NL GenWeb


1905 (Vol.4)

Printed every Tuesday St. John’s, Newfoundland

Entries pertaining to N.D.B. and Central areas only
Transcribed by Beverly Warford. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors

Jan 4, 1905 Tuesday


Dec 29, 1904 ...... The members of this congregation have taken the first steps toward the erection of a new church, and a collection made during the month has gone up to $600 mark, .....The present building is now too small for the congregation .... The RC Church is now an ornament to the place, and when the Methodist Church has received a coat of paint, and the new church above mentioned has been erected Fogo will have a trio of churches which will do its people credit.

A drowning accident at Tilting Harbor on Christmas Eve threw a cloud over that place at the holiday season, a girl meeting her death in crossing on the ice. Your correspondent has not the particulars at hand at present.



Mr. M.A. BEETON, agent for the Messrs. HARMSWORTH, and Mr. W.P. ALLAN, their lawyer, arrived by express on Friday to conclude the deal with the Timber Estates Company for their property at Millertown and vicinity.


Roberts - On the 10th ult, at Twillingate, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roberts

Young - On the 22nd ult, at Twillingate, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Archibald young.

Jan 10, 1905 Tuesday


It is understood that the timber deal between the Timber Estates Company and the Messrs. HARMSWORTH has been concluded, Messrs. H.J. CROWE, Vice-President, and B.F. PEARSON, Secretary, of the former company, having left for Canada by Sunday’s express. If this is so the Messrs. HARMSWORTH have got hold of the finest timber property in the country - that at Millertown and vicinity. They will commence development under the name of "The Anglo-Newfoundland Development Company: which was registered at the Colonial Secretary’s Office on Saturday with the following officers - President, M.M. BEETON; Directors, Sir A. HARMSWORTH, Bart, L. HARMSWORTH and H. HARMSWORT. The company is capitalized at five million dollars and will engage in lumbering, pulp-making and paper-making.

The Districts

J. LOVERIDGE, of Twillingate, who was working at the Pilley’s Island mine, while engaged on the tramway, caught his foot in a frog and a sudden twist broke his right leg below the knee. Dr. BOWDEN set the limb and the injured man came to his home by the Prospero to rest.

Jan 17, 1905 Tuesday

Comfort Cove

Jan 7, 1905 Cupid, that naughty little God of Love, has again with steady aim, pierced, with an arrow (as delicate as a golden rose-thorn) two hearts of our cozy little town, and as the sun began to rise on the morning of the above date Joseph EVELEIGH, Esq., head of the firm of Eveleigh Bros, of this town, and Miss Louisa HEAD of the same place, became conscious of having in their hearts that feeling which persons have when they come to the last day of unmarried life. At eleven o’clock, the contracting parties with the coy damsels acting as bride’s maids, accompanied by their gallants, appeared in the Methodist chapel and the marriage ceremony was gone through, Rev. R. MERCER officiating. Ably supporting the groom was to be seen the noble form of the bride’s brother. The bride was given away by Mr. John HEAD. The bride being dressed in a costume of white satin looked indeed a beautiful trophy of that ever-victorious god (Cupid). Presents in galore; valuable and useful. Well-wishers predict happiness. Even so may it be.


New Harbour

Jan 12, 1905 ........The Messrs. MILLER have taken nearly 70 men from this locality and Millertown has a large number of very young men from here. S. BENNETT, Green’s Harbour, has erected a mill at that place and has numbers of men log-cutting. TAYLOR, who formerly ran a sawmill at Hopeall, has removed with his family to Green’s Harbour, and has his mill transferred to Glover Road..........

Jan 24, 1905 Tuesday


Jan 16, 1905 - Your readers, perhaps, will look over a few notes from a fresh source. Anything fresh whether it be news, its source, or otherwise, is apt to attract attention, a very desirable feature in newspaperdom. I must warn them, however, not to expect much fresh news from a northern outport at this season of the year. Lewisporte, like many others of our towns and settlements, is just now settled down to the winter monotony and solitaire after a busy season of work and rush incident to the great lumber industry and the almost overwhelming railway traffic which centralizes here from the first of May to the 30th of December. Regarding the lumber industry I may point out that a large proportion of the products from the various mills of the Newfoundland Timber Estates and the New Land Lumber and Pulp Company centralizes here for shipment to the various markets of the world.

During the past season thirteen cargoes aggregating twelve million feet were dispatched from this port, chiefly to South American markets, where it is said choice prices are realized from the lumber commodity. There were also considerable local sales to various parts of the country and there is now stocked here about four and a half million feet of various kinds and qualities for early shipment.

For the present King Frost forbids ingress or egress and dominates almost everything except the iron horse. This by way of introduction.



His Excellency the Governor in Council has been pleased to appoint William MOORES, Wm. O’CONNOR, W. WATSON, T.A. LAWRENCE, St.John’s, and Alex C. CONSTABLE, Norris Arm, to be Surveyors of Lumber......Mr. Samuel MOORE to be a member of Methodist Board of Education for the district of Twillingate, in place of Mr. A. ROBERTS, resigned.; Messrs. John WISEMAN and Robert MORRIS, to be members of the Little Bay Island Road Board, District of Twillingate, in place of Mr. Mr. R. STEWART, deceased, and MR. Wm. ANSTEY, resigned. - Last Week’s Gazette.

Jan 31, 1905 Tuesday


Jan 21st - We are now shut in for the winter and it is not likely that this place will be visited by any steamer until spring. It is to be hoped that the Prospero will reach Seldom, but as it was unable to call here on her trip South this week we do not expect she will reach here now.

The Clyde called on her way to St. John’s and brought a mail but did not take one, the refusal to do so caused disappointment, doubtless REIDS were justified in the refusal, but with the uncertainty of our mail service for the early weeks of winter when communication is difficult by courier, a little stretch might be made when a steamer is sailing for St. John’s. We can only hope that they will be just as exact in the spring.

..........A new institution is this place is the Thursday half-holiday. During the winter months the stores will close at one o’clock on that day, thus giving the members of the staffs a chance for recreation. Football on the ice and skittles were two items on the programme this week.

One of our young men, Mr. Edward HYDE, left us per Prospero en route for the North-west where he hopes to settle for a time. He carries with him the best wishes of all his fellow townsmen. By the same trip of the Prospero Mr. E. LIND who has been here on a visit to his brother, left for St. John’s.

A few of our enterprising young men have made provision for bad weather by the construction of a skating rink in one of the stores. Through small, it answers its purpose and is patronized by a select and enthusiastic company of skaters. This, with a round of parties at various houses, has enlivened the past month. Snow is anxiously looked for at present so that snow-shoeing excursions will be possible. ....


From the Gazette

Mr. Alexander C. Constable, Norris Arm, has been made a Deputy Surveyor of Crown Lands.

New Road Boards have been appointed: for Leading Tickles, District of Twillingate, Messrs. Mark C. ALCOCK, Henry ANDREWS, Robert P. ALCOCK, John LOVEMAN, Mark LOVEMAN; ......

The Districts

A Fortune Harbor, NDB, correspondent complains of the mail service, He says: - "Fortune Harbor should get its mails more regularly. We hardly know how we are this winter so far. Our mails are being detained. Why? Two men should not have to go from here to S.W. Arm for our mails and those of New Bay."

Feb 7, 1905 Tuesday

From the Gazette

New Road Boards have been appointed for ...... on the Samson’s Island, Twillingate District, Road Board, Mr. Samuel POTTER succeeds Mr. Thomas Clark, who has left the District.


Mr. G. HARVEY, pulp expert, of New York, is expected on the Island during the week. He comes to make a careful study of the action of the freshets and ice-jams on the Exploits River for the HARMSWORTHS, the construction of whose pulp-mills he will superintend. It is probable he will spend nearly three months at this particular work.

The death of Rev. T. R. NURSE, of the Episcopal Church, occurred at his home here on the night of Monday of last week. The deceased clergyman was a native of Twillingate, and for twenty-five years labored in the Master’s service, during which time he laboured at Brooklyn, B.B, Spaniard’s Bay and Catalina. Owing to failing health he had to give up active work at the latter place in 1900, and being pensioned came to the city to reside. Mrs. NURSE and four children survive him. His funeral took place on Thursday.


Jan 28th, 1905

This winter has been the best for lumbering for many years, the hard frost coming on early in the season and before the snow, made a fine hard bottom for the roads. Now there is plenty of snow to level off the uneven ground and make good main roads.

This will be the largest operation the Exploits Lumber and Pulp Company have made, the output will probably reach twelve millions. This seems an enormous quantity of lumber, but when one considers the large expenses of this company, the quantity will only appear reasonable. They have at present over eight horses and oxen and between three and four hundred men in the woods making a daily expenditure of between three and four hundred dollars.

The weather has been exceptionally frosty, the thermometer going below zero several times before Christmas and since, as often below as above zero. There had been very little snow previous to the 15th, since then just enough for local industrial purposes.

A.L. TAYLOR, Esq., president of the Exploits Lumber & Pulp Company, leaves by express to-morrow for Boston.

W.J. MURPHY, Esq., general manager of the company, is at present in Botwoodville. Mr. MURPHY is an indefatigable worker and will undoubtedly make a success of his present undertaking for he perfectly understands the lumbering business from stump to market.

Rev. Mr. MUIR will preach at Northern Arm to-morrow morning and at Botwoodville Methodist Church to-morrow night.

Mr. Wm. H. BAIRD who has been an employee of the Exploits Lumber & Pulp Company for six years is now forming a local lumber company. He will have logs enough to start a mill on the opening of navigation. We wish him abundant success.



Jan 30th - One of the old resident of this place (Mrs. William PENNEY) passed away on January 9th, after a short illness. The deceased was well known and much respected, and the news of her death will be received with regret by many of the visitors to this place at Spring and Fall to whom she and her family were no strangers. Her husband, survives her, as also several children, one of whom is lighthouse keeper on Cann Island, and another the Lay Reader of the Methodist Church at Seldom, of which church the deceased was a member of long standing. The funeral was on January 11th when in spite of the storm a large company gathered, the service being conducted by the Rev. C. HACKETT.

Miss TEMPLEMAN, the popular Methodist teacher, left by last Prospero, having decided to rest for the winter. She is succeeded in the school by Miss Maud MILLER of Fogo. The interval occasioned by change of teachers gave an opportunity for repairs to room, and for the painting of the interior of the building. Corrrespondent

Feb 14, 1905 Tuesday

New Bay

Jan 25, 1905

Would a few jottings from the woods be amiss? If not we will just drop a few.

The old year has gone by and we are fast running through the first month of 1905.

Crops the past summer were not good on the whole. Home fishery not all that could be desired. Forest fires raged around the head of the bay, destroying an enormous amount of timber and property. Men who went to Labrador did fairly well; but some of them did not return from St. John’s till the end of the year.

The lobster fishery was not as good as other years, and it seems there was a great deal of bad lobsters put up. It is strictly essential that good tins be made for packers and also that every packer be forced to put his name on every tin of lobster packed by him, then every man’s pack will be known and the good will not be condemned with the bad.

In September a very successful Sunday School treat was held under the superintendency of the Rev. R. MADDOCk and S. HANN, and we are only voicing the sentiment of the public when we say it was the best for many years, and all enjoyed themselves.

A meeting was held by Rev. Mr. MADDOCK in October, at which it was decided to close up the old church at Moor’s Cove and the schoolhouse at S.E. Arm Neck; consequently the shoolhouse was put in readiness, pulled across the neck, floated to the east side of Cottle’s Cove, and then pulled to its resting place, and now divine service is being held there and day school is being kept by Miss HUGHES, of Twillingate. The Board of Education sold the old schoolhouse, Moor’s Cove, and the writer applying for it, it has now become his property.

At Christmas the Sunday School exhibited a very nice Xmas tree to a well packed house, and all heartily enjoyed it. At the end of the entertainment the tree was stripped and its contents given to children and friends.

The s.s. Clyde, under the management of our genial friend, Capt. KNEE, and his obliging staff of officers and men, did us good service during the past season, and we venture to say that the Reid Newfoundland Co., could get no better man for the work than Capt. Job KNEE.

The weather has been intensely cold, with high winds, plenty of snow, and the bay blocked with ice. As the result our mails are coming through from S.W. Arm this winter and by the opening of spring it will know whether for better or worse.



RICE - At Twillingate, on Jan 27th, after a brief illness, Richard P. RICE, aged 80 yrs. Deceased was formerly a representative of the district of Twillingate and Fogo in the Legislative Assembly, which position he held for twelve years.

Feb 21, 1905 Tuesday

From the Gazette

Rev. John LYNCH, C.C., becomes a member of the Roman Catholic Board of Education for Fortune Harbor, in place of Rev. Richard WALSH, left the district........

Feb 28th, 1905 Tuesday

The Districts

A message to the Telegram yesterday from Gambo states that conditions there are getting very serious and if a train does not get through this week people will be threatened with starvation. Reports from inside are even worse. A traveller arrived at Gambo on Sunday night from Gander Bay, via Glenwood, and reported the people at the former place in absolute want. Glenwood is in darkness and the people are depending upon what is being brought from the lumber camps. Reports say if relief does not soon arrive logging operations will have to be suspended in other places. Section men and log cutters have only corn meal and molasses. Such is the message, but it is very doubtful that things are so bad as it says. People at these places are not going to be with at least a month’s stock during the winter season, especially when the danger of communication being cut off is always before them.

Mar 7, 1905 Tuesday


Feb 18th - There has recently passed away an esteemed old lady, Mrs. NOSEWORTHY, wife of the late Mr. Wm. NOSEWORTHY, of Northern Arm, Exploits River. Mrs. NOSEWORTHY had been suffering from a painful disease for over three months, which she bore with true Christian patience, her death being a happy sequel to the blameless life she lived. If ever any one lived for others it can be truly said of this dear old woman that she lived for no other end. Both Mr. and Mrs. NOSEWORTHY were natives of Conception Bay but lived for many years on the French Shore where they reared a large family, removing to Botwoodville about fifteen years ago. Five sons, George, Henry, William, Frank and Paul, and two daughters, Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. SQUIRS reside here, and one son, John, in Lewisporte, all of whom are a houour to the parents who so carefully and well looked to their up-bringing. The funeral took place on Feb 3rd and was very largely attended in spite of the almost impassable roads. Rev. W.M. MUIR officiated and preached one of the most appropriate sermons ever delivered here.

Mrs. BROWN, wife of Parmenas BROWN, of Lawrencetown, Exploits River, died on Sunday last at the age of twenty-nine. Mrs. BROWN was a victim of tuberculosis and had been ailing for four years although she had been getting about until five months ago when the disease developed so rapidly as to leave no hopes of recovery. Mrs. BROWN leaves a husband and two children to mourn their sad loss.

Mr. Graham SYME, who for the past fifteen months has been in the employ of J.K. Percy & Co., leaves for St. John’s to-morrow on his way to the States, where his brother has procured for him a situation. Graham leaves behind him in Botwoodville a host of friends who wish him every success.

Mr. Wm. H. BAIRD goes to St. John’s to-morrow on business in connection with his milling venture which he is establishing here.


Mar 14, 1905 Tuesday

Pilley’s Island

No doubt a few lines from Pilley’s Island will interest many of the Free Press readers. I therefore ask for space in its valued columns.

To begin with our people are in a happy condition; through the push of our local steamers’ captains and the energy of C.F. TAYLOR, Esq., the stores are all filled with needful supplies. There is much credit due Capt. PARSONS for his last successful trip north. Had he not succeeded we would have had a different tale to tell for supplies would have been very short.

The mine is putting out large quantities of ore. All spare dumping found is being rapidly monopolized. New hoppers have been constructed and tramway and other improvements made to facilitate shipping ore in the coming summer. Although last year’s shipment was large, the manager expects to ship more largely this year, and is making things hum in preparation for it. The addition of hopers means much for dispatch.

We are having severe weather - the frost being intense and snow abundant.

I am sorry to relate that death has been busy reaping. Less than three weeks ago, our congenital Capt. John MADDOX met with a sad and sudden death by falling down the main shaft 225 feet. It appears he was waiting for the cage to come to the surface just before 7 p.m. so that he could descend to his work and by some unknown cause fell headlong down the shaft. He fell with such force that his body damaged the cage when he came in collision, although the cage is made of iron, capable of bearing great strain. These was much sorrow felt at his death. He was a man that had a lot of good qualities, always cheerful, very industrious for his employer’s interest, always to the front in or out of danger, hospitable and generous to a fault, strict to his duties in the RC faith. For the past thirty years he had worked at Betts Cove mine, Rabbits Arm and Pilley’s Island in places of trust and was always appreciated and esteemed by workmen and employers. Death has more recently taken two other men, namely John GUY, who has been a great sufferer by being bed ridden for nearly three years. His sickness was always born with Christian resignation, and his end was peace. The next one was John MAY of Hedd’s Harbor who had suffered with cancer for about two years. He also was fully prepared to go hence and meet his Saviour with joy. To the credit of our people all three funerals were very largely attended. There are others on the sick list who may soon follow. This has not been a healthy fall or winter to the north.

The Friends have been, and are busy, in trying to dispel the winter’s monotony by various entertainments........

Besides the mining industry saw-mills and schooner building is very much in evidence, quite a number of men are logging for mines and mills. Dr. Duncan BARNS for his employ is having seven schooners built of different sizes.

There is also some preparation being made towards that much talked about and much needed public wharf.

We hope the government will soon see its way to give us both a magistrate and constable. Shebeening and other evils are always present where there is a mine.

New and comfortable homes are springing up like mushrooms daily, evident signs of prosperity.

Wishing the Free Press increased circulation.


(We are very glad to welcome a new correspondent and shall hope to hear from him again at no distant date. The letter was undated so we cannot tell just how long it has been on the way - ED)

The Districts

John AYLWARD, of Joe Batt’s Arm was killed while bird shooting in January. In company with a man named HARRIGAN he went off on the ice off the Little Fogo Islands, and in some way the latter’s gun exploded, the charge entering AYLWARD’s thigh. HARRIGAN got him to shore as best he could, but within four hours the poor fellow passed away, having bled to death, as there no doctor on the Islands to relieve him.

Accident at Pilley’s Island

A dispatch published by the News this morning from Pilley’s Island, states that an awful accident occurred there yesterday, through a dynamite explosion, two men being instantly killed, two others seriously injured, while others received slight wounds. The killed are, Thomas RATFORD, who leaves a wife and family, and Edwin COONEY, unmarried. The accident has cast a gloom over the settlement and all work has been suspended.

Botwoodville – Feb 11th (received March 7th) I herewith append death statistics for Botwoodville and vicinity for 1904. They may not be correct, as it was difficult to get exact returns owing to the different denominations keeping their own register. The Methodist is the only denomination to keep a burial register in Botwoodville, the others being kept in other parts of the district. However, the following include nearly all the deaths:

Deaths under one year, male – 3/female - 6

Deaths over one and under ten years, male - 3/female-0

Deaths over ten and under twenty - 0

Deaths over twenty under thirty, male - 4/female - 1

Deaths over thirty under fifty, male - 3/female - 0

Deaths over fifty years of age - 2

Still born – 2

Cause of death when diagnosis has been made by a physician:

Heart disease - 1

Kidney disease - 1

Tuberculosis - 6

Drowning - 2

Worm fever - 1

Feb 18th - We have had no mails here for a fortnight, the train we hear is stuck in the snow at Gambo. It appears no efforts are made to get her out of it as she has been there for twelve days. What signify, we are but outharbors! Correspondent

Mar 28, 1905 Tuesday


His Excellency the Governor in Council has been pleased to appoint......Martin WILLAIMSON and John BUTT to be a Road Board for the North Side of Hall’s Bay, district of Twillingate; Mr. Leadore RIDEOUT (Whale Gulch) to be a member of the Road Board for Moreton’s Harbour, District of Twillingate, in place of Mr. Theophilus RIDEOUT, deceased.. Gazette

The Districts

There passed away at Herring Neck on the 25th inst., Mr. Joseph KEARLEY, one of the most prominent and most prosperous businessmen of that place. Deceased some time contracted lagrippe which ultimately resulted in his death.

Mining operations have been carried on with much energy at Pilley’s Island during the winter, some 300 men being constantly employed. It is estimated that the output will be 30,000 tons.

Apr 4, 1905 Tuesday

Alexander Bay

Mar 20.....It has been an extra good season for logging, but owing to the scarcity of hay many are forced to stop working their teams, which will mean a great loss as the season is so good for that industry......There passed away a few days ago, an aged patriarch in the person of Mr. Joel SWEETAPPLE, at the ripe age of 83 years. He was laid to rest on the 15th inst. Correspondent


March 6th - Mr. MOORES, manager at Badger Brook for Messrs. Harvey & Co.’s lumber mills is at present here with teams for supplies, their supplies having run short on account of the railway blockade. This will be a great obstacle to a successful season as it will require many horses to transport supplies to keep the camps in provisions. Mr. MURPHY, manager of Exploits Lumber & Pulp Company, is fortunately in a position to accommodate them with hay and oats for their horses, which he has obligingly done, although at a great inconvenience to himself.

Mrs. Parmenas BROWN, of Lawrencetown, died on February 12th after a lingering illness of several months duration, she leaves a husband and two children to mourn their loss. Mrs. BROWN was a daughter of the late Henry DALTON and a sister of Philip and George DALTON, she was in her 28th year.

We regret to have to record the death of Archibald LeDREW, son of Mr. Charles LEDREW, of Burnt Arm, two miles from here, in his 24th year which took place on the 27th February. He had been sick for eighteen months suffering from the dread white plague. Arch being an Orangeman, the L.O.A. Society attended the funeral, a large number of brethren being present. Rev. Wm. MUIR who attended to him spiritually during his sickness performed the burial service.


Apr 11, 1905 Tuesday

New Bay

Mar 24th - We have not got much news to speak of, but we have had abundance of frost and snow this winter, today being the first spring-like day.

Mails have been very irregular owing to trains being blocked, but the bay has been pretty clear of ice and a steamer might have come in the bay all the winter. No doubt as spring opens and the trains get through times will brighten.

We have a couple of visits from three of Moreton Harbor’s young men who have some especial friends among the fair sex of New Bay, and rumours are afloat that ere another winter rolls round they will have become more closely united and consequently will not have to wade miles to see each other.

Now that church and school, etc. are all focused at Cottle’s Cove it is necessary that a road be opened between Moor’s Cove and Fortune Harbor road that will come out close by school and church. The road is hilly and wretched both in summer and winter whereas the new would be comparatively level, and it could be opened for about $150 and would be most convenient for every one around.

The public wharf at Cottle’s Cove needs to be wider and the damage done by the s.s. Clyde, when coming along side one dark night last year, repaired. When this wharf was built no one thought there would be half the trade there is. Often it is piled with freight landed for here and adjacent places; it would also be a splendid thing if the outside steamer would call at New Bay at least every alternative trip going south. There is often a great deal of freight and as the s.s. Clyde calls on Sunday going south no one likes handling freight on the Sabbath. We feel confident that our government will consider this matter, and when brought before them, will do their utmost to have all put right.

New Bay

May 2, 1905 Tuesday


Apr 28th -.......A sad accident occurred at Loon Bay on Wednesday the 26th inst., whereby a little fellow named STONE, aged 11 years, the adopted son of Joseph BRINTON, lost his life. From meager reports obtainable it appears that the victim in company with a young companion was sporting with guns, with the usually result one of them being accidentally discharged, the whole charge entering the poor little fellow’s side. He died from the effects a few hours later; another warning against the use of firearms by young inexperienced boys.

The lumber yard of the Timber Estates is already assuming an appearance of activity, and we are hoping soon to have with us, the s.s. Clyde with her genial officers and crew. Mr. Eugene NOEL, the deservedly popular chief steward of the Clyde will bring his young bride with him this seasons, to reside here, who will add charm and grace to Lewisporte society.......Novelles


Apr 25th - Wm. Joseph Byrne, son of Mr. James Byrne, of Peter’s Arm, died on the 14th inst., aged 29 years. He leaves a wife and one child, also father, mother, three brothers and two sisters to mourn their loss.

The Exploits Lumber and Pulp Company started their log drive on Monday last, the river being open to allow the rolling in of logs. The lakes are not yet open and this may hinder the work for a week or ten days. About one hundred and thirty men are employed at this work, the wages being $1.75 and $2.00 per day.

Mr. Rice, horse dealer from St. John’s, bought ten fine large horses from the company. Yesterday he took them across the bay to Norris Arm on the ice for shipment to St. John’s.

The ice in this bay is getting very bad and the Clyde will have no trouble getting here.


House of Assembly - Thursday

.......The details of the agreement between the Government and the Messrs. Harmworth and those associates with them, known as the Anglo-Newfoundland Development Co., Ltd are that the Company have acquired about 3000 square miles of land for the purpose of creating a pulp and paper industry, under a lease for 99 years. The land is situated in what is known as the Red Indian Lake water-shed, from Victoria Lake, inland 60 miles from LaPoile Bay, to Grand Falls, on the Exploits River. Under the lease the Company has full control of all the water courses and lands, and with the exception of a right-of-way on either side of every such water course for travelling purposes, the public are completely barred from them and cannot enter them for hunting, fishing or any other purpose. Parties wishing to use the waters for logging purposed, however, may do so on paying a reasonable amount to the Company. All minerals discovered on the lands is the property of the Company, but subject to a royalty of 5 per cent, on the profits, if worked. The Government also claim a royalty of fifty cents a thousand feet on all lumber cut. The Company must survey the property within three years on their own expense, and pay an annual rental of $2 per square mile, except on swamps or barren lands - the latter not meaning marshes which may be cultivated. Within four years the Company are compelled to expend $250,000 in the erection of mills, and within twenty years a further sum of not less than seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The Government has to appoint a chief fire warden, on the Company’s nomination, who will have full powers to appoint subordinates for the purpose of preventing fires, but the Company must bear the expenses of these men.

Mr. MORINE opposed the agreement which meant the creation of another monopoly. He criticized the various parts of the contract, pointing out that the Company gets more land than all PEI, in a solid block, and practically a perpetual lease, for which they are only liable to an annual rental of $2 per mile. Yet the value of this land, at the same rate paid the Reid Company for it, is considerably over $360,000 which at 4 percent, means an annual interest of $14,400 and at the lowest estimate the Harmsworth are given the property at an annual loss of $9000 of its value. The conditions attaching to the occupation were outrageous. The land was given absolutely to the Company who had the right to everything on it, even the birds and animals. The people were kept totally away from this large section of the country, which was entirely locked to them. Mr. MORINE objected to the Company being allowed to bring all their machinery in duty free and also expressed the belief that the Company would discourage agriculture rather than foster it.

Sir E.P. MORRIS strongly endorsed the agreement, which he regarded as one of the best ever made by the country.

Mr. MORINE replied to Mr. MORRIS and then the premier answered the former’s criticisms. He asserted that the rights of the public were fully conserved; rights of way for roads, telegraphs, etc. were provided and the free liberty of entry to the people assured. Mr. MORINE again replied and still contended that the right of way provision did not give our people the liberty to shoot, fish or camp along the shores of lakes or streams within the Harmsworth area. He moved, therefore, the following amendment: - "Despite anything in this Resolution, the schedule thereto, it shall be lawful for all persons to hunt, shoot or fish on any part of the demised premised, and for such purposes to cross and recross the said premises, wherever and whenever necessary; subject only to the laws of the colony or regulations made there under." The amendment was defeated by a strict party vote. The resolutions were then adopted and the Pulp and Paper Bill read a first time, after which the House adjourned till next day.

.....Friday -.....The Telegraphs and Cables and Harmworths Bills were read a second time, after which the House went into Committee on Supply and passed the Civil Government and customs Department Votes.

The Districts

The Union Lumber Co. cut 5,000,000 feet of logs during the winter. A large portable mill has been erected at Gander Bay, filled with the most modern machinery etc. The Company are looking forward to a successful summer’s work.

A new lumbering concern, the Deer Lake Lumber Co has recently been organized, says the Western Star. The timer areas are Deer Lake and Aides Pond belonging to Messrs. Job BROTHERS and Messrs. HARVEY & Co., have been taken over, and as soon as possible the erection of mills will be proceeded with. Two mills will be put up, one at the head of Deer Lake and another at Brake’s Point, Humbermouth. Mr. A A. CHISHOLM, of Nova Scotia, is managing director of the new company.

May 9, 1905

House of Assembly

Tuesday -......In reply to questions, Mr. MORINE was promised a statement about the Harmsworth correspondence when the House went into the Committee on the deal............ The Harmsworth deal also went to the Committee, and the Premier stated that a new section excluding any areas extending into the water shed and already granted or leased, would be added. He also said that the Harmsworths were desirous of carrying out their contract in spirit and letter, but did not wish it altered.

Mr. MORIEN then rose and in a lengthy and carefully reasoned speech showed up in most conclusive language the many gross defects in the contract. He argued that the contract gave the Hamsworth full possession of the fish and animals with the lands, supporting his position by quoting from the various legal authorities and Privy Council judgments. He pointed out the error that a right-of way along the sides of lakes and rivers gave the right to fish in them. With regard to hunting and trapping the people were completely shut out from the lands and he urged that a section be added to the bill providing for our people the liberty of fishing and hunting over the areas. He compared the contract with the 1903 Crown Lands Act, pointing out that nearly every part of the latter was broken by the former. He showed that though the Government had the right to build roads on the land, yet no person could walk over them without permission of the lessees. His speech lasted over several hours and literally tore the contract to pieces.

Mr. JACKMAN rose to reply, but with the exception of stating that the Harmsworths had half a million dollars lying in the Bank of Montreal to pay to the Timber Estates and Martin Bros., for their land, he added nothing to the debate. His speech was extremely weak and extremely unreasonable. His only defense of the contract was in effect that as the Winter Government had granted a lot of land to various people, therefore it was right for the Bond Government to give to the Harmsworths, the action of the Winter Government he condemned as a wrong, but evidently did not see that following out his argument he was condemning the contract he was supposed to be defending. His reference to lands led him into a bad break. He stated that Mr. MORINE was the boss of a combine to get control of the lands of this country.......


....The new school of the C. of E. was opened after the holidays, and the teachers are now able to work with proper accommodation. Some dissatisfaction was expressed at the site chosen, which is at Riverhead, and some of the children from the other end of the town have been sent to the Methodist school, while quite a number have applied for admission but cannot gain it because of room. It is possible that later a few of the Methodists from the Riverhead District may go the C. of E. School and we shall have some semblance of "district" schools.

Some mixing of the children of religious denominations, it is hoped, will tend to break down the present school system and bring in more rational and less divided one in places like this..........Correspondent

Herring Neck

Apr 29, 1905 - A Lodge of the L.O.A. has been established at Herring Neck and its first meeting took place .....

May 16, 1905

House of Assembly

Tuesday - In reply to a question Mr. MORINE was handed a return of all lands surveyed by Peter Moors, of New Bay, since Jan 1, 1900.

Public meeting against Harmsworth deal

On Wednesday night last a meeting of citizens to protest against the Harmsworth deal was held in the British Hall. The meeting was called by several prominent gentlemen and was purely nonpartisan in its character. The attendance was very large the audience being composed of a class of men, who rarely attend political gathers. ..………. The chairman remarked that he had been told on very good authority that during the recent Telegraph arbitration Mr. CROWE, of the Timber Estates Co. had stated on oath that the value of pulp lands in Canada and Norway was $5 an acre or on a square mile $3,200, which we are now giving for $2 a square mile......

The Districts

J. COONEY, of Pilleys’ Island is taking an action against the Pilley’s Island Company for the death of his son, who was recently killed by a dynamite explosion, claiming damages for $10,000. He has retained Messrs KENT and FURLONG to conduct his case.


May 13 - The s.s. Eagle last trip brought here, to his native place, the remains of the late lamented John MADDOX, who met his death so sadly and suddenly at Pilley’s Island mine last winter. Accompanying the remains were the bereaved widow, the much respected Mrs. John MADDOX, the Rev. Fr. J. LYNCH, a personal friend, and a few other relatives and friends. On the wharf a good number had assembled - people of all classes and creeds, - to show their sympathy and respect. The interment took place at 2 p.m. on Sunday from the pretty RC Chapel. The funeral was one of the largest seen in Fogo for some time......The late Mr. MADDOX has one sister, Mrs. MILLER, living here, and one brother, Michael. X.Y.Z.

May 30, 1905


May 22, 1905 - The Exploits River Lumber and Pulp Co. have had a very successful drive, the northern river cut was safely floated to the boom last week, the drive lasting only three weeks; the Peter’s River cut is now within three miles of the boom and means only two days more to finish. The sawing will commence about the 10th of June and will last about four months, the whole cut amounting to nearly nine million feet.

Job MANUEL and Brothers will start sawing about the 1st of June; they have a very fine lot of pine logs to saw; their cut will reach a million and a half feet.

W.H. BAIRD has removed to Northern Arm where he will partnership with the Brothers EVANS (3) and commence to erect their mill which they expect to arrive from St. John’s this week.

Another mill is being erected in Brown’s Arm, Exploits Bay, about ten miles from here, by Messrs. MANUEL of Lewispsorte. We understand they cut over a million feet of logs the past winter. Success to them also.

The schooner E.P. MORRIS, belonging to J. MANUEL, Exploits, is now loading lumber for St. John’s.

Mr. Thomas ANTLE, Sr., formerly of Bay Roberts but who has lived here for 13 or 14 years, died on Thursday last in his 88th year. Until the last three years Mr. ANTLE was one of the leading men of the place, one who always took a keen interest in all that was going on, but age asserting itself he was forced a few years ago to retire from active work of any kind. Mr. ANTLE leaves behind him three sons, James, William and Thomas, all living here, and one daughter, Mrs. FRENCH, of Bareneed, Conception Bay.


Jun 6, 1905

New Bay

May 26th Since last you got an echo from New Bay things have changed and as we look around today everything has a different appearance.

The white mantle of snow in which the earth was clothed all winter has vanished and she is now clothing her self in the green roe of summer. As we look out over the bay the ice is gone and we see the little boats going here and there tending lobster traps, herring nets, codtraps, etc., and twice a week we hear the welcome whistle of the Clyde, and after the long and monotonous winter we heartily welcome the sound. On land and sea everything seems full of life and joy. The birds are heard singing in the branches and busy getting ready their nests for the summer; the buds are swelling and pushing off their winter blankets and soon instead of the little sealed bud will be the beautiful leaves and flowers of summer. What a difference the touch of spring makes; true it is that,

"The pine has a fringe of softest green,

And the Moss looks bright where his steph has been."

A few young seals were killed here a little while was; now some of the people are getting a few lobsters and there is a just sign of codfish.

Seed potatoes are very scarce this spring all round and half the people will not get any to put in their ground unless they get them from some other place.

Rev. Mr. MADDOCK was here from Exploits a little while ago and held missionary meetings, etc., collections at New Bay, Leading Tickles and S.W. Arm realizing more than $100. Nothing has been done toward the new church this spring.

Our efficient school teacher, Miss Bessie HUGHES, of Twillingate, has been doing splendid work among the children, and now that she is shortly to leave for home we are safe in saying that she takes with her the best wishes of all. Rev. Mr. HANN spent a short time at Exploits and is now going the rounds of his circuit; he too will shortly be leaving for District meetings, we presume. May prosperity attend him.

Some gentlemen came here today, mining experts, going to S.W. Arm to look after some mineral there. Hope it may prove good.

We are told that Mr. Charles CHURCHILL will soon be leaving N.W. Arm, having sold his mill and property to the Messres. OSMONDS of Moreton’s Harbour, who will doubtless be making things move a space when they take charge.

Some men who were away to the drive are home not having done much, others are still away.

People are glad to know that the price of fish is good and hope it may so continue.

New Bay.

Jun 13, 1905

Alexander Bay

Mr. R.B. STROUD is erecting a mill at Tray. He has on hand to start with a considerable amount of logs, about eight thousand, making the start a good one. We wish him success in his new enterprise.

June 20, 1905

Lewisporte, June 9th

Perhaps you can find space for a few more notes from Lewisporte. The current topic of the last month has been the Harmsworth deal with all its pros and cons the consensus of opinion being that the interest of Newfoundland is again being sacrificed to the greed of monopoly. It is right and reasonable that capitalists should be encouraged to develop the resources of the Colony, but in making large concessions to them the National and God-given rights of the people should be safe-guarded. This certainly was not done in the original draft of the bill as passed by the Lower House, which is another evidence of the reckless indifference of the people’s representative to the interests of their constituents.

This seems to be a remarkable country for making history and the future historian will not lack interesting matter to record covering the last decade, - the latest item being the contemplated transfer of the railway to the Government or some other purchaser. If the Government attempts to run the railway it will in all probability constitute another political machine, which will inevitably hasten our destruction as an independent Colony. If on the other hand it is taken over by another syndicate they will see to it that they get every pound of flesh that Reid can claim under existing contracts. So the benefits Newfoundland will derive from the transfer will be a questionable quantity.

We have another change in the Post Telegraph Office. .......

Your correspondent had occasion to visit Salt Pond a few days ago and there beheld two as fine specimens of the builder’s art as ever graced the waters of Newfoundland. These two vessels were built this last winter and reflect the genius and natural capacity of the builders in their symmetrical proportions and workmanship. They are about 50 and 60 tons respectively, one named the Emily, built by Mr. Azariah MANUEL, the other by Mr. John SNOW, both residents of the little settlement of Salt Pond. These are tangible evidences that, given equal opportunities, the Newfoundlanders will hold their own in comparison of natural capacity with all comers.

While I write, the news is flashed over the wires that two promising young men were drowned in Lloyd’s River near Millertown. One named Edmund George HOLLOWAY, of Goose Bay, B.B, was a brother of Mrs. Robert MANUEL of this place, the other Asaph ALLAN, was the youngest surviving son of Mr. George ALLAN, of Musgrave Harbour, B.B., the well known colporteur, and a brother of Mrs. Caleb MANUEL of this town. There are no details of the sad accident to hand, but it is thought the victims were log driving on the river, which is often dangerous work. The wire said the bodies had not been recovered. The stricken friends of the deceased have the sympathy of this community in their sad and sudden bereavement.


Wedding Bells


Miss Jessie Pike, youngest daughter of the late Capt. Joshua PIKE, and Mr. Stanley ELLIOTT, formerly of Change Island, but now of this city, were principals in a very pretty ceremony which took place at the residence of Mr. Raymond W. CRAMM, Theatre Hill, on Thursday evening. The Rev. J.L. DAWSON, B.A., officiated.

A startling story - Why Lewis MILLER, the Lumber King , left Newfoundland - Incidents in connection with the Martin Timber Limits as related by Mr. W.F. COAKER

Editor Free Press

Dear Sir, - I have read with great pleasure your articles regarding the Harmsworth deal and congratulate you on the tenor and intelligence of your articles. I also admire the letter of "Patriot" published on the 30th ult., and am of his opinion regarding his Excellency the Governor’s action anent the citizens’ delegation and fail to understand on what ground the reception of a delegation desiring to communicate with the Imperial Government through his Excellency, could be construed into a breach of duty for a constitutional governor, which intimated to the citizens’ association as the cause of His Excellency’s refusal to receive them. If such a constriction can be justified the sooner our constitution is amended the better for the Colony, for similar delegations will be compelled to approach His Excellency more than once during this year if the Reid-Nfld. Co. insist on withdrawing from the colony and the Bond Government undertakes the responsibility of operating the railway system.

"Patriot" in his closing paragraph strongly arraigns the Bond Government and asks if His Excellency is aware of the antecedents of his advisers and the manner in which their supporters are maintained. His Excellency may or may not seriously regard the following incident as illustrating what "Patriot" insinuates in the closing sentence of his letter.

In the fall of 1900 Lewis Miller & Co. caused the adjoining areas of their claims at Millertown to be cruised so as to ascertain what timber was available and whether the adjoining areas were of any value. The cruisers, after a thorough survey, reported certain groves of suitable lumber and pulp, and as a result an application for a license to cut timber on the adjoining 600 square miles, together with a diagram of the limits, was filed at the Department of Agriculture and Mines on behalf of the Lewis Miller Co.

The Company had invested over a quarter of a million of dollars in the lumber business and had erected at Millertown a saw mill that surpassed all others on this side of the Atlantic and were the first capitalists investing largely in the interior of the island. They were amongst the foremost lumber manufactures of the world, and were kings of the lumber markets of Great Britain - even greater as lumber dealers than the Harmworths are as paper publishers - and had every faith in Newfoundland and Newfoundlanders, consequently they firmly believed their application for limits adjoining their areas - where they had erected and equipped such a splendid mill together with a branch railroad of twenty miles to connect Millertown with the Reid-Nfld. Co.’s railway system, would be considered by the Bond Government upon its merits, which, if done, should unquestionably have resulted in approval of the application. The application was accompanied by a guarantee that immediate operations would begin on the limits, thus ensuring the payment of the Royalty to the Colony of fifty cents per thousand feet which the new Crown Lands Act of 1901 stipulated.

The Company did no wire pulling and scattered no tips, relying solely on their merits as bona fide lumber investors and manufactures and were amazed to learn that their application was rejected and the limits covered by their application had actually been granted to one, W.J. MARTIN.

Mr. Alex MARSHALL, the confidential manager of the Lewis Miller Co., is my authority on the following statement - A well-known land surveyor in some way obtained a diagram and other information regarding the Lewis Miller Co.’s application for limits at Red Indian Lake. Where the diagram and information was obtained is not a hard matter to conjecture. The Surveyor immediately had an eye to business and laid the matter before the MARTINS who were strong and influential Bondites. The MARTINS immediately applied for the same identical limits and their political connections with the Bond Party were sufficient to cause the Government to commit another dishonorable act whereby Lewis Miller & Co were denied what was theirs by every rule of honor. The MARTINS’ application was approved under the act of 1901 which compelled them to survey the limits within twelve months. They DID NOT SURVEY THE LIMITS and, according to the law forfeited their claim.

Lewis Miller & Co. again applied for the limits as by law provided. The MARTINS had small hopes of inducting Sir Robert BOND to permit them to hold possession of the limits contrary to a law, which was one of his most recent enactments. The Lewis Miller Co. were therefore not surprised to receive from the said Surveyor a letter in which he offered to dispose of one-half of the MARTIN limits for the sum of $2000. I READ THAT LETTER WHICH WAS SIGNED BY THE SURVEYOR. Mr. MILLER declined to consider the offer as he had made up his mind to make his application a test of the honor and integrity of the Government and to withdraw from the country in case he was denied what was fair and just.

Probably had no bye-election been held for Trinity that fall, Mr. MILLER would have been given the limits, but Sir Robert BOND found himself in a corner regarding candidates for the bye-election, and Mr. A.H. MARTIN, now representing Fortune Bay, became one of the Government Candidates, and of course the forfeited Martin timber claims at Red Indian Lake were renewed and Sir Robert BOND was compelled to bring in a Indemnity Act to cover up the transaction, during the session of 1903.

The MARTINS thus secured the limits twice applied for by Lewis Miller & Co. The limits were surveyed in 1903 and cost $4000. Thus the MARTINS stand to gain $41,000 in virtue of being supporters of a government that deliberately broke the law and drove Lewis Miller & Co. out of Newfoundland.

Mr. MILLER at once closed an offer disposing of his interests in Newfoundland to the Timber Estates and invested $250,000 in the lumbering business of Nova Scotia. Newfoundland thereby losing one of the richest and most honorable lumber kings known to the world.

Would it not be well for his Excellency to inform himself whether Mr. A. MARTIN’s candidature for Trinity in 1903 had anything to do with a renewal of the forfeited timber limits that were approved to his brother the year previous. Perhaps also His Excellency will inform himself as to why Mr. Miller’s application for the limits were rejected in favor of Mr. MARTIN. How did Mr. MARTIN obtain his knowledge of the timber resources of Red Indian Lake? Did Mr. MARTIN or any person on his behalf cruise the said areas prior to the application? What induced (the surveyor) to offer one-half of the limits for $2000?

Sir Robert informed Mr. MILLER’s representative that they were speculators, which debarred them from obtaining further limits.

If they are speculators what were Mr. MARTIN and his confederates and why did Mr. MILLER not accept the surveyor’s offer of $2000 for one half of the Martin claims?

Did the clique obtain the license through their political pull, simply as speculators, expecting Lewis Miller and Co. would purchase the same at their figure, as it was simply impossible for the MARTINS to work the limits as it necessitated the building of a railway which would require an expenditure of $100,000 and consequently could not be worked by any company except the owners of Millertown mills and the branch railway to Millertown.

The 1898 Reid Contract was claimed to have swallowed all the valuable land in the Colony, and in 1901 Sir Robert BOND repurchased 1,500,000 acres at a cost of $850,000, yet in 1902, a year later, we find him handing over to Mr. MARTIN an area almost equal to one third of that purchased from R. G. REID. Sir Robert BOND purchased the waste land of the Reid-Newfoundland Co. at 55 cents per acre in 1901 and if the Harmsworths want our birthrights they should only be permitted to obtain them at the same figure that the country, through Sir Robert BOND, paid R.G. REID which would total $1,100,500. They should agree to erect a 100 ton pulp mill in five years, to give grants for all public requirements, church purposes and schools. If the Harmsworths are not agreeable to do so they can go about their business, and we are no worse off then we were before, but to rob our children of their birthright and to hand them over to a London Syndicate in compliance with another of Sir Robert BOND’s foolish fads, for a yearly rental of $3,000 as long as it suits the syndicate to hold the property and to debar our fishermen (still the mainstay of the country) from cutting masts and spars which are now practically unobtainable except in the interior is an act that will cause the present and all unborn generations of natives to curse every man who voted for this infamous transaction.

We must resist it in every reasonable manner, and continue our resistance until the people’s wishes are respected. No amount of road grants and boodle will convince the fishermen that Sir Robert BOND is Newfoundland’s truest patriot today.

I showed a copy of the Deal to one of Bond’s strongest supporters in this district and he turned to me with the exclamation "Why, Mr. COAKER, you don’t mean to tell me that our Sir Robert BOND ever agreed to such an agreement as that! Well, all I can say is, I curse the day that he was ever born; I never want to see his face again; he is a traitor to Newfoundland and besides he would not stop the steamers from fishing on the Labrador. I am done of him."

The Citizen’s Protective Association have done nobly and deserve the active support of every patriot, for their task during the next twelve months will be no light one.

Trusting, Mr. Editor, that this letter will reach the eye of His Excellency and somewhat acquaint him of one of the Bond Government’s transactions, I beg to remain.

Yours truly,


Herring Neck Jun 12th, 1905

(Mr. COAKER gives the name of the surveyor, but pending further inquiry we withhold it - Editor)

Jul 4, 1905

Fortune Harbour

Jun 28th - At the R.C. Chapel here on the 22nd inst., festival of Corpus Christi, Miss Maggie Carrol and Mr. Thomas Carey were united in matrimony by the Rev. J. LYNCH. A reception was held at the residence of the bride’s parents, where the happy, respected and very popular couple received the congratulations and best wishes of their many friends. The happy event wound up by the time honored supper and dance.

A Correspondent


June 30th - The most notable occurrence of the past week is the destruction of the new Methodist parsonage by fire on the night of the 27th last. The building with all its contents, including all the personal effects of the Rev. E. MOORE, was completely destroyed, the inmates barely escaping with their lives.....

Lumber from the various mills of the Timber Estates is coming here daily for shipment. The good ship Vigo, of Norway, 1300 tons burthen, is now loading the first foreign cargo for the season. A good deal of local disappointment is manifest over the fact that the captain and crew of this vessel is undertaking the stowage of the cargo, whereas up to the present the local stevedore and his crew of local men stowed the cargo. There is also considerable murmuring on account of a new rule established by the Timber Estates whereby the employees are called upon to work three months before receiving any pay, which is a great headship to some. The working man’s labour is his capital and its certainly an injustice to them to be kept such a length of time without their wages.

The Archer and Forester Muscial Comedy and Biograph Co. are making their second annual tour of Newfoundland........


The Districts

A correspondent informs us that cod catches of fish are being made at Leading Tickles, New Bay, Fortune Harbor, Exploits and Black Island, some men having form 12-13 qtls. ashore already.

William PINSENT, of Dildo, aged 64, has been missing for some 6 weeks. He had been working on Bell Island, but left there to go home, and reached Clarke’s Beach all right. Since then no tidings have been heard of him and his family are very anxious regarding his wherabouts fearing he has met with misfortune somewhere.

Jul 11, 1905


The Harmsworth Deal has been finalized so far as cash payments are concerned. By the last Silvia Mr. Mayson BEETON and Mr. ALLEN arrived. On Friday afternoon Mr. A. B. MORINE, representing the Reid Interest, Mr. PEARSON for the Timber Estates and Mr. W. MARTIN for his fortunate self met Messrs. BEETON and ALLEN in the Bank of Montreal when the cash was paid over in presence of Manger PADDON - $500____ to the MARTINS and over $400,000 to the Timber Estates. (Transcribers note – unfortunately I made an error in the amount paid to the Martins during transcription – bw).


July 6 - The Loyal Orange Association are preparing for a big time on the 12th. They are going to have a parade in the forenoon, sports in the afternoon, tea in the evening, and finish up with a concert at night. The Orangemen are looking forward to an enjoyable day.

The Exploits River Lumber and Pulp Company’s Mill, is now going full swing, cutting nearly two thousand logs per day. Manager MURPHY has been in St. John’s for a week. President TAYLOR who has been here for two months is soon going home to Boston.

We regret to report that Messrs. Harvey & Co.’s Mill at Badger Brook lost all their logs on Thursday night. They had them boomed at the mouth of the Badger River, and unfortunately the boom parted and let the logs into the Exploits River where they have a very poor change of recovering any of them, The Exploits being at present in flood; in fact some of the timber floated past here.



Mr. Ernest Manuel of Twillingate has been appointed a survey of Lumber....

Jul 18, 1905


ROWSELL-LOUIS - At Lower Island Cove, on the 13th inst, by the Rev. R. W. FREEMAN, David John ROWSELL, of Ward’s Harbour, to Susie Bryden LOUIS, of Lower Island Cove.

Jul 25, 1905

New Appointments

Mr. Allan FREEMAN , of Notre Dame Junction, has been appointed a Surveyor of Lumber, and Mr. Jacob CHAFE an Inspector of pickled fish.


July 15 - The 12th of July was celebrated here by a general holiday. All the mills in the vicinity were closed down including Exploits River Lumber & Pulp Co., Newland Lumber & Pulp Co., Norris Arm, the BAIRD mill and the Job MANUEL mill at Northern Arm. The managers of all did everything in their power to make the day enjoyable. Especially we have to thank W.J.MURPHY, Esq., of Botwwoodville mill, for the use of his steamer conveying the Lewisporte brethren from Norris Arm and taking them back again at night. The Lewisporte brethren, twenty-five in number, arrived by the steamer Exploits from Norris Arm, whence they had come by train at 8:45 a.m. and were escorted to the new Orange Hall where they partook of breakfast provided for them by our brethren.

At eleven o’clock the brethren met at the hall, formed into procession and paraded to Northern Arm and back, then half way up Peter’s Arm, and back to the all the procession being saluted with volleys of musketry at every corner and turn of the road.

After the parade the brethren assembled in the hall where they were addressed by the following brethren who made most appropriate speeches - Bro. Caleb MANUEL, W.M., of Lewisporte Lodge, Bro.Chesley MANUEL, Exploits Lodge, Bro. BUTLER, Topsail, and Bros. BENDLE, HARVEY, BAIRD and AITKEN.

A splendid programme of sport was one of the features of the pleasant day, ably conducted by Messrs. William MONROW, Jr., C.SKERRETT, J.K. PERCEY and Dr. SMITH. The sports were commenced at one o’clock and included the following: - one hundred yard dash for men; one hundred yard dash for boys; potato race for men; potato race for boy; wheel barrow race for men; wheel barrow race for boys; race for ladies; race for girls; egg and spoon race for ladies; long jump; high jump; pole jump; hop, step and leap; putting the ball; four-oared boat race; two-oared boat race; scull race. The sports finished up with a football match between Northern Arm and Botwoodville, the latter being the victors by two goals to one.

The tea commenced at 3:30 o’clock under the management of Bro. Alfred HUTCHINGS, assisted by a host of ladies and men, and by 6:30 o’clock six hundred teas had been served.

The concert commenced at 7:30 o’clock. The programme consisted of over twenty pieces, choruses, solos, duets, trios, dialogues, recitations, etc. Miss FROST, teacher, Northern Arm, presided at the organ. The concert came to a close by singing the National Anthem at 10:45 thus bringing the day’s enjoyment to a successful issue, for which we heartily thank all who so willingly assisted in the different parts they took throughout the day for it was by the various items in the day’s programme being so well managed that made the whole success it was. We must express our sincere thanks to Miss FROST, who, with so much inconvenience to herself for the last five weeks, conducted the practices for the concert, and to the young ladies of Northern Arm who gave such material assistance in the choruses and other pieces, also to the Botwoodville young ladies, nearly every one taking some party in the day’s programme.


Aug 1, 1905

New Bay

Jul 19 - We are running through the summer rapidly, it has been very changeable weather sometimes hot and sultry, then a sudden chop of wind form the N.N. East and cold enough for a second coat and gloves.

Fishery has been fairly good to date, better than for several years past. One trap has about 150 quintals, and still getting a little. Salmon pretty good; lobsters not so good as other years, every one complains of very small quality. Schooners all left for Labrador early part of this week. We have had Mr. OSMOND’s trader from Moreton’s Harbour and Mr. Josiah MANUEL’s of Exploits to see us.

Mr. William NOEL, Land Surveyor, has been with us for some time doing his work, and he is now leaving for Point Leamington.

Mr. HARRIS, Methodist teacher, who has been teaching the part year at Harry’s Harbour came by the s.s. Clyde on Sunday and is stopping over for a week, the guest of Mrs. P. MOORS. She will leave again on Sunday for her home, Alexander Bay, B.B.

Mr. William George YATES, who has been away several years to Bangor, U.S.A., is here paying a visit to his friends.

Two of our day school scholars went to Moreton’s Harbour and sat for exams. One of New Bay’s best girls being unwell for some time took passage with them to Moreton’s Harbour, from thence to Twillingate, and after spending a little while there and getting medical advice came by the s.s. Clyde much better. We heartily congratulate her.

The s.s. Clyde is doing splendid work this season. While the weather has been very poor for curing fish it has been excellent for the gardens and everything looks well for the time of the season. Rumours of mining work are afloat but whether it is to be only bubbles as in the past remains to be seen.

New Bay

The Peason-Crowe Merger

Montreal July 28 - A big deal was ratified at Windsor Hotel today, a million pounds sterling being involved. Some time since, Harry J. CROWE obtained an option on the three Newfoundland properties, the Newfoundland Timber Estates, The Newfoundland Lumber and Pulp Co., Ltd, and the Exploits Lumber and Pulp Co., the whole embracing 1,650,000 acres of good pulp and timber land. Mr. CROWE who returned by the Campania, succeeded in his mission and has floated the British-Newfoundland syndicate, the members of which are twelve representative financiers and publishers of London, and capitalists of Montreal and Boston. The agreement which Mr. CROWE entered into with the new syndicate was ratified today by the President and Directors of the three companies above name.

(The next questions are whether they will be granted perpetual leases like the Harmsworths, and if not, why not? - Ed)


An occasional correspondent, writing from Botwoodville under July 25th, says: "The house and all its contents, belonging to the MULCAHEY family, were destroyed by fire yesterday. Mrs. MULCAHEY and her daughter were the only occupants of the house. They live on Dominion Point nearly four miles from the railway station at Norris Arm and about three miles from here. The house had been in ashes before the nearest neighbours could give assistance. Mr. MULCAHEY has reached the three score years and ten and is away with his son to the fishery. The case is most serving of the charitably disposed. Mr. MURPHY, manager of the mill here, has kindly given temporary relief. Head DAWE was fist on the scene, and saved the crops by tearing down fences and preventing the fire from spreading. He had made a report to the Government and together with the local J.P. have given assistance.

Report from the fishery on the out-side are very poor.


It is reported that a young man named Thomas SQUIRES was killed by being caught in the machinery at the Gander Bay sawmill on yesterday week.

Aug 8, 1905


At Twillingate on the 25th ult. the marriage of Rev. Henry GODFREY and Leah, daughter of Mr. Richard Newman, was solemnized. ....

Aug 15, 1905


Aug 5th - We beg to welcome Rev. Dr. DURRANT, Mrs. DURRANT, and family, who arrived by s.s. Clyde on Monday from Flat Island, P.B. Mr. DURRANT takes charge of this circuit which is a fairly large one and comprises six settlements, with as many meeting houses or churches. We predict a pleasant, useful and profitable term for Mr. DURRANT, who will find the people most hospitable, obliging, and charitable in every sense of the word.

J.W. HODGE, Esq., Fogo, spent Monday here the guest of W.J.MURPHY, Esq.

Jabez MANUEL, Esq., Exploits, paid a flying visit this week on business in connection with his mills.

The prospects for a good yield from the farm were never brighter than this year. Owing to frequent rains and almost daily sunshine mother earth will produce her fruits in abundance - a happy contrast to last year.


The Districts

The s.s. Kite brought from the Labrador for burial at Brigus, the body of the Indian Guide, John STEPHENSON, who was frozen to death inside Rowsell’s Harbor last winter.

The hotel at Glenwood, owned by the Timber Estates, was destroyed by fire on Friday. The Reid -Newfoundland Co.’s Office was in the building, but the operator succeeded in saving all the company’s property.

Sawing operations at Grand Lake mill have been suspended for this season, the whole of last winter’s logs having been converted into lumber. The total out-put is 940,000 feet of lumber, the quality of some of which could not be surpassed. The men are now cleaning up the yard and preparing for next year’s work. - Western Star

On Apr 26th, Dan STONE, aged 11 ½ years of Loon Cove, NDB went bird shooting with a companion named J. BRENTON, aged 13. Three hours later the latter returned stating Dan had shot himself. A party immediately went after the young lad, and he was found alive, but passed away half an hour afterwards without having spoken. An examination of the wounds showed that the shot had entered the right arm and back, scattering over the body, as it seemed impossible for the lad to shoot himself there, his adopted father, with whom he was living, when at Twillingate on Aug 3rd made a deposition to that effect and an investigation into affair will be held. It is stated that the lad BRENTON has given several versions of the accident which are more or less conflicting.

Norris Arm - Aug 12 - A forest fire started at Rattling Brook, two miles from here, on Wednesday. The drivers’ camp and some of the men’s clothes were burnt, and they were compelled to quit driving on the river. Yesterday morning a big crowd started in to fight the fire and precaution was taken here; barrels of a puncheons of water being placed all around the houses. Most of the people put their household effects aboard the scow. The Botwoodville people kindly sent their steamer and big scow to take away people and furniture if necessary, but the wind veered north-east and turned the fire. The past two days the wind has been light and variable with a few showers and the fire has not spread very much, but if we get strong south-west winds there will be more danger yet. The fire warden would not have much trouble to find out who started this fire, as it was not the train this time.

Mr. SARGENT, the new manager, has made a great improvement in the mill, and a board 80,000 feet of lumber are now cut per day. It is expected that even better will be done when the new machinery y they are working at now is ready. Owing to the water being low in the rivers the mill is short of logs. Unless prevented by fire a big crowd will start in on Monday to drive logs.

Head DAWE is here now - a terror in shebeeners. By the strong flavour around here a few nights ago it would take a number 12 boot to stamp the liquor and ore out.

We were glad to see Mr. H. J. CROWE on the train looking hale and hearty and will be very glad to have him among us again.


Aug 22, 1905

The Districts

The mill owned by Mr. John LAKE at Bay D’Espoir was destroyed by fire on Thursday morning, cause unknown. This is the second mill that Mr. LAKE has lost at this place within the last two years.

As a result of injuries received from falling into the hold of a steamer while loading ore, Michael COSTELLO, aged 18, died at Tilt Cove on Wednesday. The accident was caused by the loading drop breaking.

Aug 29, 1905

The Districts

A half-breed by the name of ABBOTT and another, were recently found guilty of firing the woods, about Norris Arm, the former being sentenced to twelve months and the latter to nine months imprisonment.


Constable - At Alderburn, Norris Arm, on the 18th inst., Lucia Alex, beloved daughter of Alex and Elsie CONSTABLE, aged 2 yrs and 7 months.

Sept 5, 1905

The Districts

Cap. John ASHBOURNE, of the schr. Olive, was found dead in his cabin on Thursday morning by his nephew, J. CHURCHILL. His death had occurred quite suddenly from neuralgia of the heart. Deceased, who was 70 years of age originally lived at Twillingate, but for the past thirty years had been living in the city on Coronation Street.

A fire from the mill setting fire to the roof, caused the destruction of the home of John ROWSELL, at Glenwood, on Tuesday last. A gale of wind which was blowing at the time, fanned the flames so that the place was consumed before anything could be taken from it. ROWSELL received immediate help from his friends at Glenwood, and with the assistance of the mill owners will soon have a new house erected.

Sept 13, 1905

From the Gazette

The following new Road Boards have been appointed: Messrs. J.J. DEAN, Alfred JURE, John ROBERTS, Abraham FORD, George NOSEWORTY, Harris HAYTER, James BARNES and Robert TARRENT (Peter’s Arm) for Botwoodville;


Sept 6th - The Methodist Sunday School picnic was held Aug 18 in splendid weather. In addition to the scholars a large number of visitors were present. Among other picnics have been the Barr’d Island and Hare Bay school.

Mr. Robert SCOTT , who was seized with an attack of paralysis while at St. John’s, arrived last week by his steamer Annie; his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Laura SCOTT, accompanied him from St. John’s. Since his arrival Mr. SCOTT has been doing well, and with his strong constitution it is hoped that he will be about before long.

The friends of Mr. Levi PERRY of Joe Batt’s Arm, will learn with regret that he has been down for the past three weeks with typhoid fever. The fever is now subsiding, but the patient is very weak, and it will be some weeks before he will be about again. Mr. PERRY fills a large place at Joe Batt’s Arm, both in business and church matters, as well as other things, few men being more respected, and his recovery is eagerly looked for by all sections of the community.

Our esteemed member, Mr. H. EARLE, has been here on a visit to his son; his two daughters, Mrs. Wall and Miss Earle, are here at present.

The fall fishery so far has been poor owing to a scarcity of bait, and there are no signs of improvement at present. The fish caught earlier in the season is keeping the merchants busy at present, but there is some disappointment at the failure of bait during August.

Al the schools are now in session and with good attendance; the teachers are the same as last year.



JENKINS - At Jenkin’s Arm on 26th ult, Ann relict of George JENKINS aged 73 yrs.

SLADE - At the same place 29th ult, James SLADE aged 48 yrs

Sept 19, 1905

New Bay

On Tuesday 12th the S.S. picnic was held. Mr. RICHARDS kindly lent his field for the occasion. The day was all that could be desired and quite a goodly number of children and friends came out for the enjoyment of the hours - all enjoyed a good tea. (Thanks to the young ladies of the school). After tea quite a good lot of prizes were put up and given to the best runners. Mr. James ANDREWS, of S.W. Arm, was on hand with his camera and took a snap of all the field, and several smaller groups as well. At 6:30 pm Rev. A. YOUNG, Superintendent, called all together and sang "God Save the King," and "Hearty cheers were given for his Most Gracious Majesty, also for Superintendent of schools and others and then the children went home while the older ones remained on the field a little longer to enjoy the fun by the light of the silvery moon.

On Wednesday Mrs. Lucy MOORS, wife of Mr. Jacob MOORS , passed away to her eternal home and tomorrow her mortal remains will be laid to rest in cemetery by old church, Moor’s Cove.

A little while ago Rev. M MADDOCK and wife paid us a visit, and remained over Sunday intending to go home by the s.s. Portia, but missing their passage some the young men took them home in boat. Since then Rev. Mr. YOUNG, a young man from Twillingate, has come to take charge of the spiritual work of the place

Mr. William NOEL, having got through at Point Lemington and N.W. Arm, went on to Pilley’s Island. Mr. Noel is most obliging to all and we wish him success.

Since the caplin left the shore fishery has been poor, no squids of any account having come to land. The boats that were away on the French Shore are home, not having done much, and the WARFORDS of South Arm are home with saving trips.

Autumn is coming on fast. The air is cold today. We had a shower or two of sleet, and the leaves are fading and dropping from the trees, which remind us that the summer with all its beauty and enjoyments has gone by.

New Bay


Mr. J.B. OSMOND, of Moreton’s Harbour, sister of Mrs. Stephen Tucker and Mrs. J.W. TAYLOR of this city, is visiting St. John’s. Mrs. OSMOND is mother of the Rev. Mark OSMOND of Bowbells, North Dakota.

The Districts

While the Supreme court on circuit was visiting Little Bay last week, the case of COONEY vs the Pilley’s Island Pyrites company was heard. This was an action taken by Plaintiff against defendant company for negligence in not providing proper methods for using dynamite. Plaintiff’s son having been killed in an explosion. The trial lasted two days and resulted in a verdict in favour of the plaintiff, awarding him $750.00. A rule for a new trial was granted.

From the Herald we learn that the Harmworths will not operate their sawmills at Millertown the coming winter, because the mill is to be moved to Grand Falls and the logs now on hand will be used in building the big dam for pulp mills. A branch railway to the Grand Falls area is now in course of erection, and surveying parties are already at work delimiting the watershed. Ground plans for the situation of the mills have been prepared and are ready to be sent to New York to Mr. HARDY, the water-power expert.

Sept 26, 1905

The Districts

By yesterday’s train there arrived George THOMPSON, of Black Duck Pond, who had one of his legs broken early this week. He was working in a mill at Notre Dame, when a piece of timber flew from one of the saws, striking the back of the leg and breaking it. - Outlook

Oct 3, 1906

The Districts

It looks as if we are to have another inland town, a large number of men being engaged at Grand Falls laying out a settlement there, building roads, etc, preparatory to the establishment of the Harmsworth mills. Grand Falls promises to be a busy settlement in the near future.

Oct 10, 1905


Oct 7 – The mill has finished this season’s sawing, having had a successful season. Most of their lumber is still in the yard, only two foreign ships having loaded here this year. Owing to the condition of the lumber market abroad we believe it is the intention of the Exploits River Lumber & Company to keep their lumber till the spring.

The three-masted ship Future (American), Capt. MCDONALD, cleared today for New York with a load of laths and lumber.

All the fishing schooners belonging to this place have arrived home from the Labrador, most of them with full loads. The schooners of Capt. William EVANS and Edward EVANS (Northern Arm) have full loads. One of Capt. Henry EVANS’ schooners, in charge of Samuel EVANS, has a load, and his new schooner in charge of himself, reports 600. LEDREW’s schooner, Burnt Arm, reports for a full load. TETFORD’s and Ephraim BROWN’s, Kite Cove, loaded and Amos BROWN, Kite Cove, 200.

The New Methodist Church of Botwoodville is well under way, the carpenters having it all framed out. This church will be quite an ornament to the place and Rev. Mr. DURRANT deserves great credit for hustling things.

Rev. J.J. DURRANT has been here for a week, the guest of his brother.

W.J. MURPHY, Manager of The Exploits R.L. & P. Co, is at present away to the States and A.L. TAYLOR, President of the Company, is here.


From the Gazette

Mr. John TAYLOR (of Joseph) has been appointed to the road Board for Moreton’s Hr, vice Mr. J.S. COLBOURNE, resigned; Mr. George WHITE (of South East Arm, New Bay) to the Road Board for New Bay, vice Mr. Thomas YATES, left the locality.


Oct 4 - One of our Fogo young ladies, Miss S.E. LODER, daughter of Mr. Andrew LODER, was yesterday united in matrimony to Mr. Thomas W. SCAMMELL of Change Islands. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E.A. BUTLER in St. Andrew’s Church - a large congregation being present. The bride was attired in white silk, with veil and orange blossoms; ........ Mr. and Mrs. SCAMMELL left for their home at Change Islands this morning, carrying with them the good wishes of their friends.

Rev. W.H. PIKE occupied the pulpit at the Methodist Church on Sunday last, having exchanged with Rev. C. HACKETT.

Poor weather the past week has hindered the making and loading of the fish. Shortage of bait has affected the catch, but yesterday fortune favored the fishermen somewhat; the time was favorable and bait being plentiful most of the men had good trips, as also did those along the shore.

Work has begun on Hodge’s premises preparatory to the enlargement of the building. A new shop is to be built, the present shop being made into a wareroom.

There have been of late, and are still, a number of typhoid fever cases at Joe Batt’s Arm and the people at that place are somewhat anxious as to the water supply. Some of the wells are right below the houses and a movement is on foot to secure a well in some other spot by drainage. .....



Oct 4 - Speaking generally Lewisporte life has been very quiet during the past summer, this being the excuse your correspondent has to offer for his long silence.

Very little shipping has been done to date in consequence of which there is a very large accumulation of lumber here awaiting transportation. Presumably the Timber Estate directors are more concerned in negotiating the prospective Pearson deal than in shipping lumber. There is, however, a little stir now in the lumber element, the good ship Hora having just arrived to load a cargo for the South American market. This vessel will take about one million feet, but it will take several such vessels to clean up the lumber yard.

The schooner Poppy, Edward WHITELEY, master, from Bonne Esperance, bound to St. John’s, encountered a north-east storm on Saturday the 30th ults., and put in there in a disabled condition. On board the vessel were 55 of WHITELEY’s fishermen, returning home from their summer’s operations, who report a hard experience in the storm. They were across NDB near Black Island when suddenly the jumpstay broke, in consequence of which the mainmast very soon went by the board, and as the little craft was labouring very heavily it was difficult to clear away the wreckage and get her in sailing trim again. However, they got her in here safely, minus the mainmast, no one being the worse for the rough experience. Your correspondent interviewed the master who avers that a strange incident occurred whilst the vessel was anchored at Samson’s Island on Sunday night, says that by some unseen and unaccountable means the anchor chain were being hauled up, the pump set working, and the wheel manipulated as if the vessel were being got under way. The Samson’s Island people attribute the phenomena to a proverbial ghost which haunts the Island. Thirty-five of the men left here by train for St. John’s.

The Methodist people, nothing daunted, are advising ways and means to build another parsonage to replace the one burnt last spring. Fortunately there was some insurance on the burnt building which will afford considerable help financially. The Rev. Mr. BLUNT is busying himself in the interest of his circuit and finds his hands full in attending to the various demands on his attention. The Methodist cause has in Mr. BLUNT an energetic, capable and promising addition to the ministerial ranks.

The Orange Order here is pushing itself into a prominent position; a capacious hall is nearing completion which will be a credit to the Order and will supply the need of a place for meetings of a public character.

Mr. Allan HAYWARD of Musgrave Harbour, has been duly installed as "domine" of the schools. His initial work creates favourable impressions and gives promise of success.


Oct 17, 1905


SMITH BULGIN - On the 10th instant, at the Methodist Church, Hickman’s Harbor, Random by the Rev. G.A. STEEL, Mr. Eliol SMITH of Hickman’s Harbour to Miss Sarah Jane BULGIN of Twillingate.

Oct 24, 1905

New Bay

Oct 16th - Since last writing Mr. John MOORS had come home from Labrador with 400 quintals of fish, all well, and Mr. William MOORS came later with 500 quintals The weather has been exceedingly stormy so that it has been utterly impossible to handle fish.

Mr. E.F. MOORS who has been away to America for a number of years came with his charming bride to pay a visit the old folks at home. They remained a week and left to go to Botwoodville, from thence to Norris Arm to take the train for home. Needless to say they take with them the best wishes of all.

Messrs. CHAMBERS and BAIRD were here to look after their mining property, Mouse Island Cove, South Arm and we hope it may be of sufficient value to warrant working at once. Mr. CHAMBERS, being a mining expert and connected with Bell Island mine, C.B., will no doubt be able to form a pretty accurate idea of the value of the property.

Early this month we had a meeting of the road board and decided to get our money worked as early as possible and first started the new road to Cottle’s Cove. After examining the way carefully we decided to begin work at once and though we only had $50.00 the road was cut from end to end and a little gravelling done, and then we turned and worked on the road leading to Fortune Harbour. Our men work well and the most cranky must be compelled to say that good work has been done for the money.

Sunday , the 8th, we got the first snow reminding us that winter is coming in a pace with all its force and cold. Rev. L. CURTIS, L.L.D., Supt of Methodist schools was on board s.s. Clyde getting off at Exploits, and Rev. Mr. MADDOCK and wife who intend to remain here went on with him. New Bay is yet minus a teacher consequently there was no school to inspect. Mr. BUTT who was trying to buy cargo or two of lumber landed here and went on to Point Leamington and from thence to Botwoodville.

Squid has been plentiful of late and little fish when weather would permit of boats being out..

The S.S. Clyde on Saturday 14th, brought Rev. R.MADDOCK to visit us. On the evening of the same day he joined in the bands of holy wedlock Miss Flora SPENCER of New Bay to Mr. Alfred OSMOND of Moreton’s Harbour, They were married at the bride’s home, she being neatly attired in white and looked charming. She was the recipient of many nice presents. The bride and bridegroom leave today by s.s. Clyde for Moreton’s Harbour. We heartily congratulate them and wish them many happy and prosperous years together.

New Bay


Oct 21st - The two topmast schooner Alberts, Capt. EVANS, arrived here Wednesday with a part load oats and provisions. She is now loading lumber for Boston and may sail about Tuesday.

A.L. TAYLOR, president Exploits River Lumber & Pulp Co., left the United Sates, Friday morning, W.J.MURPHY, manager, is expected here from Boston on Friday next.

About twenty-five men left for the deer shooting grounds during the week to be ready for the season opening. Owing to mild weather not many deer have gone south yet so the hunters are likely to have good sport.

The Clyde has not called here on her return trip from Fogo the last two weeks. This causes great inconvenience and extra expense to passengers from Fogo and intermediate ports to this place. As they are landed at Lewisporte they have to pay their way to Norris Arm on the train, then hire a boat from Norris Arm to Botwoodville, costing the passenger from a dollar to a dollar and a half beside the loss of a whole day. If this sort of thing is allowed by the contract then we have to put up with it; if not let some one whose business it is see into it at once.


Nov 7, 1905


Oct 28th - Wm. SNOW, son of Abraham Snow of Norris Arm, died on Monday of consumption.

H. BURT, Esq., J.P., and bride arrived on Wednesday morning from St. John’s. On Thursday night the Church of England people entertained Mr. and Mrs. BURT in the school room and presented them with a dinner set. Mr. AITKEN in a short speech on behalf of the members made the presentation, referring to the good services that Mr. BURT has done to the church for the last sixteen years in the capacity of lay reader and kindred office. Mr. BURT on behalf of himself and bride made appropriate reply after which tea was served by the ladies and a most enjoyable evening spent. We all wish Mr. and Mrs. Burt many years of happiness.

The schr. Valiant, Capt. GUY, from Twillingate with ____ for J.K. PERCEY & Co., arrived on Thursday and left again today with a load of juniper plank for shipbuilding.

The deer have not crossed south yet and the hunters along the railway line are having a long wait for venison.

Mrs. WARR, wife of Edward WARR, Norris Arm, formerly of Twillingate, died Thursday. The funeral takes place on Sunday when the remains will be brought here for burial.


Nov 21, 1905


Nove 17th.........We are making some progress, however, for today we can boast a strike of the Timber Estates employees, who went out in a body yesterday. The cause of this move is an obnoxious rule, whereby the men are called upon to wait an unreasonably long time for their wages. This rule was introduced last spring, the men being told they would be paid quarterly instead of monthly. Thus they received a first payment in August and expected to receive a second payment on the 15th inst., but were informed that payment would be deferred until the end of the season. This was considered to be imposition rubbed in....

Mill owners are experiencing a trying time all around owing to the large supply of their products for which there is very little demand, hence their working capital is locked up, the effect being embarrassment which effectually finds its expression on the employees who can ill afford to bear the strain.

The Great White Plague has claimed two victims here within the past week, one a young man named Fred OSBORNE, aged 17 years, the eldest son of James OSBORNE. The deceased was highly esteemed by his associates who assembled in large numbers at the funeral to pay a last tribute......

The second victim was Dawe RIDEOUT, a recent settler here from Moreton’s Harbor, who died after only a short illness. Thus we see the dread disease Consumption asserting itself in spite of all that science has yet done to control its ravages.



Nov 14 ....The wedding of Miss Bertha MILLER, daughter of Mrs. A. MILLER to Mr. H.G ALEXANDER, of London, England, took place in the Methodist Church on November 2nd....Mr. and Mrs. Alexander left by Clyde last week to catch the Siberian for Glasgow. After a short stay in Scotland they will proceed to their future home in London.....Correspondent


On Monday, Nov 13th, Miss Melvina F. CABE, of Bay Roberts, was married by the Rev. J.L. DAWSON, B.A. to Mr. Solomon EVELEIGH, of the enterprising firm of Eveleigh Bros, New Harbour, NDB.


DREW-JENNINGS At Gower Street Church, Nov 14th, by Rev. J.L. DAWSON, Mr. Spurgeon DREW, of St. John’s, to Miss Joanna L. Jennings of Moreton’s Harbour.

Dec 12, 1905


The death occurred at Twillingate, on Wednesday last of Mrs. LINFIElD, mother of Mrs. W.J. ASHBOURN. The deceased lady had reached the advanced age of 73 yrs.

Dec 19, 1905


Mr. G.L. PHILLIPS arrived out from Gander Bay, where he has had a busy summer, by Saturday’s express.

Dec 26, 1905


Dec 20th - Allow me to congratulate you on the general make-up of your Christmas number which could not fail to interest all classes of your readers. Each successive annual excels its predecessor.

The last lumber ship for this season lies in the stream ready to sail for some distant port. The past season has been anything but encouraging in the lumber trade; to quote one of the mill owners "lumber is not all gold". The large stocks on hand are minimizing the winter’s logging operations, and as a result stock in the fishery will boom next season. The Bay and harbour is still free of ice and the good ship Clyde is still doing good work for her owners, being burdened with freight and passengers every trip. It is thought she will make two more trips, one north and south.

I learn that Mr. Harry CORNICK, clerk in the Newfoundland Timber Estates office here, is being transferred to the head office, St. John’s and will take his family to reside in the city for the winter.

Mrs. Noel, wife of the genial Chief Steward of the Clyde will also take up her residence at Harbour Grace this winter.

Mr. Ernest TAYLOR, the genial agent of Reid-Nfld. Co., and his charming wife are here on a Christmas visitation tour. Mr. TAYLOR was agent for the same firm here a few years ago, and he says he could not pass by without coming to see his many friends at Lewisporte. They are both true, warm-hearted and worthy representative of Newfoundland and have a warm place in their hearts for the humblest of their friends. They will visit friends at Carbonear and St. John’s, after which they will return home, carrying with them cherished memories of Christmas with friends in the old land. Their friends at Lewisporte one and all wish them a gay and happy time.

Wishing all the readers of the Free Press a pleasant Christmas season.

Pro Patria.

Herring Neck

Dec 19th - Truth Lodge, LOA held it annual meeting on the 6th inst., when the following officers were elected for the ensuing year - W.F. COAKER, Worshipful Master; John HOLWELL, Deputy Worshipful Master; Edwin KEARLEY, Recording Secretary; James REDDECK, Financial Secretary; John ELLIOTT, Treasurer; Rev. Walter GUY, Chaplain, Thos. TUFFIN, Director of Ceremonies; John Farthing, 1st Lecturer; William MURCELL, 1st committee man; George FARTHING, Inside Tyler; Noah WRREN, Outside Tyler.

The Church people of Pike’s Arm, under the leadership of school-master SIMMS and Mr. DALLEY have commenced the erection of a new church. The foundation is completed. The building will be framed and boarded in during the winter.

The Church people of Herring Neck proper are about to erect a new parsonage. The necessary material being on the spot, the building will be commenced without delay and rushed to completion.

Truth Lodge has completed arrangements for the erection of an imposing and commodious hall 65 X 34 and construction will forthwith be proceeded with.

The Road Board’s attention is drawn to the matter of wire fencing recently erected along the road at Sunnyside. The fence should have been erected further away from the road, and barbed wire should not have been utilized. ......

....The Church people of Beaverton are erecting a school chapel which they hope to have ready for use before the snows of 1906 disappear. Much of the credit for this should be bestowed upon Mr. David BARRETT, who has laboured indefatigably with pen and tongue to accomplish this desired haven for isolated Beaverton. A partly-erected school chapel was destroyed by last year’s forest fire, the present efforts of Beaverton church folk is therefore the more commendable.

Boyd’s Cove is also making rapid strides to keep pace with twentieth century progress, and the esteemed Parish Priest of "Tilting", the good and popular Father FINN, has in hand the erection of a school chapel at Boyd’s Cove which is a part of his parish. Father FINN’s parishioners had a beautiful school chapel destroyed by fire in ?1900, which was only used once. The present building under erection will be utilized as a school chapel for a short period, as the erection of a church in thee near future is contemplated. Father FINN is also busy making final arrangements for the erection of a school chapel at Herring Neck. Most of the material being now available, the building will be rushed to completion and ready for use next spring.


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