NL GenWeb

Notre Dame Bay ~ Fogo/Twillingate

Headstone inscriptions were collected and compiled by ARLENE BENNETT. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors.

Herring Neck

There is no sign to indicate this, but the cemetery could be 
Salvation Army Cemetery -A.B.
[In between the two headstones Janet Miles and Peter Miles] ILM Howard, darling child of Peter & Janet Miles, who fell asleep in Jesus, Dec 31 1923, age 31/2 yrs.
ILM William Mursell, d. Apr 1912, aged 70 yrs.
IM Catherine Lovelace, d. Apr 26 1953, aged 73 yrs.  also
Lionel Lovelace, d. Dec 19 1964, 89 yrs.
ILM John Lovelace, d. Mar 29 1901, aged 8 yrs  also
Frederick Lovelace, d. Mar 29 1908, aged 21 yrs.
[sons of John & Rebecca Lovelace]
ILM Margaret Warren, d. Aug 20 1934, aged 30 yrs.

© 2003 Arlene Bennett  and NL GenWeb
Notre Dame Bay - Fogo/Twillingate