NLGenWeb Newspaper Transcriptions

Daily News

"Reprinted courtesy of Robinson-Blackmore Printing and Publishing" Any monetary or commercial gain from using this material is strictly
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The records were transcribed by JOHN BAIRD & SUE O'NEILL  Formatted by GEORGE WHITE
While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors


Misc entries MARCH  -  APRIL 1942


MARCH 2nd 1942


Word has been received that 970626 L/Bdr. Frank Harding, has recently been promoted to Bombardier. Bdr. Harding is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harding, 79 Carter’s Hill, and congratulations are offered to them and to the Bombardier’s wife, Mrs. Edna (Gardner) Harding.


MRS. EUNICE WHITE: On Friday February 27th, at Greenspond, a devoted wife, rich in years and Christian character, ended its earthly course, when the soul of Mrs. Eunice White, the oldest resident of the community, passed from out the realm of time and place, into a haven of Eternal Peace.

Mrs. White (nee Osmond) was born at Greenspond ninety years ago. At the early age of 24 she was widowed by the demise of her husband, Mr. Kenneth Burry. Several years later, she became the wife of Mr. James White, also of Greenspond, by whom she was predeceased some time ago

Throughout her long life, Mrs. White maintained a firm, abiding faith in the saving and keeping power of Christ. A member of the Methodist, she attended service regularly, even when the weakness of advance age made walking difficult. Confined to her home for the past few years by ailing health, she calmly accepted that fact that her life was nearing its end, and faced the inevitable with gratitude to the Great Being, who had vouchsafed her such a span of time in which to serve Him, by bringing happiness to others. Her friends were many for she proved herself a friend and a kind considerate neighbour.

She is survived by a daughter and a son from her first marriage. — Mrs. T.W. Abbott, Musgrave Harbor, Rev. George Burry, B.A., of the Canadian Conference of the United Church, and by a daughter and five sons of her second union — Mrs. Charles Downer, Greenspond, Edgar and Willis at St. John’s. Stephen and Fred at Greenspond, and Sidney at New York. One sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Young of St. John’s. Also twenty-six grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. Interment took place yesterday at Greenspond.

Servant of God , well done!.

Thy glorious warfare’s past.

The battle’s fought, the race is won.

And thou art crown’d at last!


BUTLER — At St. Claire’s Hospital February 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Butler, a daughter


KELLOWAY — In fond and loving memory of a dear son and brother, L.A.C. Chesley A. Kelloway, who lost his life when his plane crashed at Camp Borden, Canada, March 2nd 1941.

“Sleep on, beloved, sleep, and take thy rest. We loved thee well, but Jesus loved thee best.” Inserted by his mother, sister and brothers.


CHAFE — Passed peacefully away at 4 o’clock this Monday morning, F.G. Chafe. Funeral, on Wednesday at 2.30 p.m. from his late residence, Topsail Road.

OSBORNE — Passed peacefully away, after a long illness on Saturday, February 28th, Samuel Osborne, aged 69 years, ex. R.N.R., leaving to mourn wife, one son, and one brother. Funeral today, Monday, at 2.30 p.m. from his late residence, 11 Gear Street. Friends and acquaintances please accept this the intimation.

CHEESEMAN — Passed peacefully away at 11 p.m. Sunday March 1st, Lawrence Cheeseman, aged 77 years. Funeral notice later.

NOONAN — Passed peacefully away on February 28th, at the Grace Hospital, Theresa, aged 16 years, daughter of John and the late Ada Noonan; leaving to mourn father, one sister, one brother and a large circle of friends. Funeral today Monday, at 2.30 p.m. from the home of Mrs. Simmons, 77 Lime Street. R.I.P.

HYNES — Passed peacefully away on Sunday, March 1st, after a brief illness, John Hynes. Leaving to mourn, two sisters, and one brother. Funeral on Tuesday at 2.30 p.m. from Martin’s Mortuary Parlours, 38 New Gower Street. R.I.P.


The Imperial Café which was demolished in a disturbance on Christmas Night, is now ready for business again.

The case against the keeper of a Tavern on New Gower Street, to show cause why he should not close the place, was continued on Saturday morning. The prosecution closed with the evidence of a Sergeant Major of the Canadian Forces, who stated that the place was well conducted until three or four months ago, but since then the management has deteriorated. He stated it was frequented mostly with Naval Men and drunkenness was in evidence. He said it would be too dangerous to put a couple of Militia Men on duty there. Mr. Fox, K.C. for the defendant, called Head Constable Crocker and some Policemen, as well as some civilians, all of whom testified that when they visited the place there was no disorder. In the afternoon, the case was continued when Mr. Fox, K.C., on behalf of the accused, offered to close the place at ten o’clock each night. This was accepted by the prosecution and order was made.

The express which is due here this morning between nine and ten o’clock, has 930 bags of foreign mail on board.

The Police and the Probation Officer are now trying to find the whereabouts of a woman who left Paradise, P.B., some time ago to come to town, with her husband’s cheque. So far, no trace of her whereabouts had been found, and any information would be appreciated by the authorities.

A truckman before Court on Saturday charged with being in collision with another truck on Water Street on Feb. 18th, was fined $5.00 for driving without reasonable consideration for the rights of others using the street. He was also fined $5.00 for not having displayed a red light on the end of a load of lumber, which he was hauling.

Three owners of motor vehicles were before Court on Saturday for breaches of the parking regulations. Fines of $1.00 each were imposed.

A man before Court on Saturday charged with being drunk and disorderly in a café and assaulting a Policeman, was fined $25.00. The evidence was that he had hit a Constable in the head with a plate.


MARCH 3RD 1942



“Sunset and evening star,

And one clear call for me—

And may there be no moaning at the bar

When I put out to sea...

For tho’ from out the bourne of time and place,

The flood may bear me far,

I hope to see my pilot face to face,

When I have cross’d the bar.

When the call came at the General Hospital Sunday evening at 11 o’clock, the soul of Lawrence Cheeseman crossed the bar of time to meet His Pilot in Eternity.

Born at Port au Bras, Burin, seventy-seven years ago, the late Mr. Cheeseman became actively associated with local fisheries at the early age of nine years, and attained the rank of Master Mariner shortly after reaching the age of twenty-one. Retiring from active seafaring service in the year 1900, he embarked in the Commercial Trade of Newfoundland, and with commendable enterprise, started a Fishing Supply Business at Port au Bras, which he conducted with considerable success, and weathered several years of depression with courage and never-failing optimism. His active interest in the industry which his ability built up, did not fail until the last few days, when his mind was occupied with other thoughts.

The late Mr. Cheeseman was well and favourably known all over Newfoundland, and his passing will be heard of with regret by all those who enjoyed the privilege of his acquaintance. In his home life, the deceased was twice married, his first wife being Mary Ann Bennett, who predeceased him some eighteen years ago. His second term of wedded life was with Sarah –widow of the late Captain Archibald Blandford – who survives him.

The deceased also took an active part in Church and community life. He was a Past Master of Hiram Lodge, A.F. and A.M. Burin, and a past Grand Junior Deacon of the District Masonic Grand Lodge, English Constitution. He was also a Past Master of Burin Lodge No.13 Society United Fishermen, and worthy Companion of Supreme Grand Lodge of the same Order. In all his activities connected with the fraternal organizations to which he belonged , his name was synonymous for benevolence and good deeds, and his associates in both organizations will miss his wise counsel and advise.

Beside his wife, are left to mourn three sons, Ex-Sergt Ernest, M.M., now in charge of the business at Port au Bras, Ex-Private Isaac, who holds a position with the Anglo-Canadian Paper Company, Quebec, John T. member of the Newfoundland Fisheries Board, and two daughters, Mrs. James Lind of Grand Falls, and Rita, now teaching at St. George’s School, St. John’s, to all of whom sympathy is extended .

The body laid in state in the Blue Room of the Masonic Temple yesterday afternoon and evening, and the corpse will be taken from there to the Railway Station by motor hearse this morning, for carriage to Port au Bras, where interment will take place. COM.


EDDY — In loving memory of our dear husband and father, Charles Fox Bennett Eddy, who departed this life March3, 1941,

When evening shadows fall,

And our eyes are filled with tears

Its then we think of you dear Dad,

Such a pal down through the years,

But we know that Heaven holds for you.

A place free from care and strife

For you loved everyone as they loved you

In every walk of life. (Inserted by loving wife and family.)


PRIDE — Suddenly at Sydney N.S., yesterday Monday, March 2nd., Kate, wife of William J Pride and youngest daughter of the late Rev. Canon Walter R. and May (LeMessurier) Smith.

SNELGROVE — Passed away March 2nd, John, aged 57 years, beloved husband of Ethel Snelgrove. He leaves to mourn five daughter, five sons, and twelve grandchildren, also two brothers, Ariel at home, Joseph at Toronto. Funeral on Wednesday at 2.30 p.m. from his late residence, 39 Southside East.

KAVANAGH — On March 2nd in his 72nd year, Patrick Kavanagh; leaving to mourn 4 daughters and 3 sons, 2 brothers and 3 sisters. Funeral on Thursday at 2.30 p.m. from his daughters residence, Mrs. Wm. Parsley, 68 Power St.


The St. George’s Correspondent of the Western Star states; “Recently a large brood of pheasants has been seen around the fields and hedges. The late Major Grant Suttle of Dump Pool, some years ago, imported several of these birds from England, and later Rev. Father Kerwin of Port au Port released several on the Peninsula. Possibly this splendid game bird may be some of the same stock.

Council employees were engaged yesterday cutting some of the ruts off Duckworth Street. The work was badly needed and a big improvement was made.

The Humber Herald states that Thomas E. Furlong of the Custom Department, who has been doing duty at Corner Brook for the past two years, has been transferred to St. John’s.

The City Council met yesterday afternoon but only financial matters were discussed and the meeting, consequently, was not public.

At the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, the case of the proprietress of a Tavern on Queen Street, summoned to show cause why she should not be closed, was concluded. The Chief of Police pointed out that this was the second occasion on which he had to ask to have this place closed. Mr. J.D. Higgins appeared for the accused, and in passing judgement His Honour Judge Brown stated, he took into account what Mr. Higgins had said. He ordered the place closed at 7 p.m. daily, and all day Sunday.

Four youths appeared before Magistrate O’Neill in the Juvenile Court yesterday, on a charge of disorderly conduct and of damaging a motor boat, the property of the U.S. Base Command. They were fined $45.00 or 7 days for each of the disorderly conduct. In connection with the damage to the motor boat, evidence was to the effect that the damage amounted to $200.00 and included smashing thirteen panes of glass in the deck house. They were remanded on this charge.

Thirteen men before Court yesterday charged with being drunk, were fined $1.00 each.

The members of the Trout River Branch of the W.P.A. held their annual meeting last week. The Officers for the coming year are: President, Mrs. Taylor Parsons, Vice-president, Mrs. George Brake, Secretary, Mrs. George Parsons, Sr., Treasurer, Mrs. Arthur Barnes.

The Mrs. McCarthy of Paradise, the whereabouts of whom were being sought by the Probation Officer, was located yesterday morning. When she saw the advertisement in the paper she reported that she was living with a family in the city.

The Twillingate Sun states that Fogo Island has been isolated for most of the winter, and only one or two mails have reached there, owing to poor ice conditions.

Enquiries were held and concluded last week, before Magistrate Tricket at Bell Island, into the fire that destroyed the home of Edward Hibbs on Lance Cove Road, November 24th and also into the death of an infant daughter of Edward Shaw of the Green, who died as a result of burns, on January 13th — The Bell Islander.


MARCH 4TH 1942


HANNAFORD — Passed peacefully away, after a short illness, Mary Hannaford, nee Ryan, beloved wife of John Hannaford, leaving to mourn beside husband, one sister, Mrs. Annie Lane, two daughters, three sons, one son Richard, overseas with the Royal Artillery, and two at home. Funeral notice later. May the Sacred heart of Jesus have mercy on her soul.


The following is from the Summerside notes in the Western Star “Mr. House, Teacher, and the boys, are busy wiring up the School these days, installing electric light. This will be a great improvement on the old system with its broken chimneys and shortage of oil sometimes, and other inconveniences. We are looking forward to the time when we get our little Church electrically lighted as well.”

Weather conditions yesterday, as well as Monday, were ideal. The sun was quite warm and much snow has disappeared as a result. The weather is adjusting some of the traffic hazards on the streets, through some places it is difficult for vehicles to get along.

The regular weekly half holiday will be observed today, and stores will close for business at 12.30.

A young man, who was before Court yesterday charged by his father with assault, was remanded to be examined by a doctor as to his mental condition.

A Naval Rating and a Soldier were before Magistrate O’Neill at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, charged with being drunk and disorderly on the public street. They were handed over to the respective authorities to be dealt with.

In the height of the storm on Bell Island, an outbreak of fire occurred in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Skanes, West Wabana, when a defective chimney ignited the woodwork. The occupants were aroused at 5.30 a.m. by the smell of smoke. Mr. T.J. Dobbin who lived nearby, was called, and he and Mr. Skanes brought the outbreak under control, after several hours work. They were unable to call the Firemen owing to lack of telephone connection, and had to subdue the blaze single handed. — The Bell Islander.

The St. George’s Correspondent of the Western Star, states that, “Some time ago His Excellent Bishop O’Reilly called a meeting of his parishioners, for the purpose of considering ways and means of erecting a large modern School. As a result, timber for the foundation and funds are now being collected, and it is expected that work on the new building will commence in the early spring and be completed for the fall term.”

Two young men who were before Court yesterday charged with being drunk and disorderly and with assaulting the Police, were fined $5.00 each on the first charge and $10.00 each on the second.

A number of men arrived in the city yesterday to participate in the forthcoming seal hunt. Bowring Bros. three ships were signing crews yesterday and taking supplies. It is probable that the Neptune will also prosecute the voyage.

A twenty-five year old woman was before Court yesterday charged with being drunk and disorderly on the public street. She was fined $5.00 and was ordered to sign a bond in the sum of $50.00 for her good behaviour.

The marriage of Lance Corporal Hearne, son of the late Patrick and Mary Hearne of Carbonear, to Gladys, daughter of the late John and Emma Somerton, Bell Island, was solemnized on Bell Island, recently , by Rev. G. F. Bartlett.


MARCH 6TH 1942

Wedding Bells

SULLIVAN — CORBETT: HARBOR MAIN. March 2 — On Sunday, January 26th, the wedding of Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Corbett of Chapel’s Cove, to Cornelius Sullivan, Harbor Main, was solemnized in the Church of St. Peter and Paul at Harbor Main. The ceremony being performed by Rev. M.P. Dwyer, P.P.

The bride attired in a beautiful gown of blue crepe and carrying a splendid bouquet of pink and white carnations, looked charming as she entered the Church, where many of her friends had gathered to witness the ceremony. She was attended by her sister, Miss Mary Corbett, who was also distinctively attired, and carried a similar bouquet of lily of the valley and maiden hair fern. The duties of the best man were ably performed by Mr. C.F. Furey, cousin of the groom.

The “Wedding March” was ably rendered by Rev. Mother Angela, who also rendered some appropriate music after the ceremony.

Immediately after the ceremony, the bridal party, accompanied by immediate relatives, motored to Holyrood. Then they returned to the groom’s home at Harbor Main, where the wedding supper was served to a large number of guests. The toast to the bride was expressively proposed by Mr. C.F. Furey and responded to by the groom.

The remainder of the evening was spent in song, merriment and mirth. The many beautiful presents received, testified to the high esteem and popularity of the young couple. Their many friends join with the writer in extending AD Multos Annos.


The Southern Shore Road is open for vehicular traffic as far as Bay Bulls, but beyond that it is impossible for wheeled traffic to move over the roads.

The Humber Herald states the Mr. H.M.S. Lewis, General Manager of Bowaters Newfoundland Pulp and Paper Mills Ltd., and Mr. T.S. Howard, Secretary and Treasurer of the Company, have gone to Montreal to attend a meeting of that Company’s Directorate in that city. Mr. W.A. Reid has left for Montreal also to attend this meeting.

The Codroy Valley Correspondent of the Western Star, states that “Mr. Leo Earle of the Department of Agriculture, is here at present, getting an estimate of the amount of fertilizer and seeds needed by the farmers. We understand the Government is stepping in to see that shipments of farm seeds will arrive in better time.”

One of the worst sidewalks in the city at present, is that on Queen’s Road from Rawlin’s Cross West. This is concrete sidewalk, but since the present snow fall, it is almost impossible to walk along it, and pedestrians are forced into the centre of the street where all the traffic is.

Outdoor skating has been at a standstill since the snow storm of nearly a week or two ago.

Weather conditions forced postponement of all plans that has been made for spending the weekly half holiday. There will be another next week, and in the following week the 17th, there will be a General Holiday — St. Patrick’s Day.

The second annual meeting of the Canadian Club of St. John’s will be held in the Board of Trade rooms at five o’clock this afternoon.

The Council will meet in public session this afternoon at 2.45 p.m. It is probable that the proposed increased amusement tax will come up today, as it was deferred until March 1st.

The Farm and Study group met last night at the Memorial University College. The topic discussed was “Cabbage and related crops”. The speaker was R.M. Sparkes, Esq., B.S.A., Manager of the Demonstration Farm.

The storm, of which warning was given, came earlier that expected in the city. Yesterday morning there was a Southerly gale with heavy rain, and this continued all day until about six o’clock when there was a break. The streets were rendered in bad condition, and gulleys were choked. However, the rain took away a large quantity of snow, and on some of the streets, traffic conditions are now greatly improved.


FREEMAN — MURPHY: At Littledale on Thursday, March 5th, Marie Loretta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Murphy, “Mayfield” Waterford Bridge Road, to Thomas Sterry Ashcroft, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sterry B. Freeman of “Meland Dee”, Heswall , Cheshire, England.


EDSTROM — At St. Clare’s Mercy Hospital, March 4th to Mr. and Mrs. William Edstrom, a son.

McCARTHY — On March 4th at the St. Claire’s Mercy Hospital to Doris, wife of Jack Charles McCarthy , a son.


SMITH — At the General Hospital, March 5th, William Smith, leaving to mourn one brother, Nicholas, at Brigus, and one sister, Mrs. Eliza Snelgrove of this city. Funeral on Saturday at 2.30 p.m. from his late residence, Cabot St.

CARBERRY — James Thomas, at Toronto on January 25th, 1942, only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carberry of Burgoyne’s Cove, and step-brother of Mrs. Eli Harris, 190 Hamilton Avenue, this city.


A sixteen year old youth was before Court yesterday charged with stealing coal, the property of the U.S. Government. He was given in charge by U.S. Chief of Police Mores. He was remanded. Another convicted of the same offence was put under bond.

The work of clearing the water at the Gas House was carried on all last week. Good progress was made, and all water diverted out into the overflow is now discharging through the main sewer.

A man was before Court yesterday for being drunk at Fort Pepperell, was fined $5.00.

The work of locating the 9 inch pipe at Gower Street has been discontinued, owing to adverse weather conditions. This locality will be given attention as soon as the weather conditions permit.

A Seaman before Magistrate O’Neill yesterday pleaded guilty to stealing a wallet, containing $90.00, from a companion. He explained that restitution had been made. He was fined $20.00.

The laying of 6 inch main at Brazil’s Field, Canadian Barracks, for E.G.M. Cape & Co., is progressing, and last week 1030 feet were laid. Up to this, 1850 feet of pipe have been laid.

A message to Inspector Fraser yesterday, states that five-year-old Stewart Sheaves was drowned near his home in Channel. The message stated the boy fell into a well.

The Engineer reported yesterday that on Saturday Feb. 28th at about 10.30 p.m., the Hydrant on Beaumont Street West was broken off by a large truck. The Department had considerable trouble locating the valve for the purpose of shutting off the water, owing to snow and ice. The truck was supposed to be either American or Canadian, according to people living in that locality, but the details are not obtainable.

The Engineer reported yesterday that the water course on Water St. West was cleared, and also a choked sewer on Central St.

Owing to excessive pressure at the latest hours of posting at the East End Post Office on mail despatch days, the latest time of posing at the East and West End Post Offices, on and after March 7th 1942 will be; for parcels, 11.30 a.m. and for letters, etc., 1.30 p.m. The present latest hours of posting at the General Post Office will for the present, remain undisturbed.

The sun was quite warm yesterday, and as a result snow disappeared from sections of all streets which were exposed to the rays of the strong sun. In places where last week, snow was piled high, the bare ground is now visible.

Two girls were before Court yesterday, charged with being taken on a foreign ship. One was fined $10.00 and the other $5.00.

MARCH 7TH 1942


CROSBY — SMALWOOD: At St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church on March 5th by Rev. A.T. Barr, Ph.D., Annie Joyce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Smallwood, LeMarchant Road, to Captain James McAvity Crosby, Royal Canadian Artillery, elder son of Mr. Frederick S Crosby and the late Mrs. Crosby of Rothesay, New Brunswick.


CHEESEMAN: Passed peacefully away, March 6th Philip (Samuel) Cheeseman, aged 67 years. Funeral on Sunday at 2.30 p.m. from the residence of Mrs. Squires, 14 Barter’s Hill. R. I. P.

HOLLAND: At 9.45 p.m. on Friday, March 6th Peter R. Holland, son of the late Michael J and Alma M. Holland. Funeral on Sunday at 2.30 p.m. from his late residence at 12 Brine Street.

PAYN: Passed away at 11 a.m. Friday morning, Ernest A Payn in his 88th year. Service at the home of his son, Harry Payn, Portugal Cove Road at 3 p.m. Saturday. Interment at Carbonear on Sunday afternoon.


Weather conditions yesterday were excellent again, and much snow disappeared from the streets, resulting from exposure to the strong rays of the sun.

In the Civil Court yesterday, five Lieutenants of the U.S. Army were sued for $66.00 damage by a resident of LeMarchant Road. The evidence was the defendants were tenants in the house of the plaintiff from June to September last year. It was claimed that during the time they lived in the house, several pieces of furniture were broken, cigarette marks were left on the mantle pieces, a polished floor had been damaged, and the place was left in a dirty condition. The defendants stated they had offered the plaintiff $25.00 to have the drapes, curtains and linens washed, and repairs made, and they had a Charwoman constantly employed to keep the place clean. The hearing was adjourned until Tuesday when the evidence of the Charwoman will be taken.

A purse, closed with a zipper, containing a number coins, has been left at the News Office and maybe had by the owner. It was picked up yesterday.

A harbinger of spring — boys may now be seen daily, playing marbles on the streets. It won’t be long now, before the winter will have disappeared.

The Director of Civil Defence has issued notice that the air raid sirens will be sounded at ten o’clock this morning. This is not an alarm test, but is a test required to check certain adjustments which have been made to the sirens. The test may last intermittently until 10.30 a.m.

Five men were before the Magistrate’s Court yesterday charged with drunkenness. They were fined $5.00 each.

A sixteen year old youth was before the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, charged with breaking open a carton at Harveys & Co.’s premises, and stealing therefrom, three pair of children’s sox. He was given in charge by Mr. Thomas Henderson, Company Detective. The accused was fined $10.00

For the past couple of days, a number of employees of the Council have been engaged removing snow and ice from Military Road, and quite an improvement in conditions has been made.

A Soldier was before Judge Browne, at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, charged with being drunk and with accosting females. He pleaded guilty to the first charge but not guilty to the second. Constable F. Murphy arrested the man on Duckworth St., after he had seen him hold up three or four women. The accused stated he had been drinking beer and gin at a Restaurant and he did not know what had happened after he came out of the place. He was fined $25.00 or one month’s imprisonment.

In the past week, employees of the Sanitary Department carted 543 loads of ashes and garbage to the Municipal dumps. They also cleaned fifty-two gullies, dipped and carted eleven gullies, and cleaned eight hoppers daily.

MARCH 9TH 1942


BISHOP — Passed peacefully away at 6 p.m. Saturday, March 7th, after a short illness, Mrs. Phoebe Bishop, aged 72 years, widow of the late Captain George Bishop, leaving to mourn four sons, and three daughters. Funeral today Monday, at 2.30 p.m from her late residence, 156 Gower Street.

STRONG — Passed away suddenly at Tor’s Cove, March 7th, William H. Strong, of this city, son of the late Capt. and Mrs. Strong, leaving to mourn wife, one daughter and four sons. Funeral notice later.


Furness Withy & Co., Ltd. wish to thank the following who so kindly sent magazines, playing cards, etc. to them, for the Recruits joining the various Services, and the men of the Mercantile Marine: Mrs. J.C Baird, Dr. W. Hampton, Mr. H. Fraser, Mrs. D. Murray, Mrs. E. Lindsay, Mrs. F. Carnell, Mr. J. Marshall, S.S. Diamond, Leo King, Miss Dollie King, Mr. Stephen King Jr., Miss V. Renouf, Mrs. W.E. Curtis, Miss. N. Worsley, Mr. H.G.R. Mews, Mrs. H. Fraser, Mrs. Cummings, Miss Annie King, Miss Minnie King, W.B. Eadie, Mrs. Ayre, Mrs. Dobbin.

Owing to the recent heavy demands, further contributions will be gratefully received.


At Humbermouth, the herring fishery is still good for any fishermen having a market and wishing to take fish. Last week two fishermen at Halfway Point in Humber Arm landed one hundred tubs of herring through the ice, for one mornings’ fishing. — Western Star.

The Western Star states; “Work has commenced on the moving of the thirty-five ton Mead-Morris on Derrick Crane, on the wharf, to a new location, about one hundred feet in a Westerly direction.”

A truck driver was before Judge Browne on Saturday and was fined $10.00 for assaulting a Foreman with E.G.M. Cape. Co. He was also ordered to pay $6.25 compensation for damage done to the glasses of the Foreman.

A man whose home is in Montreal, was before Court on Saturday charged with being drunk and with breaking a pane of glass in a small store. He was also ordered to pay for the damage done and to sign bond for his future good behaviour.

More than one thousand bags of foreign mail arrived in the city by the express on Saturday.

The S.S. Neptune is now being got in readiness for the Sealfishery. Capt. W.C. Winsor will be in charge, and she will sail as soon as possible. A crew has been wired for, and no difficulty is expected in getting the number required.

A sixty year old man, who was before the Magistrate’s Court on Saturday and was convicted of being drunk and disorderly in a store on Signal Hill, was fined $5.00.

A motor car driver was before Court on Saturday charged with being drunk in charge of a car on LeMarchant Road. The evidence of some four or five witness was taken, after which adjournment was taken for a forth-night, in order to get the evidence of a man who is now in Hospital.

MARCH 10TH 1942


FREDERICK GEORGE CHAFE: There entered into rest on Monday March 2nd, at the age of 84. the soul of Frederick George Chafe, Topsail Road. The late Mr. Chafe had been in failing health for the past two years, but in spite of his advanced years, his vitality was remarkable. In his life of business he will be remembered by many for his honest, upright character and sterling qualities. He was in the employ of the Monroe Export Co. for over 48 years, many of which he acted in the capacity of Store Manager, where he was held in the highest esteem both by employer and employees. In 1933 he received a well earned pension, and always a lover of the country, he soon made his home there, where for the past nine years he laboured amongst his flowers and trees he loved dearly. Mr. Chafe endeared himself to all his neighbours. He was always willing to give a helping hand to those who needed it. His love for his family and grandchildren knew no bounds.

Two week ago he was taken to his bed. His loved ones still hoped he would rally, but the second week of his illness became critical. He suffered untold agony, and the last few days he was only semi-conscious. Saturday morning he called his loved ones to his bed side. His eldest son Ern, was privileged to arrive in time to see his beloved father ere he passed away, and so on Monday morning at four o’clock, without a murmur, he passed from this world into the great unknown. He had no fear of death; to him it meant just falling to sleep on his Saviour’s breast. Mrs. Chafe predeceased him six years ago.

Left to mourn their sad loss are six daughters, Jane, May, Alice, Mabel at home, Mrs. A Snow of the city, Mrs. A.E.L. Price of Wimbledon, London, England, two sons; Ernest of Harvey & Co., Robert of the City Welfare, and two sisters, Mrs. Rachel Rigby, Liverpool, England, and Mrs. Emma Dewling, Brooklyn , New York. His only brother Harry, passed away on December 12th at Pasadena, California.

And so we leave our loved one sleeping until the day dawns and the shadows pass away.


MOORE — MOORES: On march 9th, 1942, by Rev. Dr. Burns, Lillian, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Levi Moores of Blackhead, Bay de Verde, to Clunie, son of Capt. and Mrs. C. P. Moore of this city.


The funeral of the late William H. Strong will take place from his late residence, 95 Springdale Street, at 3 p.m. Wednesday, March 11th.


KELLY — Passed peacefully away on Monday March 9th, at the residence of his nephew, R.K. Kelly, 78 Circular Road, Agnes Kelly, aged 90 years. Interment Tuesday at Harbor Grace.


At the annual meeting of the Bell Island Branch of the War Veterans Association, reports showed that the branch had a very successful year. The election of officers resulted in all last year’s executive being returned to office as follows; President, Comrade Pierre Coxworthy; 1st Vice-President, Comrade Peter Neary; 2nd Vice-President, Comrade, John Hunt; Secretary-Treasurer, Comrade W.J. Somerton; Guard, Comrade John Vokey; Assisting Committee, Comrade, (Rev) W.J. Woolfrey; (Rev.) N.S. Noel, Allan Tilley, Sam Normore, John Cahill, H.S. Butler, Joseph Pynn.

The Twillingate Sun states; “A message to Messrs, Hodge Brothers from Alfred Greenham, Horse Islands says — Everybody well. Fifty five old seals and thirteen young ones, taken.”

There is not much fuel hauling to speak of this winter, because of the poor ice conditions and much snow. Only a mild spell with rain and then frost will give an opportunity, but it must come soon, or work will have to be left until there is navigation by water. — Twillingate Sun.

A Scottish Seaman was before the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, charged with being drunk and disorderly and assaulting the Police in the discharge of their duty. The evidence was that the accused and another with two more, were in a fight in Steers’ Cove, when a couple of Constables came and tried to separate them. Two of the four went, but when the Police tried to arrest the man who was in the encounter with the accused, who appeared to be the aggressor, the accused tripped and kicked the Police, with the result that the that the man they were trying to arrest got away. The Police in their evidence, stated that a large crowd had gathered, including Naval and Military Men, and none of them gave any assistance, although there were asked for it.

At present there is a shortage of coal in St. John’s, and Dealers are finding difficulty in filling orders for customers. Some people have had to wait days for orders to be delivered, and those who waited till all their coal was gone to order more, are finding it hard to get any.

A man was before Court yesterday charged with being drunk and disorderly on the public street, and with breaking a pane of glass in a Store on Springdale Street, as well as breaking a pane of glass in the Taxi in which he was conveyed to the Police Station, was fined $10.00 or 14 days, and was also ordered to pay $21.70 as compensation for the damage.

The regular monthly meeting of the Newfoundland Graduate Nurses Association will be held tonight at eight o’clock at the Child Welfare Centre, Presbyterian Hall, Queen’s Rroad. At 8.45 an address will be given by Surgeon Lieut. Commander W.C. MacKenzie, R.C.N.V.R. The subject will be “Modern treatment of fresh traumatic wounds.” An invitation is extended to all Canadian and American Nurses in the city.

A Sailor from Scotland was before Magistrate’s Court yesterday, charged with being drunk and disorderly and assaulting the Mmanager of the Y.M.C.A. Hostel. He was fined $20.00 or 30 days.

A drawing for cod trap berths in the St. John’s area will be held on Saturday next at 8 p.m. in the board rooms of the Newfoundland Fisheries Board , Duckworth St. All persons wishing to obtain berths for the coming season must resister their names at the Office of the Newfoundland Fisheries Board, not later than 5 p.m. Thursday March 12th.

In the Wood Room of Bowater’s Mill at Corner Brook, a new hydraulic wood splitter, built by the Carthage Machine Co., arrived last week and will soon be installed.— Western Star.

The road from St. John’s to Bay Bulls is now in good condition, and persons who went over it on Sunday stated, that from Doyle’s Bridge to Bay Bulls, it is even better than it is in the summer time. The plow kept the road open as far as that, all the winter. Beyond that, the plow has not gone.


MARCH 11TH 1942


GOSSE Frank Holden, Lieut. R.A. posted missing 15/2/42 Malaya. Next of Kin, father, Rev. Herber Gosse, The Rector, Kelligrews, Newfoundland. NOTE — Lt. Gosse was transferred from the 57th Nfld. Heavy Regt. R.A. to the 87th Field R.A. in June 1941.


JOHN W. AITKEN: A telegram from Botwood, advises city friends of the death of John W. Aitken, Esq., of Botwood. He was one of the pioneers of the Lumber Industry in that section, and one of Botwood’s leading citizens. Born in Scotland, he came to St. John’s in his young manhood, we believe to Goodfellow’s Farm, and was popularly known as “Jock”. He entered the great firm of Tobin of Twillingate in the palmy days, and married Miss Susannah Peyton, daughter of Thomas Peyton, Esq., whose family records show were amongst the earliest English settlers in Newfoundland. The late Mr. Peyton and his sons were Proprietors of a Lumber Mill at Botwood, and did an extensive business. Mr. Ernie Aitken, a son, is a War Vet. at Deer Lake, and two daughters, Misses Elaine and Annie, lived with him at Botwood. Other children are abroad. He was ill for a while and had passed the three score years and ten, and was a Past Master of Botwood Lodge A.F. & A. Masons. His funeral takes place today, Wednesday. He died universally regretted. Q.


MURPHY: Passed peacefully away March 10th, Anastatia, daughter of the late John and Alica Murphy, leaving to mourn her sad loss are a loving sister, Jennie. Funeral tomorrow Thursday, at 2.30 p.m., from her late residence, 38 Barter’s Hill. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on her soul

FURLONG: Passed peacefully away at 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 10, Margaret Furlong, aged 74 years, widow of the late Richard Furlong, leaving three daughters, Loretta and Mary at home, and Mrs. Leo. Crocker in New York. Funeral tomorrow Thursday, at 2 p.m., from the residence of her niece Mrs. Thomas Kerrivan, 501 Southside Road West. New York papers please copy.

HOOKEY: Passed peacefully away at 5 p.m. Tuesday, March 10th, Joshua Hookey in his seventy-ninth year; leaving to mourn two brothers and one sister. Funeral on Thursday at 2.30 p.m. from his residence, 168 Hamilton Street.


Two men were before the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, having been given in charge by the Proprietor of one of the Taverns, for being drunk and disorderly on the premises. They were ordered to pay the cost of their conveyance to the Police Station.

A Seaman was before His Honour Judge Browne, at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, and was charged with being drunk and disorderly and maliciously breaking a pane of glass in a private residence. He was fined $5.00.

The Paper Mill Department holds a proud distinction of being the first amongst the major Mill Departments, in amount of War Savings Certificates purchased in 1941. Out of the total of $60,490.00 subscribed by all employees, they contributed $10,632.50 or 60% of the objective set. The month of January showed an improvement on this, for the Paper Mill Department is credited for that month, with subscriptions totalling 85% of the objective. — Western Star.

In Civil Court yesterday, the suit against six Officers of the U.S. Army, taken by the owner of a furnished house on LeMarchant Road which was occupied last summer by the defendants, was concluded. The claim was for $69.70 damages caused to bed linen, carpets, rugs etc. Judgement was given for the plaintiff for the full amount. Mr. Rex Renouf appeared for the plaintiff and Mr. J.D. Higgins for the defendants.

A man before Court yesterday having been given in charge by his wife, was charged with being drunk and disorderly in his home. He was ordered to sign a bond in the sum of $25.00 and to get some person to go as security for him. Judge Browne, commenting on the man’s behaviour, put him on a month’s probation, and he must appear in Court ever Tuesday during the period.


MARCH 12TH 1942


GEORGE McISAAC: GLACE BAY. March 1 — George McIsaac, well known and highly-esteemed resident of Lingan, died at his home Saturday following a brief illness.

Deceased was a native of Codroy, Newfoundland, and was 65 years of age. He came to Cape Breton 33 years ago and secured work with the Dominion Coal Company. During the intervening years, the late Mr. McIsaac acquired a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, by all of whom he was highly respected.

He is survived by his wife, seven daughters and five sons. The sons are Frank, Dan, George, and John at home, and Aloysius McIsaac, serving with the Merchant Marine. Surviving daughters are Mary, Lucy, Ellen, Theresa, Dorothy and Margaret at home, and Mrs. Rod Tomichuk of Dominion.

Other surviving relatives are a sister and four brothers. They are Mrs. Alex Gale of Searston, Nfld, William and Joseph McIssac of Boston, Frank and Michael of Newfoundland.

MRS. W. R. MacLEAN: NORTH SYDNEY, March 3 — One of the largest funerals to take place here in some time, was that of Mrs. W. Banks MacLean, who was laid to rest on Monday afternoon, with a private service taking place at her late residence on Brook Street, and service also being conducted at St. John’s Church.

Service at the home was held at 1.45 o’clock, while the Church service started at 2.30 o’clock, conducted by Rev. John Stead, Rector of St. John’s Church, who also officiated at the graveside. Favourite hymns of the deceased were sung at both services.

One of the town’s best known and most highly esteemed residents, Mrs. MacLean passed away suddenly on Friday afternoon, in Dawson Memorial Hospital, Bridgewater, following an operation which she had undergone ten days previous to her death.

The former Bessie Yetman, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Yetman, Mrs. MacLean was born at Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, 52 years ago. She had been a resident of North Sydney ever since she was a young girl, and had been a member of St. John’s Church.

She is survived by her husband, four daughters and two sons. The daughters are Miss Jean MacLean, R.N. at home; Mrs Roy MacEachern (Vera), of St. John’s, Newfoundland; Miss Shirley MacLean who has been taking a Business Course at Bridgewater, and Miss G. MacLean. Sons are Horace, student at Pine Hill Divinity College, Halifax, and Murray MacLean, now serving with the Royal Canadian Navy.

EDMUND IVANY: Foreman of the Rod and Bar Mill at the Steel Plant here for the last 35 years, Edmund Ivany, will known Sydney resident, died Friday afternoon, March 6th at his residence, 440 Prince Street.

He had been ill for the past five months, and to a host of friends, Steelworkers, and acquaintances, the news of his passing will be learned with regret, and will be deeply mourned.

The deceased was a native of Newfoundland, and beside his widow, he is survived by one son Raymond, two brothers, Mark and Walter Ivany, and a sister Mrs. Richard Badeson, all in Newfoundland.

He was a member of the First United Church, and his fraternal affiliation included local branch of Sons of United fishermen. — Sydney Post-Record.


MORGAN — Passed peacefully away at the General Hospital at 3.30 a.m. Wednesday, John Morgan, leaving to mourn one brother, and three sisters. Funeral 2.30 p.m. Friday, from his sister’s residence, Mrs. Edward Hanlon, 20 King’s Bridge Road. (Boston and Quebec papers please copy.)

ROWE — Passed peacefully away at her son’s residence, 120 Circular Road, on Wednesday, March 11th, Mary, widow of George Rowe, aged 84 years. Funeral to take place at Heart’s Content. No flowers.


Weather conditions were ideal for the holiday, yesterday. Many people were outdoors and benefited by a couple of hours in the exhilarating sunshine.

Newspapers from England, report the death on February 2nd., of Mrs. Curling, widow of Rev. J.J. Curling, Anglican Missionary, after whom the former settlement of Birchy Cove was renamed. The late Mrs. Curling was in her ninety-third year. — Humber Hearld.

The Grand Falls Advertiser states that Mill employees of the Anglo Newfoundland Development Co. Ltd. at Grand Falls, hitherto paid fortnightly, are to be paid weekly in future. It is believed that the change will be a contribution to reduction in the cost of living, as it is felt that the new system will enable Mill employees to buy more of their requirements for cash, and less on credit.


MARCH 13TH 1942


MERRIGAN Anthony, Seaman JX280766. Seriously ill with paratyphoid fever. Next of kin, mother, Mrs. James Marrigan, Carbonear, Newfoundland (Transferred from Nfld. Overseas Forestry Unit to Royal Navy.)

WALSH Alphonses Patrick, Private No. 506 Nfld Militia, Died March 9th, 1942, Abdominal Tumor. Next of kin, father Mr. David Walsh, Coachman’s Cove, White Bay, Newfoundland.

Enlistments In fighting Forces

The following have volunteered at St. John’s Recruiting Office.


Chafe, Robert J., Petty Harbor.

Stone, Arthur, Monrow, T.B.

Thistle James, 14 Pearce Avenue

Ward Victor, 22 Alexander Street.

Hickey, Robert, 57 Barter’s Hill

Bennett, Max P., Fortune

Downton, Frederick A., 60 Prince of Wales Street

Chafe, John H., Outer Cove.

Boland, Herbert J., Outer Cove.

Simmonds, Herbert J.,21 Hamilton Street..

Stevenson, Thomas J., 25 Monroe Street.

Loveridge, Hubert D., 238 Pennywell Road.

Hennessey, John J., Goulds

Carew, Patrick E., Kilbride.

Kirby, William J., Blackmarsh Road.

Cook, William J., 99 Bond Street .

Constantine, Vincent M., Freshwater Road.

Decker, Gordon, Roddickton, Canada Bay.

Rose, James K Glovertown, B.B.

Porter, William H. 76 Barter’s Hill

Stevenson, Alfred F. 78 Hayward Avenue.

Mercer, Duncan J., 29 Waldegrave Street.

Smith, William H., 234 Pennywell Road.

Gillard, Edgar F., 70 Mayor Ave.

Gourley , John T., 4 Atlantic Ave.

O’Neill, Leo Patrick, Head Mundy Pond.

Hicks, Cyril, Bonavista

Pender, Leo, Portugal Cove

Locke, Ambrose, 4 York Street.

LeGrew, William W., Broad Cove, B.D.V.

Delaney, Theophilus M. Broad Cove, B.D.V.

Kearsey, James A., 7 Field Street.

March, Clarence A., Top Battery Road.

White, Robert W., Mundy Pond Road

Reardon, Robert J., Head Mundy Pond

Thorne, George R., Grand Bank

Smith, Norman M., 140 Casey Street.

Somerton, Andrew T., Portugal Cove

Walker, Leonard B., 31 Charlton Street

Murray, Francis I., 69 Long Hill

Howell, William, 34 Springdale Street

Brien, Augustus C., Kilbride

Morrissey, James P., Freshwater Road

Gardner, Kevin P., 24 Brazil Square

O’Brien, Peter J. Cape Broyle

Manning, Thomas P., Major’s Path.


Edgecombe, Alex P., 267 Water Street

Porter, Chesley, Spaniard’s Bay

Walsh, Thomas C., St. John’s


Chancey, Wallace, St. John’s

Lake, Bruce, St. John’s

Tibbo, Robert, Grand Bank

King, Ernest, Grand Falls

Dawe, Lloyd, Cupids

Bragg, James, Pouch Cove

Green, Henry, Winterton

Stewart, John, Bell Island

Budgell, Raybourn, Bell Island

Perry, Gordon, Portugal Cove South

French, William, Bell Island

Sullivan, Peter, Grand Falls

Rendell, Raymond, Grand Falls

Moss, Robert, Grand Falls

Gilbert, Roy, Grand Falls

Barron, Henry C., Buchans

Oliver, Leslie, Carbonear

Cole, Raymond, Grand Falls

Paddock, Harvey, Grand Falls

McCarthy, Cecil, Grand Falls

Croke, Michael, Grand Falls

Nicholas, Duncan, Corner Brook

Sheppard, Harvey, Corner Brook

Cornick, Wilson, St. John’s

Smith, Ronald, Grand Falls

Neal, Chesley Ford, St. John’s

A Busy Night For The Police

Up to 1 a.m. today, the Police had a busy time and some 15 men were placed under arrest. There were two fracases on Rawlins Cross. About 10 p.m. yesterday, two Soldiers assaulted Constable Martin, and Constable R. O’Brien, who was doing traffic duty there, came to other Constable’s assistance, and both Soldiers were arrested. Two others broke a pane of glass in a window and were placed under arrest.

Firemen Called To New Gower Street

At 9.45 p.m. yesterday a fire occurred in No. 135 New Gower St., and the West End and Central Firemen responded to a call. A fire had broken out behind a mantelpiece, and some slight damage was done to the woodwork before the fire was put out.

Sloan Duployan Society Results

Convent Schools Gained Noteworthy Successes

The results of the Semi-Annual Medal Competitions of the Sloan-Duployan Shorthand Society, just issued, show that 131 candidates presented themselves from the Newfoundland Schools. The following schools have gained noteworthy successes:

Academy of Our Lady of Mercy, Military Road, St. John’s; Six silver medals in Class I for reporting style accuracy, Elizabeth M. Howley, Margaret Udell, Helen Ashley, Nellie M. King, Mary Flynn, Mary Conway. One gold centre medal in Class II, speed 100 w.p.m: Fern Osmond. Certificates of Merit to Sybil Gillingham, Olive Baldwin and Betty Coleman.

St. Patrick’s Convent, St. John’s West; Two silver medals in Class I for accuracy, reporting style. Shirley Jackman and Patrick Curtis, Certificates of Merit to Eileen Maloney and Michael Breen.

Presentation Convent, Grand Falls; Two silver medals in Class I for accuracy, reporting style, Nina Bell and Peggy Sullivan. Certificate of Merit to Mona Jackman.

Sacred Heart Convent, Corner Brook; Two silver medals in Class for accuracy, reporting style. Evelyn Parsons and Mildred Walsh. Certificates of Merit to Elsa Smith and Loretta Downey.

There were no Newfoundland entries this year for the Colonel Watkins Cup, which was won by Mr. Walter Middleton, of Bradford, Yorkshire, England.


GOODWIN — At Richmond, Va., March 3rd, Grover C Goodwin.

MALONE — On Thursday, March 12th, of pneumonia, Kathryn aged 4 ½ years, darling child of Maurice and Estelle Malone, 76 Lime Street.

JOY — Passed peacefully away at Boston, Mass., on March 7th Richard G. Joy, eldest son of the late Capt. James G and Catherine Joy. Interment at Boston. R. I. P.


THE WEDDING OF Miss Nellie Lodge to Mr. Samuel Mews of Birchy Cove, took place at the United Church, Catalina, on March 7th.

In the past week Council employees removed an anti-freezing fountain near Chalker’s at the Lower Battery.

The Proprietress of a New Gower Street Hotel was before Court yesterday for obstructing the Police whilst they were about to search her premises, under the powers of the Alcoholic Liquor Act. The evidence was that she threatened to scald them, and induced a number of Sailors to start trouble. She was fined $100.00

A few stowaways have been reported on board sealing ships. Parents of the boys have been notified.

A female resident of Prince’s St. was before Court yesterday charged with having in her possession, liquor not obtained from the Board of Liquor Control. A witness for the defence, said he had purchased the liquor for his own use, and left it at the defendant’s house, to call for it. Sentence was suspended.

The work of clearing the storm sewer outlets at the Railway Round House was completed in the past week. This sewer is now in good working order, according to the Engineer’s report at yesterday’s meeting. He also stated that a manhole near the premises of the St. John’s Gas Co. is being raised to prevent the entrance of debris.

The City Engineer reported yesterday, that the 6 inch main in Cavell Avenue, is being extended for the Canadian Naval Hospital.

A number of men who were overseas with the Forestry unit returned yesterday. Arrangements have been made by the Department of Natural Resources to get them to their homes.

The Union Electric Light and Power Co. is making rapid headway with repairs. Last Sunday, Bonavista was lighted, the power was on in Little Catalina a couple of days later, and will be on in Elliston at the beginning of next week. Had it not been for unfavourable weather conditions, it is likely that repairs would have been completed ere now — Fisherman’s Advocate.

In the past week, the 12 inch storm sewer in Alexander Street was flushed and debris from the last heavy rain storm was cleared away at the outlet. The choked 9 inch earthernware sewer, in Leo’s Lane, was also opened and cleared.

At yesterday’s meeting of the Council, the Engineer reported the complaint of Mr. O’Mara Freshwater Road, claiming damages caused by water entering his house was investigated, and the trouble was due to a bank of snow on the corner of Cook Street, which blocked the drain and caused the water to back up, entering the rear of the house. The gulley was in good working order. The overflow occurred in the early hours of the morning, (4 a.m.) during a rainstorm. A special report on this, will be made at Monday’s meeting.

Two Longshoremen were before Judge Browne yesterday, charged with stealing several pairs of mitts from the freight shed of Messrs, Harvey & Co., on February 7th. The evidence was that a case of mitts was broken open, and 40 pairs disappeared, but the accused were charged with taking only two pairs. One of the men, who had been in Court on a previous occasion, was fined $25.00 and the second was fined $20.00.

While en route from St. John’s last week, the “Swile” encountered about four miles of slob ice in Trinity Bay, and struck and bent her propeller, which materially reduced her speed. An ice propellor will now replace the damaged screw. — Fishermen’s Advocate.

Seals Whelped Earlier in Gulf

Seals have this spring in the Gulf, whelped at least a month earlier than they have been known to do, for on February 14th, Captain Winsor sailing out of Monroe Export Co. Ltd., picked up a Whitecoat which weighed 42 pounds on that date. The Whitecoat was picked up off Scatterie. Seals in the Gulf usually whelp between the last day or two of February, and first days of March.

MARCH 15TH 1942


MURPHY — At Saint Claire’s Mercy Hospital, March 13th to Mr. and Mrs. Gus Murphy, of Bell Island, a son.


FOWLER: Passed peacefully away at Chamberlains, C.B. on Thursday, March 5th, Mary Ann, widow of the late George Fowler, in her 97th year, leaving to mourn three sons, John, William and Frank, two daughters, Mrs. Gordon Miller of Topsail and Mrs. John Earle of St. John’s, also two sisters, Mrs. John Mugford of Montreal, and Mrs, Caleb Squires of St. Phillips, C.B., 19 children. Funeral took place Saturday at C of E Church, Topsail.


A Preliminary Enquiry into the charge against two Sailors who were arrested on the premises of Messrs. Ayres & Son, is now proceeding before Magistrate’s O’Neill. Mr. H.P Carter, K.C., is appearing for the prosecution and Mr. J.D. Higgins for the accused.

A Labourer who was before the Magistrate’s Court yesterday charged with attempting to assault the Stevedore at Harvey & Co., premises was fined $10.00, and ordered to sign bonds for his future good behaviour. The evidence was that he attempted to strike the Stevedore with a hammer.

In the past week, potholes were filled with ashes and gravel, on roads in St. John’s

A man who returned on Thursday, after serving in the Forestry Unit Overseas, was fined $10.00 at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, being in possession of a bottle of liquor which did not bear the label of the Board of Liquor Control. The man was arrested in the Baggage Room of the Nfld. Railway.

A sixteen year old youth was before His Honour Judge Browne at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, charged with assaulting a French-Canadian Sailor. He was fined $20.00. One of the Police giving evidence stated that the accused was one of a gang which is always causing disturbance on New Gower St. He stated that after he had placed the youth under arrest and put him in a car, someone threw an empty bottle at the car.

During last week, employees of the Sanitary Department collected 566 load of ashes and garbage, dipped and carted 39 gullies, cleaned 52 gullies, and attended to a hopper daily. There were fifty-eight men working with 20 horses.


MARCH 17TH 1942


The monthly meeting of the Newfoundland Protective Association of Shop and Office Employees will be held tonight at Victoria Hall.

A special meeting of Terra Nova Council No. 1452 Knights of Columbus was held yesterday afternoon, when there was an exemplification of the First Degree of the Order.

The adjourned annual meeting of the Masonic Club will be held tonight at eight o’clock in the Masonic Temple.

At the R.C. Cathedral last night, Vespers were sung with Rt. Rev. Monsignor Kitchen officiating and J. W. O’Mara as Chanters. The sermon was preached by Rt. Rev. Monsignor Flynn, P.P. St. Patrick’s. At Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Rev. R.T. McGrath officiated.

The annual meeting of the Sunshine Camp Association will be held at four o’clock this afternoon in the Bank of Nova Scotia Building. A cordial invitation is extended to all who are interested in the work for the underprivileged children.

The installation of Master Elect Stewart Dewling, and office bearers of Lodge Tasker No. 454 S. C., will be held in the Masonic Temple tomorrow morning at 10.15 o’clock.

St. Thomas W.H.M.A. are holding a tableau in Canon Wood Hall tomorrow afternoon. Candy and home cookery will be sold and afternoon teas will be served. The proceeds are to be devoted to the Cartwright Mission.

The City Council meets this afternoon at 2.45 o’clock. This is a regular public meeting.

Several old harps and hoods were taken of Trwillingate last week. Some bedlamer seals were landed by gunners.

The Summerside Correspondent of the Western Star states; “Young lambs are everywhere to be seen, frisking about and declaring that spring has come. The weather man made a poor job of our bridge of ice this year, and already it is giving away at various points.”

John Carney and Kenneth Doody, two Englishmen members of the Mercantile Marine, have been committed to the Supreme Court for trial on five charges of breaking and entering, within the past month. They were charged with breaking and entering the East End Stores, Arcade Building, Capt. Jorgensen’s, Kavanagh’s Confectionery Store, and Ayre & Sons. The men were arrested on the latter premises on March 4th. The preliminary enquiry was held before Magistrate O’Neill. Mr. H.P. Carter, K.C. appeared for the Crown and Mr. J.D. Higgins for the accused.

Two citizens were before Court on Saturday, charged with purchasing blankets and sheets that had been stolen from the Caribou Hut. One was fined $25.00 after it had been proven that he purchased two pairs of blankets, and the other who was convicted of purchasing 18 pairs of blankets and seven sheets, was fined $150.00 or four months. The evidence was that 70 pairs of blankets have been stolen from the Hut in the past few months.

Drawing of trap berths for the St. John’s area, took place on Saturday night at the office of the Newfoundland Fisheries Board. Already berths have been drawn, for settlements on the Southern Shore, as far as Fermuese, and in sections of St. John’s East extern.

The twin Town Correspondent of the Western Star, states a lot of boats did well with Halibut last week. Fishermen are getting the best prices in years for Halibut and Cod.

The express going out this evening will be in two sections. First and second class passengers will leave at 5 o’clock, and all sleeping car passengers at 5.20 p.m.

The Western Star states that a severe gale of wind struck Port aux Basques and Channel last week, and the velocity of the wind was said to have reached 90 miles per hour. Windows blew out, chimneys blew off, and several small outhouses were turned over. One family had the roof partly blown off their house. The gale lasted all day and far into the night.

The Captain of a ship was before the Magistrate’s Court on Saturday, charged with having females on board. He pleaded not guilty. The First Officer of the ship stated that the girls had got onboard unknown to him or the Captain, and transferred from another ship that was alongside. The hearing will be continued today when the girls will be asked to give evidence.

Mr. F.G. Thistle is now fully installed as Manager of the Corner Brook Stores. Mr. Thistle, a son of Mr. D.R. Thistle, King’s Printer, arrived in Corner Brook with his wife and two children several weeks ago. Just before coming here, he was employed with the F.P.U. Trading Co., Port Union. — Western Star.

MARCH 18TH 1942


GRANDY, Frazer Evelly, Ordinary Seaman JX216707 R.N. Missing on active service. Next of kin father, Mr. John Grandy, Garnish, Fortune Bay, Newfoundland

SEAWARD, Lloyd, Able Seaman JX191531 R.N. Missing on active service. Next if kin, father, Mr. Richard Seaward, Clarenville, Newfoundland.

FLEMING, Michael, Able Seaman JX208838 R.N. Missing on active service. Next of kin, mother, Mrs. Richard Fleming, 37 Cuddihy Street, St. John’s, Newfoundland

HICKEY, John Francis, Able Seaman, JX187442 R.N. Missing on active service. Next of kin mother, Mrs. William Hickey, Torbay, St. John’s East, Newfoundland.

DELANEY, Patrick Joseph, Seaman JX180761, R.N. Missing on active service in the Java Sea. Next of kin, sister, Miss Gertrude Delaney, Corner Brook, Newfoundland

WELLS, Herbert, Seaman JX200126 R.N. Placed on serious case list suffering from ear disease. Next of kin, mother, Mrs. Alfred Wells, Upper Battery Road, St. John’s, Newfoundland.


The following notification has been received from the Commodore, R.N. Barracks, Chatham, dated 13th February.

Ordinary Telegraphist Hubert C. King, C/JX173296, has been advanced to Telegraphist effective from 1st July, 1941. Telegraphist King is the son of Mrs. Bert King, 3 Campbell Avenue, City.

Able Seaman Bernard C. Jackson, C/JX220938, has been advanced to Acting Leading Seaman with effect from 30th July 1941. Leading Seaman Jackson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Able Jackson of Heart’s Delight.

The following Seamen have been promoted to Wartime Leading Seamen ; Maxwell Bradley, - JX246705, with effect from 27th October, 1941. Leading Seaman Bradly is the son of Mrs. Augustus Bradley of Indian Cove, via Battle Harbor, Labrador.

Clayton Samson, - JX211513, with effect from 9th January , 1942. Leading Seaman Samson is the son of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Samson, of Flat Island, Bonavista Bay.


O’KEEFE — MAHER: At St. Joseph’s Church, Tuesday, March 17th, by Rev. Fr. F.D. Ryan, P.P., Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs William Maher, to Lawrence, son of M.J and the late Mrs. O’Keefe, both of this city.


JENSEN: At the Sanitorium on Monday, Gladys, youngest daughter of Mrs. and the late Percival Jensen of Harbor Breton. Remains leaving city on today’s express for St. George’s.


Since the lat weekly letter was issued, Communicable Diseases have been reported as follows;

City Outside

Chicken Pox 3 1

Streptococci Throat 1 -

Impetigo - 1

Diphtheria 1 -

Measles - 3

Meningitis 1 -

Scarlet Fever 1 -

H M MODSELL, M.D., Secretary Public Health & Welfare.

Wedding Bells

HAMMOND — BUTLER: On St. Patrick’s Day at 5.30 p.m. at St. Patrick’s Church, a quiet, pretty wedding was solemnized, when Mr. Gerard P. Hammond, son of Mr. T and Mrs. Johanna Hammond of Lance Cove, Bell Island, was married to Miss Annie Butler, daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas Butler of Portugal Cove, Trepassey. The bride was becomingly attired in a gown of power blue crepe with accessories to match. She was attended by her sister Miss Theresa Butler, who was becomingly attired in a gown of rose crepe with accessories to match. The groom was attended by his brother, Mr. James C. Hammond, member of the Staff of the Main Office, Dominion Iron and Steel Coal Corp. of Bell Island. Rev. E. Gordon Kent, cousin of the groom, Assistant at St. Patrick’s, performed the ceremony. The reception was held at the Crosbie Hotel, which was attended by Fr. Kent, and who wished the bride and groom every happiness. Several other guests also attended who expressed the same sentiments. After their honeymoon, the newly married couple will take up residence at Lance Cove, Bell Island. Heartiest congratulations are extended.


Mrs. Henry Elliott: Her large circle of relatives, friends and acquaintances, were shocked at the news of the sudden passing of Fanny, beloved wife of Henry Elliott, prominent business man of this place, on Saturday February seventh. Deceased was in her sixty-eight year, and up to a short while ago, appeared to be in good health. She had been confined to bed only three weeks, and was though to be well on the road to recovery. In fact she was her usual jolly self, and interested in all around her, up to within a few minutes before her death.

Born in Fogo in 1874, she was married to Henry Elliott at Change Islands, by the Rev. G. Chamberlain in 1898. Shortly after, she followed her husband to Gaultois, then to Hr. Breton, where he was Manager of Job’s extensive business. Here she lived, with her large family ever since.

For nearly forty years to within a few weeks of her death, she had taken an active part in all Church, social , and patriotic activities. A life-long member of the C.E.W.A. and of the W.P.A. in this and the last war, she gave her best in time, talents, and means. She was so keenly interested in these activities, that she was knitting for the boys overseas, up to the time her Physician ordered her to bed for a rest. No life was ever more fully spent in service to the family, the Church, the community, and Country, and her loss will be keenly felt by all who knew her, and were blessed by her warm heart.

She was one of these rare souls who seem to have room enough in their motherly hearts for all. Family and friends, sick, aged, poor and the stranger. Her good work and noble life have left a deep mark upon this settlement which is now much poorer by her passing. Hundreds felt closely akin to her, and mourn deeply the loss of a great hearted friend, and a wise counsellor. No words of mine can hope to do justice to this noble woman, whose death has left an aching void. The whole community joins in extending their heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family in their great sorrow.

Left to mourn are her husband Henry Elliott, prominent business man of this place; four sons, Gordon, Director of Steers Ltd., St. John’s, William , assistant to his father here; Sergeant Edmund R.C.A.F., Gander Airport; Douglas at home, and five daughters; (Gladys) Mrs. Donald Macaulty, St. John, N.B.; (Mildred) Mrs. D.G. King, Hr. Breton, Laura, Nurse in charge Come-by-Chance Hospital; Mabel, C. of E. Teacher, Rose Blanch, Eudora, at home, and one brother Christopher Simms, Nfld Forestry Unit, Scotland, and one sister Edith in the U.S.A, to all of whom the writer extends his heartfelt sympathy. Three children predeceased her, Edith May and Lloyd George, at Hr. Breton; and Trixie, deceased wife of Mr. Will Earle of Change Islands.

The funeral , largely attended, was held from her late residence to St. Bartholomew’s Church where the service was conducted by Rev. H. Mackay, R.D. Interment took place in the family plot in the new C of E Cemetery. A few close friends of the family did what they could to lighten the burden of sorrow, which weighed so heavily on husband and children.

Distant relatives will please accept the sincerest sympathy of the writer.

O love that will not let me go,

I rest my weary soul in thee.

I give thee back the life I owe,

That in thine ocean’s depths its flow

May richer, fuller be.

O Light that followed all my ways

I yield my flickering torch to thee,

My heart restores its borrow’d ray

That in thy sunshine blaze its day

May brighter, fairer be. Correspondent. Hr. Breton, Feb. 17th, 1942.


MAHONEY — At St. Claire’s Mercy Hospital, on March 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Mahoney. Clarke’s Beach, a son.

BROWNE — At St. Claire’s Mercy Hospital, on Sunday March 15th to Mr. and Mrs. James T Browne, 184 Merrymeeting Road, a son.


In loving memory of Agnes Murphy, who died March 18th, 1941. Sacred Heard of Jesus have mercy on her soul. Inserted by her husband, sons and daughters.


LUBY — Passed peacefully away on Monday, March 16th, after a long illness, John (Jack) Luby, aged 47 years, leaving to mourn two sons, one daughter, one step-daughter, also one sister, two brothers and one step-brother. Funeral today, Wednesday, at 2.30 p.m., from his late residence 20 King’s Road. R. I. P.

FARRELL — Died suddenly on Tuesday, March 17th, Richard Farrell, aged 78 years, of Topsail Road, leaving to mourn, wife (Catherine), one son and three daughters, also 18 grandchildren. Funeral notice later.


At the congregational meeting of the United Church on Sunday night, Rev. W.J. Woolfrey, Pastor of Bell Island and Portugal Cove, tendered his resignation in order to accept a call he had recently received to a charge in Ontario. The resignation takes effect in June, when Rev. Woolfrey and family will leave for Canada. He has been U.C. Pastor at Bell Island for three years, and the news of his resignation has been received with general regret. — The Bell Islander.

Striking proof of the heavy weight of ice that encrusted wires, poles, trees, etc., in the famous “glitter” storm of January 30th, is afforded by the sight of a two inch iron pipe, bent over from the upright, to an angle of about 45 degrees from the ground, in the yard of Rev W. J. Woolfrey. The pipe was originally about 30 feet high, and was used as a support for a radio aerial. The weight of the ice that accumulated on it in the storm, bent it over until it reached the position described. – The Bell Islander.

The Captain of a ship of foreign registry was before the Magistrate’s Court on Saturday, charged with permitting females to be on board his ship. He explained that he lived on shore and did not know that any girls were on board. The case was dismissed.

The Bay Roberts Guardian states that a rumour is current around town, that a number of citizens intend calling a public meeting in the near future, to discuss the formation of a Town Council for Bay Roberts.

Fifteen motorists were before the Magistrate’s Court on Monday, for breaches of the traffic regulations. Parking on Water Street, was the chief offence. Fines of from one to two dollars were imposed.

The Mission for the children of the Cathedral Parish opened on Monday, and will continue all this week. A Mission for the children of St. Patrick’s is also going on this week. Priests at the Redemptorist Order are conducting the Missions.

A girl was before Court on Monday charged with being drunk. She was given in charge by her mother. She was fined.

The case against the Captain of a ship for having females on board his ship, which opened at the Mmagistrate’s Court on Saturday, concluded on Monday, and the charge was dismissed.

A resident of Manuels was before Judge Browne on Monday, charged with assaulting his son-in-law. He was find $5.00 and ordered to sign bonds for his future good behaviour.

A Radio Mechanic was fined $50.00 by Judge Browne, on Monday, for assaulting the proprietor of a Topsail Road Hostel. He was also ordered to pay $10.00 compensation.

MARCH 19TH 1942


BONIA — CANNING: A very pretty weeding took place at the R.C. Cathedral when Rt. Rev. Msgr. Kitchen united in holy bonds of wedlock Bessie Canning to Bernard Bonia of St. Mary’s, now in the employ of Clayton Construction Co. Capt. John Murphy acted as best man, with Miss Catherine Canning, sister of the bride, maid of honour. The wedding reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wiseman, Theatre Hill. Included in the special guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bath. The bride,was the recipient of many valuable presents. The writer wishes Mr. and Mrs. Bonia many years of wedded life. FRIEND.

Death Was Some Time Before The Body Discovered.

Electric Iron Found Near Victim — Accused Is Remanded

Yesterday morning, Herbert A Spratt was arraigned before His Honour Judge Brown, and formerly charged with the murder of Josephine O’Brien of Cape Broyle, whose lifeless body was discovered Tuesday night at the home of Mr. Edward Spratt, a brother of the accused. The accused was remanded for eight days.

The house where the murder occurred, is a detached building on Plymouth Road, and is occupied as to the upstairs flats by the owner, Mr. Lynch, and on the ground floor by Mr. Edward Spratt. When Mrs Spratt returned home about 11.30, she discovered the body of the deceased on a sofa in the kitchen, with her head badly battered, and an electric iron, covered with blood, alongside the body. The body was taken to the Morgue and examined by Dr. Josephine, Government Pathologist, who estimated that death had occurred several hours previously.

Sergeant Case of the C.I.D. gave evidence for remand yesterday morning, and Mr. Carter K.C. Crown Prosecutor, asked for the usual remand, pending preliminary enquiry.


STONE — Passed peacefully away at General Hospital early this morning, Theresa, widow of John G. Stone. Funeral by motor hearse to Railway Station this evening. Internment at Catalina.


Owing to disease among dogs in the Green Bay District, Mailmen and travellers are handicapped in getting around. A report of distemper in dogs is to be made after an investigation.

A meeting of the Newfoundland Historical Society will be held tonight at 8.15 in the chambers of the Council of Higher Education. The speaker will be Warwick Smith Esq., and his subject: Rev. Lawrence Couglan. The general public is invited. Following the lecture the annual business meeting will be held.

The following articles of knitted goods have been sent to Headquarters in St. John’s by the Bay Roberts Branch of the W.P.A.; 79 pairs of socks, 2 sweaters, 3 helmets, 1 scarf, 1 pair hurricane mitts, 2 pairs gloves. — Bay Roberts Guardian

The storm, warning of which was given on Tuesday, started here yesterday afternoon. During the night there was heavy sleet, and the streets were rendered quite slippery.

Three Norwegian Seaman were before Court yesterday, charged with disorderly conduct on the public street. They were fined $15.00 or 14 days each. The evidence was that the accused followed a Housemaid up the stairs to a flat in which she lived on Water Street.

The Grand Jury has been notified to attend at the Supreme Court today. It is probable they will be asked to consider a bill of indictment, charging John Carney and Kenneth Doody, Seamen, with shop breaking and larceny.

A Sailor was before Judge Brown at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, and was fined $10.00 for being in possession of a bottle of liquor on which there was a defaced label.

The Twillingate Sun states that Ranger Luscombe has been transferred to Port aux Basques and had left for there.

From Air Raid Wardens recently appointed for service in West Corner Brook, it is learned that there are very few houses in the community that are equipped with ladders. From a casual survey of a large section of West Corner Brook, it is estimated that not more than one-sixth of the houses have ladders. — Humber Herald.

Capt. T.B. Rose of the Adult Education Department, came here recently, and is giving lessons to a Navigation Class. — Twillingate Sun.

The City Council meets again this afternoon. Lt-Col. Outerbridge, Director of Civil Defence, or his representative, have been invited to attend at 2:30, to discuss the matter of a Supplementary water supply, as refereed to in a letter read at Monday’s meeting of the Council.

The Twillingate Sun states that Messrs. Frederick Parsons and Gordon Hawkins killed a white fox on Burnt Island recently.

A labourer who was before the Magistrate’s Court yesterday with stealing four tins of soup from the premises of Messrs. Harvey & Co., was fined $25.00.

A Norwegian Sailor was fined $25.00 yesterday at the Magistrate’s Court, for assaulting a girl on New Gower Street. The evidence was that the accused hit the girl and knocked her down. A civilian went to her assistance, but the Sailor appeared to be too powerful. When Constable Hann came on the scene, the civilian disappeared, and the Constable made the arrest.

MARCH 20TH 1942


THISTLE, John Moores, Gunner 971356. On seriously ill list. Next of kin wife, Mrs. John Thistle, Broad Cove, Day de Verde, Newfoundland.

LOCKE, William, Pilot Officer, R.A.F. Seriously injured as result of air operations on March 15th 1942, and has been admitted to Royal Cromwell Infirmary, Truro, Cornwall, Wales. (Transferred from Nfld Overseas Forestry Unit) next of kin, father, Mr. Arthur H. Locke, Lockston, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland

PENNEY, Clarence, Able seaman JX208998 R.N. Missing on active service. Next of kin father, Mr. Michael J Penney (Now overseas in Nfld Forestry Unit) Woodfords, C.B., Newfoundland.

RICHARDSON, Francis Cyril, Seaman JX174363 R.N. Missing believed drowned 11th February 1942. Next of kin mother, Mrs. M. Richardson, 24 Bond Street, St. John’s, Newfoundland.


166th Newfoundland Field Regt. R. A.

Promoted Acting Bombardiers with effect from January 12, 1942:

970062 A L Bdr. Harvey, E. A.

970621 A L Bdr. Whalen, E. A.

970626 A L Bdr. Harding, J. J.

970325 A L Bdr. Proudfoot , A.

970531 A L Bdr. Chaffey, L.

970935 A L Bdr. Whalen, W. J.

970311 A L Bdr. Sparkes, W.

970562 A L Bdr. Lee, L. J.

970160 A L Bdr. Green, E. J.

970683 A L Bdr. Budgell, A. C.

970133 A L Bdr. Drover, A.

Appointed Acting lance Bombardiers with effect from January 12, 1942

970007 A Bdr. Penney, J.

970439 W Bdr. Jackman, A.R.

59th Newfoundland Heavy Regt. R.A.

Appointed Acting Lance Sergeant with effect from January 22, 1942:

970874 W Bdr. Newman, E. Promoted Acting Bomdardier with effect from January 22, 1942.

970874 A L Bdr. Mills, J. S. Granted War Substantive rank of Bombardier with effect from January 29 1942

971082 A Bdr. Mayo, L.

Promoted Acting Bombardiers with effect from January 28, 1942

971097 A L Bdr. Madus, R.C.

971293 A L Bdr. Harvey, P.J.


In charge of Undertaker Caul, the body of Josephine O’Brien, victim of the tragedy of Tuesday night, was sent home to Cape Broyle yesterday for interment. A post mortem examination of the body was made by Drs. Josephson and Anderson, and afterwards the body was prepared for burial.


MRS. WILLIAM PENNEY: On Monday last, March 16th, at Benton, Mrs. Margaret Penney, widow of the late William Penney of Port Blandford, passed away in her 73rd year. The deceased had been living with her son, Isaac, at Benton for some time. She leaves to mourn three sons, Isaac at Benton, Albert at Musgravetown, and Harold of the Newfoundland Railway; two brothers, Alexander at Boston and William at Musgravetown; three sisters, Mrs. Eileen Stares at Sault Ste. Marie, Mrs Thomas Hancock at St. Anthony, and Mrs. F. Oldford at Red Cliff, B.B., and several grandchildren.

The remains were taken to Port Blandford and laid to rest in the Churchyard beside her husband. The burial service was conducted by Rev. J.W. Buckwell, Pastor of the Parish.


PENNEY — Passed peacefully away at Benton on March 16th in her 73rd year, Margaret Penney, widow of the late William Penney of Port Blandford, leaving to mourn three sons, two brothers, three sisters and several grandchildren. Interment was at Port Blandford.


A choked sewer at the foot of Flowers Hill, was opened and cleared by Council employees a couple of days ago. The torpedo was used to speed up work.

Minor damage was caused to a house on Quidi Vidi Road, by fire early yesterday morning. The Central and East Companies were in attendance

A Laundry Steward was before Judge Brown at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, and was charged with stealing property of the U.S. Government. He admitted taking two cans of anti-freeze and two rubber sheets. The evidence was, that the man took something every time he went into the canteen. He was fined $100.00 or three months, and was sentenced to three months without option of a fine, and ordered to pay $20.00 compensation. Constable Freake of the C.I.D. made the investigation.

In the past few days, Council employees have been engaged at removing ice from Water Street, Duckworth, and New Gower Streets, filling potholes with ashes on Military Road, Harvey Road, Queen’s Road, Water Street, New Gower St., and Duckworth St. Repairs were made to the water course at Marshall’s Garage, Water St. West, and to the concrete sidewalks at Colonial, Duckworth, Water St. and Queen’s Road.

A man who was before Judge Browne yesterday charged with stealing liquor, was fined $10.00.

A woman before Court yesterday charged with selling liquor, was convicted and fined $100 or 30 days.

The season for snaring rabbits ended on March 15th, and after 25th, none will be permitted to be sold.

The silver thaw of Wednesday night and yesterday morning, did some damage to light and telephone wires. Lights were going on and off at interval in some sections of the city. Telephone lines were also out of order in various places. The line to the Southern Shore was out of commission for a period.

A Canadian Naval Rating was before Court yesterday, charged with refusing to take his proper place in a queue entering the Nickle Theatre. He was fined $2.00.

In the past week, Council employees were engaged clearing a drain pipe on the Southside Road. This was choked by the dumping of a load of stone by some person, into the drain, causing the water to back up and flow over the road. Considerable trouble was found in clearing it.

A Radio Mmechanic was before Court on Monday for assaulting the Proprietor of a Topsail Hostel. The Proprietor was not Jack Robinson of Donovans, Mr. Robinson told the Daily News.

Convicted of delivering liquor to a person under the age of twenty-one years, a man before Court yesterday, was fined $20.00

A man was fined $15.00 at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday for being in possession of a bottle of liquor, on which there was a defaced label.

During the week, four manholes covers were broken in the city, viz, New Gower Street, foot of Cochrane St., Springdale St., and at Harvey’s Water St. East. To date this year, eleven covers have had to be replaced.

March 21st 1942

There were twenty-five horses in the Sanitary Department last week, and their feed cost $176.85. They consumed 4,000 lbs hay, 25 sacks oats and 3 sacks bran.

The marriage of Miss Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hann, to Jack, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bowman Skiffington, both of Musgravetown East, took place recently. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A.J. Barrett.

A message received yesterday, stated that seals in large numbers, have been seen at Notre Dame Bay ports.

A party of gunners spent Wednesday morning hunting sea birds. Using a motor boat, they skirted the Coast to Southern Head, then steamed well out in the Bay. Birds were plentiful but very wild. There were literally thousands of ducks and turrs in sight, but not in shot. If the ice moved in near the Heads, there would be rare sport for the fortunate gunners who may be there. — Fishermen’s Advocate.

Mr. James Snow is a believer in coincidences, after an unusual but pleasant experience he had recently. One night whilst driving two visiting English Seamen to the mines in his car, one of them said that he had in his pocket a photograph of a Bell Island boy, serving in the Navy, and wondered if Mr. Snow knew him. When he was shown the photograph, Mr. Snow discovered to his surprise, that it was a picture of his own son who had been a shipmate of the two sailors he was driving, before they came to this side of the water. — The Bell Islander

The Elliston Correspondent of the Fishermen’s Advocate says: “For the first time in many decades, no sealers go to the Sealfishery from here this year, and it would appear that interest in this once important industry is about to be concluded as far as it concerns us. This settlement has produced many able and efficient sealers, and the time was when the application for berths far exceeded the supply available. How conditions have changed.”

Three girls who were before Court yesterday were charged with being disorderly. They were found on board a foreign ship. One of them was fined $20.00 and the other two, $10.00 each. One of them, who belongs to an outport, will be sent home. Three Sailors, who got them on board, were also convicted, and sentence was suspended.

A Canadian Workman was before the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, charged with being drunk and disorderly, and breaking a pane of glass in a residence on Blackmarsh Road. He was fined $15.00 and ordered to pay compensation for the damage done.

In the last week, employees of the Sanitary Department, collected 526 loads of ashes and garbage, they dipped and carted 111 gullies, and cleaned 41 gullies. There were sixty men employed with 21 horses.

The driver of an American Army Truck was before the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, charged with being drunk in charge of a motor vehicle, and with breaking off a hydrant at the corner of Holdsworth St. He was fined $35.00 and his licence was suspended for six months.

Four Norwegian Sailors were before His Honour Judge Brown, at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, and were charged with being drunk and disorderly and breaking glass in the watch house of a Lumber Yard. They were also charged with being in possession of a bottle of liquor on which there was not a label from the board of Liquor Control. The evidence was that they got into the house with four girls. On the charge of having liquor, three were fined $20.00 each, and the man who had possession of the bottle was fined $25.00. The hearing on the other charges was postponed. The girls who were with them, were placed under bonds in the sum of $25.00.

The wedding of Miss Bessie Cuff to Mr. Leonard Mouland, took place at Bonavista, last week. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J.W. Winsor.

The electric current is flowing at Bonavista after an absence of 28 days. When consideration is given to the fact, that a transmission line has been replaced in midwinter, across twelve miles of barren country, the almost impossible has been accomplished. — Fishermen’s Advocate.

MARCH 23RD 1942


Mrs. Emily Warford and daughter of Upper gullies, wish to thank all those who sent flowers. telegrams, letters, and cards of sympathy, and all those who visited them or in any way helped them, during the sad and trying days, following the sudden passing of a beloved husband and father.

Mrs. Simon Noseworthy, Harbor Grace, wishes to thank all those who kindly sent messages, wreaths, and cards of sympathy, in her bereavement of her dear husband who died January 23rd, 1942.


RYALL — At St. Claire’s Mercy Hospital, Sunday, March 22nd, to Dr. and Mrs. Charles Ryall, a son.


LANE: Passed peacefully away yesterday, Sunday, March 22nd. after a lingering illness, Mary Ann Lane, aged 78 years, beloved wife of William D. Lane, leaving to mourn her sad loss, a husband and two sons. Funeral Tuesday, at 2.30 p.m. from her late residence, 43 Long’s Hill. May the Sacred heart of Jesus have mercy on her soul.

O’BRIEN: At the General Hospital, St. John’s, on March 21st, John J O’Brien of Cape Broyle aged 65 years. Leaving to mourn a loving wife, four daughters, Rev. Sister Carmel, of the Mercy Order, St. John’s,.Rev. Sr. Corons at Antigonish. Mrs. Augustus Dawe (Margaret) at Montreal, Regina and Evelyn at Argentia, and one son Ronald, at home, funeral to take place in Cape Broyle following Requiem Mass this Monday morning.


The Naval Rating who was arrested early Saturday morning on the premises of Messrs. Rosenberg and Co., as reported in Saturday News, appeared before the Magistrate’s Court at the forenoon session, and was remanded for eight days.

The driver of a motor car, who was before Court on Saturday, charged with being intoxicated while in charge of a car, was fined $10.00 and his licence was suspended for six months. A man who was with the accused, was charged with drunkenness and was fined $5.00.

At Victoria Hall on Wednesday, a concert and sociable will be held under the auspices of Royal Oak Lodge No. 22. Councillor Vardy will preside.

The City Council meets this afternoon, but the session will deal with finance matters only and this proceeding will not be in public.

The ideal weather conditions yesterday afternoon, were availed of by many citizens to walk in the suburbs. Many were driving also and enjoyed it.

In some small stores in the East End, the price of milk has advanced in the past two or three days. It is now four cents a pint more than it was a week ago.

MARCH 24TH 1942


His life was gentle; and the elements so mixed in him, that Nature might stand up, and say to all the world, “This is a Man!”

The announcement, broadcasted on Saturday evening, of the passing of Mr. John J. O’Brien of Cape Broyle, at the General Hospital, was heard in the city and throughout our Country with profound regret. For the people of Cape Broyle and along the Southern Shore particularly, it came as a distinct shock, and brought a poignant sense of loss, for in every household in the settlement, he was known with sincere affection and esteem.

Only a few short week ago, the late Mr. O’Brien came to the city for Medical treatment, and although the seriousness of his ailment was recognized, it was hoped that recovery would be but a matter of time. On Friday last, following a heavy operation, his condition became weaker, and a transfusion of blood was necessary. This was readily given by his Nephew, Aubery Battcock, but despite all that Medical Science could do, he failed to rally, and shortly after noon on Saturday, fortified by the rites of Holy Mother Church, he passed into eternity.

The late Mr. O’Brien was born in Cape Broyle some sixty-five years ago. In his earlier years he was associated with the Anglo-Telegraph Co., later transferring to the Postal Service. For the past thirty-five years, he conducted a most successful business at his native settlement, and contacts extended all over Newfoundland and through Nova Scotia.

Conscientious and considerate to the highest degree, his integrity was recognized and respected by all classes and creeds, and it is no mere trite expression to say that always his word was his bond. He seemed to possess that gift of understanding of his fellowmen, that lifted him above the petty bickerings, common to competitive business. All men were his friends, and his thoughtfulness for their welfare won for him their abiding regard.

A life-long business associate of the late Mr. O’Brien, speaking of this said, “I never knew a grander character than John O’Brien. He was so considerate for everyone, so unruffled and so patient at all times. I Honestly believe he never lost his temper, and I know he never made an enemy.”

Perhaps in the sanctuary of his home, the deceased was at his best, a loving and devoted husband and father, he was beloved by his family, and for them his passing is an irreparable loss. A charming host, the fame of the hospitality of the O’Brien home has been proverbial, and his kindly smile and hearty welcome will be sadly missed by visitors to Cape Broyle.

An ardent Catholic, he was for many years President of the Holy Name Society of Cape Broyle, and for more than twenty-five years, a member of the Knight of Columbus. To the work of each organization he gave of his best, and his life exemplified the high ideals of both.

Saturday evening, whilst awaiting conveyance to Cape Broyle, the body of the late Mr. o’Brien lay in repose at the Knight of Columbus, and all through the night, a large number of friends visited the rooms, to offer a Pater and Ave for the repose of his soul.

The body was conveyed to Cape Broyle on Sunday morning, funeral arrangements being under the direction of W. Caul, Manager of J.T. Martin Mortuary Rooms, and Requiem Mass was offered yesterday morning by Rev. M.J Kennedy, following which interment took place in the family plot.

Left to mourn their sad loss, are a loving wife, five daughter, Rev. Sr. Carmel of the Academy of Our Lady of Mercy, St. John’s; Rev. Sr. Corona at Antigonish; Mrs. Augustus Dawe of Montreal, Regina and Evelyn of the Nursing Profession, both stationed at Argentia, one son Ronald at home, one sister, Mrs. Sarah Carew, Shove’s Cove, and four brothers, to all of whom deepest sympathy will be extended.

In the place he loved so well, his mortal remains will rest, beneath the sod and the dew, there to await the call of the Resurrection morn, and with the prayers “God give rest to his gentle soul” and with the though “We shall not see his like again”. We bid farewell to a kindly friend and a truly Christian gentleman. COM.


KITCHEN, Frank Wilfred, Seaman NO. JX247977, R.N. Died March 20, 1942 result injuries street accident, next of kin, father Mr. Malcolm Kitchen, Bell Island, Conception Bay.


Blackout Will Be Extended To Portions Avalon Peninsula As Soon As Possible

BELL ISLAND WILL BE INCLUDED IN ORDER: The Commission of Government decided yesterday, that a blackout for the duration of the war should commence on April 6th at a time on that day which has not yet been fixed, and also that the hour of Midnight, April 5th, shall become 1 A.M., when all clocks will be put forward one hour, this giving an extra hour of daylight.

As soon after April 6th as possible, the blackout will be extended to that portion of the Peninsula of Avalon, which is bounded on the South by the Witless Bay Line and also includes Bell Island. The farthest South settlement on the Southern Shore to be affected, will be Bay Bulls, and in Conception Bay, the whole of Holyrood. The area on the Peninsula of Avalon to be included in the blackout, may be extended if after experiments, it be found necessary.

The Civil Defence is still experimenting as to the dimming of motor headlights, and if not completed before April 6th, the existing regulations will be continued. The necessary orders in connection with the blackout on April 6th, are being drawn up, and will be published in due course. The information as above, was secured by the Daily News from the Hon. Commissioner for Defence, so that the general public might have timely warning.


BROWN: Passed peacefully away on Tuesday afternoon, March 24th, Mrs. Ellen Brown. Funeral from her late residence, Terra Nova house, 11 George St., on Thursday at 2.30 p.m.

COWLEY: Passed peacefully away March 24th after a long illness, James Crowley, aged 74 years. Leaving to mourn, two sons and one daughter. Funeral on Thursday at 2.30 p.m. from his late residence, 41 Merrymeeting Road. R. I .P.


The St. John’s Branch of the G.W.V.A. will meet at Headquarters on Thursday night of this week for the dispatch of special business.

Sugar and peas show a twenty-five cent increase per sack. Onions advanced fifty cents and oranges to the same amount. — Nfld Trade Review.

The Bell Islander states: “It is learned that the Wabana Mines Workers Union have purchased the old C. of E. Academy, Bennett St. and will use the building which is a large one, as a Hall in place of the present Hall, which is too small for the 100 men of the Union.

A set of men’s false teeth which were picked up by one of the Truckmen of Messrs T & M Winter Ltd., on the Topsail Road, can be had by the owner, if he applies to Mr. Herb Marshall at T & M Winter’s Store, Duckworth St.

Local men employed in No. 4 mine, were deprived of a shift last week, when the Mainland men working in the mine went to their homes. The mine could not work owing to lack of shovellers. — The Bell Islander.

Among salted meats, fat back pork was the only one to show upward movement since last price correction. Rice shows a tremendous jump of $3 a sack in the “whole” variety. Canadian suppliers are visualizing a practical stoppage of rice supplies before long. — Nfld Trade Review.

The Seaman who was before the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, charged by the Mate of a Sea Going Tug with being drunk and disorderly, and doing damage to the amount of $70.00, was remanded till today.

Fourteen motorists were summoned yesterday for various breaches of the parking regulations. Fines of $1.00 were imposed. Some charged with parking on forbidden areas on Henry St., Dick’s Square, and Bully St. They stated they were not aware of the Regulations and no signs are erected

Reports received from the Sealing ships, by Messrs,. Bowing Bros. state that they are meeting heavy ice, which is difficult to get through. The only ship which has reported seals is the Terra Nova, which has taken 1500.

Arctic ice made its first appearance in Conception Bay for this season, last week. Before a Northeast wind that lasted for several days, the ice entered the Bay, and advanced steadily towards Bell Island. A Southwest gale however, drove it out to sea. — The Bell Islander..

Two foreign Seamen were before Magistrate’s Court yesterday, charged with being drunk and disorderly, and breaking a toilet bowl valued at $18.00, at the Caribou Hut. One of the men pleaded guilty of being drunk, but both denied causing the damage. The Janitor at he Hut stated that the bowl was broken on Saturday night, with a bottle. It was the second one in eight days. A Constable who was on duty, said a number of men were in the room drinking, and when he heard a crash, he went in and ordered them out and arrested the accused. The bowl was broken when a bottle was driven through it. The man who admitted being drunk was fined $5.00. The charge for breaking the bowl was dismissed for want of evidence. It was stated that men go into the room and drink liquor, which they bring there.

MARCH 25TH 1942


The Breen — Bassett Nuptials at Mount Cashel: St. Patrick’s Night of 1942 will be long remembered by all those who were privileged to attend the marriage of Mr. Peter Breen to Miss Catherine Mary Bassett, which took place at 7 p.m. at St. Raphael’s Church, Mount Cashel, on March 17th.

The ceremony was performed by Very Rev. T.J. Bride, P.P., in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends, including old associates of Mount Cashel, and representatives of the American Base Command and United States Army Forces.

The bride, who is the eldest daughter of James and Anna Bassett of McDougall Street, was indeed an attractive picture in her wedding dress and accessories. She was attended by her sister, Anna, as bridesmaid , who was also charmingly attired.

The groom who is an old Mount Cashel Graduate, and son of Mrs. Catherine Reardigan and the late Jacob Breen, is particularly well known in the East End. He was ably supported by Mr. Thomas Doheney, who was best man.

When the Nuptial knot had been duly tied, and the usual congratulations extended, the happy couple, the wedding party, comprising some fifty guests, motored to Robinson’s Hostelry at Donovan’s, where the reception was held. Supper was served, and the following toast list was honoured, with songs interspersed: ‘The Bride and Groom” — Prop. Mr. Thomas Doheney; resp, Mr. P.J Green. “The Parents” — Prop., Capt. Leo C. Murphy; Resp, Mr. Jas.Bassett. Song – Miss Stella O’Brien. “The Guests” – Prop., Mr. W. Breen; resp., Mr. J.P. Gardner, Mt. Cashel Association; P. Van Buren (U.S.A.), J. Horwood, W. Day, Sylvester Flanders, U.S. Army, and Loil Hearn. Vocal selections were also given by Wm. Squires and Fred Timmons.

Original ballads were rendered. There was recited the poetry of the Emerald Isle, and the music of the Gael was woven into this very enjoyable part of the festivities.

When the menu had been fully discussed, and the set toast list honoured, the splendid dancing Hall at Robinson’s was quite a scene, as dancing continued until midnight. The party terminated with the best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Breen, congratulations on the very excellent arrangements and hospitality, and bon voyage for the trip of the happy couple over the sea of Matrimony.


The Twillingate Sun states; “Ashbournes’s Ltd. have received a message from Job Bros. Ltd., St. John’s, to try for fifty sealers to go in the Neptune. If sufficient numbers will apply through Ashbourne’s Ltd., the Neptune will call for them.

The Western Star states that Oscar Hierlihy, representing the Avalon Telephone Co., St. John’s, arrived at Corner Brook to install equipment for Bowaters Newfoundland Pulp and Paper Mills. Ltd., in connection with a private line to St. John’s.

The Codroy Valley Correspondent of the Western Star, states the body of George Emanuel Hilliard has been found in the vicinity of Low Brook. He was drowned with his brother Ernest, when they fell through the drift ice a few weeks ago.

The following is from the Belleoram Notes in the Western Star; A part shipment of herring was made a short time ago – full shipment having been prevented by the lack of frost. The part shipment consisted of about 1,000 barrels. Another shipment was arranged but the mild weather made this impossible. Herring struck in along here recently, and the few netters are doing fairly well. Captain Jim Fudge is now buying, and shortly will have his barrels filled, so that unless a sharp frost comes soon, the nets will have to be taken up.

At the annual meeting of the Codroy Valley Branch of the W.P.A., the following officers were elected; President, Mrs. Mabel Simms; Vice-president, Mrs. Minnie McLellan; Secretary, Mrs. Ethel Reid; Treasurer, Mrs. Lottie Samms; Collecting Committee; Misses Mary Kendall, Ruth Fiander, Jessie Galpin, Bernice Samms and Mrs. Lillian Parsons.

An old house was torn down on Springdale Street yesterday. In a very short time the wood was taken away by householders who were extremely glad to get it, in view of the present coal situation.

Rev. T. J. Pitt who resigned as Pastor of the United Church here, has been invited to stay another year, and has accepted. He had received invitations from Fortune and Blackhead in Conception Bay, his old circuit. — Twillingate Sun.

A preliminary enquiry opened yesterday before Magistrate O’Neill, into a charge against a Fireman on a Foreign Going Tug who was charged with doing damage to the extent of $215.00 to the cabin of the tug. The accused was charged on Monday, and was remanded as the amount involved was beyond the jurisdiction of the Court, and is a matter to be dealt with by the Supreme Court. This will not apply when the recent amendment to the Summary Jurisdiction Act becomes effective. In the enquiry, Assistant Chief of Police, Strange, appeared for the Justice Department, and Mr. J.D. Higgins for the Captain of the tug.

Two Seamen before Court yesterday on charges of being drunk on the public street, were fined $1.00 each. Another charged with being drunk and disorderly was fined $2.00.

MARCH 26TH 1942


Belleoram notes in the Western Star states; “This village is pretty nearly depleted of its male population. What with the many who have joined His Majesty Forces, the large number who have gone to the several avenues of employment in the Country, and others who have joined the Nova Scotia fishing fleet, there remain just about enough to make up crews for the Coasters. There will be no vessels fitted for fishing from this port this year consequently Labrador will be practically nil.”

A shipment of sugar for several Merchants at Belleoram and down the Bay, arrived lately from Canada. Coal is becoming scarce and the price has been high this winter.

Gunners from Little Catalina are doing well with sea birds, a number of seals were also seen and one was killed by Mr. William Reid.

Elliston notes in the fishermen’s Advocate states “The electric power was turned on again on Saturday, March 14th, after being off since January 30th, we are safe in saying that completion of repairs in less than two weeks, has surprised the whole community. We are glad indeed to have the power again, and congratulations are extended to the Company and its men in performing what was considered a difficult job in record time.”

The Codroy Valley Correspondent of the Western Star says “Brown fields appearing through the snow, sheep nibbling at the odd bits of dried grass appearing through, and the gay attitude of the birds, all bespeak spring.”

New number plates for motor cars, trucks, and motor cycles, ordered by the Department of Public Works about a year ago, have not yet arrived, and consequently a notice has been issued that present licences and plates are good till the end of April.

The Bay Roberts Guardian says “There is nothing new to report on the rumour of a meeting for the formation of a local Town Council. Like many other things these days, we presume it was only a rumour.”

A meeting of the Bay Roberts Branch of the N.P.A. was held in the public Building last week. Collectors were appointed for a canvass of the town for funds. During the week, some of the Collectors covered their territory and reported a fair response. A good response is anticipated when other Collectors call at the homes of citizens in their respective territories. — Bay Robert Guardian.

Some consideration is being given to the formation of a branch of the N.P.A. at Elliston. About $60.00 a year has been contributed for the past two years, but it is felt that a more intensified effort should be undertaken. — Fishermen’s Advocate.

The Southside Road East and West of the Long Bridge, is now in a terrible condition, potholes, knee deep mud, ruts, all go to making the road little better than a trail. Adding to the condition is the number of large stones which are strewn around, after falling out of trucks which are hauling material, from work being done in that section, and which are operating without tailboards.

MARCH 27TH 1942

Casualty Report

KING, David , Seaman JX 230144 R.N. missing presumed killed on war service. Next of kin, father, Mr. Richard King, Portugal Cove, St. John’s East, Newfoundland.


MABEL LONG: After an illness of some months, Mabel Long, daughter of the late A.F.Y. and Annie Long, entered into rest yesterday morning at her home, Holloway Street. The deceased was educated at the Methodist College and since leaving school has been the homemaker. She leaves to mourn, four brothers, Wilfred with the Highway Department; Stuart, Manager of Express Department, Newfoundland Railway; Rupert, Commission Merchant, and Walter, Railway Agent at North Sydney; three sisters, Hilda with Gray & Goodland, Daisy, Roadiotrican at the General Hospital, and Mrs. W.D. McCarter. The funeral takes place tomorrow, Saturday at 2.30 p.m. from her late residence, 22 Holloway Street.


Hayward Buckler, aged 28 years, married, a native of Northern Bay, was accidentally killed at Gander Lake on Thursday at 7.15 p.m., when he came into contact with a drive belt of a Rock Crusher. He was an employee of the Peel Construction Company. His widow lives at Northern Bay, Bay de Verde. Constable Clarke wired the above information to the Chief of Police.


MURPHY: On March 26th, at St. Claire’s Mercy Hospital, to Mary, wife of J.P. Murphy, (Barber), a daughter.


HUBLEY: Passed peacefully away at 2.45 p.m. Thursday, March 26th, Clarence Arthur Hubley, aged 64, leaving to mourn wife and three sons. Funeral Saturday, at 2.30 p.m. from his residence, 99 Gower Street.

DAVIS: Passed peacefully away at St. Claire’s Mercy Hospital at 6.45 p.m. March 26th, after a long illness, Clarence Rosswell Davis, in his 39th year, leaving to mourn a wife, two sisters and three brothers. Funeral notice later.

MAHONEY: Passed peacefully away yesterday morning, March 26th, Frances, wife of Thomas Mahoney, leaving to mourn their sad loss, husband, 4 children, mother, 6 sisters, one in Roxbury Mass., 2 brothers. Funeral at 2 p.m. today Friday from her late residence 62 Patrick’s Street. Interment Kilbride.

LONG: Entered into rest, March 26th, Mabel, daughter of the late Allen F.Y. and Annie Long. Funeral on Saturday at 2.30 p.m. from her late residence, 22 Holloway Street.


A Taximan was before Court yesterday charged with being intoxicated whilst in charge of a car. He was arrested on the King’s Wharf. A fine of $50.00 was imposed, and his licence was suspended for six months.

Yesterday was an ideal day for this time of the year, the streets were dirty everywhere, and many who were able to go out of doors without rubbers, appreciated it. There is general hope that we will have an early and fine Spring.

No encouraging reports have been received from the Sealing Ships and old timers state that unless they run into the young seals pretty soon, the chances for a good voyage will be small.

A truck driver was fined $5.00 at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, for parking his truck on Duckworth Street for a week. He was fined $2.00 for failing to notify the Department of Highroads that he has purchased the truck, so that the registry might be changed.

Seventeen motorists, charged with breaches of the parking regulations, were before the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, and fines from $1.00 to $2.50 were imposed.

A girl was fined $10.00 at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday on a charge of disorderly conduct. She was found in a parked car with a Sailor at three o’clock yesterday morning.

An auction of goods which have not been entered by the Customs as required by law, or which have been abandoned to the Crown or seized, will be held at the Examining Warehouse Water Street, this morning at 11 o’clock.

A girl before Court yesterday charged with being drunk and disorderly on board a ship, was fined $25 or 30 days. She was taken off a foreign ship by a Constable.

In the past week, employees of the Sewage Department dipped sixty-one gullies in various parts of the city. Gullie outlets were inspected, manholes pans cleaned also.

The Captain of the ship on which a girl was arrested on Wednesday night, was before Court yesterday, charged with permitting the girl to be on board. The evidence was that a Customs Officer was sent on board, with instructions to report to the Captain if any female went on board. He heard the voice of a girl in the crew’s quarters, but did not report to the Captain. When he went ashore about 1 a.m. he told a Constable who went on board and arrested the girl.

MARCH 30TH 1942


ELLEN CURRAN BROWNE: In the passing of Mrs. Ellen Curran Browne, on March 26th, St. John’s lost one of its most widely known and highly honoured citizens, and people from outside the city and especially those from Placentia Bay, were bereft of a lady, who for many years had been a true friend, a kindly hostess, and a wise counsellor.

Born at St. Anne’s, Placentia Bay, 1849, Mrs. Browne has lived in St. John’s for fifty-two years. Some fifty-three years ago, her husband Capt. Browne, was drowned, and the following year she took up residence in the city, where for more than half a century she had conducted a boarding house at 11 George Street.

“Auntie” was the name by which she was familiarly and affectionately know to numerous friends from all over the country, who found her home was their home, when they were in St. John’s. She was known to practically everyone in Placentia Bay, and in the old days when hundreds of Western boats were operating between Burin and Cape Race, and when in the spring and fall most of the fleet visited St. John’s, any information that was required of any boat or members of their crew, could always be obtained, by visiting Mrs. Browne at the Terra Nova House.

Notwithstanding her duties as Proprietress of a large and busy Hostel, she always found time to attend to her charitable and religious duties. No deserving case was ever refused, and none who needed help were turned away from her door. She was truly a Christian lady, a loyal and faithful Catholic, and a life long member of the Society of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Although seriously ill for several months, at no time did she suffer pain or agony, and on Thursday, the 24th March, fortified by the Rites of Holy Church, she bade farewell to her friends and passed from those vale of tears into the reward that is promised to all whose lives are as well spent as her’s was.

The esteem in which she was held by a large circle of friends, was exemplified by the scores of spiritual bouquets, by the many telegrams received, and by the very large number who visited the home after death, to pay a last tribute of respect, and honour the deceased and to utter a fervent prayer for the repose of her soul.

The funeral took place on Thursday, the 26th and was very largely attended. Her body rests in beautiful Belvedere Cemetery and her soul has gone to Almighty God, who in life she served so faithfully. R. I. P. A FRIEND.


OWCZARZAK – ANDREWS At. St. Patrick’s Church, March 17th, Sevilla, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Andrews to Henry F., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Owczarzak, Bufflo , N. Y., U.S.A.


BARNES — At Grace Maternity Hospital on Sunday, March 29th to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Barnes, a daughter.


McCORMACK — Passed peacefully away after a long illness, at 2 a.m. Sunday, March 29th, Edward J McCormack, aged 79 years; leaving to mourn their sad loss, wife, two daughters, one son and daughter-in-law, 5 grandchildren. Funeral on Tuesday, at 2.12 p.m. from his residence, Southside Rd. West. (opposite Tannery)

SNOW — Passed peacefully away at midnight March 29th, at his son’s residence, after a short illness, Alfred Snow, aged 69 years; leaving to mourn two sons, Frank of this city and Alfred in England; three daughters, Mrs. Leo Power in the U.S.A., Mrs. Leo McFarlane and Mae; one brother Charles, city. Funeral notice later.


OWCZARZAK — ANDREWS: On St. Patrick’s Day at St. Patrick’s Church, a very beautiful wedding was solemnized, when Sevilla, daughter of Mr and Mrs A.G. Andrews, New Gower St., was united in holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Henry F. Owczarzak, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Owczarzak, Buffalo, N.Y.

The bride entered the Church leaning on the arm of her father who gave her away in marriage. She looked very charming in a gown of white duchess satin and lace, cut on princess lines, her veil was of sequined tulle caught back with a wreath of white roses; She carried a bouquet of Pink and white carnations and maiden hair fern.

She was attended by her sister, Sara, who wore a gown of shell pink lace and tulle; she carried a bouquet of carnations and lilies. Julia, another sister of the bride, wore a gown of robin egg blue and she also carried a bouquet of carnations and lilies. The bride’s mother wore a costume of navy and light blue, with accessories to match.

The groom looked very smart in the Uniform of the U.S. Army. He was supported by Albert Andrews, a brother of the bride, who acted as best man.

After the wedding ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents, where the usual toasts were duly honoured; there being about two hundred guests present, including a number of U.S. Service Men. A feature of the evening was a toast given by Rev. Father J.D. Savin, who in eloquent terms, wished them success and happiness over the sea of matrimony.

A surprise of the day was the honour of a visit of the bride’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Andrews of Corner Brook.

After a sumptuous repast, dancing and singing was the order of the evening, enjoying themselves thoroughly. The popularity of the bride and groom was evidence of the large number of costly gifts which showed the high esteem in which they were held. Their many friends will wish them many happy years of wedded bliss and happiness, as also is joined by the writer who was a witness to a most happy and enjoyable event. COM.


BURKE, William Charles, Seaman JX 220898 R.N. Missing presumed killed, March 15th, 1942, Next of kin, mother, Mrs. John Burke, 15 Station road, Grand Falls, Newfoundland.

WHEELER, Sidney MacDonald, Seaman JX 299639 R.N. Killed on war service, March22, 1942. Next of kin, mother, Mrs. Sidney R. Wheeler, Summerford, Notre Dame Bay, Newfoundland.


To date there are only four Bankers fishing out of Grand Bank — the “Antoine C. Santos” owned by J. B Foot and Sons, “Fred Maud” and “Pauline C” owned by G. and A Buffett Ltd., and the “Howard City” owned by Captain S Piercey. No Bankers have yet cleared from Fortune.

Anniversary of Death of Bishop

Sunday, March 29th, was the 73rd anniversary of the death of the late Bishop Mullock, which occurred on March 29th, 1869.

The late bishop Mullock was born in Limerick, Ireland in 1807, and was ordained to the Priesthood at Rome in 1829. He was appointed Co-Adjustor to the late Bishop Fleming, and was consecrated Bishop by Cardinal Franzoni at Rome on December 7th 1847, arriving in Newfoundland on May 6th, 1848.

The late Bishop Mullock was a great builder and assisted Bishop Fleming at the consecration of the R.C. Cathedral in 1855. During his episcopate, much work was done on the building.

New Song On Sale Today

The newest song “Newfoundland Our Terra Nova” words and music my Major R.H. Tait, is now on sale at Ayre & Sons Ltd., Music Department. It is hoped that this new song of Newfoundland will have a ready sale, as a percentage of the sales are being donated to the N.P.A.

Soldier Jumps Out Car Window

At 11.15 p.m. Saturday, as a Street Car was going West on Water Street, when stopped at Hutchings Street, a member of the U.S. Forces suddenly got up from his seat and jumped through a window of the car. After he had reached the ground, he started to crawl under the car, which was stopped. The Authorities were notified and he was conveyed to the Army Hospital at Fort Pepperrell.


A man before Court on Saturday, charged with being drunk and with being in possession of a beer bottle full of rum, was fined $1.00 on the first charge and $5.00 on the second. He was found asleep near a Taxi Office.

Edgar Watts, Naval Rating, who was arrested last week on a charge of breaking into the premises of Rosenberg & Co., and stealing goods to the value of $200.00, was before the Magistrate’s Court again on Saturday. Assistant Chief of Police Strange, stated he had been instructed by the Justice Department to have a preliminary enquiry instituted, with a view to bringing the man before the Supreme Court for trial, if there was sufficient evidence. The enquiry started on Saturday.

A man who was before Court on Saturday, charged with being drunk and with damaging crockwear in his home, was fined $5.00 at the Magistrate’s Court on Saturday.

MARCH 31ST 1942


A man who is on the black list, was before the Magistrate’s Court yesterday afternoon, charged with being in possession of a bottle of liquor on which there was a defaced label, and also with concealing liquor when the Police searched his premises. He was fined $25 or one month.

The shortage of coal in St. John’s, has been relived by the discharge last week, of two or three cargoes. However, coal dealers are finding it difficult to get adequate delivery facilities, and that is holding up delivery of orders that have been on hand for some days. However, the deliveries are being made as speedily as possible.

A Free French Sailor was before His Honour Judge Browne, at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, charged with assaulting a Norwegian Sailor. Head Constable Squibb, giving evidence, stated he saw the Norwegian tripped and kicked in the face, as he came out of a Café. The Norwegian stated he had no knowledge of what happened, until he regained consciousness at the Hospital. His face was badly battered and his nose was broken. The accused was remanded.

A Canadian Rating was before Judge Browne at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, charged with being drunk and disorderly, and with assaulting Constable Kelland. He was fined $7.00.

Two Naval Petty Officers were before His Honour Judge Browne, at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, charged with stealing a grey coat, valued at £13, the property of a Sub-Lieutenant whose home is in New Zealand, and also with stealing a badge. It was stated the larceny took place at the Sea Going Officers Club. One of the accused was fined $50.00 or one month in prison, and the other $25.00 or two weeks.

APRIL 3RD 1942


Mrs. S.C. Diamond announces the engagement of her daughter, Ruth Alexandra, to John Archibald Rabbitts, R.C.N.V.R., son of Mr and Mrs G.R. Rabbitts of St. John’s. Marriage to take place April 4th.


HALLEY — Passed peacefully away on Wednesday, April 1st, at 2.30 p.m. Ellen, widow of the late James Halley, in her 80th year; left to mourn are three sons, Alfred, James and Thomas. One daughter, Mac, also 5 grandchildren. Funeral at 2.30 p.m. Friday, from her late residence, Upper Battery Road. May the Sacred heard of Jesus have mercy on her soul.

MULLINS — Passed peacefully away Tuesday, William Mullins, aged 62 years; leaving to mourn their sad loss, one daughter, one sister and brother. Funeral today Thursday, at 2.15 p.m. from his late residence, Blackmarsh Road.


Group & First Aid Classes which received instruction from Dr. H.B. Murphy at the Grace Hospital, will be examined tonight at 8.15 at the Memorial University College.

According to the Nfld. Trade Review, “The war having reached to the source of the rice supply, it would appear that we shall in future have to depend on the Western Hemisphere rice for local consumption. This condition has been anticipated for some time. Since it has become a reality, consumers will have to prepare themselves to pay higher prices for rice, when existing stocks are used up.”

In the preliminary enquiry into the murder charge, seven witness were examined yesterday. It will be continued this afternoon.

As a forerunner of what may be expected in the future, one of the largest producers of canned meats in Canada, recently withdrew all his lines from the market. These goods however, came back on the market again in a limited quantity, which were to be doled out on a ration basis, to the retail trade. This situation was entirely due to the restrictions on tin, and not to the lack of raw materials. The trade can expect further drastic action by food packers throughout Canada. — Nfld Trade Review.

A truck driver was before Court yesterday, charged with being intoxicated whilst in charge of a motor vehicle. He was fined $25.00 and his Drivers License was suspended for six months. He was arrested on Tuesday evening, after he had crashed through a fence on Blackmarsh Road, and collided with a dwelling house.

The Trade Review states; “A noticeable decrease in the consumption of sugar is reported in Canada, with supplies to industrial users cut 20 per cent”.

A Finnish Sailor was before Court yesterday, charged with being drunk on the public street and breaking a plate glass window in the door at the entrance to Sudbury. He was remanded for sentence. He is one of a number of Finish sailors who are interned here.

Prices of raw cotton in the United States are now fairly steady, after having nearly doubled during the past season. Enormous quantities of cotton are being used in war time productions, and unless this year’s crop is exceptionally large, there will be a distinct shortage of cotton. — Nfld Trade Review.

Six motorist were charged at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, with various breaches of the parking regulations. Fines ranging from fifty cents to $2.25 were imposed.

A foreign Seaman was before Court yesterday, having being given in charge by the proprietor of a Café, for being drunk on his premises. The evidence was that when the Police arrived, the accused was brandishing a knife, and the Police had to disarm him, as he threatened to use it on them as quickly as he would on Hitler. He was fined $2.00.

APRIL 4TH 1942


The Elliston Correspondent of the Fishermen’s Advocate states; “We are advised that Rev. J.T. Clarke, B.A., U.C. Pastor of Elliston Charge for the past two years, has accepted an invitation to become Pastor of Wesleyville Circuit and will be severing his connection with Elliston at the end of the Conference year, in June.”

A Taxi Driver was fined $25.00 on Saturday for speeding. The evidence was that the Traffic Officer trailed him on Military Road, and he was making 35 to 40 miles per hour. A Ttruck Driver who exceeded the speed limited on Duckworth Street was fined $10.00.

The Elliston Correspondent of the Fishermen’s Advocate states “We are experiencing a very serious fuel shortage. It is impossible at present to purchase either a stick of wood or a tub of coal. Just what the consequence would have been had the winter been severe, it is difficult to say, as the meagre supplies of many families could easy have been consumed ere half the winter had passed. However with small stocks most sparingly used, we are thankful that the worst is over, and with April at hand, what was regarded in February as a serious situation, may now be overcome.

A Swedish Seaman was before Court yesterday charged with deserting his ship, and was ordered held in custody till the ship is ready to sail. His wife was also before Court and was charged with being drunk in a public place. The evidence was that after her husband was arrested, she went to the Police Station to see him and kicked up a racket, as a result of which, she was taken into custody. She was fined $3.00. She stated she was married last Saturday night.

The Canadian Club will celebrate “Vimy Day” on Thursday April 9th, with a social to be held at the Newfoundland Hotel. This will consist of dancing, cards and supper. Music will be provided by a twelve piece Canadian orchestra.

The Finnish Seaman who was before Court on Wednesday, charged with smashing a window at Sudbury, was fined $20.00 when he appeared again on Thursday. He must pay $25.00 compensation.

A twenty-two year old Labourer was before Judge Browne at the Magistrate’s Court on Thursday, charged with stealing clothing from two workmen who lived in camp Alexander. The Camp Superintendent told the Court, that the men who lost the clothing were hard working men, and asked that the accused be given punishment that would make him remember his action. The accused in his defence, stated that he had been working at the Base and living in one of the camps, but that he became ill and was out of work for some time, and he needed clothing. He admitted selling an overcoat that was valued at $30.00 for $1.50, and a sheepskin coat for fifty cents. He was ordered to make compensation for the value of the goods stolen, $44.00, and to pay cost.

During the past week, the old wooden chute on the Southside was opened, and found to be choked with sand. The work of clearing it has been postponed until weather conditions are more favourable.

In the War Savings Certificate Campaign, tonight at 8.30, a Canadian String Orchestra will be on air over Radio Station VONF. Tomorrow night at nine o’clock, Whitefield Laite will broadcast a program.

A man before Court on Thursday, charged with being drunk and obstructing Constable Brown in the discharge of his duty, was fined $25.00.

APRIL 6TH 1942


MISS KATIE RENOUF: During the closing hours of Holy Saturday, there passed away at the advanced age of eight-five, fortified by the rites of the Church, Katherine, (Katie) eldest daughter of the late Charles Hugh Renouf M.D., and Anita Moore.

The late Miss Renouf led a very interesting life. She read extensively and was well posted in all the events of the past seventy-five years. She was a Linguist and possessed considerable artistic ability. During the last, was she was an active Red Cross worker, and her great regret was that her physical disability barred from her working for the present cause.

She is survived by one brother, Mr. C.H. Renouf, retired Civil Servant, her younger brother the late Bishop Renouf, having predeceased her just over a year ago.

Her funeral takes place this afternoon at 2.45 p.m. from her brother’s residence, 73 Military Road, “May she rest in peace.”


RENOUF — On Easter Saturday evening, Katherine, (Katie) eldest daughter of the late Charles Hugh Renouf M.D., and Anita Moore. Funeral this afternoon at 2.45 p.m. from her brother’s residence, 73 Military Road. R. I. P.

SPRACKLIN — Passed peacefully away on Saturday, April 4th at 6 p.m., Lillian, wife of Thomas Spracklin, Brigus. Left to mourn, husband, one daughter, Mrs. Graham Skirving, City, four sons, Karl now overseas, Fred at Corner Brook, Angus at Buchans, and Bert of this City, also five grandchildren. Funeral at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, from 34 Charlton Street to the Railway Station. Interment, at Brigus.

ASH — Passed peacefully away early Sunday morning, April 5th at her home, 67 Long’s Hill, Carrie Isabel Ash, at the age of 59 years, beloved wife of Gordon Ash. Leaving to mourn husband, four daughters and six sons, two grandchildren, also mother, Mrs. Jonas Barren ten sisters and two brothers. Funeral at 2.30 p.m. tomorrow Tuesday to the S. A. Cemetery.


A Canadian Soldier charged with assaulting a civilian on New Gower Street last week, was fined $20.00 at the Magistrate’s Court on Saturday.

The preliminary enquiry into the murder charge, continued on Saturday, and is nearing conclusion. Mr. James A Power, Solicitor is now appearing for the accused.

An interesting piece of Engineering work is in progress at Corner Brook, in the moving of a 35 ton crane from its present position on the mill wharf. The new foundation for this crane is now being constructed at the West end of the Wharf House. — Western Star.

A motorist was fined $5.00 at the Magistrate’s Court on Saturday, for speeding on Quidi Vidi Road.

A Canadian Regiment with their brass band and pipe band, paraded to St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church yesterday morning, and attracted considerable attention as they passed through the street. The music of the band was very favourably commented on.

A Seaman, who was before Court on Saturday, charged with being drunk and obstructing the police in the discharge of their duty, was fined $7.00.

A Canadian Naval Rating was fined $20.00 on Saturday at the Magistrate’s Court, for being drunk and molesting pedestrians on Water Street.

A rather serous breakdown occurred in the Machine Room at the Corner Brook Mill, when a motor generator blew out. There will be approximately six weeks repairs on this generator, but fortunately, the Electric Department has a spare generator, which was installed immediately, thus causing no loss of production. — Western Star.

People scoured the town on Saturday night, seeking confectionery Easter Eggs, but the supply was very small and the majority had to do without them. There was much disappointment especially amongst the younger folk.

APRIL 7TH 1942


Only reclaimed rubber will be used in such products as bathing suits, erasers, garden hoses, combs, gold balls, tennis balls, heels, household aprons. Goods made from sponge rubber will be entirely out.

Mr. Gordon Rideout and Mr and Mrs. Albert Budgell, had a narrow escape from injury on Wednesday night, when Mr. Rideout’s car went over the bank at the Main Brook on Davidson Avenue. The accident was due to a flat tire. The bank is about five feet high at this place. The occupants escaped uninjured, but the car was somewhat damaged. — The Bell Islander.

A Sailor, was before His Honour Judge Browne, at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, charged with being drunk, and with breaking an empty bottle on the public street. A Constable, doing duty on New Gower Street on Saturday night, saw the accused take a beer bottle from his pocket and pitch it on the centre of the street, where it broke, and he arrested the man. A fine of $1.00 was imposed for drunkenness, and $2.00 for a breach of the Highway Traffic Act.

Nos. 2,3, and 6 mines closed for the Easter Holidays last Thursday evening. No.4 mine closed on Wednesday evening, as the mainland men returned to their homes that day, and there was insufficient shovellers to work the mine on Thursday. All four mines were to resume yesterday, as it is understood that the same working schedule as before Easter, will continue. — The Bell Islander

The annual meeting of the Newfoundland Building and Loan Association will be held at the Board of Trade Rooms tonight. It is expected that the business will conclude before the blackout. A large attendance is anticipated.

Wesley young Ladies Women’s Auxiliary, will present the three act comedy, “Mary’s Castles in the Air” at Wesley Lecture Hall tomorrow night.

Upwards of 2,000 young and old seals, were landed by the men at Leading Tickles, according to an item in the Twillingate Sun.

The meeting to form the Commission of Enquiry on Housing, will be held at City Council Chambers this afternoon at four o’clock. Hon. Mr. Justice Dunfield will preside.

The Bell Islander states that the Steel Company recently began work on the erection of a Sick Bay near the Mess House on the Scotia Ridge, for treatment of Mainland employees who fall sick.

Some eighteen drunks who were arrested over the weekend, were subject to fines up to $2.00.

Latest reports from the Sealing Ships show that little improvement in the catch has been made. They are getting but a few seals daily.

Two Taximan were before Court yesterday, charged with stealing two motor car tires, two wheels, and a defroster, from the Cape Construction Co. The stolen goods were valued at $165 and some of it was recovered. They were fined $100 each, and were ordered to pay compensation for the goods not recovered.

A Naval Rrating was fined $10.00 at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, for being drunk and disorderly, and being in possession of a bottle of liquor which did not bear the label of the board of liquor control.

APRIL 8TH 1942


BREAKELL — CAREY: At St. Mary’s Church yesterday, the wedding took place of Joan Carey, daughter of Mrs. H.C. Carey, and Robert George Breakell of the Royal Canadian Navy, the ceremony being preformed by Canon A.B.S. Stirling, Rector of St. Mary’s .

The bride who was gowned in white satin, with long veil, and carried a bouquet of madonna lillies, carnations, and maidenhair fern, was given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. Augustus Lester. Miss Anges McDougell Elton, cousin of the bride, was bridesmaid, and Miss Irene Curry, cousin of the bride, maid of honour, the former wearing a frock of blue silk, and the latter a frock of pink silk, and each wearing a floral headdress, and a bouquet of carnations and sweet peas. Chief P.O., Writer David Higgs was best man.

The reception was held at Woodstock, seventy-five guests being present. The toast to the bride and groom was proposed by Rev. Canon Stirling, and responded to by the groom, who proposed the toast to the bridesmaids, which was replied to by the best man.


Newfoundland Stamps Now in Stock Will be Used at First–Rates Approved of.

With the announcement by Trans Canada Airways, that the opening of the schedule for a daily service by air, between St. John’s and Moncton, planes carrying passengers, express, and mail, will be on May 1st., it has been decided by the Department of Posts and Telegraphs, to use Newfoundland stamps, now in stock , for postage on all mail matter, at this the commencement of the service.

Commission of Government has approved the Postal rates on letters to be carried by air mail, and have fixed the rate at 9 cents for the first ounce, and 7 cents for each additional ounce. There is now under consideration the design of a new 9 cent airmail stamp, which will be available as soon as possible, after the service begins.


Mr. Gordon F. Higgins, who was at Quebec attending the case in which families of the late Messrs, Davidson and Cote took action against the Quebec Airways, returned yesterday. Mr. Higgins was associated with the Solicitors for the plaintiff. Whilst away, he also visited New York and other Americans cities. As President of the Benevolent Irish Society, he participated in a St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Montreal on the Sunday previous. About eleven thousand took part in the parade. He visited Boston on St. Patrick’s Day, and on that night, attended a dinner held by the Irish Society of that place.

Major Haig Smith, Secretary for Posts and Telegraphs, leaves today by plane, weather permitting, for Ottawa on Departmental business. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Haig Smith


KREIGER — Born on April 6th, to Mr and Mrs Roy Kreiger, a daughter. Mrs. Kreiger was formerly Miss Kyra Kelly.


WILSHIRE — Died at Brooklyn, New York on April 3rd, Captain John James Wiltshire, aged 70 years. Born at Catalina, February 8th, 1872. Member St. Andrew’s Lodge, St. John’s.

MORRIS — Passed away at 3.30 a.m. yesterday, April 7th, after a brief illness, Joseph Morris, former businessman of Lower Island Cove: leaving to mourn a wife, five daughters, Mrs. Frank Bursey, Ethel, Lower Island Cove, Nell, Olga, Dora at home, also one son, Maxwell; one brother William John, Toronto; three sisters, Mrs. Mosher, Mrs. Sophie Rodgers at Sydney, N.S., Mrs. John Mercer, City. Funeral, tomorrow Thursday, at 2.30 p.m. from his late residence, 165 Theatre Hill.


A twenty-year-old man was before the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, charged with stealing 14 dresses valued at $30.00, the property of Steers Ltd.; three pairs of gloves valued at $3.70, the property of Bowring Bros.; an electric iron valued at $4.00. He was also charged with maliciously breaking glass in the window of the C.I.D. office. He was remanded.

A man before Court yesterday, charged with being drunk and disorderly on the public street and breaking glass in two buildings, was fined $20.00 and ordered to pay compensation for the broken glass.

APRIL 9th 1942


DOWLAND, James Nelson, Seaman JX 247915 R. N. Interned at Laghon, Algiers (Previously reported missing, probably prisoner of war) Next of Kin, mother, Mrs. James Dowland. Northern Arm, Botwood; Newfoundland.


His Excellency the Governor, has been pleased to approve the following:

Newfoundland Militia Promotions:

To be Captain:

Lieut. J.C. Barr, with effect from 1st. April.

To be Lieutenant:

2nd Lieut. R. Carter, with effect from 1st April 1942

To be 2nd Lieutenant:

Aiden A. Abbott, with effect from 9th April, 1942

Bay of Islands Home Guard

To be Major and Co. Commander:

Lieut.-Col. W.M. Balfour, D.S.O., with effect from 1st April, 1942

Information has been received from the United Kingdom Air Liaison Mission, that No. 798698 Austin Reginald Vatcher, Royal Air Force, has been Commissioned in the Rank of Pilot Officer with effect from 16.3.42. - W. F. Rendell Lt. Col., Secretary of Defence.

By Authority of the Governor in Commission

A unit of the Home Guard has been organized at Corner Brook under the provisions of the Auxiliary Militia Act 1940. The Unit will be known as the Bay Of Islands Home Guard and is hereby recognized as a Defence Unit, in accordance with the terms of the Regulations Respecting the Newfoundland Auxiliary Militia, published on November 5th 1940. Dated at St. John’s this 1st April, 1942. L. E. EMERSON, Commissioner for Justice and Defence.


166th (Nfld) Field Regiment Royal Artillery:

970384 A/L/Sgt. Vivian A Promoted Acting Sergeant with effect from 20/2/42

970621 A/L/Bdr. Whelan J. J. Promoted Acting Bombardier with effect from 30/1/42

970126 Gunner Brown L.A. Appointed Acting Lance Bombardier with effect from 24/2/42

970101 Gunner McCurdy E.F. Appointed Acting Lance Bombardier with effect from 24/2/42

970264 Gunner Oakley C.H. Appointed Acting Lance Bombardier with effect from 24/2/42

970608 Gunner Butler C.H. appointed Acting Lance Bombardier with effect from 24/2/42/

59th (Nfld) heavy Regiment Royal Artillery:

971142 A/L/Bdr. Hatcher S. Promoted Acting Bombardier with effect from 29/1/42/

970939 A/Bdr. Gould T.R. Granted War Substantive Rank of Bombardier with effect from 11/2/42

971085 A/L/Bdr. Stacey, W.J. Promoted Acting Bombardier with effect from 13/2/42/


GEORGE THOMAS GULLAGE: EAST POINT, Catalina. – There passed peacefully away to his Eternal reward at Corner Brook on Monday evening, March 23rd 1942, at 8 o’clock, one of Catalina’s most highly and respected citizens, and one of nature’s gentlemen, in the person of George Thomas Gullage, Sr., at the ripe old age of 87 years.

Born at Catalina in the late 1850's, a decedent of sturdy stock, he followed the life of a fisherman. Strong, keen, unobtrusive, full of initiative, daring and adventure, he was for many years a prosecutor of the Lobster Fishery and afterward the Cod-fishery. In his later years he was perhaps one of the most successful Skippers, and produced a quality of shore fish second to none. Not only in the fishing business was Skipper George an outstanding success, but her was also a Carpenter, and was rated as one of the best boat builders in his day. For any project, which had for its object the advancements and the better of the community life of Catalina, there was George Gullage to give it his utmost support.

A loyal, staunch, and devoted member of St. Peter’s Church, regular attendant at Church services morning and evening. For a member of years, he was a member of the select Vestry, where he discharged his duties with dignity and the thoroughness which is characteristic of all those who put first things first.

A member of the Church of England Board of Education for East Point, where he gave unceasingly of his time and ability for the furtherance of the cause of Education, and always uppermost in his mind was the welfare of the Teacher and pupils of that part of the town.

A life long and enthusiastic member of “Morning Star” L.O.L. No. 2, L.O.A., an exemplary Orangeman. It was here perhaps that he was best known to his Brethern, as rain or shine, rough or smooth, light or dark, he always found the way to Lodge, ever ready to uphold the principles that his obligation demanded of him. A few years ago he was made an Honorary Member, and the Brethern of his Lodge presented him with an Honorary Membership Certificate. On the death of his beloved wife, some six years ago, he moved to Corner Brook, to spend his eventide with his son, Hezekiah, and it was there he passed away.

The body, accompanied by his son, arrived by train at Catalina from Corner Brook, shortly after noon on Tuesday, March 31st. At 2.30 the same afternoon, his remains were laid to rest in the C. of E. Cemetery, just a short distance from the Church he loved and served so faithfully, beside his wife, who for nearly half a century, shared his joys and sorrows.

The members of “Morning Star” No. 2 Lodge, preceded the hearse bearing the casket bedecked with floral tributes, while a large concourse of relatives and friends followed the cortege to their last resting place. The services at the Church and grave side, were conducted by Rev. R.F. Mercer.

Left to mourn are two brothers, James and Joseph in U.S.A., five sons, Hezekiah, Frederick H. and Chester at Corner Brook; William M. and Francis in U.S.A.; two daughters Maud (Mrs. A. E. Reid) at Grand Falls; and Irene (Mrs. Kenneth Sheppard) at Catalina; twenty-five grandchildren, two of whom George Gullage and Chester Sheppard are at present serving overseas in H.M. Navy. One grandson, Frederick William Gullage paid the supreme sacrifice a year ago. Also four great grandchildren, to who was extend our sincere sympathy.








MARSHALL — Passed peacefully away at St. Clare’s Mercy Hospital, Wednesday morning, Fannie, beloved wife of Francis W. Marshall, leaving husband, three sons, and four daughters. Funeral on Friday the 10th April, at 2.30 p.m., from 190 LeMarchant Road.


SQUIRES — ROSS: The wedding took place on Tuesday April 7th, of Lieut. Norman W. Squires and Miss Frances Lee Ross, both of St. John’s. The marriage was solemnized by the Rev. Father McGrath in the Oratory of Our Lady of Mercy. A reception was held at the Old Colony Club.

The bride wore a beautiful white taffeta gown with train, and carried a pastel coloured bouquet. She was attended by her sister, Doris, who was dressed in a Victorian blue taffeta gown. Her niece Doreen as train bearer, made a very pretty picture in an Empire style dress and hat.

The bride’s going away costume was pale blue trimmed with fur. After the reception, the happy couple left for Holyrood, where the honeymoon will be spent.


Several cases for breaches of the Traffic Regulations were heard at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday. Fines of various amounts were imposed.

The stores of Messrs. Ayre and Sons Ltd. will close at 8.30 p.m. Saturdays, during the remainder of April, according to notice given by the firm.

The snow flurries which started yesterday afternoon and continued after tea, made outdoor conditions miserable for pedestrians. The snow on the street, however served to brighten things up a bit in the blackout, and it was easier to get around.

We want to release prisoners to be used in the war program, and those we do recommend, have been absorbed very satisfactorily into private industry. — Director James V. Bennett, of Federal Bureau of Prisons.

The scandalous increases in bonuses and salaries of some War Plant Executives, are evidence of inordinate profits and evasions of the high bracket profit taxes.

APRIL 10TH 1942

Finds True Bill In Indictment Murder Charge

Hebert Augustus Spratt Will Be Arraigned Today

At the Supreme Court yesterday, the Grand Jury was in attendance, and was addressed by His Lordship the Chief Justice, on a bill of indictment charging Herbert Augustus Spratt with the murder of Josephine O’Brien, on the night of March 17th. His Lordship explained to the jury what the charge of murder was, in the eyes of the law, and pointed out that it was their duty to say whether they were satisfied by the evidence to be submitted to them, that the accused should be indicted for having committed the crime as it was charged in the bill of indictment. If they, or a majority consisting of at least twelve of their number, were satisfied, they should find a true bill. His Lordship reminded the Jury that it is not the province of the Grand Jury to consider whether the accused had any defence to offer; that was a matter for the trial Jury, who would be able to hear whether there are any circumstances which would show the homicide to be justifiable or excusable, or to have been unintentional. The Jury then retired to consider the evidence. There were some eighteen witnesses. They returned in the afternoon and reported having found a true bill.

The accused will be arraigned today.


THOMAS — Passed peacefully away at 12.45 p.m. Thursday April 9th Tryphena, beloved wife of Frederick Thomas, aged 72 years; leaving to mourn, husband, two sons, and two daughters, one brother and one sister. Funeral takes place at 2.30 p.m. Saturday from her late residence, 55 Hayward Avenue.


The annual meeting of the Civil Service Association will be held tonight at Victoria Hall.

A twenty-year-old man before the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, for assaulting two members of the Police Force, was sentenced to three months imprisonment. The evidence was that the Police went to his door about 4 a.m. yesterday, to make a search for liquor, and they were refused admittance. They used force, and open the door when the accused ran upstairs, followed by the Police, and he then hit them with a piece of board. He said in Court he thought they were Air Raid Wardens.

Last Spring, hundreds of Thousands of Newfoundlanders pledged to buy War Savings Certificates regularly. Most have stuck religiously to the sacrifices entailed, but still Newfoundland needs more money, so that her mighty war effort maybe stepped up to an ever increasing tempo. If you have broken your pledge, renew it now, and resolve with those who are putting every spare penny into War Saving Certificates, Week after Week.

A Canadian Naval Rating was before the Magistrate’s Court yesterday morning, and pleaded guilty to stealing a weather thermometer from the front of the Evening Telegram Office, and a brass sign from the office of Dr. Eagan. He also pleaded guilty to being in possession of a bottle of liquor on which there was a defaced label. Evidence was, that at 1.45 yesterday morning, the Police were notified that there was noise near the Telegram Office and Police were sent. When they arrived, they found the accused with the thermometer and sign in his possession. He was fined $10.00 for stealing and $15,00 for the breach of the Liquor Act.

The Engineer reported at yesterday Council meeting that on a day last week at 4.45 p.m., an A.F. hydrant situated on the South Side Road, at the foot of Ford’s Hill, was broken by a motor truck, the owner of which is at present unknown. The repairs called for a centre piece and frost case.

APRIL 11TH 1942

Trial Date Set for April 27th

Herbert Augustus Spratt was arraigned at the Supreme Court yesterday, charged with the murder of Josephine O’Brien on the night of March 17th, and pleaded not guilty. Mr. H.P. Carter, K.C. for the Crown, moved that the trial be set over for April 20 th. Mr. James Power, Solicitor for the accused, asked that it be set for a week later. He pointed out that he had been retained only a short time, and he thought it might embarrass the Defence if the trial was set too early. Mr. Carter consented to the later date, and the trial was set for Monday April 27th, with a special Jury.


JAMES DEVEREAUX, Avondale, April 6 —

“One sweetly solemn thought

Comes to me o’er and o’er—

I am nearer home today

Than I’ve ever been before;

Nearer my Father’s house.

Where the many mansions be;

Nearer the great white throne,

Nearer the crystal sea.”

After a lifetime of eighty-one years, every day of which was spent in useful and energetic activity in many avenues of endeavour to secure the coveted goal of success, Mr. James Devereaux of Avondale, closed his earthly existence on Sunday, March 8th, and entered that bourne of peace and felicity, whence no inmate has yet returned.

How gifted in health and strength he was, will readily be discerned from the fact, that though heavy cares and responsibilities showered themselves on his shoulders during the whole of his long lifetime, yet the past summer in his son’s absence, he moved and stored the hay on their large farm, and in the autumn, ploughed the potato field and stored the crop, with but little assistance. And the same constant activity, characterized him to within four weeks of his death, when an illness assailed him that terminated his long lifetime of constant and diligent application to the endeavours essential to secure the glorious privilege of happiness and independence for his home and family.

Like hundreds of the men of his generation in Conception Bay, the whole of his industrial pursuits were given to the prosecution of the Labrador Fishery, and with his father and brothers sufficient in number to constitute a fishing crew off waters of the Golden Cup, and other centres around Brig Harbor on the Labrador, were for long years furrowed by the boats of the Devereaux family, and the schools of cod lessened by many thousands of quintals, which they extracted from the recesses of their deep and stormy haunts. Those were the years when the furious “gales on Labrador” occasionally wrought heavy destruction with the fisherman’s property, and in many cases, loss of life; when failures in the appearance of the cod on the Coast, resulted in poor voyages, and when the Bank Crash spread its devastation to the loss, injury, and hardship of everybody, men particularly, yet James Devereaux, who shared heavily with his co-workers in all these evils, rose to the occasion with stalwart determination every time, and kept steadily going, eventually wresting from the Labrador fishery midst such rugged circumstances, the coveted earmarkes of success and independence.

He was but forty-five years of age when his wife died, and left him to fill as best he could, the duel capacity of father and mother to a family of six children. In this, as in all other adverse circumstances, he did his duty faithfully and well, giving careful attention to his children’s welfare in every need, which was marked especially by his continued insistence on their attendance at School, as well as the provision of all other essentials to their education and training.

Of the surviving members of his family, Mrs. Patrick Bowdring resides at Medford, Mass; Mrs. James Bowdring in New York; one son, Nicholas, is serving in a regiment of the United States Forces; and Mrs. George Lyons, and her brother, Michael, reside at Avondale. Michael being privileged with the profusion of the care and happiness of his aged and respected parent, to which he responded throughout the years with unfaltering respect and devotion.

After the celebration of a Solemn Mass and Office of Requiem at the Church of the Holy Name by Rev. Fr. Kavanagh, P.P., the large funeral procession reformed, and wended its way slowly to the cemetery, where the remains of an aged and respected citizen of Avondale was laid to rest beside a loving wife, reverently and sorrowfully placed there thirty-six years before. REMEMBRANCE.

April 13th 1942


WILLIAM KEAN: The passing of William Kean will be felt by not a few, with more than casual regret. “Bingey” — as he was best known to us, once plyed the business of Taxi Driving on Queen Street Stand, always jovial, and of an amiable disposition, he made many an hour (that would otherwise be dreary) brighter and well worth while, by the sweet notes of his tenor voice, as he sang gayly the “hit” of the day, or brought to mind the long forgotten strains of an Irish or Southern melody.

Yes, “Bingey” could give to each song, a different meaning, more soulful value, pathos and sentiment, than many of the so-called cultured class. His excessive adipose, by no means hampered his round of activity, lover of sport and athletics, he performed many outstanding feats in the art of swimming, and ever eager to teach this healthy practice to all who sought it.

Now, the curtain is rung down “Lights Out” and oblivion covers like a pall, the departure of one who will not return.

To his bereaved family the writer extends sincerest sympathy.


WHALEN — Passed peacefully away Saturday morning, Bride, (Heaney) beloved wife of John T. Whalen; leaving husband, three sons, and three sisters to mourn their sad loss. Funeral today Monday at 2.15 p.m. from her late residence No. 3 McKay Street . R. I. P.

WHITEWAY — Passed away to the Great Beyond at 2.45 April 11th, 1942, James Whiteway in his 69 ½ year; deceased leaves to mourn wife, 6 sons, four at home, two in the Nfld Artillery somewhere in England, also 1 adopted daughter, 1 brother, Douglas in Grand bank, 33 grandchildren and a large circle of friends. Funeral at 2.30 p.m. today from his late residence, Murphy Lane, Signal Hill, “Till we meet again.”


A message to the Chief of Police on Saturday, stated that the body of Edward Cobb, who was drowned on April 8th at Joe Batts Arm, has been recovered on the afternoon of the same day. The deceased was fifty years of age and was not married.

A man before Court on Saturday, charged with being drunk and with maliciously breaking a pane of glass in the store of M.J. O’Brien Ltd., at the corner of Duckworth Street and King’s Road, was fined $5.00 and was ordered to pay compensation for the broken glass. At 1.30 on Saturday morning, Constable Churchill, doing duty in that vicinity, heard a crash of glass, and found the accused, before he had moved away from the place.

The regular monthly meeting of the Newfoundland Graduating Nurses Association will be held at the Child Welfare Centre tomorrow night. Officers will be nominated at this meeting.

An American Steamfitter was before the Magistrate’s Court on Saturday, charged with taking photographs of the Harbor, contrary to Defence Regulations. He pleaded guilty to the charge but sentence was suspended. The evidence was, that on March 1st the accused was arrested by Constable Clarke as he was in the act of taking pictures of the Harbor. Three of the pictures were developed but they showed no special objects, the accused stated he was not aware of the Regulations, and said he intended only to take a few pictures to sent his folks at home. His Honour Judge Browne, stated that as the pictures showed that no particular object was in mind, he would suspend sentenced.

The City Council meets this afternoon at the regular hour. There are some important matters on the agenda.

APRIL 14TH 1942

Body of Seaman Found In Laundry Locker of Hut, Is Identified as James Love of Scotland — Apparently Went to Chute

The body of a man was discovered yesterday morning, by Mrs. Annie Barron, Assistant Housekeeper at the K.of C Hut, Harvey Road, when she went to the basement of the Hut and opened the laundry locker. She informed the Manager, Mr. M.J. Quinn, who reported the matter to the Police. District Inspector Whalen and Sergeants Case and Cahill, went to the Hut and called Doctors Anderson and Josephson. The body was taken to the morgue and identified as James Love, a Scottish Seaman who was a survivor from a ship torpedoed recently.

The laundry chute extends from the top flat to the basement and is fifteen feet deep. At the Dormitory Floor, a hatch gives access to the chute, and it is though that the deceased fell through the hatch to the basement, because he had sustained a fractured skull and other injuries. It is understood that he came ashore from a steamer on Friday night of last week.

A post mortem examination was made by Doctors Anderson and Josephson.


Aircraftman Myles A. Murphy, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Murphy of East Wabana, Bell Island, celebrates his birthday today, April 14th. He is in training with the R.C.A.F. which he joined last September. Happy landings Myles!


Miss Adella Henderson of Merigonish, Nova Scotia, arrived in the city to be present at the Marsh-Russell wedding on Wednesday, and is the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. A. Russell.

Messrs. J. Dwyer, of Grand Falls and W. Tarrant of Botwood, who have been attending the Orange Lodge Convention at Carbonear, were in town yesterday, and left for home by last evening’s express. Mr. Dwyer is the Grand Marshall and Mr. Tarrant the Grand Censor of the R.W.P.G. Black Chapter of Newfoundland.


Word has been received of the marriage at Dartmouth N.S., of Sgt. Richard Rushton, of the C.A.S.C., to a former Newfoundland lady residing in the Provinces. He spent some time in Newfoundland last year, and with his brother, had served in the Canadian Forces during the last war. “Dick’ made many friends while on duty here, who wish him every success. His mother was of Newfoundland birth, having been formerly Miss Janet Lewis, and a sister of the late Mrs. O’Neill Farrell, of Glendale, Los Angeles.


SMITH Edward Norman, Seaman JX 246721 R. N. Reported lost overboard April 5th, 1942. Next of kin, Mother, Mrs. Isaac Smith, St. Anthony, District, White Bay, Newfoundland.


Residents of Hodderville In Bonavista Bay Do Good Day’s work

Hodderville is in Blackhead Bay, Bonavista Bay. There are only a few families there, mostly Hodders. When the ice drifts in about the end of March, they always keep their eyes peeled looking for seals, first thing in the morning and last in the evening. Standing on the road between their homes and the seashore is the Foram place.

One day last week they saw something alive, dark in colour, moving on the ice, between three and four miles off . It must certainly be a seal they agreed, and probably the forerunner of hundreds that could not be seen. They got their gaffs ropes and sheath-knives and started off, accompanied by Hodder’s dog. Their names are Hodders, (2) Mouland and Joseph Abbott.

The dog, when they got within a half mile of their quarry, ran ahead, having no doubt got the scent of the animal. He soon overtook it and the hunters saw that a fight was on, and when they reached the spot, found that the dog had a stranglehold. They separated them by using their gaffs, and found that it was a very large Otter.

They quickly finished what the dog had began, measured it and found it to be five feet in length and wonderfully well furred; in fact when they brought it ashore, the veteran Furrier said that it was the best furred animal he ever saw, and should be well worth forty or fifty dollars, if not more.

The men are quite proud of their achievement. It was a much better day’s work than if they had got a full tow of seals each. P. K. D.


Mother Died From Exposure During Terrible Ordeal

EAST COAST PORT, April 13 – The Atlantic gave up 11 persons feared lost, over the weekend, greatly reducing the casualty list of an American ship which had been torpedoed on March 29th.

After spending 14 days in a life boat on the open sea, rescue finally came to three-year-old Miriam Etter and ten others, including two women, when their boat was sighted by one of our patrol planes. The little girl’s mother however, died of exposure during the long voyage, as did one of the Seamen. Their bodies were brought ashore.

The survivors were passengers and crew members of the same vessel on which the mother, who gave birth to her child in a lifeboat, was a passenger.


SAUNDERS — TRAVERS: Glovertown, April 9 — A very pretty wedding was solemnized in the United Church at Glovertown on Tuesday, April 7th, when Miss Hattie Travers became the bride of Mr. Kenneth Saunders. The bride entered the Church leaning on the arm of her foster-father, Mr. Gidon Janes. She looked very charming in her wedding gown of white satin and lace, cut on princess lines. She carried a bouquet of pink and white carnations. The bride was employed as a Clerk in the Store of Mrs. J.B. Burry for about four years. Mrs. Burry acted as Organist for the ceremony. The reception was held at the home of the groom, and many and costly were the gifts, which gave mute testimony of the esteem in which the bride was held.

The happy couple will spend a short honeymoon at Bishop’s Falls as guests of the bride’s sister, after which they will take up residence at Glovertown. The groom is at present employed at Gander.

The many friends of the popular couple wish them “bon voyage” over the sea of matrimony. WELL-WISHER.


MRS. WILLIAM COLES: There passed peacefully away on March 3rd a honoured and respected citizen of Brooklyn B.B., in the person of Mrs. William Coles, who having passed the allotted span of years, had been in failing health for more than a year.

Leaving Hospital some months ago, she resided with her daughter at St. John’s at the time of her death. Interment took place at Brooklyn to the United Church cemetery, Rev. A Barrett officiating, when almost the whole community came to pay their last respects to an old friend.

Surviving her are two sons, residing at Brooklyn, and four daughters, three of whom are in the U.S.A. to whom we offer sympathy.

Mrs Coles will be greatly missed among the many friends which she made. As a wife and mother her virtues were unexcelled. As a neighbour she was no less. Very few people today can be said to be so general in their hospitality, indeed if there was one trait in her character which made its mark upon one and all who came within her reach, it was the tact she could use so winningly to make even a stranger feel at home beneath her roof. To this end she would gladly spend and be spent for the comfort of others.

She was an active member of her Church which she served faithfully all through the years, ever ready in cloud and sunshine to make open confession of her strong Christian faith .

Today when all these finer virtues are at stake, the world cries out for helping hands, for willing hands like those of Mrs Coles, to serve the fainting multitudes, and all such will have the Master’s benediction “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the last—ye have done it unto Me.”


The engagement of Selma Frances, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Tooton, to Mr. James Gibson, U. S. Engineer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gibson of Bozman, Montana, U.S.A.


MORGAN — Passed peacefully away on Sunday, April 12th after a long illness, Walter Morgan, aged 63 years; leaving to mourn wife and four daughters. Mrs. Fred Candow of this city, Mary, School Tteacher at Humbermouth, Maud and Octayia at home, also one sister, Mrs. Abram Newell of the Dock, Bareneed. Funeral today, Tuesday at Coley’s Point, Bay Roberts.

TRICKETT — Passed peacefully away at 10.15 p.m. yesterday, April 13th at his son’s residence, 77 Patrick Street, William H. Trickett; leaving to mourn, wife, three sons and one daughter. Funeral at Spout Cove, Carbonear District, tomorrow, Wednesday , at 2 p.m. (Boston and Montreal papers please copy.)


Since the announcement was made that sand is available at the Fire Hall to all who present cards issued by the Civil Defence Department, the Fire Halls have been a busy place, as hundreds visited there to get their supplies of sand. Bags are provided, but house holders have to take the sand away themselves. Two bags of 25 lbs each are given to each person.

Brigadier and Mrs. Joseph Acton, S.A., will be at Bay Roberts tonight when they will conduct a special meeting in the S.A. Citadel.

The Bay Roberts Guardian states that workmen have been engaged the past few weeks making interior and exterior alterations to the C.L.B. Armoury there, which has been leased to the Military Authorities.

The Western Star states “No. 5 Paper Machine has been used recently for making counter rolls or Boco-Wrap. This is the first time this paper has been made at our mill for export, although in the early days, some Burcher’s Manila, which is somewhat similar, was produced for local purposes only. To run this type of paper, a collapsible shaft had to be made. This shaft was designed in our Engineering Department and made in our Machine Shop, and is proving most satisfactory.

A train will leave at 3 p.m. tomorrow instead of at 8.30 this morning, and will make connection at Argentia for the Western Route. This train will not go to Placentia. There will be no train tomorrow morning.

Two Naval Ratings and two girls, were before Judge Browne at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, charged with disorderly conduct in a public place. They were arrested at two o’clock yesterday morning. The girls were remanded as it was only last week they were put under bonds.

Two Naval Ratings before Court yesterday, charged with being drunk and with damaging a house in Codner’s Lane, were fined $5.00 and were ordered to pay compensation for the damage.

A Construction Superintendent was before the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, charged with exceeding the speed limit on Quidi Vidi Road. He admitted that he was driving at 40 mph. A fine of $20.00 was imposed.

A Naval Rating was before Court yesterday, charged with being drunk and being in possession of a bottle of liquor on which there was a defaced label. He was fined $10.00.

A meeting of Lodge St. Andrew No. 1139 will be held at the Masonic Temple tomorrow night for degree work.

APRIL 15TH 1942


DARRIGAN, Walter Henry, Seaman JX 181411, R.N. Posted missing at Singapore. Next of kin father, Mr. Maurice Darrigan, Lark Harbor, Bay of Islands, Newfoundland.

DARRIGAN, William Stanley, Seaman, JX 181409 R.N. posted missing at Singapore. Next of kin mother, Mrs. Maurice Darrigan, Lark Harbor, Bay of Islands, Newfoundland.

CAKE, Wallace Vivian, Seaman JX 211542 R.N. reported missing on war service. Next of kin wife, Mrs. Wallace Cake, 54 Brazil Square, St. John’s, Newfoundland.

DELANEY, Thomas J., Sergeant Pilot No. 7U98558 R.A.F. missing as result of air operations on April 12th, 1942. Next of kin sister, Mrs, J P Fortune, 99 Military Road, St. John’s, Newfoundland.


Dangerous Practice Has Painful Effect

The dangerous practice of indiscriminate use to airguns by youths, is again cropping up. On Monday morning, a small girl, 5 years old, was sitting on the doorstep of her home on Carter’s Hill, when a youth deliberately took aim with an airgun, and the shot hit the little girl in the forehead, cutting the flesh to the bone. The mother rushed out when she heard a cry, and carried the child into the house. It just happened that Mr. Paul Thorburn called at the house at that moment, in connection with the electric light, and he rendered first aid, efficiently bandaging up the wound.

The Police have been running down for some time, users of these guns and confiscating them, but it appears that some are still being used.


The marriage of Miss Olive L. Halliday and Mr. A. Newham Johnston, took place at the Kirk’ Manse, Tuesday April 14th at 7.15 p.m. Rev. A T. Barr, B.D., Ph.D. officiating.


POWER — Passed peacefully away, fortified by the Rites of the Holy Catholic Church, Catherine Power, wife of the late James Power, in her 82nd year, left to mourn are 2 sons and 3 daughters. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon from her late residence Outer Cove. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on her soul.

GUEST — Passed peacefully away Tuesday afternoon, Harriett Stanley, wife of the late James Guest. Funeral by motor hearse from the residence of C.W. Strong, Quidi Vidi.


The second pier, for the relocation of the 30 tons crane, has been completed. The dismantling of this crane has also started, prior to moving it to its new position at the East end of the wharf. — Western Star.

The second Civil Defence meeting for the residents of Signal Hill and the Battery, will be held at St. Joseph School tonight at 8.30 p.m. Films on fire fighting and First Aid will be shown.

APRIL 16TH 1942

Terra Nova Back From Ice Fields Hailing For 6,000

Poor Conditions During Spring — Took Crew of Ill fated Ranger To Their Homes

S.S. Terra Nova arrived from the Seal Fishery and hails for about 6,000 pelts. She reports S.S. Ranger developed engine trouble, and had considerable water in her hold when in White Bay, off Groais Islands. She had orders to proceed to the assistance of the Ranger, and became jammed. Eventually she reached the scene and took off the crew of 75, most of whom were from the North side of Bonavista Bay, where they were landed before the ship arrived in port. S.S. Eagle is due shortly.


Mr. Donald Nicholson has been for the past week, a patient at the General Hospital. The many friends of Mr. Thomas Redmond, who had been in the General Hospital for quite a while, join in wishing him many happy returns on his birthday, and hope soon to see him restored to perfect health. He was 62 yesterday.


MARSH — RUSSELL: The Church of England Cathedral was the scene of a very lovely Military wedding on Wednesday, April 15th at four p.m., when Ora Pax June, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hazen Algar Russell of St. John’s, Newfoundland, became the bride of Lt. Clarence Talmadge Marsh, Jr., only son of Col. and Mrs. C.T. Marsh, Va. The Rev. Canon E.R.W. Higham, M.A., officiated, assisted by the Rev. J.T. Hiscock, M.A.

The bride who was given in marriage by her father, entered the Church to the strains of Lohengrin’s Wedding March, played the Rev. F.H. Ross, and was charming in a gown of white satin with full skirt and court train. Her train veil of illusion fell in soft folds from a coronet of orange blossoms, and she carried a shower bouquet of lilies and sweet peas. The bride’s only ornament was a beautiful string of pearls, the gift of the bride-groom. The maid of honour was Miss Kay Fitzgerald. The other attendants being Miss Janet Ayre, Misses Lois and Ruth Russell, sisters of the bride. They all wore gowns of white chiffon with lace jackets and ribbon hats with shoulder length veils, and carried old fashioned nosegays in pastel shades.

During the signing of the Register, O Perfect Love was sung. The groomsman was Lt. Thomas Paglia, and the ushers were Captains Murphy and Rhude, Lts. Bake, Pohiman, Taylor and Watson.

The Altar was banked with lilies and daffodils. As the bride and groom left the Church they passed through a Guard of Honour who formed a sabre arch. Mendelssohn’s Wedding March was rendered.

Following the Church ceremony, a reception was held at the Newfoundland Hotel, in the Ball Room, which was decorated with ferns and cut flowers.

Also receiving with the bridal party were the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell and Miss Adelia Henderson, sister of Mrs. Russell. The bride’s table was centered with a three tiered wedding cake, decorated with sweet peas and fern. The cake being cut by the bride and groom with the bridegroom’s sabre. The toast to the bride was proposed by the Rev. E.R.W. Higham and was responded to by the bridegroom, who in turn proposed the toast to the bridesmaids and was responded by the groomsman.

For going away, the bride wore a blue ensemble with fox fur and accessories to match. On their return they will reside at Norheim, Circular Road.

APRIL 17TH 1942


MURPHY – ANGEL: Thursday April 16th George Street Church was the scene of a quiet but lovely wedding when Ruperta (Paddy), the daughter of the late Frederick W. Angel and Mrs. Angel, became the bride of Dr. Harry Bliss Murphy, the only son of the late Dr. G.N. Murphy and Mrs. Murphy; Rev. A.F. Binnington officiated at the ceremony.

Given in marriage by her brother-in-law Mr. Eric Cook, the bride entered the Church to the strains of Lohengrin’s Wedding March, and looked charming in a gown of white satin cut on princess line and buttoned up the back with rows of little buttons, the skirt ending in a long train. The bodice had a square neck with tiny tucks on either side. The sleeves were long and tapered to a point over the hands. Her veil of embroidered net, which had been worn by her grandmother and her mother, was held by orange blossoms and a halo of satin tucked to match the dress. She carried a bouquet of lilies, white carnations, and ferns. The bridesmaids were dressed alike in long dresses of daffodil crepe. The skirts were full with simulated coatees, edged with a little frill of the material, and fastened with self coloured buttons into a square neck. Their headdresses were flowers and ribbons to match. They carried bouquets of mixed snapdragons and fern.

Dr. Nigel Rusted was best man for Dr. Murphy, and the ushers were Lieut. Norman Winter, cousin of the bridegroom, and Mr. W. Knowling, Jr. The bride’s mother wore a wool crepe ensemble of green-blue, and a hat of the same material trimmed with orchids. Her corsage was of orchid and fern.

The groom’s mother wore a gown of green and white print under a coat of olive green crepe. Her hat was a cluster of cinnamon coloured flowers on a band of green straw and a corsage of carnations and straw. Behind the bank of lilies, the choir seats were filled with Guides from the United Church Orphanage, and Brownies and Guides of Holloway School companies. The Cadets formed a guard of honour.

While the register was being signed “I know a lovely garden” and “Thou art like a lovely flower” were beautifully sung by Miss Marjorie Dalton. Mr. W.E. Curtis, Organist of the Church, presided at the organ.

Following the ceremony, a reception was held at 146 Hamilton Street, the home of the bride’s mother, where the toast to the bride and groom was delightfully proposed by Mr. J.W. Morris, a life long friend of both families. The groom ably responded and also proposed a toast to the bridesmaids, to which Dr. Rusted made an apt and witty response.

Dr. and Mrs. Murphy left by the express for Toronto, where Dr. Murphy will be attached to the Toronto General Hospital. The bride travelled in an ensemble of soft blue angora cloth with halo hat to match and navy blue accessories. She carried a beautiful red fox fur, a gift of the groom.


Mr. and Mrs. John Charles Percey and family at Brigus, wish to thank all those who sent wreaths, messages, and cards of sympathy, or helped in any way at the time of the death of their son Archibald.


KENNEDY — Passed peacefully away at his home, 13 Williams Lane, after a short illness, Terrence Joseph Kennedy; leaving to mourn wife, two daughters, two sons and one grandson. Funeral notice later.

JACKMAN — Passed peacefully away after a long illness, Mary (Ann), widow of the late William Jackman, Princes Street, aged 82 years; leaving to mourn their sad loss, one son and one daughter, and four grandchildren, also two sisters, Mrs. Ellen O’Neill of Maddox Cove, Mrs. Annie Renny of Petty Harbor. Funeral notice later.


Two soldiers of the American Army were before the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, charged with assaulting a man named Stephen King. The alleged assault took place on Prescott St., near O’Brien’s Store. The victim has been ill for about two years. Both of the accused Soldiers denied the charge and stated they were not in that vicinity at the time the assault was alleged to have taken place. The charge against one was dismissed, as it was evident that it was a case of mistaken identity. The other was fined $50.00 or 6 weeks imprisonment.

Two trucks were in collision on Duckworth Street near the City Hall yesterday afternoon, but very little damage was caused. The collision was due to the slippery conditions of the streets because of the snow.

The Fishermen’s Advocate states that the Auxiliary “Swile” passed through 5 miles of ice and reported seeing plenty of bedlamer seals.

A motorist who had been in an accident on March 5th when he knocked down a Soldier and his brother, was charged before the Magistrate’s Court with driving whilst under the influence of liquor. He was fined $50.00 and his licence was suspended for six months. Judge Browne stated he would have imposed a heavier sentence but for the fact that the man had done all possible for the injured men after the accident.

A meeting of residents of the Southside over 17 years of age, will be held at St. Mary’s Hall tonight, when films on fire Fighting and First Aid will be shown. The meeting is under the auspices of the Air Raid Wardens of that section.

Two men were before the Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday, charged with breaches of the Defence Regulations in that, letters forwarded by them, had contained information that may be useful to the enemy. Both were fined $5.00 each.

The steam mixer at the East End yard of the Council, is now in operation at the preparation of tar mix for the streets. The Sawyer Massey Crusher is ready to begin work when the quarry spalls are delivered.

Flippers were selling yesterday $4.00 a dozen, which is the highest for many year. Despite that, there was a good demand, and no trouble was found disposing of them. In some cases $5.00 was paid, and one citizen paid $100.00 for 20 dozen. They are to be used at a dinner of one of the city organizations.

On Wednesday night, as a number of Air Raid Wardens were holding a meeting in the Northwest section of the city, a bottle was thrown through the window of the room in which they were. The Wardens ran out and discovered the guilty party.

APRIL 18TH 1942


THISTLE — In fond and loving memory of our dear son and brother, Frank Thistle, Broad Cove, B.D.V., who departed this life April 17th , 1937.

One precious to our heart is gone,

A voice we loved is stilled,

A place is vacant in our home,

Which never can be filled.

Inserted by father, mother, brothers and sisters.


PETER PEDDLE: There passed peacefully away at Bishop’s Cove, March 15th, 1942, Peter Peddle, aged 68 years, leaving to mourn a wife, one son , two daughters, Mrs. W. Marshall and Zela Peddle, both residing in Boston, U.S.A.


CORNICK — MILLER: On April 16th., at the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Topsail, by Rev. J Brinton, Edith Jean, daughter of Mrs. Jean and the late A.W. Miller, to Eric Albert, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.P. Cornick.


DAWE — Born at Grace Maternity Hospital on April 17th to Rev. and Mrs. H Maxwell Dawe, a son.


JACKMAN — Passed peacefully away, after a long illness, Mary (Ann), widow of the late William Jackman, Prince’s Street, aged 82 years; leaving to mourn their sad loss, one son and one daughter and four grandchildren; also two sisters Mrs. Ellen O’Neil of Maddox Cove, Mrs. Annie Renny of Petty Harbor. Funeral takes place at 2.30 p.m. Sunday from her late residence 17 Prince’s Street.

JANES — Passed peacefully away at her home 167 Pennywell Road at 2 a.m. today, Saturday, Julia Janes, widow of Stanley Janes, in her 67th year, leaving to mourn 3 daughters Annetta, Marion, and Frances. Funeral notice later.


Under the direction of the Beaver Club, another entertainment and floor show will be held at St. Mary’s Hall on Monday night. Fred Willett and his twelve piece orchestra will be in attendance, and there will be dancing from 9 p.m. to 1a.m.

A Salesman was before Court yesterday charged with being intoxicated whilst in charge of a motor car. He was fined $20.00 and his license was suspended for six months.

The young harps being discharged from S.S. Terra Nova are averaging 35 ½ lbs.

Warm sun today in the morning took away all the snow that had fallen on the previous day, and dried up the streets to some extent. Conditions changed again in the afternoon and it was disagreeable last night.

Nine cases of drunkenness were heard before the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, and fines from one to three dollars were imposed.

The Mount Carmel Cemetery Committee will hold a meeting at the Sexton’s House in the Cemetery, tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock.

A girl given in charge of the Police by a Customs Officer for being on board a ship, was before the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, on a charge of being disorderly. She was fined $2.00.

APRIL 20TH 1942


VIGURES — Passed peacefully away at 11.45 Saturday, April 18th William P. Viguers in his 73rd year, son of the late Francis and Kathleen Viguers; Leaving to mourn, wife, 5 sons, 2 daughters. Funeral today Monday at 2.30 p.m. from his son’s residence 235 Southside West.

BROWNRIGG — Lost at sea, on April 5th, through enemy action, Garrett, (Garrie), aged 39 years, eldest son of H.J. and Mrs. Brownrigg, 4 Patrick Street. Left to mourn are wife, formerly Evelyn Jackson of Baltimore, three brothers, Thomas at home, Harry of the R.A.F., and Francis, of the Royal Navy, and two sisters, Sister Mary John of the Sisters of Charity, Saint John, N.B. and Mrs. Douglas French this city. “Sacred heart of Jesus have mercy on his soul.”

NEWELL — Passed peacefully away at his home, Mundy Pond at 9.30 p.m. Saturday, April 19th. Gunner Angus Ronald Newell, eldest son of Abram and Sarah Newell; leaving to mourn father, mother, six sisters and 1 brother. Funeral notice later.

CORBETT — On April 18th after a brief illness, Philip Corbett, aged 86 years; leaving to mourn wife, three daughters, Mrs. Elias Lewis of the city, Mrs. Leo Flood, Holyrood and Ester at home; also two sons, Alexander residing in the U.S.A. and John at Holyrood, and a number of grandchildren. Funeral today at 2.30 p.m. from his late residence, 35 Patrick Street.

DENIEF — Passed peacefully away Saturday night April 18th, James Denief, leaving to mourn Mother, brother and two sisters. Funeral today Monday at 2.45 p.m. from his late residence, Military Road. R.I.P.


A truck driver, whose home is in Portugal Cove, was before the Magistrate’s Court on Saturday, charged with having defective brakes on a motor vehicle, which he used to carry passengers to and from the Base at Quidi Vidi. Traffic Officer Coveyduck stated in evidence, that the foot brake was only 15 % efficient and the hand brake 14 %. The mudguards were off the vehicle and the running boards were hanging off. The right doors could not open and were tied up with wire, and the body was partly off the chassis of the vehicle. The man was fined $5.00 and the Traffic Officer has ordered the vehicle off the road.

Some of the ponds and rivers were very high yesterday. Quidi Vidi Lake was over its banks and the road on the South side was flooded with water up to the doors of the Boat House.

The Railway announces that beginning April 26th there will be three express trains weekly. Details in connection with the service will be duly announced.

A bus driver was before Court on Saturday, charged with carrying more passengers in his bus than his permit allowed. He was fined $5.00. He was also charged with not having displayed on the inside of his bus, the number of people the vehicle was licensed to carry. For that he was fined $2.00. Assistant Chief of Police Strange, said much trouble is being experienced because of failure to have notices posted, and this will not be tolerated in future.

On Circular Road, just West of King’s Bridge Road on the North side, a number of wires hanging through the trees, are down so low across the sidewalk that one cannot walk under them. With everyone asked to keep to the sidewalks in the blackout, these are a danger to any who may have to walk along there in the darkness.

APRIL 21ST 1942


MADORE, George Francis, Gunner 971170, R.A. Dangerously ill in Hospital at No. 7 Casualty Clearing Station, Benenden School, Crambrook, Kent, England. Next of kin, father Mr. Nicholas Madore, Woods Islands, Bay of Islands, Newfoundland.

HOUSE, Edwin Arthur, Sergeant Pilot 798521 R.A.F. report missing as the result of air operations on the 28th April, 1942. Next of kin mother, Mrs. Gertrude House, Corner Brook, Newfoundland.

CURRIE, Alfred James, Sergeant W.O.A.C. 798557 R.A.F. reported missing as the result of air operations on the 17th April, 1942. Next of kin, mother, Mrs. Mary Currie, C/O Mrs. George King, Mundy Pond Road, St. John’s, Newfoundland.


GARRETT BROWNRIGG: The dawn of an Easter morning had hardly broken in the Eastern sky, when it was learned to the regret of all, that a member of another loyal Nfld. family had given his life that others might live. Garrett Brownrigg, lost at sea, as the result of enemy action. Garrie, as he was known to his numerous friends, was charitable in mind and deed, and was always willing to give his neighbour the benefit of the doubt. In the years that the writer has known him, he never knew him to cast a stone at anyone. That was his crowning glory. As Chief Engineer he had followed the sea for years, and at the time of his passing, was like many other gallant Newfoundlanders, engaged in keeping Britain’s sea lanes open. The Merchant Service Man. —

You’ll cheer them when they’re marching in the victory parade.

With the bugles and the banners flowing free.

But there’s one who won’t be there for any tribute that is paid,

He’s the Merchant Service Sailor out at sea.

The passing of Garrett Brownrigg has awakened thoughts and recollections of bygone days; Stirring up old memories of laughter and of tears. Odds and ends long cherished, growing dearer with the years. Thoughts that to strangers are penniless, but to us who keep them they are treasures beyond price. A member of the Merchant Navy - lifeline of the British Empire - unsung heroes of war. Only loved ones left behind know the price they have paid. Our gallant friend has passed on, his fame amongst friends is firm and lasting. They will long recall him and pray for him. Somewhere in the broad Atlantic, our friend has found a resting place. May his sacrifice be not in vain, and may he rest in peace. To his bereaved wife in Manitoba, father and mother, Mrs. H. J. Brownrigg, Patrick Street, Thomas at home, Frank in the Royal Navy, Harry in the R.A.F., and Mrs. Douglas French of the city, profound sympathy is tendered. H.F.


On last Sunday afternoon, under the dull gray April sky, all that was mortal of the late Leonard Stack, was laid to rest in the Hillside Cemetery at Petty Harbor.

This young lad, who was 14 years old, was the son of Richard and Lucy Stack, and a bright popular student of St. Edward’s School. He had been ill for the past year or so, and entered the Sanitarium a few months ago, where he passed away on the 10th April. The funeral was largely attended by the residents of Petty Harbor, a group of his former class-mates, and Altar Boys acting as pall-bearers.


GUNNER ALAN R NEWELL, R.A.: This afternoon, “Last Post” will sound for another of the gallant Volunteers from Newfoundland in the present War; Gunner Alan R. Newell of the Royal Artillery will be laid to rest in the Mother earth of his own Country.

Deceased who went overseas with the R.A. Contingent, was in training for some time, but illness set in and he had to return home, where he passed away on Sunday. The funeral will take place this afternoon from Mundy Pond, the residence of his father, Abram Newell, who with his mother, six sisters, and one brother, are left to mourn.

The Great War Veterans Association will be represented at the last obsequies, and will pay their final tribute of respect at the graveside, to another Soldier who has paid the price of Empire.


The Bay Roberts Guardian states: “G.A. Simmonds has resigned his position with the Bank of Nova Scotia here, and left for St. John’s where he takes a position with the Cape Construction. Co. He has been replaced here by R.J. Rose who arrived here from the Branch at Burin. Eric Dawe of the Branch at St. John’s, filled the vacancy in the Teller’s Cage during the week.”

A man before Court yesterday, charged with stealing lumber from a neighbour, was convicted and fined $10.00. He was also ordered to make compensation to the value of $8.00 for the lumber taken.

APRIL 23RD 1942

Fire Destroys House, Plank Road

Yesterday morning, a house occupied by Stephen Williams, Plank Road, was almost totally destroyed by fire, and practically all the furnishings was destroyed. The Central and West End fire fighting apparatus responded to an alarm, and two lengths of hose were run out. Through the efforts of the Firemen, the fire was confined to the one building, and after an hour it was under control. The fire originated in a shed adjoining the dwelling.


The body of Chesley Chafe, 17 year old son of Mr. Solomon Chafe, Mundy Pond Road, was found yesterday morning at 8 o’clock, face down in a small brook at the junction of Blackler Avenue and Mundy Pond Road. The body was discovered by Mr. Taylor, and as the deceased suffered from epilepsy, it is believed that in crossing the brook, he fell forward and was drowned, before he recovered from the fit. His parents understood that he was attending a wake and in consequence, were not anxious as to his absence from home.


“Eagle” Turned Out 1.777 and Her Crew Shared $12.66 Each

With the discharge of S.S. Eagle at the Southside premises of Bowring Bros. Ltd., and the landing of 1.777 pelts, the total number of pelts landed for 1942 is 4.698. The specification of the pelts landed from S.S. Eagle is – 48 young harps, 414 young hoods, 1209 bedlamers, 102 old harps, and 4 old hoods. The crew shared $12.66 each. S.S. Terra Nova landed at the same premises 2,921 pelts made up of 1.675 young harps, 513 young harps, 375 bedlamers, 364 old harps, 12 old hoods. The crew shared $20.56 each.


Since the last weekly letter was have been reported as follows:— [This is exactly as written. GW]

Disease Outside City

Meningitis 1

Observation 2 1

Pneumonia 1 2

Scarlet Fever 0 0

Mumps 2 1

H .M. MOSDELL, M.D. Secty. for Public Health & Welfare.


A girl before Court yesterday, was handed over to the Probation Officer. She was taken in the Police Station for safe keeping on the previous night.

A billiard tournament between members of the T.A. and Star Club, opened last night at the T.A. Club. Two rounds will be played.

The second annual dinner of the Darts Club, which operated at the Cottage Gardens Tea Rooms where the championship series was played, will be held tonight at Jack Robinson’s Hostelry, Donovan’s. A large number of ladies and gentlemen are attending, and the event promises to be most enjoyable.

When the bay ice was making its annual drift in the Humber Arm, a sheet of it struck against Lacey’s Point. The momentum of the swing, from the gale in the Bay and the tide of the river, caused it to raft over one of the new dolphins erected in the Mill Room area. This dolphin was made of thirty pieces of creosoted hard wood piling, seventy feet long. The lower part penetrated twenty-five feet of mud, and the upper part though thirty feet of water, and to about 15 feet above sea level at high tide. As these pile-sticks which made up the dolphin, are now lying slantwise just above the surface of the water, it is problematical whether they are all broken, or just bent over in the mud, from the pressure of the ice which struck against them. — Western Star.

No. 5 Paper Machine, which seems to have a verity of duties, has now been changed to running sulphite pulp. The change over, necessitates the running of the cutter, but the baling of the sulphite is done on the presses of No. 6 Machine, which is a sulphite machine. The sulphite on No.5 Machine is run at eighty feet per minute, producing 200 pounds sulphite pulp. — Western Star.

Officials of the Highroads Department are now very busy issuing new licences and registration plates to drivers and owners of motor vehicles. There is no advance in the fee this year.

A Canadian Naval Rating was before Court yesterday, charged with driving a motor vehicle whilst under the influence of liquor. He was fined $25.00 or one month on that charge. He was also charged with stealing a car belonging to Arthur LeDrew, and on this he was fined $20.00 or 21 days. Another Sailor who was with him at the time was also fined $20.00. Mr. LeDrew stated in Court, that because the men were members of the Service, and he was an ex-service man himself, he did not desire to press for compensation for damages caused the vehicles.

Five men before the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, charged with being drunk, were fined $2.00 each.

The sudden death occurred at the Avalon Coal Shed at Bay Roberts last week of Benjamin Stevens of Clark’s Beach. The deceased apparently had been in good health, had just finished loading coal into his box cart, when he was suddenly seized with a heart attack and passed away within a few minutes. — Bay Roberts Guardian.

APRIL 24TH 1942


OTTAWA, April 23 — Included among the 25 graduates of the Canadian Police College were Staff Sergeant Edward Martin of St. John’s, and Corporal Edward Peckford of Whitbourn, Newfoundland.


HALIFAX, April 23 — George Archibald Norman of Bay Roberts, and John Robert Joyce Wareham, Salmon Cove, Newfoundland, were among the graduates of Pine Hill Theological College Convocation last night. Mr. Wareham won a certificate of honour on Systematic Theology.


FRENCH, Hubert Samuel, Aircraftsman No. 1307095 R.A.F., previously reported missing and believed Prisoner of War (April 20th 1942) now reported missing and believed Prisoner of War in Java. Next of kin wife, Mrs. Herbert French, Bell Island, Conception Bay, Newfoundland. (Transferred from Nfld. Overseas Forestry United to Royal Air Force.)

MADORE, George Francis Gunner 971170 R.A. Previously reported dangerously ill in Hospital at No.7 Casualty Clearing Station, Beneden School, Carmbrook, Kent, England (April 19th, 1942) now reported transferred from dangerously ill at No..7 .C.C.S. on April 22, 1942. Next of kin, father Mr. Nicholas Madore, Woods Island, Bay of Island, Newfoundland.

LOCKE, William John, Pilot Officer, R.A.F. Previously reported seriously injured as the result of air operations on the 15th March 1942. Now reported, removed from seriously ill list 18th April 1942. Progressing satisfactorily. Still in Royal Cornwall Infirmary, Truro Cornwall, England, (Transferred from Nfld Overseas Forestry Unit to Royal Air Force) next of kin, father, Mr. Arthur Locke, Lockston, Trinity Bay , Newfoundland.

ROBERTSON, R.C.A.F. Sergeant George Macklin Lascells, No. 79264, killed April 17th, 1942, as the result of aircraft accident. Next of kin mother, Mrs. Sarah Robertson, 582 Richmond Sq., Montreal, P.Q. Canada.


The following information has been received from the Trade Commissioner for Newfoundland:

Able Seaman George Canning JX191529 is a survivor from H.M.S. Dorsetshire. ( His next of kin is his father, Mr. Ernest Canning, Grand Falls.

Able Seaman Orlando Wooldrige JX216688 is a survivor from H.M.S. Hermes (His next of kin is his father, Mr. Joseph Woolridge, Dunfield, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland.


MERNER — died on April 23rd, of dipththeria, Patrick Francis Merner, aged 8 years, darling child of Patrick and Agnes Merner, 263 Water Street West. Funeral, today Friday at 2 p.m. from the Fever Hospital.

CARTER — Thursday morning in her 81st year, Annie Jessie Baird, widow of the late H.D. Carter, leaving three sons, one daughter. Funeral Saturday 2.30 p.m. from Hillsboro, Kingbridge Road.


The weekly meeting of the City Council will be held this afternoon at 2.45 at the City Hall.

A number of motorist who intended to go to various places out of town yesterday, had to return owing to the conditions of the roads outside of the city, which were so soft that it was impossible to drive over them.

Every now and then, one sees various groups of boys indulging in some form of vandalism or in some dangerous practice. In the past couple of days, some were seen taking the trolley wires off Street Cars at Adelaide Street, and others were seen stealing rides at the rear end of buses, travelling along the streets.

The body of a Seaman named John Albrecht, a native of Denmark, was at the morgue on Wednesday. The man died suddenly on board his ship, it was presumed from heart failure, but a postmortem examination will ascertain the cause.

A few ardent Waltonians spent yesterday at various fishing ponds and rivers, and though the weather was on the cold side, some of them were rewarded for their discomforts by fairly good catches of trout.

Three motor car drivers were charged at the Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday, with driving during the hours of darkness on April 11th, within the blackout area, without having a coat of white paint or other substance, applied to the aperture in the lenses of their head lamps; they were fined $2.00 each. These were the first charges for offences of this nature.

A Taximan who was before the Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday and convicted of being intoxicated whilst in charge of a car, was fined $10.00 and his drivers licence was suspended for 6 months.

APRIL 25TH 1942

2 Newfoundland Seamen Survive Torpedoing

EAST COAST PORT — April 24th – (CP) - Adrift for 27 days after their ship had been torpedoed off the East Coat of South America, 11of 18 survivors arrived here with a tale of how a German Submarine Commander offered them food and rendered First Aid, and then gave them directions which finally took them to safety. Two members of the crew died in the sinking and several others were treated in a South America Hospital. Newfoundland survivors included Benjamin Vincent aged 24, a Seaman, and Joe Angel, aged 36, a Fireman. All the crew were Canadians or Newfoundlanders.

Lifeless Body Of Man Found Merrymeeting Road

Death of Cyril Hiscock of Goodridge St., Due to Natural Cause.

About 10.30 p.m. yesterday, a call came to the Police from the Shamrock Field, put in by Const. Harold Brazil, informing that a man had been picked up on Merrymeeting Road, opposite the Field. District Inspector Whelan and members of the C.I.D., responded and found that Cyril Hiscock, of 9 Goodridge Street, married, had fallen on the road and had been picked up by two members of the home Defence Force and carried into the Guard Room. Dr. Simms was called and he found that life was extinct, death from natural causes being the verdict.


North Sydney, — Maxwell Billard aged 26, a native of Burgeo, a Fireman on a Merchant Ship, “Missing as the result of enemy action” according to Official notification received today by his mother, Mrs. Thomas Billard. The ship was sunk and he was not listed among the survivors.


STEELE — At St. Clare’s Mercy Hospital on April 22nd., to Mr. and Mrs. T.F. Steele, of Texas, U.S.A., a daughter.


MANNING — Passed peacefully away at the General Hospital noon Friday, Hannah, daughter of Bridget and the late Thomas Cullen, of Yeughal, Cork, and wife of Alex Manning; leaving to mourn 7 sons, and 4 daughters, mother, four sisters and two brothers, and nine grandchildren. Funeral tomorrow Sunday, at 2.30 p.m. from her late residence, 17 ½ Flower Hill. R.I.P. (English papers please copy.)


The City Engineer reported to the Council yesterday as follows: “We have successfully passed the winter months without a single complaint of lack of water for either fire or domestic supply, and this is a record which speaks well for the future. The supplying of shipping is progressing night and day.”

Three Navy Ratings who were arrested early yesterday morning on New Gower Street, were before Court charged with breaking glass valued at $6.75 in three or four premises on that street. They were fined $5.00 each and ordered to pay compensation for the glass. Fines of $2.00 each was imposed for disorderly conduct.

A man was before Court yesterday, charged with stealing a demijohn from a Naval Store. The Police caught the man on Water Street about ten o’clock on Thursday night, in possession of the demijohn. Investigation showed that the door of the Naval Store had been forced open. The accused was remanded for sentence.

The Jury for the murder trial which begins on Monday have been drawn, and those who have been drawn are being notified.

A Taximan was before Court yesterday, charged with being under the influence of liquor while in charge of a car. He pleaded not guilty. The hearing was set for Monday.

According to advices received, the residence of Thomas Edison of Northern Arm, was destroyed by fire a few days ago. Some of the furniture was taken from the building. The fire was caused when sparks ignited shingles in the roof and at the time is was blowing hard. No water was available and nothing could be done to save the building.

At the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, evidence was taken in the case of a Taximan who is charged with being intoxicated whilst in charge of a car. The hearing was adjourned until evidence of Dr. LeDrew had been obtained.

April 27th 1942


Two Naval Ratings Arrested Charged with Larceny From London New York & Paris Association of Fashion Ltd.

Constables T. Trickett, T. Hollett, and S. Hannon, at 11.30 p.m. yesterday, captured red-handed, two Naval Ratings as they attempted to leave the store of the London, New York and Paris Association of Fashion Ltd., with some $162.00 worth of goods, which they had in their possession. They were taken to the Police Station and will probably appear before the Magistrate this morning.

Doing night duty on Water St. last night, Constable Hannon was walking West on the South side of Water Street, and Constable Trickett and Hollett on the North side. Constable Hannon tried the doors of stores as he went along, and when opposite the L.N.& P. store, found that the door was open. He shone his flashlight through the opening and immediately a man rushed out. He caught him in his arms and held him, but a second man slipped by. Constable Trickett and Hollett on the opposite side of the street, ran across the street and chased the second man down Bowring’s Cove, and when he came to the breastwork he was nabbed and brought back to the store.

Mr. J Goldstone was notified, and was quickly at his store and identified the markings on the goods as those of his store. One of the culprits had goods wrapped up, to the value of $106.65, and the other to the value of $55.98. They had evidently spent some little time in the store as they had made their pick of several racks of cloths.


PATRICK MERNER: To some it is given to fulfil much in a short time, and such a one was Patrick Merner, who after eight short years in this vale of tears, this place of probation, has been called to possess the kingdom for which most people have strive many long years. Nevertheless the rather sudden death of Patrick Merner on Thursday last, came as a great shock to his many friends, both young and old. There was sadness written on the faces of many a young lad when the news of his death was made known.

Up till the Friday before he died, Patrick was a very regular pupil of Holy Cross School, and was one of the outstanding boys of Grade two. During his short school career of two years, by his ever ready smile but more so by his innate goodness, he endeared himself both to his classmates and to his Teachers. At the completion of his first year at School, Patrick was awarded the Prize for Religion in his class. Yet what is more, his religion, which for a young lad he knew so well, he practised in a way most unusual for a child of such tender years, and in a way too, that must have made him very dear to Him who said “Suffer the little children to come unto Me.” Since the day of his First Communion which took place less than a year ago, he was a weekly communicant and indeed, at all his prayers he showed an extraordinary piety. All these admirable characteristics which were his, were the result of the training he received in his truly Christian home.

Patrick was a boy of great promise and a great future had been predicted for him, but God, to whose decrees we must silently and humbly submit, had ordained otherwise, and has called him in the morning of his life to his home in Heaven. Truly is there one Angel less on earth, an Angel more in Heaven.

To his parents, brothers and sisters, on whom such a great sorrow has fallen, we offer our deepest sympathy. May he rest in Peace. AMICUS.


WOODS — COWARD - On April 23rd, with Nuptial Mass at St. Patrick’s Convent Oratory, by Rev. J.D. Savin, Winifred, daughter of Mrs. Margaret and the late Capt. S.J. Coward, to Michael F., son of the late Joseph and Ellen Woods, both of this city.


FRENCH — At St. Claire’s Mercy Hospital Sunday April 26th to Beth, wife of Regional French, a daughter.


HOWSE — Passed peacefully away at 9.20 p.m. Saturday, Edna, aged 12 years, beloved daughter of Albert and Eva Howse; leaving to mourn father, mother, 2 sisters, and 3 brothers. Funeral at 2.30 p.m. today, Monday, from her late residence, 28 Morris Ave.


The Mill Fire Brigade were called out twice in twenty-four hours last week, when fires occurred on number one and two Paper Machines. The first fire broke out at 1 a.m. at the rear of No.1 Machine. This was a serious fire, and one dryer felt was destroyed and another badly damaged. The other fire occurred at 4.15 p.m. and was started by a hot felt, which was damaged somewhat by water. The two fires resulted in a total shut-down period of approximately four hours for the two machines involved. — Western Star.

Nine cases of breach of the traffic laws were heard on Saturday before Magistrate’s O’Neill. In the majority of cases, the charges were breaches of the regulations regarding tail lights. Small fines were imposed. Oone case was against a Bus Driver charged with carrying more passengers that his permit allowed. He was fined $3.00 as there were extenuating circumstances.

The marriage of Miss Rita Mulcahy of New York, formerly of Bay Bulls, Newfoundland, to W. Loyola Whelan, Barrister and Solicitor, West Corner Brook, took place in Montreal last week. The ceremony was performed by Rev. F.B. Coffey, C.SS.R., Rector of Holy Redeemer Parish, who is in Montreal undergoing medical treatment. Mr. Whelan and his bride are expected to arrive in Corner Brook this week .— Humbermouth Herald.

An American truck driver before Court on Saturday charged with being intoxicated whist in charge of a motor vehicle, was fined $50.00 and his licence was suspended for six months. The evidence of Sergt. W. Daniels of the Military Police, was, that he saw the truck hit and knock down a boy, who however was apparently uninjured, as he walked away. Judge Browne commended Sergt. Daniels for his work in this connection, and for his interest in the boy.

Two Canadian Army Truck Drivers were before Court on Saturday, charged with speeding on LeMarchant Road. One was fined $15.00 and the other $7.50

A Naval Rating who was before Court Saturday, was fined $2.00 for being drunk and $3.50 compensation for glass broken in the premises of Skinner’s Marble Works.

The Town Department reports their Carpentry Staff are busy erecting an addition to the Corner Brook Stores. This addition will be approximately twelve feet by seventy feet, being built at the rear of the present store, and will be used for storage of stocks of hardware. — Western Star.

A man arrested early on Saturday morning by Sgt. Efford, was before Court, and was charged with breaking into the store of Jessie Oake, New Gower St., and stealing there from, goods to the value of $15.00. The Sergeant came up with the man on George Street, and when he did not give a satisfactory explanation of how he came by some articles that were in his possession, he was taken to the Station. Later it was learned that Oake’s store had been entered. The accused was convicted but was remanded for sentence on motion of the Assistant Chief of Police, who stated that the accused was suspected of other larcenies.

On Saturday, evidence of Dr. LeDrew was taken in the case of the Taximan charged with driving whilst under the influence of liquor. The man was convicted and fined $5.00 and his licence was suspended for six months.

APRIL 28TH 1942


Evidence of 16 Witnesses Taken in Trial of Herbert Spratt

Crown Case Will Conclude Today

The trial of Herbert Spratt, charged with the murder of Josephine O’Brien on the evening of March 17th 1942, opened at the Supreme Court yesterday, before His Lordship the Chief Justice and a special Jury, and when adjournment was taken for the day at 5.15 p.m., so much progress had been made, that the Attorney General intimated that he expected the Crown’s case would conclude at noon today.

Attorney General Hon. L.E. Emerson, K.C. and Mr. H.P. Carter, K.C. appeared for the Crown, and Mr. James A Power for the accused. The following Jury had been sworn in; P.R. McCormac, Alex Stevenson, William Mugford, Ian Graham, Walter Ebsary, Joseph P Williams, John J Hogan, Charles Nightingale, John Flood, Thomas Wellman, John Davenport, Samuel Congdon.

The know facts of the case are, that the accused Herbert Spratt, and the victim Josephine O’Brien, had been keeping company for some time, and their engagement had been announced in the press. She was employed as a Domestic with Mrs. F.V. Cheesman, Hill O’Chips, and her home was in Cape Broyle. On the night of March 17th., some time after 11 o’clock, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Spratt (brother of the accused) who lived at 33 Plymouth Road, returned home and found the body of Josephine O’Brien, lying in a pool of blood on a couch in their kitchen. She was badly lacerated about the head. The Police were notified and later in the night, Herbert Spratt was arrested at the home of another brother, Raymond Spratt, Water Street West. He was accused of murder.

Mr. Carter, K.C, opened the case for the Crown, describing to the jury how Maud Spratt, sister-in-law of the accused, on returning to her flat, No. 33 Plymouth Road about 11 p.m., saw the body of Josephine Spratt on a couch in the kitchen, with her hair covered in blood, and nearby a blood stained flat iron.

Mr. Carter then out lined the evidence of the various witnesses, and called to the witness stand. Const. Eric St. George of the C.I.D.

Plans and Photographs

He stated that on the morning of March 18th he went to house No. 33 Plymouth Road, in company with Sgt. Case, and made a plan of the ground flat showing the two rooms — kitchen and bedroom, occupied by the brother of the accused. The witness explained details of the plan to the jury. The kitchen is 13 feet 2 inches x 10 feet

Const. Harold March sworn, examined by Mr. Carter, said he had being doing fingerprints and photographs work for the C.I.D. for the past eight years. On the night of March 17th shortly after midnight, he went to No. 33 Plymouth Road, and going into the kitchen found Sgt. Case in charge. He saw the body of a young woman lying across a couch in the corner of the kitchen. Her head was covered in blood. There was a flat iron alongside her which was covered with blood, and which had stuck to the couch covering. Witness said he took several photographs of the room and later examined the iron for fingerprints. An electric iron crimson stained, was put into evidence. After taking the photographs, he with several Constables, proceeded to 144 Water Street West to pick up the accused. He arrived about quarter to 1 a.m. He saw a woman in the hall and she directed him to the kitchen, where the accused was lying on a couch. He called Spratt by his Christian name. He was crying and appeared in a dazed condition. Witness said he told Spratt he was wanted in connection with the death of a girl on Plymouth Road. He then put Spratt in the Police Van and he began to talk. Witness gave him a caution but he did not appear to heed and said; “Why did I do it?” “I loved her.” It was about 10 after one a.m. when he brought the accused to the C.I.D. Office. Sgt Case came a few minutes later, and charged Spratt with the murder, and caution him that he was not bound to say anything. The accused said he wanted to make a statement. He did this, and it was taken down by Const. Noel, after which the accused signed it. The witness said that when taken into custody, the accused had no rubbers or scarf with him. There was no cross examination.

Found Body

Maud Spratt sworn, examined by Mr. Emerson K.C., said she was the wife of Edward Spratt and had resided at No. 33 Plymouth Road. There were 2 children. On the afternoon of March 17th she left home to visit her sister at Job Street. She took the children with her and her husband joined her about 6 o’clock. Her brother-in-law and the deceased Josephine O’Brien, were frequent visitors to her home. Her husband told her they were going to be married in June. She saw the deceased wearing an engagement ring which the accused gave her. Witness shown the electric ion, said she put it on the back of the kitchen stove before she went out. Witness said the curtains were held open by strings in the daytime, but were pinned together at night. Then she described how about 11 o’clock, on returning home, she turn on the lights in the kitchen and saw the girl lying dead on the couch, with her hands by her side and her feet on the floor. She could not see her face because it was covered with blood. The sight horrified her and she came in and then telephoned for the Police. Witness said she went with her children to the upstairs flat occupied by Mr. Lynch, Night Watchman at Harvey’s. They kept several boarders. A white scarf, blood stained, found on the kitchen table, a had and coat and handbag, owned by the deceased, were shown the witness and identified. Witness stated that the accused and Josephine O’Brien were in the habit of coming to her home when she was out, but they always told her that they had been there.

This concluded the examination of the witness, and Court rose to resume at 2.30, when the witness was cross-examined by Mr. Power.

Cross examination of Mrs. Spratt by Mr. Power — The iron was used as an electric iron and the cord was attached to it. There was no blind at the windows, and the practice at dusk, was to draw the curtains. Josephine O’Brien and the accused had been at the house at nightfall before, and had seen the curtains drawn. The back of the house faces out on the back of houses on Duckworth Street. There was only one back window. Cheesman’s, where Josephine O’Brien worked, in near the house of the witness, and they often used the house as a meeting place. Josephine O’Brien and the accused were frequent visitors. She knew the accused since she was

married. They had been alone in her house before this. They appeared to be fond of each other. Witness and her husband, Josephine O’Brien and the accused, often played cards together. The accused and Josephine O’Brien always got along well together and always appeared gay. Witness did not see a necklace which the accused bought for Josephine O’Brien for Easter, but she was told of it by his mother. Neither of them had told her of their plans for marriage, but Herbert told her he was paying on furniture.

Set Day for Wedding

Edward Spratt, sworn, examined by Attorney general — On the afternoon of March 17th his wife and children went to her sister’s house at 3 o’clock. He left to loin them at 5.30. His brother and Josephine O’Brien came at 4.30. They remained till 4.45. He told witness then that they were going to be married on June 14th. His brother had told him before, that they were going to be married, but Josephine O’Brien did not, till that day. They had been going to his house practically every night since Christmas. On the afternoon, his brother had asked him to be his best man at the wedding. Witness saw an announcement about the wedding in the paper some time before, and he asked about it, but was told they did not know who had put it in the paper.

Before he went out that evening, he put out the fire. The door was not locked; that was the general practice because of the people upstairs. His wife and he returned about 11.30 that night. His wife went in the house first, and when he went in, he met her coming out the hall crying, and she told him to go inside. When he went in he saw Josephine O’Brien on the couch, covered with blood. He telephoned for the Police, and when they arrived, things were exactly as they were when the witness arrived there. Nothing was disturbed. The curtains were drawn, when he left the house in the evening, the iron was on the back of the stove. As far as he knew, his brother never took a drink. He was quite sober that afternoon.

Cross examined by Mr. Power — It was probably about the time the notice of their engagement appeared in the paper that they spoke about it. Neither of them denied the engagement, but were probable peeved that it should get publicity. They said they were going to put the wedding off till August first, but later decided to have it on June 14th. He did not know how long his brother had been keeping company with Josephine O’Brien. Last year she lived on the Higher Levels, and he did not see them so often. His brother came home from the Navy last June. He left because he was medically unfit. He never saw them quarrel and he saw them practically every night. In the absence of either one, he never heard one of them make complaint about the other’s conduct. Curtains in the kitchen were always drawn when the light was put on, as people in the other houses would be able to see in the kitchen otherwise. Witness did not know of any Easter present bought for Josephine O’Brien by his brother. He knew she had an engagement ring and he saw her with a watch which he had bough for her. On occasions they minded the house, and they were to come and go when they liked.

Re-Examined by Attorney General — He recognized a pair of rubbers as being his brother’s. When they were there in the afternoon, he had not said anything about going up town.

Re–Cross examined by Mr. Power — He did not know if his brother had rubbers on in the afternoon.

Police on Scene

Acting Sergeant Manderson, sworn, examined by Mr. Carter, K.C. — On March 17th he was on duty at the Police Station. He came on shortly before 11 p.m. At 11.22 he answered the telephone. At first he answered three times and received no answer. Then a man’s voice asked for a couple of Police to go to 33 Plymouth Road as they were having a murder there. He instructed Constable Brazil to proceed to Duckworth Street, pick up the two men there, and go to Duckworth Street. He did not know how they got there. There was no Police Van at the Station.

Constable Harold Brazil, sworn, examined by Mr. Carter — He went on duty at 11 p.m. March 17th. About 11.22 he received instructions from Sgt. Manderson and walked along Duckworth Street and picked up two other Policemen East of the War Memorial, and proceeded to Duckworth St. They arrived there at 11.40 and asked what the trouble was. Edward Spratt and Gerald Spratt admitted them, and told them to go to the kitchen. They did so and he saw the dead body of the girl there. Her temple was crushed in and her face was covered with blood. A flat iron was on the couch. A pair of ladies gloves was on the table. He saw a lady’s overcoat and a hat, and also a white scarf on which there were blood stains. On the armchair was a lady’s handbag and he also saw a pair of men’s overshoes. A lady’s handbag was on the dresser. The fire was out, there were splits in the coal bucket. He disturbed nothing in the kitchen. He instructed another Constable to telephone the Chief of Police, and Sergeant Case came about 20 or 25 minutes later. He was the senior man and was in charge till Sgt. Case arrived. There was no cross examination

Went to Brother’s Home

Raymond Spratt, sworn , examined by Attorney General — He lived at 134 Water Street West. On the evening of March 17th. his wife went to a play and he remained home. He saw his brother about 10.45. His brother-in-law was there at the same time. Herbert was not a frequent visitor. Witness was married about two years. He was surprised when Herbert came that night because of the lateness of the hour. When he came in, he appeared to be a man under the influence of liquor. He never knew him to take a glass of liquor in his life. That night he said, “Ray you are my best brother and I love you.” Witness told him he was drunk and asked him in the kitchen. When he got in there he heard Herbert say he had killed his girl. He said “She was going to have a baby and I was not responsible for it”. Witness thought he was drunk. Herbert asked for 10 cents to get a bottle of beer and he refused him. Herbert passed over his wallet. He was sitting pretty near him and smelled no liquor off him. There was no money in his wallet. He telephoned his father’s house and his sister answered. He told them Herbert was there and Gerald said he would come down. He had to go outside to telephone, and when he got back to the house Herbert had gone. When he was in the house, Herbert had shown him a spot of blood on the lapel of his coat. Herbert returned again that night. He heard him say he wanted some place to sleep, and his wife told him to go in the kitchen and lie down. He then telephoned his father’s house again, and told them that Herbert was there, and his sister told him to try and keep him there till they got down.

Cross examined by Mr. Power — He did not believe Herbert when he said he had murdered his girl. He always knew Herbert to be sober.

Was in Bad State

Theresa Spratt, sworn, examined by Attorney General; she is the wife of Raymond Spratt. On March 17th, she attended a concert, and afterwards she walked home with her mother. When she got home her husband and brother were there and shortly afterwards, Gerard Spratt came to the door. At that time Herbert was not there. Gerard did not come in, but had a conversation with her husband just inside the door. She was in bed when another knock came, and her brother, John, answered the door. She got out of bed and hauled on her dress, and Herbert passed her in the hall. He went in the front room, and passed the first chair, and then lay down on the other two chairs. She asked him what was wrong, and he said, “I did something awful. I killed my girl and I want some place to stay for the night.” She told him to go in the kitchen and he did so, and started to cry. He said “I bought a locket for her for Easter and paid $8.50 for it, but did not give it to her yet.” He said “I loved that girl.” He also said, “She was going to have a baby and I killed her.” Terrence Murphy came in then, and witness who had the baby in her arms, took it back to bed, and when she came back again, Herbert was shouting some, and Terrence Murphy told him to stay quite. Then the baby cried again, and she went back, and when she was again coming down, the Police were coming in and took Herbert Spratt away. He was crying then. She met Herbert six or seven times since he came back from the Navy.

Showed Spot of Blood

Cross examined by Mr. Power — Herbert said, “She told me she was going to have a baby.”

Hubert Murphy, sworn, examined by Carter K.C. — He lives at 11 Alexander St. and he is a first cousin of Herbert A. Spratt. On March 17th, he attended a concert at St. Patrick’s Auditorium. He retired about 10.35 and went home. A short time later, Herbert Spratt came in and went in the kitchen. He appeared to be drunk at the time, but he could not detect the least smell of liquor off him. He flopped down in a chair and said, “I killed my girl friend tonight.” He said he had brought her down a large box of chocolates and she said she was going to have a baby. He said he struck her with his fist first and later hit her with an iron. He asked witness for 10 cents and was refused at first, but later witness gave it to him. Later, he saw the accused go across the street. He said, “You don’t believe me,” then he observed his coat and showed spots of blood on it.

Cross examined by Mr. Power — Herbert Spratt came to see him occasionally. He was obviously in a highly excited condition on that night. He never knew him to take a drink. Now, witness would say Spratt was not intoxicated on that night, though he appeared to be. He said he killed his girl that night; not that afternoon.

Terence Murphy, sworn, examined by Mr. Carter, K.C. — He is a first cousin of Herbert Spratt. On March 17th he was singing on a concert and went directly home afterwards. When he got home, he was told that Herbert Spratt had been there drunk, and he went out looking for him. He went to Ry’s house and Ray’s wife said, Gerard had been there looking for Herbert. He went to Herbert’s home and saw his sister, and later witness went to his own home. When he got there he was told that Ray had been there using the telephone, and he went over to Ray’s again. He found Herbert lying down with his overcoat and hat on. He took off his coat and hat and opened his collar. Herb appeared to be delirious and he was shouting and asking God what he should do. He knew Herb very well but never knew him to take any liquor. He was there when the Police arrived and he asked them to permit him to stay there till he notified his parents.

Door Usually Open

Mrs. Beatrice Lynch, sworn, examined by Mr. Carter — She lives on 33 Plymouth Road and occupies the upper part of the house in the lower part of which, Mrs. Edward Spratt lives. Witness had five boarders. She went out at 7.45 that night. In the afternoon, her husband, herself, and Beatrice Tobin were there. Beatrice Tobin went out that afternoon and returned about 5 o’clock. Her husband went to work at 5.45 that evening, and did not return till next morning at 8 o’clock. The first boarder came to tea at 6 o’clock that evening, and two others came at 6.30. There were two keys to the front door and she had both of them. She kept one and had the other for the use of the boarders. It was not usual to lock the front door unless all were out. She heard no noise in the house on that night. She has a radio in the house and it was turned on about 6 o’clock and was still on when she went out. She left three boarders and Bertrice Tobin in the house when she went out. She returned at 11.05 and Mary Sullivan was with her. Two boarders and Bertrice Tobin were home when she arrived. Some time after she returned home, she heard Mrs. Spratt screaming, and she ran downstairs, and then saw the body of Josephine O’Brien. There was no cross examination.

Ambrose Lynch, sworn, examined by Mr. Carter, K.C. — He is employed as a Night Watchman at Harvey & Co., Pier 3. On March 17th, he left his house at 5.40 or 5.45. The door was not locked when he went out and he did not lock it. He saw nobody as he left and he heard no noise.

Radio Was On

Leo Holihan, sworn, examined by Attorney General. His home is at Blackhead and is employed by Cape Construction Co., at the Administration Building. He knew Herbert Spratt only to say good night and good evening. He is a border with Mrs. Lynch. He saw Herbert Spratt on that day. He was working at the time, and saw Spratt and Josephine O’Brien passing along between 4 and 5.30

He knew her as he knew Spratt. Witness arrived home at 6 o’clock on that day. He went out again about 8.30. The radio was on during the time he was home. He never went downstairs. He and two Legrows went out together, and at that time, thinking there was no one in the house, they locked both doors. He returned home again shortly before 12 o’clock. The Legrows were home before that, and so was Mrs. Lynch and Beatrice Tobin. When he went upstairs he heard about what happened and that is all he knew about it.

Cross examined by Mr. Power. On that afternoon about three o’clock he saw Edward Spratt standing in his door.

In House But Saw Nothing

George LeGrow, sworn, examined by Attorney General; he belongs to Broad Cove, B.D.V. and worked at Fort Pepperrell. He is a boarder with Mrs. Lynch. He leaves for work at 6 o’clock and returns about 6.30. When he got back that evening the door was locked, and he opened it with a key which was found hanging between the two doors. It was not usual to find the door locked. It was daylight then, and he did not remember if the light was on in the hall downstairs. The radio was on all the time till they went out at 8.30 and went to the Capitol Theatre, but could not get in, and they returned again at about 9.30. The door was locked and they opened it. The lights were on downstairs when they went out at 8.30, and was on when they returned at 9.30. He heard no noise at any time. He had occasion to go downstairs to the bathroom at 10.30, and had to pass Spratt’s bedroom and kitchen to get there. He heard or saw nothing as he did so. He was called and told about what had happened, but he did not go down.

Herbert LeGrow, sworn. examined by Attorney General; he belongs to Broad Cove, Bay de Verde. He works at Fort Pepperrell and is a border with Mrs. Lynch. On St. Patrick’s Day, he went to work and returned in the usual manner. The door was locked when they arrived and that was unusual. He went downstairs to the bathroom before supper. He noticed nothing in Spratt’s portion of the house. He heard no noise. He and George LeGrow went out to the Capitol Theatre and could not get in there. He returned and sat in the kitchen till about 10 o’clock, and then went to bed. He went to the bathroom before he went upstairs. He heard about what happened, but did not go downstairs.

At this stage, deposition of Bertrice Tobin, at present in the Hospital, was read by the Attorney General. She was employed as a Domestic with Mrs. Lynch. She went out that night at 8.30. The LeGrews and Holihan were in the house when she left. She was not downstairs between 5 and 8.30 p.m. She heard no noise downstairs. She returned home again at 10.30. Herbert and George LeGrew were home when she returned. She went to bed at 11. p.m. and was there when she heard Mr. Spratt shout. She went downstairs and saw the body in the kitchen.

Edward P. Conroy, sworn, examined by Attorney General; He is Government Analyst. On March 19th he received from Dr. Josephson, the stomach contents and a sample of blood of Josephine O’Brien, to examine them for alcohol. The results were negative.

At this stage, adjournment was taken till 10 o’clock this morning.

APRIL 29TH 1942


PETTEN — CAVILL: [This is exactly as written, but Bride’s maiden name was likely ROWE. GW.] On Wednesday evening, April 22nd at the Bethesda Mission on New Gower Street, a quiet but very pretty wedding was solemnised when Mr. Edgar Petten, son of the late Abraham and Mrs. Bertha Petten of Port De Grave, was married to Miss Ethel Cavill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rowe of Seldom Come By, Notre Dame Bay. The bride was becomingly attired in a gown of white satin with accessories to match. She was attended by her sister, Miss Ida Rowe, who was becomingly attired in a gown of rose crepe, and Miss Dorothy Vaters, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vaters, 45 McKay Street of this city, in a gown of blue taffeta. The groom was attended by Mr. William C Peckford, Manager of the Do.X. Stores, New Gower Street, and Mr. James Kennedy. Pastor Frederick Burt performed the ceremony. The reception was held at the home of Pastor E. Vaters, 45 McKay Street. Many friends and relatives expressed their good wishes to both the bride and the groom. It is understood that the young happy couple will spend their honeymoon at the home of Mr. Petten at Port De Grave.


Albert Ryall, who was taken into custody yesterday morning as reported in yesterday News’s, appeared before the Magistrate’s Court in the forenoon, and was charged with assaulting Richard Michaels and doing him grievous bodily harm. He was remanded for eight days on motion of the Assistant Chief of Police.

APRIL 29TH 1942



After about forty-five minutes deliberation, the special Jury in the trial of Herbert A. Spratt, charged with the murder of Josephine O’Brien, returned a verdict of “Guilty” but coupled with the verdict a serious and sincere recommendation of mercy. His Lordship the Chief Justice, then passed the death sentence on the accused. No date was set for the carrying out of the sentence.

When the proceedings were resumed yesterday morning, the first witness called was Dr. Thomas Anderson, who with Dr. Josephson, performed an autopsy on the body on March 17th. In his evidence, Dr. Anderson described the condition of the body as he found it. Dr. Josephson was the next witness, he is the Government Pathologist and about 12.30 on March 18th with Sergeant Case, he proceeded to the home of Edward Spratt on Plymouth Road, and there saw the body of Josephine O’Brien. He described the body as he found it and other conditions prevailing there. He also gave evidence on the post mortem examination of the body, and of examination of clothing for blood marks. The final witness for the Crown was Sergeant W. F. Case who conducted the Police investigation. He was at the home of Edward Spratt on the night of March 17th and later he saw Herbert A. Spratt at the CID headquarters, at which time Spratt made a statement which was taken down on a typewriter by Constable Noel, and which was read over and signed by the accused. The statement was put in evidence.

Record of Accused in Navy.

In the afternoon, Mr. James A. Power, Counsel for the accused, opened the Defence. He called Lieutenant Kevin Maher of the Royal Canadian Navy, who is attached to Headquarters of the Navy in St. John’s, and who has access to Naval Records. He produced the record of Herbert A Spratt, in the Royal Navy, and showed that from May to June 1941, Herbert Spratt served in H.M.S. Rodney, which ship during that time was engaged in the great battle with the German ship Bismarck, Spratt, at the time, was in the sick bay on board the ship. He also produced a letter from the Admiralty which detailed Spratt’s discharge from the Navy, and the reason for same, which was that Spratt was suffering from Pulmonary Tuberculosis.

No more witnesses were called, and the accused himself did not go in the witness box. Mr. Power addressed the Jury on behalf of the accused, and made a able plea.

The Attorney General Hon. L. E. Emerson, K.C., followed, and congratulated Mr. Power on his able defence of the accused, which was as fine an effort as he had heard in his thirty years experience at the Bar. Mr. Emerson concluded his address at 3.45, following which His Lordship

Chief Justice summed up. His Lordship outlined the law to the Jury, indicating what the charge of murder was, and pointed out that the onus of proof rests with the Crown. The Jury retired at 4.20 p.m.

At 4,55 they returned to Court again, and through their Foreman, Mr. P.R. McCormac, they reported they found the prisoner guilty, “But in view of his youth and his record, after serving his King and Country, we wish to couple with this verdict a serious and sincere recommendation of mercy at the hands of the law or representative of His Majesty the King.”

The accused was then called for sentence and was addressed by His lordship the Chief Justice. “You will be taken hence from whence you came, and thence to the place of execution, there to be hanged by the neck until you are dead, and may God have mercy on your soul.”


166th Nfld Field Regiment, R.A.

The under mentioned are promoted to War Substantive Rank of Bombardier with effect from 5/2/42

970061 Act. Bdr. Crosbie, G.C.

970285 Act. Bdr. Parsons, U.

970548 Act. Bdr. Smallwood, H.

970067 Act. L/Sgt. Penney, J.

970211 Act. Bdr. Williams C.B.

970446 Act. Bdr. Harvey, W.A.

970516 Act. Bdr. Roswell, A.H.

970537 Act. Bdr. Kent, J. M.

970124 Act. Bdr .LeMessurier G.E.

970538 Act. Bdr. Griffin, D.

970012 Act. Bdr. Walsh, L.

970242 Act. Bdr. Tilley, F.V.

970080 Act. Bdr. Manston, F.

970541 Act. Bdr. Glover, R.

970207 Act. Bdr. Cooper. R.

970072 Act. Bdr. Hogan, P.

970508 Act. Bdr. Grant, R.

970032 Act. Bdr. Falk, R.

970087 Act. Bdr. Kirby, W.

970645 Act. Bdr. Veitch, J.

970640 Act. Bdr. Coish, W.

970673 Act. Bdr, White, T.

970403 Act. Bdr. Butt, J.S.C.

59th Nfld Heavy Regiment, R.A.

970931 Act. Bdr. Rendell, C.D. Granted War Substantive Rank of Bombardier with effect from 18/2/42

970894 Act. Bdr. Pittman, C.H. Substantive Rank of Bombardier with effect from 18/2/42

971479 Gunner Bishop A.R. Appointed Acting Lance Bombardier with effect from 13/2/42/

971097 Act. L/Bdr. Meadus, R.C. Promoted Acting Bombardier with effect from 28/1/42

971293 Act. L/Bdr. Harvey, P.J Promoted Acting Bombardier with effect from 28/1/42


In connection with an article which appeared in the News on Monday, referring to dogs at large and injuries sustained by a lady as a result of same on Mayor Avenue, Mr. M. Power, Chief Agent of the S.P.A., called at the News Office yesterday. He stated he had interviewed Mrs. Kelly, the lady on Mayor Avenue who was knocked down by dogs. The two dogs, he said were playing, and ran out of an alley, knocking Mrs. Kelly down as she passed. Making enquiries as to the owners of the dogs, Mr. Power got in touch with one who promised to have the dogs chained in the future.

Mr. Power desired us to state that in future, all female dogs allowed to roam at large, will be shot on sight.


©  John Baird, Sue O'Neill, George White  and NL GenWeb