NL GenWeb Wills
Will of Will of Thomas Davyes/Davies |
PCC Will of Thomas Davyes/Davies, Merchant of St. Leonard’s, Bristol.
Made on Oct. 20, 1630. Probated at London, on Oct. 16, 1637. PCC Probate Reference: PROB 11/175/146. (Thomas Davis, Oct 17, 1637; reissued per the Consistory Court of Bristol.) In the name of God Amen, the twentieth Day of October, One Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty. And in the Sixth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defender of the faith. I, Thomas Davyes of the City of Bristol, Merchant; being in good health and perfect memory thanks be to the Almighty God, do hereby make and deliver this my last will and testament in manner and form following. First: I give and bequeath my Soul unto the Almighty God by whose death and passion I trust to be saved. And my Body to the earth to be buried in Christian Burial, at the discretion of my Executrix, hereinafter mentioned. Item: I give and bequeath unto my well-beloved wife Mary Davis, and to my son Richard Davyes, Susan Davyes and Mary Davyes my daughters; all my goods, Chattels, Wares, merchandise, adventures, Debts, and Commodities whatsoever, to be Divided as followeth. Item: I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Mary Davyes the use, and benefit, and occupation, of my now Dwelling house in Corn Street with the appurtenances. Which I purchased of Sir George Snigg for three lives, and twenty-one years in Reversion, for and During her natural life. And after her decease I give and bequeath the said house for the time remaining unto my two Daughters with the appurtenances aforesaid. To Susan Davyes my daughter I give the Inwards house from the half stair backwards with the great Entry to the Street Door in the said Manner, as now it is let to Mr. Thomas Nethe {Neth(y)/?Neath?}, Merchant. Provided she is to pay to Mr. Richard Snigg three Pounds, the life Rent per year. And also that she is to permit her Sister Marie, or whom shall Dwell in the fore-street to have full leave to fetch water from the well within the Partment. And also to wash her clothes or house out, as much as need may require. And to make the said Payment; and entry clear as they found it, without any annoyance on either side. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Marie Davyes the fore part of the said house in which I now Dwell, from the hall stair forwards. With the Double vault, as far as it extends to its Shop Coal house with entry, and a Door. With all other commodities and appurtenances as it now stands. To enjoy her, and her heirs, after the decease of her mother aforesaid. The said Marie Davyes and her heirs to pay twenty Shillings Choice Rent to Mr. Richard Snigg, or his heirs for the rest, and time depending after three lives, and one and twenty years is in Reversion, as aforesaid. And if either of my said two daughters shall decease without heirs of their body lawfully begotten, then to come unto her which is living, and her heirs. And if both Decease without heirs of their body lawfully begotten, Then, to come to my son Richard Davies, and his heirs lawfully begotten. Unto which of Brother or Sister or heir be living, the rest being deceased. Item: I give and bequeath to my wife Marie Davyes, the use and Benefit, and occupation, of one house or Tenement, with the appurtenances. In which Richard Boswell, Apothecary lately deceased, dwelled in. With one Lodge, and garden at Stone Hill which I purchased of Richard George of Bristol, Brewer. For and During her natural life. And after her decease I give and bequeath the said house and appurtenances unto my son Richard Davies, and his heirs lawfully begotten. As also the Lodge and garden ground at Stoney Hill. After the decease of Susan Davyes and Mary Davies, or both of them, then to come to my said son Richard Davies, and his heirs lawfully begotten. For my will is that my two Daughters Susan and Mary Davies shall enjoy the said Lodge and garden, for their own natural lives, or which of them shall live longest. And my said two Daughters shall be paid rent, and acknowledgement unto their brother, my son Richard Davies. One Shilling current money of England per year. And also, that my said Son Richard Davies shall have free leave, to come and walk at the said garden at his pleasure. Item: I give and bequeath my one/twelfth part adventure, or in full, of Bristol’s Hope in Newfoundland, as per acquittances and Deeds will appear; to enjoy, to him, and his heirs lawfully begotten. Item: I give and bequeath to my said son Richard Davies at five and twenty years of age one bedstead, was my father's; with one feather bed and furniture, also one Stone Cup, gift for his mother's token. The rest of my goods and chattels I give my said wife for her natural Life. And after her decease, what remnants unto my two daughters Susan and Marie Davies, and to their heirs lawfully begotten. And if either of them shall Decease it is to come to the longest liver, if not parted before. Only such garment or cloth shall be found to have been of my Wearing Apparel, for that my will it should come to my son Richard Davies, or his heirs lawfully begotten. Item: I give to my said wife Marie Davies all other Chattels, and do make her my full and Sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament. In witness hereof I have hereunto put my hand and Seal the Day and Year above written. By me Thomas Davies. Signed, Sealed, and delivered in the presence of those whose names are under written: Walter Stephens, Elizabeth Pringe. The words interlined, ( if not parted before ): my meaning is that if either of them decease before it be parted, then the whole to remain to the longest liver of my two daughters, and if both my Daughters decease without heirs, then all to remain to my son Richard Davies, the Longest Liver of Son or Daughter, or heir, to have all. By me: Thomas Davies. Probate at London by the Oath of the Executrix and relict, Marie Davies. Transcriber Notes:
*The son Richard Davies, appears to have been 25 years of age in Oct, 1630. *Note early era: Mary/Marie. Also consider: Agnes/Annis. Henry/Hugh. Hugh/Humphrey. Patience/Paud. Etc. *A three-lives lease expired, when all the three persons named in the lease had died. *Reversion: If the lease expires, or the life tenant dies, the property reverts back to the grantor. |
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