NL GenWeb Wills

Conception Bay North Region ~ Brigus District
Brigus - Will of William Roberts (1830)
This will was read, recorded and transcribed by BONNIE HIELAND, 2000. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors.
Will of William Roberts
Registry of Deeds & Companies
Confederation Building, St. John's
I William Roberts of Brigus in the island of Newfoundland Planter do make my last Will and Testament in manner following. (That is to say) I give and bequeath unto my son John all that Dwelling House, Garden and premises thereto belonging as the same as now occupied by him situate at Brigus aforesaid. Also I give and bequeath unto the Wife and Children of my deceased son William, all the Dwelling House, Garden and Premises thereto belonging as the same was occupied by him in his lifetime situate at Brigus aforesaid. Also I give and bequeath unto my son James all the Dwelling House, Garden and Premises as the same is now occupied by him situate at Brigus aforesaid. Also I give and bequeath unto my son Charles all the Dwelling House, Garden and Premises thereto belonging situate at Brigus aforesaid as the same is now occupied by him and with respect to the Stages belonging to or occupied with the said several tenements and premises above mentioned. I hereby direct and order that the same shall belong to all my said sons and their children in such shares and proportions as the same was pointed out by me to my said several sons respectively some time since. Lastly I give and bequeath unto my said sone Charles all and singular my moveable property of what nature or kind so ever to and and for his own proper use and benefit. And I appoint my said son John sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament. Also I give and bequeath unto the wife and children of my deceased son David, All the Dwelling House, Garden and Premises thereto belonging as the same was occupied by him in his lifetime, situate at Brigus aforesaid together with a proportion of the Stages as before mentioned.

In Witness whereof I the Said William Roberts the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament se my hand and seal this Thirtieth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty.

Mark and Seal of William Roberts Senior

John Noon
Henry Crawford

© Bonnie Hieland and NL GenWeb