NL GenWebConception Bay North Region ~ Harbour Grace DistrictSpaniard's Bay - Holy Redeemer Anglican Parish Marriages 1921-1930 Transcribed by Bonnie Hickey & Melissa Newman in January 2000 and added to the site January 2015. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be errors. |
Date | Groom's Given | Groom's Surname | Age | Groom's Info. | Groom's Father's name & Occupation |
Bride's Given | Bride's Surname | Age | Bride's Info. | Bride's Father's name & Occupation |
Place of Marriage | Minister | Witnesses |
1921 05 25 | Moses [x] | Anthony | 23 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | Caleb Anthony, Farmer | Mary | Smith | 21 | Spinster, of St. John's | Simon Smith, Fisherman | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Elizabeth Vokey, Mary Jane Vokey |
1921 10 19 | William Henry | Sheppard | 25 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | Nathaniel Sheppard, Fisherman | Emily | Gosse | 20 | Spinster, of Tilton | Peter Gosse, Deceased | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Edward Brown, Rose Gosse, Thomas Sheppard |
1921 10 29 | Ralph | Noseworthy | 18 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | Barnet Noseworthy, Carpenter | Annie May | Vokey | 17 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Albert Vokey, Deceased | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Winnie Sheppard, James Noseworthy |
1921 11 22 | Selby | Yetman | 24 | Bachelor, of Island Cove | Joseph Yetman, Fisherman | Elizabeth | Seymour | 20 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Eleazer Seymour, Fisherman | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Robert Seymour, Arthur Seymour |
1921 12 28 | Abram | Sheppard | 25 | Bachelor, of Bishop's Cove | Henry Sheppard, Fisherman | Melivina | Mercer | 22 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | James Mercer, Deceased | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | James Henry Mercer, B. Mercer, Elizabeth Gosse, Robert Seymour |
1922 01 04 | Robert | Seymour | 23 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | Eleazer Seymour, Fisherman | Elizabeth | Gosse | 22 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Moses Gosse, Fisherman | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Moses Bishop, Millie Sheppard, Bertram Gosse |
1922 92 12 | Abram [x] | Smith | 44 | Widower, of St. John's | Matthew Smith, Fisherman | Elfrida | Chipman | 32 | Widow, of Spaniard's Bay | William Vokey, Deceased | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Josiah Butt, Mary Vokey |
1922 04 04 | Joseph Henry [x] | Roberts | 28 | Widower, of Spaniard's Bay | George Roberts, Farmer | Margaret | Jones | 23 | Spinster, of St. John's | John Jones, Labourer | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Arthur Seymour, Mary Seymour, Ethel Sheppard |
1922 09 30 | Leonard [x] | Smith | 30 | Bachelor, of Bishop's Cove | Joseph Smith, Fisherman | Edith | Brown | 19 | Spinster, of Tilton | William Brown, Farmer | All Saints, Tilton | E. Clench | Naomi Brown, Edward Brown, Martha Yetamn |
1922 12 20 | John [x] | Smith | 23 | Bachelor, of Bishop's Cove | Arnold Smith, Bishop's Cove | Elizabeth Rachel | Drover | 20 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Leander Drover, Fisherman | All Saints, Tilton | E. Clench | Ethel Menchions, Arch Drover |
1923 02 13 | James | Noseworthy | 21 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | James Noseworthy, Fisherman | Mary Irene | Drover | 20 | Spinster, of Tilton | James Drover, Fisherman | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Arthur Neil, Mrs. Arthur Neil |
1923 09 27 | Archibald Young | Crane | 25 | Bachelor, of Island Cove | Nathaniel Crane, Deceased | Gladys | Gosse | 21 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Jesse Gosse, Wheelwright | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Llewellyn Crane, A.R. Gosse, Mae Pike |
1923 11 03 | John Frederick | Collins | 26 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | Robert Collins, Fisherman | Elizabeth | Gosse | 20 | Spinster, of Tilton | John William Gosse | All Saints, Tilton | E. Clench | David Brown, Naomi Brown, Emmie Collins |
1923 11 27 | William Henry | March | 28 | Bachelor, of Green's Harbour | William March, Fisherman | Gladys | Reid | 19 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | John Reid, Deceased | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Henry W. Pike, Irene Strickland, Millie Seymour |
1923 12 01 | Arthur | Hutchings | 36 | Widower, of Spaniard's Bay | William Hutchings, Deceased | Rose | Noseworthy | 37 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | James Noseworthy | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Henry Hutchings, Muriel Hutchings |
1923 12 05 | Walter | Chipman | 20 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | Moses Chipman, Labourer | Alice [x] | Neil | 18 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Josiah Neil, Deceased | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Heber Kennedy, Ethel Barrett, Providendce Hutchings |
1923 12 12 | Heber | Kennedy | 30 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | Richard Kennedy, Deceased | Ethel May | Barrett | 22 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Noah Barrett, Fisherman | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Walter Barrett, Millie Barrett |
1924 01 30 | Augustus Allen | Chipman | 28 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | Nathaniel Chipman, Deceased | Jessice Louise | Vokey | 19 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Solomon Vokey, Carpenter | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Solomon Vokey, Katie Parsons, George Vokey, Gertie Chipman |
1924 02 07 | Thomas [x] | Drover | 18 | Bachelor, of Island Cove | Joseph Drover, Fisherman | Elizabeth | Vokey | 18 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | William Vokey, Deceased | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Mary Vokey, Henry W. Jewer |
1924 02 24 | Walter | Crane | 21 | Bachelor, of Island Cove | George Crane, Fisherman | Mary Jane | Newman | 19 | Spinster, of Island Cove | William Newman, Deceased | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Mary Crane, David [x] Lynch |
1924 03 04 | Esau Roland | Gosse | 27 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | Esau Gosse, Blacksmith | Lily Jane | Vokey | 21 | Spinster, of Tilton | John Vokey, Carpenter | All Saints, Tilton | E. Clench | Jacob Vokey, Moses Gosse, Elsie Gosse |
1924 06 09 | Archibald | Drover | 27 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | Leander Drover, Fisherman | Julia May | Gosse | 28 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Thomas Gosse, Deceased | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Solomon [x] Chipman, Susie Gosse, Lenora Drover, William Greeley |
1924 08 26 | John Malcolm | Piercey | 27 | Bachelor, of Bell Island | Jacob Piercey, Carpenter | Eliza Gertrude | Smith | 21 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Albert Smith, Fisherman | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Jacob Smith, Betsy Vokey, Solomon [x] Chipman |
1924 11 27 | William Edward Frederick | Newell | 23 | Bachelor, of Juniper Stump | Edward James Newell, Labourer | Bessie | Gosse | 19 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Josiah Gosse, Deceased | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Noah Barrett, Voilet Noseworthy |
1924 12 02 | Arthur William | Barrett | 21 | Bachelor, of Tilton | Abram Barrett, Miner | Annie | Vokey | 19 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Isaac Vokey, Miner | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Solomon Vokey, Ethel Menchions |
1924 12 22 | Ambrose | Hutchings | 59 | Widower, of Spaniard's Bay | Samuel Hutchings, Fisherman | Diana | Brown | 51 | Widow, of Spaniard's Bay | Owen Chipman, Deceased | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | William [x] Hutchings, Selina [x] Hutchings |
1924 12 23 | George | Jones | 27 | Bachelor, of Island Cove | John Thomas Jones, Fisherman | Lenora | Drover | 20 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Leander Drover, Fisherman | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Walter Coombs, Arch Drover, Mrs. Julia Drover, Mrs. Walter Coombs |
1924 12 25 | Eldred [x] | Drover | 22 | Bachelor, of Island Cove | Archibald Drover, Fisherman | Emma Florence | Jones | 18 | Spinster, of Island Cove | John Jones, Fisherman | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | John Jones, Bessie Gosse |
1925 04 14 | Silas | Smith | 29 | Bachelor, of Bishop's Cove | William Smith, Deceased | Emma | Parsons | 21 | Spinster, of Bell Island | Joseph William Parsons, Miner | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Esau F. Adams, Louise Smith, Phoebe Adams |
1925 05 14 | James Noseworthy | Barrett | 21 | Bachelor, of Bishop's Cove | Eldred Barrett, Fisherman | Erminie | Vokey | 19 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | William John Vokey, Miner | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Maxwell Peddle, Gertie Barrett |
1925 05 18 | Henry WIlliam | Jewer | 20 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | Henry William Jewer, Deceased | Sadie Florence | Brown | 22 | Spinster, of Bay Roberts | Samuel Brown, Fisherman | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Hayward Brown, Samuel George Smith, Ada Cole, Betsy Vokey |
1925 07 15 | David | Brown | 31 | Widower, of Tilton | William Brown, Farmer | Sarah | Strickland | 23 | Widow, of Spaniard's Bay | Joseph Mercer, Labourer | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Solomon Gosse, J.J. Finn, Susie Brown |
1925 11 25 | Graham | Seymour | 25 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | John Moses Seymour, Fisherman | Kathleen | Gosse | 21 | Spinster | Leonard Gosse, Fisherman | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Kenneth Gosse, Richard Gosse, Millie Seymour |
1925 12 02 | Ernest | Bishop | 23 | Bachelor, of Island Cove | Herbert Bishop, Fisherman | Bessie | Gosse | 19 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Absalom Gosse, Carpenter | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Martha Bishop, Ernest Reid, Beatrice Lundrigan |
1925 12 22 | Henry Martin | Gosse | 24 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | William Gosse, Fisherman | Amelia Annie | Seymour | 22 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | John Moses Seymour, Fisherman | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | John M. Seymour, Elsie Gosse, Morman Seymour |
1925 12 29 | John Charles | Vokey | 26 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | Isaac Vokey, Miner | Rosanna | Barrett | 16 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Abram Barrett, Fisherman | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Noah Barrett, Annie [x] Gosse |
1926 01 12 | Norman Howard | Chipman | 27 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | Solomon Chipman, Fisherman | Ida | Torraville | 25 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Mark Torraville, Fisherman | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Stephen Eady, Mabel Young, Owen [?] Chipman |
1926 01 12 | Samuel George | Smith | 21 | Bachelor, of Bishop's Cove | Jacob Percy Smith, Deceased | Elizabeth | Vokey | 18 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Isaac Vokey, Miner | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Solomon Vokey, Ethel Menchions |
1926 04 06 | Solomon | Vokey | 25 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | Isaac Vokey, Miner | Ethel | Menchions | 21 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Nathan Menchions, Deceased | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Arthur Hutchings, Lily May [x] Menchions |
1925 12 31 | Richard | Thorne | 32 | Bachelor, of New Harbour | Samuel Thorne, Fisherman | Mary | Noseworthy | 23 | Spinster, of Goddenville | Jonathan Noseworthy, Fisherman | Church at Goddenville | [not given] | Asenath [x] Barrett, Chus [?] Barrett |
1926 05 03 | Roland | Adams | 23 | Bachelor, of Island Cove | John William Adams, Fisherman | Ethel Jane | Menchions | 19 | Spinster, of Bishop's Cove | Josiah Menchions, Fisherman | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Llewellyn Jones, Lizzie Jones |
1926 06 12 | James [x] | Gosse | 25 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | Josiah Gosse, Deceased | Gladys | Smith | 20 | Spinster, of Bishop's Cove | Cyril Smith, Fisherman | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Noah Barrett, Annie [x] Gosse |
1926 06 13 | William Douglas | Tilley | 32 | Widower, of Bell Island | William Tilley, Farmer | Elsie Maud | Barrett | 20 | Spinster, of Bell Island | John Barrett, Miner | Church at Goddenville | E. Clench | Charles Barrett, Asenath [x] Barrett |
1926 09 28 | Thomas | Hodder | 25 | Bachelor, of St. John's | John C. Hodder, Ex-Fisherman | Lily Lavinia | Gosse | 18 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Ernest Gosse, Master Carpenter | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Eben Hutchings, H. Fenney, Miss Mary Hodder |
1926 11 09 | James Samuel | Brown | 28 | Bachelor, of Bay Roberts | Samuel Brown, Fisherman | Stella | Earle | 21 | Spinster, of Bay Roberts | Stephen Earle, Deceased | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Nathaniel Earle, Aubrey Sparkes, Mrs. Aubrey Sparkes |
1926 11 29 | Valentine | Gosse | 24 | Bachelor, of Northern Cove Pd | Azariah Gosse, Deceased | Fronie Irene | Singleton | 20 | Spinster, of Tilton | Richard Singleton, Labourer | All Saints, Tilton | E. Clench | Absalom Gosse, Lizzie B. Gosse |
1926 12 15 | William | Greeley | 26 | Bachelor, of Tilton | Thomas Greeley, Labourer | Ethel | Vokey | 23 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | George Vokey, Carpenter | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | James Peddle, May Vokey, Leander Greeley, Helen Greeley |
1926 12 21 | John | Crane | 27 | Bachelor, of Tilton | William Henry Crane, Deceased | Elizabeth Belle | Gosse | 22 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Azariah Gosse, Deceased | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Solomon Gosse, Mary Strickland |
1927 01 12 | James | Peddle | 25 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | Henry Peddle, Labourer | Mary | Vokey | 19 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | George Vokey, Carpenter | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Ethel Greeley, Lydia Neil, William Greeley, Walter Vokey |
1927 01 31 | Henry Malcolm | Squires | 24 | Bachelor, of St. John's | William James Squires, Labourer | Julia Ann | Seymour | 22 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Isaac Seymour, Fisherman | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Arthur Seymour, Miss Violet Squires, Theodore Neil, Pearl Seymour |
1927 02 24 | Solomon | Bradbury | 20 | Bachelor, of Bay Roberts | John J. Bradbury, Floriculturist | Laura | Chipman | 14 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Moses Chipman, Labourer | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Walter Chipman, Jannet Bradbury, Isaac Mercer |
1927 02 28 | Abraham Harvey | Deering | 24 | Bachelor, of Shearstown | Abraham Deering, Fisherman | Marcella | Smith | 21 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Albert Smith, Fisherman | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Isaac Smith, Selina Smith |
1927 04 16 | William Duncan | Higgins | 24 | Bachelor, of Goddenville | Reuben Higgins, Miner | Pearl | Mercer | 21 | Spinster, of Country Road | Henry Mercer, Farmer | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Reuben Higgins, Minnie Mercer |
1927 04 16 | William Arthur | Higgins | 21 | Bachelor, of Goddenville | John Higgins, Deceased | Gertrude | Snow | 18 | Spinster, of Country Road | Edward Snow, Fisherman | Church at Goddenville | E. Clench | Albert Snow, Walter Barrett, Amelia Barrett |
1927 04 23 | Israel | Gosse | 21 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | Ernest William Gosse, Carpenter | Violet | Noseworthy | 17 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | William Noseworthy, Carpenter | All Saints, Tilton | E. Clench | Moses Gosse, Isabelle Gosse |
1927 04 30 | John | Jewer | 62 | Widower, of Spaniard's Bay | Henry Jewer, Deceased | Sarah Jane | Barrett | 49 | Widow, of Spaniard's Bay | William Chipman, Deceased | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Henry William Jewer, Sadie Florence Jewer |
1927 08 22 | Selby | Crane | 24 | Bachelor, of Tilton | Joseph Crane, Labourer | Mary | Strickland | 20 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | William T. Strickland, Labourer | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Azariah Seymour, Thomas Sheppard, Jessie Strickland |
1927 09 13 | Philip | Vokey | 22 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | John Vokey, Farmer | Elizabeth Jane [x] | Vokey | 26 | Widow | George Roberts, Farmer | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Mrs. Thomas [?] Sparkes, Samuel Roberts, Mrs. Charlotte Vokey |
1927 12 01 | Noah | Barrett | 22 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | Abram Barrett, Labourer | Gladys [x] | Gosse | 20 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Josiah Gosse, Deceased | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Mary Neil, Annie [x] Gosse, Augustus [x] Gosse, Stanley [x] Vokey |
1927 12 21 | Moses Dedleff | Butt | 42 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | Moses Butt, Deceased | Cicely Jane [x] | Butt | 22 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | William Henry Butt, Fisherman | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | John Butt, Llewelyn Smith |
1927 12 22 | William Thomas | Yetman | 21 | Bachelor, of Bryant's Cove | Joseph Yetman, Farmer | Susie | Gosse | 19 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Moses Gosse, Carpenter | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Bertram Gosse, Julia Gosse, Selby Yetman, Jessie Yetman |
1928 02 20 | Esau | Smith | 21 | Bachelor, of Bishop's Cove | Esau Smith, Deceased | Lily May [x] | Menchions | 21 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Nathan Menchions, Deceased | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Solomon Vokey, Ethel Vokey |
1928 05 08 | Harold | Reid | 23 | Bachelor, of Juniper Stump | William Reid, Farmer | Lucille | Eddy | 19 | Spinster, of South River | George Eddy, Farmer | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | James Reid, Mrs, James Reid |
1928 05 31 | William [x] | Earle | 28 | Bachelor, of French's Cove | Nathaniel Earle, Deceased | Ellen | Mosdell | 23 | Spinster, of Beachy Cove | William Mosdell, Fisherman | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Albert E. Baggs, Ellen Baggs |
1928 07 14 | John | Barrett | 19 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | Albert Barrett, Deceased | Elsie May | Brown | 18 | Spinster, of Bell Island | John Brown, Deceased | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Sadie Florence Jewer, Henry William Jewer |
1928 11 15 | Albert | Newman | 32 | Bachelor, of Island Cove | William Newman, Deceased | Emma | Sheppard | 23 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Nathaniel Sheppard, Farmer | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Absalom Sheppard, Lizzie Sheppard |
1928 12 27 | Arthur | Holwell | 38 | Bachelor, of St. John's | Augustus Holwell, Deceased | Mary Ellen | Collins | 31 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | William Collins, Deceased | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | William Jewer, Violet Gosse |
1929 01 29 | John | Crane | 26 | Bachelor, of Island Cove | John Crane, Fisherman | Charlotte | Vokey | 22 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | John Vokey, Farmer | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | William Chipman, Llewellyn Jones |
1929 06 26 | Agustus | Neil | 27 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | Josiah Neil, Labourer | Ethel | Jewer | 18 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | John Jewer, Labourer | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Raymond Gosse, Mary Neil |
1929 09 13 | Richard | Murrin | 27 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | William Murrin, Fisherman | Isabella | Gosse | 22 | Spinster, of Tilton | Peter Gosse, Deceased | All Saints, Tilton | E. Clench | Bertha Gosse, Richard Gosse |
1929 10 15 | Levi | Sheppard | 26 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | David Sheppard, Fisherman | Mary Myrtle | Sheppard | 22 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Richard Sheppard, Miner | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Solomon Gosse, Francis Sheppard, Carrie May Sheppard |
1929 10 30 | Hugh | Barrett | 20 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | Samuel Barrett, Miner | Elizabeth | Greeley | 22 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Herbert Greeley, Carpenter | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Annie Barrett, Max Greeley, William Greeley |
1929 11 14 | James [x] | Smith | 22 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | John Thomas Smith, Fisherman | Sarah | Gosse | 19 | Spinster, of Tilton | John William Gosse, Labourer | All Saints, Tilton | E. Clench | Jamie Gosse, Peter Gosse |
1929 11 14 | John | Murrin | 61 | Widower, of Spaniard's Bay | John Murrin, Deceased | Elsie Maud | Tilley | 24 | Widow, of Goddenville | John Barrett, Miner | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Isaac Sheppard, Mary Barrett |
1929 12 19 | Nathan | Crane | 20 | Bachelor, of Tilton | William Henry Crane, Labourer | Irene | Brown | 21 | Spinster, of Tilton | William Brown, Farmer | All Saints, Tilton | E. Clench | Leonard [x] Smith, Mrs. L. Smith |
1929 12 20 | Eli | Mercer | 47 | Widower, of Spaniard's Bay | Eli Mercer, Deceased | Jessie | Vokey | 47 | Widow, of Spaniard's Bay | Richard Kennedy, Deceased | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Leonard Gosse, Susanna [x] Gosse |
1930 02 21 | George [x] | Seymour | 22 | Bachelor, of Shearstown | James Seymour, Labourer | Sarah | Hutchings | 19 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Henry Hutchings, Carpenter | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Ralph Noseworthy, Annie May Noseworthy |
1930 06 12 | John | Roberts | 29 | Widower, of Island Cove | Joseph Roberts, Deceased | Priscilla | Mercer | 19 | Spinster, of Island Cove | Leander Mercer, Deceased | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Esau F. Adams, Theodore [?] Drover, Phoebe Adams |
1930 10 11 | James | Bradbury | 24 | Bachelor, of Shearstown | Robert Bradbury, Deceased | Muriel | Gosse | 19 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Absalom Gosse, Carpenter | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Solomon Gosse, Jane F. Gosse |
1930 12 24 | Martin Stanley | Vokey | 23 | Bachelor, of Spaniard's Bay | William John Vokey, MIner | Edith Blanche | Chipman | 23 | Spinster, of Spaniard's Bay | Simeon Chipman, Labourer | Holy Redeemer, Spaniard's Bay | E. Clench | Ida Blanche Chipman, George Chipman |
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