Transcribed by Judy Benson
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors

Newfoundland will books volume 2 pages 248-249 probate year 1857

Will of William Batcock


I William Batcock of Brigus South in the Island of Newfoundland being now sick but of sound mind do will & bequeath in case of my death whatever I am possessed of in the following manner to my son John Batcock & his wife & family I bequeath my Room & fishing establishment & dwelling house already in his possession on the Island & the dock attached to these premises to my daughter Mary Batcock alias Higgins I bequeath my other Room & fishing premises already or now in the possession of James Keefe as my tenant and to her also I bequeath one half of my garden immediately in rear of my house- to my two sons Peter & Michael Batcock I beneath my other two fishing Rooms in the south side of this Cove together with my house & landed property & all my other chattels & goods share and share alike with the exception of the meadow commonly called Connell’s meadow & the garden anexed to it commonly called Phelans Garden which I bequeath to my aforesaid son John Batcock

But this proviso I attach to this my last will & testament that should my beloved wife Ellen survive me she shall have till her death the sole mastery & management of all my aforesaid property And I also make this provision to this my will that my children & above heirs will and are bound to pay one pound annually to the Pastor of this Parish for the Holy Sacrifice to be offered for the repose of my soul & that of my wife & the deceased members of my family for ever- My boat already in the possession of my son Thomas Batcock I bequeath to him & the house & garden already in his possession I beneath to his son John-

to this my last will & testament made this 6th day of July 1857 I put my hand & seal & appoint the Rev James Murphy my executors together with Richard Cashin of Cape Broyle. N.

The interlings mentained in this will were made before signed.

William his X mark Batcock (LS)

Certified correct,
D. M. Browning

©Judy Benson and NL GenWeb