NFGenWeb Wills & Probate Documents

Conception Bay North - Carbonear District


Probate of the Estate of William Powell of Carbonear (1815)
The information in this will was transcribed by SUSAN SNELGROVE ~ January 2002 from a copy of the original document. While I have tried to be as careful as possible, there could be errors.

Probate of the Estate of William Powell of Carbonear (1815)

Probate Court St. Johns, Newfoundland

On this day, Mr. RICHARD HOPKINS the Administrator to the Estate & Effects of WILLIAM POWELL of Carbonear in the Island of Newfoundland Planter, Deceased, appeared in Court agreeably to notice given him to that effect, at the instance of CHRISTOPHER PENNY on the part of his Mother in Law JANE PENNY the sister of the said Deceased, when upon an investigation into the affairs of the said Estate, it appeared that the said WILLIAM POWELL died in April 1815 Intestate, possessed of Money, Goods, Chattels, Credits & Effects to the supposed amount of nearly three hundred pounds the Legatees to the said property appear to be,

His Brother NICHOLAS POWELL, since dead, leaving a Will
His Sister, JANE PENNY, a widow
Several Children of his sister FRANCES THISTLE
DANIEL LAHY who was married to ELIZABETH the Sister of the said WILLIAM POWELL.

And whereas it appears that there is still part of the property belonging to the said Intestate Estate remaining unsold. It is Ordered by the Court that the said property be Advertised for Sale by Public Auction at Carbonear on Thursday next the 5th day of June, and that W. RICHARD HOPKINS the administrator aforesaid upon ascertaining the nett proceeds of the whole property belonging to the said Estate do forthwith distribute the same as follow. Viz

One fourth part to be paid to the Executors named in the last Will & Testament of the late NICHOLAS POWELL.
One fourth part to be paid to JANE PENNY, Widow.
One fourth part to be equally divided amongst the children of FRANCIS THISTLE the sister of the said Wm POWELL.
And One fourth part to be paid DANIEL LAHY who married ELIZABETH the Sister of WILLIAM POWELL.

Given at St. Johns aforesaid this 30th day of May 1817.
James Blaickie JP Surrogate of the Probate Court

NB Since making the above order it has been ascertained that WILLIAM POWEL had a Daughter named MARY who was married to FRANCIS ASH, both Deceased & have left several Children. It has therefore been ordered that these children receive one Fifth of the Property to be equally divided amongst them.

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