NL GenWebNewspaper TranscriptionsDaily News Avalon South Region ~ St. John's DistrictYEAR END EVENTS 1939 Transcribed by John Baird and Sue O'Neill, formated by George White. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors. |
1 | Mayor Carnell, Mr. Ira Wild, ex - Auditor General, Mr. Arthur Shano
and Capt. Harris Oke on Honor List. Two hundred and seven deaths in United States, over New Year’s Holidays. New tariff schedules comes into effect. Fire at Royal Stores furniture Dept. |
2 | French Premier Daladier visits Corsica, and assures people of French protection. |
3 | Installation and banquet of St. John’s Lodge S.O.E. |
4 | A joint Session of senate and House, President Roosevelt warned
Dictators that United States would resist the strident ambition and brute
force in world affairs. Speech welcomed in Great Britain. Board of Trade protests arbitrary method of Government in ratifying Bowater Agreement. Luncheon and presentation to Mr. G.R. Williams, by Insurance group. |
5 | Danish steamer Otto Peterson, arrives in port with propeller gone.
Annual meeting Leeming Lodge L.O.A. French Premier Dalatlier ended tour of France. African defense line facing Italian Libya. M.C.L.I. open 72nd debating session. Port of Boston tied up by strike of truck drivers. Home of Mr. Gordon Spracklin, Major’s Path, destroyed by fire. |
6 | Outburst of fighting on Czech - Hungarian border. Patricians entertain school choir St. Patrick’s Hall Home occupied by Robert Martin, another belonging to the estate of J. B. Martin at Bell Island, burnt to the ground, and house of John Martin partly destroyed. Senator J.P.B. Casgrain of Canada dead. |
8 | Judge Higgins delivers New Year Message to Patrician Association.
Holy Cross Literary Association hold opening meeting for year Annual meeting Cathedral Men’s Bible Class. Appointment Mr. F.H. Hue, as Fisheries Board Representative at Puerto Rico, announced |
9 | Stores occupied by Sparkes and Bindon badly damaged by fire. Star of the Sea Association annual re-union. Fabian O’Dea chosen Rhodes Scholar. Annual Meeting Wesley Adult Bible Class. |
10 | Prime Minister Chamberlain and Lord Halifax leave for Rome. Canada – Nfld. wireless telephone service, officially opened. His Excellency the Governor, and Governor General of Canada, exchange greetings. Hockey season opens. St. Bon’s defeat Guards 5-3. |
11 | London times suggests Newfoundland as haven for Jewish refugees. |
12 | Woodworking Plant of B. J. Miller and Sons damaged by fire. Mr. R. M. Brophy, General Manager Canadian Marconi Company of Canada, addresses Rotary, on the “Romance of Radio”. Two family house, owned by A Osmond on John Street, badly damaged by fire. Canadian Parliament opens. Lincoln Ellsworth, Explorer, reports discovery of 80,000 miles of new Country in Antarctic. Roosevelt asks congress for $552 million emergency defense funds. |
13 | Morley Richards, Daily Express reported, arrives here to investigate conditions. |
14 | New, one cent coins issued, much smaller in size. |
15 | In strongly worded note, Britain notifies Japan she will not recognize economic changes in China, established through use of force. |
16 | Bomb explosions in England and Ireland, attributed to outlawed Irish
Republican Army. “If I were King” presented at Capital Theatre in aid of Lady Walwyn Cinderella Fund. Annual meeting City Commercial Hockey League. |
18 | Lodge Tasker ladies night. |
19 | Rev. Father O’Brien addresses Rotary. Subject “Medley”. |
20 | Annual meeting Jubilee Guilds. |
22 | Colonial Building damaged by fire. Severe Flu epidemic sweeping city |
23 | Fourteen ships reported disabled in Atlantic storms. Twelve drowned along the English Sea Coast. Child Welfare annual Meeting Severe storm sweeps city. Will Rogers wins first points game for the season at Curling Rink. |
25 | Town of Chilten Peru, destroyed by earthquake, 30,000 dead. Burns Night fittingly celebrated by St. Andrew’s Society. Sir Stafford Cripps expelled from British Labor Party. Joe Louis retains Heavyweight Championship by technical K.O in first round, over challenger John Henry Lewis. |
26 | Barcelona in hands of Franco troops. Avalon Lodge A.F. & A.M. celebrates 80th anniversary. Annual meeting Ladies’ College aid Society. |
27 | Privy Council decides in favor of United Towns in income tax case.
Annual meeting of Historical Society. |
28 | Reshuffle in Chamberlain Cabinet. Sir Thomas Inskip appointed to
Dominion Office; Lord Chatfield to Coordination of Defense; Sir Reginald
Smith to Agriculture. W.B. Keats, Irish Poet and Dramatist, dies. |
29 | Annual meeting British and Foreign Bible Society |
30 | Annual meeting of Board of Trade. Post Office bowling team wins Civil Service Championship. Hitler in Reichstag address, demands return of Colonies. |
1 | Annual Meeting Gower Street United Church |
2 | President Roosevelt tells Senate Military Committee, that America
would help European Democracies to arm against Totalitarian aggression.
Avalon Lodge holds Father and Son Banquet Conference of Agricultural Field Workers ends. Old Favorites stage “The Will of the Wisp”. Franco opens negotiations for armistice in Catalonia. Japanese submarine with 40 crew founders. Municipal Council rejects request of sealing companies for remittance of duty on coal |
5 | Spanish Government fled from Catalonia.. St. Patrick’s Parish initiates “Week of Entertainment.” Halifax Wolverines defeat City All-Stars in final game of visit 7 - 0. Visitors won two of the three games played. |
6 | Premier Chamberlain announces that any threat to the vital interest of France, would find Britain solidly behind her great war ally. |
7 | Arabs refuse to sit with Jewish delegates at opening of Palestine
Appeasement Conference at London. Premier Chamberlain compelled to address
delegation separately. C. of E. Cathedral New Parish Hall (formerly Synod Hall) officially opened by the Bishop of Newfoundland. French Senate opposes Government Foreign Policy. Hon. M.P. Gibbs lectures on Michael Dewitt and the Irish Land League, before the Star of the Sea Society. |
8 | Report on Newfoundland petroleum possibilities by Anglo Equadorian Oil Fields Ltd., made public. The Company decides not to proceed further with investigation. |
9 | British freighter “Marie de Larrinage” with a crew of 37, foundered
340 miles S.E. of Cape Race. Old Feildian’s Smoker. Municipal Council asks for check-up on city scales. Japanese land troops on Haiana Island, off the Coast of French Indo China. Directors of James Baird Ltd., tender employees dinner, to celebrate victory of firm’s bowlers. Annual Meeting S.A. League of Mercy. Annual Meeting George St. congregation. |
10 | His Holiness Pope Pius XI died. Radio telephone system extended to Burin Peninsula. Annual meeting Holy Name Society St. Patrick’s |
11 | Government announces policy of loans, for purchase of vessels for deep sea fishing. |
13 | Annual meeting Tasker Educational Fund. |
14 | His Excellency and Lady Walwyn, attend Duffy Ice Review. Pope Pius XI laid to rest in St. Peters. |
16 | Premier de Valera, declares Eire could not remain neutral in a war
between Great Britian and another State. Commissioner Ewbank outlines Government’s Forest Policy. City Council favors no change in “Drive to Left”. Annual meeting St. John’s Women’s Auxiliary for the Blind, held at Government House. Annual meeting St. Andrew’s Society. Annual meeting St. John’s Branch G.W.V.A. Anniversary dance Newfoundland Protective Association of Shop and Office Employees, Lady Walwyn addresses Macdonald Fellowship Club. Annual meeting Queen’s Road Presbyterian Church Nfld. boot and shoe team wins championship Commercial Bowling League. Annual meeting Marine Engineers Association. |
17 | Annual meeting Benevolent Irish Society United States joined France and Britain, in demanding explanation of Japan’s occupation of Hainan Island. His Excellency and Lady Walwyn, see Jubilee Guild workers, under training in Columbus Hall. Police team victory in club shooting contest. |
19 | Solemn service of Requiem for late Pope at Roman Catholic Cathedral. His Excellency the Governor in attendance. |
20 | Annual meeting Nfld. Protective Association Shop and Office Employees.
Rotary Anniversary celebrated by ladies night. |
21 | Photograph of late Rt. Hon. Sir William F Lloyd, P.C., K.C.M.B.,
unveiled in law Library. Tributes paid to his memory by the Chief Justice,
Sir William Horwood, the Commissioner for Justice, Hon. L.E. Emerson, Mr.
C. O’N Conway and Mr. Gordon Stirling. Queen Mary visits Nfld. stand, at British Industries Fair. Presented with a pair of dress shoes, made from Nfld. seal leather. New Belgium Cabinet constructed under Catholic Senator Pielot. |
22 | Ash Wednesday Lenten Season begins. President of Fishermen’s Union, Mr. K.M. Brown, in interview in Daily News, declares $4.75 should be minimum price for young fat. Daily News publishes resolution from working men of Coley’s Point, opposing formation Longshoremen’s Union. |
23 | Germany ordered all Jews within the Reich, to hand over all their
jewels and precious metals by March 7th. Government of Eire adopts death penalty for treason. Believed measures aimed at outlawed Irish Republican Army. Annual meeting Y.W.C.A. |
24 | Secretary of Posts, announces issue of new stamp to commemorate visit
of their Majesties. Sealing Company representatives, in interview with Daily News, declares $4.75 for fat impossible. State, men willing to sign for $4.00. Peremier Daladier, won Chamber of Deputies vote of confidence, for recognition of Spanish Nationalist Regime. Manchuokuo enters pact against Communist International. Hungary smashed party of Nazi sympathizers, and join anti-communist pact. Police team won Fraser cup in Civil Service Bowling. |
25 | Germany announces new income tax on bachelors, spinsters and childless
married couples. Two Norwegian steamers bound for Newfoundland sealing grounds, reported lost in North Atlantic. Appointments to staff of Nfld. Broadcasting Corporation announced. Mr. W. F. Galgay appointed Station Manager. British Government’s new proposals for settlement of Palestine question, rejected by Jewish Executive. Premier Negrin accepts armistice, bringing to an end, 31 months civil strife in Spain. His Excellency the Governor and Lady Walwyn, inspect new Broadcasting Station in Mount Pearl. |
26 | Mass meeting Pitts-Memorial Hall, hears address on “The Underworld”
from Major H A Hurd, S.A. 3000 Italians leave France for Italy. New war decrees, providing for militarization of the entire economic life of the Nation, issued by Mussolini. Annual meeting Presentation Convent Ladies’ Association. |
27 | Premier Chamberlain announced that Britain and France, acting
simultaneously, had accorded full recognition to the Franco regime in
Spain. Announcement caused stormy scene in Commons, as labor members
charged Chamberlain with betraying Democracy. Nadejola Rostantinova Raupskaya, widow of Nakolai Lenin, known as the grand mother of Soviet Russia, dead. Hon. R.B. Ewbank left for Port aux Basques, to confer with fishermen concerning General Sea Foods agreement. Residence of Dr. Olds, Twillingate, with contents, destroyed by fire. Two other Norwegian sealers reported in distress. Conception Bay hockey series. First round resulted in wins for Bay Roberts and Hr. Grace teams. |
28 | House of Commons approves recognition Franco Regime by 344 to 136.
Bowater Contract aired in Commons. Bay Roberts Hockey team, winners of Conception Bay championship. S.S. Ranger leaves for seal fishery in the Gulf. |
1 | Commissioner for Natural Resources confers with representative
Merchants and Fishermen at Port aux Basques regarding General Seafoods
contract. 2000 killed when Japanese arsenal exploded. Cardinals went into Conclave to choose new Pope. Sealing steamer Ranger reported in difficulty off St. Lawrence. Italy and Poland agree to friendly collaboration. |
2 | Mr. Henry Kispich announces plans for settling refugees on Labrador.
Cardinal Pecelli chosen as new Pope. Will be known as Piux XII. Great Britain announces 65 per cent increase in Air Force appropriations Capt. C.W. Windsor extended complementary dinner, by sealing Captains. Radio Telephone connection with Burin officially opened. 25 dead, and property damage of $800,000 occurred, when Queen Hotel at Halifax was destroyed by fire. French Government appointed Marshal Petain as Ambassador to nationalist Spain. |
3 | Nazis open campaign against liquor and tobacco. House on Parade Street, occupied by Thomas Flynn and Leo Goodland, badly damaged by fire. Mahatma Gandhi begins 5th hunger strike. S.S. Ranger towed to Trepassey by Imogene. Cape Breton Monarchs defeat St. Bon’s in three successive games, winning Cousins Cup Job Brothers ladies’ team wins championship of Business Ladies Bowling League, for fifth successive time. |
4 | Sealing steamers Terra Nova, Neptune, Imogene, and Eagle sailed for seal fishery. |
5 | General Casado, Commander of Republican Army in Madrid, issues
manifesto denouncing Premier Negrin, and declaring he will continue
struggle. S.S. Ranger arrived in port midnight, under her own power. |
6 | His Excellency the Governor and Lady Walwyn, leave for England.
Chief Justice, Sir William Horwood, sworn is as administrator of the Government. Miron Criesta, Premier of Rumania, and Patriarch of the Romanian Church, dead at 69. St. Bon’s wins Junior Inter-College Championship. |
7 | Spanish Republican Fleet, surrendered at Buseste Tanasia, and disarmed
by French Officials. Street battles in Madrid, between Communist and two day old Government of General Miaja. Five children burnt to death in Halifax fire. Labor dispute at Bay Roberts, between Merchants and local union. Gandhi terminates fast, following communication from Viceroy. St. Bon’s win championship in senior hockey league. Nfld. Boot and Shoe Co. bowling team, wins Winter Cup. |
8 | Reported, London Conference regarding Palestine, breaks down. British
Government decides to impose its own plan for controlling Holy Lands.
President Roosevelt discusses business recovery plan and tax reform, indicating his Government’s decision to cooperate with business. Inter-Club Bowling League games formally opened. |
9 | Britain warns General Franco, that any attack on British shipping
would meet with prompt retaliation. Madrid Communists surrender to General Miaja, after four days of conference. |
11 | Mr. J. H. Grovin, leaves for England by way of the United States.
Luigi Cardinal Maglione appointed Papal Secretary of State. Bay Roberts ladies, first hockey champions in Avalon series. |
12 | Pope Pius XII crowned. Special service in R.C. Churches here marked coronation. |
13 | Two day snowstorm in Eastern U.S.A., took toll of 32 lives.
Another Czechoslavakia crisis develops. Germans invade country. New Broadcasting Station formally opened, with elaborate ceremony by H.E. The Administrator Sir Wm. Horwood. Messages received from abroad, report excellent reception. Annual meeting of Masonic Club. Presentation by Broadcasting Staff to Mr. E.W. Farmer, Radio Engineer of Canadian Marconi Company, who designed and installed new transmitter. Bell Island Hockey team, Island Champions. Britain sends sharp protest to Japan, regarding bombing of Hospital at Siam. |
14 | Federal Czeck-Slovak state dissolved. Czech Provinces of Bohemia and
Moravia become an autonomous State within the German Reich;
Carpatho-Ukraine becomes part of Hungary, and a new Slovak Republic is
created. First seals taken by S.S. Beothic, which reports 500 on board. Nfld Building and Loan Association, at annual meeting, reports successful year. |
15 | Hitler makes triumphant entry into Prague. Bohemia and Moravia becomes new Province of the German Reich. Hungarian troops cross Carpatho-Ukraine, and establish common border with Poland. Rt. Rev. Bishop March D.D., celebrates Golden Jubilee of his ordination to the Priesthood |
16 | Hitler grabs all Czechoslovakia. Professor A.M. Fraser M.A., addresses M.C.L.I. on the Munich Pact. President T. H. O’Neill of the B.I.S. speaks to Rotary on the life of St. Patrick. St. Bon’s hockey team defeats Bell Island 2-0, winning all Newfoundland Championship. |
17 | Sir Humphrey Walwyn, Governor of Newfoundland, received in audience by
His Majesty the King. Prime Minister Chamberlain bitterly denounces Hitler’s grab of Czechoslovakia. In the United States, Mr. Summer Wells of the State Department, and Senator Pittman, strongly condemn Hitler’s coup. Customary celebration of St. Patrick’s Day by B.I.S. Annual Dog Derby at Port Hope Simpson. Winner George Morris of Seal island. Time 4 hrs and 37 mins. Rome News Commentator, declared events in Czechoslovakia, only prelude to bigger undertaking by Rome-Berlin axis. Premier Daladier of France, asks unlimited powers, in view of developments in mid-Europe. |
18 | A squad of Police leave for Bay Roberts, where labor troubles have
arisen between men of Coley’s Point, and members of the L.S.P.U.
Annual meeting of N.A.H.A. |
19 | French Parliament grants Premier Daladier unprecedented dictatorial
powers. Sweeping measurers to speed up arms production, and strengthen
Armed Forces, introduced. London tense over week-end. King George summoned back to London. Rev. Bro. Ennis of Mt. Cashel, celebrates Golden Jubilee. |
20 | Announced Britain to send trade mission to Rumania. |
21 | Fascist Grand Council, stands firmly behind Hitler’s newest partition
of Central Europe. Germany serves ultimatum on Lithuania, demanding
cession of Memel. Lithunia surrenders. Rumania called more Reservists to the Colors. |
22 | Lester’s team wins City Bowling League Championship. |
23 | Germany and Slovakia concluded twenty-five year treaty, guaranteeing
the “independence” of Slovakia, and providing for the Reich to take over
the exclusive military protection of this small remnant of Czechoslovakia.
Russia agrees to join with Britain and France, in an anti-aggression pact. Jimmy Hines, formerly powerful Tammany Leader, sentenced to eight years imprisonment for racketeering. Ontario Legislature passed resolution, calling on Federal Parliament for legislation, providing for mobilization of Canada’s wealth and manpower, in the event of war. Hon. J.H. Penson addresses Board of Trade on “Some Aspects of Canadian Immigration Regulations.” |
24 | Poland calls up reserves, to strengthen Garrisons along the Lithuanian Frontier. |
26 | Peace negotiations unexpectedly break down in Spain, and fighting is
renewed. Eight killed in airliner crash at Oklahoma, Speaking at 20th anniversary of Fascist Party, Mussolini made militant speech, declaring readiness to fight any anti-fascist bloc. |
27 | Loyalist troops defending Madrid, march out under white flag, and lay
down arms. Hungary and Slovakia begin negotations on border dispute. Japs capture Nanchaung, Captail of Kiangsi Province, “Yankee Clipper” arrives at Azores from Baltimore. |
28 | 34 members, mostly Conservative, of the House of Commons, sponsor a
motion calling for all party Government. Military Government formed in Lithuania. Madrid capitulates after nearly 25 month siege. Morley Richards, writing in London Express, advocates a capitol loan for Newfoundland up to $100,000,000 for Industrial Development. Annual meeting Wesley L.A. Presentation to Wor. Bros. L. J. Harnum and G. G. Hibbs, by Tasker Celebration Committee, in appreciation of their work as Secretary and Chairman of the committee. Annual Masonic Service, on behalf of Tasker Educational Fund, at C.of E. Cathedral |
29 | French Prime Minister Daladier, replies to Mussolini, declaring France
would not cede a foot of land, or one of her rights. French trawler “Valliant” arrived in port, damaged after collision on The Banks with another trawler. Labor troubles at Coley’s Point temporarily settled, and “Marine Trader” allowed to load. Newfoundland grant-in-aid, 1939-1940 to be £2,000,000. |
30 | France signs Commercial Accord with Rumania. Annual meeting M.C.L.I. H.G.R. Mews re-elected President. St. Andrews Society Father and Son Banquet Presbyterian Hall Annual meeting Old College Tennis Association. |
31 | Prime Minister Chamberlain, warns that Britain will support Poland in
case of aggression. Hitler aroused by speech. Bomb explosion in Fleet Street, attributed to I.R.A. Order of two new steamers for Railway, placed with Scottish Shipbuilding Firm. |
1 | Speaking from behind a bullet proof glass screen, Hitler replied to
Chamberlain, but avoided going beyond intimating that he might cancel Navy
Treaty with Britain. Coley’s Point team, won first Junior Hockey Championship of Conception Bay, when they defeated Holyrood team 4 - 1. |
3 | Chamberlain policy of defensive alliance against Germany approved by
all parties in the Commons. “War Guilt” trials begin Spain. 21 put to death. Installation Whiteway Lodge A.F. and A.M. Brother H.D. MacGillivary, W. M. Rev. Br. Fenessey laid to rest at Belvedere. King Ghazi of Iraq killed in motor accident. |
4 | Nine Caribou arrived by train for export to Nova Scotia. Reported order to Fleet to man anti-aircraft guns, and “to be ready for anything” creates sensation in England. George Monk-Mason, British Consul at Mosul, Iraq, murdered. Junior Matriculation class prize debate at St. Bon’s. Exhibition by pupils of Holloway School. |
5 | All Italians, except Diplomatic Staff, advised to evacuate Albania, in
view of possible attack by Italy’s Armed Forces on King Zog’s Nation.
Britain and Poland conclude military alliance. Chamberlain denies any order given to fleet to man anti aircraft guns. Refuses to dismiss Lord Stanhope, who was responsible for statement. |
7 | Holland re-enforces Frontier’s defense. Announced that Spain had signed anti-comintern pact. Premier Joseph Lyons of Austria passed away. Commissioner of Natural Resources, initials provisional agreement between Commission of Government, and General Seafoods. |
9 | Pope Pius broadcasts plea for peace, charity and justice. Neptune and Beothic arrived from seal fishery, hailing 6,800 and 20,000 pelts respectivly. President Roosevelt and Secretary of State Hull scorn Italian invasion of Albania. United College Jr. Basketball Team won championship, after defeating Feildians 27 to 2. Defeating Carbonear Jr. 6 to 5. Bay Roberts team won Conception bay Jr. Hockey championship. |
10 | Holland called up Border Troops because of war danger. British Cabinet held long meeting, and decided to summon Parliament immediately. Premier Chamberlain warned Mussolini, that any attempt to seize Greek Island of Corfu would be a sufficient cause for war. Inter-Collegiate basketball championship, senior section, won by St. Bon’s. |
11 | Turkey grants Rumanian demand to open Dardanelles in time of war.
Mr. Thomas Lodge, former Commissioner, arrives on a visit. Neptune turned out 6,965 seals. |
12 | Germany renewed demands on Poland for the return of Danzig. 10,000 British Troops transferred to Egypt from Palestine. Annual Tasker celebration for children, followed by dance at night. St. Bon’s hockey team banqueted by Old Boy’s Association. |
13 | British and French Prime Ministers hit out strongly against Italian rape of Albania, and united in guaranteeing Greece and Rumania against aggression. Speeches were enthusiastically received by Rome-Berlin axis. |
14 | Field Marshal Goering, and other high Nazi Officers, in conference
with Mussolini. President Roosevelt again lashes out against Dictators. Poland and Rumania pledge mutual assistance, in event of attack by other Nations. Mr. C. Rex Renouf admitted as Solicitor of Supreme Court. |
15 | President Roosevelt stages a world surprise, when he makes personal
appeal to Hitler and Mussolini, for ten year, non aggression pledge.
Appeal hailed with rejoicing by all anti-dictator Nations. Intense Military and Naval activity in Mediterranean. Britain strengthens Gibraltar defense and re enforces Garrison. Four French Warships arrive there. Pope appealed to Spanish Rulers to lead that Country back to the ideals of the Church. Representative of the Board of Trade, and Salt Codfish Association, meet Commissioner of Natural Resources, and latter outlined Government’s proposal for granting assistance to the Salt Cod Fish Industry during the coming season. |
16 | Imogene arrived from seal fishery, having in tow, German steamer
“Bochum”, which was damaged by ice 120 miles off this Coast. Hailed for
24,336 seals. Curling season brought to an end, with a dinner and presentation of prizes at Newfoundland Hotel. |
17 | French Warships take over Naval Defense of Gibraltar, releasing
British ships for duty elsewhere. S.U.F. annual Flipper Dinner. |
18 | Ungava returns from ice fields with 22,536 pelts. 34,000 ton French Liner “Paris”, badly damaged by fire at La Have. |
19 | Mr. Claude Howse of the Geological Department, returning home from
Quebec, where he attended the annual meeting of the Canadian Institute of
Mining and Metallurgy, reported that Newfoundland Mineral samples had
attracted enormous interest. Annual re-union of Light and Power Employees Association at Newfoundland Hotel. |
20 | Prime Minister Hertzog of South Africa, declared his Government would
not consider returning S.W. Africa to Germany. British Government sets up Ministry of Supply. Dr. Leslie Burgin, New Minister. Hitler celebrates 50th birthday with impressive military parade in Berlin. Premier Mussolini rejected President Roosevelt’s 10 year, non-aggression truce. Llewellyn Club annual flipper dinner. Ex-Commissioner Thomas Lodge addresses Rotary on some aspects of the Nfld. problems. |
21 | Princess Elizabeth celebrates 13th birthday. |
23 | London “Sunday Express” urges British Government to start Naval recruiting in Nfld. |
24 | Yugoslavia lines up with Axis Powers. Sir Neville Henderson, British Ambassador, returns to Berlin. Representative fish Merchants from S.W. Coast, arrive to discuss new fishery policy with Commissioner of Natural Resources. Marques of Lothian appointed British Ambassador to U.S.A. |
25 | Largest peace time budget introduced by Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Taxpayers will have to find £943,000,000. Defense costs £630,000,000.
Annual meeting Municipal Workers. Annual meeting of ladies Auxiliary B. I. S. Annual meeting Football League. |
26 | British Government announces decision to install compulsory Military training. |
27 | House of Commons endorsed conscription measure by 376 to 145. Labor
and Liberal Opposition voting against it. President Roosevelt asked Congress for $1,477,000,000 to meet nation’s expenditure for next fiscal year. Councilor Meaney outlines housing scheme for Council. Annual meeting Civil Servant’s Association. |
28 | The New York times states that President Roosevelt proposed meeting at
sea with Mussolini and Hitler, for the purpose of learning from them,
their terms for pledging a lasting peace, and in case such were
practicable, to offer his service as Intermediary. Two Russian Fliers attempting non-stop flight from Moscow to New York made forced landing in New Brunswick. One of the flyers slightly injured. Hitler speech before the Reichstag, denounced German-Polish pact, and the Anglo-German Naval Agreement. Bowaters signed logging agreement with F.P.U. and workers of the Central Protective Union, Deer Lake. Governor and Lady Walwyn arrived in New York from England, and attend opening of world’s Fair, as guest of the Fair Authorities. Nfld. Butter Co. employees, hold reunion at Nfld. Hotel. Nfld. Government report of 1938, issued in London as a “?”–MISSING |
30 | New York World Fair opened by President Roosevelt. Fair attended by
600,000 people. Russian flyers, flying from Moscow and forced down in New Brunswick, reached New York 11.32 p.m. |
MAY | |
2 | Annual meting P.M.D.F. DeValera protests conscription in Northern Ireland. Business Ladies’ Bowling League reunion. |
3 | Britain offers to exchange non aggression assurances with Germany.
Russian Foreign Affairs Commissionaire Maxim Liveinoff released from his post. Employees of Steers Ltd. and their friends, hold get together at Bergvilla Topsail. Announced Mr. J.J. Lacey elected Director of U. S. Fidelity and Guarantee Co. St, Mary’s sale of work. |
4 | Premier Daladier re affirms French Policy with regards to Poland.
Municipal Council endorses Councillor Meaney’s housing scheme, and decides to submit plans to Government. Lieutenant Col. L.C. Outerbridge addresses Rotary on Canada and her Empire relations. Installation of Officers Shannon Chapter. |
5 | British Government reported to have agreed to unite with Russia in the
Military Alliance calling for mutual assistance in case of aggression.
Poland said an emphatic no, to German demands for Danzig and a road through the corridor. Harry Coff arrested in Washington, charged with having pointed an unloaded rifle at President Roosevelt. C.L.B. Intercollegiate sports. U.C. College winning the team shield. |
6 | Their Majesties the King and Queen leave Portsmouth on board the
“Empress of Australia” for Canada. King and Queen given tremendous send off as they leave for Canada. |
7 | Germany and Italy announced Military Alliance aimed directly against
Anglo-French Encirclement Policy. Pope Pius XII issued an appeal for peace. Cathedral Men’s Bible Class opens “Harbor and Wharf” Mission for 47th year. |
8 | Educational week began. Britain offers to mediate between Poland and Germany over the future status of Danzig. Duke of Windsor appeals for world peace in a broadcast address to America from Verdum France. |
9 | Scandinavian Countries reject Germany’s offer. Poland warns Germany that any attempt to alter the status of Danzig, might lead to war. 14th annual meeting Nfld. Branch of W.M.S. opened in Gower Street Church. |
10 | His Excellency the Governor and Lady Walwyn returned from England via
New York. Wanderers win championship in Intermediate basketball league. |
11 | Prime Minister Chamberlain warns Nazis that any attempt to change the
situation in Danzig by force, will mean war. Annual meeting congregation St. Thomas’s Church. Pope abandons efforts to compose the quarrels of Europe around the conference table at the Vatican. 8 dead in elevator fire at Chicago. |
13 | Turkey and Britain announced Mutual Assistance Pact. French Premier Daladier given a vote of confidence by Chamber of Deputies. Annual meeting C of E Cathedral Parishioners. Commissioner for Finance announced reduction of duty on gasoline for fishermen. |
14 | In speech at Turin, Mussolini declared did not believe any European
problem serious enough to justify war. German Propaganda Ministry statement criticized Mussolini’s speech. His Lordship, Bishop White, opened drive to raise funds for C of E College. |
15 | Appointment of J.H. Gorvin C.B.E. to be member of Commission
Government. Announced that co-ordinating committee rejects Government
fishery policy. Charles Backman, 25 years old Swedish Flier on a trans-Atlantic flight from Bangor, Maine to Stockholm, Sweden landed at Nfld. Airport 6 p.m., being the first foreign flier to avail of the advantages of the Airport. |
16 | Flier Backman took off from airport at 5.20 a.m. for Sweden.
Official program for King’s visit published. Sir Thomas Inskip, in reply to commons question, says he would inquire from Commission of Government as to possibility of setting up civilian conservation camps for unemployed Newfoundland youths. |
17 | British Government announces policy with regards to Palestine.
Proposes to make Palestine an independent state within 10 years, in which
Arabs and Jews would share proportionally in the Government. Jews report
to be opposed to policy. King and Queen landed at Quebec, received enthusiastic welcome. Ayre and Sons lady bowlers hold annual social at Newfoundland Hotel. |
18 | Serious disorder broke out in Palestine as Jews demonstrate against
British Government’s new policy. Compulsory service bill passes third reading, with Labor Party opposing measure. 2,000,000 people enthusiastically greet King and Queen at Montreal. Fire at Hant’s Hr, T.B. Liberals again sweep P.E.I. |
19 | King and Queen at Ottawa attend Canadian Parliament. Holy Cross wins Championship in club bowling. |
20 | Branch-Cape Shore Development Committee report issued. 50 drowned, more that 200 injured by floods in Mexico. |
21 | Killing of German in Danzig by Pole, creates disturbance in that city. |
22 | In communication to the Press at Winnipeg, Sir Richard Squires urges
that the Royal visit be made the occasion for taking Newfoundland into the
Canadian Conference. King and Queen at Toronto. Dionne Quints presented to their Majesties. B.I.S. wins billiard tournament with Masons, and the R.E. Innes Cup. |
23 | 26 lose their lives when the United States submarine Squalus was
trapped by faulty valves, 240 feet below sea level, off New Hampshire. 33
were saved. British Commons approves Government’s Palestine proposals, after strong criticism from all sides of the house. King George broadcast Empire Day address to his subjects, throughout the world, following greetings extended to Their Majesties, from all sections of the Empire. Queen Mary injured when her car came into collision with a lorry and was overturned. 1st St. John’s Troop Boy Scouts indoor sports. |
24 | Annual State Convention K of C. L.O.A. parade at Carbonear. |
25 | Britain informs Russia that she agrees in principle to a military pact
calling for mutual assistance, in case of aggression in Europe. Light and Power Co. Team champion in City Inter- club Bowling League. |
26 | St. Andrew’s N.G.I.T. hold mother and daughter banquet at Presbyterian
Hall. Commissioner Ewbank reviews Government new Fishery Policy. Dr. Chas Mayo, famous American Surgeon, dies in Chicago. Mr. Arthur Taylor, for 50 years Organist in the Carbonear Methodist, now United Church, honored by old members of the choir. |
27 | B.I.S. celebrates birthday of Thomas Moore, Irish Poet. Germany bans religious broadcasts, and curbs sale of Bibles. Thomas H Smith, 27, of Los Angeles, took off for Europe from Old Orchard Beach, Maine, in small airplane. Not heard of since. |
29 | 20 killed in bomb explosion in Jerusalem. 1st heat wave for the seasons strikes New York. Russians and Japs clash on Manehukun border. . Carpenters’ Protective Association celebrates 1st anniversary. |
30 | Arab committee rejects plan for Palestine proposals Turkish Military Mission arrives in London Labor troubles at Bay Roberts. 7 convicted of disorderly conduct. |
31 | Russia rejects Anglo-French proposal. Postal authorities announce establishment of Postal Saving Banks throughout the Country. 42 school children injured in a gas explosion, which blew out the walls of School House at Barbarton Ohio. King and Queen leave Vancouver on their journey towards home. Mr. Gerald Davidson broadcasts outline of proposals submitted by him to the Government, for development of timber areas in Labrador. K of C Billiard players dined by E.C.I. at Donovan’s. |
JUNE | |
1 | British submarine “Thetis”, on trial trip, fails to rise after
submerging, and only 4 of 102 on board escape. Mr. Ray Gushue, Chairman of Newfoundland Fisheries Board, speaks to Rotary, on “Newfoundlands future in the frozen fish industry.” Heavy windstorm did much damage to fishing gear at Garnish and vicinity. |
2 | Pope Pius told an assembly of Cardinals, he has received a sympathetic response to his recent appeal for peace, to the heads of several European States. |
3 | Chairman in statement, declares “Thetis” disaster, due to flooding of
forward compartments, through torpedo tubes. Attempted assassination Duchess of Kent, frustrated Police, who subdued man as he pointed gun at the Duchess in London. Suez Canal Co. rejects Italy demand for representation on Canal’s Board of Management. Pope Pius renews efforts to promote European peace. King and Queen don overalls to descend Frood Nickel mine at Sudbury, Ont. Annual meeting Regatta Committee. Football season opens Guards defeat Mt. Cashel 5-0. |
6 | Graduating exercises Memorial College. Telephone communication with Grand Falls established. Masonic billiardists entertain B.I.S. Newfoundland Tennis Association annual meeting. |
7 | Germany signs non-aggression treaties with Latvia and Estonia. Old Feildian Club annual meeting and smoker. King and Queen arrived in U.S.A. just before midnight. |
8 | Annual St. Bon’s sports. Annual sports Bishop Field College. Anglo-Japanese relations in Far East becomes strained. Japan threatening to take over all International settlements in China. King and Queen arrive at Washington as guests of President and Mrs. Roosevelt. Anglo - American friendship pledged at State dinner. United Church Conference opens in Carbonear. Rev. A.R Baggs elected President. |
9 | Annual meeting Playground Association. Representative of British Foreign Office goes to Moscow, to continue negotiations with Soviets. Rev. John W. Woodside, Moderator United Church of Canada, arrives to attend Conference at Carbonear. |
11 | Premier Albert George Ogilvice, of Tasmania, dead. 48. King and Queen receive tumultuous reception in New York. |
13 | United Church College and Schools hold Sport days. United Church Conference concludes its sessions. Presentation to Hon. R.B. Ewbank, by staff of Natural Resources Dept. |
14 | Japanese blockade foreign areas of Tientsin. Holy Cross fair opens at Arena. St. Patrick’s Hall Schools hold sports. |
15 | 300 fishermen on Sagona, on way to Labrador, send greetings through
Capt. Knee, to King and Queen. Pentecostal Conference opened. Daily News Issues special Royal Visit Supplement. Santa Cruz Oil Co. deposits $150,000, as guarantee of good faith to carry out their herring contract. King and Queen leave Halifax for Newfoundland. His Excellency the Governor, speaks to Rotary on “My Impressions in England.” |
17 | French submarine “Phenix”, sinks with 71 lives, off Coast of Indo China. |
18 | Fire destroys 16 buildings at St. Pierre. King and Queen land at Holyrood, drive to St. John’s, and receive the unbounded welcome of the people. Highlights of the visit, were the Civic Reception, when the King broadcast a brief message of good cheer; the stop at the War Memorial, and the inspection of the ranks of War Veterans, the final drive around the city, the garden party at Government House, during which recent recipients of honors were invested; inspection of the Scouts and Brigades, and tremendous send off, at Portugal Cove. St John’s was gay with bunting for the occasion. King confers honor of Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, upon the Governor’s Private Secretary, Capt. C.M.R. Schwerdt, R. N. New 34,000 ton Mauretania leaves Liverpool on her maiden voyage. |
19 | $200,000 Imperial Airways seaplane Connemera, designed for
Trans-Atlantic service, destroyed by fire. 15th annual convention of the Nfld. Medical Association opens. |
20 | Mr. J. H. Gorvion, new Commissioner for Natural Resources, arrived.
Championship series Football League opens. Guards and B.I.S. draw. |
21 | Japanese tighten blockade of China, by subduing Swatow, principal port of entry for imports since capture of Canton. Annual dinner Medical Association. |
22 | Walt Mason, Prose Poet, dead. President Roosevelt recommends $3,000,000,000 self-liquidating program, to aid recovery. King and Queen receive tumultuous welcome from cheering millions, as they arrive in London. |
23 | Graduating Ceremony at Grace Hospital. Irish Republican Army outlawed by Government of Erie. |
24 | 53rd Annual congress of A.A. opens. California jolted by earthquake. No casualties. “Mauretania” completes maiden voyage to New York. |
25 | Chamberlain warns Japan that British Government will not tolerate ill-treatment of its Nationals. |
26 | London “Evening Standard” declares Nfld. Commission Government has
failed, and said Dominion Status should be restored to the Island.
Commissioner for Justice, Emerson, and Chief Justice Horwood, paid tribute to late Judge Kent. |
27 | Premier Daladler in Chamber of Deputies, pictured situation in Europe
as gravest in twenty years. Installation of officers, Avalon Masonic Lodge. Flying boat “Yankee Clipper”, after delay at Shediac, N.B., because of weather conditions, arrived at Botwood 6.18 p.m., and left again at 9.57 p.m. On board were 33 persons, and 140,000 pieces of mail. Took on one passenger and seven sacks of mail at Botwood. |
28 | Yankee Clipper landed at Foynes, Ireland, making Trans Atlantic crossing in 13 hrs. 22 minutes. |
29 | Lord Halifax issues stern warning to Germany. Hr. H.J. Russel, C.B.E., General Manager of the Railway, tendered complimentary dinner by heads of Departments. Closing exercises Holloway School. |
30 | W. F. Joyce, M.B.E., Chief Engineer of the Railway, retired after 49
years service. Received presentation of silver from fellow employees.
United States submarine “Squary” arrives on brief visit. Closing exercises Academy of our Lady Of Mercy. |
JULY | |
2 | Seven railway stations bombed in England on Sunday. Memorial Day Service carried out with usual rites. United Stated House of Representatives passed neutrality measure, prohibiting shipments of America arms to belligerents in time of war. |
3 | Commissioner of Finance delivers Budget speech, $17,116,908 estimated
expenditure for new fiscal year. People of Trinity South demonstrate at Heart’s Content, against removal of branch railway. Members of Commission Government tender farewell luncheon to hon. R.B. Ewbank. Nfld. Skyways plane, on trip N.E. Quebec, reported missing. |
4 | Party of visiting British Newspaper men, guests of Bowaters Ltd.,
arrived by Newfoundland, and meet local Journalists at luncheon party at
Bally Haley. Captain Bob Bartlett, bound to Greenland, arrived at Brigus in his schooner, the Effie Morrissey. |
5 | White Clothing employees hold annual outing. Summer school opens at Memorial College. Mr. J. H. Gorvin, C.B.E., sworn in as Commissioner for Natural Resources. Annual outing St. Patrick’s Choir Boys. |
6 | Annual Meeting Rotary Club. |
7 | United States Navy Secretary Swanson, dead. Germany closes Protestant Theological Schools. Annual reception and profession of novices at Littledale. Fire destroys three buildings belonging to John Quinton at Southern B. B. |
8 | Rumania refuses to admit German exports into her borders. Britain holds blackout test of air raid defenses in sixteen counties. |
9 | Revs. G.H. Earle and A.W. Fudge admitted to the order of Priesthood.
Religious reception and profession at Presentation Convent, Cathedral Square. |
10 | Japanese announce formation of New Chinese Political Party, led by
Wang Ching Wei, former Premier. Prime Minister Chamberlain, again warns Hitler, that any change in Danzig situation will mean war. Japs report further victories over Soviet Mongolian forces. Announced that D.J. Ross of St. John N.B., appointed Chief Engineer of Railway. |
11 | Schooner Rosie Martin, coal laden, lost at Port au Port, crew saved. |
12 | Britain completes trade agreement with Rumania and Greece.
Italians expel all foreigners from South Tyrol. Italian Ambassador to London recalled. Magistrate Quinton appointed Director of Regional Re-construction. British bombers hold training flight over France. Germans angry, regarding act as a threatening demonstration. United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee, vote to shelve administration’s Neutrality Bill. President Roosevelt protested. B.I.S. hold annual outing. T. A. Ladies Auxiliary hold annual outing at Brigus. |
13 | Premier Chamberlain announced commissioning of 56 reserve ships, and
calling to colors of 12,000 Naval Reservists for August and September.
Italy protests cession of Republic of Hatay to Turkey. Leaders of Methodist Church, ask President Roosevelt to invoke law against Japan. Fishermen ask erection of marketing building in Steers Cove. Hon. Ferdinand Rinfel, Canadian Secretary of State, died suddenly at Los Angeles. |
14 | W.P.A. workers stage strike in Minneapolis. One Killed. French celebrate Bastille Day. British Troops take part in celebrations. Japanese mobs demonstrate against British Embassy in Tokyo. |
15 | General Seafoods Agreement published for information and comment.
35,000 British called to the Colors under the new Conscription Act. Sir Alfred B. Morine arrived for brief visit. United States Coastguard plane crashes in Atlantic. Three killed. Explosion in Kentucky Coal Mine causes death of 28. |
16 | Feast of St. Bonaventure, celebrated by pupils and ex-pupils of St. Bon’s. |
17 | National Council of Palestine Jews, called Nation-wide strike, in
protest against British order, stopping Jewish immigration for 6 months.
Major General Sir Edmund Ironside, arrived in Warsaw, for conference with Polish General Staff. |
18 | Floods along Northeast Coast of Turkey take 50 lives. |
19 | British bombers make second flight over France. C.of E. Orphanage
Garden party. Sir Alfred Morine dined by former Legislative Council. Ayre & Sons employees hold annual outing. 13th annual outing of Railway employees. St. John’s blank Grand Falls in Baseball series. |
20 | Polish Customs Officers shot on Danzig border, again heightens
tension. Colonial Secretary Malcolm MacDonald declared that illegal Jewish immigration into Palestine, was being fostered to discredited British Administration there. Sir Alfred Morine address Rotary on Confederation. |
21 | 400 Loggers on strike at Indian Bay. Sir Wilfred Grenfell arrives, on visit to St. Anthony, first for several years. |
22 | E. Randell of Botwood, first Newfoundlander to make use of the Trans-Atlantic Flying Service, flying from New York to Botwood. |
23 | Five College students buried beneath avalanche of snow in Northwestern
Washington State. Japanese position on Novo Heights in Manchoukuo, attacked by Soviet Mongol troops. 105 young couples married in mass ceremony in Montreal. The John Guggeneim Memorial Foundation, New York, established six Art fellowships open to Canadian and Newfoundland residents. C.L.B. Drumhead service at Topsail, broadcasted. Preacher, Rev. Cannon Davison of Montreal. |
24 | British Government enacts measure to stamp out I.R.A. Terrorism.
Home Secretary disclosed plot to blow up House of Parliament. Charles J Kelly of Denver, Colorado, dined by former school-mates of St. Bon’s. |
25 | British steamer “Harlain”, formerly steamer “Sylvia”, holed by mine
off Chinese Coast. British bombers carry out third flight over French territory. Thirteen iron lungs, gifts of Lord Nuffield, arrive in Nfld. Hospitals. |
26 | United States served notice on Japan that it was terminating 1911
Treaty of Commerce and Navigation, thus opening the way towards an embargo
on the shipment of war material to Japan. Japanese controlled Manchoukuo,
placed on war footing by Japs. I.R.A. Terrorists bombed two London railway stations, one person killed. Trade and Labor Council 3rd annual convention, opened at Corner Brook. Newfoundland Protective Association of Shop and Office Employee hold first outing. Knight of Columbus annual outing. |
27 | Another, military purge reported in Russia. Spanish Republicans deprived Juan Negrin of all authority, and give reins of Government in exile, to permanent committee of the lost Cortes. |
28 | London Police round up I.R.A. suspects. Power turned on at United Towns Electric Plant at St. Lawrence. Dr. Wm. Mayo, founder of famous clinic at Rochester Minn., dead. Trades and Labor Council convention concludes its session, at Corner Brook. Council hereafter, will function under a new set up, and will be known as the Nfld. Federation of Labor, With Mr. James Stowe as President. |
29 | His Excellency the Governor inspects C.L.B. Camp at Topsail |
30 | Church of England Centeniary celebrations conclude, with largely
attended service at the Cathedral. Joseph Whalen, Bauline, injured when electric light pole fell on him. |
31 | First Conciliation Board held its first meeting with Mr. Justice Higgins presiding. |
2 | Prime Minister Chamberlain wins vote of confidence in Commons, on motion to adjourn for two months. |
3 | Annual Regatta successfully held. |
4 | France notifies Japan that she stands in with Britain, with regard to
Far Eastern interests. Premier Chamberlain issues blunt warning to Tokyo. Conciliation Board reports satisfactory settlement of Loggers strike. Sir Alfred Moine addresses public meeting at Queen Theatre, on the subject of Nfld. Constitution. Dr. H.C. Griffith, Head Master of Ridley College, addresses Rotary on “Fish Meal Industry”. Further I.R.A. outrages in England. |
5 | Princess Juliana of Netherlands gives birth to second daughter. |
6 | Poland warns Germany that force will be met by force. |
7 | Railway Labor Executive Board in session. H.M.S.Berwick arrives in port. Hon. J.H. Gorvin addresses Teachers at Memorial College |
8 | St. John’s experiences unusual heavy rainstorm. |
9 | Yugoslavia rejects axis demand of “Benevolent Neutrality. |
10 | Annual Hr. Grace Regatta. |
11 | Labrador salmon fishing reported to be considerably shorter than last
year. Residence of Constable Matthews at Manuels, destroyed by fire. |
12 | Railway Labor delegates attend banquet by the Brotherhood. |
13 | Mundy Pond Regatta held. |
14 | Annual T.A. outing held. Sir Wilfred Woods outlines 1939-40 road program. 25 Newfoundlanders join Navy Reserve and sail on Berwick. |
16 | Bell Island team, victors in championship meet, and retain Daily New
trophy for second year. |
17 | German newspapers demand a general division of Polish
Frontiers. Mr. T. K. Liddel, spoke to Rotary on Impressions of Newfoundland to Newfoundlanders. Announced that Miss Ruby L Cuse, is winner of 1939 Junior Jubilee scholarship of $500.00. |
18 | Germany takes Military possession of Slovakia. Another heavy rainstorm visits city. President Roosevelt visits Bay of Islands on fishing trip. |
19 | Torrential rains sweep city on Saturday to considerable damage. |
20 | Germany and Russia surprise world by concluding trade
agreement. Britain submits four point proposal to Tokyo Government. |
21 | Princess Margaret Rose celebrates 9th birthday. |
22 | Gravity of European situation, due to German aggressive moves against
Poland, drives British Government to summon Parliament. |
23 | Hitler demands Protectorate over Poland. Britain moves towards Wartime Policy. King returns to London. France, Rumania, Greece orders partial mobilization. Britain re-enforces Mediterranean Fleet. King Leopold of Belgium makes dramatic appeal for peace. Terra Nova Tennis Club wins Lever Trophy. |
24 | British Parliament grants extraordinary powers to Chamberlain
Government, after the Prime Minister had told a hushed House of Commons,
that Great Britain stood in imminent peril of war. Pope Pius broadcasts plea to Heads of Government, to settle their differences by negotiations, rather than war. President Roosevelt makes second appeal to Hitler to avoid war. City Council decided to send Councilor Meaney to Canada and United States, to consult Hydro Experts in connection with Mobile water powers. Commissioner Geo. Carpenter of Toronto elected Head of Salvation Army. Magistrate John F. Dawson tendered complementary dinner by the staff of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Reconstruction. B.I.S. wins senior football championship. |
25 | Japan shocked by Germany’s pact with Russia, decides on new policy of
“splendid isolation. ” Hitler’s orders to Germany’s Army, Navy and Air Force to be ready for instant action, cancels Tannenbery celebration. Anglo-Polish mutual guarantees given treaty form. His Excellency the Governor, cuts short his cruse, and returns to the city because of the serious International situation. Rev. Alfred Wood, 92, addresses Rotary on “Reminiscences of Old St. John’s. |
27 | First private plane, owned by Henry B Dupont of Winnington, Del. ,
lands at Nfld Airport. |
28 | Japanese Cabinet resigned this morning. Britain sends message to Hitler, warning him that any threat to Polish Independence, would find Britain and France fighting, from the first day inside of Poland. Germany Troops march into Slovakia. |
30 | Annual installation of Clift Lodge A. F. and A. M. Bell Island. New United Church at Northern Bay dedicated. |
31 | German Radio Station reports 16 point proposal, said to have been made
to Poland by Hitler. London and Warsaw deny such a program was ever submitted to Poland. Rt. Rev. Wm. C. McGrath, Prefect Apostolic of Lishui, China, addresses Rotary on his experience in China. |
1 | Nazi Chief of State in Danzig, proclaimed the reunion of the Free City
with the Graman Riceh. The Germans begin hostilities against Poland. Britain and France notify Germany, that unless all aggressive action against Poland is suspended, they will, without hesitation, fulfill their obligations to Poland. Newfoundland Government issues defense regulations. Hon.L.E. Emerson broadcasts explanation of Defense Regulations. |
2 | New Golden Arrow bus service opens in City. |
3 | Britain and France declare war on Germany. King George speaks to the people of the Empire over radio. Premier Chamberlain broadcasts declaration of war against Germany. President Roosevelt declares U.S.A. will remain neutral. Italy remains out of the war. The British Liner “Athenia”, 1300 tons, carrying over 1400 passengers and crew, torpedoed by German submarine, West of the Hebrides, with heavy loss of life. Memorial service for late John Leamon at Gower Street Church. United States Secretary Treasurer, Henry a Morgenthau, arrives in City from Norway, and takes plane to Washington. Premier Chamberlain reorganizes Cabinet with Winston Churchill as First Lord of the Admiralty. Anthony Eden appointed Dominion Secretary. |
4 | British Air Squadron bombed German Naval Bases at Wilhelmshaven and
Cuxhaven, two German Battleships badly damaged. France began attack on Western Front, against Siegfried Line. British planes dropped propaganda leaflets over Germany. Duke of Kent takes up Naval duties. Second annual Labor Day parade, takes form of patriotic event, address presented to King. Bitter fighting underway in Poland. S.O.E. reunion at Woodstock. Annual convention of Nfld. Lumbermen’s Association at Bishop’s Falls. |
5 | South Africa lines up against Germany. Premier Hertzog, who advised neutrality, defeated in Legislature, and he is succeeded by General Jan Smuts. |
6 | Battle joined along a 125 mile front from Rhine to Moselle. French Troops with tanks, aided by warplanes, cross enemy lines at several points. Main attack directed at Saarbruecken, Industrial Sarr’s Capital. Heavy artillery duels between Maginot and Siegfried lines. Anti-war plots in Berlin, Vienna, Western Germany, and Bohemia, are quelled by Black Guard according to Belgian press. |
7 | Canadian Parliament meets in emergency session. Prof. Hanley of Newcastle, addresses Rotary on “Some impressions on Agriculture in Newfoundland”. |
8 | King George expresses deep appreciation for the loyal messages of
offer of help, which have poured in from the Colonies and Dependencies
since the outbreak of war. It is officially stated in London, that Germany is prosecuting unrestricted submarine warfare, as violent as in 1917. Orders to “Sink on sight and without warning” must have been given several days before the outbreak of war. Russian mobilization takes place on a big scale. |
9 | R. A.F. carries out 200 mile leaflet flying, over Central
Germany. Berlin has its first air raid warning. It is announced officially in London, that the War Cabinet decided to base its policy on the assumption that the war will last for three years or more. |
10 | Canada declares was on Germany. Wayside Shrine in memory of late Fr. Gibbs, dedicated at St. Joseph’s Parish, Hoylestown. |
11 | At the invitation of Lady Walwyn, meeting of ladies held at Government
House, and decision to form Patriotic Association reached. Playground Fair opens at the Arena. British planes reported to have raided Sylt. Germany’s Airbase of Schieswig-Holstein near Kiel Canal. Germans order evacuation of island. German torpedo boat hits mine and blows up, while threading its way through German minefield between Denmark and Sweden. |
12 | Duke and Duchess of Windsor returned to England. Advisory Board on Food Control appointed. President Roosevelt declared U. S. A. would not tolerate any Nazi encroachment in New World. Star of the Sea boat club hold annual reunion at Donovan’s. Announced in Paris, British troops have arrived in France. Premier Neville Chamberlain flies to attend a meeting of the Anglo-French Supreme Council. Germany announces that all Polish towns and villages harboring armed soldiers, snipers, or marauding bands, will be regarded forthwith as Military objectives, and the civil population will be bombarded and destroyed. Lord Halifax warns Hitler, that the British Government in consequence, holds itself free to take reprisals. Shake up in French Cabinet. Premier Daladier took over Portfolio Foreign Office, two new Ministries, Blockade and Armament created. British Government warned Hitler, that bombing of open towns will bring reprisals. 4th annual horse parade, 150 animals entered. M.J. O’Brien won Governor’s Cup. |
14 | Polish port of Gdynia captured by Germans. |
15 | British Ministry of Information report destruction of a number of
German submarines. Russia-Japanese agreement to cease hostilities announced. 20,000 Australians to be recruited for overseas service. Commissioner for Finance, announced regulations to control establishment of a foreign exchange, and to the establishment of a foreign exchange Control Board. |
16 | Germany warns neutral Countries, that they will be subject to counter
pressure, if they co-operate in the British blockade of Germany. |
17 | Russia invades Poland. Polish Government leaves for Rumanian territory. |
18 | Germans and Russians meet at Brest-Litovsk, to parcel out Poland, as
Polish Leaders escape over the Frontier into Roumania . Chas, M Shwab, Steel magnate, dead. H.M.S.“Courageous”, 22,500 ton Aircraft Carrier, sunk by German submarine, with loss of 505 lives. Undersea boat destroyed by submarines and seaplanes. Hitler speaking at Danzig said he did not want a long war. |
19 | Roumania clamps tight her Polish Frontier, following discovery of a
German plot for an uprising, in Bukowina Province. Food Control Advisory Committee holds first meeting. |
20 | Archbishop Bruchesi of Montreal dead, 84. A serious revolutionary outbreak in Moravia and Bohemia, former Czech territory, reported. |
21 | Premier Calineseue of Roumania assassinated. United States Congress assembled in special session. President Roosevelt appealed for a repeal of arms embargo. Public meeting, Women’s Patriotic Association, Pitts Memorial Hall, largely attended. Memorial College re-opens. Sir Neville Henderson, ex - Ambassador to Berlin, tells complete story of his negotiations with Hitler, Georing and Ribbentrop. |
22 | Complementary dinner tendered retiring Secretary, Posts and
Telegraphs, David G.Fraser, at Nfld. Hotel. Supreme War Council, with additional British and French Statesmen, holds a conference in a Sussex coast town, agrees on joint plans for munitions and supplies. |
23 | Mussolini makes his expected peace bid. “The moment has arrived to call off hostilities” he declares. “The Polish question has been liquidated. ” German former Commander-in-Chief, General Baron Von Fritsch, killed in the fighting at Warsaw. Believed assassinated. |
24 | More than 1000 civilians killed when Warsaw bombed by
Germans. Archbishop Roche issues call for prayer. President United Church Conference calls the Church to Prayer. Another leaflet raid carried out over Germany. |
25 | Great World Veterans Association Conference opens. Inter American Neutrality conference opens in Panama City. Fred Hayward wins 10 mile championship walk. Hiking Club wins Sir Hammond trophy. German aircraft attack Britain Squadron in the North Sea, but were repulsed with the loss of one flying boat, and another badly damaged. There were no British casualties either in men or ships. |
26 | Warsaw surrenders to the Germans. Farewell luncheon to Mr.H.K. MacCharles. G.W.V.A. banquet Nfld Hotel. Announced, contract 80,000 cords of pitprops, awarded Nfld. Football President’s Medal awarded to Jack Byrne of the B.I.S. Britain’s budgeted expenditure for the first year of war, is revealed by Sir John Simon, as nearly £2,000,000,000. The Chancellor claps on record taxes to raise another £107,000,000 leaving £938,000,000 to be borrowed. |
27 | Russia and Estonia sign agreement. Annual meeting Hiking Club. New Rumanian Ministry formed, under Senate President Constantine Argetoianu. |
29 | British war planes carry out raid on fortified island of
Heligoland. French report having occupied 50 German villages. Hon, J H Parsons, returning from Corner Brook, reports Mill working full time. Annual meeting Business ladies’ Bowling League. |
30 | New Polish Government formed in France, Wladyslaw Recziewies succeeds
Ignace Mosiciki as President. Germany announces intensified warfare against British shipping. |
1 | In broadcast address, Hon.Winston Churchill, First Lord of the
Admiralty, summed up first month of war, and declared, Britain will not
cease to press the struggle, until decisive victory is gained. Service of Intercession at C.of E.Cathedral. Nazi break pack with neutrals and seize three Danish and one Swedish ships. Turkish Foreign Minister Sarajogru, had prolonged conversation in Moscow, with Soviet Foreign Commissioner Molotoff. Latvain Foreign Minister summoned to Moscow. Anxiety among Balkan States. British Government calls up 250,000 men aged 21-22. |
2 | British ship Clement, torpedoed in South Atlantic. U.S.A.State Secretary, Hull, served notice on Germany to recognize Nazi conquest of Poland. Fall term Supreme Court opened. Cardinal Mundelein of Chicago died suddenly, 67. R.A.F. planes shower leaflets on Berlin and Potsdam by night. |
3 | French authorities announce that 24 German airplanes shot down during
September, while French lost 8. Turkish Military Mission arrives in London. H.J. Robbins of Wabana, wins Memorial University Scholarship at Dalhousie. Thomas R. Barbour of Newfoundland received degree at McGill University. Spencer Club annual, said opened by Lady Walwyn. Chamberlain declares Russo-German pact would not deter Britain and France from effective prosecution of war. |
4 | United States State Department serves notice on belligerents, that
they will not tolerate interference with U. S shipping and
commerce. Announced that Italy will not take initiative to restore peace. All retired British Naval Officers and men ordered to report. Blue Puttees hold 25th annual re-union. Polish Ambassador to Ankara, informed Turkish Government does not recognize partition of Poland. |
5 | Germany and Russia signed Protocol, limiting their respective spheres
in Poland. Hitler makes triumphant visit to Warsaw. Comm. Benjamin Orames, named Territorial Commander of the Salvation Army for Canada and Newfoundland. Government announces appointment of cold storage development committee. Branch of Women’s Patriotic Association established at Corner Brook. Lady Walwyn present, and addresses the gathering. |
6 | Hitler lays his “Peace” demands before the Reichstag; (1) An
International Conference. (2) Return of Germany’s Colonies. (3)
Disarmament (4) Economic discussions. Latvia accepts from Soviets, a pact of mutual assistance. Italian Press perturbed by Russia’s Baltic Policy plot, to assassinate King Carol of Rumania. Count Bernstorff, noted figure in Great War, dead, 76. |
7 | Luncheon at Newfoundland Hotel, in honor of visiting Moderator of the
Presbyterian Church, Right Rev.S.C. Parker, D.D. Answering Hitler peace proposal offer, British Government statement, says it will be officially examined, but comments, that no peace proposal will be acceptable which do not free Europe from aggression. |
8 | Sweden orders partial mobilization. King George visits the Fleet, Finish Government agrees to Soviet request to send emissary to Moscow. Calls Reservists to Colors. Visiting Moderator Preaches at Presbyterian Churches. His Excellency the Governor, attends Kirk service in the morning. New York Yankees, baseball champions, winning four straight victories against the Connecticut Reds. |
9 | British Naval Patrol ships attacked by German bombing planes, which
were repulsed. Russia backs Germany’s peace offensive. Hitler clears out all Germans from Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia, as Stalin marches in his troops. On the West Front, the populations of all German villages and towns, to a depth of 15 miles on the Rhine’s Right Bank, are evacuated. |
10 | All Newfoundland Exhibition opened by His Excellency the
Governor. Premier Daladier of France, spurned Hitler’s peace proposals, declaring that a German “peace” would not prevent preparation for new conquests. Annual meeting Truckmen’s Union. Soviets troops march into Estonia to occupy Naval and Air Bases granted under agreement. |
11 | British War Secretary, announces 158,000 British soldiers, with 25,000
tanks and other war machines, have been sent to France. 7th Annual Trinity South Community Fair, opened at Heart’s Content, by His Excellency the Governor. 1st Presbyterian Presbytery established in the Country, with Rev. James McNeill as Moderator and Rev.W.F. Butcher as Clerk. United Church Mission at Tzeliutsing, China, badly bombed. Missionaries there include Miss Laura Darby of Newfoundland, who was reported safe. Trepassey Agricultural Fair opened. Lithuania receives back Vilna from Poland, but grants Russia’s demands to maintain land and air armed forces in Lithuania territory. |
12 | French troops start new drive on Western Front, along the 90 mile
sector between the Mosells and Rhine rivers. Premier Chamberlain, in House of Commons reply to Hitler’s peace proposal, demanded “deeds not words”, and said they were totally unacceptable in their present form. He offered Hitler the choice of war to the bitter end, or a real lasting peace, fortified by effective guarantees against further aggression. Hitler reported to have decided on a fight to the finish, after weighing Chamberlain’s speech. Norway, Sweden, Denmark and the United States, make representations to Moscow, regarding Finland’s independence and neutrality. Rev.Dr.Levi and Mrs.Curtis, celebrate Golden Anniversary of their wedding. Two interned Germans, escapees from Seamen’s Institute, captured by Police. Part 1 of Agricultural Fair concluded. Michael Downey, 44 Wickford St., seriously injured, when house which he was assisting to demolish, collapsed. St.Andrew’s Choir hold reunion at Woodstock. Trinity South Community Fair closes. Mayor Carnell gives closing address. |
14 | British Battle Cruiser torpedoed and sunk, with loss of nearly 800
lives. Two French and one British Merchantmen also victims of U-boat. Lady Walwyn returned from visit to industrial towns, where branches of W.P.A. were established. |
15 | P.W. George, Manager of Buchans Mining Co., found dead in
woods. Russian troops reported to be massing on Turkish Frontier. Sinking 9,000 ton British Mailboat, Loachavon, returning home from West Indies. U-Boat opened fire on passengers and crew while they were leaving the ship. Ten killed, but 450 rescued by British warships. Three French vessels, one of 10,000 tons, and other of 7,000 tons, also torpedoed. Finnish delegation, which went to Germany to appeal for help against possible Soviet invasion, is snubbed. |
16 | Nazi launch attack against French, on Northern flank. Western Front, French counter attack, recovered part of line. Projected Putsch by Hungarian Nazi Extremists, crushed with the arrest of a 140 members of outlawed death legion. 14 bombers raided the Firth of Forth in Scotland. Cruiser “Southampton” and destroyer Mohawk, suffered superficial damage, while two Officers and thirteen men were killed by splinters. Four of the bombers were downed by fast pursuit planes. New Guards Bowling Alley opened by Mayor Carnell. Official opening of the City Bowling League. |
17 | Nazi Air Fleet struck twice at Scapo Flow, British Naval Base in the
Orkneys. Two German planes destroyed, and another damaged, while training ship “Iron Duke” was injured by bursting bomb. There were no casualties. Russian reply to President Roosevelt’s message re Finland, said that the negotiations between the two Countries, are being conducted in conformity with principals which recognize Finland’s independence. Annual meeting Empire Lodge S.O.E. Second part of All Nfld Agricultural Fair opened, fine exhibits of vegetables and root crops. Negotiations between turkey and Russia break down. Turkish Foreign Minister returned home. A number of vessels driven ashore, and much other property damage done, in storm of wind and rain that swept this Coast. |
18 | Conference of Nordic States opened in Stockholm. |
19 | Turkey signs 15 year Mutual Assistance pact with Britain and
France. German subs ordered to sink convoyed neutral ships. Severe earthquake shocks felt in U.S.A. Bulgarian Cabinet resigns at conclusion of North Conference. Scandinavian Monarchs issued joint communiqué declaring right to adhere to ancient neutrality policy. |
20 | All Nfld.Exhibition closes. |
21 | First German air attack on a British Shipping Convoy, meets disaster
in North Sea. Four of 12 raiders, are shot down by R.A.F. fighter. Hitler promises Slovaks certain Polish territories. |
22 | Britain France and Turkey agree upon program for protection of their
interest in the near East. Polish Embassy in Paris, refutes German lie, that Poland ever received or used poison gas supplied by Britain. British submarine Thetis brought to the surface. |
23 | Proclamation issued calling for 635 naval reserves. Germans seize U.S. ship “City of Flint”, takes her to Russian port. Third annual agricultural exhibition opens at Eastport. |
24 | Announced that Australia has remitted Customs Duties on Nfld
newsprint. Five British ships sunk by German submarines, making total loss to date of 45. Broadcasted speech by German Foreign Minister Von Ribbentrop, declared to be “A clumsy attempt to drive a wedge between Britain and France, that won’t succeed. ” Fighting between civilians and Milita units in Vilna, several killed. Russia-Finnish negotiations adjourned. Sale of 15,000,000 lbs fresh codfish made to England. Installation officers Lodge Dudley S.O.E.F.C. Jewett, Construction Engineer at the Airport, and other members of the staff, who were returning to their homes, tendered dinner. Bonavista Fair opened. |
25 | Germans reported to have 1,500,000 men on North Flank of Western
Front. Quebec elections results in land slide victory for the Liberals, and complete overthrow of the Duplessis Government. Annual sale of work by Wesley Ladies’ Aid, opened by Lady Squires. |
26 | Municipal Council gives notice of application for the right to use the
waters of the La Manche River for hydro-electric development, and to hold
it as a reserve for the Municipality of St. John’s. Motor yacht “Medric” destroyed by fire, caused by back fire from engine, off Cuckolds Cove. Dr.J. St. P. Knight speaks to Rotary on “Air Raid Precautions. Annual meeting St. Michele’s Men’s Club. Battered wreck of U-Boat is washed up on Goodwin Sands with 50 bodies inside. |
27 | United States Senate adopts neutrality bill by a 60 to 33
vote. Official opening K. of C. Rooms. C.E.I. hear address by Mr.H.B. Quinton on “Russia as a back ground for the present war. Annual meeting Civil Service Bowling League. United States steamer “City of Flint” released by Soviet Government. |
28 | Hon. J. H. Gorvin broadcasts address on Fishermen Assistance
Act. Shouting “Long Live Benes”, Czech demonstrators defy Nazis by Celebrating anniversary of Republic. |
29 | St. Clare’s Hospital declared opened by His Grace the
Archbishop. Annual meeting of Star of the Sea. Two Peruvian flyers leave New York on non stop flight to Lima. |
30 | British Destroyer attacked by German bombers off Dogger Bank - no
casualties. Annual dinner Truckmen’s Protective Union. Prince of Wales senior team wins inter-collegiate football championship. Annual meeting city commercial Hockey League. 10th annual re-union Mount Cashel ex-pupils. |
31 | Peruvian flyers forced down on small island near
Guaysqull. Shake-up in Italian Cabinet. Annual sale work Feildian Ladies Association. Annual meeting Cowan Mission. Finland rejects Russia’s demands for establishment of military bases on its soil. |
1 | Premier Molotoff’s public declaration of Russian demands on Finland,
astonishes the latter Country. Bucharest report declares that three German soldiers executed for assassination of General von Fritsch. Former Premier Koloman Daranyl of Hungary, died suddenly. Holland proclaims martial law in key defense communities. Rev. Denzil G. Ridout of Toronto, delivers illustrated lecture on Newfoundland and Labrador at George and Cochrane Churches. His Excellency the Governor and Lady Walwyn, visit new St. Clare’s Hospital. Hitler calls in Ambassadors for report on the general European situation. Brian E. S. Dunfield Esq., K.C., B.A. appointed to the Supreme Count Bench. |
2 | United States House of Representatives adopted the President’s
Neutrality Bill by majority of sixty to one. Thousands Slovaks rioted in Bratislava, in protest against Slovak Territory being ceded to Hungary. Professor Frank Cyril James, new Principal and Vice-Chancellor of McGill University. Italy and Greece re-affirm friendship pact. Vatican newspaper “Observatore Romano” issued warning, that any move by Italy to take part in Germany’s new friendship of Soviet Russia would be opposed by World Catholicism. W.M.S. rally at Wesley. 5000 Longshoremen on strike in New York. Municipal Council adopts resolution, protesting lease of La Monche River, without first being consulted. |
3 | United States ship “City of Flint’ entered Norwegian port, where
German prize crew was interned, and ship released to her American
crew. Germany protested. |
5 | Norwegian Government rejected German demand that “City of Flint” be
interned. President Roosevelt issues proclamation defining combat zones under neutrality law. Thanksgiving service George St. Church. Viceroy Lord Linlithgow announces failure of discussion with Congress and Moslem leaders on India’s future status. |
6 | Nine German planes shot down in aerial combat over Western
Front. Meeting Old Collegian’s decides to form Association. |
7 | Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands, and King Leopold of Belgium,
renewed offer of their good office for peace, believed to be at the
request of Hitler. George St. Church 66th anniversary banquet. |
8 | Explosion in Munich Beer Garden, shortly after Hitler’s address,
killing six and injuring sixty. Believed attempt made to assassinate Fuehrer. In address at Munich, Hitler declared ready for five year’s war. Queen Road Presbyterian Ladies Aid Sale. Germany deny ultimatum to Holland and Belgium. |
9 | Opening session Co-operative Council. Germany massing troops on Netherlands frontier. Armistice Day program at Rotary Club. Address by Major Marshal and Mr. W.R. Dawe of the G.W.V.A. Two British subjects, on mission in connection with alleged German peace proposals, seized by Gestapo. |
10 | Attempt to assassinate King Farouk of Egypt. |
11 | Queen Elizabeth broadcasts address to women of Empire. |
12 | Britain and France reply to peace proposals of King Leopold and Queen
Wilhelmina, stating in effect, that it is all up to Germany. Shop and contents valued at $35,000 to $40,000, belonging to C Fillier of Clarke’s Beach, destroyed by fire. Avalon Co-operative Council concluded session. Winston Churchill broadcasting, tells Hitler and his Huns: “We will fight until you have had enough of it. |
13 | German planes raid Shetland Islands and driven off without inflicting
serious damage. Finland walked out on the stalled negotiations over the Soviet demands for Territoral concessions. C.L.B., NC.O. dance at St. Mary’s Hall. |
14 | Oil town of Laguinillas Venezuela, destroyed by fire - more that 100
casualties. Japanese take Pakhei, last seaport retained by the Chun-King Government. Hitler returns a polite “no” to the peace proposal of Belgium and the Netherlands. Civil Service luncheon in honor of Mr. Justice Dunfield. Annual trophy presentation Avalon Yachting Club. |
15 | German freighter “Leander” captured by British warship. Russian Press sharply attacks Finland. Czech students demonstrate against German Government. Presentation Convent ladies’ Association Sale. Ladies’ College Aid annual sale. |
16 | German raider sinks British ship in Indian Ocean. Advance Guard Canadian Expeditionary Forces arrived in London. C.L.B. indoor sports. |
17 | Nine Czech students of Prague University executed by German firing
squad. Britain and France agree to pool economic resources. Four prisoners escaped from penitentiary after overpowering Wardens and stealing four revolvers. |
18 | Netherlands liner “Simon Bolivar” sunk by German mines with loss of 85
lives. Four other ships lost by mines. Czechoslovakia under martial law. Three more students executed, 50,000 under arrest. Netherlands again protests to Germany, regarding air ships flying over her Territory. Commissioner for Natural Resources announces Forestry Unit of 2,000 men. Members of Daily News Staff hold reunion at Donovan’s. |
18 | Three of the four prisoners which escaped from Penitentiary, captured
at Mt. Pearl park. Egyptian Parliament pledges support to Britain. His Excellency the Governor and Lady Walwyn on a visit to Corner Brook. |
19 | Holy Cross Literary Association opens 19th session. |
20 | German plane shot down by Dutch Pilot. Chiang Kai Shek becomes prime Minister of China. Commissioner of Finance announces new war tax. Old Collegians reorganized. Sir John Puddester as Honorary President and J. M. Barbour as President. New Brunswick elections result in return of 27 Liberals 21 Conservatives, a gain of 16 for the latter. Annual session of F.P.U. opens at Port Union. Hitler recalls his Chief Viceroys to report on disorder. |
21 | Mayor Anton Markkys of Kaunas, new Litianian Prime
Minister. Britain replies to new German magnetic mine threat, by seizing sea borne exports of German origin or ownership. Mr.R. Duder lectures at Gower St. Church Lecture Hall. British Cruiser “Belfast” damaged by torpedo. |
22 | Eight German planes brought down. British Destroyer “Gipsy” damaged by mines in the North Sea. New French Inner Cabinet announced. Major Haig-Smith, Secretary of Posts and Telegraphs, appointed Chief Censor. Sailing of all Netherlands ships cancelled because of mine damage. R.E.W.A. Re-union. Grace Hospital has alumni sale of work. Variety sale and concert at George St. Church. Rev. Fr. McGrath lectures at St. Patrick’s Hall. |
23 | Neutral nations protest new British shipping regulations. British Parliament prorogues. Eight more ships sunk by mines. Ten Polish leaders reported executed at Warsaw, by German Military Commanders. Eighteen killed and 100 injured in Ankara, Turkey. City taxi men protest new bus regulations. Naval battle between German raider “Deutschland” and the British Cruiser “Rawalpindi” resulted in loss of latter with nearly 300 lives. |
24 | New Rumanian cabinet under George Tatarescu sworn in. |
25 | Annual meeting Mt. Cashel Old Boys Association. Newspapermen entertained by Jack Robinson at Donovan’s. Annual meeting St. Bon’s Old Boys Association. |
26 | Three Russian soldiers reported killed on Finnish Frontier by Finnish
artillery fire. Finns deny that there has been any shooting on their Frontier. Prime Minister Chamberlain broadcasts address on Allied war aims. Polish steamer “Pilsudski” 14,400 tons, sunk. |
27 | In reply to Russian demand that Finland withdraw her troops 15 miles
from border, Finns say they will do so if Russia do the same. Annual meeting Girl Guides Association. Citizens of St. John’s turn out to pay tribute to 1st Naval Contingent. City Commercial hockey league banquet. |
28 | German seaplane base at Borkum raided by R.A.F. British Parliament re-opens. C.of E. Women’s Association sale of work. Mercy Academy pupils fancy sale of work. Mammy’s Bakery celebrates 8th birthday. |
29 | Russia breaks off diplomatic relations with Finland, which prepares
for invasion. Roosevelt makes vain offer to help. First recruiting meeting held at Pouch Cove. Fritz Kuhn, German American Band leader, convicted of grand larceny and forgery. VOWR jumble sale and tea. Nfld Trades and Labor Council inaugurated. |
30 | Russia invades Finland by land, sea, and air. Helsinki bombed many times and many civilians killed and injured. Finnish Government resigned to permit creation of National Ministry. Prime Minister Chamberlain protests Soviet attack on Finland. St. Andrew’s Day fittingly celebrated by St. Andrew’s Society, with dinner at Nfld. Hotel. Mr. J.A. Cochrane addresses Rotary, taking as his subject “Audi Scotia. |
1 | Russia sets up Puppet Government in Karchia Finland. Stalin refuses to negotiate with new Helsinki Government: says American humanitarian appeals are “Superfluous. Britain calls up 250,000 22 year old class, to Colors. |
2 | Recruiting meeting held at Bay Bulls. Commissioner for Natural Resources broadcasts statement on Sea Food agreement, Roosevelt calls for moral arms embargo on Russia. |
3 | German warships attacked by RAF planes near Heligoland. German Cruiser reported hit and German plane down. No British casualties. Finns offer stubborn resistance to Russians, re-capture town of Pessaramo. Sweden cancels all leave in fighting forces. Princess Louise, 4th daughter of Queen Victoria, dead at 91. Christian Brothers collection amounts to $8,518.89. |
4 | Sweden’s efforts to mediate in Russia-Finnish conflict, rejected by
Russia. Russia refuses invitation to attend League of Nations meeting, claims - not at war. King George visits troops in France. British liner “Doric Star”, 10,000 tons, sunk off South America, by German Raider. |
5 | American Republics unite in condemning Russian invasion of
Finland. In speech to the House of Lords, Lord Halifax declares that Russian attack on Finland, direct consequence of German policy. St. Andrew’s Lodge installation. Annual meeting St. John’s Lodge S.U.F. Installation of Officers K of C. B.I.S. football championship team dined. |
6 | Opposition motion, criticizing Government for its methods of
organizing the resources of the Country for war effort, defeated in
British Commons. British planes make another flight over Northern Germany. Walter Engelbert, Secretary German Consulate in New York, found murdered in bed. Recruiting meetings at Winterton and Western Bay. St Patrick’s Convent sale. St. Mary’s Fair opened by Lord Bishop. |
7 | Russia declares blockade of Finland. Dominion Secretary Eden pays tribute in Commons to Newfoundland’s war effort. Annual dinner Sergeant’s Mess. |
8 | Two German planes shot down by R.A.F. Boys Welfare Society inaugurated. |
9 | L.S.P.U. tug-of-war team banquet. |
10 | British troops, for the first time, have been moved into the front
line facing the Germans outposts. League of Nations meets, to consider Finland’s protest against Russia invasion. Italian newspapers again issue “hands off the Balkins” warning. Conservatives win by election in the Stetford division, Lancashire. Admiralty issues appeal to ex-sailors and ex-marines to enlist. Annual meeting T.A. and B Society. |
11 | Russia given 24 hours by League of Nation to cease war on
Finland. Annual meeting Employees Association Nfld. Light and Power Co. |
12 | Russia rejects League of Nations proposal for mediation. Liner “Bremen’ arrived at German port from Murmansk. Funeral Princess Louise. British Troops have first direct engagement with Germans on Western Front. Douglas Fairbanks dead. |
14 | Russia dismissed from League of Nations. Annual prize distribution St. Bon’s College. |
15 | Finns declare readiness to negotiate peace with Russia. Nfld volunteers for Navy officially welcomed in London. |
16 | President of Panama , Jaun Arosomena, died aged 59. |
17 | Germans scuttle pocket Battleship “Graf Spree”, previously damaged in
battle with small British Cruisers. King confers honors on Commander. 18 to 23 missing. |
24 | Announced that Newfoundland Flyer took part in a terrific air battle
over Heilgoland Bight on the 18th. Christmas Day; ideal weather in City. |
25 | Finns carry war into Russia Territory. Pope Pius offers five point program for restoration of peace. King George broadcasts message to the Empire. |
26 | Japanese offensive, toward the Border of French Indo-China, said to
have ended in disastrous defeat. Sweden called large foray of Army Reserves to Colors. I.R.A. mutiny in Londonderry. 48 imprisoned. Annual B.I.S. Club Dance. |
27 | French, report destruction of two additional u-boats. Western Turkey, shaken by violent earthquake. 60,000 reported killed and injured. Installation of St. John’s Lodge A.F. and A.M. United Church Orphanage, Christmas Tree. Major Haig Smith, Secretary for Post and Telegraphs, reports large increase in Christmas Postal and Telegraph Business. |
28 | Three Italian Provinces shaken by earthquake. Soviet Foreign Office imposes Censorship on Foreign news dispatches. Temporary agreement reached in Longshoremen’s strike. Men will return to work while negotiations for permanent agreement are continued. Pope Pius returned visit to King and Queen of Italy. |