NFGenWeb Directory Data

Fortune Bay ~ 1904 McAlpines Directory

Harbour Breton District - Town of Harbour Briton

This file was photocopied from the A. C. Hunter Library, St. John's by Bonnie Hickey and then transcribed by JOHN STARRETT, November 1999. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors.

ADAME REV. P.F. Roman Catholic
Angot Joseph fisherman
Ashford George do
Ashford Thos W do
Ashford Thomas do
Ashford Charles R do
Buglar James carpenter
Bullen John fisherman
Boyce John carpenter
Bartlett Geo E police constable
Brushett Wilson fisherman
Crant Robert do
Chapman Benjamin inspector of weights and measures
Cox John fisherman
Cox William do
Cox Abraham do
Cox Joseph do
Cox John Thos do
Cox George do
Cox Thomas do
Coady Hugh general dealer
Gabriel H bookke per
Porter W storekeeper
Chapman John fisherman
Chapman George do
Chapman Henry do
Chapman Jacob do
Cox Edward do
Day John do
Day Abraham do
Day Henry do
Day James do
Dollard Richard laborer
Doyle John lineman
Dolimount Henry fisherman
Dolimount Smith carpenter
Fitzgerald Conrad physician
Fudge Nathaniel sea captain
Foote Emanuel laborer
GREENHAM REV. E.G. Church of England
Herrott John fisherman
Hunt Charles do
Hunt James do
Hardy Henry cooper
Hardy Richard do
Hally Peter fireman
Henry Elliott mgr H. & B. Trading Co.
Werrall A E clerk
Hally John laborer
Hansford William do
Hearn Richard seaman
Hearn Patrick do
Hubert Philip stip magistrate
Jensen George laborer
Jensen Jacob fisherman
Jensen John C do
Jensen Wm W do
Jensen Isaac general dealer
Jensen John fisherman
Jensen Thos F do
Jensen Albert lighthouse kpr
Jervis Thos fisherman
Keeping Jn, of James do
Keeping John, of Wm do
Legge Thomas do
McDonald Michael sr laborer
McDonald William do
McDonald Thomas do
McDonald Mich jr, of W do
Marsh Edward do
Molloy John do
Molloy Richard do
Molloy John T do
Neil Peter do
Harbour Briton Trading Co (H. Elliott, manager).
Pearce Thos South Side, general dealer
Perry Henry fisherman
Perry James do
Perry Frederick do
Payne Nicholas B carpenter
Pettis Charles laborer
Rose Eli do
Rideout Robert do
Strickland Saml fisherman
Strickland John W do
Strickland George do
Strickland John, of Wm do
Strickland Wm do
Strickland Jn, of Robt do
Strickland Henry do
Strickland Jn, of John do
Skinner John Robt do
Skinner Henry do
Skinner Richd do
Skinner Wm, of Abra do
Skinner Wm, of Matt do
Stewart John do
Stone Susan wid)
Stone Dinah (wid)
Stone Joseph fisherman
Sibley James blacksmith
Smith John general dealer
Dike M G clerk
Skinner Cornelius fisherman
Simms Jacob captain
Sodero Jos W tel operator
Thompson W, of Richd fish'man
Thompson Edward carpenter
Thompson Wm, of Ed gen dealer
Thompson Francis fisherman
Thompson Richard do
Thompson Clement do

© 1999 John Starrett & NL GenWeb