Transcribed by Judy Benson & Ivy Benoit. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors
Will of William Punton Munn from Newfoundland will books volume 4 pages 220-221 probate year 1882
In re This is the last will and testament of me William Punton Munn of Harbor Grace in the Island of Newfoundland Merchant, first I desire that all my just debts and testamentary expenses be paid out of estate Secondly, I appoint my dearly beloved wife Flora LeMessurier Munn, Robert S. Munn of Harbor Grace and Robert H. Prowse of Saint John’s executors of this my last will and testament and joint guardians of my infant son John Shannon Munn until he shall have attained the age of twenty five years. Thirdly I will that after my decease the whole of my property consisting of monies, landed estate and life policies and all other property whatsoever both real and personal that I may be possessed of or entitled to at the time of my decease shall immediately vest in my said executors and be held by them in trust for my said son until he shall have arrived at the age of twenty five years (subject to the bequests hereinafter contained) when my said executors shall assign the same to my said son his executors administrators and assigns for ever. I will and bequeath to my said wife Flora LeMessurier Munn the sum of one thousand pounds sterling per annum to be paid to her out of my estate during her natural life, but when my said son shall have attained the age of seventeen years my said wife shall be entitled to receive out of my estate the sum of one hundred pounds sterling per annum extra towards paying the increasing and necessary expenses of my said son until he shall have attained the age of twenty five years when such extra payment shall cease, and I further bequeath to my said wife all that land dwelling house and premises in Harbor Grace in which I now reside during the term of her natural life together with all my household furniture, silver plate and everything else contained in the said house, and also my carriages and horses. In the event of my said wife marrying again the said land dwelling house and premises together with furniture and silver plate shall immediately reinvest in my executors for the benefit of my said son and my said wife shall only be entitled to receive from my estate the sum of one hundred pounds sterling per annum during the remainder of her life instead of the sum of one thousand pounds hereinbefore bequeathed to her and such further sum besides the one hundred hereinbefore mentioned as may be deemed requisite and necessary for the education and maintenance of my said son until he shall attain the age of twenty five years when such extra payments shall cease- Should my said wife die before my said son shall have attained the age of twenty five years the surviving guardian or guardians shall exercise all powers and authority necessary for his guidance maintenance and education and for such purpose shall allocate such sum or sums out of my estate as they may deem necessary and needful. On the termination of the present term of co-partnership in trade now existing between my cousin Robert S. Munn and myself under the firm of John Munn and Company I will and desire that a continuance of such trade and firm shall be made between my executors on behalf of my estate and the said Robert S. Munn should he wish it, upon such terms and conditions and for such period not to exceed ten years as my said executors and the said Robert S. Munn shall mutually agree on, but should they disagree about such terms and conditions then the decision of any two of my executors shall be final and binding should the said Robert S. Munn after such decision desire to continue such trade. After payment of the yearly legacies and sums hereinbefore bequeathed and mentioned I order and direct that my said executors shall fund and keep funded in good and sufficient securities all monies not invested in trade and all interest accruing therefrom and all profits and interest arising from and accruing to me from the said firm of John Munn and Company until such time as my said son shall attain the age of twenty five years when my said executors shall assign the whole of my estate to him retaining however in their hands a sufficient amount to meet the legacy hereinbefore bequeathed to my beloved wife should she be then alive. In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my hand this twenty second day of June A.D. one thousand eight hundred and eighty, declaring this to be my last true will and testament. Wm. P. Munn. Signed, published and declared by the said William Punton Munn as and for his last will and testament in our presence who in his presence, at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribe our names as witnesses, Jno. F. Apsey, Lewis W. Emerson.
Certified correct, |