NL GenWeb 1936 Directory

Conception Bay North Region ~ Harbour Main District

Harbour Main

Transcribed by Tom Hynes . While I have tried to be as careful as possible, there could be typographical errors.

Banon Peter lab
Banon Robt retired
Barron Thos fshrmn
Cleary Edward lab
Cleary John retired
Cleary Michael lab
Conran Ed storekpr
Costello Mrs Agnes wid
Costello Francis lab
Costigan Patk fshrmn
Costigan Cornelius frmr
Costigan Mrs Elizabeth wid
Costigan Francis fshrmn
Costigan John fshrmn
Costigan John lab
Costigan Saml fshrmn
Costigan Wm frmr
Dalton Daniel frmr
Dalton Geo frmr
Dalton James lab
Dalton John frmr
Dalton Mrs Mary wid
Dalton Nicholas fshrmn
Dalton Richard lab
Dalton Vincent frmr
Davidson John lab
Doyle Denis lab
Doyle Ronald lab
Doyle Stephen lab
Dwyer Rev Mark PP RC
Ezekiel Christopher fshrmn
Ezekiel Edward lab
Ezekiel Mrs Elizabeth wid
Ezekiel Francis fshrmn
Ezekiel John retired
Ezekiel John lab
Ezekiel Joseph lab
Ezekiel Michael fshrmn
Ezekiel Michael retired
Ezekiel Patk fshrmn
Ezekiel Saml lab
Ezekiel Walter lab
Ezekiel Wm lab
Fewer Mrs Catherine wid
Fewer Richard blksmth
Furey Chas frmr
Furey Chas J clk
Furey Chas J Jr carp
Furey Geo Jr frmr
Furey Geo Sr retired
Furey James frmr
Furey John lab
Furey Wm lab
Gorman Bernard lab
Gorman James lab
Gorman John lab
Gorman Michael lab
Gorman Patk lab
Gorman Thos retired
Gorman Thos lab
Gorman Walter lab
Hannon Andrew lab
Hannon Andrew Jr lab
Hannon Edward lab
Hannon Harold carp
Hannon Joseph lab
Hannon Leo fshrmn
Hannon P D tchr RC School
Hannon Peter fshrmn
Hickey Mrs Cecilia wid
Hickey Mrs Jane wid
Hickey John lab
Hickey Leonard lab
Hickey Michael retired
Hickey Mrs Nellie wid
Hickey Raymond lab
Hickey Thos fshrmn
Hickey Thos lab
Hicks John section foreman Bishop’s Falls
Hicks Joseph frmr
Hicks Thos lab
Hicks Wm lab
Joy John lab Nfld Rly
Joy Mrs Nellie wid
Joy Patk frmr
Joy Walter lab
Keating Mrs Josephine wid
Kelly John lab
Kelly Richard lab
Kennedy Dominic fshrmn
Kennedy Mrs Elizabeth wid
Kennedy Francis fshrmn
Kennedy John frmr
Kennedy John frmr
Kennedy Patk genl dlr
Kennedy Patk frmr
Kennedy Raymond clk
Kennedy Thos studt
Kennedy Wm retired
LaCour Edward Jr cabinetmkr
LaCour Edward Sr cabinetmkr
LaCour John carp
LaCour John carp
LaCour Nicholas cabinetmkr
Lannon Richard retired
Mason John frmr
Merner James carp
Molloy John frmr
Mullowney Mrs Mary wid
Mullowney Wm lab
Murphy James blksmth
Murphy James lab
Murphy Patk lab
Murphy Wm lab A N D Co Ltd Grand Falls
Murray Mrs Lucy wid
Murray Michael lab
Murray Miss Rita tel opr
Nolan Hugh fshrmn
Parsley Edward lab
Parsley James lab
Parsley Stephen lab
Parsley Wm retired
Penny Mrs Bridget wid
Penny Edward lab
Penny James frmr
Penny John lab
Penny Joseph lab
Penny Matthew lab
Prior Francis lab
Quirk Mrs Mary wid
Sullivan Cornelius fshrmn
Sullivan Jeremiah fshrmn
Sullivan Jeremiah frmr
Sullivan John lab
Sullivan John lab Nfld Rly
Sullivan Nicholas section foreman Nfld Rly
Sullivan Wm lab
Terry Albert studt
Terry Mrs Catherine wid
Terry Francis studt
Terry James frmr
Terry Michael storekpr
Terry Wm fshrmn
Wall Denis lab
Wall Mrs Elizabeth wid
Wall John retired
Wall John lab
Wall Joseph lab
Wall Nicholas lab
Wall Nicholas lab
Wall Patk lab Nfld Rly
Wall Stanislaus lab
Wall Stephen patrolman Highroads Dept
Wall Vincent lab Nfld Rly
Wall Wm lab
Walsh Richard lab
Woodford Mrs Bridget wid
Woodford Cyril lab
Woodford Edward lab
Woodford Frank lab
Woodford James lab
Woodford John retired
Woodford John lab
Woodford John fshrmn
Woodford John fshrmn
Woodford John lab
Woodford Miss Lucy tchr RC School Hr Breton
Woodford Mrs Margaret wid
Woodford Mrs Margaret M wid
Woodford Matthew fshrmn
Woodford Michael lab
Woodford P A frmr
Woodford Patk lab
Woodford Saml frmr
Woodford Saml lab
Woodford Thos fshrmn
Woodford Wm frmr
Woodford Wm lab

© Tom Hynes and NL GenWeb