NLGenWeb WillsConception Bay North Region ~ Carbonear DistrictCarbonear - Will of Thomas Pike (1859)This will was read, recorded and transcribed by SUSAN SNELGROVE, 2000. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors. |
Will of Thomas Pike |
In the Name of God Amen, I Thomas Pike of Carbonear in the Island of Newfoundland, Planter, being of perfect mind and memory and moreover being desirous that no disputes may arise among my dear children after my decease respecting the disposition of what property I may possess at the time of my death, do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say, I give my body to its kindred Earth to be therein decently interred, and my soul to that great and graceful being who at first gave it, and my worldly goods as follows. Item - I give and bequeath the House and front garden which formerly belonged to my son Francis Pike, deceased, in joint and equal and proportions together with the ground upon which the house stands and the furnitures therein contained to my son Frederick Campbell Pike, and my grandson Colin Parsons Pike, son of Joseph Pike, and also the half of my pew in the Wesleyan Church in this town, and to theirs lawfully begotten forever. Item – I give and bequeath all my land in this town, bounded North by the road, South by Francis Pike, East by Francis Pike and West ? Spencer together with all improvements thereon except such improvements as have been already disposed of in equal parts in ex? to my four sons Nathaniel, Edmund, Frederick and Joseph Pike, and their Heirs forever. It is also my Will and pleasure that none of my absent sons shall claim any benefit from the cultivation of the said land, except the product of their own la? or at their proper expense, now that my sons or their heirs wh? on or near the said land be hindered from cultivating the said ? for their own benefit and at their own proper expense during such ab? but no longer unless by consent sought and obtained. And further my Will and pleasure that no part of my land and premises h? bequeathed shall even be sold or disposed of except by and among my sons and their Heirs in perpetuity, and lastly I hereby appoint my sons Frederick C. Pike and John E. Pike to be the Executors of this my Will and Testament, and hereby canceling and totally disallowing any and all former Wills, Deeds, and bequests by me or in my name heretofore made. I do make, constitute, ordain and declare this to be my last and only lawful Will and Testament.
Thomas Pike x his mark (seal) We the undersigned as witnesses do hereby certify that we each saw the ? respective names as Witnesses and together saw the said Thomas Pike sign, Seal, pronounce and declare the above as his last and only lawful Will and Testament, the same having been carefully explained. John E. Pike, Joseph Peters. Notary Public Codicil I, the above named Thomas Pike, being of perfect mind and ? do to the foregoing Will and Testament add this Codicil, to ? same force as efficacy, that is to say, I give and bequeath my Grandson Reuben Pike, the son of the before named Joseph, part of the Beach consisting of above fifteen yards North ? South and bounded East by the Sea, and West by the ? and subject to the same privileges and restrictions as the ? Thomas Pike x his mark (seal) Signed, sealed, publicly declared by the said Thomas Pike this twenty third day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty nine. Before me Joseph Peters, Notary Public. I hereby certify that the execution of the foregoing Will Codicil by Thomas Pike the Testator, party thereto, was before myself by the Affidavit of Joseph Peters one of the subscribing witnesses to the said Will and the only subscribing Witness to the said Codicil, on the Ninth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and sixty one. And a true and correct copy of the same is hereby registered by me this day. Given under my Hand this twentieth day of November, eight hundred and Sixty one. Lewis N. Emerson Registrar Note: Punctuation has been added by the transcriber to aid in the reading of this document. Transcribed by Susan Snelgrove, Etobicoke, ON July 6, 2000
© 2000 Susan Snelgrove and NL GenWeb