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Free Press (Vol.4)

Printed every Tuesday St. John’s, Newfoundland, Price 2 cents
Transcribed by Beverly Warford While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors.
Submitted courtesy of Family Tree Group Grand Falls - Windsor NL.

Jan 5, 1904,


We want correspondents in places where we are not already represented, and will gladly send stamps, stationery and a free copy of the paper to any who may be willing to act in that capacity. Address all communications to Free Press Office, 310 Water Street, St. John’s.


Jan 3 - New Year’s Day was observed as a holiday in conformity to a time honoured custom, and the day being fine and mild was given up to general enjoyment. The C.E.A.A. held their annual parade and attended divine service in St. James’ Church. The procession numbered about 150 and marched through the town accompanied by the L.O.A. band. Forty members of the Orange Society went by special train at 5:30 a.m. to take part in the demonstration at St. John’s, returning at 10:00 p.m. Two of our foreign-going ships are now due from Cadiz. The stormy weather has, no doubt, deterred them from running in to land. When the present storm subsides we hope to see them safely anchored. Rambler.

The Districts

A telegraph office was opened at Botwoodville on Saturday; this will be a great convenience to the mill owners and residents.

The new R.C. Church recently finished at Tilton Harbour, was opened for divine service on Christmas Day, the Rev. W. FINN, the pastor, celebrating the first mass in it.

Another outbreak of diphtheria is reported at Orderin, P.B. and a child of Mr. LAKE, died on the 29th ult. There were several other cases, but none were expected to result fatally.

Captain G. FOOTE and crew of the schooner Jersey, who were found guilty of taking bait to St. Pierre and selling it to the French in July last, was sentenced by Magistrate FORSEY at Burin a few days ago. The captain will have to serve 60 days in prison for the offence, and the men 40 days each.

The death of Mrs. Eleanor MUNN, widow of Archibald MUNN, occurred at Harbor Grace on New Year’s Day. Deceased, who had reached the ripe age of 84 years, was the eldest daughter of the late Rev. William ELLIS, the well-known Methodist minister. Four children survive her: Messrs. James D., J.F. and Miss Naomi Munn of Harbor Grace and Mrs. BREEZE of Boston.

A correspondent from Pilley’s Island writes: -“Pilley’s Island has done good work this season, the output of ore being, I am told, over 34,000 tons. This is an excellent result. Next season it is expected there will be a much larger amount of ore shipped. I have heard it reported that Mr. C.F. TAYLOR may probably move in the matter of getting Little Bay to work again for copper.”

Yesterday morning’s storm caused considerable damage for shipping at Hr. Grace. A dispatch to the evening papers states that Ryan’s Quickstep was badly wrecked, her mainmast and jib boom being gone; the Pembina drove ashore in Pitts’ dock, but was uninjured; Munn’s McGowen drove down the harbor, but was secured at McRae’s wharf, while the Madeline, Trio, Volgerdelta, Merimac, Pioneer and June Ainslee were more or less damaged. The wind blew at hurricane rate from the W.S.W and the sea was almost a mass of foam. No great damage was done to any property on the land.

Word was received in town last week that Mr. Gilbert TAVERNER, timekeeper at Baie Verte mine, was accidentally killed there on Tuesday last. Deceased was about 27 years of age, and was the son of Captain J. H. TAVERNER, of Little Bay. He had been employed at the mine for about a year. His body was brought to Little Bay by the Virginia Lake for burial. His death was caused by an ore care running over him. He was standing on a empty car when the train became derailed, and jumping to save himself he fell on the track, and the car crushed over him killing him instantly. He was greatly liked at the mine and his awful death caused a gloom over the whole community.

A painful and very nearly fatal accident occurred here on the evening of Monday last. Mr. John BARRETT was walking up Water St. in the dusk, when in passing him, a horse seied violently at some mummers, who were standing in the roadway. Mr. BARRETT was thrown heavily to the ground and when picked up and conveyed to his house it was feared that he had sustained some severe injury. Fortunately, however, when Dr. MCLEOD arrived and examined him, it was found that he had received nothing more serious than a severe shaking. This was quite enough for a man of his advanced age. However, under the skillful and painstaking treatment of Dr. MCLEOD, we have no doubt that his ultimate recovery is assured. - Bay Roberts Outlook

A Northwest gale sprang up with great suddenness at Bay of Islands on Monday night, and while it lasted did much damage to shipping in the bay. S.A. Active and Ubique were driven ashore, the latter while returning from the mines lost her cable and dory, and it was at great peril to their lives that the crew and Dr. AMES got shore. Captain HUELIN’s vessel Merrimac dragged her anchors and came near drifting up the bay. The D.A. Mader, owner by U.CHINN, of Bay St. George, came in contact with BAGG Bros. Wharf and received much damage to her stern. La France, Capt. BALLAM, got ashore on Legge’s Point, but was not much damaged. The American vessel H. M. Stanley, taking herring cargo at Mr. AUGWIN’s wharf was forced on the beach but came off unhurt. We have not yet heard from the Arms, but the damage done to nets and boats must have been very great. - Western Star.


LEDREW-STRONG - on the 23rd ult., at the Methodist church, North Sydney, by the Rev. D.W. JOHNSTON, M.A., James J. LEDREW to Fanny STRONG, both of Newfoundland

MCKEOUGH-SHEAVES On the 23rd ult, at the Methodist parsonage, North Sydney, by the Rev. D.W. JOHNSTON, M.A., George B. MCKEOUGH, of Boyleton, Guysbor Co, to Laura SHEAVES, of Port-aux-Basques, Nfld.

CAVE - STOWE - At the Methodist Parsonage Harbor Grace, on the 10th ult., by the Rev. J. PINCOCK, George DAVE to Elizabeth STOWE, both of Bay Roberts.


DAY - On Dec 31st after a lingering illness, Mary DAY, aged 72 years, leaving 3 sons and 2 daughters.

PYNN - At Brooklyn, NY, Dec 19th of the inward convulsions, Florence Margaret, aged 4 yrs 10 months, only daughter of William W. PYNN (printer) formerly of this city.

CHAPLIN - On Dec 30th, John, eldest son of James and Mary CHAPLIN, aged 6 years and 9 months.

MITCHELL - On Saturday, 26th ult., after a long illness, Emanuel MITCHELL, aged 70 years, leaving a wife, three daughters and one son to mourn their sad loss. Boston papers please copy.

DORMIDY - After a very short illness, Richard DORMIDY, aged 37 years, St. John, NB papers please copy.

BUCKLEY - On Dec 30th, after a short illness, Michael, son of James and the late Elizabeth BUCKLEY, aged 21 years.

BENSON - Passed peacefully away, on the 29th ult., Joseph son, of Thomas and the late Sarah BENSON, aged 26 years.

TRAPNELL - At Point St. Charles, Montreal, on the 10th Dec. After a painful illness, Jane Elson, wife of Jacob TRAPNELL, formerly of Harbor Grace, aged 58 years.

BARRY - On Sunday, Dec 13th, at St. Edouard Street, off Upper St. Denis Street, Montreal, J. BARRY, Chief Ranger of Father Dowd Court, I.O.F. President of Branch 10, A.O.H. a native of Harbor Grace, Newfoundland in his 37th year.

NEILL - At Harbor Grace, on the Dec 24th, after a long illness, Mary, relict of John NEILL (Bannerman Lake Road) aged 86 years. The deceased was before her marriage with John NEILL, the wife of Patrick SULLIVAN, and one son Joseph survives her, living now in Boston. Her other sons Patrick, Edward, John and David (who was killed on the Placentia line some seven years ago), predeceased her.


On Thursday last James CARNELL, aged 16, while removing a belt from a loose to a tight pulley, with his right foot, at the Horwood Lumber Co.’s factory, got the limb caught in the pulley and had it badly fractured. Dr. FRASER attended the lad, and after getting him home administered chloroform and set the fractures. It will be some time before CARNELL will be able to get about properly, but he was fortunate in not losing the limb entirely.


A fire occurred at the dry good store of Mr. Jesse WHITEWAY, opposite the Post Office on Wednesday evening last, which caused a lot of damage to his stock. While one of his assistants, Joshua BURT, was lighting the gas in the west window some decorations about the pipe caught on fire and though the clerk burned his hands badly in trying to extinguish the blaze it spread quickly. An alarm was ____ from box 81, and the firemen were quickly on the scene and soon had it under control. Mr. WHITEWAY was insured for only $4000.


Roland BARRETT, aged 17, an employee of the mail factory, died almost suddenly on Thursday evening. In the morning he went to his home, on Springdale Street, and complained to his parents that he was sick. He was apparently not very ill though he vomited at intervals and it was not until after tea hour that his father went for Dr. STEBB seeing that he was worse. When the doctor arrived the lad was dead, having passed away during his father’s absence. Thinking the case a strange one Mr. BARRETT reported his son’s death to the police, and Dr. RENDELL was called. He pronounced death from natural causes, but did not state the nature of the malady from which the lad suffered. BARRETT was an industrious lad, and well liked by those with whom he worked.

Jan 12, 1904

Ship-Wrecked Mariners - In its issue on Thursday the Herald related the story of some shipwrecked men who returned by the Silvia, and the inhuman treatment they received at the hands of some of the people of Hawkesbury, NS. The men whose names are: James ROWSE, John FLAHERTY, Patrick DUNN and Richard WALKER, all belonged to Brigus, C.B., and formed the crew of the schooner Winona, which vessel they were bringing from Boston, where she had been purchased by Mr. HISCOCK of Brigus. Good weather was at first met, and during a heavy snowstorm on the night of the 1st inst. she struck near Hawkesbury. After two hours exposure in a leaky boat, and suffering intensely from cold they reached that port. In this miserable condition they called at several residences, and telling of their pitiful plight begged shelter and sustenance, but when they communicated their nationally they were refused admittance and almost driven from the doors, and were compelled to gather what wood they could find and light a fire on the beach, around which they spent the night. That any person could be refused shelter on a stormy and cold night it is difficult to imagine, but that such treatment could be meted out to shipwrecked mariners, wet, hungry and chilled from exposure - it is too terrible to think. Such inhuman treatment is rarely heard of, and the Nova Scotians who treated our poor fellows so badly have gained a reputation for themselves, that not even the worst savage would envy. One of the crew, WALKER, is now suffering from a chill as a result of having to remain in his wet clothing. The Winona was insured for $1800.

Britannia Cove

There have been many things of interest and much may be said of what has happened since the last report from this place. William CURRIE whose death was announced in a recent number of the Free Press, has passed to his eternal reward. His death seems to have broken a tender cord in the centre of social life of this community inasmuch as his death was the first break in the immediate circle of the most prominent family in the commercial and social life of Britannia Cove.

The Districts

Mrs. Josiah FISHER, mother of C. Fisher, J.P., of Corner Brook, Bay of Islands, passed away on New Year’s day, at the advanced age of 92 years. Deceased had been failing for some time and for seven or eight years had been totally blind.

A dispatch in yesterday’s News from Ferryland states that Ben, the little three year son of Mr. Richard COSTELLO, was drowned at Caplin Bay on Sunday morning. With his Brother Dick, aged six, he was playing on the ice above the gut bridge and fell into the water. Being missed after a time friends started to search for them, and Dick was found in the landwash insensible. After a time he was brought back to life, but no sign of Ben’s body has yet been found though neighbors are using every effort to discover the little fellow’s remains.

Word was received in town on Friday night of the death by accident, at Sydney, of William WALSH, aged 22, of this city. He was on a ladder disconnecting an iron pipe fifteen feet above the floor, which had become frozen, when in some way he slipped from the ladder to the brick floor, striking on his head. Medical aid was summoned and he was conveyed to Brookland hospital, where it was found that his skull was badly fractured and little hope was held out for his recovery. Twenty-eight hours afterwards he passed away, having regained consciousness for only a few minutes. He was the only support of his widowed mother, and was by trade a plumber, having worked at Gear’s previous to going to Sydney. His body arrived by express last night.


MARCH - At East Somerville, Mass., on the 25th Dec. a son to Mr. and Mrs. Willis J. MARCH.

HUDSON On New Year’s Day, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. William HUDSON.


LeDREW-PAGE - At the Hamilton St. Methodist Parsonage, on the 2nd inst., by the Rev. Charles LENCH, Mr. Henry A. LEDREW to Fanny PAGE, both of Cupids.

POND-PAYNE - at the Hamilton St. Methodist Parsonage, on the 3rd inst., by the Rev. Charles LENCH, Mr. Thomas POND, of Cambridge, Mass. to Miss Phoebe PAYNE, of Fogo.

THORNE-NOSEWOTHY - At St. Paul’s Church, Harbor Grace, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. Canon NOEL. William THORNE, of St. John’s to Lizzie, third daughter of Mr. Josiah NOSEWORTHY, of that town.

BRADBURY-BRADBURY - on the 27th, at the Methodist Parsonage Harbor Grace by the Rev. J. PINCOCK, Robert BRADBURY to Annie BRADBURY, both of Harbor Grace.

NOFTALL-SMITH - At Cochrane Street Church on the 6th inst., by the Rev. COWPERTHWAITE, Mr. George NOFTALL, to Miss Laura SMITH, both of this city.

JANES - HINES - At 46 ?Wickfored St., St. John’s on the 11th inst, by Rev. J. L. DAWSON, Mr. Alexander JANES to Miss Beatrice Maude HINES of Catalina.

RALPH - MCCARTHY - At the Gower St. Parsonage, on the 11th inst., by Rev. J. L. DAWSON, Mr. John RALPH, of Flat Islands, B.B. to Miss Mary Isabella McCARTHY of Bay-de-Verde.


WISEMAN - on the 31st ult., after a lingering illness, James WISEMAN.

CORCORAN - On the 3rd inst., after a long illness, Maurice, son of the late James and Johanna CORCORAN, aged 20 years

MCGRATH on the 3rd inst, after a long illness, Annie, wife of John MCGRATH, aged 35 years.

MUNN – At Harbor Grace, on New Year’s Day, at 4:30 p.m., Elinor, relict of Archibald MUNN, and eldest daughter of the late Rev. W. ELLIS, M.M., aged ?82 years, leaving two sons and two daughters.

VERGE - At Harbor Grace, on the 7th inst., after a long illness, Maria VERGE, widow of the Richard VERGE, aged 77 years.

LAHEY - on the 2nd inst., at Harbor Grace, after a long illness, Michael LAHEY, fourth son of the late Richard LAHEY, leaving a wife and one daughter, aged 68 years.

COURAGE – On Jany. 4th, at Harbor Grace, after a lingering illness, Frances, wife of Robert COURAGE, aged 73 years.

WHYLES - At Twillingate, on the 21st Dec., James WHYLES, a native of Brighton, England, aged 90 years.

POWER - on the 4th inst. James POWER, aged 77 years.

KEARNEY - On Jany. 6th, at his residence, 119 Duckworth Street, after a lingering illness, John J. KEARNEY, aged 50 years.

WILKINSON - on the 6th inst, Hannah, beloved wife of the late Samuel WILKINSON, aged 57 years, leaving three sons and two daughters to mourn their sad loss.

WALSH - On Jany, 8th after a long illness Kate Kielley, beloved wife of James WALSH.

CHAFE - On Jany. 7th, Thomas CHAFE, a native of Petty Hr., aged 92 yrs.

BULLEY - On the 7th inst., after a long illness, fortified by the rites of the church, James BULLEY, aged 51 years, leaving a sorrowing wife and numerous friends to mourn their sad loss.

WHELAN - on the 8th inst., after a long illness, Elizabeth, wife of the late James WHELAN, aged 68 years.

CAINES - on the 10th inst., after a long and painful illness, Elsie HOLDEN, darling child of Fannie and Levi CAINES, aged 10 years.

DAWE - on Sunday night, of heart disease, Emma, relict of the late George DAWE, aged 62 years, leaving one son, at present in China, and three brothers in Bareneed, Port-de-Grave, and a large circle of friends to mourn their sad loss.

WALSH - Killed at Sydney, on Jany, 7th, William, the eldest son of Bridget and the late John WALSH, aged 22 years.

Jan 19, 1904


The schr. ?Wueen, T. SMITH, with timber for the Mining Company at Bell Island was wrecked in the recent storm at that Island. The crew returned from Topsail by last nights’ train. Rambler.

Little Bay, NDB

The Messrs. STEWART and FOOTE returned a short time ago from Golden Ville, Mings, where I learn; they have been very successful in gold mining. It is thought by experienced mining men who have visited there that the country in and about Ming’s may yet rival the Klondike in gold production. Pilley’s Island mine is employing about two hundred and fifty men at the present time, and the prospects there are very encouraging as they have an enormous ore bed in sight in the new workings. The only drawback there, it seems is that the employees are not paid regularly, sometimes having to wait two months for a payday.

Keels, B.B.

There passed peacefully away at Keels, B.B. on Dec 31, 1903, fortified by the rites of Holy Church, Margaret relict of the late James TAPLLIN, of Holyrood, Conception Bay. Deceased was in her 71st year and was a native of King’s Cove, but resided a number of years at Holyrood. Leaving it after the death of her husband, which occurred a few years ago, she came to spend her remaining years with her relatives at Keels. Being of a kind and charitable disposition she was much esteemed and respected by all who knew her, particularly her relatives and friends. She bore her illness with patience and Christian resignation and we trust she is gone to reap the reward of a well spent life and will be greeted with the beautiful words addressed to all fearful Christians “Come ye blessed of my Father possess the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of this world.” W.

The Districts

The Reid Co. opened a telegraph office at the Topsails last week. The operator in charge being Mr. James HACKETT.

His Excellency the Governor in Council has been pleased to appoint Rev. John H. BOONE, to be a member of the Church of England Board of education for the District of Trinity, in place of Rev. H. WILSON, left the District, Ensign Thomas PITCHER, to be a member of the SA Board of Education for the district of Twillingate, in place of Adj. Snow, left the district; Messrs. John Thomas MOREY, Archibald MARTIN, Jasper REID, and Jacob MOREY to be a Road Board for Newtown and Miles Cove, Sunday Cove, Island, district of Twillingate.

J. PROWSE aged 60, whose death we chronicle in our obituary column, lost his life by drowning off Boston Harbor recently. He was one of the crew of the dredge Gen Doe, and during a blinding snowstorm she was wrecked and 3 of her crew of 17 were drowned. PROWSE was a native of Fermeuse, and for several years had resided in the States.


TAYLOR-FORWARD - At the Methodist Parsonage, Harbor Grace, the Rev. J. PINCOCK, Charles Edward TAYLOR to Eveline FORWARD, both of Carbonear.

NOSEWORTHY-BROWN - At the Methodist Parsonage, Harbor Grace, on the ??th inst., by the Rev. James VINCOCK, Charles NOSEWORTHY to PATIENCE BROWN , both of that place.


FOLEY - On the 14th inst., at Harbor grace, Elizabeth, relict of Stephen FOLEY, and mother of John FOLEY (Postmaster) aged 76 years. The deceased was born in Tilton Harbor, but lived for the greater part of her life at the above place.

CRANE - At Upper Island Cove, on the 30th Dec, William CRANE, aged 57 years.

WALSH - Killed, at Sydney, on the 7th inst., William WALSH aged 22 years, leaving a mother and brother to mourn their sad loss.

HUTCHINGS – On Jany. 16th after a long and painful illness, Sarah, daughter of James and Caroline HUTCHINGS, aged 21 years.

KENNY – on the 13th inst. Mary, beloved wife of the late James KENNY, master cooper.

O’NEIL - Drowned on Dec 26th, at East Boston, on the ill fated dredge Gen Doe, William O’Neil, a native of Fermeuse, Newfoundland, aged ?60 years.

HUDSON - At Adam’s Cove on the 10th inst., after a long and painful illness, Elisa, beloved wife of Levi HUDSON, aged 42 years, leaving a husband and six children to mourn their sad loss.

REAY - At Western Bay on the 13th inst., Margaret beloved wife of Rev. J. REAY.

SUMMERS - on the 15th inst., at Dorchester Mass., May, only daughter of M.J. and the late Catherine Summers, aged 15 years.

CROUCHER - At Trinity, Jany. 14th, Harrison Ridley, infant son of John T. and Margaret CROUCHER, aged four months.

MCCORMACK - On Jany. 15th, after a lingering illness, Timonty MCCORMACK, aged 69 years.

BURKE - On Saturday morning Jany. 16th after an illness of short duration, William second son of James BURKE, Flat Rock, fortified by rites of his religion, aged 19 years.

CROTTY- on Jany. 17th after a short illness in the 28th year of her age, Mary Joseph, the beloved wife of Daniel CROTTY. She leaves a husband and five children to mourn their sad loss.

O’Neil - On the 17th inst., after a short illness, William O’Neil (baker).

Jan 26, 1904

New Bay

Are we too presuming when we ask your liberty to publish a few jottings from New Bay.

Well, sir, we have shaken hands with our old friend of 1903 and most cordially welcome in 1904. Our old friend did not bring all sunshine, and we do not expect our new friend to bring us everything sweet, but all round we hope for a happy and prosperous year.

The s.s. Clyde has done splendid service through the past season, and we miss the sound of her whistle now that she calls no more till next spring. Great credit is due our efficient Captain KNEE and his officers for the excellent service done. It is a great pity that Sunday service could not be done away with. Certainly it would be profitable to all concerned.

Our mails now. Well, we don’t know how they are, and shall not until the first winter mail arrives. When that will be nobody knows.

Through the past year our people have managed in one way or another to provide for the winter, and we hear no complaining in our streets. Death has visited us and taken from our midst the infant of a few months, and also those whose years numbered more than three score and ten.

A committee was formed some months ago to arrange about building a central church, but so far nothing practical has been done - no timber brought to the site and not one dollar laid down, unless it be from outside source. It is a pity, as there ought to be a better showing.

Time for day school is divided, half at Moor’s Cove, half at S.E. Arm, and are told that the teacher, Mr. GRIMES goes day after day and no scholar, and that he does not get any day more than four or five. This also is a pity, and does not look like victory and progress.

We have not heard anything about the gold mine for a long time. Perhaps when the warm spring weather comes again it will revive.

It was rumored here some time ago that Mr. A. Yates, of this place, and Mr. W.J. SCOTT of Twillingate, would offer themselves as candidates for next fall’s election. If this be true, the electors of this important district will feel highly complimented to have two such noble men willing to represent them in the House of Assembly. But the ballot will tell who will come out successful, eh!

Hoping, dear sir, you will pardon me, and wishing you and all your readers a very Happy New Year.

I am, yours sincerely,

P. Moors

Jan 8th, 1904

P.S. - I had forgotten to say that on Christmas Eve, in the Salvation Army Barracks, a Christmas Tree was exhibited, which reflected credit on the officers and friends, it being the first ever had at New Bay. P.M.


Jan 17 - The winter so far has been exceptionally severe. From Christmas till the 10th of January, the thermometer registered from zero to twelve degrees below - twelve below zero being the lowest yet. Thursday and Friday was almost mild, but Saturday again was freezing almost to zero. The weather has been most favorable for our work and the loggers are doing splendid. This will be the largest operation in the history of Botwoodville. By the end of the season the total will certainly be fifteen million feet.

Rev. Mr. MUIR arrived here on Thursday to take up duties of Methodist parson, in place of the Rev. W. PALMER who has gone to Canada on sick live.

Miss STRONG also arrived here on Thursday, as teacher for the Methodist school.

Mr. D. LEWIS, member of the late firm of Windsor & Lewis, mill-owners of this Bay, is very ill. Mr. LEWIS has been in the fur and trapping business for some years, and was brought out of the woods just before Christmas. Although a little better, he does not expect to be able to take to the woods again this winter.

We are now connected to the rest of the world by telegraph wire. A nice comfortable office is already finished and fitted, even to a coal shove. All that is wanted to complete it is the operator.



On Tuesday last Mrs. Elizabeth PALFREY, widow of the late Richard PALFREY, Esq., passed away in her 81st year. The deceased lady was a sister of Mrs. C.R. AYRE and Mrs. J. FREEMAN, and mother of Mrs. R. E. HOLLOWAY, of this city.

The marriage of Miss Beatrice S. BARTLETT, daughter of Capt. W.J. and Mrs. BARTLETT, of Brigus, to Mr. Wilfred DOVE of this city, takes place at the former town today. We extend our congratulations to both. On next Tuesday another daughter of Capt. BARTLETT, Miss Hilda N. BARTLETT, will be married at the Methodist Church, Brigus, to Mr. Walter WILLS, of St. John’s.

An employee of the Timber Estates named John PORTER, met with a serious accident at Glenwood on Saturday week. He was in the woods looking for game and accidentally got his revolver caught in a tree, discharging it. The bullet penetrated his right leg, and it was with the greatest difficulty he got home. Dr. CHAMBERLAIN was called and dressed the wound, but later the bullet was probed for and removed by Dr. CHANDLER, who brought the man on here to the hospital on Tuesday night. The wound was not a dangerous one, but the patient was very weak from loss of blood, and it will be some little time before he will have fully recovered.

The City

Engineer James CURTIS died on Thursday at the age of 66 years. Deceased was well-known and for a large number of years was in the employ of John MUNN & Co of Harbor Grace. His remains were taken to Harbor Grace on Friday morning, interment taking place there on Saturday.


MAUNDER - On the 20th inst., a son to Mr. And Mrs. Geo. MAUNDER.


MARTIN-BARTLETT - On Jany. 14th, at the home of the bride’s parents, Belle Isle, by the Rev. E. ANDREWS, Mr. Frederick Robert MARTIN late of St. John’s to Mary Lucinda (May) Bartlett, eldest daughter of Capt. BARTLETT of s.s. Progress.

KING-MARTIN - On Jany. 7th, in the Methodist Church, Hickman’s Harbor, by the Rev. J.E. PETERS, M.A., Edgar J. KING of Deer Harbor, to Amelia MARTIN, of Hickman’s Harbor.

LONG - MOSS - At Open Hall, on Jany. 10th, by the Rev. T.E. LYNCH, P.P., Mr. John LONG, R.C. Teacher, To Miss Lizzie MOSS, of the same place.

FLYNN-FEEHAN - On Sunday night, at the residence of the bride Water St. West, by the Very Rev. Dean RYAN, assisted by the Rev. W. JACKMAN, Mr. A.D. FLYNN to Mrs. Mary J. FEEHAN.


DEADY - Jany. 19th , Susannah Geary, wife of Mr. Thos. DEADY, aged 67 years.

SCOTT - On the 18ith inst., after a short illness, Olivia, beloved wife of John SCOTT.

WHITE - On the 19th inst., Frank R., son of Kate and the late George WHITE, aged 21 yrs.

MURPHY - At Daniel’s Cove, T.B. on the 10th inst., John MURPHY, leaving a wife, 4 children and one brother to mourn their sad loss.

MCGRATH - On Jany. 19th, after a short illness, Susanna, beloved wife of John MCGRATH.

PALFREY - On Jany. 19th, Elizabeth, widow of the late Richard PALFREY, aged 81 years.

WHITEMARSH - On Jany. 19th of consumption, Lottie B., infant child of William and Flora WHITEMARSH, aged 2 months.

POWER - at Bell Island, on the 16th inst., after a short illness, Eliza relict of the late John POWER , aged 81 years.

SULLIVAN - On Jany. 20th, after a lingering illness, Maud Gertrude, youngest daughter of Patrick and Selina Sullivan, aged 19 years.

SLATTERY - On Jany. 21st, of convulsions, Frank, youngest son of James and Julia SLATTERY.

HARTIGAN at Rencontre, on Dec. 21st, Patrick HARTIGAN in the 80th year of his age, leaving 3 sons and 2 daughters and a large circle of friends to mourn the loss of a kind and affectionate father and friend. May he rest in peace.

COOPER - on Jany. 6th, at Random Head Lighthouse, William R.H.COOPER, aged 20 years and nine months.

CROCKER - On Jany. 20th. At Harbor Grace, Ernest, son of Samuel and Isabel CROCKER, aged 7 months.

PIKE - At Mosquito, on the 1st inst., Martha Cates, formerly of Pool’s Island, wife of William PIKE, of Mosquito, aged 26 years.

O’REILLY - On Jany. 22nd, Ferdinand, beloved son of Patrick and Sarah O’REILLLY, aged 10 years and 6 months.

COOK - On Jany. 22nd, infant child of William T. and Frances COOK.

FARRELL - On the 22nd inst., after a short illness, Mary, relict of the late Maurice FARRELL (formerly storekeeper at O’Dwyer’s)

BUTLER - On Jany. 22nd, at Pouch Cove, after a lingering illness, J. BUTLER, aged 66 years.

MULLALY, - Suddenly, on Saturday night, of heart failure, Michael MULLALY (cooper), a native of Country Kilkenny, Ireland, in 72nd year, 55 of which he spent in this country.

MOLLOY - On the 24th inst., Reta, infant child of Thomas and Bride MOLLOY.

FIELD - on the 24th inst, Isabella May, darling child of John and Lizzie FIELD, aged 9 months.

SPENCER - On Jany. 24th, after a lingering illness, Sarah Belle, darling child of Albert and Patience SPENCER.

TRACEY - At Kilbride, on Jany. 24th, Elizabeth, only daughter of James and Catherine TRACEY.

Feb 2, 1904


We regret to learn of the death of Mrs. Sarah WHITE, wife of Rev. J.J. White, of Herring Neck. The deceased lady was well known and highly respected in the city, being a daughter of the late Dr. STABB and a sister to Dr. F.A. STABB and Mrs. A.S. RENDELL.


MACDONNEL - on the 16th Jany at St. George’s, a son to Margaret and Magistrate MACDONNEL.

CANTWELL - On the 24th inst., a son to Mr. and Mrs. CANTWELL.

MOYST - On the 24th inst., a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. John MOYST.

STAMP - On the 14th inst., a son to Mr. and Mrs. William STAMP.

BARTER - on Jany. 10th, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jonas BARTER.

FITZGERALD - On Jany. 11th, a son to Mr. and Mrs. H.F. FITZGERALD.

AVERY - On Jany. 17th, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Norman AVERY.

SNOW - On Jany. 20th, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. George SNOW.

BYRNE - On Jany. 25th , a son to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence BYRNE.

RUSSELL – On Jany. 26th, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph RUSSELL.

TAYLOR - On Jany. 30th, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. James TAYLOR.

SULLIVAN - On Jan. 30th, a son to Mr. and Mrs. M.S. SULLIVAN.


EDNEY-DODD - at the R.C. Cathedral on Wednesday evening, by Rev. Alex HOWLEY, Wm. EDNEY to Miss Norah DODD, both of this city.

DOVE-BARTLETT - At Hawthornville, Brigus, on Jany. 26th by Rev.Jabez ____, Wilfred Richard Henry DOVE, son of Rev. Jas. DOVE, D.D., St. John’s to Beatrice Stentaford, daughter of Capt. Wm. BARTLETT.

HOGAN -HOOK - On Jany. 27th, at the residence of the bride, by the Rev. Dr. KITCHEN, cousin of the bride, Theresa, youngest daughter of the late Patrick HOGAN, to Edgar HOOK, of Honiton, England.


POWER - On the 25th ult, Jane, the beloved daughter of Joseph and Alice FOLEY, and loving wife of Benjamin POWER.

ASH - On Jany. 25th, at 6 pm, James ASH, aged 79 years, a native of Hr. Grace.

KELLEY - on the 27th ult, after a short illness, Margaret, daughter of the late William KELLEY, and wife of James KELLEY, aged 56 years.

PHELAN - On Jany 27th, after a short illness, Michael, son of Michael and Bridget PHELAN, Exon Farm, aged 3 years and 9 mos.

WOOLFREY - At Toronto, Ont., on Jany. 27th, Mrs. Thos. WOOLFREY, formerly of Harbor Grace and mother of Mrs. Arthur HAYWARD, of this city.

ROUST - At Boston, on the 23rd inst., Catherine, beloved wife of William ROUST.

HAYDEN - On Jany. 26th, after a lingering illness, Bridget, eldest daughter of the late Daniel and Bridget HAYDEN.

CASHIN - on the 27th ult., after a long illness, William, son of the late Thomas and Mary CASHIN.

KENNY - On Jany. 29th, after a short illness, Ellie SMART beloved wife of James J. KENNY. (cooper)

HANLEY - on the 28th inst., after a short illness, John V. HANLEY, aged 37 years.

DOUGHERTY - On the 27th ult, of consumption, Kate, darling child of John and Mary J. DOUGHERTY, aged 7 yrs and 6 mos.

CLARKE - On the 27th ult., Hannah, darling child of Thomas and Ellen CLARKE, aged 1 year and 6 months.

O’BRIEN - On the 29th inst., after a short illness, Anastatia, beloved wife of Thomas O’Brien.

WHITE - ON the 29th ult., at the Parsonage, Herring Neck, Sarah, beloved wife of the Rev. James J. WHITE, in her 39th year.

COADY - At Bay Bulls, on the 28th ult., the wife of Mr. Matthew COADY, aged 54 years.

PAYNE - On Sunday, Jany. 31st, Wm. PAYNE, in his 86th years, a native of Harbor Grace.

Feb 9, 1904


Mr. George Forward, until recently an employee of Messrs. J. RORKE and Sons, died on Monday at midnight. He had been for several years agent for the firm at Francis Harbor, Labrador. Interment took place on Thursday.


SULLIVAN - On Jany. 30th, a son to Mr. And Mrs. M.S. SULLIVAN.

ELLIS - On the 6th inst., a son to Mr. And Mrs. Joseph ELLIS.


VEY-HICKMAN - At the Methodist Church, Fortune, Jany. 21st, by Rev. J.J. WHEATLEY, George VEY, of H.M. CUSTOMS Fortune, to Clara Augusta HICKMAN, daughter of the late Capt. John HICKMAN, of Fortune.

WILLS-BARTLETT - At Hawthorne Villa, residence of Capt. W.J. BARFTLETT, Brigus, Mr. Walter Woodman WILLS, of St. John’s, to Miss Hilda Northway BARTLETT, daughter of Capt. BARTLETT.

BAKER-CULLEN - At the R.C. Cathedral, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. Father HOWLEY, Mr. Wm. BAKER, to Miss Maggie CULLEN, both of this city.

HOOPER-PITMAN - At North Sydney, C.B., on Jany. 30th, by Rev. A.P. SHATFORD, John HOOPER, of St. Pierre, Miq., to Harriett F. PITMAN, of Lamaline, Nfld.


DEBOURKE - on the 2nd inst., of convulsions, Alexander, infant son of John and Julia DEBOURKE, aged nine months.

MURPHY- Feb 2nd, at 25 Bond Street, Mrs. Alice MURPHY, widow of the late Capt. James MURPHY, of Catalina, mother of J.J.MURPHY (Gambo).

HADDON - On Feb 3rd, at the residence of her son, 58 Monkstown Road, Mary A., widow of the late John HADDEN, aged 80 years.

STONE - On Feb. 4th, Roy, darling child of James A. and F. STONE, aged 2 years and 3 months.

LAWLOR - On the 4th inst., after a long illness James (Stan) LAWLOR, aged 17 years.

HEALEY - On Feb. 5th, Willie, darling child of Michael and Emma HEALEY, aged 8 mos.

SHEA - At Boston, on Jany. 28th, Daniel SHEA.

MCGRATH - On Feb 7th, Margarte, widow of the late Thomas MCGRATH, aged 83 years.

SAUNDERS - On 6th inst., Hannah, widow of the late Charles SAUNDERS, aged 80 years.

HOWLETT - On the 7th inst., Samuel HOWLETT, aged 64 years.

HOPKINS - on the 6th inst., of pneumonia, Myrtis, darling child of Selby and Mary A. HOPKINS, aged 2 years and 4 months.

Feb 16, 1904

A message to Messrs. Munn & Co., of Harbor Grace, from Capt. CULLEN, of the schooner Victory, at Barbados, conveyed the news that Mate Michael TOBIN had died on the way down. Deceased was a well-known seaman, and the last winter was the mate with Capt. J. KENNEDY in the Pioneer at the time she was driven to sea and lost.

The Boston Herald of January 29th reports the death by accident of Mr. Michael COMERFORD, 62 years old, a native of this place. He had been found the previous day upon the tracks of the Boston Albany railroad, in the freight shed near Albany Street, with his head cut off. His identity was established from papers found in his pocket. Deceased was a retired mail carrier of this place, and went to Boston in November last on a visit to his niece, intending to return home again the coming spring. It is supposed that he must have wandered on to the railroad tracks and while trying to escape one train must have been struck by another.


BUTLER on the 11th inst., a daughter to Mr. And Mrs. P.G. BUTLER.


VOKEY -SHEPPARD - At St. James’ Church, Lark Harbor, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. Hy. PETLEY, Leonard VOKEY to Naomi SHEPPARD, both of Lark Harbor.

SHEPPARD-COMPAGNON- At St.James’ Church, Lark Harbor, on the 27th ult, by Rev. Hy. PETLEY, Martin SHEPPARD, of Lark Harbor to Elzina COMPAGNON, of John’s Beach.

WATSON-SAMS - At York Harbor, on the 28th ult., by Rev. Hy. PETLEY, Lucius WATSON, of Corner Brook, to Martha Anne SAMS, of York Harbor.

BRAKE-TAYLOR - At. St. Mary’s Church, Birchy Cove, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. Hy. PETLEY, Jeremiah BRAKE, of Meadows, to Mary Emma TAYLOR, of Summerside.

GALWAY-MURPHY-At the R.C. Cathedral, on the 16th inst., by the Rev. J. HOWLEY, Mr. Thomas GALWAY, to Miss Mary MURPHY, both of this city.


DOYLE - On Feb 7th, Janie, darling child of Robert and Mary DOYLE, aged 2 ½ mos.

HAYES - On Feb 7th, after a short illness, Patrick, beloved son of Mary and the late John HAYES aged 44 years.

NOONAN - On the 9th inst., Minetta, infant child of James L. and Amelia NOONAN.

SQUIRES - On the 10th inst., Mary, wife of John SQUIRES, aged 32 years.

RODGERS - At Burnt Point, Conception Bay, on Feb 2nd, after a long and painful illness, James RODGERS, aged 23 years.

DINN - on the 11th inst., after a short illness, Mary Ann, beloved wife of John DINN, aged 19 years and youngest daughter of Ambrose and Eliza NOSEWORTHY.

BURRIDGE - On Feb 12th, John BURRIDGE, aged 69 years, a native of Abbotskerswell, Devonshire , England.

CLARKE - At Carbonear, on Feb 8th, Richard Clarke, aged 73 years.

DUNPHY - On Feb 13th, Mrs. Martin DUNPHY, daughter of Bridget and the late William WALSH, aged 32 years.

REID - At Heart’s Delight, on Jany. 27th, Dougal Gordon, darling boy of James and Lily REID, aged 5 years and 5 months.

POWER - On Saturday night, Bessie, widow of the late Thomas POWER, aged 30 years.

KELLY - on Sunday, Sarah, relict of the late Edward KELLY, aged 73 years.

STEVENS - On Saturday last, Feb 13th at Catalina, the wife of Mr. George STEVENS, aged 38 years.

MAHAR - On the 13th inst., Francis, darling child of Peter and Cecilia MAHAR aged 1 year.

JONES - On the 14th inst., John Joseph, darling child of Herbert and Rosanna JONES, aged 4 mos.

Fraser - At his residence “Torosay”, on the 14th inst., James O. FRASER, aged 77 years.

Feb 23, 1904


On Feb 11th at the residence of her mother, Robie Street, Halifax, Miss Winnifred BURBIDGE was married to Mr. J.D. CLARKE of Kentville, the Rev. G.W.F. GLENDENNING officiating. Mrs. CLARKE, who is a niece of Mr. Justice BURBIDGE, has many relatives in this country who extend their best wishes to her and her husband. Her father, the late D.H. BURBIDGE, Esq., was for some years principal of the Carbonear Methodist Grammar School of which town her mother, formerly Miss Leah HOYCE , is a native.


SAVAGE - On the 15th inst., a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. J.E. SAVAGE.

SAMWAYS - At Point Pleasant, Burgeo, on the 5th inst., a son to Mr. and Mrs. SAMWAYS.

WOOD - On Ash Wednesday Feb. 17th, a daughter to L.A.O. and Mrs. WOOD.


TAVERNER-BABSTOCK-At the Gower Street Parsonage, on Jany. 27th, by Rev. J.L. DAWSON, Mr. Benjamin TAVERNER to Miss Amelia BABSTOCK, both of this city.

COOK-HOWELL - At The Gower Street Parsonage, on the 17th inst., by the Rev.J.L. DAWSON, Mr. William Robert COOK, 31 Wickford Street, to Miss Elizabeth HOWELL, of Mosquito.

BUTLER-BUTT - At the Gower Street Parsonage, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. J.L. DAWSON, Mr. Walter James BUTLER, to Miss Drusilla BUTT, both of St. John’s.

SHEEHAN-DEADY - On Feb 15th, at the residence of the bride, by Rev. Fr. McDermott, John J. SHEEHAN to Alice M. DEADY, both of this city.

RENDELL-MANAHAN - On Jan 27th, at Greenswood, B.C., by the Rev. M.G.M. MCKEE, G. Arthur RENDELL, of Eholt, to Marian Laura, daughter of James MANAHAN, Esq., of Lanark, Ont.

LANE-LONG - At Open Hall, Jan 25th, by Rev. T.E. LYNCH, P.P., Mr. C.W. LANE of Ticke Cove to Miss Lizzie T. LONG of Open Hall.


GIBBONS - At. St. Mary’s on Saturday, after a week’s illness, James, aged 6 mos, only son of Stephen and Nora GIBBONS, telegraph office.

GUSHUE - On Feb. 20th, after a short illness, Annie, beloved wife of Francis GUSHUE, tinsmith, aged 34 years.

GEORGE - On the 17th inst., after a short illness, Frances, widow of the late William GEORGE, a native of Harbor Grace, aged 65 years.

COLLINS - On the 16th inst., after a long illness, Elizabeth, beloved wife of William COLLINS, aged 29 years.

CAREW - On the 9th inst., at Admiral’s Cove, Cape Broyle, after a long and painful illness, Anna, beloved wife of Peter CAREW, and daughter of Ellie and the late James O’BRIEN.

SCANLAN - On Wednesday last, at Harbor Grace, after a long illness, Patrick SCANLAN, late of H.M. Customs, aged 55 years.

SMITH - At Bishop’s Cove, on Wednesday 11th inst., William SMITH, aged 75 years.

FORD - At Island Cove, on Saturday last Jeremiah FORD, aged 66 years.

TAYLOR - On Feb 16th, after a short illness, Jonathan TAYLOR, aged 73 years.

HUSSEY - On the 14th inst., of consumption, Joseph HUSSEY, youngest son of the late Maggie and John HUSSEY, aged 21 years.

BUTT-On Feb 15th, after a long illness, John C. BUTT, aged 66 years.

O’Neil - At East Boston, Mass., Jan 17th, of heart failure, Susie, only daughter of William H. and M.A. O’NEIL in the 21st year of her age.

POWER - At St. Joseph’s Salmonier, Feb 8th, after a long illness, Nora, beloved daughter of Maurice and Mary POWER, aged 17 years.

COOK - On the 17th inst., Rebecca, relict of the late Thomas COOK, aged 91 years.

THISTLE - On the 17th inst., of bronchitis, Charles, infant son of William and Eliza THISTLE, aged 3 mos.

BURGESS - On the 16th inst., James, darling child of Albert and Lizzie BURGESS, aged 18 mos.

PHELAN on the 11th inst., at Logy Bay, after a long illness, Andrew, son of Nicholas and Jane PHELAN, aged 19 years.

DOWSLEY - At Convent of Mercy, St. Bride’s Littledale, on the 21st inst., Mother M. Xaverlus DOWSLEY, in the 64th year of her age.

MILLER - Yesterday morning, of bronchitis, Ellen Gertrude (Nellie), infant child of Martin and Mary MILLER, aged 4 mos.

NOSEWORTHY - On the 21st, Willie, darling son of John and Annie NOSEWORTHY, aged 1 year and 6 mos.

PARSONS - Yesterday morning, after a painful illness, Julia Sarah, only daughter of Capt. R.H. and Martha PARSONS, aged 23 years.

Mar 1, 1904

Correspondence from Leading Tickles

Northern Mail maters

Editor Free Press

Dear Sir - I would request permission through the medium of your valuable paper to say a few words re our winter mails.

Having been shut off form all intercourse with the outside world for the space of 24 days one would naturally be under the apprehension in these modern and go ahead times that new empires had arisen, or that old ones had sunk into oblivion. The great continental Bear with stealthy strides advancing may have laid its imperial paw not only on the territories of the far east, but also annexed our own fair kingdom while we “through delay in the mails” would have no means to receive the warning cry “Flee ye to the mountains” or “Hide in the caves of the earth.”. Alas we would but have formed so many tidbits in the royal break of the August Bruin.

I would suggest that the e old winter route for Leading Tickles mails be discontinued. As any person who cares to look at a map or local chart can see New Bay, across which our mails now come, is altogether open to the ocean seas and Arctic ice-floes. The bay is alternately breaking up and catching over with black slob across which no man can come. Should the mailmen arrive at New Bay during one of those bad periods they leave our mails there and go back to the other end of their beat only to arrive again at New Bay and find some other unfavorable circumstance existing.

Would it not be better to forward our mails from Norris Arm via Botwoodville and South West Arm then we could get our regular weekly mails without interruption as the only arms on that route to be crossed are still waters and frozen very early in the fall, reaming to till late in spring.

I sincerely hope the postal authorities will give this matter their early attention and rectify an error, the disadvantage of which we have long borne in silence.

Thanking you, Mr. Editor,

I am,

Yours truly,


Leading Tickles, Feb 9th 1904


At Fermeuse recently a little girl named KENNEDY, aged 2 ½ years, was burnt to death. With the other children the mother had left her in the house while she went to a vegetable cellar, and it is supposed that the child must have gone too near the kitchen stove and caught her clothing on fire. When the mother returned the little one was lying on the floor, with nearly all her clothing destroyed and the flesh burnt and charred almost beyond recognition. Dr. FREEBAIRN was summoned but nothing could be done for the child, and in a couple of hours it passed away.


BURT - On the 25 ult., at 9 Hamilton St., a son to Mr. and Mrs. BURT

BEER - On Saturday last, the wife of Mr. John BEER of a daughter.


TUCKER-Clarke - On the 23rd ult., at the C.C. Cathedral by the Rev. Canon CARTWRIGHT, Mr. Charles TUCKER to Miss Livey CLARKE, both of this city.


MAHER - On Feb 26th, in her 83 rd year, Jane, relict of the late Edward MAHER.

COLE - On the 25th ult, after a long illness, Mrs. James COLE, aged 48 years.

McDONALD - On the 23rd ult., Ethel, darling child of W.H. and Mrs. McDONALD.

DUGGAN - At La Scie, St. Barbe, on the 23rd ult, of pneumonia, Daniel DUGGAN, Esq., Magistrate of above place, aged 75 years.

JACKMAN - On the 23rd ult., after a long illness, Philip JACKMAN, aged 78 years, a native of Renews.

HIBBS - At Kelligrews, on the 22nd ult., after a long and painful illness, Mrs. John HIBBS, eldest daughter of the late Richard and Elizabeth PARMITER, aged 69 years.

ROGERS - On Feb 24th, of bronchitis, Hettie Electra, darling child of Joseph and Bertha ROGERS, aged 7 mos.

WALSH - At Kelligrews, on 29th ult. After a short illness, Philip WALSH, an old and respected resident of that place.

RYAN - On the 21 ult., Nellie, darling child of John and Minnie Ryan, aged 7 years and 8 months.

DAWE - At Cambridge, Boston, on Feb 10th, Mrs. Patience DAWE, a native of Newfoundland, and mother of Mrs. H. TAPPER and sister of Mrs. George BUCHANAN.

PENSTON - On the 25th ult., after a short illness, Henry PENSTEN, aged 70 years, a native of Surrey, England.

BRIEN - On the 25th ult., Mary Ann (May) beloved child of John and Mary Brien, aged 3 ½ years.

SILLARS - On the 27th ult., after a short illness, Chesley Gordon, darling child of Samuel and Maria Sillars, aged 2 ½ years.

Mar 8, 1904

Carbonear – March 6 - By train on Thursday night arrived he corpse of George MOOTRY, whose death by accident occurred at Glace Bay, B.B. mine, on Friday previous. On arrival the remains, enclosed in a handsome coffin, were taken in charge by the Orange Society and conveyed to their hall where they remained until today when interment took place at 2 pm in the Methodist cemetery. The L.O. Society attended the funeral and their impressive burial service was read at the graveside.


Mr. Jack LADNER, son of the Rev. Chas. LADNER, of Revelstoke, B.C, who was recently killed on the C.P.R. was a young man of exceptional promise. Although quite a young man he was placed in charge of the most difficult and dangerous section of the road. His engine was pulling a train of coal cars, when on a steep grade, the train ran away. Mr. LADNER and his fireman stuck manfully to their posts. A switchman appears to have lost his head, and the result was death. He was buried at Kamloops on Jan 27th, by the Rev. A.E. HETHERINGTON and with full Masonic rites. His father had purposed retiring from the ministry this year, and Jack was building a house for him in Kamloops. The blow is a terribly severe one, but sweetened by the memories of a brave, bright, manly life, and a hero’s death. As a sample of young LADNER’s clear grit, we may mention that a short time ago, when a comrade had been severely burned, he bared his arms to the scalpel, and allowed long strips of his healthy skin to be transplanted to the sufferer. Jack was a grandson of the late Sheriff BEMISTER, and nephew of the Hon. H.J. B. WOODS of this city. He was about 28 years of age.

The body of George MOOTRY was brought from Glace Bay where he had been killed the previous Friday, by the Glencoe on last Thursday. The deceased worked underground, and his place was to attend to the ore cars. At the time of the accident he was standing near some cars when six others came along at a rapid rate over a gradual incline, having slipped clear of the cable which regulated their speed. MOOTRY stooped to put rollers before the _____, but before he could get away they struck him, jamming him against the stationary cars and killing him instantly. His body was terribly mutilated. Deceased was born in Southhampton, England, as 54 years of age, and is survived by his wife, three sons and a daughter. One son resides here, another at Sydney, and the third at Carbonear where the body was taken, burial taking place there on Sunday.

On Feb 27 at Brooklyn, B.B., a little son of Mr. G. BEST was burned to death. The father was chopping wood in the yard and the mother was visiting a neighbor’s house at the time, and it is supposed the little fellow must have stood near the stove and ignited his clothes. Nothing was known of the accident until the father finished his labor when he entered the house to find child writhing in agony on the floor, his clothes all burnt off. Other children were in the house, but were too young to render aid and too frightened probably to inform their parent. The little fellow only lingered a short while after the accident, death relieving him of his sufferings.


KEEFE - on Feb 27, a son to Mr. and Mrs. P.J.KEEFE.

PIKE - on 28th Feb, at Harbor Grace, the wife of George E. PIKE, of a twin - son and daughter.

TIZZARD - On March 3rd, the wife of Mr. John TIZZARD, of a son.

PYNN - on the 5th inst., a daughter to Joseph and Jane PYNN.


ALLEN-ALLEN - In the Methodist Church Topsail, on Feb 24th, 1904 by the Rev. J. HEYFIELD M.M., Miss Winifred ALLEN to Mr. James R. ALLEN, both of Topsail.

THOMAS-PERFECT - At St. Mary’s Church, on Jan 27th, by the Rev. C.V. COGAN, Mr. George THOMAS to Miss Bertha PERFECT, both of this city.


ROUD - On the 29th ult., Elizabeth, beloved wife of Capt. William ROUD, aged 54 years.

VOISEY - On Feb 29th, after a long and tedious illness, Richard VOISEY.

MINTY - At Durrell’s Arm, on Feb 21st Robert, son of Mr. Joseph MINTY, aged 23 years.

JONES - At Riverhead, Harbour Grace, on Tuesday last, after a long illness, James JONES, aged 58 years.

FURLONG - At Brooklyn, on Feb 29th, William S. FURLONG, aged 29 years.

WILLIAMS - Suddenly of bronchitis, Robert Newton, darling child of Robert and the late Mary A. WILLIAMS, aged 5 ½ years.

DUFFY - On March 2nd, of convulsions, Willie, darling child of Michael and Mary DUFFY, aged 6 months.

SNOW - On March 2nd, Marion Elizabeth, infant daughter of Gilbert and Isabel SNOW, aged 3 weeks.

PELLEY - At Port Blandford, on Feb 27th, Juanita (Nita), beloved child of Daniel and Eliza PELLEY, aged 1 year and 1 month.

KNIGHT - On the 3rd inst., after a short illness William, beloved child of William and Bridget KNIGHT, aged 6 months.

AUSTIN - On March 4th, Samuel J. AUSTIN, H.M.C., a native of Newton Abbott, Devonshire, England, aged 84 years.

SPRATT - On the 5th inst., after a long illness, Mary, the beloved wife of Thomas SPRATT (mason), aged 58 years.

MEWS - On the 5th inst., after a lingering illness, Mary, twin daughter of the late James L. and Christiana MEWS.

THISTLE - Yesterday morning, after a long and painful illness, Mary, beloved wife of the late Thomas THISTLE, of Carbonear, aged 71 years.

JORDAN - On the 5th inst., at the Convent of Mercy, St. Lawrence, after a short illness, Rev. Mother Cecelia JORDAN, aged 51 years.

DWYER - On Feb 26th at Bell Island, Richard, second son of the late William and Mary DWYER.

City News

The death of Mr. Samuel J. AUSTIN, H.M.C., occurred on Friday morning at his residence Forest Road. Deceased who had nearly reached his 84th year, and was born near Newton Abbot, Devonshire, England, had been connected with the public services of this country for 54 years. As a young man he joined the British Navy and after serving through the war with China, he came to this country. After being in the Customs service for a time, he accepted the position of light-keeper on Harbor Grace Island, but later returned to the Customs’ Department, becoming tidewaiter and gauger, continuing in the service up to the time he was taken ill. His funeral took place on Saturday afternoon, being attended by a large number of citizens, and by members of the Masonic fraternity and British Society, of which he was a member.

Mar 15, 1904


Mr. William T. STERRITT died recently at Yarmouth, NS, aged 54 years. For some years he was well known in this country, notably among the lumbering interests, the large concern at Glenwood being owned by him prior to the sale of Lewis Miller & Co. Ill health caused his withdrawal from the Island about five years ago. At no time since did he regain his health and strength. Mr. STERRITT leaves a widow, two daughters and three sons.


Another well-known citizen has passed from amongst us. If refer to Mr. William BADCOCK. Since Christmas he had been failing rapidly and it became evident that the end could not be long delayed. On Monday evening about six o’clock he passed away. Mr. BADCOCK was not a man of robust constitution and had been a sufferer from constitutional troubles for a number of years. He was a man of very decided and firm opinions which he brought to bear upon the discharge of his duties as Chairman of the Road Board and which were the cause of the general acceptance which his services as such found with this community. Interment took place at the Methodist cemetery on Thursday.


HODDER - On the 3rd inst., at Heart’s Delight a son to Mr. and Mrs. J.G. HODDER.

VAIL - on the 3rd inst., a son to Mr. and Mrs. M.B. VAIL.

BRUCE - March 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.C.BRUCE, a son.

MCKAY - On the 8th of March, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. James MCKAY.

CHAFE - At St. Mary’s on the 22nd ult., the wife of William CHAFE, T.N.C., of a son.

CONROY - Yesterday morning, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. C. O. N. CONROY.

FOGWILL - On the 13th inst., twin sons to Mr. And Mrs. W. FOGWILL.


COOKE-CHURCHILL - At the Methodist Parsonage, Portugal Cove, on the 20th ult., by the Rev. C. LENCH, Mr. John COOKE, of Golden Ridge Farm, to Miss Sarah CHURCHIILL, of Portugal Cove.


LEARIE - On Mar 5th, Ruby, darling child of John and Fanny LEARIE, aged 8 years.

MORRIS - On the 6th inst., Ethel May, darling child of Archibald and Annie MORRIS, aged 2 years.

COLE - On the 2nd inst., Mary, wife of Thomas COLE, of Colliers C.B., aged 63 yrs.

STRONG On the 8th inst., Charlie, darling child of William and Sarah STRONG, aged 3 yrs and 3 mos.

LAWSON - On the 9th inst. after a long and painful illness, Stephen John, third eldest son of Stephen and Susannah LAWSON, aged 15 years.

MILLER - On March 10th, after a long and tedious illness, Ellen, relict of the late Nathaniel MILLER, aged 65 years.

STEPHENSON - On the 11th inst., after a lengthy illness, Ellie M. STEPHENSON, daughter of Lawrence SHEEHAN, aged 23 years.

BARTLETT - Suddenly, on the 12th inst., Louisa, widow of the late John BARTLETT, aged 69 years.

MEWS - on the 13th inst., Christiana, daughter of the late James L., and Christiana MEWS. The above was the twin sister of Mary whose death was recorded on Monday last, the 7th inst.

BOWDEN - At Sydney, C.B., on the 12th inst., Alice Irene, daughter of the late John and Theresa KELLY, and wife of Shenton BOWDEN.

BERRIGAN - On Sunday, after a long illness, William BERRIGAN, aged 72 years.

HUTCHINGS - On Mar 10th, Levi Alexander, darling child of Eliakim and Mary HUTCHINGS, aged 7 mos.

PEARCE On the 13th inst., Blanch Maude, darling child of William and Mary PEARCE, aged 2 weeks.

LODER - Passed peacefully away, on the 12th inst., after a lingering illness, Eliza Ann, wife of the late S. LODER, aged 63 years.

DEE - At Randolph Mass., on Feb 29th., after a short illness, Elizabeth, beloved wife of Thomas Dee, and eldest daughter of John SIMMS, of this city.

DUDER - On Sunday, at Pernambuco, Arthur Jardine, infant son of Charles R. and Edith DUDER, aged 6 ½ months.

SLOAN - On the 12th inst., after a long and painful illness, Mr. James SLOAN, aged 97 years.

HAYES - On the 14th inst., Annie, fourth daughter of Michael and Mary HAYES.

Four Chinamen arrived from Louisburg by the s.s. Glencoe and intend going into the laundry business here. They arrived at North Sydney from Vancouver, whence they had come from Hong Kong, about a week ago, and was kept in jail there for safe keeping until the sailing of the Glencoe.

Stop Press News

A telegram received by Hon. P.K. BISHOP this morning announces the death of the Rev. John PRATT, of Grand Bank.

There passed away at his residence, Theatre Hill, on Sunday night, Mr. William BERRIGAN. Deceased, who was a well-known and greatly respected resident, had reached the ripe age of 72 years. For the past three months he had been unwell, and his death was not unexpected. A widow, two sons, Patrick and Edward, and one daughter survive him.

Mar 22, 1904


Mr. Robert NORTHCOTT, a young and, until recently, apparently healthy man, has passed to the great beyond. Taken ill about the beginning of this year it was hoped that medical skill would again restore him but Providence has ordered otherwise. The bereaved widow and children have the sympathy of a large circle of friends.

Little Bay

Mar 7 - The Rev. Father LYNCH left here today for Coachman’s Cove, district of St. Barbe, by dogs and sled, via Three Arms, Jackson’s Cove, S.W. Arm and Baie Verte - the whole covering a distance of about 60 miles. This will be quite an experimental winter trip, from N.D. Bay, being the fist of the kind ventured by a clergyman. The Rev. Father is on a visit to an old friend, the Rev. Father SHEAN, P.P., Coachman’s Cove, who, we are told, was very ill for a time this season.

There is a slight rumor that the mine here will be re-opened in the early part of the summer. It would be a mistake to think that all the copper has been taken out of Little Bay mine. Weather fine at last.


Tilt Cove

Feb 26 - We have had stormy winter, probably the coldest for many years. The thermometer registered 24 degrees below zero on Sunday morning the 21st February.

The settlement of LaScie is mourning over the removal by death of their Magistrate, Mr. DUGGAN. He was ever seeking to benefit the place, and not a little of the prosperous condition of the people is due to his wise counsel.

A concert and tea, held under the auspices of the Church of England, recently, were very successful. Both were largely patronized.

The miners at Baie Verte struck for a payday in the first week of February. They resumed work again after the Manager had explained some difficulties and promised them their pay for March month, in April. It is reported by some of the men that they are to be paid for the months of December, January and February in August next.

The information conveys through your paper that the Government had secured two boats to carry mails and passengers at rates existing prior to the present high prices, has caused considerable satisfaction throughout the settlements. It is felt that the holders of the contract are guarantees of efficiency in this service.



March 8 - This little Town (near Pilley’s Island, NDB) has recently been visited by severe affliction. Early on Monday morning, February 1st, two young men, George WINSOR and George FIFIELD, left their homes to go after some seals that were to be seen around the Long Island Lighthouse. What happened to the unfortunate young men no one really knows, only about midday another crew on the same errand found their boat bottom up. No signs of the missing men were to be seen but the cap of one and the cuffs of the other were picked up. It is generally thought that they had killed a large seal and in the effort to get it in their boat they had capsized her. Their fate must to a large extent, remain a mystery until that day when the sea gives up its dead. A heavy gale of wind made the finding of the bodies impossibility. The deceased young men were of one age, 20 years, and had always been close companions. They were both much beloved and respected by one and all in their little town. Their bright and genial disposition and their manly Christian character endearing them to everyone who knew them. The parents, Joseph WINSOR and Philip FIFIELD, are left to mourn their sad loss, and each leaves a wife and one child. The news of the sad accident plunged the whole town into deep mourning - much sympathy is felt for the bereaved families. The deceased were like brothers in life, and in death they were not divided. AMICUS


His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint A.A. PARSON, Esq., (Superintendent of His Majesty’s Penitentiary) as Justice of the Peace for the Colony. Rev. William M. MUIR, to be a member of the Methodist Board of Education for the district of Botwoodville, in place of Rev. William A. PALMER, resigned; Mr. Uriah FREAKE, to be a member of the Pilot Commission at Lewisporte, in place of Mr. William G. WOOLFREY, resigned.

The Districts

Eleven Nova Scotian loggers and mill men who had been working for the Timber Estates arrived by train on Thursday and will proceed home. They reported the winter a good one for logging and about 35 million feet have been taken out.

Relieving Officer HUMPHRIES was drowned at Greenspond on Monday of last week. Particulars of the accident are not to hand, but on that night he was reported missing, and search parties were immediately formed. At eight o’clock the following morning his body was found on the bottom in the harbor.


We regret to learn of the death of Mrs. George LASH, which took place in Montreal quite suddenly on Sunday. The deceased lady was mother of Messrs. M. G. and W.H. LASH, only last summer leaving with her second son for the above city, and the news of her death has caused widespread grief among her friends here.


FIELD - On March 9th , a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. E. FIELD.

NOFTALL - on the 16th inst, a daughter to Mr. And Mrs. J. NOFTALL (Painter).

KELLY - On St. Patricks’ Day, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. O.D. KELLY.


MANUEL - PRICE - At the Gower Street Parsonage, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. J.L. DAWSON, Mr. Eli MANUEL, of St. John’s, to Mrs. Annie PRICE, of Hant’s Hr.


GOODLAND - on the 14th inst., Eden, beloved wife of the late James GOODLAND.

CONNOLLY - On March 15th, Francis J., second son of Michael and the late Agnes CONNOLLY, in his 29th year.

WAREHAM - On Jan 27th, Marion Frances, beloved daughter of George and Martha WAREHAM, Haystack, Placentia Bay, in the 20th year of her age.

SHEA - On the 15th inst., Patrick Justin, fifth son of John P., and Jane SHEA.

PENNEY - on the 15th inst., at Little Bay, Philip PENNEY.

TUFF - On the 15th inst., after a long and painful illness, Clara beloved wife of Joseph TUFF, aged 50 years.

MARE - On the 17th inst., of croup, Helen Margaret Mary, youngest daughter of Robert and Bella MARE, aged 1 yr and 5 mos.

St. GEORGE - on the 16th inst., James St. George, aged 32 years.

KELLY - on the 18th inst., John KELLY (tailor), aged 59 years.

Mar 29, 1904


Mar 19, 1904 - The cold this morning is nearly as severe as ever - 10 below zero. After so much intense cold this winter we may have reasonably expected a mild March. The lowest thermometer registered here for the winter was 25 below (Sunday morning) but it even seemed much colder than this owing to the high wind that prevailed.

The loggers are about finishing up their operation, at least they are preparing for a break up of the winter any day now. The company are well satisfied with the season’s work, it being by far the largest ever performed here by any previous company; they have put in well up to for two hundred thousand logs. The company have just completed a large stable to accommodate their increased stock of horses which will be coming from the woods in a few days. They have now eighty horses, and to keep this number from now till next fall will require over thirty bushels of oats and nearly a ton of hay per day, beside other necessaries. One can imagine what a large outlay this lumbering industry requires when this is only an item in the expenses.

A very successful concert took place here on St. Patrick’s night. In spite of the stormy day a large audience assembled in the school-house to hear the many performers. It is really surprising to see what talent can be brought out in a small place when an effort is made. There were pieces rendered that would have done credit to a stage in any city, a few of which we cannot refrain from mentioning: - A musical duet by Messrs. SARGEANT on the harmonica; this was something grand, and to this place something new. It is just marvelous what music can be brought out of these little instruments. A dialogue by Misses EVANS, Miss MANUEL, and Miss WHITEWAY, from Northern Arm. Professional artists could have acquitted themselves no more creditably. Songs by Miss PALMER, Miss BENDLE, Miss EVANS, were especially well rendered. After two hours of enjoyment the entertainment closed by singings “God Save the King.”


Moreton’s Harbour

Since my last contribution of news items from this place ten weeks have sped their way into the past that never can return. They have been weeks of cold, frosty weather, all but incessantly so, with continuous high winds....... The great topic for a little while, since Monday week, the 29th February , (was it the leap year day that we have not had for eight years, that need such commemoration?) Has been a robbery of a most daring, calculating and ingenious kind. We are now wanting a Sherlock Holmes to bring the culprit or culprits to justice. Report says we are to have a detective to try what he can do; and we will sincerely hope he will come and succeed, barring, of course, I daresay, the guilty party. Well, on the night in question, in the Orange Hall at this place - had one been there to see - there was the unknown individual busy in candlelight with bit and brace at the strong-box of the Arctic Lodge, making between forty and fifty holes in the outer box, in like manner boring through the side-strips that held the lid of box N. 2, then bursting open the cash box below, and transferring to his own proper self what did in no ways belong to him to the tune of one hundred and forty seven dollars, the thief being wise enough to leave behind notes and cheques that might incriminate him. Having appropriated to the extent named he departed, and left no trace behind that can be relied upon to find him or them. A stick of wood on the outer door, footprints, that were not followed at the time, etc. and a mystery. How he, or they, got inside the Lodge is another puzzle. There have been practices for a forthcoming concert, and it has been supposed by some he went and hid himself within until his hour was come. Thus far is a summary of Chapter 1.

Chapter 2 opens on Saturday morning, the 5th inst. On Mr. COLBORNE’s shop door, a quarter of a mile or so away from the Lodge, is found a tin containing notes and silver for one hundred and ten dollars, and an intimation that it is the property of the Arctic Lodge. The handwriting is of course disguised. Conscience seems to have had a hand in bringing back part of the price; the thief or thieves, having supposedly paid themselves out of the balance for the great and evident trouble they were at the in the burglary.

And now a detective is to be asked to write Chapter 3. It is feared that the thief had inside information, for as for the ordinary public they had scarcely dreamed the Arctic Lodge had contained such a sum of money. New members have been joining lately, and their fees may have helped to swell the exchequer until a thief grew covetous Poof Fellow! If he’s found, he’ll know that stolen money is bitter bait, if he knows it not too well already.

Rumors are rife as to doctors. A new one has gone to Twllingate, a Dr. CHANDLER, a rival to Dr. STAFFORD. We have heard one was to come to Moreton’s Harbor, can a house and surgery be obtained? Twenty dollars is now the fee for a visit here from Twllingate to one not on the doctor’s books, nine miles. Forty dollars was asked not long ago for going to Comfort Cove, about twice the distance. Poor people cannot afford to pay these prices, even could the doctors always bring renewed health, which is far from being the case.

Missionary meetings in the Methodist churches have been held at Tizzard’s Harbor and here. The Twillingate and Farmer’s Arm ministers were present. Meetings were also held at Twillingate and Exploits.


March 11, 1904


On Sunday night at “Bellevue” farm, Mount Pear, there passed away Miss Sarah A. KNIGHT, sister of the late Samuel Knight, at the advanced age of 84 years. The deceased lady had been an invalid for some years, and her death was not unexpected. A pathetic incident in connection with her decease is that her life-long friend, Mrs. James MURRAY, passed away only two days before her. The funeral takes place this evening.

The death of Mrs. MURRAY, widow of the late James MURRAY, occurred on Thursday night last, at the residence of her son, Mr. Edwin MURRAY. The deceased lady had lived a long and useful life, being in her 86th year, and was a daughter of the later Mr. STACEY, who at one time carried on an extensive business here. Two sons, Mr. Edwin MURRAY, and Mr. Arthur MURRAY (now at Sydney) and four daughters, Mrs. John ANDERSON (now at Edinburgh), Mrs. George ARCHIBALD (at London), Mrs. OHMAN (at Montreal) and Mrs. DEVELIN survive her. Her funeral took place on Sunday.

The crew of the wrecked sealing steamer Elliott will be brought from St. Paul’s Island to Channel by the Canadian cutter, s.s. Lady Laurier.


WOODWARD - A daughter to the Rev. and Mrs. H. Kilner WOODWARD, Petty Harbour, on March 22nd.

MARCH - On the 19th inst., a son to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick MARCH


BADCOCK - At Carbonear, March 7th, William BADCOCK, aged 61 years.

WAREHAM - At Haystack, P.B., on Jan 27th, Marion, beloved daughter of George WAREHAM, aged 19 years and 9 months.

DALTON - At Lynn, Mass., Feb 29th, William DALTON, aged 55 years.

PENNEY - On Mar 19th, after a long and painful illness, James, beloved husband of Maria PENNEY.

CROCKER - On the 17th inst., Alex Luther, darling child of Alex and Melina CROCKER, aged 16 months.

DEVEREUX - On the 23rd inst., after a lingering illness, Eliza, beloved wife of Edward DEVEREUX, Sr. aged 75 years.

O’BURKE - At. St. Jacques, on the 23rd inst., Mary, beloved wife of Patrick O’BURKE, and daughter of the late Joseph J. WILLIAMS, Bay Bulls.

MURRAY - On March 24th, after a short illness, Elizabeth, wife of the late James MURRAY, aged 86 years.

BRADSHAW - At Placentia, on the 21st inst., Sarah, youngest daughter of the late W.G. BRADSHAW, Collector of Customs.

KNIGHT - On Sunday morning, after a long illness, Miss Sarah A. KNIGHT, sister of the late Samuel KNIGHT.

WILKIE - On Tuesday, March 8th at 193 Memtana Street, Montreal, George Ross, beloved wife of Charles A. WILKIE.

HAYES - On the 23rd inst., Brigus South, after a short illness, Mary, beloved wife of the late Michael HAYES, aged 58 years.

KIEL - On Mar 21st, after a short illness, John, beloved husband of Mary KIEL.

The Districts

The Reid Co, are now trying to clear the track to Bay of Islands, and on Friday morning a train left Bishop’s Falls taking a large crew of men to engage in the work.

A mail from Bay of Islands reached the city on Wednesday morning, the first for a long while. It was brought across the Topsails by dog sleds to Millertown where it connected with the northern train.

Further particulars of the drowning of Relieving Officer HUMPHRIES at Greenspond, news of which reached the city last week, point to the case being one of suicide. Deceased had been acting strangely for some time past, but his friends had no suspicion that he contemplated doing away with himself. On the night of the tragedy he left home about 7 o’clock, and not returning by 11, search was made for him, but he could not be found. The next morning his body was found in the water near Downing’s wharf. A wife and eight children, four of whom are away, survive him.

Apr 5, 1904


On Thursday one of our oldest resident, Mrs. WESTCOTT, mother of Capt. Jos.WESTCOTT, was laid to rest in St. James’ Cemetery. Deceased had attained the advanced age of 92 years, and until last summer had enjoyed remarkably good health, when she began to fail.


MARTIN - On March 25th at Hr. Grace, the wife of Absalom MARTIN (P.N.R.) of a daughter.

ROSE - On the 2nd inst., a son to Mr. And Mrs. W.D. ROSE


WILLIAMS - On Good Friday, at Bread and Cheese, Bay Bulls, John WILLIAMS, Sr. aged 80.

WILLETT - On Good Friday, after a short illness, Emily Jessie, aged 32 years, beloved wife of John WILLETT.

HICKEY - on the 31st inst., after a long and painful illness, Joseph, the beloved son of Michael and the late Catherine HICKEY, aged 23 years.

DILLON - Suddenly, on the evening of March 11th, on the s.s. Grand Lake, Matthew DILLON, fireman, aged 44 years.

SNELGROVE - On March 29th, at Lower Island Cove, Wm. John, beloved husband of Mary J. SNELGROVE, Telegraph Operator, and Post Mistress, and only surviving son of Job and Susanna SNELGROVE, aged 36 yrs.

KEILS - On the 27th ult., after a short illness, John KEILS, aged 56 years.

PHELAN - At “Exon” Farm, March 30th, Bridget Heffern, beloved wife of Michael PHELAN, aged 38 years.

BUCKLEY - On March 31st, after a lingering illness, Rachel BUCKLEY, aged 81 years.

TOBIN - On the 30th ult., after a long illness, William eldest son of James and the late Mary TOBIN, aged 23 years.

FORTUNE - At Tor’s Cove, on the 29th ult., Minnie daughter of Sylvester and Lucy FORTUNE, aged ?20 years.

CODY - At Riverhead, Harbor Grace, on Saturday March 26th, after a long illness, ? Ellen (paper torn) relict of the late Thomas CODY, aged 65 years.

GRIFFIN - On March 25th, at Harbor Grace after a long illness, Michael GRIFFIN, son of John and Mary GRIFFIN aged 29 years.

Apr 12, 1904

Britannia Cove

Apr 4th - A very sad accident occurred on Good Friday at the slate quarry. A man by the name of John MILLER was working at the cliff and a stone falling from the top of the cliff hit him in the back of the head, crushing his skull. The unfortunate man expired a few minutes after. He was immediately taken to Britannica Cove by his fellow workman. A man being there with his horse and slide he was placed on the slide, as the snow prevented fast driving, a messenger was dispatched on foot who ran three miles with the news to the doctor. Mr. J.T. CURRIE quickly harnessed his horse and drove the doctor out on the ice to meet the men who were bringing the poor fellow along. Nothing, however, could be done as the man had passed into the great beyond. After the doctor examined him and pronounced him dead, Mr. CURRIE took the body on his sleigh and conveyed it to Hodder’s Cove where the Rev. Mr. TULK had hastened to break the sad news to the wife who was waiting for husband to come home to his tea. Much sympathy is felt for the widow who, with two small children, have been suddenly bereft of husband and father. The funeral took place at Burgouyne’s Cove on Easter Sunday afternoon. The remains of the 10 year old son of Uriah and Deborah LATE was also laid to rest at the same time in Britannia Cove. Correspondent.

Ireland’s Eye

March 5th - Deeply do we regret to announce the death of Matthias W., beloved son of James and Rebekah TOOP of Ireland’s eye, Trinity Bay, which took place at this residence early on Saturdays morning. Deceased was in his twenty-third year. He bore his illness for two years with patience, always cheerful and happy. He leaves a father, mother, three brothers and three sisters to mourn their sad loss. His demise will be keenly felt and deeply regretted by all. To the sorrowing friends we extend our sincerest sympathies. A.


The veteran Wm. BUTT, of Hr. Grace, died last week at Bay Roberts where he had removed with his son, Rm. William BUTT, two years ago. He was 88 years old.

Mr. John M. DRAKE, son of Capt. DRAKE, of the Glencoe, and one of the most popular of “Newfoundlanders abroad” was married on April 4th to Mrs. E. BARNIE at Hartford, Conn, U.S.A., by the Rev. Henry MACBETH, rector of St. Thomas’s Church in that city.

Mrs. PUGH, of Heart’s Content, died there on Monday of last week at the age of 62. She was a Miss HOPKINS and a member of one of the best known and most generally esteemed families in the telegraph town. Her daughter, Mrs. RENDELL, with her husband Mr. RENDELL, of the firm of Rendell & Moore, bicycle repairers, etc., of King’s Road, was on a visit to Heart’s Content at the time.

The Districts

The cost of the Twillingate post office is $2,200.

Patrick DAVIS, of Conche, aged 30, was killed, through his brother’s gun accidentally going off, on February 7th last. He walked about a quarter of a mile after the accident, but only survived four hours.


MCGINN - On the 8th inst., at 52 Signal Hill Road, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. P. MCGINN.

BUTT - At Carbonear on Thursday last, a son to Mr. and Mrs. W.H. BUTT.

PARRELL - On March 27th, a daughter to Mrs. and Mrs. Patrick PARRELL.

SMITH on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr. James SMITH, officer of s.s. Silvia, of a daughter.

DONOVAN - On Easter Sunday, a son to Mr. and Mrs. John DONOVAN

BARNES - On Apr 8th, a son to Mr. and Mrs. K.S. BARNES, Water Street.

GAMMON - At Whitbourne, on Apr 8th, the wife of Geo. W. GAMMON, of a son.


West - at 28 St. Charles Street, Longneuil, Montreal, On March 24th, Bickford WEST, aged 55 years, formerly of Bridgewater England.

RICH - On April 7th, after a short illness ______ beloved son of Jane and the late Isaac RICH, aged 20 years.

BURT - On Apr 5th, Amelia M., beloved wife of J. BURT

RYAN - On Apr 6th after a protracted illness, Patrick RYAN, aged 45 years.

FIELD - On Apr 8th, after a lingering illness, Captain Charles FIELD, aged 74 years.

SCOTT - At Chicago, on Easter Sunday, Ellen, daughter of the late William and Anastatia SCOTT, formerly of this city.

COLLINS - On Apr 7th, there passed away at his residence, 37 Bannerman Street, Terence R. COLLINS, in the 80th year of his age.

QUIGLY - At Duluth, Minn., March 24th, Mary Cheep, beloved wife of Michael QUIGLY, formerly of St. John’s Newfoundland.

CROUCHER - On April 8th at Trinity, Margaret, beloved wife of John T. CROUCHER, aged 37 years.

SEWARD - On the 8th inst., Sarah SEWARD, aged 16 years, beloved daughter of Matthias and Mary SEWARD.

GLADNEY - On April 11th, at his residence on New Gower Street, Martin GLADNEY, aged 65 years.

HUNT - On April 10th, Mary Ann HUNT, aged 54 years.

BRADSHAW - On April 12th, Henry A., darling child of F.W. and Minnie BRADSHAW, aged 6 ½ months.

Apr 19, 1904


Apr 17th-The Methodist denomination has decided that the new parsonage shall be a stone building. A meeting of the pew holders on Monday evening arrived at this decision. Whether it be a wise one or otherwise remains to be seen. Willing hands have during the week been chopping and fitting the timber which has been placed upon the site, whilst others have hauled stone from the old Cemetery wall to be used in the foundation. Merchants have offered the free use of vessels to bring stone from Pilley’s Island, and volunteers are now required to man them. These are not yet forthcoming but will, it is hoped, come forward within the next few days. The estimated coast of the building is about $2000, exclusive of free labour which it is expected will be readily supplied.

Messrs. Norman and Fred SNELGROVE passed through to St. John’s by train on Wednesday afternoon. There were returning from Adams’ Cove where they had attended the funeral of their sister the late Mrs. Leonard EVANS.

.............. We regret to learn of the death of Miss Mary MATTHEWS, daughter of the Rev. Solomon MATTHEWS which occurred at Bay Roberts on Saturday. She had been afflicted by the dreaded white plague, consumption. Much sympathy is expressed for Rev. Mr. MATTHEWS, this being his third daughter to be taken away by this disease. Rambler.


Capt. Patrick ST. JOHN died at Conception Harbour on Saturday night.

Mr. John ROBINSON, of Knowling’s, is seriously ill, and hopes of his recovery are exceedingly small. He has been suffering from a succession of severe hemorrhages.

Mrs. Leonard J. EVANS, daughter of Benjamin SNELGROVE, Esq, of Catalina, died at Witless Bay last week. She was buried at Adams’ Cove, her brother, Mr. Norman SNELGROVE, and other members of the family being present.

The late Mrs. MACPHERSON

On Saturday morning Mrs. Susannah MACPHERSON, widow of the late Peter MACPHERSON, Esq., of this city “fell on sleep” at the age of 76. She had not been well since the death of her beloved daughter, who was the wife of the Rev. G.J. BOND, B.A., of Toronto, but there seemed little reason to fear that the end was so near at hand. Her eldest son Campbell MACPHERSON, Esq., and his family have been traveling for some months on the continent of Europe, and are now on their way home. Mr. Archibald MACPHERSON and Miss MACPHERSON, of Paris, the accomplished artist, who visited St. John’s a few months ago, are with Mr. Capbell MACPHERSON, the surviving children. Mrs. MACPHERSON was a lady of exceptional sweetness of character. Her acts of kindness were constant and her benefactions large. Up till recently she was an active church worker, and to the last retained a very real interest in affairs of the church. The funeral took place a t the General Protestant Cemetery yesterday morning, the Revs. Dr. COWPETHWAITE, J.L. DAWSON, And M. FENWICK officiating. A large concourse of citizens, including the employees of the Royal Stores, attended. Mrs. MACPHERSON”s death will leave an ache in many hearts, where her memory will be enshrined in love and praise.


EVELLEY - On the 6th inst., the wife of I.J. EVELLEY, of a daughter

MEWS - On the 11th inst., a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. F. MEWS

MEYERS - On Mar 30th , a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. John MEYERS

HANNAFORD - on the 13th inst., the wife of L. HANNAFORD, druggist, of a daughter.

MURPHY - on the 6th inst., a son to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MURPHY.

JAMES - On the 13th inst., a son and daughter to Captain and Mrs. JAMES

SEYMOUR - on the 15th inst., a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. James SEYMOUR.

STELLITON - On the 9th inst., a son to Mr. and Mrs. Francis STELLITON.


FANE-PILLEY – On March 16th, by the Rev. W.T.D. DUNN, at the residence of the bride, West End, Miss Lila M. PILLEY, and Mr. James W. FANE.

PIKE-MATTHEWS - At the Cochrane St. Parsonage, on the 11th inst., by Rev.Dr. COWPERTHWAITE, Mr. Reuben PIKE to Miss Bessie MATTHEWS, both of this city.


KEEFE - At Plymouth, Mass., on Feb 9th, Patrick KEEFE, a native of this city, but residing in Plymouth, Mass., the past 19 years.

BRADSHAW - On Apr 12th, Henry A., darling child of F.W. and Minnie BRADSHAW, aged 6 ½ months.

CURRAN - On April 18th, little Leo, darling child of James and Bessie CURRAN, aged 8 months.

LANNON - On Apr 13th, James, darling son of John and Mary LANNON, aged 8 years.

HAYES - At Bryant’s Cove, Harbor Grace, on the 10th inst., Mary A., beloved daughter of Leanius and the late Fanny HAYES, aged 17 years.

MACPHERSON - On April 16th, at her residence 32 Queen’s Road, Susannah, widow of the late Peter MACPHERSON, Esq., aged 76 years.

MATTHEWS - At Bay Roberts, on the 16th inst., Mary E., eldest daughter of Rev. S. MATHEWS.

PYNN - At Quidi Vidi, on the 17th inst., Joseph PYNN, after a long illness, aged 71 years.

CASEY - On the 12th of April, after a long and painful illness, Mrs. Mary CASEY, aged 62 years.

REID - On the 6th inst., at Heart’s Delight, of brain fever, Sidney Ralph, darling boy of James and Lily REID, aged 7 years and 7 mos.

MABIN - On Apr 18th, Leah, beloved wife of Henry J. MABIN, aged 43 years.

CROCKER - On the 18th, Alexander CROCKER, aged 42 years.

The Districts

Mr. Lewis MALONEY of Witless Bay has been appointed Manger of the whaling factory at St. Mary’s.

Mr. George LINDSAY, late of Marshall & Rodger, assumes charge of Mr. P. TEMPLEMAN’s Dry Goods business at Bonavista.

A worthy veteran recently passed away at Sound Island, P.B., at the patriarchal age of 86. Mr. Michael BROWN, father of Mrs. Edward BONIA, of Placentia. Mr. BROWN sailed in command of his own schooner as late as six years ago.

The two year old son of Cornelius CRAWLEY of the South Side of Holyrood wandered from home last week. A careful search resulted in finding his body in the river running near the house. The little fellow must have tumbled over the bank, and was found caught between the rocks.

Apr 26, 1904

New Bay

Apr 14th - The winter has been a very severe one, the most severe for many years but the last few days have been very mild and the snow is fast disappearing. The first robin made its appearance yesterday marking the opening of spring.

From various causes our mails have been very irregular, we think the time has come when our mails should come independent of Exploits; and Leading Tickle mail should go via Botwoodville and S.W. Arm.

The few men that were away in the lumber business for the winter are mostly all home, but there will not be as much money in circulation as last year as there were not so many away.

Rabbits are very plentiful up in the Arm, but not nearly as plentiful on the outside as in other years. Foxes are said to be plentiful but none were caught here the winter.

People in general are glad that the Government have taken the duty off flour, molasses and kerosene oil and think it a step in the right direction.

The new contract for steamer stop run outside will not affect us much. The Clyde calling regularly at these small places is a great convenience and we are of the opinion that most of the freight will still come via Lewisporte, i.e. for these small places, but everybody knows there is more freight landed at New Bay than at Fortune Harbor or Leading Tickles.

We heard Mr. Wm. ROBERTS was going to erect a whale factory at Budgell’s Brook and we see no reason why he should not do so if he has a mind and capital for it.

On March 11th we had our first visit from the Rev. Mr. TAYLOR for the winter. He went on to S.W. Arm on the 12th and held a missionary meeting, came to New Bay 14th, held missionary meeting here, on the 15th returning home as soon as weather would permit.

Mr. Grimes’ term for teaching being over, school closed, but it is opened again at Moor’s Cove school for two months, Mr. Stephen PURCHASE being teacher.

After our letter of Jan. 8th appeared in your columns Mr. GRIMES was ordered to call a meeting of building committee and get to work, so we are told that most of the frame of the church is cut and put on the bank at S.E. Arm. We are told also that is proposed to take the schoolhouse from S.E. Arm and put at Cottle’s Cove, close up the old church at Moores’ Cove and pull it down and use the material towards building the new, if this to be done it will be a quick march to centralization. We repeat there in no money collected not even a unit in the number $1005.00. We refer to these maters because they are public and of vital importance to us as a people. P. MOORS

St. Anthony

Feb 29th - The weather up to date has been the coldest and most stormy ever known. The thermometer has been as low as 20 below zero.

The catch of seals in nets has been above the average this winter. One man caught 25 old harps at one time in two nets.

The Deep Sea Mission Hospital here is now nearly completed. It is a handsome building 36 feet square, and three stories high. The Deep Sea Mission has done and is still doing good work along the coast, healing the sick and relieving the destitute. Dr. GRENFELL is untiring in his efforts for the common good. Among the many things he has done is to provide games, such as bagatelle, checkers, etc. for a social club here, open about four nights a week till 10 p.m. Sometimes the Doctor gives a magic lantern show, at other times a gramophone concert; in fact everything is done to make life better and brighter. Dr. GRENFELL is assisted this winter by a young gentleman from Boston, who is very popular around here.

There was a sad shooting accident at St. Julien’s on the 14th inst. Two brothers named DAVIS went duck shooting. One of them set of his gun, the full load entering the body of Patrick DAVIS, who lived only two hours afterwards.

The largely signed petition will be presented to the Government this term asking for the telegraph wire to be extended to this district, also for better steam communication in summer. We trust that the Government will attend to this matter.


(This letter, written on Feb 29th, reached St. John’s on April 21st - nearly two months on the way. How’s this for isolation? - ED.)


News was received in town yesterday that two miners, Edward OSMOND and John DOWNEY, were seriously injured at the Tilt Cove mines on Saturday. The accident occurred from a premature explosion of dynamite, and it feared that OSMOND will totally lose his sight, while DOWNEY will suffer from a partial loss of that sense. The dynamite was frozen and the men were using it contrary to orders.


The death of Mrs. Amelia PARSONS, widow of the late Capt. Ambrose PARSONS, and mother of the Mr. A.A. PARSONS, Superintendent of the Penitentiary, occurred at Harbor Grace on Saturday afternoon. The deceased lady who had reached the advanced age of 85 years was well know and highly respected at the above place.

Mr. Josiah COLBOURNHE, the late Postmaster and Relieving Officer of Twllingate, died on April 14th at the age of 77. He was People’s Warden of St. Peter’s Church, Twllingate, and held in general and deserved esteem. He had been unwell for some time, but remained at his official posts until a little over a year ago when he retired.

The Districts

Mr. Charles PITTMAN has been appointed sub-collector at Norris Arm.

An outbreak of diphtheria has occurred at Pouch Cove, and one death, a child of Mr. William SHEA, has taken place. The authorities are doing their utmost to prevent the disease from spreading.

The following Road Board changes have been gazetted. Mr. William SHORT for Ward’s Harbor, NDB, vice Mr. Samuel SHORT resigned and Mr. David J. ROWSELL, to be an additional member. Mr. Benjamin LEAR to the Miles Cove and Newtown, Sunday Cove Island Board; Mr. Robert CHAMBERS vice, Mr. George CHAMBERS on the Hermitage Bay North Board; Mr. James KELLY (Freshwater) to the Jerseyside Road Board, district of Placentia and St. Mary’s; Mesrs. Henry BUTLER, George BUTTON and Henry INGRAM to form a Road Board for Collett Cove and Hay Cove in the Placentia and St. Mary’s district.


A drowning fatality occurred on Wednesday night as the schooner Royal ARCH, Capt. J. HOWELL, was making this port from Catalina. The Captain’s son, Elijah, aged 21, was pointing out the lights to his father, when he slipped on the deck load of lumber, which was covered with glitter and fell overboard. A boat was lowered and the young man’s brothers went to his rescue, but not the most untiring devotion could help him. He had vanished in the abyss of water, and his body has not yet been recovered. Sympathy with the stricken family is very general and sincere.


POPE - At Lloyd’s Depot, Red Indian Lake, on the 1st inst., the wife of Thos. POPE, blacksmith, of a daughter.

NUGENT - On the 18th inst., twin son and daughter to Mr. and Mrs. John NUGENT.

RENNIE - On the 19th inst., the wife of W.H. RENNIE, of a daughter.

CLUNEY - On the 13th inst., a daughter to J. and Mrs. CLUNEY


RICHARDON - SHAUGHROU - At the R.C. Cathedral, on April 20th, by the Rev. A. HOWLEY, MR. William RICHARDSON to Miss Bella SHAUGHROU both of this city.

STANLEY - TAVERNOR - At the Gower St. Parsonage, on the 20th inst., by Rev. J.L. DAWSON, Mr. Samuel George STANLEY to Miss Mary A. TAVERNOR, both of this city.


REDDICKS - Suddenly, at Roxbury, Mass., Jane, relict of the late Stephen REDICKS, aged 72 years.

MURRAY - On April 21st, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Lydia MURRAY, wife of the late Wm. MURRAY, in her 83 rd year.

POWER - At Witless Bay, on the 15th inst after a tedious illness, Martin POWER, aged 81 years.

TRELEGAN - On April 20th, Mary Madeline, darling child of James and Winnie TRELEGAN, aged 17 months.

CHALK - At Elliston, on the 14th inst., after a short illness, Henry CHALK, aged 49 years.

COLBOURNE - At Twillingate, on April 14th, Josiah COLBOURNE, J.P. aged 77 years.

WHITEMARSH - on the 19th inst., after a long illness, Florrie May, darling child of Walter WHITEMARSH, aged 3 years.

HANLON - On Tuesday, Annie, wife of Robert HANLON, in the 50th year of her age, leaving a husband and nine children to mourn their sad loss.

POWER - On April 18th of pneumonia, after a short illness, Kitty, third daughter of Mary and William POWER (pilot) aged 23 years.

May 3, 1904

Pilley’s Island

Apr 15th - The back, as it is said, of one of the severest winters on record, is now broken. These few days the pumps are kept going to keep the water out of the mine. Over 15,000 tons of good pyrites are on the surface, and the ore is still increasing in bulk. It is confidently expected to ship fully 60,000 tons over last year. A payday will be welcomed the 20th inst.

At a meeting held in the school-room last evening it was decided, for the first time, by the Roman Catholic ladies of Pilley’s Island to hold a sociable or tea party about the first or second week in May - the proceeds to be devoted to the painting and finishing touches of the new parochial residence. Vocal and instrumental music, etc, will form a very acceptable feature of the affair, which, it is hoped, will prove to be very enjoyable. A new Roman Catholic schoolhouse is wanted here badly. Scribe.


Mr. Thomas Harrison RIDLEY, who for many years carried on a business at Harbor Grace, died on March 22nd, at London, where he had resided since the failure of his firm.

On Wednesday at Harbor Grace, the wedding of Mr. R. S. MUNN and Miss TRAPNELL took place at the home of the bride, Rev. S. PINCOCK performing the ceremony, and only the immediate relatives being present. The duties of groomsman were performed by Mr. R. PARSONS while the bridesmaids were Miss Flora MUNN and Miss TRAPNELL.

In Memoriam Josiah COLBOURNE, Esq., J.P.

At early morning of April 14th, the above named gentleman passed from Twillingate to his Eternal Rest, at the venerable age of 77 years, and thus another link is broken in the chain of worthy men and women of the older class, who are passing away one after anther, leaving blanks in the home, and community, hard to fill. Mr. COLBOURNE had an honorable career, his earlier life being devoted to commercial pursuits, but for many years he has been a faithful public official, an honorary Justice of the Peace, Relieving Officer and Post Master, and certainly no servant of the Crown did more faithful work, for he verily gave the maximum work for the minimum pay and only a few months ago was he allowed to take a well earned retirement on a very small allowance. His wife predeceased him several years, but three sisters remain, Mrs. J. B. BLANDFORD (S.M)) 74 years; Mrs. Chas. EDWARDS (England) 82 years, and widow Samuel BAIRD (Twillingate) aged 87 years. Nine children and 36 grandchildren are the descendants, so that the name is not likely to die, especially with such a record of long lives in the family tree. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, and the Loyal Orange Association, of which he was a useful member and for several years a responsible official, attended, among the largest rally seen at a funeral for years. The bearers were selected from the Royal Scarlet Chapter of which deceased was a worthy companion, and were - Worthy Companions, William HUGHES, G. ROBERTS, J.W. ROBERTS, G. GARD, I. CHURCHILL and W.J. SCOTT, J.P. St. Peter’s Church was crowded, and the very impressive service was conducted by Rev. Canon TEMPLE, R.D., who delivered a touching and appropriate address, paying a well-merited tribute of respect to one, whom (he said) for many years he had known as a loyal churchman, a zealous warden, and true friend, - “Let me die the death of the righteous; and let my last end be like his.” Appropriate hymns were heartily sung, the one at the graveside being, “Oh, God, our help in ages past,” after which the Orange brethren passed around the grave and dropped the “last token” on the coffin of a departed brother.

“Life is real, life is earnest,

And the grave is not its goal,

Dust thou art; to dust returnest,

Was not spoken of the soul.” W.J.S.

The City

Little Jack MCCONBREY, aged one year and nine months, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. MCCONBREY, was fatally burnt on Tuesday last. How he caught on fire is unknown, but as he was playing in a room, in which was an open grate, he must have gone too near it, and his clothing caught. His screams brought his mother to his side, and in her endeavor to extinguish the flames she was badly burned herself. The little fellow suffered intensely until nine o’clock in the evening, when death mercifully relieved him.

The Districts

Eleven men of Conception Bay had Captain Henry DAWE, of the s.s. Grand Lake before the Supreme Court on Circuit at Harbor Grace on Friday, claiming damages for being refused berths to the ice after being promised them. Eight of the men received verdicts for $50 each.

Inspector O’Rielly wired the Minster of Marine and Fisheries from Burgeo on Thursday that Thomas MOULTON had been fined one hundred and twenty dollars, and Albert MOULTON, fifty dollars each, for violation of the Deer Act. The inspector further wired that Herring were very scarce there, and a large number of American and local vessels were awaiting bait.


HUTTON - On the 26th ult., a son to Mr. and Mrs. C. HUTTON

DONOVAN - At New Aberdeen, Cape Breton, on April 9th, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Michael DONOVAN.


MERCHANT-WHITTEN - At Halifax, on Feb 9th, by the Rev. N. LAMOINE, Mr. F.S. MERCHANT, to Miss Eva WHITTEN, both of this city.

SILVIE-HARTERY - At Little Bay Mines, on February 7th, by the Rev. Father SHEEHAN, Mr. John SILVIE to Maggie, youngest daughter of Mr. William HARTERY, King’s Cove.

BACKMAN -BUTT- At Topsail, on the 24th ult., by the Rev.J. HEYFIELD, Alfred Robert BACKMAN, of Dartmouth, S.S., to Mable BUTT, of St. John’s, Newfoundland.

SIMMONS-LAWSON - ON the 25th ult., at 119 Hamilton Street, by the Rev. W.T. D. DUNN, Mr. George H. SIMMONS, to Miss Mary Ellen LAWSON, both of this city.

ABBOTT-FITZGERALD - ON the 25th ult., at Hamilton Street Parsonage, by the Rev. C. LENCH, Frederick ABBOTT, to Mary FITZGERALD, both of Bonavista.


O’NEIL - On April 28th, after a long illness, Constantine O’Neil, aged 56, a native of Fermeuse.

PITTS - On April 28th, after a brief illness, Julia A., youngest daughter of the late James PITTS.

BRINE - On the 30th ult, after a lingering illness, Mary (Minnie) daughter of the late William BRINE, aged 27 years.

MCCOUBREY - On April 26th, John Ernest, youngest son of A.George and Adelaide MCCOUBREY, aged 1 year and 9 months.

MURPHY - On April 26th, suddenly, Ellen, relict of the late Felix Murphy.

JENKINS - At Boston, Mass., on the 17th inst., Grace, beloved wife of Silas JENKINS and daughter of John and Mary STEVENSON, Battle Harbor, Labrador, aged 27 years.

POWER - Suddenly on the 27th ult., Clara, beloved wife of Patrick POWER, and daughter of the late William DYER.

May 10, 1904


Apr 29, 1904 - Schooners May Queen, G.S. Jubilee, and Swan have arrived from the frozen pans, but unfortunately with very poor trips. The Gulf seal fishery has therefore been nil so far as the West Coast is concerned.

Schooner Atlanta, from Louisburg, C.B., with general cargo arrive don 20th. This vesslel left Halifax in January, but having put into Louisburg for small quantity of coal was frozen up all winter.

S.S. Mary Hough arrived from St. John’s and intermediate ports at 2 a.m. today and sails at 9 a.m. She has been delayed unnecessarily at every port since leaving Burin owing to crew’s inexperience of this work, or negligence in performing it. Correspondent.

Alexander Bay

Apr 28th, 1904 - Mr. Louis BRIFFETT lost a fine horse last week, on his way from the railway station. When in the act of crossing the bridge by Mr. BURRY’s mill, the sleigh slipped over, taking the horse with it and killing him instantly on the ice. This must be a heavy loss to Mr. BRIFFETT as he lost a horse last fall, and only had this one a few months. It seems that such accidents might be avoided if our road board would take proper interest in things, and see that the bridges were made safe by having them railed. In some places they are not safe for persons to cross in a dark night.

Mr. R.B. STROUD is gone to Glenwood to make a purchase of some oxen or horses for future profit. Mr. STROUD has also made a start on his new shop, which we believe will be a great luxury here. Correspondent.


The death of Mr. James CONSTABLE, of Norris Arm, occurred quite suddenly on Friday last from heart failure. Deceased was a Scotchman, was related to the celebrated publishing firm, of Constable & Co. ff Edinburgh, and came to this country some years ago engaging in farming north.


WAREHAM - At Spencer’s Cove, Placentia Bay, On Mar 25th, the wife of A.W. WAREHAM of a son.

WALSH - on the 2nd inst., a son to Mr. And Mrs. M.A. WALSH (Plumber).

MALEY - On Thursday last, a daughter to J. and Mrs. MALEY.

HANRAHAN - At 61 Plymouth Road, on the 23rd ult., a son to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas HANRAHAN.


FURLONG-FORTUNE - At St. Stephen’s Church Boston, Mass., U.S.A., on April 13th, Thomas FURLONG to BRIDGET FORTUNE, both of Carbonear, Newfoundland.

SMALL-HACKETT - At Salmon Cove (Clare’s Beach) on the 26th inst., by the Rev. W.A. HAYNES, Mr. Joseph SMALL (Reid Nfld. Co.’s station agent at Brigus Junction) to Miss Minnie HACKETT, of St. John’s.

CLARKE - ROCHFORD - At Brockton, Mass. Feb 26th, by the Rev. Father WALSH, at St. Patrick’s Church, Mr. William CLARKE of Sydney, C.B. to Miss Nellie ROCHFORD, of St. John’s, Nfld.


MULLALY - At Halifax N.S., on April 17th, after a short illness, Mary, beloved wife of Mr. P. MULLALY.

PIKE - On the 2nd inst, after a lingering illness, Sarah, beloved wife of Lorenzo G. PIKE.

STAFFORD - On May 3rd, after a short and painful illness, James STAFFORD, a native of St. John’s, aged 56 years.

MCGRATH - At Boston, On April 12th, Thomas MCGRATH, mason, a native of St. John’s Nfld.

SIMMS - on the 6th inst., of heart disease, Augustus, fifth son of the late George SIMMS.

STACK - At Petty Harbor, Peter, eldest son of the late Richard and Mary STACK.

SWANSON - On May 7th, after a brief illness, Freddie, darling child of Emma and the late Charles SWANSON.

BAIRD - Drowned, at Dutchman’s Reef, off Halifax, on May 2nd, Archibald, youngest son of the late William and Catherine BAIRD of this city.

SNOW - On May 2nd, Lewis Tessler, son of Capt. John and Wilhelmina SNOW, aged one year.

FRENCH - On May 5th, Catherine A., beloved wife of John J. FRENCH, and daughter of George and Sarah BUGDEN, aged 26 years.

MOLLOY - On April 25th, at St. Shotts, after a long and painful illness, Thomas MOLLOY, aged 60 years.

WINTON - At Toronto, on Saturday, April 23rd, Mary Josephine MAHER, aged 68 years, wife of Robert Brown Winton, late of St. John’s Newfoundland.

BEARNS - At Cape Town, South Africa, March 17th, Elisabeth Pauline darling child of Thomas and Bridget BEARNS.

CONSTABLE - At “Alderburn”, Norris Arm on the 5th inst., James Cowan CONSTABLE, fourth son of the late Thomas CONSTABLE, Queen’s Printer.

DEGAN - On the 8th inst., Patrick DEGAN, aged 75 years.

May 17, 1904

City News

Peter F. CONNORS, aged 18, a native of this city, died at Buenos Ayres on March 28th of peritonitis. He left here in August, last and went of Halifax, where he joined the barque Arvonia bound for the above place. The news of his death came as a sad surprise to his mother, who had previously received no word of his illness. Deceased for some time worked at Meyer’s clothing factory.

The Districts

It is stated that Messrs. H.M. WHITEWAY, W.D. REID, H.J. CROWE and B.F. PEARSON, constituting the Newfoundland Timber Estates Ltd. have received an offer of $500,000 from the Messers. Harmsworth, of London, for their mills and timber properties at Millertown, and that the offer is likely to be accepted.

Benjamin GREENING, aged 20, was drowned at Flat Island, B.B., on May 2nd. While crossing the harbor in a small boat during a stiff breeze the boat was swamped, and before assistance could be rendered he was drowned. GREENING was a good swimmer, and had covered half the distance to the shore before he sank. He was a native of Goose Bay, unmarried.

There died at Harbor Grace on Wednesday last John MCKAY, on of the Royal Nfld. Company, aged 81. Deceased was born in Scotland and when only 16 years of age joined the Black Watch. For the past 25 years he had been pensioned, and acted as police attendant at the Court House at the above place. The only remaining member of the Royal Newfoundland Company in this country is ex-Head Constable MCBAY, who though over 80 years of age, is still hale and hearty.


CAREW - On the 9th inst., the wife of T.D. CAREW, of a son.

TAYLOR - on the 11th inst., a son to Mr. and Mrs. James TAYLOR


ROBINSON-SNOW - At Cochrane Street Church, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. Dr. COWPERTHWAITE, Mr. George ROBINSON, of R.M.L.L., England, to Miss Jennie J. SNOW, of this city.


FROUDE - On May 12th after a lingering illness, Louisa, beloved wife of Nathan FROUDE.

GREENE - At Whitney Pier, Sydney, Clarence PERRY, darling son of William and Annie GREENE, aged 4 months.

NELDER - On the 9th inst., after a long and painful illness, Mary, widow of the late William NELDER, mason, aged ???? 99 years.

OLIVER - On the 10th inst., at 66 Bannerman Street, Rosannah, aged 7 months, darling child of Peter and Mary OLIVER.

BASTOW - Passed peacefully away on the 10th inst., Bernice, darling child of Fanny J. and M. A. BASTOW, aged 13 years.

DUFF - Passed peacefully away on May 11th, Margaret, relict of the late Patrick DUFF, aged ??? 64 years.

FITZGERALD - At the Buenos Ayres Hospital, March 28th, Peter, beloved son of Catherine and the late Patrick FITZGERALD, aged ??? 16 years.

BUGDEN - On May 11th, after a short illness, Jessie Cole, beloved wife of James BUGDEN, and second daughter of Thomas and E.L. CLOUSTON.

MILLER - At Clarenville, Feb 17th, Lucy, beloved wife of Thomas MILLER.

MILLEY - On the 12th inst., after a short illness, Lawrence F. MILLEY, aged 46 years.

BYRNE, - After a short illness, Margaret, beloved wife of Charles BYRNE.

HIPPISLEY - On the 25th of April, at Boston, Mass., William H. HIPPISLEY, second son of the late James HIPPESLEY, Esq.

MCKAY - On Wednesday last, at Hr. Grace, after a short illness, John MCKAY, a native of Tongue Sutherland, Scotland, aged 81 years, leaving a son and three daughters.

MARTIN - On May 11ths at Harbor Grace, John Martin, son of the late John MARTIN, aged 60 years.

STEVENSON - On Thursday 5th inst., at Harbor Grace, after a long illness, Louisa, wife of William STEVENSON and daughter of the late William ASH, of Caplin Cove, aged 68 years.

May 24, 1904


The death of Mr. George A. MCCOUBREY, marine engineer, and for some years on the Virginia Lake, occurred yesterday from pneumonia. Deceased was the son of Mr. Adam MCCOUBREY and brother of Mr. H.T. MCCOUBREY. He was 33 years of age, and leaves a widow and two children.

The wedding of Miss Hettie CROSS, daughter of Captain W.H. CROSS, and Capt. Henrick ELLEFSON, of Aquaforte, took place on Sunday night at the residence of the bride’s father, Rev. J. THACKERAY performing the ceremony. The bridesmaids were Misses. J. BARNES and COLTON, and the groomsmen, Dr. MCCULLOCH and H. TUCKER. After the ceremony the happy couple left by the s.s. Humber, for Aquaforte, where they will make their future home.

The Districts

William SPENCE, operator at Lewisporte for the Reid Company, who was accused of tapping the wires, when being used by the postal authorities, has been committed after due examination by Judge CONROY, for trail at the November sitting of the Supreme Court here.

According to the Herald, Mr. Thomas HOWE, of Brooklyn, B.B. has succeeded in taming a caribou and training it to draw light loads. He captured a young fawn last fall, properly cared for and fed it until it became quite tame, and during the spring has been using it bringing out wood from the forest.

The three-year-old child of Robert PRINCE, of Seal Cove, was nearly burned to death on Sunday, the 8th inst. One of the other children with whom the little girl was playing lit some shavings with a match, which caught the little one’s dress, and she was instantly enveloped in flames. Her screams were fortunately heard by the father who was in a room upstairs, and he hastening down succeeded in extinguishing the flames with his hands, burning them badly while so doing. The little girl was also terribly burned, barely escaping being incinerated, will always show the marks of the accident.


The grim reaper, death, has again visited our happy little harbor. On Wednesday, 18th May, there passed peacefully away, after a long illness, Stephen POWER, son of John POWER, of this place. Deceased was a popular young man and well liked by those who knew him. To his father and brother we tender our sincere sympathies.


HOPKINS - At Heart’s Content, on Wednesday, the 11th inst., the wife of M.M. HOPKINS, of a daughter.

FORSYTH - On Wednesday, 18th inst., a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. W.J. FORSYTH.

SYMMONDS - On Saturday, the 21st inst., the wife of Mr. William SYMMONDS (cabman) of a son.


AUS-NEVILL - at Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, April 6th, Miss Igeborg AUS (Norway), and Mr. T.W. NEVILL, of St. John’s Newfoundland.

PECK-SHEAR - At Emerson, Manitoba, on Apr 26th , by Rev. R.K. PECK, brother of the groom the Rev. J.C.B. PECK, of Wilton, N.D. to Miss B. SHEAR, of Cobourg, Ont.

CONDON-MCGRATH - At the R.C. Cathedral, on April 27th, by Rev. Fr. MCNAMARA, Mr. Robert CONDON to Miss Bride MCGRATH, both of this city.


RYAN - On May 21st, at Middle Cove, Miss Ellen RYAN, aged 83 years.

WALL – At Bay Bulls, on the 18th inst., after a long and tedious illness, Margaret, beloved wife of Robert WALL.

LOCKYER - At Trinity, May 14th, Mary, the beloved wife of John LOCKYER, aged 19 ½ years.

GREEN - On May 16th, after a short illness, Bridie, darling child of Edward and Mary Ellen GREEN, aged ?? 8 or 6 years and 9 months.

BROWN - At Sound Island, Placentia Bay, on the 10th inst., Charlotte, relict of the late Phillip BROWN, aged 79 years.

SNELGROVE - On May 17th, after a long and painful illness, Catherine, beloved wife of the late John SNELGROVE, aged 45 years.

RICHARDS - At Topsail, Mrs. Mary RICHARDS, beloved wife of William RICHARDS, aged 76 years.

VATERS - Passed peacefully away, on the 20th inst., at Pouch Cove, Fanny Jane, beloved wife of John VATERS, aged 35 years.

MCCOUBREY - Yesterday morning, George A., aged 33 years, oldest son of Adam and Mary MCCOUBREY.

May 31, 1904

In Memoriam

It is with deep regret that we announce the death of a dearly beloved friend and neighbor in the person of Mary A., beloved wife of Allan LINAHAN, of North Harbour St. Mary’s Bay, which sad event occurred at the residence of her father Mr. Joseph DAVID, of Colinet, on the 7th inst. Deceased is another victim claimed by the great white plague, consumption, from which disease she has suffered much during the past year. Under the care of Dr. MCKENDRICK of Placentia she spent a few months of the winter trusting that medical attendance and change of air would bring relief, but as time passed she learned the worst to which she resigned herself with a courage which only true virtue and religion could produce. At the early age of 32, when life was filled with all that makes it dear ‘twas hard to break its sweetest ties, and return home to die.

Deceased was educated at the Convent, Placentia, and for nine years held the position of teacher at North Harbor. During those days she won by her virtue and kindness the warmest love, that only such true hearted people can give. Her husband is a respected young man of North Harbour and for him in the hour of his sorrow much heartfelt sympathy is given.........Colinet, May 12, 1904

The Districts

The little four year old son of Alan BLUNDEN, of Hickman’s Harbor, T.B., was drowned there on the 21st inst. Unnoticed by his mother he got out of the house and going to a pond nearby evidently jumped into his father’s boat. In some way or other he fell overboard, and after a time when search was made for him, he was found a considerable distance away, floating on the water dead.

Mate GALLACHER of the wrecked Hibernian is reported missing since the storm on Friday and it is thought he has committed suicide. He was in charge of the steamer when she struck, and the thought that he was responsible for the disaster had been preying on his mind, though the Captain and other officers tried to make light of it. Evidently fearing the consequences it is supposed that on Friday night he jumped overboard and ended his life. His body has not yet been recovered.

Quite a large fire occurred at Bell Island on Thursday last, when the large building used by the workmen as a bunkhouse and owned by Mr. W. SHIRRAN was destroyed. It was erected only a few years ago at a coast of $3,000, and at times was occupied by as many as 200 men. At the time of the conflagration 70 men were living in it, and it must have been through some carelessness that the fire occurred. The loss to Mr. SHIRRAN is a heavy one as he had only very little insurance on it.

John O’NEIL, his son Owen, and Richard PENDER, shipped man, were drowned at Renews on Wednesday last. They had left early in the morning to overhaul their traps, and being caught in the storm their boat was upset, and all three met a watery grave. O’NEIL was an elderly man and a dealer of long standing with Messrs. A. GOODRIDGE & Sons. For years he had a schooner of his own, but gave her up this year to go trapping. PENDER belonged to this city and was 25 years of age, his mother, a widow, living on Plank Road.

On Apr 7th Mr. Joseph COLEMAN, together with Messrs. A. JACKAMN, T. DEAN, PITTMAN and another man belonging to Bonne Bay boarded the American schr. Nicholson off Green Point, with the hope of safely navigating her to port either on the Newfoundland or Cape Breton coast. Owing to the vessel being stripped of some of her gear, and the men having but a small supply of provisions, grave fears are entertained for their safety as no tidings have been received of their whereabouts for over a month. All kinds of rumors are afloat. But it was to be hoped nothing of a serious nature may have happened - Western Star.

Charles MUSSIEU, who was for some time sexton of St. Mary’s Church, and mail courier between the Post Office and trains, met a very sudden death last Wednesday night. He had conveyed the mail from the east-bound express to the Post Office, and had gone to the Post master’s residence, where he expired as soon as he had seated himself. Heart failure is supposed to have been the cause of his death. The deceased, who was 60 years of age, was a native of Port-aux-Basques and came by Bay of Islands about nine years ago. He leaves a wife, three sons and three daughters to mourn their loss. - Western Star.

Mr. And Mrs. G. CURNEW, of Main River, Bay St. George, are mourning the death of their little 5 year old by, who was drowned on Thursday last. The little fellow left home at noon while the family were at dinner, and untied a dory from the shore, and getting into it, it is supposed, became frightened when the dory started drifting with the tide, and must have tumbled overboard. A diligent search was made as soon as the boy was missed, but nothing was found, excepting his boots and cap. Mrs. CURNEW, who is in delicate health, is almost heartbroken over the loss of her child who was a promising little boy. - Western Star.


PETRIE - On the 26th inst., a son to Mr. and Mrs. Charles PETRIE.

SULLIVAN - On the 27th inst., a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. FLORENCE SULLIVAN.

PRESS - On the 28th inst., a son to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W.H. PRESS.

DAWE - At Bay Roberts, on the 16th inst., the wife of Capt. Wm. DAWE, of a son.


GOSSE-CRANE - At Spaniard’s Bay, on Tuesday, by the Rev. H. LEGGO, Richard GOSSE, of Spaniard’s Bay, to Flossie, second daughter of Mr. Archibald CRANE, Island Cove.


BLUNDELL - Drowned in a pond at Hickman’s Hr., Random, Trinity Bay, on May 21st, the son of Allen BLUNDELL, aged 4 years.

ANDERSON - On May 24th, after a long illness, Margaret Griffin, beloved wife of John ANDERSON, aged 33 years.

ABBOTT - On the 25th inst., Jessie Isabel, darling child of William and Ellie ABBOTT, aged two months and 19 days.

HUSSEY - At Upper Island Cove, on the 11th inst., Susannah, wife of Joseph HUSSEY, aged 71 ½ years.

ADAMS - On Thursday, at Harbor Grace, 19th inst., Florence, daughter of George ADAMS (Harvey St), aged 13 years.

GOSLING - On May 26th, Elizabeth Gilbert, infant daughter of Wm. G. and Armine GOSLING.

LUBY - On the 29th inst., after a long illness, Andrew, darling child of Andrew and Francis LUBY, aged 7 years.

WALSH - At Fermeuse, on the 22nd inst., Mrs. Annie WALSH, in her 63rd year.

BISHOP - At Coley’s Point, this week, Joseph BISHOP, a native of Island Cove, but for many years a resident of Coley’s Point, at an advanced aged.

ROBINSON - On the 26th inst., John ROBINSON, a native of Manchester, England, aged 40 years.

LESUEUR- On May 27th, at St. Heliers, Hersey, in her 54th year, Mrs. LESUEUR, mother of Messrs. Peter and Percy LESUEUR of this city.

MOTTY - On the 27th inst., of croup, Sydney Hubert, son of Mrs. And Mrs. W. MOTTY, aged 14 months.

MORGAN - On Saturday, after a long and painful illness, John MORGAN, aged 55 years, a native of Swansea, England.

SNELGROVE - At Lower Island Cove, on the 22nd inst., of convulsions, Gilbert George, darling child of the late William John and Mary Jane SNELGROVE, aged 2 years.

Jun 7, 1904

The Districts

The death of Mr. Charles RENDELL, an aged and respected resident of Heart’s Content, occurred on the 26th ult. Deceased is survived by two sons, W.J. RENDELL, engineer, now at Dawson City, and Gordon, who is at Heart’s Content, and three daughters.

News was received by the Glencoe that Mrs. Samuel BENNETT, of Port au Bras, near Burin, committed suicide early last week. Secreting herself in a room with her husband’s razor she cut a deep gash in her throat, severing the jugular vein. As soon as she was discovered Dr. SMITH was summoned, but he could do nothing for her and she died an hour later. Beside her husband three children survive her.


OAKLEY - At Port Blandford, B.B., on May 28th, the wife of S.R. OAKLEY, of a son.

CORBETT - At Sydney, on May 21st, a son to Mr. and Mrs. J.A. CORBETT, late of St. John’s.


HICKS -RUSSELL - At Alexander St. Church, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. Charles LENCH, Mr. Aquila HICKS to Miss Bertha RUSSSELL, both of Western Arm, Fogo District.

CHRISTCHLEY - PARSONS - At the Gower Street Methodist Parsonage, on the 23rd ult., by the Rev. J.L. DAWSON, Mr. Thomas CHRISTCHLEY, to Miss May Louisa PARSONS, both of Greenspond.

THORNE - STROUD - At the Gower Street Methodist Parsonage, on the 31st ult., by the Rev. J.L. DAWSON, Mr. Robert THORNE, of Boston, Mass., to Miss Fannie STROUD, of Alexander Bay.


MACNAMARA - On the 3rd last, after a lingering illness, Mary, the beloved wife of Terrence MACNAMARA, aged 56 years.

ROWE - On June 3rd, Mary, beloved wife of Jacob ROWE, aged 54 years.

HOLWELL - At the South Side, suddenly on May 31st, John eldest son of the late Henry and Anastatia HOLWELL, aged 31 years.

BURTON - On the 30th ult., at Bay De Leau, W. BURTON, an old and respected resident of that place.

VINNICOMBE On May 30th, Josie, wife of Hugh VINNICOMBE, aged 24 years.

SCAPLIN - On May 31st, Jean Hope, darling child of Edward and Lena SCAPLIN, aged one year.

CHAFE - on the 31st ult., at Bay Bulls, after a short illness, Lacy A., widow of the late Edward CHAFE of Petty Harbor.

MCELVENIE - On Jun 1st, after a lingering illness, Mary, widow of the late Hugh MCELVENIE, aged 69 years.

June 14, 1904

Wedding at Twillingate

St Peter’s Church was the scene of a very pretty wedding ceremony on Wednesday evening, the 8th inst., when Mr. Samuel C. THOMPSON, Deputy of C. of E. Superintendent of Education led to the Altar Miss Rosetta May (Rosie) youngest daughter of Thomas PEYTON, Esq., J.P. Miss PEYTON was a member of the choir and a general favorite and will be missed from the church and community, but no doubt our loss will be the Inspectors’ gain; “So mote it be!” Canon TEMPLE R.D. officiated, assisted by Rev. E. BUTLER, and the hymns used were “The Voice that Breathed o’er Eden”, “How welcome was the Call” whilst the fine organ under the manipulation of Miss Manuel (who by the way is soon to follow Miss Rosie) sent forth the joyous strains, as the party entered and retired. The bride was supported by Misses Maggie GRAY, Flossie SCOTT and four tiny tots - Eleanor, Amy, Mary AITKEN and Dolly McCallum SCOTT all nicely attired, as was also the bride who looked charming in handsome costume, veil, wreath, etc. The groom was assisted by Messrs Augustus PEYTON and Norman GRAY, the former also acting as father giver. Amongst the guest who occupied front seats were Miss Stirling, Miss PEYTON, Mr. A. PEYTON. W.J. SCOTT, JP, and wife and it may added the J.P. led to the same alter over 20 years ago, the eldest daughter of Mr. PEYTONS’ s family, and the marriage to-day, the youngest, closed the list of daughters, the other two, Mrs. AITKEN and Mrs. William BAIRD being married during the intervening years. The wedding party spent a pleasant evening at the home of Mr. PETYON, and the happy pair leave for St. John’s, their future home by the s.s. Prospero, probably the first bridal pair to travel on her this side of the Atlantic. They will be followed by the warmest wishes of a host of friends, who wish them heartily “Bon Voyage:”. Correspondent , Twillingate, Jun 9, 1904.

From the Gazette

Mr. Ambrose LILLY has been made a member of the Exploits, Burnt Island Road Board vice Mr. G. Foote, resigned; and Messrs. Joseph GILLARD, Thomas VERGE, Selby VERGE, James GILLARD and Adam SAUNDERS form a Road Board for Southern Arm, Green Bay.


The death of Mrs. J. McL. MUIR occurred on Wednesday last after a short illness. The deceased lady was the mother of Councilor C.F.MUIR, and sister of Mr. R.C. SMITH, of the Anglo-American Telegraph CO. As a token of respect the regular weekly meeting of the Municipal Council was adjourned for two hours on Friday, and the Mayor and Councilors attended the funeral.

While in the city last week Mr. Robert MOULTON, of Burgeo, was advised by telegraph of the serious illness of his son, Thomas, aged 21. Hoping to get home in time to be with him before he died, Mr. MOULTON hired a special train on Wednesday which made the trip across the country in twenty-three hours, but the young man passed away at midnight. The sincerest sympathy of his friends has gone out to Mr. MOULTON in the great sorrow that has befallen him.

Mr. and Mrs. William HARRIS, of Monkstown Road, celebrated their golden wedding on Friday last, making it the occasion of a pleasant family reunion. Their children, nine in all, are living today and are as follows: Hon. John, William, James and Thomas, Mrs. M.F. SMYTH, Mrs. P.J. DOYLE, Sisters Marie Raphael and M. CALLISTA (Sister of Charity in New York), Miss A. HARRIS and in addition surrounding them are twenty -eight grandchildren and one great grandchild. Mr. and Mrs. HARRIS are both still active and were the recipients of hearty congratulations from their many friends.

John HICKEY, aged 23, a native of Conception Bay, with his dory mate, went astray during a fog about a fortnight ago, when their vessel the Robin Hood was about 8 miles off St. Paul’s Island. As the men have not since been heard from it is supposed that their dory was overturned and they were drowned.

While the s.s. Siberian was at Philadelphia on her last trip one of the deck boys, James MCELHINEY, aged ?16, was drowned while swimming the Deleware. The weather was extremely hot, and with others of the crew he went in for a dip, but being taken with cramps sunk out of sight before assistance could be rendered.

Cat Harbour

May 28th - We regret to say that Mr. George PARSONS has been ill for some time past from internal cancer. Mr. Parsons, who for many years has been one of the most prominent men in any social enterprise, is now greatly missed, being confined to his house.

Since our last correspondence two deaths have occurred in this neighborhood. One Mrs. Lewis GUDYER, who very quickly succumbed to that dread disease consumption, and the other Mrs. Abraham GUDYER.

Mrs. R.H. WHITEWAY, of St. John’s, is paying a visit to her brother, Mr. George PARSONS who is above referred to. Padden

The Districts

W. RICE, working at the Timber Estates saw mill at Norris Arm had his right arm cut off above the elbow while working the edger on Monday of last week. The arm was later amputated at the shoulder, Drs. WOODBURY, CHAMBERLAIN and PILOT performing the operation.


HARTWELL- At Bauline, Ferryland District, on April 29th, a son to Mr. And Mrs. Patrick HARTWELL.


WARREN-HAWKINGS - At the Methodist Church, St. Anthony, by Rev. H. COPPIN, J.C. WARREN, of St. Anthony , to Ida, daughter of Mr. H.W. WATKINS, of this town.

PENNELL-WHITE - At the Methodist Parsonage, Twillingate, on the 31st ult, by Rev. Charles HOWSE, Mr. Robert PENNELL, to Miss Louisa WHITE, both of Farmer’s Arm.

CLARKE-STOCKLEY - At the same place on the 1st inst., and by the same, Mr. Willis CLARKE, of Farmer’s Arm, to Miss Maud STOCKLEY, of South Side, Twillingate.

FORBES - GREEN - On the 8th inst., at Channel, by Rev. Mr. REID, Mr. S.G. FORBES to Miss Ida May GREEN, both of this city.

THOMPSON - PEYTON - On Jun 8th, at St. Peter’s Church Twillingate, by the Rev. Canon TEMPLE, R.D., assisted by the Rev. E.A. BUTLER, Samuel C. THOMPSON, Esq., Assistant Superintendent of the C.of E. School, to Rosetta Mary, youngest daughter of Thomas PEYTON Esq., of Back Harbour, Twillingate.


MURPHY - Passed peacefully away on the 9th inst., at his residence Waterford Bridge Road, after a long illness, Martin MURPHY, in his 78th year, 50 of which he spent in this country; a native of Country Waterford, Ireland.

WALSH - On the 8th inst., Mrs. Anna Stack WALSH, aged 75 years.

MUIR - On June 8th, Isabella, widow of J. Mcl. MUIR.

MCDONALD - On Jun 8th, after a short illness, Alice, wife of John MCDONALD ,, Kilbride.

FRENCH - On Saturday last after a short illness, Elizabeth, wife of George FRENCH (T.N.C.) and daughter of the late George PIPPY, aged 64 years.

ELLIOTT - At Crow Head, on May 29th, Mr. John ELLIOTT, aged 68 years.

WATKINS - At South Side, Twillingate, on May 29th, Mary, relict of the late Hugh WATKINS, aged 78 years.

BAGG - At Bluff Head Cove, on May 30th, Jane, relict of the late John BAGG, aged 76 years.

WHITE - At Ragged Point, on May 31st, Eliza beloved wife of Abner White, aged 19 years.

JENKINS - drowned, in St. John’s Narrows, on Jun 1st, George JENKINS, son of the late Andrew JENKINS of Jenkins’s Arm, Twillingate, aged 24 years.

MARSHALL - On the 7th inst., Edward Maxse, infant son of Robert and Susannah MARSHALL.

Jun 21, 1904


The death of Mr. John DUNPHY, who for a long number of years was chief clerk at the Poor Commissioner’s Office, occurred Friday last at the advanced age of 83 years. He was a native of Waterford City, Ireland.

Miss Mollie MCNEIL, daughter of the late John MCNEIL, Esq., and the Mr. Alan GOODRIDGE were married on Thursday last by the Rev. A. ROBERTSON at the residence of the bride’s mother, Waterford Bridge Road. The bride was attired in a handsome dress of white and attended by her sister, Mrs. Jean MCNEIL, as bridesmaid. The groomsman was Mr. T.B. GOODRIDGE. After the ceremony a reception was held and refreshments served to the guest, and later amid the hearty good wishes of their friends Mr. and Mrs. GOODRIDGE drove to Mount Scio where they remained for a few days.

The Districts

Walter AVERY, aged 9, was drowned while trouting at North West Brook, Northern Bight, on Jun 4th. In running over the rocks he slipped and fell into the river, and before his comrades could render assistance he had gone to the bottom. The body was afterwards discovered.

Two cases of Diphtheria broke out at Sound Island last week. The victims being two children of Edward HAYSE. Dr. CHISHOLM was sent from Whitbourne to attend them but before he had arrived one child died. The other child is dangerously ill, but the doctor hopes to bring her through, and is doing his best to prevent the disease from spreading further.


Cook - On the 15th inst., the wife of William COOK, of a daughter.

ALLAN - At Montreal, on the 15th inst., the wife of R.A. ALLAN, of a son.

STIRLING - On the 9th of June, at Wabana Mine, Bell Island, the wife of James STIRLING, of a daughter.

BRENNAN - At Kilbride, on the 28th ult., the wife of Stephen BRENNAN of a son.


MCNIEL - GOODRIDGE - On the 16th inst., at the residence of the Bride’s mother, by the Rev. A. ROBERTSON, Miss Mollie MCNEIL to Mr. Alan C. GOODRIDGE.

TEMPTLE - MANUEL - On June 14th, at St. Peter’s Church, Twillingate, by the Rev. Canon TEMPLE, R.D., assisted b y the Rev. E.A. BUTLER of Fogo, Mr. W.B. TEMPLE, Operator, Postmaster and Sub-Collector for Glenwood, to Sarah C., only daughter of Mr. Obadiah MANUEL of Twillingate.


MANNING - On June 16th after a short illness, Bride, beloved wife of Constable MANNING, aged 31 years.

DUNPHY - On the 17th Inst, John DUNPHY, a native of Waterford City, Ireland, aged 83 years.

STAMP - On June 18th, after a short illness, James, son of Thomas and Catherine STAMP, aged 16 years.

POWER - On June 19th, after a tedious illness, Johanna, the beloved wife of John POWER, and third daughter of the late Segt. P. COADY.

ROGERS - On the 13th inst., after a lingering illness, James RODGERS, aged 66 years.

FRENCH - On Jun 14th, at 23 Cooktown Road, Dorothy, child of John J. and the late Catherine A. FRENCH, aged 5 months.

PIKE - At Bost, USA, on May 19th, after a short illness, Joseph PIKE, brother of Mrs. R. G. PIKE of this city.

WEBBER - On June 9th, Isabella Agnes, second daughter of Charles and Sarah Jane WEBBER, aged 3 years and 9 months.

LYNCH - At Conche, on April 27th, after a short illness, Edward LYNCH, R.C. teacher, aged 36 years.

DOWER - At Conche, on May 1st, after a long illness, Francis, beloved son of James and Johanna DOWER.

MAHER - At the General Hospital, on June 14th, Julia MAHER, aged 26 years, a native of Norris Arm.

LEDREW - At Cupids, on the 14th inst., Malcolm, child of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. LEDREW, aged 2 ½ years.

June 28, 1904


The death of William CARNELL, ex-road inspector, occurred on Wednesday last. Deceased, who had reached the age of 81 years, was a well-known figure in the city, and had been ill for only a few months. He was a member of the Masonic and British fraternities, and members from both bodies attended the funeral, which took place on Saturday.

The wedding of Mr. W.S. FREW and Miss Frances M. BLAIR took place at the residence of Henry BLAIR, Esq., on Wednesday evening last, Rev. A. ROBERTSON officiating at the ceremony. The bride who was given away by her father, and attended by Miss Flora FREW and Miss Edna BLAIR, wore a pretty costume of cream voile. After a reception and luncheon, the happy couple left for Placentia where they are spending the honeymoon.

The marriage of Mr. W. COLLINS, of Bowring Bros. Office and Miss G.A. SAUNDERS, was solemnized at the residence of the bride’s brother, Quidi Vidi Road on Wednesday evening. Rev. Father MCNAMARA being the officiating clergyman. Mr. P.F. COLLINS was best man and Miss Marion SAUNDERS was bridesmaid. After a luncheon the newly married couple drove to Chamberlains to spend the honeymoon.

The marriage of Mr. Harold Bishop and Miss Prudence GOWANS took place at the home of the bride’s parents, Springdale St., on Wednesday afternoon, in the presence of a large number of friends. Rev. A ROBERTSON performing the ceremony. The duties of bridesmaid were done by Mrs. Maggie GOWANS, while Mr. R. BISHOP was best man. The happy couple left for Avondale to spend a few days, but will visit other centers before returning from their honeymoon trip.

The marriage of Miss Gertrude E. EDGAR and Mr. Arthur THOMPSON took place at the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday evening last. Rev A. ROBERTSON performing the ceremony. The bride was robed in a dress of cream silk, trimmed with chiffon, with orange blossoms and bridal veil, was given away by her uncle, Hon. Capt. BLANDFORD, and attended by Miss Maggie EDGAR and Miss Agnes THOMSPON, as bridesmaids. The groomsman was Mr. W.N. KNOWLING. After the ceremony the party drove to Donovan’s where a banquet was served. Mr. and Mrs. THOMPSON spend their honeymoon at Placentia.

The City

Elsie, the little two year old child, of Mr. and Mrs. John LIDSTONE, 36 Wickford Street, was burned to death on Friday morning. She had got out of bed and was evidently playing with a poker when she had heated at the kitchen stove and which she caught her flannelette nightdress. Her screams wakened and mother and drew the attention of a girl named MORGAN who wrapped the child in a quilt and extinguished the flames. The child was badly burned and her vital parts affected and in a few hours she died. Dr. PIKE was called and relieved the little one’s agony.

The Districts

The lighthouse on Gull Island, Cape John, as burnt on Friday night, but the iron tower in which the light was kept is all right so that the light is not shut off. The fire occurred at 7 p.m., from what cause it is as presently unknown, and the residential part of the building, in which two families lived, was totally destroyed with its contents. The families are now living in a small shed which was used as a workshop and supplies are being hurried to them The news of the fire was brought to the mainland by fishermen who passed there and witnessed it.

The death of Mr. George H. LEMESSURIER occurred at 11 o’clock last night at his home on New Gower Street. The deceased, who for a large number of years had been a faithful and efficient official in the postal department, had reached the advanced age of ninety years. For the past six years he had not been engaged in active work, having been pensioned in 1898. Four sons - Peter, George, John and Alexander - and one daughter, Mrs. (Rev) Walter SMITH, of Portugal Cove survive him


DIAMOND - On the 20th inst., a son to Mr. and Mrs. S. DIAMOND, Quidi Vidi Road.

PERLIN - On the 20th inst., a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. I. PERLIN.

BARNES - At Ottawa, Ontario, on the 14th inst., a son to Mr. And Mrs. W.A. BARNES.


WELLS - THOMEY At Little Bay, by Rev. A. PITTMAN, at the resident of J.B. BLANDFORD, Esq., J.P., Mr. Doyle WELLS to Miss Mary THOMEY (school teacher), lately of Hr. Grace.


REID - On Jun 20th, after a long illness, Johanna Corbett, beloved wife of James REID.

SHEARS - At Pouch Cove Parsonage, on Sunday afternoon, Raymond Goldie, beloved child of Wilfred and Marion SHEARS, aged 4 years.

HOPKINS - At Carbonear, on the 15th inst, Emma Muriel, beloved child of Augustus and Hazel HOPKINS, aged 10 months.

CARNELL - On Jun 22nd, at 4:45, William CARNELL, late Road Inspector, East End, in his 81st year.

TEMPLETON - On Jun 21st, Robert TEMPLETON, a native of Glenluce, Wigtonshire, Scotland.

SEXTON - At Norris Arm, June 16th, Bridget, aged 23 years, daughter of Thomas SEXTON.

ELLIS - On Jun 22nd, Alice, infant child of Bessie and Charles ELLIS, aged 4 months.

SAINT - AT Bonavista, Thursa B., daughter of the late Jabez SAINT.

POWER - At Mobile, on the 13th inst., after a lingering illness, Mary, beloved wife of Michael POWER, aged 73 years.

Jul 5, 1904

Forest Fires

Millertown, Glenwood, Lewisporte, Norris Arm and Botwoodville were also threatened with disaster, extensive fires raging in the vicinity of each place. Milling operations at all places were at a standstill, but the timely fall of rain extinguished the conflagrations and the places escaped.

Community destroyed by fire

On Wednesday night Notre Dame Junction was entirely wiped out by forest fire. The little settlement was built in the woods and once the fire reached it, all attempts on the part of the residents to save the various properties were fruitless. The mill of the New Lands Lumber Co, 150 feet in length, one of the largest in this section of the country, of which Mr. J.F. DOWNEY was manger, stores, railway station, telegraph office, freight shed, two new section houses, the camp of the lumbermen and railway track, all were destroyed. The lumber people were said to have lost nearly a million feet of timber, while it is stated that the property destroyed amounted to the value, to nearly $60,000. Fortunately most of the winter’s cut of logs were in a pond nearby and were saved……… When the fire came down the junction the residents were compelled to abandon the place and most of them went to Norris Arm. Practically nothing was saved. Only one man named OSMOND was injured……..

Fire at Campbellton

Another destructive fire on Friday at Campbellton and the large mills there with neighbouring houses were swept away. Twenty-four families were burned out …… The loss would have been much greater but that the Reid Company’s steamer “Clyde” was held up there and the people were given permission to put their property on board. A large quantity of valuable timber was destroyed and it is feared the operations of the Company will be almost totally crippled.


TOBIN - On Jun 29th, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. M. TOBIN, Nunnery Hill.

LOWE - On Jun 30th, a son to Mr. and Mrs. W.J. LOWE.

DIAMOND - On July 1st, a son to Mr. and Mrs. W. DIAMOND.

RANDELL - On July 1st, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. RANDEALL, Mate of schr. Grace.

PITTMAN - On the 3rd inst., the wife of Mr. A. PITTMAN, of a son.


Steward - Henderson - At the residence of the bride’s parents, City Terrace, on Jun 29th, by Rev. A. ROBERTSON, Alex STEWART to Jessie, daughter of H. HENDERSON, of this city.

SHORTALL -FLYNN - On The 29th ult., at St. Patrick’s’ Church, by Rev. Dean RYAN, D.D., Mr. Thos. SHORTALL to Miss Rosetta FLYNN, both of this city.


BEARNS- On July 3rd Maud, eldest daughter of Thomas and Cecilia BEARNS.

POWER - On the 3rd inst., after a long illness, Mary J., beloved daughter of Edward and Mary A. POWER, aged 18 years.

MANNING - On Saturday, Thomas MANNING, aged 72 years.

COADY - on the 2nd inst., after a short illness John COADY, a native of Renews, aged 62 years.

THOMEY, - On June 26th at Harbor Grace, Mrs. Margaret THOMEY, aged 69 years.

WHTIEWAY - On Jun 27th, at Harbor Grace, after a long illness, Herbert, son of Henry WHITEWAY, aged 12 years.

HAWE, At Mosquito, on June 28th, Richard HAWE, aged 77 years.

PIKE - At the Hospital, St. John’s, on June 25th, Mary, wife of the late George PIKE, formerly of Harbor Grace, and daughter of the late Jacob NOSEWORTHY, South Side, aged 56 years.

LEMESSURIER - On Jun 27th, George Hare LEMESSURIER, aged 90 years.

KNOWLTON - At St. John, NB, on the 15th ult., Mary Grace, beloved wife of Capt. Daniel KNOWLTON, in the 79th year of her age, a native of St. John’s, Nfld.

POWER - At Tor’s Cove, on the 22nd, ult., after a long illness, Mary Anne, beloved wife of John POWER, aged 58 years.

MARTIN - On June 29th, Elizabeth Muir, wife of John MARTIN, C.E., aged 77 years.

DODD - On the 20th inst., after a long illness, Mary Josephine , beloved wife of Thomas DODD.

REDMOND - On July 1st, after a short illness, Nicholas, youngest son of T. REDMOND, and the late Margaret AYLWARD, aged 22 years.

FITZGERALD - On the 1st inst., of convulsions, Frank Severn, darling child of H.F. and Minnie FITZGERALD, aged 6 months.

DOYLE - On the 2nd inst., after a short illness, Matthew DOYLE, aged 70 years.

July 12, 1904


The suggestion of the Free Press in regard to a memorial to the late Miss NICHOL, postmistress, who lost her life in the endeavor to arouse the other inmates of the burning building, has taken practical shape. A meeting of ladies of the this town held on Saturday morning, appointed a committee who will receive voluntary contributions towards this laudable object.....

St. Anthony

June 27th - A sad shooting accident occurred at ? Cremaillere, two miles from here on Thursday last. A man named Adam RICE was out in a boat shooting birds. It appears that seeing some he caught his gun by the barrel to pull it towards him, and the hammer striking the side of the boat, it exploded. The whole load entered his thigh about four inches below the hip, almost severing it from the body and completely shattering the bone. Although the surgeon of the H.M.S. Alert arrived six hours after the accident and did all that could be done for him, he was so weakened by the loss of blood that he died within ten hours of the accident. Poor RICE had only been married six months and leaves a young widow to mourn his loss.

July 4, 1904


The wedding of Mr. John VALENTINE and Miss Emma CHURCHILL took place at St. Mary’s Church on Tuesday last, the Rev. C.V. COGSAN officiating. The bride who was given away by her uncle, Wm. CHURCHILL, Esq., Inspector Public Building, was attired in a pretty dress of cream stain and carried a bouquet and was attended by Misses Jess and Gertie CHURCHILL as bridesmaids. Messrs. F. BREHM and S.D. BLANDFORD performed the duties of groomsmen. The couple spent the honeymoon at Placentia.


July 3rd, 1904 –

The worse forest fire yet experienced here has been raging for five days without intermission. The men are worn out with continual fighting night and day. Thirteen dwelling houses were burnt in Northern Arm on Wednesday afternoon. The fire had been raging in the interior for a week or more but no one thought it so near. The alarm was given and hands left the mill to save their dwelling but most of them were only in time to see everything they owned in flames. Fortunately some of the women had the pluck to save a portion of the furniture by dragging it to the water; others only hauled it out of the house to be burnt outside; a few saved their houses by sticking to them and fighting the flames at the risk of their own lives. The following is a list of those who lost their dwelling houses - James ANTLE, Thomas ANTLE, William SHEPPARD, Henry SHEPPARD, Wm. BARRETT, Clem BARRETT, Henry POPE, Clem HUTCHINGS, Alfred HUTCHINGS, Samuel ELSON, Sr, Charles HART, Chesley LEDREW, Joshua ROGERS.

On Thursday forenoon commenced a three days battle with the fiery element around the mills. On Wednesday it did not reach up to the main settlement and at nightfall it seemed to have spent itself, but when the wind breezed up on Thursday forenoon it was evident that a desperate fight had to take place. The wise preparations of the officials of the company made the days before, and the noble stand the men took we can thank for saving the mill, and in fact, the whole settlement. Only one house came to grief since Wednesday (Fred K. SEYMOUR’s , Peter’s Arm). There is very little wind this evening, and if we get some rain we may escape further injury.

A very large extent of timber country is on fire. The fire extends from here to New Bay, Big Pond and to Badger Lake. Another fire extends from Norris Arm to Lewisporte and Glenwood.

The company had to abandon their drive on Northern Brook, temporarily on account of the fire.

The mills have been closed down for four days on the same account.


The Districts

The Telegram published a dispatch from King’ Cove on Saturday, which stated that John KEHOE of Plate Cove, committed suicide by hanging himself to a fence on Thursday. He was aged 70 years and unmarried.

The City

Mrs. MAHER who was burnt at her home on Holloway Street, on Monday of last week, has since died. She was 81 years of age and the shock to her system was so great that she could not rally from it.

Yesterday afternoon the body of William PENDERGAST, whose disappearance has been a mystery for the past month, was found by two schoolboys on the South Side Hill, about 1000 ____ from St. Mary’s Church in a direct line up the hill. The lads were picking flowers when they came across the body, and they immediately communicated with the police. The body was in an advanced stage of decomposition and undertaker Martin and his assistants found some difficulty in placing it in a coffin. The remains were taken to his home, the news of the discovery of the body having been previously broken to his sister by Rev. Fr. FYME. The general opinion regarding his death is that PENDERGAST, who was probably demented, wandered about the hills several days until becoming exhausted he lay down and perished. The unfortunate man was a cooper for many years in the employ of Baine Johnston & Co., and later with Mr. BARR. He was sixty years of age and a member of the Star of the Sea Association.


BROWN - On Jun 21st, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick BROWN.

MIRON - On Jun 23rd , as son to Mrs. and Mrs. James MIRON.

MARSHALL - On Jun 24th, a daughter to Mrs. and Mrs. Joseph MARSHALL

POWER - On June 24th, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas POWER

PHELAN - On June 28th, a son to Mr. and Mrs. James PHELAN.

DORMADY - On Jun 28th, twin sons to Mr. and Mrs. John DORMADY.

BRUSHETT - On July 1st, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Archibald BRUSHETT.

Power - On July 2nd, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Edward POWER


DEMPSEY-STRACHAN At St. Ann’s Church, Montreal, on Jun 22nd, by the Rev. Father FORTIER, Isabella DEMPSEY, of Harbor GRACE to John W. STRACHAN, of Montreal.

VALENTINE - CHURCHILL - On July 5th, at St. Mary’s Church, St. John’s, by the Rev. C. COGAN, Emma CHURCHILL, eldest daughter of Mr. A. CHURCHILL to John VALENTINE.

KIRBY - BURGESS - At 186 North St., Halifax, on Jun 6th by Rev. J.L. BATTY, James KIRBY of Halifax, to Bella BURGESS, of Burin, Newfoundland.


MAHER - On July 6th, after a short illness, Mrs. Catherine MAHER, aged 81 years.

BRIEN - On Wednesday, the 6th inst., at Kilbride, Margaret, relict of the late John BRIEN.

HAYES On July 6th, Mary, relict of the late John HAYES, aged 65 years.

DORMADY - On the 29th ult., infant son of John and Ellie DORMADY.

MARSHALL - On the 2nd inst. Mary Ellen, infant daughter of Joseph and Kate MARSHALL.

WINTER - At the Parsonage, Western Cove, White Bay, on Friday, 1st July, Anne, widow of James M. WINTER, aged 87 years.

SHEPPARD - At Lark Harbor, On June 18th, Dorcas Ann, child of William and Sarah SHEPPARD, aged 15 months.

MURRAY - At Lark Harbor, on June 27th, Elizabeth, wife of Richard MURRAN, aged 28 years. (Transcriber’s note - two different surnames used in this death announcement).

SAUNDERS On the 6th ult., at Denver, Colorado, William, son of Margaret and the late Daniel SAUNDERS, aged 22 years.

GARLAND - On June 24th, at 17 Appleton St., West, Summerville, George Parsons GARLAND, aged 66 years, a native of Lower Island Cove, Newfoundland

MURPHY – On July 5th, after a short illness, Margaret, relict of the late Martin MURPHY, a native of Country Wexford, Ireland.

BOLAN - At Caplin Bay, on the 20th inst., Bridget Ann, wife of Edward BOLAN, eldest daughter of Matthew and Teresa ROSSITOR.

MOORS At Blackhead on the 4th inst., Flossie, aged 10 years, daughter of Marian and the late John F. MOORS.

BURDEN - Suddenly, at Broad Cove, on the 4th inst., James BURDEN, aged 71 years.

Jul 19, 1904


The death of two old citizens occurred the past week, - Mr. James KELLY and Mr. John C. FOOTE. The former was born in Ireland nearly eighty years ago and came to this country at the tender age of two years. He spent nearly the whole of his life here occupied in the chief industry of the colony at which he accumulated sufficient means to give him considerable comfort in declining years. He removed to the States several years ago but owing to the death of his wife returned. Mr. FOOTE, whose death occurred on Saturday morning, as a well known figure. He had been ailing for several months. His wife, who is in delicate health, survives him.

Botwoodville July 10th, 1904 –

The forest fires are all out, the rain on Monday and Tuesday having extinguished them. The damage done to timberland by the recent forest fires is considerable. The Exploits River Lumber and Pulp Company suffered to the extent of one hundred million feet, Crown Lands to the extent of twenty million feet. G.L. Phillips, New Bay, to the extent of forty million, and the three mile limit to the extent of fifty million feet. This, of course, is not a total loss, as the burnt timber will be good for several years. The Company also lost in dams and camps to the value of three thousand dollars. The loss to inhabitants in dwelling hoses, out-houses, fences, animals, etc., is estimated at about $4500, the heaviest losers being Alfred Hutchings, $650; James ANTLE $550; Chesley LEDREW, $400; Samuel ELSON, $400; and Charles HART, $350.

A very sad drowning accident occurred on Tuesday last near Thawart Island, Exploits Bay, by the upsetting of a punt in which were three men, Thomas COLES, Jr., Robert COLES and Robert PORTER. Robert COLES saved himself by holding on to the boat, but the other two men were drowned. Thomas COLES, aged 32, is the eldest son of Thomas COLES, Sr., Sparrable Cove, and leaves a wife and three children. Robert PORTER is the son of the late Robert PORTER, farmer, of Porterville, aged 22, unmarried. The sad affair has case a gloom over the whole place, as both men were well known.

Hon. H.J.B. WOODS, Postmaster-General, visited this place lastt week, partly on official business, and also on his firm’s business, his vessel being here.

The Canadian steamer (survey) the s.s. Elleanor, is at present in this port.

The L.O. Association are having a big time on 12th, the proceeds of which go to the fund for the relief of the fire sufferers.



The wedding of Miss Minnie WOODS, daughter of Postmaster General WOODS, and Rev. J.M. RICE., B.A., takes place this afternoon at “Bemister Place”

The Districts

The s.s. Ingram returned on Friday from Gull Island, Cape John, where she had been with lumber, etc., for the building of the new lighthouse. Capt. YOUNG reports that forest fires were raging all over Green Bay as the steamer passed on the way here and at times the smoke was so dense that it was almost impossible to see the way along.

Walter ROWE, aged 14, of Norris Arm, was injured at the New Lands Mill on Friday and was brought on here to hospital by Bruce Express on Saturday. He was engaged in edging a board and as he lifted the rollers the saw drove the board backward and struck him a severe blow on the forehead, fracturing the skull. He was attended by Dr. WOODBURY who bound up his wound. It is feared the lad will have a hard struggle to recover from the accident.


LANG - At Whitbourne, on the 18th inst., the wife of Charles LANG, of a son.

CONNOLLY - On the 7th inst., a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. J.J CONNOLLY.

CASEY - On the 2nd inst., a son to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. CASEY.


TURNER-GARLAND - At Lower Island Cove, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. R. W. FREEMAN, Edwin TURNER to Harriet GARLAND.

BURSEY-MORRIS - At Lower Island Cove, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. R.W. FREEMAN, Herbert BURSEY to Clara Ann MORRIS.

MCDONALD-STEVENSON - On June 29th, at Boston, Mass., USA, at St. Patrick’s Parochial residence by the Rev. Thomas WALSH, Peter M. MCDONALD to Mary Jeniter STEVENSON, both of Nfld.

FITZGERALD-ANTINORI: On the 14th inst., at St. Joseph’s Altar, St. Patrick’s Church, by the Very Rev. Dean RYAN, Mr. James FTIZGERALD, N.F. Constabulary, to Miss Mary ANTINORI, both of this city.

RANDELLL - On July 15th, Richard PATRICK, infant son of James and Mary RANDELL, aged 15 days.

COOK - On the 14th inst., after a short illness, Eliza COOK, aged 69 years.

STEPHENSON - On July 13th, after a short illness, Margaret, relict of the late Patrick STEPHENSON, aged 75 years.

FAWCETT - On July 15th, James, the beloved son of Thomas and Mary FAWCETT, aged 21 years.

YOUNG - At Toronto, On Jun 28th, of Typhoid Pneumonia, Louisa, beloved wife of Caleb YOUNG, aged 71 years.

LEGROW - On Monday, the 11th inst., Gladys Mary, only daughter of Joseph and Mary LEGROW, aged 2 years.

LESHANO - On the 12th inst., of heart failure, Charles James, second eldest son of William and Julia LESHANO, aged 40 years.

JERRETT - At Brigus, on the 12th inst., Wilbert Stanley, darling child of C.A. and Anna JERRETT, aged 1 year and 7 months.

July 26, 1904

Forest fires

The schr. Jane Ainslie, Capt . FROST, arrived on Sunday evening from Gander Bay, with a load of lumber for the Horwood Lumber Co., She reports forest fires all over Green Bay. Gander Bay, Rocky Bay, New Bay and Beavertown have been almost utterly destroyed. At Victoria Cove, Gander Bay, about a fortnight ago fire wiped out every house but seven in the place, and the Jane Ainslie had to go up the coast and procure timber to build huts, and food for the sufferers, most of whom lost all their belongings. At New Bay a number of houses were demolished, and when the flames came down the residents, who were mostly women, the men being on the Labrador, took to the boats and rowed out of danger. The fires extend from Rocky Bay West to Lewisporte, and the telegraph wires are all down between Beaver Cove, Gander Bay and Gambo. On Saturday fires raged inside of Clarenville and Trinity Bay was filled with smoke.


The marriage of Miss Emma. G. Ashton ADRAIN and Mr. R.F. HORWOOD will take place at 38 LeMarchant Road on Tuesday, August 2nd.

Mr. Andrew CARNELL, manager of Carnell’s Carriage Factory, was married to Miss Mabel PAYNE, daughter of W.B. PAYNE, Esq., at St. Thomas’s Church on Wednesday evening last, by Rev. Canon DUNFIELD. ........

On Wednesday evening the wedding of Miss Eda GALE, second daughter of Mr. T.W. GALE and Mr. W.G. SMITH, manager of the Empire Wood Co., was solemnized at the Congregational Church. .........

The wedding of Miss Winifred WOODS, daughter of Hon. H.J.B. WOODS, and Rev. J.M. RICE, B.A., took place at Bemister Place, on Tuesday afternoon, last the Rev. L. CURTIS, D.D, officiating.......

At Bonavista, July 18th, the wedding of Miss Mary J. FORBES, daughter of R.E. FORBES, Esq., M.D., and Mr. Joseph SELLARS of Marshall Bros., this city, took place in the Methodist Church, Rev. J. T. Newman performing the ceremony..........

The Districts

Harvey HODGE, son of Mr. D. HODGE, was seriously injured at Fogo on Wednesday evening by the bursting of a cannon. With others he was celebrating the wedding of Mr. HYDE, bookkeeper for the firm, when the cannon which he was firing burst and he received the force of the explosion in his face. His eyes were injured; the flesh on his forehead badly torn, and he received a severe scalp wound from a fragment of flying iron. He was picked up unconscious, but Dr. MALCOLM who attended him, brought him to and believes he will recover without losing his sight.

Forest fires sprung up again last week and at Dog Bay and Campbellton further damage was done. At the former place on Wednesday afternoon a fierce blaze raged on the south side of the Bay, causing a lot of destruction. Fourteen houses belonging to residents there were consumed with mostly all they contained, for a time the large mill owned by the Horwood Lumber Co., was in danger of destruction and it was only due to the hard work of Manager MEWS and employees that the property was saved. At Campbellton another fire raged, and for a time the houses remaining from the last fire were threatened. The s.s. Prospero, which arrived on Saturday, reported that the whole district of Twillingate seemed to be a mass of forest fires. The ship had to lie up two nights, as it was impossible to proceed through the dense smoke. Off Sunday Island water had to be pored over the decks to prevent the sparks which were flying about from igniting the woodwork. The people at this place had to take their boats fearing the whole place would be destroyed.

A Newfoundlander named Nathaniel GOSS, was fatally assaulted by a woman named Pearle RICKER at Lebue, Maine, on July 18th, by having his throat cut with a razor. The woman called on GOSS at night at this boarding house, and later persons passing on the street heard GOSS cry for assistance. Miss RICKER was taken to the police station where she raved so wildly and talked so incoherently as to give rise to the belief that she was insane. Further than to say that she loved him, the woman declined to say why she wounded GOSSE.


MCGINN - On the 22nd inst., a son to Mr. and Mrs. F. MCGINN.

CLINTON - At St. Jacques, on 2nd inst., a daughter to H.R. and Mrs. CLINTON, H.M. Customs.

PITTMAN - On Saturday, July 23rd, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Anderson PITTMAN.

BELLOWS – On the 18th inst., a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. William BELLOWS.

HYNES - On the 5th inst., a daughter to Mr. K. and Fanny HYNES.


BOWRING-DACOSTA - At the Cathedral, Barbados, B.W.I., on the 29th of June, by the Rev., Thomas GARDINER, Will BOWRING, second son of the late Charles BOWRING, of St. John’s Nfld., to Violet, eldest daughter of Darnley C. DACOSTA of Barbados.

DONNELLY - SPRATT - On July 24th at St. Patrick’s Church, by Very Rev. Dean RYAN, Mr. Wm. DONNELLY to Miss Lizzie SPRATT, both of this city.

CAKE-BROWN - At Bonavista, on the 18th inst., by Rev. A.G. BAYLEY, B.A., Alan G. CAKE to Isabella BROWN.


BOUZAN - At St. Patrick’s Little Bay, on the 22nd inst., Bridget, wife of John BOUZAN, and daughter of Capt. John DELANEY.

HAYES - On the 18th inst., after a brief illness, James HAYES, aged 78 years, a native of Co. Cork, Ireland.

LARKIN - At Torbay, on the 18th inst., May, beloved, wife of Thomas LARKIN, aged 71 years.

DINN - On July 22nd, after a long illness, Mary Ann, a native of Renews, beloved wife of Denis DINN, aged 69 years.

BYRN - On the 20th inst., Jane, beloved wife of James BYRN, and daughter of the late William KEATS, of Carbonear.

Aug 2, 1904


Mr. R. T. HUSSEY, Mathematical teacher at the Halifax School for the Blind, was married recently at Glengarry to Miss Torry FRASER. Mr. HUSSEY is, we believe, a native of Bonavista Bay, and has been very successful since his admission to the School as a pupil some 18 years ago.

Pilley’s Island

July 28th

A return friendly cricket match will come off here on the 15th August between the Pilley’s Island team and the Tilt Cove eleven.

On the Prospero, it is said, this trip some miners and others are gone down to St. Julien’s to work at the copper property there. Are they going to be allowed to do this by the French?

Weather Oppressively hot all over Green Bay. Sandy Cove Island devastated by fire. Wm. COBBS, of Cobb’s Cove, lost his house by the fire and other damages to people around the Island.


Mr. W.J. RYALL, of the firm of A.J. Nutting & Co., New York, and brother of Mr. S.L. RYALL, at Anderson’s, is one of the Old Home visitors.

Mr. BEETON, representing the Harmsworths, is now at Millertown, and while there will probably complete arrangements for the establishment of a large pulp industry. - Western Star.

Jonas LEDREW, who leaves a widow and five children , died at Sydney Mines last week after a short illness aged about 50 years. His remains were brought to his home in Conception Bay, where he was buried.

We regret to announce the death of Mrs. James STOTT, which occurred on Sunday afternoon. The deceased lady had been unwell for some time, but it was only a few weeks ago that dangerous symptoms manifested themselves. Mrs. STOTT was a daughter of the late Thomas MCMURDO, and sister of Mrs. M. MONROE, Mrs. John MCNEIL and Mrs. James GORDON. Her funeral takes place at 2:30 this afternoon.

The death of Mr. George STEER, of Lawrence & Co., and eldest son of John STEER, Esq., occurred on Tuesday morning last. He had been ill for a short while from inflammatory rheumatism, which was followed by dangerous complications. The deceased is survived by his father, mother and six brothers, wife and one son. Mrs. STEER, his wife, had been to British Columbia on a visit to her son who is in business there, and had reached Halifax on the way home when she learned of her husband’s death. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon.

The Districts

John MILES, aged 17, was drowned while bathing at Cape Ray, on Sunday week. He was unable to swim and going beyond his depth disappeared before his companions could reach him.

Charles WHITE, of New Perlican, one of the crew of Harris’ banker was drowned at St. Peter’s Bank on July 6th. He was returning to the vessel when the dory was struck by a sea and capsized. His dory mate held on and was rescued. J. SNOOKS, also of New Perlican, died from heart failure , on the Banks, on board of the schr. Snowbird early in July.


RIGOREAU - On the 30th ult., a daughter to Consul and Mrs. RIGOREAU.

EVANS - On the 28th ult., a son to Mr. B. and Mrs. EVANS.

ROURKE - On July 27th, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ROURKE.

LUCAS - On July 29th, a son to Mr. and Mrs. John LUCAS.

RUSSELL - On July 27th, as son to Mr. and Mrs. C.H. RUSSELL.

CAKE-BROWN - At Bonavista, on the 18th ult., by the Rev. A.G. BAYLY, B.A., Alan G.CAKE, to Isabella BROWN..

OAKLEY - BROWN : At Seattle, on June 29th, by the Rev. Father MURPHY, James OAKLEY, to Annie, daughter of the late Thomas BROWN, both of this city.

CHISLETT-GILLINGHAM - On the 10th inst., at the Gower Street Parsonage, by the Rev. J.L. DAWSON, Mr. Frederick George CHISLETT to Miss Irene GILLINGHAM, both of this city.

MURRAY -COX: On the 16th inst., at the Cochrane Street Parsonage, by the Rev. J.L. DAWSON, Mr. Abraham MURRAY, to Mrs. Annie COX, both of this city.

NOSEWORTHY-WOUNDY - On the 27th inst., at the residence of Mr. James NICHOLL, brother-in-law of the bride, by the Rev. J.L. DAWSON, Mr. Samuel NOSEWORTHY, mate of the barqt. Rosina, to Miss Barbara May WOUNDY.


STOTT: On Sunday, Agnes Douglas, wife of James STOTT.

LEVI - At Boston, On July 24th, Miss Gallah LEVI, formerly of Carbonear, aged 73 years.

WHITTEN - On July 25th, Chas. WHITTEN, aged 70 years.

KNIGHT - Passed peacefully away on July 25th, Charlotte Joy, relict of the late Richard KNIGHT, aged 85 years.

STEER - On July 26th, George J. STEER, eldest son of John and Amelia STEER, aged 51 years.

JERRETT - On Saturday last, at Brigus, Anna, beloved wife of C.A. JERRETT, aged 35 years.

ALLEN On the 28th ult., at Topsail, after a short illness, Ella Margaret, only daughter of Thomas and Jemima ALLEN, aged 18 years.

Aug 9, 1904

Death of Mrs. J. BURNS

A sad ending to the festivities of Old Home Week occurred on Saturday evening, when one of the lady visitors, Mrs. J. BURNS of South Boston died at the Railway Station, after returning from the excursion to Octagon Castle. Her demise was quite sudden and unexpected. At the Castle she appeared to be in the best of health, and when she joined the train there was nothing amiss with her; but Waterford Bridge had only been reached when she was taken suddenly ill and by the time the station was reached she had become unconscious. Dr. LEMON and Rev. Dr. KITCHEN were quickly summoned, but before the arrival of the former life was extinct. The cause of death was apoplexy. Mrs. BURNS was formally a Miss KELLY, of this city and lived on Bond Street. Seventeen years ago she went to the States and married in South Boston. The remains were taken to the residence of Mr. J. MURPHY, on New Gower Street, and her husband was cabled the sad intelligence of her death.

The Districts

The body found at Lamache, reported in last issue, has since been identified as that of the late Dr. MCDONALD, magistrate at Presque, who was drowned while boating.

Thomas Ivany, aged 23, unmarried, a native of Ragged Harbor, and one of the crew of the schooner Mandamus, was accidentally drowned at King’s Cove on Friday night. The body has been recovered.

The Timber Estates Co., expect to have the winter’s cut of logs at Millertown nearly all sawn by the end of the month, and one of the large mills will cease operations at that time. All the cut at Gander Bay mill will not be sawn this summer, some of it being left over for next spring.

Charles W. LAKE, aged 26, of Fortune, was drowned from the schr. Ronald B on Wednesday night, off Cape Bonavista, by the main-boom swinging over and knocking him overboard. The vessel was brought to and cruised around for a time, but no sign of the unfortunate man was seen, and it supposed he was stunned by the blow and sank immediately. LAKE was a married man, but leaves no children. The vessel was bound here from Botwoodville with a load of lumber for D. THISTLE.

The City

Thomas LEE, aged 14, of Pope Street, lost his life on Sunday evening by drowning. With some companions he visited Morey & Co’s wharf to go for a swim, but while his companions went in the water, he started to climb up some skids about 15 feet high, erected there permanently for the use of vessels discharging. He reached the top when suddenly he was seen to fall into the water and sink. The accident was seen from H.M.S. Calypso, and a petty officer with Messrs. J. BOONE and HARVEY were quickly on the scene with a boat. There was no sign of the lad, however, and they started to jig for the body, which after a few minutes, was recovered and conveyed to the morgue, where Dr. KENNEDY examined it. Blood flowed freely from the ears and nose and it is though that as the lad fell he struck the wharf and was rendered unconscious. The news of their boy’s death was abruptly told Mr. and Mrs. LEE by some of his companions and they were prostrated with grief.

From the “Gazette”

Messrs. Henry CLARKE (Hall’sBay) and Joseph BAGGS (S.W. Arm, New Bay) have been made Surveyors of Lumber.


MURRAY - On Aug 3rd of meningitis, Alice, darling child of Patrick and Nellie MURRAY, aged 1 year and 7 months.

MERCER - On the 4th inst., Harriet MERCER, aged 39 years.

RENDELL - On Aug 1st, at Old Perlican, George RENDELL, aged 58 years.

SNOW - On Aug 3rd, of convulsions, Martha (Motty), darling child of James and Mary SNOW, aged one year and three months.

NICHOLS - On July 16th, at Milton Cottage, Kirkstall, aged 84 years, Emma, widow of Rev. George NICHOLS, and last surviving daughter of the late Thomas GILPIN, Esq., of Staincliffe Hall, Yorkshire.

ARMSTRONG - Yesterday, after a short illness James ARMSTRONG, aged 74 years.

NOSEWORTHY - At Pouch Cove, on Sunday, Mary, beloved wife of Nathaniel NOSEWORTHY, aged 31 years.

QUINLON - On August 7th, after a long illness, Statia, beloved wife of E.J. QUINLON, T.N.C., aged 29 years.

Aug 16, 1904


The wedding of Mr. Arthur T. LONG of Bay Islands and Miss Martha WYATT, daughter of Mr. W. WYATT, this city, took place at the C. of E. Cathedral on Saturday evening. Rev. C. CARPENTER performing the ceremony. The bride who wore a cream silk costume, was given away by her brother, Mr. Arthur WYATT, and was attended by Misses E. COYELL and T. WYATT, while Messrs. W. J. LONG and E. BRYANT supported the groom. Afterwards a reception was held at the residence of the bride’s father.

The body of William KINSELLA, of Ferryland, arrived from Montreal by express on Saturday for burial. Deceased was only 20 years old, had been working at Montreal for two years, and was a son of Mr. Joseph KINSELLA. His death was due to sunstroke.

The Districts

The little lad who was drowned at Barachois, Cape Ray, on the 28th ult., was John MILES. The body has since been recovered and in inquest was held by Magistrate SQUAREY, who returned a verdict of “accidental death by drowning.”

Henry MILLEY, of Norris Arm, fell through his stage, while working on it, on Friday week, striking his head on the rocks below. He received a terrible blow, and did not regain consciousness until arriving at the hospital here on Monday.

While fishing from a dory near Flower’s Island Ledge on July 28th, John FAGAN, one of the crew of Gloucester banker Tartar, was drowned. He was a native, belonging to Salmonier. His body was recovered next day, having been found floating in the Tickle, near Flower’s Cove, and was buried at the latter place.

The Horwood Lumber Co., Ltd. were advised by telegraph on Tuesday last that their large mill at Dog Bay had been destroyed by fire the previous day, the fire originating in the engine house. This is the second mill lost by the company, their property at Campbellton having been burned by forest fires only a few weeks ago.

Another drowning accident occurred at Burin on the night of Friday, the 5th instant, Joseph KELLY, a young man, being the victim. No person witnessed the occurrence and it is presumed that he fell over the Government wharf, between the store and the wharf, in the opening made by the Mary Hough when she collided with the wharf in May last. The body was not recovered until the following Monday.

Shoal Harbor was nearly wiped out by fire on Thursday. As it was, damage was done to the value of nearly four thousand dollars. Four dwelling houses, the church, two barns, one store, several fences and a large quantity of hay have fallen before the devouring flames, which still rage. This is the second time the place had had to pass through the fire, and it may yet be completely wiped out unless the fire is extinguished.

Alexander Bay

Aug 8th - Yesterday we laid to rest Mrs. Jemima SPURRIE, wife of Isaac SPURRIE and daughter of Elizabeth and Benjamin DAVIS. She died of that awful disease - the white plague.


WATSON - On the 9th instant, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. W. WATSON, Reid Nfld. Co.

VELTS - On Sunday last, 7th August, to Mr. and Mrs. G.R. VELTS, a daughter


Maxwell-Ellis - At Dorchester, Boston, on Aug 30th, by Rev. G. W. PHINNEY, Maud, daughter of Henry ELLIS, St. John’s, Newfoundland, to Myrle Preston MAXWELL, of Dorchester, Boston.


DUGGAN - Suddenly, at Maynard, Mass., Anne, second youngest daughter of Margaret and the late Thomas DUGGAN, a native of Fermeuse, Nfld., aged 27 years.

KINSELLA - At Montreal, on Sunday evening, Aug 7th, William, third son of Joseph and Mary Ann KINSELLA, aged 20 years.

KEIL - On the 8th inst., George, eldest son of Mary and the late John KEIL, aged 20 years.

GRACE - At Newark, N.J., on the 2nd instant, Willie, youngest son of Thomas and Maggie GRACE, aged 9 years.

DONNELLY - On Aug 4th, after a short illness, Lizzie, daughter of John and the late Mary DONNELLY, aged 14 years.

COLLIS - On Aug 11th, after a short illness, George N. COLLIS, aged 58 years.

BULGER - On Aug 11th, Mary Ann, relict of the late William BULGER.

KERR - On Sunday morning, after a short illness, Mary, beloved wife of Alex. KERR, aged 72 years.

HEALEY - At Blackhead on Aug 14th, Margaret, beloved wife of Joseph HEALEY, aged 34 years.

CONNOLLY - Yesterday morning, of cholera infantum, Leo Paul, only son of J.J. and Minnie CONNOLLY, aged ?12 ½ months.

BOONE - On Sunday, Aug 14, at 6 Carnell Street, St. John’s, Rebecca, widow of the late Crispus BOONE, in the 89th year of age. Interment takes place at Port de Grave today.

OAKLEY - At Trinity, on the 9th inst., George OAKLEY (Cooper).

HEALEY - At Blackhead, on the 14th inst., Margaret, wife of Joseph HEALEY, aged 34 years, leaving a husband and six children to mourn their sad loss.

WINTER - At Burin, on the 10th inst., of hemorrhage of the bowels, Jessie C., daughter of the late T.J. WINTER, J.P. Miss Winter was a nurse in the W.C.C. Hospital, Boston and was visiting her native land, when she was suddenly called away.

Aug 23, 1904


The death of Miss Miriam GRIMES, eldest daughter of Police Inspector Grimes, occurred on Thursday night. She was a victim of the white plague, which first attacked her in February, and though the best medial aid was availed of it could not stay the ravages of he disease.

The death of Miss Jessie C. WINTER at Burin, a few days ago, closes a bright, active and useful life. Miss WINTER was for some time in charge of the Post Office at Collins’ Cove, Burin, Last year she entered the Woman’s C.C. Hospital, Parker Hill Avenue, Boston, to be trained as a professional nurse. During the Old Home Week she returned to her home in Burin where she died. Deeply though their loss is felt by her friends, the grief is lessened by the sense of nearness that interment amid the old, familiar scenes implies.


O’ROURKE On the 14th inst., the wife of Wm. O’ROURKE, of a son.

LUBY - On the 12th inst., a son to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew LUBY.

BAILEY - On the 15th inst., a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. William BAILEY.

KELLY - on the 18th inst., a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. John KELLY, of the Reid Nfld. Co.

RODGERS - On the 20th inst., a son to Mr. and Mrs. Robert ROGERS (Transcribers note - named spelt differently as typed).

CROCKER - On Friday, 12th inst., at Harbor Grace, a daughter to Mr. And Mrs. Alexander CROCKER.


CONNORS-TOBIN - On the 14th inst., at the R.C. Cathedral, by the Ven. Archdeacon O’NEIL, Mr. James CONNORS to Miss Agnes TOBIN, both of this city.

DAVIS - SUMMERS - On July 31st, by Venerable Archdeacon O’NEIL, Mr. James DAVIS to Miss Bridget SUMMERS, both of St. John’s, Nfld.


KINSELLA- On the 19th inst., after a long and painful illness, William KINSELLA.

GROUCHY - Suddenly, on Friday morning, William GROUCHY, aged 67 years.

EAGAN - On the 19th inst., Leo, infant son of John and Catherine EAGAN, aged 9 ½ months.

GRIMES - On Aug 18th of consumption, Mariam, eldest daughter of Inspector and Lavinia GRIMES, aged 18 years.

MCGRATH - On Aug 18th, John Roy St. Clair darling child of Harris and Josephine MCGRATH, aged four months.

DUNPHY - On the 18th inst. after a short illness, John DUNPHY, a native of Renews, aged 84 years.

ENGLISH - On the 18th inst., Margaret, relict of the late John ENGLISH, a native of Country, Cork, Ireland.

O’ROURKE- On the 15th inst., John W., infant son of William and Vina O’ROURKE.

NUGENT - August 15th, Mary Ellen, darling child of John and Mary G. NUGENT, aged 3 ½ months.

BENNETT - On August 16th, James ANTHONY, infant child of John and Bridget BENNETT.

SYMMONS - On Aug 14th, Dorothy Alice, darling child of Maud and George SYMMONS, aged 3 months.

Aug 30, 1904

Death’s Doings

R.A. BARNES - We regretfully note the death of Mr. Richard A. BARNES which occurred at his home, Queen’s Road, on Wednesday last. He had been ill from pleurisy for less than a fortnight, but up to the end hopes were entertained for his recovery. For years Mr. BARNES was book-keeper at Duder’s but more recently he had been in the employ of Messrs. T. & M. WINTER. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity, and that body was represented at his funeral, which took place on Friday afternoon.

Samuel MCNEILL - Samuel MCNEILL was not an old man, though he had reached the three score years and ten, but trouble had laid its hard hand upon him and the loss of his son a few months ago came as a blow unto the death. Mr. MCNEILL’s career was a very interesting one. He was born on the Labrador 72 years ago, and there he lived for many years, becoming a proficient in the Esquimaux tongue. In St. John’s he has on several occasions, some important ones, acted as interpreter, and some time ago translated several chapters of the Holy Writings into the Esquimaux tongue for the mission work carried on there. Mr. MCNEILL was a member of the British Society , and for some years had been tyler of the Tasker Lodge, A.F & A.M. , R.S. Guards of honour from both bodies followed his remains from his late residence on Merry-Meeting Road to his final resting place in the beautiful Church of England Cemetery.

Hector FRASER - The death of Mr. Hector FRASER took place on Thursday last, not unexpectedly. The feebleness of age had been much in evidence during recent months, but to the last Mr. FRASER retained his faculties. He passed away weighted beneath the burden of his years, a peaceful transition from time to the Great Beyond. The younger generation will remember little of Mr. FRASER. At The Post Office his work of late did not bring him into contact with the general public. The older generation will remember him as a man of earnestness and activity, who was every ready to push forward all good works. He was the eldest son of the Late Rev. Mr. FRASER, Presbyterian Minister of this city, and amongst his brothers were Dr. FRASER of Bay Roberts, J.O. FRASER, the late postmaster General, and J. McL. FRASER, Commission Merchant of this city. Mr. Hector FRASER was a Past Master of Avalon Lodge, A.F. & A.M., and was a Warrant member and first Master of Royal Oak Lodge, No. 22 O.O.A., the first Orange Lodge instituted in Newfoundland. He died in his 85th year.

Mrs. G. H. TAYLOR - Death was ____ last week with young and middle-aged and old alike. Amongst the aged who bowed to the final call was Mrs. Maria TAYLOR, mother of the well known draper, Mr. John W. TAYLOR of New Gower Street. For some years she had been confined to the house, bit it is only a few months since she took to her bed where she quietly breathed her life into the larger life beyond. Her death was like the stopping of a clock, the pendulum of life swinging slowly and more slowly until imperceptibly its movement ceases. Mrs. TAYLOR was the widow of the late George Hayward TAYLOR of Carbonear, a well known planter of that town who carried on the fisheries at Cape Charles. She survived her husband for nearly 23 years, dying at the patriarchal age of 88. Her remains were conveyed from the residence of her son, Mr. J.W. TAYLOR, 40 LeMarchant Road, to the station, early on Saturday morning, and thence to Carbonear where she was interred by her husband’s side. Many of her relatives and family friends followed the hearse to the station, and amongst those who went through to Carbonear to attend the funeral were Mr. J.W. TAYLOR, Mr. Samuel FOGWELL, son-in-law, and Messrs. George JOYCE, W.F. JOYCE and Guy TAYLOR, grandsons of the deceased. Mr. Eugene Taylor, her other surviving son, went to Carbonear the previous day to make the necessary arrangements for the funeral.

Thomas M. MITCHELL - The announcement that Thomas MITCHELL was dead came as a thunderclap amid a summer sky. Only a few hours before he had been seen upon the streets in health and strength. On Wednesday night he went to bed as well as ever but ere Thursday’s sun had risen he had exchanged the mortal for immortality. About midnight the family were aroused to learn of his sudden and fatal illness. Rev. Father FYME and Dr. KEEGAN were immediately summoned as well as Dr. MITCHELL, son of the deceased. All that could be done was done, but without avail, so far as the things of time were concerned, for in less than an hour the spirit had passed away. Mr. Thomas MITCHELL was the eldest son of the late Inspector MITCHELL for many years head of the Newfoundland Constabulary, and was born in St. John’s in January 1843. At 14 he entered upon a commercial career, and before he had reached his twentieth year had established a bakery which developed and extended into the large and important enterprise so well known to citizens of St. John’s. In public life Mr. MITCHELL held many important positions notably in Municipal matters, holding the position of Chairman of the Council for from two to three years. But above all the memory and personality of Thomas MITCHELL must stand identified with his work for the younger generation........Mr. Mitchell leaves a widow and daughters, and one son, Dr. Timothy M. MITCHELL, of this city. Their loss, severe as it is, is shared by the whole city, and blessed by the inseparable memory of a good man’s life.

Wedding Bells

BLATCH-PETERS - Thursday afternoon last witnessed the marriage of Miss Janie Louise BLATCH, eldest daughter of H. BLATCH, Esq., to Mr. William Henry PETERS, fifth son of J.E.P. PETERS, Esq. The ceremony took place at Boncloddy Cottage, Pennywell Road, the resident of Mr. BLATCH.......


The Barqt. Minnie, which arrived yesterday from Adiz, had her flag at half mast, because of the death of a member of her crew, which occurred on Sunday morning. The deceased seaman was Thomas BOND, and belonged to Notre Dame Bay. All the voyage out he had been ill, and had just reached in sight of land when death came He was 26 years of age and unmarried.


The marriage of Alexander SHEARING, of Pilley’s Island, Nfld, to Miss Leah REED, of North Sydney, took place at the residence of the bride’s parents on Tuesday, August 16th. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Joseph SILLARS, pastor of the Methodist Church. After the reception the happy couple left by the Bruce for their future home in Newfoundland.

Alexander Bay

The wedding of Mr. James BLACKWOOD and Miss Emily BUCKLER, daughter of Mr. N. BUCKLER, took place a few days ago, at the Methodist Church, Rev. H. MILLER performing the ceremony. The bride was neatly attired in white cashmere and wore a blue sash. She was given away by her father.

The City

Henry Snow, painter, of Colonial Street, while at work at J. MEEHAN”s residence opposite the East End Fire Hall, Tuesday morning last, was thrown from the top of a ladder to the street and was fatally injured. When picked up he was unconscious, with a bad cut in the forehead, his face bruised and broken and his right leg broken. He was taken to the hospital, and until Saturday remained in a comatose condition., when he passed away. He is married and has a family.

The Districts

The Millertwon loggers have already gone into the woods to begin cutting, and one of the largest of the mills had stopped sawing. At Botwoodville the mills are still busy cutting 1900 logs per day, and getting ready a large shipment for South America.

Joseph MILLER, aged 26, son of Mr. R. MILLER, of the Customs Staff, was drowned on Wednesday at 6 p.m., while coming over in a dory from Miquelon to Hermitage Cove. No particulars of the accident are to hand, except that MILLER was accompanied in the dory by a man named WALL, who was saved. MILLER had been at Hermitage Cove all the Summer engaged in the manufacture of cod liver oil.


DILLON - On the 16th inst., a daughter to Capt. and Mrs. P.J.DILLON

NEIL - At Sweet Bay, Bonavista Bay, on the 14th inst., the wife of Patrick NEIL, of a son.

JACKMAN - Yesterday morning, a daughter to E.M. and Mrs. JACKMAN


STUCKLESS - JANES - At South Side, Methodist Church, Twillingate, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. Charles HOWSE, Mr. Edward STUCKLESS of North Side, to Miss Lucy JANES of Back Harbor.

PETERS-BLATCH - At Boncloddy Cottage on the 25th inst., by Rev. J.L. DAWSON, Mr. W.H. PETERS to Miss Janie Louise, eldest daughter of Mr. Henry BLATCH.

Moore -LONG - At Gower Street Parsonage, on the 29th inst., by Rev.J.L. DAWSON, Mr. Herbert Wilson MOORE to Miss Amelia LONG.


JARDINE - At Toronto, Ont., on 22nd inst., A. JARDINE, father of J.C. JARDINE, Newfoundland Brewery.

PEET - On August 23rd, of cholera infantum Robert Gordon, infant son of H.J. and Winnie PEET, aged 4 months.

MACNEIL: On the 23rd inst., at 47 Merrymeeting Road, Samuel J. MACNEIL, aged 72 years.

BARNES - Passed peacefully away, on August 24th, after a short illness, Richard A. BARNES.

FLYNN - At South River, on the 24th inst. of consumption, Elizabeth Maud (Lizzie) youngest daughter of Wm. And the late Mary A. FLYNN, aged 23 years.

STOCKLEY - At South Side, Twillingate, on the 19th inst., of consumption, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of the late James and Ann STOCKLEY, aged 25 years.

FITZPATRICK - On the 25th inst., after a short illness, William Fitzpatrick, aged 66 years.

STONE - Passed peacefully away on the 25th inst., Charles STONE, aged 85 years.

SWEENEY - At Brooklyn, NY on July 28th, Henry Clinton SWEENEY, aged 19 years, eldest son of E.C. SWEENEY, superintendent of the French Cable Co., New York, and grandson of the late Henry CLINTON of St. Pierre, Miquelon.

MITCHELL - On August 25th, Thomas MITCHELL, aged 62 years.

FRASER - On the 28th inst., Hector Mcl. FRASER, eldest surviving son of the late Rev. Donald Allan FRASER.

HUSSON - On Aug 25th, Anna, daughter of Bridget and the late Wallace HUSSON, aged 15 ½ years.

TAYLOR - On Aug 26th, at the residence of her son, 40 LeMarchant Road, Mrs. Maria TAYLOR, relict of the late George H. TAYLOR, of Carbonear aged 87 ½ years.

YOUNG - On the 25th inst, Maxwell Kenneth, the only son of Wm and Ethel Young, aged 2 months.

WALSH - on the 28th inst., after a long and painful illness, Annie F. Bamrick, beloved wife of Robert WALSH, aged 42 years.

CAMPBELL - On the 26th inst., George, only son of the late John and Margaret CAMPBELL.

LARKIN - On the 28th inst., Mercedes Josephine, darling child of John and Josephine LARKIN, aged 10 months.

SNOW - At the General Hospital, on Saturday, Henry, youngest son of Joseph and Elizabeth SNOW, aged 37 years.

EVELEIGH - On the 27th inst., at the Methodist Orphanage, Hamilton Street, Lizzette EVELEIGH, aged 16 years.

LEARY - Yesterday morning, James J., darling child of Thomas and Mary Leary, aged 3 months.

Sept 6, 1904

Tilt Cove Notes

The people living around the shores of NDB begin to feel somewhat easier. The recent rains have probably put out the forest fires, and relieved the tension of many a householder whose entire possessions seemed destined to be a prey to the devouring element.

Sunday the 28th ult, will be remembered by the inhabitants of Little Bay and vicinity. Forest fires raged so fiercely that not a few houses were destroyed.

The s.s. Prospero was delayed at Little Bay, arriving here on Sunday with about 40 families of those who had lost their homes, and others who thought it wise to leave. The steamer returned again to S.W. Arm and Little Bay, towing along some fishing vessels in which the goods of threatened householders might be safely placed.

G. ROBERTS, Esq., MHA, returning in the Clyde on Saturday, very kindly assisted the destitute families, procuring for them the assistance of the steamer, and providing them with provisions and other necessities............Correspondent

Flat Islands, P.B.

Serious Accident - Sept 1st - On Saturday, August 27th, this little community was startled by a report that a little girl, Caroline Senior, aged ten years, had fallen into the Government well and had drowned. The Methodist minister was quickly on the scene and made every effort to restore animation without success. In all the probability the deceased had been overcome by an apoplectic fit while in the act of drawing water. The community felt the accident very keenly and the parents received every sympathy.

(From private sources we learn that in the case of Little Caroline SENIOR, artificial respiration was tried for four hours without success. It is probable that the child was suffocated in a fit - ED)


The express brought to Clarenville last week the body of a man named BARRETT, who was recently killed at Brunswick, Maine, by an electric shock received while climbing an electric pole. The body was being sent to the former home of the deceased at Old Perlican, for interment.

City news

Mrs. Robert CRIMP, of Long’s Hill, whose death occurred suddenly on Wednesday, passed away under truly pathetic circumstances. On Tuesday her little one year old baby girl died from cholera infantum and she was up all that night. Her husband had been weak in mind during the week and was about the house, causing a great deal of worry. On Wednesday she felt unwell and stated to her neighbors that she was afraid the trouble would kill her. About noon she expired suddenly. Deceased was 38 years of age, and besides the husband, six children survive her, four of whom are too young to take care of themselves.

The Districts

Mr. WARREN, the oldest resident of Channel died there recently. He was a native of Dorset, England.

During the past week an extensive forest fire raged at New Bay, near Campbellton, threatening the latter place and Lewisporte.

Thursday’s Telegram contained a report of a terrible case of suicide which occurred at Mall Bay, St. Mary’s. The unfortunate was a young woman named Mary DALEY, who secretly secured a kerosene lamp, poured the contents over her and then set fire to herself. Before death came to relieve her she suffered the most dreadful agony, the flesh being burnt from her body. For some time previous she had been acting strangely, and it was while her father was at St. Mary’s getting ticket to bring her to the Lunatic Asylum here that she committed the terrible act.


James ALLEN, aged 60 years, of Topsoil, died suddenly on Duckworth Street at 5:45 p.m. yesterday. He had been into Callahan, Glass & Co. to get an order for some board to finish some work for that firm, and had only left the building when he fell to the ground and expired. Death was due to heart failure.


CAINES - On the 4th inst., the wife of Sergt. L. CAINES, East End Fire Hall, of a daughter.

MAHER - at 108 Duckworth Street, on the 11th ________ the wife of Mr. Frank MAHER, chief engineer of the ss. ?? Erik, of a son. (Transcriber’s note - page torn)

CONSTABLE - On the 23rd August, the wife of Alex C. CONSTABLE, of Alderburn, Norris Arm, of a son.

MCCOURBREY - On August 29th, the wife of H. T. MCCOURBREY, of a son.


ANDERSON - On Friday last, at 3 p.m. George ANDERSON, aged 78 years.

NOFTALL - On Friday, Sept 2nd of cholera infantum, Bertha Fox, darling child of Joseph and Laura NOFTALL, aged 6 months.

COADY - On Aug 30th of cholera infantum, James Edward, darling child of Michael and Katie COADY, aged 5 weeks.

POPE - On the 27th ult. of cholera infantum, Francis, darling child of Thos. and Margaret POPE, aged 4 months.

LEWIS - On Aug 30, of cholera infantum, Edward Patrick, darling child of Charles and Lizzie LEWIS, aged 5 months, and 7 days.

FLEMING - On Aug 30, after a long illness, Mrs. Ellen FLEMING, aged 71 years.

BOND - At sea, on August the 28, after a long and painful illness, Thomas Joseph, only and beloved son of Capt. Charles and Theresa BOND, aged 19 years and 6 mos.

COOPER - On Aug 30, after a long and painful illness, Lydia , beloved wife of Eleazer COOPER.

Wills - On the 30th ult. after a long and painful illness, Henry WILLS, aged 35 years.

SAVAGE - On the 31st ult. of cholera infantum, Madeline, infant child of Jeremiah and Bridget SAVAGE, aged 6 months and 15 days.

COLBERT - At St. Michaels, district of Ferryland, on Aug 25, Michael COLBERT, aged 75 years.

WALL - On the 1st inst. of cholera infantum, Ellen, darling child of John and Mary WALL, aged 8 months.

CRIMP On the 29th ult, of cholera infantum, Mary, darling child of Robert and Winifred Crimp, aged 1 year.

CRIMP - Suddenly on Aug 31st of heart failure, Winifred, beloved wife of Robert CRIMP, aged 38 years.

FTIZGERALD = On Aug 18th at 1 Leonard Ave, Cambridge, Mass, Regina, daughter of David H. and Joanna FITZXGERALD, aged 20 years and 3 months.

HOLLOWAY - On the 4th inst., at Principal’s residence, Methodist College, Robert E. HOLLOWAY.

MYRON - On the 3rd inst., Edward John, infant son of James and Bernie MYRON, aged 2 months.

BLANDFORD - At Herring Neck, on the 1st inst., Selina, widow of the late Esau BLANDFORD, aged 74 years.

FORSEY - passed peacefully away on Sunday at 5:15 a.m., Richard FORSEY.

Sept 13, 1904


WALSH - On Saturday last, at noon, a daughter to James and Elizabeth WALSH.

PEDDLE - On Aug 6th the wife of A. PEDDLE, of Reid Nfld Co. of a son.

HAMMOND - On Aug 24th, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. T. HAMMOND


OAKLEY -VAVASOUR - On Aug 13, at Greenspond, by the Rev. D.W. BLACKALL, Mr. Kenneth OAKLEY, of Greenspond, to Miss Bessie VAVASOUR, of St. John’s.

CAMPBELL-MUNRO - On August 15th, at Port Arthur, Ontario, by the Rev. S.C. MURRAY, Florence Helen, daughter of the late Neil CAMBELL, St. John’s, to Thomas MUNRO, of Winnipeg.

STAFFORD-KERIVAN - On Sept 7th, at St. Patrick’s Church, by the Most Rev. Dean RYAN, Mr. Michael STAFFORD to Miss Ellen KERIVAN, both of this city.

WHALEN –GOOD - At the Hamilton Street Methodist Parsonage, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. W.T. D. DUNN, George WHELAN, of Job’s Cove, Bay-de-Verde, to Miss Patience GOOD, of Upper Island Cove.


MORRISEY - On Sept 6, after a brief illness, Felix Augustine, the beloved son of Patrick and Bridget Morrissey, aged 5 years and 6 months.

POWER - On Sept 5th, darling child of Elizabeth and John POWER, aged 10 months.

PEDDLE on the 3rd inst., Harold, infant son of Albert and Jennie PEDDLE, aged 1 month.

KNOX - On the 6th inst., after a long and painful illness, Annie, beloved wife of Bartl. KNOX, aged 53 years.

HAMMOND - On the 6th inst. after a short illness, Bridge (Bride) beloved wife of Thomas HAMMOND, locksmith, aged 28 years.

MURRAY - On Aug 23rd, at Battle Harbor Hospital, Patrick MURRAY, aged 30 years.

ROIL - On Sept 6th, Sarah Isabel, second eldest daughter of James and Ann M. ROIL, aged 16 ½ years.

MURPHY – On the 5th inst., Mary Catherine, darling child of J.F. and Winifred MURPHY, aged 6 months.

HOWLETT - On Sept 7th James HOWLETT, aged 74 years, a native of Country Wexford, Ireland.

FRASER - At Sydney, on the 7th inst., Oswald child of A.D. and Bessie FRASER, aged 8 months.

POWER - On the 5th inst., Robert John Thomas, darling child of H.J. and Elizabeth POWER, aged 10 months.

CANTWELL - On the 8th inst., after a long and painful illness, Mary Ellen, eldest daughter of Thomas and the late Mary Ann CANTWELL, aged 16 ½ years.

DEBOURKE - On Sunday, Ellen, beloved wife of Richard DEBOURKE, and daughter of the late Edward and Margaret FARRELL.

SHEA - On the 10th inst., after a short illness, Michael SHEA, aged 73 years.

FORSYTH - On the 11th inst., of convulsions, Mary Gertrude darling child of W.J. and Mrs. FORSYTH, aged 3 months and 24 days.

HIGGINS - At Goddenville, (Spaniard’s Bay) on Sept 3, after a short illness, Amelia (Kennedy) wife of William HIGGINS, formerly of Bell Isle, aged 72 years.

WALSH - On Sept 3rd at Harbor Grace, after a short illness, Elizabeth, wife of Mr. James WALSH, and second daughter of the late George GORDON, aged 36 years.

CLEARY - At the South Side, Harbor Grace, on Sept 6th, after a long illness, John CLEARY, an old and well known resident of that place, aged 79 years.

PERCY - On Sept 10th, of Brights’s disease, Walter J. PERCY, aged 24 years.

BYRNE - On Sept 9th, after a long illness, Margaret, relict of the late Patrick BYRNE, aged 82 years, a native of Country Kilkenny, Ireland, Parish Mooncoin.

Sept 20, 1904


The Rev. Charles HACKETT of Fogo, who preached in Gower Street church on Sunday night last, left by yesterday morning’s train for Carbonear, where he will be married on Thursday next to Miss May GOULD, eldest daughter of the late W.T. GOULD, Esq., of that town.

In a recent issue we referred to the severe illness of the Rev. W.A. PALMER, late of Botwoodville. It will be remembered that he was to have been removed to Toronto. Such was not to be, for he passed away on Sept 4th, at the Muskoka Sanitarium, leaving a widow, with two sons and a daughter to mourn their loss. Mr. PALMER was an earnest and devoted minister, and his passing will cause many a heartache in the circuits where he has so faithfully laboured.

The Districts

Maurice BARRY, of Red Island, P.B., was recently drowned at that place. It is supposed that while sculling out to the fishing grounds the oar dropped from the score hole and he was thrown overboard. The accident, the first intimation of which was the finding of the empty boat, occurred early in the morning before daylight. The body was discovered floating near Oderin. Barry was 30 years old and leaves a wife and two children.


JAMES - At Brigus on the 11th inst., a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. M.J. JAMES, of Bell Island.

FARDY - At Carbonear, on the 11th inst., a daughter to Constable and Mrs. FARDY.


CROCKER-WISEMAN - On September 8th, at St. Thomas’ Church by the Rev. Canon DUNFIELD, Mr. Heber CROCKER to Miss Carrie WISEMAN, both of this city.

CONNOLLY-LAMBE - Last evening , at 191 Duckworth Street, by the Rev. Father MACMNMARA, Miss Isabel LAMBE, to Mr. Laurence CONNOLLY, painter.

FOWLOW-EBSARY - At the home of the bride, Southside, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. W.T. D. DUNN, Mr. Alonzo FOWLOW, to Miss Gertrude B. EBSARY, both of this city.


HAMMOND - On Sept 15, of consumption, Deborah Annie, beloved wife of Robert HAMMOND.

FIRTH - On Sept 16, Catherine (Kate) FIRTH, aged 59 years.

BRAMFITT - At Laurel Lake, Pennsylvania, on the 5th inst., at Manse, Sarah, beloved wife of Rev. R. BRAMFITT, and daughter of the late Capt. G. FILMORE.

WILSON - On Sept 15, after a tedious illness, at her residence, Long’s Hill, Mary, relict of the late Joseph WILSON.

GOODLAND - On Sept 16, Eric Victor, infant son of W.H. and Clara GOODLAND, aged 14 months.

MACKEY - On Sept 17, William Thos. infant son of James and Annabelle MACKEY.

STONE - At Halifax, NS, on the 12th inst., Joseph S., eldest son of Henry and the late Susannah STONE, aged 53 years, a native of St. John’s, Newfoundland.

TOBIN - On Saturday evening, after a short illness, William, second youngest son of William and Margaret TOBIN, aged 27 years.

MARTIN - On the 18th inst., after a long and painful illness, Mrs. Ellen MARTIN, aged 77 years.

LYONS - Yesterday, after a long illness, Bridget, daughter of the late Julia and Ernest LYONS.

STAMP - On the 17th inst., of cholera infantum, Mary Ellen, darling child of Joseph and Josephine STAMP, aged 3 mos.

FACEY - Last evening, at his residence, 57 Springdale Street, after a lingering illness, Capt. Samuel FACEY, aged 85 years.

Sept 27, 1904


Sept 25 - Two very interesting social events took place on Thursday the 22nd. I refer to the marriage of Rev. Charles HACKETT, of Fogo, to Miss GOULD, daughter of the late Wm. T. GOULD, Esq., and of Mr. Patrick LEE, conductor Reid Nfld., Co, to Miss Mary FAHEY. Anticipating that another pen will furnish the columns of the Free Press with a full account of the former, I waive the privilege of doing so, confining myself to a short account of the latter. Mr. W. SWANSBOROUGH, of Topsoil, the veteran songster of Newfoundland, passing through halted at the home of a friend on Thursday, and wrote the following impromptu lines in whose sentiments all the friends of the contracting parties join:-

“On the day the sun crossed the line,

In Carbonear, old town,

Two couples knelt at Hymen’s shrine

Life’s road to travel down,

They took the vows to constant be,

As long as life shall last,

We wish them health and happiness

Until that bourne is passed.:


Sept 26, 1904 - We hall with delight and satisfaction that the WHITEWAY-MORISON party have amalgamated with the Tory party and that Mr. MORISON is coming to NDB with Mr. GOODRIDGE. We have not the least doubt but that the Tory candidates will be successful. The signs of the times predict a defeat for the Liberals in this district.

Death of J.F. APSEY

Harbor Grace lost one of its best known and most respected citizens, by death, on Tuesday last, in the person of J.F. APSEY, Esq. For many years Mr. Apsey held a high position in business circles there, and no one was better known or more generally esteemed than he. Born at Carbonear, seventy years ago, a son of Mr. George APSEY, he spent the whole of his life in Conception Bay. ..........He leaves a widow and daughter, Mrs. George PATESON, at Harbor Grace, three sons, George, Fletcher and Arthur, who are in the States......

Wedding Bells


There was a pretty and interesting wedding at Warminster, England, on Sept 8th, the Rev. A.A. CRAMP of Port - de - Grave, being married to Helen, daughter of Henry SIMMINSON, Esq. The ceremony was performed and an address given by the Rt. Rev. J.F. WELSH, Bishop designate of Trinidad, and formerly Principal of St. Boniface College, Warminster, where the bridegroom was formerly a student. Mr. and Mrs. CRAMP sailed from Liverpool on the Siberian arriving here yesterday..........


The marriage of Rev. James BELL, incumbent of Bay Roberts, and Miss A.M. CORK, of Brooklands, Billinghurse, Susex, England, took place at the C.E .Cathedral on Wednesday afternoon. The ceremony, which was choral, was performed by Rev. Canon COLLEY, assisted by Rev. Canon NOEL……..


At the home of R. WRIGHT, Esq., Hillhead, Freshwater Road, the wedding of the eldest daughter, Miss Susie Bruce WRIGHT to Mr. John Y. MUNRO, of Inverness, Scotland, was celebrated on Tuesday last at 3 p.m. ........


Sir Alfred Harmsworth arrived by the Bruce at Port-aux-Basques on Friday, where he was met by Dr. H.D. REID, who took him to Millertown in his private car.

The Districts

John Thomas SMITH, aged 23, of Point Moll, Marqueise, P.B., was drowned on Point Verde Bank on yesterday week. While his two companions left in a small boat to take up their trawls, he was knocked overboard by the boom. The accident was witnessed from other boats, who shouted to his companions and they rowed back to save him. They just reached him, and one of them placed an oar under his arm, but he was too weak to hold it, and sinking, did not rise again.


STEPHENS-TRIMM - On Sept 3rd, at St. Mark’s church, Ford Devonport, by the Rev. J. DAVIS, Alfred E., youngest son of the late J. STEPHENS, R.N., and Susan STEPHENS, of Devonport, to Annie, third daughter of William and Eunice TRIMM, of Trinity Bay, Newfoundland.

PRIMM-O’NEIL - On Sept 11, at St. Joseph’s Church, Somerville, Mass., by Rev. Father CLAIRE, Mr. M. PRIMM, to Miss Nellie O’NEIL, both of St. John’s.

CRAMP-SIMMINSON - On Sept 8th at the Minster Warminster, England, by the Rev. J.F. WELSH, Bishop designate, of Trinidad, assisted by the Revs. J.R. STUART, and H.R. WHYTEHEAD, vicar, the Rev. Albert A. CRAMP, Incumbent of Port-de-Grave, Newfoundland, to Helen, eldest daughter of Henry SIMMINSON, Warminster, Wilts, England.


KENNEDY - On the 21 inst., Andrew, darling child of F rank and Bridget KENNEDY, aged 9 mos.

GARLAND - At Boston, on the 12th inst., of Typhoid Pneumonia, John B., youngest son of Charles D. and Elizabeth Garland, aged 27 years, formerly of Newfoundland.

FACEY - On Sept 19th, after a lingering illness, Capt. FACEY, aged 81 years.

EDENS - At Sydney, On Aug 31st, Graham Augustine, third and youngest son of George W. and May EDENS, aged 1 year.

ROACH - On Sept 21st, Bridget, daughter of Thomas and the late Mary ROACH, aged 49 years.

SHOUGHORUE - On the 23rd inst., Bridget SHOUGHORUE, aged 47 years.

TILLY - On Saturday, of cholera infantum, Ernest Marmaduke, darling child of James and Minnie TILLY, aged 2 mos.

Oct 4, 1904


HUTCHINGS - On the 28 ult. A son to Mr. and Mrs. E. HUTCHIGNS, (Printer)


LUBEY - On Sunday, after a long and painful illness, MR. William LUBEY, aged 86 years.

DOWNTON - On Sunday morning, after a tedious illness, Marion Charles, eldest daughter of George and Sarah Jane DOWNTON, aged 17 ½ years.

COLEMAN - On Sunday evening, Catherine, beloved wife of George COLEMAN and daughter of James and Grace WALSH, Openhall, B.B., aged 31 years.

Oct 11, 1904

Death of Mr. T. HOWOOD

Re regretfully note the death of Mr. Thomas HORWOOD, father of Chief Justice HORWOOD, which occurred at his country residence on Thursday morning. For some time he had been unwell, and his demise was not unexpected. The deceased gentleman was one of our best known and most highly respected citizens. Quiet, courteous and unassuming, gentlemanly to a degree, he possessed those qualities, which attracted people to him, and endeared him to everybody who made his acquaintance. Mrs. HORWOOD, and beside the Chief Justice, three children - one son and two daughters – survive him....…..


The marriage of Miss Monica MCPHERSON, daughter of Joseph MCPHERSON, Collector of Customs at North Sydney to Dr. Henry P. GUTHRO, formerly of the same place, but now of Gambo, Newfoundland, took place on Thursday morning at six o’clock. Nuptial High Mass was celebrated by Rev. Father CHISHOLM D.D., assisted by Rev. Father KILEY and Father MCPHERSON, uncle of the bride. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Eunice MCPHERSON. The bride wore a travelling dress of blue broadcloth and picture hat. After the wedding breakfast at the residence of the brides’ parents, the happy couple left for a bridal trip to New York. The groom’s gift to the bride was a fur-lined coat and set of sables, to the bridesmaid an opal ring. - Halifax Chronicle.

The Districts

The Glenwood mills are now closed down, and about 200 men have gone to the woods for the season’s logging.

Capt. Isaac MERCER died at Bay Roberts on Tuesday morning last. He arrived home from the Labrador coast by the last Virginia Lake very ill, having been unwell mostly all the summer. Capt. MERCER was a well known sealing captain, and for the past few years was prominent in political circles. He represented the Districts of Bay-de-Verde since the bye-election in 1902.

John COOK, aged 14, of Rocky Brook, Smith’s Sound, T.B., was drowned on the 29th September. He went to the fishing ground in a small flat bottom boat, that was hardly able to support him, and has not been seen since. Though the boat was afterwards picked up in the Sound. Search has been made for his body, but it has not yet been recovered. The young lad was the only support of his father, who is an old man.

The City

The death of Mr. Denis DOOLEY, Butcher, occurred on last Tuesday night, after a short illness of twenty-four hours only. On Monday he was as well as ever, but while at Pitt’s wharf selecting some oxen he received a severe kick from one of the animals, from the effects of which he died. Mr. DOOLEY was an Irishman by birth, having been born at Carrick Bagg, Country Waterford, 70 years ago, but for the past 52 years he has lived in this country. One son, Mr. M.J. DOOLEY, and four daughters, Mrs. J.J. TOBIN, Sister Bernard of the Mercy Convent and two unmarried survive him. His funeral occurred on Thursday.


KING - On Oct 7th, a daughter to Michael and Johanna KING.

PUSHIE - On the 7th inst., the wife of Conductor W.G. PUSHIE, Reid-Newfoundland Co., of a son.


SHORTALL-TOBIN - On Sunday by the Rev. Father MCDERMOTT, at the residence of the bride, 392 Water St. Peter J. SHORTALL to Mrs. J.C. TOBIN.


GREEN - At Old Perlican, Sept 22, Abraham GREEN, aged 84 years.

HORWOOD - On Oct 5th, at Newtown Road, Thomas HORWOOD, aged 78 years.

BROWN - On Sept 26th, at Holyrood, C.B., Mary , beloved wife of William BROWN.

PARSONS - At Harbor Grace on the 29th ult., Mrs. (Capt) Josiah PARSONS, aged 71 years.

ROSE - Suddenly at North Harbor Mills on Saturday, Oct 1, Alfred John ROSE.

CAINES – On the 5th inst., of convulsions, Daisy Rita, infant daughter of Sergeant L. and Fanny CAINES, aged 1 month.

DWYER - At San Francisco, California, Sept 14th, after a short illness, Annie J., daughter of the late Thomas S. and Ellen DWYER and beloved sister of Mrs. Margaret O’SULLIVAN, a native of St. John’s, Newfoundland.

TAYLOR – On the 8th inst., of croup, William Maxwell, son of W.H. and J. TAYLOR.

DOWNTON - On the 9th inst., John Edward, infant son of Mark and Martha J. DOWNTON, aged 3 ½ months.

BAXTER - On the 8th inst., Mary, infant daughter of Thomas S. and Mary A. BAXTER, aged 5 mos.

RUSSELL - On the 5th inst., Gertrude, infant daughter of Edward and Mary RUSSELL, Freshwater Road, aged 2 months.

CARROLL - On Sunday, 9th inst., Elizabeth, wife of the late Wm. CARROLL, aged 42 years.

Oct 18, 1904


Oct 8th - The Opposition Candidates, Messrs. MORISON and GOODRIDGE and MEWS, visited the place on Wednesday. They came by way of Norris Arm, the Exploits River Lumber and Pulp Company kindly giving them the use of their steamer. They had a reception that must have been very gratifying to them, flags were flying on every staff in Botwoodville, and fifty men met them, many of them with guns, the firing of which they kept up for two hours. During the afternoon the candidates visited the different arms and at eight o’clock commenced one of the largest public meetings ever held here which came to a successful close at a quarter to eleven. They left next morning in the Company’s steamer for Kite Cove and Exploits. There was no black flag on the mill and I would not stop to contradict such contemptible statements only to vindicate the officials of the Exploits River Lumber and Pulp Company who are all US citizens are positively neutral so far as politics goes in this country. Correspondent.


We regretfully note the death of Dr. T. J. O’REILLY of Placentia who passed to the Great Beyond on Saturday week at Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium,, Ontario, where he had been staying in the hope of recovering from the effects of a chill contracted two years ago. He had been spending some time in Canada hoping to get back his wonted health, but had only been a week in the Sanatorium when death came. He was a promising young physician only 24 years of age, a son of the late magistrate for Placentia, and a brother of the present magistrate there and Rev. Dr. O’REILLLY, P.P, Salmonier

The City

On Wednesday morning an old farmer of the Topsail road, Michael POWER, was found dead in his bed, being discovered by one of his family who went to call him.


RODGERS-LANNIGAN - At Manuels, Sept 20th by Rev. E;P. ROACH, Mr. Richard J. RODGERS, to Miss Mary LANNIGAN , daughter of J. LANNIGAN, Esq., South Side.

BAGGS-COISH At Chelsea, Sept 5th, Mr. Walter BAGGS, to Miss Evangeline COISH, both of this city.

SHELLEY-O’CONNELL – At Sydney, C.B., on Oct 3rd, by Rev. Fr. CAMPBELL, Mr. John SHELLEY to Elizabeth O’CONNELL, both of Nfld.


ANGEL - On the 11th inst., after a long illness, Richard ANGEL, aged 66 years.

STEELE - Suddenly, on the 26th ult., at Winnipeg, David STEELE, a native of Greenock, Scotland, aged 82 years.

O’BRIEN On Oct 16th, at her father’s residence, 22 Gower St., Bessie O’BRIEN, aged 23 years, and 9 months, daughter of William and Susannah O’BRIEN.

MORTON - At The Parsonage, Bridgewater, N. S. on the 13th inst., Harrie, youngest daughter of the Rev. A.D. and Lillie MORTON.

The Districts

The following appointments were gazetted last week: - Messrs. William H. MONROE (Botwoodville), Robert BATSONE (King’s Point, SW Arm, NDB) and Obed STUCLESS (SW Arm, New Bay, NDB) to be Surveyors of Lumber.

Oct 25, 1904


The funeral of the late Mr. William CLARKE took place on Friday afternoon, being largely attended. The deceased gentleman has passed the “three score years and ten” by six years. We sympathize with the bereaved.

The Districts

Another fatality occurred at the Nova Scotia Company’s mine at Bell Island of Friday, the victim being Michael WALSH, of Caplin Cove. He was working under ground at the “Slope” when the accident happened. The trolley carrying two tons of ore broke from the cable when half way up the grade and the men working it shouted to WALSH to get out of the way. Just then the light on his cap was put out by the draft, and instead of stepping out of the way he placed himself directly in front of the car, and in an instant was mangled in a fearful manner. Messrs. EARLE and CHURCHILL lifted him to the shaft, with life hardly extinct, but on Saturday morning he died.


FRAMPTON -PELLEY – On the 21inst., at 119 Hamilton St., by Rev. W.T. D. DUNN, Mr. Thomas FRAMPTON, of Broad Cove, Smith Sound, TB, to Miss Priscilla PELLEY, of the same place.

BUCKLER-KING - On eh 22nd inst, at the same place, by the same, Mr. Bransfield BUCKLER , to Mrs. Kezia KING, both of this city.

GOLDWORTHY-BAILEY - On the 22nd inst., at the same place, by the same, Mr. Henry George GOLDWORTHY, of Trinity, to Miss Eliza Ann BAILEY, of the same place.

PARRELL-WEEKS - At the Cochrane St. Parsonage, on the 20th inst., by the Rev. Dr. COWPERTHWAITE, Mr. Michael PARRELL to Miss Sarah Jane WEEKS, both of this city.


FURNEAUX - On the 19th, the wife of J.E. FURNEAUX, of a son.


Foote - At Carbonear, on Tuesday, the 18th inst., Mrs. John FOOTE, aged 77 years.

WILLIAMS - On the 21st inst., after a long illness, Selina, wife of John C. WILLIAMS, and daughter of Mr. CANNINGS, aged 31 years, leaving four children.

BURKE - On Oct. 20th, at Logy Bay, after a long illness, Mrs. BURKE, wife of James BURKE aged 54 years.

JOY - At Cambridge, on Wednesday, Oct 5th, Joseph JOY, a native of Catalina, and beloved husband of Mary Murphy. Interment took place after requiem high mass at the Sacred Heart Church in Holly Cross Cemetery, Walden.

RYAN - At Broad Cove, Bonavista Bay, on the 22nd inst., Stephen RYAN, beloved husband of Jane Murphy, aged 71years.

FLYNN - At noon, on Oct 23rd, after a lingering illness, James J. FLYNN, aged 64 years.

HUSSEN - At 9:30 on the 23rd inst. Ralph, beloved son of Bridget and the late Wallis HUSSEN, aged 19 years.

BARNES - On Saturday, William BARNES, aged 78 years.

Nov 1, 1904

The Districts

Judge SEYMOUR was at Botwoodville during the past week, and the foreign sailor belonging to the schooner Stella Delware, who stabbed another from the same ship was fined sixty dollars or six months imprisonment.

A man named Robert BENNETT, aged about 55 years, was killed at Port-aux-Basques on Saturday night. He was an employee of the Reid Company, and while an engine was shunting cars, he got on the pilot. Slipping from his position, the wheels went over one leg, almost severing it. Everything was done for him, but within two hours he has passed away.


BARRETT - At Bay of Islands on Oct 24th, the wife of A.L.BARRETT, of a son.


BUSSEY-COOK - At the Cochrane Parsonage, on the 26th inst., by the Rev. Dr. COWPERTHWAITE, Mr. John BUSSEY, of New Melbourne, to Miss Bertha COOK, of the same place.

TUCKER-TUCKER - On Oct 25th, at the C.of E. Cathedral, by Rev. C. CARPENTER, Robert TUCKER, of Broad Cove, St. John’s West, to Miss Bertha Lily TUCKER second daughter of Thomas TUCKER of Thorburn Road.

SPURDLE-CANNING - At the Gower St Parsonage, On Oct 29th, by Rev. J.L. DAWSON, Mr. George SPURDLE to Mrs. Harriett E. CANNING, of St. John’s.

COX-PEARCY - At the home of Mr. John BRAGG, 48 Long’s Hill, on Oct 30th, by the same, Mr. Charles COX, New Bay, to Mrs. Jessie PEARCEY, Fortune.

COOPER - ABBOTT - At the Gower Street Parsonage, on Oct 31st., by the same, Mr. Edward COOPER, Grates Cove, to Miss Rachel ABBOTT, Bonavista.


WALSH - At Fermeuse, after a short illness, Mary, beloved wife of Nicholas WALSH, and daughter of James RYAN, aged 34 years.

HICKEY - On the 26th ult., Margaret, the beloved wife of Michael HICKEY, youngest daughter of the late John FITZGERALD, butcher, of Cochrane Street.

TOBIN - On the 26th ult., Hilda Mary, beloved child of James and Tryphena TOBIN, aged 9 years.

BUTLER - On the 25th ult., Harriet, beloved wife of John A. BUTLER.

MARTIN - On Oct 6th, after a short illness, John MARTIN, aged 78 years.

MITCHELL - On Cot 27th, after a long and painful illness, Eliza MITCHELL, aged 78 years.

TAYLOR - On the 28th ult., after a long and painful illness, Annie, only surviving daughter of the late Annie and Samuel TAYLOR.

GOULD - At Pouch Cove, on the 27th ult., after a long and painful illness, James GOULD.

Nov 8, 1904


The electric light was turned on the town on Thursday night for the first time. Full connections have not yet been completed. The improvement afforded in the lighting of the shops and the main street is one that we very much appreciated and supplies a long felt want. Such was the appreciation on Thursday night that the event was celebrated by the firing of numerous joy guns which work the echoes of the distant hill.


Emma WHALEN fell a victim to that dreaded disease consumption on Wednesday. She was taken down in the bloom of youth, being 18 years of age. Being a scholar of the Methodist Sunday school here, the members of the said school attended the funeral yesterday. Rev. James NURSE preached a very appropriate sermon.

Wedding Bells

Miss Georgie Sybella CARTER, third daughter of the Mr. George A. and Mrs. HUTCHINGS, was married on Thursday afternoon to Lieut. Arthur Herbert Charles CHESNEY of H.M. S Charybdis, youngest son of the late Colonel Robert and Mrs. Home. ......

The Districts

John ?? GEEHANRA, servant of Sir Robert Bond, was drowned at Whitbourne on Thursday night. He had been out joining in the celebrations in honor of the Liberal victory, and returning to the house must have taken the short way, crossing Junction Pond by the railway track and falling over the embankment in the darkness. Not turning up Friday morning search was made for him and his body was found about 8 yards off the shore lying face down, his feet towards the track. Deceased was about 20 years of age and a native of Topsoil.

It is our painful duty to record the loss of another life as the result of that foolhardy practice of taking chances with locomotives. The affair of Friday night at Port-Aux-Basques adds one more to the list of railway accidents, Robert BENNETT, a man of 55 years of age, an employee of the Reid-Newfoundland Co., at Port-aux-Basques, was walking down the siding when engine No. 100, in charge of driver BROWN, was shunting. BENNETT thought the engine was backing from him and attempted to get on the pilot. There was another man on the pilot, who shouted to BENNETT to get clear of the track, but he slipped under the pilot and the pony trucks struck the unfortunate man, severing one leg near the thigh and breaking it in to places. Those on the engine were horrified at the spectacle and Dr. GRANT was summoned immediately, and did everything possible to alleviate the victim’s sufferings, but he passed away after about two hours of intense suffering. An investigation was held on Saturday before Magistrate SQUARREY, who exonerated the company from all blame. A sorrowing wife and two daughters ware left to mourn the loss of a kind and affectionate husband and father. Western Star.


MCCULEY-ROWELL - At Montreal, on the 26th Oct by the Rev. Fa. M. CALLAGHAN, P.P., St. Patrick’s , Marion Campbell (May), daughter of John H. ROWELL, to Clarence Caleb MCCULLEY, of Chatham, NB.

PAYNE-HALL - At Gower Street Parsonage, on Voe 3rd, by the Rev. J.L. DAWSON, Mr. William PAYNE, Aquaforte, to Miss Maude M.J. HALL, of Bay Bulls.

PEDDINGTON-SCAPELIN - At the Gower St., Parsonage, on Nov 3rd by the Rev. J.L. DAWSON, Mr. Albert Edward PEDDINGTON, of H.M.S. Calypso, to Miss Hannah SCAPELIN, of St. John’s.

BUCKLE-MORIARTY – On the 30th Oct., at the R.C. Cathedral, by the Rev. Archdeacon O’NEIL, Mr. James BUCKLE, of Bonne Esperance, to Miss Mary MORIARTY, Cove Road.


BROCKLEHURST - On Nov 1st after a long illness, Mary Ann, beloved wife of Charles BROCKLEHURST, aged 54 years.

FIELD - On Nov 1st after a short illness, Edith E.C., relict of the late Walter FIELD, aged 38 years.

HEALEY - On Oct 31st, Elizabeth Kavanagh, wife of Henry HEALEY, aged 26 years.

CHAFE - On the 3rd inst., Louisa, beloved wife of Alfred CHAFE.

STRINGER - On the 2nd inst., after a very painful illness, Mary E., beloved wife of Jabez STRINGER.

BENNETT - On Nov. 3rd, after a lingering illness, William G. BENNETT, (shipwright), aged 54 years.

BREEN - On Nov 5th, after a long and painful illness, John, beloved husband of Margaret BREEN, aged 80 years.

Nov 15, 1904


We regret to learn of the death at the age of 21, of Miss Winnie DICKINSON, second daughter of Mr. G. Hl. DICKENSON of this city, and granddaughter of the late Hon. Chas. R. AYRE.

The death of Mr. James HIGGINS, of King’s Road, occurred on Tuesday night. Deceased, who had been unwell for some time, was the father of Mr. W.J. HIGGINS, the well known secretary of the football league.

The marriage of Dr.J.A.CHISHOLM, of Terra Nova, Newfoundland, to Miss Mamie E. BURKE, of Mira, Cape Breton, took place at that place on the 8th inst., Rev. Father KILEY, P.O. Louisburg, performing the ceremony. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Susie BURKE, while Mr. Roderick CHISHOLM, of Providence, R.I. did like services for the groom. After taking dinner at the residence of the bride’s parents, the happy couple left by the Bruce for their future home at Terra Nova.

Mrs. Mary THOMAS, widow of Martin THOMAS, of this city, passed away Monday morning at her home on Summer Street, Ipswich, after an illness of ten months. Mrs. Thomas was born in Newfoundland 64 years ago, Oct 24th. She was married twice, her first husband being Frederick RHODES, of Halifax, NS and the second Martin THOMAS of this city. Both husbands were drowned. Mrs. THOMAS had lived in Ipswich more than twenty years and was respected by all who knew her. Gloucester, Mass. Times.

The following appointments appeared in last week’s Gazette: -....Mr. I. LIDSTONE, to be an additional member of the road Board for Laurencetonwn, District of Twillingate…..

Yesterday’s Herald stated that Mr. H. M. WHITNEY President, and Mr. B.F. PEARSON, Secretary, of the Timber Estates Company, were on their way to the city to complete the papers providing for the transfer of Millertown and adjoining properties to the Harmsworths of London for their pulp enterprise. Mr. W. P. ALLAN, a lawyer representing the Harmsworths, also arrived in the City on Sunday night by the Silvia, and these gentlemen will arrange the transfer. The Herald gives the purchase amount as $500,000, - $460,000 to go to the Timber Estates for their Millertown areas and $40,000 to Messrs. MARTIN Brothers for their land adjoining, which is necessary to complete the area.

George BULGER , of Cottels Island, was drowned at Exploits the past week. With a companion named Abraham CHALK, he was proceeding to his home in his small vessel, and was at the wheel steering, when the boom jibed and BULGER was knocked overboard. Bringing the larger boat up to the wind CHALK jumped into the dingy towing behind and pulled to the drowning man’s assistance, but before he reached him he sank. BULGER was a married man and his wife and four small children survive him.

A message was received in town on Friday from Greenspond, telling of a sad drowning occurrence. Two men, John KELLY, of Deer Island, and Edward MAHER, of Burnt Island, with their wives and two boys were on their way to Hare Island in a boat. While passing through the Swerries, a sudden squall struck her and KELLY was knocked overboard by the boom. MAHER attempted to reach him, overbalanced himself and fell in the sea. The women were unable to render any assistance and both men were drowned before their eyes, and they had to sail the boat to land themselves.


YOUNG-WATSON - At the Manse, Point Pleasant , Bay of Islands, on the 26th Oct, by the Rev. J.M. ALLAN, Mr. Norman YOUNG and Miss Bessie WATSON, both of Corner Brook.

HOGAN-FLEMING - On the 18 Oct, at the RC Cathedral, by the Rev. Archdeacon O’NEIL, Mr. P.J. HOGAN to Miss May FLEMING, niece of the Rev. Fr. FLEMING, Toronto, Canada, both of this city.

MURPHY-WHITTEN - On the 9th inst., in St. Patrick’s Church, by Rev. Dean RYAN, Wm. MURPHY to Grace WHITTEN, both of this city.

BRADBURY-SNOW - On Nov 8th at Gordon LODGE, Harbor Grace, by the Rev. A.W. LEWIS, Jesse BRADBURY to Isabella SNOW, both of Bay Roberts.

NOSEWORTHY-CLARKE: At St. James’ Church, Harbor Grace, On Wednesday evening last, by the Rev. F.W. COLLEY, Walter NOSEWORTY, son of Mr. John NOSEWORTY, of that town, to Sophia, daughter of Mr. John CLARKE, of Carbonear.

BECK-ADAMS - At the home of Mr. Josiah SIMMONDS, 47 William Street, Nov 12th, by Rev. J. L. DAWSON, Mr. Fletcher G. BECK, of Sound Island to Miss Alista Ann ADAMS, of Arnold’s Cove.

TIZZARD - YOUDEN - At the Parsonage, Gower Street, Nov 12th, by Rev. J.L. DAWSON, Mr. Levi TIZZARD, of Old Perlican, to Mrs. Julia Ann YOUDEN, of St. John’s


DOYLE - At St. Bride’s, on Nov 4th inst., Catherine, wife of the late James DOYLE, a native of New Inn, Country Tipperary, Ireland, aged 99 years.

DRODGE - At the home of his parents, 71 Lime Street, on the 8th inst., Azariah DRODGE, aged 15 years.

MURPHY - At St. Joseph’s Academy, Mona Arkansas, Sister M. DeSales (Bride), eldest daughter of Edward and Catherine MURPHY, of this city, aged 26 years.

HOPKINS - At Heart’s Content, on the 4th inst., after a long illness, Jonathan, youngest son of the late Richard HOPKINS, aged 53 years.

HIGGINS - On Nov 9th, after a long illness, James HIGGINS, aged 59 years.

CULLMORE - After a lingering illness, there passed peacefully away at 4 o’clock, on Nov 10th, Maggie CULLMORE, aged 25 years.

MCGRATH - On Nov 11th, after a short illness, Edward W. MCGRATH (shoemaker) aged 32 years.

BURKE - On Nov 11th, after a long and painful illness, John BURKE, aged 63 years.

MALONE - On the 11th inst Francis MALONE, aged 77 years.

WALLACE - At Cambridge, Mass., on the 5th inst., James WALLACE, late of this city.

MURPHY - At Broad Cove, on the 6th inst., after a short illness, Margaret, beloved wife of Edward MURPHY, aged 35 years.

BROWN - At Bell Isle, on the 3rd inst., Annie, beloved wife of James BROWN.

COOPER - On the 11th inst., after a long illness, John COOPER, aged 64 years.

DUNN - On Nov 13th, Edward VINCENT, aged two months, infant child of William and Catherine DUNN.

SCOTT - yesterday morning, John SCOTT, a native of Saltcoats, Ayrshire, Scotland.

HAYES - On Nov 13th after a short illness, Mary, beloved wife of the late Michael HAYES.

BECK - Yesterday morning after a long illness, Mary , beloved wife of James J. BECK, aged, 30 years, a native of Ferryland.

Nov 22, 1904


Nov 21st St. Patrick’s church was yesterday the scene of a very pretty wedding. At 4 o’clock the building was nearly filled by visitors who assembled to witness the interesting event which united the lives and fortunes of two of our young and esteemed citizens. Mr. Wm. HOGAN and Miss Bride MCGRATH. The ceremony was performed by Rev. F.D. MCCARTHY. ......


The death of Mrs. Bertha LESEMAN, wife of the late Capt. H.G. LESEMAN, occurred at her residence, Duckworth St, on Friday night. The deceased lady who was a daughter of the late Mr. F.W. BOWDEN, had been suffering from consumption for some time past, and her demise was not unexpected.

Miss MANEUL, of Exploits, returned from a pleasant trip to the US last week. She had been staying with friends at New York, and Washington, Penn., the home of Norman DUNCAN whose Newfoundland stories are world famous. Mr. DUNCAN’s last book, “Dr. LUKE of the Labrador” has just been issued, and has met with much success. During his visit to this country two years ago, Mr. DUNCAN spent a great part of his time at the home of Mr. Josiah MANUEL at Exploits.

The Districts

A young man named PIKE was drowned at Channel on Saturday. It is said he was subject to fainting fits, and while on Clements & Co’s wharf he was attacked by one of them and fell overboard. A brother of his was drowned at Sydney, about three months ago.

Wilson FARROTT, of Scillly Cove, was recently drowned off Turk’s Cove. While returning with two relatives, John and Augustus PARROTT, in a large punt from Heart’s Content with a load of lumber, a heavy squall struck them off Turk’s Cove and the boat was upset. Wilson sank out of sight immediately, and is supposed he was struck by the lumber, but the other men held on to the boat until they were rescued by the people form the cove. An effort was made to get the body but without success.


PARSONS - On the 4th inst., the wife of Mr. Samuel PARSONS foreman at Wood’s Candy Factory, of a daughter.

TAVERNER - On the 18th inst., a son to Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin TAVERNER.

CHAFE – On Saturday, Nov 19th inst., a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. S.G. CHAFE.


HOWLETT - DOYLE - On the 13th, at the residence of the bride, by the Rev. W. JACKMAN, Wm. M. HOWELLTT to Rose, daughter of the late Peter DOYLE.

PARSON-MARTIN - At the Methodist Parsonage, Harbor Grace, on the 15th inst, by Rev. James PINCOCK, Edgar PARSON, of Ochre Pit Cove, to Clara MARTIN, daughter of Abraham MARTIN, of this town.


SLATTERY - On Nov 15th after a long illness, Bridget Mary, wife of James SLATTERY, aged 68 years.

DICKINSON - Passed peacefully away, on Monday evening, Nov 14th, 1904, Lena Winifred, second daughter of ? Gustavus H. And Selina DICKINSON, aged 21 years.

RYAN - On Nov ?15th, after a short illness, Margaret, the beloved wife of Thomas RYAN, aged 38 years.

MUNN - on the 15th inst., at Harbor Grace, John Falconer, only son of Norman and Martha MUNN, aged 3 mos.

MURPHY - On ? 1st, of consumption, Annie, daughter of Margaret and the late John MURPHY, aged ? 22 years.

COX - Suddenly Thursday Nov 17th, Mr. Peter COX, aged ?? 68 years, a native of Devonshire, England.

Murphy - At Broad Cove, Renews, Nov 6th, after a short illness, Margaret, the beloved wife of Edward MURPHY, aged 36 years.

LESEMAN - On the ???? inst., after a protracted illness, Bertha E. LESEMAN, aged 33 years.

GUZZWELL - On the 20th inst., James GUZZWELL, son of John and Catherine GUZZWELL, aged 30 years.

GALWAY - On Sunday evening, at 8:30 pm after a long illness, Margaret Ann (Maggie), youngest daughter of the late William and Ellen GALWAY.

BYRNE - On Nov ??/ at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Catherine ?????, Washington St., Boston, Mass., Mrs. Catherine J. BYRNE, aged 52 years.

KAVANAUGH - On Nov 29th, Elizabeth, wife of Patrick KAVANAUGH, aged ?? 39 years.

MCDONALD - On the 28th inst., after a long illness, Winnifred ?????, aged 36 years, beloved wife of Daniel MACDONALD, engineer of s.s. John Green.

Nov 29, 1904

Tilt Cove

Nov 25th - The copper ore steamers have been busy up to the present time taking away the ore. Only one steamer is now due this fall and the output for the year closes. The year’s export of mineral closes with some thousands of tons shipped in excess of last year. The company is to be congratulated on its success, and especially on the freedom from accidents in connection with mining.

Mr.John MANUEL, of Jackson’s Cove came by Clyde , accompanied by a fair damsel from Rouge Harbour, NW Arm. The report that he is to take back a bride is assumed to be fairly correct. We wish Mr. MANUEL much happiness.


Nov 28th - The wedding of Mr. William MULLINS, a well known young man, of this town , to Miss Mary KEOUGH of Bay-de-Verde, took pace on Saturday evening, the ceremony being performed by Rev. F. D. MCCARTHY.


A short time since death visited the home of one of our respected neighbors here and claimed a victim in the person of John B. HENNESSEY. Deceased had been ailing for some time hence death did not come unexpectedly. Much sympathy is felt for the friends, who are mourning his early demise as he had scarcely attained his 26th year.


Nov 22, 1904 - It is with regret I have to report the death of Mrs. BRAZIL, the aged mother of Mr. Benjamin BRAZIL, Customs officer of this place. Mrs. BRAZIL only recently left Harbour Grace, where she had lived throughout her life, in order to spend her declining days with her son. In the first week of November she said to her daughter-in-law “I’ll lie down for a moment or two for I don’t feel properly well.” The minutes became prolonged into days and one week later at the ripe age of 82, she “fell on sleep.”.........


The funeral of the late William PIKE who was drowned on Saturday last took place on Monday. The S.U.P. of which deceased was a member, attended in full regalia.

The districts

The wedding of Mr. A.G. Sutton, of the Daily News typographical staff and Miss Phoebe J. MOORE took place at the C.E. Cathedral on Thursday night, the ceremony being performed by Rev. H.V. WHITEHOUSE.........

The districts

The Virginia Lake brought the news of the drowning of a lad named DYSON, at spotted Islands, while out shooting sea birds. In some way he must have upset his boat, and the finding of her bottom up, was the first knowledge his friends had of the accident. The body was afterwards recovered with jiggers.

Little Eleanor May, the six year old daughter of Mr. Leander DROVER, was drowned at Witless Bay, on Thursday week last. She was playing by her home after a light fall of snow, and in some way must have fallen into the water, for when she was found to be missing a search was made, her body was discovered some distance down the river, caught under the bridge.

Frederick LINEHAM, of Salmonier, was drowned at that place on the 18th inst. The accident occurred through the unfortunate man upsetting a dory, which was being towed by a schooner. LINEHAM managed to climb on the bottom of the dory, but a skiff which was also in tow of the schooner ran up and swept him off. The men in the schooner did their utmost to rescue him, but as there was only one oar in the boat they could not reach him quickly enough to save him. The body was recovered next day.

A drowning fatality occurred at Hant’s Harbor on Tuesday last, by which Henry RYAN, aged 60, and John RYAN, aged 23, his nephew, lost their lives. With William and Parkins HARRIS and John DIAMOND they went to the fishing rounds that morning and through some mishap overturned their boat. Another boat with Charles BROWN and Willis MARCH of Lance Cove was near at the time and they managed to get to the scene of the disaster in time to save the lives of the three latter men. The occurrence has cast a gloom over the town. The older man RYAN is survived by a widow and 11 children. The younger man was unmarried. Their bodies have not been recovered.


GOOBY - On the 22nd inst., a son to Mr. and Mrs. W.P. GOOBY.

TAYLOR - On the 27th inst., a son to Mr. and Mrs. Michael TAYLOR


FLYNN - CAREW - On the 21st inst., at the residence of the bride’s mother, by the Rev. Dr. O’REILLY, John FLYNN, of St. John’s, to Mary A. CAREW of Salmonier.

CANDOW-SELLARS - At St. Paul’s Church, on Tuesday, 15th inst., by the Rev. Canon NOEL, Robert CANDOW, of Tickle Cove, BB to Emily eldest daughter of Mr. Thomas SELLARS of Harbor Grace.

GIBBONS-NOSEWORTHY - At the Gower Street Methodist Parsonage, on the 21st inst., by the Rev .J.L. DAWSON, Mr. Baxter GIBBONS, to Miss Annie NOSEWORTHY.

MARTIN - BARTON - At the RC Cathedral, on Sunday, by the Rev. Archdeacon O’NEIL, Mr. Henry MARTIN, to Miss Mary BARTON, of the Goulds.

PENNEY-PITMAN - On the 15th inst., at the chapel of Sacred Heart, St. Kyran’s, by the very Rev. W.P. DOUTNEY, Mary Elizabeth, oldest daughter of P. PENEY, Esq., of ??Clattieeto James PITMA, of ? Challoners, Paradise Sound.

SQUIRES - FLYNN - On the 15th by the very Rev. W. P. DOUTNEY, Mr. William SQUIRES of Petit Forte, to Mary Ann, daughter of the late Nicholas FLYNN, of St. Anne’s, Placentia West.

WICHAM-KENNA - At St. Patrick’s Church, on the 23rd ult., by the Rev. Dean RYAN, Mr. Martin WICKHAM to Miss Katie KENNA, formerly of Fogo.


MOULTON- At Calgary, Alberta, Canada, on Nov 10th 1904 of typhoid fever, Maggie Ann, dearly beloved wife of J.C. MOULTON, and eldest daughter of the late W.H. PIPPY of St. John’s, NFLD.

JERRETT - At Slough, England, on Nov 1st, Geo. C. JERRETT, aged 72 years, a native of Devonshire, England.

CADWELL - On Nov 21st, after a short illness, Eliza Jane, beloved wife of James CADWELL, aged 43 years.

LESHANA - On the 21st inst., of convulsions, Charles J. infant son of William and Mabel G. LESHANA, aged 6 months.

FORRISTALL - At London, Ontario, Thomas, son of the late Gregory FORRISTALL, of this city, aged 48 years.

JOHNSON - On the 23rd inst., after a lingering illness, Susannah JOHNSON, aged 72 years.

DROVER - Drowned at Witless Bay, Trinity Bay, On Thursday, 17th inst., Eleanor Mary, eldest daughter of Charlotte and Leander DROVER, aged 6 years.

POWER – On the 23rd inst., John M., only and beloved son of James and Bride POWER, aged 8 months.

HOWLETT - On the 25th inst., after a long and painful illness, Robert HOWLETT, aged 75 years.

HARTERY - Suddenly, on the 24th inst., Lizzie May, oldest daughter of Capt. E. and Mrs. HARTERY, aged 3 1/2.

BYRNE - On Nov 27th, after a long illness, Ellen, daughter of John and Mary BYRNE.

CHIDLEY - At South Boston, Nov 16th , Elizabeth, beloved wife of the late John CHIDLEY, of St. John’s, Newfoundland.

KEELS - On the 27th inst. After a lingering illness, Margaret, eldest daughter of Michael and the late Ellen KEELS, aged 20 years.

Dec 6,1904


Dec 5 - The funeral of the late John PIKE of the Southside whose death occurred after a very brief illness, was attended on Monday by the OOA. Interment took place at the Methodist cemetery.


James AYLWARD, of Petty Harbour Road, was found dead in the stable of his brother-in-law on Sunday morning, He had been in town on Saturday making some purchases and shortly after dark left for home with his brother-in-law, a man named BREENAN, who gave him a lift in an express. He had been drinking heavily in the city, and when he arrived at his brother-in-laws he asked to be allowed to lie down in the stable. His request was granted, and no fear was felt for him On Sunday morning when the man went to call him he was cold in death. Deceased was about 40 years of age and his death is attributed to heart failure.

The schooner, Beta, Capt. MITCHEM, arrived from Trinity on Saturday afternoon and reported the loss of the captain’s son , a fine lad of 17 years, by drowning......The deceased was a promising lad and a native of New Perlican.


ELLIS- at Aldersyde, Georges Brook, Trinity Bay, on Nov 8th, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Elim ELLIS.


SCOTT-TIZZARD - At Gower Street Methodist Parsonage, on the 29th inst., by the Rev. J. L. DAWSON, Mr. James Banks SCOTT, to Miss Emily Sarah TIZZARD, both of St. John’s,.

KING-BRYANT - At 74 Flower Hill, on the 29th inst., by the Rev. J. L. DAWSON, Mr. Thomas KING, of Catalina, to Miss Martha BRYANT, of St. John’s.


GARDNER - At Groals Island, after a short illness, Julia, the beloved wife of Anthony Gardner, aged 54 years.

JEFFERS - On 29th, after a tedious illness, Jessie, relict of the late Thomas JEFFERS, aged 59 years.

COLLINS - On the 1st inst., after a long and painful illness, Catherine Alice (Kitty), darling child of James J. and Bridet COLLINS, aged 8 years and 1 month.

FORSEY - At Mexico City, USA, on Nov 28th, Eugene, aged 35 years, son of Magistrate Geo. R. FORSEY, of Grand Bank.

ROWE - At Heart’s Content, on the 26th ult., Solomon ROWE, aged 77 years.

POWER - At Torbay, on Nov 29th after a short illness, Catherine, aged 76 years, relict of the late Mogue POWER.

HUIE - On the 2nd inst. Wm H. HUIE, aged 76 years.

LACEY - Suddenly, of heart failure, at Torbay, Mrs. Jas. LACEY, aged 80 years.

WILLETT - On Dec 2nd, Irene Thelma, infant child of John H. and the late E.J. WILLETT, aged 1 year and 10 months.

MARSHALL - On Dec 3rd of pneumonia, Thos. MARSHALL (mason) aged 44 years.

BAMBRICK – On the 3rd inst., Samuel Leo, infant son of Samuel and Mary BAMBRICK, aged 11 months.

VETT - At Roxbury, Mass., on Nov 22nd, Frederick George, son of the late Capt. Wm. VETT, of this city aged 35 years.

AYLWARD - Suddenly, on the 3rd inst., at his residence, Kilbride, John, eldest son of Redmond and the late Margaret AYLWARD, aged 42 years.

TIBBO - Yesterday morning, after a short illness, John TIBBO, aged 74 years.

MANNIGNS - Yesterday morning, Augustus, son of Constable and Bridget MANNING, aged 8 months.

CURTAIN - Yesterday morning, Daniel CURTAIN, aged 72 years.

Dec 13, 1904


Dec 7, 1904 - There have been three deaths from typhoid fever in the family of Fred KEATS at Eastern Tickle within the last few weeks. The daughter, a young woman of about 23 died about five weeks ago, two young men were down were fever shortly after and one of these died, while on Sunday last the father a man off sixty five passed away. Much sympathy is felt for the family which has been unbroken until these sudden and successive losses.

Herring Neck

Dec 7, 1904 - A very pretty wedding took place yesterday at St. Mary’s Church when Mr. A.H. HOLWELL led to the altar Miss Florence STUCKLESS, Rev. R.F. MERCER performing the ceremony. The bride was attired in a costume of cream nun’s veiling and hat to match. She was attended by her sister, Miss Annie STUCKLESS, Miss S. HOLWELL and Miss NEWMAN, while Mr. Claude HOLWELL and Mr. Louis HYDE supported the groom. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. Henry STUCKLESS. They were the recipients of many valuable and useful presents. The large circle of friends of the contracting parties wish them many years of happiness. Correspondent.

Alexander Bay

The wedding of Mr. Josiah HOWELL, of New Town, and Mrs. Maria GEANGE, of this place, took place on Monday last, at the home of the bride’s brother, by the Rev. Mr. CODLING. Mrs. GEANGE was left a widow about twelve years ago by the late Samuel GEANGE. She deserves much credit for the way in which she brought up her family of four children without a father to care for them. Mrs. GEANGE will be much missed by her many friends here. She was superintendent of the Sunday School for several years. She also held a class meeting once a week for the young at her own home. We wish her all the happiness that this world can give her in her new home.

Shot Himself

Patrick MADEN, of Maddox Cove, was the victim of a shooting accident on Tuesday last, which resulted in his death a few hours afterwards………....MADDEN was but 22 years of age and was the principal support of his widowed mother and seven younger brothers and sisters.

The Late William BLACKLER - Early yesterday morning there passed away one of the most aged and deservedly esteemed resident of the Southside of St. John’s. Mr. William BLACKLER, who was a native of Ipplepen, Devonshire, came to Newfoundland 73 years ago, last May, as asan apprentice to the firm of J.B.BULLER. He was then a lad of 12 years. After arriving at the age of manhood he became head scooper for McBride & Keer, occupying the position for some years, and _____ establishing himself as a planter. For some years now he has retired from the activities of life. A few weeks ago he fell ill, and the machinery of life ran slowly down until on yesterday morning when this aged patriarch entered rest. ........Mr. BLACKLER leaves one daughter, Mrs. Edward WARREN, of the Southside, and one son, Mr. William H. BLACKLER, who until some two years ago, was a prominent and successful member of the Chicago Board of Trade, but who resigned his various connections in to be with his aged father during his declining days.

Dec 13, 1904


Pike - On Dec 1st, a so to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. PIKE

SNOW - On the 5th inst., a son to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac SNOW


LESTER-RUBY - At the Goulds, on the 7th inst, by the Rev. H.K. WOODWARD, RM. Fred LESTER, to Miss Gladys V. RUBY, youngest daughter of S. Ruby, Esq.


BLACKLER - Yesterday morning, William BLACKLER, aged 87 years, a native of Ipplepen, Devon, England. Funeral tomorrow Wednesday at 2:30 pm form his residence, Southside.

McGRATH - At Patrick’s Cove, on Dec 4th after a long illness, Bernard D., beloved son of Richard and Mary J. MCGRATH, aged 26 years.

PETRIE - On Sunday morning Dec 1st, Robert BOND, darling child of C.P. and Elizabeth PETRIE, aged 6months aged two weeks.

CORNICK - On Dec ??th of convulsions, Emma P., child of H.J. And Phoebe CORNICK, aged 3 ½ years.

KELLY - On Nov 15th , at S.E. Arm, Great Placentia, John KELLY, aged 67 years.

WILLIAMS - At Goulds, Bay Bulls Road, on the 3rd inst., John Thornton WILLIAMS, aged 61 years.

GULLAGE - On Dec 8th, Hazel, darling child of James and Susannah GULLAGE, aged 3 years and 4 months.

BISHOP - On the 7th inst., after a long and painful illness, Ann, relict of the late Emmanuel BISHOP, aged 84 years.

Dec 20, 1904

Man killed by engine

Frederick BUCKINGHAM, of 62 Bartnes Road, a labourer at the Reid-Newfoundland Co.’s Railway yard, met with an accident on Thursday evening which cost him his left. He was conveying a bucket of coal and some kindling to a passenger car, and while crossing track No. 3, on which the baby engine was backing up slowly, he slipped and feel. Before he could recover himself the tender of the engine was upon him and the hind wheel went over his left leg just above the knee...........BUCKINGHAM seemed quite cheerful after the operation, but he could not stand against the great loss of blood, and at 2 a.m. Friday he passed away. He was an Englishman by birth, and had fought in the Boer War. A wife and two small children survive him.


The death of Mrs. MCGRATH, wife of Richard MCGRATH, Esq, Stipendiary Magistrate at Oderin, P.B. occurred on Tuesday last. The deceased lady was most highly esteemed, and many will mourn her demise. Her husband, two son, Capt. J. W. MCGRATH, of Brooklyn, NY and Mr. R. T. MCGRATH, and several daughters survive he, for whom profound sympathy will be felt.

Mr. George BLACKEM, who has kept a fruit and grocery store on Water Street for many years, died suddenly last night.....Mr. BLACKEM was bout 70 years old, and is survived by his widow.

The districts

A lad named MACKEY, son of Edward MACKEY of Burnt Cove, NDB was killed near that place on the 7th inst., with a companion he had gone in the country for a load of wood and a large tree which he was cutting down fell on him pinning him to the ground. The boy who was with him ran for assistance, but by the time he returned, MACKEY was dead.

Baie Verte mine was the scene of a terrible accident about ten day ago. Some dynamite having been left on an ore heap after a round of holes had been fired, one of the workmen who were loosening the ore struck the explosive with his pick, and a deafening explosion followed, resulting in the death of two workmen and the permanent injury of three others. The dead are William MOORES, married, and William WALKER single, the later being a nephew of Rev. Father WALKER, and a native of Brigus. The injured are Patrick LANE, Daniel HYNES and Benjamin HEATH. All three were terribly inured, and it is feared that the former will permanently lose his sight. Dr. CHISHOLM is attending them.


CURNEW - At Belloram, on the 5th inst., a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. F. CURNEW.

FANNING - On Dec 11th, a son to William T. and Kate FANNING.

HUESTIS - On Dec 16th the wife of Harry E.HUESTIS, of a daughter


RYAN-RYAN - At Aquaforte, on Nov 24th , by the Rev. Father VEREKER, Mr. Richard RYAN, to Miss Agnes RYAN, both of that place.

FRENCH-PARSONS - At the Methodist Parsonage Harbour Grace, on the 13th inst., Richard FRENCH to Annie PARSONS both of Bay Roberts.

LESUEUR-KNIGHTLEY - At Grimsby, Lincolnshire, on the 23rd ult, Charles, second son of P. LESUEUR, Esq, of St. Helier’s, Jersey, to Winnifred Julia, second daughter of the late Major KNIGHTLEY, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.


THOMEY - At Harbor Grace, on the 13th inst., after a long illness, Ellen, wife of Kennedy THOMEY, aged 67 years.

LAMBE - At Freshwater road, on the 12th inst., James Michael, darling and only beloved son of James and Alice LAMBE, aged 8 years.

POWER - At Halifax, on Nov 27th, John, dearly beloved son of Mary and the late John POWER, aged 36 years, a native of St. John’s, Newfoundland.

COOMBS - On Wednesday, Dec 14th , after a long illness, Mary Ann, beloved wife of Joseph COOMBS, and daughter of Jean and the late Jonathan NOSEWORTHY, aged 28 years.

TOUCHER - On the 15th inst., at Fort Amherst, after a short illness, Margaret (Maggie) TOUCHER.

SAVAGE - on the 16th inst., after a long illness, Coleman J. SAVAGE, aged 30 years.

HEALEY - On the 16th inst., after a long illness, Ellen Williams, the beloved wife of Michael HEALEY, aged 35 years.

Dec 28, 1904


On Friday the 23rd inst., the funeral of the late Mercer ANTLE took place here. The deceased met his death while working in connection with a mine out in the Rocky Mountains. The body at the request of friends was sent on here.......


The marriage of Mr. Gilbert LEGROW of Broad Cove to Miss VATCHER of Freshwater, took place at the Methodist Church at the latter place on Wednesday. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. T.H. JAMES.


KYFFIN – FREEMAN - JEFFS - On the 7th inst., T, KYFFIN FREEMAN, to Alice , daughter of the late Edward James JEFFS, Councilor of the Borough of Brighton.

MANSFIELD - WEBB - On May 2nd, j1904 at Bakerfield, California, Mr. John MANFIELD, of this city, to Miss Maud WEBB, of Bakerfield.


LAWRENCE - On the 21st inst., a daughter to Mr. And Mrs. James LAWRENCE.

VEY - At Fortune, on the 16th inst., the wife of George VEY, Preventive Officer of H.M. Customs of a daughter.


Lamb - At the General Hospital, on Sunday afternoon, after a protracted illness, Mr. Dr. Walter LAMB.

PELLEY - Passed peacefully away at George’s Brook, on Dec 2nd, Mary, relict of the late John PELLEY, aged 89 years.

RYAN - on the 26th inst., Capt. John RYAN, aged 89 years.

MERCER - On the 14th inst., at their son’s residence, Harvey Street, Harbor Grace, Ann, widow of John MERCER, formerly of Upper Island Cove, aged 90 years.

TAYLOR - On the 19th inst., at Harbor Grace after a short illness, Henry ___ TAYLOR, eldest son of the late Henry and Ann Eliza Taylor, aged 31 years.

GILLARD - Suddenly, of heart disease, on the train, from East Orange, NJ, to New York, on the 5th October, Thomas S.GILLARD, son of the late George GILLARD, formerly of Harbor Grace, aged 56 years.

PASHER - On the 23rd inst., at Harbor Grace, after a long illness, Thomas PASHER, son of Herbert PASHER, aged 27 years.

DEADY - On Dec 22nd, Thomas DEADY, aged 72 years.

FOLEY - on the 22nd inst. Minnie, beloved daughter of Margaret and the late James FOLEY, aged 20 years.

MURRAY - On the 22nd inst., after a short illness, Martin MURRAY, aged 66 years

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