arm, New Bay bringing freight for Stuckless & Brothers. He left here for his home in Little Bay Islands on Jan 6th.

Miss Ernie Moors home – she spent last winter in New York with her brother, Fred Moors, who is a carpenter in that city.

Young Beginner.

St. John’s

Capt. John Phillips arrived from Twillingate with 1500 qtls. after a passage of 6 days.

End of reel – only January 4 and 18 exist for 1910.

Jan 17, 1911

South West Arm, New Bay

Death of John Sharron, Sr. - Has had heart trouble for several years. Died Dec 26, 1910. He leaves 2 sons and 3 daughters – George, Arthur, Lucy, Phoebe and Esther, the last named being in England. Buried on 28th. Service by Rev. J.L. WILLILAMS. L.O.A. Members present, deceased being one of the 1st to join that Society. He is first to be called away since commencement of the Lodge about 5 years ago. X.Y.Z.

Alexander Bay

The ladies at Glovertown (1st time used in that form)

Jan 24, 1911 (?error – recorded as 1910 on first page, but remainder of paper dated Jan 24, 1911)

Bishop’s Falls

At Bishop’s Falls temperature registered 28 degrees below on Tuesday. Men were engaged during the day building the cofferdam across the river for the A.E. Reed Co. ….were obliged to suspend operations owing to intense cold.

Jan 31, 1911

Grand Falls

Jabez Jewer of Botwood, a contractor in the lumber woods with the A.N.D. Co., died as a victim of appendicitis in the hospital in Grand Falls. He was conveyed from his camp at Red Indian Falls – Drs. Scott and Hicks operated on him.

New Bay

The camps of the Newfoundland Pine & Pulp Co. are now in full swing about 140 men employed here. Improvement in some of the camps of the New Bay waters. The report of a pulp mill has been confirmed by good authority, that is a hopeful sign. Mr. G.A. Simpson is not returning as manager. Highly respected. He did much in building up the place in other ways, taking great interest in schooner work. The Methodist Sunday School will miss his valuable help. We welcome Mr. I.J. Soy. We hope he will enjoy his stay at Point Leamington. A.Y.Z.

Telegraph – Fortune Harbor Line

Experience of a Line Repairer – A man needs to be appointed to look after the Fortune Harbor line. After passing Indian Cove, South Arm, the line turns away east over towards Exploits waters, until it goes right down to the final settlement of Northern Harbor. Six miles of wire totally wasted for Northern Harbor to Fortune Harbor because of way the line goes. The telegraph line should have started from the coastal wharf at Fortune Harbor thence to the South West of that place, thru the neck passing Cottle’s Cove and South East Arm, thence to Indian Cove along the east shore of New Bay. It took me two days travel to get to the line for repairs. No one living at Northern Harbor, so I returned to Fortune Harbor where I was well looked after by Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Carroll and their son. I then started for Point Leamington.

Yours truly,

North and South Line Repairer


Died at Bonavista On 24th inst., Martha, widow of the late James Skeffington, aged 84 years. Leaving 1 son and 4 daughters.

Feb 14, 1911


Edgar Benson employed as a baker at Grand Falls – to St. John’s because of illness. Died there.

Feb 18, 1911


Grand Lodge L.O.A. Sessions at Botwood held last week. Botwood Lodge – Capt. Abraham Kean conducted the sessions.

The Grand Lodge on Thursday night was dined by Messrs Parke & Storm, at the A.N.D. Co’s staff house, and by Mr. H.J. Crowe at the Falconberg House, Mr. Crowe’s Botwood residence. At 6 pm on Friday the sessions closed to meet in February 1912 at Bonavista. On Saturday the majority of the members availed of the courtesy of the A.N.D. Co.’s excursion to Grand Falls. Train left Botwood at 10 a.m. returning at 6 p.m. A most enjoyable day.

The visit to Botwood was one of the most pleasant of the Grand Lodge for several years. The official of the A.N.D. Co., Mr. H.J. Crowe, and Messrs Parke and Storm were abundant in their courtesies to and kindly treatment of the visitors.

Loon Bay, NDB

The lumbering industry is carried on to a fair extent, there being two concerns operating, that of Roberts & Whellor, employing about 88 men and T. Manuel & Co. with 40 men in the woods, supplying timber for the mill to be sawn in all grades of lumber when the season is ready for it.

Leading Tickles – Feb 11th

Joseph Earle died on 7th inst. at age of 52. Has a son and five daughters. Mother dead. The day before he was attending to his fox traps at North West Arm, New Bay. Caught in storm on way back which probably caused his death.

Fortune Harbor – death

Evangeline Piercey, a native of Fortune Harbor and wife of the late Daniel Voisey, aged 50 years – leaving 1 daughter, three sisters and one brother.

Mar 7, 1911

Horwood, NDB

Entertainment held in Methodist School House to raise funds for purchasing seats for the building. Mr. Kenneth Payne and Mr. Warr managed the affair. Proceeds $12.85 . (signed) S.I.M.


Mr. C.W.H. Tessier died at Rochester, Minnesota on Feb 27th. He left here on Nov 22 last year and entered private hospital. Mrs. Tessier and her daughter, Hilda, were present. Son of late Peter Tessier of the old firm of P & L Tessier. Mr. Charles Tessier took over the firm’s business on the retiring of the old ? firm. A widow, nee Miss Rogerson, and four daughters and six sons left to mourn.


The offices, stores and shops of the Central Forest Co. at Norris Arm completely destroyed by fire Tuesday night. Fire stated at 9:15 pm and 3 hours later all buildings had been raged to the ground. Buildings were extensive and the house of the manager, Mr. J.Q. Gulnac, was also destroyed. Insurance was $10,000.

Mar 21, 1911

New Bay Mar 15th

H.J. Crowe and Mr. Wynock were at Leamington last week cruising the country and enjoying time in the bush. Two camps on New Bay waters closed on Thursday 9th inst., most of men going to Badger under the same firm Newfoundland Pine & Pulp Co.

Mrs. John Baggs of South West Arm received news of death of brother and sister. On Feb 26th Nathaniel Chippett lost his wife, Chariety, by sudden death – news received last day of February. First week of March she received news her brother, Alfred Chippett, died at age 28. Sympathy also to Mr. & Mrs. Noah Chippett, mother and father of deceased, who reside at Leading Tickles.

On Mar 15th our Salvation Army friends visited by Adjutant Hiscock of Twillingate.

Jonas Rice and Samuel Parmiter are rebuilding their schooner the Merly.


Southern Arm, New Bay – Mar 4th

On Feb 22nd one of oldest inhabitants of district died – Jane Warford wife of the late Henry Warford, formerly of Port de Grave. Bedridden for 2 years and 3 months with paralysis. Aged 72, has 5 sons and 6 daughters. Funeral on Saturday Feb 25th at South West Arm conducted by Rev. James L. Williams.


Leading Tickles

Letter from Esau Rowsell complaining about the Clyde and the Prospero calling at the very outside of the place and passing thru the dangerous Northern Tickle when they should pass thru the Ladle. In future should call at the Western wharf.


Mr. Geo. Sceviour laid to rest in Church of England cemetery last Thursday. Leaves wife, daughter and five sons.

On Friday, Tryphena Lacey buried in Methodist cemetery. In the bloom of youth.


Mary H. Ayre, aged 90 years, died in St. John’s. Wife of later Hon. C.R. Ayre.

Apr 4, 1911

New Bay

The shop of Mr. Jacob was totally destroyed by fire on Mar 17th. Building partly owned by Ezra Moors. Building uninsured. Valued at $3,000.

Mr. Peter Moors is recovering from his severe illness.

Apr 18, 1911


Messrs. Abraham Pritchett & Sons have a good cut of pine, spruce and fir. So have Messrs. Walter Pritchett and Bros. Mr. Job C. Pritchett has a large cut of small spruce framing.

The Gambo Lumber Co. has a very large quantity of logs cut. Mr. Hy ?Cellings and Robert Brown are engaged in building 4 river boats for the company for driving purposes. Mr. Walter Pritchett finished up his contract of 800 cords of wood.

Apr 25, 1911


By the express Thursday Constable Churchill of Botwood brought an elderly woman of that place to town to serve a term of 6 months imprisonment in H.M. Penitentiary. The old woman was convicted of receiving stolen property knowingly and inciting minors to theft. Three lads, two her grandsons, were caught stealing from a hennery and when taken before Magistrate Burt, told how the woman had encouraged them to steal and had received and made use of the stolen property. In all the boys had stolen some 30 poultry, butter, eggs, etc. al of which had been given the old woman. Mr. Burt discharged the youngsters after severely reprimanding them.

Leading Tickles – Apr 10

Died on 3rd inst, Agatha Butler, 2nd daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Butler, at age 15 yrs. They lost a son and daughter last fall and are now in deep trouble. E.M.A.


Apr 11th – On Saturday Michael Butler, aged 66 years died, five days after death of his niece Agatha. He leaves two brothers, Owen and Edward residing here, John in USA and Mr. W. Murphy of St. Johns, Mrs. Thos.Vickers to Tilt Cove and Miss Catherine Butler of Leading Tickles. M.K.B.

Leading Tickles

Response to Esau Rowsell – earlier. The Ladle draws on 13 feet and the Prospero requires 18 feet. The Northern Tickles is the safest entry. Yankee Sam, Apr 1st

Another critical response to Esau Rowsell signed by Uncle Jacob, Leading Tickles, Apr 6th


Wednesday, Const. Churchill had a resident of Botwood before Magistrate Burt, charged with a violation of the Act, and the case being proven a fine of $50 was imposed which was paid. Churchill found a full barrel of liquor on the premises which he seized. The liquor was confiscated by order of the Magistrate.

May 2, 1911

Leading Tickles

James Rowsell’s and Elijah Lanning’s young cow died – had been fighting our efficient mail carrier, Mr. George Andrews.

Adams Cove Apr 25th

Eli Murray drowned – his wife and son Samuel went in search of him. Must have fallen over wharf. Singed James Evans.

Paper shipments from Grand Falls

Several thousand tons of paper are now stored at Grand Falls and pulp (?) wood, awaiting shipment. Last shipment was made on 13th December last and whole output of the mill since has been stored. The ?Trilonia , which left Glasgow Tuesday, will be the first steamer this season to take a cargo to London.

May 9, 1911


About 200 men had been lumbering with Central Forests Co. the past winter at Norris Arm joined the express last week en route to their homes at Bonavista and Trinity Bay to prepare for the fishing voyage. The cut is the largest ever.

May 16, 1911

Gander Bay – May 2nd

The logging camps in operation for the Horwood Lumber Co. put in their winter’s cut April 10th. Four camps, two owned by the company, two owned and managed by Simon Gillingham, contractor, put in above average cut. The contractor’s foreman were John Gillingham, brother of Simon, and ?Darice Tulk of Laddle Cove. The company foreman was ?Darvis Gillingham of Gander Bay and Kenneth Manuel of Loon Bay. Mr. Gillingham been long in employ of Horwood Lumber Co. and is an experienced lumberman. Mr. Manuel is also a great hustler and is a brother of Mr. Manuel of the T. Manuel Co., Loon Bay. The whole of work supervised by Aquilla ?Wilboy – walking boss – old time logger, and cannot be scared by the hoot of an owl in the woods. Preparations being made now for the drive.

Mr. S. Gillingham has just completed a dam at South Pond supposed to be the largest wood dam in the country’s history – 1600 feet in length and rises a 7 feet head of water over a pond 3 ½ mi. long over a space of flat country. The trench dug to lay the spiling is 3 ft deep, length 1600 ft. Thousands of tons of gravel were taken out of pits to spread over the dam in order to make it water proof, sufficient to rise heads of water for driving purposes, a very hard shell for a contractor to crack in mid-winter together with transferring supplies for men and horses at a distance of 20 miles up the country. The foundation of the dam composed of 3 large pieces of timber, two of which were 40 feet long and the 3rd 50 feet over at the top at least 8 inches in diameter. The 3 gate sills form a sluice way of 32 feet in length. The one gate is 7 feet and the other 8 ft in width. The three center gate posts have a 14 in. post standing at the length of 16 ft. The gate contains 12 pieces of framing and will average in each piece a square of 6X6, each gate contains 6 pieces. The gate plank will average 3 in. in diameter. The headings are composed of 12 large sticks - 23 ft in length and 12 inches or 1 ft in diameter. We found spiling to the extent of 4500 pieces , each piece 20 feet in length and will average 5 in. in diameter at top of each piece. The spiling in addition to this averages 20 ft in length. To count all the timber used up in this dam, there is upwards of 7,000 pieces and grater part of dam considerably large.

Mr. Gillingham estimates the dam at a loss to his contractor of 2500 superficial feet of lumber. Started in Jan. and completed Apr 15th. During winter, three men engaged permanently in cutting down wood and keeping fire in the pits in order to soften the frozen soil for gravel diggers. Gravel then drawn by horses in carts. Mr. Gillingham deserves much credit….he is an expert at logging, driving, dam building and river work and is in many respects a very clever man.

A.J. Hoff


S.S. Nancy Lee sailed Saturday afternoon in ballast for St. John, NB to load general cargo for ?Hanona.

May 30, 1911

Alexander Bay

Capt. B. Burry has his steam mill running, doing good work and Capt. N. Sparkes, has his turbine in running order, making a total of 8 mills in Alexander Bay, 5 water power and 3 steam. Most of our schooners are getting ready for the city, to obtain supplies for the fishery.

French Shore

About 50 schooners sailed from Twillingate for the French Shore

Jun 13, 1911

Grand Falls June 4th

The Newfoundland Pine & Pulp Co.’s operations on the Exploits River were completed last Saturday when after a month successful drive they delivered to the boom of the Grand Falls pulp and paper mills 25,000 cords of pulp wood which is equal to about 13 million feet of lumber. Mr. Harry J. Crowe, president of the company, who had been watching the drive on the river for the past week, reached Grand Falls by boat Saturday evening where he entertained 70 of his drivers at a dinner. The men were most enthusiastic over their success and Mr. Crowe paid them a warm compliment especially his foreman, Mr. Geo. Noseworthy.

The A.N.D. Co.’s train took the jolly crowd to Botwood and these men who were driving logs on the Exploits River 40 or 50 miles away were home with their families the same evening. Such are the advantages of railway communication.

Jun 20, 1911


On Thursday, Capt. E. English, Harbor Master, left for Botwood to enquire into some difficulties that have arisen between the pilots of that place and the captains of the steamers that are plying between there and London. There is a regular Board of Commissioners at Botwood, and the Pilot’s Association is practically on the same line as here.

Jul 11, 1911

South West Arm - Jun 6th

Ladies Aid held their annual sale of work and a tea in the Orange Hall. Shortly after 6 o’clock tea tables were thronged. Then the sale of work – long lines of fancy work at one end of Hall. Then towards 12 o’clock a very few trifles were left which were auctioned by Mr. Jas. M. Andrews (a shining light of the Arm) in a most creditable way. The proceeds of the sale go towards furnishing the new Methodist Church.


Body of Job Pritchett drowned May 8th at Gambo with Samuel Barron and Nathaniel King was picked up yesterday.

Aug 29, 1911

New Bay

Three schooners gone to Labrador. Capts. William Moors, Adolphus Yates and Lewis Whitehorn and five boats have gone to French Shore.

Mr. Joseph Boone died a short time ago. Mrs. Thos. Clark also died, buried in SA cemetery, old respected citizen.

Rev. Mr. Ball, our late minister, has gone to King’s Point and Miss Roberts, last year’s teacher is going to Glover Town and Miss Guy from Twillingate is coming here. The conference decided not to send a minister – a mistake in our opinion. A young man Richards is taking charge at Point Leamington in place of Rev. Mr. Williams who is gone to Glover Town. Miss Martha Manuel who taught last year at Point Leamington intends spending another year at the Methodist College, St. John’s.

Messrs. Noel and Long from Office of Agriculture and Mines were here to settle some land dispute at Point Leamington.

Change to the Post Office again. Mr. A. Yates has dropped out and Mr. Jacob Manuel has taken on.

A branch of the F.P.U. formed here with Mr. Adolphus Yates, Chairman; Mr.

Willis Spencer, Secretary; Mr. George Boone, Treasurer. Nearly all the men have joined. It is rumored that Mr. Yates is aspiring to be nominated to a Union candidate.


Sept 12, 1911

New Bay, NDB – Sept 3rd

Some of French Shore boats here – George White, Joseph Budgle, and Samuel Boone.

Potato crop will not be good because of dry weather. Mr. M. Brett of South Arm thinks it will be the poorest since he has been farming there.

Capt. Caines and his wife welcomed to the Salvation Army. Mrs. Caines was here in charge of Cottrell’s Cove corps for a time. They are just married.

Nov 7, 1911


The New Forests Co. at Norris Arm is offering $22 to $24/mo with board and wages paid from the time of train leaving Norris Arm until return.

Dec 5, 1911

Died at Leading Tickles Elijah Lanning, Sr. on Nov 9th. Aged 62. Native of Exploits. Last 30 years at Leading Tickles engaged in a branch business for the firm of Josiah Manuel. A firm supporter of Church and School (Church of England). Leaves a wife, 2 sons, one at Toronto University, one at Leading Tickles and 5 daughters, one at Cambridge, Mass. and 4 at Leading Tickles.

Dec 19, 1911

Botwood is now frozen over to the thickness of 9 inches. Three steamers and two schooners are reported frozen in there.

Jul 7, 1914

Jul 14, 1914


A very pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Mary’s church on July 1st when Mr. W.M. Tilly, a promising young merchant of this town, led to the alter Miss Emily Pearce formerly Church of England teacher at Maberly. Mr. Francis Pearce acted as her best man while Miss Frances Chaulk acted as best woman. The wedding was performed by Rev. Mr. Pegg. We wish them many years of wedded life and we are sure the NEWS will join in congratulations. AMICUS

Jul 21, 1914

Grand Falls welcomes H.R.H. the Duke of ?Connaught (Page 4, Cols. 5-7) Then to Botwood.

Public Notice

Notice is hereby given that applications have been received from the following parties for licenses under Section 1 of the Saw Mils Acts 1914 to operate saw mills at the under mentioned places, namely –

Dist. of St. Barbe

Lot Head, Jackson’s Arm, White Bay

Dist. of Twillingate

Jonathan Mercer, North West Arm

Jas. House & E.K. Mills – Burlington

Robt. Small – Muddy Cove

Solomon Eveleigh – Newstead

Dist. of Bonavista

Adam Cole – Brooklyn

John & Sydey Pilley – Southward Bay Brook

Joseph B. King – White Point Pond, New Bonaventure

Noah Holloway and Bros. – Bloomfield

Dist. of Trinity

Placentia & St. Mary’s

Fortune Bay


Mr. William Freeman, aged 68 died at Twillingate on July 12th. Paralysis. A respected citizen. His son, Philip Freeman, senior linotype-operator on the NEWS Office called home.

Jul 28, 1914

Grand Falls

Page 6, cols. 3-5

By the S.S. ?Parthenia which sailed from Botwood Wednesday 15th, Messrs. H.C. Hanson and A.J. Noble left for England. Mr. Noble who is Chief Accountant of the A.N.D. Co Longdon Office has been holidaying in Grand Falls. Mr. Hanson is chief accountant in the Grand Falls Office.

Large number of visitors to town…..Miss Harvey from Botwood is on a week-end visit to Mrs. Ireland.

Mrs. Saunders of Dundee, Scotland, is a guest at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. D. Arklie.

Mr. Michael Lamee has for some time past been foreman of the Company’s machine shop here.

The interior of the Methodist Church has been completed.

Mr. W.W. Blackall, Supt. Of Education, has taken up residence here with his family.

The baseball craze has reached over heat and no opportunity for practice is being lost.

The Road Board so far has more than justified its existence. On Church Road next to Eric House is has taken away the old bridge and built a very substantial new one, adding a great improvement by placing railings at the sides.

Mr. T.F. Judge, the Asst. Supt. In the mills here….left for extended vacation in Canada. His is accompanied by Dr. Walter Scott.

(signed) O’F.

Aug 3, 1914

Storm and Sail

Thursday forenoon the Marine & Fisheries Dept. received the following message from Mr. Noah Simms of St. Anthony: “A large motor trap boat and schooner’s gaff topsail picked up at Great Braha; it is probable a schooner has been lost”. Instructions were at once forwarded to make all enquiries possible as to the supposed wreck but up to last night no further information had been received.

Aug 11, 1914

Aug 18, 1914

Ship news

The ?Marina left Botwood Wednesday morning for London with 5500 tons of pulp and paper, and 6 passengers.

Aug 25, 1914

John Snow of Manuels, agent for the R.N. Co. at Benton, arrived to enter hospital.

Sept 1, 1914

Sept 8, 1914

Sept 2nd Botwood contribution to the war effort – Jacob Hann, William Small and Wm May. Meeting in Botwood Orange Hall raised $820 for the War Effort.

Sept 15, 1914

Botwood – Employees of AND Co. and Part & Storm would each contribute a day’s pay toward the Patriotic Fund. Other donations amount to over $850.00

Signed – James Arklie, Secretary

Sept 22, 1914

Sept 29, 1914

On Wednesday night the new lumber mill at Norris Arm owned by Messrs. Saunders & Howell was destroyed by fire. Fire started in the drying room. The volunteer fire brigade successful in saving large quantity of lumber stored nearby. Valuable machinery and stock, loss is very heavy one.

Oct 6, 1914

Oct 13, 1914

Oct 20, 1914

Schooner Ethel E, J. Philips.

Oct 27, 1914

The Orthia has sailed from Botwood for Lizard Head for orders _____ 4800 tons of pulp and paper from the AND Co.

Nov 3, 1914 to Dec 29, 1914

Note – The only regular columns now are Carbonear and Harbour Grace – mostly reports on the war effort.

© Beverley Warford, Calvin Evans and NL GenWeb