Transcribed by C. HAYNES from microfilm
reels at LDS Center
While I have endeavored to be as
correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors
Petition of John Rose - Estate of George Rose |
To the Honourable the Supreme Court or one of the Honourable Judges thereof. The Petition of John Rose of Jersey Harbor, District of Fortune Bay, Newfoundland, Planter. Humbly Sheweth that Your Petitioner’s Father, George Rose, late of Jersey Harbor, aforesaid Planter, died on the Tenth day of February 1885 at Jersey Harbor aforesaid without having made a will leaving heirs. Surviving Your Petitioner’s Mother, Margaret Rose, Your Petitioner and one Brother Richard all at present of Jersey Harbor aforesaid, and one daughter Elizabeth who married one John Snook of Sagona in said District Planter by whom she had one Daughter now aged Eight years. The Said Elizabeth Snook being now deceased. And at the time of his decease the Estate of the Said George Rose within the jurisdiction of your Honourable Court, did not exceed the Sums of Fifteen Hundred Dollars in value. That no letters of Administration of the Said George Rose’s Estate have been granted. Your Petitioner humbly prays that letters of Administration of Said Estate be granted to him and as in duty bound will pray. The Thirty first day of December
A.D. 1898.
(On another page)
Supreme Court
John Rose of Jersey Harbor aforesaid, Planter, the Petitioner named in the foregoing petition maketh oath and faith that the Matters and things therein contained are just and true to the best of deponents? knowledge and belief. John Rose Sworn before me at Jersey
R.?T.? Lorarey?
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