Transcribed by Susan Snelgrove. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be
some typographical errors
Transcriber’s note: from my research, the name BELBON should be read as BELBIN and BAY DE VARBS as BAY DE VERDE.
The Will of Thomas Williams of Bay de Verde – 1738 Prerogative Court of Canterbury – Prob 11/767 |
In the Name of God Amen. This being my last Will and Testament ffirst I bequeath my soul to God that give it in sure and certain hope of my resurrection and my body to be committed to the Ground from whence it came to be buried in Christian manner. Item I give to my well beloved DAUGHTER CATERINE BELBON the satin gown and silk quilted petticoat that was her Mothers. Item I give to my well beloved GRAND CHILD SLADE BELBON Son of NICKLESS and KEATERINE BELBON aforesaid my seale gold ring. Item I give to my well beloved DAUGHTER PIREME(?) MIDKIFE and her DAUGHTER MARY aforesaid all the rest of my wife wearing cloaths. Item I give to JAMES MIDKIFE all my wearing cloaths both woollen and linnen that I wore. Item I give to my GRANDCHILD SLADE BELBON SON of NICKLES and KATERINE aforesaid the bed in their house. Item I give to my GRAND CHILD MARY MIDKIFE the best bead (bed?). Item I give to my GRAND CHID JANE MIDKIFE the other bed with bed ffurniture to them. Item I make my well beloved SON NICKLES BELBON my whole and sole Executor (?)ome and (?)oyge and all that do or may belong to me. Item I give to my GRANDDAUGHTER MEARY BELBON daughter to NICKLES AND CEATERINE aforesaid my wifes Gold Girdle. Item I give to my GRANDDAUGHTER JANE MIDKIFE daughter to JAMES and PIREME(?) aforesaid the 3d Gold Ring of my Wifes and silver buttons. Item I give to JAMES MIDKIFE my silver buckles buttons which left? to the said ? to execute. In Witness whereof I hereunto set our hand and seals and in the Year of Our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and thirty eight. Witness BAY DE VARBS July the 9th. THOMAS WILLIAMS Witness ROB’T FFARWELL x the mark HENRY ABOTT x the mark WILL’M MARTIN On the second day of January in the Year of Our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and forty eight administration (with the will annexed) of the goods chattels and credits of Thomas Williams late of BAY DE VARBS in NEWFOUNDLAND deceased was granted to JOHN BELBON Administrator of the Goods of NICHOLAS BELBEN otherwise BELBON deceased (whilst living) sole executor and residuary legatee named in the said will for the use and benefit of CATHERINE BELBEN, widow the relict of the said NICHOLAS BELBEN deceased now residing at BAY DE VARBS aforesaid being first sworn only to administer the said NICHOLAS BELBEN otherwise BELBON surviving the said Testator but dying without having taken upon him the Execution of the said Will. |
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