NFGenWeb Crown Land Grant Index

Fortune Bay Region - Harbour Breton District

St. John's Harbour


The index and document file was rebuilt after many records were destroyed in the great St. John's fire in the 1890's. Some records are missing completely and others are duplicated. The Re-reg. and Orig-reg. notes in the info column refer to this. Look at all the records in a District or Region as many of these landowners had pieces of land in several areas, not just the town you know your family came from.

The address to write to for copies of the actual Crown Land Grants is:

Department of Gov't Services and Lands
Lands Branch
POB 8700
St. John's, Nfld. A1B 4J6
Tel: (709) 729-3085

In. P# - Index Page; Ac. = Acres; R. = ?; P. = ? (appear to be surveyor codes)

The information was transcribed by CHERYL McGREGOR ~ November 2001. While I have tried to be careful, there could be errors - my errors, interpretive errors or errors existing in the actual document. 

Register Date Name Area

P# No. Vol Fol

Ac. R. P. Plan Loc. or Other Info

4350 26 33 5/31/1881 James Vallis of Coomb's Cove 1 0 0

4853 30 41 2/1/1884 William Lambert 2 3 35
Two Lots

6134 37 132 4/3/1890 James Lambert 3 1 8
Two Lots. Sec. 12 C.L.A. 1884

11508 74 77 12/27/1907 Mary Jane Drake, Coombs Cove 2 3 13

Name Description of Error My Name

© 2001 Cheryl McGregor & NL GenWeb