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Newspaper Transcriptions

Daily News

(Items pertaining to Notre Dame Bay & Central Newfoundland)

The records were transcribed by JOHN BAIRD & SUE O'NEILL. Formatted by GEORGE WHITE. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors


1938 With A.N.D. Co. at. Grand Falls.

Decided Improvement Over 1937 — Woods Operations Up Tho’ Mill Work Down.

Chief Town of Interior Sponsors Full Roster of Social, Sporting Events.

High Standards Scored By Local Schools and Societies During The Year

Mill Improvements and Extensions

The year’s activities in the Mill, was marked by the completion of the new hydro-electric system. The 27,500 K.V.A. Generator is now operating. As a sequence to the completion of this job started in 1937, 2 electric boilers were installed. These produced about 30,000 lbs of steam each per hour, the electric power being supplied by the new generators. Hinging on the additional power is the extension to the Grinders. A new building was constructed to take 14 new grinders, 3 of which will be in operation by a 2500 h.p. motor, fed from around the first of 1939. These grinders will be driven by the new generator. Three new Pascol Rotary Bull Screens were installed and are now in satisfactory operation.

To improve drying conditions in the Mill, new hoods of Transite were built on paper machines Nos. 2, 3 and 5. A Grewin Drying System was also installed on No. 3 machine. No. 5 Digester was relined by the Stebbins Co., who also finished the new Aacid Accumulator, begun in 1937. To standardize the coal feed to Kidwell Steam Boilers, a Ball Mill was installed for pulverizing purposes. To store the slum in the Mill, a new storage shed was constructed, while a motor storage was also completed in the basement of No.3 Machine Room.

Accident Prevention And Safety Work

Results for the first eleven months of 1938 showed a decided improvement over the same period in 1937, the most noteworthy feature being the absence of fatal injuries. In addition to this gain, there was an appreciable reduction in the total number of lost time injuries. While these results were encouraging, they are still far from satisfactory, and effects will be redoubled during the coming year to reduce the number of accidents, with their aftermath of lost wages, disability and suffering. The problem should be simplified in that the major construction job is nearing completion, and the Safety Organization will in future, be able to concentrate their efforts in the mill proper, and among the regular crews.

First Aid Work

In order to deal effectively with accident emergencies, the Mill has been divided into four First Aid Zones, with trained First Aid Men allotted to each Zone. These men have been specially selected as possessing those qualities of level headedness and initiative, so necessary in dealing with emergencies of this nature, which arise from time to time. First Aid Zones and Personnel are as follows:

Zone I

Machine Room, finishing Room, Mixing Room, Mechanical Shops, Turbine room, Steam Plant

First Aid Men

Messrs, Arthur Southcott, Daniel Byrd, Cyril Down

Zone II

Grinder Room, Generator Room.

First Aid Men

Henley Noel, James Kelly, Joseph Murray.

Zone III

Sulphite Mill

First Aid Men

Elijah Mercer, Albert Crawley

Zone IV

Screen Room, Wood Room, Yard, Wood Yard

First Aid Men

Matthew Hamilton, Alphonse Power, Lewis Kelly.

Accident emergencies are quietly and efficiently handled, and the value of such an organization has been proved on several occasions.

Personnel of Safety Committee: Executive: Chairman - P.A. Edwards. Secretary - G.R. Vaughan Evans. Member - Chas Grace. Committee Men: Messrs. John Burke, Daniel Byrd, Harry Gilbert, Edward Green, Ronald Griffin, James Hannaford, Daniel Harvey, John Jackman, Samuel Lane, Joseph Murray, James Woodford.


The Above Committee Men represent the various Departments in the Mill, and work direct with their Department Heads on all matters concerning accident prevention. They have been closely connected with Safely Work for a number of years, and it is felt that their efforts have contributed in no small measure to the work of preventing accidents.

It is pleasing to note that nine Departments have succeeded in working the whole year to date (November 30th , 1938) without a single injury causing lost time. These Departments were as follows: Control Dept., Electrical Dept., Steam Plant, Sulphite Mill, Watching and Cleaning, Mill Stores, Yard Railway, River, Town. The occasion should not be allowed to pass without a word of appreciation to all those from the management down, who, with enthusiasm and real co-operation, have assisted in the important work of accident prevention.

Wood operations

January to March of 1938 was a very busy season in the woods, and this Company hauled to lakes and streams, the largest amount of pulpwood every delivered since they started operations. Due to reduced consumption at the mill, the quantity driven to the mill at Grand Falls and Bishop Falls were less than normal, and a large amount of wood was left behind in the streams for future use. This surplus wood in turn, had an effect on the 1938-39 operations, and the Company reluctantly, was compelled to curtail the cutting operations in the summer of 1938, and consequently the amount of pulpwood cut this year is less than normal.

The winter operations of hauling this out is again under way, and will be completed somewhat earlier than usual, on account of the small quantity. The number of men employed in the cutting and hauling of 1938-39 is naturally less than in normal years, and consists mainly of workers who are making wood work their chief occupation.

The 1938, fire season was more hazardous than ordinary summers, due to weather conditions, but while a number of fires occurred, they did little damage to the timber areas. The efficiency of the fire prevention and suppression organization was increased, stock of fire fighting equipment augmented, and depots established with ready packed emergency rations and equipment, to get in action for coping with fires in the least possible time.

Events in Grand Falls 1938, New Buildings Etc

During 1938, only one new house has been built by the Company, but quite a number of private houses have been built. On the Junction Road and Pine Avenue, twelve have been occupied during the year and eight more being still under construction. Several business premises have been erected, among others, Jackman’s Service Station and the Imperial Oil Company office and tanks on Station Road. Mr. J. Wood has built a Lawyer’s office and is now practicing law. A fine new garage has been built by the Co-operative Society, and a new Bakery building by L. Moore & Co. Mr. G. Pardy has erected a commodious new garage on Botwood Road. Two new wards have also been added to the accommodation of the Hospital, and these have filled a long felt want. A great improvement has been made in the approach from the station to the town. The Station Road, which for a long time was the cause of acute discomfort, has now been put into first class condition, and the roads throughout the town have generally been kept in splendid order. The vacant ground opposite the Hospital has been cleared, leveled and fenced, and when it is sewn with grass next year, the appearance should be very attractive. The Hospital and High Schools grounds have presented a very pleasing appearance, and the new playground behind the High School, has been finished and put into use.

Social Events

The following is a brief chronicle of the numerous social events which have take place during the past year. Early in the New Year the season opened with the Annual Masquerade Ball, organized by the Grand Fall Club - this is now become an established institution, and is always splendidly supported. Last year’s event was fully up to that of previous years. In February, the Glee Club produced a delightful musical entertainment. This was something new in the history of the town and was greatly appreciated. On St. Patrick’s Day, the usual Irish Play and entertainment had a capacity audience. This is an annual event looked forward to by many people. Shortly after Easter, the Andopians produced another play. This was well patronized, and much favorable comment was heard about it.

The Elks held their regular charity dance in Easter week with the usual success. The annual dance of the Fire Brigade followed in May and that of the Pulp and Sulphite Union a week or two later. The Grand Falls Academy held their annual school concert also in May, followed shortly afterwards by that of Notre Dame Academy, both of which were highly successful events.

Several dances have been held throughout the year by the Grand Falls Athletic Club, whose energetic secretary and committee have devoted much time and thought to their success. The usual summer holidays followed the lines of previous years, Athletic Sports occupying the day, and a dance at night. The first of these was held under the capable management of the joint labor unions and the second was organized by the Athletic Club.

Late in August we were glad to welcome the Mount Cashel Band, who were making their annual tour throughout the country. They are old friends who are always welcome here. The Shop Workers Union held a successful dance in August, and this was followed by a similar event organized by the G.W.V.A. in September. The Annual Horticultural Show was held early in September, and was certainly the best which has been arranged so far, both in point of numbers of exhibits, and also quality. The annual dance of the Paper Mmakers Union was held in October, followed by the Rebekah’s Halloween dance, and the Armistice Ball organized by the G.W.V.A. All of these proved very popular.

A Mammoth card party, in aid of the Roman Catholic Church, was held at the end of October, and so many people were present that a large number had to be turned away. Towards the end of November, we were delighted to welcome a new theatrical troupe, in the person of the Presbyterian Players, who produced a very delightful play, which was greatly enjoyed. More dances followed; one by the Shop Workers Union, and the other by the Scouts, both of which attracted large crowds.

Throughout the year the Popular Theatre has produced a steady supply of pictures, and there seems to be no waning on popular interest in talking pictures.

Shortly before Christmas, the Annual Christmas Tree for the small children of all schools in Grand Falls was held, and judging by the happy faces, gave as much pleasure as usual, and we hear that great plans are being made to usher in the New Year with the C.L.B.N.C.O.’s Annual Ball.

Education - Grand Falls Academy

During the year there were registered 747 pupils with a staff of 20 teachers (3 male and 17 female). The year’s results throughout the school and particularly the C.H.E. results, which were as follows:

Grade VIII. — 46 sat and 46 passed — 100%, with 112 distinctions. 13 secured an average of 75 and over, and thus won the Committee’s Scholarship of $13.00 – making a total of $169.00.

Grade XI — 12 sat and 10 passed or 83%. Six students passed with Honors, Miss Muriel Matthews topping her class, and winning the King George V Scholarship. Of the successful students, four proceeded to Memorial College, Muriel Matthews, Vera Moore, Phyllis Cater and E.R. Dawe, while D. McLeod proceeded to Edinburgh. Miss Matthews also won the Committee’s Scholarship of $16.00.

In Grade IX and X, the examinations were set and examined locally, as the curriculum calls for, and those who passed — six in Grade IX received the Committee’s Scholarship of $14.00 each, and in Grade X, five secured Scholarships of $15.00 each.

In the High School the following prizes, proficiency certificates and medals, etc. were secured:

Grade VIII. — Prizes, 9; proficiency Certificates 13, C.H.E. Certificates 46; Scholarships 13.

Grade IX. — Prizes 5; Proficiency Certificates 3; Bronze Medals 3; Local Certificates 23; Scholarships 6.

Grade X. — Prizes 7; Proficiency Certificates 3; Bronze medals 2; Local Certificates 18; Scholarships 5

Grade XI. — Prizes 5; Proficiency Certificates 1; C.H.E. Certificates 10; Scholarships 2.

Total — Prizes 26; Proficiency Certificates 20; Bronze Medals 5; C.H.E. Certificates 56, Local Certificates 41; Scholarships 26

Miss Brett, Vice Principal of the school, is now back again on the staff, having secured her B.A. degree at Mount A. Miss Hayward is also back on the staff, having secured her B.Sc. degree at Columbia. Miss Bishop, who taught in London last year, is again back on staff. We now have another male teacher on the staff, Mr. Clarence Mercer, B.A., who has extra responsibilities in respect of the Lower Schools. The Principal, Mr. Ripley, his staff, and the school generally, are to be congratulated on the year’s work, and best wishes are extended for the future success. This can best be secured through the continued hearty co-operation of the parents.

The Committee was able to show a substantial balance of $2057.95 as at June 30th, and looks forward to balancing its budget for 1938-39.

Extra Curricular Activities

During the year the various social and athletic programs were carried out by the teachers and pupils of Grand Falls Academy. Early in January, the interclass hockey league was organized for both boys and girls in Grades above three. The games were played between the hours of ten and twelve every Saturday morning, and took place in the local rink, under the supervision of one of the teachers. The Academy hockey team of boys received their new uniforms early in the year — the sweaters and stockings are in the Academy colors of maroon and blue. The money used to purchase the uniforms was raised by the students of the High School, and came from the proceeds of the school’s plays, which pupils have put on before the public, during the two previous years.

The annual hockey series for the V.S. Jones shield, took place in February. The games were closely contested and the Shield was won by the Notre Dame Academy. In March, the team went to Buchans, where it played a series of games with the school in that town.

The usual basketball leagues were organized for both boys and girls, and games were played in the high School gymnasium during the winter, and after school opened in the fall. In the annual basketball series with the Notre Dame Academy boys, the Grand Falls Academy team succeeded in winning the cup. The trophy for the football series was also won by the Grand Falls Academy.

The boys and girls had a new interest in fall athletics, after the opening of school in September, as the new high school playing field was opened for their use. The boys carried through a series of inter-class football matches, and the girls played out a softball schedule.

The students of the High school held their annual Halloween party on the evening of October 28th. Over two hundred pupils were in attendance. The students of grade nine, ten and eleven held their Christmas closing party on the evening of December 16th, and the students of grade seven and eight held theirs on December 19th. The teacher’s autumn picnic and get-together was held at Leache’s Brook, in the last week of September.

The high school student’s play was reserved for Education Week in May and was presented for the public in the Town Hall. The play which was presented was Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice” in an abridged form. Also during education Week, the schools were opened for the inspection of the public, and many citizens of the town availed themselves of this opportunity to visit the various departments.

The Annual School concert, put on by the pupils in grades under seven, took place in the Town hall on May 12th. The different items were enjoyed by a large number of parents and friends.

The prize giving, for the pupils of grades under eight, took place in the High School Hall early in October, and that for the pupils of the higher grades, in November, after C.H.E. certificates had been received.

The Christmas tree and Treats, given to the younger pupils of the community by the Anglo Newfoundland Development Co. Ltd., took place on the afternoon of December 20th. About seven hundred and fifty pupils under ten years of age, enjoyed the picture show at the local theatre, and the treat in the various classrooms afterwards.

The High School Orchestra has increased in number and has improved in every way. It was heard by the pupils on several occasions during the year.

During the year the students made arrangements with the local newspaper with regards to a special column to be edited by the students themselves. This column of Academy items has been much enjoyed by pupils and parents alike. The Academy has a very successful year in every way and both pupils and teachers are now planning and looking forward to a program of winter and spring activities in the New Year.

Report of Notre Dame Academy

The total number of pupils enrolled in the Academy from September 1937 to June 1938, was 598. The average daily attendance was 558. There were 18 Sisters on the Staff.

C. H. E. and Academy Exams

There were twelve successful candidates in Grade XI. In this Grade, one boy secured almost a full mark in Art. In Grade X, twelve obtained Diplomas, one pupil scored a total of 920 marks. In Grade IX, 29 received Diplomas, one graduate in Arithmetic. Grade VIII showed a full per cent of passes, 33 in all, with sixty-seven distinctions. In Grade VII, 32 obtained passes with splendid percentages. In Grade VI, 39 passed.

Trinity College of Music

In Practical Music, 28 pupils passed, the highest marks being 86. In Theory of Music, 33 pupils passed, with 20 in honors. Highest marks 99, 98 and 97.

Commercial Department

In the international Test of the Sloan-Duployan Shorthand competition of Scotland, 27 of our pupils received Diplomas for Speed and Accuracy. Miss Dorothy Duggan and Miss Thelma Locke, received a gold - centered medal each for speed — one hundred words a minute, and Miss Margaret Clatney received a medal for Accuracy. Three young ladies; Misses Eileen Harvey, Pauline Barry, and Ruth Way, were awarded Certificates of Merit. In the final exam Miss Doris Nicholas, Miss Myrtis Budgell and Miss Themla Locke, received Diplomas for 20 words a minute.

Domestic Science Room

This department of the Academy is in full swing. We have eight classes during the week, ranging from Grade VI to Grade IX. These pupils are not only taught cooking in every shape and form, but to be veritable little house keepers as well. You should see them at work in their pretty uniforms, and better still would it be, if you had a chance of tasting their dainties.


In Athletics, Notre Dame boys were very lucky this year, and carried off for the fourth time, the “Vincent Jones” Hockey Trophy. They were successful too in being the victors at baseball.

Dramatic Troupe

The pretty Operetta “The Wishing Cap” was so artistically staged by some of our pupils in the Town Hall early last December, that congratulations poured in until Christmas. As the year passes we expect very many such treats from Notre Dame actors and actresses.

G. W. V. A.

Since our last note to the Daily News end of the year issue, we held our Annual General Meeting, when the out-going Committee was all re-elected to office for another term. We were pleased to have with us on this occasion our Dominion President, Major F. Marshall, who very kindly addressed the gathering and conducted the election of officers. Outstanding items of interest during the year, were the visit of Sir Bruce Bruce-Porter, Commandant Third London General Hospital, Wandsworth, during the Great War, and the meeting here of the Dominion Conference in September. Our Executive, together with a number of Sir Bruce’s ex-patients and others, met him at the Railway Station when en route to St. John’s on Friday evening, August 5th, Sir Bruce was glad to see our party, and chatted with a number of his former patients until the moving of the train. He appeared to be in perfect health and to have enjoyed his trip thus far.

Dominion Conference

On Monday September 12th a large number of delegates from the various branches, arrived for the Conference. This was held in the Orange Hall, Beaumont Avenue, and was the most successful of its kind. Everyone appeared having enjoyed their stay in our town. Comrade Vincent S. Jones, General Manager of the Anglo-Newfoundland Development Co., Ltd., very kindly consented to welcome the delegates. His address of welcome was very sincere and illuminating. He assured the delegates that both he and the Company would do all possible to make their visit a pleasant one.

An-outing to Twin lakes, Badger, at the kind invitation of the Anglo-Newfoundland Development Co. Ltd., through their district Manager Capt. H.W. Cole, proved immensely successful; our party being reluctant to return. The ex-service men of Badger are to be congratulated for the splendid reception they gave us. Our only regret was that Capt. Cole could not be present, having to undergo medical treatment at St. John’s.


A dance was held in the Town hall on Wednesday, September 14th., in honor of the visiting delegates, which was largely attended. Prior to the dance, the delegates including the Executive of the Grand Falls Branch and their wives, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jones at Grand Falls House, where a very pleasant hour was spent.

A dinner was held on Thursday evening in the K of C Hall. The ladies of our newly organized auxiliary took charge of the arrangements for this, and all were loud in their praise of the splendid repast they gave us.

The Dominion President, and Presidents of the various branches, placed a wreath on the War Memorial, where a short ceremony was performed. Poppy and Forget-Me-Not sales, were as usual very successful. These were distributed throughout the district and the returns were gratifying. The Annual Reunion held during the year, was the most successful of its kind, a large number of ex-service men and their lady friends attend. The Armistice Dance was also largely attended - over 500 persons were present and a most delightful evening was spent. The Commemoration Service on July 3rd was also largely attended this year, the various organizations taking part as usual. Attendance at the ceremony grows with the years, and there is no apparent “forgetfulness” of those who paid the supreme sacrifice on that tragic July 1st, 1916.

Throughout the year many calls for assistance have come in. These have been dealt with so far as possible by our Executive. Large parcels of clothing have been forwarded on the Coast by our ladies Auxiliary, to ex-service men and their families, together with cash orders, wherever and whenever possible to do so. We trust that the coming year will see an improvement in the conditions that exist at present in our country, and that continued success will follow the Great War Veterans’ Association.


Catholic Cadet Corps 1938

The Governing Council met in January to study the findings of the Committee appointed to examine the constitution. The result of the research was highly gratifying and the constitution was found sound and practical, adjustments being of minor order. The recommendation of the committee to adhere strictly to the provisions of the constitution, was adopted, to ensure smoother working and a more efficient organization.

The new Armory was formally handed over to the Corps, by Rev. W. Finn, on May 20, and a full roll call was answered by all ranks, in witness to the simple yet impressive ceremony. The staff made a creditable showing in the set up of the new quarters and the increased attendance at subsequent drills, bore testimony of the appreciation of the rank and file. An up-to-date accounting system inaugurated by Capt. J.P. Molloy has materially facilitated the business proceedings. The progress of the essential equipment, whilst of necessity a gradual process, is steady and satisfactory. The formation of a Senior company was undertaken and shows signs of a solid foundation for a most valuable acquisition. The Non-Commissioned Officers are in school, conducted by Capt. G. Winslow, and are showing exceptional promise. Very encouraging indeed, was the first session of the Signals’ School under Capt. R.W. Sullivan.

A “Swell” Camp

During the first two weeks in August, a Camp was held at Norris Arm, and over eighty percent of the Corps took advantage of this event. The Commanding Officer, Major D.W. Byrd, Capt. G. Winslow, Capt. J.P. Delaney, and their staff, gave the campers — to quote their unanimous verdict — “a swell time”, the only regret being the fact that it did not last long enough — and the only order of the year to be obeyed reluctantly, was “Break Camp”.

During the Camp, a day was set aside for the Ladies’ Auxiliary, and the visit was a mutual pleasure. The Ladies’ Auxiliary, have accomplished some most difficult tasks since their inauguration, contributing to the welfare of the Corps in a very generous and practical manner, deserving every word of praise and gratitude accorded them. To illustrate the spirit of this indefatigable band, it is but to mention they gave a dinner to the Corps, which was quite an undertaking, and an unqualified success. But ignoring the magnitude of such a task, they then equipped the camp with a complete outfit of utensils, and by complete, we mean that not an item, proper to kitchen or dining room, was missing! (“Lucky boys” growled the old campaigners). A mere thank you does seem inadequate, but grateful appreciation will always accompany a thought of the Ladies Auxiliary.

The Corps benefited by several lectures from Mr. King, who very eloquently and appropriately dealt with the fire hazard, and treating his subject in a manner which proved him a master of juvenile psychology. A series of first Aid demonstrations were given by Mr. R. Harris, and his generous sacrifice of time and effort was greatly appreciated.

The several dances sponsored by the Corps met with gratifying success. One dance was held for the benefit of the Parochial Poor Box, and due to the generous contributions of all concerned the entire gate was handed to Rev. Fr. Finn for his charity fund, and it is pleasing to record the spontaneous generosity which made this event such a success, and the sincere thanks of the Corps is tendered all helpers and contributors. The awards’ Committee is progressing well with the research necessary to complete this report, and it is anticipated that the finalizing will be in ample time for the presentations date.

Duty Parade

On Sunday the first of October, the annual Duty Parade was held, and the roll shows no absentees. This parade presented a beautiful and impressive spectacle. The military procession of uniformed youth moving into position, made a colorful fine ground for the marble art work of the Altar, which punctuates the apostolic coloring of the background, adding the complete compliment of color symbol, the scene illuminated by sunlight filtered through the stained glass of the window of the Annunciation, made a picture not easily erased from the memory, and created a thought that in recurrence, will enhance both the obvious and hidden beauty of that scene.

Among the honorable discharges, it is to be noticed that two indicate a permanent pursuance of martial avocation by members of the Corps, and these discharges carry with them the heartiest good wishes of the Corps.

The annual meeting of the Governing Council took place the first Sunday in Advent. The meeting was addressed by the President, and the financial statement presented, which when read, revealed a healthy condition of affairs. The annual election resulted in the unanimous return of last year’s Executive, and the President made the necessary appointments to fill vacancies in the Council. The election of the Athletic Committee was then proceeded with, and the 1939 Athletic Committee consists of C.J. Power, Esq., Thomas Conway, Esq., Q.M.S. Rex Brown.

The Governing Body

The personnel of the Governing Council for 1939 is as follows: Rev. W. Finn, President; Lt. Col. P.A. Edwards, Vice-president; Joseph Hennessey, Esq., 2nd Vice-president; Capt. J.P. Molloy, Treasurer; Capt. R. Sullivan, Secretary, Major D.W. Byrd, Commanding Officer; Capt. J.J. Delaney, Adjutant; Capt. G. Winslow, Capt., Capt. J.J. Murphy, Capt. D.A. O’Flynn, Lt. L Edwards, Joseph Edwards, Esq., D.J. Clatney, Esq., C.J. Power, Esq., Thomas Conway Esq. In summary, the Corps is showing steady progress increasing attendance, the trend is definitely upwards and towards closer coherence.

Church Lads Brigade

The activities of the Church Lads Brigade for the year, came to a close on December 15th when all ranks were dismissed for the Christmas holidays. On looking back over the old records, we find that this year marks the 17th anniversary of the formation of a C.L.B. Company in Grand Falls. From only a small company consisting of two sections of about 20 each, this brigade has grown in number from year to year, until we have four sections and a bugle band, making a total of 123 ranks.


Weekly parades are held on Thursday throughout the year, with the exceptions of the months of July and August. There were 42 parades held, with an average attendance of 80, which is a considerable improvement over last year, and shows that both officers and lads are very keen and continue to maintain their interest in Brigade Work


Owing to lack of finances, we were obliged to camp much nearer home this year. The camp site was chosen at Northern Arm and some 50 lads were under canvas for 10 days with Lieut. F.G. LeMoine, Camp Commandant. The usual routine of camp was carried out daily, under ideal weather conditions, and the lads enjoyed 10 days of real fun, camping by the sea-shore. Major L.R. Cooper made his first official inspection of our own local camp, and expressed great satisfaction at the general conditions of camp. The usual Drum-head service and Officers’ Mess dinner were held. Many donations were received from friends and visitors and we wish to express our thanks to them for making our camp the success that it was.

Eight Annual Indoor Sports

Our Fall activities commenced with our 8th annual Indoor Sports which were held in the rink on October 26th. The attendance this year was the largest on record. The outstanding events on the program were the two pyramid exhibitions by squads from the C.L.B. and Girl Guides, under the direction of Capt. F.A. Stone. This year several open events were included on the program, and proved to be very popular with the public. The sports closed with a modern wrestling bout between two of our own lads. This event made a real climax to the program, over which the public were most enthusiastic. The Boy Scouts Band very kindly provided musical selections throughout the evening, for which we feel gratefully indebted. The prizes were kindly presented by Mrs. W.J. Short, after which Major Cooper thanked the judges and all in attendance, on behalf of the Brigade, for their support in making the evening an outstanding success.

Parents’ Night

The 3rd Annual squad Competition for the Harris Memorial Shield was held on December 15th, the last parade for the year. At this parade a special invitation is always extended to parents, friends and supporters of the Brigade, to be present with us to witness the judging of the competition, and presentation of promotions won during the year. Four squads competed for the honors and a general improvement in drill was quite noticeable. The judges were confronted with a very difficult task, as there was not much to pick and choose between all four squads.

Sergt. W. Coultas and No. 2 squad were declared the winners by the judges, and he was presented with the Harris Memorial Shield and decorated with the Hayward Medal, while each lad of the squad received an arm shield which he wears during the coming year. Mr. R.T. Stedman made the presentation, and expressed himself as being very much impressed with the high standard of drill to which the company has attained, a great improvement over last year. Our Chaplin the Rev. E.M. Bishop, extended thanks on behalf of the brigade to the judges, after which orders were read and the Company was dismissed for the Christmas Holidays.

Ladies’ and Men’s’ Auxiliaries

Once again we wish to place on record our thanks and appreciation to our Ladies’ and Men’s’ Auxiliaries, who from year to year, untiringly carry the burden of financing the brigade and making it possible for us to carry on. The officers of these organizations for the past year are as follows: Ladies: Mrs. W.R. Harn, President; Miss S.M. Irish, Secretary. Mens; Mr. A.G. Noseworthy, President; P.H. Llew King, Secretary.


After a lapse of ten years since last winning the hockey championship, our hockey team under the capable management of Messrs. J. Dawe and J. Pond, carried off the honors, and won the cup for the 1937-38 season, and also earned a trip to St. John’s. Great credit is due this team for the way they have stuck together and always played the game. We have great expectations for our team again this year.

The football and baseball teams were well in the running and next year will certainly have to be reckoned with as contenders for the honors. We wish to express our thanks and appreciations to our many friends and supporters in Grand Falls whose willing help, both moral and financial, goes a long way to help keep the flag flying and carry on C.L.B.


Officers of the Company are as follows: Chaplain, Rev. E.M. Bishop; Officer Commanding, Major L.R. Cooper; Second in Command, Capt. W.J. Short; Capt. F.H. Stone; Adjutant, Capt. G.H. Sanders; Lieut. F.G. LeMoine, Lieut. R.J. Hiller, Lieut. E.S. Green; Company Sergt. Major. B. Bartlett; band Sergt. Major M Willar.

Boy scouts’ Association

The year 1938 proved to be a very successful one in every way for the Boy Scouts Association of Grand Falls. During the year a fine program of activities was carried out successfully, and the revenue derived from various public undertakings exceeded that of 1937. The year began with the annual public meeting on the evening of January 20th. The following Executive and Committee were re-elected: Mr. H.S. Windele, Chairman; Mr. A.G. Ogilive, Vice-Chairmen; Mr. L. Moore, Secretary-Treasurer; Messrs. H.K. Goodyear, A. MacPherson, W. Morrow, R.N. Ripley, Executive Committee, Mr. A Bugden and Mr. H. Gilbert were elected to the Committee as new members. At the meeting also Mr. Harry Baird, a former member of the Committee, was appointed to the position of Group Scout Master. The group has enrolled during the year 170 members in the various units. The group now consists of two Wolf Cub packs, two Scout Troops, one Rover Crew and a band of twenty pieces.

Year’s Activities

The usual scout activities were carried out during the year. On February 22nd the Chief’s birthday, the Committee gave the boys of the Group the usual birthday dinner. The catering was done by the Ladies’ Auxiliary. The dinner was of the usual high standard and was thoroughly enjoyed by all present.

The Annual Summer Camp was held during the first two weeks in August at the Scout Camp site at Point Leamington. The Camp was the best in the history of the local organization, and was attended by nearly fifty boys. The camp was under the supervision of Group Scout Master Baird.

The band has added to its numbers and has continued to improve. During the year it was heard at several public functions. The Scout Orchestra, which is a branch of the band, pleased the people of Grand Falls with its selections on several occasions. In October the band went to Buchans, where it put on a concert and dance. Rover Monchy Harvey has been acting as Band and Orchestra instructor since the departure from town of Mr. Heber Noseworthy.

Sports and Festivities

The Association during the year sponsored the usual field and track athletic activities of the Group. The Scout Apple Day was held on October 29th. The receipts from the sale of apples exceeded those of last year by a fair amount. The Annual Scouts’ Ball and Drawing was held in the Town Hall on the evening of December 1st. There was a good sale of tickets on the jam chest and a large number of citizens attended the dance. Refreshments were served by the Ladies’ Auxiliary. This function put over five hundred dollars into the treasury of the Association.

The Scouts and Rovers held several private and public parties during the year in the Scout Hut. On the evening of December 8th the Group Social Committee held a farewell party at the Hut, in honor of three Scouts, H. Hollett, H. Powell and H. Downton, who were to be leaving during the month for England, to join the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force. Mrs. Stedman, wife of Mr. R.T. Stedman, Assistant Manager of the Anglo-Newfoundland Development Co. Ltd., on behalf of the Association, presented each boy with a pocket book containing currency. Mr. V.S. Jones, Manager of the Anglo-Newfoundland Development Co. Ltd., members of the Local Association, and many other citizens were present. The Anglo-Newfoundland Development Co. Ltd. is paying the traveling expenses of the boys who are joining His Majesty’s Forces. During the year the Local Association received a warrant from Headquarters and became registered as a District Association. Efforts are now being made to organize Scout Troops in neighboring settlements.

Girl Guides

The total strength of Girl Guides, Brownies and Rangers at Grand Falls is 190; three Guide Companies, one Ranger Company and one Brownie Pack. Officers are: First Company; Captain Miss M Hanson; Lieutenant, Miss R. Ogilvie. Second Company; Captain Miss R. Sanger, Lieutenant, Miss C. Grace; Lieutenant, Miss E Hall. Third Company; Captain, Miss H Carter; Lieutenant, Miss A. Hall; Lieutenant, Miss R. Way. Brownies; Brown Owl, Miss M. Hall; Tawny Owl. Miss J Squibb. Rangers; Captain Mrs. G. Pitcher; Lieutenant, Miss M Parsons. District Commissioner, Mrs. E Campbell; Division Commissioner, Mrs. L.R. Cooper. All companies have had a very busy and successful year, and regular weekly meetings have been held with splendid attendance, keenness in Guiding is shown by the many Badges which have been won during the year. Great credit is due to the officers for the time and effort expended to perfect the guides in every branch of Guiding.

Company Activities

The first company have has a very good year. The proficiency badges gained are five Ambulance, six Nurse and one First Class badge. They made and sold candy; also sold tickets on a beautiful tea cloth and pillowcases, the proceeds amounting to $47.00 went towards the General Camp Fund. Dresses made for lady Middleton Shield Competition will help with the Needlewoman’s Badge

The Second Company have done splendid work during the year, and have gained six Sick Nurse, fourteen Entertainers, seven Domestic Service, and twenty Needlewoman’s Badges. Guides made and sold cookies and cakes, also cook books, to raise money, and gave one hundred dollars to the Local Association towards Guide’s Building Fund. As last year, they had a party at Christmas. Each Guide made a gift for the Christmas Tree. Toys and all the decorations must be home-made. This party is greatly looked forward to, and is a novel way of exchanging gifts.

Third Company have also done well in badge work. Ten girls are doing First Class Work. Proficiency Badges gained were fifteen entertainers, eight Hostess and four Cooks. Quite a number are now working for Cooks, Needlewoman’s and Domestic Service badges. All Guides are keen and are holding interest very well. This Company raised thirty-six dollars which was given to the General Camp fund. Much regret was felt with the resignation of Mrs. G. Sheppard, who has been Captain of the Third Company for seven years, during which time Mrs. Sheppard worked untiringly to build up the company, which was the smallest of the three, and no one who visited her Company could fail to note the thoroughness and ability in which it was run. The Company is now the largest, and in good standing, and much credit is due to Mrs. Sheppard. We also regret the resignation of Miss S. Garrett, Lieutenant, owing to ill health, and hope she will soon be well again. Miss Garrett is still interested in Guiding and is Secretary Treasurer for the Guilders Club.


Service has been greatly devoted to work for the Blind Institute. In the early spring a sale of work of handcrafts was held, and a goodly sum raised and sent to the Blind Institute. This cause is very needy, and any support would be greatly appreciated.

Brownies are still keen as ever, and meet Thursday afternoons at the Bridge Hall, instead of Saturday morning as formerly. Tawny Owl, Miss B Sheppard, who had to give up guiding to continue her musical studies, is greatly missed. During August, Miss Sheppard organized a picnic for the Brownies, which was to be held at the Fox Farm, but due to wet weather, had to be held at the Parish Hall. To compensate for the disappointment, the Brownies were taken for a bus drive along the Badger road which they greatly enjoyed. The old faithfulls, Miss M Hall, Brown Owl, and Miss J Squibb, Tawny Owl, always work diligently for the Brownies.

The Guilders Club are taking care of the General Camp fund, which enables any of the companies who wish, to go to camp. This year Mrs. E. Campbell, District Commander, and Mrs. G. Pitcher, Ranger Captain, went to camp with twenty-four Guides at Northern Arm, a very lovely and ideal camp-site. They were favored with very good weather, and all looked well after a very happy ten days at camp. The Guides do enjoy camping very much, and it is to be hoped that they will be able to go to Camp every year from now on. While at camp, the Guides spent a very happy afternoon as guests of the Church Lads Brigade, who were camping about a mile away, but were very sorry not to be able to spend a day at the Boy Scout’s camp at Point Leamington, owing to lack of transportation.

This year, owing to conditions at Grand Falls, the Garden Fete, which was such a success last year, and was to have been an annual event, had to be postponed, but we hope that the coming year will be much more prosperous. On October 31st. all Guides, Rangers and Brownies held a rally at the Brigade Hall for the purpose of presenting the Cups and Shields. Mrs. Jones’ Cups were presented to Guide Geraldine Grace, Second Company, Ranger Cup, Mrs. Fanny Downton, and Brownies Shield, Brownie Shiela Goodyear. The Miss Alderdice Shield was again presented to the First Company

It is very difficult to judge the winners of the Cups and Shields, and every year seems to get a bigger problem for the Commissioner and Local Association. Special prizes were donated by Mrs. Sheppard and Miss Garrett to the Guide with the most points, and the best attendance in the Third Company for the year, both of which were presented to Guide Clarice Way; also the Iris patrol with the most points.

In the absence of Mrs. V.S. Jones, Hon. President and donor of the cups and shields, Mrs. R.T. Stedman very kindly made the presentations, and made a short address. We were very glad to welcome Mrs. Stedman, and hope that she will visit us again in the near future. Mrs. L.R. Cooper thanked Mrs. Stedman, and as usual, gave a message to the Guides reminding them of their Guide Promise. The evening closed with Taps and God Save the King. The two Guides, who went for training to England this year, were Miss Marjorie Hanson, Captain of the First Company and Miss Rose Carter, Captain of the Third Company. Special mention must be made of the Guides who took part in the C.L.B. sports this year. They did exceedingly well. The Pyramid Squad was really splendid and delighted all who attended Sports.

We are very glad to welcome back Miss J Hayward, who has now completed her studies in the U.S.A. and hope that very soon she will be able to help us in Guiding again. The Guides are supported by a strong local Association who have always ready and willing to give their much valued assistance. President Mrs. J.M Keddie, First Vice President, Mrs. A.G Ogilvie, Second Vice President, Mrs. C Hayward, third Vice President Mrs. A. Bradbury, honorary Vice President, Mrs. H.C. Hanson, Secretary, Mrs. J Lind, and Treasurer, Mrs., R.N. Ripley.

Athletic Club

Athletic Club — 1938 Officers: Chairman — A.G. Noseworthy. Secty-Treas. — E.M. Way. Football Section — Capt. Thomas House. Hockey Section — Capt. B Dackers. Basketball Section — Capt. R. Brown. Track Section — Capt. C. Edwards. Golf Section — Capt. L.R. Cooper. Tennis Section — Capt. H Windeler. Badminton Section — Capt. Dr. Minshull. Committee Members H.K. Goodyear, W. Matthews.

At the first meeting of the Executive following the annual meeting, it was decided to make a drive for club memberships, the result, however was not as good as anticipated. This may be accounted for by the “short-time” in the mill and the necessary shutdowns.


Hockey started the first week of January with four teams competing for the League Championship. The surprising upsets during the winter, may be accounted for by having three strong teams, C.L.B., C.C.C., and Guards. The games started off with the teams in mid-season form, and fans soon saw the likely prospects for a good winter’s hockey, and packed the rink in their numbers for every game. The third round saw the three teams neck and neck for the championship, and the much coveted honor of a trip out of town. The C.L.B. who for the past ten years have been a thorn in the side of many champions, were successful in carrying off the honors, after playing off with the C.C.C., who were declared Tie-Cup winners, by winning the third round.

This season the Mercantile Hockey League was formed, and Mr. James Parsons, Assistant Manager of the Grand Falls Co-Operative Society Ltd., was elected President; Mr. F. House of the E.V. Royal Stores Ltd., Secretary-Treasurer. Four teams competed for a beautiful trophy, donated by Mr. S.E. Tuma of Corner Brook. Following were the four teams: E.V. Royal Stores Ltd.; G.F. Co-Operative Society Ltd; G.F. Fire Brigade Ltd.; Windsor. The boys in blue and white of the Royal Stores were successful in having their names inscribed on the trophy, as the 1938 Champions.

Junior League

The Junior Hockey League was re-organized this year. The young lads of the C.C.C. captured top honors after a hard battle with the Guards. Great interest was taken in the Juniors, and the fans showed their appreciation by packing the rink and giving the teams a big hand. A beautiful trophy was presented by Mr. Chafe of the Mutual Life. In keeping with the policy of the club, various teams were invited here to play special series with our local stars. Two towns accepted the invitation, Bay Roberts Rovers, who were no strangers, as fans have had the pleasure of watching their flashy plays on two other occasions, and Harbor Grace, a new team that won the hearts of the fans for their ability to take defeats and play the game. To this team we say “Will ye no come back again.”

The result of the play downs was no doubt very pleasing to the sporting public of Grand Falls. Corner Brook, having won from Buchans, played our All Stars team at Grand Falls, resulting in our winning the Western Division Championship and the E.V. Royal Stores trophy for 1938. The Rink Committee tried to arrange with the Athletic Club at Buchans, to have their teams play a special series here, but owing to some local trouble the idea had to be forgotten.

After playing the final game of the Western Division Play-downs on Saturday night, the Grand Falls team, accompanied by the C.L.B. local league champs, left for St. John’s Sunday morning, to compete in the All-Newfoundland Championship play-downs. After a long and tiresome trip to the capital on a paper train, the team saw Bell Island play the City Champs, St. Bon’s, and on the following night, played the Bell Island team for the right to meet the St. Bon’s team, for the All-Newfoundland Championship. After a hard and tiresome sixty minutes, we were victorious, and on the following night, lined up against St. Bon’s, for what turned out to be a whitewashing. However, we were not downhearted, and we are living to see the day when we will give St. Bon’s, or some other City Champions, a dose of their own medicine. A lot of credit is due the hockey section Captain, C.L. Power, who was also Manager of the Grand Falls All-Star team. He is a hard worker and has the interest of hockey at heart.


Football got away at an early start in June, with five teams competing for the championship and Tie-Cup series. It was an uphill fight between the Guards, C.L.B., and Bishop’s Falls, the latter winning top honors, which entitled them to visit St. John’s where they spent a very enjoyable week in spite of defeat.

The Club Executive arranged for a joint visit of the B.I.S. football and baseball teams from St. John’s. This series was very much enjoyed by all that had the pleasure of seeing the teams in action, and we are looking forward to another visit in 1939. Several games were played during the season with ship teams from Botwood, also with teams from the Airport and Springdale. We trust we shall have the pleasure of renewing friendship with those teams next year.


Baseball saw four teams in the Senior League, C.L.B., Scouts, Cadets and Guards. It was a battle of pitchers and skill, with the old rivals out in front — the Guards winning from the Cadets after a triple play-off. Tie-Cup honors were won by the C.L.B. The Guards visited Corner Brook to play a series with their All-Star team, and bad luck must have come to them by changing their mascot from a horseshoe to a bear cub. Several Junior games were played, and the school series proved that baseball is still Grand Fall’s most popular game. The Grand Falls Academy were the winners in a series that would open the eyes of many big league players.


The Track Section, under the able leadership of the old reliable Charlie Edwards, proved to be a grand success again this year. The Annual sports Day was well attended by competitors, if not by the public. The Track team visited Bell Island and St. John’s under the management of C. Edwards, and a lot of credit is due the team on the wonderful showing they made. With little support, it is hoped that the “Daily News” Trophy may adorn the mantle of our club. N. Pinsent, winner of the local ten mile road race, visited St. John’s and made a good showing, considering the opposition and the new course.


The Basketball Section is something new but we hope to have enough interest created in the game to start a regular playing schedule this spring.

Junior Sports Day

The fourth annual Junior sports Day was held on July 4th. The day was observed as a general holiday in the town. A large number of children arrived from Bishop’s Falls, Badger and Botwood. An excellent program was arranged, and the prizes donated by the Anglo - Newfoundland Development Co., Ltd. were greatly appreciated by the successful winners, who were as follows: - Kindergarten Boys: 1st. G. Foley; 2nd. W. Scott; 3rd C. Pitcher. 1st. L. Lindahl; 2nd. G. Bradley; 3rd. J. Cochrane. 1st. R. Dawe; 2nd. F. Rockwood; 3rd. R. Tilley. Kindergarten girls: 1st. C. Crawley; 2nd. C. Parsons; 3rd. P. Pitcher. 1st. M. Saunders; 2nd. G. Saunders; 3rd. E. Mercer. 1st. M. Hannon; 2nd. M. Rose, 3rd I Croke. 100 Yards Boys: 14-14 years — 1st R. Matthews, 2nd. J. Burke, 3rd. W. Ball. 12-14 years — 1st R Thorne; 2nd. R. Hiller; 3rd R. Randell. 100 Yards Girls: 14-16 years — 1st. N. Conway; 2nd. J. Rockwood; 3rd. M. Pitcher. 12-14 years — 1st. E. Mercer; 2nd. I Randell; 3rd. J Mercer. 75 Yards Boys: 10-12 years — 1st F. Conway; 2nd. H O’Reilly; 3rd. V. Mercer. 8-10 Years — 1st. R. Colbourne; 2nd H Roberts; 3rd W Penny. 75 Yards Girls: 10-12 years — 1st F. Conway; 2nd. E. Mercer 3rd. W. Pitcher. 8-10 years — 1st P. Duke 2nd P Peckford; 3rd P Foley. 60 Yards Boys: Under 9 years — 1st L Edwards; 2nd R Raines; 3rd R. Rendall. Girls under 9 years: — 1st E. Power; 2nd C. Crawley; 3rd I King.

Sack Race, Boys Under 16 years: 1st A LeDrew; 2nd. J Cordolas; 3rd J Penney. 50 Yards Girls: Under 16 years — 1st D. Hart; 2nd R. Duggan; 3rd. J Parsons. Egg and Spoon, Girls, 16 years — 1st Vera Shirron; 2nd P Duke; 3rd T. Green. Potato Race Girls: 1st. L Pike; 2nd W. Pitcher; 3rd M. Keefe. Boys — 1st J Penney; 2nd H.A. Shea, R. Davis. Wheelbarrow Race, Boys: 1st W. Ball; H. Forward; 2nd A Shea, R. Davis. Throwing a Baseball - Boys 13-16 years — 1st N Borrow; 2nd R. Tulk; 3rd H. Pretty. High Jump Boys Under 13 years — 1st A Mercer; 14-16 years — 1st. W. Ball; 2nd. R. Mill; 3rd J Tremblett. 12-14 Years — 1st(4'6"); 2nd B. Eveleigh; 3rd H. Elliott. Broad Jump Boys 14-16 years — 1st R. Matthew; 2nd W. Ball; 3rd. A Mercer. 12-14 years — 1St. O. Strickland; 2nd H. forward; 3rd V. Mercer. Thread-the-Needle, girls 1st J parsons; 2nd A Cornick 3rd H Roberts. Slow Bicycle Race: Boys — 1st W. Cochrane; 2nd G. Randell. Girls — 1st. P. Goodyear 2nd V. Morgan; F. Baird. Pick-a-Back Race: Boys — 1st R. Thorne, 2nd R Tulk 3rd J Boone. Girls — 1st L King; 2nd J Tobin; 3rd J Pond.

Parents should take a greater interest, and realize that their co-operation is needed to make their Children’s Day a success. On this occasion the B.P.O. “Elks” opened their Childrens Play Ground and the field was bedecked with many new pieces of playground apparatus. On this matter too, we ask the general public to support the Elks. They have undertaken a big job in providing entertainment for the children of Grand Falls, and as an Athletic Club, we stand behind them

The Executive takes this opportunity to thank the general public for their support and co-operation during the past year, and trust we shall have the pleasure of having their whole-hearted support during the coming winter, when we shall operate a skating rink, jointly with Grand Falls Skating Rink Company Ltd. This agreement has been supported to make the Rink as comfortable as possible, so that you may enjoy the games and skating. We heartily thank Umpires, Scorer, Referees, Timekeepers, Messrs. G.V. Evans, N. Baird, Chas. Grace, F. Shapleigh, Jas. Hanaford, Jan Waugh, R.H. Hayward, J Molloy, H. Baird, W.J. Short, and all who contributed in any way to help sport, especially the Anglo-Newfoundland Development Co., Ltd., for their generous donations towards the expenses of the out-of-town trips. To one and all we say one more “Thank you”.

Grand Falls Golf Club

The Season of 1938 has proved to be a very prosperous one for the Club. Many factors go to emphasize this, not the least of which is the increase in membership, and the vast improvements in the standard of play, due to the improvements made and the new equipment added, which has increased the interest of all players and potential members. Mr. F. J. Humphrey presented a silver trophy to the Club, which is to represent the “Club Championship Cup”. It is to be played each year, matched play, no handicap. It was won this year by Mr. Charles Giles.

In July, the club sent a team to Corner Brook to play for the Cochrane Trophy, which Grand Falls won for the first time. This trophy is an Inter-Town Cup, and has to be completed for on the course of the Club that holds it. Later in the season, a combined team of players from Grand Falls and Corner Brook, went to St. John’s and played a series of matches against Bally Haly Club. And although the home team won, some good matches were played, and the experience of all concerned was much appreciated. It is to be hoped that next season, Bally Haly will send a team to Grand Falls, and that matches will become an annual event.

The course record for 1938 was established by two members, Mr. L.R. Cooper, and Mr. C. Renouf, with a score of 78. This is one stroke lower that of former years, held by Mr. F. Rockwood. Considerable interest was shown in monthly competitions, and many of the newer members played their way into the winning places. Thus the season has passed and it can be expressed without doubt by all members, that the year has been a successful one.

Grand Falls Tennis Club

The Grand Falls Tennis Club is now the possessor of courts, of which any town might well be proud. The asphalt surface gives true, accurate and fast play, and requires practically, no maintenance. The outstanding event of the season was the Newfoundland Club Championship matches for the Lever Cup, held here on July 23rd to 26th. The Western Division was won by Corner Brook, who defeated Grand Falls by 3 matches to 2. The Eastern Section was won by Bally Haly, and in the final play-off, Corner Brook won by some brilliant play, by 5 matches to nil. All were sincere in their congratulations to Corner Brook on their well earned victory, by which the Lever Cup was taken from St. John’s for the first time.

The customary matches with Buchans were played in July and August, these matches between the two towns, providing a means of friendly contact, are thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated by all concerned.

Efforts were made this season to develop the Junior Section. This resulted in a membership of over 40 juniors. They had the use of the courts all day during the school holidays, and they utilized their privilege to the full; and it is believed there are several promising players developing who, it is hoped, will bring new honors to the club in a few years time. It is hoped that even more interest will be taken in the Juniors next season, to develop the talent that is undoubtedly present in the town.


Mining town of Buchans Under Spotlight.

700 Men Working full Time. Fresh Ore Deposit Discovered. Extra Construction

Output of Concentrates Shows Increases Over 37. Social And Athletic Doing Speeds Up Pace of Life For People Of Buchans

Prospecting And Mine Development

Diamond Drilling was carried on throughout the year by Sprague Henwood Inc, Part of the drilling was done from underground, working 400 feet below the surface in Lucky Strike mine. On the first day of the year, this drilling resulted in the discovery of a body of additional ore, and it is believed that this discovery will add almost one year’s life to the operation of the mine. Most of the Diamond Drilling was done from the surface in the immediate neighborhood, or within a mile or two of Buchans; no ore was struck in any of these drill holes. A large amount of mining was done by the square set cut and fill methods, which requires much timbering, etc., and in which birch timber, planks, etc. are used to a large extent. Large quantities of the material for this work were supplied by local contractors.

Labor: The total number of men employed at the close of 1938 and working full time is some 700.

Plant Construction—Mill

In the mill, two new classifiers were installed in September, to improve the grinding of the ore. At the same time, Copper-Lead Flotation was re-arranged, to make it possible to split this operation into two units, whenever comparative tests of reagents and operating methods would be helpful. For more speedy unloading of concentrates, and for unloading coal and other supplies, a 1 3/4 cubic yard excavator was put in operation in May. Pumps, hydraulic equipment, and scrapers, were installed at Oriental mine for stripping of soil, clay and gravel, and to use part of this material for stop-fill in the mine.

Town Construction

As a large number of employees made requests for houses, the Company constructed four apartment houses, each to accommodate four families, provided with five room apartments. A considerable number of extensions, additions and improvements were made during the year to the living quarters of married employees. All the apartment houses constructed this year, are supplied with light, water and sewer and all modern conveniences. A two story bunkhouse, with individual rooms for two or three men, was built in October - November. This bunkhouse, like the others is steam heated and laid out in the dormitory style. The rooms are very comfortable and nicely laid out. A water fountain for the use of the men was installed in the hallway.

Due to the number of teachers being increased in the Public School, additions were made to the apartment houses for the school teachers, as well as an addition to school house No. 2, due to an increase in the number of pupils. With these additions, the school property now presents a very pleasing picture, and having its own heating system, affords all the comfort necessary.

The Hospital, which is owned and operated by the Company, was enlarged considerably, extra rooms and living quarters being constructed. The Exploits Valley Royal Stores and the Buchans Workman’s Co-Operative Society stores, were also extended and enlarged, and both these buildings being of considerable size now present a fine appearance. To improve the town water supply a filter for the water treatment plant was installed and put in operation. Besides the above, numerous minor jobs were attended to and completed.

Buchans Railway

The new steel bridge crossing Mary March River, was completed, and the Waterford Bridge was rebuilt on concrete piers. Both these jobs were supervised by J. C. Mews, and were very well and speedily done.


An extension of 120 feet to the storage shed at Botwood, used for the storing of concentrates, was completed in February. This work was satisfactorily carried out by the contractors, J Goodyear & Sons, Grand Falls. Buchans Public Schools re opened on September 1st. The new school brought several signs of growth and progress. There is definitely now an upper and a lower school. The later comprising Kindergarten to Grade 4, and the former Grades 5 to 11.

The staff consists of six teachers: Mr. C.A. Howse, B.A., Principal, Miss D.L. French, B.A. Vice-Principal; Miss F.G. Ford; Miss L.F. Spencer; Miss H.I. Flight; Miss O.F. Field, B.A. This is an increase of one teacher over the previous year. The kindergarten meets each morning and enjoys an up-to-date routine including, rhythmic training, and percussion band work. In Grades 1- 4 the curriculum is followed quite closely with interest. Extra reading is obtained from the School Library of 300 books, supervised by a student librarian. Singing forms an important part of the timetable and is a feature of the daily Assembly. The upper school has a beauty all its own; it was started in July 1937 and partially used this year; tastefully tinted walls and woodwork, excellent lighting and seating accommodation create an atmosphere conducive to learning.

In the upper grades the Art class attempts to beautify further their rooms with varied forms of self expression and posters of Geographical and Historical interest. A further evidence of growth lies in the Science laboratory. Hitherto, this work was conducted at a disadvantage in the classroom, and a well equipped laboratory is a welcome change.

The three school houses; Britannia; Terra Nova and Viking, which were formed five years ago, are still thriving; with the introduction of a new House shield in September, bearing the name of last year’s house winner — Terra Nova – interest has definitely increased in this school activity. The situation of Buchan’s Public School is such geographically, that is must always serve as a centre of social and educational interest. With this in mind, attempts were made to form a school rink, which has materialized, and there is an unquestioned interested in the undertaking, and certainly no lack of assistance. Evening classes are conducted for matriculation students and several have availed themselves of the opportunity which they doubtless miss when attending school. In a town of this nature, there must of necessity be continual changes, and changes must lead to growth and improvement. A glance over the history of the school will reveal the constant existence of these two factors, and their influence upon the life of the community.

Church of England

The year 1938 has been a quietly progressive one for the Church of England in Buchans. The congregation is still the smallest in number in the town, though the influx of transient workers during the year added to our Sunday congregation, and increased our funds. The women of the congregation in the Guild of St. Mary the Virgin, continued their good work throughout the year. As a result of their effort, early in October, the Rector was able to announce that the congregation was entirely out of debt. This consummation leaves the congregation free now to concentrate on other good work, particularly the beautifying and enchantment of the interior of the little Church of St. John the Divine.

The Sunday School continued its splendid work throughout the year. The attendance was particularly good during the summer holidays. There are over sixty pupils registered, and the Sunday attendance is splendid. During the year Mr. Thomas Cave found it necessary to resign his position as Superintendent. His resignation was most reluctantly accepted by the Rector, who then appointed Mr. Hubert Brown to carry on the work. Under Mr. Brown’s superintendence, assisted by a devoted band of loyal teachers, the good standard of this Sunday School is sure to maintained.

Church Lads Brigade

The Church Lads Brigade is an integral part of the Church of England life in Buchans. This year has seen improvement in every branch of Brigade work. Regular meetings have been held under the command of Captain E. G. Bartlett, and steady progress made in drill and exercise. The Corps has just been equipped with the new uniform, and the lads look very smart on the periodic public parades. The flourishing drum and bugle band has been established and this adds considerable “Vim” to the branch.

A very outstanding event of the year’s work was the “Exhibition” held in November, to commemorate the 46th Anniversary of the Brigade. This Exhibition was initiated and carried through by Lieut. Ralph Colyer. The public of Buchans showed their interest in the C.L.B. by a crowded hall, at times there was not comfortable standing room. The lads acquitted themselves splendidly and the whole reflected exceptional credit upon the officers giving their training, and in this case especially upon Lieut. Ralph Colyer. The staff of the C.L.B. at Buchans now is: — Chaplain — Rev. G.H. Maidment. O.C. — Capt. E.G. Bartlett. 2nd in command — Lieut. Gordon Heals. Adjutant — 2nd Lieut. Thomas Cave. Adjutant — 2nd Lieut. Ralph Colyer. Carry on C.L.B.

G.W.V.A. Buchans Branch

The Buchans branch of this well known organization has been very busy the past year under the guidance of : President — J.C. Mews. 1st. Vice-President — (Rev.) G.H. Maidment. 2nd Vice-President — W.J. Cuff. Secretary-Treasurer — H.T. Wells. To help along their activities, the executive thought it would be a good idea to enlist the service of the ladies, so early in July, a Ladies Auxiliary became a reality, its first officers being: President — Mrs Levi Hollett. Secretary — Mrs. M.J Glavine. Treasurer — Mrs. C.A. Howse. The initial venture was “Forget me Not” day, then followed “Poppy Day”, when the sums realized were far ahead of expectations, and the ladies were on the job early and late, and to judge by the poppy wearers, its seems they sold a Poppy to every individual in town.

The annual Armistice Dance was a great success, and here again the ladies excelled themselves in co-operation, and their handling of the refreshments was great. The Star Hall was nicely decorated to suit the occasion by Miss Flo Ford, and the large crowd in attendance spent a very enjoyable night. Membership has increased slightly during the year. In November it was decided to fence the Memorial Grounds on Main Street and this has now been done, as well as cleaning up and leveling off the surroundings. When the summer comes around the place will look very nice. The cost of this work was reduced somewhat by a donation from the Buchans Mining Co.

The writer has been asked to thank all the people of Buchans for their kindness, help, and financial support to this worthy organization, since its inception, and it is very gratifying to realize that the continuation of such support will help the G.W.V.A. to carry on their deeds of goodness and perpetuation.

Social and Athletic Activities

So much has been written about “Sports” the past year that a review of Buchans sport activities may not appeal to a number of your readers. However, their attention may be gained when it is realized, that in a town like Buchans, (37 miles off the Main line) only most of us who live and work here may appreciate what the word “Sport” means to the residents of this town. The other industrial centers have their highway and cars etc., to go and come as they wish, but due to the limited life and location of the mining town, it is out of the question to indulge in such benefits, hence the town as a whole, reverts to the various branches of sport in a very ambitious manner.

The need of an Athletic Club was seen in the early days of Buchans, and in 1928 the organization of the Buchans Social and Athletic Club proved a wise and necessary move. This Club has guided and supervised all kinds of sport since that time, and as a tribute to the good work done by those in charge, it would be opportune to quote from a speech made at a smoker given to the Buchans hockey Team in 1937, when they won the Western Division Championship. “The public of Buchans should feel grateful to those who have given so much of their time and energy in arranging the sports in this town, and show that gratefulness, by becoming a member of the B.S. and A.C. Membership is the backbone of any organization”

The annual meeting of the club was held on November 23rd, and the following were elected to office: President E.M. (Aubble) Martin; 1st. Vice President A.E. Robertson; 2nd vice President Robert C. Brookie; Secretary, F.J Lukins; Treasurer, Patrick A Bennett; Auditors, Mr. C.S .Freeman, Mr. T.A King; Committee F.I. Robinson, C.A. Howse, S. McIssac, B. Connoly, Thomas Hunt, W.H. Maher, R.J. Chafe. The election was conducted by Mr. C. Freeman in his usual fine way. The Outgoing officers were given a warm thanks and a big hand for their efforts when in office.


The hockey section was formed early in November, and the following were elected to office for the coming season. Chairman W.H. Maher; Treasurer, P.A. Bennett. The result of last year’s hockey was an unexpected loss of the Western Division Championship to Buchans, as the writer was and still is of the opinion that “We had it in the bag”. But as it is always the unexpected that happens, we were not even “in it”. Unforeseen circumstances weakened our team, but they traveled to Corner Brook uncertain but determined, and they played the game of their lives, to overcome a 3 goal lead, tie up the score, and lose out by the narrowest margin — one goal. Never mind boys, perseverance will eventually realize your ambitions.

The local league championship was won by the Mill team, for the second successive year, and they showed their superiority right through the season. They deserved their win and played good hockey, and are determined to win the third victory necessary to own the trophy (cup) donated by Mr. Edward Epstein. This year we regret to say we lack the service of Charles Godden and Gordon Edwards, two fine players, who helped a great team last year. Godden resigned his job and returned to College, and Edwards accepted a position at Bell Island. No doubt we will hear of their activities during the season.

Rumor has it that some new blood will be available for the various teams this year, and if so, it is good news, as they can effectively fit in with some of the younger players here, who no doubt will surprise many when they get going.


This year the Rink Management is controlled by A.E. Robertson, Chairman; J.C. Phillips, Secretary; P Bennett, Treasurer. At time of writing, wonderful progress has been make, and all work, except dressing rooms, is about completed, and the well used question “Is the Rink Flooded?” can be answered in the affirmative.


There wasn’t any “kick” to the football section last year, and that is about the only thing can be said about it. The section formed to attend the football, are not all to blame, as they called several meetings for organizing teams, etc. but lost heart when the response expected was not available. The writer sees no reason why football in Buchans should not come back stronger that ever next year. If we lacked the players, that would be a good reason, but we have them just as good here, as any place, and games with Grand Falls, Corner Brook, Bishop’s Falls and other towns, should be eagerly and easily arranged. What about it you fellows — is it too much to expect to have a representative track and football team at Grand Falls on Labor Day? I ask those of you in Buchans who read this, to consider it seriously and give it your support.


This fine game has been abandoned here the past two years, and the only interest taken in it the past season, was by the school boys who had a series of games, but the attendance was very poor.


Buchans boasts of two fine Tennis Courts — one controlled by the Buchans Tennis Club and the other by the Star of the Sea Tennis Club. Both courts were kept busy all the playing season, and some fine games were played at times. The Buchans Tennis Club held their annual meeting on May 11th 1938. The following were elected to office; President H.R. Blackler; Vice president Dr. A.G. Hill; Treasurer P. M. Schear, Secretary F. O’Brien; Committee, Mrs. Gilchrist, Miss Keiley, Messrs J.C Mews, W.A. Dawe. There seemed to be much more tennis played by all members of the club this year, than ever before. Early in the season, a ladies Singles Tournament was played, and resulted in Mrs. A.E. Robertson winning the prize.

The annual visit from the Grand Falls Tennis Club occurred in July, and although Buchans lost out in the games, everybody seemed to enjoy themselves, which is just as important. In August, Buchans paid a visit to Grand Falls, and suffered another defeat, but all, voted the week end a very enjoyable one. This trip to the Falls would ordinarily finish up the season, but this year, owing to the interest of Mr. and Mrs. G.C. Thomas, we played until very late in the season for prizes kindly donated by Mrs. Thomas. The final results; Mixed Doubles won by Mrs. Gilchrist and H.L. McKinlay; Mens doubles won by A.E. Robertson and Earl Pike. Our Club is fortunate in having as a member Mr. D.R. Evans, who was runner up to Mr. W Shakespeare in the open championship held at St. John’s in August.

Swimming Pool

The construction of a swimming pool last year, which was given mention in the Daily News at the time, was a worthy addition to the recreation facilities of the town, and it was a particularly busy spot all the season. A special committee of the B.A. and A. Club supervise its activities, and the next year it is hope to run off a swimming meet for children and adults.


The annual Ski race was again sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. P.W. George, and proved a very successful one. The winners; First (Men) Norman Makinson; Second D. Griffiths, Jr.; First (Women) Mrs. Gordon Rowsell; Second Mrs. C. A. Mews. The finish between some of the contestants proved very exciting, and the shouts of encouragement from the supporters, seemed to pep up those who were thinking of slowing up the last few feet. A goodly number entered, and started off by the Residents Heating Plant — the start was almost as perfect as the weather. When the last one in got a rest, all assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George, where rapid action was renewed on the fine display of food. A lot of thanks is due the sponsors of this yearly event, and particularly so, when it is realized they hand out the prizes for the day as well.

Salvation Army

Under the guidance of Adjutant D. Goulding, the Salvation Army in Buchans has shown increased activity in many ways. Early in 1938 the formation of a band was undertaken, and with eight players to date, the progress has been satisfactory. To purchase some of the instruments for the new band, a contribution list was opened, and Adjutant Goulding is very pleased with the generosity of the people of Buchans. It is the intention to serenade the town during Christmas week, and this will be something new to some of us here.

Three lantern Lectures were giving during the year, and the attendance at each was quite pleasing. The needs of the younger generation are not overlooked, and three Brigades have been formed as follows: Church Brigade, (Small boys); Sunbeam Brigade, (small girls); Troop Guards (young women). The Sunday School class numbers 70, and the attendance and work done has been very gratifying to the Supervisors.

Band visit

The Grand Falls band, under Band Master Hiscock, visited Buchans some time ago, and ran a very successful band concert. During their visit, they kindly played some selections for the men at the Bunkhouses, and their thoughtfulness was appreciated by those who heard them. It’s the little thing that counts.

General: Total Births up to December.15th — 73. Total Deaths — 9. Total Marriages — 15 (All Denominations).

Passing of A.D. Butler

The sudden passing of Mr. A.D. Butler, Mine Foremen with the Company, was felt by all his friends here. Coming from Salt Lake City about a year ago, to take up his duties at Oriental Mine, he became very well liked and made many friends. Suffering from a cold, he stayed home for a few days, but suddenly he took a turn for the worst, and his illness on Wednesday, to his passing on Sunday evening, was quite a shock to many of us. He leaves a wife and three children, who have returned to Salt Lake City, where the remains were forwarded for burial. All arrangements were attended to in this matter by the B.M. Company.

Passing of John Glavine

Mr. John Glavine, employed by B.M. Company for the past ten years, passed away at his home on Thursday, December 14th in his 71st year. This news was received with regret by his many friends, to whom he was always know as “Uncle John”. His passing was not unexpected, as he had been confined to his bed for the past month. The remains were forwarded to Grand Falls, where the burial took place on Saturday morning. The many floral tokens showed how much he was thought of. To his wife and family we extend our sympathy.

B.W.P. Union.

A large increase in membership, during the early part of the yea,r created greater interest in the activities of the B.W.P. Union, and resulted in an office being built for the purpose of holding executive meetings and committee meetings, and the collection of dues, etc. During the year there was a working agreement for the benefit of members, signed between the Buchans Mining Company, Ltd., and the B.W.P Union. Best of good will and co-operation exists between the Union and the Company, which we feel sure will continue in the future. Our Union had a representative attend the convention of the Nfld. Trades and Labor Council, held in St. John’s in September, which as already mentioned in the press, was a very successful one.

The present officers of the Union are; President Mr. Harrison Reid; Vice President Mr. David Head, Assit. President Mr. T.A. King; Treasurer, B.J. Brynildsen; Financial Secretary James J Lane; Recording Secretary M.F. Armstrong; Grand Marhall, James S Byrne; Committee’ Messrs. Gordon Smith, John Newman, S.A. Grandy, Dawe Rideout, William Warren, J Fitzpatrick. Two honorary and charter members died during the year. The late John Head, Sr. and John Glavine. The writer wishes all the members a Prosperous New Year.

© John Baird, Sue O'Neill, George White & NL GenWeb