NL GenWeb 1936 Directory

Conception Bay North Region ~ Harbour Main District


Transcribed by Tom Hynes . While I have tried to be as careful as possible, there could be typographical errors.

Barron Thos lab
Buckle Geo fshrmn
Buckle James fshrmn
Buckle Joseph fshrmn
Conran James frmr
Corbett Andrew lab
Corbett Barth lab
Corbett Ethelbert lab
Corbett John lab
Corbett Michael lab
Corbett Michael lab
Corbett Patk lab
Corbett Walter J lab
Fardy James lab
Fardy John lab
Fardy Laurence lab
Fardy Laurence fshrmn
Fardy Wm lab
Fewer Mrs Bridget wid
Fewer Edward lab
Fewer John Jr lab
Fewer John Sr lab
Fewer Richard Jr lab
Fewer Richard Sr lab
Fewer Thos frmr
Flynn Stephen frmr
Hawco Francis frmr
Hawco Francis lab
Hawco Moses lab
Hawco Nicholas blksmth
Hawco Patk lab
Hawco Stephen lab
Hawco Thos btchr
Hickey Stephen mach
Hynes Ethelbert btchr
Kennedy James retired
Kennedy James lab
Kennedy John lab
Kennedy Laurence frmr
Myers James lab
Myers John lab
Myers Wm lab
Myers Wm lab
Sanchez Wm lab
Sullivan Mrs Sarah wid
Sullivan Timothy fshrmn
Wall John lab
Wall Martin lab
Wall Michael frmr
Wall Peter fshrmn
Walsh John lab
Walsh John lab

© Tom Hynes and NL GenWeb