NL GenWeb

Fortune Bay Region - Lovell's Directory 1871

Harbour Breton District ~ Brunet

BRUNET - An island at the entrance of Fortune Bay, district of Fortune Bay. On Mercer's head on this island is situated a lighthouse. It exhibits a powerful flashing white light, and attains its greatest brilliancy every ten seconds. It burns at an elevation of 408 feet above the level of the sea, and in clear weather may be seen at a distance of 35 miles. Distant from Harbor Breton by boat 4 miles. Mail fortnightly. Population 80.

Barnstable James fisherman
Douglas James fisherman
Galton James planter
Hillier Thomas fisherman
Nurse Richard fisherman
Price James planter
Price John fisherman
Price Robert fisherman
Scott George, jun. fisherman
Scott George, sen. planter
Sparrow Martin
Thornhill William merchant

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