NLGenWeb Directory Data

Conception Bay North - NL Directory 1935 / 1936

Northern Bay (Carbonear - Bay de Verde District)

Buckler Hayward fshrmn
Buckler Joseph fshrmn
Dale Albert fshrmn
Dale Elisha fshrmn
Dale Gilbert fshrmn
Dale John fshrmn
Dale Miss Madeline nurse Sanatorium
Delaney Patk fshrmn
Dwyer Miss Winifred RC tchr
Fitzgerald Mrs Johanna wid
Gear James fshrmn
Gear Richard fshrmn
Hinchey John fshrmn
Hinchey P & Sons genl dlrs and fish mers
Hinchey Patk mer
Hinchey Wm fshrmn
Hogan Mrs Annie wid
Hogan Miss Bride RC tchr
Hogan Cyril fshrmn
Hogan Ed fshrmn
Hogan Mrs Elizabeth wid
Hogan Felix fshrmn
Hogan Frank fshrmn
Hogan Frank fshrmn
Hogan Geo fshrmn
Hogan Ignatius blksmth
Hogan Ignatius fshrmn
Hogan James fshrmn
Hogan James fshrmn
Hogan John fshrmn
Hogan John fshrmn
Hogan John fshrmn
Hogan John fshrmn
Hogan Joseph fshrmn
Hogan Mrs Julia wid
Hogan Mrs Margaret wid
Hogan Michael fshrmn
Hogan Michael fshrmn
Hogan Patk fshrmn
Hogan Patk fshrmn
Hogan Patk fshrmn
Hogan Ronald fshrmn
Hogan Thos genl dlr
Hogan Miss Veronica RC tchr
Hogan Wm fshrmn
Hogan Wm fshrmn
Hogan Wm J fshrmn
Howell Alphonsus fshrmn
Howell Augustus fshrmn
Howell Edmund fshrmn
Howell Edmund fshrmn
Howell Ed fshrmn
Howell Mrs Ellen wid
Howell Miss Jane RC tchr
Howell Mathias fshrmn
Howell Michael fshrmn
Howell Patk fshrmn
Howell Ronald fshrmn
Howell Wm fshrmn
Jacobs Mrs Annie wid
Jacobs Joseph fshrmn
Jacobs Thos fshrmn
Jacobs Wm fshrmn
Johnson Frank fshrmn
Johnson Gideon fshrmn
Johnson Hedley fshrmn
Johnson Henry fshrmn
Johnson John fshrmn
Johnson John fshrmn
Johnson Leo fshrmn
JOHNSON PHILIP general merchant buyer
of codfish and codoil,
manufacturer of cod liver oil.
Johnson Stephen fshrmn
Johnson Thos fshrmn
Johnson Thos fshrmn
Johnson Thos fshrmn
Johnson Wm fshrmn
Johnson Wm G fshrmn
Judge Mrs Elizabeth wid
McCarthy Chas fshrmn
McCarthy John fshrmn
McCarthy Richard fshrmn
McCarthy Patk fshrmn
McCarthy Thos fshrmn
March Miss Gertrude RC tchr
March James oil refiner
March John fshrmn
Moores Geo fshrmn
Moores Herbert fshrmn
Moores James fshrmn
Moores James fshrmn
Moores Mrs Laura wid
Mullaley Austin fshrmn
Mullaley James fshrmn
Mullaley John fshrmn
Mullaley Mrs Julia wid
Mullaley Lawrence fshrmn
Mullaley Stephen fshrmn
Mullaley Wm fshrmn
Noonan Ed fshrmn
Noonan John fshrmn
Noonan Michael fshrmn
Noonan Const Patk-
O'Brien Rev E PP RC
O'Brien Miss Jennie hsekpr
O'Flaherty Austin fshrmn
O'Flaherty John J fshrmn
O'Flaherty Miss Katherine nurse
O'Flaherty Mrs Minnie wid
Puddester Alex fshrmn
Puddester Fred fshrmn
Puddester Joseph fshrmn
Puddester Mrs Maria wid
Puddester Mark fshrmn
Puddester Pascoe fshrmn
Puddester Samson fshrmn
Puddester Thos fshrmn
Puddester Wilson fshrmn
Reynolds John fshrmn
Reynolds Joseph fshrmn
Steele Clark fshrmn
Steele Mrs Eliza wid
Steele Geo fshrmn
Steele Mrs Maria wid
Steele Kenneth fshrmn
Steele Mark fshrmn
Whalen Willis fshrmn
Woodfine Alex fshrmn
Woodfine Andrew fshrmn
Woodfine Elias blksmth
Woodfine James fshrmn
Woodfine Michael fshrmn
Woodfine Michael fshrmn
Woodfine Patk fshrmn
Woodfine Patk fshrmn
Woodfine Richard fshrmn
Woodfine Ronald fshrmn
Woodfine Thos fshrmn
Woodfine Wm fshrmn
Woodrow Miss Catherine nurse
Woodrow Daniel fshrmn
Woodrow Daniel fshrmn
Woodrow James fshrmn
Woodrow James fshrmn
Woodrow John fshrmn
Woodrow John fshrmn
Woodrow John fshrmn
Woodrow Miss Kathleen RC tchr
Woodrow Miss Marcella nurse
Woodrow Richard fshrmn
© Bonnie Hickey & NL GenWeb

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