NL GenWeb

Newspaper Transcriptions

Daily News

MISC. News Tidbits 1941
(Items pertaining to Notre Dame Bay & Central Newfoundland)

The records were transcribed by JOHN BAIRD & SUE O'NEILL. Formatted by GEORGE WHITE. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors


JANUARY 22: Admiralty announced loss of destroyer “Hyperion” by torpedo. Seamen Edwin C Cake, David J. Gosse, John Hart, Charles Moores, of St. John’s; Seamen Timothy Gosse of Grand Falls and ordinary Seaman James Sheppard, Hr. Grace, reported killed in action.

MARCH 5: Rev. A. E. Adams native of Notre Dame Bay, appointed Chaplain with Royal Canadian Air Force.

MARCH 12: Royal Air Force resumes attack on Berlin. German planes over Great Britain. Liverpool longest raid of war; 4 German planes brought down. 5 Newfoundland seamen, Mervil Charles Kennedy, Kelligrews, Wm. Mercer, Upper Is. Cove, Donald D. Snow of Bay Roberts, Allan McKinnon, St. Andrew’s, Ralph H. Luff, Bishop’s Falls, reported Missing.


FEB 5, 1941:

The Twillingate Sun states that the Bay is now full of slob ice. The Southwest wind carried off the field of ice, but ice formed quickly two weeks ago, with the temperature below zero. Seals were not numerous this season, and there has been trouble setting nets since the slob ice in the Bight. Several herring were netted however, and one bedlamer was captured alive. — Twillingate Sun.

Mr. William Smith of Lobster Harbor, had the misfortune to loose his store recently when fire destroyed it and all its contents, which included winter provisions, nets and other fishing property. — Twillingate Sun

A Chinaman from Bishop’s Falls was before Magistrate Hollett at Grand Falls last week, for selling over-proof beer. When analyzed, it showed 3.3 per cent alcohol by volume. A fine of $10 was imposed. In another case of a similar nature, the analysis showed 7.30 per cent, and a fine of $10 was also imposed.

The death occurred at Grand Falls, last week, of Mrs. Katherine YOUDEN, aged 86 years. The remains were taken to Torbay for interment and were accompanied by Mr. John P. Molloy. — Grand Falls Advertiser.

A Soldier serving in the Grand Falls area was before Magistrate Hollett last week, charged with stealing a radio from a home in Windsor. He was fined $50 or two months with hard labor.

FEBRUARY 25 1941:


Sir Frederick Banting, Two Members Of Crew Killed; Trappers Rush To Aid Pilot.

Sir Frederick Banting became World Famous By Discovery Of Insulin

Was Winner Of Nobel Prize For Medical Research And Received Knighthood on June 4th, 1934

(By Canadian Press)

OTTAWA, Feb. 24. — Sir Frederick Grant Banting, M.C., K.B.E., F.R.C.S. Medical Research Worker, Surgeon and Painter, was known throughout the world for his discovery of the insulin treatment for diabetes, in collaboration with Dr. J.B. MacLeod and Dr. Charles H. Best, of the University of Toronto. Lives of thousands of persons were saved by the treatment they developed.

Dr. Banting, credited with being the leader in experiments that resulted in development of the insulin treatment, received honors from many lands, including the Nobel Prize for Medicine, awarded jointly with Dr. MacLeod in 1923, the year after the discovery. Knighthood was bestowed on Dr. Banting in the King’s Birthday Honors published June 4, 1934.

Few Scientists receive such speedy and enthusiastic recognition for their discoveries as Dr. Banting. His finding that use of pancreatic hormones helped diabetes suffers, was greeted at first with considerable doubt by Medical Authorities, but its speedy and undoubted benefits won it general acceptance.

Medical men in many Countries hailed the young Canadian discovery as the greatest since those of Pasteur. The Canadian Government granted him an annuity of $7,500 to enable him to pursue an uninterrupted program of research. Honors heaped on Dr. Banting following announcement of his discovery, failed to affect his sense of loyalty to his co-workers. He thought it an injustice that the Nobel Prize Committee failed to give equal recognition to Dr. Best, and declared at once, he would share with that Scientist his own half of the prize, which when it reached him through the exchanges, amounted to $5,600.

One of Dr. Banting’s first concerns was to insure means of establishing a Medical Research Foundation, through which he could carry on his work. The endowment for the Institution, which later bore Dr. Banting’s name, was begun by donations of patients, who had benefited from insulin treatment. The need for research facilities was recognized by Sir William Mulock, Ontario Chief Justice, who headed a campaign for collection of money and who insisted on naming the institution the Banting Research Foundation. The first $22,000, for establishment of the foundation, was donated by diabetic patients.

Frederick Grant Banting was born at Alliston Ont., Nov. 4, 1891, a son of William Thompson Banting. He received his early education in his hometown, attended Victoria College, Toronto, and was graduated in Medicine from the University of Toronto in 1917. He enlisted in the Canadian Expeditionary Forces and served in Canada, England and France, finally, in 1918, as Medical Officer of the 44th Battalion. He was severely wounded in one arm at Cambrai, where he was awarded the Military Cross, and was invalided to England with blood poisoning.

Discovery that removal of the pancreas resulted in diabetes in animals, was made as far back as 1889, two years before Dr. Banting’s birth. It remained for Banting and Best, working under the direction of MacLeod, to extract insulin from the pancreas, and to discover that lack of insulin caused diabetes. In their experiments, they found that dogs deprived of their pancreas, developed distressing symptoms of advanced diabetes, which could be corrected by subcutaneous injections of insulin. Then they found the same method of treatment beneficial to human diabeties patients. They discovered that insulin injections corrected the tendency of diabetic persons to excrete sugar in the urine, by correcting the deficiency of insulin in the internal organs.

Dr. Banting’s achievement won early recognition in his own Country. In 1922, soon after the discovery of insulin, he was awarded the Dr. R.A. Reeve Prize, for the work in the University of Toronto showing greatest aptitude in medical research. In May 1924, the American Philosophical Society gave him the John Scott Medal.

Dr. Banting did not go to Stockholm to receive the Nobel Prize until 1925, when he was asked to deliver the Nobel lecture. He was the first Canadian honored by such an invitation.

In 1927, Dr. Banting investigated the feasibility of establishing in the Canadian Arctic, Hospitals and other facilities for giving medical care to the Eskimos. He went North for three months aboard the Dominion Government steamship, Beothic. He found it would not be feasible to establish Hospitals for the Eskimos, because of their roving life. During his trip to the North, the Doctor had time to indulge his favorite hobby, painting. With A.Y. Jackson, member of the former Group of Seven, he came home with numerous pictures of Arctic scenes which attracted wide notice.

From 1919 to 1920, Dr. Banting was Resident Surgeon at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. For the next year he practiced medicine in London, Ont., and was part time Assistant in Physiology at the University of Western Ontario. A considerable time after he had left London, it was revealed by a British Surgeon, that Dr. Banting had made a casing for the deformed foot of a seven year old boy, which was described as a masterpiece. His skill in that department of surgery was not generally know until then.

In recognition of his service to medicine and humanity, he was made life member of the Canadian Clubs of Toronto, New York and London.

Banting was married in 1924 to Marion Robertson, daughter of Dr. William Robertson, of Elora Ont. They had one son and were divorced in 1932.

He was a member of the United Church of Canada.


Two large Planes Equipped With Skis Enroute From Ottawa

Ottawa, Feb 24 – (C.P.) – National Defense Minister J.L. Ralston, told the House of Commons today, that Sir Frederick Banting, with two crew members of a plane, had been killed when their machine crashed in Newfoundland. The dead crew members are Navigator William Bird of Kidderminster, England, and Co-Pilot William Snailham, of Bedford, Nova Scotia. Captain Joseph Mackey of Kansas City Missouri, Chief Pilot of the plane, was the only survivor of the crash.

Hon. Mr. Ralston read to the House a message from Wing Commander Gordon of the Royal Canadian Airforce in Newfoundland, as follows:

“Pilot Mackay is still alive — the others are dead. Two trappers ran to aircraft. Aircraft dropped more emergency rations to party. Moth ski plane will proceed to scene of crash as soon as possible. Two ski planes from Ottawa air station are also proceeding to Newfoundland to bring out Pilot and deceased.”

Two large ski-equipped planes left Ottawa, heavily laden with medical and rescue equipment, when the first word of the crash was received. The plane was en route to England when it crashed.

An atmosphere of sadness spread over the House, as Defense Minister Ralston told of the tragedy. Prime Minister King rose to pay tribute to Sir Frederick. He recited the honors which had been given to Dr. Banting, including the Nobel Prize for his discovery of insulin, which is used in the treatment of diabetes, and which has brought new hope to many who suffer from the dreaded malady. The Premier said Sir Frederick has brought honor to his native land by his discoveries, “And great will be the grief that his own life, so full of promise for human welfare, should have come to such a untimely end.”

The Prime Minister said that Sir Frederick Banting was a “great benefactor of mankind”. He said that at the outbreak of war, he had offered his service to the Nation and had organized a “particularly important branch of medical research. With a devoted band of workers, he had dedicated himself to the solution of new medical problems associated with Aviation, and the speed, height, and low temperatures involved, in operations of modern aircraft.”


FEBRUARY 26, 1941:

The Grand Falls Advertiser published a letter to Mrs. H.C. Hanson, from Lady Walwyn’s meeting with Harry Powell, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Powell of that town. The letter states that Harry was serving on H.M.S. Malaya, on which Lieut. Walwyn was serving for a short time, replacing an Officer who was ill. Mr. and Mrs. Powell had a letter from their son, who joined the Navy in 1938, and in this, mention was made of having met Lieut. Walwyn. H.M.S. Malaya was one of the ships which recently took part in the blasting of Genoa.

FEBRUARY 27, 1941:

GRAND — Passed peacefully away at 10 o’clock on Tuesday night February 25th, Mrs. William Grand, aged 68 years. Leaving; two daughters, and three sons, Funeral at 2.30 p.m. on Thursday, from Barrett’s Mortuary Rooms. Grand Falls paper please copy.

MARCH 18, 1941:

A Contractor from Windsor sued two residents of Grand Falls last week, for the price of work and labor on the defendants premises. The defendants were represented by Mr. Hawco. In the first case, the claim was allowed, and the second for $159.00 was dismissed. — Grand Falls Advertiser.

MARCH 28TH 1941:


The following Naval Volunteers have arrived at St. John’s for interview and final medical examination:

GRAND FALLS DISTRICT: PURCHASE, Ralph Arthur; TOOPE, Alfred Wm.; TUCKER, Harold Lloyd; PEDDLE, Gordon Bramwell; HUNTER, Cyril Percie; KNIGHT, Wm. John; PENNEY, Alexander James; KING, Aubrey Angus; CONNORS, Cornelius; FLIGHT, Sandy Augustus.

SPRINGDALE DISTRICT: CAVE, Bert; CARAVAN, Cyril; OXFORD, Lemuel; RIDEOUT, Raymond John; STARKES, Albert Joseph; LOCKE, Fredk. Harold George.

TWILLINGATE DISTRICT: MILLEY, Edgar Earl; SNOW, Warwick Norman Buller; JENNINGS, Benjamin George; CURTIS, Claude; BARNES, Ira Martin; SMALL, Ellwood Benjamin.

GREENSPOND DISTRICT: BROWN, Donald Randolph; BROWN, H Malcolm; BUTT, Maxwell Stewart; RALPH, Donald; RALPH, Lloyd; RALPH, Piercie Lorenzo; WAKELEY, Albert Wesley; BUTT, Garland; MOSS. Edgar; WHITE, Robert James, C.P.; WOODLAND, Percy Duncan; SAUNDERS, Thomas Gordon; BROWN, Louis; ROGERS, Christopher; OAKELY, Arthur; SAMSON, Lloyd Elsworth; HALLETT, David WATTS ; CHAYTOR, Roy Kitchener.

APRIL 17, 1941:

A resident of Buchans was before Magistrate Hollett at Grand Falls last week, charged with breaches of the Game and Inland Fisheries Act. Evidence of Game Warden Tilley and Constable Bond, was that they had visited the camp of the accused on April 3rd and found eighty-six rabbits. Of this number, thirty-one were unfit for human consumption and had to be thrown away. The accused stated the rabbits were not his. The man was convicted of being in possession of rabbits during the closed season, and permitting the meat of the others to decay. He was fined $50.00 or one month in goal on each charge.

APRIL 19, 1941;


Two Who Served on U. S. Ship Now Home On Brief Furlough

By the express which arrived here in the city this week, there arrived at their homes, Gunner Harry Powell of Grand Falls, and Wireless operator Frank W. Barrett of Botwood. These men had been serving on one of the United States ships which is now in New York undergoing repairs, and they took advantage of the opportunity to take a brief trip home.

Mr. P.H. Cowan, who met them whilst he was traveling from Boston, stated the men had most interesting experiences to tell of, and both of them stated that whilst their ship was at Gibraltar some time ago, they had the pleasure of meeting Lieut. Walwyn, son of His Excellency the Governor and Lady Walwyn, who was delighted to meet them, especially when he learned that their homes were in Newfoundland.

MAY 6TH 1941


NATHANIEL SHEPPARD: News was received by Mr. H.W. Sheppard, Spaniard’s Bay, on April 1st, of the serious illness of his brother, Nathaniel, in the Hospital at Lynn, Mass. Daily communications were kept up, and it was learned that despite the efforts of Specialists, who performed two major operations, complications set in from which he could not rally, and he passed away in the early morning of April 12th.

The late Mr. Sheppard was born at Spaniard’s Bay, 52 years ago, one of Mrs. Alfreda and the late Levi Sheppard. He went to the U.S.A. when a very young man, and has been a resident of Lynn., Mass., for about 30 years. He was an employee of the General Electric Co., of that place, for 24 years. He was Council Man on the Local Maintenance Union, and his efforts on behalf of his fellow workmen won him the esteem of all. In a tribute to the deceased, one of his associates wrote; “Nath was a quiet, pipe-smoking, solid type of man, who believed in social and economic progress in the democratic ways.”

An impressive funeral service, which was attended by several hundred relatives and friends, including a delegation from the General Electric Co., was held Tuesday, April 15th. About 50 employees of the General Electric Co., formed a guard of honor at the Church, and the pall-bearers were officials of the Local Maintenance Council. Service at the graveside, was conducted by the Rev. Albert Chafe, Rector of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, of which the deceased was a member. Interment was at Riverside Cemetery, Saugus, Mass. Details from the Police Department of Lynn and Saugus, Mass., escorted the funeral cortege.

The profusion of beautiful floral tributes, as well as the numerous messages and expressions of sympathy, testify to the esteem in which the late Mr. Sheppard was held.

Left to mourn the passing of their loved one are his wife, formerly Miss Myra Snow of Bay Roberts, two sons and three daughters, all of Lynn, Mass., his mother, one brother, Mr. H.W. Sheppard of Spaniard’s Bay; three sisters’ Mrs. Katherine Neil, Spaniard’s Bay, Mrs. Winnie Smith, Bishop’s Cove, and Mrs. Bertha Yetman, Bryant’s Cove, C.B., to all of whom sympathy is extended.

MAY 7, 1941:

Six small boys from Windsor, were before Court in Grand Falls last week, charged with stealing oranges from a freight car at the Railway Station. Mr. Sheppard of the Freight Shed told the Court, that much trouble is being caused by boys, and there is always danger of fire. The boys were convicted and fined $1.65 each, the cost of the oranges.

A test blackout will be held in the towns of Grand Falls, Windsor, Bishop’s Falls, and Botwood tonight. Similar arrangements will be in force as on the last occasion.

May 12, 1942:

The Grand Falls Advertiser stated that it learns that Constable Ray Martin has resigned from the Constabulary.

Constable E.C. Abbott has been transferred to Grand Falls as Traffic Officer. He has already taken up his duties there. He is succeeding Constable Pike, who left the force to join the Mercantile Marine, and Constable Crummey, who resigned last year and is now in the Royal Air Force.

MAY 18TH 1941


DROVER — STRONG: At Little Bay Islands, on April 30th by Rev. Rowsell, Gerald M. Drover, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Drover, of this city, to Miss Dorothy Haddon Strong, daughter of Mrs. Belle and the late W.A. Strong, of Little Bay.

MAY 18, 1941:

Operations at the sealing plant of Ashbourne’s Ltd., started last week. Men were engaged skinning the pelts and the steam grinding machines reduced the fat. — Twillingate Sun.

MAY 26, 1941:

Men who were cutting firewood and fishing room material the past winter, have begun to boat of same from the Bay. Up until a few days before, the fuel situation was getting acute, and some men got to burning fencing and flakes. – Twillingate Sun.

MAY 27, 1941:

Mrs. ANNIE GRIFFITHS: BUCHANS, May 24 — General sympathy was expressed on May 4th at the sudden and unexpected death of Mrs. Annie Griffiths, (age 24 years) and infant daughter, at the Hospital here.

The deceased was one of gentle disposition, affectionate and charitable. She was an active worker in St. Teresa’s Parish, always one of the first engaged in promoting or helping Church work. At future events, her cheerful disposition and genuine help will be sadly missed by her former co-workers, with whom she was a general favorite. Now that she has left this vale of tears, her good works will linger as memories, and become an inspiration to those who take up the Parish work, which God has removed her from.

Mrs. Griffiths was formerly Miss Annie Quirk of Fortune Harbor. Her many friends there will be sorry to hear of her sudden death. The funeral, which was one of the largest seen here, took place from the Hospital to St. Teresa’s Church, where the funeral services were rendered by the Pastor, Rev. Fr. O’Neill, then to the train en route to Grand Falls, where interment took place on the following day.

She leaves to mourn the loss of a loving wife and devoted mother, her husband, also her father, one sister and brother at Fortune Harbor, and two sisters residing here. To all of whom the writer extends sincere sympathy. E.J.C.

MAY 29, 1941

At Fogo, a Magisterial Enquiry was held into the cause of the death of RONALD FREAKE, aged 14 years. Nine witnesses were examined before Magistrate Abbott — Twillingate Sun.

JULY 3, 1941:

KELLY — BRIAN: A very pretty wedding was solemnized on Wednesday afternoon past, at 3 p.m. when Miss Myrtle Brian, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Brain, Hill Road, Grand Falls, was united in marriage to Mr. Jack Kelly, younger son of Councillor and Mrs. Kelly of St. John’s, Reverend Frank Meaney, P.P., officiating, the wedding ceremony being performed at Windsor.

The bride looked charming in a beautiful pale grey ensemble with rose accessories. At 5 p.m. a small reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents, when members of the family and close friends only, attended, and toasts were drunk to the happy young couple.

Mr. and Mrs. Kelly left by Overland Limited that same night for St. John’s, where a visit will be made to the groom’s parents, and the honeymoon will be spent.

The bride, previous to her marriage, was a trusted member of the office staff of the A.N.D. Company Ltd. The groom is local Manager for the Great Eastern Oil and Import Company of St. John’s. — Grand Falls Advertiser.

JULY 8TH 1941


THORBURN — SHANNAHAN: A very pretty wedding took place at the R.C. Church, Windsor, on Tuesday morning past at 9 a.m. when Reverend Father Meaney, P.P. united in matrimony, Miss Eileen Shannahan, R.N. of Harbor Grace and Mr. Ted Thorburn of St. John’s.

The bride was beautiful, gowned in white embodied marquisette, with shoulder and halo of orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of roses and carnations. Miss Kitty Connors was bridesmaid, and wore a charming gown of pink crepe satin, with halo of pink ribbon and lace intertwined, and carried a bouquet of carnations and maidenhair fern. The bride’s trainbearers were little Gertrude Hannon of Badger, who wore pale pink and carried a basket of mixed flowers, and Master Albert Newhook, also of Badger, who was attired in white satin pants and shirt, and navy blue blazer. The groom was supported by his brother, Mr. Paul Thorburn of St. John’s. As the bride entered the Church on the arm of Mr. P.J. Connors, who acted as father-giver, Miss Beatrice Connors played Lohengrin’s Wedding March. During the offertory of the Nuptial Mass which preceded the marriage ceremony, Miss Connors gave an organ solo of “Oh, Promise Me.”

A wedding breakfast was held in Badger at the home of the young couple, and Mrs. Hannon was in charge. Toasts were drunk to the newly married pair, and interesting and entertaining speeches were given by Reverend Father Meaney, Mr. H. Cole, Mr. P.J. Connors and Mr. Hedley White. The house was tastefully decorated for the occasion and a guard of honor was formed by the Boy Scouts, which organization was promoted in Badger by the groom.

The bride, prior to her marriage, was a very successful member of the Nursing profession, while the groom had been a Ranger at Badger during the past couple of years, and has been held in the highest esteem there by all classes and creeds.

The bride’s going away costume was a very pretty ensemble with navy accessories and a beautiful silver fox, a gift from the groom. A brief honeymoon is being spent in Millertown as guests of Dr. and Mrs. Strong.

During the afternoon, a reception was held, and numerous friends from Badger and Grand Falls attended. At night, a dance was given in the Rose Marie Tearooms, and this was largely attended.

The young couple was the recipients of many costly and beautiful presents. The groom’s gift to the bridesmaid was an embossed vanity case, and to the best man gold cuff links, and to the small attendants, mother of pearl Rosaries.

Mr. and Mrs. Thorburn will reside at Badger.

JULY 16, 1941:

Mr. R.G. Eldridge, Manager of the Bank of Montreal at Grand Falls, announces that a branch of the Bank will be opened at Botwood. This has been found necessary in view of the increased business of the Bank in the past months. The office will be in Connaught Hall, and Mr. T.A. Vaughan, who for the past few years has been on the Bank’s staff at Grand Falls, will be Accountant in charge. — Grand Falls Advertiser.

JULY 17, 1941

DELANEY — MORIARITY: The marriage of Miss Nellie Delaney, daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. Delaney, Botwood Road, and Mrs. John Moriarity of Harbor Grace, took place at the R.C. Church Grand Falls, on Sunday July 6th. Rev. Father Moriarity, brother of the groom, performed the ceremony, having come from Scarboro Bluffs, Ontario, for the occasion. Father Moriarity is not back long from China, to which mission he is attached. — Grand Falls Advertiser

Mr. P.A. Edwards of Grand Falls, received a cablegram from his son who is serving in the Royal Air Force. The cable stated that Charlie is well and happy and sends regards to all. Although wartime regulations prohibited the disclosure of the name of place from which the cable was sent, Mr. Edwards states he has reason to feel that Charlie is stationed in Alexandria. — Grand Falls Advertiser.

JULY 22ND 1941

Wedding Bells

MILLEY — MACPHERSON: A very pretty wedding was solemnized at Cochrane Street Centennial Church on Monday, July 21st when Robert Milley was united in marriage to Miss Rene Macpherson, both of Grand Falls. The officiating Clergyman was Rev. Edward Milley, B.A., of Breadalbane, P.E.I., twin brother of the bridegroom. The bride was supported by Mrs. Milley while Lance Corporal Alex S. Burt, R.C.E., acted as best man

Following the ceremony at the Church a short reception was held at the home of Mr. H.N. Burt, 79 Hayward Avenue, following which the happy couple started a motor tour of the Avalon Peninsula, and from thence they will proceed to Curling for the balance of their honeymoon, and then will return to Grand Falls, where they will in future reside.

Miss Macpherson was a member of the office staff of the A.N.D. Co., and last week a party and shower was tendered in her honor by the Boy Scouts Association, she being a leader of the Cubs. Upwards of three hundred attended the function. Mr. Milley is a member of the staff of the Grand Falls branch of the Bank of Montreal.

Laborers working for Goodyear and Sons at Grand Falls, demanded a wage increase last Wednesday morning, and refused to work further until same was forthcoming. The matter was discussed between employers and employed, and a settlement was reached - the men’s demands were granted — Grand Fall Advertiser.

The Grand Falls Advertiser states that Petty Officer Harry C. Flanagan of H.M.S. Berwick, when she visited Newfoundland in 1938, was married to Miss Jane Austin of Ardthie Road, Drumoyne, recently. The marriage was performed at St. Gabriel’s Church .Covan, by Rev. J. McBride. Petty Officer Birdwell of the same ship was best man.

A Highroad truck, which was heavily loaded with lumber, was badly damaged on the Hall’s Bay Road last Tuesday. One man was injured and was conveyed to the Lady Northcliff Hospital at Grand Falls. — Grand Falls Advertiser.

JULY 24, 1941:

Miss Jean Budgell was the guest of honor at a party given last week by her co-workers at E.V. Valley Royal Stores Ltd., Grand Falls. It was the nature of a surprise, and was in honor of Miss Budgell’s approaching marriage to Mr. Jim Adams, which is to take place shortly.

The young lady employees of the Grand Falls Co-Operative Society, tendered a shower to their co-worker Miss Blanch Snow, last week. It was in honor of her approaching marriage to Mr. Gus Bishop, who is an employee of the Co-Operative Society Ltd.

JULY 26, 1941:

According to the Twillingate, Sun Captain Andrew Greenham is reported to be at Croc on the French Shore and has 500 barrels codfish put down.

The Twillingate Sun states that the cod fishery has been fairly good with traps. Anstey’s traps at Back Harbor, and Roberts’ at Long Point, were leaders last week, with some of the traps making 50 barrels hauls.

JULY 30TH 1941


WALBOURNE — PEACH: A very pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Peter’s Church of England Church, at Kingwell, P.B., on Wednesday July 3rd., when Mr. George Walbourne of Fogo, was united in marriage to Miss Effie Florence Peach of Arnold’s Cove. The officiating Clergyman was Rev. John Watkins of Harbor Buffett, P.B.

The bride looked charming in pale blue bridal veil, entwined with roses round her brow, and carrying a bouquet of Rocketts. She was ably supported by her sister, Mrs. Eugine Guy, while Mr. George Guy acted as best man. Mr. Alexander Adams gave away the bride, in the absence of her father, Mr. Nelson Hynes and Miss Elsie Rodway, Mr and Mrs. Wm. J. Coveyduck, acted as bride’s boys and girls.

Following the ceremony the Bridal Party proceeded by boat to Arnold’s Cove, were a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents.

The happy couple is leaving for St. John’s to spend part of their honeymoon with their sisters, thence proceeding to Fogo, to conclude their honeymoon with the groom’s parents and relatives.

The groom is a Teacher and they will then go to White Bay, where he will take up his duties.


The following passengers arrived from the Fogo Service yesterday afternoon: Miss D. Pope, Miss D. Piercey, Miss C. Philpot, Miss E. Earle, Miss I. Chaffey, Miss K. Hiscock, Mrs. B. Johnston, Miss E. Johnston, Mrs. G. Johnston, Miss. O. Cuff, Adjt., E. Stanley, S.A.; Miss. M. Murphy; Miss K Whalen; Miss A Stone; Mrs S.I. Murley, Miss K Whalen, Miss J Gullage, Miss R. Fraser, Mrs. A Christian and son, Miss C. White, Miss Winsor, Miss N. Winsor, Miss J. Spurrell, L.F. Lodge, G. Lodge, Rev. Dr. Fitzgerald, Rev. H.G. Spurrell, M.J. Kean, H.J. Pope, F. Morris, H. Groves, J. Harris, R. Record.

JULY 31, 1941

Mr. Ernest Paddock of Windsor, returned from England last week. Mr. Paddock had conducted a draft of Naval Volunteers to Britain last winter, and reported that all of the men arrived safely and in good health. He stated that all of the people of Britain are firm in their morale, and that everybody is putting forth the greatest effort to win the war. — Grand Falls Advertiser.

AUG 4, 1941:


MATTHEWS — CAREY: Fortune Hr., July 31 — St. Anne’s Church, Fortune Hr., was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday July 23rd., when Miss Mary Carey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carey, became the bride of Mr. Gerald Matthews of Grand Falls. Rev. Father Hinchey P.P., officiating.

The bride, attired in navy costume, with rose and navy accessories, was attended by her sister, Mrs. Louis Byrne, who wore brown accessories, while John Carey, acted as best man. As the bridal party entered the Church, the bridal chorus from Lohengrin was played by Miss Glady’s Edwards.

After the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents. Rev. Father Hinchey was present and spoke very suitably, commenting on the bride’s successful career as a Teacher.

The happy couple left for their home in Grand Falls on Monday, and took with them the sincere good wishes for their future happiness.

AUG 6, 1941:

BUDGELL — ADAMS: A quiet pretty wedding took place in Holy Trinity Church, Grand Falls, on July 26th, when Miss Jean Budgell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Budgell, First Avenue, was united in marriage to Mr. James Adams of King’s Point, Green Bay. Rev Mr. Batten officiated.

The Tag Day and dance, held under the auspices of the Grand Falls and Windsor Cigarette Club, went over in a big way, and the sum of $420.00 was realized. Tags realized $193.00 and the dance $227.00.

A car owned by Bert Stroud of Windsor, was stolen last week from Bond Street, Windsor, where it had been parked by its owner. It was later seen in a badly damaged condition, on Hospital Hill Grand Falls, by a passerby, who promptly informed the Police. Traffic Officer Abbott was quickly on the scene, and in a phenomenally short space of time, was successful in rounding up the culprit. When the accused was taken before Court he was fined $10.00 and ordered to pay compensation for the damage done. Mr. Stroud asked that leniency be shown. — Grand Falls Advertiser.

Fishery reports from North, tells of fairly good fishing at Twillingate and Morton’s Harbor, good fishing at Joe Batt’s Arm, Tilton, Fogo, and Seldom, but very little doing South of there. In some places a shortage of salt caused inconvenience while fish was plentiful, but the arrival of an auxiliary vessel from the F.P.U. Trading Co., relieved the situation. In Lumsden North, the two firms of Robinson and Howell secured the lightest catches with around 300 quintals each. — Fisherman’s Advocate.

Eight residents of Grand Falls were before Court last week, charged with breaches of the Game and Inland fisheries Act. They had been salmon fishing at Point Leamington, and were charged with jigging and four-hooking salmon. Game Wardens Tilley and Troke acted as prosecutors and Mr. Hawco acted for the defendants. Some thirty fish in all were landed, and in one case, four landed in twenty minutes. At the time, the pool was full of salmon. In passing judgment, Magistrate Hollett stated the defense showed that all the men were fishing illegally. Fines of $5.00 were imposed in each case. — Grand Falls Advertiser.

AUG 7, 1941:

The annual pet show was held at Grand Falls last week; ninety children entered pets in ten different classes. The judges were Messrs A.G. Duggan, M. Brennan, and J Waugh. Mrs. T. Conway presented the prizes.

AUG 13, 1941:

The month of July was an exceptionally busy one in the Twillingate Hospital and 3,245 days of care were given. The average number of patients per day was 105, and there were 100 admissions during July, and 110 discharges. There were 13 births, and two deaths during the month. — Twillingate Sun.

The annual baby show will be held at Grand Falls on Friday. There will be prizes for babies (male and Female) in three groups: 1–4 months, 4–8 months, and 8–12 months, with special prizes for twins.

Two young girls, residents of Windsor, are now in the local prison, serving a thirty day sentence, imposed by Justice of the Peace J.W. Mitchell, in Court last Monday. The girls, it is learned, were occupied in a fight on a Windsor Street, and Constable McCarthy saw to it that the last round would be in Court House.

AUG 18, 1941:

Miss V. Small, who will be teaching at Bishop’s Falls during the coming school year, is visiting friends in the city.

AUG 19, 1941

McLOUGHLAN — Passed peacefully away on August 18th after a long illness, Michael McLaughlan, (Carpenter) aged 78 years, leaving to mourn one son and three daughters, Mrs. J. Byrne of Bishop’s Falls, Mrs. Joseph Spencer of Boston, and Kathleen of Boston, and one grandson. Funeral on Wednesday at 2.15 p.m. from his son’s residence, Stephen McLoughlan, 93 Craigmillar Avenue. R. I. P. Boston papers please copy.

AUGUST 22 1941


The Director of Recruiting has been informed of the following Newfoundland Naval casualty, by the Trade Commissioner for Newfoundland, in London, England. PENNELL, Roland, Climit, Able Seaman, JX181415, Death by accident. Funeral at Falmouth, England, August 21st 1941. Next of kin, father, William Pennell, Gilesport, Twillingate.

AUGUST 29, 1941:


OBITUARY, Mrs. PETER MILLER: Fogo, Aug 25th — On Aug. 12th after a long illness, there passed peacefully away Mary, wife of Mr. Peter Miller. Although all medical skill and loving attendance could do, was done, death came as a release from suffering. The late Mrs. Miller leaves to mourn her passing, a husband, one daughter, Gladys, (Mrs. J. Farewell) three sons, Benedict at home, Ronald and Philip in Canada, and several grandchildren, an aged mother, sisters and brothers at Placentia, and a sister in the United States, to whom we extend sympathy.

Interment took place on Friday at 10 a.m. after Requiem High Mass, Rev. Dr. Jones officiating. The flower laden casket was preceded by members of the Altar Society, deceased being for years an officer of that society.

“Death is no foe but every man’s friend;

Death is life’s true beginning, not its end

Death is the opener of the Golden Door

To that high life which goes from more to more

Dear Brother Death, who brings us sweet release

From all earth’s sorrows with God’s gift of peace!”


LODER — DAWE: St. Andrew’s Church was the scene of a very pretty wedding on August 18th at 6.30 p.m. when Virlie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Dawe of Seldom, was united in holy matrimony to Douglas Record, son of Mrs. James Loder of this town, and the late Mr. Record of Gander Bay.

The bride, who was given in marriage by Mr. James Loder, looked charming in a full length gown of white satin, with veil and orange blossoms. She was attended by Miss Julia Loder, stepsister of the groom, who was gowned in floral crepe with hat to match, and Miss Beatrice King, niece of the groom, who wore rose with matching accessories. The groom was ably supported by Mr. George Gavin. The ceremony was performed by Rev. I. Butler, Rector. The groom’s mother was attired in a dress of wine crepe.

Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the groom’s parents. The many valuable and useful presents received testify to the esteem in which the young couple are held.

Mr and Mrs. Record left by motor boat Friday for Gander Bay, where they will in future reside.

“God bless these hands united.

God bless these hearts made one;

Unsevered and unblighted

May they through life go on.

Here, in earth’s home preparing

For the bright home above.

And there for ever sharing

Its joy where “God is loved.”


The following teachers have left to take up duties at their various schools; Miss Edith Ludlow, Channel; Miss Elizabeth Scott, Musgravetown; Mr. Leonard Ludlow, Bell Island; Miss Sadie Ludlow, Bell Island.

Miss Mary Sargent went to St. John’s by S.S. Glencoe to take a course at the Mercy convent.

Mrs. Farwell, Field Secretary, Adult Education, who was visiting relatives here, went to the city by S.S. Glencoe.

Misses Ethel and Nora Green who were visiting their mother, have also returned to the city.

Master Peter Noel, who has been visiting relatives here and at Change Islands, has returned to his home in Bell Island.

Miss Douglas Robertson, of St. John’s, who spent a holiday here, has returned home.

Mrs. Fred Earle, last week visited relatives and friends at Change Islands.

Mrs. Rev. Gosse of Kelligrews and her daughter, are at present in town, visiting the former’s brothers, Messrs, Fred and A.L. Earle.

Mr. Harold Earle is at present visiting the capital.

Mr Gordon Downer and wife, of Sydney, C.B. are visiting Mr. Downer’s parents, Mr and Mrs. John Downer.

Mrs. MacDonald, accompanied by her husband, is also visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Downer.

Seamen Ray Layman, Harry Earle, and Harvey Wells, paid us a short visit this week. Their coming was a great surprise but we were all glad to see them again, and as they are now en route to their ship, we wish then God-speed and a safe return.

Mr. Guy Stuckless, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Stuckless, North Side, who is now training with the Royal Air Force in Canada, celebrated his 19th birthday on May 11th. We wish him many happy returns. Guy left here in December, 1940 to join the Air Force, and letters received from him state that he is enjoying life to the full, and looking forward eagerly to the day when he will receive his “Wings”. His father, Mr. E. Stuckless, served in the last World War.

The following celebrated birthdays recently: – Gertrude Earle and Miss Madeline Rendell, August 6th; Miss Elizabeth Scott, August 10th; Georgina Gill, August 17th, Malcolm Green, August 19th; Alma Jones, August 24th.

Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, Master Eric Reid, Misses Frances Reid, and Iris Gill, were visitors to Joe Batt’s Arm on Sunday last.

Mrs. George Jones spent a holiday with relatives at Joe Batt’s Arm

Misses Mabel and Grace Layman and Julia Loder spent Sunday at Twillingate. Correspondent.

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