NL GenWebDiaries of Reverend Robert Samuel Smith (pt. 2)Originally transcribed by Rev. Smith's grandson, Robert A. CottonRetyped for posting on NL GenWeb site (with permission) by Beverly Warford |
Born March 15, 1886 - Died 1976
| ![]() Rev. Smith served
the New Bay/Leading Tickles area between 1906-1908. He visited many
of the surrounding communities including South West Arm (now Point Leamington),
South Arm ( now Pleasantview), South East Arm (near Cottrell's Cove), Thimble
Tickles (now Glover's Harbour) and numerous others whose names remain the
same. When he refers to New Bay, it is assumed he is speaking of a community
now called Cottrell's Cove. It is a great genealogy research tool and certainly
gives an excellent example of the living conditions during this time frame.
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May 20, 1907 SUNDAY
I rose at 6:30 and had breakfast. I came back to New Bay and arrived at !0:30. Arthur Rowsell and John Foster came with me. I went to church and preached from ' Give us this Day our Daily Bread. In the afternoon I took the Sunday School as Miss E was too ill to go. In the evening I preached from ' The Kingdom of Heaven is like a net. MAY 20, 1907 MONDAY I went out and got Lewis and Willis, ie Lewis Spencer and Willis Whitehorn, to go to North West Arm. They took a skiff and Mrs. Peter Moores and Miss Ernestine Moores went also. We left after dinner and arrived at 5:30. Bro. Maddock was there and we made preparations for Missionary Meeting and had a nice time and a really good collection of $22.00. A good increase. MAY 21, 1907 TUESDAY Rose at 11 o ' clock and was busy settling the different financial affairs of previous meeting. Bro. Maddock came up and I went down to Mrs. Moores to take tea with him and them. We went up to hold our Missionary Meeting but there were not many there as the weather was very miserable with rain and heavy fog. Miss E did well and Miss V did well also in her readings. Came home and found a storm brewing and we had only about four dollars from the meeting. I was very much hurt by words which I believe to have been spoken in haste. I went to bed more miserable than the weather. The work is so hard. I felt I would like to die but hoped to be better in a day or two. (I do not remember this incident but the people were constantly in conflict and of course some from each side would blame me. Anyway the work I had done in the past month would explain my depression. I think it would.) May 22, 1907 WEDNESDAY Bro. Maddock came up and I found him in a fix about getting away so at breakfast time Mr. Moores and I decided to go in punt to Fleury ' s Bight and get some people there to take him to Exploits. This would save him the long walk from Fortune Harbour to Waldren ' s Cove. We got off to a good start in a calm but it came on to rain and blow and we had to shelter in New Bay Head. We got Mr. Mark Cox to come with us across the neck and so got to Fleury ' s Bight and there we arranged with Mr. Rice to take Mr. Maddock to Exploits in a skiff. (This Mr. Rice was Millie Rice ' s father, who when he was ill ate 14 eggs for breakfast on Easter Sunday morning. It was a custom to eat eggs for Easter Sunday. If a thing was doing it is worth doing well!) I visited in the Bight and came back to the Head. It was blowing a gale and was very dirty but as Miss Rice was with us we had good ballast and we reached home safely. After tea I went up to the school and held a teachers meeting and then held our preaching service and used Peter 1: 6-7. It was a hard service. The building committee did not turn up so after a chat with ? and another I came home and went to bed with a miserably heavy cold and more miserably heavy heart. MAY 23, 1907 THURSDAY Feeling ill and stayed in bed until 11 o ' clock. I tried to do a bit of work in the study but my cold was so very bad that I was glad when night came and I could go to bed. MAY 24, 1907 FRIDAY I was too ill to go to South East Arm but made some visits down along. After tea I went up to prayers and had a very good time. The steamer came in today and brought the mail. MAY 25, 1907 SATURDAY Norman Sanger came down and we started for South West Arm. We had plenty of wind and were two hours from tickle to rocks. Found folks alright. Went to Mr. Hutchcroft ' s and got an order for $7.50 to send to London. Went home to Mr. Baggs and was busy all the time. MAY 26, 1907 SUNDAY A very stormy, wet and blusterous day. Only four could come to the morning service. The afternoon was better and night the weather was better still. Had a nice time - preached from ' Ye Must be Born Again ' . I met the men for a church talk but not many understood us so there were not many stayed so that we adjourned until Monday night. MAY 27, 1907 MONDAY Visiting all day. Married Sam Warford to Martha Stuckless. At night we held a meeting and decided to build a new church. Work to start at once. (It seems rather a short note for such an important resolution but it all I have. Perhaps I may say that the work went forward). MAY 28, 1907 TUESDAY I went to the South Arm and visited all the homes in Budgell ' s Point and Bobby ' s Cove. I preached at night. I baptized a baby. After a bit of supper went to visit Mrs. Rolf and went to bed. MAY 29, 1907 WEDNESDAY Up at 6 o ' clock, had breakfast, went to Budgell and had my fee. Took punt withStanley Rolf and three hours later was in Cottrell ' s Cove. It was cold coming down but we had to row hard so it was not so bad. Had some lunch and in the afternoon was busy with my work. I went up to the school for prayers but no one knew I was home. We had a practice and I came home and retired about 12 o ' clock. MAY 30, 1907 THURSDAY I stayed in bed until late to rest up. In the afternoon I was busy with circuit work and was busy until late. MAY 31, 1907 FRIDAY Up early and busy all day getting affairs together. I went up to prayer meeting and there was a good congregation and we had a good meeting. We heard the Clyde blow in Fortune Harbour. JUNE 1, 1907 SATURDAY The Clyde came in at 5 o ' clock a.m. Mr. Moores brought my mail up. I received my reports of examinations from Rev. Mr. Dunn. Wesley ' s Sermons 65, New Testament 80, English Literature 65. (This is all I received on my matriculation exams from the examiners, although when the District Meeting was held I was informed that I had passed in all subjects including Greek in which I had made first class 75 mark. I also received a letter from Rev. Fred Matthews who examined the Greek papers). There was also a letter from Rev. J.K. Curtis, B.A. who gave me 70 on Old Testament History and 90 on New Testament History. I am very pleased to read these letters and I am thankful to my Heavenly Father. I received a letter from Mother and one from Dora. Both were good. I was busy with my work all day with circuit reports. There were several people to see me in the afternoon. Did some preparation for sermons Sunday. Received several donations for Missions. Correspondence Rev. Mr. Dunn, Rev. Curtis. Told Mr. Dunn about Mr. Budgell in hospital. Paid Mr. Dalton, Mr. Waterman, Nehemiah. JUNE 2, 1907 SUNDAY A very nice day. I went to church and preached from ? I had a very good time. In the afternoon I went to Sunday School but felt so ill on the road that I had to rest. I went home to tea. There was some talk of the steamer. We had a splendid service and Garland was saved. JUNE 3, 1907 MONDAY Up at 6 o ' clock. Working all day. Sold three coats and vests, shirt and tie $15.00 (I presume this was ladies aid business). I saw Garland and had a chat with him and gave him an ' On Trial ' ticket. I saw Mr. Norman and had a nice chat with him. For tea I had a tin of lobster which was a treat. Went to church and preached from Mark 2.5. JUNE 4, 1907 TUESDAY I was up late and worked in study until dinner time. After dinner I went visiting. I saw Miss E and had a private chat with her. I hope God will make her trouble clear. I enjoyed a sense of confidence. I cannot understand why she will not take communion. I had tea there. We went direct to practice and had a nice time. I hope we shall have a successful time for anniversary. I had a talk with Bessie Whitehornand she decided to join the church. I went to bed and began preparation for next Sunday ' s sermon. JUNE 5, 1907 WEDNESDAY The ice is coming into Cottrell ' s Cove quickly. I have never seen anything like it before. Hedley Britt was jammed in the ice. The boys all went off on the ice and released the ship and got it safely into Boones Cove. It is strange to think of ice in June but there is plenty of it in the woods and in the gardens. I did some clearing up and made some preparation to go the District Meeting. I had to go to the church for a wedding. I came home for tea and had some trout. Went to preaching service this evening and used ? Miss Vatcher was in and stayed for supper. I got upstairs to bed at 12:15. JUNE 6, 1907 THURSDAY I had some seal meat for breakfast and Norman, Jack and Sidney went with me to go to Exploits. We walked across the neck to Fortune Harbour and went across the harbour and on to Waldron ' s Cove. When we got there we found such a sea that the men would not let us have a boat, because no boat could live in such a sea. We went on to the next cove and there the men (whom I had met in the lumbercamps) gave us a boat but we could not launch it. Although we made several attempts, we came back to Waldren ' s Cove and talked the men into letting us have a boat. None of the men there would venture out and would not let us have it until the three men who were with me said they would all go with me. The women stood on the beach wringing their hands and kept saying ' They will be drowned ' . Finally we launched out and as the sea rolled in we climbed up and up and up until we could see the whole world. Then as the sea rolled under us we went down and down and down and down until we expected to strike bottom and all around us was the water. We could see nothing excepting the rolling, seething, hissing water before us. Behind us and on both sides. Then we could start to climb again and we would go up and up and up. Then we could see all the world again and the men and women on the shore. It was most difficult to row the boat and we were not able to make much headway but we kept rowing all we could. After awhile I suggested that a little bit of sail might help us and we put up the foresail. Without the spread so that we had a shoulder of mutton spread. It helped us a little and by this time we were out of the cove and into the run. We headed up the run as we could not penetrate the ice in Sargent ' s Cove. As we went up the run the rollers were not so high but there was a lot of running and we had quite a struggle. We had to keep two men rowing and two warding off the ice with boat hooks. At times we all got out and hauled the boat over the ice. One had to keep continual watch so that we might take advantage of any open water. We finally got through and gave a mighty whoop. All this time the only food we had was from six small biscuits which I had in my bag. We had one and a half each. We finally rounded the head and came in to the calm waters of the harbour which is formed by two islands which come almost together at each end of the harbour - but open up probably half a mile or more. The water is not deep enough for the Portia to come in so she has to anchor off the back harbour but the Clyde can come in and anchor. The Portia is 999 tons and Clyde about 300 tons. We landed Norman on the other side and came across to the doctor ' s home where I had tea. After tea I went on to the parsonage. Mrs. Maddock and baby Clair was pleased to see me. When Bro. Maddock came in he too was pleased to see me. After tea we went to Epworth League where we had a good meeting. I found some mail waiting for me and found some letters from England. That was good. Went to bed glad to be safe thinking of someone in England. (We had heard that the people heard the Portia blow. That was incredible. We found out that our whooping it up when we got through the ice occurred at the time they thought the Portia blew. So that was that!) JUNE 7, 1907 FRIDAY I got up at 8:30 and had breakfast. Went to the study for some reading and attended to my correspondence. I had a very comfortable day. I went aboard the steamer and saw Mr. Freeman (He was the mail clerk). I attended the prayer meeting and gave a brief address. District work, oh dear! JUNE 8, 1907 SATURDAY Preparing for District examinations. Read Discipline. Studying my trial sermon and also one for tomorrow morning. I went up to the doctor ' s and had a chat. Came home and went to bed early at 9:30. I was tired after the exertions of the week. We had fresh fish today. I felt lonely and was thinking of England. JUNE 9, 1907 SUNDAY Up in good time. Spent some time on sermon. Had a good time. Bro. Maddock appeared very pleased with the sermon. Good collection. We had chicken for dinner. In the afternoon the children did well and we had a good time. I went to the doctor ' s for tea ( Dr. Overton). Expecting steamer but she did not come. At night I read the lesson. Bro. Maddock preached a sermon he had prepared for District. Dr. & Mrs. Overton and Mr. J. Manuel were in quite a time and it was a very pleasant evening. No sight of the steamer. We went to bed to prepare for the trip tomorrow. JUNE 10, 1907 MONDAY I was busy all morning making out reports for the District Meeting. We waited anxiously for the Clyde to come from the north. The doctor brought us some macaroni and cheese at dinner time. We had it for tea. In the afternoon we were engaged with Sunday School schedules and other business for District. After tea Mr. & Mrs. Maddock went for a walk. I went to post some photos and heard that the Clyde was on her way south. I went with all speed to catch Bro. Maddock and soon had them back home and we made hasty preparation for District. At 11 o ' clock Mr. Matthews & Mr. Coppen came ashore. We had some supper and a talk. I thought Bro. Coppen to be a funny fellow. To me Bro. Matthews seemed to be a man of stern quality, loud of voice but a man of value. We had to walk around the harbour and were soon aboard the Clyde. JUNE 11, 1907 TUESDAY At about midnight we came aboard the Clyde and went for my mail right away. Received coat from St. John ' s, letters from mother, Dora, K, and Bro. Bishop. I met Bro. Mumford. We had a great time in the saloon. I went to bed in the same room with him but we had no sleep. We met brethren Leach, Parnaby, Dickinson, Wilson, Dotcher, Webber. We arrived Moreton ' s Harbour and I went ashore to see the folk who might have come to meet the girls (the Brett family). There I met Bro. Chancey again. He and Mrs. Chancey had been on the train last year when I came from St. John ' s to Lewisporte. We reached Twillingate at about 6 o ' clock am. There was no one to meet me. We went into Mr. Ashdown ' s store. Presently we were taken in a carriage to the North Side because the steamer could not get through the ice to the government wharf. Bro. Curtis and Bro. Line received us well and we were soon busy. I was sent to stay with Mrs. Edward Stuckless while Bro. Mumford (Munfort?) was billeted just at hand. I am very glad we are near each other. I had breakfast and a nap and off to Ministerial session. I enjoyed the meeting until the candidates were asked to retire - which we did with pleasure. After dinner the candidates were examined per discipline. After the examinations, which was very thorough, we were informed that we were all passed and were accepted as candidates for the ministry. I was informed that on account of the work that I had done, it was recommended that I should be given credit for the year that I had done. Bro. Parnaby was told that he would have to go to do some supplementary papers in Greek in September. We were all excused except Bro. Parnaby who had to remain and I suppose was censured for his behaviour. Bro. Mumford and I were informed that we had passed in all subjects. The two youngest men in the district and by God ' s help have done the most. After tea we went to the south side. Brethren Matthews, Maddock and Coppin all addressed the meeting. I was organist. After the meeting I met Bro. Bagaery. I came to Mrs. Stuckless ' dead tired and went to bed tired out. I am very glad this year ' s work is done. I wrote to Dora during the day to tell her the news. JUNE 12, 1907 WEDNESDAY Met Bro. Maddock and at once set about Circuit Schedules. Throughout the day the usual business was gone through and it was received that the Ministerial Session should be discontinued so as to give the young men the opportunity to preach at 9 am instead of 7 am. I have an idea that with so many young men, candidates whom the ministers were compelled to hear preach in order to pass on their proficiency - the thought of getting to church every morning at 7 am was too much for them. At night the service was held in the church on the North Side. It was the Educational Meeting. Rev. W.J. Mumford gave an address on ' Education from a ministers standpoint ' . Rev. W.H. Webber spoke on the ' The Imperative Necessity of Theological and Psychological Instruction ' . Rev. F.R. Matthews took for his subject ' College, a Paying Investment ' . Mumford did himself great credit and the meeting was a good one. JUNE 13, 1907 THURSDAY We all went to church at 9 o ' clock to hear Rev. F. Dickenson preach. His subject was good and we had a good time. We settled down to work immediately at the close of preaching service. We did the missionary schedules throughout the day. Rev. Sydey and Dycer came to see me as he was supposed to preach tomorrow morning but needs more time to prepare. So I offered to take his place and turn He was very pleased with the arrangement. We were invited to the parsonage on the south side for tea. The minister - Rev. J.K. Curtis requested me to preside again at the organ. Rev. A.S. Adams did not attend the meeting but the Rev. F.J. Hayden spoke on ' Should a Minister expect Remuneration and What ' . Rev. W.J. Morris spoke on ' Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn ' . We had a very good congregation. The chairman made some remarks. After the service I went home with several of the brothers who were going my way. Some of the young men went to the ???. JUNE 14, 1907 FRIDAY Trial Sermon Day. At 9 am I was in the church ready to commence the service but no one else was there. After a time the chairman arrived and I asked him if I should begin. He replied ' Wait a bit ' . At 9:20 I commenced the service and preached from Hebrews 12: 1-2 and had a fairly good time. Received congratulations and thanks from the chairman and from Bro. Maddock, Bro Scott and others. The business of the day was gone through. I accepted an invitation from Mr. Scott to go to his home with Bro. Maddock for tea and enjoyed a few minutes with their piano. Then we went to church for our Temperance Meeting. I went with Mr. Hayden. Rev. J. Leach spoke well on ' What our Attitude ought to be towards Intemperance ' . Rev. H.J. Coppin spoke on ' The Impossibility of the Continuation of the Liquor Traffic ' . The Rev. S.A. Chancey spoke on ' The Increased Affirmation of Total Prohibition ' . It was a good meeting. Coppin got hot and loud. Went and had supper with Mr. Scott and then home to my quarters. JUNE 16, 1907 SUNDAY This has been a day of much sorrow. I was on my way to church where I was to play the organ for the Love Feast at the request of the minister. On my way I had to pass by Scott ' s wharf and Hayden called me in to say that Bro. Maddock ' s baby Clair was dead. Such news was a terrible blow for only on Monday we were congratulating ourselves on the health of baby Clair. When I saw Bro. Maddock he was very much upset. I could only say God bless you. This seemed to me out of place but I could do no more. I wish I could have gone with him but I could not. I will go to Exploits and not return to New Bay on Wednesday. Bro. Choppin preached well from Rom 1:21. I went home to dinner, then to the school. Bro. Windsor was well received. I was delighted with my reception and with the thanks voted to me and the request to send to Baba. Had a time chatting then went to tea, back to prayers. Bro. Sydey was preaching from St. Luke ' s version of the Dying Thief. Then the sacrament service at which 86 people took the elements. Most of the ministers went to Mr. Scott ' s house where we had some singing. (I think I remember this Mr. Scott as a magistrate with a round bearded face). Home to supper and to bed, tired but after a good day spent under a cloud. God bless Bro and Sister Maddock. JUNE 17, 1907 MONDAY Today we were at church as usual. Bro. Windsor preached and at the previous remarks of our esteemed brethren some of the juniors felt a little sore. Sunday School work. I voted to be passed over to some young men. Two of them were appointed to do that work and I was able to finish my own circuit and Missionary money. I received from Mr. Sydey $23.63 of which $5.00 was for myself - Missionary Fund which I refunded to the Chairman of the District. Wedding BellsThomas Warford had followed me from New Bay and wanted me to marry him. The schooner was in the harbour waiting to go to Labrador. I spoke to Rev. Curtis and asked him to marry them but he told me to do it for them. I told them I would marry them in a home but they came to the church. I would not marry them there in front of all the candidates, so we all marched through the town to the house of Mr. Bridger and made them happy. The young men had a discussion which I was not able to attend. Bro. Mumford received an invitation to Twillingate. Bro. Line was to got to college. Congratulations to Bro. Mumford. I was preaching for the concert. JUNE 18, 1907 TUESDAY Today the District Meetings ended and we were all glad. We felt that glad that so much goodwill and good feeling has been with us all through the week. We had orders to be present with the choir to be photographed in the afternoon and this order was obeyed. We then retreated to Mr. Scott ' s lawn to enjoy a nice tea and splendid company. The weather was very good and obliging. The Chairman began the games. We had our photos taken with Dr. Grenfell. I went aboard the Harmony and Dr. Grenfell examined my side and presented certain exercises. We went to the concert and had a good time. I recited the Three Parsons and it was well received. Dr. Grenfell complimented me by reference. After the meeting I had a talk with Bro. Hayden who is going to England. I gave him a note for Dora and mother ' s address. We had a cup of cocoa and went home to bed. My last night in Twillingate. JUNE 19, 1907 WEDNESDAY Awakened by Clyde and hastily dressed and prepared for the boat understanding she was to come to Mr. Ashdown ' s wharf. We had lots of time to spare. Helped Mrs. Curtis with the babies. I brought some oranges. We had a nice time for a while, then it started to blow hard and it got cold and I got seasick. After passing Tizzard ' s Harbour I was better and when we came into Moreton ' s Harbour I went ashore and had a talk with Mr. Britt until the dinner bell sounded and I went in. An army officer kindly offered me his place which I was glad to accept in order to have dinner before we reached Exploits. Mike was there is meet me and I was soon installed in Mrs. Eli ' s home. The doctor met me on the road. I went down to the school examination room where I was introduced to Miss Frost. This is Monty ' s birthday. (I believe that Monty was one of the doctor ' s boys.) I attended to tea and at about 10 o ' clock I went home to bed quite tired. JUNE 20, 1907 THURSDAY Being very tired and not being called by the folks downstairs I was in bed until 11 o ' clock. Mrs. Manuel was very kind but I was subjected to the sharp shooting of the young ladies, but this I did not mind, being prepared for this assault by my long rest. In the afternoon I went out for a walk. After tea Miss Manuel and Miss Hickman accompanied me to the other side, in boat, where I had to address the Epworth League Literacy Meeting. This I did at the request of the President Mr. Jim Manuel and to his apparent satisfaction. After the meeting we came home giving Mrs. Manuel a passage with us. When we reached home we had some supper, a chat, prayers and then to bed. I was reading The Little Minister. JUNE 21, 1907 FRIDAY Today I have written to my mother and father and was reading most of the morning. After dinner the doctor came for me and we went out to the fishing grounds and had a nice time but did not fish. We soon became tired and cold. The doctor did some fishing with silver hooks with which he caught some lobsters and with these we returned early much to the pleasure of Mrs. Overton. Leaving the doctors I went and conducted the prayer meeting where we had quite a nice time. A lot of young people were there. After the prayer meeting they had a teacher ' s meeting to which I did not stop, but went home alone. After the usual talk and cup of tea I went upstairs to do some reading and then to bed. Today is mother ' s birthday and father and mother ' s Wedding Day. I met Bro. Hann on the wharf. JUNE 22, 1907 SATURDAY Have had a very happy day. I was up at 8:30 and had breakfast, then I was busy with my reading and writing some letters. Then with my book and with Meta we went to find and pick some violets. These delighted me. During the evening I went to have my photo taken but the doctor was away in punt so I went down to the wharf and caught some flat fish - funny creatures. I came home to tea and found Miss Frost and Miss Manuel were there. We had some music and then went for a row over to the church to practice. Miss Hickman was frightened. I posted some letters and came home. After a few games I retired as I was tired. Thinking of tomorrow and a great deal about home. JUNE 23, 1907 SUNDAY This morning there was a good congregation. I used Hebrews 12: 1-2 and had a fairly good time. After dinner I thought it better not to go to Sunday School so went to see old Mrs. Manuel instead. This dear old soul was so glad to see me that I felt very glad that I made the visit. Mr. Jim Manuel made arrangements with Mr. Harry Rowsell of Leading Tickles for me to go with him to New Bay Head. I preached at night from Matthew 8:24 to a large congregation. I had been expecting Bro. Hann but he did not return from New Bay. After the service we had a prayer meeting as usual then went with Jim and doctor and Tom for a stroll. Then we had a nice supper and then went aboard the schooner. We left at 11:30 and soon after midnight we weighed anchor and were away. (The schooner guess it is Mr. Harry Rowsell ' s and is named The Rescue) JUNE 24, 1907 MONDAY Aboard the Rescue Last night we weighed anchor after taking water aboard and were soon out of the harbour and beating our way down the run. We ran in top ice of Northern Harbour but after rounding the head we had no trouble. We came to New Bay Head and the skipper made a splendid cup of tea and I went ashore at the head at 4:45. About 5:30 Mr. Cox left to come up to Mrs. Moores with me. We found Mr. Moores just getting up. I went up to my room and found Mr. Hann in my bed. I had a very busy day as there were many things to be done to pick up the work left while I had been away. Mr. Hann had a bicycle and he was good enough to let me use it and I had a lovely time. We had some music which he enjoyed. As I had no sleep last night I was tired and ready for bed at 9 o ' clock. I did a lot of thinking about home and friends. JUNE 25, 1907 TUESDAY I felt very tired and so stayed in bed until late. After dinner I did some reading as it was too wet to visit. I read That Brilliant Peggy. Miss E. was up and after tea she and Bro. Hann and I went up to practice to prepare for Sunday School. We met Miss Barbara coming down who said no one was there so we turned around and came home. Nothing of notice occurred today. After some supper and prayers we went to bed and Bro. Hann and I had a long, long chat. JUNE 26, 1907 WEDNESDAY We have had a very pleasant day. Went for a bike ride and quite enjoyed it. In the afternoon we went to the church both on the machine and this to the amusement and amazement of the people who saw us. We went jigging and caught a few cod. After tea I went up to the church on the bike but there was no one there. I came home and made the trip in 17 minutes. I did some reading. We went down to Mrs. John ' s where we stayed awhile, then, being tired, we came and retired. JUNE 27, 1907 THURSDAY Up and had fish and broose (brewis) for breakfast. Went for a ride on the bike. I rode on the step. Went to say goodbye to the crew of the Amelia and saw all the men aboard. Each of us, Mr. Moore, Mr. Hann and myself had an individual glass, one tumbler, a glass dish and a glass dish (?) In the afternoon I went to visit Mrs. Spencer and Mrs. Whitehorn and then home to Mrs. J ' s to practice. We took Mr. Budgell ' s skiff and had quite a crew. When we got home we had a good supper and was talking until 12:30, then went to bed. JUNE 28, 1907 FRIDAY Took bike and walked up with Miss Vatcher to Mr. Yates then rode. I left the bike at Mr. Manuels and went to see Mrs. Noah Manuel and came back to find the bike punctured. I walked to Fortune Harbour road and went into the school to mend the puncture. It split again and I had to walk home. After dinner I repaired the bike again. The mail came but I had only a few letters. Some of these I answered. I went up to the school to practice some singing for the anniversary and had a good time and came home tired. JUNE 29, 1907 SATURDAY We were up in good time. Bro. Hann found the bike flat so we repaired it and went for a spin and punctured it again, and mended it again. I rode it up to Mr. Manuels and then went to the school and arranged the platform. Frank Churchill helped me do this work. We then took out the stove. I went to Mr. Manuel ' s and got some crabs which I gave to Mrs. Manuel to cook for me. I went home to tea and came back for a practice but only a few children were present. We came home and I ate crabs for supper. Did the Sunday School reports with Miss Prudence and then some study and then to bed. JUNE 30, 1907 SUNDAY I was up in good time and was expecting Bro. Hann to preach but we thought the steamer was near by and so I had to preach and I did not have a very good time either. The steamer came in and we saw Mr. Hann off. I walked down the road with Mr. Pearce. In the afternoon we had a very nice time with the children who were very good in their singing and recitations. At night we went up in punt. The singing was splendid. I preached from Rev. 22:14 and had a good time. Collection was nearly $3.00. We came home in punt and I did some reading. It has been awfully hot during the day and is now too hot to sleep. This brings my year to an end. My first year was a busy one. I have done a lot of traveling. We have now two or three girls who can play the organ. We have two churches underway. I was successful in all my 22 examinations and my year was allowed so now I am a Probationer not a candidate. Thank you for all His mercies. JULY 1, 1907 MONDAY This morning before I was downstairs, I heard some of the North West Arm friends downstairs. Took breakfast with them. Miss Osmond and Mr. F. Moores. Decided immediately to go home with them. Put Miss C. down to Mr. Spencer ' s in boat and was back by dinner time. Took departure directly after, went to Boone ' s Point and had a fine time across the bay, soon we had to pull for it coming up the bay. Had some fun in the boat. Headwind landed, found Pidgeon ' s next and got some winkle then on again. Fetched over and reached Mrs. Moores after which we left. Mr. Moores and came on to Mrs. Osmond ' s. Had a nice chat. Heat very oppressive. Mosquitoes really dreadful. Went to bed after setting straight my affairs. Thoughts of home. JULY 2, 1907 TUESDAY Today has been a very full day. I was waiting orders to get up. Came down to breakfast and then went trouting - not a good time but caught six or seven. Then had a time at the wharf thoroughly enjoyed it as also I did the salmon for dinner. After which I went in search of a place to bath. Found a place at the back of an island, had a good bath, tying myself to the jigger - water cold. Went to visit the people and found them ??? capelin skull, came up to tea and tasted a few capelin myself. Got ready for prayers and went down, walked as far as Mrs. Moores then back. Used ???, had a nice time. Came up with Mr. Moores and found plenty of capelin - could cast away at them. Launched boat, I fell in. Supper and settled up with Miss Osmond. Made arrangements for Leading Tickles. Must go to bed. 11:10 p.m. JULY 3, 1907 WEDNESDAY Rose this morning at about 6 a.m. I had breakfast, was down to the schooner in good time. I steered her into the eastern tickle. From there I went to Rowsell ' s Island called at Mr. Andrews ' and Loveman ' s. Surprised the folk at the Island and had dinner. Then went down to Burnt Island and had a sail - my first sail by myself. After tea, preaching service, after service supper, then for a row down to the schooner. Put Miss Osmond aboard then went home - had a nice time but very tired. Had some lobster, shingling house with felt, made arrangements to go with Skipper Noah to New Bay Head in the morning. Saw Miss Milley promised some books, to bed at 2 a.m. JULY 4, 1907 THURSDAY Up at 8 am and had breakfast and went to Burnt Island to get aboard the schooner. Had to call at Mr. Ward ' s so came through eastern tickle. Had to beat but had a good time across the bay ' - landed at New Bay Head and was put up by Mr. Mark Cox? - had dinner and was reading, went with Mr. Moores to Mrs. Boone ' s because there was a row. Came home and had tea, then was reading. Went to bed and because it was warm was reading until 12 am. Finished in the Golden Days and quite enjoyed it ' was lonely and thinking much about home. I would like to be there for a time. JULY 5, 1907 THURSDAY Up at 8 am, had breakfast and then went jigging. Caught seven. Came home and then went below to see Miss Vatcher - had dinner waiting for the Clyde - got papers and letters ready for Northern Mail. Intended to go to South East Arm but not able to do so because steamer was late. In the afternoon Miss Moore brought me up a nice present - - a lovely writing desk which is very acceptable and will do doubt prove very useful. I am using it now. JULY 6, 1907 SATURDAY Up in only decent time. Dr. (?) busy. Had a visit from Miss V. Received $ balance due for school fees. Dr. absolutely refused to let me study so we spent the time reading and then writing some letters. In the evening we went out jigging and caught a few. At night as we were returning from Cottrell ' s Cove, Mr. Hobbs called Dr. to see his wife. Mr. Manuel gave me some salmon and after tea I slipped off ' for a bit of reading and studying. At night we were talking until very late and it was morning before we slept. Dr. found a grey hair in my head, this was quite a surprise. Visited Mrs. J. Moores to arrange to lodge there. JULY 7, 1907 SUNDAY Today has been a bustle yet one of gladness. I rose at usual time, had breakfast and prepared for church. Used Matthew 11:11. Came home and after having dinner prepared valise to go to Exploits with Dr. while doing this Clyde came in sight and we had to hurry. Dr. went for punt but it was gone. I did a real scramble over the cliffs and then found the Dr. had gone to search for me, finally met him at the house. We started, he for the Clyde,, I for my valise. Saw Willis, got passage and was soon aboard SS Clyde. Miss Vatcher was on board too. Also a lady from Tilt Cove. Arrived in time to hear Billy, to eat some tea, to wash and hurry to preach. Used Rev. 22:14. Had supper with Dr. (Assume Dr. is Dr. Overton). Came home with Mr. Manuel, had a chat, met Mr. Reader, prayers and then to bed. Comfortable. JULY 8, 1907 MONDAY Before I was up Dr. came for me. I was stiff from my fall yesterday when I fell on the rocks marking my hip, knee and ankle. Went to dinner with him and had photo taken, went to the other side and bought a new pair of boots after which came home and had tea after which I went to Dr. and saw the photos developed, these came out fairly well. Had an enjoyable time and after supper Dr. saw me home. When I reached home I received an invitation to go to Mrs. Manuel ' s tomorrow and accepted the invite. Letter and order for $4.20 from Bro. Mumford. JULY 9, 1907 TUESDAY After rising and partaking of my breakfast, I proceeded to visit Dr. Overton at his home where I was much interested in the printing of photos. After which I came home to dinner then dressed and got ready to have another photo taken. I took a photo of the children on the hill. Wrote to Rev. C.H. Kelley enclosing $7.45. Also wrote to Herbert enclosing $20.00 to pay Mr. Diapin(?) his bill - balance for insurance. Went across harbour to tea - met Mr. & Mrs. Manuel, also a Mr. Taylor and Mr. ?? , travelers from Halifax, had a very pleasant time and with the children enjoyed ice cream. Called in Mrs. E. Manuel ' s. Had a game and then reached home where I had supper, then prayers and retired. JULY 10, 1907 WEDNESDAY The Clyde came in and Miss Osmond came ashore to see me. We had breakfast and then went to the church and afterwards to the Clyde. Met Miss Osmond ' s sister, Mrs. ?? of Lewisporte and after she left went to do some reading. Not feeling very well. Had a time with the Dr. after which I went home and went to sleep. Woke up just in time for the party to which I was invited. Waited for Mr. Manuel and took ourselves off to Mrs. E. Manuels, had a nice time and had games singing and at the close came home and soon retired. JULY 11, 1907 THURSDAY Today has been a very pleasant day. In the morning I took breakfast by myself. I was not very well and was in bed rather late. Doctor was here and we went for a walk then home to dinner. After dinner we went to fetch the children as I had promised to take them for a row and calling for doctor and the boys we went to Broad Cove where we had a very pleasant time and as it was cloudy we had to come home, took the girls home and they were delighted. Came home to tea, sailed across with an old sail and then after tea got ready for Epworth League which I was to address. Miss Butt did very well. We had a nice time. JULY 12,1907 FRIDAY Up and took breakfast with Mr. Manuel. Went up to Dr. and together we went across the harbour. Had a good laugh about a sail. Went to dine with Dr. had chicken, very ancient, quite enjoyable. Taking dessert when Clyde came. Went aboard and met Miss Osmond also Rev. Sidey with whom I spent time on board. Also Mr. Fleet. We had a very nice time. Came home and had my mail, some refreshment after which I did some writing. Commenced operations towards removal. JULY 13, 1907 SATURDAY The day has been spent reading and studying for tomorrow but most of the time has been employed in packing, cleaning up a lot of papers, burning a heap of rubbish which delighted Mrs. Moores but caused her sorrow because she could not see it burning. Not feeling in the mind to study, the day was long and wearisome and after the day ' s work I was sorry to retire. Although expecting Mr. Waterman he did not come. The wind was blowing in and quite a breeze - this may be his reason for not coming. JULY 14, 1907 SUNDAY Today I rose I found the weather very disagreeable, prepared as usual for church, saw no one go up but made my way up to find no one there upon which I came home meeting Mr. P and Mr. N. Moores on my way. In the afternoon finer weather. We had a nice number at Sunday School and a good time. After tea went to service and had a very good congregation. Came home tired but enjoyed a nice chat with Mr. & Mrs. Moores. Today a huge iceberg we saw on the other side of the bay. It is beautiful to watch. It is grounded apparently. It is a big one! JULY 15, 1907 MONDAY Today I have been reading Wee McGregor and packing up. The iceberg mentioned proves to be moving and is coming in. The weather is still dirty and we are not able to do much. A schooner came down the bay. Suspect that Bro. Waterman was on board. Mr. Earle came for me to come up and I went with him to the government wharf and Mrs. Shirran was there so that I gave her my passage and then stayed and did some reading. Came home and finished my book and went on with my packing and after a day capelin in. Plenty of fish today. I went to trap but too rough to haul it up. JULY 16, 1907 TUESDAY Today the change has been made. I finished my packing so far and after tea Mr. Moore took my trunks down for me. I carried several things down and established myself in my lodgings after tea. Some fun of course was made at Mrs. P ' s but the room was naked without me. The wind blowing and quite a big sea on today. Not out much because have been too busy packing. Began to read Janice Meredith, a very nice story. JULY 17, 1907 WEDNESDAY Today I was not up long before breakfast after which I attempted to make a balance sheet of the year ' s income and expenditure. Found things not so bad. Was very busy all day reading and writing. Jessie Churchill wants me to give her lessons as does Mary Moores and Nettie Moores. Will do what I can for them. I shall be pleased if they all get on. Have given them something to learn. A message asking me to baptize baby Boone. Promised to go tomorrow. Out jigging and lost my jigger. Visited Mrs. Moore and brought down some things. Had a sing and then went upstairs to read 2 miles. JULY 18, 1907 THURSDAY Reading all this morning. After dinner took punt and went to South East Arm. Visited homes and baptized Arthur William Boone. Tried to hire a punt but could not. Had a good trip. Came home to tea and had a time (?) and some reading - not much done today excepting going around. Finished Janice Meredith. JULY 19, 1907 FRIDAY Today has been a very happy day. I was indoors until Clyde came - - then went up in punt to the wharf and saw two miners and came home and went for my mail. D in L (?) A letter from Mrs. Betteridge about Babs. So glad, it was a real treat. I answered some letters and thus the day passed busily enough and during the odd moments I was reading Cyril the Foundling. 6 miles JULY 20, 1907 SATURDAY Today has been one of reading and study. Mr. Moores brought me a new trunk and I spent a lot of time getting books down and fixing things up a bit. Preparing for tomorrow - had some music. At night we saw a lovely sight - - the Portia coming around New Bay Head, flashed her lights upon the iceberg. It was lovely, grand, beautiful and gave us great pleasure to watch. Posted letters to Mrs. Betteridge and Miss (R. Rume last week) and retired to get some sleep ready for tomorrow. Finding it exceeding hard to study sermons all the day I had to give it up. JULY 21, 1907 SUNDAY Rose in good time and set off for church. Went up the inside road and had a nice walk. Reached church, only one there but others soon came. We had a nice time and good class. After dinner took Mr. Budgell ' s punt and went to school. Had a nice session and went back in punt. Came up in punt to evening service and had a splendid time. We came home in punt. Ezra had tea with us and Mr. P. Moores, he and I went for a stroll. Had said goodbye to Mrs. Moores. The steamer left the wharf before we reached it. Was told Bro. Matthew was on it. JULY 22, 1907 MONDAY Dirty weather, not able to get out excepting in long rubbers and MacIntosh. Went up to Mr. Moores ' and had game of draughts. Was busy with private accounts and books. Started to read Vanity Fair and passed the day rather monotonously. Retired and was reading for a long time. 6 miles JULY 23, 1907 TUESDAY Still dirty but busy reading and at accounts. Went to see Mrs. Moores again and brought home some boots and some papers. Went to Miss P ' s. music lesson also to Miss May ' s. Came home and had some singing. Busy all day reading but nothing more of any importance. Retired to rest and read Vary later. JULY 24, 1907 WEDNESDAY Was shaving when Mrs. Clark came asking me to fetch a doctor for Mrs. White. Agreed to do so and made preparation to go to Fortune Harbour when I saw the steamer ' did not see the boat. Mr. Moores was in Fortune Harbour and there the Portia was not expected until tomorrow. Mr. Moores came in to dinner. I was waiting all the afternoon. After tea Misses E , N and I went out for a sail. We had a lovely time and reached home at 9 o ' clock. Mr. Moores was ready to greet us and astonished us by saying ' I would not have gone with a man ' . Came in and had a good read and supper then we got ready for bed and resumed my reading. JULY 25, 1907 THURSDAY Waiting for Portia until Mrs. Moores who was going up to see Mrs. White -was informed that Mrs. White was gone to Pilley ' s Island and of course I at once gave up the idea of going to Exploits. Also I learned that Ms. Andrews was down from South West Arm and I had a chance up with them, so I went to see them in the shop and made arrangements to go. Left home about 2:30 p.m., was waiting until 3:34 p.m. When we set sail and had to beat all the way and did not arrive at South West Arm until 11:57 p.m. We soon reached Mr. Baggs ' and had a cup of tea which was good. Cold and hungry I was glad to get beside a fire and get to bed. Thinking of home. 22 miles JULY 26, 1907 FRIDAY Very tired. In bed until nearly dinner time. Came down and had dinner then went visiting. Went to Mr. Hutchcroft ' s, had a nice time and had my tea there, saw some of the men and was allowed to learn the Secret. Went to visit Mr. Walter Baggs then came home and did some reading - had supper and went to bed. JULY 27, 1907 SATURDAY A year ago bade goodbye to Lavenham. Today am in South West Arm and it has been so stormy that I could not get out - such a rain really dreadful. Reading and preparation for tomorrow. Writing to Miss V and Bro. Waterman. Quite a contrast to a year ago. At night I had a lovely time thinking of home and loved one .......... Mrs. Stuckless. JULY 28. 1907 SUNDAY Up in good time this morning and went to prayers. Not many there. Used ' Will ye also go away. ' Came home to dinner and got ready for South Arm. Borrowed rubbers, very leaky. Soon had wet feet. Mosquitoes very sharp. We had a nice number to prayers. Every one in the Cove was present and we had a fairly good time. After some tea we came home and having preached in slippers too small put on my vamps and rubbers and soon had wet feet. I washed them as soon as I was in and then prepared for service and had a fairly good time. Using Acts 26:28. Came home and had some music with Mr. Walter and his wife. Then went upstairs and wrote to Dora and did some reading and went to sleep tired. JULY 29. 1907 MONDAY Up in good time this morning. Prepared to leave for South Arm. Was called to see Mrs. James Andrews. Went to see her and had a conversation. Saw Mr. T. Stuckless and Mr. Walker - got their fees, had a cup of tea with Mr. Hutchcroft, went to path and blowing hard. Walked over the neck, very wet feet, cold. Went up to see Mrs. Curlew and Paine. \Vent to dinner, bathed feet etc. and then after dinner visited Budgell ' s Point. There we were to have service but it was too late so we had a cup of tea with Mrs. John Warford and then rowed home. Did a deal of talking and then had prayers and retired to read and to bed. JULY 30, 1907 TUESDAY Up at 6:30 and had breakfast and prepared for our journey. Had to row nearly all the way to New Bay. Left Bobby ' s Cove at 8 a.m. and reached home about 12:30. Had dinner, learned decision of the court and heard Spencer had won the day. Went to Mr. Moores and got northern mail. Had a nice English mail and quite enjoyed it. Had a talk with Miss E. about G and was glad to hear the result. Was writing all the afternoon. Had a busy evening, retired to bed and to read. A big sea on, more wind from north at night. JULY 31, 1907 WEDNESDAY Very tired and in bed until late reading. While there finished Vanity Fair. In afternoon making up account of miles, found I have traveled over 1,500 miles. After tea went to give music lessons to Jessie, May and Nettle. Reading until about 12 p.m. then retired. AUGUST 1, 1907 THURSDAY Very heavy sea, expecting Hedley Britt but he came not. The day passed in reading and writing to Sir R Bond and Ms. Blandford etc. Very busy with correspondence. Nothing of note has occurred. AUGUST 2, 1907 FRIDAY Busy with reading and preparing for visitors. Went up to the Clyde in punt. Saw Brethren Pratt and Pike. Was very pleased to see them and quite enjoyed the pleasure of the meeting. Came home in punt. Opened mail coming down, had nice mail. Green and photos also photos of home. Then I met Mrs. Butt and Mr and Mrs. Fewer. After a time Bro. Maddock came along and we had a chat re education. I was well pleased with the result of the talk. I went with Mr. Fewer to Mr. Spencer ' s and then rowed home with the young ladies (the home Bro. Maddock and Hedley with the rest of us)?? ( This is how it appears on the copy from which this is typed. It ' s not quite clear?) Had a nice time and we prepared for bed, but I had a bad time. Spent part of the time on the floor much to the amusement of Bro. Maddock. AUGUST 3, 1907 SATURDAY Took breakfast and set about the work for the day. Bro. Maddock busy talking over different affairs, educational etc. I was up at Miss P ' s quite a time. AUGUST 4, 1907 SUNDAY Breakfast and away to service. Bro. Maddock used ?? Clyde came and upset us all, had to leave sermon. Sunday School in the afternoon, preaching at night from ???? Had tea with Mrs. Manuel, Hedley and Mrs. Britt at home, had a sing. Made arrangements to see Mr. Campbell in the morning. AUGUST 5, 1907 MONDAY Up in good time and went to see Mr. Campbell. Came home for valise. Went up again. Blowing a gale, tried to get out of Cottrells Cove but wind blew our shrouds away and we had to return to the wharf. Anchored off. Went aboard Hedley and had lobster for dinner. Came home to tea. Went up after tea to get my coat etc. Home to bed. Blowing a gale all day. AUGUST 6, 1907 TUESDAY Not well, in bed until 1 p.m. No appetite, berries for tea very nice. Could not read or write. Unable to go to Little Bay. Wrote a note to Mr. Campbell excusing myself. AUGUST 7. 1907 WEDNESDAY In bed until 12. Got up and had dinner but not much better. Miss E. and Mrs. Hedley went to see Mr. Peter Moore. Went to bed after eating berries. Made plan during day. AUGUST 8, 1907 THURSDAY Up this morning at 9 a.m. Had breakfast and attempted to do church work but could find no report. Correspondence etc. Repeated rests during the day. Feeling better today. Took Nehemiah some books. Wesley notes on New Testament, also Wesley sermons. Not feeling well but kept busy. Continued with plans. AUGUST 9, 1907 FRIDAY Up and had breakfast. Had some preparation to do. Went to mail some letters. Clyde came about 2 p.m. or just before went aboard. Freeman had my mail to meet me, very kind. Blowing hard. At Leading Tickles met Mrs. S. and Mr. M. Cox, come to bury sister. Stayed on Culls Island to funeral very late, home to tea, went to see Israel. Bed about 11 p.m. Splendid mail from England. AUGUST 10, 1907 SATURDAY A year ago since I landed in St. John ' s. Am feeling better. Correspondence, preparation for Seal Bay. At 2:15 we got into punt to go. Headwind, then fairer, then rain, hail. Went to Mr. Campbell ' s but he was gone. Next to Mr. Anstey ' s. He was gone to Labrador. Met Mrs. Anstey and the daughters. Too late, a few prayers. Shooting, beat them all. Was tired and was glad to get to bed. Very strange -thought whistle was mill whistle. AUGUST 11, 1907 SUNDAY Rose at 9 a.m. Had breakfast and preparation for service - Sued Phill 4:19. Had fairly good time. Had dinner then tried to go down but we had to come home - we went down as far as we could but had to turn back - We came back in a hurry. Did some reading. Felt very ill. Went for a walk. Had tea after having a lie down. After tea we had prayers. Had a very good time, then a chat and went to bed. AUGUST 12. 1907 MONDAY Up this morning in good time, had breakfast and started for Leading Tickles, had to row all the way - big sea but calm- Reached Leading Tickles about 1 p.m. Had dinner, went to visit Burnt Island. Had a sail back, preaching at night using I John 1:8. Had a splendid time. Heard Brethren Pike and Pratt were at New Bay so made every preparation to go home to see them. Went to bed. AUGUST 13, 1907 TUESDAY Up at 5 a.m. Had breakfast and at 6 a.m. was on our way to New Bay. Had plenty of wind. Kept the shore to ??? Rocks, then got across. 2 hours 10 minutes. Wet through. Saw the two brethren and changed. Had breakfast and then Mr. Rowsell stood for his photo. \Vent and took Jacob Moores. Made arrangements to go to Exploits on Monday. Bro. Pike to go to Leading Tickles, I had to go to North West Arm. Bro. Pratt to stay at New Bay. Went and had dinner - wet enough, cleared up. Went and took Mr. Peters, Mr. Yates and Mr. Wells. Had tea over there. Came home. Feeling very ill. Had a game with Mr. Moores. Bro. Pike slept with me, awful rain and thunder and lightning. During night thunder very loud. AUGUST 14, 1907 WEDNESDAY Had a very bad night, not feeling very well. Chronic indigestion so stayed in bed until nearly dinner time. Went down to dinner. We went to take the Sunday School and then to Mr. Peters ' , then to Ezra ' s. Had a nice view. Came home to tea. Had Bovril and wrote a letter and went to bed 1 p.m. AUGUST 15, 1907 THURSDAY Rose and had breakfast. Went to Fluery ' s Bight. Took Mrs. Budgell and family, Miss Budgell. Dinner with Miss Spencer, home and up to PM ' s (Peter Moores?) Yesterday ' s plates not successful, then home, took home(?). Went to Mrs. Williams ' to tea. Busy during day. Almost bought camera. Think I will. Bro. Pratt went off early to go to bed. Bro. Pike and I stay here. A year ago we were together on the train. Wonder how things are at home and in London. I wonder. AUGUST 16, 1907 FRIDAY Preparation for Clyde, received mail on to Tickle, big sea, landed at Mr. Alcock ' s wharf. Went up to Mr. Lanning. Each had a camera. I took SS Clyde. On to Island. Had some tea. Bro. Pike preached at night. Feeling very ill. AUGUST 17, 1907 SATURDAY Very unwell but determined to go to North West Arm. Feeling better after breakfast but bad head. Went in punt to Thimble Tickles, walked across the neck, very hot, many flies, reached North West Arm, had dinner. Took two photographs, feeling better, paid Miss Osmond. AUGUST 18, 1907 SUNDAY Preaching morning and afternoon. Formed class. Renewed tickets, had a good time. Coming on to rain. Walked to Thimble Tickles, so wet; wet through, had to change, found the people very kind, had beef tea, went to the Island had a good time, had a cup of cocoa, went to prayers. Bro. Pike preached, good sermon. Had supper, prayers and went to bed. Tired and ill. AUGUST 19, 1907 MONDAY At 3 a.m. was called. Got P, woke Pike up, had breakfast and went to New Bay. Started at 4:30 tempest, rain, reached Spencer ' s Cove about 7. Went to breakfast, had a few minutes with Mrs. Peter Moores. Glad to see her again. Started for Exploits at 10:45, had to row all the way, nearly feeling ill, very wet. Dr. met me, went straight up with WiIIis and Frank, went to the parsonage, saw Mrs. Maddock and Mrs. Bartlett, had tea with Rev. Coppin and Dyers, came home and did some developing, had prayers and went to bed to sleep. AUGUST 20, 1907 TUESDAY Rose at 8:30, had breakfast, feeling very tired, had cold, went for walk. Took photos, came to dinner, tough beef mincer brought into requisition. During afternoon went to parsonage and then prepared to go to the other side to tea. Met Bro. Sidey, Mrs. Crosby and children. Spent a very nice time. Home to bed at 1 p.m. AUGUST 21,1907 WEDNESDAY Up and had breakfast, waiting for Clyde, came at 9. We left for Lewisporte by way of Botwoodville, reached at 6:55. Bro. Coppin preached at night. All these things against me. Had tea with Manuel, slept with Bro. Maddock. AUGUST 22, 1907 THURSDAY Took valise to Mrs. Hann ' s. Went to church. District adjourned at 10. Dinner, back at 2 p.m., satisfactory. Meeting at night, nice time, people seem very nice and kind. Hope convention called at hotel. AUGUST 23, 1907 FRIDAY Had a good night, came down to breakfast. Went for a sail then went aboard the ship. Had a nice time. Had loan of Caplain ' s bike, took photos of ship and men. Went to prayers in afternoon, had a splendid time. Speakers, Miss Manuel, Rev. R.S. Smith, G.E.W. Bryant, S.A. Sidey. At night we met Bro. Bryant in the chair and Rev. Sidey and Curtis. Had tea at the parsonage, good time at night. AUGUST 24, 1907 SATURDAY Prepared my mail. Met Bro. Boone, went aboard ship, prepared for Campbellton. Mr. Sidey came with us. Had it very hot, nearly calm, reached Campbellton in the afternoon. Saw school with placards. Wrote to Chairman, went for a walk. AUGUST 25, 1907 SUNDAY Preaching morning, afternoon and night. Had fairly good times. Playing at each service, good congregations. Tired, went to bed early. AUGUST 26, 1907 MONDAY Woke up awakened by steam whistle, had breakfast, prepared for Clyde. At 10 a.m. went aboard, prepared copy for Twillingate Sunday. Had dinner, reached Exploits about 6:30, had tea at parsonage, home to supper and bed. AUGUST 27,1907 TUESDAY Awakened by man from Sampson ' s Island. Went with doctor. Baby born, had to baptize it, called it Thomas. Home 7:45.Board meeting got what I needed, returned to doctor and went to bed after having supper. AUGUST 28, 1907 WEDNESDAY Bob posted letters. Picnic, went to parsonage then to field, came home to dinner, back to field, fairly good time, broke my fountain pen. AUGUST 29. 1907 THURSDAY Bro. Maddock came to see me about League. Finished ' The Man Who Rose Again ' . Went to League and then out to supper. Across the harbour during the afternoon. Bed about 12. AUGUST 30. 1907 FRIDAY Had breakfast. Clyde came. Went aboard having said goodbye to the folks. Met Bro. Sidey, Mr. Moulton etc., reached home, got books from Briggs, also from Dicks. Busy during afternoon with stamps. Got some good ones from Mr. Moores. Busy reading, busy with photos. AUGUST 31, 1907 SATURDAY Busy studying for tomorrow. Busy with photos. Had a fairly good day. Finished my mail and having a cold went to bed at 10. SEPTEMBER 1, 1907 SUNDAY Damp. Went to church, 5 present, no service. Went to School, had singing practice. Had tea with Mrs. P. Moores. Went to church, had a nice congregation. SEPTEMBER 2. 1907 MONDAY Spent the morning at home. Had early dinner and went to see Mrs. Yates. Saw her at Mrs. White ' s. Had tea with Mrs. P. Moores. Went to church, had nice congregation. SEPTEMBER 3, 1907. TUESDAY Someone ' s birthday, wish her many happy returns. Hope she is happy. Busy all day indoors but committee meeting at night. Had a good time and did fairly good business. Supper, chicken. Good time. Home to bed. SEPTEMBER 4. 1907 WEDNESDAY Sent parcel to Leading Tickles but did not go. Clearing up and correspondence. Had a busy time getting letters ready for mail. Went to school, no practice. Mr. Manuel stamp, hair cut 11:30. SEPTEMBER 5. 1907 THURSDAY Busy all morning with church accounts. After dinner went to New Bay Head, baptized Maxwell George son of Mark COX. Met Mrs. Osmond and her son. Came home and was busy at work until late. SEPTEMBER 6. 1907 FRIDAY About home getting mail ready. Clyde came, took snaps after and Mr. Ball(?) and Donald out. Had a nice mail, really good, very busy answering letters. SEPTEMBER 7, 1907 SATURDAY Preparation for Sunday, very busy all day. Having a good time. Mailed money to Bro. Pike and Mr. Manuel took photos of goats, developed, came out fine. Work until late. Jim Budgell came for me. Expect to go to South Arm tomorrow. SEPTEMBER 8, 1907 SUNDAY Very tired, have had a hard day. Was preaching in the morning from?. Got ready for South Arm but Budgell did not come. Was ready with my valise. Opened and closed school. Still Jim did not come. Went home to tea and back to service using Matthew 9:36 and ' Moved with Compassion ' . Came home tired. Called on May and had supper. SEPTEMBER 9, 1907 MONDAY Mr. Spencer and I rowed up to South West Arm. called at ??. Went to South Arm. Caplain gone to bury baby. Found all in a tiff but soon put things right. Went to visit all the people on the point. Preached at night using ' Moved with compassion ' . Tired, home to bed. SEPTEMBER 10, 1907 TUESDAY Up in good time, took photos and went off to South West Arm, was very busy all day. Took valise to be repaired and went to service at night, very few, used ' How much owest them ' . Went home to supper and bed. SEPTEMBER 11, 1907 WEDNESDAY In bed until late and then busy visiting etc. had a hard tramp and got ready for prayers. Heard the Warfords were home. Preaching at night and had a few more people. 4 miles. SEPTEMBER 12, 1907 THURSDAY Took Dan and girl and ? for South Arm. Went to mill then walked across neck, reached Budgell ' s Point. Preached at night, no one to take me down, had a chat and went to bed. 4 miles. SEPTEMBER 13, 1907 FRIDAY Up this morning, worried about getting home, killing sheep etc. Mr. Rolf came down in boat, had a nice time with photographs etc. Had a nice mail and developed photos. Had a cheque for salary. Went to bed 1:30. 10 miles. SEPTEMBER 14, 1907 SATURDAY Up, had breakfast. Went to Mr. Spencer ' s to see him about hay. Willis promised to go to North West Arm. Home to dinner, correspondence, gave orders re gooseberries. At 5:40 left wharf for North West Arm, good breeze, then moderate, reached North West arm at 8 p.m. Had a nice evening, went to bed at 11:30. SEPTEMBER 15. 1907 SUNDAY Up in good time, heard that Mr. White was home. Went to prayers. Used ' What time ye of Christ ' . Prayers in afternoon, used ' There be four little things ' . Prayers at night, used ' Distress, Debt, Discontented ' . Had a nice day. Very tired. Home and writing and to bed. SEPTEMBER 16. 1907 MONDAY Rose this morning, had breakfast, found Mr. Martin waiting, had pleasant morning. Took Uncle Freddie and William White. Walked across neck, then Mr. Hackett was there in punt and we beat up to Leading Tickles, awfully cold. Preaching at night using?. Had fairly good time. Arthur at Seal Bay again! SEPTEMBER 17, 1907 TUESDAY Indoors all the morning writing to Mrs. Betteridge. After dinner went to see Mr. Lanning, had a nice time with him. Blowing and raining, very dirty, too rough for Burnt Island. Preaching on Rowsell ' s Island, used Matthew 5:20, very tired, came home and went to bed. SEPTEMBER 18 1907 WEDNESDAY Blowing a gale, went to visit the people on the Island, very dirty, gale increasing until night, could scarcely get out of doors. Schooners having a bad time, could not get to Burnt Island, too dirty for prayers. Had a rest. SEPTEMBER 19, 1907 THURSDAY Woke up this morning to find Henry Rowsell ' s schooner a total wreck, drifted away towards Island, no help, sea mountains high, such a storm not known for years. Wind dropping and at night sea going back a little, went to visit the homes at night. Portia came along, an awfully rough time, anchored for all night in the tickle. SEPTEMBER 20, 1907 FRIDAY Men at work on wreck, calmer but dirty still, can do nothing, Arthur came back and went to Eastern Tickle with mail. Went to Burnt Island, had a nice time. Clyde did not come, prayers at night, had a good time, used ' Shall it Profit ' . SEPTEMBER 21, 1907 SATURDAY Up at 6 a.m. and prepared for New Bay. reached at 10:15. Had breakfast and bath. Clyde came, mail too. Writing letters and studying. Preparation for tomorrow. Met schooner crew. SEPTEMBER 22, 1907 SUNDAY Prayers this morning, miserable singing, fairly good time, using ISA 4:40. School in afternoon, late starting practice. Preaching at night. Had a talk to mothers and also the men, had a good time, good singing, supper at Mrs. Peter Moores. SEPTEMBER 23, 1907 MONDAY Busy printing, had a busy day. Mr. Yates sent for doctor. Was about to develop when doctor came. Stanley Rolf cut his fingers, dressed it for him. With doctor to see Mrs. P. Moores. Reading Lilith. SEPTEMBER 24, 1907 TUESDAY Reading, finished Lilith. Doctor came and went visiting. Got a crew to take him down then went to Mr. Yates ' , then packed up to go, then went to Spencer ' s Cove to start but could not get away. Came home very tired. Doctor went to picnic. I did not. Came home and developed North West Arm pictures. Went to bed and to sleep. SEPTEMBER 25, 1907 WEDNESDAY Was busy all morning with photos and in afternoon was visiting Boone ' s Point and came home in punt. Blowing hard, came onto rain, got wet, had to change. Busy after tea. SEPTEMBER 26, 1907 THURSDAY Heard Mr. Adolphus Yates was home. Was busy in the morning. In the afternoon I went round South East Arm. Saw Mr. Yates and Mrs. Yates. Came to Boone ' s Point, crossed in punt to Churchill ' s and punt filled with water, wet, home and at work until bed time. SEPTEMBER 27, 1907 FRIDAY Busy this morning preparing for mail, Clyde came, mail good. Then busy answering and preparing for Sunday. SEPTEMBER 28, 1907 SATURDAY Busy all day. At about 12 noon saw Mr. Grimes. Had him in and prepared to meet schooner. A crowd began to gather and we had some work for a time, then the Procession came along and we had to commence. Quite a lot of people were present. After the funeral Mr. Grimes had tea with me and then the schooner went home to South West Arm. SEPTEMBER 29, 1907 SUNDAY Had a hard day today. Began service at 11:50, used ' The Seed is the Word ' . Came home to dinner, back to school and after tea to prayers. Funeral sermon using ' Let me Die the Death of the Righteous ' . Had a good time, disturbed by cat. SEPTEMBER 30, 1907 MONDAY Tired today, reading all the time. Juha (ship) going to South West Arm for lumber tomorrow, got crew to go. Preparation at night for trip tomorrow. OCTOBER 1, 1907 TUESDAY Breakfast and aboard the Julia and off to South East Arm. Took in logs and then to South West Arm. Had a good time and did good work. Got clapboard and Mr. Churchill ' s lumber and Mr. Moores ' . Went ashore and then in punt to Mr. Hutchcroft ' s and back for valise and off to bed after I got home. OCTOBER 2, 1907 WEDNESDAY Had breakfast and went on board. Went for slabs and after loading started for Western Arm. Had plenty of wind and was soon there. Fish and potatoes cold. Saw lumber. Walked home to South West Arm. Preached at night using ??. Went to ?? to tea. Had a nice time. Home to bed. OCTOBER 3. 1907 THURSDAY (South West Arm) Not very well. Very wet. Blowing very hard. Impossible to go out. Awful weather. Writing home and preparing for studies etc. OCTOBER 4, 1907 FRIDAY Indoors till dinner time then visiting as far as Mr. Earle ' s, came back and went to prayers and had a fairly good time. OCTOBER 5, 1907 SATURDAY Busy all morning visiting up the shore. Went to Mr. Hutchcroft ' s, wet, could not go to Southern Arm. Was busy. Had a talk with Bro. Grimes. Went to Lodge, took the Royal Blue. Home. Settled with Mr. Baggs for lumber, received fee and balance of organ $6.50. To bed 1 a.m. Five years ago first went to Edmonton. OCTOBER 6. 1907 SUNDAY Went to Southern Arm. Used Isa 35:1-2. Had dinner, came back to service, used ' The Seed is the Word ' . At night used ' What Shall it Profit ' . Had a good day, came and had music and to bed 11:30. OCTOBER 7. 1907 MONDAY (South Arm) Up in good time reading, then after dinner went to South Arm visiting during afternoon, preaching at night. Baptized Robert Henry, Blanche, Lily May. Went home to bed with Bro. Grimes. OCTOBER 8,1907 TUESDAY (South Arm) Up and ready for New Bay. Blowing hard all day, could not get away, taking photographs. To bed at night, tired. OCTOBER 9. 1907 WEDNESDAY Started for New Bay. Came on to blow, a real gale. Had to put in at Budgell ' s Point. Stayed until after 12 then 1:30 started, reached New Bay at 4 p.m. Mail, tea and surprised the folks. Had a real good time developing. OCTOBER 10. 1907 THURSDAY Busy all day. Went to South East Arm. Preached at night. Got piece of ground from Mr. Manuel and made arrangements for the road to be made. Good business. OCTOBER 11. 1907 FRIDAY Expecting to meet the steamer. She was very late. Bro. Maddock, Mrs. Maddock, Misses Hickman, Hickman and Manuel came ashore. We made arrangements for beds etc. Got mail, had a chat, home to bed. OCTOBER 12, 1907 SATURDAY Busy all day at letters, no sermon to prepare. I feel it so strange nothing to prepare for. Went to practice at night and had a nice time. Came home and went to bed. OCTOBER 13, 1907 SUNDAY A nice day today. Was late for morning service. Had a nice time especially at class. At Sunday School had a good time. At night BRO. Maddock was late. We had a nice time. At the sacrament we had a nice service, great day. Came home to bed. OCTOBER 14, 1907 TUESDAY Busy all morning, Bro. Maddock came down to dinner. We had a pleasant afternoon. Went to see Mrs. ? and Mrs. Moores. Had a good time. Came home to tea. Had a good and pleasant time with Bro. Maddock. October 16, 1907 WEDNESDAY Rather a dirty morning but cleared off, moderate. Messers Nehemiah and Ezra Moores rowed us over to Leading Tickles. Landed at Mr. Hackett ' s. Walked through the Island. Found that Harold Lanning was dead. Reached Rowsell ' s Island and Bro. Maddock preached at night. OCTOBER 17, 1907 THURSDAY In the morning came over from Leading Tickles. Had a grand time. Came on to blow hard. Men started to go but had to put back and wait until wind dropped. Went to school. Prepared map. Bro. Maddock in to tea and spent the night until 10. OCTOBER 18, 1907 FRIDAY Waiting for steamer but she came not. Busy indoors in the morning. In the afternoon went up to government wharf and aboard the Trader. Prayers at night. Bro. Maddock preached. Ladies Aid met at the close, decided to order materials. Steamer came and I had quite a big mail. October 19, 1907 SATURDAY Quite a busy day. Had such a lot of letters to answer was kept quite busy. Very much troubled about the sermon I ' m preaching tomorrow night. I am distressed, can find no comfort except in my duty. OCTOBER 20, 1907 SUNDAY This has been to me a terrible day. One wherein the refining fire has gone through my heart and it has hurt. Bro. Maddock preached in the morning, a long 48 minutes but splendid sermon. In the afternoon after School, I went to see him. He then surprised me considerably and hurt me much by words he used. My sermon preparation stood me now in good stead and I as by the Blessing of God, able to control my language although I felt much misunderstood. He gave me a letter which I, at his advice, refrained from reading until after church. At church I conducted the service and was helped by the assurance of the presence of the Holy Spirit. I thought the meeting was a good one. It was to me. I met Bro. Maddock in Mrs. Manuel ' s but did not stay but came home and read my letter and I have taken it upstairs to read again. ' What a friend we have in Jesus, other refuge have I none ' . OCTOBER 21. 1907 MONDAY Was awakened this morning by SS Clyde. Have spent a very troubled night. Went up to see steamer. Came home to breakfast and was busy until dinner time. I replied to Bro. Maddock ' s letter, then went to see the men. In the afternoon we went about the lumber but it was too dirty to do much to it. Very heavy all day but God is with me. A very present help in time of trouble. Got into my study today, shall now be able to do my work. Blowing hard, snowing etc. OCTOBER 22, 1907 TUESDAY Blowing a gale today, snowing, very dirty, reading all morning. Preparation for picnic, arranging study, making up accounts etc. Not feeling very well. Went to practice, not many there. Had no practice. Had to adjourn the picnic. OCTOBER 23, 1907 WEDNESDAY Busy all the morning. After dinner went visiting South East Arm. Got back in time for practice. Had a good number present. Came home tired and wet. OCTOBER 24, 1907 THURSDAY Very busy today. Picnic has been a success notwithstanding the dirty weather. Went up this morning to prepare church and in the afternoon went up to be with the children. Had a good time. Got some lumber up. Had games and tea in the church and meeting in the school house. Had a good time. OCTOBER 25, 1907 FRIDAY Went to church this morning. Got lumber in the church. Paid picnic bills. Had $2.04 to spare. This passed to the secretary. Made arrangements for Service of Song. Preparing for Leading Tickles. Clyde has not come. OCTOBER 26, 1907 SATURDAY No sign of Clyde. Waiting all the morning. After dinner got ready to go in skiff and Herb put us across to the Eastern Tickle. Here we saw Mr. Mark Rowsell and soon were on our way to Rowsell ' s Island. Arrived and introduced Miss Moore to the people. Sitting, chatting, had a nice time. Developing photos. Went to bed. Had a nice time thinking. OCTOBER 27, 1907 SUNDAY Preaching in the morning and used?. On Burnt Island in the afternoon and used?. At night used?. had a real hard time. Very tired, not feeling very well. Again went to bed to think and wish I was in England. OCTOBER 28. 1907 MONDAY Preparation for soup supper. Visiting Cull ' s Island. Waiting for mail. Got back, mail came, had a good lot of letters and a pleasant evening. Soup supper a success. Raised about $7.00 and with Arthur back we had a nice time. OCTOBER 29, 1907 TUESDAY Up in good time. Preparation for New Bay. Mr. Rowsell and Mr. Chippett came with us. We had a good time across, plenty of wind but? not feeling well. Went up to see Mr. Dalton and also took snap shot of church. Came home and felt ill. After tea Ezra came in and we had a nice chat. Oh how I wish these young men were converted! OCTOBER 30, 1907 WEDNESDAY Feeling very poorly. Lovely morning but dull this afternoon. In study all day. Correspondence in the morning, resting in the afternoon. At night Uncle John came in. I read two chapters of John Wesley, too tired to read more. Sewing Circle met, not many were there. I was at home. Mrs. Spencer came to see me. Cold very severe in limbs, symptoms of...... Dr. Grenfel. Waiting for ladies to come home and then went to bed tired out but have done nothing. I wrote to my girl and to mother this morning. I wonder how they are. OCTOBER 31, 1907 THURSDAY Not at all well, cold, not up until had warmed myself with a hot plate. Came down about 12 p.m. Study nicely warm and comfortable, folks very kind, not able to do much. Hope to be better soon. NOVEMBER 1, 1907 FRIDAY Feeling very poorly tonight. Up this morning about 11 and after dinner went visiting, went to see Mr. Pearce, he paid his fee $5.00. Went to see Mr. James Moores but could make nothing but sorrow of him. Mrs. James Moores gave me $3.00. Mrs. Pearce paid me for Greeting?. Came home very tired. Speaking to Bro. Mal. He, I think, will advance. NOVEMBER 2, 1907 SATURDAY Not feeling so well today. Indoors all the time. Have a good deal of pain. Day very long although I was up late. Mrs. Moores came and spent the evening with me. This was very kind and a nice change. Was very tired and glad to retire. NOVEMBER 3, 1907 SUNDAY Feeling very poorly all day but had a good day in my soul. In bed when Bro. N. came to see me. He said he prayed for me. This was kind, wrote to Sunday School. Hope it did some good. At night A. stayed home with me. We had a nice time. Trust we each shall benefit by it. Cuth and Ezra both came to see me after prayers and I was glad to see them but so tired. I was not long up after they had gone. NOVEMBER 4, 1907 MONDAY Today I have been indoors all day. Not at all well but better than yesterday. Had severe pain in legs and feet. Hope to be well soon. Miss Moores came in with Sunday School books at night but I was too tired to be interesting. I hope I did not appear rude. Tomorrow is A ' s birthday. Made up a test for him and letter. Hope he will be pleased. NOVEMBER 5, 1907 TUESDAY How different to home life. Feeling very lonely today. Better in health than yesterday. Began my correspondence. Wonder what I shall have when Clyde comes. Hope I have one from Dora. Went up as far as Mr. P. Moores yesterday. She sent me some fruit. This was good of her. Took snapshot of house etc. Clyde came teatime. Soon had mail and was busy answering these. Sewing Circle at night. went to bed after having cup of tea. Was very cold, had to have a hot plate etc. NOVEMBER 6, 1907 WEDNESDAY Have had a very poor night and not at all well. Was busy writing for a few minutes before dinner but had to take a note for Bro. Dalton. Hope to decide tonight about church lumber etc. Had a chat, came down and got ready for business. Mr. Moore and Mr. Dalton came down. We did business and I was very tired. My throat was bad. Went to bed feeling very ill. NOVEMBER 7, 1907 THURSDAY Today has been a strange day. I did my letters and was awfully tired, then we went on with photos. I was developing in the afternoon and printing. Zigodid very well I think. Went down to Miss Moores ' to tea. Here a grand surprise was in store which made us all very happy but this secret for the present. I was excited, this made me worse. I came home feeling quite ill. Finished my letters and was very glad when I was in bed. NOVEMBER 8, 1907 FRIDAY Had a bad night. Woke with my head bad and certainly with much pain. Hope soon to be better. Must not let this conquer me. NOVEMBER 9, 1907 SATURDAY Today has been a hard day. In the morning I was clearing up etc. Busy packing up photos. Afternoon was busy preparing for tomorrow. Not very well. Did not go out today to visit. Hope I have a good time tomorrow. NOVEMBER 10, 1907 SUNDAY Today has been a full day. I was ready for service in good time and was first there. Went to New Road with Mr. Jacob Moores. Used Genesis, came home tired and was resting during the afternoon then finished my preparation for tonight. Went to prayers, first again. Had a fairly good time. Used Matthew 18:3. A fairly good company there considering the schooners are gone. New Road beginning to be favourable in the estimation of some. Certainly I consider it much the better of the two. I am very tired, legs painful, in fact almost ill but with duty done. I wonder how the folks are at home are. Would like to see them all. Perhaps I shall sooner than they think. 11:40 p.m., must get to bed. NOVEMBER 11, 1907 MONDAY A year ago today I was at South West Arm. Sunday. Today I am indoors feeling very tired. Was undisturbed until 9:30. Then I had some tea in bed, after which I went on reading Life of Wesley. At 11:30 I rose, had bath and descended. Entered collection accounts, indexed circuit journal. Borrowed Acts of the Apostles and commenced to read. Then took up Wesley again. Would like to do some Greek but can ' t, head too bad. Tried again the Holy City. Shall print a few photos now. Mr. Rice has been to ask me to marry him tomorrow at 4 p.m. Had words of encouragement by yesterday ' s sermon. Thankful for this. Have been very busy, have made up balance sheet of church accounts up to June 1907. Willis and Adolphus promised to clapboard the back of the church. Have been quite busy. Am very tired and now off to bed. Expect to read somewhat before I sleep. After retiring I finished reading Wesley and his Century by Rev. W.H. Fitchett. This is a splendid book, the reading of which had done me good. I also read part of the Acts of the Apostles by George Carter. NOVEMBER 12, 1907 TUESDAY Not feeling well today. Was reading in the morning and preparing for South East Arm to marry Dorman John Rice and Beatrice Mary Hustins. After dinner, went up and called at Mr. P. Moores and told him (gish fish?) had dropped. This is bad for him. Called at Albert Yates and Mrs. Manuels. Mrs. J. Clark sick. Presented some medicine for her. Called at Mrs. Boone ' s, Elijah ' s. Saw an apparent answer to my dream of Saturday. Mr. Boone put me across the arm. George White came in, lost a punt. We went out and picked it up. A big job, quite a dirty job. Had to wait sometime for the folks to get ready. At last performed the ceremony and then had some tea. Mr. Hustins had toothache. We were very cold in the house. Came home, had to walk right around the road. It was an awful walk but got home safely. Called at Mr. Manuel ' s and Mr. P. Moores ' . Had game, beat and then came home. Gave Mrs. Clark Essence of Cloves, mythaliote (?) spirits and two Dover pills. Very, very tired and feeling quite ill. Blowing a gale from the north west. In bed and to sleep, too tired to read. NOVEMBER 13, 1907 WEDNESDAY Very tired and unwell today. Not up until late. Busy with my own affairs getting things straight. Mr. Baggs came in from South West Arm. Bro. Grimes sick in Botwoodville. Wrote to Bro. Maddock. Also to Chesley Woods. Wonder what the result will be. I am much disturbed about South West Arm and must certainly attempt to do my best for them up there. I understand that all the men are at work and so in all probability it will be a good year. Busy preparing for preaching service. I went out to prayers which is the first time today of being out. Walked up New Road and was almost first in church. Played and preached. Had a nice time. Used St. Luke 1:8, Men Ought Always to Pray. Came home alone. Called in Mr. P ' s then had supper. Came Home. Miss Moores sick, not seriously I think. Mr. Britt came in and we were chatting until late, then retired. Wind has been blowing hard from the south west by west. NOVEMBER 14, 1907 THURSDAY Up last night reading ' The Home Ministry and Modern Missions ' . Lights out at 1 a.m. Went to sleep, woke up during the night. Rose at 10 a.m. feeling unwell and partook breakfast. Continued my reading and after dinner finished the book. A real helpful book, well written, instructive and interesting. A well chosen book for study. Miss Moore sick today but keeping about. Was going to New Bay Head but too much snow, cold and dirty. Indoors almost all day. Commenced to read Tales from Shakespeare. Quite enjoyed it. Went to bed tired. Freezing during night. NOVEMBER 15, 1907 FRIDAY Expecting Clyde. Commenced to write sermons. Clyde did not come, no letters, disappointed but was busy all day. Committee meeting at night and prayer meeting previous. Had a nice time. Came home and found all the women sick in bed. Mrs. Moores having fainted in cramp. Went to bed and went on with my reading Shakespeare. Cold, snow and frost. NOVEMBER 16, 1907 SATURDAY Today has been a busy day. Was up fairly early and got to my reading and to my sermons. Hope she will be better. Expecting the Clyde but she did not come. Have no letters from (Dora) today. Have to preach tomorrow but cannot study very well. Thanksgiving tomorrow. How am I to preach. I trust I may do someone some good. Mr. J. Moores paid his fee this year today. About fees, much may be said and is being said. I am learning to pray for these of my brethren who are saying hard things about me. Night has come. I cannot decide really upon tomorrow night. NOVEMBER 17, 1907 SUNDAY Today has been a very busy day one in which God has blessed me. This morning he was present in our midst and as I spoke from?? I found that his word was blessed to our lives. In the afternoon we went to school, good company considering the day. Singing, practice, good collection $.55. At night was using Where Art Thou. Had a nice time. Came home, had supper at Mrs. P. Moores ' and had a nice time. Got my letters. NOVEMBER 18, 1907 MONDAY Very tired today but happy because of a good day yesterday. Was busy with my letters. Had a good mail. Mrs. Moores got ready and went off to Fleury ' s Bight for Moreton ' s Harbour. I was indoors all day and was not very well but busy. Snow upon the roads made bad walking. Took (?) with the sheep, also Dolph and myself. NOVEMBER 19, 1907 TUESDAY Schooner went up the bay for wood. Am alone in the house and with two women, how romantic. Was going to Boone ' s Point but could not get a punt so I remained at home and was busy with photos and reading. NOVEMBER 20, 1907 WEDNESDAY Clyde went south this morning. Busy today. Received a visit from Miss Boone re Bro. Hackett. Am sorry for this girl. Went to tea with Mr. Malachi Moores. Had a good time. Went to prayers, nice number present. Came home prepared for supper. Schooner came in. All had supper together after which we retired. NOVEMBER 21, 1907 THURSDAY Tired tonight. Busy this morning getting ready for South West Arm but missed Willis, was very sorry but prepared to go to New Bay Head. Archie Whitehorn and I went down. Had a nice time and called at Mrs. Spencer ' s and Mrs. Pearce ' s and then on to the teachers meeting. Came home and had supper and went to bed. Had a pleasant surprise. Did my photos. NOVEMBER 22, 1907 FRIDAY Wind blowing from south west, could not go up the arm as we wanted to. We had to stay in all day. Busy during afternoon with letters. Miss Boone came to see me. I went to tea with Mr. M. Moores and then on to church, calling at home going past. Had a fairly good time and came home. Was busy preparing for my trip tomorrow. NOVEMBER 23, 1907 SATURDAY Was up in good time, started for South Arm, wind down but moderate. Rowed all the way up. Was reading the Prospector. Had a good time. Boiled the kettle and had lunch. Visited the people in the Point and went up to the Cove. Visited the people and then went home and after a nice chat went to bed. NOVEMBER 24, 1907 SUNDAY Was up this morning in good time. Preaching in the Cove, used Phil 17:18. Had a good time. Went back to dinner and then walked across the neck. Found the cove frozen in and J. Baggs coming over to greet me. Found Mr. Baggs with his head hurt and then I went off to prayers. Place very cold, not many there and had a fair time. Went home to tea, met Messrs Mills and Woolfrey, took them home to tea and went back to prayers. Had a nice time. Went to Mr. Baggs ' to supper - the trio with me. Went home tired, to bed. NOVEMBER 25, 1907 MONDAY Took breakfast and went to see the people. Mr. Hutchcroft went with me across the Arm. Took snap of the schooner. Introduced to Mr. Fogwell and also to Mr. F. Crowe. Had a chat and then went on to South Arm. Found the people sick and so had no prayers. Wrote for Mr. Thompson and had tea with Mr. Shepherd and went home to supper feeling ill - was glad to get to bed. NOVEMBER 26. 1907 TUESDAY South West Arm - Went to see the people, then went in to South West Arm, had dinner with Mr.Crowe. Had a chat and then went over the Arm. Went to visit the people and went home. Raining hard, getting ready for prayers and went up but had no service. Home to bed. NOVEMBER 27, 1907 WEDNESDAY Having breakfast, heard Mr. Earle was off to New Brunswick. Saw my people and came on. Rowed all down and found my mail. Answered this and replied to Robert Culley. Received the books ordered, very pleased. Went to bed but cold, too bad to sleep. NOVEMBER 28, 1907 THURSDAY Indoors nearly all day, very bad with cold. Went out a little in the afternoon and then came home to tea and was indoors all the night. Was late in bed, cold, very nasty. Preparation for North West Arm. Mr. Mal Moores paid fee. NOVEMBER 29, 1907 FRIDAY Feeling a little better today but poorly. At home in the morning in bed and in the afternoon visited Boone ' s Point. Obtained $2.00 gold piece, came home and then went back to tea with Mrs. P. Moores and home to wash and off to prayer meeting. Home to supper and to bed. NOVEMBER 30, 1907 SATURDAY Today is the last of November. How quickly time passes. Blowing too hard to get to North West Arm. I am sorry. I wish I could go. Not very well but better - have been preparing for Sunday. DECEMBER 1, 1907 SUNDAY Up in good time for prayers and went to church. Used Temperance Sermon text. Had fairly good time. Mr. & Mrs. Moores signed the pledge and in the Class meeting I was encouraged. In the afternoon I was at Sunday School and had a good time with Miss Moores ' class. At night used ??, and had a fairly good time. Came home, had supper at Mrs. P. Moores ' and then retired. DECEMBER 2, 1907 MONDAY Today I have spent at home and it has been a dirty day. Have been reading, nothing of importance has occurred. DECEMBER 3, 1907 TUESDAY Today I have visited Fleury ' s Bight and am very glad to have the visit over and as it has been a dirty day I was glad to get home. Ladies tired (?). Dolph at photos. Getting ready for North West Arm. Up until very late packing etc. Had a fair day. Mr. Malachi Moores ordered organ. DECEMBER 4, 1907 WEDNESDAY Was called and up in good time this morning and started for North West Arm. We had a hard time up, was very cold. Reached here at 3:30 pm, left at 9:30 am, 7 miles, 6 hours. Preached at night. Had a comfy night and then went to bed. DECEMBER 5, 1907 THURSDAY North West Arm Up very late this morning, busy reading etc., music books. Miss Osmond took several off to do some ' sketching ' . Too late to do much, came home calling at Mr. Thomas White ' s. Had a pleasant evening, a nice time. DECEMBER 6, 1907 FRIDAY Leading Tickles Up in good time. Came across the neck with Mr. Kenneth Yates. Had some tea with Mrs. Marsh then when men were ready came on to the Tickle. Had to land at Mr. Peddle ' s and walk to Mr. Noseworthy ' s. Across to Cull ' s Island and got my mail. Went to Rowsell ' s Island, married Mr. Ward. Had a very pleasant night and went to bed tired but with a good days work done. DECEMBER 7, 1907 SATURDAY Leading Tickles Today had been a full day. Was busy in the morning and afternoon writing letters. Preparation for tomorrow. Mr. Israel paid his fee. Have had a busy day and comfy. Not much of importance has occurred. DECEMBER 8, 1907 SUNDAY No entry. DECEMBER 9, 1907 MONDAY Had a good day today. Rose feeling refreshed after good night. Prepared to go to Seal Bay but Arthur came home. Visited Burnt Island and then came home. Settled with money for fees and photos and books. Developed photos and had chat. Went to bed late. Had a nice day. DECEMBER 10, 1907 TUESDAY Rose and prepared for North West Arm. Arthur went down to Thimble Tickles with me. We had to row and land and then walk. Met Miss Osmond, had cup of tea with Mr. Martin. Mr. Marsh came across the neck. Saw the men, had service at night and met the men. Could not make much head way with the point (?) People too busy. DECEMBER 11, 1907 WEDNESDAY North West Arm Had breakfast, went trouting, caught a three pounder. Had a good time. Schooner Valiant in the Arm. Preaching at night. Had a good time. Preparation for home tomorrow. DECEMBER 12, 1907 THURSDAY Up before light, got ready for home. Skiff at Mr. Moores ' and we started at 9:15. Rowed to Budgell ' s Brook and came on with sails. Had a good time, big sea, plenty of wind. Went up for parcels, very pleased indeed with them. Came home and was busy reading and getting mail ready for Portia. Plenty of camera outsit(??) DECEMBER 13. 1907 FRIDAY Tired, in bed until late. Busy in my study until time for Prayer Meeting. DECEMBER 14, 1907 SATURDAY Very busy all day today getting ready for tomorrow. Hope to have a good day. Have been up to see Mrs. Hobbs(?) Have found her very sick, called in Mr. Peters. DECEMBER 15, 1907 SUNDAY Today has been a full day. Went to church in the morning and used Lev. 22:32 ' Thou Shalt Not Profane My Holy Name ' etc. In the afternoon, went to Sunday School, had lessons and practice. Had good time. Mr. Ezra came in to tea with me. Miss Hickman also was down. We went to church at night where I preached from Matthew 22:21, ' Render Therefore Unto Caesar the Things that are Caesar ' s and to God the Things that be God ' s. Almost all stayed to Prayer Meeting. Came to Miss P., Ezra and I had supper then came home to bed. DECEMBER 16, 1907 MONDAY Very tired. Busy today indoors at my studies. Mail came and I had a good time. Was kept busy attending to my correspondence. DECEMBER 17. 1907 TUESDAY Busy. This morning to visit South East Arm. Set off after dinner. Went to Mr. Yates ' then put across to Mr. Boone ' s. Found all hands in a ferment. Re visiting. Set things a bit right. Had a talk etc. Was there all the afternoon, came back, called at Mr. Wall ' s. Found Mr. Dalton there. Came to Sewing Circle, marked the things, reached home at 12:30. Had a warm bath and to bed at 1 am. Bazaar work tomorrow night must be finished. DECEMBER 18, 1907 WEDNESDAY Busy today. Correspondence and reading until dinner time then Mr. Lanning brought our lumber for the church and we were busy taking it in skiff from our wharf to the government wharf and then splitting it up. We did well, were back at 1 pm. Preparation for service and to go to N. Moores ' to tea. Preaching. Clyde. Marking Sewing Circle Goods. DECEMBER 19, 1907 THURSDAY Busy preparing for bazaar. Getting school ready, came home at 4 pm back - Tea begun, good number present, good sale. Took $53.02 cash at stall. Almost $10.00 at tea, fruit etc. Good time. Nearly all the stuff was sold. Came home at 1 am then back but all was well. Had some fun!! Came home and went to bed. E. Moores bought Holy War, Test, red letter Bible from Jest to Ernest. To bed at 3:30 am. Snowing hard all day until 5 pm then was beautiful. DECEMBER 20, 1907 FRIDAY Settling affairs of yesterday and then after dinner went up to school with Victor to clean away the tables etc. and to learn how the wind was blowing. Found the young ladies in a ferment but soon set their suspicion at nought. Then they were angry which was needless, also useless. Stayed until all was finished. I had an opportunity to practice some music while the scrubbing was done. No prayer meeting tonight on account of west school floor. Had tea, came back to Mr. P. Moores, met Miss Hickman, Licut and Mr. Moores. Had tea then came home and was reading. DECEMBER 21. 1907 SATURDAY Shortest day and nice day. Cleaning up my study. Had a nice day at my work. Became very tired, bad head etc. Sermon writing a help and a blessing. DECEMBER 22. 1907 SUNDAY Have had a busy day but good day. Rose and had breakfast, went to church, very cold, not very many there. Used Phil 17:18, had a good time. Sunday School, good number and good time, practice. Preaching at night, good congregation, used 2 Cor 3:18, had a nice time. Glory is possible now. Came home feeling very tired. Had supper, prayers, then went to bed. A big sea seems to be out all this past week. DECEMBER 23. 1907 MONDAY Indoors all day today. Mr. Moores came during the night. No more lonely hours. Glad he is home safe and well. Three boxes of raisins, good business. Not at all well, very tired, seems to have a cold, bad head, etc. Early to bed. Mail came from Fortune. Such a nice mail. Watlington, Lavenham, London all good, papers etc. To bed with one. DECEMBER 24, 1907 TUESDAY Christmas Eve, how different to home! Busy in study today arranging for things for Christmas. Attending to mail. Practice at night and preparing for sermon tomorrow. DECEMBER 25, 1907 WEDNESDAY Christmas Day. To church and preaching from St. Luke. Had a good time. Quite a lot there, supposed to be the best congregation ever at a Christmas service. Received presents, 2 handkerchiefs, dressing case and socks, pair socks. In study playing about with gun and then went to marry Mr. George Wall and Miss Boone. Came home and had tea. In study at music. Had a nice time with photos. Went to Mr. Moores ' and had a game of draughts. Supper and then came home. Thus I have spent my second Christmas in Newfoundland. Went to bed but could not sleep, was thinking of my Dora. How I wish she were with me. DECEMBER 26, 1907 THURSDAY Boxing Day. Feeling somewhat depressed. Reading in the morning. Visiting in the afternoon around South East Arm. Hard walk. Saw Mr. Yates. Had a long talk, very much saddened, very much cast down. Reached home at 11:40 and went to bed. DECEMBER 27, 1907 FRIDAY Rose after reading letters, feeling sick but able to do but little. Was up to the shop for an hour or two. To Mr. M. Moores; to tea, had a nice time. Unpacked organ and had tune, very pleased with organ. Home and to bed. DECEMBER 28, 1907 SATURDAY Finished Old World and New Faith. Study all day. Went to Mr. William Moores ' , very sorry and hurt but God himself is with us. Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help. This week the last of the year has been perhaps the most hard of the whole year but around me are the everlasting arms. The cross is not greater etc. God moves in mysterious ways. DECEMBER 29, 1907 SUNDAY Preaching in the morning, text ' Thou crownest the year with goodness ' . Had a very good congregation considering the bad walking. Afternoon Sunday School was very good. Practiced some hymns. Had tea with Mr. Manuel. Saw new organ, very nice one. Prayers at night. There was a rich man,, there was a beggar. Had supper at Mrs. Peters. Had a collection of $1.70. Home and went to bed. DECEMBER 30, 1907 MONDAY Busy reading in the morning. After dinner got ready for Christmas Tree. Went to shop and packed up things then went to Church and cut tree and dressed it. Had tea up at school. People early. Had a good time. A splendid tree and a good collection, $4.05. Home tired and to bed. DECEMBER 31, 1907 TUESDAY Very mild, snow has turned to rain. Went up to shop. Came to dinner. Clearing up. Started to pack. Lieut and Miss Hickman and?? came in. We had a nice time. Wind changed, came in from the north. Blowing a gale at about 9:30, too hard to go to prayers. Had prayers at home. Thinking of home and loved ones. JANUARY 1, 1908 WEDNESDAY New Bay, Newfoundland New Year
' s Day.
JANUARY 2, 1908 THURSDAY Up in good time. Good time in skiff. L.T. made preparation and was off to Spencer ' s Cove. Had a grand time, over 40 minutes to lighthouse. Blowing hard. Had to make a tack. Reached the island in two hours. Introduced Miss Spencer to her people. Preached at night, used Isiah 42:10. Went up to supper. Came down and went to bed with Walter. JANUARY 3, 1908 FRIDAY Leading Tickles Up this morning, feeling tired. Had a very poor night, was very cold, had hardly any sleep. Was studying until dinner time, then dinner, then to visit Burnt Island. N. (?) promised to go with me to North West Arm tomorrow. A.(?) and B.(?) came down. A. gave me $1.50. This was good. Came home and had prayers. Quite a number of people were here. Best of all, God was in our midst. I used 2 Cor. 5:10. I trust God will send home the message. Wrote to mother. Had supper, came home. Retired at 12:30. JANUARY 4, 1908 SATURDAY North West Arm Left Rowsell ' s Island about 11:30 and came on to North West Arm. Landed at Mr. Hancock ' s and had tea and prayer. Came to Mr. Martin ' s. Had a stay then went up to North West Arm. Had a good time. Wrote to A. Rowsell re Sunday School etc. Tired. Hoping for a good day tomorrow, thinking of home and friends. JANUARY 5, 1908 SUNDAY North West Arm Preaching in the morning from He Shall be Called Great. In the afternoon from Isiah 42 2-10, sing a New Song Unto the Lord and at night from Matthew 16:24. If any man will come unto me.. Mr. Nath Chippett seemed to have a good day. In the afternoon I christened Minnie Phoebe and Reginald Norman White. At night we had a good time in prayers. Came home and went to bed. JANUARY6, 1908 MONDAY North West Arm Up in good time, breakfast and reading. Skating down to school house. Miss 0. EelIin in too. Home to dinner. Called in Tilt Hill Side Hotel, North West Arm. In the afternoon visited all the homes. Made arrangements with J.T. Boone to go to South West Arm in the morning. JANUARY 7, 1908 TUESDAY South West Arm Up early this morning, had breakfast and prepared for South West Arm. Started at 9:20. Splendid walking on ponds but not enough snow on the road. Walking very hard. Had lunch, took snap, came on and reached South West Arm at 3:30. Had some tea and went to the mill, met Mr. Fogwell. After a time met Mr. Crowe who promised to go with me tomorrow. This was kind of him. Came home. Mr. Earle wanted me to marry him tomorrow. JANUARY 8, 1908 WEDNESDAY Up this morning before daylight and across to the mill and into the camp. Met Mr. George Shirran and went to see the men at work with the logs. Came home and had tea. Prepared for service and preached. Men were very attentive and we had a good time. Then supper and bed. Mr. Shiman tapped my skin boots. JANUARY 9, 1908 THURSDAY Camp, South West Arm Up at about 5:30. Had breakfast and prepared to tramp to Rowsell ' s camp. Mr. Shirrian going with me. We reached Arthur Shirrian ' s camp and had lunch. Met Mr. Crowe and then set off together. We had to travel the country and by taking the wrong (bearings) we lost our way but kept our bearings and came to the river and then to the camp. Here I spent the afternoon and preached at night, then went to bed. Slept in the cook ' s bed where I had a hard night. JANUARY 10, 1908 FRIDAY Up early, breakfast, prayers and off to Bagg ' s Camp. Met Mr. Mills and went with him to Rideout ' s Camp. Met the cook and the foreman and a good tea and prepared for preaching. Had a good service and then went on to recite. Men very pleased. Went to bed tired thinking of home. JANUARY 11, 1908 SATURDAY Camp and South West Arm Up before daylight and was taking photos. But am afraid it was too early to be good. Started to skate, got across one pond, took a (lake) but the wind took me and down I went and struck my face. I was feeling bad and came in before the ?? to Mr. Baggs. Had a rest, came on to South West Arm. Married John Earle and attended the Orange Lodge. Took 1/2 hour. Went home to bed and to sleep. JANUARY 12, 1908 SUNDAY Was up in good time and preaching in the morning. Had a good time and a good congregation. Here we had dinner and set off for South Arm and there I preached to a ' crowded house ' and noisy children. Went to South West Arm, had tea and preached to a good congregation. Good collection, South Arm $2.05, South West Arm $2.25. Went home, wrote to Dora in Greek and then had supper and prepared to go to South Arm to marry Mr. Giles. JANUARY 13, 1908 MONDAY South Arm At 12 midnight I was at the home of Mr. George Shepherd to marry Mr. Giles and Miss (Dennis), the ceremony commencing about 12:25. I then went with Mr. George Tucker (who was with me) to his home and spent the night. It was snowing in the morning. I awoke and found a deep snow and remained in until dinner time was past. Then I visited everybody in the cove and returned home and spent the evening writing to mother. JANUARY 14, 1908 TUESDAY Am feeling very much upset. Have had a hard day. Visited (???) and Curlews, the mill and the arm. Reached home at 11:30. Picked up FreePress and found the announcement of Dr. (Aeston ' s) death. This was quite unexpected and a blow to me. Poor Mrs. (Aeston). Alone, humanly speaking. I trust she will cast all her care upon Him. God bless her and the boys. Must go to see her as soon as possible. JANUARY 15, 1908 WEDNESDAY South Arm I was up this morning and set off for South Arm. Mr. Hutchcroft kindly sent his horse to take me. I had an hour reading then dinner. Then set off for Budgell ' s Point and visited the homes there. I spent a pleasant hour with Mr. Britt and enjoyed the gramophone. Made arrangements with the men in the evening to take me to New Bay and after visiting Curlew ' s reached home about 11:45. JANUARY 16, 1908 THURSDAY Reached home again at last. This morning I was up early but had to wait for Mr. Warford then we came on to Mr. Budgell ' s and took him aboard and moved across to Indian Cove. Here I found the Boone ' s and (Isac) came home with me. Stopped at the post office and got my mail and then came home. Spent a busy night with my letters and then went to bed. JANUARY 17, 1908 FRIDAY Busy all day with my letters and reading. In the study, finished the Teacher and the Child and made up my accounts. Sent to ( Chesley Woods) and also to Gray and Goodland. Went at night to church but no one was there - - therefore I came home calling at Post Office to register letters. JANUARY 18, 1908 SATURDAY Busy today. Prepared mail and Sermons, not feeling well but doing my best and in the afternoon visited Mrs. Hobbs and posted my mail - Came home and spent the night in my study. JANUARY 19, 1908 SUNDAY Today has been a stormy day. In the morning I went to church and preached to a small congregation, several children being there. In the afternoon I was reading and then went to Mr. M. Moores ' to tea and we started for church but it was too rough and then A. and I went up to Mr. P ' s and spent an evening with them. Came home, had prayers and went to bed. JANUARY 20, 1908 MONDAY Today has been a busy one. In the morning I was busy with my studies and watched the slob come in - Took a snapshot of it. At night I developed the pictures, most of which came out well and enjoyed a visit from Mr. & Mrs. Evans. Retiring to bed very late. JANUARY 21, 1908 TUESDAY Today I was struggling hard with Greek again and with little success. In the afternoon I visited the people in South East Arm not getting home until very late and not feeling well went to bed. JANUARY 22, 1908 WEDNESDAY Busy with my studies in the morning and prepared for night preaching. Slob going out because of the wind from the south. Preaching at night, used Acts 2:3 0. Resurrection. Had a good time. Practice for Billy Bray at night, reading poems by Walter Clark. JANUARY 23, 1908 THURSDAY Busy today with Greg Reading Glengarry School Days, Greek, etc. Visited Mr. Spencerand Mr. Jacob Moores and Nehemiah whom I told about Flange etc. Came home and retired. JANUARY 24, 1908 FRIDAY New Bay Busy all day with Greek and studies. In the morning the mail came and I went to the post office and received mine. Had a good time with my letters, answered some. Went to prayer meeting - fair number there. Came home and went to study and then to bed. JANUARY 25. 1908 SATURDAY Very busy today and not at all well. I was preparing sermons for tomorrow and in the evening was feeling spent when a man was said to be waiting for me. This was Mr. Wells of Brigus, our teacher for South West Arm. Very pleased to welcome him. Posted mail and retired having prepared for Sunday. JANUARY 26, 1908 SUNDAY NewBay This has been a good day to my soul. In the morning I preached from Romans 8:1 and believe the message was well received. In the afternoon we had a good company to Sunday School and had a good time with the children. At night I preached from Eph. 2:8 and had a good time and a good prayer meeting. Had tea with Mr. Manuel. JANUARY 27, 1908 MONDAY Mails in future leave New Bay Tuesdays. I wrote this morning to Free Press and to Rev. John Line and to Arthur Rowsell and have been busy generally. Saw Mr. Wells safe off and tonight have been to Mr. Malachi Moores to give music lesson. Have given Nettie a lesson. JANUARY 28, 1908 TUESDAY Dirty today - could not go to Fleury ' s Bight. Very busy with Greek and (Greg) Theology. Reading (Forn) o ' Jack Lads! JANUARY 29, 1908 WEDNESDAY Busy today with theology and Greek, prepared sermon for night. Preached to small congregation from Acts 13, 38-4 1. Had practice at the close. Reading the Twentieth Door. JANUARY 30, 1908 THURSDAY Busy all the morning with studies. In the afternoon visiting South East Arm. Baptized Larina Mildred Wall. Visited several homes, Came back for mail. Had a nice mail. Books for Missionary collectors. JANUARY 31, 1908 FRIDAY Busy all day, sermonizing until 3 o ' clock when I. Boone came for me to go and attend to his horse. I went and fixed the collar (very slippery walking) and came back to Prayer Meeting and then Committee meeting. Brethren Spencer, Pearce, N. Moores absent. Business satisfactory. Came home feeling very tired and went to bed. FEBRUARY 1, 1908 SATURDAY Very busy all day, Sermonizing. Went out for a run in the evening but again to my work. FEBRUARY 2, 1908 SUNDAY Preaching this morning from Gal. 5:7 ' Ye did run well ' . Long sermon apparently effective. Good congregation considering rough day. Stayed to dinner at Miss Manuel ' s and to Sunday School. Preaching at night, Matthew 6. A hard day. Ezra came in to supper. Went to bed tired. FEBRUARY 3,1908 MONDAY Before dinner read 70 pages Mott ' s Modern Mission. In the afternoon busy with correspondence. Not at all well at night. FEBRUARY 4,1908 TUESDAY Was up and did some study. Had early dinner and went to visit South East Arm and to collect for church. Result $10.00. Saw Mr. W. White and Mr. (Case). Very late, called in South Arm, came home and prepared for bed. FEBRUARY 5.1908 WEDNESDAY Busy all day with studies, fair progress with Greek. Miss E. swallowed a bone. Had a hard time. Up until 12, then I got to work and stayed downstairs all night. Too dirty for prayers. Completed second reading of Mott ' s Modern Mission. FEBRUARY 6,1908 THURSDAY Out this morning, had some beans and tea, went on the island, helped Cuth with punt, came into breakfast and prepared for study. Had a good day with Greek and Theology and commenced History of B.A. again. FEBRUARY 7,1908 FRIDAY Mail did not come. Still unable to visit. Very busy in the house at sermons. Not time to get to South West Arm. Have to content myself until next week. FEBRUARY 8,1908 SATURDAY Today has been a busy day. Prepared sermons until dusk when the mail came. I had lots of letters, quite a nice mail, thoroughly enjoyed it. Afterwards completed my work and retired. Received J. Wesley from Mr. Maddock and a nice letter. FEBRUARY 9,1908 SUNDAY Today has been a great and good day. In the morning I used (?) and at night Obedience. We had a good congregation and a splendid class meeting, the morning was fine. Sunday School a nice session and thoroughly interesting. At night we had a splendid time and had the Joy of Pointing the Soul to Jesus, Praise God! May we continue to work. FEBRUARY 10, 1908 MONDAY Today has been a hard day. In the morning I attended to my mail and as soon as dinner was over I set out for Fleury ' s Bight. Called at Mr. Spencer ' s and had a good time, reached home at 11:45 tired out. Went to bed and did some reading. FEBRUARY 11, 1908 TUESDAY Not up early, completed The Doctor, also was reading John Wesley by Green, did some Greek, went to see N & E and gave M a music lesson, came home and went to bed early. FEBRUARY 12, 1908 WEDNESDAY Not well but was up and perused John Wesley by Green and attended to my work, prepared for preaching. Went to Mr. Moores ' , packed valise of Mr. Wells for South West Arm and then took Mrs. Hobbs a night dress and had my tea at Mrs. Moores ' . Went to Mr. Yates ' and had a chat, got the addresses I wanted. Called at Miss Manuel ' s, gave Edgar a music lesson, went to church, preached from All Things Work Together for Good for them that Love God. Had a practice for Billy Bray, came home, received as a present a pair of socks from Miss Moores, then to home. Supper, prayers and bed. FEBRUARY 13, 1908 THURSDAY Feeling better today than yesterday. Up and had breakfast. Ran across to the Island. Wrote to Bro. Maddock and sat down to write my sermon. Not at all well and unable to do much. A message came for me to go to the church. I went but night had come first. Mail came but nothing from England, was disappointed. Books came from England also stamps for Willis and Adolphus, very pleased with them. Wrote to Bro. Maddock and had cup of tea and now must do a little more than retire. Expect to do my correspondence at South West Arm. No letter from home, too bad, the moon is ringed and I have a doubt that even now I may not get away tomorrow. June 20, 1908 Was very busy today with my work preparing for St. John ' s End of June, Carbonear and on to St. John ' s - July 1 SS Prospero to Twillingate then to Exploits and Again in July 20 1908 to Moreton Harbour, Clyde to Lewisporte but switched to Prospero for St. John ' s, Landed at King ' s Cove (Blackhead Bay) and crossed over to Trinity by foot, 18 miles reboarded Prospero Arrived in St John's Friday 24,1908 July 24 1908 last entry until Jan.1, 1909 Jan 4, 1909 In the am I was at home but drove to Carbonear in the AF{?] (in Victoria see May 5, 1909) Monday Feb. 1 1909 Missionary Parliament Saturday Feb 6 to go to the Power House Monday 15, 1909
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