NL GenWeb

Transcribed by Marilyn Pilkington. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors.

Conception Bay
October 22, 1789
At a Court of Common Pleas holden at Harbour Grace on Monday, the Nineteenth Day of October in the Year of our Lord 1789 and in the Twenty Ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third of Great Britain, France & Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith and before John Trigge, Esquire, Judge of the said Court and from that time continued by Adjournment until Thursday, the Twenty-Second day of the same month—

John Thomey
John LeViscount

John Thomey, having complained that a fishing room put in the occupation of Mr. John LeViscounte had not been delivered up to him in reasonable repair according to the condition of the Lease granted to Jno Logogh by Geo Whilie.

The Plaintiff produced an estimate of the sum necessary to put the same in repair, which was stated at Fifty Pounds and which estimate was attested before the Court ref to a Jury.

Verdict for the Plaintiff with Twenty-Five Pounds Damages, with Costs of Suit.

John Toisse

Surrogate Court
Harbour Grace
26 November 1793
John Thomey
John LeVisconte

Action for rent of certain premises in the occupation of Defendant for damages amount ₤74.

Defendant pleaded that he was on the point of sailing for Jersey, his evidence and word at that place, and prayed time till next season.

Referred to arbitration, which Defendant agreed to in Court, and nominated John Shotton on his part. Plaintiff chose James Macbraind and the Court appointed Wm. Danson as umpire and ordered Bonds to be entered into, which the Plaintiff on his part complied with, but Defendant refused either to sign the Bond or to attend the arbitrators, who would meet for the purpose of settling the same.

Ordered that the Defendant do give sufficient Security in the sum of Two Hundred Pounds and to appear in this Court himself or by his Attorney on the Twentieth Day of August next, to answer this suit and abide by the Judgment of the Court.

© Marilyn Pilkington and NL GenWeb