NL GenWeb Wills

Conception Bay North Region ~ Harbour Main District
Cat' Cove, Conception harbour - Will of John Costello (1832-1911)
This will was read, recorded and transcribed by KAREN GRAMIGNA-WARREN, 2001. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors.
Will of John Costello, 1832-1911
Registry of Deeds & Companies
Confederation Building, St. John's
In the Supreme Court.

In re John Costello deceased.

Oath of Executor

Probate granted to Timothy Costello and John Costello on the 30th day of May A. D. 1911

Value of Estate $500.00
To the Supreme Court of Newfoundland, or one of the Honorable Judges Thereof the petition of Timothy Costello of Conception Harbor, Miner and John Costello Merchant of same place Humbly Sheweth

  1. That John Costello, late of Conception Harbor, Planter, died at that place on the 27th of January AD 1911, having first made and executed the proper writing hereto annexed warranted "A" as and for his last will and testament.

  2. That your petitioners were afforded executors under the said will.

  3. That deceased left him having four sons and four daughters; John and Timothy (your petitioners), David and Edward, Margaret Wade, Bridget Penney, Mary Ann Whelan and Johanna Driscoll.

  4. That hereto annexed worked "B" is to the best of our petitioners knowledge, information and belief, a first and true inventory and valuation of the property of the deceased at the time of his death as for as your petitioners can at present ascertain.

  5. Your petitioners therefore pray that your Lordship may be pleased to grant them probate of the will of said deceased, as
    probate or administration the said estate having yet been granted to any person.

  6. And as in duty bound will ever pray.

Oath at Conception Harbor this 24th day of may A. D. 1911

Timothy Costello
John Costello

In the name of God, Amen.
First I give devise and bequeath to my eldest son John Costello the house and land which he now occupy, also forty feet square on north east side on Main Line of road on North boundary of property.

Second I give devise and bequeath to my second son David Costello one third part of Collins Brook farm, which now he occupy and after my death he is to receive one half of the said farm.

Third I give devise and bequeath to my third son Timothy Costello house and outhouses, cattle and all that parcel of land bounds as follows; on the East by a lot road, on the west by his brother John Costello, on the south by Healys Pond road,
on the north by his Uncle Timothy Costello, a lot one third of Colliers Brook Farm and after my death one half of said farm.

Forth I give devise and bequeath to my forth son, Edward Costello, seventy feet north by Main Line of road, seventy feet west by pen, south seventy feet, and east seventy feet, to him his heirs and assigns forever.

And last I hereby constitute and appoint my said sons Timothy Costello and John Costello, to be executive and executors of this my last will and testament revoking and annul all former wills by me made and ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament.

John Costello (his mark)

Signed declared and published by the above named John Costello as and for his last will and testament in presence of us who at his request have signed as witnesses to the same this twenty sixth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and five.

Patrick Currant
Timothy Costello (his mark)
James J. Wade
Northern District of Harbor Main

I, Timothy Costello of Conception Harbor aforesaid do make oath and say that on the twenty-sixth day of December AD 1905 I was personally presented and did see John Costello the testator named in the for going instrument and personally known to me duly executed the same that previous to such execution the said instrumented was read over and explained to the said John Costello who appeared perfectly to understand the same and who signed the same by making his mark thereto in my presence and that I am a subst anding witness to such execution.

Timothy Costello

Sworn at Conception Harbor this 9th day of March AD 1911
Before Mr.: M.J. Hillyard 

The execution of the forgoing article by John Costello one of the parties named therein and the subscription thereof as witness by Timothy Costello therein named were proven upon the oath of the said Timothy Costello this 9th day of March AD 1911 at Conception Hr. before me.

M.J. Hillyard

© Karen Gramigna-Warren and NL GenWeb