NL GenWebNewspaper TranscriptionsDaily NewsMisc. News Tidbits - 1905 Reprinted courtesy of Robinson-Blackmore Printing and
Publishing" Any monetary or commercial gain from using this material is strictly The records were transcribed by CHRIS
SHELLEY. Formatted by GEORGE WHITE. While we have endeavored to be as
correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors. |
PUB. DATE | EVENT | DETAILS | December 1, 1905 | Dr. Butt Arrested | "Dr." BUTT was sentenced to six months and three months respectively, on two counts yesterday at the Magistrate's Court. BUTT was arrested on Wednesday night, as recorded in yesterday's "News", on the charge of entering two schooners and stealing watches. The evidence given against him proved his guilt without doubt, and two of the watches were recovered and returned to the owners. Both thefts were barefaced but not skillfully executed. BUTT claimed to be a Specialist when he would go on board a schooner, and gave Medical "advice" for 20 cents, and if the one advised was verdant enough, the "Dr." would sell him a "restorative" cheaply. On retiring, BUTT would incidentally lift anything that was hanging around, "from a needle to an anchor". His favorite axiom was "time is money", hence his fondness for watches. The arrest of BUTT is due to Sergt. PEET, who informed Constable BYRNE. The public generally and the outport visitors particularly, are grateful to the Sergeant, as they will at least be rid of the "Doctor" until August 1st, 1906. |
December 5, 1905 | Death | DILLON - Saturday, of measles, Alice, aged 4 years; yesterday, Mary, aged 2 years, darling children of Francis and Jane DILLON. |
December 5, 1905 | Death | WILLIAMS - Yesterday morning at 11:30, Bridget J. Power, beloved wife of John WILLIAMS. Funeral at 2:30 p.m., Wednesday, from her late residence 29 Parade Street; friends are requested to attend without further notice. |