In re
Alexander Taylor Clouston deceased
I, Alexander Taylor Clouston of Grand Falls, Newfoundland being sound in mind and on the eve of a journey to England in search of bodily health do hereon make my last Will and Testament. I am thankful to God for many blessings the best being the possession of the dearest of Mothers the best of Fathers and the most loving of brothers and sisters. To my mother Imperial Life Insurance $2000.00 Masonic Insurance $500.00 To my sister Eleanor Victory Bonds [5@ $100] $500.00 [held at B of M. Gd Falls] To my sister Gladys Victory Bonds [5@ $100] $500.00 [held at B of M. Gd Falls] To my brother Hutton 50 shares Hollinger Gold Mine. held at B of M. Gd Falls) To my brother Andrew My boat, engine and Camp. [worth about $250.00] To my Father who I appoint as my sole Executor the residue of my Estate [Cash, Clothes etc] A.T. Clouston
W.R. Hogan Witness
W.T. Harvey Witness
Grand Falls Dec 8. 1920.
Correct William F. Lloyd
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland.
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Fiat May 9/21
Horwood CJ.
Probate granted
to Walter Clouston
May 11/21
Estate sworn
at $1450.00