Transcribed by GEOFF MARTIN
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors



Will of William James Mortimer
Page 1 This is a template that was filled out according to estate and person deceased. The first paragraph except for first sentence is justified.

Supreme Court of Newfoundland



To Wit.

I do swear that I believe William James Mortimer

late of Carbonear aforesaid Master


deceased, died with out a Will; and that I will well and truly ad-

minister all and every the Goods of the said deceased, and pay his Debts, so

far as his Goods will extend : and that I will exhibit a

true, full and perfect Inventory of the said Goods of the deceased, and render

a true account of my Administration into the Registry of the said Court,

within six months from the date hereto, or when I shall be

thereunto lawfully required ; and that the whole of the goods, rights, chattels,

assets, credits and effects of the said deceased, which he died possessed

of, within the jurisdiction of this Court, do not according to the best of my

knowledge, judgement and belief, amount to the value of four thousand

five hundred _______________________________________Dollars.


Mary Ann Mortimer LS

Sworn before me at

St. John’s the twenty second St. John’s is struck through and Carbonear written above

Day of October

In the Year of Our Lord One

Thousand Eight Hundred

And Seventy five

Israel? S. McNeil LS

Commisioner of Affidavitts,

Supreme Court

Page 2 This is another template that was completed as necessary


Estate of William J Mortimer

late of Carbonear

in the Northern district

Master Mariner deceased.


Administration to


Dated the 26th of October


Estate sworn under $ 4,500


Typed at this location right angles to the text above

Entered in P. R. Vol 4


Page 3. All handwritten


In re Estate of the late Supreme Court

William James Mortimer

of Carbonear Master Mariner

After three days from the date

hereof application will be made to the Supreme Court

or one of the Honorable Judges thereof for letters of

Administration of the said estate to be granted

to Mary Anne Mortimer, widow of the said

late William James Mortimer

St. John’s Newfoundland

October 9th. A.D. 1875

W ? Whiteway

GRL initials proctor for said Mary Anne Mortimer

Page 4. All handwritten

Re Mortimer


I hereby certify that the notice

on the other side hereof written

was duly posted up in the office

of the Chief Clerk and Registrat

of this Island of Newfound-

land on the day of the date

therof and has so remained

posted up since that date

to the date hereof.

St. John’s Nfld.

October 12th 1875

? J? Wood

Actg, CC + Reg

Page 5 Another template page. Template sections are justified

Supreme Court of Newfoundland

BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this Twenty Second day of

October in the thirty Ninth_________________________________Year of

the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Voctoria, By the Grace of God of the United

Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., and

in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy______five

___________ personally appeared _________Mary Anne Mortimer

of Carbonear in the Northern District Widow

Robert Maddick ? Merchant and William Butt

Trader both of Carbonear aforesaid

and did acknowledge themselves to beheld and firmly bound to our said Lady

the Queen, her Heirs and Successors, in the penal Sum of Nine

thousand _____________________________________________________

Dollars, to be had, made, and levied on their Goods, Chattels and Effects, jointly

and severally, if Default is made in any of the conditions following:


Anne Mortimer as Administratrix of the Estate and Effects of

_____________________________________William James Mortimer late of

Carbonear aforesaid, Master Mariner

deceased, do make, or cause to be made, a just, true, and perfect inventory of all and

singular the Goods, Credits and Effects of the said deceased which have or shall come to

the hands, possession, or knowledge of her the said Mary Anne

Mortimer __________________________________________________________

as such Adminstratrix or to the hands or possession of any other person or persons, for

her and the same so made do exhibit, or cause to be exhibited, in the Supreme

Court of Newfoundland, at or before the twenty second day of April next

ensuing the date hereof : and the said Goods, Chattels, Credits and Effects, and all other

the Goods, Chattels, Credits and Effects of the said deceased, at the time of his

death or which at any time afterwards shall come to the hands or possession of

her the said Mary Anne Mortimer ______________________________________


or to the hands or possession of any other person or persons for her shall well and

truly Administer according to Law, and further shall make, or cause to be made a just

and true account of her said Administration, on or before the twenty second day of

October which will be in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and

Seventy Six and afterwards from time to time as She shall be lawfully required.

and all the rest, residue and remainder of the said Goods, Chattels, Credits and Effects,

which shall be found remaining upon the said Administration Account, the same being

examined and allowed by the said Supreme Court of Newfoundland, shall and do pay

and dispose of in a due course of Administration, or in such a manner as the said Court

shall direct ; then this obloigation to be void and of no effect, or else to be and remain in

full force and virtue.

Signed and Sealed Mary Ann Mortimer LS

In the presence of

by the said Mary Anne Mortimer Robert Maddick ? LS

Israel S McNeil his

Commisioner of Affidavits William X Butt


read and explained ISMcNeil

Page 6 All handwritten and paragraphs are visually justified

To the Honourable the Su

preme Court of Newfoundland

land or one of the Honour-

able the Judges of the same

The petition of Mary Anne Mor

timer of Carbonear in Conception

Bay in the Northern District of New

foundland Widow

Humbly sheweth

That your petitioner’s late husband

William James Mortimer late of

Carbonear aforesaid master mari-

ner departed this life on or about the

twenty second day of July Anno

Domini eighteen hundred and seventy

five intestate leaving him surviving

his widow your petitioner and

six children all minors namely

Mary Sophia aged eighteen years

Marion Kate aged thirteen years

Aubrey Charles William aged nine

years Elizabeth aged seven years

Victoria Beatrice aged five years

and Clara aged two years.

That at the time of his decease

the said late William James Mortimer

was possessed of property in New-

foundland not exceeding in value

according to your petitioner’s opinion

and belief the sum of four thousand

and five hundred dollars.


Page 7 These paragraphs of these handwritten pages visually look justified

that no letters of Administration

have been granted to the said estate

of your petitioner’s late husband.

Your petitioner therefore humbly

prays that letters of Administration

of the estate of her late husband

William James Mortimer may be

granted to her upon giving the usual

security and as in duty bound your

petitioner will ever pray.

St. John’s Newfoundland

the 8th. Day of October A.D. 1875

Mary Ann Mortimer LS

Supreme Court


St. John’s to wit

Mary Anne Mor-

timer of Carbonear in the Northern

District of Newfoundland at present

in St. John’s aforesaid widow the

petitioner named in the above written

petition maketh oath and saith

that the several matters and things

therein contained are just and true-

Sworn before me at St. John’s )

aforesaid this 8th. day of October ) Mary Anne Mortimer LS

A.D. 1875 )


GR Lilly? )

Comm’r Affts. )

Page 8


Supreme Court

In re Estate of the )

late W. J. Mortimer )

of Carbonear )

Master Mariner )

_______ _______

Petition for letters of




Fiat – Oct. 14th 1875

John Hayward

Looks like initials AJ