Transcribed by EILEEN WALSH
Contributed by C. HAYNES from microfilm reels at LDS Center
While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors


The 1828 Estate of Thomas Dwyer

from the LDS microfilm Estate Files # 2056192

Late Thos W Dwyer in acct with Bennett & Ridley

1825 (?) - 0

March 10 (?) 1 lb (Soap?) - - 9

1 Gallon Rum - 5 -

16 Sundries, Holy Book 3 - -

17 1/2 lb (Coffee??) - 1 3

2 (Bowls?) - 2 -

1 Gallon Rum - 5 -

Nov 5 1 cloth Sachel & Trousers 1 1 -

62 lbs Soap 1 7 2


Decr 31 By Balance due Bennett & Ridley6.2.2


Mr. Thos Dwyer In acct with William Bennett


January 1 To Balance due (Pound sign) 6.2.2


William Bennett of Carbonear in the Island of Newfoundland Merchant maketh oath that one Thomas Dwyer late of Carbonear Fisherman, dead about two years since being indebted to this deponent in the sum of Six Pounds two Shillings and Two Pence - deponent further swears that the deceased Thomas Dwyer has as no relation in this Colony with to the best of his knowledge and that the deceased left a Plantation worth about (Ten?) Pounds.

Wm Bennett

Sworn to at Harbor

Grace this 10th Aug 1828.

Before me

John Stark

Clerk Northern Circuit Court


To the Honorable E. A. Brenton Esq Chief Judge and the Honorable Augustus Wallet Des Barres and Cochrane Esquires assistant Judges of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland

The Memorial of William Bennett

the aforesaid deponent. Humbly sheweth

That your Memorialist is writing ? to enter into sufficient security to Administer to the Intestate Estate of the late Thomas Dwyer aforesaid, and humbly prayeth that your lordships will be pleased to grant Letters of Administration to your Memorialist

?? your Memorialist.

Will Ever Pray

William Bennett

Harbor Grace

10th May 1828


10th May 1828

Memorial of William

Bennett of Carbonear

for Administration

as one of the Conditions.

Harbor Grace 10th Aug 1828


I have the honor to transmit the application of William Bennett, of Carbonear,

Merchant, to be appointed Administrator to the Estate of Thomas Dwyer late of Carbonear Fisherman, which I have to request you will be pleased to lay before their lordships. I have the honor to be Sir

Your very humble servant,

John Stark

Clerk Northern Circuit Court

© 2004 EILEEN WALSH, C. HAYNES and NL GenWeb