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Daily News

Misc. News Tidbits - 1903

Reprinted courtesy of Robinson-Blackmore Printing and Publishing" Any monetary or commercial gain from using this material is strictly
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The records were transcribed by CHRIS SHELLEY.  Formatted by GEORGE WHITE. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors.

April 9, 1903 Birth BYRNE - At East Cambridge, Boston, Mass., on Feb. 4th, a son to Mr. and Mrs. James BYRNE (jeweler), formerly of this city.
April 9, 1903 Death DUNN - On Wednesday, Elizabeth DUNN, aged 74 years; funeral on Friday at 2 o'clock, from the residence of Michael NOWLAN, Old Perlican Road. Friends are respectfully requested to attend.
April 9, 1903 Death MYLER - At noon yesterday, after a short illness, Thomas MYLER, blockmaker, in the 74th year of his age, leaving a wife, five sons and one daughter to mourn their loss. Funeral to-morrow (Good Friday), at 2:30 p.m., from his late residence, No. 1 Adelaide St., friends will attend without further intimation.
April 9, 1903 Obituary There died at his residence, Adelaide Street, at noon yesterday, one of our oldest and most respected citizens, in the person of Mr. Thos. MYLER, Blockmaker. Mr. MYLER had been ailing for some time past, but death was not expected so soon, and it came as a shock to his family and friends. For many years, the deceased conducted a large blockmaking establishment on Water Street, which was several years ago, taken over by his sons Messrs. Wm. and John, under the title of MYLER Bros. In the early days, the subject of this note, was one of our keenest sportsmen, and many of the older folk can remember him as such. A wife, one daughter and five sons - W. and J. (of MYLER bros.), Charles (of Bishop and Monroe's), and Adam and Thomas, who are in America - survive him, to whom the "News" extends condolence.
April 20, 1903 Birth MOTTY - April 6th, a son to Mr. and Mrs. William MOTTY.
April 20, 1903 Birth GARLAND - On the 14th, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph GARLAND.
April 20, 1903 Birth McGRATH - On the 15th, a son to Mr. and Mrs. James McGRATH.
April 20, 1903 Birth HARRIS - On the 17th, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel HARRIS.
April 20, 1903 Birth PHELEN - On the 18th, a son to Mr. and Mrs. James PHELEN.
April 20, 1903 Death FEAVER - On Saturday the 18th inst., Mary E., eldest daughter of William and Selena FEAVER, aged 35 years. Funeral to-day, Monday, from her late residence, 162 Gower Street. Friends and acquaintances accept this the only intimation.
April 20, 1903 Death COWAN - At Brookfield, on 10th inst., Harry Eales, only and beloved son of Henry and Fanny COWAN, aged 2 years and 2 months.
April 20, 1903 Death BRINE - On Saturday, April 13th, at her late residence, 305 Water Street, Sophia Grace, daughter of the late Robert BRINE, formerly Merchant of this city, aged 82 years.
April 21, 1903 Marriage CHISLETT - MURRAY - At Cochrane St. Parsonage, on April 20th, 1903, by Rev. F. W. W. DesBARRES. Mr. John CHISLETT, of Halifax, to Miss Elfreda MURRAY, of St. John's Nfld.
April 21, 1903 Marriage COX - PHELAN - At Henry St., April 15th, 1903, by Rev. W. JACKMAN, James J. COX (G.P.O.) to Johanna F. PHELAN
April 21, 1903 Death WEIR - Last evening, after a long illness, William, second son of James and the late Ann WEIR, aged 43 years. Funeral on Thursday, at 2:30 p.m., from his father's residence, Newtown Road; friends and acquaintances please attend. No crepe.
April 21, 1903 Death NUGENT - Yesterday evening, at Outer Cove, after a long illness Wm. NUGENT, aged 64 years.
April 21, 1903 Death COSTELLO - Yesterday morning, at the General Hospital, after a short illness, Isabella, daughter of Lilla and John COSTELLO, aged 9 years. Funeral on Wednesday, at 2:30 p.m., from her late residence, 23 Cuddihy St.
April 21, 1903 Death WALSH - Last evening, Margaret, relict of the late John WALSH, aged 84 years. Funeral on to-morrow (Wednesday), from her late residence, freshwater Road. Deceased was a native of Byrne's Cove, Southern Shore.
April 21, 1903 Death VOISEY - On the 20th, after a lingering illness, Lizzie, beloved wife of Edward VOISEY (tailor), aged 28 years, leaving a husband and six children to mourn their sad loss. Funeral on Thursday, at 2:30 p.m., from her late residence, Cabot St. Friends will please attend without further notice.
April 30, 1903 Death BISHOP -At Burin on Wednesday the 22nd of April, (Veva) Genevieve Winter, darling child of Minnie B. and W. E. BISHOP, aged 6 years.
April 30, 1903 Death FOSTER - On April 29th, after a long and painful illness, James, eldest son of Mary and the late Thomas FOSTER, aged 24 years, leaving a mother, wife, and two children to mourn their sad loss. Funeral on Friday at 2:30 p.m., from his late residence, No. 6 Brine St. Foreign papers please copy.

August 1, 1903 Drowning (Part 1) This morning, we regretfully chronicle the sad drowning of a young man, which occurred shortly after 3 o'clock. At that hour, Edward SKIFFINGTON, the East End Night Watchman, when near the Crosbie Hotel, heard a scream coming from the direction of Davey's Wharf. He immediately ran to where the sound came from; two other screams were heard, but when he reached the pier, all was still. He waited and watched for several minutes, but there was no indication that anyone had met with an accident. Believing that all was not right, SKIFFINGTON reported the incident to the Police. Constables MANNING, HANRAHAN, QUINLAN, and GROUCHY, secured jiggers and hurried to the scene. An investigation of the premises was first made, and a man of war's cap was found. Three boats passed and the occupants of one informed the others that they heard a splash and cries for help. It was rather inhuman out of them, that they did not try and render assistance. The Police were now almost sure that some one was drowned, and they cast out their jiggers in hopes of bringing the body to the surface. Constable GROUCHY hooked the body the first time he threw out, and the other three Officers assisted in landing it on the wharf.
August 1, 1903 Drowning (Part 2) The man was quite dead, as he was not found until about an hour after the cries were heard, and all efforts at resuscitation proved of no avail. The unfortunate was clad as a Man-of-War's man. A dory was secured, and the body taken to Steer's Cove and thence to the morgue, on a stretcher, where it now lies. The man is a member of the Royal Naval Reserve, as his clothes indicate. The cap has the name F. FLYNN, R.N.R., printed on the inside, while there is a band with H.M. S. Charybdis on the outside. Neither the Officers mentioned, Sergeant COLLINS, Guard SPARKS or the Watchman, could identify the body. A "News" Reporter also viewed the remains. The victim is about 26 years of age, medium height, black hair, and clean shaven. This morning the Police will visit H. M. S. Calypso, where no doubt they will learn who the man is. How he fell over is a mystery, and will remain so until the end. The theory of the Police is that he was asleep on the wharf, and either rolled over, or else woke up and not being acquainted with the surroundings, walked to his death. The Police and night Watchman all say they did not see him earlier in the night.
August 18, 1903 Marriage ROBERTSON - PENNEY - At Cochrane Street Parsonage, on the 15th inst., by Rev. Dr, COPPERTHWAITE, Mr. William ROBERTSON, to Miss Sarah PENNEY, both of St. John's.
August 19, 1903 Francis Wollard Trial (Part 1) The trial proceedings in the King vs. Francis WOLLARD, terminated yesterday morning, when the sentence of the Court was passed which condemns the prisoner to sixteen years imprisonment with hard labor. At noon the Court room was crowded with all classes of citizens, anxious to hear the penalty pronounced. A few minutes past 12, the Judges took their places, and the prisoner was placed in the dock. Chief Clerk BROWNING, addressing Capt. WOLLARD, asked if he had anything to say why the sentence of the Court should not be pronounced. Through his Counsel, Mr. M. W. FURLONG, he replied that he had nothing to say. His Lordship Chief Justice HORWOOD then delivered sentence as follows: "Francis WOLLARD, you have been convicted by the jury of unlawfully taking the life of John YETMAN. The indictment upon which you were tried, charged you with the crime of murder, but the jury has taken a lenient view of your case, and have found you guilty of the minor offense of manslaughter, and we have therefore been relieved from the painful duty which would have fallen upon us, had you been convicted of the capital felony.
August 19, 1903 Francis Wollard Trial (Part 2) Every circumstance which can be urged in mitigation of your crime, must have been already taken into consideration by the jury before they reduced this homicide into its lower class. The sentence of the Court is that you be imprisoned, with hard labor, for the term of sixteen years, from the fourth day of July last past, in His Majesty's goal in St. John's." The prisoner was taken to the Sheriff's office, and during the short time he waited, before being taken to the Penitentiary, was permitted to speak a few words to members of his crew. Captain WOLLARD was evidently suffering severely, and although struggling hard to curb his feelings, broke down as the crew shook hands and wished him good-bye. It was pathetic to look upon these men who, during the past few days, had given such strong evidence against their Captain. Not with standing all the happenings of the past six weeks, both prisoner and crew exchanged kindly greetings, and as the latter filed out of the room, their eyes were wet with tears of sorrow and sympathy for a man who they said had treated them well at all times. Captain WOLLARD was soon after removed to prison, there to serve out the sentence of the Court. The crew, who had been held as witnesses, were sent home by yesterday's express train.
August 19, 1903 Escaped from the Asylum It looks as if the Government would soon have another scandal on, in connection with the Lunatic Asylum. A female patient escaped from the institution on Monday afternoon, and although search parties were out until late that night, and resumed their efforts again yesterday, the patient had not been found up to press hour this morning. A report was current last night that the lady had been seen near Blackhead yesterday afternoon, in which case her whereabouts should have been definitely established before this. Ordinary escapes are not uncommon in similar institutions elsewhere, but the patient in question has escaped before, and the experience of the past two years suggests grave danger. In the event of disaster or death to a patient, the responsibility of the Government must appear most serious. In no alarmist sense is the foregoing penned; but if anything savoring of carelessness in our public institutions exist, prompt remedies should be applied. it is late to shut the door after the thief has been in.
August 19, 1903 Street Car Accident About 4:20 last evening, a little lad named RICHARDS, was run down by Street Car No. 3. He was picked up and taken to his residence, Alexander St., where Dr. FRASER attended him. The Doctor found no bones broken, but was unable to pronounce on the lad's condition until to-day, as it is believed internal injuries have resulted. Constable STAMP made inquiries and found the car officials were blameless in the matter.
August 19, 1903 Shallow's Fight Mike SHALLOW's challenge has been accepted by boxer DORAN, of H. M. S. Ariadne, and the exhibition will take place in St. Patrick's Hall this evening at 8. DORAN has won several fights, and also the championship of the North American squadron. He weighs 170 lbs., about 20 less than SHALLOW, but not withstanding this, the Naval men feel sure that he is superior to the Newfoundland champion; on the other hand, SHALLOW's friends are equally confident that he is the better of the two. This promises to be the best bout ever witnessed in St. John's. There will also be exhibitions by other men from the ships, as well as local athletes. No doubt this big boxing feat will be witnessed by a large number of spectators. The tickets will be on sale this afternoon at St. Patrick's Hall.
August 19, 1903 Mowing Accident Yesterday afternoon, Maggie, the eight year old daughter of Patrick MEALEY, of W. COOK's employ, was the victim of a serious accident. She was out in the field at her home, Neagle's Hill, where hay was being cut, and in passing the mowing machine, her right foot came in contact with the knife. The blade cut through the child's boot and almost severed the five toes from the foot. Blood flowed profusely, and the little girl became weak from the loss of it; but she bore the pain bravely. Her mother brought her to town, and Dr. MITCHELL administered chloroform and stitched the wounds.
August 19, 1903 H. Pitcher FROM SOUTH AFRICA Under date of July 12th, H. PITCHER, writing to a friend in this city, says he is still in the S. A. Police. He was then at Pretoria, but expected to leave soon for Middleburg. He has served one year in the Police and will put in two more, and may then take a trip home. He is well pleased with South African life. He has not forgotten his former chums in the Church Lad's Brigade, and wishes to be remembered to them.
August 24, 1903 Miss Prowse (Part 1) No circumstance in very many years has evoked the excitement and sympathy of the entire community as that in connection with the escape of Miss PROWSE from the insane Asylum, which occurred about noon on Monday last. Sympathy for the young lady because of what exposure to the elements must have meant for her: and sympathy for relatives trial during the almost six days, must have been terrible in the extreme. From the hour of her departure on Monday, to her entry beneath the sheltering roof of Mr. I.C. MORRIS, on Freshwater Road, on Saturday night, shortly after 9 o'clock, no definite knowledge of her whereabouts was obtained. The weather was unusually cold for this season, there were two particularly wet nights: and the scant clothing of the unfortunate lady made the situation most serious. During all the days search parties were at work in all directions, and it now turns out that most people were looking in a direction the lady had never been. It had been arranged on Saturday to organize the largest body of helpers, who would devote yesterday to a more thorough and systematic search, and preparations were being completed, when the news spread through the city that Miss PROWSE had been found, and alive. Many were skeptical as to the statement, but the information was welcome and proved true. The city was alive in a few minutes, and thousands flocked to verify the glad tiding. A News representative was at the Police Station when the rescue party arrived, and there obtained the facts concerning the rescue in detail.
August 24, 1903 Miss Prowse (Part 2) At 9:30 Saturday night a young woman, then unknown, called at the house of Mr. Isaac C. MORRIS, "The Willows," Freshwater Road. She approached the back door, and being met by Mr. MORRIS said "Give me bread, I'm hungry." Mr. MORRIS heard the voice, was struck with its simplicity, and asked the applicant inside. She hesitated, but on Mr. MORRIS asking her the second time, and bringing a lighted lamp, she entered. It was impossible to recognize the features, as she had her skirt drawn about her head, and but little of her face was visible. When the woman came inside Mr. MORRIS said to his wife: "This is the woman they are looking for," and asked the stranger if she were Miss PROWSE , but was answered "No, I am not Miss PROWSE." She then attempted to get away, and in answer to questions said she did not know her name, but her parents were living, and her mother's name was Sarah Anna. This fully convinced Mr. MORRIS that she was insane, but, not knowing Miss PROWSE, he was still in doubt. After much persuasion from Mr. MORRIS she took a cup of tea and some cake. Having finished the meal, she assured him that she was not Miss PROWSE, and wanted to leave. Being told that she would be allowed to go later, she consented to go to a bedroom to wash herself. She cleaned her hands, but refused to wash her face, saying that it was not dirty. Returning to the dining room, she conversed with Mr. MORRIS and family, admired the children, and appeared quite rational.
August 24, 1903 Miss Prowse (Part 3) When asked if she would like to go to bed, she answered in the affirmative, and was conducted to a room on the upper flat. Laying herself on the bed, she requested that all should leave the room, but as escape could easily be gained through a window, this was not done. She then refused to remain in bed, returned to the dining room, and partook of more food. From this time, she became aggressive, and demanded that she be released. However, Mr. MORRIS and his wife did all possible without being violent, persuaded her to sit down in an easy chair, and summoned Messrs. O'DONNELL, LAMB, and Mrs. CRAMP, who live near, with whose assistance she was kept in custody. In the meantime, Mr. MORRIS dispatched his daughter, Hilda along with the domestic, to the Central Fire Station to inform the Authorities. From then, until the arrival of the Officers, every attention was given the lady. Her apparel was made tidy, and every reasonable inducement was held out to keep her from getting violent. Despite this, Mr. MORRIS has some difficulty, being almost exhausted when help came. Firemen CLARK and PENNY drove to the "WILLOWS" with all speed, and the lady was recognized as Miss PROWSE. They with Mr. MORRIS, Mr. LAMB and the young lady, drove to the Central Station, arriving about 10:45.
August 24, 1903 Miss Prowse (Part 4) On the way out, Miss PROWSE was somewhat excited at times, but was handled with kindness and attention. From the Central Station she was taken to the Police Office, and Dr. SCULLY was called. He examined the patient, and prescribed for her, ordering that she be given some warm milk and beef tea at half hour intervals. At the Station her actions were quiet and childlike, she asked for bread, and when given it ate it ravenously. She maintained that there was some mistake repeating that she was not Miss PROWSE, She incessantly repeated "Oh, let me out, don't take me to that horrid asylum again. Don't send me there take me in the country." A friend of the family, Mrs. BRIEN, called and tried to console her, but to no purpose. Her fear was that she would be returned to the asylum, and she wished anything but that. In the interim, medicine was being procured, and her father and brother were made aware of her rescue. On being offered the medicine she refused to take it saying, "So you want to kill me." Instructions were given to have Miss PROWSE conveyed to the asylum again. But Inspector General McCOWEN, who was present, considering the young lady's condition, decided to remove her to his own residence, where the gentle ministrations of his wife and daughter did much to soothe and make her comfortable, pending her father's arrival from the Southside.
August 24, 1903 Miss Prowse (Part 5) While at Mr. McCOWEN's the young lady was comparatively quiet, but continually pleaded to be taken home, and not back to the asylum. Food and clothing were supplied and nothing left undone that would in any way add to her comfort. Dr. PATERSON was summoned, and gave directions as to diet and other things necessary. Very little could be obtained as to where the days of last week were spent, but Monday night Miss PROWSE slept in a barn near the residence of Mr. G.A. HUTCHINGS, within a short distance of her home. The two wet nights were spent beneath a hayrick, the rest of the time being unaccounted for. It seems certain that the young lady was not on the Southside hills, at least after the first day. Before going towards "The WILLOWS." It is supposed she had then come from the direction of the Black Marsh, and intended going towards her home, after securing some food. Miss PROWSE. when found, was dressed in a black skirt, light blouse, and wore a pair of strong boots, nearly new.
August 24, 1903 Miss Prowse (Part 6) Her hair was disheveled, and her clothes were very loose upon her, evidencing hardship and hunger, they were not torn however. Her stockings were down over her boots and her legs and ankles somewhat scratched and bleeding, but it was evident that she had been walking leisurely, and had not traveled through heavy woods. The marvel is, that after five days and nights in the open country, without food other than may have been obtained in some of the fields, she is alive today. That she is so, is due under Providence to a robust constitution, which, however, must have received a severe shock and is indicated plainly by the wan features and reduced proportions of body. That the young lady has been located alive is matter for universal congratulation and thankfulness, and that she may soon be restored to perfect health and strength, will be the fervent wish of the entire community. Judge PROWSE and family desire to express their deepest appreciation of the unbounded kindness, which they have received from the people of St. John's and neighborhood during the past few days trial.
August 25, 1903 Train Accident (Part 1) A serious accident happened at Carbonear at 4:30 yesterday evening, and a seven-year-old lad named Michael BASHA is now in the Hospital in a dying condition, from the result. At the above hour, the shore train in charge of Conductor LAMPDEN and Driver HUGHES, was shunting cars at the Carbonear Station, preparatory to leaving for St. John's. Unnoticed by any of the train hands, Michael BASHA climbed on the "pilot" of the engine to "steal" a ride. When the engine started, he must have become nervous, as it had not gone five feet when he fell off. He fell across the tracks, and before notice had been taken of him, the "pilot" had partly passed over both legs. His screams immediately attracted the driver, and, as the engine was moving slowly, she was stopped almost instantly - within two feet. The little lad was then tightly jammed between the "pilot and the track, both legs from above the knees being inside the rails. His shrieks attracted those on the train, and after much difficulty, he was taken clear - to touch him was to increase his agony tenfold - and taken to the station.
August 25, 1903 Train Accident (Part 2) On examination, it was found that the unfortunate boy's legs were almost crushed to pulp, the flesh almost falling from the bone. The right leg was broken at the knee, and the ankle was also fractured. The left one was broken in two places, and the lower part of the leg was twisted out of the knee socket, the calf being almost turned to the front. The agony suffered by the young boy must have been extremely intense, and can be more easily imagined than described. Dr. STENTAFORD was summoned and arrived quickly. He did all possible to alleviate the suffering. He put the broken limbs in splints, and ordered the lad to the General Hospital for treatment, it being his opinion that amputation was necessary. He was taken on here by train, and was met at DONOVAN's by Drs. PATERSON and HARVEY, who came into town with him. At the West End Station, Drs. PATERSON and HARVEY gave him restoratives as he was very weak, his pulse just evidencing signs of life, and at 11 o'clock, he was removed to the Hospital. The unfortunate lad is an Assyrian, and son of Thomas BASHA, who at present, lives at Carbonear. His brother Joseph, accompanied him to town. No blame whatsoever can be attached to the driver or any of the train hands. Boys of a like age as BASHA continuously play about the station at Carbonear, and daily give trouble to those connected with the train. During the last few weeks, children have been allowed to play about the West End Station, but fortunately no accidents have occurred, due, no doubt, to the carefulness of the employees. The "News" telephoned the Hospital at 2:30 this morning to enquire as to how the sufferer was doing, and, to a question asked, received a reply from one of the nurses, "He's alright."
August 25, 1903 Case of Insanity One of the patients at the Small-Pox Hospital has recently been inflicted with insanity, and given considerable trouble to the staff. John RYALL, is the patient, and so far as can be learned, he has never shown any symptoms of insanity before. He was always a hard working man, until prevented by illness this year. For the past few days, he has been rather violent, and a straight jacket had to be used yesterday.
August 25, 1903 Great Potatoes from Heart's Content We have received a sample of this season's potatoes from the garden of Mr. T. OATES, Heart's Content, which are remarkably fine, not only as to appearance, but taste, and the "proof of the pudding, or potatoes, is in the eating." Four of the tubers sent by mail weigh just about two pounds. When cooked, they are beautifully clear and white, perfect "balls of flour." We are not aware of the extent of Mr. OATES output, but it is certain that if such potatoes can be grown in the Colony, in face of the very cold present season, there is good money for those who engage in growing them, and much of the demand might be supplied without drawing on the resources of Canada or the United States. No better potatoes are grown anywhere than those in Killigrews, and other places in Conception Bay; the freight opportunities are fairly good, and the day should be welcomed when our own people will supply the market with vegetables, to a much greater extent than at present. Perhaps when the railroad gets over to Heart's Content, we may have a good supply from that quarter. The sample sent by Mr. OATES certainly does his agricultural enterprise well.
August 27, 1903 Birth O'NEIL - On the 23rd inst., a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Edward O'NEIL, Topsail Road.
August 27, 1903 Marriage MILLIGAN - CORNICK - At the Cochrane St. Parsonage, on the 25th inst., by the Rev Dr. COPPERTHWAITE, Mr. Archibald H. MILLIGAN to Miss Laura CORNICK, both of this city.
August 27, 1903 Basaha's Condition The little boy - BASHA - who had his legs so badly crushed at Carbonear on Monday, has been suffering severely at the Hospital since being admitted, and yesterday afternoon was delirious. The legs below the knees were badly crushed, but the medical attendants have been trying to save them, and avoid amputation. The little fellow has borne his sufferings very bravely, in face of the fact that the operations yesterday were by no means light. Last night he was doing as well as expected, and the Doctors are not without hope that he will pull through alright.
August 30, 1903 Mystery Solved The Bell Island mystery has been solved, and Winnifred BURTON, aged 17 years, was arrested on Wednesday, charged with the crime. The facts of the case have already been stated in the "News", that of a two and a half months old infant, having been found floating near the land wash on the 16th inst. The mysterious affair created quite a sensation at Wabana, as it was believed the child had met its death from some others, than residents on the Island. The authorities were notified and Supt. SULLIVAN was sent over to investigate the matter. He returned, however, without making any arrest. Inspector General McCOWEN visited the Island on Monday, and the girl BURTON, was taken into custody after he returned here. After her arrest, it is said she confessed her guilt, giving, it is understood, as her reason for committing the act, that the child irritated her by its continuous crying, and in order to get rid of it, she threw it out in the landwash and allowed it to drown. The infant was her half-sister. Judge CONROY has been on the Island the past day or so taking the evidence, and it is understood, will return to the city to-day when the unfortunate girl will also be brought over.
August 31, 1903 Death O'NEIL - On 30th inst., after a long illness, Mary Ann, beloved daughter of James and Mary O'NEIL. Funeral Tuesday, at 2:30 p.m., from her late residence Pennywell Road.

September 10, 1903 Death CLATNEY - Yesterday morning, after a lingering illness, Margaret, youngest daughter of the late Daniel and Nora CLATNEY. Funeral on Friday at 2:30 p.m., from the residence of R. J. OKE, 122 Gower Street. Friends and acquaintances please attend without further notice. R. I. P.
September 10, 1903 Death GLYNN - Yesterday, Rachel, beloved wife of Richard GLYNN, aged 55 years. Funeral on Friday at 2:30 p.m., from her late residence, South Side. Friends will accept this the only intimation.
September 10, 1903 Miss Enid BERTEAU Among the successful candidates in the recent C. H. E. examination results is Miss Enid BERTEAU, daughter of the Auditor General. She not only obtained a scholarship, but took first place in French, Practical and Theoretical Music. Although a pupil of Spencer College, she studied music under Mr. H. W. STIRLING. We extend congratulations to teachers and pupil.
September 10, 1903 Mr. HEALEY's Cow Mr. Patrick HEALEY, of Maddox Cove had a fine cow killed by falling over a cliff on Sunday night. The animal was valued at $40, and is a great loss to the owner.
September 10, 1903 Accident on Queen's St. While wheeling down Queen's Rd, near Gower St. Church yesterday afternoon, M. SKINNER, Barber, met with a serious accident. A street car was going up, and coming down Long's Hill was a truck. SKINNER passed the street car, but was ignorant of the team being there until he collided with the wheel. He was thrown off, and one of the truck wheels went over his leg, bruising it. A large wound was inflicted on his face, in which Dr. KENNEDY put three stitches. He was otherwise injured, and will have to remain in bed a few days.
September 10, 1903 Medal for Life Saving Reservist CULLEN, A. B., will be presented with the medal awarded him for life saving, by Commodore MONTGOMERIE, on board H. M. S. Charybdis at 11:30 this morning. The Naval Reserve will be in attendance.
September 10, 1903 Attempted Suicide The East End of the city was the scene of a tragic affair last night, the principal of which was prevented from hurling himself into eternity, just in time. The man had been drinking hard of late, and last night he had the delirium tremors. He first quarreled with his better half, and made an attempt to strangle her. After a while, she evaded him and so escaped serious injury. He then gave vent to his wrath and tried to commit suicide. Procuring a rope, he went to his bedroom, and putting a loop about his neck, tied the other end to the bed, and jumped out through the window. A small back house underneath, alone prevented him breaking his neck. Finding himself thwarted, he stooped down, and had not assistance quickly arrived, he would have choked. The cries of his wife for aid, brought Constable DAY and Messrs. BARRINGTON and MURPHY to the rescue, and they took the unconscious man from his dangerous position. After being taken down, it was some time before he recovered from the swoon. Officer CAINES, and one or two of the other Eastern Firemen, visited the house, and the man was given in charge by his wife. He was taken to the East End Station, and this morning will appear before the Magistrate.

October 13, 1903 Mr. KELLY is 101 There is at present at Lance Cove, Harbor Main District, "Grandfather" George KELLY, who will celebrate his 101st birthday on the 23rd of January next. He was born in Kilkenny, Ireland in 1803, and came to Newfoundland when a lad, landing at Port-de-Grave the day Waterloo was won. He was apprenticed for the fishery to a man named MORGAN. Some years later, he married a Miss MORGAN, and went to live at Lance Cove, on this side of the Bay, where he has remained. Six children were born. Thirty years ago his wife died. Until last year, Mr. KELLY was quite active, being able to saw wood and do other little jobs about the farm. During the past summer, he was too infirm for work, but he took a short walk daily, and does so yet. Of late, his eyes have become affected somewhat, and his only book now is his Prayer Book, the print of which is large. Up to a year or two ago, Mr. KELLY was a constant reader of the newspapers. The old gentleman is a dear lover of the pipe, and enjoys a smoke as much to-day as he did fifty years ago. He has a good appetite, considering his age. He usually retires right after tea, and is awake at the break of day. Naturally, he is very feeble, but it is possible that he may live five or ten years longer. The Rev. Henry PETLEY photographed the old gent recently, and it is probable his picture will be published in one of the Christmas numbers.
October 13, 1903 Pilley's Island Mine Pilley's Island is quite a busy center at present; two hundred and fifty men being actively engaged in and around the mine. The railway which is two and a half miles long, running from the mine to the pier, is working satisfactorily. The pier is an excellent piece of mechanism. It is eight hundred feet long and protrudes out in the water four hundred feet; its height is thirty-five feet. The pier greatly facilitates the loading of steamers, as the work can be done much quicker now than formerly. Several cargoes have been shipped to market, and three or four other steamers will call there before the winter sets in. The popular Manager, Mr. C. F. TAYLOR, who has been in town the past few weeks, leaves for Pilley's Island this afternoon.

December 16, 1903 Birth STACK - At Petty Harbor, on the 14th inst., a son to Mr. and Mrs. L. STACK.
December 16, 1903 Marriage HARDING - SOMERTON - At Portugal Cove, on the 10th inst., by Rev. W. R. SMITH, Mr. Edward HARDING to Miss Elizabeth SOMERTON, both of Portugal Cove.
December 16, 1903 Death LACEY - The funeral of the late Sergt. LACEY takes place at 2:30 to-day from Mr. J. T. MARTIN's residence, 38 New Gower Street.
December 16, 1903 Death BUTLER - Tuesday morning, of paralysis, John BUTLER, aged 62 years, leaving a wife, 4 sons and 4 daughters to mourn their sad loss. Funeral to-day, Wednesday, at 2:30 o'clock, from his late residence, Young Street. Friends will please - [Note: Incomplete.]

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